#Captain space Rasputin
dilfbracket · 1 year
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narrowing the dilfs down to a somewhat workable bracket was, by far, the one of the most nerve-rackings things we've ever done. it has kept us up for nights. bickering in the mods video call over this has ripped this family to shreds. the bracket was longer, shorter, and longer again as we pulled dilfs from the abyss to set them down into the arena. absolutely gutted that we couldn't include everybody, but if your dilf isn't on the main bracket, do not fear. we will not leave a dilf out in the cold to die without honor. they will have their moment.
the dilfs were ranked and seeded based on a very intricate rubric and vibes that included number of nominations so if you see a heavy hitter in a lower bracket than you'd expect, you've nobody but your fellow man to blame.
the first round of dilf death match arena contenders are below the cut. we'll work our way down the bracket with new polls roughly every day. first round seeds like hannibal and bob belcher get a bye week, due to their incredible energy catapulting them into top seed contention, and will not appear until round 2.
happy hunting!
p.s. some of your entries, including those that did not make the cut, shook us to our core and will forever be ingrained into our dna. congrats
Lord Asriel (His Dark Materials) vs Klaus Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals) WINNER: ASRIEL
Corvo Attano (Dishonored) vs Praxidike Meng (The Expanse) WINNER: CORVO
Hades (Hades the Game) vs Olivier Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood) WINNER: OLIVIER
Iroh (Avatar The Last Airbender) vs Frank Castle (The Punisher) WINNER: IROH
Iorek Byrnison (His Dark Materials) vs Mick Rory (Legends of Tomorrow) WINNER: IOREK
FitzChivalry Farseer (Realm of the Elderlings) vs Lawrence Gordon (SAW Franchise) WINNER: LAWRENCE
Rumplestiltskin (Once Upon a Time) vs Lord August Ruthven (Case Study of Vanitas) WINNER: RUMPLESTILTSKIN
Mortimer Goth (The Sims) vs Loid Forger (Spy x Family) WINNER: LOID
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs Father Blackwood (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) WINNER: FATHER BLACKWOOD
Lee Dong-sik (Beyond Evil) vs Dexter Morgan (Dexter) WINNER: LEE DONG-SIK
Joel Hammond (Santa Clarita Diet) vs Samuel Vimes (Discworld) WINNER: VIMES
Scott Lang/Ant-Man (MCU) vs Captain Christopher Pike (Star Trek Discovery/New Worlds) WINNER: PIKE
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney, Apollo Justice game #4) vs Davos Seaworth (Game of Thrones) WINNER: PHOENIX
Chris Argent (Teen Wolf) vs Octodad (Octodad) WINNER: OCTODAD
Rock Lee (Boruto) vs Jean Valjean (Les Miserables) WINNER: ROCK LEE
Norman (Pokemon Advanced Generation) vs Siegfried Farnham (All Creatures Great and Small 2020) WINNER: NORMAN
Waymond Wang (Everything Everywhere All At Once) vs The Mako (Mass Effect) WINNER: WAYMOND
Carlisle Cullen (Twilight) vs Piotr Rasputin/Colossus (X-Men)
Din Djarin (The Mandolorian) vs Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
Ted Lasso (Ted Lasso) vs Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton game series)
Izzy Hands (Our Flag Means Death) vs James Flint (Black Sails)
Ben Sisko (Star Trek Deep Space Nine) vs Marcus Kane (The 100)
Data (Star Trek) vs Ethan Winters (Resident Evil 8)
Geralt of Rivia (Netflix edition) vs Lan (Wheel of Time)
Columbo (Columbo) vs Kermit (The Muppets)
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds) vs Craig Cahn (Dream Daddies)
Dill (Easy A) vs Mr. Krabs (Spongebob)
Professor Utonium (The Powerpuff Girls) vs Coach Taylor (Friday Night Lights)
Heinz Doofinshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb) vs Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird)
Michael Bluth (Arrested Development) vs Ratchet (Transformers)
Thane Krios (Mass Effect) vs Lazslo (What We Do in the Shadows)
Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time) vs Li Haichao (Go Ahead)
Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) vs Hugh Neutron (Jimmy Neutron)
Mufasa (The Lion King) vs Yagi Toshinori (My Hero Academia)
Shrek (Shrek) vs Frontman (Squid Game)
Eddie the Rabbit (Empires SMP season 2) vs Pastramis (Tumblr)
Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man) vs The 12th Doctor (Doctor Who)
Cliff "Robotman" Steele (Doom Patrol) vs Bowser (Mario)
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fanartbyherd · 1 year
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So these drawings are from around the time I was first introduced to the mechanisms.
I had started listening to the band, and made my way through the four main story driven albums and some of the other mechanisms albums.
And I thought to myself, what do the, immortal villainous canabalistic, time traveling, dimension hopping, space pirate crew of the aurora do when they are not having fun! Violence…. Violence.
When there are no tales to be told.
What do they do then?
So I drew that!
Mischief what else?
Johnny being impatient when gunpowder tim paints his nails because Johnny has less coordination with that.
Brian and Ivy realizing that they have left the toy solider somewhere on some market planet when it got interested in some shiny trinket or weapon or what not.
NOW! to the main part. so bottom picture from the first image, and the large picture at the top of the second image. this was my solution to part of the questions on what they get up to in those more boring or sluggish times of existence. they hibernate... Wait! I actually wrote something for this! wonder what mindset I was in when I wrote it? I'll share what I wrote after the main post. it is mostly just fluff (???)
the next two images are stacked onto of each other one is of Johnny being absolutely awful at chores as he breaks all he touches. below that one is the toy solider braiding hair.
the final picture in the second image is that of Ashes scolding Brian, Johnny and Tim about tricking the Toy solider into doing their chores, mostly by that it follows any order. (now that im more familiar with the characters I think Brian was the wrong choice for this picture, perhaps raphiell or Ivy would have been a better choice, but this was one of my first pieces of mechanisms fanart.)
the final picture is of The toy solider painting a portrait of itself on a mirror because it has trouble with internal visualization.
along with the first planning and world building this (/pc) mess of an AU:
Alright as promised, I'm going to share the messy little thing I wrote about the mechanisms taking a nap. better context to the picture, whole found family in some twisted way.
(also I do in fact misspell all the names)
The mechanisms, domestic reprise. Featuring: Johnny De’vill (captain), Gun Powder Tim (explosions expert), Ashes O’reilly (quartermaster) Raphael La Cognizi (scientist), toy solider (itself), Ivy {red} (archivist), Nashtya Rasputin (shipwright), Drumbot Brian (pilot), Marious von Raum (“doctor”), the sentient starship auroura.
Ch1 (Johnny) there’s this rather interesting thing that happens when you are an immortal space faring pirate, it’s called downtime, never been much of a fan myself, but its unavoidable. Space is vast and sometimes it just takes a dame long time to get anywhere. Other times it’s just that the mortal people out there aren’t doing anything interesting, no wars, no disaster, no nothin’. I mean there’s technically something always going on, but that something doesn’t always involve us. the absolute atrocity.
So it is here we find ourselves on occasion…
Ch2. That time the mechanisms took a nap. (Johnny) Bein’ immortal and all we really don’t need to sleep, gee some of us like the toy solider, can’t. though things that it can’t do has never stopped it before and the same thing can be said about sleep. (Toy Solider) very true.
(Johnny) so even though none of us need too, on occasion we will still fancy ourselves for a nap. Some of us more than others.
(Nashta) We’ve in-fact made a rather nice room for it, deep in the bowls of the ship. With her permission of course.
(Johnny) of course.
(Brian) Yeah, made a good space too, stole a bunch of mattresses and jigsaw them together to cover the entire floor, threw some comfitures, sheets and pillows atop it.
(Ashes) Yes, it is quite cozy. The ship did have crew cabins at some point.
(Nashta) When we do sleep, we sometimes do it individually, though usually we do it as a group.
(Ivy) Quite rare actually for all of us to sleep at one time, the common thing for us is that half of us or a few more sleep, sometimes just three of us.
(Ashes) Though sometimes all of us just sleep together. Keep your mind out of the gutter Johnny. Either way we are all fixing to take a nap here soon.
(Johnny) O’reilly you flatter me, my mind is always in the gutter and you know you love me for it.
(Ashes) phfht, Shure if you say so.
(Brian) how long of a nap are we thinking this time?
(Ashes) a year or two.
(ivy) -looking at a book- our records is fifty years.
(Brian) Rumors say those where some of the most peaceful -if tense- fifty years the galaxy had known in a long time.
(Ivy) I for one am looking forward to being cozy. Ash makes a great pillow.
(Raphael) Agreed.
(Ivy) you also make a nice pillow. several of the other long naps were nice too. 
(Ashes) It did get much comfier when we decided to leave our weapons by the wall and not bring them to bed.
(Brian) yeah, I’d fancy not getting shot in the face by a misfiring again when we are supposed to be sleeping.  
(Tim) -walking in- yup, try getting shot three times by Johnny’s trigger-happy finger even in sleep.
(Johnny) Ah, well Tim, you liked it did you not?
(Tim) I…I’ll…
(Raphael) Oh! Oh! Remember that one twenty-year nap?
(Ivy) which one?
(Raphael) that one where all of us actually slept, even the toy soldier was doing it’s best pretending to sleep. (Marious) ah yes, the one where we were interrupted just a bit more than halfway through? (Nashta) Fools thought  Aroura was abandoned, just because something looks empty, dose not make something a piece of junk! (Ashes) Calm yourself Nashta. (Nashta) they were going to sell her for parts! (Ashes) yes, yes, but they are a red spot across the wall, can’t hurt aurora any more.
(nastasiya grumbels) (Brian) Also why we stay up in shifts now, that and to keep Toy Solider company. (Toy Solider)Yes! (Raphael) Don’t you get lonely toy solider?  (Toy Solider) No! of course not, I have all of you around me. Your presence keeps me company. (Tim) you ol’sap (Toy Solider) all of you also agreed to let me braid your hair as you sleep. (Ivy) *monotone* you also braid the hair of corpses on the battlefield. (Johnny) ‘bit of a curiosity if ya’ ask me. (Toy Solider) If I have nothing to do, I join you in sleep.   (Johnny) well you try. (Ashes) Toy Solider tries its best to pretend to sleep (Toy Solider) I do. (Tim) Yes, yes, Are we ready yet? I for one am eager to sleep, where’s a pillow? (Johnny) all the preparations are ready? (Marious) Finishing touches captain’ (Tim) *cough, co-captain, cough* (Jhonny) Ah Tim (Tim) what? (Johnny) Want to go a few rounds before turning in? (Tim) hmmm…ah Sure why not? (Johnny) Anyone else? (Ashes) Nah. (Toy Solider)… (Ivy) I’m good (Brian) next time by me (Raphael) Busy with marious preparing the nest. Giddy* (Marrious) Odd way to phrase it Raphe, I’d accept but as she stated. (Nashta) busy with the aroura  (Johnny) suit yourselves, come on Tim. (Ivy) I think a year nap will do us some good. *places down a handful of books. (Brian) I think so too. (Toy Solider) Agreed. (Ashes) we ready then? (Johnny) We were, once me and Tim finished our rounds we joined in the warm group, this was how we showed our greatest trust, we turned in. once we did the aroura dimed her lights and slowed her speed, as if she too joined us in our sleep. Of course, I don’t personify the ship. I’m not nashta, the dork.
-- I do believe my writing has improved slightly since this, but regardless this is fun for me. I also remember
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lit-works · 2 years
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"Be Careful, mein freund. She is their most dangerous player. We could lose all if she gets the advantage of us "
I note Nightcrawler's warning with a curt nod. My fellow X-Man's analysis of my opponent is quite accurate, but I'm dangerous too.
"I'm the best there is at what I do," I always say, and I don't say it just to boost my confidence. It just happens to be fact.
The woman opposite me holds a wooden bat, which I could shred into toothpicks with my adamantium claws, but that's not the way baseball is played.
"Come on, Logan! Play ball!" Storm shouts from first base. She's just hit a single, but the other bases are empty. It's the bottom of the 9th, with 2 outs, and her team is losing by one run. The next batter, the one Nightcrawler warned me of, is Rogue, and with her superhuman strength, I might as well kiss the ball goodbye when she hits it.
"Don't rush me, woman!" I growl back at Storm, who has proven to be as formidable a baseball team captain as she is a leader of X-Men. Even though she's been robbed of her supermutant abilities, she's a born leader and a real scrapper. To counter her shrewd line-up of batters, I must consider her strategy carefully.
Roberto Da Costa bats after Rogue, and I have no doubt I can strike that little twerp out. After all, he's only a New Mutant, the Junior class at Professor Charles Xavier's school for gifted Youngsters. Roberto is hot-headed and easily psyched out. But if Rogue gets an extra base hit, Storm may score and the game will be tied, and if Rogue hits a homer, the game will be over and her team will have won. And I hate to lose.
Storm is affectionately tousling the hair of my first baseman, Rahne Sinclair, another New Mutant. I can see that Storm is trying to put the girl off-guard, so she can try to steal a base. Fortunately, Rahne and Roberto's fellow student, my second baseman, Danielle Moonstar, is a tougher case. My 3rd baseman, the youngest X-Man on the active roster, Kitty Pride, has earned the nickname "The Executioner" for her ability to tag out anyone who reaches her territory.
I take one last look at Rogue and Da Costa from the pitcher's mound.
That girl is just achin' to clobber the hell out of that ball, I realize, noting the way she clenches the bat. A gentle spring breeze wafts the scent of her excitement to my nose. Even more interesting, though, is the admiration I see in Da Costa's eyes as the young man watches the batter preceding him.
If I walk Rogue, Roberto's gonna be offended, an' think he needs defend her honor. He may actually hype himself up an' bat better. Then I'll have to up against Chrome-Petey. Piotr Rasputin, also known as Colossus, though Russian-born, has adapted to the American pastime with a vengeance. He's their designated hitter. Walking Pete would tie the game. After Pete would be Sam Guthrie of the New Mutants, a pretty level-headed kid with a good eye. "I'm going to have to try something tricky here"I say out loud to myself.
I pitch the first two balls way outside. Rogue squints her eyes and stares daggers at me, certain that I intend to walk her. Then I throw one of my curves, which she misses by only a fraction of an inch. Possessing the seventh sense that once belonged to Ms.Marvel before Rogue stole it from her, the girl can sometimes anticipate things before they happen.
"Hit this one if you can, kid!" I whisper and throw an easy pitch with absolutely nothing on it.
Rogue swings with the fury of the righteous, and the super strength she also stole from Ms.Marvel. part of the ball flies off toward the right infield, but the other half, the jacket, flops to the ground near home plate.
Rogue takes off for first base, then slows ask she round the bag, uncertain if it's safe to continue. She decides to stay put.
Play halts as Magneto steps onto the field. Once the leader of The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, the hopefully reformed master of magnetism is now filling in for the presently space-faring Professor X. As a mentor of the New Mutants. Xavier has provided him with a cover identity, as his non-existent brother, Micheal Xavier. Magneto plucks the ball's shredded cover from the ground and walks toward the pitcher's mound, beckoning with his umpire's cap for Storm and Rogue to approach.
"I believe this is what's known as a rule-book double." Magneto says, raising an eyebrow in my direction.
Magneto reminds me of Professor X. Both of them are tall, blue-eyed, and eggheads. Still, I shift just a little, nervously under the old man's gaze. He's a pretty shrewd old man.
"Good call, Magneto!" Rogue dances over to 2nd base. Storm walks more thoughtfully to 3rd.
"We shall have to be more careful in the future as to the quality of balls we pitch to Rogue," Magneto warns me.
"Sure, Mikey," I answer with a grin. Magneto scowls at the nickname and walks back to his place behind home plate.
Roberto Da Costa walks cockily up to the plate, certain that he can bat as well, if not better than, Rogue. My original estimate of the solar-powered youngster soon proves correct. I throw two straight pitches close to his body. His temper flaring, he loses concentration. A few fast-balls and a curve later, and the kid's out.
"Pretty sneaky, Logan." Storm congratulates me.
"Thanks, Ororo. I try to keep my hand in."
"If you'll excuse me, I think I have some wounded egos to salve." The X-Men leader says.
I watch my defeated opponents stride off as my teammates approach to congratulate me. "Nice pitchin', Wolfie!" Kitty Pride chuckles, punching me fondly on the arm.
Just as Nightcrawler reaches his three-fingerer mitt out to congratulate me, I catch a smell in the air that only means trouble.
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wolfcat-hybrid · 2 years
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I posted 25,619 times in 2022
107 posts created (0%)
25,512 posts reblogged (100%)
[adding a read more. to be polite]
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,196 of my posts in 2022
#wolfy reblogs - 4,055 posts
#a q 2 u - 3,344 posts
#a queue 2 you - 400 posts
#transcarcinization - 174 posts
#wolfy speaks - 135 posts
#tofu-pofu - 119 posts
#dimension 20 - 91 posts
#disco elysium - 86 posts
#goncharov - 83 posts
#esrah-rah-rasputin - 83 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#me thinkin abt hivemind characters 💝💝💝💝💝💖💖💖💘💘💘💘💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💌💌💌
My Top Posts in 2022:
The reason I'm starting T
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[Image id: The "maybe the real money was the friends we made along the way" "no, I want my fucking gold." meme from Buzzfeed Unsolved's episode The Treacherous Treasure Hunt of Forrest Fenn edited to say "maybe the real transition was the changes we made along the way" "no, I want my fucking beard". End image id]
178 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
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[Image ID: A digital drawing of a camera under a red circle with a diagonal line through the middle. Above the image it says "please ask" under the image it says "before filming". All together it says "please ask before filming". End Image ID]
Work someplace where people film you without asking? Afraid of being posted online without your consent? I do! And I am!
I'm designing some decals and uploading them to redbubble, they're sized for buttons but work for stickers too. Feel free to download them, post them to Twitter, edit them, whatever.
Right now I only have this design, but I'm planning on making more. I'm open to suggestions!
179 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
As fun as the whole "the captain is acting weird and we're just not going to talk about it" is, I really hope in the future we get to see the brain slug addressed and like, fully welcomed by the crew as a unique being. I feel like "I have this person's memories and body but I'm not them" would go well with Sidney and Barry's themes of humanity-but-not-quite
219 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Was anyone going to tell me "von Raum" literally means "from space" or was I supposed to just find that out while doing german homework myself
397 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Endless void, and beyond counting, twinkling stars...
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You've never seen something this vast before.
[Photo ID: Digital fan art of Norman "Skipper" Takamori from Dimension 20's A Starstruck Odyssey. He's looking through a window into the vastness of space. Through his reflection you can see the stars. He has one hand pressed against the glass, the only part of the image you can't see space through, showing our point of view is from Skip himself. His eyes are green, extremely bloodshot, and in the middle of his eye a star- brighter than the rest- is visible. His mouth is slightly agape in wonder. End Photo ID.]
[Video ID: A silent time lapse of me drawing the above image. End video ID.]
See the full post
651 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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notwonderlandsworld · 3 years
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★- fluff
★- angst
★- platonic
★- smut
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Iron Man (General)
Tony Stark
-> Some Science Event ★★
-> Eventually ★
James Rhodes
-> Fic coming soon...
Pepper Potts
-> Fic coming soon...
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Captain America (General)
Steve Rogers
-> He Asked For No Pickles ★
-> Eventually ★
Sam Wilson
-> Cute and Smooth? ★★
Bucky Barnes
-> Winter Wonders ★
Black Widow (General)
Natasha Romanoff
-> Closest Friend ★
Yelena Belova
-> Fic coming soon...
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Thor (General)
Thor Odinson
-> Fic coming soon...
Loki Laufeyson
-> Fic coming soon...
-> Fic coming soon...
Hela Odinsdottir
-> Fic coming soon...
Bruce Banner
-> Fic coming soon...
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Black Panther (General)
-> Space-Techy ★★
Erik Killmonger
-> Fic coming soon...
-> Fic coming soon...
-> Fic coming soon...
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Shang-Chi (General)
Xu Shang-Chi
-> Changes ★
Xu Xialing Chi
-> Fic coming soon...
Katy Chen
-> Fic coming soon...
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WandaVision (General)
Wanda Maximoff
-> Fic coming soon...
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Spiderman (General)
Peter Parker
-> It's Not a Costume ★★
Harry Osborn
-> Fic coming soon...
Venom/Eddy Brock
-> Fic coming soon...
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DeadPool (General)
Wade Wilson
-> Don't Worry About Me ★
-> Deadpool x Fem!Reader Smut (Request) ★
Piotr Rasputin
-> Fic coming soon...
Neena Thurman
-> Fic coming soon...
Nathan Summers
-> Fic coming soon...
Angel Dust
-> Fic coming soon...
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OOC: RP Wishlist!
// While I’m sitting here waiting for my headache meds to work, I thought I’d put together a list of characters I’d love for my Doctor Strange to have an RP thread with, and some basic reasons why.
So, without further adieu and in no particular order:
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CAPTAIN MARVEL / CAROL DANVERS: Mainly because I LOVE Carol, and she’s got a fair amount of snark that could give Stephen a run for his money.  Also her powers, along with knowledge of alien worlds, could come in handy for Stephen.
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WONG:  I mean, come on.  How can Stephen be without Wong?  Of course, I’ll have to get my list of one-name celebrities for Strange to tease him with.
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THE ANCIENT ONE:  Doesn’t matter if she’s dead; I wouldn’t be surprised if the Ancient One’s astral form would find a way to come around and hold Stephen to the mark once in a while in case he starts to lose his focus or question his path.
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MAGIK/ILLYANA RASPUTIN(A):  She’s the Sorceress Supreme of the Limbo Dimension, and she can travel through time and space using Stepping Discs.  Since Strange can no longer travel through time, working with someone who can would be a benefit.
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CAPTAIN AMERICA/STEVE ROGERS:  I’d love for Doctor Strange to have a chance to work with Steve as fellow Avengers.  Also, I wouldn’t think magic is something that Steve would be overly used to dealing with, so that could be an interesting dynamic.
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BLACK WIDOW/NATASHA ROMANOFF:  ((DISCLAIMER: I have one Natasha I have a small plot going with, and another I wrote a starter for and they have yet to reply))  Like Cap, I doubt magic is a common thing in Natasha’s life, so it’d be cool to see how she’d deal with someone whose whole life revolves around it.  
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BLACK PANTHER/T’CHALLA:  ((Rest in Power, Chadwick Boseman.))  I’m fascinated by Wakanda and its history, and I also like how the Heart-Shaped Herb not only grants those who consume it enhanced speed, strength, agility, instincts, etc., it also allows them to communicate within the Astral Plane, which Strange is very familiar with.  It seems like that could be a good connecting point for the two characters.
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HAWKEYE/CLINT BARTON:  This is another one where I just really like the character, and I can see him having a love/hate relationship with magic, since it was magic that gave Loki control over him and cost the life of his closest friend.  He and Strange could either clash or find themselves getting along.
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IRON MAN/TONY STARK: Of course, I think it would be amazing for the two kings of sass to clash and, eventually, work together.  Strange and Stark didn’t really get along at first, but by the end of Infinity War, Strange begged for Thanos to spare Tony’s life knowing that the one future in which they’d defeat the Mad Titan required Tony to survive so he could make the ultimate sacrifice, and Strange mourned his death as though he’d lost a friend.
Mind you, this is just a wish list; I’m not expecting/asking anyone to create one of these characters just so I can interact with them.  The Marvel RP community is a vast landscape, so odds are my Doctor Strange will run into these characters at some point.  I just thought I’d share this list of characters I hope my Stephen will get to encounter.
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nann-the-explorer · 3 years
The first thing that happened was the wolf growled at Nann. "Hush Ras, this is Nann. She's my friend." it looked almost comical, the look on the wolfs face as he stared at Nann. Bright blue eyes stared into her own as if he was assessing her. He turned to Arianna and made a whimpering noise, his ears flattening. She looked to Nann apologetically. "Sorry, he can sense Ituith’ryiel." *turns back to Ras* "it's OK, I know and he's not a threat to us. Now let's go back to the others." Arianna couldn't stop smiling, she was reunited with Ras! She was practically buzzing. He followed the two women closely, just who else had Arianna befriended in such a short space of time? Two humans were in the village centre, both had a unique scent about them. One smelt of medicine and the other smelt like a subtle cologne. It was either from an almost empty bottle or a rarely used one. "Captain! Doctor! May I introduce to you Rasputin de Lune." Arianna had a degree of pride in her voice. Ras looked at the captain and inclined his head in a bow but soon his attention was back on Nann again. "Did you find anything interesting?" she asked the Doctor and captain. Ras let out what sounded like a sigh as he sat next to Nann. Doctor Kirkham again mentioned checking inside one of the houses but as she approached the nearest front door. "Do not open the door doctor. The villagers are highly contagious." the three crew members looked around searching for the owner of the voice. Arianna nodded, "Have you seen the Shaman?" Nann was the first to realise it was Ras talking. "yes, she is in a cave on the other side of the village. She wanted to check the water was still clean, I saw the cluster of storm clouds in the distance and guessed it was you." Arianna smiled at the wolf. "You were correct. I'm so relieved you are unhurt. We found a polymorph just outside the fields." Ras nodded sagely "He's been creeping around the village the last few nights. It's another reason why we shut the sick inside… he has already fed on the chickens and a couple of goats, well, the few that were still OK." Ras wandered behind a fence but continued to talk. "whatever spread this sickness has other goals too. The sickness seems to be a way of making its prey weak. The children were the last to get ill. I tried to protect them but they wanted to care for the elders. When I arrived at the village a fight had just finished. There were villagers laying outside barely able to breath. Something had taken their children." A man with hair the colour of moonlight re-emerged from behind the fence. His hair was tied back in a loose half up half down style exposing his pointed ears, he was six foot tall and was as pale as Arianna. It made his blue eyes seem even brighter. He was dressed in jeans with a black three quarter length shirt and soft brown boots. A black chord wrapped around his neck with a small hematite stone pendant. His arms had similar rune markings up his forearms, unlike Arianna's, his were black. "let me take you to Rowana. She isn't far." Ras led the way and Arianna fell into step with Nann. "Ras is an elf like me. Though he has his own special qualities." she lowers her voice. "he is cursed with the moon of the lycan. Unlike those who are bitten, he has the ability to control his form. Changing from elven to wolf whenever he desires. There is more but it is not my place to say. Maybe he will tell you sometime. We have known each other for over one hundred years."
Nann backed up a little as Ras growled at her. They weren't to surprised, that the wolf reacted this way, but still, they were cautious about it. Ituith'ryiel growled at the back of their mind.
*Nann! Make that furball stop looking at us this way, or I'll do it.*
Nann whispered a little warning at Ituith'ryiel through her gritted teeth.
*Stop it, you will behave, you outsized squid! He's just as cautious about you as you are about him.*
Eventually, the wolf's mistrust seemed to fade a little, as Arianna introduced them to each other and made clear, that Nann was not a threat. Nann couldn' help but smile at Arianna's excitement about the return of her companion and wondered if they would ever reach a point where they'd miss Ituith'ryiel this way if he were gone.
Dr. Kirkham smiled as Arianna came back with her companion and the Captain returned the little polite bow to Ras. Nann chuckled a little, as Ras finally sat next to them with a cute little sigh. They wanted to pet him, but weren’t too sure if he was so happy about that.
*I am happy that you found your friend this fast. As for your question ... the totems were destroyed on purpose as it seems, as if someone wanted to erase the children from the vilagge's history. We didn't look into the houses, though, the risk of also getting infected is too high.*
Dr. Kirkham growled a little at the Captain's words and shook her head.
*This is awful, Samuel, I can't let sick people simply suffer. I swore a medical oath!*
She wanted to disobey. Not the first time in her long period of serving with the Captain and he was used to argue a lot with her about that. Yet, he couldn't think of a more capable ship's doctor.
But just as she was about to open one of the doors of the small houses, they heard a pleasant male voice speaking. First, they were unsure who that voice belonged to, until Nann looked at Ras with big eyes.
*Good galleon, that was you ...?*
The ship's crew listened closely to the conversation of Ras and Arianna and what Ras told them about his findings in the village. They weren't too surprised, when he changed his appreance from an animal to a tall man that looked similar to Arianna in many ways. They had seen their fair share of morphing beings today, so as long as Arianna trusted him, they would too. The Captain, however, growled a little disappointed.
*Thank you for all these informations. But as far as I understand it, you don't know the culprit either yet? We really should speak with that shaman ... maybe she knows more about this or at least has a hint on what is going on.*
Captain Alardice now was content, as Ras took the lead to the shaman, who's name obviously was Rowana. They followed the white haired man to the place, the shaman had retreated and Nann listened to Ariannas storie of Ras with a little smile on their face. Although they were happy now that they didn’t had tried to pet him as a wolf. That would now have been rather embarrassing.
*I see, he's a truly interesting person. And somehow he seems very curious about Ituith’ryiel and me …*
The cave, where they were supposed to meet the shaman was remarkable. The entrance seemed rather inconspicuous at first, but the inside looked like a crystal wonderland of opal and nacre. Nann was overwhelmed at the sight, while Captain Alardice was more interested to meet the shaman. The middle-aged woman sat at the spring of a little river, her hair had the color of a bonfire and curled in a huge wave all over her head and shoulders. She wore a robe that had little bones, dry leaves and wood sewn into it. The pattern on the robe resembled the markings on the totems, indicating that she was deeply connected with the village and the nature surrounding it. She had her back turned on the group but still could recognize who was nearing.
*Who have you brought me, Ras? One of your kind. But the others seem troubled by a curse themselves … *
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sweetvixen1996 · 4 years
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3
Mentions of the Starjammers- a team of space pirates led by Corsair AKA Christopher Summers who is the father of Scott Summers/Cyclops, Alex Summers/Havok, and Gabriel Summers/Vulcan. 
Introducing the Shi’ar, a very importance alien race in the X-Men mythos. In fact, Professor Charles Xavier actually has a daughter (kind of), Xandra Nermani, with a member of the Shi-ar royal family, Lilandra. Lilandra’s sister, Deathbird, was is married Vulcan and pregnant with his child. 
Black Panther 2
Ororo Munroe/Storm- An omega-level mutant once worshiped as goddess, Storm and T’Challa were once childhood sweet-hearts and were actually married for sometime -making Storm queen consort of Wakanda- in the comics before divorcing due to a number of factors including working long hours and the Avengers being dicks to the X-Men. Storm was the first major female character of African descent in comics and is regarded by many as being Marvel Comics' most important female superhero so even a mention or allusion to her would be awesome. 
Namor- There have been a lot of talk about Namor showing up in, or even being a villain, in BP2 and that would be an excellent introduction of King of Atlantis into the MCU. Namor is half-mutant and half-atlantian so he tends to have an interesting relationship with the X-Men which can best be summed up as -he doesn’t hate them as much as he hates other surface dwellers. In fact, Namor even developed quite the endearing relationship with the Young X-Men member Loa, whose grandmother he was friends with. It was even hinted that Loa herself was actually Namor’s granddaughter. 
Adamantium- Most famous as the unbreakable substance that coats the Wolverine’s bones, adamantium was created in a lab by Dr. Myron MacLain for the government in an attempt to reproduce the vibranium alloy he had made for Captain America's shield. It is stronger than vibranium but not nearly as versatile. Considering Shuri’s own genius, it would make sense for this metal to be metaled. 
Gentle- Nezhno Abidemi was the son of a Wakandan woman and a Russian man. All his life Nezhno was persecuted and rejected, even by his own mother, because his father was an outsider, and it was from him whom Nezhno inherited his X-Gene. Nezhno was raised at the Royal Court of Wakanda. When his mutant powers manifested, Ororo Munroe, the new queen of Wakanda, advised her husband King T'Challa to send Nezhno to the Xavier Institute learn how to control his powers. It would be kind of neat for the one of the first mutants in the MCU to come from Wakanda. 
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Weapon Plus Program- Within the MCU, the Weapon Plus Program is an attempt by the US Government to recreate the super solider serum the created Captain America that eventually led to the creation of the Hulk and the Abomination. However, this program would go through several iterations with Weapon X is the tenth iteration of the Weapon Plus program. Weapon X’s most (in)famous creation would be the Wolverine. 
Bucky’s Flashbacks- Logan AKA the Wolverine is an OLD man and fought in many wars, including WWII. On several occasions, Logan fought alongside Captain America and Bucky... sometimes they even rescued a young Magneto from the concentration camp he was trapped in. 
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
America Chavez- While not confirmed, it is suspected that America Chavez AKA Miss America will be in Doctor Strange 2. One of Chavez powers is the ability to open doorways to other dimensions so perhaps, with these powers we can see dimensions such as Limbo (a hell-like dimension ruled my New Mutant character Illyana Rasputin/Magik) or even the infamous ‘Punch Dimension,’ from which (according to some sources) Cyclops optic beams come from.
The Eternals
Origins- LOOOOOONG story short, the experimentation on primitive humans that created the Eternals also gave humans the capacity to become mutants, meaning that the two groups of characters are definitively linked by a shared creator. Specifically, the X-Gene was engineered by Oneg the Prober (whose name I really hope they change). 
Black Knight- The Black Knight that will be appearing in the film, Dane Whitman, is the latest in a long line of warriors to wield the cursed Ebony Blade and one of the previous Black Knights was a man named Eobar Garrington who was various close friends with the omega-level mutant Bennet du Paris/Exodus, who would grow to become one of Apocalypse’s greatest servants. Perhaps a family story or two would make mention of this fearsome creature. 
Apocalypse- Speaking of the Mutant Immortal, the Externals are likely some of the only beings old enough and strong enough to have met old En Sabah Nur and can still talk about it. Also, part of what makes the Big A such a threat is his access to Celestial technology, including a snazzy set of armor. Oh the stories they could tell...
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marvelzombiesrp · 4 years
Taken Characters (October 2020)
Bruce Banner • The Hulk
James "Bucky" Barnes • The Winter Soldier
Clint Barton • Hawkeye
Carol Danvers • Captain Marvel
Jessica Drew • Spider-Woman
Pietro Maximoff • Quicksilver
Wanda Maximoff • The Scarlet Witch
Peter Parker • Spider-Man
James “Rhodey” Rhodes • War Machine
Steve Rogers • Captain America
Natasha Romanoff • Black Widow
Tony Stark • Iron Man
Hope Van Dyne • The Wasp
T'Challa • Black Panther
St. John Allerdyce • Pyro
Alison Blaire • Dazzler
Betsy Braddock • Psylocke
Meggan Braddock • Gloriana
Lorna Dane • Polaris
Bobby Drake • Ice Man
Jean Grey-Summers
Megan Gwynn • Pixie
James "Logan" Howlett • Wolverine
Julian Keller • Hellion
Gabby Kinney • Honey Badger
Laura Kinney • Wolverine
Anna Marie LeBeau • Rogue
Remy LeBeau • Gambit
Jubilation Lee • Jubilee
Hank McCoy • Beast
Ororo Munroe • Storm
Kitty Pryde • Shadowcat
Piotr Rasputin • Colossus
Jonothon Starsmore • Chamber
Alex Summers • Havok
Hope Summers
Nathan Summers • Cable
Scott Summers • Cyclops
Kurt Wagner • Nightcrawler
Warren Worthington III • Angel
Teen/YA Heroes
Teddy Altman • Hulkling
Ava Ayala • White Tiger
Kate Bishop • Hawkeye
Karolina Dean • Lucy in the Sky
Billy Kaplan • Wiccan
Tommy (Shepherd) Maximoff • Speed
Miles Morales • Spider-Man
Nadia Van Dyne • The Wasp
Fantastic Four/Future Foundation
Ben Grimm • The Thing
Johnny Storm • The Human Torch
Agent Phil Coulson
Agent Leo Fitz
Agent Lance Hunter
Agent Melinda May
Agent Bobbi Morse • Mockingbird 
Agent Jemma Simmons
From Space With Love
Luna Maximoff
Gamora zen Whoberi
Brunnhilde • Valkyrie
Thor • The God of Thunder
Charlie Coulson
Pepper Potts
Elysia Santana-Persopoulos • Aoide
Rebekah Winters • Thylacine
Villains/Grey Characters
Raven Darkholme • Mystique
Felicia Hardy • Black Cat
Erik Lehnsherr • Magneto
Quentin Quire • Kid Omega
Monet St. Croix • M
Loki • The God of Mischief
Cindy Moon • Silk
Stephen Strange • Dr Strange
TJ Wagner • Noctourne
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master-sass-blast · 4 years
Children of the Gods -Part One.
Summary: There's a new force to be reckoned with on the horizon, a force that goes by the name of Allison Ricci. Having lost her family, she's out for blood and vengeance --specifically, Frank Castle's. And, having taken Karen Page hostage, it seems like she's liable to get it. By teaming up with Frank to save Karen, can you and your friends and family stop Allison's quest for revenge? ...Only one way to find out.
Rating: T for moderate violence, gun violence, and mention of death.
Pairing(s): Piotr Rasputin x Reader, Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson, and Frank Castle x Karen Page.
Set after Hunter and Hunted.
Taglist: @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie, @super-darkcloudstudent, @girl-obsessed-with-things, @starman-canos-thorsus-jock
You eye the abandoned looking warehouse with grim determination. “You’re sure about this?”
“Dead sure,” Nathan says as he checks his gun over. “She’ll be here.”
Your Dad-in-every-way-but-biological and Wade had called in a request to have the X-Force help them with a mission earlier today: rescuing a kidnapped person, retrieving a potentially violent mutation for rehabilitation, nothing too out of the ordinary.
It wasn’t until you, Piotr, Ellie, Yukio, and Russell (the newest X-Men trainee cleared for field work) had gotten on the jet –Neena was hitching a ride with Wade—that Nathan had sent you the rest of the details: that the kidnapped person was Karen Page, the potentially violent mutant was a “victim” of Frank’s punishing sprees, and that Frank was also present to rescue his girlfriend.
Because, you know, nothing’s ever easy.
“You’ve got five seconds to get moving, Summers, or I’m gonna blow this place open,” Frank growls, clad in black and his spray painted tack vest and looking angrier than you’ve ever seen him.
“Patience,” Nathan fires back. “We can’t rush this.”
“I’m gonna rush a few bullets up your ass if you don’t hurry the fuck up.”
“If it counts for anything,” Neena says, eyeing the warehouse uneasily, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this one.”
“Easy, Kenobi,” Wade says as he holsters his pistols. “Or would you be Han Solo?”
“I’ve always seen myself as a Leia.”
Wade nods. “Who wouldn’t want to be Carrie Fisher.”
“Wilson, shut your fucking trap or I will shut it for you—”
“Hey.” You step between Frank and Wade before Frank can slug your adoptive brother. “Give my dad two minutes. He’s probably just making sure we aren’t walking into any traps or massive amounts of back up. Karen’ll be fine. Hell, she’s probably already found a way to free herself.”
“Won’t be any back up,” Nathan says as he scans the warehouse. “The target’s name is Allison Ricci, daughter of Andrew Ricci. His recent death—”
“Courtesy of Captain S-and-M here,” Wade interjects, gesturing over at Frank.
“—means that she doesn’t have access to the money that hires extra muscle, considering Mr. Ricci’s accounts were frozen upon his death for criminal investigation.”
“Then what the fuck are we waiting for?” Frank hisses.
“Is there even point in my saying ‘language?’” Piotr asks in a resigned, albeit pointed, tone.
“Probably fucking not,” Ellie says while she taps at her phone.
You bite back a laugh while Piotr merely shoots his mentee a look.
“We’re waiting,” Nathan interjects, regaining control over the conversation, “for me to locate where Allison and Karen are. The less time we waste on this, the better.”
“We’re already wasting time, Summers,” Frank snarls, stomping away from the group. “Fuck it, I’m going in by myself—”
“They’re in a storage room on the West side,” Nathan pipes up. “There’s a bay door there used for unloads. We’ll use that one.”
You quickly follow after Frank as he books it over to the West side of the warehouse, flying low over the ground to keep up with him. “Try to not rush into this. Dad didn’t say anything about Allison’s mutation, which means we don’t know what we’re up against.”
“Don’t tell me what to fucking do.” Frank tries a regular door next to the massive bay door on the West side of the warehouse, then rears back to kick it open when it winds up being locked.
“Holy fuck!” You dive between Frank and the door before he can hurt himself. “Dude! Chill the fuck out for, like, two seconds.” You focus your powers on the doorknob, and within five seconds the lock clicks and the door swings open.
Frank brushes past you brusquely, gun sights aimed on the empty hallway. He scans the space, then advances down the hall when he deems it safe.
You cast a glance over your shoulder to make sure that everyone else is following along, then head in after Frank.
Two steps past the door and you can hear Karen talking to someone else –someone with a higher pitched, noticeably feminine voice.
“That’s gotta be Allison,” you whisper to Frank, who nods back before closing in on the loading bay.
You fly after him –so as not to make added noise—and brace yourself for any number of possible threats: guns, grenades, an arsenal of pointy objects…
But what you see in the loading bay is nothing like what you expected.
Karen is there, yes, sitting on a folding chair and looking pretty good, all things considered. However, the only other person in the dusty concrete and metal room is a young girl with a severe, thin face, dark eyes with darker undereye bags, and dark brown curly hair. The girl –presumably Allison, if Nate’s intel is anything to go by—has a pistol in her hand, aimed at Karen’s head. She looks like she hasn’t slept in a few days, possibly longer.
You blink, stunned. She can’t be older than thirteen.
Frank seems to be taken aback by the sight of the girl as well. He freezes in the shadows for a moment, then lowers his gun a tick before stepping into the light. “Karen.”
The girl’s eyes widen when she sees Frank, and her face contorts with rage as he walks towards them. “You! You fucking bastard—” She presses the muzzle of her gun against Karen’s temple, which makes Karen grimace. “Don’t come one step closer, or I’ll paint the floor with her brains.”
“Easy, kid,” Frank says, much calmer than he would normally address anyone threatening to hurt Karen, which you suspect has everything to do with the fact that he’s facing down an actual kid. “No one has to get hurt.”
“People are already hurt, shithead!” the girl fires back, teeth clenched. “One more won’t make any fucking difference.”
“Hey, hey.” You quickly step between Frank and the girl, hands outstretched. “Let’s just take a deep breath, okay? You must be Allison, right?”
“Who the fuck are you? Are you with him? Stay the fuck away from me, or I’ll—”
“I’m not with him,” you interject quickly, doing your best to be soothing. “My name is Y/N, and I’m with the X-Men. I’m here to help you. Are you Allison? I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“No, you haven’t,” Allison fires back, face screwed up in a defiant sneer. “And the only way you can help me is by killing him.”
“No can do, babyface.” Wade skips into the room, borderline irreverent. “The Mutant Boyscouts are pretty big on the whole ‘no killing’ thing. Also, you’re so tiny! You’re practically a fetus! Nate, you didn’t mention we were picking up a literal infant, you inconsiderate dickhole. I would’ve brought the baby clothes from the last time I got my legs ripped off!”
“Sorry, sweetheart, I’ll make sure to mention it next time,” Nathan says, eyes focused on Allison. “Put the gun down, Allison. Enough people have been hurt already.”
“The only person hurt here has been me!” Allison shrieks, erratically aiming her gun at Karen’s head, Nate, Frank, you, then back to Karen. “Stay back! I’ll fucking do it!”
Russell steps forward, looking decidedly nervous but simultaneously determined. “Look, I know you’re hurt. I know you’re scared. I’ve been where you are; I’ve wanted the same kind of vengeance. So take it from someone who knows, it doesn’t help anything. Only innocent people wind up getting hurt instead.”
“You don’t know jack shit,” Allison hisses, eyes narrowed into slits.
“Put the gun down, Allison,” Russell persists, hands shaking but shoulders squared. “The X-Men are good people. They helped me, and they can help you. It doesn’t have to end like this.”
“Oh, this isn’t about ‘have to,’” Allison spits out, voice hoarse and gravelly. “This is about going to. And ‘this’ is going to end with her brains all over this fucking floor!”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Frank shouts, drawing Allison’s attention to him. “I’m the one you’re mad at, okay. Me! Not her. You’re angry at me, and I understand that, but you don’t have to take it out on her.” He nods at Karen. “She didn’t have anything to do this.”
“Did my mom have anything to do with your murder spree? Huh? Did my brothers have anything to do with it? No, no. I wake up, and I find my mom’s and my dad’s and my brother’s brains and blood everywhere, and I find their faces and bodies obliterated by your fucking bullets, and I see your skull fucking spraypainted on the dining room wall, and… no. No! You have to understand, Castle! You have to understand what it’s like to lose everything you ever loved!”
“Isn’t his whole backstory technically about understanding just that?” Wade mutters.
“Shut up!” Allison screams. “All of you!” She cocks the gun, then presses the muzzle against Karen’s temple, holding the other side of the woman’s head to keep her from flinching away. “This conversation is done!”
Karen closes her eyes, lips pursed and brow furrowed but otherwise remarkably calm.
“Hey!” Frank shouts, holding his hand out. “Put that gun down!”
“Yeah, for fuck’s sake, you’re gonna shoot your own hand off if you do it like that!” Wade adds.
The look Frank shoots your brother is nothing short of murderous.
“What? I’m not wrong.”
Fortunately, before Allison can kill Karen or Frank can –temporarily—kill Wade, the loading bay door rolls open, heaved up by none other than your husband.
The ruckus distracts Allison, which gives Nathan the opportunity to yank the gun out of her hand and knock her away from Karen via telekinesis.
Karen practically dives away from Allison as soon as the gun’s away from her head, quickly darting away from her captor and towards Frank.
Frank quickly latches onto Karen and shoves her behind him, effectively acting as a standing shield between her and everyone else. “You okay?”
Karen nods, gaze still fixed on Allison—
Who looks like someone kicked her puppy and stole her ice cream. If the context were different, the expression of frustration on the teen’s face would be adorable.
“God, she’s like some type of… murder baby,” Wade stage whispers. “Cute, yet deadly. Like an ocelot.”
“That is enough of violence and aggression,” your husband says as Yukio and Ellie step out from behind him. “Please. Come with us quietly, and we can help you—”
“I don’t want your fucking help!” Allison snarls as she scrambles her feet, quickly backing away from everyone. “You’re helping him!” She points an accusatory finger at Frank. “He fucking murdered my family!”
Piotr grimaces before quickly regaining his composure. “I assure you, that is not case.” He takes a step towards Allison, hands held up reassuringly. “If you would just come with us—”
Allison bares her teeth in a vicious snarl –and then her eyes start glowing blue. “Stay the fuck away from me!”
“Uh, what do you do when the baby starts glowing?” Wade asks, head whipping between you and Allison.
Before you can answer –or react to Allison’s sudden light display—the thirteen year-old unleashes a blast of energy from her hands, whipping it like a softball straight at your husband’s chest.
Piotr rockets through the bay door with a guttural yell, ripping the sheet of metal off its tracks with a horrific, deafening screech. He bounces across the concrete parking lot, groaning and grunting as he goes.
“Holy shit!” Russell shrieks.
“Uh, Houston?” Wade babbles nervously, drawing his katanas while Allison’s eyes start letting off wisps of blue smoke. “I think we have an angry baby Kryptonian on our hands –shit!”
You duck as Allison shoots a bolt of energy from her eyes, taking a chunk out of the concrete wall behind all of you. “Fuck! Allison, calm down; let us—”
Allison shrieks, then whips another blast of energy at all of you before aiming a beam of energy from her eyes at Karen.
You wind up with Frank and Karen as you all try to stay away from the scorching stream of energy. Concrete chunks fall off walls and rain down from the ceiling, and you shove Frank and Karen out of the way from a truck-sized piece before sending a gust of wind at Allison –only hard enough to knock her off balance. “Allison! Stop! That’s enough.”
Allison responds by gritting her teeth –then screaming before slamming her fists against the ground.
Blue light shoots along the floor and up the walls –and then the building starts to crumble.
“Let’s go!” Frank shouts, partially hunched over Karen to protect her. “This shithole’s coming down!”
You direct Russell, Ellie, and Yukio out the broken bay door –with some help for your husband, who’d gotten up in time to hold part of the collapsing wall up—then turn back to Allison. “Allison! Come on! We need to go!”
By way of response, Allison merely sends more pulses of energy into the ground, speeding up the collapse of the warehouse by ten. “I’m taking you fuckers with me!”
“Kid, we need to go!” Nate yanks on your arm, forcing you to follow him, Wade, Neena, Frank, and Karen out through the steadily collapsing bay door. “Come on!”
Piotr ducks away from the warehouse as the rest of you dart out, then quickly hunches over you and the teens, shielding you all from any flying chunks of rock or rebar.
The warehouse shakes, groans, then collapses with a gut-clenching crunching noises, spewing dust and shards of glass into the air.
You peer over your husband’s steel shoulder when the worst of the cacophony finally settles. “Shit.”
“Did she…” Russell looks up at you, eyes wide. “Could she… is it even…”
You grimace.
The color drains from Russell’s face, and he gulps. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
“Try to find some grass to upchuck in!” Wade shouts as Russell darts away from everyone. “It’s less likely to splatter against your face if you don’t puke on asphalt!”
“Shut up, dipshit,” Ellie grumbles as she brushes dust and dirt off her uniform. She stands, eyes the wreckage of the warehouse, then shoots a concerned look at her mentor. “Did she… really take herself out?”
Piotr sighs heavily. “Loss can do strange things to people. She was already heavily agitated when we reached her. There likely was nothing we could do.”
You wrap an arm around Ellie’s and Yukio’s shoulders, then glance over in Frank and Karen’s direction.
Surprisingly enough, Karen seems to be the one holding Frank up right now, even though she was the one that was abducted and had a gun held to her head.
But, then, perhaps it isn’t surprising at all. Wade’s told you chapter and verse about how Frank does not like hurting innocents. If he’d thought he was facing off with an adult –someone fully brought into the Ricci crime family—and found himself staring at a teenager instead…
A teenager that appears to have just committed suicide after losing her family to a Punisher spree…
Yeah. This whole situation is fucked.
Neena grimaces, gaze still fixed on the warehouse as she hands newly returned Russell a water bottle. “I don’t know. This doesn’t feel done just yet.”
“Seems done to me,” Frank murmurs hoarsely, looking somewhat shell-shocked.
“We should probably leave,” Wade says, slowly sheathing his katanas. “Don’t wanna be caught near a collapsed building with a dead kid’s body in it.”
Everyone slowly makes to leave, heading towards respective vehicles—
Except Nathan, who is fixated on an electronic readout mounted to his techno-organic arm. He’s frowning, flipping through various future records and completely oblivious to everyone else.
“Nate-y-kins,” Wade says in a sing-songy voice. “We’re leaving. Vamoosing. Gettin’ a move on, pardner. Come on, Gramps, it’s toaster strudel time.”
You brow furrows when Nathan doesn’t respond; he always responds to Wade, and you also know for a fact that Wade just busted out two nicknames that Nate isn’t particularly fond of in front of everyone else. “Dad? You okay?”
“Yeah…” he mutters, still distracted as he keeps flipping through electronic files. “Just… checking…”
“What’s the earliest onset age of dementia for robotic geezers?” Wade stage whispers to you, which gets a few giggles out of Yukio and Russell.
“Neena’s right,” Nate pipes up, silencing Yukio’s and Russell’s laughter. “Something’s wrong. There’s no death date for Allison in her records.”
“Maybe the Matrix is taking its sweet time to update,” Wade suggests, rolling his eyes. “She dropped a building on herself, Cabes. Only person who can come back from that is me.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Nathan mutters, redrawing his gun as he starts towards the warehouse. “We need to recover Allison’s body and confirm her death.”
Before he can so much as take another step, though, there’s a brief flash of light around Karen’s feet –and then Allison pops halfway out of the ground, grabs Karen’s legs, and starts yanking her under.
Karen lets out a startled shriek and flails desperately for the closest handhold. “Frank!”
Frank lets out a desperate howl of Karen’s name, diving for her and catching her. He hooks his arms under her armpits and hugs her close, holding her up so everything above her hips is still above ground.
Allison snarls. “Let go!”
Frank catches a bolt of energy to the chest and goes sailing backwards with a grunt, knocking into you and Wade and taking the two of you down to the asphalt with him.
“Oh, god,” Wade groans. “This is not how I wanted to get Frank Castle on top of me. Dude! What did you eat for breakfast? Despair and cement?”
Nathan’s the next closest, since he’s the only one that can fend off Allison’s blasts of energy with his telekinesis. He manages to grab Karen’s arm before her shoulders disappear underground. He clasps something around her wrist, says something in her ear—
And then he releases his grip, and both Karen and Allison disappear underground.
The scream that Frank lets out is heart wrenching, somewhere between a wounded animal and the sound of grief incarnate.
“Why did you let her go?” he seethes, advancing on Nathan in a storm of rage. “I’m gonna fucking rip your limbs off, Summers; I’m gonna—”
“We weren’t going to get her out of the transportation spell without ripping her limbs apart,” Nathan spits out, quickly backing away from Frank while raising a telekinetic shield. “I put a tracking device on her wrist so we can follow her wherever Allison takes her.”
Frank’s hand shakes as he points at Nathan. “If –if anything happens to her… I swear to God, if anything happens to Karen—”
“They’re at Spring Heights Memorial Park,” Nate says once the display on his techno-organic arm pings. “And Karen’s still alive.”
“What direction?” you ask, extending a hand to Frank. “I’ll fly the two of us there. The rest of you can catch up.”
“Northeast, ten miles.”
You nod, then loop your arm around Frank’s waist. The two of you get a running start, then take off into the night sky.
You just hope you make it there in time.
 The Spring Heights Memorial Park is dark, completely abandoned, by the time you and Frank reach it –but you can hear Karen arguing with Allison as soon as you land at the cemetery’s entrance.
Frank bolts towards the sound of Karen’s voice, weaving through the rows of headstones and plaques with the ease of someone who makes running around in the dark a regular habit.
(You, a person who does not make running around in the dark a regular habit, opt to fly to avoid tripping and faceplanting onto one of the headstones.)
“I understand that you’re hurting, but that doesn’t give you the right to hurt others—”
“You’re dating the fucking Punisher! All he does is hurt people because he got hurt!”
You follow Frank around another tree, then practically run right over Karen and Allison.
(Well, Frank does. You don’t because… you’re flying… yeah.)
Karen has Allison’s gun –she must have wrestled it off of her at some point—and is aiming it at the ground, gaze locked on Allison. Allison looks like she fell and hadn’t thought to get back up yet, and looks somewhat startled by the entire situation.
“Easy, easy,” Frank says when Allison’s face screws up at the sight of him. “You stay right where I can see you.”
“Or what?” Allison challenges, sneering. “You’re gonna shoot me? You’re gonna fucking shoot a thirteen year-old girl?” She scoffs when Frank’s face twitches. “Yeah, didn’t think so. Fucking coward.”
“Here.” You pick up Karen and hover above the ground, well out of Allison’s reach. “That’s that handled.”
There’s the sound of the jet thrumming overhead, then a gentle thump as it lands at the entrance of the cemetery.
“Over here, honey,” you reply, projecting your voice so they can hear you.
“To the left!” Wade announces. “Bibbity-bobbity –ah fuck! My fucking shin! Owie! Fucking headstone, getting in my fucking way –ah shit! Branch to the eye! Oh, God, that smarts.”
“Here.” Neena’s voice echoes through the Memorial Park. “I brought a flashlight.”
“Oh, that was lucky of y… dammit! Fucking lazy writing!”
“Get a fucking move on, Wilson!” Frank shouts.
“Suck my cock!”
Allison’s lip curls derisively. “You work with that nutjob?”
“He’s sharper than he looks,” you bite out, somewhat offended on Wade’s behalf.
Nate reaches your little group first, gun already aimed and ready. He stops a few feet away from Allison, eyes locked on her. “Piotr’s outside. He wasn’t sure he wouldn’t break the headstones.”
You can’t help but smile, just a little. That’s my baby.
“Enough’s enough, Allison,” he continues, slowly inching towards the young teen while Wade, Neena, and the trainees catch up. “You’re outnumbered and outgunned. Stand down.”
“Fuck you,” Allison growls before flinging her hands towards the ground.
And then the dead start crawling out of their graves.
“Jesus fucking yellow penguins!” Wade shrieks, whipping out a pistol and shooting at the rotting corpses. “Castle! You were a zombie killing cop in another life. Do something!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Frank shouts back, bludgeoning one of the skeletal bodies off him with the butt of his shotgun before shooting it in the head. “Don’t answer that! I don’t want to know.”
“Just shoot them, Shane! Nathan! Why the fuck didn’t you tell me we were dealing with a class five Necromancer?”
“I didn’t know!” Nate shouts back.
“Unlikely! You’re so sleeping on the couch tonight, buster!”
Your head whips back and forth as you try to keep up with all the action –but there’s not much you can do while you’re holding on to Karen. “I need to pass you off for the moment. Piotr!”
Fortunately, your husband’s already close by, having been drawn over by the sound of gunfire. “What is going on –bozhe moi.”
“It’s a bootleg version of the rapture. Here.” You float over the fence and hand Karen to him. “Keep her off the ground. I’m going to get the trainees out.” You quickly lift Ellie, Yukio, and Russell out of the cemetery, then turn around and quickly analyze the fray.
The sheer amount of reanimated corpses is overwhelming –and, worse still, shooting them doesn’t seem to do anything other than slow them down.
They stop working when they’re too broken apart, you realize when Frank shatters a particularly ancient looking skeleton with an onslaught of gunfire –and that gives you an idea.
You stretch your arms outward, creating a shockwave of air that sends the unsteady skeletons flying across the cemetery, bashing into headstones and breaking apart until they’re just rattling bones on the ground.
You grin, triumphant –then grimace when you realize that, while you’ve stopped the undead army, you’ve also spread countless remains across the park. “Oops. That’ll be a lawsuit.”
“Not if we don’t get caught,” Wade points out.
Off to the side, Allison collapses to the ground, panting and covered in sweat. Her eyes revert back to their normal color, and she looks like she’s two seconds away from passing out.
“You about done throwing your tantrum now?” Nate asks.
Allison glares up at him and bares her teeth in a vicious snarl. “Fuck. You.”
And then she tips her head towards the black sky, lets out a guttural scream, and unleashes a shockwave of blue energy.
You recoil, throwing your arms up to brace yourself –but it washes over you harmlessly, less of an attack and more of a smokescreen.
And, when your eyes adjust and you see part of the ground fusing back together, the way it did at the warehouse after Allison took Karen a second time, you realize that’s exactly what it was.
“She’s most likely done for tonight,” Nathan reassures Frank when the black clad vigilante starts scanning the immediate area for the next sign of danger. “She was tired at the end of it. Wouldn’t have had enough left in her for another attack.”
“She’s still out there,” Frank says.
“And that’s a problem for another day,” Nathan fires back, heading towards the Memorial Park’s entrance. “We need to get out of here before the cops show up.”
 “Her name is Allison Ricci, daughter of Andrew Ricci—”
“Yeah, we know that, skip to the part where she can literally raise the dead!” Wade snaps.
“For the last time: I found out about that when you did!” Nathan fires back.
The lot of you –meaning Wade, Nate, Neena, Frank, Karen, your husband, and you—are gathered at yours and Piotr’s house, post being examined and released by Hank and his team. You’re all sat around the dining room table, in various states of irritation, frustration, and exhaustion.
The last one chiefly goes to Karen –who, after being kidnapped twice and having a gun held to her head, has earned a good nap and a glass of wine (the latter of which you procured for her as soon as she stepped into your home).
As for the other two…
Wade and Frank are arguably the angriest, mostly at Nathan for seemingly having withheld information about Allison and the mission.
You, Neena and Piotr are also irritated, largely for the same reasons –though Piotr is especially pissed that Nate would bring trainees on a mission this dangerous.
All in all, it adds up to your dad having a lot of digging out to do.
“In my time, she’s an agent of Bishop, one of Apocalypse’s henchmen,” Nathan continues quickly, before Wade or Frank can start arguing with him. “I only recognized her name due to her father’s obituary. She preferred staying distant from all of it, staying unseen –which is why I didn’t know about her full set of powers to begin with, and also why I thought it would be okay to bring along Russell, Negasonic, and Yukio. The information just wasn’t there.”
“This isn’t the first time you’ve come up short on a mission,” Frank points out, tone lethal. “You could’ve told us –fuck, you could’ve told us she’s just a kid, Summers. That would’ve been good to know.”
“You weren’t in the headspace to listen to anything I had to say, Castle,” Nathan fires back through gritted teeth. “You threatened to snap my neck if I didn’t step to at your fucking pace. I’m not going to waste the time talking if you’re so single minded—”
“The two of you can settle your issues later,” you interject. “Right now, we still need to know what we’re dealing with when it comes to Allison.”
Nathan sighs heavily, scrubs his face with one hand. “I was hoping we’d be able to pull with her what we did with Russell. Get her the help and support she needed, change the course of the future. But, since her official kill count hasn’t changed by much, I seriously doubt we didn’t pull that off tonight.”
“‘Hasn’t changed by much?’” Neena repeats, arms crossed over her chest and brows spiking towards her hairline. “What the hell does that mean?”
Nate’s mouth twists into a deep grimace. “Technically… Karen was supposed to die tonight.”
Frank’s face goes pale, and Karen takes another long sip of wine while she holds Frank’s hand.
“About a year later, she would’ve taken out Frank, too. Obviously we managed to save Karen tonight, and considering that Allison’s down two listed kills and there’s no… imminently listed death dates for Karen and Frank –no, I’m not telling you,” Nathan quickly says, shooting a stern look at Frank. “Last thing you need to know is either of your death dates. Anyway, since she’s down two kills and the dates aren’t anywhere in the near future, I’m willing to wager we’ve managed to take you two off her list. The rest of it though…”
“How many does she have left?” Piotr asks, hesitant.
“A little over fifteen thousand,” Nathan sighs heavily.
Shock ripples through the room, evident on everyone’s faces.
“Holy shit,” Frank breathes, face going slack with surprise and horror.
“How is that even possible?” Karen asks, brow furrowed.
Wade shrugs. “Give me enough explosives and I could probably do it.”
“Shut it, Wilson.”
“She asked!”
“You saw her in action tonight,” Nathan interjects, sitting back in his seat. “She’s only going to get stronger as she goes. And once she’s in Bishop’s keep, she’s going to have even more means and opportunities to kill. Not to mention that the number on file is comprised only of officially listed kills. In reality, it’s undoubtedly higher.”
“So, essentially, we’re trying to flip a teenager with comparative lethal abilities of a bomb, whose parents were just killed by him,” Neena says, pointing at Frank.
“We did it with Russell—”
“Russell was an orphan, looking for a family and someone to care about him, and had a strong connection to Wade,” Neena states, staring Nathan down from across the table. “Allison lost her whole family execution style, is trying to cope and grieve on her own, and is clearly more than a little unhinged if tonight’s anything to go by. These are two entirely different ball games.”
“We cannot let child become mass murderer,” Piotr speaks up, conviction strong in his voice and on his face. “She deserves better future.”
Silence hangs in the room as everyone arrives at the same conclusion at their own pace.
Neena sighs heavily. “This barely worked with Russell. And you—” she points at Wade “—had to get shot twice for it to work. He’s—” she jerks her thumb at Nate “—out of time jumping charges, and I seriously doubt that shooting him—” she nods at Frank “—is gonna have the same effect with Allison.”
“We’ll find something,” Karen says, properly joining the conversation for the first time that night.
Neena raises an eyebrow at her. “What makes you so sure?”
“Because we have to,” Karen says quietly. “It’s fifteen thousand plus people that need us to.”
There’s a beat of silence, and then Neena sighs heavily. “Alright. Count me in. We’re gonna need all the luck we can get with this.”
“We’ll help as we can, too,” you say, pointing between yourself and Piotr. “But I’m not sure how much the X-Men will be able to assist since the Punisher’s tangled up in this.”
“I will contact my mother,” Piotr adds. “She may be able to help with this.”
Nathan nods, then looks over at Wade. “What about you?”
“I’m with you in all of this, Cabes. Always.” Wade leans over, gently kisses his partner’s cheek, then stands with a groan. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, the Wade-mobile needs to make a pit stop.”
“You could’ve just said ‘excuse me,’” Neena calls out as Wade heads towards the bathroom.
“Hey! It could’ve been worse! I could’ve said that I’m gonna take the mother of all piss breaks –which, as it so happens, I am!”
You all groan, a mix of annoyance and disgust.
“I’m also gonna take a shit!”
“I think we get the picture, handsome,” Nathan says with a roll of his eyes. “Just –please use the restroom and stop telling us about it.” He waits to make sure that Wade isn’t going to keep talking –or, worse still, narrate his “pit stop” experience—then sighs and looks at everyone else again. “Thank you. Everyone. Allison is a key component in Apocalypse’s upper ranks in the future. If we can flip her to our side, we’ll put a major dent in his abilities to take over the universe.”
“Fucking Christ,” Frank grumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Just –this kid. Is she gonna keep coming after Karen and me?”
“Possibly. I’ll keep my ear to the ground, and if I hear anything, I’ll let you know,” Nathan promises.
“You’ll let me know everything,” Frank amends, jabbing an accusatory finger in your dad’s direction. “No more of this vague bullshit –or it’s going to be my gun up your ass.”
“Ooh, kinky!” Wade shouts from the bathroom. “Can I get in on that?”
Nathan shakes his head at the same time Frank grimaces, and then he nods at Frank. “Everything I know. You have my word.”
“Your word doesn’t really mean shit right now, Summers,” Frank growls, shoving his chair back as he stands. “Come on,” he says to Karen, voice considerably softer and more caring. “Let’s get you home.”
“You’re coming home, too,” Karen insists.
“Yeah,” Frank agrees, putting his hand on the small of Karen’s back as he escorts her out of the dining room. “I’m going home, too.”
“I will get door,” Piotr murmurs, quickly following after them to escort them out the front door.
Neena stretches, rolls her neck, then sighs. “I’m beat. Think Xavier will mind if I crash in one of the empty rooms?”
You shake your head. “He won’t care. You’re welcome here for breakfast in the morning.”
She grins. “Sounds good.” She hugs you gently, presses a sisterly kiss against the top of your head, then heads out the front door.
You watch her go, then circle around the table and sit down next to your dad. “You can’t keep holding back essential information.”
“I’m not trying to,” Nathan says tiredly, rubbing his temples. “There just genuinely wasn’t much to go on tonight. Plus, telling people information about the future is dangerous. It can alter the course of things irreparably, change the outcome of millions of lives on a catastrophic level. I’m just… I’m trying to figure out the balance of it all. What I can and can’t share.”
“You’ll get it figured out,” you reassure him. “I know you will.”
A ghost of a smile tugs at Nathan’s lips, and he slings an arm around your shoulders. “Thanks, kid.”
 “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You blink at the darkness, then roll onto your side and wriggle across your and your husband’s massive bed until you’re nestled up against his side. “Are you alright?”
“Da.” Piotr wraps one of his massive, muscular arms around you, hugs you against his side, and kisses the top of your head. “Tonight was just… intense. I wish young ones did not have to go through.”
“We’ll know better for next time,” you reassure him. “And Dad legitimately didn’t know all of what was up with Allison. He didn’t mean to get the teens involved.”
Piotr huffs. “Ya znayu.”
“I just… Cable is reckless.”
You purse your lips; you know he’s annoyed since he’s using Nathan’s code name. “He doesn’t mean to be.”
“Perhaps, but he forgets we are not all soldiers. That we do not all operate as he does. He is good person –good for you and Wade—and good trainer, but not always good leader. Not for… not for everyone.”
“Not for everyone,” you agree. “But he’s amazing for Wade, you have to admit.”
“I would not deny,” Piotr says, fingers playing absently with your hair. “Cable balances Wade, and verse vice-a. But he is too reckless for X-Men.”
“Which is why he’s not an X-Man—”
“Not my meaning. He may be too reckless to work with,” Piotr clarifies. “We have to meet certain standards to keep licensing to run school, work with children, act as enforcers against mutant criminals. If Cable jeopardizes that…”
“One step at a time,” you remind your husband when his voice trails off. “Nathan takes what we do here seriously. If he sees himself jeopardizing that, he’ll be the first to bring it up, and he’ll be the one to step away so we can keep doing what we do. You know that.”
Piotr sighs. “That much is true.” He tucks you closer to him, then kisses your forehead. “You should rest, myshka. Sleep is very important.”
“I was,” you tease him, smile evident in your voice. “But I had to soothe my husband’s woes first.”
Piotr chuckles, then presses a kiss against the top of your head. “Spokoynoy nochi i sladkikh snov, lyubov' moya.”
“Love you too, sweetheart. Rest well.”
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
This started out as a whole thing about Brie Larson. She’s started a YouTube channel and i figured I'd follow it just for kicks. I’m not a huge fan of massive Hollywood stars invading more accessible spaces but, technically, they’re the “You” in YouTube, too. I can’t be too mad at that. Of course Google is going to cater more to their brand, mostly because they bring in the duckets and understand PR so they know ho not to cause an ADpocolypse, but it’s still mad sh*tty. Larson’s first post was just her being goofy, trying to figure out how to even be a YouTuber. You kind of see a side of her that i figured was there, but never really was able to confirm. Brie Larson is the poster child for Millennial geekdom and i find that adorable as f*ck. Which is why i don’t understand the MASSIVE waves of hate she’s getting from the community. Cats are reveling in her perceived failure, it’s actually insane.
Now, before we go any further, i just want to be clear; I am a fan of Brie Larson. I think she is excellent at her craft. Ma is from my hometown and it’s always great to see someone make it out of this cowtown. I believe she has every right to her opinions and the fact that she voices them from such a visible platform, makes her one of the most endearing and real celebrities in an industry maligned by the phony. Brie ain’t quite Russell Brand but she is very vocal about the unjust sh*t she sees and will totally let you know it. That, i think, is why she garners such vitriol. Look, I'm a black dude living in the US. If she gets on TV and says f*ck white dudes, I'm inclined to agree. But she didn’t say that. What she said was there needs to be more voices making film, different perspectives in the arts. White dudes dominate the industry and she’s tired of seeing that movie. I don’t understand how that’s a controversial statement. It’s true. We need more dynamic, more diverse, storytellers making films out in the wild. The thing is, that one statement earned her the ire of every entitled white boy with time and and the internet. These motherf*cker decided to take that personally and we were off to the races.
When Brie Larson was announced as Captain Marvel, i was okay with it. I thought Charlize Theron or Katee Sackhoff would have been a better look but i get it. Larson is young and can portray the character for years to come. Kind of how Florence Pugh is going to take over Black Widow duties from Scarlett Johansson. Pugh can be that character for close to a decade, as can Larson. Once again, however, the interwebs were set asunder with rage and malcontent over the Cap Marvel announcement. It was f*cking ridiculous to me. Sure, she didn’t look the part going into this but neither did Gal Gadot, the latter turned out to be the best thing going in that trainwreck DCEU. Larson grew into the part, put in the work to look the part, and is committed to the role. She did her research, consuming massive amounts of the comics, trying to find Carol’s head space, which was a goddamn feat. Captain Marvel is as controversial as Brie Larson, herself. And it’s just as stupid.
Look, i adore Captain Marvel. She’s my fifth favorite Marvel character after Spider-Man, Doctor Doom, Laura Kinney, and Illyana Rasputin. In that order. Captain Marvel grew on me during the whole Mighty Avengers and Disassembled story lines from years ago. I have no love-loss for Bendis but that cat did wonders for building up more obscure characters, Carol being one of them. I also like what he did for Luke Cage, too, but that’s not what this essay is about. I’ve been a fan of this character since the early 00s and have rode this Carol train for years. I jumped on bored when she was rocking her leotard, which i miss terribly, took my time to dig up the back issues where she was in the original red and blue digs and moonlighted as Warbird for a bit. Then, Marvel Now happened and f*cked it all up. Carol went from this attractive, uber-powered, mess of a woman to a cold, manly, aggressively stupid caricature of herself. The Carol Danvers i had grown to love, with all of her faults and trauma, became some sort of butch nightmare and the poster child for why Woke Marvel was failing. I don’t think that’s fair.
Comic Carol was on her way to becoming a real force in the Marvel universe. She had learned there was worth in her strength, one she had to drag out through deep introspection and an understanding of who she really is. No longer was she just a gender-swapped, copyright placeholder that no one knew what to do with. Now she had agency. Now she was a force. Now she was relevant. Now tore all of that away. After Marvel Now, all of that growth and nuance was thrown out of the window. She became the idealized version of what the SJWs thought a “Strong Woman” should be. Marvel gave her a massive push in an effort to  cater to this burgeoning Tumblr dynamic and it failed miserably. Marvel wanted that Steven Universe crowd and they tried real hard to get it but that sh*t did not work. The changes to the universe weren’t extreme or feminist or PC enough. Courting a fanbase that had no longevity, Carol was sabotaged and thrown to the wolves. That’s the environment we were saturated in when Disney announced Larson as Carol for the MCU. It was a perfect storm of Nerdrage, one that has not died down in any capacity all these years later for either Brie or Carol.
I don’t think the feminist slant given to the Captain Marvel movie was actually such a big deal. I think the vitriol that flick faces stems from the combined maliciousness both the new version of Carol in the comics and Brie Larson, herself, garnered. It’s kind of crazy the massive tantrum everyone decided to throw over this movie. Cats were looking for this thing to fail as some sort of petulant schadenfreude ignoring the fact that this movie wasn’t made for them. As frustrated as i was with the ludicrous discourse, i knew this movie wasn't for me. his wasn’t my Carol and i was good with that. Unlike Marvel who pandered to the trend of PC nonsense, the MCU had a clear vision in mind for the audience they wanted; Young girls. They wanted a character who was strong enough to hang with Thor, stand equally with Iron Man, and have the respect of Captain America. Captain Marvel was the best option. She would be the tentpole hero of the MCU going forward and i accepted that. I went into the film with that understanding and, on my way out, i saw, firsthand, what this movie meant to the target audience. There was a little girl, about nine or so, gushing abut how cool Captain Marvel was. She as ecstatic to see a girl like her, kicking so much butt. In the face of that, every entitled argument you have against the character falls apart in my eyes. Captain Marvel is to young girls and woman, as Black Panther was to us black folk. It’s the same energy.
Do i think the film could have been better? F*ck yea, i do. I think the script should have had one more revision and the directors definitely felt out of place. They’re good at their jobs, they mostly make A24-esque fare, but a massive, multi-million dollar, space epic connected to the most popular film franchise in history? Nah, these cats were way out of their depth. I think Feige dropped the ball on this one, a rare miss. I think Kathryn Bigelow, Patty Jenkins, Lynne Ramsay, Claire Dennis, or  Lorene Scafaria would have constructed a much better film, both visually and narrative wise. I think if the movie was better as a whole, a lot of the controversy and vitriol would have been neutered. Carol is written quite wooden and a little pretentious. The interactions between the supporting cast feels forced. The overall narrative is fine but definitely could have been embellished at parts. Captain Marvel is boring and i don’t know how that happened. You have one of the strongest characters in comics, with a distinct, visually appealing powerset, and you make her movie boring? Really? More than anything, though, is the absolute mistreatment of Sam Jackson and Nick Fury.
The writing reduces Nick Fury, the mind behind the entirety of the Avengers Initiative, to lap boy sidekick in an effort to up Carol’s own stature. That sh*t is poor writing and it’s mad frustrating to see. I hate narratives that have to job established characters, in an effort to push new additions. I just wrote a whole goddamn thing about that with Punchline, Joker’s new “partner”. It’s bogus, cheapening the character and opens up an avenue for bad-faith complaints. Rey Palpatine is another great example. Her entire character is built on the slow, methodical, violent, destruction of the Skywalker legacy. Interestingly enough, that character was launched in the same environment as New Carol so i understand why the movie is the way that it is. I don’t agree with it, but i know why. It was an incredibly poor choice to introduce Captain Marvel in this way, however, and she’s never recovered. Brie has never recovered. You want a 90s buddy-cop space opera? Lethal Weapon with Skrulls and starships? You need your Murtaugh and Riggs to stand on equal footing. That was not the case with this flick. Having Nick Fury job to Carol Danvers for two hours was the wrong way to go about all of this and i think a different creative team could have made something truly excellent.
It’s nuts to me that this is even a thing though. Brie’s personal controversy is so f*cking stupid, i choke every time i think about it. How are you mad she stand up for herself, her gender, and everyone else in a position of persecution? Don’t you want though with a platform speaking up about the inequities of our country? I feel like the same people who hate Brie for her vocal advocacy, are the same people who stan “All Lives Matter” when ever someone says Black Lives Matter. That sh*t feels like the same energy to me. I feel like the criticisms launched at comic Carol have real validity, even if most of them are just whiny man-children who miss the leotard. I miss the leotard, too, but come on? We’re passed that now. I do think, when written well, Carol can be a force in the books. Her run as part of the new Ultimates was pretty chill I think she needs that in order to be her true self, until we establish a true self for the character. It’s weird to say but Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel previously, has been around for fifty years, and no one has any idea who she is as a character. I think Captain Marvel in the MCU, both the character and film, are hated for the wrong reasons. The fact that no one has any idea who this character is, makes for a lousy cinematic experience. The team put together in an effort to flesh this character out, didn’t have the creative capacity to do so and we were left with little more than PC tropes and Feminist agenda. The MCU let both Brie and Carol down in that regard.
Brie Larson isn’t a terrible person and she deserves more respect put on her name. She an accomplished actress with a bevy of awards and accolades to her name. She’s been in great films like Room and Scott Pilgrim, never once garnering a controversy. The fact that she speaks her truth, a truth the establishment doesn’t want to hear, should not disqualify her talent or the fact that she seems like a really chill person. Carol Danvers is a dope ass character with an amazing amount of potential. When she’s written well and not traded upon for trends, she can have real staying power. Her abilities open up a plethora of interesting, creatively fertile narratives yet to be written. Disregarding her just because Marvel decided to gamble on the pretentious third-wave feminism wave is shortsighted and makes you look like a childish brat. You’re entitled to feel however you want but let’s be clear; Brie Larson and Carol Danvers deserve so much better.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Justicar verse au
N/A: Somethings to add here. This comes to me before I fell to sleep. Another Justicar au but this time Kitty is a villain. Ok, time to explain myself, she´s more a rebel who has no problem in dirtying her hands to get justice. in this world mutants that aren´t considered omega are forced to take the cure and be humans and this opens some bad implications that Kitty and Yana are facing (No, Yana will not betray her as she did in that issue) and finally, Kurt Cadbury is not a NAZI (FUCK THAT, HE´S NOT AND WILL MURDER A NAZI IF HE SEES ONE) but I guess he´s blind by this side of society and believes he´s doing a great service. I want to make people here a bit grey. No one is truly evil and no one here is truly good.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @everykurt
The facility Welsh in New York is one building with 4 floors and is a long queue of beta mutants who are waiting or being forced to wait. The line is big and the Justicars are present as always. A nurse and a doctor called for the next beta mutant, a man called Todd-he confessed he forget his own surname and while the doctors don´t believe, in a minute or two, it won´t be important- who looks a hybrid of man and frog.
Justicar Cadbury watches as the mutant walks in slow peace to the entrance and how the frog-like mutant look behind to see if something would happen. No one is at his rescue. "figures" and moves forwards as the doctor guides him along with the nurse.
"So far, so good" Justicar Cadbury states over his radio wearing the uniform and watching the Beta mutants of today. All of them have their own stories and some of them look eager to be human again. For example, a blue woman named Edith-he got her name as she´s one of the few blue women in the queue- who while she can teleport is only once by day and it always took too much of her health. "I want to be normal and have a normal life again" she´s crying of joy at this prospect.
Suddenly, Cadbury witness a human being escorted by other Justicars and screaming obscenities Cadbury is sure no one should ever know. "You fuckers. I want to be Blop again. I´m the indestructible Blop..." and his normal physical is not strong to punch the two justicars. Freddy Dukes try to eat them, but, in his new body plus the fact, the Justicars have weapons it is a defeat to Freddy Dukes.
Cadbury has time to only say no before the justicar shoots Freedy in the head. The calm queue quickly turns into a riot and Cadbury is the one trying to calm the situation. More shots are heard and the facility closed doors for today.
Dammit...Is Shadowcat behind this? ______________________________________________________________________________________
"You know" a voice drawls in the empty room with only one door and no window. "I know you´re trying to be all scary and demonic, but, all I can see if Illyana Rasputin sulking in a room" the voice belongs to Kitty Pryde who is resting her back on the door´s frame and crossing her arms as the aforementioned Yana is floating above the ground.
Yana´s eyes open showing the hell in her very same eyes, literally. "That´s because you´re lucky" Yana let a ghost of a smile born in her face contrasting a bit with the sweater of a big smiling cat. "I have good news and bad news. Which one do you prefer first?" the tone is unforgettable and Kitty didn´t say anything.
"Oh, fine...bad news first," Yana offers a sober expression. "Justicar apprehends more beta mutants in the north section...there´s some riot and a few mutants were shoot, and you know, as they were stripped the titled of mutant...you can´t murder what is not real" Yana completes having her face taken by her demonic energies.
Kitty is not impressed. "And the good news?"
"Well, this riot caused some confusion and the humans aren´t exactly happy to witness that nor to see supposedly humans being locked down by the police and now the Justicar are dealing with bad press and you know, mortals still need money" Yana explains slowly letting her feet touch the ground.
Kitty frowns her eyebrows now. "Your demon friends really understand humanity enough to make this assumption? Justicar is useful for the government..." she trails off bitterly.
"Yes, they´re useful but the government still retains a huge grudge about them, especially in regards to the Sentinel project!" Yana explains now walking to Kitty. The age differences are apparent thanks to the height sizes. "And my friends are many, many things...but not liars" Yana concludes now gazing at Kitty. "Rest to know what Shadowcat will do with this information"
And with that piece of information Yana walks away humming and whistling in a perfect image of innocence. Kitty shakes her head at the sight of Yana´s red tail and wonders if the others understand what Yana truly is now.
Maybe they´d not and this is for the better.
"I thought you, more and once, to not shoot an ex-mutant" Cadbury berates the two Justicars that caused the commotion. "Now the press and the government are after us...again" Cadbury narrows his eyes at them and his face twisted into something worthy of a nightmare and the two justicars refuse to say anything as Cadbury is looking more and more like a demon.
"Cadbury, is enough!" the voice of Captain Britain is stern but his eyes are focused on the two justicars. "the damage is done...what we can do now is punish those who caused the commotion" Brian Braddock took his helmet off and show his face.
"But, sir, he was Blop he devoured people...he could have done the same" one of them speak and Cadbury and Brian aren´t buying this flimsy excuse.
"How? You two are taller than him now and you two have telekinesis...I told time and time again...that this job is to protect mutants and humans and to not let petty rivalry and feelings come between you two" Brian states not impressed. "Fred committed crimes and I´m not here to defend a cannibal, but, here to defend the victims and his own family who were rob of any justice today..." and Brian looks at Cadbury. "They´re in your unity...whatever punishment you seem fit for them I´ll accept"
And now Cadbury gazes into their forms for a moment. "You two will make a public announcing addressing the victims and the Dukes´s family...then will public ask for demission and no privileges will be given. If you two refuse...you two can always face me here and now" Cadbury holds his sword and the two look at each other for a moment and shake their head.
"Good, then take the helmets now" and the two ex-justicar did just that, and a female justicar guide them. They have to make an announcement and is important to do so without their former uniforms.
"Cadbury, can I have a word with you?" Brian asked and Cadbury can´t say no
Kitty is walking in the hall-full of people talking and gestures contrasting her own mood- the house is large on the inside and outside and it seems to be designed to show such space. Kitty caught the sight of a blonde wisp of hair the lonely table listening to the radio.
"Meggan?" Kitty approaches the shapeshifter who turns to Kitty for a moment and then to the radio again.
"The justicars scared me...they killed Blop and are now apologizing...was this part of your plan?" she asked a bit childish and Kitty recalls how she wanted to be a teacher before this whole mess began.
"I have many plans"
"This doesn´t answer much"
"Are you afraid of me?"
"Why I would? You saved me from them..."
Brian looks up to Cadbury and makes one question. “Is Shadowcat behind this?” and Cadbury take his helmet off and shows his face. “Kurt Cadbury...I need to know and I trust you...is Shadowcat behind this?”
“I have no real proof, but, I can say what I believe and I believe she´s involved in this somehow”
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beatrice-otter · 4 years
Longfic Recs, Part III
The Rich Are Always Respectable:  Rosemary (13571 words) by Elizabeth Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: Pride and Prejudice Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Darcy/OFC, Georgiana/OMC, Bingley/Jane Characters: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Georgiana Darcy, OFC, OMC Additional Tags: Angst, Alternate Universe - Canon Series: Part 1 of The Rich Are Always Respectable
Without Lady Catherine's interference, a family catastrophe throws Darcy and Elizabeth down wildly different paths.
So We Meet at Last (758 words) by thisbluespirit Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Miss Marple - Agatha Christie,Dracula & Related Fandoms,Dracula (TV 1968) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Jane Marple, Count Dracula, Abraham Van Helsing, John Seward Additional Tags: Community: fan_flashworks, Crossover, Women Being Awesome, miss marple is awesome, The Author Regrets Nothing, Alternate Universe
Summary: Two genre legends meet.  The outcome is inevitable.  Someone really should have warned the Count never to trifle with fluffy old ladies. Hearts'-ease, by theficklepickle Henry V, AU, Henry/Montjoy. What infinite hearts'-ease must kings neglect That private men enjoy?
Whispers In Corners, by Esama. Harry Potter/Sherlock, AU, Harry/Mycroft. Everything started with a stumble - his new life in a new world as well as his surprisingly successful career as a medium. Realizations, by wishweaver. Harry Potter AU Harry returns to Privet Drive after 4th year and finds it...empty!  What do you do when you can't go to your friends for help? Of Muggles and Magic, by Aurette Harry Potter Regency AU, Hermione/Snape A witch struggles to conform in a society that restricts her.  A wizard   thinks he has nothing to offer anyone but his duty and, ultimately, his life. Maria, by Judith Brocklehurst Mansfield Park futurefic, But the outstanding question for Mrs. Rushworth's connections was: where   could she be placed? What could be done with a woman who, at twenty-two years old, had so disgraced her family, so alienated her friends, that no-one, except her doting Aunt Norris, wanted even to see her, let alone  house her?  Maria, now divorced, starts a new and independent life. Letters from a Smallville School Nurse, by Russell Saunders Superman, humor, outsider perspective, short All But Name, by Mirror And Image Star Wars, AU, Anakin and Obi-Wan, "You will be a Jedi, Anakin. I promise you. In all but name."
5 Times the Raptors Tried to Kill Miriam, and 1 Time They Didn’t (22937 words) by JulisCaesar Chapters: 6/6 Fandom:Jurassic Park (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Blood, Minor Character Death, Science, Like a lot of science, Dinosaurs, Period-Typical Homophobia, AIDS mention, Antisemitism, Asexual Character, medical shenanigans, I beat up the MC a lot ok
Summary: Miriam thought the job working for InGen sounded perfect. Tropical island, good pay, first dibs on publications… At least, she thought so until she found out that she was the only behaviorist on staff. Once the eggs hatched, it became all she could do to keep up–with the dinosaurs, the science, and her health.
Maggie Fitzgerald and the Saltwater Drip (79626 words) by antistar_e Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy Characters: Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Flash Thompson, Miles Morales, Harry Osborn Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies
Summary: Google politely tells her there are no poisonous spiders in Manhattan. Judging by her symptoms -- fever, superstrength, newfound desire to shove herself into small dark spaces, and sudden reputation as a masked vigilante -- Gwen would beg to differ. [Spider!Gwen AU.]
Enigma (11297 words) by Yahtzee Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:X-Men: First Class (2011) - Fandom,X-Men - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Logan (X-Men), Mystique, Edie Lehnsherr, Original Female Character, Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost Additional Tags: Alternate Reality, Fix-It, Kink Meme, World War II
Summary: Written for the following prompt: Erik dies, or finds a reversey-time mutant, or a magical time travelling device, and wakes up in the past. This time, though, it's before he ever met Charles - in fact, it's before his mother died.
He can save his mother that one time (thanks to his mastery over powers carrying back), but what does Erik do after that? Does he stick around, or escape and run to find Charles again (and hope everything doesn't go wrong)?
Je vois ma vie en rose (79404 words) by lilacsigil Chapters: 10/10 Fandom:X-Men: First Class (2011) - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Erika Lehnsherr/Charlotte Xavier, Harriet McCoy/Raven (X-Men) Characters: Erika Lehnsherr, Charlotte Xavier, Harriet McCoy, Raven (X Men), Alex Summers, Amparo Muñoz, Angelo Salvadore, Sabrina Shaw, Emory Frost, Marcus MacTaggert, Azazel (X-Men), Jana Quested, Shannon Cassidy Additional Tags: Genderbending, Alternate Universe - Gender Changes, Big Bang Challenge
Summary: "Je vois la vie en rose" is a full-cast gender change. Canon male characters become female, and canon female characters become male or genderqueer. The only exceptions are real people and background military/government characters.
The CIA's Marcus MacTaggert attempts to recruit Doctor Charlotte Xavier and her sibling Raven to assist in the capture of suspected Communist Sabrina Shaw and her unusual associates. Thrilled at the thought finding of more mutants, Charlotte and Raven agree, but are soon put off by the CIA's misogynist attitude and decide to track down these other mutants by themselves. They do find more mutants, but not the ones they were expecting.
Charlotte starts to build a community of mutants but Raven finds that many of them can't even accept themselves, let alone someone who doesn't belong within familiar definitions of gender. Erika's determination to kill Shaw, Shaw's quest to recruit more mutants, and world-threatening political brinkmanship collide with deadly consequences: Charlotte, Raven and Erika must decide what kind of world it is that they want to create.
Unalienable (65554 words) by Basingstoke Chapters: 38/38 Fandom: Highlander (1986 1991 1994 2000 2007),X-Men (Movies),Highlander: The Series Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Duncan MacLeod/Methos, Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Jean-Paul Beaubier/Piotr Rasputin, Bobby Drake/Rogue, Remy LeBeau/Rogue Characters: Charles Xavier, Logan (X-Men), Duncan MacLeod, Methos, Scott Summers, Ororo Munroe, Rogue (X-Men), Piotr Rasputin, Tony Stark, Yuriko Oyama, Kenny (Highlander), Kurt Wagner, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Warren Worthington III, Grace Chandel, Arclight, Elektra Natchios, Connor MacLeod, Jubilation Lee, Artie, Joe Dawson, Kitty Pryde, Mirage, Bobby Drake Additional Tags: Crossover, Kid Fic, Decapitation, Medical Trauma Series: Part 26 of Author’s Favorites Summary: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
D'Ancanto (49868 words) by xenokattz Chapters: 8/8 Fandom:X-Men (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Rogue (X-Men), Charlotte Jones, Remy LeBeau, Ororo Munroe, Logan (X-Men), Warren Worthington III Additional Tags: Cast of dozens, Samuel L Jackson-level strong language & also violence, GQBAMF in a line behind me bitches, Old enough to remember Charlotte Jones Series: Part 1 of D'Ancanto
Summary: Drugs. Multi-state gangs. Mutant-killing virus. Civil unrest. Plot to assassinate a racist senator. Just another Tuesday for Marie D'Ancanto, NYPD detective in the country's first Mutant Crimes Task Force.
If We Never Got This Second Chance (50419 words) by Pookaseraph Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:The Losers (2010),Marvel (Movies),Marvel Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Jake Jensen, The Losers - Character, The Avengers - Character Additional Tags: Romance, Time Travel, Surprise Family, Father-Son Relationship, Happy Ending, Angst, Internalized Homophobia, Alternate Universe - Canon, Character Death, Many Worlds Time Travel, Terrorism
Summary: When Tony and Steve’s son from the future, Jake Jensen, arrives at Avenger’s Tower, the two of them are forced to confront some hard truths: Tony that he might not actually become a horrible father, and Steve that he might not be able to set aside his discomfort with sharing a child with another man. When they both get a second chance at a first try at fatherhood, it’s up to the two of them to learn from their own future's past.
Freezer Burn (194186 words) by Domenika Marzione Chapters: 28/28 Fandom:The Avengers (2012),The Avengers - All Fandoms,Captain America,Captain America (Comics),Marvel Cinematic Universe,Captain America (Movies),The Avengers (Marvel Movies),The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, Tony Stark, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Peggy Carter, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Red Skull, MODOK, Maya Hansen, Hydra Agents, The Wrecking Crew (Marvel) Additional Tags: sorta comicsverse sorta movieverse it's all getting jossed anyway right?, hail HYDRA, Steve Rogers as chorus girl and company-grade officer, Clint and Natasha think they're hilarious, Action/Adventure, Thor is an alien prince and not an idiot, Peggy Carter can still kick your ass, barf cannon, superhero foodies, Tony Stark Has Issues, Tony's really not that bad at the business thing, Team, Team Dynamics Series: Part 2 of Freezer Burn
Summary: The adventures of Steve Rogers, defrosted soldier, who is missing time but not really all that lost. He's got a surprisingly broad knowledge of lettuces, a working grasp of modern technology, and may or may not be using both to mess with his teammates and save the world.
Exclusive (30833 words) by copperbadge Chapters: 3/3 Fandom:Marvel,The Avengers (2012) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts Additional Tags: POV Outsider, News Media, Slice of Life, Interviews, Snipers Series: Part 1 of Magazineverse
Summary: Heroes In Manhattan: From Captain America's Hidden Talents To The Truth About The Hulk, We Debunk The Myths And Expose The Daily Lives Of The Avengers.
I (created from fantasies) exist solely for you (62917 words) by Mizzy Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:The Avengers (2012),Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Don Blake, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Pepper Potts, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Norman Osborn Additional Tags: Identity Porn, Alternate Universe, marvel-bang, Podfic Available, Comic book office au
Summary: Six years ago, without the Avengers Initiative there to save the day, scientist Dr. Eric Selvig sacrificed himself to save the world, the almighty demi-god Thor was lost to a terrible storm, and vigilante Iron Man – spotted with a nuclear weapon trying to take advantage of the situation – was forever labelled an enemy of SHIELD.
This is a comic book office AU, where Steve is defrosted a year too late, Thor has forgotten who he is, and no one knows Tony is Iron Man.
Also includes: office pranks, inappropriate post-it notes, and superheroes who like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.
Widow's Weeds (4333 words) by Mhalachai Fandom:The Avengers (2012) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Tony Stark Additional Tags: Steve/Natasha friendship, It happened in a graveyard, Trust Series: Part 1 of A Widow's Tale
Summary: Their secrets have secrets. Steve's starting to figure this out.
Mountains, Molehills (1175 words) by lalaietha Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Lilo & Stitch (2002) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: David Kawena/Nani Pelekai Characters: Nani Pelekai, Lilo Pelekai, David Kawena, Jumba Jookiba, Pleakley
Summary: Technically, David doesn't live here, but that "technically" is starting to get real thin, and he knows it. Which is why he chokes a bit when Lilo puts her elbows on the table, her chin in her hands, and says, "Are you going to ask my sister to marry you, or what?"
Here, where the world is quiet (6408 words) by busaikko Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape Characters: Remus Lupin, Severus Snape Additional Tags: Child Death, Character Death, Werewolves, Boarding School, Post-Canon, Zine Chocolate and Asphodel
Summary: After the war, Severus became head of the Scrimgeour Lycanthrope Academy.  His mandate was simple: Provide them with Wolfsbane and daily occupation.  Teach them as you see fit.   Report any violent outbursts.  Keep them away from regular people.
Dudley's Memories (11650 words) by Paganaidd Chapters: 5/5 Fandom:Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Dudley Dursley/Undisclosed Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Lily Luna Potter, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Dudley Dursley, Original Characters Additional Tags: Canon Compliant Series: Part 1 of Memories and Dreams Summary: Minerva needs help delivering another letter to #4 Privet Drive. At forty, Dudley is not at all what Harry expects. A long overdue conversation ensues. DH cannon compliant, but probably not the way you think. Prologue to "Snape's Memories".
You'll Get There in the End (It Just Takes a While) (33437 words) by seperis Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Star Trek (2009) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, Spock/Nyota Uhura Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock, Nyota Uhura, Leonard McCoy, Christopher Pike, Spock Prime Additional Tags: First Time, Pon Farr, Telepathy Series: Part 1 of The Reboot Series
Summary: "Spock.  Just say 'I don't trust Starfleet not to mess up the only captain in the fleet who I can train up to my expectations and enjoys running into danger wearing a blindfold as much as I do'."
Qui Habitat (133190 words) by domarzione Chapters: 20/? Fandom:Stargate Atlantis,Stargate SG-1 Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir, Rodney McKay, Cameron Mitchell (SG-1), Jonas Quinn, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, Steven Caldwell, Radek Zelenka, Evan Lorne, Original Characters Additional Tags: Apocalyptic, Alternate Universe - Dark, Ori, Religious Themes & References, Atlantis Alone, Action/Adventure, Alien Invasion, Colonialism Series: Part 2 of Qui Habitat
Summary: An SGA/SG-1 AU that spins off from the Ori arc that runs through Seasons Nine and Ten of SG-1 by changing one simple thing: the Ori don't lose. Earth is the last significant planet to fall in the Milky Way, but fall it does. Hard.
After Earth's fall, a large resistance movement was active, utilizing the Daedalus, the only surviving SGC carrier, as it's main instrument. Running raids in the Milky Way and bringing refugees and supplies to Atlantis, the Daedalus was the only lifeline between the two galaxies. Eventually her luck ran out and she was nearly destroyed by an Ori armada; after limping back to Atlantis, she is no longer flight-worthy and Atlantis is finally truly alone.
Over in Pegasus, Atlantis was first a long-distance witness and then a rear echelon for the escalating fight with the Ori over the Milky Way galaxy before becoming the final retreat for those who survived. Cut off from Earth and forced to revert to its (Season One) status as isolated outpost responsible for its own needs, Atlantis still has the responsibilities it has assumed in Pegasus -- defeating the Wraith and protecting those who can't help themselves -- while also awaiting the inevitable arrival of the Ori.
Rock Happy (141680 words) by ArwenLune Chapters: 31/31 Fandom: Generation Kill,Stargate Atlantis,Stargate SG-1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Brad Colbert, Nate Fick, Laura Cadman, Evan Lorne, Sam Carter, John Sheppard, Teal'c (SG-1), OC: Darren Avery, OC: Dr Fournier, OC: Lee Brittner, OC: Will Meyers, Daniel Jackson, Dusty Mehra, Tony Espera, Timothy Bryan, Ray Person, Mike Wynn, Nathan Christopher, Gabriel Garza Additional Tags: Crossover, Whole lotta fuckin' swearing, You want to recruit me for WHAT?, I wanna be there when they tell Ray about the space vampires, Daily life on Atlantis, original characters of colour, Women Being Awesome, POV Outsider, Brad Colbert has adventures IN SPACE, Team, Marine Corps, Wordcount: Over 50.000, Wordcount: 100.000-150.000, Women in the Military Series: Part 3 of Rock Happy 'verse
Summary: "You want to recruit me for what? You want me to go where?"
Sgt. Brad Colbert has been on a lot of strange missions, but this promises to be his most out there yet: Atlantis
This is not a story about falling in love. This is a story about falling in team.
Out of Season (26987 words) by Elizabeth Culmer Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Shezan Tolkheera (OFC), Marigold Beaver (OFC), Axartha Tarkaan, Prince Rabadash, Ilgamuth Tarkaan, Hkreegah the Gull (OFC), the Tisroc, Ahoshta Tarkaan, Malindra Takhun (OFC), Peridan (Narnia), Susan Pevensie Additional Tags: Slavery, planned sacrifice of a sentient being (Talking Beast), Religion, Religious Themes & References, Worldbuilding, Canon Character of Color, once you create the rest of the world it has to count as much as your special country Mr. Lewis, POV Outsider, Calormen, Women Being Awesome, Female Protagonist, Narnia Fic Exchange 2011, Fictional Religion & Theology Series: Part 1 of Out of Season
Summary: In the fourteenth year of Rishti Tisroc's reign, a demon in the shape of a beaver is captured and brought to Tashbaan.  Shezan Tolkheera, high priestess of the goddess Achadith, is given the responsibility of guarding the demon until its sacrifice at the Spring Festival.   Complications ensue.
Carpetbaggers (119268 words) by cofax Chapters: 10/10 Fandom:Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Peter Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Susan Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, OFC Series: Part 1 of Carpetbaggers
Summary: The day after Aslan left, taking the magic with him, just about everyone else left, too.
After the coronation festivities, the real work begins.  During/post "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe".
Play It Again (63206 words) by metisket Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski & Laura Hale, Scott McCall & Stiles Stilinski Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Laura Hale, Sheriff Stilinski, Peter Hale, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Danny Mahealani, Erica Reyes, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Talia Hale, Chris Argent, The Hale Family - Character, The Argent Family - Character, Alan Deaton Additional Tags: Pre-Slash, Magical Stiles Stilinski, derek's mad planning skillz, magical objects and their insufficient warning labels, laura's in charge, making the most of your afterlife, oh look here's a lower place, Alternate Universe, Dimension Travel Series: Part 1 of play it again
Summary: In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself.
“Laura wants to lure the kid in with food and kindness and make a pet of him, like a feral cat. Derek wants to have him arrested for stalking. They’re at an impasse. (And the rest of the family is staying emphatically out of it in a way that suggests bets have been placed.)”
Coming Undone (57618 words) by KouriArashi Chapters: 11/11 Fandom:Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Sheriff Stilinski, Derek Hale, Allison Argent, Chris Argent, Lydia Martin, Gerard Argent Additional Tags: Stilinski feels, Hurt Stiles, Hurt/Comfort, all the feels, Pack Dynamics, PTSD, Plot sneaks in, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, Mystery Series: Part 1 of The Sum of Its Parts
Summary: Stiles deals with the aftermath of being abducted by Peter Hale and left for dead. It's harder than he would have thought to accept his place in the pack when he's convinced that he's the 'weak one' and can't protect himself. Fortunately, Scott and Sheriff Stilinski are there to help, and to nag Derek until he helps, too.
Locked Inside the Facade (60245 words) by Dragonbat Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Batman (Comics),Nightwing (Comics) ating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson Characters: Bruce Wayne, Renee Montoya, Crispus Allen, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon, Thomas Elliot, Roman Sionis, Rachel Green, Romy Chandler, Michael Akins, Jim Gordon, Roy Harper, Grace Choi, Michael Holt, Helena Bertinelli, Connor Hawke, Dinah Lance Additional Tags: Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Tragedy, Angst Series: Part 1 of Locked-Verse
Summary: A sudden shock in Batman's life leads to his apprehension at the hands of the GCPD.
Victory  Bonds (39617 words) by copperbadge Chapters: 6/6 Fandom:DCU Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clark Kent/Lois Lane Characters: Clark Kent, Superman, Bruce Wayne, Batman, Alan Scott, Green Lantern, Lois Lane, Diana (Wonder Woman), Robin (DCU), Perry White, Lex Luthor Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, 1940s, Alternate Universe - 1940s, PostWar, Nazis, Daily Planet, Spies & Secret Agents
Summary: The year is 1947, and Daily Planet front-pagers Clark Kent and "Louis" Lane are about to get the story of their careers, courtesy of the fledgling Justice League: the enigmatic Superman, the spy-turned-vigilante codenamed Bat, intelligence agent and newly minted Green Lantern Alan Scott, and Ambassador Diana, Princess of Themyscira.
Some Friendlier Sky (124800 words) by Hammie, AMarguerite Chapters: 24/24 Fandom:Les Misérables - All Media Types,Les Misérables - Victor Hugo Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Courfeyrac/Cosette, Cosette/Courfeyrac, Joly/Musichetta Characters: Cosette, Courfeyrac, Valjean, Combeferre, Joly, Bossuet, Enjolras, Jehan, Feuilly, Marius, Toussaint, Bahorel, Bahorel's Laughing Mistress, Javert Additional Tags: Hijinks & Shenanigans, Romanticism, lots of musings on popular Romantic literature
Summary: Courfeyrac falls through the roof of no. 7 Rue de l'Homme Armé, taking down not only the ceiling, but the carefully built walls Valjean has constructed around himself and Cosette. Wacky hijinks ensue. Thanks to Hammie for beta-ing.
Poster Boy (8162 words) by Sarah1281 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Les Misérables - All Media Types,Les Misérables - Victor Hugo Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Cosette/Enjolras Characters: Jean Valjean, Enjolras (Les Misérables), Euphrasie "Cosette" Fauchelevant Additional Tags: Crack Pairings, Happy Ending, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Summary: Valjean knows that he must confess the truth of his past to his new son-in-law and he thought he had prepared  himself for all possible reactions. He was mistaken, however. Enthusiastic condemnations of the old regime and praise for his 'revolutionary spirit' were not something he knew what to do with.
A Deeper Season (117605 words) by lightgetsin ,sahiya Chapters: 19/19 Fandom:Vorkosigan Saga - Bujold Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gregor Vorbarra/Miles Naismith Vorkosigan Characters: Gregor Vorbarra, Miles Naismith Vorkosigan, Ivan Vorpatril, Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan, Aral Vorkosigan Additional Tags: First Time, Romance, Action/Adventure, a deeper season, Alternate Universe, Don't copy to another site Series: Part 5 of A Deeper Season
Summary: Take one Miles, a hapless cousin, Cetagandan social politics, a galactic conspiracy, a scientific discovery, a lot of firepower, and an unexpected declaration. Mix well and step back quickly.
The Long Road Home (95516 words) by Scribblesinink Chapters: 22/22 Fandom:Lord of the Rings (2001 2002 2003),Lord of the Rings (Novel) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Faramir, Aragorn, Boromir, OFC, OMC Additional Tags: Adventure, bookverse, movieverse, Future Fic, What-If, Alternate Universe, Boromir!Lives AU Series: Part 1 of Long Road Home (LotR)
Summary: Against all odds, Boromir survives Amon Hen. Ashamed and filled with remorse, he goes on a quest for redemption. Bound by his promise to a sick man, Faramir keeps the secret of his brother's survival. But as secrets are wont to do, the truth comes out eventually and Aragorn journeys north to bring Gondor's prodigal son home.
The Price of Freedom by Erin Lasgalen Lord of the Rings, Eowyn, post-series. AU/Adventure. In the aftermath of the War of the Ring, Eowyn comes to the painful realization that the wounds of the heart she still bears cannot be healed by going back to the cage, however gilded, however loving the master. Four years and hundreds of leagues later, her past is about to catch up with her in more ways than one.
Charmed Life (95300 words) by Fyre Chapters: 85/85 Fandom:Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Mr Gold/Mary Margaret Blanchard Characters: Rumpelstiltskin | Mr. Gold, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Prince "Charming" James | David Nolan, Abigail | Kathryn Nolan, Henry Mills Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Complete Summary: When Regina toyed with the lives and memories of the people of Storybrooke, she was especially careful with the people who had been her bane in the the Enchanted Forest
Don't You Shake Alone (62189 words) by Dira Sudis Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Generation Kill Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Brad Colbert/Nate Fick Characters: Brad Colbert, Nate Fick, Ray Person Additional Tags: Kid Fic, Babies, Cuddling & Snuggling, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, First Time
Summary: Nate looked exactly like Brad always pictured him: exhausted in the full life-in-a-combat-zone sense of the word.  (Don't forget the sequel)
Performance In a Leading Role (156714 words) by Mad_Lori Chapters: 21/21 Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Irene Adler, Harry Watson, Greg Lestrade, Sally Donovan, Molly Hooper Additional Tags: AU, Meta, Hollywood, Real Person Cameos, Romance, Show Business, Coming Out, Secret Relationship, Behind the Scenes Series: Part 1 of Performance in a Leading Role
Summary: Sherlock Holmes is an Oscar winner in the midst of a career slump. John Watson is an Everyman actor trapped in the rom-com ghetto. When they are cast as a gay couple in a new independent drama, will they surprise each other? Will their on-screen romance make its way into the real world?
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mateushonrado · 5 years
Power Rangers Ultraverse teams 49-64
Status Post #8396: Folder | List
49. Space Squad (same name as Japanese version but this one is an Ameritoku version)
Ryan Steele / VR Alpha
Kaitlin Star / VR Beta
JB Reese / VR Delta
Sam Collins / Servo
Jo McCormick / Red Striker Beetleborg
Dex Stewart / Masked Rider
Jack Landors / SPD Red Ranger
Elizabeth Delgado / SPD Yellow Ranger
Andros / Red Space Ranger
Karone / Galaxy Pink
50. Astro Rangers (Rangers comprising of science fiction characters)
Adam of Eternia (He-Man) / Red Astro Ranger
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) / Green Astro Ranger
Son Goku (Dragon Ball) / Orange Astro Ranger
Mako Mori (Pacific Rim) / Blue Astro Ranger
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Voltron) / Black Astro Ranger
Jaylah (Star Trek) / Purple Astro Ranger
Ladios Sopp (The Five Star Stories) / Gold Astro Ranger
Nova Maxwell (Power Rangers) / Silver Astro Ranger
51. Dino Elite Rangers (superteam comprising of dino-themed Rangers)
Jason Scott / Red Tyranno Ranger
Kira Ford / Dino Thunder Yellow
Koda / Dino Charge Blue
Nelida Valensis / Brave Charge Black
Lauren Shiba / Red Samurai Ranger II
Eric Myers / Quantum Ranger
52. Ninja Elite Rangers (superteam comprising of ninja-themed Rangers)
Adam Park / Blue Wolf Ranger
Shane Clarke / Ninja Storm Red
Leanne Omino / Thunder Storm Yellow
Sarah Thompson / Ninja Steel Pink
Delphine / White Aquitar Ranger
David Trueheart / White Ninjetti Ranger
53. Titan Rangers (Rangers comprising of Young Justice/Teen Titans)
Timothy "Tim" Drake / Red Robin Ranger
Conner Kent / Black Superboy Ranger
Bart Allen / Silver Impulse Ranger
Cassie Sandsmark / Gold Wonder Ranger
Anita Fite / Purple Empress Ranger
Greta Hayes / White Secret Ranger
Cissie King-Jones / Crimson Arrowette Ranger
Grant Emerson / Orange Damage Ranger
Jaime Reyes / Blue Beetle Ranger
Kiran Singh / Yellow Solstice Ranger
M'gann M'orzz / Green Martian Ranger
Virgil Hawkins / Navy Static Ranger
54. Mutant Rangers (Rangers comprising of New Mutants/X-Force)
Danielle "Dani" Moonstar / Blue Mirage Ranger
Samuel "Sam" Guthrie / Orange Cannonball Ranger
Xi'an Coy Mahn / Pink Karma Ranger
Roberto da Costa / Red Sunspot Ranger
Rahne Sinclair / Crimson Wolfsbane Ranger
Douglas "Doug" Ramsey / Yellow Cypher Ranger
Amara Aquilla / Gold Magma Ranger
Illyana Rasputin / Black Magik Ranger
Russell "Rusty" Wilson / Orange Firefist Ranger
James Proudstar / Silver Warpath Ranger
Evan Daniels / Silver Spyke Ranger
Laura Kinney / Tan Wolverine Ranger
55. Sentai Strike Force (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Captain Marvelous / Gokai Red
Nanami Nono / Hurricane Blue
Ian Yorkland / Kyoryu Black
Luna Konokoe / Midoninger
Ryan Mitchell / Lightspeed Titanium
Ashley Hammond / Yellow Space Ranger
Robert James Finn / Purple Wolf Ranger
Sydney Drew / SPD Pink Ranger
56. Sentai Elite (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Tsuruhime / Ninja White
Masato Jin / Beet Buster
Yuri / Time Pink
Akira Nijino / ToQ 6gou
Leelee Pimvare / Vampire Black
Conner McKnight / Dino Thunder Red
Veronica "Ronny" Robinson / Overdrive Yellow
Merrick Baliton / Silver Wolf Ranger
57. Avatar Rangers (Avatarverse)
Aang / Avatar Orange
Katara / Avatar Blue
Sokka / Avatar Navy
Toph Beifong / Avatar Green
Zuko / Avatar Red
Suki / Avatar Emerald
Korra / Avatar Cyan
Mako / Avatar Crimson
Bolin / Avatar Teal
Asami Sato / Avatar Indigo
58. Voltron Rangers (Voltron Alliance)
Keith Kogane / Voltron Black
Allura Aquilla / Voltron Red
Lance Azul / Voltron Blue
Katie "Pidge" Holt / Voltron Green
Hunk Garrett / Voltron Yellow
Acxa Nova / Voltron Purple
59. Netflix Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from Netflix animated originals and films under Dreamworks, Wonderstorm and other animated studios)
Callum (The Dragon Prince) / Red Netflix Ranger
Rayla (The Dragon Prince) / Green Netflix Ranger
James "Jim" Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia) / Silver Netflix Ranger
Claire Nuñez (Tales of Arcadia) / Pink Netflix Ranger
Jake "Stretch" Armstrong (Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters) / Blue Netflix Ranger
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego) / Scarlet Netflix Ranger
Adam (The Hollow) / Black Netflix Ranger
Adora (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) / White Netflix Ranger
Alucard Tepes (Castlevania) / Gold Netflix Ranger
Miko Kuroda (Devilman Crybaby) / Silver Netflix Ranger
60. Cartoon Network Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from CN, Boomerang, WB Animation, Hanna-Barbera and Warner Animation Group shows and films)
Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) / Green CN Ranger
Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10) / Blue CN Ranger
Lion-O (ThunderCats) / Red CN Ranger
Cheetara (ThunderCats) / Yellow CN Ranger
Jack (Samurai Jack) / White CN Ranger
Juniper Lee (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee) / Purple CN Ranger
Jonny Quest (Jonny Quest) / Black CN Ranger
Kiva Andru (Megas XLR) / Silver CN Ranger
Rex Salazar (Generator Rex) / Orange CN Ranger
Kimiko Tohomiko (Xiaolin) / Pink CN Ranger
61. Disney Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from Disney Channel, Disney XD, Jetix, Fox Kids, Disney and Pixar animated shows and films)
Goliath (Gargoyles) / Black Disney Ranger
Elisa Maza (Gargoyles) / Orange Disney Ranger
Mason "Dipper" Pines (Gravity Falls) / Blue Disney Ranger
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) / Pink Disney Ranger
Jacob "Jake" Long (American Dragon: Jake Long) / Red Disney Ranger
Kimberly Ann "Kim" Possible (Kim Possible) / Indigo Disney Ranger
Robin Hood (Robin Hood) / Gold Disney Ranger
Fa Mulan (Mulan) / Green Disney Ranger
Charlie Landers (Aaron Stone) / Silver Disney Ranger
Alita (Alita: Battle Angel) / Navy Disney Ranger
62. Nickelodeon Rangers (Rangers comprising of characters from Nickelodeon, Nicktoons and Paramount Animation animated shows and films)
Daniel "Danny" Fenton (Danny Phantom) / Black Nickelodeon Ranger
Samantha "Sam" Manson (Danny Phantom) / Purple Nickelodeon Ranger
Mahad (Skyland) / Red Nickelodeon Ranger
Lena (Skyland) / White Nickelodeon Ranger
James Isaac "Jimmy" Neutron (The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius) / Blue Nickelodeon Ranger
Bloom (Winx Club) / Pink Nickelodeon Ranger
Arnold Shortman (Hey Arnold) / Green Nickelodeon Ranger
Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot) / Silver Nickelodeon Ranger
Casey Jones (TMNT) / Green Nickelodeon Ranger
Charlie Watson (Bumblebee) / Yellow Nickelodeon Ranger
63. Sentai Showdown (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Sokichi Banba / Big One
Remi Hoshikawa / Five Yellow
Hayate / Ginga Green
Rin / Houou Ranger
Chad Lee / Lightspeed Blue
Vesper Vasquez / Black Hyperforce Ranger
Ivan / Dino Charge Gold
Clare Langtree / Gatekeeper Purple
64. Sentai Prime Force (a mix of Sentai and PR)
Kaoru Shiba / Princess Shinken Red
Gaku Washio / Gao Yellow
Hyoko Hayase / Sieg-Jeanne
Masumi Inou / Bouken Black
Emma Goodall / Megaforce Pink
Ziggy Grover / RPM Green
Kiya / Blue Omega Ranger
Tyzonn / Overdrive Silver
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elbiotipo · 5 years
(long post of rambling story ideas ahead, tagged as “long post”!)
rough plot idea: There’s this massive space Empire... the technology level is roughly 18th century but with SPACESHIPS. All the tech looks JUST at the point of a magic-fueled industrial revolution: indeed, ships are flown with magic. The Empire controls thousands of worlds and species, including Earth, and pretty much acts like a colonial empire, extracting resources from colonies to feed the aristocracy. The Empire justifies it as saying they NEED to control the galaxy or else magic will fall into chaos and fuck everything up.* The Empire has passed through several civil wars and wars of conquests and famine and magical disasters and everything is kind of degraded and decaying, the elegant cities full of beggars and careless aristocrats... Revolts are common, pirates are everywhere, and the weak Empress is controlled by RA RA RASPUTIN.
The main characters are the crew of the Starship Aurora, that once served the Imperial Navy. The captain, Omar was formerly a first officer in that ship, but mutinied after being ordered to supress a colonial revolt. He nows commands the ship with his lover Sailmin (names provisional), a Martian. Omar is strict but kind, the embodiment of Lawful Good. Sailmin is more chaotic and assists him with magical matters. Together they command a Bunch Of Misfits, some human, some aliens, who go around the galaxy fixing the empire’s bullshit and evading the authorities.
HOWEVER our ACTUAL main characters are: Martín, a fisherman from YOU GUESSED, Argentina, Earth, who works as the cargo master of the ship. He is a big, though and extremely calm man who loves the simple things in life: drinking mate, telling stories and punching imperial guards. His best friend/crush is Farah, the captain’s daughter, expert mage and intellectual, who tries her best to use the scientific method in a fantasy world that quite frankly doesn’t make any sense. Together, they fight crime.
They are “assisted” on their jobs by two kids: Antonio and Anita. Anita was the bastard daughter of a petty noble, and a very smart girl who was born in a terrible family. Antonio wants to be a knight and swore himself to protect Anita and learn the true way of chivalry; thus they escaped their homeworld to join the crew. There’s also Kirku, a sarcastic Venusian gecko-girl, who mostly keeps to herself but wishes to go back to her homeworld enslaved by the Empire. The kids are adopted by the whole Aurora crew, but Martín and Farah spend the most time with them.
At first there isn’t much of a plot. They basically go from world to world fixing the empire’s bullshit, freeing slaves, playing truco on the deck and evading Captain Javerta, the previous captain of the ship and probably the only authority figure that really cares about them. Omar is often contacted by Teresa, a revolutionary leader, but he isn’t really commited to The Cause.
But one day they go to the Imperial Capital and there are protests everywhere, things reach a breaking point. The Empress concedes to a constitutional monarchy. RA RA RASPUTIN wants to be crowned emperor, though. After some back and forth where the Aurora is involved, he destroys the Imperial Throne in front of everyone.
Surprisingly, magic DOESN’T fall into chaos and fucks everything up.
It was all just a lie to prop the Empire.
The people, understandably, are Very Angry. The Aurora joins the protests, and fires the first shots of The Revolution as the people declare a Galactic People’s Republic. RA RA RASPUTIN escapes despite being shot on the head, of course. He proclaims a new Empire and says that the prophecy of magic fucking everything up is still true: AFTER ALL, AREN’T YOU PAYING ATTENTION TO THE CIVIL WAR? THE CIVIL WAR I’M CAUSING BTW?
so yeah a civil war happens.
The adventures continue much as they did after, but trade missions become resupply missions, ocassional firefights are now full battles, friendly ports become enemies, and the formerly independent Aurora is increasingly under the thumb of the People’s Revolutionary Navy
The crew of the Aurora must make decisions. Omar believes the revolution is for the best, Sailmin isn’t so sure. Farah tries to investigate if there’s some truth to the whole ‘weakening of magic’ thing. The aristocratic families of Anita and Antonio are threatened by the revolution, and Kirku wants to go back to their homeworld, that is apparently burning away; they are growing up in the middle of a warship. Javerta has to choose between following THE LAW of a rotten empire or joining the Revolution. Teresa suddenly is no longer the head of a revolutionary party but the leader of thousands of worlds. And Martín has to be there for his adopted family (and maybe marry Farah someday?) in the MIDDLE OF A MAGICAL CIVIL WAR.
As the threat of RA RA RASPUTIN grows, the People’s Galactic Republic also becomes more militarized and dictatorial. Teresa’s party eventually gains FULL POLITICAL POWER and starts persuing dissidents. And the Aurora might as well be one...
Yes, it’s the Russian Revolution IN SPACE (with some other revolutions too)
What I’m still not clear at... and this is weird because usually I think this stuff through, if it that Earth is a conquered world of the Empire (thus making the Aurora also fight for Earth’s independence), or is the actual CAPITAL of the Empire (which would mean some real world nation would fit the role of the Empire which is yikes) or it’s just a universe with Space Argentinas, Space Chinas, and so on, which raises too many questions. I could drop the national backgrounds altogether but I like them, they give the story personality. I’ll see. For now, Martín is Space Gaucho #4
*totally NOT warhammer 40000 though it kinda totally is
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fireteamdawn · 5 years
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Takkāḷi Racam
  Born to an Awoken father and an Eliksni mother, Takkāḷi makes a strange sight to most Guardians. The strength and senses of the Fallen, with the power of Awoken Magic, make him a formidable foe- if he’s so inclined. Usually Takkāḷi is very soft-spoken (hardly speaks at all actually, unless you happen to speak the Eliksni language) and friendly Guardian. He was rezzed as a young child, and grew up living as a light-bearer. The Vanguard took him in, but his real home is with the Fallen. He strives to unite the City and the Fallen, naming himself Kell of House Dawn. He’s intersex, and pansexual, and very partial to Mithrax.
  Takkāḷi’s Ghost’s name is Varutta-Cis, a feisty and protective Ghost. He feels more like Takkāḷi’s older brother, than a being of the Traveller. He has a outlandishly huge mild crush on the Warmind, Rasputin.
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  Tallulah earned the name “Toaster” because of her reckless, self-destructive tendencies. He’s an Exo Thanatonaut with a past he’d prefer to forget. She witnessed the creation of the Awoken as a stowaway on the Exodus craft that fate had claimed. Her body was soaked in darkness, and balanced with light. He much prefers the darkness over the light, but with careful guidance, he’s becoming a little less of a wreck. She’s gender-flux and married to Lady Keki.
  Tallulah’s Ghost’s name is Tenedor. They’re a very flat, very tired Ghost, who’s taken to coersing Tallulah into even more trouble. They caved after a few hundred years of trying to curb the Exo’s erratic behavior. They’re ‘married’ to Keki’s Ghost, Mishumaa.
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Lady Keki
  The Lady Keki was a ruthless warlord, and Ironlord. One of the first Guardians. Her connection to arc light is fabled to be so strong, she could create lightning storms that raged for weeks. Having parted ways with the Ironlords due to her temper being too much for even them to truely tame, she wandered for hundreds of years before settling in the Last City as a Guardian of the Wall. Her thirst for the fight nearly lead to her demise during the Red War. Being lightless made her realize how much she depended on, and abused the power gifted to her by the Traveler. She’s begun a path of peace, hoping the pacifistic route will do more for humanity. Keki is a trans woman and is married to Tallulah-8.
  Keki’s Ghost’s name is Mishumaa. She’s a very cunning and airy Ghost, always ready to go with the flow. For the longest time she had to fight Keki on what was justified, and what was taking things too far. Now she happily supplies alternative ways for Keki to assist others. She’s ‘married’ to Tallulah’s Ghost, Tenedor.
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  Known only as “The Party”, they’re a beastly Exo with a penchant for mischief. Used to the wandering lifestyle, Daxx hasn’t been a standard Guardian in hundreds of years. Currently, they ‘own’ a little night club in the reef, welcome to all searching for a party. They’re agender, pansexual, and polyamorous.
  Daxx-6-9’s Ghost’s name is Boom-Boxx. They’re Daxx’s partner in crime, always ready with the right bassline. They rock a custom shell that acts both as a weapon, and various other builds.
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  Constantly vying for the spotlight, Mango is more of an actor than a fighter. Everything she does, she does with style and flair. If it’s not dramatic enough, she wants no part. Her favorite pasttime is working with the Ghost Community Theater and making sure their shows are flashy and fabulous. She’s a nonbinary lesbian.
  Mango’s Ghost’s name is Páprica. She’s just as tediously extravigant as her Guardian. The two build more and more elaborate ideas off one another, if undisturbed. It’s best not to let the two talk each other up an impossible hill. She’s asexual.
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  Horus-5, to others, seems to walk a path of darkness. To her, she walks a path of true neutrality. Seeking perfection and balance in the universe. Her obsession with the Vex, curated by her days fighting alongside Osiris, led her to purposefully integrate herself with them, becoming an amalgamation of both Vex and Exo.
  Horus’ Ghost’s name is Wadjet.
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  Ma'ab is the only surviving Eliksniling of Mazan, the Lost Captain’s clutch. Her siblings murdered by the Kell of Dusk to keep Mazan in his place. She fits well into the Marauder role, her favorite activities being: Sneaking up on people, and stabbing people. Mazan relies on her intel more often than not, with no reason to distrust her word. She’s honor bound to no one but her father, looking up to him, and hoping to be just as powerful. She’s an Asexual Lesbian and currently being courted by her best friend Kithas, who is also a Wretch.
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Lunoc and Hura'ca
  Lunoc was formerly a Royal Psion, before betraying Calus during the rise of the Red Legion. Joining the Legion provided her with space to climb the ranks, and delve deeper into powers she shouldn’t. She’s a decorated sniper, and the closest thing to a light-bearer a Psion could be, thanks to her connection to the Void. She’s dating Hura'ca.   Hura'ca has always been dangerously loyal to whatever cause she finds herself caught by. The Red Legion filled her heart with a bloodthirsty fire and satisfaction. She’s gone toe to toe with Guardians time and time again, always charging headfirst, ahead of her fellow Gladiators. She’s dating Lunoc.   The two had been forced to abandon the Red Legion to save their own lives during a Taken attack in the EDZ. Cut off, the two live as scavengers, protecting one another from Guardians, Fallen, and anything else that crosses their path.
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  Their initiation ritual of growth disturbed, T'cheul became cut off from their enthrallment, and perpetually trapped between the shape of a Thrall and an Acolyte. They’re peaceful, often ending up following Guardians and devouring the traces of light left behind. This often ends up with T'cheul being chased away by terrified Guardians, and has caused a few close calls, but they’re doing alright. Many other Hive had attempted to coerce T'cheul back into their thrall, but have been unsuccessful. It seems the worm inside, has deemed the Hive unnecessary to their survival and growth.
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