#Car wife…!!
delightfulgalaxykid · 5 months
merry chrisgriffin
*lin gives you offbrand plushie car luigi*
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*gives u suspiciously stewie shaped present*
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lunawolf444 · 1 month
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Who wants a passenger princess like me? 😉 message for applications to be my chauffeur 😂
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polychromaddict · 27 days
Living Dead Girl
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I absolutely love unhinged women
I spent so long drawing this it started to feel painful to open the canvas. I know it’s not perfect but it’s fine, maybe I’ll come back to it later (I doubt it). Long hair strands are so difficult to keep track of
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thecaywild · 3 months
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Would you like to have a cup with me today
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imsexyjuxie · 4 months
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Who's up for some kissing 😘💋😘😘
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alwaysalir · 1 year
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“It just became so perfectly clear to me that I had been holding on tightly to the possibility. The possibility of Daisy. And suddenly, I was having a very hard time with the idea of letting that go. Of saying, Never.” - Billy Dunne
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columboscreens · 5 days
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lunawolf444 · 28 days
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Kum 😅
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tomkeirblyth · 6 months
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thecaywild · 5 months
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A night with me or the car 😈
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its-your-mind · 8 months
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kweerfish · 1 month
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the hospital scene from Crash (1996).
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Tell Them
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pairing: jake ‘hangman’ seresin x wife!reader
characters: jake seresin, y/n seresin, grayson seresin, kennedy seresin, javy ‘coyote’ machado, the dagger squad, doctor, ty (mentioned - grayson’s friend)
warnings: third person pov, she/her pronouns used, language, car crash, drunk driving, mentions of dying, fear of losing a child, hospitals, mentions of surgey, description of injuries, i believe that is it
word count: ~3.4k
a/n: 1/3 (this is a three part story -- however i might expand on it if you guys want) 
secret family trope! who doesn’t love that?
loose summary: after nearly losing someone very important to him, jake decides it’s final time to reveal his secret to the dagger squad
pt 2  pt 3   
tell them universe
Jake was in the middle of training when a voice came over the comms, “Maverick, Hangman! Payback, Fanboy! We’re cutting your session short, land now!”
The four groaned, “We almost had him, sir!” 
“Seresin, I need you to land now and meet me in the ready room.” The urgency in Admiral Simpson’s voice made Jake’s stomach uncomfortably heavy. “Yes sir!”
Jake landed in record time, running off the tarmac.
Cyclone met him at the door and Jake stood at attention. “At ease.” Jake relaxed, “May I ask what this is about, sir?”
A voice from further in the room spoke up and the broken tone made him clench his jaw. Cyclone let him pass and he immediately embraced his wife. “Honey, what's wrong? What are you doing here?”
She looked up at him, her (e/c) swimming in tears. “Jake, Grayson was in a car accident.” Hangman’s heart dropped to his feet. “I tried to call but you weren’t answering and I didn’t know what else to do. I’m sorry, I know we talked about-“
He gently covered her mouth to silence her rambling, before slowly cupping her face, “Is he okay? Do you know anything?” She nodded and gripped his wrist, “He’s in surgery. I-I can’t remember wh-what they told me about his injuries. The-the police said that it was some drunk driver, he ran a stop light.” 
Jake just held her again, finally let his (and her) body weight fall back to the couch. “I’m scared, Jake…” “I know, I know Baby.”
Maverick appeared in the doorway next to Cyclone, “Sir?” “Cut training short, everyone had time in the air, correct?” “Yes sir.” 
The Admiral left and Pete stood in the doorway for a second longer before turning and going to tell everyone that training was over for the day.
When he was met with confused faces. 
“Wait, where’s Hangman?” Rooster asked, glancing at the crew in the men’s locker room, Mav having already let Phoenix know when he met her in the hallway. “Yeah, why did Cyclone need him to land so suddenly?” Payback asked.
Coyote checked his phone seeing missed calls and a few texts from Hangman’s wife, trying to get ahold of Jake. “He’s in the ready room.” 
Coyote grabbed his jacket and left the room without a word. “Machado? Where are you going?” Fanboy asked, but Coyote was already halfway to the ready room.
He burst in, “Jake, hey, Mav cut training early, Y/N’s been-“ He finally noticed that she was sitting on the couch. “Hey, Javy, sorry for blowing up your phone…” He shook his head, “It’s okay.”
Y/N rested her forehead on her husband’s, “I should head back to the hospital, I need to be there in case anything else happens.” 
“Wait, where’s Kennedy?” “She’s with Amelia and Penny.” “Does she know?” She shook her head, “Not yet.” Jake kissed her gently, “Please drive safe. I’ll pick her up and then meet you at the hospital.” Y/N nodded and hugged him tight. “I love you.” “I love you too.”
As she left the room, Hangman broke. His hands started shaking, his throat hurt, but he didn’t want to cry. He could cry later, right now he needed to collect his things and leave.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Javy asked when Jake stood up. “Grayson was in an accident, drunk driver… he’s in surgery, but I don’t know anything else.” Coyote nodded, “Come on. Let’s go.”
When they reached the locker room they were met with happy banter about their plans for the rest of the day. 
Bob was the first to pick up on how shaken up Jake looked.
“Hey Hangman, you okay?” Jake just moved to his locker, which happened to be beside Bob. The unnatural silence from the normally mouthy pilot was unsettling.
Hangman checked his phone, and the amount of times Y/N had tried to call him finally opened the floodgates. It hadn’t really hit him about how serious it was until he saw how desperate she was to get ahold of him.
He still didn’t say a word as he changed, collected his things, and left.
Every pilot in the locker room just sat there in silence, the jovial energy now drowned in confusion and sympathy. They had never seen him act like that, they definitely never saw Hangman cry.
“Coyote, what’s up with Hangman?” Rooster asked, concerned. Javy sighed, “It’s not my place to tell you.” “Come on man. Hangman has never acted like this before.” “Look, if you want to know, ask him. If he doesn’t want to tell you, then respect that.” With that Javy also left the locker room.
Jake picked up his 5 year-old daughter from Penny’s house, “Thank you for watching her.” Both Penny and Amelia shook their heads, “Of course. Call us if you hear or need anything.” Jake nodded and hurried down the steps.
He buckled Kennedy in and slid into the driver's seat. “Where’s Mama and Gray?” Jake sighed, “At the hospital, hun.” “Is Gray sick?” 
Jake didn’t know how to tell his daughter that her brother was probably fighting for his life on that table. “I don’t know, baby.” He hated doing that, but he had no idea what to tell her with the little information he had.
When he pulled up to the hospital, he got Kennedy out and carried her in.
It took him a minute but he managed to find Y/N. “Mama!”
She whipped her head up at the sound of her daughter’s voice. Jake put Kennedy down and she ran to her mother. “Is Gray gonna be okay?” Y/N sniffled and pushed some hair out of Kennedy’s face, “The doctors are doing the best they can, baby.” “Is he sick?” “No, Ken, he’s hurt.”
Jake sat down beside his wife, trying his best not to break down again.
Kennedy reached up and wiped the tears from her mother’s face, nearly making her break down. The young girl just embraced her mom, “Bubs will be okay, Mama.” Y/N embraced her back, holding her for dear life.
“Hey,” the three Seresin’s looked up to see Javy. “Uncle Cy!” Y/N let Kennedy slide off her lap and into Javy’s arms. “Hey trouble, did you have fun at Penny’s?” She nodded, and then leaned into his ear and whispered something. “That’s a great idea,” he whispered back. 
“Hey, I’m gonna take her to the vending machine, said she was feeling snacky. Do you want anything?” He asked the couple who just shook their heads. Javy nodded and was off.
Y/N turned to Jake and could see the turmoil swimming in his eyes. 
Her gaze softened, “Baby…” She cupped his cheek and he pushed his cheek into it, a shaky inhale entering his nostrils. “I’m trying to be strong right now, but I’m fuckin’ terrified,” he pulled away and pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes.
“Jake… Honey, you do not have to be strong. You may be some badass Navy pilot most of the day, but right now you are a dad. You’re allowed to be scared for your child.” 
He looked back at her, “How can I support you and Ken if I’m crying like a bitch?” He bit his lip and shook his head, looking down. “Hey, stop that. There’s no shame in crying, Jacob. Plus, I think we’ve got a pretty good support system. And they aren’t just there for me, or Kennedy and Grayson. They’re here for you too. So can you stop holding back the tears and just cry with me, please?” Jake finally let himself go and pulled his wife into his arms.
It was like that for about 30 minutes before Coyote was coming back with Kennedy on his shoulders. 
“Sorry it took so long. None of the vending machines had what she wanted.” Y/N and Jake chuckled at their daughter’s pickiness. 
He sat her down and pulled Jake and Y/N up to hug them. “I’m here if y’all need anything. Please don’t hesitate to ask.” “Thank you man.” “Thank you, Javy.”
He pulled back, “Do you want me to stay? Keep Ken occupied?” Y/N wiped her cheek, glancing back at the little girl playing with the ends of her blonde hair, tiny feet kicking back and forth. “If it’s not too much to ask.” “Of course, I just need to talk to Jake for a second, that okay?” She nodded, pulling Javy in for a hug before pulling away and sitting with her daughter.
Javy pulled Jake a little further away. “Hey, I think you need to tell the rest of the squad about them.” Jake sighed, hands on his hips as he looked back at his wife of nearly 15 years and his 5 year-old daughter.
The only people in the Navy that knew about them were his superiors and his best friend. 
He liked to keep this close to his chest, this was his and he didn’t want to share it. 
He had built this asshole, ‘care-about-no-one-but-myself’ persona because he had to. It was his way to protect his family and to make sure he made it home to them.
“Javy-” “Look, you don’t have to, but they were worried about you when you left.” Jake pulled out his phone. He saw multiple texts, both individual and in the group chat. It lifted his spirits a little to know that they cared.
His friend patted his shoulder, “Just think about it.” He brought Jake into a hug before joining Y/N and Kennedy.
Two hours later a doctor was walking out. “Lieutenant and Mrs. Seresin?” 
Both Y/N and Jake stood up, Kennedy on Y/N’s hip. “That’s us.” The doctor walked over, “The surgery went well, your son is currently resting.” Y/N let out a relieved sob, covering her mouth as Jake smiled and bit his lip, once again trying not to cry.
“Can you tell us anything about his injuries?” Jake asked. “The impact caused multiple lacerations, broken ribs, a concussion, a sprained wrist, a torn right ACL and a broken left femur. We’ve done surgery for both the femur and the ACL.” Jake wiped his face again, “Thank you. When -uh- when can we see him?” 
“He won’t be awake for a few more hours. But you can head back right now, he’s in room 405.” Y/N nodded, reaching out to shake the doctor’s hand, “Thank you, Doctor.” Jake did the same and the doctor left.
Javy stood, “Do you need me to take K? Give you both a minute alone with Grayson.” Jake looked at his daughter, who was resting her head on her mom’s shoulder. “I wanna see Gray…” “Okay, baby, we’ll go see Gray.” 
Jake turned to his friend, “Thank you man. You should probably head back, get some rest for- Shit…” “Language!” Jake covered his mouth, “Sorry, sweetheart.” Y/N rolled her eyes and giggled a little bit at the habit her daughter had picked up for whenever adults swore in front of her.
“Hey, I’ll talk to Mav. Give him the rundown on what’s goin’ on, you focus on them.” “You’re the best, J.” Javy nodded and patted Jake on the arm, giving the two girls a kiss on the head, “Call me if you need anything.” The couple nodded and thanked Javy before going to their son’s room.
Y/N gently sat Kennedy on her feet when they entered the room. 
“Oh my- Grayson…” Jake bit his fist at the sight of the 16 year-old covered in bruises and cuts.
Jake had seen combat and seen a few friends in the hospital after ejections, but the sight of his son would be burned into his brain forever.
All three moved to sit in the uncomfy chairs by the bed, Kennedy in Jake’s lap. “Is Gray sleeping?” Jake ran his fingers through his daughter's hair, “Yeah, he’s sleeping. He’ll be okay though.”
Kennedy wiggled from Jake’s hold and stood in front of Y/N, where she bit her nail and looked at her son on the bed. 
“Mama,” Kennedy grabbed Y/N’s hand with both of hers and moved it away from her mouth, like she’d seen her father do. “What baby?” “Why are you crying? Gray’s okay, he’s just sleeping.” She wiped her face, “I know, hun. I’m just happy is all.”
Kennedy wiped her mother’s eyes again and kissed her nose. Y/N giggled through the tears, “Thank you, Ken.” The girl nodded and yawned. 
“Are you tired, sweetie?” She nodded, “Mhmm.” “Why don’t you lay on the sofa? Get a nap in, okay?” Jake suggested as he patted the arm of the sofa next to the chairs. “I don’t have a blanket, Daddy.” He slipped off his jacket, “Here we can use this, for now.”
Kennedy climbed up onto the sofa and rested her head on the little pillow there. Jake covered her with his jacket and kissed her forehead. Kennedy had no trouble falling asleep with the comfort of her father’s jacket and cologne wrapped around her.
Jake sat back down next to Y/N and held her hand, eyes fixated on the rise and fall of Grayson’s chest.
“Was there anyone else in the car?” Jake asked, squeezing Y/N’s hand a little tighter. She nodded, rubbing the tension from her neck with her free hand, “Yeah, his friend, Tyler. He’s okay though, police said it was a T-bone to the drivers’ side. He’s got a concussion, a few cuts, and a broken nose from the air bag.” Jake relaxed, “That’s good. Both of them are alive.”
He clenched his jaw, “What about the drunk driver?” She bit her lip, “Coma, went through the windshield. By some miracle he’s alive…” Jake pulled his hand away and ran it through his hair.
He hated whoever it was that put his son in a hospital bed, whoever thought he had the right to reduce his normally energetic wife to a part of herself that he hadn’t seen in years. It was harsh and maybe even a little dark, but he wished the person was dead.
“Is it bad that I don’t think that’s enough?” Y/N shook her head, “I’m gonna be honest, I thought the same. But he’s 18, he’s just a kid, Jake.” “It doesn’t excuse what he’s done to Grayson.” 
She shook her head, “No, but you know that feeling we both feel right now? His family feels the same thing, only added with the major guilt for what their son has done.”
Jake sighed, she was right, she always was. But the anger was still a bitter taste on his tongue, and it would only go away when Grayson was awake.
They sat in silence, just listening to both of their children’s soft breathing as they slept and the heart monitor.
A few hours in, Jake’s lids felt heavy and he kept jerking himself awake.
“Baby, you can sleep, I’ll be here. You’ve had a grueling day.” “Like your day has been any better?” “I didn’t pull g’s all day. Please, get some sleep. I’ll wake you when he wakes up.” 
Jake could see the bag’s under her eyes, she was fighting off sleep too. “Wake me up in 30 minutes, we’ll take shifts.” She started to shake her head but he held her face, “Either that or I don’t sleep.” She sighed, “Fine.” He smiled a little and kissed her, “Good.” Jake got as comfortable as he could and fell asleep.
Y/N stood up and placed her hand on Grayson’s cheek, brushing his brown hair up off his forehead. She closed her eyes and shakily exhaled, saying a silent prayer and praise that her son was okay and would recover completely.
A knock came from the door and it made Y/N turn to check on Jake and Kennedy before kissing Grayson’s forehead and moving to the door. 
“Can I- Maverick?” “Hey, Y/N, Jake here?” She pointed over her shoulder, “I told him to get some sleep. Do you need him?” The captain shook his head, “I just wanted to tell him he’s got Monday off. Give you all some time to get everything sorted out. I tried to give him Tuesday off, but-” “No Pete, it’s okay,” Y/N gave him a thankful smile.
Pete glanced over her shoulder, catching a glimpse of Grayson. “How is he?” She sighed, “Doctor said he’ll be okay, should wake up in a few hours. A few broken ribs, lacerations on his left side, a sprained wrist, his right ACL is torn and his left femur is broken. They did surgery for both.” 
Mav nodded, “Do you guys need anything?” Y/N shook her head, “Not at the moment, but thank you for coming by. I’ll let Jake know you came by.” He nodded and hugged her, “Call me or Coyote if you need anything.” She nodded, “Thank you again.”
She sat back down and cuddled Jake’s arm, unknowingly sealing her fate. It didn’t take her long to fall asleep.
Not too long after that Grayson woke up.
After he fully understood where he was and remembered why, he noticed that his sister was awake. 
“Kennedy, Kennedy!” 
It was a whisper shout, pretty much all he could manage with his ribs. “Bubba!” She squealed, sliding down off the couch and going to the side of his bed.
“Hey, Kenni,” he pushed some hair out of her face. “Are you okay, bubba?” He nodded, “I’m okay, baby. Will you wake up Mom and Dad?”
Kennedy nodded and climbed into Jake’s lap, patting his face until he woke up. “Why are you hittin’ me, Ken?” “Gray’s awake.” He sat up straight, startling his wife awake. 
“Honey what’s wrong?” “Gray’s awake Mama!” Y/N all but shot up out of her chair.
She had to keep herself from embracing her son, opting to cup his face in her hands. He winced and she retracted slightly. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He shook his head and grabbed her wrist with his good hand. 
Jake placed his hand on the top of Grayson’s head, “How are you feeling?” Grayson shrugged as best he could, “Pretty good, all things considered.” Jake let out a relieved chuckle, shaking his head. 
“What’s the damage?” “Broken ribs, broken left femur, torn right ACL, sprained wrist, concussion, and lacerations,” Y/N said, letting out a heavy sigh.
“Is-is Ty okay?” Both of his parents nodded, “Got out with a broken nose, a concussion, and some superficial wounds.” Grayson sighed, relieved his friend was okay. 
“Will I get to play football, or any sport?” “That’s a question for your doctor, baby,” Y/N told him gently, pushing his hair out of his face again.
“Daddy?” Jake looked down where Kennedy was gripping his pant leg, “Yeah Princess?” “Can I see Gray?” “You’ve got to be careful okay?” She nodded and Jake picked her up, taking her to the right side of the bed.
He gently sat her on the bed and Grayson smiled at his little sister. “Hey, Kenni.” Kennedy frowned, tiny hand gently touching the injured side of his face. “Why is your face cut up? Did someone think you were paper?” 
He had to suppress the laugh, “I’m okay. And no, someone did not think I was paper.” “Well good, cause then I’d treat them like paper. No one hurts my big brother.” None of them could hold the laughs back that time, Grayson wincing a bit, “Thank you, Kenni. My big brave protector.”
He tickled her a bit with his good hand, causing her to wiggle and jostle his right knee. 
“Hey, bug, careful,” Y/N said gently, knowing it wasn’t really her fault. “Right, sorry, Gray.” “It’s okay, K.” Y/N kissed both of her kids on the head, “I love you both so much.” “We love you too Mom.”
Jake had a watery smile as he watched 3 of the most important people in his life. “And we love Daddy!” Kennedy said, smiling at Jake. “And Daddy loves you, both of you.” 
That was the reason he told himself he had to keep them private. He loved them, almost to fault.
And watching how close they could have been to losing Grayson, who had his whole life ahead of him, he knew what he had to do.
“Hey, can I talk to you for a minute? Alone.” Y/N nodded, giving their kids a smile before following Jake into the hall. “What’s going on, Honey?” Jake took a deep breath.
“I think I wanna tell the squad.”
hiiiii! i’m happy you’re here! thank you for reading!
i hope you enjoyed this first part! i have two more parts ready to go and we’ll hopefully get them out in a timely fashion
if you want to be notified of up coming parts comment and i can add you to the tag list! and if you want to be added to top gun tag list lmk! <33
top gun tags <33: @roosterscockpit @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @sebsxphia​ @milesdickpic​
thank you guys for being here!!!
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maxacre13 · 5 months
car seat headrest lyrics and marble hornets...
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Something i thought of from my tim wright x reader fanfic..
Chapter 3 up now!!!
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lunawolf444 · 1 month
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Driving 😘🏎️
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