#Cat Spray Commercial
sharpth1ng · 3 months
Idea: Stu getting that damn pheromone perfume for… obvious reasons
Lmao yeah, he would definitely do this. Stu's the kind of dude who would see those old axe commercials with the girls horny attacking dudes wearing it, and be like "I wonder if it works on dudes too-" leading to him spraying axe all over himself, leading to Billy hosing him down like a dog who got into some muck and throwing the axe away.
Also ok. I'm so sorry but I have to do an info dump about pheromones, it's not relevant and you can ignore it if you want but I just need to say:
There's only solid evidence of one actual pheromonal effect in humans, and it's the one that syncs up people's menstrual cycles. Pheromones are chemical compounds released by one individual that are picked up by another individual, and they trigger a consistent physical response. An example is that theres a compound in male mouse urine that triggers the onset of puberty in female mice.
Pheromones aren't processed in the same place as other scent information, they're processed by a specialized area called the vomeronasal organ (VNO). Other animals that have a lot of known pheromonal effects (cats, dogs, rodents, ect.) have a pretty big VNO, but in human's the VNO is vestigial, which basically means that evolution has been deselecting it, so it's shrunken, atrophied, and functionless (aside from maybe doing the menstrual cycle syncing thing, but we don't even have evidence that the VNO is responsible for processing that).
There's some evidence of things that could be pheromonal effects, for example, human babies will crawl towards the scent of their own mother's milk, but in order for this to be a pheromonal effect we would need to be able to isolate a single chemical compound that causes this behaviour and that hasn't happened yet. It's possible those babies are just reacting to the scent of their mother, which is made up of a mix of chemicals, so that wouldn't be a pheromonal effect.
Based on how inconsistent the evidence is around pheromones in humans it's unlikely that we have any super strong pheromonal effects, which isn't surprising. We're a species with a big frontal lobe so we do a lot more thinking and a lot less automatic reacting than other animals, so if we do still react to pheromones they probably only act to alter how likely a behaviour is top happen, rather than directly triggering the behaviour, so that makes them a lot harder to study and prove. But it also means theres not likely any specific pheromone that will make you irresistibly attractive to possible partners.
tl;dr: If you see something claiming to contain pheromones that will drive the people wild it's probably a lie
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jacenbren · 2 years
Random Cyberpunk: Edgerunners headcanons because I desperately miss my blorbos and was absolutely DEVASTATED by what the show did to them:
Maine tried to set up a swear jar but it never really caught on because every few weeks Rebecca would dump like 500 eddies in the jar at a time with the explanation of “I’m paying my monthly fuck allowance”
Kiwi and Dorio have a girls night every week where they get really drunk while getting mani-pedis and bitch about everything
David and Lucy are both autistic and hate fabric textures (hence the whole “walking around the apartment butt ass naked” thing)
Falco is terrible at cooking in every way conceivable BUT makes a mean grilled cheese sandwich
Rebecca and Pilar both have ADHD
Kiwi doesn’t save people’s names in her phone and has her friends memorized by number and it scares them
David and Rebecca will sometimes just start vocal stimming back and forth
Maine once walked in on the two of them going back and forth saying “beebus borbus” at each other over and over again
Maine and Dorio met when they were both in the army
Pilar has a ridiculous skincare routine
Rebecca once drank an entire container of Pilar’s lotion after he accused her of stealing it
David has sensory issues with carbonation and therefore absolutely DESPISES seltzers/fizzy drinks
He always gives Rebecca fizzy drinks that people buy for him and she gets absolutely wasted because of this
Maine snores insanely loudly. Dorio Hates It. She has banished Maine to the couch many times.
Lucy was a Warrior Cats kid
Maine liked to call his payments to Gloria “child support” even though he is in no way related to David
Pilar cries at those ASPCA commercials
Kiwi refuses to use the wrist strap on the Wii remote and has chucked it through the TV multiple times playing Wii bowling
Dorio adores children in theory but can’t tolerate them for more than 5 minutes
Lucy carries pepper spray and a taser at all times and uses them on people who annoy her
Falco used to wear a fedora but it got stolen and he never fully recovered
Maine wears socks with flip flops
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brokoala-soup · 8 months
I think my aesthetic might be something along the lines of cottagecore and light academia with a tinge of Studio Ghibli and bits and pieces of chaotic academia. So this includes:
classical music blaring out of cheap speakers, homemade food served in reused takeout containers, half dying houseplants in everything but traditional flower pots, the fragrance of jasmine and mint, mirrors reflecting sunlight on to disorganised bookshelves with the most random collection of books, soups in glassware, gel pen doodles all over my notes, herbal teas in whiskey glasses, locally sourced incense sticks, handmade woolen blankets over commercially sold quilts, baking granola bars on a lazy sunday afternoon, adding chocolate to literally everything, mid day naps when the weather is cloudy yet humid, ribbon ties instead of stapler pins, making my own spice powders, scented oil lamps, being obsessed with cloves, sleeping on a bed full of pillows only to find over half of them on the floor next morning, missing alarms because closing my eyes for two more seconds won't make me fall asleep again, picking flowers and herbs from the garden, sleepy afternoons, careful skincare but with the most day to day products, eucalyptus oil, use and throw inhalers to deal with my anxiety because the smell of menthol calms me down, short nails and neutral manicure, smelling like flowers one day and like the sea the other, getting excited whenever I spot the moon, absolutely in awe and in love with the clouds because they're amazing and so creative, puppies, calligraphy using ball pens, homemade mocha latte using soya milk, my grandma's childhood earrings that I wear all the time, newspapers, organic vegetables sold by retired social workers, tote bags, reusable metal water bottles, hot showers and cold rinses, using my grandmother's favorite brand of soap because I love smelling like her, herbal hair oil, smelling like sandalwood, cooking pasta with the family, reading secondhand books, collecting fused light bulbs, pencil underlines, postcards, 1 am poetry, pop instrumentals and pensive journaling, benzene rings on page margins, berry flavoured cough syrup, baking bread, long walks, loud conversations, thrifting, e-books, chocolate wrappers hidden between dictionary pages, colourful periodic table prints, plushies, honey, fleece blankets, sleeping cats, signet ring, dried rose I'd bought for myself and carried around like a trophy travelling back home with it in the public bus, twinning perfumes coincidentally with my best friend, vintage looking brand new ink pen and expired ink, sticky notes with motivational quotes covering my wall, never buying perfumes and only using the ones I'm gifted, random words that remind me of niche incidents or memories written along the corners of my study material, pearl jewelry set that my dad gifted my mom but it's me who wears it now, combat boots bought at ¼th it's price at a discount clearance sale, all my jackets being bought from different countries by my dad and thus each serving as a token of memory, lipstick shades that match only extremely specific vibes and look off and odd at other times, cherry lip balm stick that I've used only twice, daily calendar sheets reused as a notepad, birthday candles from my 16th birthday sitting on my work table, the lingering smell of multiple beverages in my room because I seldom wash the cups I drank them from and now they're cluttered all over the room, hand me down luxury watches older than me, chipped nailpolish, reminders written down on tissue papers, bus tickets all over my bag, sugar-free chewing gum, deodorant that never washes off my clothes, wearing clothes purchased 5 years ago and getting compliments simply because it's not trendy but is unique, mini origami cranes, rose sprays, lychee scented sanitizer.
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bg3 spoilers ahead!
aurora (gold dragonborn cleric of mielikki) grew up in the woods, far away from the city. she likes animals and once spent three days chasing a unicorn, just to see what it did. on a diplomatic trip to stop logging that was infringing on a grove once considered sacred to mielikki, she got abducted. pokey sticks and fire breath quickly proved to be the best way to make her way through her new life. on the way she fell head over heels for the two dumbasses who got fucked by the Hells. so they decided to start saving people, hunting things. and now it's wyll and wyll's wife aurora and aurora's wife karlach's family business. yay hell polycule!
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(aurora is the reason i call wyll my wife. he's just. my wife <3)
kassandra (seladrine drow warlock) has never been to the underdark. she has a cousin there, on her mom's side, maybe? she grew up in baldur's gate and made a career for herself as a shrewd businesswoman (she makes jewelry; that's how she got warlockéd). using people's impressions of drow against them is like her primary skill and it works surprisingly often despite the fact that she is 5'3" on a good day and has the face of a disney princess. she also has the animal skills of one. aurora is steve irwin, kassandra is cinderella. karlach and kassandra were instant besties, which evolved in the sapphic tradition of "surely she doesn't mean it like that haha" until kassandra just straight up said she wanted to make out with karlach.
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(i haven't finished her playthrough yet because i'm afraid teehee)
winter (avariel [mod, winged elf] bard) is your manic pixie dream girl. i stole her name and most of her appearance from Winter The Lunar Chronicles because i am a silly little criminal. winter has never met a problem she could not make marvel-esque quips at, much to shadowheart's eternal chagrin. desperately wants karlach to teach her that silly tiktok dance she's always doin So Bad. her adventure is a very strange change of pace for her because she was previously a tavern waitress/occasional entertainer when there was literally no other option. as such, she does not know how to use weapons really at all and makes everyone else protect her (insert pleading face emoji). anyways, she's the golden retriever gf to shart's black cat gf.
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(her wings get in the way of every cutscene but i still love her)
marie (human durge paladin) is like if tinkaton was a person. she hates the murderhobo ps5 in her brain and loves weird little guys (gale). voted most likely to cry at dog food commercials. i really haven't played much of her, so i haven't decided on much backstory for her.
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(i just think she's a little funny)
the one that only sort of counts.
cynthia (tiefling wild magic sorcerer) is literally just my OC who got isekaid to faerun. the only people who know this are the """dream guardian""", the gods, and the three dipshits and their lame goddess. she's there to cause problems and live up to her old nickname: Godkiller. her fake persona, Lady Cynthia Tav, is from a little town on the coast and enjoys the finer things in life. her most fervent desire is to have a spray bottle so she can get astarion to stop that (at any given moment, "that" ranges from mild horniness to wanting to violently murder people). she is beginning to understand what it was like for her brother to raise her.
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(don't have many pics of her, but she's the most frequent subject of my drawings)
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there's a bunch of more in my notebook that i doodle in while playing
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frankenhxmie · 4 months
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jonathan ‘johnny’ loughran is based on jonathan from hotel transylvania. he is a 27 year old human, dj at neverland and uses he/him pronouns. he has no powers.
penned by HARPER.
face claim: hunter doohan sexuality: heterosexual height: 6' eye color: hazel hair color: light brown piercings: n/a tattoos: n/a
positive traits: ambitious, accepting, easygoing, funny, wholesome, playful negative traits: fantastical, gullible, scaredy-cat, nosy, nervous, impulsive likes: backpacking, the outdoors, his longboard, weird animal species, taking pictures, his mixing board, vintage teeshirts, the smell of pickles, sandwiches, house music, karaoke, spray paint, dancing like no one's watching, bats dislikes: being scared, the dark, country music, being lied to, uptight people, talking about his family, airplanes, cinnamon, sad commercials about puppies in shelters phobias:  n/a hobbies:  working on his house mixes, singing karaoke, long boarding around town, reading graphic novels, thrift shopping, listening to music and working on his air guitar solo, defending monsters of all kinds, trying to be friends with everyone, recounting his travels around the world aesthetic: the sound of a longboard rolling on the asphalt, the feeling of a club pulsing with bass-infused music, the snapping of fingers in a room where everyone is supposed to be quiet, the cracking open of an energy drink, sneakers with the laces never tied
mother: linda loughran father: mike loughran sibling(s):  there's seven of them, he's a middle child, all that matters. pet(s): n/a... yet.
🎧 johnny is a super laid back, go with the flow, vibe until you can’t no-more kind of person. it’s really hard to throw him off his rhythm, though evermore has thrown tons of wrenches into his tires to try to get him to spiral off the road. johnny just keeps letting it roll.  🎧 as much as he likes to consider himself an unbiased dj, the way he’s feeling tends to reflect itself in the music he plays. he’s gotten some… criticism for the questionable selections he makes sometimes, but he just thinks that everyone needs to relax and just trust him. or drink more so he sounds better. whichever was easier. 🎧 johnny’s got a thing for brunettes… well, more like girls with dark hair. dark hair and pale skin and big beautiful eyes he can stare at forever before his eyes start to sting because he forgot to blink. it also helps if they’re a vampire, toootttally helps if they’re a vampire. also if their name starts with an m. all letters are good letters but…. m is special. 🎧 johnny is a bit of an airhead sometimes, but in his heart he means well. he may not be the most textbook intelligent kind of guy but he cares too much for his own good sometimes. he’s willing to trust just about anyone and always assumes the best of people. even monsters — especially monsters. 🎧 he got used to wearing clothes that were too big on him, and it became a style that just kind of stuck. johnny holds a personal vendetta against the person who said parachute pants “aren’t in style” and always makes sure to buy his shirts two sizes too big. he prefers thrifting because it’s cheap, but also because you find some of the wildest shit on those tee-shirt racks…. and who doesn’t want a tee-shirt that has a big picture of a moth that says “uh, ya’ll got any lamps??” they’re crazy!! 🎧 johnny isn’t much of a drinker, but boy does he indulge in weed. johnny loooovveeess weed. He’ll smoke it anyway, at anytime, for any reason, with anyone.  🎧 johnny’s got a weird thing for nice smelling shampoo. the rest of his hygiene routine is pretty basic but he loves getting the overly-complex scented shampoos at the store. you can likely find him in the shower aisle of a store sniffing every bottle with a name that has more than two words in it. his favorite right now “passion flower rice milk”... since when did rice make milk?? that was sick.  🎧 as goofy and unserious as he finds himself to be sometimes, johnny has a big heart. he loves deeply, cares immensely, and even when he can’t find the words to say what he means — his eyes will speak it for him. then again, johnny is scared of his big feelings sometimes and will be the first to tuck them away for the sake of someone else. he’ll happily put himself and his feelings off to the side if it will make things easier on someone else. love’s all about sacrifice or something like that, right ?? 🎧 neverland is where he spends most of his time when he isn’t at the tavern or out looking for mavis. if he’s working, he’s obviously there. If he’s not, he’s likely still there. johnny loves karaoke and making a huge fool of himself on stage, feeling like the coolest guy in the world when he’s up and making people dance and sing and laugh. he wants to have a good time, so in turn, he wants others to have a good time too.
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starryqueen-18 · 5 months
Ok everyone first off I want to say happy new years, 2024 everybody! and second there's this idea that I wrote on my book and I'd like to share it with you guys. it's been a while Since Poppy Playtime introduced us with the smiling critters and they are so cute and adorable I like the idea of a stuffed toys that has a perfume inside for the spray, it's so adorable. Anyways so about this story idea I have is a crossover with some fandoms, the title is named:
Queen Fairy and Fandoms in: Smiling Critters Saga
About: basically it's about Queen Fairy and the fandoms bought the smiling critters after watching the commercial however they soon to realise the dark truth of these cute grinning animal toys.
Part 1: The Recall: When Playtime Co. announced the new smiling critters toys, the fandom gang decided to go and buy their own smiling critter, the list of the characters and their critters are below:
Queen Fairy(me) - Crafty Corn
King Olly(Paper Mario) - Catnap
Jesse(Minecraft Story Mode) - Hoppy Hopscotch
Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) - Bubba Bubaphant
Joseph (SML Youtube) - Kickin Chicken
Junior (SML Youtube) - Dog Day
Cody (SML Youtube) - Bubba Bubaphant *but had to switch to Picky Piggy because Espresso Cookie Complained that he and Cody can't both be Bubba Bubaphant*
One day King Olly explains to the group about that strange he had about a purple cat like monster or something, then later that day the news display on tv explaining the catnap dolls is giving everyone nightmares as of that they announce the recall of the Cat Nap toys. The group was shock except Olly who just joked off for some reason saying that he's sorry for those who have the toy, that was then Queen Fairy looked at Olly for that comment and realised Olly actually has Cat Nap. Soon they decided to create a plan to take the Cat Nap toy from Olly.
I also got this ideal of Olly being a little Karen before buying and liking Cat Nap.
Part 2: The Cat Nap Case: The summary of this part is shorter than the part 1 summary.
We follow along Officer Brooklyn Guy and Officer Simmons from SML on YouTube as they're working on the Case of Cat Nap and with the help of Warder and his associates from Minecraft Story Mode.
well these are the only two parts I have wrote so far, I also have this other idea for later part of this story where, they're being taken to playtime Co. by the smiling critters where the fandoms are being mind controlled by them to be some minions or just act like children just doing what they're told by a toy.
The fandoms who are mind controlled by their smiling critter, they may laugh when chasing after the remaining group as if they're playing chase. there's also gonna be more characters from other fandoms in this story as well.
I don't know how this story will be like and I don't know if I'll might continue this on....maybe? so what do you guys think? if you have any opinions about this fell free to comment below, I hope you guys like and enjoy this story idea I have and Stay Safe and Kawaiii.
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The standard beach episode
Slightly NSFW
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It's 9:00 AM which is too early for Dante to be up right now. He's hungover yet again and notices his door being slammed wide open. It was Nero. Figures. "Whaddya want kiddo? Can't you see I'm trying to get some beauty sleep?"
Nero was yelling something about how he's had this trip planned for months and how Dante wasn't going to ruin it. His nephew then took a toothbrush and attached it to his arm. Dante's teeth were soon cleaner than a Colgate commercial. He then grabbed some clothes and threw them into a suitcase. "God you stink! At least where we're going you can wash off." Before Dante could protest and ask what the hell Nero was talking about, he was flung into the Devil May Cry van.
"Everybody's here then?" said Nico. Nero gave her a thumbs up and she then put the vehicle in motion, leaving burnt tire tracks all over the road. Nico made Mrs. Frizzle look like a Sunday driver.  Dante was still waking up and took notice of everyone on board. There was Nico and Nero, that was a given but he then happened to notice Trish, Lady and Vergil. He tried to sleep but it was like being in bed but if that bed was actually a bumper car.
Dante then tried to think of something calming. He then conjured an image of a pizza in his brain. It had just been taken out of the oven, the steam wafting through the air. The crust was just right and the cheese was gooey when he cut into it. He let out a moan. He then was just about to take a bite when he woke up from his vision and screamed in pain. Why did everything sting? He looked at Lady and noticed a spray bottle (likely filled with holy water).
"LADY, WHAT THE HELL, I'M NOT A CAT!" he screamed. "You're right. I'd say you're actually more like a dog. You both hump everything in sight." Dante looked down a noticed he had an errection. "Whoops, sorry about that..."  He needed to save his pizza fetish thoughts for when he was alone. Next thing he knew, Nico shouted "We're here y'all!"
Dante stepped outside and noticed they were at a beach. "This is nice kid. Only one problem. I didn't bring any swim trunks." Nero then held up the suitcase and threw it towards his uncle. "I brought some just in case you forgot. Now go get changed. You can bathe in the water." He let out a laugh. "Aw. I was hoping to go skinny dipping!" Vergil crinkled his nose in disgust.
There were a small set of bathrooms that everyone got changed in. They were now just waiting for Dante. Everyone had standard attire except for Vergil. He was wearing a blue snorkeling suit? Lady tried to ask him about it but he started going on about something called Metal Gear Solid 2 and she went back to hangout with Trish because she's not a nerd.
The door opened and everyone's eyes popped wide open, Nico screaming "MY EYES!" while Vergil nearly vomited. "WHAT THE FUCK DANTE!" shouted Nero. It turns out that his uncle had taken one of the red swim trunks out of the case and had fashioned it so he now wore a mankini, borat style. He started doing strange gestures while saying "I like you, do you like me?" in a funny voice. "Can anyone translate?" asked Trish. "Do not attempt to understand my brother, it will only bring you down to his level." said Vergil.
"Anyone up for beach ball?" Dante and Vergil wound up on a team despite Vergil's refusal to do so, leaving them against Nero and Trish. This left Lady as referee and Nico being the cheerleader. Neros team was in the lead due to the twins not being able to work well together. Vergil would attempt to show off while Dante would fight his brother for the chance to hit the ball, leading to more arguments than play time.
Each time Vergil went for the ball Dante would glide in front of him while sticking his chest out. This time he caught the ball in his pectorals. His brother yelled something about how this wasn't a dead or alive game and then quit the match, automatically causing their team to forfeit. He then went to go read his book of poems. "GAME OVER!" shouted Lady.
The rest of the group disbanded. Lady was shooting mosquitos with her pressurised water gun and Trish was surfboarding. Nico had a metal detector and was searching for junk hidden in the sand. Nero tried to talk her out of it but she said "one man's trash is another's treasure." As long as she wasn't causing mayhem he didn't care. That just left him and his uncle.
"Having a good time?" Nero asked. Dante sighed. "Yeah. It reminds me of the time mom took us to the beach and we made sandcastles. Vergil's was better so I kicked it down. He tried to get back at me by blowing sand in my eyes so then I put wet clumps of sand down the back of his shorts. Mom was furious." Nero thought to himself sarcastically "I can't imagine why."
He then took out an icebox. "I brought some ice cream if you guys want any. It was handmade by Kyrie so you better not say anything bad about- WAIT! WHERE DID IT GO!? THERE WAS A FULL THING OF ICE CREAM IN HERE!" Nero was looking around frantically. He then noticed his uncle tip toeing away. Nero went into Devil Trigger mode. "DANTEEEEE! WHAT DID YOU DO!?"
Knowing the jig was up, Dante turned around sheepishly. He had blue bits of ice cream decorating his face while his cheeks were fatter than a squirrel storing nuts in its mouth. "DANTE! THAT WAS THE SPECIAL SEA SALT ICE CREAM THAT KYRIE MADE!" His uncle swallowed with a nervous look. "If it makes you feel any better, it was really good!" Nero then lunged at his uncle and screamed "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AND THEN SOME!"
This was loud enough for Vergil to notice and put down his book. "I expect nothing less of my kin. Go son. Make your father proud!" Nico turned to Lady and Trish. "Is there anything in particular that we're supposed to do?" Lady shook her head. "It's best if they get tired from fighting it out. That's usually what we let them do." Nico then asked "What about Mr. Vergil?" Trish snorted. "If anything he's enjoying this fight and won't stop it anytime soon."
Several hours later and uncle and nephew were on their knees, trying their best to punch each other. "NEROOOOOOOO!" "DANTEEEEEEEEE!" Trish then walked over and said "You guys done yet?" Nero said "Just a second." and then punched his uncle so hard that he fell on his back. With his last remaining breaths, Dante said "You're pretty good..." and the passed out.
The sun was setting so the gang dragged Dante and returned to the van. They dropped him off at his business. Literally. Nero shoved his uncles unconscious body out of the van and left it on the Devil May Cry doorstep. They drove off and Dante woke up the next afternoon covered in filth with a pounding headache. "Must have been some crazy kinda party! Well I'm hungry for pizza in more ways than one so let's get busy!"
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nokingsonlyfooles · 9 months
WTYP: The Shandor Building, Part 5
[Do you like the colour of the fanfic? This is long and if you expand it you're gonna get the whole thing, because Tumblr hates you. Don't say I didn't warn you!]
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Part 5: Alice's Pick
[Beware of strong language, mention of all kinds of death, gore, and Lovecraftian horror.]
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[SLIDE: Ad with blue background, WTYP avatars on yellow, and PO box information, but it appears to be dripping a certain amount of pink slime.]
[soothing music]
R [voice-over]: Hi, it’s Justin. This is a commercial for the podcast you’re already watching. People are annoyed by these so I’ll get right to the point: We’ve pissed off an ancient Sumerian deity and we may not live through this. Thank you for joining the Patreon, we really appreciate it, but we need a little more help. I’d say “pray for us,” but I think we’re trapped in some kinda pocket dimension, and it may not do any good. Far be it from me to impose upon your religion, or lack thereof, in any case. If you know anything about Gozer the Gozerian, or ancient Sumer, you might want to update their Wikipedia pages, because we do somehow still have our laptops and what appears to be a working internet connection, but by the time you see this it’ll probably be too late. So, for the first time ever, don’t join the Patreon. Or do, if you want. It’s your call. I’m sure my cats will appreciate the money in the event of my untimely disappearance or death. And, as always, we do not want to die. Now, back to the show.
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[SLIDE: Gozer the Gozerian, the Ghostbusters version, with Vinz Clortho and Zuul.]
D: No, you don’t need to, uh… Fine, actually. Thank you for turning down the howling noise.
D: We’re already… Uh, yes. We’re back in, uh, three, two, one…
A: Neopronouns! That’s interesting!
A: Oh. Lovely.
L: Sweet, I don’t think we’ve had one of those before.
A: …and I’m not just saying that because this form you’ve taken is smoking hot.
R: That’s a bit presumptuous.
A: And I am there for it! Are they, er, are “we” your pets, Lord Gozer, or is it more of a polycule?
A [thrilled]: I don’t think it’s going to solve anything, but this podcaster is definitely becoming more rigid!
D: Please don’t make me get the spray bottle, the control room is full of slime.
A [wistful]: “Control room,” what a lovely thought.
R: Are we gargoyles or grotesques?
[thunder, lightning, gales of wind]
R: Oh.
L: Aww. Tummy rubs.
R: We are definitely gods. I misspoke before, and I apologize. We are all gods here, thanks.
A: We’re a regular pantheon! Is that a knockoff Rolex you’re wearing?
A [awestruck]: Fuck.
A [happily]: I promise I’ll lose!
A: Oh. Nevermind. Damn.
R: This Wikipedia page badly needs updating.
[slight pause, frantic shuffling]
D: We don’t have any proton packs, do we?
A: I have a bit of cheese in my purse, and a Slimfast bar…?
D: Proton, not protein!
R: I got this here laptop and a stapler, I guess. Shame nobody uses CRTs anymore, at least they accelerate particles…
L: Uh, no?
L [excited]: We get to pick our form?
D: Uh, I don’t think…
L: I mean, I’m totally a god, so I knew that. It’s just cool! I’m gonna be a ‘93 Nissan Lamassu!
D: Liam…
R [quietly]: We can’t actually pick our forms.
A [muttering]: I can, but it’s a bit of a process…
D [raising voice, trying to sound confident]: Um… We choose the form of an engineering disasters podcast!
L: Ouch.
R [defiant]: No.
A: God, I want liposuction.
D: We’re good like this, Lord Gozer! Thanks!
A: Shit.
R: Makes sense.
L: Yeah, probably should’ve seen that coming.
D: I’m so sorry, you guys.
A: S’all right, Dev. You tried.
R: I died doing what I love… Podcasting and editing a Wikipedia page for accuracy. And I got to ride a high speed train made of meat.
L [raising voice]: Hey, Gozer! Which engineering disaster? There’s a lot of ‘em! You haven’t been back here for a while, buddy, we’ve had a few more fun ones.
R: Yeah, these billionaires got crushed in a submarine of their own making, that was fun…
A [hyperventilating]: Oh, God. Oh, God…
D: Rocz, shut the hell up!
[crinkling wrapper, sound of Alice self-soothing by eating a bit of cheese]
L [quickly]: No! Engineering disasters don’t have laptops!
R: Y2K…
D: Shut up!
L: All right. This is it.
D: Nobody say anything. Nobody think anything! Play dead! Eventually, xe may get bored!
A: Like a grizzly bear?
D: Happy thoughts, Alice. Happy thoughts. Anything but an engineering disaster…
Part 6
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siickwithsadness · 9 months
posting this for anyone who doesn't have AO3 <3
this is from last month and it's a bit of a shitpost so I wanted to post this before I get to the good stuff. enjoy!
Disgust rolled her eyes at Joy as she watched the yellow emotion break down in another laughing fit as Riley watched various TikTok videos of poorly-made memes such as cats meowing to the beat of the music and manipulated videos of Burger King commercials with low-quality music in the background for the umpteenth time this week. Ever since Riley was given permission to download the app, Joy had made sure to save every single video she found even slightly humorous to Riley's phone- which, considering that she bursts out laughing when leaves fall on the ground, was a pretty long list.
Disgust covered her ears as Joy's laughing reached a crescendo, and the rest of the emotions soon followed suit.
"Oh my god Joy, it is NOT that funny" Disgust hissed, backing out of the way as Anger flared up and Fear jumped three feet in the air in shock.
Joy pulled herself off the floor and composed herself, turning to face her. A wide grin spread across her face. "Oh come on! It might be stupid, but it's funny! Have some fun and quit being so uptight!"
Disgust huffed in annoyance, crossing her arms. "You can have as much "fun" as you want, as long as you don't shatter my eardrums with your incessant laughing."
It was Joy's turn to roll her eyes this time, ignoring her as she propped her elbows on the console and turned back to the screen.
Riley scrolled to another video. This time a picture of a loaf of bread spun in circles while a distorted version of "blurred lines" played in the background.
Joy clamped her hands on her mouth as she attempted to choke back her laughter, on the verge of exploding into another laughing fit.
Disgust glared at her from her place at the console. "Don't you dare ," Disgust threatened, staring daggers into the yellow emotion.
Joy choked before momentarily gaining control of herself, but it was evident to all of them the dam was about to break. Much like Anger couldn't control his temper and Sadness couldn't stop herself from crying, it was only a matter of time before the embodiment of happiness could prevent herself from laughing.
Another video popped up, this time with a bass-boosted fart played over a car crash. 
"DON'T-" Disgust didn't get to finish her sentence as Joy burst into another uproar of laughter, losing control of herself and spraying spit all over the buttons on the console, causing Disgust to throw herself away from it and letting out a scream as she frantically fanned herself in discomfort.
"EW!!! JOY, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU????" She screamed at the emotion who was currently laughing too hard to hear her. Not like she was paying attention to her anyways.
Joy fell to the ground again, gasping and wheezing as she rolled on the floor.
Disgust rubbed at her temple and wondered what in God's name did she do to have to be stuck with these idiots. Then turned to Sadness who was watching Joy with a small smile on her face. "Honestly, what do you even see in her?"
Sadness perked up, slightly startled as the green emotion suddenly put the spotlight on her. "I- um, well... she's sweet.. and... caring... and.... she’s kinda hot too..." She whispered, her eyes widening as soon as she realized what she just said.
Disgust whipped around to the blue emotion, giving her a look that said "did you just say what I think you said?"
Sadness began to backtrack, a blush spreading across her face as she attempted to cover up her hidden affection for the yellow emotion, who was currently still engulfed in a laughing fit. "Uh... I mean.. s-she's really…. pretty?" Sadness mentally slapped herself and wished a black hole would come in and take her now.
Disgust turned to Joy, who was still rolling around wheezing on the ground, and waved a hand in front of her face. “You heard what your girlfriend said about you?"
Joy pulled herself off the floor and on her feet, still giggling slightly. She glanced at Sadness, who was attempting to hide in her sweater. Joy laughed at the sight, throwing her arm around her and resting her head on hers. "What did you say about me, Sadness?"
"Nothing," Sadness quickly replied, turning her head away from her and silently praying that she would just drop the subject. But, unfortunately for her, Joy never seemed to know when to quit, even when she needed to.
"Aw, don't be like that!" Joy pressed. "I bet it was something sweet, right, blueberry? "
Sadness' blush worsened thanks to Joy's pet name for her. "I.. said you were pretty. That's all." Sadness mumbled, hoping Joy would buy it.
"Actually, she said you were hot ." Disgust interrupted, her arms crossed with an evil smile on her face, smirking at the horrified look Sadness gave her before burying herself deeper into her sweater to the point where they couldn't see her eyes anymore.
Joy's eyes widened, shocked that the quiet and timid emotion who usually stumbled over her own words when trying to compliment her and blushed dark blue when Joy would hold her hand had enough courage to call her hot in front of her. 
Joy's smile widened, turning her girlfriend around to face her and pulling her sweater back down to its original position before grabbing her face and kissing her on the forehead.
"Do you think I'm hot, sweetie?" Joy teased, her smile growing wider as Sadness' cheeks darkened in hue while refusing to make eye contact. Sadness mumbled something unintelligible that Joy didn’t quite catch which caused her to laugh. “Telllll meeee…” Joy urged, bringing Sadness’ face close enough that their noses were touching.
Sadness made an attempt to escape, which failed since Joy was gripping onto her as if she’d melt through the cracks on the floor or dissolve into thin air if she didn’t. Since when the hell did she become so strong?
Sadness felt like her face was on fire, and much to her discomfort, Joy persisted, taking advantage of the fact that Sadness couldn’t ever bring herself to say no to her, as if she would ever want to in the first place. “Tell me tell me tell me tell meeee-”
Sadness couldn't hold it in any longer. “Okayfineithinkyou’rehot canyoustopnow?!” Sadness cried, pulling away and covering her ears as Joy squealed in delight. The others audibly groaned, which fell on deaf ears as Joy danced around like she won a contest while Sadness stared at the ground wishing some external force from the outside world would interrupt them so that they could forget about this. Sadly, nothing came to rescue her.
Sighing in disappointment when she realized nothing was gonna distract her from this, Sadness glanced up awkwardly at Joy, who wore a mischievous smile on her face, with a glint of something in her eye that Sadness couldn't quite place. "I knew you couldn't resist me!" Joy exclaimed, spinning around and smirking at her, taking immense pleasure in watching the other girl squirm in discomfort.
Sadness covered her face with her hands, desperately trying to keep herself from smiling. "Joy, stop..." 
Disgust faceplammed. "Can you two go five minutes without obsessing over each other?!"
Anger peeked over at Disgust from behind his newspaper and gave her an annoyed glare. "Don’t waste your breath. They've been wrapped around each other ever since they got back from Long Term Memory. You couldn't pry them off with a crowbar." 
Joy rolled her eyes at them both and leaned down to sling her arm around Sadness, whose face was still on fire. "Oh come on guys, this is what you do when you love someone!"
Disgust made a face in, well, disgust, and flipped her hair, which smacked Fear in the face. “Well, luckily I don't love anyone.”
Anger scoffed, placing his newspaper on the table beside him and getting up from his spot on the couch. “The only thing Disgust cares about is collecting hoards of free makeup samples and jumping on the next fashion trend that’ll blow over in two weeks.”
“Well at least I don’t leave crumpled up newspapers on the floor and light Headquarters on fire like you do!” Disgust quipped. 
“Oh, you want to go, missy?!”
“Don’t even get me started-”
“GUYS, STOP!!!!” Joy yelled, putting herself in between them to avoid any more conflict, but to mostly make sure that Anger did, in fact, not light anything (or anyone, especially Fear) on fire.
“The point is, sometimes, when you love another person, you do things for each other that you don’t do with anybody else, and… sometimes, you get to do special things for them!”
Anger let out a humorless laugh while Disgust looked like she was two seconds away from launching herself out of Headquarters.  “Yeah. special things . I'm sure you do a lot of special things for her that we don’t need to know about.”
“Yeah. Count me out. Love is gross. Do whatever you want, but keep it far away from me.” Disgust said, picking up a nail filer and sitting beside Anger on the couch.
Joy waved them off dismissively and returned to holding her girlfriend close to her. “Whatever, at least I got my blueberry here so I can smother her with as much love as I want!!” Joy’s heart doubled in size when she looked down and found Sadness smiling up at her.
Before Sadness could say anything back, the five of them turned their attention back to the screen once they saw that Riley had scrolled to another video, which happened to be a video of a Family Guy meme of Carter Pewterschmidt singing while rearranging furniture. This, according to Joy, was hilarious; causing her to let out yet another roar of laughter.
Disgust threw her hands up in frustration, having had enough of this. “That's it. I can't do this anymore. Goodbye.” she growled before stomping off.
Sadness sighed, an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and adoration for the emotion wrapped up in her arms.
“This is why I love you.”
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resnihil · 1 year
I remember when this commercial came out in the summer of 1997 I was driving an 85 Toyota Tercel, which was not all that different than this car in terms of shape and dimension. One day I was dropping off some stuff at the dump and saw a chair sitting in the furniture dropoff area. This immediately came to mind and for whatever reason I managed to maneuver the chair into the back of my car and drove home humming this song and laughing my ass off at the situation.
When I got home my mom made me spray it with carpet cleaner and leave it in the garage overnight, but it stayed in my bedroom until I moved out and I spent many an hour reading or dozing off in it. The chair has followed me around as I've moved over the years and it's nice for human and cat naps alike.
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clatterbane · 2 years
(How to Make Iced Turkish Coffee? ☕)
More iced coffee! This time, half-assed Turkish iced mocha frappe edition because I was in the mood for a little treat more along those lines. 😊
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That heavy pan seemed to work fine as a makeshift induction plate under the cezve, rather than dragging out an iron skillet this time.
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This time, I decided to try this basic method. And got some decent foam, at least. Still not quite sure how I managed to screw that part up last time.
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Not the prettiest serving approach, but it was easiest to just drink the stuff out of the shaker I'd quickly mixed up some chocolate milk in. Featuring: a little spray cream on top, and one disgruntled cat squalling for dairy products in the background! 😾
Didn't end up looking like much, but very tasty. My blood sugar was starting to drop, so I couldn't resist also grabbing a bit of a snack with it.
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Homemade is better, with all the yummy butter instead of basically vegetable shortening in most commercial versions, but those chocolate balls are pretty damned good too.
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tatesteffensen89 · 11 days
Why Unique Christmas Gifts Matter
gifts ideas for cat lovers Numerical belt - This device was intended to help you see how much you were losing from your waistline. Sometimes it showed the opposite. Colorful enough for all to see. Great conversation starter. What stops growth? The ego stops growth. What drives the ego? Fear drives the ego. What drives fear? Knowledge. So learning more does not cause growth. No, this is the wrong path. Learning less, unlearning causes growth. With learning we learn to judge, this is right and this is wrong. But this is the ego. An illusion. With unlearning, we see that there is no right or wrong, just our own fears and beliefs. With unlearning we can rise above myth and beliefs which keep us in an internal war. We can only find peace by growing through challenges. We can only sustain love by growing through unlearning. gifts for cat lovers On the other hand, most cat owners observe that a cat, when confronted with an obstacle barring her from a goal, will never move the obstacle out of the way. If the obstacle falls out of the way the cat will be momentarily surprised, but will then proceed to reach the unobstructed goal. For lighting, continue the theme you've created in the rest of the home. Your bedroom should be congruent with your style elsewhere. If you have a TV in your bedroom, you'll find having the music channels is especially worthwhile there. Your iPod speaker setup can't push enough targeted variety, and even one commercial on the radio is too many. Present for Cat Lovers Tru and Kate rule Carolyn's room. Sassy stays with my mom. Socrates roams the halls and can be found most often in my daughter's room. And I, alas, have Little Kitty, Sonny, Simone and Sierra in my bedroom. Sierra (female) and Sonny (male) are dominant cats. Both spray from time to time, but by working with our cats' needs rather than against them helps diminish the spraying considerably. At last Songha made it through the door! But then she was caught by a shape-shifter! The next time, she met Jacques Cousteau and with his guidance, she met everybody in the neighborhood, who later became her friends...and subjects of her kingdom... Cat Lovers Gift Territorial aggression is a cause of fighting. One cat may be a bully chasing the other cat. The cat being bullied may seek constant hiding. Territorial aggression is hard to stop. Build the bullied cats self-confidence by giving him lots of individual attention. Confine the bully a few hours a day and let the bullied cat have the run of the house. If the bully continues to bully then you may have to give each cat their own separate space in the home. Be sincere with your proposed project - you should also show sincerity and effort when trying to raise funds for your idea through crowdfunding. You should be able to show concern and love for what you're trying to realize. When people feel your sincerity, you can attract more individuals to help you with your fund raising needs.
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bjerrumivey88 · 27 days
Appear Below For Some sort of Excellent Tips About Cats
Cats are wonderful household pets, but it could be expensive to take care of them. Caring with regard to a cat effectively means providing it with proper healthy eating plan, adequate stimulation, well being care, and many other requirements; this can come to be expensive. These suggestions will help you own a new cat without having to shell out a fortune. Cats can get into even typically the tiniest of areas. If they have a training collar, this is usually a safety issue whenever they get stuck. If your pet will be wearing a breakaway collar, it'll remove if it's pulled too hard. That can keep kitty safe. Choose a high top quality food. The real key to a healthy cat starts with healthy eating plan. Have a look at the elements label. If you look at many "popular" commercial cat foods, you may well be amazed to see the particular top ingredient shown is corn. Felines are carnivores, so look for a food along with a real beef as the top rated ingredient. You may possibly pay much more up top, but these foods are often more nutritional dense, meaning the cat eats much less and the bag lasts longer. To keep your cat content and healthy, it is important to plan regular visits to the vet. Not only are normal checkups good for catching problems early, but regular trips can insure of which your cat maintains up to particular date on its vaccinations. If you don't know if the last period your cat had its shots, schedule an appointment intended for booster shots as quickly as possible. If your cat is picky regarding drinking water, invest in a cat water fountain. These battery run or plug throughout fountains keep normal water circulating and aerated. Many cats like this. A cat fountain will aid keep your cat out of the particular kitchen sink and the toilet. It can also help prevent the cat from pawing water onto the floor in look for of freshwater. Provide your new cat some space. Shifting to a fresh home can end up being stressful over a cat, especially person who is not any longer a pussy-cat. To help them adjust, let them have a quiet place that will they can contact their unique, such because a spare bathroom or laundry space. This gives these people a safe space they will can retreat in order to until they may have become comfortable with exploring the whole house. Relying on the cat, this process may well take a couple of days upwards to a month or even more. Have the cat spayed or perhaps neutered. Pet overpopulation is really a growing issue, with millions of homeless cats plus kittens euthanized each year. Besides typically the problem of as well many kittens in addition to not enough properties, unfixed cats may have a multitude of behaviour problems. Males who are not neutered at a young age often start spraying to mark their territory, and females that are allowed to appear into heat yowl incessantly since they try out to escape to get a mate. Kittens can begin to breed as early as some months of age group, so get your current new kitten spayed or neutered as soon as feasible. Handle your cat often. The more time your cat will be handled as a cat, the more easily they will recognize being handled if they are grown, especially around their very own paws. This will be important as most cats will need to check out the vet from time to time, and this method is significantly easier in addition to less stressful if the cat is accustomed to being handled. It will certainly also make stop your puppy biting and nail trimming much easier. Cats and kittens have got a natural impulse to hunt small prey. This could sometimes be a problem if you have other little animals in your home. Make sure that fowl cages are suspending from the roof. If you have got a gerbil or hamster, make certain their own cages are safe and up higher out of the cats reach. Help to make sure that presently there are enough litter box boxes in your house for all of the particular cats that are keeping there. It really is ideal to have one litter box with regard to each cat. If you live inside a property that provides a lot associated with floors, there need to be one on each of your floor for every single cat. Many people do not recognize that it can be perfectly normal so that you can take pet cats on walks and so they can get exercise and oxygen. There are special harnesses made intended for you to employ together with your cat. In the event that you use the type that were built for dogs, there is a possibility your cat may get away. Guarantee that your new cat is spayed or neutered. This is important whether or not your cat will never be outdoors or close to cats of the opposite gender. Experiments show that spayed cats are significantly less vulnerable to uterine, mammary, and ovarian tumor. Neutering your masculine cat decreases his / her risk of developing prostatic cancer. Another gain of neutering will be that your cat will never feel motivated to mark his territory by bringing out. Should you be considering the long-haired cat breed of dog then you definitely should in addition consider the extra maintenance required. Though that nice coat of beautiful smooth fur looks wonderful, it could leave the mess on your own flooring, furniture and garments. Don't adopt some sort of cat using firm fur unless you're certain you can take care of the additional cleaning. Not really to mention cats that have extended hair are extra prone to receiving issues with hairballs. Despite their self-employed nature, cats will be no less expensive as compared to any other animal. Being a cat parent can be labor and moment intensive. As a person now know, an individual can curtail the expenses of having felines while you even now get to appreciate giving them good care. cats lover language
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ochoaklemmensen21 · 1 month
A Few Ideas To Keep Your Cat Purring.
There are many parasites that can prey on your cat. Fleas and ticks are two of the popular parasites, but there are plenty more that people just forget about. The only way to avoid these parasites has been knowledge. Figure out how to combat them and keep them from preying on your cat with this article. Be sure to have your pet cat spayed or neutered by the time it is six months old. A spayed or neutered cat is a more satisfactory pet since it is calmer, quieter and more more likely to stay home. Neutered male cats usually do not spray urine to mark their territory. This is definitely a plus with regards to cat ownership. Choose a high quality food. The key to a wholesome cat starts with nutrition. Have a look at the ingredients label. If you look for the most part "popular" commercial cat foods, you may well be surprised to start to see the top ingredient listed is corn. Cats are carnivores, so search for a food with a genuine meat as the top ingredient. You may pay more in advance, but these foods tend to be more nutritionally dense, meaning your cat eats less and the bag lasts longer. If you replace a vintage scratching post, your cat could be unhappy with the brand new one. Spend less on scratching posts. Wrap your old scratching post with some sisal rope to spiff it up. Your cat will undoubtedly be happy not to lose its favorite old post. You will save a little cash. Keep your cat healthy and non-finicky by introducing a varied diet. Always purchase several different brands of food and rotate them. In this way, your cat will be used to trying and accepting new tastes. If one food brand goes out of business, you will always have lots of other acceptable choices to offer. Deter your cat from chewing on inappropriate things by using bitter apple. If this does not work, be sure to cover the cords. Bundle electrical cords together in the tube. When you have rarely used electronics, put them up when you aren't using them. In the event that you cat is pregnant is with babies, you will probably have a lot of kittens on your hands. Create a comfortable place for the cat to provide her babies somewhere in your house. Make sure the spot is big enough for the kittens to go around as they grow. If your cat is commonly antisocial and anxious with company, try giving it a catnip toy a couple of hours before company arrives. Many cats become very mellow when exposed to catnip. Even though your cat does not want to socialize after catnip exposure, it'll probably be happier and less anxious. Try to avoid your cat from becoming bored every day. It is necessary to allow them to play and get exercise. Too frequently this need is overlooked by owners. Cats who get bored can in fact become depressed or display other undesirable behaviors. Give them plenty of space to roam and offer them with toys to provide them some exercise. If they're indoors, provide them with a scratching post or something to climb on. Keep the litter box clean. Cats are naturally very clean animals, and a dirty kitty litter box will have your cat looking for alternative places to relieve himself. Cats also value their privacy, so make an effort to locate the box in an area that does not get a lot of foot traffic. If you observe that your cat is not using the litter box around usual, you need to go and take them to a vet right away. There are several health problems that may cause the cat to stop utilizing the box. These issues include bladder problems, constipation and diarrhea. Think about getting a drinking fountain for the cat. When cats are out in the open they like to drink running water, and this is true in your house aswell. Cat usually respond well to streams. Cats will often drink from a running sink and actually prefer it over the water in their bowl. A fountain keeps the water moving without letting any head to waste. https://www.file-upload.com/260xztm16i8p If your cat has recently given birth, be sure she's a safe, private area to deal with them. Mother cats may become frightened by strangers or loud noise, sometimes resulting in decreased milk production. They could also hide the kittens in places where you cannot find them, such as closets, or under beds. This article featured numerous tips for dealing with cat parasites. These parasites shouldn't be taken lightly. If ignored, they are able to possibly give your cat diseases, keep them from getting nutrients, and also kill them. Never allow health of your cat be taken for granted. You have the energy to save them, so utilize it.
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123567-9qaaq9 · 1 month
Detailed Report on Animal Vaccine Market  | Bis Research
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The Animal Vaccine Market refers to the commercial sector involved in the production, distribution, and sale of vaccines specifically designed for animals. These vaccines are developed to prevent or mitigate infectious diseases in various animal species, including livestock (such as cattle, poultry, and swine), pets (such as dogs and cats), and wildlife.
In 2022, the global veterinary vaccine market held a value of $9.44 billion. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.30% during the forecast period 2023-2033 and attain a value of $19.86 billion by 2033. 
Grab a look at our report page click here !
Animal Vaccine Overview 
Growing Demand - Increasing awareness about the importance of animal health and welfare, coupled with rising concerns about zoonotic diseases, is driving the demand for animal vaccines.
Prevalence of Diseases - The prevalence of infectious diseases in animals poses significant challenges to animal health and productivity, necessitating the use of vaccines for disease prevention and control.
Key factors driving this expansion include 
Disease prevention and control 
Pathogen Diversity and Evolution 
Vaccine Efficacy and Safety
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Rising Demand for Animal Vaccines 
Expanding Livestock Production: With global population growth and rising incomes, the demand for animal-derived protein products, such as meat, milk, and eggs, continues to escalate. 
Emerging Infectious Diseases: The emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases pose significant threats to animal health, agricultural productivity, and food security. 
Market Segmentation
1 ) By Type 
Livestock Vaccines 
Bovine Vaccines 
Small Ruminant Vaccines
Porcine Vaccines 
Poultry Vaccines 
Companion Animal Vaccines 
Canine Vaccines 
Feline Vaccines 
Equine Vaccines 
  (e) Aquaculture Vaccines 
2) By Disease
Swine Fever 
Foot and Mouth Disease 
Newcastle Disease 
Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) 
Peste des Petits Ruminants 
Other Diseases  
3) By Technology
Live Attenuated Vaccines  
Inactivated Vaccines 
Toxoid Vaccines 
Recombinant Vaccines 
Conjugate Vaccines 
Other Vaccines
4) By Route of Administration
Injectable Vaccines 
Oral Vaccines 
Intranasal/Spray Vaccines 
5) By Distribution Channel
Veterinary Hospitals 
Veterinary Clinics 
Retail Pharmacies 
Veterinary Research Institutes
6) By Region 
North America 
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa  
Latin America 
Key Players in the Market 
Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH
Ceva Santé Animale
Elanco Animal Health Incorporated
Merck & Co., Inc. (Merck Animal Health)
Zoetis, Inc.
Phibro Animal Health Corporation
And many others 
Visit our Life Sciences and Biopharma page click here ! 
Types of Animal Vaccines 
Live Attenuated Vaccines 
Inactivated Vaccines 
Recombinant Vaccines 
Vectored Vaccines 
Conjugate Vaccines 
DNA Vaccines 
Major Trends and Drivers included are as follows 
Increased focus on preventive healthcare 
Emerging Infectious Diseases 
Technological Advancements 
Sustainable and Ethical Practices 
Key Question Answers 
Q  What are the major market drivers, restraints, and opportunities within the global veterinary vaccine market?
Q  What are the major trends adopted by the global veterinary vaccine market?
Q What are the key strategies adopted by key players in the global veterinary vaccine market?
Q  How is each type segment of the global veterinary vaccine market expected to grow during the forecast period 2023-2033?
Q How is each disease segment of the global veterinary vaccine market expected to grow during the forecast period 2023-2033?
In conclusion, the animal vaccines market represents a vital sector within the broader animal health industry, driven by the imperative to safeguard animal welfare, ensure food security, and mitigate the risks of infectious diseases. 
The rising demand for animal vaccines is fueled by factors such as increasing awareness of preventive healthcare measures, expanding livestock production, emerging infectious diseases, and regulatory imperatives.
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shoremclain95 · 1 month
Best Tips About Cats Of which Anyone Can Follow
If anyone are looking for the pet to share your current days and nights with, a kitten is a wonderful selection. While these animals are certainly independent, they are as well great friends. Even so, presently there are a few items that you have to be aware involving when it comes for you to their attention and just how to help them have got a cheerful life. In the event your cat abruptly runs off its feed intended for no apparent reason, test tempting treats such because jack port mackerel, tuna, or maybe lotion of chicken soups inside small amounts. These kind of are not finished meals and shouldn't be given long term, but they are extremely delicious in order to cats. A finicky pet cat may start eating yet again and keep on whenever offered one of these types of treats. Choose a top quality food. The key to help a wholesome cat will begin with nutrition. Look into this ingredients label. If a person look at many "popular" commercial cat foodstuff, anyone may be surprised to help see the major compound listed is corn. Felines are carnivores, consequently search for a food with a real meat because the top ingredient. You may pay more upwards front, but these food items can be often more nutritional thick, meaning your kitty consumes less and the tote lasts longer. https://ralph.bakerlab.org/show_user.php?userid=516435 Have your own personal kids help you take care regarding the cat. Allocate everyday jobs such as nourishing the cat and washing the litter box. Not necessarily only can taking attention of the cat instruct them responsibility, it as well gives you a break via these tasks. This means that anyone can invest more time period hugging with your feline. Your kitten might not necessarily come running if you call, yet most cats and kittens appreciate cuddling on their terms and time. Cats love to have their heads and buttocks pet. Not all felines just like their tummies rubbed thus be very careful. Investing good time with your kitten will make long lasting thoughts to look back upon someday. Keep your feline inside your home. Contrary to dogs, the idea is nearly impossible to be able to confine the kitten to a yard. This could lead to many dangers regarding your feline, from automobiles, dogs, diseases from feral cats, and merely disappearing to help parts undiscovered. Loose cats and kittens also be some sort of bother to others, often getting rid of songbirds and leaving unwelcome "deposits" in neighbor's back gardens. If your cat really enjoys the outdoors, they can be trained to help wear a harness and even lead or you could invest in a specialised kitten fence or screened-in outdoor patio. Have your kitty spayed or neutered. Pet overpopulation is a rising problem, along with millions involving homeless cats and cats euthanized every year. Furthermore the problem of very a lot of kittens and definitely not good enough homes, unfixed pet cats may have a wide range of conduct issues. Males who will be not neutered at a new young age often commence spraying to mark their territory, and females who else are allowed to are available into heat yowl incessantly as they try for you to avoid to find a new mate. Kittens may start to breed as early because 4 several weeks of era, so get your different kitten spayed or neutered as soon as achievable. Wash your cat's bed with least once a 7 days to remove all associated with the germs from this. Even if the bed looks like it is usually clean, it will probably commonly have got toxins around that that can cause your pet for you to become sick. Replace often the bed every six several weeks to keep your kitten in a sanitary surroundings. If your cat looks to wish to avoid his or her foodstuff dish, try having the various kind regarding bowl. Plastic can occasionally flip a cat off if this isn't cleaned continually, and can hold on to selected scents. Try glass or even a metal jar for best results, so your pet cat will keep taking. Use your kitten to help teach your children duties. A pet demands care that will the total family can certainly participate throughout. Each baby can take distinct day time to feed the pet cat, for instance. Same thing for litterbox care. A person can make a good plan and post the idea about the refrigerator. Then, everyone should know what they are responsible for. If the cat offers to have a surgical procedures such as being spayed or even neutered, they will need sleep when that they come home. This is not easy to keep a feline from leaping up about furniture, nevertheless required to stay away from pulling out stitches. Designate a great area in your house on your cat to be able to recuperate where they will be not as much likely to injure their selves, until they are recovered good enough to roam free of cost. Most veterinarians recommend of which you give your pet cat food that may be in the particular can as opposed to the dry out varieties in the box or maybe case. This is because typically the canned food contains whole lot more water, fat and necessary protein compared to dry variety. That can also be easier to take in for pet cats with common issues. Supply your cat top quality food items. Give attention to the compound list with any food you give food to them. Necessary protein needs to be one of several very first items upon the list, while filler injections like corn and other spore should be avoided. Have a tendency give your cat meals that have corn or perhaps additional components that have simply no protein. Pet cats are obviously carnivorous. If you need to keep them all healthy and happy, you need to give these people plenty of animal necessary protein. You can't go incorrect by selecting a cat while your animal companion. They may be smart, they generally avoid require all the care while dogs and they also can offer you with all the love the fact that you are craving. However , remember that cats even so demand a number of factors from their proprietor. Make use of the tips above to help you carve out a good life to your pet.
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