#Call Button
adaptivetechsolution · 20 hours
Sea Dreams Aquarium
The Sea Dreams Aquarium has soothing, mesmerizing music and sounds along with classical melodies, lights, and movement. Provides visual and auditory stimuli and makes a great toy to enhance language and vocabulary, too. visit here: https://youtu.be/CF0N3nQaA1Y
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so how about that update, huh
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lemonlurkrr · 10 months
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I like it when the snakes say things
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demigods-posts · 2 months
i saw this post the other day about annabeth and how she doesn't have a birth certificate because she was never technically born. and that raises so many interesting questions. like, does she even legally exist? does she have a fake ID? i don't need sleep. i need answers.
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blorbocedes · 3 months
nico rosberg and jenson button flirting for 7 minutes straight
highlights include nico fixing his hair and giggling:
- "do you know what nickname you gave me?" "I gave you my fiancé's name!" (jenson's wife's name is brittny, and Nico's britney nickname lore here)
"you need to be loved" "I do, yeah."
- sharing the story where jenson got shitfaced at a bar in japan in 2013, and that nico and jenson had their longest (hour long) conversation that jenson doesn't remember
also jenson: remembers nico's first win, his first podium, what tyres he had in detail
- they both chant WE ARE WORLD CHAMPIONS
- nico wanted to do his extreme e team with jenson
- nico says he's gonna quarantine on a boat with jenson which is the most bougie thing I've ever heard
do still recommend the pod, this doesn't cover a lot of other bits like where jenson compares fernando and lewis as teammates or fernando's mind games, or brawn so if you're interested
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mintjeru · 2 months
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i've been streaming a blind playthrough of hollow knight to 2 groups of people for the past month and a half and i really wanted to share some of my favorite experiences ><
open for better quality | no reposts
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dammjamboy · 4 months
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
Sorry y’all the entire Clever Hans wiki article should be basic required reading at this point.
The “Clever Hans” effect, also understood as animals performing tasks because their handler/owner subtly and often unknowingly cues them that they’ll get a positive response is well documented. Hell, it’s been observed in drug sniffing dogs where the dogs will give false positives based on the dog’s observance of the handler’s body language. Scientifically that’s very interesting.
Dogs using buttons are not “speaking” they are using what they know will get them a desired response. Dogs do speak, to us and each other, in their own form of communication (body language mostly). We as humans are adept at being able to learn to read this just as dogs can read OUR body language (body language we often don’t know we are communicating btw). That’s neat as heck.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Why would you—That's not—I just wanted to ask for help, why did you have to go and make it awkward???
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objektum · 28 days
OBJECTUM PEOPLE. How did you figure out you're objectum. GO
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adaptivetechsolution · 2 months
Snapperz Rainbow Fidget Toy
The Snapperz is a fun hand-sized sensory toy that also enhances hand use and strength. Fun, bright rainbow colored popping stress relief. Non-toxic durable material. 2 1/3" diameter. Sold by the each. Grab yours today and snap away! https://youtu.be/5hA6tMM2wz8
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deadtiredghost · 12 days
we deserved more of 2018 Casey
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stedebonnets · 1 day
I made a merstede with felt (well I tried.. two times) the first attempt was a disaster I had to start again, I am not so good in crafts but I wanted to try to make some ofmd stuff (maybe I will make a Izzy doll but seems really hard I am sure I will fail again🥲) and this little guy looks better now I think 🙂🙂🧡🧜‍♂️
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galoogamelady · 1 year
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can't a man grease himself up without you making fun of him?
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kiophen · 7 months
genuine question, do you think callout posts are inherently evil? like if someone's doing some weird shit and hiding it i think people would want to be warned about that at least. just try to discourage harassment as much as possible
The existence of a callout posts means that the targeted person will be harassed if enough people see it. There is no amount of "don't harass anyone mentioned in this doc/video" disclaimers that will prevent that. The post is now potentially a permanent record that anyone can cite for years into the future. You are now at the whims of unknown strangers to be banned from communities, kicked out of creative projects, or be blocked by friends, at any time with no warning. I would consider this to be harassment, but to people who don't know about how these things usually go down they would be seen as righteous whistle blowers.
No matter what you actually did, if your awkward interaction with someone was too sexual, or if you stated a shitty opinion about a complex topic, or if you misjudged someone's boundaries, or if you engaged with kink in a way that made someone outside the scene uncomfortable, you are now a predator. I have seen firsthand the game of telephone starting from "this person did/said something sexualized on an online platform where teenagers could have been present," to "acted creepy around teenagers," to "regularly sexually assaulted children," to "pedophile".
Callout posts do not actually stop the person from "doing weird shit". It depends on what you mean by "weird shit", but if you mean "secretly draws/engages with Bad Porn", which is what a lot of callout posts are about, I implore you to recognize that it is truly not your business to know every private action someone takes just because you follow them on social media. This applies to awkward interactions people have in private too. Sometimes it's patterns of abuse, but a lot of the time it's interpersonal drama that is not anyone else's business.
If by "weird shit" you mean that someone has demonstrated ongoing patterns of real emotional/financial/sexual/etc abuse, and it's something that cannot be handled by any other means (either privately or with legal action if relevant), then in those cases a callout post can potentially do more good than harm if it reaches the people that need to know about it.
The level of long-term mental anguish that a target can go through is absolutely no fucking joke. A callout post has the potential to be a gun to someone's head, especially if they're socially/mentally/physically disadvantaged to begin with, which conveniently describes the most likely people to be targeted with high profile callout posts. [This is because: 1.) Our communities are wayy more likely to self-police than the rest of the internet and 2.) there are groups such as kiwifarms that love when a trans girl does something they can suicide bait her with and they also love it when we infight, isolate, and attack each other.]
I don't think callout posts are inherently evil, but they do nothing to make the target not continue their unwanted behavior. The only good function a callout post can serve is to warn potential future victims. If there are no victims, no behavior that will DIRECTLY lead to someone being victimized, no scam being uncovered, no patterns of abuse being shared, then the only victim is the target of the callout post. Everyone else involved is just gawking at gossip and/or contributing to suicidal levels of anxiety to a stranger.
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bulkhummus · 10 months
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when your husbands a chronic liar but ur brain is the size of a walnut
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