#Carter Heywood
inevitablemoment · 1 year
“does that hurt?”
Word Count: 871
Warnings: Politics, politically motivated violence, stranger attack, black eye, injury, dislocated shoulder
Fandom: Spin City
Pairings: Mike Flaherty x Nikki Faber
I’m finally writing a Spin City fic! I love this show so much, and I am just shocked that there is no content. Like literally, on AO3, there’s no fics under the Spin City (TV) tag. But, that may change, as writing this piece has given me a spark of inspiration for to expand on it in a multi-chapter fic.
Takes place in late Season 3.
As Nikki had taken to spending more and more nights at Mike’s apartment, they often made their commute to City Hall together. It was not an uncommon sight to see them hand-in-hand as they made their way up the steps into the building, and she could not see them stopping anytime soon-- no matter how much Stuart teased them.
Besides, she had valuable ammo against him, should he annoy her enough.
She and Mike were discussing the previous night’s episode of Law & Order when she caught something in the corner of her eye; a man, dressed in a grey hoodie and his face obscured by a baseball cap.
Something in her gut flared at the sight of this man. She had lived in New York City all her life, a city girl through and through, and these instincts had been drilled into her from her earliest memory.
Her hold on Mike’s arm tightened when she realized that the man was approaching the both of them.
“You Mike Flaherty?” the man asked.
As tightly as Nikki tried to squeeze Mike’s arm to warn him not to engage, he still took two steps forward.
“Yeah, what can I do for y--?”
The man’s fist came flying towards Mike, immediately knocking him down. The man began yelling things like “Liberal puppet!” and “Commie bastard!” as Nikki rushed to her boyfriend’s side, trying to help him up as two security guards restrained his assailant.
Nikki helped Mike back to his feet. “Hey, you okay?”
Mike shook his head, even as he held the heel of his palm against his left eye. “Y-- yeah.”
“Mike,” she gave him a warning tone.
“Nikki, don’t worry about me,” he asked. “Did-- did he try to hurt you? I couldn’t see--”
“No,” Nikki said. “Are you sure...?”
“Nikki... please,” Mike lowered his hand, revealing that his eye was beginning to swell shut.
“Just... let’s just go inside,” he requested, taking her hand again. “Please?”
Nikki sighed. “Fine. But I’m getting ice for that eye when we get inside.”
Throughout the rest of the day, everyone reacted just as Nikki predicted they would; Carter, James, and Janelle showed genuine concern, Stuart asked if it had been a result of their “activities in the boudoir,” Stacey asked if Mike at least got a punch in, and Paul was just as clueless as ever.
“I heard the Secret Service guys talking,” Carter said as he and Stuart followed Nikki to the ice machine. “You think this might be the guy that tried to take a shot at the mayor last month?”
“I don’t know,” Nikki answered, inserting a coin into the machine and holding an open Ziploc bag out.
“Seems a little weird-- can’t take out the mayor, so you try to get the guy below him,” Stuart mused. “Like how I couldn’t score a night with a future Penthouse model in college, so I dated that flat-chested girl for six months. She even roped me into spending Thanksgiving with her family.”
Nikki let out a heavy sigh of frustration and contempt that harmonized with the ice machine as the ice fell into the bag.
She would not let Stuart’s “horny bastard” ways aggravate her today.
She had too much on her plate to worry about.
Nikki sealed the bag and turned back around. “Just see if you can get a security detail for Mike-- and make it discreet. Don’t want to make him feel smothered.”
“And what better way to do that than to gaslight him about the black, windowless cars outside his apartment building?” Stuart said.
Nikki gave herself one split second to glare at Stuart before she turned to Carter. “If I broke his jaw, I’d be doing mankind a service, right?”
“Oh, you’d get the Nobel Peace Prize,” Carter remarked.
Nikki gave Stuart the fakest smile that she could muster up before she left for Mike’s office in a rush.
As she expected, Mike was sitting at his desk, working as if nothing had happened that morning. The only indicator that this was not just a normal day was the beginnings of a violet bruise that framed his left eye, and the pained expression he seemed to have on his face as he filled out some paperwork.
Mike looked up, seeing her standing in the doorway. “Hey.”
“Hey-- I got the ice,” Nikki held up the bag, walking towards his desk and taking a seat across from him.
“Thanks, but--”
Whatever he was going to say, she didn’t listen as she gently pressed the bag of ice against his injured eye.
“Thanks,” he repeated, sincere this time.
He began to reach his hand to take hold of the bag himself, before wincing in pain.
“Wh-- you okay?” Nikki asked.
“It’s-- it’s just my shoulder,” he tried to wave off. “It’s a little sore.”
“That didn’t sound like a ‘little sore’ groan,” Nikki observed, reaching over the desk to try to examine his shoulder. “Does it hurt? Let me--”
As soon as her hand made contact with his shoulder, Mike cried out in pain. Nikki sprung to her feet and practically hurdled the desk to get to him.
“I-- I think we need to take you to the hospital.”
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talas-first-lady · 4 months
I asked myself this question today and I could not answer it so I thought I'd gather some expert input. Please share!
There will be a separate poll for the ladies and we can always smush the winners together and make them fight to the death after.
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theflashzoom · 2 months
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Every JSA Male best shirtless panel
From Left to Right:
Mr. America
Alan Scott
Jay Garrick (The Flash)
Ted Grant (Wildcat)
Rick Tyler (Hourman)
Atom Smasher
Mr. Terrific
Dr. Fate (Kent V Nelson)
Citizen Steel
Sand (Sandy Hawkin)
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lands-of-fantasy · 1 year
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DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (2016-2022)
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ufonaut · 1 year
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That’s not how it happened, not in our world. In ours, the JSA retired, for a while. In this one-- they just went public.
Trinity (2008) #20
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A/N: this is the result of listening to lots of RnB songs. just a post-mission fic, where the legends + justice society seeing what happened on the mission from a footage. that's it, that's the fic.
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dailyjsa · 3 months
Welcome to DailyJSA's JSA Member Tournament!
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Sixty four enter, one takes the crown!
These are characters who were either explicitly stated to be members of the JSA, or very involved with the team to the point that they're basically a member (mainly applies to Thunderbolt). Some are in a grey area due to retcons (such as Hippolyta) or were barely involved with the team, but they still count. Batman, Wonder Woman (Diana), Superman, and Robin have been excluded from this tournament to give other less popular characters a fair chance.
These initial matchups were made with a randomizer to be as fair as possible.
Each week, a round of polls will be posted. All polls will be a week long.
Since there are so many matchups to start, Round One will be split into two parts. The matchups are below the cut for those who may have trouble reading the bracket.
Feel free to send in an ask if you have any questions.
Round One (3/20):
Darknight vs Terry Sloane (Mr. Terrific)
Jesse Chambers (Jesse Quick/Liberty Belle) vs Al Pratt (The Atom)
Jennifer Pierce (Lightning) vs Al Rothstein (Atom Smasher)
Salem Nader (Salem The Witch Girl) vs Jeffrey Graves (Mister America)
Earth 2 Helena Wayne (Huntress) vs Jay Garrick (The Flash)
Dinah Lance (Black Canary) vs Sonia Sato (Judomaster)
Hector Hall (Doctor Fate) vs Pieter Cross (Doctor Mid-Nite)
Rick Tyler (Hourman) vs Ted Grant (Wildcat)
Matthew Tyler (Hourman) vs Joan Dale (Miss America)
Tom Bronson (Wildcat) vs Grant Emerson (Damage)
Jakeem Williams (Jakeem Thunder) vs The Thunderbolt
Jim Corrigan (The Spectre) vs Hippolyta (Wonder Woman)
Khalid Nassour (Doctor Fate) vs Jack Knight (Starman)
Kent Nelson (Doctor Fate) vs Thom Kallor (Starman)
Maxine Hunkel (Cyclone) vs Markus Clay (Amazing Man)
New Golden Age Helena Wayne (Huntress) vs Roxy
Round One Continued (3/27):
Billy Batson (Captain Marvel) vs Yolanda Montez (Wildcat)
Todd Rice (Obsidian) vs Dinah Drake (Black Canary)
Anna Fortune vs Beth Chapel (Doctor Mid-Nite)
Carter Hall (Hawkman) vs Red Tornado (John Smith)
Shiera Hall (Hawkgirl) vs Sand Hawkins (Sand/Sandman)
Michael Holt (Mr. Terrific) vs Alan Scott (Green Lantern/Sentinel)
Sylvester Pemberton (Star-Spangled Kid) vs Courtney Whitmore (Star-Spangled Kid/Stargirl)
Karen Starr (Power Girl) vs Wesley Dodds (Sandman)
Sara Butters (Red Beetle) vs Nathan Heywood (Citizen Steel)
Kent V Nelson (Doctor Fate) vs King Chimera
Kendra Saunders (Hawkgirl) vs Teth-Adam (Black Adam)
Ri vs Ted Knight (Starman)
Pat Dugan (S.T.R.I.P.E.) vs Libby Lawrence (Liberty Belle)
Rex Tyler (Hourman) vs Johnny Thunder
Charles McNider (Doctor Mid-Nite) vs Jennie-Lynn Hayden (Jade)
David Reid (Magog) vs Kate Spencer (Manhunter)
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jltoyphotography · 1 year
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (2016-2022)
The Arrowverse 5/9
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Slide 1: Ray Palmer (Atom), Carter Hall (Hawkman), Jefferson Jackson (Firestorm), Mick Rory (Heatwave), Leonard Snart (Captain Cold), Rip Hunter, Sara Lance (White Canary), Martin Stein, & Kendra Saunders (Hawkgirl)
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Slide 2: Ray, Amaya Jiwe (Vixen), Firestorm, Wally West (Kid Flash), Mick, Nate Heywood (Steel), Sara, Zari Tomaz, & Stein
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Slide 3: Ray, Nora Darhk, John Constantine, Charlie, Mona Wu, Mick, Nate, Sara, Ava Sharpe, Zari, & Gary Green
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Slide 4: Zari Tarazi, Esperanza Cruz (Spooner), Gideon, Astra Logue, Gary, Gwyn Davies, Nate, Sara, Ava, & Behrad Tarazi
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Slide 5: Mallus, Hank Heywood, Neron, Vandal Savage, Bishop, Damien Darhk, Eobard Thawne (Reverse Flash), & Malcom Merlyn (Dark Archer)
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avatarskywalker78 · 5 months
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Some more fics of mine - standalones (well, a few are part of a series but are currently the only entry so I'm putting them here):
of legacies and lies - Jack Thompson's granddaughter Alex, a SHIELD agent, deals with the aftermath of the HYDRA reveal while trying to get back home. Meanwhile her grandparents try and make sure she isn't made into a scapegoat by the authorities.
a god's reflection - a rewritten Loki oneshot set between Thor 1 and Thor 2 as he reflects on his actions on Midgard.
when one door closes (another opens) - Brianna Thawne, the Cobalt Blue of Earth-4 and its 22nd Century, joins her world's Legends after she stops Kate Allen from changing time, an action which caused a rift in Team Flash and left Brianna ostracised.
now we have (the freedom to choose) - Legends of Tomorrow AU, where Carter realises that now he's finally free of the cycle, maybe he doesn't have to be with Kendra.
you've always been (a part of me) - Krypton Post-Canon AU, set decades after the show, where Seg is hit with the reminder of his husband's mortality and doesn't deal with it well
speak (and i'll listen) - MonWinn oneshot, set post the Music Meister, in which Winn stresses out and Mon-El comforts him
to new beginnings - Westhallen New Year's Resolution fic for Polyam Shipping Day in January 2022
doubt (and the bonds of love) - when Mon-El becomes distant, Winn can't figure out why until Kara points out that he's not the only insecure one in the relationship
the future (is ours) - a Flash AU where Iris is the Flash and Barry and Eddie are the ones dating. Eobard has been defeated and everyone's made it out the other side...but Eddie fears for his relationship after finding out Barry and Iris were meant to be together...
right here (is where i'm meant to be) - fluffy, lazy morning Segdam oneshot
to live and rise (and hope again) - focuses on Eliana Kent, the daughter of Clark Kent and Lana Lang from another universe, who was forced to flee her own world with thousands of others after draconian anti-alien measures were enforced. Settling on Earth-38 with her adoptive aunts, Eliana doesn't expect anything drastic to happen...until the rest of her powers start setting in...
Ambiguity - FFN import, written for Stupid Mario Bros and a Mr L centric fic as he fights to fight his host body's brother
the truth (long overdue) - Spider-Man 2 AU where Peter goes back to explain everything to Harry and unknowingly averts tragedy later down the line
one night changes nothing (except when it changes everything) - Krypton fic where Seg and Adam sleep together one night early in S1 but Adam figures nothing's gonna change, because it's not like Seg of all people would return his feelings (hint: he's wrong)
remaining steadfast (accepting your purpose) - Robin of Sherwood S3 AU where Robert of Huntingdon stays the first time around, nervous as he is about stepping into the shoes of a hero
true friendship (becomes stronger over time) - Link & Saria post OOT (child timeline), where an older Link goes to talk to his best friend after feeling out of place recently
we have time (to start over) - X-Men 3 AU where Jean lived and brought Scott back, and now he's trying to figure out why Logan is acting so strange around him (it's the guilt)
i love you (let me show it) - Segdam fic where Seg proposes to Adam out of the blue
i will stand by you (i will help you through) - Angel & Riley friendship fic, in which Angel doesn't act like a dick in 4x20, instead recognising Riley as a young man in pain, and this has a massive effect on things
discussions and coffee (at three am) - Legends AU where Henry Heywood lived and is now a Legend alongside his grandson
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Good morning! Your blog has been giving me life recently. Do you have any whump recommendations for nerdy characters? Ex. Jesse Mills (whom I recently binge watched Hudson and Rex for after the glasses post lol).
Hello!! Hope your day is going well! I definitely have some nerdy characters to recommend :D
Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1)
Rodney McKay (Stargate Atlantis)
Riley Poole (National Treasure)
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Winn Schott (Supergirl)
Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon (The Flash)
Timothy McGee (NCIS)
Jack Hodgins (Bones)
Leo Fitz (Agents of Shield)
Hiro Nakamura (Heroes)
Niles Crane (Fraiser)
Charlie Epps (Numb3rs)
Chuck Bartowski (Chuck)
Ben Wyatt (Parks and Recreation)
Peter Parker (Marvel/Spiderman)
Bruce Banner (Marvel)
Ray Palmer and Nate Heywood (Legends of Tomorrow)
Seth Cohen (The OC)
George Crabtree (Murdoch Mysteries)
Everyone in Eureka is a big nerd. Can't go wrong with them all as whumpees (Zane Donovan is my personal favorite)
Quentin Coldwater (The Magicians)
And here are some great nerdy female whumpees if that floats yours or anyone else's boats:
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Cosima Niehaus (Orphan Black)
Felicity Jones (Arrow)
Claudia Donovan (Warehouse 13)
Kaylee Frye (Firefly)
Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)
Winifred Burkle (Angel)
Jemma Simmons (Agents of Shield)
Temperance Brennan (Bones)
Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)
Abby Sciuto (NCIS)
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Ella Lopez (Lucifer)
Veronica Mars
Samantha Carter (Stargate SG-1)
Rosalee Calvert (Grimm)
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talas-first-lady · 2 months
Post the ranking of the male legends. Let the world burn. Let chaos reign. It's on brand for the show (please read this in a funny tone)
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The official, correct ranking of male Legends from best to worst along with foolproof evidence which you can trust because I am a lesbian and I am not swayed by men of dubious attractiveness.
1: Gwyn Davies
Pros: Invented time travel so he could save the poet he spent his entire adult life pining for. Has some of the absolute best throwaway lines of S7 (with flawless delivery). Has literally never done anything wrong ever.
Cons: Not around for long enough, which was in no way his fault.
2: Ray Palmer
Pros: Delightful. Hilarious. Has great chemistry with every other character. Loves showtunes and Star Wars.
Cons: Spending billions of dollars to create a suit so you can be a superhero in a city that frankly has too many superheroes already is not a good look. Also he's way too intense in relationships.
3: Nate Heywood
Pros: He somehow manages to be the perfect combination of himbo and really smart. It shouldn't be possible. Also, I too am an overeducated nerd who is really into Tala and Maisie, so I relate to him.
Cons: He really sucks whenever he's in a relationship.
4: Jefferson Jackson
Pros: He's such a good guy through and through. He has been put through some deeply unfair things but still manages to always be a positive force. Deserves all the hugs.
Cons: His accent is ridiculous and I can't take him seriously because of that.
5: Mick Rory
Pros: Has any character on the show evolved as much as him? Probably not. He's a sweetheart. He writes romance novels. His relationships with other characters are always amazing.
Cons: We all had to watch him birth alien eggs through his nose and that can never been unseen. Way too attached to his shitty ex boyfriend.
6: Wally West
Wally is right in the middle because he is true neutral. Does he make the show better? Not really. Does he make the show worse? Not really.
Pros: Good karaoke choices.
Cons: It's really dumb that Death Totem Sara appeared to him as his ex (who he really wasn't with that long and who was very much still alive) instead of his mom (who was his only family for his entire childhood and fairly recently died).
7: Gary Green
Pros: Sweet, funny, endlessly relatable. He adds so much character to every scene he's in.
Cons: Does not understand boundaries at all. He's also very inconsistently written because obviously they didn't plan for him to be an alien from the beginning.
8: Behrad Tarazi
Pros: I enjoy the way his relationship with Zari has developed. And he's a great singer.
Cons: Weed is not a personality. They didn't bother to give him an actual personality until season 7, at which point I was already over him. I also don't like his fixation with Astra which was entirely about finding her pretty on Highcastle Abbey and has nothing to do with who she actually is.
9: Carter Hall
Pros: Had the good sense to die quickly before he could really annoy me.
Cons: Manipulative towards Kendra. Actively detracted from the 100th episode.
10: Martin Stein
Pros: Victor Garber. A+ singing.
Cons: Drugged and kidnapped Jax in the pilot. Racist, sexist, deeply selfish. He started to improve slightly but it wasn't enough.
11: Rip Hunter
Pros: Saw the potential in Sara Lance.
Cons: Told Gideon he loved her and then TURNED HER INTO A TRAINING SIMULATOR FOR THREE YEARS. He also flew her into the sun and into an atomic bomb. Lied to all the original Legends. Lied to Ava.
12: Leonard Snart
Pros: Had the good sense to die quickly. Also, I do enjoy him on The Flash.
Cons: Cruel and abusive to Mick almost constantly. Talk about kicking someone while they're down. He's an asshole to everyone, but the way he speaks to Mick is unforgivable.
13: John Constantine
Pros: He's a useful foil for some of the more optimistic Legends. Decent bisexual representation. Never met a weird unidentified substance he didn't want to put in his mouth.
Cons: He forced Charlie to face thousands of years worth of trauma, got Behrad and Charlie's friends killed in the process, and put the entire world at risk. Why? To save Astra, who he immediately forgot about and left to struggle on her own (again). He sent Desmond to hell. He abandoned Nora when she was a kid. He altered Spooner's memories despite knowing that having her mind messed with is a major source of trauma for her. Put the entire world at risk again by teaming up with Bishop. Lied to and manipulated Zari and had the gall to call it love. Also, if both Ava and Mick don't like you, you are clearly highly suspicious.
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rj0186 · 11 months
Hello there! Welcome to the circus I call my Tumblr account where I mostly post Aesthetic Collages of my favorite characters!
Here is a masterlist of all the Aesthetic Collages I've done/ones I hope to do in the future.
The list isn't complete and will be added too!
Bendy And The Ink Machine
Henry Stein
Demon!Henry Stein
Sammy Lawrence
Norman Polk
Wally Franks
Joey Drew
Allison Pendle
Susie Campbell
Shawn Flynn
Audrey Drew
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
Ultimate Spider-Man
Iron Fist
White Tiger
Power Man
The Lizard
My Hero Academia
Shota Aizawa
Tamaki Amajiki
Present Mic
All Might
Izuku Midoriya
Tenya Iida
Hitoshi Shinsou
Sir Nighteye
Shoto Todoroki
Sensei Wu
Sensei Garmadon
Star Trek (TOS)
Captain Kirk
Dr. McCoy
MCU (Markiplier Connected Universe)
Wilford Warfstache
The D.A.
Engineer!Mark 2
The Captain
Unus & Annus
A Heist With Markiplier (canon ending)
Red Robin
Red Hood
Robin (Damien Wayne)
Young Justice:
Robin (Dick Grayson)
Wally West
Red Arrow
Blue Beetle
The Flash
Cisco Ramon
Caitlin Snow
Harrison Wells
Barry Allen
Reverse Flash
Green Arrow
Oliver Queen
Felicity Smoak
John Diggle
Roy Harper
Rip Hunter
Sara Lance
Nate Heywood
Ray Palmer
Mick Rory
Martin Stein
Jefferson Jackson
Five Nights At Freddy's
Michael Afton
William Afton
Elizabeth Afton
Henry Emily
Charlie Emily
Freddy Fazbear
Withered Bonnie
Golden Freddy
The Puppet
Five Nights At Freddy's (The Movie)
Stardew Valley
The Farmer
Resident Evil 4 (Remake)
Leon Kennedy
Luis Serra
Ashley Graham
Other Egos
Star Wars
The Mandalorian
Phone Lock Screen
Spy x Family
Loid Forger
Yor Forger
Anya Forger
Lord Of The Rings
Percy Jackson/Kane Chronicles
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Nico Di Angelo
Carter Kane
Sadie Kane
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lands-of-fantasy · 1 year
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DC’s Legends of Tomorrow in posters
Season 1
S1 Character Poster
Season 2
Season 3
Crisis on Earth X
Season 4
Season 5
Crisis on Infinite Earths
S5 Character Poster
DC x CW Character Poster
Season 6
Season 7
Bonus: The Flash: Armageddon
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gamerkitten · 1 year
Team Alpha
Since deciding that all my Vs exist in the same universe, I realized that means my corpos are coworkers .
Cue me putting together the headcanon that the three of them all form a team that report directly to Jenkins, his most trusted agents. The only ones he would trust enough to ask them to kill his boss.
And so Team Alpha was born!
Jenaè Valentine
You know her, you love her; Arthur Jenkin's silk gloved right hand. As a blue blooded corpo, she can dance this dance without missing a single step and her stealth based combat skillset lends itself well to infiltration and sabotage.
She's called in when a case needs a precise and gentle hand or, subtle blade in the shadows.
Naveen Varma
Naveen is a scholarship kid from Arasaka Academy, born and raised in Heywood; specifically the Glen. His parents own a restaurant and are very proud of his success, as if they gave him any choice.
Hot tempered but charismatic,Naveen is the enforcer of the group and the bridge between the corporation and the streets.
Valarie Tanaka
Valarie is a product of the brutal infighting in the Tyger Claws and a childhood within a corporate orphanage. She's not much of a people person, tolerating the company of her team and other netrunners but she has little patience for anyone else.
Her domain is the net, hunting runners stupid enough to try and breach Arasaka's subnet. If she has to attend to a threat in person, she's just as deadly with her mantis blades as she is with her quickhacks.
Each of them have their own small teams that report to them, Carter, unfortunately, was one of Jenae's.
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
M!Reader being the Waveriders' cumdump. Having his hole filled by Ray Palmer and Nate Heywood at the same time, both sword fighting inside of him while Constantine and Behrad Tarazi take his mouth. Wally, Leonard, Jax, Rip Hunter and Carter jerking off with the scene waiting to have their turn again...
It takes 3 days just to clean up after the whole ordeal
"So boys when are we doing this again?"
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dailyjsa · 3 months
DailyJSA's JSA Member Tournament *Round Two*
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We're now down to 32 characters in our tournament! Who will move on to Round Three?
Reminder: In the event of a tie, there will be a one day tie breaker poll to determine who moves on.
The match ups are below the cut:
Terry Sloane (Mr. Terrific) vs Jesse Chambers (Liberty Belle)
Al Rothstein (Atom Smasher) vs Salem Nader (Salem The Witch Girl)
Jay Garrick (The Flash) vs Dinah Lance (Black Canary)
Pieter Cross (Doctor Mid-Nite) vs Ted Grant (Wildcat)
Matthew Tyler (Hourman) vs Grant Emerson (Damage)
Jakeem Williams (Jakeem Thunder) vs Jim Corrigan (The Spectre)
Khalid Nassour (Doctor Fate) vs Kent Nelson (Doctor Fate)
Maxine Hunkel (Cyclone) vs Helena Wayne (Huntress)
Billy Batson (Captain Marvel) vs Dinah Drake (Black Canary)
Beth Chapel (Doctor Mid-Nite) vs Carter Hall (Hawkman)
Shiera Hall (Hawkgirl) vs Alan Scott (Green Lantern/Sentinel)
Courtney Whitmore (Star-Spangled Kid/Stargirl) vs Karen Starr (Power Girl)
Nathan Heywood (Citizen Steel) vs Kent V Nelson (Doctor Fate)
Kendra Saunders (Hawkgirl) vs Ted Knight (Starman)
Pat Dugan (S.T.R.I.P.E.) vs Rex Tyler (Hourman)
Jennie-Lynn Hayden (Jade) vs Kate Spencer (Manhunter)
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