#Caoba hair
spanishskulduggery · 10 months
Ohi there!
I made this u/n forever ago so ill probably keep it no matter the answer to this, but I've always wondered if it should be 'chic@ con pelo rosado'? Or maybe better 'de pelo rosa(do)'? It just feels... awkward to me, but I can't place my finger on it.
I know there are words for the 'hairèdness' of someone (e.g. moren@, rubi@, etc.), for lack of a better term, but since it's not a natural color (on hair or in general), I'm not sure how that would work. I've always wondered how accurate it was lmao
(Also side note, which article do you use for gender neutral lmao is it 'l@'?)
First, it could be either
chico con pelo rosa / rosado is "boy with pink hair"; and chico de pelo rosa / rosado is "the pink-haired boy"
Both are acceptable, but the de kind of makes you think of using a hyphen
Note: You may also see el cabello used for "hair" when it's specifically hair on the head
But you're right that there are certain words for hair colors:
rubio/a = blond
pelirrojo/a = red-head, "ginger"
moreno/a = dark-haired / brunette de/con cabello/pelo castaño = brown-haired
de/con pelo/cabello caoba = auburn-haired
cano/a = white-haired, gray-haired [as opposed to pelo cano or pelo blanco / gris]
de/con pelo/cabello negro = black-haired pelinegro = black-haired [less common still used sometimes]
This also applies to hair texture/length... corto/a "short", largo/a "long", liso/a "smooth/straight (hair)", rizado/a "curly/wavy", and calvo/a "bald"
Two options for gender neutral - the @ makes the most sense in writing when you're including everyone not specifically talking about a particular person like tod@s is "everyone (male and female)", or el/la chic@ maybe
The way a company might do it is to include both: un/una alumno/a "a student" for example, or se busca un/una empleado/a "looking for an employee"
The other way a company or someone official might do it is to include both options; damas y caballeros "ladies and gentlemen" or todos y todas "everyone"
Less official but still used especially by the younger generation and for times when you are really talking about one person in particular: the general idea for gender neutral is the use of -e
So it would be le chique "the young person" gender neutral
For non-binary groups, it would probably be les chiques or saying todes "everyone". I would tend to assume it works like feminine does that nosotras "we" is for only women in the group, nosotros is either a mixed group or all men... so nosotres would be like everyone NB, but in a mixed group I would expect to see nosotros
And so it would be rubie, pelirroje, morene, cane etc.
But be really careful because depending on where you're saying/using it, it might not be regarded as correct or you might be mistaken for using French or Italian
The "default" way to talk about someone non-binary or gender neutral is either to assume masculine until proven otherwise, or to use gender neutral language that's a bit impersonal... such as la persona que tiene (el) pelo/cabello negro "the person that has black hair", or alguien con (el) pelo/cabello azul "someone with blue hair"
Side Note just in case you were confused rosa can be used as "pink", rosado/a is more explicitly the adjective form "pink" or "rosy". They are both correct as adjectives, just that rosa doesn't change for gender so it could confuse some people
I know in my textbooks for colors they wrote anaranjado/a "orange" [lit. "orange-y"] instead of naranja "orange", and they wrote rosado/a "pink" instead of rosa
When using an actual noun as an adjective, they don't change gender; so la rosa is "rose", el rosa is "the color pink", rosa is just pink
You can also see this with caoba "mahogany" or "auburn", plata "silver" [as opposed to plateado/a], oro "gold" [instead of dorado/a "golden"], bronce "bronze" [instead of bronceado/a "bronzed / tanned"]
And some other words like márfil "ivory", ébano "ebony", castaño "brown/chestnut", café or color café "coffee colored" aka "brown", or something like lila "light purple" and turquesa "turquoise"
All colors are masculine when talking about them; all colors taken from nouns will not change as adjectives - la camisa turquesa "turquoise shirt" vs. el abrigo turquesa "turquoise coat" for example... And la turquesa means "turquoise" often the gemstone, and el turquesa means "the color turquoise"
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olisalon · 2 years
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Oway Rebuilding Hair Bath Shampoo restructurante para cabello dañado🍀 Baño reestructurante para cabellos muy dañados, ásperos, con fibras empobrecidas y porosas.  🌱 Baño de cabello 🌱Para cabello quebradizo y muy dañado. 🌱Fortalece las fibras capilares. 🌱Repara el cabello desde el interior. 🌱 Rellena el cabello de proteínas. 🌱 Hace que el cabello sea suave y brillante. 🌱Para todo tipo de cabello. Ingredientes activos: 🌿- iris biodinámico 🌿- Albahaca orgánica 🌿- Teca cultivada éticamente 🌿- caoba cultivada éticamente NO contiene❌ parabenos vaselina sulfatos perfumes artificiales Tintes EDTA CLAVIJA, PG, BBG 100% vegano 🍃 Embalaje producido con vidrio 100% reciclado y aluminio 100% reciclado♻️♻️ #oway#rebuilding#owaycostarica #davines #hairbath#rebuilding#proteins#tildryhair#organic #biodynamic#fairtrade#vegan#crueltyfree #sustainable# (en Oli Salón) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cof90o-ODRt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Bianca in the Evernight Academy uniform.
A basic version of the Evernight Academy uniform. Composed of pleated skirt, shirt and sweater. In the case of Bianca, to better suit her hair color, I have chosen this combination of red skirt and dark sweater.
I've always imagined Bianca with dark Caboa-red hair, more than a light redhead hair.
Bianca con el uniforme de la Academia Medianoche.
Una versión básica del uniforme de la Academia Medianoche. Compuesto por falda de tablas, camisa y jersey. En el caso de Bianca, para adaptarse mejor a su color de pelo, he elegido una combinación de falda roja y jersey oscuro.
Siempre me he imaginado a Bianca con un color de pelo rojo-Caboa oscuro, más que un tono pelirrojo claro.
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marymenchaca-blog · 6 years
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A fire in the dark for the fool's gonna find his way, gonna run and never get away is it love that glows in fiery alignment? Starry-eyed, maybe living a lie?... A lonely heart in and endless line... Oh raven girl... #Raven #child #Avantasia #darkness #caoba #hair #honey #hazel #eyes #white #skin #portrait #freckless #winged #cat #eyeliner #moonchild @tobiassammetofficial #fan #interpretation https://www.instagram.com/p/BucQWj6HCSY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jb7xquwxkdlf
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fernandaaaaaaaa · 3 years
HOLAAAAAAAA a todas ustedes chicas, el día de hoy le voy a escribir sobre un corte de cabello, un tinte y un peinado que están rompiendo en este 2022, así que ya sabes, si quieres estar a la moda y ser la chica más in sigue leyendo.
El cabello es de las partes más importantes para todo el look, algunas personas dicen que es el marco de la cara y yo les creo, ¿no le pasa que cuando tienen un bad hair day nada funciona para ustedes?, exacto, por eso es de lo más importante, así que comencemos.
El corte de cabello es lo principal y si no queda bien ten cuidado porque te puede arruinar, así que busca un estilista de confianza porque sino lo único que quedará es cortarlo más.
El corte más top para este 2022 que está por todo internet es el wolf cut, parece un poco desastroso pero se carga un tremendo estilo, es como una especie de capas pero con un poco de volumen y algo desorganizadas, lo mejor es que funciona para todo tipo de cabello, ya sea corto, largo, chino, lacio, pintado o natural, así que no dudes más e inténtalo.
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¿Cuál es el mejor color para usar este 2022 en mi cabello? La mayoría nos hemos hecho esta pregunta, un nuevo año entonces un nuevo estilo, y no hay nada mejor que un cambio de color para sentirnos totalmente renovadas y el color con el que lucirás muchísimo más y todos se preguntarán quién eres, es el color caoba, así es, no es ni rojo ni café, el tono perfecto entre ellos, así puedes arriesgarte pero tampoco tanto y lo vemos en muchas súper modelos y mas.
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Un color para sentirte poderosa y sexy, no lo pienses mas y corre con tu estilista.
Y por último pero no menos importante es el peinado, porque ¿de que nos sirve un gran corte con un tinte espectacular si no sabemos cómo peinarlo?
Pues lo más top para este año es el blowout, así que desempolva la secadora porque créeme que vas a querer utilizarla.
Este peinado consiste en darle volumen a tu cabello al secarlo con la secadora, luce simplemente lindisimo, con estilo y muy fino, lo mejor de este es que puedes hacerlo tu misma rápido y fácil.
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By: fernandaaaaaaaa.
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ikywuki · 4 years
I looked at Ophelia. Her beautiful, long red hair was tied in one braid. She was smiling at me, looking ethereal. I was sitting in my favorite, caoba chair, feeling the wind on my skin. Breathing freedom and pure joy.
And that’s when I realized, how happy we were. I felt blissful, I could feel tears streaming down my face. We were finally free.
After the apocalypse, we found shelter on a small cottage on the woods. My lover, with her delicate hands, made this place our home. We started to be friends with the animals, just like the antique witches that Ophelia told me used to live here.
Oh, Ophelia. Her imagination was privileged. She told me stories about creatures made of fire that danced, and about how the stars can hear our prayers. 
I wished they have heard us when the apocalypse was happening.
But it’s alright, because I have her. I can see her genuinely happy, smiling. And that fills me with an unimaginable joy that no one has ever experienced. When we dance barefoot on the grass, with our white dresses and a flower crowns that’s when I feel like everything will be okay.
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kmp78 · 3 years
If this is the complete retard that fucked his hair with those bleach chuncks and then made it sort of caoba and 4 colors, he sure is the worst, and what J did to his forehead, that doesn't look like his hair. If he just cut it then why not saying anything, I smell a rat.
Well he does look like he would smell like a rat... 🤷🏼‍♀️🤢
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izartn · 6 years
Me ahogaré en los pozos de la playa         I will drown in the wells of the beach
bajo la Luna azul,                                       under the blue Moon,
cuyo color es siempre plata                        whose color always is silver
excepto cuando la vista me engaña.          except when my sight deceives me.
El agua será metálica y gris                         The water will be metallic and gray    en mi piel]                                                      in my skin]
y dará, reflejos negros y verdes                   and it will give, green and black                                                                                reflexes]
a mis rizos caoba.                                        to my auburn curly hair.
No sentiré                                                     I will not feel
el agarre letal de la corriente                        the lethal grasp of the currents
en mis pulmones].                                         in my lungs].
Una muerte de agua                                     A death of water
ausencia de sentidos;                                  absence of senses
ahogados,                                                    -drowned,
en un millar de distintas reflexiones.            in a thousand of different reflections.
Eso es todo. Esto es lo que pasa cuando estudias a Lorca para selectividad XD Inspiración en la Luna y la muerte, y el agua. Decidí subir uno de mis poemas por una vez, haciendo la traducción simultánea al inglés mientros lo pasaba aquí >-< 
This is all. This is what happens when you are studying Lorca for selectivity (the Spanish pre-university tests) xD. You found inspiration in the Moon and death and water. I decided to upload one of my poems for once, making the translation simultaneously to English while I was writing it here. >-<
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huvtao · 3 years
buenos días bb ☁️Mun questions!☁️ 2 6 9 12 25
Mun asks:
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2) Have any pets?
¡Afortunadamente sí 🥰🥰🥰🥰! Tengo una gatita preciosa que rescató mi hermana y que creemos que tiene unos tres años. Su nombre es Sally (y la llamo Gordosa o Gordosita en modo cariñoso, je) y es mi pequeña 💗. Su llegada mejoró mucho mi vida y no miento cuando digo que no me canso de hablar de ella AGSHDJDJJD, pero es que la amo mucho 🥺🥺🥺🥺.
6) Favorite music genre?
Las canciones de Disney y de mis musicales favoritos sin lugar a dudas (?????). Tbh nunca me lo he planteado 🙈🙈🙈🙈... Escucho música de todo tipo, aunque tal vez lo que más escucho es indie pop y indie rock.
9) Believe in ghosts?
La verdad es que sí y es un tema que me da mucho respeto... Sobre todo porque no me gusta ser paranoica pero a la vez soy una miedosa AGSGSHSHS.
12) Ever tried any out there hair colors?
Yep! Es algo que me encanta ✨ (incluso aunque lo paso mal por el miedo de esperar no meter la pata AGSHHSJS). Lo he llevado caoba, pelirrojo, magenta sin llegar del todo a la raíz (lo quería rosa pero mi pelo es muy oscuro... Entonces me lo pusieron así para que me durara más y no tuvieran que decolorarme tanto), algún castaño más claro... Y de hecho desde hace unos meses lo llevo, como me gusta llamarlo, Narcissa Malfoy style jajajajajaja (no se como se llama la técnica #imsorry 🙈).
25) Do you write on any other platforms?
¿El Word cuenta? JAJAJAJAJAJAJA. Además del rol, intento ir escribiendo otras cositas... Pero de momento no creo que vaya a publicarlo en alguna plataforma.
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lunar-luminals · 4 years
la muerte en vida (2) / the living death (2)
Alguien tose.
Estoy tan asustada que casi brinco antes que enterarme de que no puedo—amarrándome al piso hay cadenas de metal. Trato de separar mis pies, pero tengo los tobillos atados.
—No te muevas —manda una voz suave y profunda—. Te desato ahora.
Se prende una lámpara, bañándome en luz amarilla, y veo que estamos en un clóset vacío. En la entrada está parado un hombre cuyo aspecto me llena de terror puro. Las mismas alas grises, el mismo pelo caoba, los mismos cuernos afilados... Esto no puede ser.
Él se arrodilla en la alfombra negra, y me doy cuenta del llavero tintineando en su mano.
Me agarra la pantorrilla, y me pongo tensa.
—Tranquila —susurra el demonio—. No soy yo el que te haría daño. Esta ciudad no es segura para los humanos. Tuviste suerte de no caer en las manos equivocadas.
Ignorando la preocupación de que esa última oración me llena, aprovecho de su cercanía y mi nueva libertad para preguntarle:
—¿Quién eres? ¿Y quién fue el que me... que me...
—Ese era uno de mis guardaespaldas. —Para y se queda mirándome, juzgando mi reacción, y trato de quedarme quieta—. Y a mí me dicen  «La Muerte en Vida», pero tú puedes usar mi verdadero nombre: Ashrael.
—Ashrael —murmuro. 
Cuando me despierto, todavía tengo la última sílaba en la punta de la lengua.
Someone coughs.
I’m so startled that I almost jump before finding out I can’t—binding me to the floor are metal chains. I try to separate my feet, but my ankles are bound together.
“Don’t move,” commands a smooth, deep voice. “I’ll untie you now.”
“Shut up.”
A lamp turns on, bathing me in yellow light, and I see that we’re in an empty closet. In the doorway is standing a man whose appearance fills me with pure terror. The same gray wings, the same auburn hair, the same sharp horns . . . This can’t be.
He kneels on the black carpet, and I notice the key ring jangling in his hand.
He grabs my calf, and I tense.
“Calm down,” the demon whispers. “It’s not me who would do you harm. This city isn’t safe for humans. You were lucky not to fall into the wrong hands.”
Ignoring the worry that that last sentence fills me with, I take advantage of his nearness and my newfound freedom to ask him, “Who are you? And who was the one who . . . who . . .”
“That was one of my bodyguards.” He pauses and stares at me, judging my reaction, and I try to stay still. “And they call me ‘The Living Death,’ but you can use my real name: Ashrael.”
“Ashrael,” I murmur.
When I wake up, I still have the last syllable on the tip of my tongue.
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spanishskulduggery · 2 years
this might be a dumb question but I just realized I can't think of the answer, so how would you say "the ____ one" (like "the apple one" or "the pink one" like picking something at a shop) <3
For that you use el/la plus an adjective. In general it requires you to know the gender of the thing you're pointing at, but there are ways around that
So say you're looking at a bunch of apples [la manzana, las manzanas]:
Quiero la roja. = I want the red one. Quiero la verde. = I want the green one. Quiero la rosa. / Quiero la rosada. = I want the pink one.
Now say you're looking at tomatoes [el tomate, los tomates]:
Quiero el rojo. = I want the red one. Quiero el verde. = I want the green one. Quiero el rosa. / Quiero el rosado. = I want the pink one. Quiero el naranja. / Quiero el anaranjado. = I want the orange one.
Also very common in clothing. So, say you're talking about shoes:
Quiero los blancos. = I want the white ones. Quiero los negros. = I want the black ones. Quiero los marrones. = I want the brown ones. Quiero los azules. = I want the blue ones. Quiero los rosas. = I want the pink ones.
Or dresses:
Quiero el morado. = I want the dark purple one. Quiero el lila. = I want the light purple one. Quiero el verde. = I want the green one. Quiero el amaraillo. = I want the yellow one. Quiero el rosa. = I want the pink one. Quiero el rojo. = I want the red one. Quiero el negro. = I want the black one.
At a store someone might say ¿Cuál quiere(s)? "Which one do you want?" and you can say El verde "The green one" for example.
Or you can describe something like... Quiero un vestido. Uno verde, largo, sin mangas "I would like a dress. A green one, long, and sleeveless"
Two little caveats.
First, like I said you generally have to know the gender of the thing you're talking about. There are ways to say like "this one/that one" using este/esta or ese/esa as sort of neutral if you don't know the gender of the thing.
You can also say things like la cosa "the thing", or just general things like la fruta "fruit" or other basic umbrella terms.
Second, especially with colors you're going to notice that some adjectives are derived from nouns themselves and don't change the endings for gendered things.
Up above la rosa is "a rose", but el rosa or el color rosa is "the color pink", and rosa as a color is considered unisex... so you'll see la camisa rosa "the pink shirt", el guante rosa "the pink glove", or los zapatos rosas "the pink shoes"
The other classic example of this is naranja "orange", where it comes from la naranja "orange (fruit)" but as a color is naranja with no changes.
Some common ones you'll come across in terms of color are often taken from fruit/food, flowers, wood, or metal:
rosa = pink rosado/a = pink, pinkish, rosey
naranja = orange anaranjado/a = orangey
marrón, marrones = brown
café = brown, coffee-colored
lila = light purple, lilac
lavanda = lavender, light purple
caoba = mahogany / auburn
castaño = chestnut, brown
ébano = ebony
marfil = ivory
bronce = bronze bronceado/a = bronzed, tan
plata = silver plateado/a = silvery
oro = gold de oro / dorado/a = golden
If you're a beginner you've probably seen rosado/a and anaranjado/a in your list of colors. They're a little less common than just plain rosa and naranja but I think they include it so you don't get confused
(Also in theory la manzana naranja "the orange apple" is viable but I think it might be a bit funny/confusing to say quiero la naranja if you're looking at apples, so maybe la anaranjada makes more sense? Though idk apples aren't usually orange so this is hypothetical)
Some examples: for shoes you might say los zapatos marrones "brown shoes"... and you may also see los zapatos cafés "brown shoes".
You typically see in vocab lists marrón as "brown", and often included is color café which is "coffee-colored"
*Side Note: For hair and eye color, you typically see castaño used for "brown". It's not considered right to be using marrón in this case. So you'd see el cabello castaño "brown hair" or los ojos castaños "brown eyes"... though you may also see moreno/a which is used for hair, skin, and eyes but just in general means "darker"
You also occasionally see other words created like this - a word that uses another noun as an adjective. As in la palabra clave "a key word", where la palabra is "word", and la clave as a noun itself is like "very important/basic" or "crucial information"
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scifigeneration · 7 years
In step toward controlling chemistry, physicists create a new molecule, atom by atom
UCLA physicists have pioneered a method for creating a unique new molecule that could eventually have applications in medicine, food science and other fields. Their research, which also shows how chemical reactions can be studied on a microscopic scale using tools of physics, is reported in the journal Science.
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For the past 200 years, scientists have developed rules to describe chemical reactions that they've observed, including reactions in food, vitamins, medications and living organisms. One of the most ubiquitous is the "octet rule," which states that each atom in a molecule that is produced by a chemical reaction will have eight outer orbiting electrons. (Scientists have found exceptions to the rule, but those exceptions are rare.)
But the molecule created by UCLA professor Eric Hudson and colleagues violates that rule. Barium-oxygen-calcium, or BaOCa+, is the first molecule ever observed by scientists that is composed of an oxygen atom bonded to two different metal atoms.
Normally, one metal atom (either barium or calcium) can react with an oxygen atom to produce a stable molecule. However, when the UCLA scientists added a second metal atom to the mix, a new molecule, BaOCa+, which no longer satisfied the octet rule, had been formed.
Other molecules that violate the octet rule have been observed before, but the UCLA study is among the first to observe such a molecule using tools from physics -- namely lasers, ion traps and ultra-cold atom traps.
Hudson's laboratory used laser light to cool tiny amounts of the reactant atoms and molecules to an extremely low temperature -- one one-thousandth of a degree above absolute zero -- and then levitate them in a space smaller than the width of a human hair, inside of a vacuum chamber. Under these highly controlled conditions, the scientists could observe properties of the atoms and molecules that are otherwise hidden from view, and the "physics tools" they used enabled them to hold a sample of atoms and observe chemical reactions one molecule at a time.
The ultra-cold temperatures used in the experiment can also be used to simulate the reaction as it would occur in outer space. That could help scientists understand how certain complex molecules, including some that could be precursors to life, came to exist in space, Hudson said.
The researchers found that when they brought together calcium and barium methoxide inside of their system under normal conditions, they would not react because the atoms could not find a way to rearrange themselves to form a stable molecule. However, when the scientists used a laser to change the distribution of the electrons in the calcium atom, the reaction quickly proceeded, producing a new molecule, CaOBa+.
The approach is part of a new physics-inspired subfield of chemistry that uses the tools of ultra-cold physics, such as lasers and electromagnetism, to observe and control how and when single-particle reactions occur.
UCLA graduate student Prateek Puri, the project's lead researcher, said the experiment demonstrates not only how these techniques can be used to create exotic molecules, but also how they can be used to engineer important reactions. The discovery could ultimately be used to create new methods for preserving food (by preventing unwanted chemical reactions between food and the environment) or developing safer medications (by eliminating the chemical reactions that cause negative side effects).
"Experiments like these pave the way for developing new methods for controlling chemistry," Puri said. "We're essentially creating 'on buttons' for reactions."
Hudson said he hopes the work will encourage other scientists to further narrow the gap between physics and chemistry, and to demonstrate that increasingly complex molecules can be studied and controlled. He added that one key to the success of the new study was the involvement of experts from various fields: experimental physicists, theoretical physicists and a physical chemist.
A key player in the research is already making a name for itself in Hollywood. A device called the integrated ion-trap-time-of-flight mass spectrometer, which was invented by Hudson's lab and which was used to discover the reaction -- was featured on a recent episode of the sitcom "The Big Bang Theory."
"The device enables us to detect and identify the products of reactions on the single-particle level, and for us, it has really been a bridge between chemistry and physics," said Michael Mills, a UCLA graduate student who worked on the project. "We were delighted to see it picked up by the show."
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maurodiaz-tricologo · 5 years
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Color natural con reflejos caoba y tratamiento de nalgas marinas con sellamiento con hielo. Whastapp 3188674776 #HairCare #haircolor #haircut #hairsalon #cabello #hair #CuidadoDelCabello #cabellosano #PeluqueriaBogota #peluqueria #Bogota #Tricologia #Tricologo #instalike #instafollow #InstaGood #Balayage #ombre (at Franklin Ramos) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8PIjIGlL87/?igshid=xps639lr36za
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markosking · 5 years
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⭐️ C O R R E C C I O N ⭐️ . . ⭐️ Dia de corrección de color para cata que tras varios intentos de sacar el residuo de una coloración caoba este fue el resultado !! ⭐️ . . ⭐️Exitoso resultado y aún nos falta una sesión más!! . . ⭐️ ⭐️ . ⭐️Para estos resultados maravillosos tenemos la proteccion de @schwarzkopfpro.chile @hairexpress_cl !! .⭐️ . . . . . #schwarzkopf @leonidashairdresser #morenasiluminadas #igoravibrance ##schwarzkopf #hair #hairstyle #haircolor #balayage #haircut #hairstyles #blonde #blondehair #behindthechair #ombre #blondme #hairstylist #highlights #beauty#schwarzkopfprofessional #fashion #haircolour #ombrehair #rubiosleonidas #blondeme #salon #skprochile #apassionforhair #madetocreate #darkhairbalayage #marcosacuñahair (en LEONIDAS hairdresser) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6oyGjkgHk1/?igshid=183hygcckzewy
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marymenchaca-blog · 6 years
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To the sound of the monstrance clock air is cleansed, assembled flock black candles burn, all minds aligned to the sound of the monstrance clock... #Monstrance #Clock #Ghost #hazel #eyes #white #skin #eyebrows #bite #lips #eyelashes #purple #red #caoba #hair #deep #multicolour #sight #freckless #winged #cat #eyeliner #music #lover #rocker (en Metepec) https://www.instagram.com/marievontrap99/p/BqskvsTH-HK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5crvhm1nxvce
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felixjasposts · 5 years
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En nuestra paleta de tintura disponemos de una gran variedad de colores cobre rojizos, que cada otoño vuelven a ser tendencia. Siempre dependiendo del tono de piel se define qué color va mejor para cada caso, desde el caoba, rojo intenso, hasta el naranja más vivo. Si te gustan los cobrizos, rojos o anaranjados, pero tienes dudas acerca del resultado, acude a tu salón Macavi, te asesoraremos en todo lo que necesites. #pelirojos #LeonorGreyl #EstiloMacavi  #Hairstyle #Hairdresser #Hairfashion #Hairlife #Hairdown #Hairup #Hairideas #Hairs #Hairsalon #Haircare #Hairporn #Hairpost #Hairdressing #Hairdone #peloideas #cebellos #peluqueriainfluencer #shampoo  #shampooing #santander #cantabria #spain @macaviperezgaldosmola #Peluquerosdemoda (en Macavi - Perez-galdos) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1vjCKWn4Qa/?igshid=28o92lzse47d
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