#Casandra Properties
mariacallous · 3 days
Sean “Diddy” Combs’ countless abuse and sexual assault allegations caught up to him on Monday after he was arrested and charged following a grand jury indictment. Though he pleaded not guilty to three federal counts of sex trafficking and racketeering the following day (he’s in detention pending trial after being denied bail twice), the damage is done in the court of public opinion.
After the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York unsealed Combs’ indictment early Tuesday morning, social media wasted no time cherry-picking the most searing details — most notably the narcotics and 1,000+ bottles of baby oil and lubricant that law enforcement seized during the March raids on Combs’ properties, which were allegedly intended for his abusive sex parties, aka “freak-offs.”
The shocking information and other parts of the indictment became another point of scrutiny for Combs after his 2017 rebrand as Brother Love failed to conceal the darkest parts of his alleged disturbing behavior behind closed doors.
The U.S. attorney’s indictment of Combs appears to bolster what many have alleged about the now-disgraced music mogul for years, with alarming claims of violence and abuse going back as far as 1990.
The beginning of Combs’ end began on Nov. 16, 2023, when his ex-girlfriend and former record company artist Casandra “Cassie” Ventura filed a bombshell civil lawsuit under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, accusing the Bad Boy Records founder of sex trafficking, rape, physical violence, intimidation and more over a period of 10 years. Combs and Ventura settled the suit just one day later. The latter’s public claims started a domino effect in the months following when seven more women and two men — including Combs’ former producer Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones and another former label artist, Dawn Richard of Danity Kane and Diddy — Dirty Money — to come forward with their harrowing accusations about Combs, all of whom claimed to at some point have been assaulted, abused or threatened by him.
But Combs isn’t the only high-profile figure in the music industry whose alleged misdeeds have been exposed recently.
Shortly before Ventura filed her lawsuit last November, former music executive Drew Dixon filed a lawsuit against famed producer L.A. Reid, claiming that he harassed and sexually assaulted her twice in 2001 while she was working for him (Reid’s request to have the case thrown out was denied in August). In June, producer The-Dream was hit with a sexual assault lawsuit; his former protégé Chanaaz Mangroe accused him of rape, sex trafficking and other violent actions (the producer filed to have his suit dismissed in August). That same month, Kanye West’s former assistant, Lauren Pisciotta, sued him for alleged sexual harassment (a legal representative for the rapper claimed the lawsuit was “blackmail and extortion”). And in July, Murder Inc. Records co-founder Irv Gotti was sued for alleged rape and abuse by a woman identified only as Jane Doe (he has denied any wrongdoing).
As history has shown, a culture of abuse has run rampant at the hands of powerful men in the music industry who refuse to take accountability for any of their alleged harm. Combs claimed in December that he “did not do any of the awful things being alleged” against him before brutal surveillance footage that surfaced in May clearly showed the music executive physically assaulting Ventura at a Los Angeles hotel in 2016 (Ventura detailed the same encounter precisely in her lawsuit). He later released a video apology on Instagram (which has since been removed from his page), taking “full responsibility” for his actions in the footage but for nothing else he’s been accused of.
That could change once Combs’ yet-to-be-scheduled federal sex trafficking trial begins, as his mountain of allegations is just the tip of the iceberg of what’s publicly known. Federal prosecutors’ extensive evidence of Combs’ alleged criminal enterprise will likely expose more, especially since they claim the mogul’s unlawful behavior persisted just days before his arrest.
Nonetheless, Combs’ indictment, which also cites unnamed associates and employees, signals a watershed moment many didn’t anticipate would come so soon after Ventura’s lawsuit — remember, it took over a decade for charges to come down on Jeffrey Epstein for his crimes. With prosecutors adamant about trying Combs’ case in a court of law, the American justice system has taken the first significant step toward holding the industry executive liable for his improprieties.
Now the music industry has officially been put on notice.
The public takedown of Combs is a warning to any wealthy, high-powered folks in the music space who indulge in similar criminal acts and the fearful enablers who stand by silently, unmoved and unwilling to intervene in corruption that goes on far too long. The same goes for those, like Russell Simmons, who thought fleeing could erase the horrid accusations coming from survivors who bravely went on record about the pain endured in their workplace or inflicted by their powerful employers. Evading justice only prolongs the damage, as Combs may be figuring out. But the day of reckoning, for the music industry, at least, is here, and the reign of its abusers is coming to an end.
If we as a culture are to do right by any survivors who have spoken up, we cannot stop with Combs. It’ll take more action and more listening to prosecute unscrupulous men to the fullest extent of the law. Moreover, the music industry stakeholders must commit to creating a safer environment by exiling those who continuously defame it with their deceit.
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bsideheart · 2 months
Hey! :D
What the fuck! :D
Let me tell you, listening to the last mmmh, let's say 3 hours of the burning bridge audiobook at 1.5/2x speed while doing the dishes was an Experience TM.
The splitting of the party was truly where my nerves started being harrowed ngl, don't split up, is a rule that should be applied outside of the horror genre, imo, for my own health. Maybe it's cause of me reading asoiaf recently, but I hate the instances where shit is happening to characters in 2 different locations far apart, and they're both working on slightly different information and footing without easy communication cause that's how we get Tragedy.
Gilan riding like hell and demanding he go back for Will, Evelyn/Casandra and Horace made me lowkey sad, ilhsm, character of all time he's hilarious. His training of Will and Horace is very much giving me Star Wars jedi lineage vibes to me. Also, the scene where he dead ass shoots up like a Looney Toon character to bolt and inform everyone that Cassandra is, in fact, alive, had me gagged with giggles. Okay, thanks for nothing mourning wise, ig.
Speaking of Evelyn, I was vibing with her, secret and all, until it was revealed, she was the Princess of the Realm. Like, don't get me wrong, I still like her, but idk, man, it stuck as a little mmmh fixed? Like I get for plot, obvi the hostage situation had to work. Ppl needed a good reason to go after Will, its to raise the stakes cause what if they found out blah blah blah. But she could have just a random layperson with a huge secret, and I would have preferred it that way cause that way we get an outsider pov in the country/ conflict. I wouldn't even have minded her being some form of nobility. It just feels like a setup for Will to Get The Girl and the Girl is also the Princess. Man, idk.
But moving on. These lil shits. The first time, they're on the field (sort of), and they commit war time arson and mass property destruction. Like, okay, fun!!! But also, the slow and invisible, basically enslavement of the fantasy Gaelic people in their own country by an evil mfer from im assuming fantasy Britian gave me the chills. I might be stretching, but I live in Ireland, and the history of the brehan laws, an gorta mor and the indentured servitude is still present and kicking. Like well aware slayery and indentured labour in no way are the same thing, but the similarities crossed my mind on a surface level
The final battles were quite ingenious, really. The fake out, dive, split, and reform tactics were really good and plausible for the highly specific situation here.
Also Morograth sassy old Queen vibes??? Maybe I'm seeing things. He's so sarcastic and so open about the fact that he does not give 2 shits about killing a kid in unfair combat.
But lowkey the narrator speaking of some random figure running out to bitch slap Morgorath in the face with a gauntlet? First, I shouted out loud, "Gilan NO!" and then after a second even higher "HORACE NO!" Like that knife vine. Or that simpsons meme. That moment was so fucking hilarious to me I paused for a second to giggle at myself.
You, a natrually born and skilled fighter, blindly running into battle, underprepaed and fueled by anger and fear/mourning for your boy best friend? Mmmmh, kinda Achilles Aristos Achaion coded of you babes.
UGHHHH ANDDDD. The fact that Horace defeated Morg by being rescued by his horse (Will coded of him!) and then using a move taught to him by a ranger while he was training with 2 rangers, a huge community with a sense of reliance and family or at least geneialty while he himself hates that cause its narrative representation of that (Halt) defeated him, who rules his subordinates in the complete opposite fashion. Something there metaphorially.
Also hilarious that when Rodney is giving out to him for his reckless behaviour, Horace is so concussed he's convinced he's in trouble for not finishing the job of killing Morgarath so he gets back up to do it.
But kinda weird that Morgarath died so easy? He's not dead me thinks.
Okay. Morgarath calling Will Halt's whelp. It's funny if it weren't sad.
Also him running to coast, almost losing his horse in desperation, and losing his SHOE (obligatory sam winchester I lost my shoe gif insert here) trying to catch up to the boats, going apeshit on the bow n' arrow ON HORSE BACK BY THE WINDY ASS SEA AND TAKING BITCHES OUT TO THE DECK WHILE RIDING REINLESS??
I can just imagine the movie shots in my brain. The wide shots of the crashing sea. The shouting of the men and slapping of the oars. The establishing shot, a wide shot of Halt, a tiny figure against this hulking moving boat on the massive sea. A close shot of Halt loading and drawing his bow. The desperation bled of the page 100%.
Him shouting desperately to Will that he'll fine him (not even him and the princess just him) wherever they take him even tho he just rode all the to the coast all ready. Okiiii. And the fact that Will just shouted his name back at him. Like. Oughhh, just a kid. Shouting for his dad.
HATE that Halt is just left there standing on the shore. And we're left to imagine the after. Does he go back to camp. Does he stand there for hours until somebody notices his absence and follows his tracks? Is it Gilan? Rodney? Horace? Crowley and Co.? The Kings party? Does he stand there numb? Does he cry, lash out in anger with his poor horse beside him? Does Gilan blame himself for leaving the kid? Does Horace for being separated? Does Rodney try and comfort him? Does Crowley now think him a "loose canon"/flight risk? Do Halt and Duncan mourn the loss of their children together? Who tells Alyss? And Jenny? Does Alyss spend time with Halt for days after?
Holy fuck I gotta stop with this shit bro, the hole I'm digging here.
Crazy ass ending. I HATE it. More pls
HEY :D HEY GLAD TO HEAR IT :D i showed mh older sister this ask and they were giggling the whole time so rest assured you have very correct opinions. “don’t split up” is always a good rule ur right ur right !!
bro GILAN…………. he’s literally the best character and his dedication to getting that information back was beautiful, and when he went like “MY GOD ITS NOT HER” and halt spilled his glue all over himself 😭🙏
never really thought about evanlyn’s story feeling forced but ur right, maybe bc i was like 11 when i read for the first time but considering other possibilities is pretty interesting. as for the “setting up for will to get the girl and the girl is the princess”, well……… u just gotta see how this one plays out hehehehehhe it’s actually a fascinating way to handle a love triangle and yeah…… fantasy gaelic ppl enslaved by fantasy british ppl…….. the implications are there to be seen and it’s. ough.
MORGARATH MY LOVE he’s literally the most dramatic villain in the entire series. and “gilan no! HORACE NO!” HAD ME CACKLING GHFHSJDHS he’s so silly!! horace himbo agenda is true and real especially in the first few books!!! he has balls of steel for that horse move i genuinely thought he was gonna die. but he didn’t <3 and don’t worry morgarath is actually dead, it did seem pretty anticlimactic tho
AND THE SCENE OF HALT CHASING AFTER THEM IS JUST :( it’s so desperate and heartwrenching and the way he takes his horse as far into the water as he can while shooting and like. will calling for him as loud as he can BROOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭 and then all those possibilities about what happened……………. my fragile soul can’t take this. did he mourn in private agony or did he lean on his friends for support i’m inclined to say the latter. but i think the next book gets into it kinda :3 WAIT. WAIT. WHO TELLS ALYSS OH MY GOD who tells alyss i’m gonna lay down in the ocean and never stand up fuck. fuck
please never feel ashamed of sending very long asks about rangers apprentice this was so much fun to read and answer, i cannot WAIT for you to read the next one!!! any character or plot thoughts in the meantime are welcome!! 🫶
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The Devil in the Sewers
Most of Matt Murdock's Clients bring a scent back from every where they've been but the sewers of New York was a rare one, usually from plumbers and city workers but he never would have expected it from an aspiring reporter and college student.
"Miss O'Neal, Its a pleasure to finally meet you in person." Matt extended a hand towards the direction of April O'Neal. " So what brings you to Hell's Kitchen?"
"Its about my friend, Casandra Jones, she was recently arrested for trespassing on private property then you were able to bail her out," said April. While talking, she had an eye searching for finer details that could point her to the direction she needed. And above the blind man's eye and near his hairline were two raised scars, as if something could pop out of them at any moment.
April continued, "Casey was a bit 'sussed' out by your immediate attention to her case, she told me to look into you, and I did. Particularly cases such as Karen Page and Frank Castle from your previous firm and there's taking down the Kingpin. Trespassing seems a bit too small for you."
"Its not about Crime or how big the client's name might be Miss O'Neal, its about defending the city of New York." said the lawyer. If his partners had not been absent that day, they would have backed him up. Judging by the light steps behind his office door. It sounds like Miss O'Neal had backup too.
The door opened, barely hissing a creek, as if the one who'd open it knows that ears are as powerful as eyes. But the smell that wafted through the air, damp, mildewy, mixed with various metals and so utterly New York, gave April's friend away as something not entirely human. Her heart rate starts to pick up, the friend was probably disregarding a possible "don't come in" that was said a couple blocks before.
"Who's your friend Miss O'Neal." Matt asked, this prompted her friend to almost saunter a bit closer to him.
"Othello Von Ryan! At your service!" exclaimed. The pride in his words were nothing to hide the fact it was a lie. It amused Matt, letting out a small laugh he continued.
"No really, what is your name?" Matt said, wanting to know more of this now disappointed character.
"Sigh," He sighed, "Donatello Hamato." Nothing in Matt's initial question pressed for his full name, however there was this mutual understanding that some transparency was needed. The whirrs coming from Donatello indicated he started up some sort of machine. The slight beeps and chirps and the soft "Oh" that followed was not a good sign to Murdock. If only he could see the sparkle in the purple clad turtle's rusty brown eyes, he would have been more understanding. Then Matt's hand made its way to sooth a tingling feeling starting to bubble at his temples.
"I apologise for cutting this meeting so short but can we talk about it some other time, I'm getting a really bad headache, I hope you understand." said the lawyer as the pain started to sting the scars on his head.
The young adults nodded to each other "We understand Mr. Murdocks. Feel free to call us at a better time."said April, making their leave out the firm's door. While the sound of the lock clicking into place gave some comfort, the pain hadn't subsided till the lawyer felt the warmth of his own blood dribble down his face.
A pair of maroon horns now rested on his head, like they had the night before and the nights before that. The horns that cursed him when he was blinded by the ooze that one summers day. As if the devil had change Matts DNA to make him more like himself.
To be continued?
Authors Note: We really need more Rise!Daredevil content. Especially involving the sheep dad of the year, Baron Draxum.
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spaceacepirate · 2 years
-You will let me do this Paris.
-They will kill us both once they find out.
-At least it will be a proper end then.
Hektor stands on Troy’s walls, part of the army with him, the rest outside the gates. Soon, his little brother will ride out and fight Menelaos in single combat, soon his little brother will most likely die. Menelaos is a warlord, a ruthless fighter. Paris is not. The gates open, a single soldier rides out on a horse. Slowly the horse goes, even Scamandrius could keep up at this pace. The armor is strange, Paris normally wears brighter things, more for show than protection. This looks like one of Hektor’s sets. It is one of Hektor’s sets. Two spears, a sword, a shield, no bow. Paris does not like spears, he prefers the bow. From the Achaean ranks, a chariot rides out, a lot faster, with more flair. Menelaos, armor gleaming in the sun, he too holds two spears, a sword, and a shield.
The Trojan horse has stopped and the rider dismounts. Menelaos jumps out of the chariot. The warriors face each other. A yell from the Achaeans. The fighters clash.
-Sparta trains them well.
A voice from Hektor’s left. Paris. Paris who is meant to be fighting down there right now. Hektor drags him behind a pillar, out of sight.
-What have you done? Who is fighting instead of you?
-She threatened to skewer me with a sword, so it is not really something I did. Besides, she is a demigod, and trained, I am not.
-Helen? You let Helen fight?
-Again, she threatened me.
A scream from outside the city, too deep to be Helen. Paris drags Hektor back to the wall and points down to the battlefield. Menelaos, disarmed, helmet lost and on his knees in the dust, a sword at his throat. Helen, because it truly is her, in stolen armor, stands victorious, not a single scratch on her. On the field, Helen pulls the helmet off and throws it down next to Menelaos, long flowing hair revealed.
-Let this be a lesson to all, mortal and god alike, who claim to own me! I am the queen of Sparta, I am a princess of Troy and I am a daughter of gods. I am not property! I am free! And I will go wherever I please.
The spear crackles with electricity while just off the shore, behind the Achaean ships, clouds gather into a large mass. They disband again and leave behind a small ship. Several nephelae stay behind on deck. Helen picks up her helmet again and turns to the city walls, raising her spear high.
-Women of Troy, this is not your war. If you wish, this is your chance to leave. Join me and you will have a glorious and rich life on the seas.
With that Helen turns away and marches through the Achaean ranks, now once more wearing the helmet and brandishing the spear at any who dare to step too close. She boards the ship and leans over the prow, waiting. The gates of Troy open, a small parade of women leave, Cassandra at the front.
-Did we just lose a sister?
-You just lost your wife.
-And you lost a set of armor. Is that really Casandra?
-What do you mean I lost a set of armor?
-Mine did not fit okay? 
From the walls of Troy a loud shriek comes, although it is not one of fear or pain. Two brothers tussle, the war outside forgotten for a short moment. Their ignorance does not last long. Two weeks later Patroclus will fall from the walls of Troy. A week later Achilles shall drag Hektor around those walls. Soon after Achilles’s death will come from high up on the same walls. Afterward, Paris will fall outside the walls. Troy burns.
Far away on distant shores and foreign waters, Helen sails with her crew of women and nymphs. Some days the dolphins join them, sometimes human, sometimes not. Cassandra does not speak, but she writes and signs, the curse has no effect. They live a rich life, taking over ships and freeing slaves. They find Andromache on Corfu and learn of the end of Troy. They ask her to join them, but she declines, she mourns her Hektor still. Once a year they return to mourn brothers, friends, husbands, and fathers fallen during the sacking of Troy. Helen stays aboard the ship and mourns in her own way.
Every evening they sail into the sunset and laugh. No one owns them, they are free.
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The Wall of Doi Vaang
26. Fall ye’ House White Stead (chapter 1 - Wall of Fortune 1/4) part 7. Stories of Magic Forests
           Cassandra Whitestead had exceptionally big plans for her future. She wanted to reclaim the magic forest her family came from; Thus, completing the Whitestead magic international family enterprise. For house Whitestead, was the richest and most corrupt of all magic families. Cassandra deeply wanted to see the Eastlands, where stag magic houses originate; But inside, she was just another child groomed to take over the family business. Half Grand West, and Half Eastland, Cassandra looked an odd mix of the two. She had the Eastland features, but the green eyes and sunny hair of the West. Her stag kingdom faux fairy robes, made her look more like a deep pink wizard, then a classy business woman. Looks aren’t everything, however. Cassandra was educated, in her prime, and ready to explore. She was ready to get a piece of the Whitestead pie, in the place it all began.
           The Whitestead family got its wealth, by setting up shop in an area with no magic people, and many fey. Then, they filled the wizardry jobs with their own family members; Monopolizing, and overcharging, for removing magic disturbances. Like a mafia, each detail from who and how a job was performed, was planned. Whitestead was so airtight, no land could prove that they were extorting the magic fears of common folks. When people are vulnerable, they will pay anything to fix a problem; And Whitestead was always conveniently there. The issue was Whitestead’s ethically dubious profit margin, and its abuse, and destruction, of magic itself. Cassandra was another fool, drinking the family poison. She had no clue, her family magic enterprise was problematic. Cassandra was a rich girl, oblivious to the trials within in a magic forest, that hasn’t seen a wizard, or a Whitestead, in three generations.
           Doi Vaang, Is the magic forest of the Stag Gate. However, the Stag Gate has been closed for a few hundred years; Leaving behind the ancient architecture, fey and people. It was surrounded by a tall wall, with a large gate on the east face; Walking distance from a small train station. The wall was old, red, and had curved eaves with ornate spires at the tips. Yet inside the intimidating walls, was a self-sustaining population; Living peaceful traditional lives alongside magic.
The humid green air, filled Cassandra with passion; it was the air of her ancestors. But she was so far removed from her heritage, that when she entered, she stood out. There were no wizards, nor fair hair and eyes. Her Anglian accent peeked through her Modern Vietcian. Cassandra was expecting a grand city, of ancient south east Asian architecture, and instead was slightly disappointed to see a golden butte at the far edge of endless rice patties, five farm steads, and an ancient temple of water and gratitude. This place was so anticlimactic, and sparse, Casandra wondered how she would ever turn a profit; Or find daily enjoyment. Not even tourists came here.
           Cassandrea went to the farmstead closest to the giant unguarded entrance. The property had a flag with a bridled Pegasus on it; The symbol of House Whitestead.
“Hello? I’m Cassandra Whitestead, I come from the Grand West of Anglia to offer my magical talents to your community.” She called into the large yard. A girl was picking peaches, and an older boy getting water from the well.
“Anyone of house Whitestead, is welcome to rest here: As long as they help out. You wish to help us with magic? We have lots of magic! Your help will pay your rent.” An older woman said, standing in the doorway. “But tell me; what talent do you promise? Bold of you to assume we need anything.”
“For a price, I can do anything a common folk wants.” Cassandra smiled. The old woman grimaced.
“You know wizards are just common folk with access to simple magery?”
“Don’t be silly. Wizards are trained people, of magic houses. Magery is the magic of old, and comprises of forbidden lethal spells. My modern understanding of magic, is here to solve todays magic inquires.”
“Magic is the same age as all of Ealden Cynedom; Neither young or old. There is no such thing as old magic. You will be unhappy here, if you keep believing things are one or the other. Constructs like the money you seek, have no worth compared to love and a needed meal. Speaking of which, would you like to help me cook dinner and join us? Tomorrow you may meet all the wonders of Doi Vaang.” The old woman said kindly. Cassandra’s heart, enticed by her homeland, made her eager to be kind and willing. Like an enchantment, that pulls one in, and erased their agendas.
           The next day Cassandra woke refreshed, to the sound of exotic birds, mundane and mythical. She prepared the first meal, adorned some traditional clothes; vibrant magentas tied at the bust, waist, and into bagged pants. Cassandra then joyously left to meet the locals. She was given a large donkey to ride. Cassandra wasn’t amused by this arrangement. Soon, Casandra noticed they had horses, and wondered if the people were messing with her, or honestly could not tell the difference.
Cassandra’s first stop, was to the large temple. Or it would be a temple if religion was a thing. People came here to learn the philosophy of water, and live without judgement. Magic was good at that, thus a good teacher, and thus a good place to practice the philosophy. The stone, gold, and jewel tone architecture, was magnificent. All the people wore simple fabric outfits, and where just existing in serenity. Some of them were doing odd things, and others normal daily chores. Cassandra tied her donkey with the other livestock that wore tack, and entered. No one even looked at her; Or if they did, it was for fifty seconds to ensure she was a person.
           The main hall of the temple had a Brocken roof, overcome with moss and vines; But it was also somewhat maintained. The temple was loved. In the main hall, was a giant bronze gong, surrounded by a wall of bells on either side; mallets provided. Each bell had an etching of a mythical ungulate; But the gong and singing bowls had a chollima. She was stalled by the polished brass artistry. At her feet, was a young man her age, bowing on his knees, with his hands covered in chalk while his palms touched behind his neck. Cassandra had heard of this tradition, just like seasonal incense, and lantern hanging. It is called giving gratitude. The humility of being thankful for what is; The only judgment allowed by the monks of water. Cassandra joined him. She grasped chalk of the land, from a large jade trough below the gong, clapped her hands roughly on the ground as she bowed; Curled position as the young man.
“What are you grateful for? You look like you’ve never done this.” The man said.
“To be here I guess; Where my ancestors are from. Um, you?” Cassandra replied.
“To be able to see and wear yellow-gold fabric.” He chuckled. She wasn’t expecting that; it seemed petty and small. Yellow fabric was everywhere, and everyone could see yellow; Even colour-blind people. Why be thankful for something so mundane and meaningless? Confused, Cassandra got up with him, hoping for answers.
“That was nice; I would now like to meet you, as you look unlike any person I have seen before. You convey that you come from another land.”
“I am a sorceress, who wishes to connect to my family’s beginnings. For it has wandered far, but my heart draws me back. Now I wish to ask: Are you a monk here?” Cassandra swooned. She was now looking the young man clad in yellow, noticing his radiance. His sunny loose pants, and his perfectly white fitted silk shirt. A gold round buckle, with the emblem of a flying caribou, for house Bridlebell was on it. Cassandra, taken by whimsy, wanted to get to know him. Perhaps the lust to embrace her dream, or the flush of a love.
“No, I am not a monk, but a young man who lives on the south west rice fields. I am Closes to the tall golden mound, that hold the center of this magic forest. Maybe I should give thanks to it as well. My name is Sho Bridlebell.” He said warmly. He was endeared by her longing look. The flattery of being mundane, but seen as the most enchanting thing in Doi Vaang. He eagerly awaited her response.
“Hello, Sho. I am Cassandra Whitestead.” She chimed.
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tangledcassandra · 4 years
Never Quite Eden
Cassunzel Week Day 2: Secrets and Promises
Title: Never Quite Eden
Description: She came a-calling Hair like the sun's rays Between her visits I counted the days She slid from my grasp My one true soulmate Back on my own now But such is my fate
[Read on AO3]
The day was clear as Cassandra scanned the beach from her vantage point atop the lighthouse. There was a breeze, or a bit more than a breeze, as was common on the beachfront. She breathed in the salty air, gripping the railing as she stared in the direction of town.
Cassandra would never have said that she was unhappy. In truth, she had never felt that way. She acknowledged that a job such as hers was not suited for everyone. But it suited her, and she would have been content to live out her days, watching the waves roll in and the ships sail by, with naught but the gulls and seals to keep her company. She was satisfied with her position, with her life, and with the loneliness that came with it.
But that had changed the day Rapunzel invited herself in.
Her visits were the highlight of Cassandra's week. Indeed, the most exciting thing she'd had to look forward to up to that point in her life was her monthly delivery of fresh produce. That, and the occasional visit from her dad, although she couldn't really look forward to that seeing as his appearances were random and unplanned.
Rapunzel had taken to showing up once a week, on the same day, usually at a regular time of the afternoon. As that time approached, Cassandra started to feel giddy, like when her father would bring her an interesting trinket for her childhood birthdays.
It wasn't just the excitement from the break in the monotony that was her life that made her anticipate their regular meetings. Rapunzel, with her overly friendly nature and disregard for respecting other's property and their want for privacy, had somehow wormed her way into her life and then stuck there. And for some reason, unlike all others before her, Cassandra did not find her company unpleasant.
Any moment she would see her strolling along the sand, picnic basket in hand. It was a part of their routine. Cassandra would watch her approach, resisting the urge to run out and meet her halfway as her heart raced with elation. Rapunzel always brought some kind of sweet or savory goody to share, which was probably a large part of the reason Casandra kept letting her come back. She wasn't much of a cook, and the tasty gifts from her new friend were a welcome break from canned and pre-packaged meals.
More than that, it was actually nice to have someone she could call a friend.
She sighed as she tore her eyes away from the coastline. A watched pot never boils, she reminded herself, resolving to keep busy until her friends arrival. Surely there was something she could spruce up in the kitchen. Maybe tidy her bed. Make sure the few dishes she owned were clean. Things she didn't normally think about when she didn't have regular company. Yeah, she could make the place a little nicer while she waited.
* * *
Her home was small, and it wasn't long before she was making her way back up to the lookout, thinking fondly of the time she and Rapunzel had spent together. Cassandra had never asked anyone to go out of their way to visit her. She wouldn't dream of inconveniencing another person. But Rapunzel, for some reason she still couldn't ascertain, had sought her out on purpose. And after the first time, she'd just kept coming back.
She scanned the beach again, looking for the familiar figure. Not many people came out this way, being as the weather was almost never agreeable enough to be enjoyable. Plus, being a port town, there weren't many children or families; mostly retirees whose sailing days were far behind them, but who liked to regale their tales and swap stories with the fresher seafarers.
She's not usually this late, Cassandra mused, noting that the sun had long passed the halfway point in the sky. Something twisted in her gut, a seed of doubt about the legitimacy of their relationship. It lingered and grew as the day wore on, despite her best efforts to keep herself occupied. She'd be here. She'd never stood her up before. Something must have come up to delay her, but she'd be here.
* * *
The sun began to fall behind the ocean, creating an array of beautiful pinks and oranges and purples across the sky. Normally Cassandra would appreciate such a beautiful sunset, despite having seen thousands like it, but this evening it brought her no joy.
She slammed her fist against the metal railing, winching from the jolt of the pain. She should have known.
Rapunzel had plenty of other friends besides her. Ones who lived much more interesting lives. Ones who were happier and more upbeat. People who were much better company than herself. No doubt she had gotten caught up with them and forgotten all about her. Something in the back of Cassandra's mind always told her it would happen. So why was she so surprised?
It was nice while it lasted, she tried to console herself as she swallowed back the lump in her throat. A bit too nice. She'd let herself get accustomed to having someone around every once in a while. Gotten used to having a friend. She shouldn't have let herself open up. Let herself be vulnerable. Let herself hope they could ever be something more-
She scrubbed at her eyes, trying to quell the tears running down her cheeks, before she gave in, letting out a sob as she stood hunched over the railing. This would pass. She might be sad for a while, but she could go back to her old way of living, no problem. She'd never needed anyone before and she surely didn't need anyone now. Rapunzel wasn't much of a friend anyway if she was willing to abandon her so easily. To forget her so carelessly.
She rubbed away any remaining tears with her shirt, making her way downstairs. Her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn't yet eaten that day. It made her think of all the wonderful things Rapunzel used to make for her. Used to.
She stood in the kitchen, forcing down half a can of beef to hopefully keep her belly quiet. It was her own fault for thinking that someone might actually like her. That anyone could enjoy her presence for an extended amount of time. What a stupid thing to think. Who did she think she was? Letting herself get a big head just because someone showed her a bit of kindness.
With little else to do, she laid down in bed, hoping the sweet release of sleep would provide some comfort.
* * *
So the week came and went, with no sign of her now former friend.
* * *
Cassandra was hard at work, cleaning the glass of the lantern room, making sure there were no blemishes that would distort the light that it emitted. Some part of her was trying to stuff down the lingering thought in the back of her mind that today would normally be the day Rapunzel made an appearance. But not anymore. Not since she'd failed to show last week.
She scrubbed a little harder at a particularly stubborn smudge on the glass.
She thought she heard her name faintly on the breeze, but it was probably just her imagination playing a cruel trick.
She whipped around as the sound echoed up the stairs, still quiet when combined with the sound of the wind and waves, but more distinct now. She set down her tools and headed for the space below.
She wanted to take the steps two at a time, but years of trekking up and down the lighthouse stairs had taught her that caution was the key. Her journey felt painfully slow as she descended the spiral, hands on the banister to avoid slipping. She stopped on the bottom step, slightly out of breath as she watched the blonde lighting the last of the lamps.
"Rapunzel?" she stood, stock still, eyes wide in disbelief.
"Cass!" she turned on her heels, rushing over to envelope her in a hug. "I'm glad you're alright. I was worried when it was all dark in here and you weren't waiting for me," she skipped back over to the table where she'd set her basket.
"I missed you so much last week!" she chattered as she began to set the table. "I'm sorry I didn't make it. I was sick and couldn't get out of bed."
"You-you were?"
"Mhmm. But to make up for it I brought two dishes. Dinner and dessert. And you can keep the leftovers. I've got shepherd's pie and-" she looked up to see Cassandra still frozen where she stood. "What's the matter?"
"I thought you forgot about me."
"Forgot? Oh Cass, I would never forget you," she walked around the table so she could grasp Cassandra's hands in her own. "I care about you so so much! Coming to see you is like, the best part of my week."
"But your other friends-"
"Are not like you. I like that sometimes it's a challenge to get a smile out of you, because then I know it's genuine and you're not just doing it to be nice. You like my cooking even when I don't think it's my best work. You inspire me to work hard even if I'm not the best at something. Everything about you is so interesting. You're the most fascinating person I've ever met. I love you for who you are. "
"You what?"
"I like you for who you are?"
"'Love.' You said-"
Rapunzel stared at her for several moments, the wheels in her head turning as she processed what she had just let slip and the implications of it.
"Oh! Well, of-of course I love everything about you. And I like you as a friend, certainly. Not that I don't not love you- that makes sense, right? It's just such a strong word and we've never- never talked about that sort of thing. But-" she tucked a stray hair behind her ear as she gathered up her courage, "If I were to, say, maybe like you- as more than a friend, that is- would that be okay?"
"I might- I might like you better than a friend, too. So that... would probably be okay."
"Then it's a good thing I brought dinner and dessert," she grinned. "It sounds like we have a lot to talk about."
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nuksponyart · 5 years
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I was just thinking about how Fidella is described as Cassandra’s horse, but she is probably technically property of the Royal Guard, so I assume what they mean is that Casandra is the one who trained her - she did train with the guard since she was six so she was probably there when Fidella was also in training.
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rennisaturate · 5 years
Vampires !!!
              okayyyy so because i am terrible at keeping track of this shit and because i think it’d be helpful in general for anyone writing with or against vampires ( canon or ocs ) from this lore, here’s a summary of sorts for how vampires operate in Casandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments universe. All of this information was gathered from The Shadowhunter’s Codex (2013) [ i included a link in case anyone wants to buy/read themselves. i recommend also downloading the Libby app and checking to see if u can read it free thru ur library there if u really want ] i meannnn u could always just look at the wiki but whatever this is easier for me lol
the first vampires were created in 1444 in Romania. Vlad III held a public ceremony to summon the greater demon Hecate via blood sacrifice. in exchange for the sacrifice the demon turned him and his court into the first vampires.
vampirism is the result of a demon infection in humans
to be become a vampire: 1) the person must be bitten and fed vampire’s blood and then “die” 2) they must be buried. 3) they must rise by digging themselves out of their grave
newborn vampires are called “fledglings.” a fledgling rising will draw energy from the living things around it and cause cold spots around their grave. the dirt they’re buried in holds special properties for them: they can tell when it’s been disturbed or moved away. breaking a glass of their grave dirt can be used to summon or alert them
vampires are often made by accident. families will bury their deceased loved ones not knowing of the infection, and then they rise. this in turn is the main cause for most random vampire attacks and human deaths by vampires.
biting within itself isn’t as big a deal as the consuming of blood when it comes to transformations. one can be bitten and remain unchanged
vampire venom will relax the victim and can even make the experience euphoric for them
drinking vampire blood on the other hand will cause an “irresistible pull to vampires which could turn them into a subjugate begging to be turned”
the treatment for drinking vampire blood is to drink holy water until all of the blood is out of one’s system. you’ll know it’s worked once the holy water stops making them sick
vampires can keep “subjugates,” though it is illegal to make new ones due to the 1962 Accords
to turn a person into a subjugate, a vampire has to keep the human close and feed them small bits of vampire blood over time. the blood will make them docile and eventually worshipful of their new master. subjugates eventually stop eating regular food and will survive off of vampire and animal blood. they age slowly, but are not immortal and are not considered human. they can only be introduced by their master. subjugates can also be turned into vampires, but they won’t worship their master any more
vampires don’t have to be “invited in” to someone’s home
rays of sun will burn them, but full exposure to the sun will cause them to burst into flame. this is because of them being “demonic, damned creatures who are cursed to not be able to look at the sun that gives life to earth.”
they can also be burned by witchlight since it’s angelic, but to a much lesser extent. other artificial lights can make them uncomfortable if strong enough, but unless they’re very weak it’s not bound to do anything
they’re super flammable and if exposed directly to a flame they’re likely to “burst into the flames in the manner of paper or dry wood”
holy water and other blessed materials (i.e. seraph blades) will burn them
holy symbols can repel vampires if they were of that faith when they were human (i.e. a crucifix repelling a vampire who was christian as a human, but not an atheist or Buddhist or otherwise)
vampires have super human strength, grace and speed, and can heal quickly from regular injuries. their eyes adjust very quickly to changes in light as well and can see in the dark very well. their blood is a bright. shining red
they don’t cast reflections and do not leave fingerprints or footprints, nor can they be tracked using regular tracking spells either demonic or angelic in origin
they posses a power called “encanto.” using prolonged eye contact, they can convince humans and shadowhunters of nearly anything or persuade them into doing anything. it has to be practiced though, so usually older vampires are the best at it
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timeagainreviews · 5 years
Doctor Who and Video Games
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We live in the era of the franchise. Everything it seems is getting the franchise treatment. After the success of the MCU, everyone wants that sweet sweet money. We’ve got the failed Universal Monsters reboot, the Harry Potter extended universe, and endless Star Wars movies. However, some franchises, it would seem, struggle to grow further than their core narrative. Star Wars never strays very far from the battle with the Empire. Which is one thing you can’t really say about Doctor Who. Doctor Who has done fantasy, sci-fi, period drama, schlocky horror, whimsy, and utter rubbish. I’ve always admired Doctor Who’s flexibility as a property. It lends itself beautifully to a wide range of mediums, such as audios and comic books. But what about video games? Are there any good Doctor Who video games? Could there be?
Over the past week, in preparation for this article, I've completely immersed myself in the world of Doctor Who video games. I feel uniquely qualified to have an opinion on the subject. But before we continue, I give a word of caution. I'm talking directly to you, now. Never in your life, should you ever play "Doctor Who: Return to Earth," for the Nintendo Wii. It's not worth the £1.80 that I spent on eBay. You don't ever deserve to do that to yourself. I don't care what you've done, nobody deserves that. If like myself, you have played this game, you have my deepest sympathies, especially if you paid for it new.
It doesn't interest me to make a list of the worst Doctor Who video games, as many people have done this already. It's nothing new to say that Doctor Who has a video game problem. When I wrote that Doctor Who should be run by Disney, I don't actually mean it should happen. I was merely illustrating that Disney knows how to take care of its properties. I would venture that Doctor Who has always had a bit of a management problem. Merchandise from Doctor Who has always reminded me of Krusty the Clown merchandise. So much of it is some bullshit they slapped a Dalek on said: "10 quid please!" Barring the occasional home run or third-party licensing, a lot of the merchandise is pretty uninspired. Which is bananas, because the world of Doctor Who has so much colour and potential.
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Video games based off of movies and television are almost always as bad as movies and television based off of video games. They're rarely breaking the mould in their new medium. Most of the time, tie-ins such as these are quick soulless cash grabs. You can see this a lot in the Matt Smith era. There are at least seven games featuring his Doctor, and then a sudden decline. Matt Smith was the Doctor during one of the show's biggest points in popularity. Never before had the show been embraced on such an international level. Of course, the Beeb wanted to push as many video games out as possible.
The problem is, they didn't throw a lot of money at it, and not one project seemed to get the focus it deserved. I won't pretend to know the motivation behind the BBC's forays into video games, but it seems to be a trend with them to overdo something, and then be scared of it in the future. They changed the 5.5" figurine set to a 3.75" scale and nobody wanted them. Because of this, we haven't seen nearly as many 5.5" figures since. They once put out a figure of Lady Casandra's frame after she exploded into gore. We used to get figures like Pig Lazlo and the Gran from "The Idiot's Lantern." Now we'll be lucky if we get everyone's favourite- Graham O'Brien. They also did it with the Doctor Who Experience. They make this brilliant Doctor Who museum with the OK'est walkthrough story, and then put it right in the middle of Cardiff. They wondered why it never made any money. I've been twice, and I gotta say- they should have put it in London. It would still be open.
This isn't to say all of Matt Smith's video games are bad. In fact, the Eleventh Doctor adventure games referred to simply as "The Doctor Who Adventure Games," are some of my favourite in the entire lot. And as much as I would like to blame the BBC for their lack of caring, the fact is Doctor Who is not easy to translate into video games. Even if they do care, they still need the right team on the job. Oddly, it's one of the Doctor's greatest charms that makes Doctor Who hard to translate into a video game, and that's the Doctor's stance on violence. If the Doctor could pick up a laser pistol and just frag some Daleks, we'd probably have an entire series on our hands. Unfortunately, most developers go one of two ways. They either ignore the pacifism or we get countless mind-numbing puzzles.
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Puzzles are by far the worst element of any Doctor Who game. In the browser-based "Worlds in Time," there were a plethora of Bejewelled type mini-games and pipe matching puzzles. The puzzles got increasingly harder even if the player wasn't also getting increasingly better. Even the platformer "The Eternity Clock," was mired in constantly stopping to do puzzles. They pop up in the Adventure Games, but other than the infuriating "don't touch the sides," puzzles, they don't detract much from the gameplay. There were moments where I felt a bit like a companion because I was decoding a Dalek computer for the Doctor, which is really the money spot for a Doctor Who video game. Any time a Doctor Who game can make you feel like you're in Doctor Who is time well spent.
When asking my friends what kind of Doctor Who video game they would like to see, many of them mentioned they would like a survival horror type game. We sort of get this in many of the Smith era games. In "Return to Earth," the mechanic is sloppy and infuriating at best. In "The Eternity Clock," and the Adventure Games, it's a little more manageable. It's a nice way to add a challenge to a non-violent gameplay style. It would be interesting to see what a game team from something like "Thief," or "Resident Evil," might do with the sneaking aspect.
Another way the games have completely side-stepped the non-violence and puzzles is by having the Doctor act as a secondary character. The player is put in the position of the companion or perhaps a UNIT soldier as in the case of "Destiny of the Doctors." If you've not played DotD, I wouldn't blame you. I was hitting my head against the wall just trying to figure out what to do. The only real reason to play that game is for one last chance to see the fabulous Anthony Ainley reprise the role of the Master. He's in totally smarmy ham mode, even if it's a bunch of gibberish they shot in a day. You can find the entirety of the footage on YouTube and it's surreal.
The problem with having the Doctor be violent is that it doesn't feel true to the character. Sure, Three did some Venusian aikido, Four broke that dude's neck in "Seeds of Doom," and even Twelve socked a racist in the face, but these are isolated incidents. The spirit of the Doctor is lost in 1992's "Dalek Attack," when the Doctor is forced to go full on bullet hell on a Dalek hover cart. It's funny then that one of my favourite Doctor Who games incorporates a violent Doctor. In the Doctor Who level of "Lego Dimensions," the Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to make villains fall apart in a very safe Lego style violence. I can excuse this mostly because the game is not primarily a Doctor Who game at heart.
Funnily enough, the Lego game does something I've always wanted in a Doctor Who video game. I've always wanted to have a Doctor Who game where you could regenerate into different Doctors, and also go into their respective TARDISes. Sure, some of the games on the Commodore 64 allowed you to regenerate, but it was pretty naff in its execution. I tell no lies when I say I spent a lot of time regenerating and reentering the TARDIS to explore the Lego versions of their respective console rooms. Really, the biggest problem with the Lego Doctor Who game is that it wasn't it's own game. Lego Dimensions was its own failure. If TT Games would come out with an entire Doctor Who game, I would buy it yesterday.
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The overarching problem with every Doctor Who game is the same problem Torchwood had- if it wasn't attached to Doctor Who, we wouldn't be interested. While I did have a lot of fun with the Adventure Games and Lego Dimensions, not one Doctor Who game has every element right. One has a good story, but poor mechanics, another has great mechanics but doesn't feel right. It's a bit of a tight rope to find the perfect balance, but I don't feel it's impossible
One of the reasons I would love to see a proper Lego Doctor Who game is that they have a history of good adaptations. They're not exactly beloved games, but I myself play a lot of them. One of the most impressive things I've seen them do was in Lego Batman 3, where they made each of the planets in the Green Lantern mythos a visitable world. Could you imagine the same treatment for Doctor Who? Visiting Telos and Skaro, and then popping off to medieval earth or Gallifrey? You could get different missions depending on which Doctor you were, or what time you arrive in. And the collectable characters! So many companions, and Doctors, and baddies, and costume variations to unlock! Doesn't that sound nice? You can buddy Jamie and Amy with Seven and Twelve and have an all Scottish TARDIS! A Zygon could ride K9!
The fact is, we probably won't see a very expansive Doctor Who game. I would be very enthusiastic for an open world Doctor Who game, but even as I type it, it sounds difficult to pull off. I may be able to say what doesn't work about the games, but saying what would work is admittedly, not as simple, but this doesn't mean I can't think of at least one good game. Piecing together some of the things I mentioned earlier, I think the best genre for Doctor Who is point-and-click adventures. I know I keep singing the praises of the Doctor Who Adventure Games, but it's because I think they were actually onto something. It's sad then that they scrapped any further developments to work on the inferior "Eternity Clock."
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Could you imagine a point and click Doctor Who in the same vein as "Day of the Tentacle," or "Thimbleweed Park"? You walk around as the Doctor, pick up bits, talk to funny characters and solve complex problems. If you throw in a bit of horror survival, you've basically got the Adventure Games, which is my point- Do more with what they've already done. Grow the concepts. Improve the mechanics. A Doctor Who game should be jammed packed with Easter eggs, unlockables, and mystery. The point is, do more. Even their phone apps are abysmal. You know how much I would play a “Pokémon Go,” style Doctor Who game? You go around trapping baddies in cages you set off with your sonic screwdriver or something. I. Would. Catch. Them. All.
We still have “The Edge of Time,” coming to PC and consoles in October, and I'm pensively excited. While the graphics seem really top notch, in no way does it feel like anything more than a fun little VR experience. The game is going to remain exclusive to that small subsection of gamers that own a VR headset. Before it has even been released, it's closed itself off to yet another section of its very wide audience. Let's just hope that it doesn't scare the BBC away from making a proper Doctor Who game in the near future. And in the meantime, I'm going to have to borrow my friends' VR set, because of course, I'm going to play it. It's Doctor Who.
Well friends, thanks for reading! I had a lot of fun “researching,” this article. Playing Doctor Who games all week? Oh no, twist my arm! Sadly, a lot of these games are no longer available from their original sources. I was able to find a lot of them on the Internet Archive. If you want to give them a go, I would definitely suggest it. A couple of them are even capable of being emulated on your browser from the Internet Archive. The game I had the hardest time locating was “The Gunpowder Plot,” but I was eventually able to find it after some digging. I didn’t play any of the text-based games because I’m not very good with spatial awareness, and so text-based games are usually a nightmare for me. Sadly, Worlds in Time is lost forever, but I remember my character fondly. I also discovered I’m pretty good at Top Trumps: Doctor Who. Go figure.
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Award Winning Tekie Geek’s Newest Book “Stay Calm” Hits Amazon Best Seller List
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=33559 “Stay Calm” was written during the Covid-19 pandemic and features 12 Staten Island entrepreneurs whose businesses have not only survived crises but have been able to come out the other side stronger, and wiser. The entrepreneurs featured and co-authors of this book are:Mike Bloomfield of Tekie GeekJames Thomson of Scamardella, Gervasi, Thomson & Kasegrande, P.C.Jaclyn Tacoronte of JMT MediaKevin P. McKernan of McKernan LawSam Angiuli of The Angiuli Group, LLC & Flagship BreweryJohn Tapinis of John Tapinis & AssociatesStephen Molloy of Molloy ElectricSadia Malik of Interscience LaboratoryDominick Ciccarelli of thinkDESIGN ArchitectureLana Seidman of Help Organize My Business Inc.James Prendamano of Casandra PropertiesAnd Todd Bivona and Michael Graziuso of Gotham Trinity ProductionsEach chapter tells a story of not only surviving, but thriving in business, and the lessons that can (and should) be learned during crises, which can dramatically affect business moving forward. This book is a must-read for aspiring entrepreneurs and experienced business owners alike. A book like “Stay Calm” creates not only a sense of hope for business owners struggling currently, but shows how united they truly are with other business owners and entrepreneurs.Mike Bloomfield, owner of Tekie Geek, is responsible for bringing all the co-authors together for this book. During the quarantine, what started as a small idea to simply unite Staten Island business owners manifested into a book that documents each author’s individual story and outlook on coming out shining, despite the situation they were handed.“Throughout the years, Staten Island business owners have had their fair share of disasters, from Hurricane Sandy to the 2020 Global Pandemic. However, no matter the crisis, Staten Islanders have remained resilient and emerged stronger than ever before,” said Mike Bloomfield.  “No matter the situation,” he continued, “the most important thing you can do is “Stay Calm” in order to push forward. In this book, you will read and discover the inspiring stories from our authors of their personal experience with crisis and how they broke through to the other side.”The co-authors felt it was also necessary to give back to the Staten Island community, having selected that all proceeds from the book will be donated between The Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund and the Minority Women in Business Association of Staten Island.“I would like to thank all the authors for choosing to Carl Vincent Bini Memorial fund as being one of the charities receiving proceeds from this book. Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic we have suspended all fundraising efforts and this money will go a long way to continue our mission of helping our local community in a time of need,” said Massimo DiDonna, Chairman & Co-Founder of The Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund.“Stay Calm: How a Crisis Can Strengthen Your Business” is available on Amazon at: https://amzn.to/2KW8olfABOUT TEKIE GEEKTekie Geek is a New York based award-winning I.T. Managed Service Provider headquartered in Staten Island, NY. Tekie Geek helps small and medium sized businesses by offering four core services; Managed IT, Business Continuity, Unified Communications, and Cloud Computing. With Tekie Geek’s help, business owners are able to sleep better at night knowing their IT Infrastructure is being protected by the IT Superheroes.Learn more about our core values, which include “Clients, Culture, and Community” along with the rest of our story at www.tekiegeek.comABOUT THE AUTHORSMike Bloomfield is the President of Tekie Geek, a Managed Service Provider (MSP) headquartered in Staten Island, NY. Mike is seen as an IT expert throughout the IT community and is regularly published in numerous IT publications including Tech Decisions, ChannelPro Magazine, Channel Executive, and others. In 2020, Mike was also recognized as an Amazon bestselling author for his book, Hack Proof Your Business - Volume 2. Tekie Geek is an award-winning MSP, with its core services being Managed IT Services, Business Continuity, Cloud Computing, and Unified Communication. For more information, visit www.tekiegeek.comJames H. Thomson, Esq. is the partner overseeing the real estate and business law departments at Scamardella, Gervasi, Thomson & Kasegrande, P.C. Mr. Thomson has overseen these departments since 2007. In that capacity, he has handled thousands of transactions for hundreds of business owners, not-for-profits and individual clients. At the current time, his legal work is focused on the representation of commercial property owners and business owners. These services are offered in both New York and New Jersey. For more information, visit www.statenlaw.comJaclyn M. Tacoronte is an award-winning marketing and public relations professional with over 20 years of experience in both agency and client-side settings, serving Fortune 500 companies, including Canon, Puma, Harley- Davidson, and Proctor & Gamble. She is frequently a public relations guest speaker and panelist for New York State Council for the Arts, Staten Island Not For Profit Association, Center for Non-Profit Success, and Staten Island Partnership for Community Wellness. She is currently the CEO & President of JMT Media, LLC., a New York certified M/WBE boutique marketing, public relations, and design firm that specializes in small business marketing and the non- profit sector. For more information, visit www.jmtmedia.nycMr. McKernan has been practicing law for over 30 years, starting his career in criminal prosecution. In Mr. McKernan’s time as Bureau Chief of Investigation and Senior Trial Attorney in the Office of the Richmond County District Attorney he successfully tried numerous felony jury trials. This experience gave him a unique insight into criminal defense and thorough knowledge of how criminal court really works. In stressful life situations involving the law, Mr. McKernan guides his clients through the process step by step in order to produce the best resolution. Mr. McKernan is committed to excellence in all aspects of law and firmly believes that he has a duty to care for those he represents as individuals, not simply clients. For more information, visit www.kmckernanlaw.comSam Angiuli is the Chief Operating Officer of The Angiuli Group, LLC, a privately-owned company based in New York. The Angiuli Group invests in, develops, and manages various local business and real estate ventures. The company strives to build and maintain a strong symbiotic relationship  with its business partners and tenants so that it may pursue diverse and creative projects that promote positive, sustainable impacts in the communities they serve. For more information, contact Sam at [email protected] Tapinis, the founder of John Tapinis & Associates, is a native Staten Islander who started his business in 2002. He enjoys volunteering his time with various organizations - he was the chair of the board of the Staten Island Mental Health Society for over seven years, and is currently a Richmond University Medical Center Hospital board member. He has a passion for, and has devoted his career to, helping people, their families and their businesses. For more information, visit www.groupjt.comStephen Molloy was raised on Corbin Ave in Great Kills where he has wonderful childhood memories of all the neighborhood kids hanging out at the nearby schoolyard and play handball, etc. Stephen was introduced to a whole new world of electrical work and the places it can take you, from malls, live shows… the possibilities were endless, and that’s when he knew he wanted to do this for the rest of his life and he wanted to become a Master Electrician, later forming Molloy Electric. For more information, visit www.molloyelectric.comSadia Malik Sheikh is a first-generation Muslim American- Pakistani, born in Staten Island. She received her high school Degree from Notre Dame Academy and her degree in health care administration from St. John's University. Her medical background includes Staten Island university hospital and Staten Island physicians’ practice. For the last 25 years, she is Vice President of operations and network for Interscience. For more information, visit www.intersciencelabs.netDominick Ciccarelli Jr. is a New York City- based entrepreneur with a strategic portfolio of business spanning the construction, architectural, and real estate industries. Dominick holds an architectural degree from the New York Institute of Technology and is currently a key member at Think Design Architecture, one of the largest architectural firms in Staten Island. Think Design boasts an impressive clientele of residential, commercial and corporate work across the tri-state area. Some local work includes Angelina’s Restaurante, Enoteca Maria, Crafthouse, James Carozza’s Cookie Jar on Forest Avenue, and A Piece of Cake on New Dorp Lane. National brands like Family Dollar, Gamestop, Panda Express, Mr. Daymond John from Shark Tank, FUBU, and Jennifer Lopez’s Viva Movil round out an expansive list of high-profile clients. For more information, visit www.thinkdesignarch.comWith more than two decades of operational and management experience, Lana Seidman established Help Organize My Business Inc., a New York State corporation designed to help businesses get healthy. Over the last seven years, Lana has helped business owners and their organizations establish best practices, streamline operating procedures, and gain a strong foundation as they grow their businesses. Lana utilizes her skills to help organizations set priorities and retool for a sleeker, more strategically-focused approach. For more information, visit www.helporganizemybusiness.comJames Prendamano is the CEO for Casandra Properties, Inc., Staten Island’s premier real-estate firm. For nearly three decades, with his trademark enthusiasm, creativity, and leadership, James has shepherded the completion of transformative projects, including major initiatives reshaping Staten Island’s commercial real estate landscape. For more information, visit www.casandraproperties.comTodd Bivona and Michael Graziuso together have decades of television and film experience between them, deciding a few years back to form Gotham Trinity Productions. We are a film and media production company that comes from a varied background of small business ownership as well as extensive experience in the television and film industries. From the idea phase, writing, development, acting, shooting and editing, we are a full service operation. For more information, visit www.gothamtrinityproductions.com
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corycasale · 4 years
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Great quote from our owner Cory Schifter on today’s podcast with Casandra Properties. Check it out here.... @casandrapropertiespodcast. Link is in their bio. Learn more about whats important to him... God, family, business and the Staten Island community. @j_prendamano @casandraproperties.inc (at Casale Jewelers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHggSvyH3FP/?igshid=1bizjtfl6ozyi
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eprnews · 4 years
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The Casandra Properties Team of Professionals Earn Another Mark of Distinction https://eprnews.com/the-casandra-properties-team-of-professionals-earn-another-mark-of-distinction-461705/
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bdscuatui · 5 years
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Các giao dịch bất động sản ở Massachusetts cho các hạt Hampden, Hampshire và Franklin: ngày 19 tháng 1 năm 2020 #thôngtin [ad_1] AgawamCarolyn Groux và Arthur Groux đến Tenille Carr và Heather Carr, 313 Leonard St., $ 249,900.Vận chuyển Funeral Holdings Inc., đến Douglas Trevallion và Martha Trevallion, 30 ngõ Lane, $ 63.500.David F. McGrevy, đại diện, Dennis Charles McGrevy, bất động sản, và Dennis C. McGrevy, bất động sản, đến VIP Homes & Associates LLC, 321 Leonard St., $ 82.000.Dennis G. Lang và Cynthia Lang đến Anthony Settembre, 52 William St., $ 225.000.Douglas M. Trevallion II, Douglas Trevallion, Martha L. Trevallion và Martha Trevallion đến Shawn Santos, Nicole Santos, Robert Santanella và Lynn Santanella, 30 ngõ Lane, 595.000 USD.Gregory Jason Guzik đến MS Homes LLC, North West Street, 70.000 đô la.Gregory Jason Guzik đến MS Homes LLC, North West Street, 70.000 đô la.Heather Carr, Heather Cone và Tenelle Carr đến Stephen Smith, 75 Florida Drive, 180.000 đô la.Ngân hàng HSBC Hoa Kỳ, ủy thác và Ủy thác chứng khoán FBR 2005-3, ủy thác của Daniel P. Tobias và Andrea C. Tobias, 73 Stony Hill Road, 140.000 đô la.Kevin W. Whitehead, Lisa J. Whitehead và Lisa J. Bartnik đến Joshua A. Dupuis và Casandra C. Greene, 60 Katharine Drive, $ 325.000.Công ty bất động sản Agawam Silver Street, đến SA Holding 1 LLC, 11 Herbert P. Almgren Drive, 600.000 USD.William J. Murphy và Imelda M. Murphy đến Mikaela A. Nicora và Austin T. Decosmo, 48 Dartmouth St., $ 217.500.AmherstElena Dupuis, Gary M. Dupuis và E. Dupuis đến Shana L. Hansell, 181 Wildflower Drive, $ 575.000.Công viên Isaac Young và Công viên Youngjoon đến Zachary Landsman Halpryn và Zachary Jared Eagle, 50 Meadow St., $ 217.500.Mohsen Jalali, Ali Khajeh Saeed và Parinaz Meysami đến John J. Hennessy, 242 North East St., và 26 North East Terrace, $ 188.000.Ying Zhang đến John R. Copen, 170 East Hadley Road, $ 126.000.Lời D. Peake và Janet R. Daisley cho Catherine K. Seldin, 32 Woodlot Road, 495.000 đô la.Yeshi Gyaltsen và Dolkar Gyaltsen đến Tashi Youdon, 23 Charles Lane, 150.000 đô la.Frederic Trobaugh, ủy thác, Elizabeth Trobaugh, ủy thác và Trobaugh Tin tưởng có thể hủy bỏ của gia đình Trobaugh đối với Joann Carino, Maplewood Circle, 100 đô la.BelchertownKenneth H. Snow và Linda H. Snow to Snows Self Storage LLC, 746 Bay Road, 1.400.000 đô la.John H. Harstad, ủy thác, S & J Realty Trust, Raymond Mitchell, David Allen, Sandra Coty, George Thomas Mitchell và Sharon Allen đến John H. Harstad, 360 Old Enfield Road, 100 đô la.John W. Phelon đến UFP Real Real LLC, 161 Bay Road, $ 300.000.Mona Rock và Mona L. Huber đến Jonathan Bousquet, ngõ 52 Segur, $ 237.000.Daniel P. Kramer và Deborah J. Timberlake đến Caitlyn Grace McGinn, Đường 276 Amherst, $ 185.000.George H. Adams Jr., người được ủy thác, Betty A. Adams, người được ủy thác, và Adams-Hampshire County Realty Trust cho Cedarwood Apartments LLC, 154-156 Amherst Road, $ 775.000.Gia đình Woodlot LLC, đến William Blackwood III, Phố Summit, $ 20.000.Gia đình Woodlot LLC, đến William Blackwood III, Phố Summit, $ 19.000.Robert M. Mileski đến RMM Properties LLC, 20 State St., $ 100.BernardstonRichard J. Couture và Margarete R. Couture cho William Patrick Thompson và Gayle Ann Drake-Thompson., 40 đường Gill, 335.000 đô la.Cánh đồngBrenda L. Món tráng miệng cho Christine C. Medeiros, 17 East Hill Road, $ 330.000.ChicopeeAleksandr Tverdokhelbov và Vladimir Tverdokhelbov đến Shayne Sweeney, 76-78 Muzzy St., 227.500 đô la.Campagnari Construction LLC, người nhận, Chicopee City Health và Paul Laflamme đến Campagnari Construction LLC, 122-124 Pine St., $ 255.000.Carmen Santos đến Sheila Bailey, 12 Ellen Ave, $ 176.000.Charlene L Henchey cho Elizabeth M Henchey và Brian L Wentworth, 12 Ravine St, $ 185,400.Dana L Garton đến Danielle A Langevin, 37 Albert St, 125.500 đô la.Thuộc tính của Dgl đến Jason J Libian, 216 Fairview Ave, $ 217.000.Giám mục Erin và Giám mục Christopher cho Michael Konopko, 126 Royal St., $ 157,050.HP Chicopee LLC và HP Chicopee Montgomery LLC. đến EPC Hammes LLC, 444 Montgomery St., $ 21,560,000.James F. O hèHara, Janice M. O xôngHara và Kelley K. O xôngHara đến Ariel Osgood và Miguel Sanchez, 53 Shepherd St., 178.000 USD.Linda L. Czerwiecki, đại diện, John Joseph Czerwiecki, bất động sản, và John Joseph Czerwieki, bất động sản, đến Matthew Slowik, 33 Graham Drive, 55.000 đô la.Nationstar Mortthing LLC, và Champion Mortthing Co., đến Victor M. Fernandez Velasquez, 280 Sheridan St., $ 115.000.Oksana Gavel và Sergey Gavel đến Pamelyn Pierre Louis và Philip Pierre Louis, 33 Fuller St., $ 259.900.Pamela J. Morrione và Anthony J. Morrione đến Dominic Kirchner II, người được ủy thác và Yabela Realty Trust, người được ủy thác, 334 Montcalm St., 200.000 đô la.Richard Ring và Vanessa Ring đến Brandon J. Clark, 154 Skeele St., 179.000 USD.Sandra J.Kaufmann đến Richard R. Perreault, 200 Lambert Terrace, Đơn vị 61, $ 175.000.Steven J. Goyette đến Abigail Ina Arriaga, 47 Westport Drive, $ 190.000.Teresa C. Lindsey, đại diện, Theodore J. Lindsey, bất động sản, và Theodore Joseph Lindsey, bất động sản, đến Barbara C. Lindsey-Chamberlain, 23 Mount Royal St., $ 76.000.DeerfieldElizabeth A. Bysiewski, Elizabeth A. Wright và Leigh E. Wright đến Lynne M. Paju, 10 Sunrise Ave., 301.000 USD.Robert G. Allen, Jr. và Robin J. Karlin đến Jaimie B. Allen, 175 North Main St., 240.000 đô la.Helen V. Miecznikowski cho Peter A. Burakiewicz và Theresa L. Burakiewicz, Đường núi, 130.000 đô la.Đông LongmeadowDonald W. Lomascolo và Mary Lomascolo đến C & A Realty Enterprises LLC, 147 Shaker Road, $ 625.000.Elizabeth R. Rennell cho Sarah Waltsak, 59 Hà Lan, 175.000 đô la.Laurie B. Follit cho Tyler Kane, 5 Park Place, $ 323.000.Đông thànhKathleen Weurth, người được ủy thác và Lawrence D. Molloy Nominee Tin tưởng vào Zachary D. Virgilio, 8 Wendell Ave., 200.000 đô la.Cherie Rodriguez, Cherie A. Rodriguez và Hiram Rodriguez Jr., đến Felix L. Santos Jr., 1 Vòng tròn Maxine, 220.000 USD.XóaSuzy Marie Polucci động sản, Daniel W. Keller, đại diện cá nhân, đến Bryan Michael Mathey, 66 1/2 Mountain Road, 180.000 đô la.ChungDebra P. Gaines, Gary M. Gaines, Melissa J. Gaines và Donna R. Pula cho Gary M. Gaines và Judith Ann Gaines, 9 Myrtle St./2 Myrtle St., 25.000 đô la.Trời ạMartha Lee St. Amand, ủy thác, Martha L. St. Amand, ủy thác và St. Amand Family Revocable Trust cho Bryan Osetek và Sarah Osetek, West Street, 16.500 đô la.Granby Hiệp hội Quỹ tiết kiệm Wilmington FSB, Christiana Trust, Ủy thác, Ủy thác mua lại thế chấp Pretium và Alta Cư dân giải pháp LLC, luật sư thực tế, cho Phillip Braese, 184 Taylor St., 127.000 đô la.Jill A. Kopka đến Lawrence H. Humphrey Jr., và Shaina M. Humphrey, Phố Taylor, 100.000 đô la.Donald E. McGrath và Lynn M. McGrath đến Joshua S. Moynahan, 6 Wood Ave., 210.000 đô la.Cánh đồng xanhVan K. Sullivan đến Timothy T. Williams. 46 đường Fairview. 165.000 đô laNgân hàng Mỹ NA đến Ngân hàng tiết kiệm Easthampton. Đường liên bang 208. 450.000 đô laBryan R. Harvey, Wayne D. Harvey, Lisa B. Harvey-Reber, "còn gọi là" Lisa B. Reber, và Elaine J. Sinni cho Mark W. Colby và Sandra J. Colby, 57 Overland Road, 226.000 USD.Erin H. Peters và Hassan A. Peters đến Janice E. Gianino, 28 Phillips St., $ 210.000.HadleyRuth M. Klopfer, đại diện cá nhân, Lorena D. McKinstry, bất động sản, và Alfred W. McKinstry, bất động sản, cho Willard A. McKinstry, II và Nicole M. McKinstry, 100 Honey Pot, 100.000 đô la.D. Alden Johnson, David J. Latham và Kenneth C. Latham Jr., đến Keith A. Rehbein, North Maple Street, 250.000 đô la.Gwen A. Quinlan và Thomas F. Quinlan Sr., đến Thomas F. Quinlan Jr., 1 Maegans Way, 250.000 đô la.HampdenLucille M. Beck đến Michael Beck, Michael C. Beck, Melanie Beck và Melanie Enayda Beck, 50 Mountainview Drive, 270.000 USD.Michael Craig Beck, Michael C. Beck và Melanie Enayda Beck đến Lucille M. Beck, 61 Phiên lái xe, 170.000 đô la.Hà LanDavid F. Dwyer đến Kevin L. Tighe và Công viên Deborah, 93 Wales Road, $ 262.000.Dennis A Chipps (SR & O) và Karen M Chipps cho John J Folger, 37 Kimball Hill Rd, $ 274.000.John Folger và Virginia Folger cho David N. Scaramangos và Jessica L. Folger, Đường 90 Stafford, $ 183.000.HolyokeDonald J. Mann Jr., và Emily A. Mann cho Nicholas J. Felton và Becca L. Felton, 17 Vassar Circle, 230.000 đô la.Freedom Mortthing Corp, đến Dominic Kirchner II, ủy thác và Coraxe Realty Trust, ủy thác của, 93-95 Hitchcock St., 98.500 đô la.Kathryn S. Kraus và Patricia A. O hèLeary to Abigail Elizabeth Williamson và Kevin Arthur Williamson, 56 Longfellow Road, $ 290.000.Mary Yan Xie đến Roman Shumeiko và Yuliya Shumeiko, 408 đường Southampton, $ 215,900.Nathan Santerre đến Francisco L. Rivera, 34 Vòng nguyệt quế, $ 215.000.Richard W. Asselin và Michele B. Asselin cho James T. Tonomell và Maureen M. Tonomell, 19 Longfellow Road, $ 325.000.Tnop Inc., đến Holyoke Medical Center Inc., 12 Corser St., $ 600.000.Huntington Lisa M. O KhắcBrien đến Brittany Valentine, 27 Russell Road, 150.000 đô la.J. Otten Russell Tin tưởng và Russell J. Otten, ủy thác, đến Jordan Blanchard, 3 Basket St., $ 180.000.Hiệp hội Quỹ tiết kiệm Wilmington FSB, Christiana Trust, ủy thác, Ủy thác thế chấp Pretium và Alta Cư dân giải pháp LLC, luật sư thực tế, cho Angelia M. Oliveira, 9 Park Ridge Drive, 155.000 đô la.LeydenJennifer A. Paris đến Elizabeth A. Wright và Leigh E. Wright, 155 Đường giữa quận / Đường hạt cũ, $ 295.000.LongmeadowJane H. Griggs và John E. Griggs đến Joseph Ford, 106 đường Englewood, $ 625.000.Witchwood Realty LLC, đến Sharon Connor và Andrew Cimino, 50 đường Road, $ 190.000.LudlowAlivio Alves, Geraldine Alves và Jason Robertson đến Cynthia C. Long, 665 Center St., Đơn vị 607, $ 181.000.Miller Gap Llc đến Gary G Decoteau, Center St, 55.000 đô la.Thomas A Parent và Nancy A Parent to Joseph W Robinson (JR), 150 Cady St, 269.900 đô la.MonroePaul Herber đến RMJ Ranch LLC, Đường Gore, 15.000 đô la.Đức ôngDaniel J. Finnegan và Lewis T. Garreffa cho Nicholas E. Smart, 48 Main St., $ 263.000.Gail A. Sanderson đến Richard Klisiewicz, Phố chính, $ 1.000.MontagueSouthworth Co., "còn gọi là" Southworth Transactional Co II, Inc., đến Milton Hilton, LLC, 36 Canal Road, $ 679,087.24.William Ahlemeyer và Jacqueline M. Ahlemeyer đến Zachary Wright và Alexxis Young, 11 Bridge St./27 Bridge St./Bridge Street, 232.000 USD.MontgomeryAmal Al-Ryati đến Daniel J. Nangle và Jessica L. Nangle, 7 Pineridge Drive, 300.000 USD.Salem mớiRichard Oliver và Lori Jo Oliver đến Alex Acosta và Sarah Pease, 48 phố Tây, 123.000 đô la.Giáo dụcDyson & Webb LLC, đến JKLUSS LLC, 28 Nice St., $ 450.000.Caroline E. Raisler, Isobel A. McMahon và David A. McMahon cho Justin Smith, 9 Wright Ave., $ 380.000.Judith K. Shaffer cho Ruth E. Morgan, 20 sân thượng Pomeroy, 100 đô la.Castle Pines LLC, tới 344 King Street LLC, 330 King St. và 344 King St., 1.900.000 đô la.Joseph R. Salvatore và Joann H. Salvatore đến Christian Smith, 69 Cherry St., 165.000 đô la.Sân phía bắcCông ty Mitchell Aggregate LLC, đến Công ty vật liệu Mitchell, Đường Mount Hermon, $ 417,612,38.trái camRobyn Leonard Busby, "còn gọi là" Robyn M. Leonard, và Lisa M. Richardson đến Erika L. Glory, 231 West River St., 157.500 đô la.Elizabeth A. Nichols và Curtis R. Nichols đến Kurt M. Moisan. 286288 Đường Butterworth. $ 185,000PalmerChristian J. Meyer và Jean E. Meyer cho Michael J. Morassi và Leila Morassi, 2093 Calkins Road, 279.900 đô la.Karen King, người đại diện, và Gordon H. Christiansen, bất động sản, đến Anthony Marra, Phố Thompson, 17.500 đô la.Bồ nôngNhân dân United Bank NA, người được ủy thác và Robert B. Giá ủy thác có thể hủy bỏ đối với Julio Xavier Raagas Mallonga và Brittany Evelyn Hatch Mallonga, 132 Harkness Road, 375.000 đô la.ShelburneRodney W. Willis và Laura J. Willis đến Dakota W. Willis, 107 đường Fiske Mill, $ 288.000.Nam HadleyJennifer Exware và Jennifer Saltis cho Jeremy Saltis, Cynthia Saltis và Cheade Dib, 14 North St., 192.500 đô la.Adam F. Jajko, Danielle M. Jajko và Danielle Moynihan Jajko đến Jennie Lamothe và Reggie L. Lamothe, 152 Lathrop St., $ 253.900.Luis Builders Inc., đến David R. Barrett và Karen M. Barrett, 4 Ethan Circle, 100 đô la.Christine M. Wilda và Donald J. Wilda cho Adam F. Jajko, Danielle Moynihan Jajko và Adam Frederick Jajko, 20 Valley View Drive, $ 590.000.Luis Builders Inc., đến Andre D. Rousseau, 6 Ethan Circle, $ 480,200.Stephen P. Lambert đến Stephen P. Lambert và Amanda Johnson, 7 Joan St., 100 đô la.Bradley F. Podliska đến Anthony Barstow và Heather Barstow, 11 Bunker Hill, $ 224.000.Cynthia C. Long đến Richard J. Cebula Jr., 132 Brainerd St., $ 325.000.Gail Pelland và Gail E. Pelland đến Maryalyce Dudek, 6 Saybrook Circle, $ 190.000.SouthamptonArthur L. Peters và Rita S. Peters cho Mark D. Peters và David M. Peters, 103 Strong Road, 100 đô la.Mark Hardy, Laura E. Hardy và Laura E. Riccio cho đến Benjamin C. Gillespie và Kirsten E. Gillespie, 153 Pomeroy Meadow Road, $ 303.000.Laura A. Pompei và Laura A. Facteau cho Casey L. Ostrowski và Patrick O. Guy, 11 Helen Drive, $ 263.000.NamwickDaniel W. Szenda và Anne S. Diebold cho Jonathan M. Schantz và Caitlin Schantz, 1 Vòng tròn mùa đông, 420.000 đô la.Jonathan M. Schantz, Caitlin M. Schantz và Caitlin M. Joyce đến Taras Mikhalinchik và Natalia Stepchuk, 13 Charles Johnson Road, $ 319.900.Joseph Burns, Joseph R. Burns và Carol A. Burns đến Maksim Zinchenko và Holly M. Pagano, 1 Kline Road, $ 325.000.Pramod Sarraf và Bandana Sarraf cho David B. Stratos và Joanne M. Stratos, 37 Deer Run Road, $ 470.000.SpringfieldAlba N. Gomez và Caleb J. Gomez đến Brian Santiago và Esther M. Santiago, 28 đường Drumlin, $ 233.000.Andrew J. Crane, Jennifer Ann Skorka và Bryan Manijak đến Phylis Muthee, 313 Orange St., $ 190.000.Angelina Geoffroy, Angelina Barbarisi và Christopher R. Geoffroy cho Joseph W. Powers, 274 Cooper St., $ 185.000.Barbara A. O KhắcConnor đến Francisco Flores và Norberto Plaza Pagan, 881 St James Ave., 155.500 đô la.Brenda M. Brenes và Brenda M. Lugo đến Haydee L. Arce và Luis R. Arce, 245 Bolton St., $ 253.000.Brital1987 LLC, đến Ashley M. Fisher, 86 Gralia Drive, 194.000 đô la.Carmelo Loran Jr., và Carmelo Loran cho Shigen Zhu, 54 Porter St., 100.000 đô la.Tập đoàn đầu tư Cedar LLC, người nhận, Nhà thi hành luật thành phố Springfield và Jose Viera cho Tập đoàn đầu tư Cedar LLC, 12-14 Kendall Ave., 229.000 đô la.Charles Rothus Jr., đến Laura G. Chavez, 1727 Carew St., $ 147.000.Colin T. McNally và Emily McNally đến Cherie Anne Rodriguez, 84 Donbray Road, 202.000 đô la.David V. Nietupski cho Paul Rottenberg và Lori Rottenberg, 235 State St., Đơn vị 325, $ 145.000.Edgardo A. Arroyo Marcano đến Lauren R. Pankiw, 299 đường Forest Hills, 222.000 đô la.Laguercia Family Limited Partnership và David E. Laguercia đến Greatley Realty LLC, Bay Street, 450.000 đô la.Gail A. Castle đến Lucas Feliu và Elizabeth Mercedes De Feliu, 93-95 College St., $ 125.000.George Johnson và Helen Johnson đến Mishel M. Rivera-Carrillo, 162 Mallowhill Road, 195.000 đô la.Jacob A. Saleh đến Kimberly Rios, 24-26 Jenness St., $ 193.000.James T. Lawson và Kathleen I. Lawson đến Carolina Figueroa, 51 Wachusett St., $ 203.000.Jason Libian đến Linda J. Carney, 81 Phoenix sân thượng, 138.000 đô la.Judith A. Hourihan và Imothy J. Hourihan đến Tyrone L. Lewis, 27-29 Palmyra St., $ 219.999.Kevin Nguyễn và Tovan Nguyễn đến Dean Foster-Bryan, 62 Sorrento St., 165.000 đô la.Kibbe House Recovery LLC, đến McKnight Community Development Corp, 1030 Worthington St., $ 100.Không có nơi nào giống như Home Properties LLC, đến Rachel L. Dion, 47 Glenmore St., $ 180.000.Madelyn D. Mendez đến Marangely Martinez, Đại lộ Trang 2239, $ 162.000.Margaret A. McCarthy, đại diện, và Maureen C. McCarthy, bất động sản, cho Mark Warden và Kristina Warden, 43 Sherbrooke St., 145.000 đô la.Michael A. Gardner Sr., và Janet Gardner đến Cheyenne Marie Janas, 31-33 Price St., $ 245.000.Olga Ortiz-Maldonado và Santa F. Ortiz cho Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., ủy thác và Quỹ tín thác thế chấp Novastar 2007-1, ủy thác của, 31-33 Hunt St., 145.000 đô la.Randall R. Jarry, Tammy A Jarry và Tammy A. Cassidy đến Kareem L. White, 102 Fieldston St., 121.000 USD.Remo Pizzichemi và Virginia Pizzichemi đến Yadira J. Jimenez-Tejada và Edward P. Velazquez-Gonzalez, 51 Whittier St., 141.000 USD.Reynaldo D. Rodriguez đến Grace Ann Muir, 22-24 Decatur St., $ 230.000.Richard A. Turnberg và Gayle J. Turnberg đến Stacey L. Coleman, 115 Jamestown Drive, $ 185.000.Robert Murphy và Ryan Murphy đến Carmen M. Nief, 25 Amore Road, 168.000 USD.Ryan J. Kelly và Heidi M. Kelly đến Justin M. Mestre, 87 Somerset St., $ 245.000.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Dòng ủy thác của RMAC 2016-CTT, ủy thác của, cho Erika Flores, 61 R Tyler St., 39.000 đô la.Ursula I. Lazarz và Casimir A. Lazarz cho Leonard Yakir, 45-47 Devens St., 236.500 đô la.Valerie Singh đến Jose Orlando Reyes Santiago, 336 Đông Ave., 100 đô la.đồDean G. Miner và Crystal P. Koziol cho David B. Collins và Maureen A. Collins, số 116 đường Gilbertville, $ 225.000.EDN Enterprises LLC, đến Ryan Robert Sullivan và Stacy Lee Sullivan, 14 Walnut St., $ 173.000.Douglas Bramble, đại diện cá nhân, và Mary J. Bramble, bất động sản, đến Russell Prouty, 154 Upper Church St., $ 137.500.Hẻm núiCông ty bất động sản Tamburrini đến Massachusetts Audubon Society Inc., Orange Road, $ 145.000.Tây SpringfieldCharles A. Pignatare và Dagmar Pignatare cho Serge Tokarev và Victoria Tokarev, 2385-2401 Westfield St., $ 356.000.Dennis Bazukin và Lyudmilla Bazukin đến Devi M. Sarki, 53 Hill St., $ 291.000.Hans A. Doup, đại diện, Carol B. Beaver, bất động sản, và Carol Beth Beaver, bất động sản, cho Adam Isaac Shalloo, 62 Ohio Ave., 350.000 đô la.Helen S. Kitchell và Ali B. Kitchell đến Konstantin P. Khodunov, Konstanton Khodunov và Leah G. Khodunov, 76 Squire Drive, $ 212.000.Kinda M. Pires gửi tới Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Sê-ri Tín dụng thế chấp Wachovia 2006-AMN1, ủy thác của, 94 Riverdale St., $ 156,387.Patricia Gorman, Patricia A. Cooley và Mark K. Gorman đến Tatyana Yuryevna Cherykau và Vera Cherykava, 15-17 Herman St., $ 252.000.Ralph Donald Liebro đến Marco Basile, 14 Chester St., 200.000 USD.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Ủy thác quyền sở hữu hợp pháp GMAT 2013-1, ủy thác, đến Walide Soufane, 57 Bonair Ave., $ 165,288.Walter R. Tucker và Linda J. Tucker cho Michael Kelleher, 1304 Elm St., Đơn vị 1B, $ 65.000.William H. Lheureux đến Betty J. Byrd, 80 Brush Hill Ave., Đơn vị 12, $ 87.000.WestfieldDaniel J. Nangle, Jessica L. Nangle và Jessica L. Merati đến Ashley Marshall và Sean Major, 175 Pontoosic Road, $ 288.900.Ewa Celatka, Ewa Warzynska và Robert J. Celatka đến Dmitriy Mayboroda và Veronika Mayboroda, 132 Holyoke Road, 230.000 USD.Gary M. Weiner, người được ủy thác và Hanibal C. Tayeh cho Christopher M. Sarat, 77 Gary Drive, $ 580.000.Lynn E. Bannon, người đại diện và Barbara J. Bannon, bất động sản, đến Daniel Szenda, 68 Mountain View St., 180.000 đô la.Michael W. Monahan và Linda A. Monahan đến Tracy S. Right và Kimberly A. Constance, 66 Janis Road, 265.000 đô la.Richard G. Witherell và Caryn M. Witherell với Nicholas G. Renschler và Amanda E. Renschler, 1199 East Mountain Road, $ 415.000.Susan Coffey, người đại diện và Michael D. Coffey, bất động sản, đến Mea Afghanistan C. Serafin, 39 Glenwood Drive, 255.000 đô la.WilbrahamKaren J. Amato, Anthony D. Amato Jr., (JR & O), Darlene M Mack, Anthony D Mack và Lucille J Amato cho Paul R Samson và Diane M Samson, 16 Spruce Dr, 285.900 USD.Leslie A. Walker, John J. Ferri, Mark A. Ferri, Lynn F. Lavelle và Clarice F. Baker đến Anthony Amato Sr., và Karen J. Amato, 66 High Pine Circle, $ 376,966.Sharon J. Lee đến Joseph M. Roberts, 404 Mountain Road, 50.000 đô la.WilliamsburgDebra L. Turner cho Diane B. Karowski và Richard Karowski, 47 đường Goshen cũ, 100.000 đô la.WorthingtonLinda E. Marshall đến Anne M. Dickinson, 152 đường Witt Hill, 100.000 đô la. [ad_2] Nguồn
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rp-timelines · 6 years
FOTH: 2000-2009
May 18, 2000 Brandyn Cerullo and Drucilla Cartier becamed engaged.
August 31, 2000 Mercer Donnelly was murdered in the line of duty - unknown to most, his murder was a hit ordered by Hollis Cody.
October 28, 2000 Sophia - Cartier was born to Katherine Cartier and - -.
2001 Mercer Riley Donnelly II was born to Angelique Taylor and Daniel Donnelly.
September 11, 2001 Terrorists attacked America, with the most loss of life occuring in Kings Point.
November 17, 2001 Riley Rockefeller was born to Cavalry Rockefeller and Mava Donnelly.
March 13, 2002 Fire Sterling Genovese-Cramer and Karacel Casandra Genovese-Cramer were born to Alivianza Genovese and Cassius Cramer III.
March 30, 2002 Tegna Jacob Poletti was born to Kayla Donnelly and Rockefeller Poletti.
May 16, 2002 Rachelle Drucilla Cartier was born to Cadenza Dimestico and Rossano Cartier in New York.
August 1, 2002 Mark Donnelly and Valetta Quartermaine married.
August 20, 2002 Angel - Donnelly was born to Gabriel Donnelly and Sicilia Boscorelli.
August 31, 2002 A blackout striked the city during a heat wave. Frederick Yokas suffered a heartattack. His wife, Faith Mitchell, saved his life.
September 8, 2002 Alex Taylor was struck by a car.
September 11, 2002 Sergei and Tatiana Deschenko were murdered on Fyoder Chevchenko's orders. John Sullivan's home was burned to the ground.
September 12, 2002 John Sullivan murdered Fyodor Chevchenko.
September 25, 2002 Double funeral held for Sergei and Tatiana Deschenko.
November 2002 A grocery store fire occurred with shoppers inside, including Angela Molino and Maurice Boscorelli. Both are midly injured. Firefighter William Walsh was also injured.
November 22, 2002 Fiona McCarthy and Sheen McGrath married.
December 11, 2002 A back robbery occurred with Emily Yokas and Faith Mitchell taken as hostages.
December 15, 2002 Ambulance was ambushed (hit by a vehicle and shot up) by gang members. Inside were Carlos Nieto, Maurice Boscorelli, Monte Parker and their young patient.
2003 Katriel Cerullo and Winston Barrett began dating.
2003 Drevan Spalding Lansing was born to Julian Lansing and Melrose Genovese.
January 2003 Carlos Nieto was accused of molesting a teenage girl and arrested.
January 21, 2003 Adam Kendrick Zacchara and Jaisen Braxton Zacchara were born to Braxton Zacchara and Larken Scully.
February 17, 2003 A major blizzard occurred. Emily Yokas overdosed on ketamine and nearly died.
February 18, 2003 Maurice Boscorelli and Maritza Cruz were injured in an explosion. Leticia Cruz was killed in the fire caused by the explosion.
March 12, 2003 An explosion occured from a car accident, killing Alexandra Taylor. During a confrontation (with each other), Faith Mitchell and Maritza Cruz were shot.
March 14, 2003 James Doherty was promoted to Lieutenant.
March 15, 2003 Alexandra Taylor's funeral.
May 27, 2003 John Sullivan saved Barbara Carrington from a hit put out on her life. Maritza Cruz was raped and beaten, causing a miscarriage of her unborn child (father was Maurice Boscorelli). Tyrone Davis Jr was injured in an explosion meant for Barbara Carrington.
June 7-8, 2003 A set of men were pretending to be KPPD officers, pulling over, beating and raping women.
June 20, 2003 Angela Molino was fired after Maurice Boscorelli destroyed property at her place of employment.
June 22, 2003 Monte Parker stole Sasha Monroe's gun, held the 55 firehouse hostage and shot his boss. He was then arrested by John Sullivan.
June 23, 2003 Edward Dade, was shot and killed by an aquaintance of Michael Boscorelli.
June 24, 2003 Anthony Boscorelli turned in his son, Michael Boscorelli, who was soon arrested.
July 5, 2003 Sasha Monroe was in a car accident, that led to the death of a child.
July 22, 2003 Michael Boscorelli was released from jail.
July 26, 2003 Michael Boscorelli was murdered. Fred Yokas seperated from Faith Mitchell.
August 1, 2003 Michael Boscorelli's funeral. Angela Molino and John Sullivan were injured when a car crashed into the funeral home. Angel of Mercy Hospital was shot up. Carlos Nieto, Sasha Monroe and Tyrone Davis Jr were injured after being attacked by the shooters. Maurice Boscorelli was shot. Faith Mitchell shot and killed Donald Mann, who ordered the hit. Maritza Cruz helped cover it up.
August 4, 2003 Faith Mitchell was meritoriously promoted to Detective. John Miller began working at the Camelot Precinct.
August 13, 2003 Tyrone Davis Jr was promoted to Field Training Officer
August 15, 2003 Maritza Cruz was arrested for the murder of Donald Mann, sent to Rikers Island. Faith Mitchell confessed (with full immunity) that she shot and killed Donald Mann, resulting in Maritza's release.
August 27, 2003 Sasha Monroe was revealed as IAB to the entire precinct.
August 29, 2003 A bomb exploded at a small coffee shop. Holiday Wilding narrowly escaped the blast. Cathal T. Finney died while working on his car, when it fell and crushed him - unknown to nearly everyone, Cathal actually committed suicide, while Brendan Finney and Tyrone Davis Jr covered it up.
August 30, 2003 Cathal T. Finney's memorial service. Maurice Boscorelli released from hospital.
September 2, 2003 Slate Aubrey Donnelly was born to Mark Donnelly and Valletta Quartermaine.
September 11, 2003 A shooting and murder occurred at the Camelot precinct.
September 30, 2003 Maurice Boscorelli accidently shot Sasha Monroe, causing her to miscarry her baby (father was Tyrone Davis Jr).
October 4, 2003 Brendan Finney and Tyrone Davis Jr were injured in a car crash. A local news station was held hostage and saved by Faith Mitchell. Emily Yokas was held hostage and saved by Maurice Boscorelli. Manuel Santiago was shot.
October 5, 2003 The Camelot Precinct was attacked and destroyed. Maritza Cruz blew up a building killing dozens of the gang members responsible for the attack.
November 2003 Carlos Nieto and Holiday Wilding married.
June 13, 2004 Alivianza Genovese gave birth to a biological son and daughter, whom she placed for adoption. They were adopted by Brandyn Cerullo and Drucilla Cartier. The boy was named Cartier - Cerullo and the girl was named Gloria - Cerullo.
September 26, 2004 Katriel Cerullo and Winston Barrett married.
October 31, 2004 Martiza Cruz and Maurice Boscorelli became engaged and eloped over the weekend with only Angela Boscorelli in attendance.
July 9, 2005 Rilo Giordan Lansing was born to Julian Lansing and Melrose Genovese.
September 14, 2005 Rydyn Thaddeus Cerullo was born to Asher Lansing and Calvin Cerullo.
September 24, 2005 Garland Paula Barrett was born to Katriel Cerullo and Winston Barrett.
December 2005 Julian Lansing and Melrose Genovese divorced.
March 21, 2006 Vegas Brenn Donnelly was born to Mark Donnelly and Valletta Quartermaine.
May 10, 2006 Elise Persephone Rockefeller was born to Cavalry Rockefeller and Mava Donnelly.
May 26, 2006 Rebel King Lansing was born to Alivianza Genovese and Harvard Lansing.
June 13, 2006 Isabela Faith Boscorelli and Leticia Rose Boscorelli were born to Maritza Cruz and Maurice Boscorelli.
September 2006 Alivianza Genovese was arrested for driving under the influence and child endangerment.
September 12, 2006 Atari Carmine Cerullo was born to Asher Lansing and Calvin Cerullo.
September 24, 2006 Carmine Cerullo died of a heartattack at Garland Barrett's 1st birthday party.
October 2006 Adonis Grainger, Aleighse Donnelly, Axelle Grainger, Caspian Barrett, Garland Barrett, Lovelia Donnelly, Katriel Cerullo, Kennedy Genovese, Soleito Genovese, Violette Lansing, Winston Barrett and Zaine Genovese moved in with Gloriana Scully.
2007 Roarke - Donnelly was born to Daniel Donnelly and Erin Falconeri.
January 2007 Alivianza Genovese was arrested for speeding and violatating her probation.
January 20, 2007 Draven McKay and Maurizia Breckenridge married.
May 2007 Blackie Parrish, Winston Barrett and their band went on tour. Caspian stayed with Piedmont Cody and Veronica - for the summer.
May 6, 2007 Evelyn Nichols and Theodore Donnelly married.
June 5, 2007 Alivianza Genovese began her jail term of 45 days.
June 21, 2007 Emmett Jack Cartier was born to Cadenza Dimestico and Rossano Cartier.
June 26, 2007 Alivianza Genovese was released from jail early due to overcrowding.
July 4, 2007 Alivianza Genovese and Harvard Lansing committed their first bank robbery.
August 2007 Blackie Parrish, Winston Barrett and their band returned from touring.
2008 Adonis Grainger, Axelle Grainger, Caspian Barrett, Garland Barrett, Katriel Cerullo, Kennedy Genovese, Soleito Genovese, Winita Barrett, Winston Barrett and Zaine Genovese moved.
January 11, 2008 Harlow Winter Love McGrath was born to Cartney McGrath and Firenza Barrett.
March 18, 2008 Riker Elmo Lansing was born to Alivianza Genovese and Harvard Lansing.
April 4, 2008 Jacob Donnelly and Larken Scully married in a small civic ceremony.
April 14, 2008 Carrelle - Webber was born to Katherine Cartier and Voight Webber.
May 19, 2008 Arlen - Donnelly was born to Evelyn Nichols and Theodore Donnelly.
June 2, 2008 Kaedence Amelise Donnelly was born to Jacob Donnelly and Larken Scully.
September 2008 Caspian Barrett began attending Barrington Preparatory School.
September 13, 2008 Jacob Donnelly and Larken Scully had a large wedding ceremony.
September 16, 2008 Edwin Wolf Donnelly and Valina Jules Donnelly were born to Mark Donnelly and Valletta Quartermaine.
October 12, 2008 Regina Lansing learned she had been kidnapped at birth. Upon learning this, her grandmother Caroline McCarthy had a heart-attack and later died at the hospital. Regina then ran away from home to her brother Harvard Lansing's residence.
November 3, 2008 Carmina Raimonda Zacchara was born to Braxton Zacchara and Gemma Cerullo.
December 6, 2008 Meralda Briony McKay was born to Draven McKay and Maurizia Breckenridge.
December 24, 2008 Diane Hilton forced Regina Lansing to return home.
August 26, 2009 Salem Romano Voight Donnelly was born to Caralina Falconeri and Dean Donnelly.
September 9, 2009 Sparrow Midnight Charles McGrath was born to Cartney McGrath and Firenza Barrett.
October 25, 2009 Katella Diane Lansing was born to Benito Lombardi and Regina Lansing.
November 21, 2009 Cody Donnelly was murdered at a gas station just outside of Kings Point.
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rachelstipe · 5 years
Owner looks to flip Staten Island retail center for almost $60M
The $41 million sale of Staten Island’s South Shore Commons was one of the largest deals in the borough’s history. And less than a year later, the owner wants to flip the property for nearly $20 million more. The father-and-son team of Murray and Dave Berman purchased South Shore Commons in May from Guido Passarelli & Son, and they are now listing the site for $59.75 million, according to Staten Island brokerage Casandra Properties. The […]
Owner looks to flip Staten Island retail center for almost $60M published first on https://condosingapore.tumblr.com/
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tissipropaganda · 5 years
Owner looks to flip Staten Island retail center for almost $60M
The $41 million sale of Staten Island’s South Shore Commons was one of the largest deals in the borough’s history. And less than a year later, the owner wants to flip the property for nearly $20 million more. The father-and-son team of Murray and Dave Berman purchased South Shore Commons in May from Guido Passarelli & Son, and they are now listing the site for $59.75 million, according to Staten Island brokerage Casandra Properties. The […]
Source: https://therealdeal.com/2019/04/02/owner-looks-to-flip-staten-island-retail-center-for-almost-60m/
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