#COD 4
courtana · 1 year
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– Good news first. The world's in great shape. We've got a civil war in Russia, government loyalists against Ultranationalist rebels, and 15000 nukes at stake – [...] And the bad news? – We've got a new guy joining us today fresh out of Selection. His name's Soap.
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devileaterjaek · 6 months
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adalidposts · 2 months
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I played COD mw4 again after I think 12 years....sorry xD
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vtmbbot · 2 years
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“We fought for what we wanted. We got more than we deserved. All the chapters of our lives, good and bad. Even if there was no witness. Even if no one cared to see. It still happened somewhere. We've fought the Great War over and over but victory could never be ours.”
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illusivesoulgaming · 1 year
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Hammer-Two-Four: "Radio check. Go to secure channel" Price: "Lock and load" Hammer-Two-Four: "Green light! Go go go!"
COD 4 MW1 Gifs and Edits
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fortheloveofkonig · 1 year
I finished MW: Remastered a couple of hours ago and planned to move straight on to MW2 (2009) but I'm so fucking distraught
My emotions are all over the place
And now I've got the idea in my mind that what if Ghost gets closer to Soap and Roach bc they both have very fucking difficult times with dying (Soap with being near death so many times in each game and Roach being...Roach.) and now I'm even more distraught.
Honestly didn't like original Gaz at first, he got on my nerves but like in a brotherly way. I fucking cried at the end man. And Griggs too? WHAT ABOUT OUR DRINKS? WE NEVER GOT TO STOP IN LONDON AND GET OUR FUCKING DRINKS 😭
Don't even get me started on the literal SCREAM I SCREAMT with Jackson. I was so attached man.
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licorishh · 10 months
I keep seeing things about how in the new Modern Warfare III Soap apparently has terrible writing and all I can think is that if you had played the original trilogy from 2007-2011 then you would know the original and frankly better Soap had phenomenal writing
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megumiswife4 · 11 months
So interestingly enough, I’m a big gamer and have been playing Call Of Duty since COD4 came out back in 2007 and all throughout these years I had no idea that eventually when Ghost appeared later in the years of a different timeline in the gaming community I never would have imagined such lore and lustful moments of Ghost popping up on my TL LOL I LOVE IT 😂🫡
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kapkant7 · 2 years
I saw this (terrible) Snyder meme and got inspired to parody it. Plus a peace offering for my Barry Sloane Price enjoyers.
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wizardfigurine · 1 year
im too scared to ask this on reddit but how come none of the cod fandom talks about the americans? i just finished the original mw campaign and started mw2 and there is SO MUCH gameplay just centred around the american characters.
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juanjoaiaf · 2 months
Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare [Xbox 360]. El mejor COD y aún hay gente.
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2007: cod 4 creates controversy after featuring ac-130 mission where you, the player, murder indiscriminately through the view finder
2024: indiscriminate ac-130 view finder murder footage shown on itv news at lunchtime, followed by, some would say worse still, keir starmer's face, stuck in permanent allergic reaction, offering up kinder, gentler, more serious politics (tm) labour government imminent so pretty much nailed on the country will be taking an active role in a genocide or two in the coming months
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devileaterjaek · 6 months
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gjordis · 9 months
Okay you know what fine. Modern Warfare (2007) managed to impress me pretty fucking good and I’m only two proper missions in.
Before I got into it, I was expecting something similar to Fallout 3, which I hate btw purely because of the visuals. Everything is gray, doors are hard to find due to lack of contrast, everything blends together. I was expecting the lack of so many gameplay features that are staples in modern games because no-one had come up with them, right?
Boy was I wrong. Sure the game looks a bit crusty, hell yall remember what kind of hardware they had 17 years ago? But it fucking owns it. The first thing I picked up on was the cinematics, cutscenes playing out like clips from movies, the transitions from the mission briefs to actual gameplay done with such smoothness that only modern games manage to replicate. I also loved the way the player is brought into the world, the tutorial portion feeling like an actual part of the game instead of something that feels forced and was hastely tacked on last minute.
The gameplay itself feels polished, makes it feel like I’m with a group of actual people instead of npc’s following paths on the ground. I don’t have much experience with firearms, but fuck those guns feel nice. They feel believable and solid, feels like I’m actually doing some damage.
I’m usually not too fond of chapter based games, especially when each chapter takes place at a later time in the future as the last, but I think MW does it well. Sure it gets a bit too action packed quickly and I got pretty nasty vertigo from all the quick paced gameplay, but the solution to that it to just take it a mission or two at a time.
Online folk do keep singing praises to this game, even regarding it as the best Call of Duty and it’s easy to see why. Honestly if this game stays at the bar it has set all throughout, I might have a new title to add to my top 5 games.
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owlixx · 10 months
CoD Notes: 4 Beat
Yes, I started and finished Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare since the last time I took notes just a couple days ago. Or rather, I started and finished Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered, but the campaign is the same.
I had never played this before past the tutorial. I was a little unsure at first, but this ended up being an absolute ton of fun. Already I can already tell how much of MW2’s Spec Ops references this game.
Definitely the standout section is All Ghillied Up. Or is it? I always hear everyone praise this mission, but I much preferred the second half of the Chernobyl flashback, which I think is called “One Shot” or something similar. The heavily ballistic sniper shot, rappelling down, limited time escape, then especially having to carry MacMillan all the way to the Ferris wheel then Home Alone-ing it until helps arrives.
But I enjoyed the whole game, really. It never dragged or felt boring. I had at least some context for each mission, although I will admit that the British missions are far more appealing than the American ones here.
And it’s so much fun to see Price and Gaz and get to be Soap! Now I know why I don’t remember Gaz from playing MW2 as a kid, RIP. His only character trait was wearing a baseball cap, I can’t believe they brought him back or that anyone was mad they changed his skin color. I will admit that I prefer Price’s new gravely voice actor over his old one.
The modern weaponry is just so much more fun to use, especially after trying 6 WW2 games in a row and beating 3. And I also feel like this game does a much better job of providing a variety of locales, objectives, scenarios since it isn’t locked to just WW2.
My biggest issue with this game is the infinitely respawning enemies. I’m sure every CoD campaign has this in places, but it’s most egregious here. Sometimes you literally have to move 10 feet forward to stop the infinite respawning despite no indication of that. It was most frustrating the first time when I didn’t understand what was happening, but it’s not so bad once you learn to push forward any time the enemies don’t seem to stay dead.
I think one key difference from this CoD compared to the previous beyond the obvious time setting, is the tone. Every CoD before has been trying to be a “war movie”, but this one is an “action movie”. The stunts and set pieces in this game feel closer to a James Bond or Mission Impossible than “what if Saving Private Ryan was set in modern times”.
Oh, and of course the iconic nuke mission. Finally, this series uses the “multiple protagonist gimmick” for something useful. It’s so ominous leading into it, too, with the helicopter you’re on making an emergency rescue despite the threat of a potential nuclear bomb. Very fun, helps sell the stakes on the rest of the game too. I didn’t think it would come so early in the plot.
I also generally just really enjoyed the last few mission in sequence for feeling so high stakes and action-y. Maybe I’m just still so fresh on not being in WW2 anymore. And of course the finale where you shoot the big bad is a lot of fun
And finally, a game where I was able to pretty much just use the guns I start with. I recognize that there’s more agency if I’m constantly switching weapons, but it was nice to be able to just be given a solid weapon to blast people with. And I don’t have to exclusively use iron sights! Having attachments at all is a nice change. Definitely at the point where each attachment on a gun makes it into an entirely different weapon, which I kind of miss.
I did play just enough multiplayer to get to level 4 and unlock Create a Class, which took maybe 3 or 4 matches. First off, it is bizarre the way that they have inserted loot boxes and micro transactions into a decade old game. At least the micro content they add is additive rather than charging you for stuff that already existed, but still. It is very funny that this games seems to have only ever gotten 3 holiday events and they seem to just all be permanent now that the game is clearly abandoned.
On the topic of multiplayer, I don’t seem to be very good. But that might just be because i was using default classes and going up against serious veterans of the game still playing after all these years. I do appreciate the simplicity of it all. I had forgotten about the whole “perk 1 is just equipment” thing from WaW that seems to be present here too. No homing launcher in multiplayer??? Grenade launcher takes a peek slot? And of course unlocking attachments through kill challenges seems so antiquated, and how few attachments there are. Also weird to see new weapons added to the game.
Overall, I don’t think I’ll be sucked into this game’s multiplayer. I just don’t have any nostalgia for this one in particular and no existing progress to build off of.
Oh, also the ending credit song is hilarious. Can’t believe that’s Griggs! I liked Griggs, I’m kind of sad he died and didn’t return in the new games. Also I did beat Mile High Club on my first try, granted that was on regular difficulty.
This game was so much less of a chore than CoD 3 and not just because of the remastered graphics.
I may have to replay the game someday on Wii in Squadmate mode because that is simply too funny to resist. I think I’ll be skipping the DS games for now though. Not enough time in the day for that.
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unkn0wn-account · 10 months
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