#Cerebral Edema
transorze-gopika · 1 year
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ICD-10 code G93. 6 for Cerebral edema is a medical classification as listed by WHO under the range - Diseases of the nervous system.
For more details: 🌐 www.transorze.com ☎️ 9495833319
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wellhealthhub · 1 year
Diabetes Ketoacidosis: An In-Depth Exploration of its Complexities, Symptoms, Treatment, and Preventive Strategies
This comprehensive and detailed discourse endeavors to furnish a profound understanding of diabetes ketoacidosis, a profoundly intricate and acute complication of diabetes. It delves into multifarious aspects of this condition, encompassing its intricate symptomatology, exhaustive diagnostic methodologies, sophisticated treatment modalities, and comprehensive preventive measures. Through the…
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water poisoning should straight up NOT be a thing
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#and cure your chronic insomnia by developing a circadian rhythm as a seemingly unheard of side effect of acetazolamide
Sign me the fuck UP, Kai!
life hacks to help you sleep better:
step 1. develop intracranial hypertension.
you can do this by traveling to a high altitude without proper preparation, there will be absolutely no other side effects of this, altitude sickness is a myth (:
step 2. acetazolamide
step 3. profit!
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doctorbitchcrxft · 3 months
In My Time of Dying | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual ?)
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, hospitals and death and fun stuff like that
Word Count: 2997
A/N: Surprise! It's time for season 2! And as an extra treat, I'm gonna publish episode 2 with this one since it's a little short. Happy reading!! Thank you guys for all the love and support!
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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You were completely pinned down beneath the side of the car that had been pushed into your lap in the accident. You clung to Dean still, afraid to move your upper-half and unable to move your bottom. You listened to the slowing rhythm of his heartbeat and willed him to stay alive for you.
Your eyes opened at the sound of Sam groaning.
“Sam!” you exclaimed. 
He groaned again, moving his head a little to the direction of the sound of your voice. “(Y/N)?”
Suddenly, the hinges were ripped off the driver’s side door to reveal the demon-possessed driver of the eighteen-wheeler that had struck the Impala.
“Back. Or I'll kill you, I swear to god,” Sam stated firmly.
“You won't. You're saving that bullet for someone else.”
Sam cocked the Colt. “You wanna bet?”
You looked on in fear before the demon poured out of the man, and he collapsed to the ground. You heard the sound of the gun uncocking, and Sam dropped his head back in relief.
“Oh my god!” you heard the trucker’s voice say. “Did I do this?”
“Dean, come on,” you whined. “Please.”
Sam called his brother’s name and told the trucker to call 911. He did so despite his panic. After what felt like forever, emergency services were to you. The EMTs had to pry you off of Dean, and you wailed in agony as they moved your sore body away from him. “No, please! I have to stay with him!”
“Ma’am, don’t fight us, please. We don’t want to hurt you more,” the EMT strapping you into a stretcher and neck brace said. She began to shout your blood pressure and vitals to the uniformed people surrounding you as you called out to Dean again. “Please! Just tell me he’s okay!”
No one would answer you.
“Is he even alive?!”
As soon as the doctors told you you could go see Dean, you leapt out of the bed as well as you could on your throbbing leg and bruised rib cage. Thankfully, that was as serious as your injuries got. You had no idea what the Winchesters’ situations were. 
You limped down the hallway to Dean’s room just down the hall from yours and took a sharp breath in horror. Wires were hooked up to every part of him. He was intubated, and machines steadily beeped around him. His chest was exposed with electrodes hooked up to it. His forehead had a deep cut running down the center of it, and his body remained lifeless. You tentatively walked over to his bedside and sat in the empty chair next to it. You held his hand tightly and kissed it repeatedly. “Dean, you have to come back to me, please.” Tears streamed down your face.
Sam walked in the room just after you did, giving you his puppy dog eyes at the sight of you holding his brother’s hand and Dean’s body. “Oh, no,” he said.
You dropped Dean’s hand long enough to hobble over to Sam and hug him as tightly as your damaged body would allow. “I’m so glad to see you, man. Are you okay?”
He nodded. “Are you?”
“All things considered, yeah,” you replied.
A doctor entered the room behind you and Sam. “Your father's awake. You can go see him if you like.”
“Doc, what about my brother?” Sam asked.
“Well, he sustained serious injury: blood loss, contusions to his liver and kidney. But it's the head trauma I'm worried about. There's early signs of cerebral edema,” the doctor explained.
“Well, what can we do?” You looked between Sam and the doctor worriedly. 
“Well, we won't know his full condition until he wakes up.” The doctor paused. “If he wakes up.”
Your eyebrows shot up. “If?”
“I have to be honest, most people with this degree of injury wouldn't have survived this long. He's fighting very hard. But you need to have realistic expectations.”
Your chest felt like someone was squeezing the air out of you. You began to hyperventilate as you made your way back over to Dean. Using his bed for support, you eased yourself back down into the chair and picked up his hand again.
Sam looked at you sadly before exiting the room, presumably to go see his father.
“It’s gonna be fine,” you muttered. “John ‘ll know what to do. You’re gonna wake up, and I’m gonna tell you everything. You have to come back to me, so I can tell you.” Tears streamed steadily down your face. “You have to come back, Dee. You’re my best friend. I don’t know what I’d do without you, man. I… I need you here. I need you.” You brought his hand up to your lips and just held it there as you sobbed. After a while, you drifted off, crying and holding onto Dean tightly.
It had been hours of sitting next to Dean and praying to a god you didn’t believe in that he’d wake up and this would all be over. You needed to tell him the feelings you’d been holding in for the better half of a year now. You needed him to know how much he meant to you.
You just needed to talk to him. And so, you did. “Dean, I’ve never told you this— in fact, I feel weird saying it now— but you matter more to me than anybody else in my life has. You just… you make my day better just by being in it. And I hope I do the same for you.
“Y’know, I never really hated you. You frustrated me so fucking much, but I could never hate you.” You drew in a breath. “I figured out that the reason I thought I hated you was because you challenged me. You told me you found me intimidating, but you never treated me like I was. That’s the difference between you and most other people. You’re fearless. Completely. It scares me sometimes, honestly. But you make me stronger, Dean. And I just… I hope I make you feel half as much as you make me feel. There’s so much I have to tell you when you wake up. I probably won’t say any of this to you while you’re awake— y’know, vulnerability and all that— but… I just needed to say it in case—” Your throat caught. “In case I never see you again.”
Another hour had gone by of you sitting with Dean. You refused to move from your spot to eat or drink or go to the bathroom. All that mattered was that you kept your eyes on him. You told yourself that if you could still feel or see him, then he was here. And that was enough.
You stared at his peaceful features. You remembered for a moment what he’d looked like sleeping, and you could almost see it now. However, the wires and tubes obstructing your view kept you grounded in the horrible reality that was the present moment: you and Sam may be leaving without him.
Your heart rate picked up as that thought crossed your mind and began to race even more as Dean flatlined.
“Help, help!” you screamed. You raced out into the hallway. “Code Blue, room 202! Code Blue!” 
Doctors and nurses immediately responded to your call and rushed behind you into the room. You watched in horror as they began to try and resuscitate him.
Sam had apparently heard your cries and ran down the hallway to you.
“Sam, he flatlined, he—” You buried your face in his chest, and he guided you into the room against the far wall. 
“Still no pulse,” a nurse said. You couldn’t bear to watch as they shocked his lifeless body.
Sam suddenly stiffened against you just as the frantic beeping of the monitors quieted. 
“We have a pulse. We're back into sinus rhythm,” the nurse said.
You let go of Sam and breathed deeply as you turned to his brother. You couldn’t get to him due to the doctors and nurses still fussing about, but you smiled briefly at the fact that he was still here. You looked up at the younger brother. “What is it?”
“Nothing, I just thought I heard something,” he said looking around confused. “It felt like Dean.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at him. “What do you mean?”
“Like, he was there, just out of eyeshot or something. I don't know if it's my psychic thing or what, it— But do you think it's even possible? I mean, do you think his spirit could be around?”
You shrugged, suddenly feeling embarrassed of the things you’d admitted to Dean’s unconscious body. “Anything’s possible.”
“Well, there's one way to find out.” Sam began to leave Dean’s room. 
“Where are you going?”
“I gotta pick something up. I'll be back. Let me go tell my Dad.”
About an hour later, you still sat holding Dean’s right hand. You couldn’t let go now that you’d almost lost him a second time. Sam reentered the room. He was clutching a brown paper bag with an oblong object in his arms. 
“Welcome back,” you said. “What’s that?”
Sam seemed embarrassed. “I, uh, almost don’t wanna say.” He pulled out a Ouija Board.
You snorted. “Seriously?”
He ignored you and looked around the room at nothing. “Hey. I think maybe you're around. And if you are, don't make fun of me for this, but um, well, there's one way we can talk.” He sat the box and board on the floor in front of Dean’s bed. You looked on eagerly.
“Dean? Dean, are you here?” He put two fingers on each hand on the planchette. Moments later, it moved to “YES” on the board.
“Sam, don’t tell me you’re doing that,” you breathed out. “Or do, I don’t know which answer I want.”
“It's good to hear from you, man,” Sam laughed. “It hasn't been the same without you, Dean.”
The pointer began to slide around the board. “Dean, what? H? U? Hunt? Hunting? What, are you hunting?”
The pointer slid back to "YES."
“It's in the hospital; what you're hunting? Do— Do you know what it is?” Sam paused and gained his composure. “What is it?”
The pointer slid across the board too fast for you to read from your position next to Dean’s body. 
“A reaper. Dean. Is it after you?”
You watched with bated breath as the pointer slid to “YES.”
“If it's here naturally, there's no way to stop it,” Sam murmured. “Man, you're, um—” He got up from the ground and began to pace.
“No, no, no,” you said, looking over to Dean’s peaceful features. “You’re not fucking leaving me, dammit. There’s gotta be a way.”
“Dad'll know what to do.” Sam rushed out of the room, leaving the Ouija board on the ground.
You slowly stood and moved over to the board. You immediately missed the feeling of his hand in yours, even if he couldn’t hold back. You sat before the board and let out a shaky breath, placing your hands on the planchette. “Dee, you still here?”
The planchette slid to “YES” before returning to the middle of the board.
You huffed out an anxious breath. “Did you, um, did you hear what I said earlier?”
It slid back to “YES.”
“Oh, God, um, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to tell you until you were awake again,” you rushed out. “I didn’t— I’m sorry— Can you—”
“S” “L” “O” “W” “D” “O” “W” “N” the board spelled out.
You laughed shakily. “Sorry.” You paused. “Do you— Do you feel the same way?”
The planchette hesitated before sliding over to “YES.” A smile you couldn’t contain spread across your face. “Well, I sure as hell ain’t lettin’ you die now.”
Sam returned moments later carrying his father’s journal. “Hey. So Dad wasn't in his room.”
“Where is he?” you asked.
“Who knows? Maybe there's something here.” He tapped the journal before leafing through it. He stopped on the page that said “Reapers.” 
“How’s this supposed to help us, Sam? We already know we can’t kill ‘em,” you stated.
“I know, I know, I just… I thought maybe there’d be something else here. A way to… bargain with ‘em or something.”
You smiled at him sadly. Not knowing what else to say, you told him, “I know he appreciates that you’re not givin’ up on him, Sammy.”
Hours later, Sam had poured through almost every page of the journal. He paced around the room and began talking to Dean’s spirit. “Dean, are you here? I couldn't find anything in the book. I don't know how to help you. But I'll keep trying, all right? As long as you keep fighting.
"I mean, come on you can't, you can't leave me here alone with Dad. We'll kill each other, you know that.” He stopped and stood over you, looking down at his brother. “Dean, you gotta hold on. You can't go, man, not now. We were just starting to be brothers again. Can you hear me?”
You had even slept with Dean’s hand in yours through the night. Sam had gone in and out of the room a few times, but never John.
“Sam, what do we do, man?” You brushed a hand over your eyes, feeling exhausted and fueled by emotion all at once. 
He shook his head. “I’m thinkin’, okay?” he snapped.
“Sorry,” you muttered after a moment. 
“Me, too,” he said. 
Suddenly, Dean shot up and gasped, choking on the tube in his throat.
“Help! I need help!” you called into the hallway. 
“I can't explain it. The edema's vanished,” the doctor explained. “The internal contusions are healed. Your vitals are good. You have some kind of angel watching over you.”
“Thanks, doc,” Dean said. 
Your stomach sank knowing Dean didn’t remember what you’d said to him while he’d been unconscious, but you felt comforted knowing he felt the same way. You’d tell him when he was out of that crummy hospital gown, that somehow, he still managed to make look attractive.
Dean turned to his brother. “So, you said a Reaper was after me?”
You and Sam nodded.
“How'd I ditch it?”
You shrugged. “We don’t know. You really don’t remember… anything?”
“No. Except this pit in my stomach. (Y/N), something's wrong.”
The three of you turned your head to a knock at the door. John limped in for the first time you’d seen him since the accident. You fought the urge to start yelling at him about how he hadn’t come to see his son.
“How you feeling, dude?” John asked his son.
“Fine, I guess. I'm alive.”
John smiled sadly for a reason you couldn’t place. “That's what matters.”
“Where were you last night?” Sam was angry.
“I had some things to take care of.”
Sam scoffed. “Well, that's specific. Did you go after the demon?”
“You know, why don't I believe you right now?”
John half-smiled despite the situation. “Can we not fight?” he pleaded. “You know, half the time we're fighting, I don't know what we're fighting about. We're just butting heads. Sammy, I— I've made some mistakes. But I've always done the best I could. I just don't want to fight anymore, okay?”
Sam cocked his head to the side. “Dad, are you alright?”
He nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I'm just a little tired. Hey, son, would you, uh, would you mind getting me a cup of caffeine?”
Sam left you and Dean with John.
“I, uh, have a thing. At a… place,” you mumbled awkwardly, leaving the room. You stood outside and waited for Sam to return, bouncing on your heels and thinking about how and when you were going to tell Dean how you felt for the second time.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by John putting a hand on your shoulder. Strangely, he pulled you into a hug. “I’m happy I ran into you in Jericho. Thanks for watching my boys.” And with that, he left. You watched him retreat back to his room for a moment before heading back in to see Dean. 
“Hey,” you said awkwardly.
“Hey,” he responded, seeming a little out of it. “What’re you nervous about?”
“I feel like the timing’s really bad for me to tell you,” you responded. "Especially with your dad and his cryptic thing he did just now."
“Well, now you definitely have to,” Dean half-smirked.
You took a deep breath. “While you were… out… I told you something.”
He looked at you expectantly.
You huffed out a quick breath. “You remember that stupid pinky promise I made you make? You told me I confuse you, and you promised to tell me why someday. Is… Are you? I mean— Jesus, I’m never like this—” 
Before you or Dean could continue, you suddenly heard Sam screaming, “Help! Somebody, help!” from down the hall. You and Dean jerked to attention and looked at each other briefly before leaping off the bed and running down the hall. When you reached the doorway, John was being taken away from Sam and Sam was shoved out of the room.
A nurse tried to shove you and Dean away as well. “No, no, no, it's our dad. It's our dad!” 
She stopped pushing you and allowed you to stay by the door.
“C’mon, John,” you muttered. “C’mon.”
“Okay, stop compressions.”
Your heart sank watching Dean’s horrified face as they called the time of his father's death.
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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horrorshow · 11 months
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Well, he sustained serious injury: blood loss, contusions to his liver and kidney. But it’s the head trauma I’m worried about. There’s early signs of cerebral edema. We won’t know his full condition until he wakes up. If he wakes up. Most people with this degree of injury wouldn't have survived this long. He's fighting very hard.
DEAN WINCHESTER 2.01 In My Time of Dying
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oyeixcher · 3 months
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Every SandRay Scene (46 ¦ ??)
N: "Fortunately, nothing is broken. His difficulty in moving could be due to a fractured shoulder bone. We're taking him to the MRI. If the result shows no signs of cerebral edema or internal bleeding, he's all set to return home." S: "Alright, ma'am. Thank you so much." ... S: "So? Was it worth it? Driven by love." R: "I know. I'm injured. No need to add insult to injury." S: "What do you expect me to do? Hold your hand and cry like a romantic movie? I know you're hurt. But this must be said. Why did you do it? You're lucky you're the only one injured. If you hit someone to death, you're a murderer. Learn to love yourself." R: "Thank you so much for saving my life. Without you, I would have been left in the car to die." S: "No problem. I'm your emergency staff anyway. I've always been since the first day we've met. I'm sorry about Mew. If I didn't want to take revenge on Top so much and sent you that audio clip..." R: "Don't apologise. It's not your fault. Nasty people like Top or Ton can't always hide their nastiness. Don't be guilty." RD: "Ray!" S: "Hello, Sir." RD: "How many times have I told you? Don't drive when you're drunk. You know, the cop found a bottle in your car. I have to talk to them and take care of the car for you. How expensive is the car? Do you realise it? Do you even care? Or do you drive just for fun?" R: "I almost died, Dad. All you care about is the car?" RD: "It's not the time to be sarcastic. I keep warning you about drunk driving. You will be fined. You will have to go to court. Your driving licence will be confiscated. Maybe I should just send you to jail now. So you can quit drinking too. My workload is crazy enough. Yet I need to make time to clean up your mess." R: "Then just don't care about me. Like you didn't care about Mum so she drank herself to death. And then you will have no burden left."
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p-redux · 10 months
I say he is in Nepal, either at base camp, or less likely, scaling Everest. Your opinion on this theory?
Hi, Anon, as I said in a previous post, I have a slight obsession with all things Mount Everest, have read the books, watched the movies, the TV series, and every year when it's the push for the summit in May, I follow climbers on Instagram, and watch their treks up to the highest mountain on Earth. Soooo, I do have some knowledge on this subject. Here's my take...
I know Sam has said in interviews that one of his bucket list items is climbing Mount Everest. And he was supposed to star in that Everest movie. The thing is, climbing to the SUMMIT of Mount Everest is only done in May, usually mid May due to weather constraints. And the prep dictates you have to start 2 months before to acclimate to the high altitude. I'll talk more about that down below. IF you are able to spend the two months in either Nepal for climbing from the South side of Everest, or Tibet (controlled by China) for climbing from the North side of Everest, you will be climbing to almost 29,032 feet, 8,849 meters. This is literally the altitude that jet planes fly once they reach cruising altitude. Sam has this pesky thing called a contract to finish out the remaining seasons of Outlander. I highly doubt his Outlander contract, and the insurance company associated with it, would allow him to take such a risk. Every year, people DIE climbing up or on the way back down from the summit. And some people don't die, but they get severe frostbite and lose fingers, toes, tips of noses. It's not for the faint of heart, and it's not for handsome actors who need to keep their beautiful appendages intact for filming Outlander. Unless the writers can work on a storyline involving Jamie Fraser missing a few, um, things.
Having said that, it IS possible Sam could trek to Mount Everest BASE CAMP. This is the area at the base of the mountain that all climbers go to to prepare to climb higher up, and eventually to the summit. BUT, some people who aren't making summit bids, simply make Base Camp their one and only destination. And that may be a compromise Sam makes with Outlander producers. Base Camp is still REALLY, REALLY high. It's at 17,598 feet, 5,364 meters. Sam isn't putting himself in too much risk at Base Camp...unless there's an avalanche. Sadly, there have been avalanches there and many people have died, as a result, the last one being in 2015.
Everest Base Camp in Nepal is trekked either for the Summit bid season February to May, with all summit bids happening in May. OR, it is trekked JUST for the Base Camp in late September to November. We are now in November, so it IS possible. 👇
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BUT, you don't simply hop on a plane and get plopped down at Base Camp's 17,000 feet altitude. You could quite literally die from High Altitude Cerebral Edema and or High Altitude Pulmonary Edema due to the low oxygen levels. Soooo, IF Sam wanted to trek to Mount Everest Base Camp in Nepal, he would have to start acclimating at least two weeks before. All travelers going from Nepal's capital, Kathmandu at an elevation of 4,344 feet stay there for a few days, and then they do a 14 day trek up the mountains, to allow their bodies to acclimate to the altitude and the lower oxygen levels. 👇
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Sam would have to allow himself at LEAST 3 WEEKS to make the Everest Base Camp trek. 2 weeks to climb there and acclimate, and then you want to spend at least a week there camping and just being there. Then you have to allow time for the return climb back down. This isn't a weekend excursion.
As for whether Sam is actually trying to climb to Mount Everest SUMMIT. That would be a definite NO. Not only from an Outlander insurance and contract issue, but also because it's not summit climbing season. 👇
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And for people who want to climb to the Summit, they have to make a 2 MONTH commitment. The summit climb entails the two weeks to climb to Base Camp. And then at least 6 weeks, climbing up and down from each of the higher camps. I think there are at least 4 camps that climbers stay at, higher and higher on the mountain, until they reach the Summit. 👇
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So, if a climber wants to go for a Summit bid, which is always in mid-May, they would have to start in mid-March and literally be on Mount Everest at the various camps the whole two months. It's a huge commitment. Most companies charge around $40,000 for the whole expedition. The reputable ones assign each climber a Sherpa to guide you. The Sherpas are natives to the area and they are expert climbers who are born in the area, therefore their bodies are completely acclimated to the high altitude. The expedition companies hire them to help climbers up the mountain. They set all the safety ropes, set up the camps, make the meals, and deal with the inevitable emergencies along the way. No one should climb without a Sherpa. Also, most companies will only take on a climber for a Summit bid if they can show previous experience in climbing at high altitude and have summitted a few of the highest peaks on Earth. That's not Sam. So, if anything, Sam would probably only be allowed to climb to Base Camp.
As you can see, I'm really, really into all things Everest and could keep writing all day hahaha. But, I'll stop here. I hope that was helpful info, Anon.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 4 months
🤍 Altitude Sickness in Whump 🤍
Altitude sickness occurs when ascending to high elevation, especially when it is done too rapidly or by a person who is physically weak. Low pressure at high elevation causes low blood oxygen levels and other very unpleasant effects on the body. In general, altitude sickness occurs in three stages:
Stage 1: AMS - Acute Mountain Sickness. Symptoms: headache, lack of appetite, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting.
Stage 2: HACE - High-Altitude Cerebral Edema. Symptoms: above symptoms plus altered mental status, ataxia, confusion, and drowsiness. Coma can occur within 24 hours of onset.
Stage 3: HAPE - High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema. Can occur after AMS/HACE, or by itself. Symptoms: chest congestion, cough, exaggerated dyspnea on exertion, decreased exercise performance, and coughing blood. Can be rapidly fatal.
Why a character might ascend too quickly:
Being on the run/desperate
Being forced to do so as part of a task or game
Being forced to do so as deliberate torture
Being overly eager to reach the goal
Scenario ideas:
Whumpee starts to develop symptoms while separated from the group or lost
Whumpee tries to hide symptoms to prove they're strong enough to endure the climb
Whumpee forced to do heavy physical labor at high altitude
Whumpee panics, making breathing even more difficult
Caretaker desperately calling for an airlift
Caretaker carrying whumpee down the mountain
Caretaker is also altitude sick, but must carry whumpee anyway
The information comes from the CDC, where you can also find more about treatment, risk factors, etc.
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killed-by-choice · 19 days
Erlinda Rodriguez, 21 (USA 1969)
Erlinda Rodriguez was seen at an ER in May of 1969. One month ago, she had been exposed to infectious hepatitis and was now suffering from symptoms consistent with it. She had missed a period, but told her doctor that she knew she wasn’t pregnant because she had an IUD. The doctor did not perform a pelvic exam.
X-ray studies of Erlinda’s gastrointestinal organs and gallbladder were ordered. The only abnormality was “nonvisualization of the gallbladder” and a repeat of the X-ray had the same results.
In June, Erlinda was seen at an obstetric clinic because she still had not had a period. Had the ER doctor performed a pelvic exam, it would have been immediately obvious that her IUD had come out. She was pregnant.
Pelvic exposure to radiation was estimated at 10 to 12 rads. Abortion under certain circumstances had already been legalized in New Mexico, and Erlinda and her husband feared the possible effects of radiation on their baby. She was promptly approved by a committee for a “therapeutic” abortion. Had the committee said no, Erlinda could have lived.
The hospital that carried out the abortion did not have a specialized vacuum uterine aspirator (which can still be lethal even when properly equipped). They had substituted a portable vacuum laboratory pump with a suction trap. It is unknown if Erlinda knew about the equipment substitution when she agreed to the abortion.
On June 30, 1969, Erlinda was put under sedation and her cervix dilated for the “safe and legal” abortion. After the cannula was put into her cervix, the vacuum device was turned on.
Immediately, a massive amount of bloody froth began to foam out of Erlinda’s body. The machine was turned off, but it was too late. Someone had connected the suction tube to the pressure outlet. Erlinda’s uterus had been pumped full of vacuum exhaust.
The tubing was reconnected and the abortion carried out, along with the removal of blood so full of air that it was frothy. The anesthetist was told to watch for signs of an air embolism. Only 30 seconds after having pressurized vacuum exhaust pumped into her body, Erlinda’s blood pressure was undetectable. Her heart rate dropped to 50 bpm and she had to be intubated, at which point she was noticed to be blue.
A cardiovascular surgeon was brought in six minutes after the massive drop in vitals. Closed chest massage was used for one minute, but Erlinda had no pulse. Her chest was opened for cardiac intervention.
Erlinda’s heart was so massively distended from a massive air embolism that it was nearly sphere-shaped. About 11 minutes after the embolism, needles were used to create vents in her heart. Air hissed under enormous pressure from each vent site.
After intensive efforts, Erlinda’s heartbeat was brought back to a strong sinus rhythm, but the damage had been done. She never regained consciousness and spent her last weeks comatose. She had to have a breathing tube and feeding tube put in. Decorticate rigidity indicated severe brain damage. Several urinary and respiratory infections later, Erlinda died on September 17, 1969.
The autopsy revealed extensive cerebral necrosis, tracheobronchitis, pulmonary edema, bronchopneumonia and gallstones.
Erlinda’s death was preventable on many levels. First, a pelvic exam after she reported missing periods would have immediately found the dislodged IUD before the radiation exposure could ever happen. Second, the study that reported her death recommended screening for pregnancy before conducting pelvic X-rays. The exposed pressure outlet on the hospital’s substitute equipment was unacceptably risky, and greater care with preparation would have found that the tubing was connected to the outlet valve before it was turned on. All equipment also should have been tested before it was actually put into anyone’s body.
Adding to the tragedy, we now know that the chance of X-rays during pregnancy harming an unborn baby is very small. According to the CDC, there is scientific disagreement on whether or not the amount of radiation in a diagnostic X-ray is sufficient to seriously harm an unborn child (although a large number of pelvic X-rays still warrant consideration and care). Erlinda died without knowing that her child was probably fine.
(Erlinda is Patient ER)
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darkmaga-retard · 22 days
Huge molecules are great hiding places for Endotoxin and supertoxic Lipid A. Alzheimer's patients receive about 700 Endotoxin Units per expensive hit.
Aug 29, 2024
Alzheimer's treatment Lecanemab = Leqembi causes more harm than good as recently posted.123
My friend James was optimistic in November 2022 that perhaps this monoclonal antibody would help Alzheimer’s victims. Please see his post4 for references and discussion of side effects, all of which I can attribute to Endotoxin.
Lecanemab side effects include Cerebral Edema, involving the breakdown of the tight endothelial junctions of the blood-brain barrier and subsequent accumulation of fluid that can cause Headache, changes in Mental State, Confusion, Vomiting, Nausea, Tremor and Gait Disturbances.
Cerebral Microhaemorrhages are also initiated.5
Readers will recall that Alzheimer’s Disease is caused by Endotoxin and its fragment Lipid A that goes into your brain within minutes of injection.6
Postmortem Brain tissue from patients with Alzheimer’s Disease found Endotoxin and Gram-negative bacterial DNA segments localized around amyloid plaques and blood vessels. Here is one of many interesting Figures from Zhan and coworkers.7
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BACTERIA????!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?@? OKAY
bacterium- it's called meningitidis, and it infects your menges
this wouldn't really be as large as a problem, if the infection and resulting inflammation was not so close to the brain
meningitis infections are most commonly caused by previous viral or bacterial infections- weakening the immune system, and breakdown of the mucosal surfaces
after entering the blood stream, it travels into places where the blood barrier is vulnerable (subarachnoid).
often the large amounts of inflammation in the subarachnoid spaces is an autoimmune reaction- the immune systems reaction to the bacteria being there. this makes the blood barrier more vulnerable, and causes cerebral edema, as well as inflammation of the blood vessel walls, and other conditions
overall just not very good :)
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tomorrowusa · 10 months
One thing we have to admit about Putin's Russia, it treats its own citizens just as badly as it treats its neighbors.
In early November, 19-year-old Russian conscript Andrei Lazhyev died at a naval hospital in Sevastopol, home of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in the illegally annexed territory of Crimea. The recent university graduate's death came just a little more than four months after he was drafted into the Russian military, and was officially determined to be the result of swelling and hemorrhage of the brain, according to documents reviewed by RFE/RL's North.Realities. His parents -- who were not allowed to see Andrei after he was hospitalized -- have never been told how or when he received the injuries that killed their son and have yet to receive his body. [ ... ] In late September, less than a month after Andrei informed his parents that he had completed his military training in Russia and was being transferred with other conscripts to Crimea, he called to tell them that he was in a field hospital. "He didn't know where exactly he was," Nikolai Lazhyev, Andrei's father, told RFE/RL. "He only said that everyone lived in tents in a field, and there were mountains around. He said that he felt very bad and complained of constant nausea."
Going directly from basic training to being in a field hospital is certainly not a good sign.
The parents eventually learned that Andrei was discharged from the hospital within a few days and was transferred two weeks later, on October 6, to Armyansk, a town in northern Crimea. From there the parents had no word of their son's situation until, on October 23, Nikolai was contacted on social media by a man who claimed to be Andrei's hospital roommate. The man told Nikolai that Andrei had been admitted to the naval hospital in Sevastopol around October 8 and was in grave condition -- unable to walk or see properly, and constantly vomiting. During a call, the roommate handed his phone to Andrei, who told his father that he had lost his phone and did not recall what happened to him or how he got to the hospital. When the roommate sent a photograph of Andrei, the young conscript's parents were shocked. "We didn't even recognize him at first. The sight was terrible," Nikolai said, saying that while his son weighed more than 100 kilograms when he was drafted he looked in the image like he weighed less than 60.
Losing 40% of one's weight is something we'd associate with a serious disease or injury. It's another sign of maltreatment.
Back to Andrei's parents.
"They told me that Andrei allegedly did not want to serve to such an extent that he had something like a nervous breakdown," Nikolai said. "They called it 'homesickness syndrome.'" But the psychiatrist also revealed that he had noticed obvious signs of beatings on Andrei's body," according to Nikolai. [ ... ] Nikolai managed to contact a medical worker who had treated his son and was told that Andrei suffered from cerebral edema and hemorrhage. Nevertheless, Nikolai recalled, he was told that while his son might "need some medicine" Andrei was in good hands because the naval hospital had "everything." In further conversations the hospital authorities, Andrei's parents were told they could not visit the facility because Sevastopol was located in the war zone amid Russia's ongoing war with Ukraine, but doctors promised he would be evacuated to safer ground. The evacuation never came -- the family was told that Andrei's condition was too serious. Finally, on November 1, Nikolai and his wife obtained the documents needed to visit the hospital, but it was too late. The next day, while at a Moscow airport en route to Crimea, they learned that Andrei had died.
The army there has had a long history of brutality dating back to Soviet times.
Some clarity came within a couple days. A man who introduced himself as a commander contacted Nikolai through Telegram. Without revealing his name or rank, the man sent a photo of Andrei's death certificate that showed he died from "cerebral edema, internal hemorrhage of the brain stem." "It was written there in black and white," Nikolai said, saying the document revealed the diagnosis had been known for a month before Andrei died. "Why this swelling happened is unknown," Nikolai said. "My son lay dying for a whole month, and they did not report anything. If he had been evacuated, I think he would be alive [today]." [ ... ]
Nikolai, a former military man himself, said that following Andrei's death, he simply cannot trust the authorities. "I can't believe them, I can't, that's all," Nikolai said. Nikolai has still not received any official documents from the Defense Ministry regarding his son's service and death, his requests for information have gone unanswered, and Andrei's body has yet to be returned home. These factors have led Nikolai to reach the conclusion that his son died after an attempt to force him to sign up for combat abroad.
Putin wants Ukraine at all costs and it doesn't matter to him how many Russians he needs to kill to achieve his goal. Human wave attacks have been used against Ukraine. Essentially, Putin regards his troops as disposable.
Putin is tolerating losses like these just so he can think of himself as the 21st century version of Peter the Great. He's clearly a sociopathic megalomaniac.
Vladimir Putin 'stepping up invasion' in Ukraine as Russia sees almost 1,000 casualties a day
If you are a male in Russia who's in danger of conscription, your only sane option is to leave the country.
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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In My Time Of Dying
Previous Chapter / Masterlist / Next Chapter
*3rd Person POV*
Bad Moon Rising was playing on the radio of the Impala as the demon-possessed-truck-driver steps out of his truck and walks over to the car. John, Dean and (y/n) were unconscious but Sam, on the other hand, swallows as he starts to wake up. The demon pulls the driver's side door off its hinges to reveal Sam pointing the colt at him.
"Back. Or I'll kill you, I swear to God." Sam threatens. "You won't. You're saving that bullet for someone else." The demon said and Sam cocks the gun. "You wanna bet?" Sam asked in a threatening tone. The demon smiles and then the black demon-cloud pours out of the man, who collapses. Sam uncocks the gun, drops his head back in relief.
"Oh my God!" The man said, in a panic, as he looks at the scene before him. "Dad?" Sam said but he looks over to see John was not moving.
"Did I do this?" The man asked. "Dad! Dean? (Y/n)? Guys!?" Sam shouts, frantically.
As the sun rises, a rescue helicopter descends to the site, and all four people were loaded onto stretchers. John, Dean and (y/n) are still unconscious, but Sam was awake. "Tell me if they're okay!" Sam shouts at the paramedic as he looks over at the three people he cares about the most being loaded up into the ambulances.
"You have to stay still!" The female paramedic instructs him. "Are they even alive?" He asked but they don't respond as they load him up and take him and the others to the hospital.
Meanwhile, in one of the ambulances, (y/n) starts to open her eyes but her vision was so blurry she couldn't tell where she was but she could see a figure of a person. "D...D...De..Dea.." she mutters, groggily, as she starts to move then one of the paramedics turns to her. "Miss, you need to stay still." The paramedic said. "Wh-What...happened?" (Y/n) asked, weakly, her head feeling foggy. "You were in a car accident..." the paramedic said and this makes (y/n)'s eyes open wider and her mind clearer.
"What?! T-The men I w-was with...a-are they okay?" She asked, in a panic. "Ma'am, you need to calm down." The paramedic said and (y/n) leans her head back and tears started to pour out of her eyes.
Dean, wearing a white t-shirt and blue hospital pants, sits up in a panic then works his jaw and gets out of bed and goes into the hallway. "Sam? (Y/n)? Dad? Anybody?" He calls out. Then he goes down the stairs to the front of the hospital and finds a nurse's station. "Excuse me. Hi. I, uh, I think I was in a car accident, my dad, my brother and my friend, I just need to find them." Dean said to her but she was unresponsive
"Hello?" He said then he snaps his fingers but she acts like he's not there. He goes back upstairs, panicked, and sees his own body on the bed, intubated and dying. He stares at it in shock then he turns around to see Sam and (y/n) enter the room. The two stop at the door and stare at Dean's body, breathing heavily. Both of them looked battered and bruised, but other than they were fine and walking.
"Sammy! (Y/n)! You guys look good. Considering." Dean said, relieved. "Oh, no." Sam whispers as he stares at Dean's body and (y/n) begins to sob. "Man, tell me you guys can hear me." Dean pleads but the two don't respond to him. "How's dad? Is he okay?" Dean asked but no response, once again.
"Come on, you two are the psychics. Give me some ghost whispering or something!" Dean said just as the Doctor comes into the room
"Your father is awake. You can go see him if you like." The doctor said to Sam. "Thank God." Dean said, relieved. "Doc, what about my brother?" Sam asked the Doctor. "Well, he sustained serious injury: blood loss, contusions to his liver and kidney. But it's the head trauma I'm worried about. There's early signs of cerebral edema." The doctor explained.
"Well, what can we do?" (Y/n) asked him. "Well, we won't know his full condition until he wakes up. If he wakes up." said the doctor.
"If?" Sam and (y/n) asked, raising their eyebrow.
"I have to be honest —" The doctor started to say while Dean shouts. "Oh, screw you, Doc, I'm waking up." He yells. "Most people with this degree of injury wouldn't have survived this long. He's fighting very hard. But you need to have realistic expectations." The doctor explains to the two.
"Come on, guys. Go find some hoodoo priest to lay some mojo on me. Guys?" Dean pleads as Sam and (y/n) stare at Dean for a moment then they leave the room.
John was lying in a hospital bed, his arm in a sling. Awkwardly one-handed, he pulls a card out of his wallet. "Here. Give them my insurance." John said as Sam takes the card, smiling as he reads it. "Elroy McGillicutty?" Sam said. "And his two loving sons." John said then he looks over at (y/n). "What about you, (y/n)? You covered?" He asked and she nods as she pulls out an insurance card. "Yes, sir." She said then she puts away the card.
"So, what else did the doctor say about Dean?" John asked. "Nothing. Look. The doctors won't do anything, then we'll have to, that's all. I don't know, (y/n) and I'll find some hoodoo priest and lay some mojo on him." Sam said to John, who looks at him in disbelief.
"We'll look for someone." John said. "Yeah." Sam and (y/n) said. "But kids, I don't know if we're gonna find anyone." John said.
"Why not? I found that faith healer before." Sam said to him. "All right, that was, that was one in a million." John said and (y/n) sighs at this.
"So what? Do we just sit here with our thumbs up our ass?" She asked him, annoyed. "No, I said we'd look. All right? I'll check under every stone." John said then he let's out a sigh then looks up at the two.
"Where's the Colt?" He asked. Sam and (y/n) give him a look of shocked disbelief. "Your son is dying, and you're worried about the Colt?" (Y/n) asked him, angrily. "We're hunting this demon, and maybe it's hunting us too. That gun may be our only card." John said to her, angrily, and Sam sighs. "It's in the trunk. They dragged the car to a yard off of I-83." He said.
"All right. You've gotta clean out that trunk before some junk man sees what's inside." John said to them. "We already called Bobby. He's like an hour out, he's gonna tow the Impala back to his place." (Y/n) said. "All right. You two go meet up with Bobby. Both of you get that Colt, and bring it back to me. And watch out for hospital security." John said and the two young adults nod.
"I think we've got it covered." Sam said and they get up and start to leave, but John said. "Hey. Here." They turn and see him pulling out a piece of paper. "I made a list of things I need, have Bobby pick them up for me." He said as Sam takes the paper and reads it.
"Acacia? Oil of Abramelin? What's this stuff for?" He asked his dad. "Protection." John replied. "Hey, Dad? You know, the demon, he said he had plans for me, (y/n) and children like us. Do you have any idea what he meant by that?" Sam asked him. "No, I don't." John replied. (Y/n) raises an eyebrow at him but her and Sam leave, shutting the door.
Dean, who had been leaning behind the door, stares at his dad in suspicion. "Well, you sure know something." He said as John was looking down, in somewhat despair.
At Bobby's place, Sam and (y/n) look down at the mangled Impala, Bobby standing near them. "Oh man, Dean is gonna be pissed." Sam said. "If his head doesn't explode first." (Y/n) jokes and Sam let's out a playful scoff as he shakes his head.
"Look, kids. This...this just ain't worth a tow. I say we empty the trunk, sell the rest for scrap." Bobby said but Sam shakes his head. "No. Dean would kill me if we did that. When he gets better he's gonna want to fix this." Sam said and Bobby looks at the car. "There's nothing to fix. The frame's a pretzel, and the engine's ruined. There's barely any parts worth salvaging." Bobby said.
"Listen to me, Bobby. If there's only one working part, that's enough. We're not just going to give up on..." Sam said to him but he stops as he swallows and (y/n) places a hand on his shoulder. "Okay. You got it." Bobby said to Sam, quietly.
"Oh...Here, uh, John asked for you to get this stuff for him." (Y/n) said as she hands the paper, which Sam gave to her so she could look it over, to Bobby. He looks at it, frowning.
"What's John want with this?" He asked. "Protection from the demon?" Sam said, shrugging, but Bobby gives the two a look.
"What?" Sam and (y/n) asked.
"Oh, nothing, it's just, uh..." Bobby stammers but (y/n) walks up to him.
"Bobby? What's going on?" She asked him, firmly.
Back at the hospital, John was sitting by Dean's bed; while Dean's spirit was standing nearby. "Come on, Dad. You've gotta help me. I've gotta get better, I've gotta get back in there. I mean, you haven't called a soul for help. You haven't even tried. Aren't you going to do anything? Aren't you even going to say anything?" Dean asked, angrily, as he starts walking around the bed. "I've done everything you have ever asked me. Everything. I have given everything I've ever had. And you're just going to sit there and you're going to watch me die? I mean, what the hell kind of father are you?" He asked, angrily.
But he pauses once he heard something. "What is that?" Dean said and he goes into the hallway just as a spirit whooshes past him. He jumps back then turns to John. "I take it you didn't see that." He said before he stalks the spirit down the hallways.
He sees it go into a back hallway where a woman is lying on the floor, choking. "Help! Help!" The woman pleads and Dean Dean around. "Hey! I need some help in here!" He shouts but no one responds. "I can't...breathe!" She pants loudly, trying desperately to breathe, then goes silent. Dean leans over her then looks around, helplessly.
Sam and (y/n) stalk into the room with a duffel bag in Sam's hand; Dean meets them at the door and starts trying to talk to them. "Sammy! (Y/n)! Tell me you guys can friggin' hear me, man, there's something in the hospital. Now, you two have got to bring me back and we've got to hunt this thing. Sam! (Y/n)!" He shouts but they don't say anything.
"You two are quiet." John said. Sam and (y/n) turn, both of them fuming, and Sam hurls the bag onto the bed with a crash. "Did you think we wouldn't find out?" Sam asked, through clenched teeth.
"What are you talking about?" John asked. "That stuff from Bobby, you don't use it to ward off a demon, you use it to summon one." (Y/n) said, firmly, and John looks between the two. "You're planning on bringing the demon here, aren't you? Having some stupid macho showdown?!" Sam asked him, angrily.
"I have a plan, guys." John said. "That's exactly my point! Dean is dying, and you have a plan! You know what, you care more about killing this demon than you do saving your own son!" Sam shouts at John.
"No, no, no, guys, don't do this!" Dean said over Sam shouting at John. "Do not tell me how I feel! I am doing this for Dean." John shouts. "How? How is revenge going to help him?" (Y/n) asked, angrily. "You're not thinking about anybody but yourself, it's the same selfish obsession!" Sam spat.
"Come on guys, don't do this!" Dean said to them.
"You know, it's funny, I thought it was your obsession too! This demon killed your mother, killed your girlfriend. And (y/n), it told you it killed both of your parents. And you, Sam, begged me to be part of this hunt. Now if you'd killed that damn thing when you had the chance, none of this would have happened." John yells. "It was possessing you, Dad, I would have killed you too." Sam argues.
"Yeah, and your brother would be awake right now." John growls and Sam looks at him, shocked but also angry. "Don't you dare put that on him!" (Y/n) growled at John.
"Shut up, all of you!" Dean shouts.
"Go to hell." Sam spat at his dad. "I should have never taken you along in the first place. I knew it was a mistake, I knew I was wrong —" John said, angrily.
"I said SHUT UP!" Dean screams as he smacks a glass of water off the table and it goes flying, crashing to the floor. Sam, (y/n) and John look at each other, confused, while Dean looks stunned. 
"Dude, I full-on Swayze'd that mother." Dean said but then he crumples in pain, flickering.
Nurses and doctors start running by in the hallway. "What is it?" Dean asked as the three look out the door. "Something's going on out there." John said then he jerks his head to the two and they run out of the room.
Monitors were beeping as a doctor and some nurses were surrounding Dean, resuscitating him. "All clear." The doctor said while Sam and (y/n) enter the room. "No." Sam whispers in tears. "Dean, no." (Y/n) cries, softly, as she puts her hands over her mouth while the tears pour down her cheeks.
"Still no pulse." The nurse said. "Okay, let's go again, 360." The doctor said. "Charging." The nurse said as they charge the machine. Dean comes up slowly behind Sam and (y/n) just as she clings onto Sam, who holds her to his side.
Dean sees a ghostly figure floating over his body lying in the bed. "You get the hell away from me." Dean yells as he runs to the bed and faces the thing down, yelling. "I said get back!" He shouts while (y/n) blinks and looks around, confused, as if she's heard something. She looks up at Sam, who didn't seemed to notice.
Dean grabs for the spirit; he latches on momentarily before it hurls him back and then soars out of the room. The monitors then go slow and quiet. "We have a pulse. We're back into sinus rhythm." The nurse said as Sam sighs in relief and (y/n) let's out a small sigh and hiccups. The two hug each other for a few more minutes as Dean runs into the hallway, looking for the spirit but it had vanished.
Sam and (y/n) pull out of the embrace and walk into the hallway as Dean comes back and stands by them. "Don't worry, guys. I'm not going anywhere. I'm getting that thing before it gets me. It's some kind of spirit, but I could grab it. And if I can grab it, I can kill it." Dean said while (y/n) and Sam look around to where Dean was, confused.
The two couldn't explain it but it was almost like they felt a familiar presence around them. "You felt that, right?" (Y/n) asked Sam. He nods and they start to make they're way to John's room.
Dean wanders the halls, then hears a girl yelling. "Can't you see me? Why won't you look at me?" The girl's voice asked in a panic. "Now what?" Dean asked himself as he goes towards the front and see the girl running around the lobby of the hospital.
"Somebody talk to me! Say something, please!" She pleads. "Can you see me?" Dean asked her and she looks up at him. "Yeah." She said as he walks up to her. "All right, just, uh, calm down. What's your name?" He asked her.
"Tessa." She replied. "Okay, good, Tessa, I'm Dean." He introduced. "What's happening to me? Am - am I dead?" She asked him, scared. "That sort of depends." Dean said.
Dean and Tessa stand outside a room, watching what is apparently Tessa's body, hooked up to tubes and machines. A woman sits by the bed, holding her hand. "I don't understand. I just came in for an appendectomy." She said, confused. "Well, I hate to bear bad news, but I think there were some complications." Dean said.
"It's just a dream, that's all. It's just a very weird, unbelievably vivid dream." Tessa whispered, frantically. "Tessa. It's not a dream." Dean said to her. "Then what else could it be?" She asked him.
"You ever heard of an out of body experience?" Dean asked her. "What are you, some new agey guy?" She asked him. "You see me messing with crystals or listening to Yanni? It's actually a very old idea. Got a lot of different names: Bilocation, crisis apparition, fetches... I think it's happening to us. And if it is, it means that we're spirits of people close to death." Dean replied to her.
"So we're going to die?" She asked. "No. Not if we hold on. Our bodies can get better, we can snap right back in there and wake up." He said to her.
"What do you mean, you felt something?" John asked Sam and (y/n). "I mean it felt like, like Dean. Like he was there, just out of eyeshot or something." (Y/n) said as she shrugs. "We don't know if it's our psychic thing or what, it...But do you think it's even possible? I mean, do you think his spirit could be around?" Sam asked John. "Anything's possible." John said.
"Well, there's one way to find out." Sam said and he starts to walk out of the room. "Where are you going?" John asked him. "I gotta pick something up. I'll be back." Sam said. "You want me to come with you?" (Y/n) asked him. "No, it's okay. But if you can...watch over Dean." Sam said and she nods at him.
"Wait, Sam." John said and Sam turns to him. "I promise I won't hunt this demon. Not until we know Dean's okay." John said. Sam nods and leaves just as (y/n) looks over at John and the two share a look, a silent conversation between them, before she walks out of the room.
"I gotta say, I'm impressed." Dean said to Tessa as the two walk down the hallway. "With what?" Tessa asked. "With you. Most people in your spot would be jello right now, but uh, you're taking this pretty well. Maybe a little better than me." Dean pointed out. "Don't get me wrong. I was pretty freaked at first. But now, I don't know. Maybe I'm dealing." She said.
"So you're okay with dying?" He asked her. "No, of course not. I just think, whatever's gonna happen's gonna happen. It's out of my control, it's fate." Tessa replied. "Huh. Well, that's crap. You always have a choice. You can either roll over and die or you can keep fighting, no matter what —" Dean said just as the PA system started to play out.
"Room 237, code blue. Dr. Kripke to room 237, code blue." The voice said and Dean begins to run. "Where are you going?" Tessa asked him. "Just wait here." Dean said and he runs down the hallway to another room in crisis. The same spirit is hovering over a little girl, who is being resuscitated. It reaches a hand into her face. 
"Get away from her!" He shouts and he lunges at the spirit, which vanishes. The nurses stop resuscitation once the machin let's out a long beep. "All right, let's call it." One of the nurses said. "Time of death, five eleven p.m." the doctor noted and they all look down at the little girl.
"At least she's not suffering anymore." The nurse said in a sad tone while Dean stared at this, stunned that he failed.
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manicpixievideovixen · 9 months
Being crazy is so, so awful. For the past 2 years, out of the blue, I have been fighting psychosis and delusions. I didn't know what was causing it and I had no idea how I was going to navigate the absolutely broken healthcare system here in America to fix what was wrong with my brain.
I had severe allergies for years which had a twofold effect -- inflammation and then taking diphenhydramine 2 capsules 2 times daily which now is shown to have drastic long term effects.
The key to all of this was when I would visit locations at altitudes above 5000ft I would absolutely lose my tenuous grasp of reality. Turns out cerebral edema is greatly exacerbated by high altitudes and my symptoms matched with some of the indicators of brain inflammation.
I can attribute such things as insomnia, weakness in the muscles, nausea, vomiting, and of course the aforementioned altered mental states.
As I am not a healthcare professional I can mention here that I have begun a course of treatment consisting of supplements I found through scientific papers. I'd really like to get a brain scan sometime but for now these treatments have made a huge difference.
Unfortunately now my life has totally fallen apart so I have to put all the pieces back together and try to get back closer to the goals I have had to abandon. Basically I had to drop everything while this was going on because I was in such bad shape mentally. The past two years have really sucked a wild coyote's butthole for me and maybe I am lucky to still be alive.
This is not a donations post -- for now I am doing OK for money. I don't want to work in Healthcare anymore so leads on jobs where my creative input is appreciated (I am an experimental musician, have built my own instruments and synthesizers, manicpixievideovixen.com) would be the most helpful.
I wanted to share my story and let all of you know you are not alone. You are never alone. We should all be much more righteous to each other, and I love you so much 💕💕💕
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revnah1406 · 9 months
Hey Rev! "Ghosts" and "Heartbreak" for Sparrow for the OC ask game!
Hey Khushiii!! 💞
Let's start!
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
What really hunts Sparrow is the K2 accident in 2020. She got dragged by an avalanche trying to save her brother Nathan, she sacrificed herself and got hit by a huge mountain of snow, the rocks, the shard ice, the fall, it caused several and serious injuries. The cold, the bleed, the lack of oxygen the fractures and broken bones. She stayed for several days in one the biggest and most dangerous mountains in the world, almost half dead. Due to the huge lack of oxygen, she started to suffer what it's called high altitude cerebral edema, she suffered hallucinations, dizziness, she even fell unconscious a couple of times. She had to force herself to drag herself down hill with a broken leg, searching lower altitudes. She stayed there, suffering the cold and snowstorms for three whole days, until finally a rescue team could find her miraculously.
The accident haunts her on her worst nights, she has nightmares, hallucinations, sometimes she even feels the cold and that lack of oxygen.
She of course went to therapy and managed to control those emotions and panic attacks. She still has those nightmares, but with time she managed to handle them better.
She doesn't like to talk about it. She tries to hide it as best as possible. She almost loses her life and her brother in that mountain, and it affects her a lot.
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
Mmmhh maybe when she was a teenager, not a relationship, maybe it was one thing for one night. She had a huge crush on a girl from the same class, and one day during a party Sparrow managed to steal a kiss from her and spent the night with that girl. She was super happy and excited. She finally could have something with the girl she liked. But the next day she woke up alone in that bed. She tried to text her or call her but nothing. She got ghosted. With time she found out that that girl just wanted to sleep with her just to know how it feels to sleep with another girl. Sparrow was used for just pure curiosity. Like a toy, used and thrown away.
It hurt her, it was the first time she fell in love and she got kicked in the stomach. That humiliation and embarrassment, made her close her heart in romantic aspects. She never had a serious relationship until she met Amara.
She still had drama with Amara, and she broke her heart a little bit, but Sparrow kinda deserved it, because she did something that was wrong (DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA), but in the end everything went well. Amara and Sparrow are together and they are a happy couple hehehehe.
I'm writing a fic, about Sparrow and Amara, how they met and how they felt in love, there's a lot of drama hehehehehe. I hope I can post it soon!!
I think that's all! Thank you so much for the ask love!!
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