dortiii · 3 months
Forgo abt this
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HAPPY SEASON 5!!! I don't rlly like this anymore :( but old Wukong first attempt hrrrr I AM NOT OKAY CHATTTT
You can tell a lot of love went into this season and Wildbrain rlly deserve their flowers and support. N E WAYS STILL CRYING WAILING SOBBING
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joacasbar · 4 months
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My first Photocard ever 💗
Hoping to make a proper collection of these. Baby Kiki needed to go first
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thedwendalianvampire · 4 months
The scene where Ashton told Laudna "Start with I'm sorry" was already good without adding any further context.
But then I remembered that Taliesin once shared that he used to work as security at festivals and was given "communication tools" in order to "deescalate and to instill a sense of compassionate authority", and then the whole scene becomes EXCELLENT.
FCG would be so proud. 💛
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oifaaa · 5 months
What do you mean his name isn't Ciel
I guess not everyone's up to date on their black butler lore I'll try not to spoil anymore and put the explanation under the cut
Yeah so our Ciel is actually not Ciel he's Ciels twin brother if you rewatch the series they actually do a pretty good job at hinting at it for example we see both ciel in a cage and on the table, the one on the table is the real Ciel and he ends up dying and our Ciel decides fuck it I'm Ciel now anyway that's why in book of Atlantic Ciel says he doesn't know what lizzy is talking about when she says he said strong woman are scary and why in book of circus you can see the two pop out from behind their dad
here's the two of them when they reunite
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tina-rocket · 1 year
Pros of coming out during an apocalypse: Everyone's too busy trying to survive the horrors to care about your ongoing bisexual crisis
Cons of coming out during an apocalypse: It may turn out your new boyfriend IS in fact one of the horrors in human form, and you will be forced to kill him since that's the only way to prevent the end of humanity, even though you love him so much and he was the first person in your life you thought would love you back
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sokkastyles · 3 months
Hope you are doing well. Thank you for the answer on the previous question on TSR.
I was reading a meta by tumblr user masreds, whose post talks about Kataang being a coping mechanism for Aang. After reading it, I feel like its an interesting look into Aang's mind. At this point, Aang had gone through Appa's kidnapping. I wonder, keeping this in mind, was Appa's kidnapping a turning point in Aang's mind, as if a fear had developed that what he cares about could be taken plus Katara's presence as a stable person lead to the point where it became a coping mechanism?
Also, the Guru episode talks about love being reborn, the fact that the Air Nomads are replaced with Katara, makes me wonder, what was the point of that comparison?
I would like your thoughts on this.
I think Aang clinging to Katara to cope with the loss of his people is established as early as episode three, when Aang goes into the Avatar state upon seeing Gyatso's body, and Katara brings him out of it by saying that she and Sokka are his family now.
I think that is what the Guru meant by saying that Aang's love for his people will be reborn again, and it's a nice sentiment, on its own.
But the toxicity comes in when Aang uses it as an unhealthy coping mechanism, and I do think that is shown in the desert. In that episode, Aang snaps at everyone who is trying to help him, including Katara.
That's the problem with Aang relying on Katara as a coping mechanism. When things aren't going well, that also means she gets blamed. As much as Katara loves Aang, she cannot and should not be asked to bear the burden of Aang's loss of his entire people. She is not responsible for Appa's loss, but because she is there and Appa is not, she becomes responsible for supporting Aang, even when he takes his grief out on her in some unpleasant ways, probably because he sees her as someone reliable who will always be there no matter how unstable he acts towards her, and that is not a healthy dynamic. It's a plotline I really wish the show had actually dealt with instead of skirting around and idealizing it.
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idiotsonlyevent · 4 months
i'm not saying 'chilchuck did nothing wrong,' but i'm becoming increasingly bothered by the framing that the marriage failed because it was 'only his fault,' when his wife did just up and leave, seemingly without saying anything to him or having a conversation about it?
and i know we don't see anything from Her perspective, so maybe she did try, but the fact that he had no idea anything was wrong, despite being fairly present with her and their daughters is i think pretty indicative that she was probably stewing with her frustrations in silence for a long time... like, i'm not pinning the blame on her, but leaving your spouse without saying anything is also not great? especially if it's some sort of 'test'?
like, i think they both Kind Of Messed Up and now there's a stalemate where they're upset, and chilchuck is afraid to make the next move because he doesn't want to upset her further, but the longer he waits, the more frustrated she gets... and so it continues
also, dunmeshi spends SO much time focusing on how we often unintentionally hurt our loved ones, but how there's almost always ways to move past it and grow, so it feels very strange to me when people insist that there's no reason for them to get back together. like if you don't want them to, that's fine! but insisting that there's no way to repair their relationship, or that it's only one person's fault, or that it's unhealthy or whatever... idk, but it doesn't sit right w me.
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actually-sarsaparilla · 3 months
pt 2 cuz why not.
Jin guangyao - internalised homophobia but still a twink at heart
Nie Mingjue - gym gay? buff himbo? idk the right word, but im sure u get the vibe.
Lan Xichen - theatre/band kid gay 100% he literally went 'my mums dead, anyway... *insert epic flute solo*'
bonus (cuz i couldnt think of anyone else)
Wen Ning - Aro, or Ace, or AroAce. or pan. either way my dude is not seeing people differently for their gender.
lmk if theres other characters i should do. maybe I'll do the juniors next. anyway, my credentials are that it's 1:45 in the morning, I'm a lesbian, and every form of mdzs has been rotting my brain for a while now.
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redhoodie1723 · 5 months
Wow I truly thought I’ve seen all the dumb excuses Norris stans have been making about him praising Trump. But one of your anons who compared his situation to Hamilton and Vettel meeting Putin (during their Russian GP podium) really takes the cake in dumb excuses.
To my knowledge, Hamilton and Vettel have never said that they were ‘honoured’ to meet Putin and that he’s ‘someone that should be respected’. This was what Norris was saying about Trump during his press conference. Your response to that ask was great and I agree with your points. Some people online are clearly missing nuance and it’s obvious some of the Norris stans are unhappy he’s being rightfully criticised for his comments.
like i get defending ur fav if they make a stupid mistake or something, but this is way beyond that. this is harmful ignorance at best and signs of bigotry at worst. trying to grasp at straws and criticize other drivers for dissimilar situations isnt going to magically excuse norris' actions.
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cornbake · 1 year
Hi! Can I request a Vax x reader? They are enemies to lovers, you can decide the plot, but maybe with a one bed trope ( although I don't think Vex would allow that!) If you of course like it and want.
One of my favorite tropies when it comes to romance ngl. So most gladly I will do so!!
Splitting this one up too. Helps my thought process!
Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: language (like always thou)
Spoilers: None
You had been with the twins for a while. A little before the rest of Vox. Your affliation with the clasp and them is how you first met. And how you kept together was more so due to skill than personal attachment. After all. Why would the twins like a cocky arrogant prick like yourself?
At least thats what Vax was thinking as you droned on and on about old stories to the others. You and him never got along. Always rivaling in your skills, and rivaling in your feats. If he had done some death defying act, you where sure to do the same not but moment after. You always had to rub your stuns in his face, boasting about them any moment you got after doing so. It made Vax wish he wipe that smirk off your face any moment he saw it.
Brooding in his room, one at the only inn the group could find in this small town. He was finishing up matnance with his daggers as his sister entered.
"Hopefully you aren't too far down that dark pit of yours." She wandered over to her bow to start to restring it for the journey ahead. "We need you present and not swallowing in your own thoughts, brother." His eyes didn't meet hers as she cast him a glance. His brows knitted together as his focus kept to the blades.
"I am aware of what must be done. But mind you, I am not the issue of this party." He could hear the soft scofting from his twin. "My focus is kept to the task at hand. Much more that what some of the others can say."
"Please. I still say you are over thinking this. No one is trying to steal the other's spot here. Maybe you just need to speak with them to understand them better." Her words only gain a huff from the raven-haired rouge. Sighing, Vax gathered her stuff to get ready for the road again. "Just... promise me you won't be distracted, brother..."
He took a moment to sigh. Hearing the hint of fear in his sisters voice made his heart twing with guilt.
"I promise to try, stubby..."
She can't get mad at him, he said he would try and here he is! Trying! Trying so very hard!
They had all been tasked to clear out the mine shaft next to the town so the miners could get back to work. The group needed the coin, so they took the job. You and Vax took up scouting ahead, something you both had been paired up to do countless times. Not that it meant you both enjoyed the other's shadow next to your own but sucking up your pride, the pair of you made do.
A simple scout ahead and come back, that's all it was! And what do you do? You go on further ahead without him and now he has to clean up YOUR mess.
"I swear I'm going to kill them if they are still alive after all this." The raven haired man grumbles as he assassinates a figure posted by one of the entrances. The Gnoll being dragged away just as another comes out to see what was going on, scratching his head in confusion at the missing ally. Giving the rouge just the perfect moment to slip by.
He kept to the shadows, feet stepping quickly yet lightly to make no sound. He could barely see, his Darkvision only helping him so much in the nearly pitch darkness. Both an advantage and a disadvantage.
The more he crept the further from the light he got, but his ears could here the struggles from a certain someone.
"I hope you know you are in deep shit after we get out of here."
"Oh great, my savior and my demise. Save your sharp tongue for the rope asshole."
There you, quick witt and annoying voice included. He had some hope that the Gnolls would have taken one of the two from you at the very least but seems that he can't get everything he wants all the time.
Making quick work of the lock that held you in the rusted cage like structure he pulls a dagger out to get the tightly bound rope cut. His rough treatment of your hands making you hiss.
"That hurt fuck nut"
"Well I'm sorry that you were the one to get you into this mess. Be grateful I came at all."
He had gotten the blade under the rope just as a pair of fur matted paws roughtly grab his face and chest, pulling him back away from you.
"VAX!" Your voice pierces the void that now engulfed his vision. Claws digging into skin as the Gnoll behind him struggled to hold onto his fighting form.
He kept trying to fight off the fish scented beast but he couldn't out flex something that could rival Grog in a fight. He could hear the mutt talking to other Gnolls. Gods save him.
It didn't take long for him to be bound next to you in the same cage. Sitting across from you, and while you can't see it, glaring into your soul. He was going to kill you the second he could. You got him in this mess. Something that had a very low chance of getting out of.
"I can feel you staring. Stop it. It's not gunna undo your loud ass boots."
"My loud ass- why. Best count your blessing while you can, I would gut you where you were if I wasn't bound. All because of your doing!"
"MY doing? Oh? And that includes, what? Me sa-"
A loud and harsh CLANG, rings from the metal cage. One of the Gnolls snarling at you two to get your bickering to stop.
"Once I am free from this you are dead, raven boy."
He sulked, not sharing any more words. His anger boiling his blood, he will make sure you never forget this moment. Whether this be the last moment the two of you share with one another or a scar to remind you of your mistakes. He will make sure you have a reminder.
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crazy-so-na-sega · 1 year
«Nessuna religione tanto quanto quella giudaica fu mai così impastata di anima e di spirito. Questa religione, che costituisce parte integrante della razza giudaica, ha creato un popolo di finanzieri e rivoluzionari perché è
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Esclusiva - quindi inassimilabile.
Terrena - quindi materialista.
Messianica - quindi rivoluzionaria.
Il fondamento del giudaismo, ciò che costituisce il suo pensiero principale, ciò che gli conferisce una straordinaria originalità, è la sua esclusività. Tutta la storia del popolo ebraico e della sua religione, che è inseparabile da esso, ruota intorno a questo fenomeno centrale. Un Dio geloso: Iahvé, il suo popolo eletto: Israele. I riti, i comandamenti, la legge che li lega l'uno all'altro, questa è l'essenza di ogni verità e di ogni giustizia; fuori di questo c'è solo il mondo e il male; il mondo del male. Questa miopia, ma appassionata e singolarmente potente, ha fatto l'integrità di un popolo per tremila anni. Questo indefettibile esclusivismo ha creato una razza, una nazione, una religione, una mentalità che sono senza analogia nella storia universale. Attraverso la forza delle sue tradizioni, di mezzo alle tempeste che hanno fatto turbinare gli uomini nei secoli, il giudaismo è rimasto incrollabile, inesorabilmente simile a sé stesso; come lo scopriamo alle sue origini, tale lo ritroviamo oggi. L'umanità cambia, gli Imperi sorgono e crollano, gli ideali nascono, risplendono e poi si spengono, ma l'ebreo rimane, il Giudaismo rimane, avvolto nel suo accanito esclusivismo, sperando tutto nel domani, instancabilmente... sovrumano, inumano.
Prigionieri delle immutabili tradizioni che sono l'essenza del loro esclusivismo, i Giudei sono, in mezzo all'umanità che si compone di un'immensa maggioranza di non-Giudei, degli eterni disadattati.
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l giudaismo dunque non può che desiderare la sovversione: è dovere del Giudeo e soprattutto del suo istinto, formato da tradizioni tre volte millenarie, di contribuire alla distruzione dell'ordine. L'esclusivismo giudaico comanda e giustifica lo spirito di rivolta. Il Giudeo fu sempre animato da quel vecchio materialismo giudaico che sognò perennemente un paradiso realizzato sulla terra e respinse sempre la lontana e problematica speranza di un Eden dopo la morte. Si sa che il giudaismo antico ignora l'Aldilà. L'uomo può sperimentare il bene o il male solo in questo mondo; se Dio vuole punire o ricompensare, può farlo soltanto durante la vita dell'uomo. È dunque qui sulla terra che i giusti devono prosperare e gli empi devono soffrire. La filosofia del Giudeo fu semplice...avendo solo un numero limitato di anni da dedicarvi, volle goderne, e non erano i piaceri morali che chiedeva, ma quelli materiali, atti ad abbellire e addolcire la sua esistenza. Poiché il Paradiso non esisteva, egli poteva aspettarsi da Dio, in cambio della sua fedeltà, della sua pietà, solo favori tangibili; non vaghe promesse, buone per i cercatori dell'aldilà, ma realizzazioni formali, risolte con un incremento della fortuna, un aumento del benessere... Non avendo alcuna speranza di compenso futuro, il Giudeo non poteva rassegnarsi alle disgrazie della vita; può consolarsi dei suoi mali pensando alle beatitudini celesti solo molto in avanti con l'età. Alle calamità che lo colpivano, non rispondeva né con il fatalismo, né con la rassegnazione; rispondeva con la rivolta. Così la concezione che i Giudei si fecero della vita e della morte fornisce il primo elemento al loro spirito rivoluzionario. Parlando di questa idea che il bene, ovvero ciò che è giusto, dovesse essere realizzato non nell'oltretomba,
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poiché nell'oltretomba c'è il sonno fino al giorno della resurrezione del corpo, ma durante la vita, essi cercarono la giustizia e, non trovandola giammai, perpetuamente insoddisfatti, si consumarono per ottenerla. Senza la legge, senza Israele per praticarla, il mondo non sussisterebbe, Dio lo farebbe rientrare nel nulla; e il mondo non conoscerà la felicità se non quando sarà sottomesso all'impero universale di questa legge, ossia all'impero dei Giudei. Questa felicità si realizzerà attraverso la libertà, l'uguaglianza e la giustizia. Tuttavia, se tra le nazioni quella di Israele è stata la prima a pensare a queste idee, altri popoli, in vari momenti della storia, le hanno sostenute, ma nel farlo non sono stati popoli di ribelli come il popolo giudaico. Perché? Perché se questi popoli erano convinti dell'eccellenza della giustizia, dell'uguaglianza e della libertà, non ritenevano la loro piena realizzazione come possibile, perlomeno non in questo mondo, e quindi non lavoravano unicamente per il loro avvento. Al contrario, gli ebrei credevano che la giustizia, la libertà e l'uguaglianza non soltanto potessero essere sovrane del mondo, ma si credevano in particolare incaricati di lavorare per questa loro attuazione. Tutti i desideri, tutte le
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speranze che queste tre idee suscitavano finirono per cristallizzarsi intorno ad un'idea centrale: quella dei tempi Messianici, della venuta del Messia, che doveva essere inviato da Iavhé per consolidare il potere delle rovine terrene. Ora gli avvenimenti contemporanei dimostrano ancora, qualunque cosa si voglia controbattere sull'argomento, la stretta parentela che unisce il Giu45ismo e lo spirito di rivolta. Sotto formule differenti è sempre il vecchio sogno messianico dei profeti e dei salmisti che infesta i cervelli. Ecco in cosa consiste la religione giudaica, ecco come si differenzia da qualsiasi altra fede. È una rottura con tutto il genere umano; essa non fa proseliti perché non può trasfondere il sangue d'Israele che solo vanta la promessa; tra tutte le religioni che si professano, ce n'è una [il giudaismo] che aborrisce la religione di Cristo, poiché questa gli ha strappato la promessa interpretandola diversamente. L'idea fondamentale, quella secondo cui si doveva a uno straniero meno considerazione che a un compatriota, a un correligionario, è rimasta la stessa dai tempi della Torah fino ai giorni nostri. Questa è l'impressione che devono riportare tutti coloro che eseguono uno studio imparziale del diritto internazionale privato nei libri sacri ebraici: Torah, Talmud, Codici e commentari.
- G.Léon Marie Pierre de Montaigne de Poncins.
(La misteriosa internazionale giudaica)
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teamfreewill2pointo · 2 months
I saw your tweets about the R2 podcast and I really wanted to know what you think. Mostly, I would love for you to explain the part you said about them not understanding Dean. I can't listen to the podcast because I don't understand English very well
They should put out a transcript.
Basically, R2 don't seem to be paying close attention to the show, or very much attention at all. For example, they were confused by Dark Side of the Moon because they didn't remember that the boys have died before. They thought that was a plothole.
RSJ thought Point of No Return was a filler episode and neither of them got the broment at the end. They didn't understand why Dean changed his mind and didn't say yes to Michael.
I could understand why they were confused by Famine saying that Dean was dead inside in that earlier episode, in part, because I didn't understand that scene the first time through. I'm not knocking them for not picking up on every little thing. It's understandable that they wouldn't, especially on the first time through.
However, I understood why Dean changed his mind in Point of No Return, and not just because of how they spelled it out in the broment. It was such an important moment in Dean's character development and in season 4. It's what's leading up to the big finale.
I think that RSJ thinks that the plot of Supernatural is something that happens outside of the brothers, which is why he thought this episode was just filler. If you think this episode is filler, you're missing Dean's emotional arc this season. You're missing out on the key element that is reason the season ends the way it does.
No wonder he keeps rating the episodes badly. He's missing the A plot.
I hope someone sits them down and reminds them of key things and explains the plots of the episodes to them, otherwise it's going to be a miserable slog through the rest of the series, especially for RSJ.
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operativenightingale · 5 months
ok ok trying to leave my callie bias aside for a second (not unfounded at all, but bias nonetheless), the biggest most objective problem I have with ny reunion fics and overall calzona fics is that it's not usually on an even playing field, and I get that someone's gotta give but then when it's so obviously one person doing most of the giving we end up right back up where we started; callie having to do most of the emotional labor in the relationship and when it fails, or falters, getting blamed for not trying hard enough or not staying or not doing it right. We end up back on the reason she did them both a favor and called it quits in the first place, and I hate hate hate that the shitshow that was the custody battle meant that was the last thing on anyone's mind, or the one thing that ppl skipped and got an update on through word of mouth so it's terribly skewed to one side at best, flat out incorrect at worst, and so it's the One Big Fault in their relationship, one Callie and she alone has to fix. As if it was the only problem, as if Callie was the only one in the wrong there, nevermind in all their other drama. The playing field is so uneven, any attempt to imply it is actually acknowledging both of their shortcomings rings flat and hollow and it's an outright lie.
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thedwendalianvampire · 6 months
What do we think, critters?
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rinwellisathing · 4 months
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Momocon 2024 lineup:
Zevlor and Dammon
Rolan and Sentry
Default Durge and Astarion
Jaina Proudmoore and Jester Lavorre, reliant on my friend who is cosplaying as Derek Proudmoore or Flynn Fairwind and Artagnan.
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amethystina · 1 year
I am TRYING to find a new tdj fic to read but every time I keep clicking out because you've spoiled me. So now I'm just going to have to reread one of yours. I don't like what you're doing. I DON'T LIKE IT YOU HEAR ME
I'm... sorry? x'D I swear I'm not doing it on purpose! Like, I AM trying to write the best fics I possibly can, but it's kind of out of my hands how they resonate with my readers. Though I will admit that this isn't the first time I've heard something along these lines. My wife, in particular, has complained about this phenomenon many times xD
And, tbh, in the case with The Devil Judge? One of the reasons why I've read so few fics myself in that fandom is because I realised pretty quickly that I wouldn't find what I was looking for. Not in the sense where I think that the other fics are bad, just that they didn't have the characterisation, themes, etc. that I wanted.
So I decided to write my own. And sometimes I pass mostly unnoticed in fandoms because I honestly write pretty "boring" and "vanilla" stories? Like, I rarely explore the kinkier sides of fandom or the more popular tropes. More often than not, I write post-canon fics or complex AUs. And the demand isn't as high for that, I guess?
But if there is one pattern I've noticed it's that while I may have fewer readers than the popular writers, I seem to have a pretty strong impact on the ones who DO end up reading my fics. Along the lines of what you're describing here — i.e. that I unintentionally set the bar way too high.
Which, uh, yeah. Sorry? No refunds? x'D
TL;DR: Sometimes I feel like the fandoms I post fanfics in are fragile ecosystems and I'm an invasive species.
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