#Chan fanficiton
skzdarlings · 3 months
bodyguard: the first guard | part two | chan/reader
(part one of the previous story.)
part one | part two | part three | tba
( read on AO3 )
A sequel to the Bodyguard. Miroh's daughter is assigned a bodyguard of her own. The past is confronted when old friendships and new enemies are pushed to the brink.
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pairing: bang chan/reader content info: sequel to the bodyguard (felix/reader). this is a new reader perspective. the previously established story dyanmics: explicit violence, mentions of torture, death. chapter word count: 12,000 words.
Felix is wearing itchy civilian clothes, the jeans distractingly stiff.  Regardless of how many field missions he is assigned, he never gets used to undercover disguises.     
“Look what I found,” Chris says, dropping into the seat beside him. 
Chris looks marginally more at ease in his baggy basketball shorts and baseball cap, passing for a teenage boy on an afternoon train with his friend.  They are in the passenger car outside the first class cabin, a compartment that should contain their mark but presently sits empty. 
“Uh, the target?" Felix asks.  “You know, the thing you just went to find?”
Chris giggles like the whole situation is funny.  Felix is far less amused.  This should have been an easy job: get in, kill the mark, steal back the data he took from Miroh, and get out.  But so far it has been tedious. 
Felix can’t even blame Chris this time.  For some reason, Chris has been more accommodating lately.  Chris is fifteen, almost sixteen, and Felix is twelve.  They have both been active in the field for a couple years. Felix is not sure why Chris has opted for sudden compliance.  He does not necessarily volunteer for jobs but he accepts them without much grudging reluctance.  He will occasionally voice his worser grievances but for the most part he is keeping his head down. 
Maybe it is the result of all those punishing sentences in the Cell.  More than once he has been shoved down there, sometimes alone and sometimes with Miroh’s daughter.  Felix would not want to spend any isolated time with her.  But maybe she is intimidating enough to get through to Chris.
Whatever it is, it is working.  Excluding moments like this when Chris is giggling and distracted and doesn’t seem to care about the job at all. 
“Relax, Felix,” Chris says.  “It’s a train.  There’s only so many places he can be, yeah?”
“Well, there’s one place he’s supposed to be but he isn’t there, is he?” Felix says.
“Lighten up, mate,” Chris says.  “We’re supposed to look normal.  Normal kids have fun.”
Chris dumps a candy bag in Felix’s lap.  Felix looks at it like it’s a bomb.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” Felix asks.
Chris opens his own bag and starts eating the candy. 
“That,” he says.  He tosses a piece in the air and catches it in his mouth. When he tries to do it again, Felix snatches it mid-air and throws it on the floor.  This makes Chris laugh.
“He was in the dining car,” Chris relents.  “Four security officers.  Ex-military.  Piece of cake.”
“Why didn’t you say that before?” Felix asks, annoyed.  He starts to stand but Chris yanks him back into his seat. 
“The hell, man?” Chris says.  “You gonna go ventilate the guy while a bunch of civilians are having afternoon tea?  Ya think that might blow our cover?  Just a bit?” 
Felix frowns but he knows Chris is right.  Miroh does not like a public mess.  They will have to wait until the mark returns to the privacy of his cabin.
Felix does not like waiting.  It is a part of a soldier’s training, but his least favourite part by far.  He prefers action.  With the quiet stillness comes fear, doubt.
The latter makes him sweat.  He tries not to think about it.  His life is his mission.  Through Miroh, Felix has contributed good things to the world.  Lately, it just seems like no matter what he does, the world does not stay good. 
The Enemy has been dead for two years.  The new enemy, his idiot heir, has holed up like a dragon guarding his hoard.  He has built defences so high that not even an army like Miroh’s can breach it.  There has been no retaliation, no offensive strike like the old enemy, but these deep roots are almost more sinister.  Felix is starting to think this might be hopeless.  That maybe Miroh is wrong.  That maybe some things cannot be saved. 
Felix crinkles the candy bag in his lap.  He gathers himself and exhales. 
“Fine,” he says.  “How long do you think he will be distracted?  Enough time to get the data?”
“If it’s in there, yeah,” Chris says.  “Might as well check.  He just started eating so we should have some time.”
“Then what are we waiting for?”  
Chris frowns like Felix is inconveniencing him with the job they were sent here to do.  
Felix is not in the mood to argue.  He shoves his candy bag in his back pocket and pushes past Chris.  They make their way down the aisle.  No one lifts their head, the two boys disappearing in their inconspicuous disguises.
They pick the lock to the first class cabin.  Felix opens the door and looks around the room, for a moment a little stupefied by the luxury.  It is all deep mahogany and gold trim.  Their target is an engineer who stole designs from Miroh to sell to the enemy.  The wealth of this cabin exemplifies that corruption, surely. 
Felix tells himself that as he rifles through the luggage.  He finds a laptop and tells Chris to stand guard while he collects the data.  Chris is the better fighter but Felix is better with technology.
The laptop loads.  The home screen is the mark with his family, three smiling, sunny-faced children, all younger than Felix.  It gives him a queasy, uneasy feeling, a feeling that should be long scrubbed out of him by now.
He blames it on the rocking of the train carriage.  Physical sensations can manipulate mental energy. 
He searches through the computer storage for the stolen designs.  Both Miroh and the enemy are chasing government building contracts, tying their businesses irrevocably to political power and pursing relationships therein.  These plans will cinch the deal for whichever party has them.  The engineer who betrayed Miroh masqueraded as a potential recruit before stealing the plans.
There is only one problem; Felix knows how to read metadata and he cannot find anything that was once on Miroh’s servers.  In fact, some of these designs go back years, well before Miroh even considered pursuing these contracts.
“What’s taking so long?” Chris asks, poking his head in the room.  “You’re usually a computer whiz.  Is something wrong?”
“The files aren’t here,” Felix says.  For the fifth or sixth time, he opens what looks like the plans.  Everything except the metadata matches the description.  But that metadata does not lie.      
These files do not belong to Miroh. 
Chris double checks the corridor before joining Felix.  They look at the files together. 
“Isn’t that it?” Chris asks.  “It looks like the right thing.” 
“Yeah, but it’s not,” Felix says, his eyes darting frantically all over the screen.  “Or it should be.  But these, uh, these files aren’t Miroh’s.” 
“What do you mean?”
“I mean this guy stole the plans from Miroh.  But all these files are original.  They were never on Miroh’s servers.”
There is a moment of quiet.  Chris is not famous for reservation so Felix looks at him.  He is embarrassed to find a pitying look on Chris’s face. 
“Felix,” Chris says.  “Come on, man.”
It is not exactly a condescending tone, rife with too much sympathy to be so cruel, but It sounds like Chris is saying, don’t be stupid.
Felix swallows.  He looks down at the plans.  The realization hits him and the words come to his mouth, rising like bile.
“We’re not stealing back the plans,” Felix says.  “We’re just stealing them.  Aren’t we?”
“Well, yeah,” Chris says.  “You didn’t know that?”
“How did you know that?” Felix snaps back, embarrassed and upset and very, deeply confused.   
“It wasn’t exactly a stretch,” Chris says.  “It’s what Miroh does.  It’s what they all do.  You haven’t figured that out yet?  You?” 
Felix, who has done the most assignments.  Felix, who is the most successful agent in the special-ops program.  Felix, who is the best only because the real best refuses to be.
He studies Chris, this older boy who seems so confident he has all the answers.  Felix does not even know all the questions.  He feels that weakness and vulnerability he so hates, the entirely world suddenly unfamiliar enemy terrain. 
“Look, it’s fine,” Chris says.  “Just take the data and we’ll leave.  We’ll tell Miroh the mark got away.  He cares more about the plans anyway.”
“Lie,” Felix says.  “You want us to lie to Miroh?”
“It’s not a lie,” Chris says.  “It’s just protecting the truth.”
Felix stares at him.  Chris, on steadier feet than Felix, sighs and pushes Felix out of the way.  He loads the data onto the external hard drive himself.  He then makes a show of ejecting it and putting it in his pocket.
“Let’s go,” Chris says.
Felix does not get a chance to protest because the door opens.  They have no time to react.  In seconds, they are joined by the mark’s security team. 
Felix knows how to fight.  It is second nature to him.  He should not need to think.
But he does.  He overthinks.  He gets a look at the mark before a bodyguard whisks him away.  Felix thinks of the smiling faces on those children.  He thinks how he is not much older than them.
There is a growing pit of anxiety inside him.  It swallows him whole.
Felix and Chris fight to get away.  Chris could take all these guards on his own but he is trying to avoid severely hurting them.  That distracts Felix too.  Suddenly, Chris’s refusal to fight does not seem like cowardice but instead it is something Felix cannot name. Something he once saw in Miroh but doesn’t anymore. 
Distracted, Felix does not fight like he usually does. 
The first class cabin is a private attachment at the back of the train.  The fight lead onto the outside landing at the end of the car.  A guard dislocates Felix’s shoulder.  The next thing Felix knows, he is tumbling over the railing.  He manages to grip with his good arm, holding all of his body weight to avoid getting snagged and ripped along the train tracks. 
But it won’t save him.  He’s going to die. The realization hits him like any other calculation in a fight, when he measures his odds and deduces his best move.
He has none.  The train is moving too fast and he is at a bad angle to jump.  He has one good arm keeping him alive and no way to fight the approaching guard.  Chris has taken out his own adversaries and should be retreating with the data.  That is what they are trained to do.  The job is more important than the soldier.  In a crisis, you leave the weak behind. 
Felix braces himself to let go, hoping the above-average strength in his body can also withstand slamming into railroad tracks at high speeds.  He suspects even if he does survive, he will be severely injured, abandoned in the middle of nowhere, and dead to the only place he has ever known.
But the guard falls back. Chris knocks him out with sharp efficiency.  He then lays the unconscious man down with almost comical gentleness.
Chris runs up to Felix.  Felix wants to shout at him – everything from go away and finish the job to my shoulder hurts and I need you to save me. 
Chris gives no opportunity for argument or acquiescence.  He shouts, “Hold on!”  Then he swings himself over the railing.  He wraps an arm around Felix and hauls him into his side.  Once secure, he carries them back over the rail and onto the landing. 
“What are you doing?” Felix asks.  He cannot slow the race of his heart, seemingly tethered to the thunder of the train car against the tracks.  He is not sure it will ever slow again.  He thinks he might remember this moment forever.
“What am I doing?” Chris asks.  He laughs for some forsaken reason.  “Just doing this, mate,” he says.
He seizes Felix by his injured shoulder.  Felix winces, having only seconds to brace himself before Chris shoves his dislocated shoulder back into place.   Agony washes over Felix, hot and sharp, the pain rattling him worse than the actual dislocation.
“Sorry,” Chris says.  “Sometimes getting better hurts more for a bit.”
The rest of the mission is a blur to Felix, lost to the throbbing ache in his shoulder and a similar pain taking root inside him.
They make it back to Miroh’s facility.  Chris hands the hard drive off to an upper level agent while Felix sees a medic.  The bag of candy is still in his back pocket.  He sits in the infirmary a long time, just crinkling it between his fingers.  He feels like his world is crashing around him. 
It is days before Felix has an opportunity to see Chris again.  They are in different barracks because of their age difference, the soldiers grouped by year.  When Felix finds Chris in the corridor, Chris is talking to Miroh’s daughter who lives in the barracks too.  They are on their way to their bunks. 
Felix taps Chris on the shoulder.  Chris looks at him, his laughing expression faltering when he sees Felix.  He must see something in him that Felix cannot even recognize in himself. 
Chris turns to Miroh’s daughter and says, “I’ll catch up, yeah?”
She spares Felix a glance and Felix feels an unusually panicked skip in his blood.  It feels like she can see his mental turbulation the way Chris can.  But unlike the rest of them, she has a direct line to Miroh.  She might live and act like a soldier but she is more and always will be.  Felix balks under her scrutiny, worried she will see his doubt and report it right back to Miroh.
Felix is grateful when she leaves.  But when Chris looks at him so expectantly, Felix no longer knows what to say. 
It takes a moment.
“I wouldn’t have done the same for you,” Felix finally says.  It comes out as instinctively as a punch.  “I wouldn’t have saved your life.  I would have just finished the job.”
Chris blinks at him.  He exhales on a laugh.  Then he claps Felix’s good shoulder, a touch of clear camaraderie. 
“I know, Felix,” he says.  “I didn’t do it so you would pay me back.  I didn’t do it because I thought you would do the same.  I did it because it was the right thing to do.” 
Felix thought he was speechless before but now he is truly at a loss.  Even his long engrained instincts fail.  He is out of punches. 
Chris just smiles at his confusion.  With one final nod, he turns and retreats to his bunk. 
Felix stands in the corridor, wounded but bandaged.  He stares at the place where Chris stood, like if he looks long enough then Felix will understand what Chris understands.  That maybe there is a right and wrong outside of what they have been taught.  Maybe things exist outside of this place. 
Maybe some things can be saved. 
P R E S E N T   D A Y
“Ah, it’s the classic story,” Changbin says with a sigh.  “A boy and a girl, forced to share a bed.  He is her bodyguard.  She is an heiress.  Should we kiss on the lips?”
You whack him in the gut with a pillow and he erupts with giggles.
Changbin has been your so-called bodyguard for a few weeks now.  It has changed little in your daily routine as your father had assigned Changbin to your department sometime before that.  The special-ops program was written off as an experiment with potential for future development, though that development has long sat arrested.  Bang Chan is in your father’s direct employ while Changbin has been on different teams fulfilling different missions.  When you started taking the lead on projects, he served under your direction. 
It is why your father is not happy.  The bodyguard arrangement was meant to assert his control over you, using an agent as his eyes and hands.  Miroh is not good at relinquishing power, not even to someone like him, or maybe especially to someone like him.  You have always been a good, loyal, obedient soldier and daughter.  Taking over projects and assuming command was inevitable.  Somehow you have wronged him by doing everything right. 
Lately, your work has been meagre clean-up duty.  Miroh has been accruing assets and terrorizing his way into the mess left behind by his late enemy.   It is making Miroh’s paranoia even worse.   He has seen for himself how this powerful house fell apart just because its patriarch died.  The business was left in shambles, underlings squabbling like helpless children.  It was ripe for picking. 
You have been cleaning whatever mess is left behind.  This week you have been cleaning out some old office buildings, primarily sifting through abandoned storage for anything useful that might have been sequestered.  You are spending the night at a nearby safe house, sharing a room with Changbin.  The rest of your team is scattered around the house. 
Seeing as your father has relegated you with menial tasks, you have taken it upon yourself to conduct your own investigations.  Your findings have been on your mind all day.  It is why you do not respond to Changbin’s joking with your usual wit. 
“You’re quiet, murder princess,” Changbin says.  “Should I be worried?”
He drops his mask on the nearby desk then unholsters his gun.   He places it beside yours.  It is a testament to your dynamic that you feel comfortable disarming around each other.  You would certainly never do it around your father.  But Changbin is different.   You are not someone who seeks true friendship but you acknowledge the necessity of teamwork especially in times of crisis.  You do not fully trust Changbin as you do not fully trust anyone, but he is loyal and you reciprocate that dependability.
It is why you beckon him forward.  You are sitting on the bed, feet on the floor.  Changbin pulls up a chair to sit in front of you. 
“The enemy had a multi-level security system,” you say.  “Physical in some capacities, digital in others.  My father has always been more preoccupied with offense than defense, so in that regard they were always a step ahead of us.  That is the part my father is interested in.  That is all he sees.” 
“And what do you see?”  Changbin asks.  His disposition changes with the severity of your words, joviality replaced with equal seriousness. 
“I don’t see anything,” you say.  “That’s the problem.”
He lifts an eyebrow, curious.  You show him the image on your tablet, then swipe to the next one. 
“The security log is missing information,” you say.  “There is no trace of anything unusual transpiring the day they were all killed.  No breach, no shutdown.  Everything is normal until everything is gone. Someone scrubbed every last second of data from the digital system.  Someone who knew the system well enough to not just delete the surface files but to clean the server entirely.” 
“So what are you saying?” Changbin asks.  “You think it was an inside job?”
“I know it wasn’t us,” you reply.  “I know it wasn’t any of the usual players.  This family had enemies in every market.  If it was one of them, you’d think they would have stepped forward to assert themselves by now.  Whoever it was had no interest in taking over company assets.  No interest in even sticking around.  Someone went to great lengths to make the entire thing look ambiguous, to leave everyone asking more questions, to turn our heads in one direction while they disappear in the other.  Someone professional.  Someone technologically capable.  Someone whose only motivation was escape.” 
His jaw is clenched as he stares at the images, but you can see the gears turning in his mind.  When he meets your gaze, you sit forward.
“Changbin,” you say.  “What happened on that mission?”
He does not need specification.  Changbin is usually like you, pragmatic and realistic.  He does not dwell in his emotions and never for so long.  It has been well over a month now but he is still rankled by that warehouse confrontation with Lee Felix. 
“Ah, Yongbok,” Changbin says wistfully.  His eyes are downturned but his thoughts are somewhere else.  “You remember him.  He always needed a fairy tale to believe in.”    
That much is true.  You and Changbin have always been simple soldiers manoeuvring through the morally complicated world around you.  You never had any delusions that Miroh was better than his enemies, simply that one or the other was inevitable.  You knew you could make a bigger impact in the fight than watching from the sidelines. 
Felix was competent but naïve.  He believed in Miroh unequivocally which is why he blind-sided them all with his betrayal.  To this day, you do not know why he joined the enemy, nor why he stayed. 
It makes sense he might have naively devoted himself to a different cause. 
“What fairy tale was that?” you ask.  “The enemy?”
“Chris.”  Changbin looks at you beneath the sweep of his dark bangs.  His smile is wry.  “He asked me about Chris.” 
You blink back at him, surprised by the answer.  After stumbling over any number of replies, you say, “That wasn’t in your initial report.”
“It didn’t seem important,” Changbin says with a shrug.   
“You have a responsibility to report back everything—”
“Yes, commander,” he says dryly.  He slumps in his seat and crosses his arms.  “Does it matter now?  I told him Chris was dead.”
Not a lie, in a way.  Bang Chan was a rebellious subject in his youth, nothing like the merciless soldier he is now.  The inhuman machine was wrought through inhumane treatment.   You were not privy to the grittier details nor have you ever felt an inclination to investigate.  You do not need knowledge of the gruesome torture that was administered.   The results are the same: the rebellious boy died.  He has been gone ever since he was dragged into a basement room for correction. 
“Chris,” you say.  The name sits heavy on your tongue.  “Why would he want to know about Chris?”
“The better question is, why didn’t he want to know about me?” Changbin retorts.  It sounds like a joke, his tone jumping back into comically exaggerated hysterics.  But there is a tension in his shoulders that was not there before.  “You know he didn’t even recognize me?  Ah!  The little brat!  I knew him too!  I wasn’t Bang Chan, no one was … But I was there.  Forgetting me… We’re all that’s left!” 
You tilt your head and study Changbin, as if there are more answers in his face than in his words.  Your gaze drifts to the scar by his eye.   He got hit today, taking a swipe meant for you.  Other adversaries have sent agents to scour the late enemy’s business remains, but they are no match for soldiers of Miroh.  
Changbin joked he was being a good bodyguard.  In truth, he is a good bodyguard.  Your security team is competent but nothing compared to him.  It has made a difference, having someone so reliable at your back, even though it has painted a target on his.  Your father is not happy Changbin outsmarted him.  Changbin jokes about it, as he is wont to do, claiming he can’t wait for a pummelling of his own.  He is probably right.  Miroh has been quiet about the bodyguard assignment but that does not mean he has surrendered.  He is a strategist.  He is patient if it means results. 
Raising children into soldiers is a testament to that patience.  You look at Changbin, arguably the last true survivor other than yourself.
We’re all that’s left.  
You find yourself reaching for him.  It is not like you, but lately everything seems out of character.  You touch his face, drawn to that scar, a scar that should be yours.  You touch it very lightly. 
When you meet his eyes, he is looking at you strangely.  You are not a famously affectionate character, not even with him.  You rip your hand back and shake your head. 
“What’s wrong with you?” he asks, more curious than accusatory. 
“Nothing,” you say.  “I mean – well.”  You scrub a hand over your face.  The weeks have healed the worst of your injuries, but it is still littered with scars, including the ones Changbin gave you. 
His eyes linger there before he sighs and drops his head.  He rubs his face too. 
“We’ll talk later,” you say, suddenly feeling the weight of today, not to mention the accumulative exhaustion of the days before.  “It’s been a long day.”  An understatement.   
Changbin doesn’t argue.  You separate to use the facilities and dress down for rest.  You sleep in sweatpants and a t-shirt, your weapons and shoes not far.  The one bed has plenty of space.  You lay down first, certain that your mind is running too fast to rest, but all that exhaustion catches up to you. 
You wake some time in the middle of the night.  When Changbin gets out of bed, the dip and rise of the mattress stirs you.  You blink awake, watching him amble over to the window.  There is a cushioned seat and he plops down, his arms crossed and his eyes on the stars.
You wonder if you look that young out of combat clothes.  His hair is ruffled and the black t-shirt and pants are comfortably fitted.  His face looks vulnerable and open as he stares into the night. 
“You’re awake too,” he says, not looking at you. 
“Obviously,” you reply.  You push yourself upright.  “You woke me.”
“Sorry,” he says, trying to flash you one of his jovial grins but barely managing. 
“You look tired,” you say. 
“Thanks,” he replies with a laugh. 
“You should go back to sleep.”
“I’m on bodyguard duty,” he jokes, gesturing to you.  “I need to make sure no one murders the murder princess.” 
You give him a dry look that makes him giggle.  Naturally his humour returns at your expense.  He really is the little brother you never had. 
You slide off the bed and join him at the window seat.  You shove and kick like bickering children until you are comfortably settled.  You sit with your legs curled up to your chest, mirror images of each other.  He looks out the window and you look at him. 
“What are you thinking about?” you ask.   
“Nothing,” he says, an automatic response.  Then he shakes his head and sighs.  “I don’t know, princess,” he says.  “I don’t think you’ll understand.” 
“What makes you say that?” You cannot help but feel offended even if he is probably right.  You do not have heart-to-hearts, which is what this feels like, a quiet moment carved out of chaos.  If everything was different, you would just be two friends talking about your normal lives. 
Your life is anything but normal. 
“I know you,” he answers, simple and confident.  “I know who you are.  Even when – well, no matter what happens, I guess.”
“Well,” the words are out of your mouth before you can stop them, “that makes one of us.” 
You swallow your thoughts quickly.  Your innermost turmoil cannot be entrusted with anyone.  It is dangerous to even think such weakness, never mind vocalize it.
Changbin looks at you with a pinch in his brow.  You look away, up at the sky.  You wonder about the vantage from the stars, seeing the bigger picture of your life.  Your pain and sacrifices have to be worth something.  Miroh always said the world was full of shadows, dark spots no regular person could clean.  He was right about that.  He is definitely one of them, but sometimes only darkness can fight darkness.  Or so you thought.  All this business with the enemy has changed things.  That darkness collapsed in on itself like a black hole, taking everything with it. 
“It used to be easier, didn’t it?”  Changbin asks.  “Just doing what you’re told… You can tell yourself it’s not your fault, that it would have happened anyway… Maybe I was believing in fairy tales too.” 
You look at each other.  He just sighs. 
“A part of me feels like I never grew up,” he says.  “I’ve always been what I am.  Maybe it’s time to stop.” 
“That sounds a lot like treason,” you say, realizing how dramatic it sounds after the fact. Miroh is a businessman and this company is not a country.  And yet treasonous is what it feels like, a deep betrayal to the place that raised and shaped you into what you are.  It feels like treachery to even think about abandoning it after everything. 
“Maybe it does,” he says.  He gives you another wry smile, flicking his bangs out of his face.  “Does it matter?  He already wants my beautiful head off its beautiful shoulders.”
“You shouldn’t be saying this to me,” you say.  You’re Miroh’s daughter.  Your relationship with your father might be fraught, but your loyalty is to this house and always has been.  It is the only constant in this tumultuous, violent world. 
“Are you gonna tell on me?” Changbin teases, so unserious on such a deathly serious matter.  He just laughs at your silent but intense stare.  He shakes his head as he looks out the window.  “I don’t worry about that.”
“About what?”
“You telling on me.”
That stops your heart faster than the treason. 
“Why not?” you ask slowly, as if you are wary of a trap about to spring. 
Changbin puts a hand in his hair, shaking out his ruffled bangs.  He looks normal but also not, his strong body so clearly built for violence.    It is why you are shocked when he reaches out, when he touches you like you touched him, an undemanding press of his fingers along a scar.  
Your startled eyes find his.  It splits your focus.  You see Changbin right now, older, stronger.  You also see him younger, thinner, looking at you with concerned eyes as he wipes blood off your brow. 
You blink again and it is just him as he is now. 
He drops his hand. 
“You don’t trust anyone,” he says.  “I know.  Ha!  I really know.”  He swings around, planting his feet on the ground.  He reaches into his pocket then flicks open a pocketknife.
It should make your heart palpitate, a soldier with a weapon in your proximity, especially when you are unarmed.  But there is no rush of blood, no fear, no worry.  You just look at him, seeing all of him, young and old.  You realize there has been more than one constant in your life. 
The knife catches a glint of starlight, a flash of light in the darkness. 
“You and I are the same, aren’t we, murder princess?” he says.   “But also not.  You were raised in the pen with us but it was never the same.  We’re just animals to him.  Raised to the slaughter, ha!  But not you.  One way or another, you’re going to be someone.” 
You watch as he lifts his hand. He curls and uncurls a fist.  He looks down at his palm. 
“When it happens,” Changbin says, “Because it will happen, tomorrow or in a month or a year or whenever Miroh decides… But when I go like the rest of them… When it’s just you and you’re trying to decide who you want to be, not who your father wants you to be…  When you’re trying to remember everything and you can’t decide what was real and what was just training and what was Miroh…” 
He draws a slow slice across his hand, not so deep to be detrimental to his grip, but enough to draw blood in a long, thin line.  You look at this small scar as if it the deepest wound you have ever encountered. 
“Just… remember me,” he says.  “I didn’t bleed because I believe in Miroh.  I’m your soldier, not his.”
You are at a loss for words.  You do not think there are any words, none that you were raised to know.  You can only stare at the little trickle of blood as it runs down his wrist and drips onto the floor. 
You have always felt very alone.  You learned to thrive in that solitude.  Even clinging to the hope of your father’s approval proved exhausting and useless.  You accepted your high promontory was a lonely one.  
Not even that solitude compares to the idea of Changbin gone.  Even if you go weeks without seeing him, he is out there somewhere.  You both keep your heads down, get the job done.   Not the best soldiers, not the worst, but the ones still here. 
You let instinct override your senses for the second time that night.  When he makes to stand, your reflexes snap into action.  You grab him by the arm and snatch the knife.  He has no time to respond, watching as you slice a similar scar on your own palm. 
Your eyes meet.  You are unflinching, more resolute than ever.  You clasp his hand and the blood smears in a signifying pact that needs no other words. 
Only when the moment settles do you say, “You’re not a half-bad bodyguard.”
His laughter comes to him slowly, none of that empty joviality but a genuine burst of it.  His eyes crinkle and his smiles widens and the laughter bubbles out of him. 
“I’m the best bodyguard,” he says.  “And don’t you ever fucking forget it.” 
In the light of day, last night’s whirlwind of dramatic emotions feel tempered.  You and Changbin are able to conduct yourselves with a proper degree of soldiership.  Though his words and your promise are in the back of your mind, you put it away for now.
You dress in combat gear and pack your bags for another day of infiltration, investigation, and clean-up.  It is hard to say how easy or difficult the day will be.  If you encounter other agents, the confrontation could complicate things, but sometimes that is better than a long day with no interesting discoveries at all. 
The enemy had properties scattered all over town, some active and some not.  This particular office building is a very old one, seemingly long since abandoned and turned into company storage.  Some of these boxes have not been touched in decades, perhaps remnants of the business as run by the previous generation. 
A thick layer of dust coats the desks and boxes.  At least your masks are put to work, filtering the dusty air as you trail through the building. 
“Yahhh,” Changbin whines, flicking some papers off a desk.  “Today’s going to be boring.” 
“Yup,” you say in accord.  There is no way anyone else will be here.  You doubt there is anything of value to be discovered, but Miroh will harass you if you do not complete his missions as outlined.  With so much tension between you already, it is better to keep your head down and complete the menial tasks, even if it is blatant busy work. 
A few of your officers are sent ahead to sweep the building.  It is not a towering skyscraper but several tall floors nonetheless.  Your subordinates take different floors while you and Changbin take an upper level.  You begin the tedious task of rifling through the abandoned documentation.
“I’m a supersoldier, not a secretary,” Changbin gripes, moving boxes with more force than necessary.
“You’re not a supersoldier,” you say without looking up from your work.  “There’s no such thing.”
“I’m pretty close,” he says, flexing and kissing his bicep. 
“When you start flying, maybe I’ll consider it,” you retort, dryly.
“All right, I’m not a supersoldier,” he says.  He takes off his mask to grin at you.  “But I am super good looking.” 
You take off your own mask to throw at him like a projectile.  He squeals and ducks, then proceeds to cuss you out for the next few minutes while you smile. 
Eventually he takes a seat.  He props his booted feet up on a desk while sorting through some papers with absent-minded perusal. 
“So tell me again about the security log,” Changbin says, evidently growing bored within minutes. 
You can hardly blame him.  It is why you are about to reply, but your thoughts are quickly obliterated.  Gunfire reverberates in the nearby stairwell, followed by shouting and thumping.  Seconds later, your warning pagers are vibrating.  Your officers’ voices come through the communications software.
“Hostile enemy agents breached ground zero,” they say.  “Be ready for confrontation.”
You and Changbin spring into action.  Your masks are unfortunately abandoned, too far to grab in a rush thanks to your shenanigans, but your bags and weapons are within reach.   You swing them on and arm yourselves, racing into the corridor to join the rest of your team. 
It happens very fast.  One moment, this ancient building is nothing more than a dilapidated office from a bygone era, brimming with useless nothings that no one would want.  The next moment, it is overflowing with enemy agents, pouring in one after the other. 
You and Changbin join the other officers in the stairwell.  None of you are prepared for the sight that greets you, the sheer number of adversaries that come streaming into the building at rapid speed.
“What the fuck,” you say, realizing far too late you cannot take this many agents.  You have not had anything near this problem before.   
You look at Changbin, both of you shooting uselessly to stop the encroach of hostiles. 
“We need to retreat,” you say in unison.  You nod at each other. 
The message gets passed along the communicators.  There is no way to escape through the ground floor, the enemy agents chasing you up the stairwell.  You take out your phone to call for back-up, relaying the message directly to Miroh’s team leaders. 
“Can you at all identify the hostiles?” the man asks. 
“Do we know who they are?” you shout at Changbin over the gunfire and chaos. 
“Ah, well they’re not friends!” he replies.
You pause in your ascent to squint down at the approaching horde.  The uniform colours are familiar at a glance, but the dog tags confirm your suspicions.  It locks you in place with shock and confusion, because there is no way that makes any sense. 
These agents belong to the enemy.  The enemy.  It explains the numbers, as only that house could rival Miroh in terms of size and numbers.  But it is not possible he is conducting an offensive attack because he’s dead and his business is in shambles.  There is no one to conduct an operation on his behalf.  It makes no sense. 
Changbin grabs you by the back of the neck, hauling you up the stairs with him. 
“Not the time to stop and smell the flowers, murder princess,” he says. 
“It’s the enemy,” you say.  “I don’t know how or why, but it’s them.”
“We’re sending a back-up team straight to you right now,” Miroh’s leader says. 
You end the call to focus on your surroundings, confusing and chaotic as they are. 
You watch as several of your officers are taken down.  You wince at each reverberation of a gunshot that kills them.  A dozen more faces flash in front of your eyes, every child in that program with you, every enemy you have killed on Miroh’s behalf.  Chris.  Felix.  Changbin, young, small, looking at you with concern.
The reign of fire follows you.  You think you will be hearing gunshots for days. 
“Get her out,” one of your officer’s says into the comms, directed at Changbin.  “Leave through the roof.  We’ll hold them off.”
You trip running up the stairs. 
You never trip, far more coordinated than the average soldier.  But you hear your officer say that and your mind’s eye is overwhelmed with the image of them dying.  Because that is what will happen.  You should not be bothered by it.  You can train a new security team.  They exist for this exact reason. 
But all their faces are flashing in front of your mind.  Your team, the program soldiers, the First Guard.  A thunderous pain rattles down your spine, a cry leaving your lips as you are inundated with visions of death that you suddenly cannot shake. 
“Up, up!” Changbin shouts, hoisting you onto your feet.  “You’re better than this!” 
He’s right.  You are a soldier.  You trained for this.  You were made to fight. 
You push through the pain and thunder.  You get your feet back under you.  You race with Changbin to the roof and trust your team to do what is best. 
You slam and bolt the door behind you.  You look around for something to barricade it but there is nothing.  Changbin meanwhile opens his pack and takes out the rappel line and harness.  You have had little use for it on most of the assignments, but it is standard tactical gear when assigned any investigation or clean-up work, as it can require getting into locked areas through sky access.   You almost left them behind today, knowing the building was abandoned and you would have no difficulty getting in.  You are glad you decided against that. 
“Here,” Changbin says, handing you the harness.  “Put this on.”  He ducks back down to finish securing the line on the edge of the roof. 
“They’re not gonna be able to hold them,” you say, fitting the harness around yourself.  It is second-nature.  You hardly need to think, fastening every buckle as you stare at that closed door.  “They’ll be on us in seconds,” you say.  “They’ll just follow us over the roof on the line.”  You grant your odds are better on the street, that you can endeavour an escape, but that is only if you get that far.  Those enemy agents are going to blast down that door like it’s made of cardboard, then they will be on you. 
Your heart is pounding in your chest, your adrenaline propelling every breath.  You do not have time to think twice.  It is why it takes you so long to notice that Changbin has not put on a harness. 
“What are you doing?” you ask when he stands, completely unprepared to rappel down the building.  “We have to go! Put your harness on, idiot!” 
He takes the hook and locks it onto your harness, fastening it with a few skilled flicks of his fingers.  You grab his hand, stopping him. 
He takes a breath and finally meets your eye.  The wind blows his dark bangs across his face, opening up his expression to you.  You can feel the furious scrunch of your own features go lax.  Just like that, your adrenaline dwindles, all that heat turning to an ice cold block in your chest.  It drops to your gut.
“Changbin,” you start. 
“You’re going to go down that line,” he says.  “When you’re at the bottom, I’m going to cut it so they can’t follow you.  It will buy you time to get to the vehicles and get away.”
“Absolutely not,” you say.  “What the fuck are you thinking?  You—”  
“I’m your bodyguard,” he says with that wry smile.  “This is my job.  Let me do it.” 
“No,” you say, struggling against him.  You try to unhook the rappel line but he fights back, not your usual play-fighting but deadly serious.  “You can’t be serious!” you shout.  “We’re the same thing!  If you’re staying and fighting then I’m joining you!”
“We’re not the same thing!” he shouts back.  “You’re a Miroh!  You need to get out of here!”
“You’re right, I am a Miroh!” you say.  “It’s me they want anyway!  You put on the harness!  You can still get out of here!”
“I’m not leaving here without you!”
You want to reply.  The words are right on your lips: I’m not leaving here without you either. 
But before you can say them, all that thunderous pain fractures your vision again.  Your focus splits.  You see Changbin in front of you, dressed in his combat gear with the wind in his hair.  
Then everything changes. 
The sunny sky darkens and the rooftop disappears.  You see the colour grey.  It is all around you, halfway blinding you, filling your lungs so you can hardly breathe.  You blink rapidly, as if that will clear your vision, but it is just more grey and the sound of faraway voices. 
Then you see Changbin again, in his combat gear but years younger.  Just a teenager, all skinny cheeks and sharp angles.  There is no wind in his hair.  There is no wind anywhere.   He is bleeding profusely from a head wound, a stark slash of red in the middle of so much grey.  He says your name.  You hear your own voice but it is a foggy, faraway thing.  You cannot make out what you are saying.  When you look down, you cannot see your body.  You can only see him.  You can only hear him.    
“I’m not leaving here without you,” he says.
Then you are abruptly yanked out of that grey.  You are back on the rooftop in the sunshine. Changbin has his hand planted on your chest, securing the last piece of the harness.  You hear the thud of someone kicking at the bolted door.  You look there frantically.  Changbin does too.  Then you look at each other. 
“I told you I was the best bodyguard ever,” he says, smiling.  
He whips off his glove, revealing his freshly scarred hand.  He grabs your bare hand, the one with the still-tender scar.  He clasps your hands together and looks at you with a desperation you have never seen before, like he is trying to tell you a thousand things with just a glance. 
Then he slowly lets go of your hand. 
“Sorry I can’t fly,” he says. 
He shoves the middle of your chest, hard.  You go tumbling over the edge of the roof just as the enemy agents break the door down. 
There is nothing you can do mid-air.  You can only shout his name, terrified and furious and desperate all at once.  You scream your emotions out until the line comes to an end, a few feet from the ground.  You unclip your harness and drop to the ground smoothly. 
“Can anyone copy?” you speak into your comm, looking up at the roof helplessly.  You watch as an enemy agent swings over and starts to climb down the rope.  You draw your gun and brace yourself.
Then Changbin’s head pops over the edge.  “Copy,” he says, then cuts the line. 
You jump out of the way.  Seconds later, the enemy agent comes careening into the ground.  The pile of rope lands on top of him.
“Fuck,” you say.  “Fuck, fuck, fuck.  Changbin!” you shout hysterically into your comms.  “Changbin, can you copy?”
He doesn’t answer.  You run over to the body, searching for something.  You don’t even know what, you just know that this whole situation is wrong. 
It does not take you long.  You roll the body over.  Though his neck is now twisted at a fatal angle, you recognize the agent.  He was standing in your father’s office just a few weeks ago.  His name was Agent Slump.  You shot him through the shoulder. 
These are not enemy agents attacking the house of Miroh, they are your father’s men attacking you.  
You push away from the body, looking frantically up at the roof for any sign of further commotion.  You see nothing from this vantage. 
You run back into the building.  You let adrenaline and instinct carry you up the stairs, taking a few at a time and ignoring the burn in your thighs.  This is Miroh, you keep repeating to yourself.  Your father has done this.  Sending fake enemies after you.  Teaching you yet another lesson.  You said you could handle yourself.  You said your security team could protect you.  Now you are running past their dead bodies, your chest heaving from exertion and emotion.  You find yourself blinking back tears.  You cannot remember the last time you cried. 
“Changbin,” you say into your comm, tripping on another step.  Your voice comes out of the comms on your dead officers.   It echoes in the empty stairwell.  “Changbin, answer me, please,” you say.  “It’s not the enemy.  It’s my father.  It’s Miroh.  Changbin.  Changbin.”
You are halfway up the building when you hear voices below.  You stop to listen.  Your vibrating phone makes you jump. 
“Miss Miroh?” comes a voice, then you see one of your father’s officers at the bottom of the winding stairwell.  This one is not playing a part.  He is in the standard uniform.  There are more officers behind him.  The back-up you called like an idiot. 
You do not go back down.  You drop your phone and race to the roof.
“Get her,” you hear the officer say, then the stairwell is thundering with footsteps as they chase you. 
You no longer know what you are doing.  You do not know where you are going or what you will find.  A part of you is unsurprised when the rooftop is empty, that they got away, that now your father’s men can come in and play hero. 
You look around for Changbin but you cannot find him anywhere.  You try to tell yourself that is a good thing, that it could be worse, that he could be as dead as your security team, just a body on this roof.  You try to tell yourself that he is safe.  It was just Miroh.  They are probably taking Changbin back to the main facilities right now.  Everything will be fine. 
Deep down, you know nothing will be fine.   Everything has changed. 
You hear the officers behind you.  You look around.  The building next door is too far for a regular person to jump, potentially too far for you to jump.  It will be cutting it close, but it is all you have.  At this point, you halfway hope you’ll fall and your father’s men will be forced to report they let you die. 
You shed the top layer of your combat shirt, getting down to the tank top underneath.  You are not sure it will make a difference, but every bit counts.  You back up and count a few seconds, then you take a running leap off the roof.  You get a grip on the next one, though not without a lot of pain.  You grit your teeth and hoist yourself up, ignoring your scraped arms as you take off running.  You open a skylight and drop into the building.  Another empty corridor stretches in front of you. 
You decide your objective it to escape.  You can confront your father after, but right now you need to prove you can handle yourself.  You can get out of here. 
You are certain your father’s men will have the vehicles locked in.  Once you escape this building, you will have to find another—
A window behind you shatters.  You duck and cover your head as glass explodes around you.  You roll to get away, though your limbs are shaky from everything.  When you get to your feet, it is more unsteady than usual. 
You turn around.  You feel that sinking feeling in your gut again.
“Oh my god,” you say.  “Of fucking course it’s you.” 
Bang Chan stands there, cold and ungiving like the living shadow he has become.  Your father likes an agent that can both disappear and intimidate, so Chan somehow feels like a terrifyingly huge figure, looming over you, despite the fact he is not much bigger or taller.  His presence is hulking, as deadly and awful as you remember.  He stares at you with those dark eyes over the half-mask.  He is not breathing especially hard despite the fact he just took a running leap from the opposite building and smashed through a window.  His body is as steady and ungiving as his gaze. 
You do not waste any more breath cursing.  You turn and run. 
You know it is useless but you have to try.  In your head, if you get away, that is a bargaining chip.  You can talk to Miroh, you can show him that you were right, you can have Changbin back, and Changbin will be fine and—
You let out an aggravated cry when Chan grabs you.  You manage to rip away after a few good kicks.  It is amazing what hidden strength lies in adrenaline.  Your heart is pumping even faster than your last fight with him. 
You duck into a stairwell and jump over the railing, landing a couple floors below.  You keep doing that, ignoring the fact you can hear him copying you.  If you look back, it will slow you down.  You keep jumping until you hit the bottom floor. 
You make it a few steps before he grabs you again.  This time he is relentless, a big gloved around wrapped around your throat. 
That adrenaline betrays you.  It is like all your training abandons you as your terror and fury rips through you.  You struggle against him, your motions jerky and frantic and poorly strategized.  He pins you to the wall, using his whole body to lock you in place so you stop kicking him. 
“Let me go,” you say, barely above a whisper.  It makes him tighten his grip on your throat.  You twitch helplessly, gripping his arm uselessly, your face pinched with anger.  
You are swiftly joined by the other officers.  You glare at them, still digging your nails into Chan’s arm.  He does not soften his grip until he is ordered, then he puts you on your feet.  You stumble, your vision covered in black spots as you suck in deep, gasping breaths.  It was not even just the choking, as he did not squeeze hard enough to fully incapacitate you, but as your adrenaline dwindles, your strength does too. 
You trip for the third time.  Someone grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you back up.  You are not sure if you are more surprised or terrified to find it is Chan, looking at you with calculating eyes.  You stare back at him, this manifestation of your father’s worst, most inhumane actions.   You are torn between apologizing to him and kicking him again. 
Then another officer grabs you.  You watch with alarm as he puts you in handcuffs.
“What the fuck?” you ask.  “Who’s fucking side are you on?”
“Miroh always, of course,” the officer says.  “This is for your own good.  You are behaving erratically.  Don’t be scared.  We will inform your father that you tried to flee from your own protective officers.  I am certain he will do everything in his power to ensure you cannot put yourself in harm’s way again.” 
You have no more words.  An animalistic cry escapes from your chest, ripping through you.  Even with your hands cuffed behind your back, you dive at the officer and take him down.  You bite down on his ear until you taste the metallic tang of blood.  He screams under you until someone rips you off him.   They hold you by the back of the neck like a poorly behaved puppy. 
The officer gets to his feet.  Blood is pouring down the side of his neck, part of his ear torn.  You spit blood at him.
He raises his hand as if to strike you.  You stand there, chin jutted forward, ready to take it. 
Then you realize it is Chan holding you.  When the officer brings his hand down, Chan moves you.  He steps in between you and catches the officer’s wrist. 
Chan says nothing.  He does not need to say anything.   He looks at the officer and the officer swallows. 
The officer snatches his hand back and straightens his clothes. 
“We’re leaving,” he says.  “Guard, take your charge.” 
You are looking smugly at the officer.  That cockiness dissipates when Chan turns around and looks at you.  It has you immediately shrinking away, then flinching when he grabs your arm.    
They take you to a truck.  It is one of the holding trucks, the kind they use for transporting undesirables.  It is obvious they always intended to lock you in chains.  You have been in metaphorical chains your whole life, and it is only taking this to realize it. 
You try and slow your frantic breathing.  You cannot have a breakdown right now.  It will only make it harder for you when you confront your father.  You are already at a disadvantage, being dragged to him in literal chains.  You will be completely at his mercy, and Miroh does not have mercy. 
You sit on the bench in the back of the prison truck.  You expect to be alone with an officer, giving you time to strategize and think, but then it is Chan climbing into the van and sitting on the bench across from you.  All the hairs on your body stand up.  You cannot concentrate on anything with Bang Chan in close proximity.  He moves like a wild animal, something predatory and swift about him.   When they close and lock the door, your heart skips beats. 
Chan says nothing.  He never says anything.  On the rare occasion you have been in contact, you have not heard a word out of him.  You seldom have anything to do with the missions he runs.  They are above even your paygrade, the worst of Miroh’s work. 
You swallow.  He is not speaking but he is staring.  He does not remove the mask.  You have not seen him without it in years.  He is nothing but a soldier.  An army unto himself. 
Your heart skips another beat.  An idea slowly forms in your mind. 
You are better than average.  Chan is better than you.  You cannot take all these agents on your own, but you could definitely take them with his help.   Of course, that is an entirely hypothetical thought.  It would be absolutely, completely, severely ridiculous to even try.   You are certain the best reaction you will get out of Chan is nothing, just a penetrating stare and silence.  The worst would probably be a snapped neck. 
You curl your hands behind your back.  The scar on your palm stings.  You clench your jaw.
You have nothing else to lose. 
“You’re not a soldier, you know,” you say. 
Just like you suspected, he says nothing.  He just stares at you.  The truck rattles along, jostling you so your handcuffs jingle.  He moves with the sway of the vehicle, hardly affected. 
Your fear turns to frustration.  You heave a breath. 
“Did you hear me?” you ask.  “You’re not a soldier.  You’re a prisoner.  You’re not who you think you are.  Miroh has you under his control, but it’s not real.  The real you is in there somewhere.  And the real you—”  The words come rushing up, slamming into your furiously clenched teeth, “The real you hates Miroh almost as much as me.” 
Chan stares at you.  That is expected.
What is unexpected is the slow tilt of his head.  It makes you shiver, instinctively cowering as he studies you.  His brow slowly quirks, a questioning expression.  You did not know he could make such an expression. 
“Are you… listening to me?” you ask.   
He straightens, but he still looks questioning.  It is enough for all your desperation to rush to the surface.  You fall forward, slamming on your knees in front of him.  You are so scarred and bruised, it hardly matters.  More important is the fact he looks down, as if he is more concerned by it, though you cannot read any more expressions on his stoic face. 
“Chan,” you say.  “Chris.  Whatever you want to be called.  If you’re in there, then listen to me, please.  I know you don’t know me.  We hardly knew each other at all growing up.  But we did grow up together.  Miroh is controlling both of us.  He is going to use us to do things.  He—”  You curl your fist behind you, needing to feel the sting on your palm.  It brings a tear to your eye. 
Chan is looking at you, expressionless again, but it doesn’t matter.  You have to try.
“It’s not just us,” you say.  “This is bigger than you and me.  I have a—I have a friend—my friend, you understand, and I—”
The van comes to a stop.  Chan grabs you by the shoulders and puts you back on your bench.  You screw your eyes shut and shake your head.  You want to scream. 
When you open your eyes, you pour all your anger in your glare.  It is not directed at Chan, though he is the one to catch your gaze and hold it. 
You are still looking at each other when the door is unlocked.  There was only a small window providing light in the cabin of the truck.  A bigger slash of golden light has you wincing. 
Chan is unaffected, still staring at you.  An officer opens the door wider and nods to him. 
“Let’s go, guard,” he says. 
Chan gets up.  You watch as he struts past.  He jumps out of the van and lands smoothly on his feet.
Then he reels back and punches the officer.  It is quick as a snap, the unconscious body hitting the tarmac in a flash.  It makes you jump, the bench rattling underneath you. 
You sit, petrified, confused.  Chan slowly turns.  You blink at him.
He holds out his hand. 
“What?” you say.  It comes out a rasp.  You cannot manage more words.  There is no way your frantic, barely coherent pleading got through to him.  This man has been tortured into compliance.  There is no humanity left in him, no memories, no emotions, no hopes.   He does not feel anything.  He does not understand anything.  He is a weapon.
He is still holding out his hand. 
There is nowhere to go but forward.  You get to your feet and shuffle towards him.  He still does not speak, nor does he look at you with any particular expression.  He just holds out his arms and lifts you out of the van.  When you are on your feet, you stare at each other.
He spins you around.  A gust of breath whooshes out of you.  You panic for half a second, then you realize he is unlocking your handcuffs. 
Never mind.  He is breaking them with his bare hands.  You watch as they hit the ground in a mangled heap.  You turn around slowly, your knees still shaking. 
Chan is calm as the other officers approach.  Someone asks why you are out of your handcuffs. 
Chan looks at you.  You do not know why or how, but he nods. 
You nod back.
You are a soldier.  You trained for this.  You were made to fight.  It is time to remind them of that. 
Your father is in his rooftop garden.  Miroh has a few soft hobbies like that, gardening among his favourite.  He sees himself as a cultivator as much as a green thumb, bringing more life into the world despite what life he takes.  It balances for him.  The ends always justifies the means. 
You walk into his garden.  It is obvious he is not expecting anyone, much less you.  He does not have time to hide his surprise.   You just fought your way through all of his security measures, battered and bruised and beaten.  You have not seen yourself, but you are certain your body is a canvas of violence right now. 
“Hello, father,” you say. 
“Go to my office,” he replies without hesitation.  “We will talk there.”
“No,” you say calmly.  “We’ll talk right here.  Right now.” 
He is holding a watering can.  He puts it down without looking and it tips over, splashing everywhere.  Neither of you look at it.  Your eyes are locked on each other.  You both know what he did today.  He is smart enough to work that out. 
“Where are my men?” he asks. 
“Detained,” you answer.  Chan is holding them off somewhere.  You still do not know why or how, but there will be time for that later.  You have to solve one problem at a time. 
You have no real plan.  You are making it up as you.  All you know is that scar on your hand is throbbing.
I’m not leaving here without you. 
You touch your palm, running your finger over the scar.  You do not look away from Miroh as you approach him.  Your legs are weak, your knees shaking, your body in agony, but you take one step after the other.  Given the stricken look on his face, you think this might be more disturbing than if you were healthy. 
Your injuries might have made you equal fighters, but his arm is still in a cast, weakening him too.   He will not win in a one-on-one fight.  He is smart enough to know that too.  It is why he takes a careful, calculating step back. 
“You’re injured,” he says.  “Go to the infirmary.  We can talk after.”
“We can talk now,” you reply, taking another step forward. 
“Whatever it is, it can wait,” he says. 
“Where is he?” you ask. 
You are both speaking calmly, moving slowly.  The watering can is slowly leaking water, gurgling in the background.  Wind moves through the flowers.  You hear birdsong in the sunshine.   Still, in the background, it feels like the world is screaming, the high-pitched whistle of that pot at a boiling point. 
“Who?” your father asks. 
“I’m not playing any more games,” you say.  “I’m not playing dress-up with any little secret agents.  I’m not getting in any rings and playing made-up fights with your silly toy soldiers.  No more lies.  No more games.  No more secrets.  Seo Changbin is my best officer.  I want him back.  Tell me where he is.” 
“His time as a soldier has run its course,” Miroh says.  “His body is more useful than him.  The initial special-ops experiment was a failure.  His genetics might unlock the key to replicating the medicant.  We can try again.  You should want to help me.  You would know better than anyone what worked and what did not.” 
Your exhaustion and emotion nearly gets the better of you.  You almost hurl right in front of him, imagining all the horrifying implications of genetics and keys.  You imagine them taking Changbin apart, piece by piece, experimenting on him like a slab of meat. 
You keep your disgust and horror down.  You take another step forward. 
“Give him back to me,” you say.  “Right now.  I told you already.  I’m not playing any games.” 
“You are deeply unwell,” your father says, his tone changing as he looks at you with more scrutiny.  His whole face seems to darken with the furrow of his brow.  “This is not like you.  Go to the infirmary.” 
“I’m not asking again,” you say.  “Give him back to me.” 
Because you’re my father, should be a good enough answer.  You know it will not work.  You know he does not care.  Miroh hates you because you are his daughter.  Miroh is not scared of anyone because he knows he is the best.  He is scared of himself in you.  You never stood a chance. 
“Because he’s my friend,” you say, because that is the only truth that matters anymore. 
It makes your father laugh unexpectedly.  You do not break. 
“Your friend?” he asks.  “Oh, well, my dear, if he’s your friend, then of course I’ll suspend all my plans and operations!”  He continues to laugh.
“I already told you,” you say.  “I’m not asking again.” 
You fly at him without further warning.  He has a half-second to react, his eyes widening as he side-steps clumsily.  With your mutual injuries, it is not much of a fight.  After a short scuffle, Miroh kicks at your legs, your weakest point, and you double over.  He swings his knee up into your stomach and it makes you fall, curled protectively over yourself.  You plant your forehead on the ground, arms around you, breathing hard. 
“That is how a daughter should be before her father,” he says, looking down at you in your broken little bow. 
You look up as he reaches into the lapel of his coat.  He has kept his gun in the same place for years.  In the same place you always keep yours when you wear a long coat. 
He puts his hand there and finds nothing. 
You uncurl, showing the gun in your hand.  You point it, cock it, and place your finger on the trigger as you stand. 
“If the next words you speak are not his exact location, I’m killing you,” you say. 
“Then kill me,” he says. 
He must know you are running on fumes and a half-baked plan that you did not believe would work.  He is calling your bluff, knowing you like he knows himself.  You will drop the gun and concede.  Miroh wins.  Miroh always wins. 
But you are gripping that gun with your scarred hand.  It sends a twinge of pain shooting up your arm.   You hear Changbin’s voice in your head.
You pull the trigger. 
You are not sure who is more surprised.  You can feel it on your own face, dripping with your sweat and blood.  You lower the gun and watch as Miroh stumbles backwards, frantically patting his chest.   You wonder if he is wearing any protective layers.
It doesn’t matter, in the end.  You spent the last few minutes walking him backwards.  If you couldn’t get the gun, you were going to grab him and threaten him with the edge of the roof. 
When you shoot him, he stumbles.  He falls back.  He goes right over the edge.
You stand there for a long minute.  The watering can has emptied.  The wind has gone still.  The whole world seems to stop.  When you drop the gun, it hits the concrete with a clatter.  It feels very strange that the sun is still shining. 
You walk to the edge of the roof.  You look down.  Your father has loomed over the world from this perch for years, looking over the things he has so meticulously grown. 
He is laying in a broken heap at the bottom of it now. 
You do not know how long you stand there.  The wind begins to blow again.  You feel it on your face. 
Then you hear a voice.  It nearly makes you jump. 
“What now?” it asks. 
You turn around.  Bang Chan is standing there in his dark combat gear, that half-mask still fastened in place. He has finally broken a sweat, his hairline damp, and his chest is moving a little faster with breath.  He is human somewhere under there.  Deep, deep down.   You have no idea what to do with that human anymore than the soldier. 
One problem at a time. 
A few more officers appear on the rooftop.   Chan turns.  You approach him. 
“What now?” you repeat.  You scoop up the discarded gun and point it at the officers.  Chan draws his own and does the same.  You stand side-by-side, arm-to-arm, eyes on your adversaries.  “Right now,” you say, “we fight.” 
You pull the trigger. 
The fight begins. 
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godsmenusuperbowl · 3 months
A Minor Celebrity's Lover ~ *Bang Chan*
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Summary: You've been spending more time with CB97 and your feelings for him have only grown. You haven't made a move thought, afraid he'll reject you. However, could it be he feels the same way?
Pairing: Bang Chan X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluff Oneshot
Word Count: 1734
Warning: N/A
Taglist: @samepoisonsamevine​ @mxnsxngie @maeleelee @kpop-will-kill-me
A/N: Part 2 to A Minor Celebrity. I highly recommend reading that first.
It has become a sort of tradition now. Well, more of like a routine. Every Monday morning, at roughly ten in the morning, Chris would waltz through the door of the little coffee shop. You would smile, take his order, and he would give you a generous tip and song recommendation for the day. As soon as he left, you would listen to the song and tell him the next week how much you liked it. 
That was your favorite part of his visit every Monday morning. You would gush over his amazing taste in music and tell him how much you adored each word and each beat. And he would explain how the song was made to the best of his ability. You always learn something new in the music making process every week. And occasionally, when you asked really nicely, he would pull out his headphones and you could listen to a bit of the song he was currently working on. You would always tell him it was your favorite song ever, but you could see in his eyes that he didn't quite believe you. Nevertheless, you were sure to give him as much praise as possible for his amazing work and he graciously accepts, although his cheeks are always pink when he does.
"If you keep drifting into the clouds when you're supposed to be working, I'm going to have you clean the entire back room." Your boss's voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
You shake your head and offer her a small, slightly uneasy smile. "Sorry. I didn't mean to get so distracted."
She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Sure you did. I know who you're thinking about."
You couldn't suppress your groan. "Am I really that obvious?"
"Obvious and oblivious." She laughs and shakes her head. "I don't understand why you don't just ask him out already! The two of you have a real connection! You'd make the perfect couple!"
"Easy for you to say." You shake your head again. "He's way out of my league. I don't stand a chance with him. And I've accepted that."
"But you don't have to! Look, I'm not asking you to throw yourself at him and beg him to marry you. But maybe go get dinner or go to a concert, since you're both into music, or something like that! Just hang out is all I'm saying!"
"We'll see." Was all you said before you glanced at the clock. A frown tugged at your lips. "He's late."
"What?" Your boss followed your eyes. "Oh, I suppose he is. But it's not the end of the world, you know. He'll show up soon, I'm sure."
You shook your head. "He's never late. Something's wrong."
"Hey, relax your paranoia. Perhaps traffic is bad or he got tied up with work. He'll be here, I'm sure."
You tried to believe her, but you were sure something was wrong. Something had to be wrong. Chris was never late.
In an effort to make it look like you were bothered by the fact he wasn't there, you tried to get all of your work done. However, you eventually found yourself wiping down the counter for the third time in the last hour. It made your boss tease you, which made you tease her back. But you were still anxious. Where was Chris?
Just as you were about to shoot him a text, the door to the cafe burst open. There he was, still trying to stuff papers into his satchel, his hair disheveled, and his jacket half on, half off. Despite how messy he looked, he was still as handsome as the first time you saw him.
He gave you a lop-sided smile and a small wave. "Hi. Sorry I'm late."
"Oh, we were so worried about you!" Your boss dramatically replied, earning a shove from you.
"She's joking! I was just about to start working on your order. I wanted to make sure it was still warm when you got here." You quickly explain, trying to keep your blush down.
He nods and his smile widens. "Thank you so much! I'll just be at my usual spot."
As he went back to his table by the window, you rushed to get his latte and cinnamon roll order done. You could feel your anxiety from earlier ease and a smile stretch onto your face. As per usual, you felt so much better now that he was here.
When the order was done, you took a deep breath and turned to go deliver it to him. But as soon as you did, you felt your heart sink into my stomach.
There was a girl leaning over Chris, batting her eyelashes and brightly smiling. She was totally flirting with him. You felt so dumb for getting so excited to see him when he had plenty of other girls fawning over him. You really didn't want to give his order, but it's your job. So, taking a deep breath, you make your way over to his table with his order in hand. You kept telling yourself to be quick and then take your break in the walk-in.
"Oh my God, you're so funny!" She cackled and it made your skin crawl.
Chris gave a small chuckle before noticing you. "Oh, hey! Thank you so much for the coffee and the cinnamon roll! Is this the biggest one you have? It's massive!"
You gave a pained smile. "Yep, I thought you'd enjoy it."
"I love cinnamon rolls!" The girl gushes, dipping her finger into the frosting on top. "They're super sweet!"
It took all of your power not to outwardly cringe as she sucked the frosting off, staring at Chris as she did so. With a pained grin, you gave a curt nod.
"Well, I'll leave you the two of you be."
"Wait!" Chris called out to you. "Aren't you going on break soon? Care to join me?"
Before you could open your mouth, the girl began to whine. "But I thought we were hanging out!"
Chris pursed his lips. "Frankly, I'd rather not. I would prefer it if you would please leave me alone."
She scoffed. "So, you'd rather hang out with some cafe worker than with me? Ugh, I don't have to take this! I'm leaving! Have fun with boring conversations about coffee and pastries!"
As she sauntered off, you heard Chris heave a sigh and slump down in his chair. You bit your lip. How were you supposed to respond in this situation?
"I'm sorry." You mumbled. "I shouldn’t have made you push her away. I'll just go now."
As you were about to leave and go drown yourself in whipped cream, you heard him say, "Actually, I wanted her to leave."
He nodded. "Yeah. She was making things really awkward and uncomfortable."
You gave a small laugh. "Oh good, it wasn't just me then."
Your smile widened as he laughed along with you. "Nope. Not just you. But, I was hoping you would stay."
"You want me to stay?" Your eyes widen a little at his words. Sure, it wasn't the first time the two of you spent your break talking, but this was the first time he actually articulated that he wanted to spend time with you. It made your heart skip a beat.
He nodded. "Yeah, I wanted to show you something."
You nod and sit across from him. "Is it another playlist?"
"Not exactly."
As he took out his laptop, he turned it towards you. It looked exactly like a playlist. You gave him an unimpressed look, though there was a grin still tugging at your lips.
He bashfully chuckled. "I promise while it may look like a playlist, it's not. I mean, what I mean to say is, just look at the first song."
You squinted at it and gasped. "Did you make that song?"
"Yeah, I did. I wanted you to listen to it and tell me if you like it."
As you nod, you take the headphones he offers you and put them on. He plays the song and for the next three minutes, you are transported to another world. It was like the song was calling to your soul. You couldn't help but get entranced by the music and the words, absolutely in love with everything about it. As the final notes played, you couldn't help but be a little disappointed; you wanted it to go on forever!
"Well? What did you think?" He asked as you took off the headphones, a hopeful shine in his eyes.
"It was amazing! Seriously, you have such a gift, I'm a little jealous! I could listen to it everyday if I could!"
"Really?" He sounded surprised and you nodded in response.
"Absolutely! It was so beautiful!"
He blushed and ducked his head. "Thank you. That really means a lot coming from you. Especially because I made it for you."
Your heart stuttered to a stop. "You made it for me? Really?"
He nods before looking you in the eyes, his cheeks a bright shade of red. "I didn't know how else to say it so I thought it would be easier to put it into a song. I really like you. Like, like you like you. And if you would be willing to consider, I would love to take you on a date this weekend."
You couldn't believe your ears. Was your favorite person in the entire world really just asking you on a date right now? It felt like a dream come true! You were not about to let this golden opportunity slip past you.
"Yes, I would love to go on a date with you!" You nod, your cheeks hurting from how wide your smile is. "Although, if you don't mind, I'd rather not go get coffee for our first date, seeing as it's my job."
He nods. "Oh, of course. I was actually thinking about taking you to this little bistro down the street."
"Oh, my cousin works there!"
"Are you serious?"
"One hundred percent."
"Wow." He laughs and shakes his head. "Well, how about I meet you there this Saturday at, say, seven?"
"I'll be there! I can't wait!"
"Me neither."
And wouldn't you know it? The next episode of his podcast was all about first dates and how much he loved going on a date with you.
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atlas-affogato · 11 months
What songs do you associate with Jca and the Enforcers? Im not sure why, but "A Sadness Runs Through Him" makes me think of Finn when I listen to the lyrics
((I can't seem to stop spoiling my fic before it even comes out))
This is such a great question because I love music so much.
I hadn't heard this song before, I just listened to it and I definitely see what you mean, that's a good song.
I have several playlists for them and my writing, for the most part whenever I hear a song I find one way or another to tie it back to the enforcers, so I have a playlist for songs that have inspired some scenes, a playlist for songs that make me think of Finn and Valmont’s messy relationship (it's not even a headcanon to me anymore, they are bitter exes) and then character mixtapes for Finn, Chow and Ratso, songs I think they'd listen to.
Most songs I listen to apply to a scene or relationship dynamic, but as for character specific songs I think "Gilded Lilies - Sped Up" by Cults, "PINCH ME" by young friend, and "All These Things That I've Done" by The Killers are Finn's SONGS. They belong to him. (All These Things That I've Done makes me cry thinking about him)
Marina belongs to Chow, every song from the Family Jewels album hits so hard for him. "Oh No!" "Are You Satisfied?" "Hermit the Frog" "Seventeen" and "The Family Jewels" all hit so goddamn hard for him and his complicated relationship with his family.
Ratso I have a harder time locking down his emotions because he's the most emotionally stable of any of them and he's got a good family so less opportunities for angst but "Family Lines" by Conan Gray hits so hard on the absent father beat. "How You Remind Me" by Nickelback and "Show Me How To Live" by Audioslave are my go-tos for him
Valmont I still do not know what music this man listens to, if he listens to music at all. He could be one of those people that only listen to audio books (the horror) any songs for him are applied to his relationship with Finn, for which I have "K." by Cigarettes After Sex, "Habits" by Genevieve Stokes, "Step On Me" by The Cardigans, "This Night Has Opened My Eyes" by The Smiths, "using you" by Mars Argo, "Christmas Kids" by Roar, and many others. Cigarettes After Sex has a very gentle vibe that meshes well with the quiet moments V and Finn share on occasion.
Its hard to explain how each song is relevant because they are each important to different parts or dynamics in my fic, my writing is very heavily inspired by and swayed by music, so when I hear a new song it unlocks a new part of the story I hadn't known what to do with yet, discovering new music is an active part of my creative process because of that.
I'll link my playlists below just be aware my writing playlist is a jumbled mess of songs that have inspired at some point or another, whether they are all still relevant is up for debate.
I also have a playlist on my Spotify account for my fic but I'm not going to link it here because it doesn't become relevant until far into my fic (its strange to talk about this fic when I haven't posted any of it yet but I SWEAR I am working on it all the time 😭)
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dullahandyke · 2 years
"Do you know why I like him? He smiled at me once! He smiles at most people more! I’ve loved him since the moment I laid eyes on him, but then what does that say about you? I loved you before I knew you, I loved you when I heard you before I saw you and I loved you when you tripped into me on the first day of school."
"I didn’t love you at first sight. I loved you at the sixth sight, at the point when I realized that I was counting and studying and drawing you like you’d disappear into thin air if I didn’t commemorate this glorious existence. I know for certain whether I want to be with you or be you, Manfred-chan, and the answer is both. The answer is I want to intertwine with you so thoroughly that we become a sole amalgam, a freak and a monster but a whole one. Wouldn't it be grand, to pour myself into you for the sake of completion?"
are such fuckigh raw lines thayt youd assume theyre from shakespeare but no theyre from materfred yansim multimedia fanficiton
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myglogic · 4 years
Priceless | Bang Chan | 02
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Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Pairing: rich kid! Bang Chan (Stray Kids) x female reader
Genre: Crime, enemies to friends to lovers, angst, fluff
Summary: You were ready to take Chan’s father down. Tonight is your night. Will you get away with it?
DISCLAIMER: Everything in this fanfic is fiction - that includes Chan’s fictional father who of course does not represent Chan’s real father! ♥
It wasn’t easy to find the right room, but you somehow managed to get upstairs without getting caught and that’s a miracle. You were right when you thought that no one would suspect a woman in a nice and expensive looking dress. But you still hid in corners when you heard noises and tried to be as quiet as possible.
You were still thinking about the dance you shared with Chan. You knew that he would suspect you immediately after finishing your plan but he could never find out who you really were. Never ever. During your research, you didn’t really read much about him. Some rich dads would go to public events a lot with their children to show off their successor.
But with Chan and his father, you had noticed that it was rather weird. They would go to public events together sometimes but Kevin never talked about stepping down or handing his real estate business to his son. You didn’t think that they were that close. But Chan was still asking questions and defending him. Maybe he didn’t know his father that well.
You shook off your thoughts and found yourself in front of the computer room, the room that was connected to the projector and the microphones. A scary-looking security guard was protecting the door and from the small window next to the door, you could see one man sitting inside.
Damn it. You didn’t think this through. Was this even a good idea? You were starting to doubt your plan, your hands were sweaty and you felt like you could pass out any minute. What the hell was happening with you?
Suddenly you realized that this plan was bigger than you anticipated. No, you knew how big this plan was but it dawned on you that your life could change forever if you get caught now. You were alone. Your mind was spinning.
“Sir! I think a woman passed out downstairs! You are the closest guard I could find!”, you heard a male voice sounding stressed. You recognized this voice immediately. Felix. Right after, you heard quick footsteps going downstairs.
You held your breath, hoping that the coast was clear. Then you heard another pair of footsteps walking in your direction. “Y/N? Are you here? I saw you going this way.”, Felix said quietly.
You then breathed out in relief, getting out of your hiding spot. “Felix!”, you said and hugged him tightly. “You saved my ass.”
Felix smiled at you. “I’m here for you, Y/N. You need to be more careful.”
You sighed. “I know. Thanks, really. I was starting to doubt my plan for a second.”
“Look, I’m going to get that tech dude out of the room. Then you need to lock the door and do your thing. I will try to keep them away from here okay?”, Felix told you about his plan.
You nodded, gaining more confidence thanks to Felix. “Okay. Thank you, I owe you!”
Felix quickly went into the computer room, telling the man inside that there was a major technical problem with the speaker boxes downstairs and that his immediate attention was needed. The man’s eyes widened as he hurried downstairs in panic.
He then gave you a hand sign that you can enter now. With that he went downstairs and closed the entrance to the second floor with some barriers. He just hoped that that would keep others from going upstairs. The young man was scared for your sake but he was sure that you knew what you were doing.
Right after Felix left, you went into the computer room, rapidly locking the door in panic. You quickly opened the PC that was connected to the projector and took out your stick to connect it with the computer. You seemed calm from the outside but inside you were literally dying. Your hands were shaking and you were sweating in places you never thought that you could sweat.
You looked at the sound booth and interrupted the music. The guests stopped dancing and looked around with confused and irritated expressions on their faces. From the window of the little computer room you could see the audience. You took a shaky breath and stood close to the microphone. After double checking if the microphone was on, you started talking.
“You don’t know me. But I know someone very well. You are all here because of Mr. Kevin Bang. The generous soul that everyone loves.”, you started your little speech. Then you projected some classified information about the orphanage and the hotel. “He is not as generous and kind-hearted as you think, he is the reason why the orphanage in the Daerim area of Seoul was demolished and removed. His official reason for that was that he wanted to make the area more approachable for the citizens of Seoul.”
You heard some gasps in the audience. Then a furious Kevin Bang stomped on the stage. “This is a lie!”, he shouted.
“Another example.” You switched to your next piece of evidence. “This man got a mother of five fired because she didn’t get his order right at a hotel he was staying at. Because quote ‘he had a bad day’. The woman was devastated.”, you said in a serious tone.
“STOP THIS! RIGHT NOW!”, Kevin Bang panicked as he called all the security over.
“Last one. Last one of the many incidents that happen to be connected to this man, Kevin Bang. The donations of this gala didn’t go to the charities. He only donates approximately 6 percent of the money each year. Some of the money goes to sketchy things like strip clubs or some illegal gambling in the U.S. Think it through. Do you really want to donate your money to this man?! He, Kevin Bang, is rude, unfriendly and uses everything to his own advantage!”, you shouted angrily, angry tears flowing from your eyes, especially if you think about your own family. You then quickly wiped the surfaces you touched to make sure there are no fingerprints left. You knew that there would be an active investigation. You then poured water on the electrics – making the lights go out in the building.
You noticed that the audiences where whispering and talking in shock. Panic was rising within them. You took your stick and took a deep breath. You saw a furious Kevin Bang through the window. Then you saw the security guards starting to hurry upstairs and searching every corner of the building. Just as you exited the computer room, you saw him again, in the corridor you were standing in. Your heart was beating fast in fear as you saw Chan standing right in front of you.
“So, this was your plan from the start. I should have known.”, Chan said, anger in his eyes and his tone dangerous. He took off his mask and looked you dead in the eyes.
You didn’t say anything and spotted a fire alarm. “Sorry.”, you said. You stared at his angry eyes, not even looking away. You were not apologizing for what you did but more for pressing the fire alarm next.
The guests started to scream and shout in panic. They probably thought that the gala was being attacked. A loud alarm came out of all speakers and the sprinklers on the ceiling started spraying water everywhere. Chaos broke out and everyone was running towards the closest fire exits. You then took your chance and ran away downstairs, but noticed that Chan was right behind you, trying to stop you from escaping. Good thing you still wore your sneakers before Chan could stop you. You mixed with the crowd before any security guard could see you. Everyone was wet and in panic and you used the chaotic situation to get out of that place immediately.
It was somehow a miracle that you got out of there without getting caught. Most of the guests were still there since the police wanted to question them. Because of the massive crowd, you managed to sneak away without anybody noticing. Felix texted you that he put your clothes in your car and you quickly changed into your old clothes (and wet them with a bottle of water), then went back to where the other reporters were.
“Y/N! There you are! I thought we lost you in all this chaos!”, your colleague said and sighed in relief. “And here I thought that nothing ever happens at these galas. Good thing we were here, right?!”, he said in excitement.
“Yeah. So much interesting stuff to write about.”, you said agreeing with him.
With the first exposure of Kevin Bang, you knew you could go to your boss and ask him to write the big article with every single proof you have on him. Because at least now he wouldn’t think you're crazy for wanting to write that.
The night was long but it was worth it. Your insane plan somehow worked and you were grateful that the world now saw what you saw. There was no damage control in this, because this couldn’t be covered up by anyone. For now, you finished the first step to achieving a better position at work and got a little justice for your family.
The moment you arrived home Jisung hugged you tightly. “That shit was crazy. The news talked about an attack on the gala. Are you okay?! I couldn’t reach you!”
You hugged him back and closed your eyes. “I’m fine, really… Jisung.”, you said and pushed him away lightly. “Let’s go sit down. Make me a hot chocolate.”
“Wow. Demanding much?”, he rolled his eyes but did it anyway, which you were thankful for.
After sitting down with the hot drinks, you took a deep breath. “Remember when I told you that I had something big planned for the gala?”
Jisung looked at you, confused. “Yeah…?”, he said but then it dawned on him. “No way… the news talked about some woman exposing the bad deeds of Kevin Bang.”
You just nodded. “I’m that woman.”
“Are you crazy?!”, he hissed. “That man will hunt you down! What about the cameras?!”
You smiled. “I was wearing a mask that was covering nearly my entire face. And the electrics went out. There were multiple women who wore the same type of dress as me. I also went there as a reporter. I don’t think that I will be a direct suspect.”
“Look, I know your family has a bad history with that dude but was it worth it to make you a criminal?”, Jisung said with a worried tone, putting an arm around you.
“It fucking was. You should have seen his face. Now he can’t hide his disgusting character.”, you said, content with yourself. You put your head on Jisung’s shoulder. “But thank you for worrying. Really.”
“Please be careful, Y/N. I can’t pay for the rent alone if you are in jail.”, he said, smirking.
You quickly pushed him away and started hitting him with the pillow next to you. “You asshole!”, you said and giggled.
Right at this moment you felt happy with yourself, even if something deep inside of you gave you an uneasy feeling.
The next day in the office was tense. And once again chaotic. Because every newspaper wanted to write about the mysterious woman that exposed Kevin Bang.
There were headlines like:
Who was behind the mask that wanted to introduce the REAL Kevin Bang to the world?
Kevin Bang: Hero or Villain?
These were just two examples of many other articles. You didn’t want to expose yourself as the woman who did all that to your boss. But you still had more information than any other journalists. So, you wanted to show him your work and convince him to write the frontpage article.
After telling your supervisor Hana about you planning to write the frontpage article, she burst out laughing. “Girl, we are the celebrity department. What makes you think that Mr. Park would let you, out of all people, write that article?”
You looked at her, sighing. “Because I have a lot of evidence and did a lot of research! Also, I was at the gala when everything happened!”
Hana rolled her eyes at your confidence. “But you are no Mr. Lee or Mrs. Wong! You know that you need more experience to write such an article.”
“Look, I made an appointment with Mr. Park. I wanted to ask about a promotion anyway, why not ask for an article as well?”, you said, pulling your black cardigan closer to your body.
“Good luck then, Y/N. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”, Hana said and went back to her desk.
You were nervous as hell. But it turned out that Hana was right. Your boss called you inexperienced and asked you to tell him one reason why he should let you write that article. You showed him some of your work but he just dismissed it and sent you out. You had to write that article somehow and you knew how. The first thing was that you needed someone higher up who had your back and the second thing is that you needed to completely finish writing the article, then send it to your boss.
Things were tough but you weren’t giving up.
The atmosphere was tense at the Bang villa. Chan’s father was on the phone 24/7. He shouted a lot, broke some things – he was angry. Very angry. Chan couldn’t stop thinking about the girl in the dress. The girl who caused all of this. Why would you go through all this shit just to expose his father? He asked himself if you had any connections to his father and what the reason was, why you would do that? Did his father do anything to you?
He couldn’t find an answer. His father was adored by the media. His reputation was perfect. Chan asked himself if he really knew his father for a second but shook that thought off quickly. Of course, he knows his father. If not for him then who? Okay, Chan spent most of his life in Australia because he was studying there but he was in Korea for the past three years because he wanted to attend university in Korea. But that didn’t mean that he doesn’t know his own father better than anyone else.
His father was still shouting at someone on his phone. The tabloids and newspapers were all talking about him. Some even revealing more things that happened. Chan even read something about how rude he is to everyone that is not the press. He didn’t know what to think of all that, but the house became stuffy and he needed to get out of that negative energy in the house to get some fresh air. He decided to take his Tesla out for a ride because it helped him calm down for a bit. He wanted to go visit his friend Changbin, maybe play a few rounds of Fifa or something. Just getting away from the house was all he needed right now.
He was driving around Seoul, even though he wanted to go visit Changbin, he drove around for a little bit, taking longer routes and thinking about the girl he danced with. It made him angry to think about you. You were the reason his father was one of the most hated men in Korea right now. He knew that his father would do some damage control. He would sneak his way out of it probably. You were snappy the whole time you danced with Chan, he should have seen it coming from the beginning. The cameras didn’t capture you leaving the building. It was a shitty situation, but if he ever saw you again, he would make sure that you would regret what you did.
Deep in thought, Chan didn’t notice that the traffic light turned red and before he could react, his car crashed into the car in front of him, making his airbags come out. “Fuck.”, he muttered as he got out of the car.
The car in front of him was an old, beat up car. As the driver got out, he immediately apologized. “I’m really sorry! I was distracted!”
You were the driver of that car and you walked to the back of the car to see the huge damage that Chan did. At first, you didn’t notice Chan and only agonized how to repair that. Your insurance wasn’t the best, you weren’t sure if they would cover all of the costs.
With anger boiling inside of you, you turned to the apologizing man. “What the hell, dude?!”, you said, furious. Then you noticed his expensive looking car and immediately recognized the man in front of you. Christopher Bang – the name the media uses. It was none other than Bang Chan, the son of the man you hated the most. There he stood with an apologetic expression in front of you after everything that happened. Just like that.
What the hell.
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svnoohe4rts · 2 years
bright lights, lee felix x reader
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↳ pairing: felix x reader (college!au)
↳ word count: 2,1k
↳ summary: when your friend dragged you along to a party, you didn’t expect the night to end the way it did.
↳ a/n: i was listening to any and i just randomly got this idea lmao enjoy
↳ warnings: alcohol, smoking (not proofread!!!) read part 2 here !
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When your friends had asked you to come with them to some party someone from one of your classes was throwing, you had said no. It simply wasn’t something you enjoyed doing, you’d much rather spend your friday night in your dorm; watching your favorite tv show. But after many attempts to make you change your mind, including a lot of begging, you just couldn’t say no. However, when you found yourself looking in the mirror; scanning every inch of yourself, you started to regret ever even agreeing to go. ‘’You look great, Y/N!’’ Your friend let out in excitement, standing behind you. You kept staring at yourself, letting a small sigh escape your lips.
You had started college about a month ago. You and your friends had promised each other when you were kids that you would go to college together, and you stuck with it. You would always talk about moving to Seoul, sharing a dorm room with each other, partying and all the things the college life included. But since you weren’t 15 anymore, partying wasn’t really your cup of tea anymore. You turned around to face your friend, who was holding a cup in her hand. The cup contained some type of alcohol, making you cringe by just the smell. ‘’C’mon,’’ She said in frustration. ‘’It’s our first ever party since coming here! It’s too late to change your mind now.’’ She pouted, handing you the cup she was holding in her hand. You looked down at the cup, the smell of alcohol entering your nose. 
‘’I know,’’ You groaned before taking a sip of the alcohol. ‘’I’m just not too excited.’’ You finished, scrunching your nose in disgust as the taste of alcohol spread over your tongue. ‘’We’ve talked about this for years now Y/N,’’ Your friend said, putting her hands on your shoulders as she looked into your eyes. ‘’Don’t you dare let me down.’’ Her words made you chuckle, looking down at the cup you were holding in your hands once again. ‘’You’re right.’’ You let out after a short silence, bringing the cup back to your lips as you swallowed the remaining liquor. ‘’There we go!’’ Your friend squealed in excitement, a big smile plastered on her face. You shook your head in disgust as you forced yourself to swallow the rest of the alcohol. ‘’Let’s get going before I change my mind.’’
The room was crowded; the party was being hosted in an apartment nearby campus. It was a decent sized apartment but definitely not big enough to fit all of the people who were there. The music was loud, the room was dim and people were constantly bumping into you. ‘’Let’s go into the kitchen and get ourselves a cup or something,’’ Your friend screamed into your ear over the loud music, making you nod your head in response. She grabbed your hand, holding a bottle of alcohol in her other hand as she started to make her way through the crowd.
You scanned the crowd, squinting your eyes as you tried to make out the faces of those around you; searching for a familiar face. But no one seemed familiar, they were all strangers. Suddenly your friend stopped walking, causing you to turn your attention back to her. She leaned in, her eyes glued at the kitchen. ‘’Do you see those guys over there?’’ She asked, pointing at a group of people standing in the kitchen.
There stood three guys. You had never seen them in your entire life, yet you felt like she expected you to know exactly who they were. One of them had blonde hair, almost cut like a mullet. He was wearing what looked like eyeliner but it was slightly smudged, a black oversized shirt with baggy jeans. Beside him stood another guy, also blonde, but slightly taller. The other guy was about the same height as the first one, but his hair was black. You furrowed your eyebrows as you nodded in response. ‘’That’s Felix Lee,’’ She said, pointing at the blonde guy with the eyeliner. ‘’That’s Hwang Hyunjin, also known as Hyunjin,’’ She continued, pointing at the slightly taller guy. ‘’And that’s Chan.’’ She finished as she pointed at the guy with dark hair. You looked at her in confusion, your eyebrows still furrowed. ‘’And why are you telling me this?’’ You asked, her eyes were still glued to the group of boys. ‘’Because I’m so fucking one of them tonight.’’ She said, a smirk forming on her lips. You let out a laugh, lightly slapping her arms as she laughed.
You looked over at them as you entered the kitchen. They were leaning against one of the counters, chatting with each other. It seemed like they didn’t want to be there, a serious expression plastered on their faces. The blonde guy, whose name apparently was Felix, was standing in the middle; his arms crossed over his chest. Suddenly a pair of eyes met yours, causing you to snap out of your thoughts. You realized you had been staring at them and Felix was now staring right back at you. He leaned over, still not breaking eye contact as he whispered something into his friend's ear; a smirk forming on his lips. You quickly looked away, turning your attention to your friend who was pouring something into a cup. ‘’Here you go,’’ She handed you one of the cups before grabbing one herself. ‘’Cheers!’’ She let out, bringing her cup into the air. ‘’Cheers,’’ You smiled before bringing the cup to your lips. You slightly turned your head to the side as you downed the alcohol, but the group of boys who had been there a second ago; was now nowhere to be seen.
The music was still blasting and the air was humid. At least three different people had spilled some of their drinks on you as you tried to dance, before apologizing profusely. Eventually, you had enough. The clothes you were wearing was now drenched in alcohol, your head was throbbing from the loud music but also from all the alcohol; so you decided to head out for some fresh air. You spotted your friend dancing with some guy, deciding to just go find her later. Your main priority was to get out of there, as fast as possible.
As the fresh air entered your lungs, you let out a loud sigh. You could still hear the music blasting from the inside, but it was nowhere as loud on the outside. You leaned against a wall, closing your eyes as you took a deep breath. ‘’Do you have a lighter?’’ A deep voice suddenly asked, taking you by surprise. You opened your eyes and looked over at the figure who was now standing in front of you. There he was, the guy from the kitchen. You tried your best to remember his name, but you just couldn’t. He was now wearing a black coat over his black oversized shirt. ‘’Oh,’’ You let out after a while, grabbing the bag that was hanging over your shoulder. You looked through it, eventually finding a lighter. ‘’Here you go.’’ You said as you handed him the lighter. He didn’t take his eyes off of you, scanning your whole body. He grabbed the lighter and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.
‘’Bad night?’’ He asked as he put a cigarette against his lips, looking down at the clothes you were wearing. You looked down at your shirt before chuckling lightly. ‘’I guess you could say that.’’ You answered, looking back up at him. Now that you were standing close to him, you could see the freckles covering his face. He hummed in response, lighting the cigarette. ‘’You want one?’’ He asked after inhaling, a cloud of smoke escaping his lips. ‘’I don’t smoke.’’ You answered, crossing your arms in an attempt to warm yourself up. 
The night air was crisp, making you regret not bringing a jacket. He chuckled in response. ‘’I’m Felix.’’ He said as he placed the cigarette between his lips once again, extending one of his hands for you to shake. ‘’I’m Y/N.’’ You answered, shaking his hand. 
You couldn’t deny the fact that he was very attractive. The way his blonde hair blew in the cold wind, the way the rings he was wearing on his hands fit his fingers perfectly; it was impossible not to find him attractive. ‘’So, tell me Y/N,’’ He said as he put one of his hands into the pocket of his coat. ‘’Were you checking me out earlier?’’ He asked as he threw the cigarette to the ground, stomping on it as he looked at you. Your eyes widened, your lips parting as you tried your best to speak; but not a single word left your lips. ‘’What?’’ Was all you managed to say, earning a deep chuckle from the boy in front of you. Both his hands were now in his pockets, his head slightly tilted back as he kept looking at you. ‘’In the kitchen, you know, when you were basically eye-fucking me?’’ He continued, smirking at you.
Your lips were still parted, like you were about to say something, but you simply couldn’t. The smug look on his face made you even more nervous. Suddenly, he took his coat off, revealing his toned arms. You then felt something being put over your shoulders, a warmth spreading over your body. ‘’You’re practically freezing to death.’’ He let out, his hands placed on your arms as he fixed the coat. ‘’I wasn’t eye-fucking you,’’ You managed to get out. ‘’I give you my jacket, and this is how you thank me?’’ He chuckled, his eyes tracing your body. Suddenly you felt his hands grab yours.
‘’You really are freezing to death,’’ He continued, his eyes glued to your hand as he stroked them with his thumbs. ‘’No, I’m fine,’’ You said quietly, partly embarrassed but also in shock as you looked down at your hands. Something about how smug and confident he was made him even more attractive, feeling the heat in your cheeks as you blushed. He looked up at you, his hands still in yours. Your eyes met once again and this time you could see that his eyes were a dark brown, the smudged eyeliner he was wearing really complimented them. Before you knew it, he was slowly leaning in towards you.
‘’Y/N!’’ A voice called out, making both of you look away, him taking a step back; letting your hands go. You spotted your friend stumbling towards you, making you sigh. ‘’There you are, I’ve looked everywhere for you!’’ She yelled as she fell into your arms. You heard Felix chuckle. ‘’I guess this is my sign to leave then,’’ He let out from behind your friend. You quickly helped your friend stand up straight, but he was already on his way back inside. ‘’Felix!’’ You yelled, making him turn around before he opened the door, looking at you. ‘’Your jacket,’’ You said as you looked down at the coat you were wearing, grabbing your friend by her arm as she stumbled. He smirked at you before speaking. ‘’Just give it to me next time we see each other,’’ He said, grabbing the door handle in front of him. ‘’Have a good night, Y/N.’’ Before you knew it, he was gone.
You felt your heart skip a beat. A small smile formed on your lips as your friend grabbed you, making you turn around. ‘’Was that Felix? Felix Lee? What happened?’’ She let out in excitement, looking at you with hopeful eyes. You shook your head as you grabbed her hand. ‘’You’re drunk. Let’s head home.’’ You said, dragging her away. You heard her moaning behind you, trying her best to walk properly; but you only had one thing on your mind.
His scent still lingered, the black coat that was hanging around your body smelling just like him. Something about him had gotten you almost starstruck, the way he had touched you and spoken to you had left you completely speechless. That night, you made a promise to yourself that you would see him again, no matter what.
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sm-entertain-me · 3 years
Hunter, Hunted (M)
Synopsis: Bang Chan: one of the world’s most talented vampire hunters, easily being the cause to your kind beginning to dwindle. In order to preserve your bloodline from being wiped out by Chan’s vicious hunters, you take an alternative approach to ensure some form of peace between your kinds.
Contains: Bang Chan x (f) reader, adult language, smut, mentions of death, explicit depictions of unprotected sex, choking, biting, marking, begging kink, creampie, vampire hunter!Chan, vampire ruler!reader.
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Tightening the worn leather strap on his blade that was purposefully hidden in his sleeve, Chan studied his reflection in the mirror to make sure he hadn’t missed anything. He had to make sure he had everything prepped exactly to the letter when it came to tonight’s rather interesting encounter. In all of his years of hunting the wicked undead cretins of the night, he had never dared enter one of their manors without at least three of his men close behind. But tonight, Chan alone had been invited to one of the most powerful vampires’ manors in all of the land: yours.
Legend has it that you had beauty that could turn even the most loyal husband into a begging mess just from looking into their eyes, your body radiating a dark power with every eerie stride you made across the ground. One flick of your finger would have men crumble to their knees, yearning for the chance to be within three feet of you. You exuded a certain confidence and prowess that could never be replicated by any of your fledglings, further proving that you were the most powerful vampire. Another reason why you were so powerful is that you’ve managed to stay out of the eyes of the only person that has proven to be a worthy adversary, and you decided to invite him to your very own home. 
“Are you sure you want to go alone?” Changbin inquired, leaning up against his friend’s doorframe as he swallowed nervously, already knowing the answer to his semi-rhetorical question. It’s not that Changbin didn’t think that Chan couldn’t handle himself against you, it’s just that he would feel much safer knowing that Chan had at least one more person there just in case something went horribly wrong. “Do you know the things she could do to you knowing that you don’t have any reinforcements? You’re practically walking into your own grave.”
Rolling his eyes at his slightly overbearing colleague, Chan waved his hand dismissively as he informed Changbin of his plan while simultaneously showing off all of the hidden weapons strapped to his body. Although the presence of at least two blades being on Chan’s body at all times calmed his nerves, your ability to overtake Chan in a fight wasn’t his main concern at all. Instead, Changbin was frightened that your sinful beauty and manipulative nature would cause Chan to somehow betray the brotherhood, but there was no way of knowing how. He was just hoping that for once, he was wrong.
The moonlight cascaded beautifully along the black marble floors in your manor, accenting the gothic decor lined with black and red roses in various states of growth or decay. Soft music of classical instruments echoed through the hollow halls as you hummed along to the various tunes, carefully applying a thin coat of your most insatiable red lipstick. This particular shade complimented the blood red in your eyes, contrasted sharply with the dark black lace that hugged your curves in the best way possible. You did everything in your power to make yourself look the absolute best you could, knowing that tonight could mean the difference between your clan living forever in peaceful harmony or burning in eternal flames at the hands of vampire hunters.
As the time for welcoming your special guest drew nearer, you turned your attention to the two glasses of champagne, smirking to yourself as you admired the altered contents in the glass. You had requested your court alchemist to brew up a special concoction for tonight’s soiree, Essence of the Temptress, to ensure that your bitter rival would have no choice but to give in to your every demands. Yes it was true that your beauty could move mountains, but you weren’t willing to take any chances of having your charms fail at such a critical moment. The only thing you would need to truly activate the sinful concoction is to add a single drop of your undead blood.
Sighing silently to yourself, your eyes fell upon the dark obsidian blade that rested on your vanity, gleaming brilliantly in the moonlight. You reached for the ruby encrusted handle, gripping it tightly in your hand before pressing the blade against your left index finger. A slight burning sensation spread through your lacerated fingertip as you studied the crimson drop forming on the pale skin, holding your finger above the crystal glasses to watch the drop of blood plop into the fizzing solution below. The clear liquid began to take on the crimson color of your blood before the Essence of Temptress solution took over, returning it back to its previous hue so any outside eyes would never know its contents were altered. The only difference is that this one had a slight vanilla scent in order to coax the consumer to drink more.
Once you were certain everything had been put together just the way you had intended, you took one last look at yourself in the mirror to ensure there were no unruly tresses of hair or any wrinkles in your extravagant gown. Just as you were about to turn around and make your way down to the grand foyer, one of your servants greeted you at the door with a simple bow before informing you, “Your guest of the night has finally arrived” Wonderful.
Decaying trees lined the frighteningly lengthy driveway leading to the entrance of the manor, Chan’s eyes squinting the macabre scenery as his driver looked at him nervously through the rear view mirror. A dark cloud of death seemed to loom around the grounds, warning those who were not part of the clan to leave this unholy land. No matter how much Chan’s driver wanted to turn around and take him back to the safety of the brotherhood, he had a duty to carry out Chan’s wishes, even if that meant leading him to almost certain death.
You were standing atop the grand staircase when you heard the doors to the manor open, accompanied by the sound of two pairs of footsteps. To your attuned ears, you could decipher that one of the pairs of footsteps belonged to one of your familiars, but the other pair had a certain hostility towards them that could only belong to that of your bitter rival. As soon as the footsteps ceased at the bottom of the stairs, you came face to face with one of the most hated men in all of your community, the very bane of your existence: Bang Chan.
Although the very sight of him caused the ice cold blood in your veins to boil due to all of the trouble he’s caused your clan, you couldn’t help but bite your lip at the sight of the very athletic man draped in black leather. A subtle scent of pine and sandalwood filled the air as you raised your nose to the air, taking in the new scent while sighing in approval. This caused you to glide down the stairs in the blink of an eye, appearing in front of Chan while grabbing his chin and holding it firmly in between your thumb and forefinger, staring deeply into his chocolate brown eyes with your dark maroon ones, “Bang Chan, I’ve heard so much about you and your honeyed words.”
Chan’s eyes hardened slightly as he looked into your eyes, knowing that you were attempting to draw him in with your charms the longer you held his gaze. He could feel his resolve slowly starting to chip away as he fought to tear his eyes away, unfortunately looking right at your breasts that were nearly about to fall out of the gown you purposefully picked out. Everything about you screamed sin, making it nearly impossible for Chan to resist your legendary charms.
A small smirk found its way onto your lips as you realized that perhaps Chan wasn’t as resilient as you thought, noticing the way the vein in his neck began to thump wildly against the surface of the skin. Although you knew you had Chan right where you wanted him, you still decided it would be necessary to get him to drink the Essence of Temptress concoction that your court alchemist had worked so hard to develop just for you. Wouldn’t want something so wonderful to go to waste, would we?
After ensuring your servants that you already had Chan under your spell for the night, you slowly led your guest over to the lavish sitting room that had the two crystal glasses of champagne waiting by the fireplace. The warmth emanating from the fire beckoned both of you to the loveseat adjacent to the fire, you taking Chan by the wrist to the designated spot before allowing the both of you to sit on the velour cushions. As Chan was stuck admiring you and all of your delicious curves, you focused on the two glasses in front of you, setting your plan in motion as you began small talk with the attractive male beside you, “I’m sure you know why I’ve invited you over tonight despite our... differences. But I assure you, you won’t leave here dissatisfied.”
“Oh, I have no doubt about that sweetheart,” Chan mused as he reached for your outstretched hand that was holding his glass of champagne, his eyes immediately dipping down to admire your figure intentionally this time. Well, as intentional as he could given that he had already fallen victim to your irresistible charms. As he continued to undress you with his eyes, Chan hadn’t even bothered to consider that a drink from his enemy was probably altered in some way, but he was far from thinking like his old self. Every grueling hour spent training for this moment had been washed away in his own carelessness, only caring about slipping in between your scantily clad legs. He didn’t even bat an eye as he downed all of the alcoholic contents in his glass, forcing you to bite back an evil chuckle knowing you had officially won.
“Listen, my little pet. I’ve brought you here for one reason and one reason only, and that’s to ensure that you leave my clan alone. If you don’t, I’ll suck every last member of your brotherhood dry of every pint of blood coursing through their veins,” You threatened with a cold sneer before drinking the rest of the alcohol in your glass, your eyes piercing into Chan’s as he stared into yours with a look of piqued interest. Your eyes then flicked down to his exposed neck, licking your lips lightly as you watched the veins in his neck thump wildly, “I also want some form of collateral of my choosing, just to prove your loyalty to me.”
Due to the effects of the special concoction that was now fully taking its hold on Chan’s thinking process, he assumed that your definition of “loyalty” mean that he was to give himself completely to you, him clearing his throat before he began leaning in to close the gap between your lips. Due to your hatred for Chan’s very existence, a large part of you was telling you to plunge your fangs into his neck and suck every ounce of blood out of his plump veins. But the dull throbbing in between your legs was telling you to abandon everything you had ever known, mirroring the very same corruption that Chan went through moments ago. 
There wasn’t much more time for contemplation of your actions as Chan’s pillowy soft lips were finally pressed against yours, his hands immediately coming up to caress either side of your face while also holding you firmly in place. You were pleasantly surprised at how well Chan’s lips molded to yours, mirroring your every movement while also feeling his tongue swipe pleadingly along your bottom lip. All it took was the slightest part of your lips for Chan’s tongue to be fully inside of you, swiping his talented muscle against yours so he could hear you whine out for more.
Even though you could feel yourself begin to crave the feeling of Chan’s lips upon yours, you had to pull yourself away in order to regain your composure as well as to offer a more private area to conduct “business.” You swear you heard Chan whimper out from the loss of contact, a small chuckle escaping your lips as you pressed your hand to the side of his cheek. You then allowed your hand to drift down along his neck, admiring the pristine column and having to fight the urge to lean to sink your fangs into the spot your fingers lingered on. In due time, you thought to yourself, distracting you from your insatiable thoughts by lacing your fingers with Chan’s in order to steal him away upstairs away from prying eyes.
After you had your fingers entwined with Chan’s to ensure he couldn’t let go, you utilized your super human speed to carry your new toy off to your chambers for some much needed alone time. It had been ages since you brought prey up here without the sole purpose of draining every ounce of blood from their body, you not even being able to remember the last time you brought up someone as handsome as Chan. This was apparent by the way you immediately pushed your bitter rival onto the satin sheets below, your eyes burning a bright red as you glowered down at the man below you.
The corner of your lip turned up into a devious smirk as you watched Chan’s breathing begin to speed up, his eyes traveling all over your sinful body before holding your gaze momentarily. It was rather amusing to you that the one person who was responsible for wiping out nearly half of your clan, the world renowned vampire hunter, was now waiting desperately for your lips to be on his again. Feeling a little bad for him since you were responsible for his needy state, you took pity on him by joining him on your bed, purposely sitting the plump part of your backside on Chan’s hardening bulge. You were about to say something to Chan in order to encourage him, but instead you were quite literally cut off by Chan’s hand gripping your neck lightly, looking up at you with what could only be described as darkness as he warned, “You’ve had your fun, now it’s my turn.”
To say you were surprised would be the quite the understatement, sitting on top of Chan as he had one hand wrapped around your throat while the other one had managed to snake around your waist to hold you in place. There was no way of telling if this was a side effect from the potion from earlier or if it has simply worn off, but you weren’t necessarily complaining as you could feel the dull burning in between your legs begin to intensify. Chan noticed that you weren’t trying to fight him off, tilting his head at you momentarily before rolling his hips up against your core experimentally. All Chan needed to hear was a stifled moan from your lips and he knew that he was now in control.
“Oh what a pretty little thing,” Chan mused as he tightened the grip on your neck slightly, moving your neck side to side to see which side had the mark that ultimately turned you into the vampiress you are now. Once he saw the two superficial scars at the middle of your neck, he deemed this the perfect spot to mark you as his, leaning and pressing his lips against your slightly frigid skin in an attempt to make you feel warm once again. While Chan’s lips were busy marking you so all the rest of your clan could know who you belonged to tonight, you couldn’t stop your hips from rolling into Chan’s bulge below, moaning out to the ceiling above as you felt him twitch beneath you. 
In a fit of passionate oversight, you hadn’t realized that the hands that were gripping onto Chan’s shoulders were now tearing into the fabric of his shirt, you pulling your hand away so you wouldn’t ruin the fabric any more than you already had. But Chan could also feel your nails tearing into his clothing, him smirking against the junction of your neck to mumble a simple “rip it” before tearing his lips off of your neck to reattach them to your patiently awaiting lips instead. As his lips crashed against you for yet another breathtaking kiss, you did as you were told and dug your nails into Chan’s white undershirt, tearing the fabric from his steadily heating body to reveal his beautifully toned body to you. All those years fighting the undead really paid off.
While Chan’s lips were busy molding against yours in the most addicting way possible, you could feel Chan’s hands grip at your hips until briefly as if to hold you, until you were flipped onto your back within seconds of his fingers touching you. You let out a surprised gasp at how easily he was able to overpower you, slightly concerned since you were in a vulnerable position. But the intense burning deep within your core caused you to reject your instincts in favor of running your hand down Chan’s abdomen, resting your hand on his belt before giving a tight yank. This earned a chuckle from Chan as he began to oblige your request of removing his trousers, locking eyes with you as he paused to give yet another command, “The sooner you take off your clothes, the sooner I can be deep inside of you. Your choice.”
Needless to say you were very eager to remove your intricate gown, thankful that you were able to remove it quickly thanks to the simple tie in the front for easy access. You had a feeling you would be inviting Chan up to your bedroom one way or another, intentionally choosing a dress that would grant your eager lover access to the most sensual parts of your body. When Chan had noticed that you were completely bare for him, there was nothing holding back his carnal desires for you as he groaned out from the sight of your bare pussy, immediately spreading your legs far and wide for him to slip in and ruin you properly. He was going to finally get you back for all of the torment you caused him in the best way possible: hearing you beg for him. 
“Hmmm, never fucked a vampire before, let alone the most powerful one,” Chan said with a devious chuckle, immediately grabbing at the hands that were trying to touch his throbbing member to pin them high above your head. With your motion restricted, there was not much you could do to defend against Chan teasing your dripping folds with his leaking tip. All you could do was whimper out and look at Chan with pleading eyes, refusing to give in to his silent demands of having you beg. This simply wouldn’t do as Chan made a soft “tsk tsk” sound with his tongue, purposely denying slipping inside of you and giving you both the satisfaction you’d been craving for ages. He was relentless.
You finally decided to swallow you pride after Chan had dragged his thick shaft along your slit at a painfully slow rate, teasing your entrance towards the end by pushing in ever so slightly. That slight intrusion proved just enough for you to throw all of your reservations out of the window, sighing out in frustration as you were sent into a desperate frenzy. “Please Chan,” You began, your voice climbing an octave as the desperation continued to grow. It had gotten so bad that Chan had to forcefully restrain your hips since you were subconsciously rutting against him, him biting back a small chuckle as you finally gave him what he needed for his ego, “Please fuck me! I can’t take it any longer, I need you now Chan. Please!”
It was rather pathetic how a person of your stature and grace could be so easily reduced to a begging mess, influenced none other by your mortal enemy. But now was not the time to dwell on the history of war as your high pitched pleas quickly turned into high pitched screams as you felt the velvet of your walls part, tightening unforgivingly around Chan’s thick member as he sunk deeper inside of you. The delicious stretch deep within you caused you to moan out wantonly, your hands struggling to find purchase on the sheets below you until Chan grabbed your hands and placed them around his broad shoulders. Your eyes opened momentarily to see Chan’s face morph into pure pleasure, his jaw tightening as he struggled to keep himself together. Even though everything about you and your kind screamed hell, you felt absolutely heavenly.
“Oh goddamn Y/N,” Chan moaned out as he threw his head back from the sensation of your walls rippling around him, reaching up to grab at your headboard in order to stabilize himself. You swore you could hear the headboard start to break from the sheer force that Chan had been gripping it, a small smirk forming on your face knowing that you were the one causing Chan to struggle so much. But that smirk was quickly wiped off when Chan noticed it, reaching down to grab at your legs and hook his arms underneath them, pressing your knees to your chest to achieve a much deeper angle while Chan warned, “Hold on tight babygirl, you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to fuck you.”
It was very clear to you at this point that your special concoction lost its previously hellish grip on every single one of Chan’s thoughts, your eyes widening in shock at the exact same moment that Chan decided to increase the pace of his hips. What had previously been shallow strokes to test your resolve quickly morphed into harsh, calculated strokes deep inside of your heat. The more Chan saw you struggle to bite back your moans, the harder he snapped his hips into you, tightening his grip on your thighs to hold you in place for every single stroke he had in store for you.
Sweat covered torsos writhed together as the night dragged on, sounds of high pitched moans and desperate hiccups bounced off of the walls of your chambers the longer you two remained in each other’s embrace. Chan had thrown all caution to the wind, snapping his hips into you at a hellish pace while his lips molded against yours perfectly. He craved every single inch of you, groaning out against your lips whenever he felt you rake your nails down his back or roll your hips up into him subconsciously. Chan figured that if this was his only night with you like this, he would certainly make it one to remember for the both of you.
“Ch-Chan... I’m gonna...” You cried out as you tore your lips away from Chan’s momentarily, not being able to form any words after the amount of pleasure coursing through you. Chan noticed this and decided to exploit it, releasing one of your legs from his grip so that he could cradle your throat in his hand yet again. He could tell by the way your eyes immediately rolled back into your head that you were nearing your climax at a much faster rate, his cock twitching in response to the lewd faces you couldn’t stop yourself from making. Although he would never admit it to you, but Chan himself could feel his resolve crumbling by the second. He just needed you to cum first, and soon.
The euphoric sensation of Chan’s hand cutting off your air supply in the most sensual way coupled with his expert strokes deep inside of your yearning heat sent you headfirst into your climax, arching your back off of the sheets below so that your pert nipples came in contact with Chan’s torso. Incoherent sounds fell from your lips as you felt your body physically tremble beneath Chan, screaming out to the heavens above as you succumbed to your sinful desires. You couldn’t remember the last time a man has made you feel as wonderful as Chan was able to do to you, but it was well worth the wait.
Luckily for you, Chan was merely teetering on the edge before he too was sent into his climax, most likely due to watching you scream out for him as well as feeling your walls pulse wildly around his member. All you remember hearing from Chan was a simple “Holy fuck” before he slumped down into opening between your neck and the pillow below you, exposing a very tempting looking section of his neck. A small smirk appeared on your lips as your plan had finally come together, turning toward the pristine section of his neck. 
As Chan was distracted with riding out his high and shallowly thrusting into you, you focused on the form of collateral you were really after all this time. The mindblowing sex was just to pass the time, distracting Chan yet again from your ultimate goal. Baring your fangs to their maximum length, you whispered a simple “Forgive me, darling” before fully committing and sinking your fangs deep into Chan’s vein. A simple wince from Chan and you were soon met with the familiar taste of iron, the crimson liquid coating your tongue almost instantly. You had a feeling that your potion would wear off way too soon, running the risk of Chan going back on his word and killing you within your own home. Knowing that Chan was a completely different breed than any of the other hunters you’ve faced in your lifetime, you decided to take him and enlist him in your ranks instead, even if that meant turning him.
He should’ve known better. He should’ve known coming here by himself was quite possibly the worst idea he had. He should’ve listened to Changbin’s warnings, or asked him to come along at the very least. There were a million things that Chan should’ve done tonight to prevent his current position, but he just couldn't believe that he would walk amongst the people whose generations he helped wipe clean from this earth. All he had ever known was killing vampires to ensure the safety of his brotherhood, and now he shares the same pale complexion and frigid skin.
But all is not lost as Chan quickly became your favorite, earning his place by your side as your passionate lover and knowledgeable advisor. Together you two ruled the undead world, spreading your influence wherever darkness roamed. In the midst of increasing your power, you were even able to recruit seven very familiar faces to your undead family, each of them eager to be turned just like someone they knew long ago. 
With the brotherhood finally in shambles, you knew there was nothing holding you back now. You had finally won.
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whattodowithace · 3 years
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Title: Fatherhood
Paring: A.C.E x Reader
Genre: Fluff; Dad!A.C.E
Count: 3,150 Words
Writer: Kpopmadness [Ju] & Whattodowithkpop [Lio] (LiJu)
Summary: An anon request: "Good afternoon, I would like to request a reaction from ACE when he finds out he is going to be a father, thank you☺️"
A/N: This was so much fun to write! It is no secret that Ju and Lio love writing Dad!A.C.E so when we saw this request we were ecstatic! Thank you so much anon and we hope the wait wasn't too long!
I take a deep breath as I wait for the test results from the pregnancy test to come back. I tried hard to keep the tears from welling in my eyes and falling, knowing not to get my hopes up since the test would most likely come back negative. Like it had every time for the past two years me and Jun had tried to get pregnant.
All the doctors visits, shots, and tests, didn't seem to aid us in our hopes of having a baby of our own. Something we had agreed we had wanted when we were dating, but decided to put it on hold to travel and to enjoy each others company. Now it felt as if we were too late in trying for a baby.
I shook my head, dismissing the thoughts quickly. I took one last shuttering breath before turning the stick over to see the answer. My breath leaving my lungs and my legs collapsing on me. Positive.
My hands shook as I cried on the bathroom floor. Pure happiness overwhelming me, but also a bit of fear for what the months to come would be like. I slowly stood up and took the pregnancy test with me, my mind thinking of ideas on how I would break the news to my husband.
Jun comes home later that night, his dark eyes tired from a long day of training. I greet him at the door with a smile, making a smile spread across his tired features.
"Hi sweetheart." He whispers as he wraps me in a tight hug, kissing my temple before letting out a breath against my neck. I hold him tightly against me, my heart hammering in my chest as I pull away from him.
"I have something to show you." I tell him, not being able to keep my smile off my lips.
He quirks an eyebrow at me but smiles at how energetic I seemed. I take his hand and take him to the kitchen, where on the table I had placed a onesie with small baby shoes. The onesie read "Coming soon..." With two baby feet stamped onto it. The pregnancy test laid across the onesie. Jun's eyes widen at seeing the onesie and test result, his jaw practically hitting the floor.
I feel tears sting at my eyes as I choke out, "You're going to be a father, Junie."
At my words, Jun wraps his arms around my waist before laying his head on my shoulder and bursting into tears. His tears making mine spill over as we both hold each other and cry softly. Eventually, Jun pulls away from my shoulder to kiss my mouth deeply, his hands cupping my face. His hands trembling slightly from excitement as he holds me.
When we pull away he's smiling, his dark eyes still lined with tears as they ran down his cheeks. He bends down onto his knees before wrapping his arms around my hips and burying his face into my stomach. His fingers trailing underneath my shirt to rest his palm against my not yet swollen belly that held life inside it. His actions make me smile down at him and run my fingers through his hair. Both of us simply too happy and shocked to exchange words right then.
"Why are there so many options?" Donghun whines as we scan the aisle for the millionth time. Our nerves setting us on edge.
I giggle, "I guess they want to be positive about the result just as much as we do."
Donghun holds four pregnancy tests in his hands already, looking at each box and reading the label at least a hundred times.
"Let's just get two different brands." I tell him, touching his wrist to get his attention.
"But which one is better?" He says thoughtfully, looking back at the row of pregnancy test boxes.
I take two of the boxes and put them back on the shelf, "I don't know because I've never done this before. But let's get one cheap test and one more expensive." I suggest, mostly just to get us out of the store since we had been standing in the same place for twenty minutes.
Donghun nods, holding the two boxes in his hands as we go to checkout. I highly doubted I was pregnant since we had only tried once since deciding to have a baby. But Donghun insisted I take a test early to check. So to put him at ease, I agreed to try it.
Once home, Donghun reads over my shoulder as I read the boxes instructions for the two different kinds of tests. I take a one test from each box and shut myself in the bathroom, Donghun asking me if I was done after the door only being closed for a few seconds. Making me laugh.
Once done I open the door as we wait for the test results to load, keeping the small screen turned away from us so we couldn't see it. Donghun stands behind me with his chin on my shoulder, our hands intertwined.
"I'm nervous now." I tell him, laughing at how I wasn't before but now things felt real.
Donghun kisses my shoulder before whispering, "I am too. But it will be okay either way."
I nod, still feeling butterflies flutter in my stomach. Once the time comes I take a deep breath, going to turn over the cheaper test first. Donghun wraps his arms around my stomach and watches carefully. I turn over the first test and suck in a breath. Two, very bright, red lines streak across the screen. Positive.
I look at Donghun, who looks just as shocked as me. His dark eyes wide at the results. I feel unsteady and take Donghuns hand in mine for support, still having one more test to check.
"You turn over the last one." I whisper, my voice excited but weak.
Donghun nods and slowly reaches out and turns over the last test. The words Pregnant displayed darkly across the screen. I hear Donghun suck in a breath and cover his mouth with his hand, I squeal happily. Feeling a rush of excitement hit me.
"We're having a baby!" I laugh out as I turn around and hug him, making him laugh with me and wrap his arms around me and bury his face in my neck. Only pulling away to kiss me deeply.
I look at the stick in disbelief, the pregnancy test giving me a positive symbol and making my heart drop into my stomach. I thought about Byeongkwan, my heart aching as I think of the possibility that he doesn’t want this and may possibly leave. I shake my head, knowing he wasn’t harsh that way, but the thought lingered in my brain.
I hear him come home, panicking, I throw the the stick into one of the bottom drawers that Byeongkwan didn’t use. I walk out of the bathroom into our bedroom, smiling when I saw him, even though my heart was heavy.
“Hey baby.” He greets, kissing me deeply when he reaches me, a habit he has when he hasn’t seen me all day.
“I missed you.” I tell him, my arms around his waist as I look into his eyes.
“Did you?” He smirks, making me roll my eyes with a laugh.
“Go take a shower, I’ll make you something.”
“You’re the best.” He smiles goofily.
I kiss him quickly before pulling away from him to let him shower. I try my best to not think of the pregnancy test at the moment, trying to decide what the next steps should be. I start getting utensils out to make a quick dinner for Byeongkwan and I. I didn’t get far when Byeongkwan enters the kitchen, his torso bare which wasn’t unusual for him at home. I turn towards him with a smile, guessing he needed something before his shower.
His face was unreadable as he looked at me. He holds his hand out, the positive pregnancy test in his hand.
I feel tears threaten to spill from my eyes, fear running through me. “How did you find that?”
“The drawer wasn’t closed, I saw it from there.” His words trailed off before he continued. “Are we going to have a baby?”
I didn’t know how to answer, I was petrified of his response and wanted to pretend he hadn’t found it just yet. With hesitance, I nod, tears spilling over my cheeks as I look away from him, too scared to see his reaction.
I feel his palms grab my face, bringing my eyes to his as he moves my face to meet his. Before I can register anything, he kisses me deeply, holding my face to keep my lips to his. We have kissed deeply before, but this felt different and it made me relax, a feeling of everything would be okay.
He pulls away, his face beaming as he smiles at me. “We’re having a baby!” He laughs his eyes watery which wasn’t something I had seen from him before.
I nod as I wrap my arms around his neck, crying in relief he was so excited.
“Don’t worry. I’m going to be the best dad, I promise.”
Chan sat with me at the doctor, his hand over mine as I bounced my knee in nervousness. Chan and I had been trying for a baby, but with no success for over a year our hopes were low. I had taken pregnancy tests at home and all were negative. However, I was still having all the signs that would indicate a small baby growing inside, and because we had the negatives Chan became worried, insisting we go to the hospital. I tried to play it off but he wouldn’t have it and pleaded with me to go.
The doctor was very nice when he tested me, making me realize my anxiety was higher than I realized it was as his words. Chan stayed with me even though I could tell he was anxious as well. They did all the tests to make sure nothing was wrong before they came to the room where Chan and I rested in, the doctor smiling comfortingly at us.
“It’s not unheard of to have pregnancy tests to come up negative even if you are eating for two.” He starts, making Chan and I give him puzzled looks.
“Good thing about doctors checking is it’s much more accurate.” His smile got wider as Chan squeezed my hand, his brain beginning to follow along with the doctor.
“Congratulations, you’re pregnant and the baby is growing healthy. Just make sure to come back for check ups, I’ll get you set up with everything you need.”
Chan stood and bowed, his smile spread across his face, looking like his face might break from the intensity of his smile.
The doctor bows before leaving the room. Once he does Chan grabs my face in a gentle way, his thumbs rubbing my cheeks as he kisses me deeply. My hands go to his arms, smiling into the kiss.
“You’re amazing.” He says, making me laugh.
“All the sudden?”
“No, but you’re carrying out baby and you’re doing amazing with it.” He says as he rests a hand over my belly, a habit I had a feeling he would adopt over the next nine months.
“And you’re amazing because you’re with me and supporting me.” I smile, resting my hand over his as we bask in this moment.
I enter the building, my hands sweating as I rub them over my jeans, my heart hammering in my chest. I search the rooms, looking for a certain dancer who was practicing. He was with all of A.C.E as they prepared for their next comeback. I knew I should get any spoilers, so I waited for the music to stop before entering the practicing room.
All five boys greet me in various excitement depending on their energy level from practicing. Seyoon came up to me last, wrapping his arms around me waist and resting his head on my shoulder, making me smile and wrap my arms around his back.
“Do you have a minute for lunch?” I ask him under my breath, making the other boys protest at our whispering.
“You can’t keep secrets in the practice room!” Byeongkwan exclaims, making Seyoon laugh shyly.
“We can take a break.” Jun pipes in, patting Seyoon on the back as a way to say he could go.
“I’ll be back.” Seyoon announces as he walks with me out of the building.
My nerves had subsided whilst in the room, but now that it was Seyoon and I alone walking along the sidewalk the nerves came back. We decided to eat at a park after picking up some light food. He told me about how practice was going which always made his face light up even if he was tired, he truly loved dancing.
Just before he had to head back to practice I grabbed his hand, getting his whole attention turned to me. I smile at him, but it was a nervous one which concerned him, his eyebrows furrowing over his eyes.
“Seyoon…” I trail off, breathing deeply before finishing. “I’m pregnant.”
It was silent, Seyoon’s face unchanging and making me more nervous. My hand falls away from his, my anxiety running through my whole body and making my eyes water at his lack of response. Before any tears fall he reaches for my hand, taking it in his again.
“I’m going to be a dad?”
I look up to see his bright face, his smile wide as he waited for response. I nodded with a smile of my own.
“You’re going to be a dad.”
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whattodowithkpop · 3 years
Hot Chocolate Kisses (Chan)
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Title: Hot Chocolate Kisses
Pairing: Chan x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 210 Words
Writer: Whattodowithkpop
The storm outside raged. Heavy snowflakes pelting the windows as the snow began to pile in front of the doors and windows.  It had been snowing for three days now, never enough sun to melt the previous day's snow, so the white dunes continued to stand and cover the ground.  
I sat on the couch watching the snow fall onto the ground. The fireplace crackled as it burned the wood that kept the house extra warm. I hear my husband walk into the room with two mugs in his hands. Turning to face him, I smile as he hands me one of the mugs. The contents warming my hands as they make contact with the ceramic cup. 
"Thanks Love." I tell him as he sits next to me. 
I take a sip of the hot chocolate, the liquid warming my insides as it travels through my body. I hum in contentment. 
"Looks like  we will be snowed in for a few more days." Chan speaks up, making me turn towards him. 
"I hope you aren't sick of me yet." I giggle as I lean over to him, connecting my mouth to his. 
Chan hums as he pulls away slightly. "Not when you taste like hot chocolate." He laughs as he goes in for many other warm, chocolate kisses. 
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hwas-housewife · 4 years
Spooky Stargazing
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childhood best friend!Chan x Reader (gender neutral)
Words: 1.5K words
Summary: Holidays just aren’t your thing. So Chan decides to skip out on parties to make your Halloween a little better.
Warnings: none
A/N: so holidays just feel more lonely as I get older and I thought of this while working on Halloween. Happy Halloween to those who celebrate, and I hope this gives comfort to those of you who feel a little alone this year.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You laid back down in bed, a sigh escaping your lips.
Another Halloween and nothing to do. You spent your day perusing through the festive movies, occasionally settling on one and becoming tired of it by the halfway point. You’d then open up social media to look at everyone else dressing up in revealing outfits that barely pass as costumes. 
Costumes weren’t really your thing.
Well, Halloween in general really wasn’t your thing.
It’s not that you had anything against it, the holiday itself was rather cute. It’s just that Halloween hasn’t felt the same since you were young. You suppose that the magic of holidays just wore off once you became older.
So your face was stuck in a bit of a pout as you sighed yet again, looking for something to take your mind off your negative feelings.
Alcohol was always an option, but you weren’t much of a party type either. You could always ask you friends to hang out, however most of them already had plans for the night and none of which included entertaining you.
You decided upon rewatching a Halloween movie until you got bored once again. You panned through your options until you decided on one you’ve seen many times: the nightmare before Christmas. Maybe the Christmas elements would make you feel a bit better.
You tucked yourself further into your covers as you clicked play. The opening tune began to play as you grabbed a stuffed animal to cuddle into while watching. 
Only fifteen minutes in to the movie and you found yourself fighting off sleep despite the fact that it wasn’t even 10 pm yet. Your eyes went between closing for a few minutes back to watching the movie. That was until your phone buzzed in your hand.
You supposed it was probably just a notification for a game or one of your many shopping apps. But to your surprise, the name of your best friend flashed upon the screen. 
Why Chan was texting you when he should be out partying was a mystery to you.
You pushed yourself up into a sitting position on your bed while the movie continued to play in the background.
Chan: hey :)
You sent back a simple question mark, needing no further explanation as to why you were confused. 
Chan: Vernon decided to hit some parties without me. Wasn’t feeling it this year.
This came as a surprise to you seen as how two days ago he was telling you all about his fantastic costume idea. 
“A sexy panda?” you looked down to Chan incredulously. His head laid in your lap as he nodded fervently.
“Yes! I wear a panda head and then black pants and shoes,” he shot up in excitement.
“And what about the shirt?”
“That’s what makes it sexy, no shirt,” his arms moved eagerly as he smiled bright.
You shook your head in disbelief at him, “I’m not sold. You can’t just wear no shirt and claim that it’s now sexy, Chan. That’s not how it works.”
“But Vernon and Seungkwan told me it’s a great idea,” Chan whined out, a little quieter than before.
“And that’s because you chose to be friends with two idiots who want to see how stupid you would look in that costume,” you gave him a pointed look, quirking your brow in the process.
You blinked as your phone screen lit up with another text from Chan. 
Chan: you doing anything?
You smiled down at your phone, telling him you were bored out of your mind, and you need to be rescued ASAP. A few minutes later and Chan was on his way to pick you up and save you from your boredom.
When he sent you another text saying he was here, you were just finishing brushing your hair. You grabbed the last few of your things before throwing on some shoes and locking the door on your way out.
You impatiently waited for the elevator to hit your floor and make its way down to the lobby of your apartment complex. When the elevator finally dinged for the first floor, you fast-walked out of the building and beelined for your best friend’s car. 
A smile graced your face as you opened the door of his gray car, sitting down in the familiar passenger seat.
“Glad to see you’re not black out drunk yet,” you looked over at Chan as he sat in the driver’s seat.
He was dressed in something far from a Halloween costume, with sweats and a sweatshirt covering his body and his glasses framing his face. Mock hurt crossed his face as he moved some of his light brown hair (dyed, thanks to Soonyoung convincing him it was a good idea and you having to salvage the mess that was beginning to unfold).
“That was only freshman year of college, and you know it was because someone spiked the punch. It wasn’t my fault,” he began pulling out of the parking lot and driving to a random location.
“I’m sure it was that. Definitely not just your low tolerance and demand to make everything a competition,” your sarcastic words bounced off him like they always did.
“Shush. I thought picking you up would be fun, not an opportunity for you to bully me,” he glanced at you between words.
“Bullying you is a regular occurrence, you should be used to it after knowing me for years Lee Chan,” the teasing manner ever present in your words, “now where are you taking me? Or is it some undisclosed second location where you’re finally going to murder me on this Hallow’s eve?”
“Bold to assume I would leave an evidence trail so obvious if I were to do so. But no, we’re going out of town for a few hours. Figured there’d be less people there.”
“Now you’re trying to hard to sound like you’re planning on ending me. What’s the real plan for tonight?”
“I figured we could go stargazing. Tonight’s a full moon after all and I know you don’t really get to do this kind of thing very often,” he sincerely responded for the first time tonight.
A warm feeling circled in your stomach as you felt touched that he would think to do something like this for you. Sure, you’ve been friends for years. However you most often spend time cuddling and watching movies or playing too many video games with him and the rest of the boys. 
“That sounds rather nice actually. I’m looking forward to it,” you responded back just as sincere as he did to you.
The rest of the car ride was filled with the story of Vernon getting ready at his and Chan’s apartment--apparently he decided to go as a sexy hippie (not a huge surprise to you, his wardrobe fits that costume more than you would like to admit).
When Chan finally pulled off the side of the road and stopped the car, the two of you were quite literally in the middle of nowhere. Both ways the road went, you couldn’t see city lights. When you stepped out of the car, your eyes panned upwards at the night sky.
A gasp escaped your lips as you admired the tons of stars that you had trouble seeing in the city.
Your eyes remained fixated on the sky as Chan reached into the back of his car to grab a couple of blankets.
“Let’s go lay somewhere farther off the side of the road, you’ll be able to see them even better laying down,” Chan smiled across the car at you.
You nodded and proceeded to follow him, his phone flashlight being the only light source for miles. Once you and Chan laid the blankets down and were gazing back upon the sky, you let out a sigh. But for the first time today, a sigh of content.
Chan and you took turns pointing out constellations you both knew, and pondered over what other ones looked like if you didn’t recognize the collection of stars. Neither of you would claim to be experts, but the activity was fun nonetheless.
You kept your eyesight casted upwards as the two of you would drift in and out of conversation comfortably. You finally turned towards Chan, slight surprise filled your expression when your eyes locked with Chan’s, already fixed on you.
“Thank you Chan. For all of this,” you gestured to the blanket and the sky, “you don’t know how much I needed this.”
He merely smiled back at you and shook his head.
“Holidays aren’t really your thing. The least I could do is make sure my best friend has just a good of a time as I do.”
“As ravishing as you would look in that sexy panda costume, I’m happy you chose me over those parties you wanted to go to,” you smiled over at him.
“I would look good as a sexy panda, wouldn’t I?” he let out a slight laugh at your compliment.
You moved closer until your head rested on his shoulder and your arm wrapped around his torso. His arm naturally wrapped itself around your waist.
“I love you,” you muttered into his shoulder as you looked back up at the stars.
“Happy Halloween,” he left a brief kiss in your hair, staring up into the sky with you, “I love you too.”
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gaiyofanfiction · 5 years
Twisted Karnival - Chapter 4
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Stray Kids x Reader
Twisted Circus!AU
A/N: Hey guys! Thank you SO MUCH for the feedback! Y’all really loving this AU! And it’s defiantly become one of my favorites! Sorry this chapter is so late, a lot has happened between Theresa and I the last week, but we are back! Here is the next chapter! Things are just getting good. ;) ~Liz
Warnings: Mentions of seduction, blood, soul stealing and kidnapping. Possibly more in the future. We also write for 0t9, so Woojin is going to be in this series.
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction and in no way represents the idols of Stray kids or JYP.
[Before Reading, check out the Masterlist and profile boards for each member HERE.]
Your friend quickly wrapped her arms back around you, squeezing tightly after her slight panic attack over your short disappearance. You leaned your head to the side, accepting the loving hug your friend was forcing upon you. 
“I’m alright, I promise..” You looked down at your sorrow-eyed filled friend as her arms slowly removed themselves from your waist. 
“I-I know, I was just worried. This place is packed with strange people we don’t know… and there’s honestly no telling what could happen if the wrong person found you.” Your friends words strangely struck you, making you think back to past events of the night. You slowly close your eyes, taking in a deep breath as flashes of Felix and Jeongin downtown, Jisung and Hyunjin behind the tent, Minho and his tigress, and Chan the ringleader all simultaneously popped into your head. You shake your head slightly. ‘I think I’m losing my mind.’
Your friend slowly pulls herself away, grabbing her bag of popcorn and watching the ring in anticipation. You took another deep breathe, a quick flash of Jisung’s softened lips pressed against yours, followed by a crooked smirk. You tapped the side of your temple, slowly moving your fingertips to your lips.
'Seriously, what the hell is happening to me?!'
Back behind the main stage, Jisung was peeking his head through the curtain, scanning over the audience while Felix and Jeongin finished preparing for his performance. His eyes roamed over the many faces, quickly setting his sights on you. A smirk curled against his lips as a chuckle fell.
“There you are…” His smirk continued to widen as Jeongin handed Jisung his freshly polished helmet. “Is everything ready?”
Jeongin quickly looked behind him noticing Felix working on the final ramp. “Looks like we have one last prop to prepare, so if you want to start your very long drawn out introduction, now would be the best time to do it.”
Jeongin cackled beneath his breath, quickly finding the back of Jisungs hand connecting with his head. Jeongin rubbed his head roughly, quickly running back to help Felix. Chan moved up behind Jisung who was focused on his leather gloves.
“Knock em dead, eh?” Chan smirked widely as he looked to the crowd. “You and Hyunjin are my main attractions for this show. This crowd’s adrenaline has been off the charts tonight, and I need you and Hyunjin to keep it that way. Do you understand?” Jisung slipped on his final glove, matching his crooked smirk to Chan’s.
“Hey, adrenaline is my specialty.” He winked cockily as he stepped forward, waiting for his queue. Chan shook his head laughing. 
“Oh is it? I thought seducing women was your specialty?” His brow raised as Jisung’s head snapped back, falling into a round of laughter.
“Hey, who said I can’t be multi-talented?” They continued to laugh up until Woojin came rushing up from behind another curtain. His eyes locking dead on Jisung. Chan stepped slightly aside feeling the unnerving tension between them. Woojin’s eyes began to glow a bright hue of white as Jisungs expression moved to a cocky, lip biting smile.
“I know what you did Jisung. Don’t think you’re going to…”
Chan quickly stepped forward pushing his right-hand man back. “Alright alright, this is not the time for your two’s bullshit.” Jisung and Woojin lowly growled at the other, eyes slowly turning towards their leader. “We have a FULL house tonight. I need you BOTH to be on your best behavior. I need everything to go smoothly tonight. Do you understand me?” Chan’s eyes fell into a bright luminating red, bringing Woojin’s and Jisung’s head down. “We all know how important tonight is. If something even slips up, we have a chance of losing everything.” Jisung and Woojin nodded together.
“Understood boss.” Jisung slowly raised his head, stepping up to the main curtain as Chan quickly pushed past him, sending one last threatening glance. Chan pushed past the fabric, arms raised high into the air. The crowd roared with excitement.
“Welcome back my beauties! Were you able to find your way around okay? I know things are a bit chaotic, but it seems everyone made it back to their seats safely.” Chans eyes slowly moved towards you, locking with yours. You looked away for a moment and slowly turning your head back to notice his gaze had not moved. He gives you a subtle wink before continuing.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached the main part of our show!” The crowd jumped to their feet screaming loudly. “You are about to meet two of my craaaziest performers. They will do literally anything to knock you out of your seats, and begging at their knees for me! They define the laws of physics, and even… death itself.” He snickered behind his mic. “I present to you… Jisung the Daredevil!” 
Jeongin quickly exited the ring with Chan as Jisung made his way towards the center. His smirk ranging from one ear to the other as both girls and even boys in the crowd fawned over him. He slid his hand back through his hair, tongue sliding against his lips. Felix rushed over, handing him a mic.
“Wow… I had no idea there would be so many cuties here tonight. Be sure to find me after the show, ladies.” He smirked heavily, looking in your direction. Your throat felt thick, leaning back against the bench.
Chan and Woojin looked out to the ring as Jisung continued to showboat across the tent, making his way towards his position. Felix pushed Jisungs bike to the center of the ring, holding his helmet as he propped himself up in the seat. He revved the engine, watching the crowd. He growled lowly, revving the engine louder getting the crowd to scream out his name. A wide smirk spread across his lips, nodding his head. 
“That’s more like it.” Jisung took his helmet, hiding his identity behind the darkened shades. He revved his engine for the last time as Felix ran off to the side of the ring. Chan continued to watch from the sidelines as Jisung began to spin in the center of the arena, smoke surrounding the entire bike. He spun once more, side of the bike leaning over the ground as Jisung sped off towards the first ramp. As soon as he hit the ramp, his bike shoots up into the air, spinning around and dropping back down onto the other side.
Suddenly, Jisung disappeared in a cloud of smoke, reappearing on top of the highest set ramp. He looked out to the roaring crowd, winking in your direction just before taking off down the long dipped ramp. Your eyes widened as he tossed his helmet from his head, jumping a gap that ranged almost as long as two semi-trucks. Jisung chuckled lowly, spinning and releasing himself from the bike. He tossed the bike upwards, spinning in the air, tongue straight out as a loud excited scream fell from his lips. He mounted his bike in the air once more and cleared the gap, landing on top of another ramp. He revved his engine loudly as the crowd jumped to their feet chanting his name. Jisung rolled his tongue along his lower lip, revving his engine up once more.
“Time to get your adrenaline really going…” he smirked widely, spinning his back tire just before speeding down another ramp. Everyone watched closely as he sped up towards another ramp. This one standing taller than the others at almost a ninety-degree angle. He revved loudly, clearing 100mp just before tossing his bike up the ramp, him flying behind it. Your heart began to race as Jisung’s hands fell from the handle-bars. He stretched his arms and legs out, sticking his tongue out once more, and flashing a cute wink towards the crowd.
As the bike began to slowly fall back, Jisung was ready to showboat just a little more before he took his leave. His eyes shot towards you, quickly noticing the rapid movement of your chest. His eyes began to glow as he snapped his attention back towards his bike. She was falling towards him. He waited. Everyone to their feet watched in anticipation. Felix set off the smoke machines, shrouding Jisung as his eyes began to glow brighter as a loud crashing sound fell over everyone’s ears. You quickly moved towards the barricade, looking for the possibly destroyed bike.
Jisung slowly reappeared, bike sitting underneath him. He smirked widely looking over your shocked expression.
“Aww, how cute. You were actually worried about me.” His tongue connected with his lower lip, slightly biting down just before flashing you with one more wink. The crowd roared loudly as Jisung reappeared unharmed. Both girls and boys swooned over his breathtaking smile. Jisung chuckled lowly, slowly making his way out of the ring.
“Did everyone enjoy our Daredevil Jisung’s performance?!” Chan walks out into the center ring, his hat raised high in the air. Jisung continued to smirk heavily behind the curtain as he could feel the adrenaline in the air as the crowd screamed out once more. Chan chuckled darkly into the mic. “Well, if you enjoyed that, you’re definitely going to die for our final act of the night! Please put your hands together for the dangerous, seductive high wire act, Hyunjin!”
The crowd continues to go wild as the lights in the arena grow dim. Suddenly a spotlight clicks, aimed at the roof of the tent. You gasp at the beautiful man highlighted over by spotlight. Hyunjin looked down, his gaze sliding over the audience until his eyes lock on you. Your eyes lock immediately with his as he gives you the goofiest smile making you giggle.
As the music starts up, Hyunjin poses for a short second. The crowd falls silent as they watch in awe as the talented boy steps out onto the thin wire hanging several feet in the air. His arms are straight out at his sides as he tiptoes slowly across the thin piece of wire. He keeps his head forward, nearly blocking the entire world out as he makes his way to the center.
He proceeds to dance along the wire, teasing the crowd with his perfect stance, pretending to nearly fall. Jeongin stood to the side, tossing random props towards Hyunjin. The crowd watched as Hyunjin not only kept perfect balance on the thinnest wire but juggled everything that was being tossed towards him. He threw rings three feet into the air, catching them around his arms and neck, just to remain completely still on the wire.
He quickly releases the props to the ground and tosses the rings back to Jeongin, preparing for his next stunt. The crowd watched in amazement. He squats, quickly jumping from the wire into the air. You gasp loudly as he flips once over before landing onto one hand, feet stretched out above him in the air. The crowd cheers as he gives everyone the biggest smile.
Suddenly, Hyunjin begins to wobble back and forth. Your eyes widen along with his as he quickly becomes unstable. The wire continues to wobble further causing the audience to gasp as they jumped to their feet. Hyunjin watched the wobbling wire, hiding a devilish smirk as he began to fall slowly to his death. The crowd screamed as you pushed heavily against the barricade, waiting for another performer to come to the rescue. He slowly began to flip, the crowd on the edge of their seats. Some closed and covered eyes in fear of what was to come.
Nearing the ground, Hyunjin quickly backflips back around, landing his feet softly against the ground in front of you. The crowd goes nuts after witnessing this near-death marvel. However, Hyunjin wasn’t paying any attention to the screaming crowd who were practically begging for more. His eyes were solely on you. He took a step towards you, his goofy smile reappearing from earlier gone only to be replaced by a fearsome gaze. You swallow the lump in your throat, cowering back into your seat. It was no use. Hyunjin quickly snatched up your hand, placing his plump lips to the back, giving you a gentle kiss. Your eyes glaze over in a daze.
“My little doll, soon you will be all ours…” A chill burst down your spine as his eyes flash a bright shade of green. He chuckles lowly, releasing your hand.
Without another word, Hyunjin stepped back, bowing towards the roaring crowd. You snap yourself out of the daze, looking around. Did no notice what just happened between you two? It was almost as if… time stopped, and it had just been you and Hyunjin.
Suddenly, the tent grows dark. You hear a poof just before the lights turn back up. You see Hyunjin had disappeared and Chan was now standing in his place in the center of the ring. The crowd claps loudly, hollering, excited to see the finale.
Chan’s platform slowly began to rise into the air, the other performers slowly making their way back to the center of the arena. The crowd cheered as the finale was close at hand. Jisung and Hyunjin stepped forward dropping their props in preparation for what was to come. Chan looked to Woojin as he nodded his head. Changbin tightened his grip against his torches, waiting for the final signal. Felix and IN stood, hidden in the back of the crowd where they couldn’t be seen. Chan’s platform stopped as the arena slowly grew dim.
“I would like to thank you all for coming tonight.” Chan’s smirk grew longer. “Did you all enjoy tonight’s show?!” He screamed, pushing the crowd to the edge of their seats. Chan nodded his head happily looking back towards his performers. Coming in from the side, Seungmin was pushing a giant vessel into the middle of the ring. Your eyes slowly narrowed looking over the vase like sculpture. Something seemed… oddly familiar. You’ve seen that glow before. An uneasy feeling building within your chest.
“Unfortunately, this will be the last show you will ever see.” Chan says darkly and rolled his head back, smirk growing longer. The crowd continued to roar as the sound of heavy locks hitting the ground began to fill the air. Your friend began to panic noticing the enclosing area. Your head shot back towards the middle of the ring, noticing Chan’s eyes were glowing a bright shade of red as he slowly began to levitate from the platform. Your eyes widen in fear.
“What the hell…?”
Seungmin kicked the vessel causing a loud roar to fall over panicked ears. Citizens began fainting left and right. Heads smacking against the metal benches, eyes rolling back as they all fell one by one. Your eyes grew wider as the light shining from the vessel grew brighter.
Suddenly, nine pairs of eyes were on you. Chan snaps his fingers and signaled towards Hyunjin and Jisung. He points towards you, leaving you in pure fear as an evil smirk falls over his lips.
“Grab her.”
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kachuwritings · 6 years
Stray Kids reaction to another member walking in on them making out with their s/o
anonymous asked: hi! can i req a stray kids reaction where they’re making out w their s/o and things are gettin a little heated and then another member walks in on them lol
a/n: since we have underage members here I kept it fluffy with those. I hope you like it!♡
- gender neutral -
He'd be so engrossed in kissing you passionately that he wouldn't even notice the member at first
but when he did, he'd get this shy smile playing on his lips while clearing his throat awkwardly
not really sure what to say next or just straight up asking the member to give him some privacy with you
he's the oldest member so he might even feel low-key proud of it
so he could show he's getting some as the oldest hyung
but he'd never brag since he's too sweet for that
it would only give him some validation and after the member left he'd make sure to get you in the mood again so you could continue from where you got interrupted
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right while he's kissing you he'd hear the door open, followed by a shocked gasp, signalling him someone just witnessed him making out with you
he would literally freeze and ask himself whether he was a bad role model for the younger members if they catch him making out like that
lots of shy and awkward giggles
would definitely come at the member with "nooo this is not suited for your eyes, go back to bed KID" (except for if Woojin walked in, that would be no biggie tbh)
would be somewhat embarrassed and somewhat cocky about it
would also overthink about whether he locked the door or not and ask himself how he could forget about locking the door
would definitely make sure this would never happen again so he could make out with you in peace next time
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ignore the caption lmao
this little hoe™ here would probably even provoke getting caught
his dirty mind wouldn't mind having another member see him making out with you
he'd want to show the members what they're missing out on, Lee Know, you know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
wow that was horrible i'm sorry kms
so when another member stepped in and witnessed the scene he wouldn't even be fazed by it
he would definitely turn to the other member and smirk at him so that he'd leave the room in embarrassment and leave you two to continue on
would act as if nothing happened and go right back to kissing you
and even if you felt awkward, he'd make sure to get you in the mood again, if you know what I mean
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don't you think the gif is very fitting? I think it is
as soon as he realized you've been caught he wouldn't know whether to scream or not
would feel high-key embarrassed and shy on the inside
but would definitely try to act tough and confident on the outside
he'd try not to show how embarrassed he actually was and just brush it off as no big deal
but you could tell by his body language and the way he was literally shaking, that he felt nervous as heck
so you'd caringly stroke his thigh until the other member stormed out of the room in similar embarrassment and you could continue on
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he'd definitely freak out after so expect something like that though
so Hyunjin thought he had locked the door so the both of you could cuddle and kiss without having anyone interrupt and make it awkward
well, spoiler; he didn't lock the door
and of course the inevitable happened and a member walked in, unsuspecting of anything happening inside the room
Hyunjin would freeze for a second and turn towards the door, seeing the member standing there with his mouth hanging open
he'd become a shy ball of fluff, grinning widely and awkwardly,,, like really awkwardly
and he'd also be giggling nervously, not knowing how to react (idk how to describe that but I hope you know what I mean by embarrassed Jinnie)
As soon as the member left he'd calm down again but he probably wouldn't be able to look him in the eyes for the whole week ahead
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i imagine his reaction kinda something like that
when the door opened, Jisung thought he was hearing things, he couldn't believe he actually forgot to lock the door
he was still kissing you but now that he realized that he'd back away and stare at the member who walked in in shock
would start laughing out loud in an awkward way, kind of like "Ha...Ha...Ha, Ha, Ha"
would just be very awkward until he couldn't take the situation anymore
"wOuLd yOu pLeAsE leAvE uS aLoNE?"
would breathe heavily as soon as the member left because he didn't realize he had held his breath all this time
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Felix would have been totally engrossed in sharing a sweet kiss with you right when the door opened and another member's surprised gasp could be heard
what the inside of Felix's mind would look like: "Oh-Oh" and then just a blank space "______"
he really wouldn't know what to do or how to react, so he just kinda froze
Felix.exe has stopped working
he would get so shy and couldn't say a word
so he'd probably stare at you and begging you for help with his eyes and then staring at the member with a lost puppy gaze
and even the member got confused at his reaction so he'd waddle out of there and leave Felix to you
and you'd probably need to click your fingers in front of his face to get him out of his trance again so he could calm down
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I always see Seungmin as such a soft boy but there's something savage and/or bratty about him tbh
at first I thought he'd get shy but somehow I feel like the opposite would happen actually
so when a member busted in and interrupted your sweet kiss, he'd turn around with a glare
to signify the member that he definitely chose the wrong moment to interrupt
he'd get a tiiiiny bit pissed and would ask for privacy
and honestly the other member would be so shook at his reaction that he'd immediately leave the two of you alone
and then Seungmin would turn to you again with a victorious smile on his face because he definitely knows how to get his way lol
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as soon as the member caught you, Jeongin would be so embarrassed
and tbh even embarrassed is an understatement for how he felt
he's already getting teased enough by his hyungs so if they catch him kissing his s/o in private he'd get to endure even more teasing
and honesty he'd be afraid of Chan wanting to have "The Talk" with him in case he heard of what had happened
so basically he'd get so embarrassed that he'd want the ground to open up and swallow him wholly
he would get so shy and nervously laugh while internally crying
you'd need to calm him down again for sure. just give him more cuddles and a sweet kiss on the cheek so he'd be busy blushing and forgetting about the traumatizing event
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someone save him pls
Sooo that was my first Stray Kids reaction!! Did you like it? *shyly covers eyes with hands*
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svtts · 5 years
↠𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 53; "𝘴𝘪𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯, 𝘪'𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘪𝘵." & 𝘩𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘯.
going out without a coat definitely made you sick as you woke up, with your nose stuffy and a nasty cough. you’d also overslept as your boyfriend, hyunjin, was calling your phone for the seventh time.
‘hello?’ you answer, your voice croaky and coarse. 
‘babe? you sound horrible, are you sick?’ he asks, worry laced in every word. hearing the jingle of keys, you guess he’s going out.
‘yes, only a bit though.’ you tell him, trying to reassure him. ‘i’ll be fine.’ 
he knew you weren’t fine, he knew you were sick as you were oversleeping, sniffling and sounded dead. ‘im coming over.’ as much as you tell him to not worry, he ignores it and heads to your place via the shops.
rushing into your apartment, he sets down the bag of food and sees you on the sofa, your skin pale and colourless as you lie down, watching the tv.
‘baby. you’re really sick.’ he pouts, as he comes to sit next to you, placing his hand on your forehead. stone cold. ‘take some medicine.’
you lean up as to prove you’re perfectly fine, standing up to get the medicine, your vision going slightly blurry.
‘woah, sit down, i’ll get it.’ he catches you before you loose your footing, helping you sit down. 
‘hyunjin i’m fine.’ you tell him and he lets out a frustrated sigh that you can hear from the kitchen.
‘baby,’ he returns handing you two pills and a glass of water. ‘you’re not fine. you are sick and i will look after you, okay?’ he send you a soft smile and you reflect it. he disappears into your room and comes back with your duvet. 
‘stay warm.’ he lies behind you and puts the duvet over both of you, wrapping his arms around your waist and turning on a film. 
‘thank you.’ you manage to say, as his hands tangle in your hair, eventually you fade to sleep, hyunjin happy that you’re finally resting.
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
heir!svt // lee chan
♥  fluffy!!
♥ 3.1k words
♥ summary: you hated chan’s guts for having the skills with ease while you spent every ounce of your blood, sweat and tears to get to where you were now. but chan thinks you’re pretty cute despite your harsh words and he only has one way to get your attention : to annoy you
heir chan, the charming boy of his class who has 12 other older brothers to look after him in the school
everyone knows his parents as the ultimate dancing duo with the insanely popular dancing academy who sometimes come to the school to give lessons!!
and chan takes so much pride in that because thats where he got his love for dancing in the first place - from his parents!!
sometimes people like to call him mini jackson because of how he tries to incorporate the iconic moves of micheal jackson but change it here and there to put his own element into it
although he tries to come up with his own stage name aka dino because he wants to be known as himself 
and he always amazes the crowd, whether it would be contemporary, hip hop or tap dancing
no one comes out of his performance with an uninterested look
besides, not only is his skilled with dance moves but he’s pretty handsome himself
he’s got that cheeky boyish looks that girls would swoon over 
which sometimes make jeonghan really proud because he claims chan is popular with the girls because he brought him up like that
but thats just chan being himself and minding his own business because he was born like that
and even though his main focus is on dancing, he doesnt neglect his own studies and tries to do the best that he can to make his parents proud and be a good role model to his younger siblings
he’s just a really wholesome boy that everyone loves at first sight
but he’s not really wholesome when he hits the stage which makes seungcheol a little disappointed even though most of his cheekiness is because of him
smh seungcheol and jeonghan are really bad at parenting
and whenever they go a little overboard with their love and chan has to literally pluck each finger off of him, he knows they genuinely mean it 
i love a big family of 13 boys ok let me c r y
its not at all surprising that chan is popular among everyone since he’s really sweet with anyone he meets
he greets the security guard every morning, thanks the vendor lady every time he buys his meal and makes sure he greets his teachers in the hallways
how could anyone not like him
that’s what everyone else would say except you
of course the boy had his manners and you would accept that fact
but the fact that you had to compete with him to be able to compete in the national competition as the school’s representative sucks 
dance classes with him is the worst because it always feels like he’s going out of his way to outdo you
or when he has the audacity to smirk your way when he’s done showcasing his own choreo
and it makes your blood boil even more
you really wanted to get this rivalry over and done with so that you could focus on the national competitions that you were hoping of participating in
but chan would never allow that to happen
and it annoys you to the core when he tries to act nice and greet you in the hallways
but you just brush it off with a hum and walked off with your group of friends
and it doesnt only annoy you that chan was cocky and good at what he does
you were absolutely jealous of his supportive parents
the way he would probably be able to practice whenever and wherever he wanted
but you couldnt
you had to do it in secret otherwise your parents would freak out
they think they were doing you any good, by forcing their own dreams onto yours of being the next successor of their insurance company
but money is boring and having to deal with such a large sum was overwhelming
you wanted to dance to the beat and the melody of the music, being able to express your emotions through moves and make it into a masterpiece
you had always find the art of it intriguing but you never had the privilege of entering classes 
and yet here chan was, with all the facilities you had ever wanted at his fingertips
it just didnt feel fair for you to work absolutely hard to get to where you were now
and having to compete against someone who would level up more than you could in a day
and that hatred had always been boiling inside of you ever since you found out that The Lee Chan was striving for the same spot as you did
but that didnt mean you were going to give up
in fact, it gave you even more motivation for you to beat him and that damn smirk of his
as much as you could, you would book the dance practice room for at least 4 hours, polishing your skills in every type of dance you had tried - contemporary, hip hop, tap dancing, and whatnot
most of them you had either learnt it by sneaking off to classes or learning them through videos
either way, you werent going to back down from a kid who probably had professional help throughout his life
but the heavens had other plans for you
just as you were about to enter the practice room you had been using for the past month, you could feel the vibrations and the sound system booming throughout the hallway, faint sounds of foot steps tapping along to the beat
you had never bumped into someone else who needed to use the practice room before, so who else could it be??
to your dismay, you opened the door to see none other than your rival, sweating it out on the dance floor
and just when you were about to leave the room as quickly as you could, chan calls out to you with that sickeningly sweet smile, panting as he took a sip of his water bottle
“were you going to use the room?” he questioned, taking another big gulp this time
you were so tempted to say it to his face to say ‘ no shit sherlock, why else would I be here?’
but a part of you refrains you from doing so and instead you nodded your head in reply
“dont let me interrupt you,” you nonchalantly stated, walking out of the room until chan holds the door open
“hey, dont be a stranger. its not like we’re enemies,“ but that little tug at one end of his smile tells you otherwise
and a soft scoff left your lips before you knew it
"really, i have better places to be at anyway,” you roll your eyes, tightening your grip around your bagpack and walking out the room
one of these days, he’s going to push all your buttons and all your piled up frustration would explode
you stormed out of the school building, annoyed that you wouldnt be able to practice in the best conditions this time
you were left with practicing in your bedroom, while you had to keep your moves limited to your tippy toes
you couldnt risk letting your parents know about what you had been doing for the past few years
and so, the next day you see chan along the hallway and he mentions about the practice room
but you ignore him completely and went to your first class
“you really think that’s cute, chan? don’t you have better things to do?” soonyoung raised a brow, walking in the opposite direction of you while chan’s eyes never left your figure
“they’re cuter when they try to look fierce,”
but you were too far ahead to hear and you were definitely not interested in listening to such a conversation,,, right?
another school day ends, you were chanting with all your might that chan wouldnt be occupying the practice room today as well
besides, why did he have to choose the one that you had always frequented??
was he really trying to get on your nerves??
once you stepped into the room, seeing no one else but you in the reflection, you heaved a sigh of relief while you threw your belongings to the side and got your set up ready
a few minutes into revising your new choreo, the door squeaks open 
and your head nearly snaps from the sudden momentum as you stop mid spin
to see none other than chan smiling by the door way
“sorry, i thought someone else was occupying it today,” he smiled, yet he continued to walk into the room as if you had welcomed him in with open arms
“but do you mind if i stay here for a little while? i was supposed to meet my friend but he’s got to do something for the yearbook,” 
he casually takes a seat in the corner of the room while you looked back at him in disbelief
“there’s a ton of other places to wait, why here?” you groaned, stopping your song as you placed your hands on your hips
“because you look beautiful when you dance,”
and you’re completely caught off guard, unsure if what chan was spouting was utter nonsense or a genuine compliment
either way, you shook your head from the clouds and turned your face away from his line of sight
the unsettling burning sensation rising on your neck and onto your cheeks was uncalled for
why does chan even have that effect on you?? the mortal enemy you would have stabbed for breathing if it werent for the laws of this land
“,,,whatever. but another word from you and you’re out of here,” you sighed, switching the song back on while you scooted further away from his spot at the other end of the room
he gave you a thumbs up through the reflection of the mirror and when you caught the glimpse of his wide grin, your heart began to pound a little harder
it isnt a big deal right?? maybe it was just from the pressure that your rival would be closely watching your every move??
or was it because that smile on chan’s face has been plastered on ever since he saw you??
no no nO focus on you and only you,, chan is nothing but a speck of annoying dust
but throughout your practice session, your eyes were fidgeting to look back to see chan’s eyes staring back at yours
and every once in a while, you would trip and make a mistake and chan would softly chuckle in his little corner
and after a whole hour of chan watching you, you tripped once more and admitting defeat as you laid on the floor
“it’s not like you to back down from a fight like this,” chan stated, getting up from his spot as he attempted to hold in the laughter bubbling in his throat
“and why are you still even here? why’s your friend taking so long?” you were panting slightly from the non-stop practice or more specifically, the little accidents that came along with it 
“i’m not sure either but i’ll help you with your moves if you need to,” he smirked as he stood over you, reaching out towards you with his arm
him helping you out wouldnt be too bad right?? maybe you could take this as an advantage and steal whatever knowledge he would spill
but when chan guides you with his hands, gently placing your arms into place and ever so softly asked “is it okay if i,,you know,, adjusted your hips a bit?? im nOT a pervert i swear. it’s just that it looked awkward during the bridge and-”
“just do what you have to do,” you grumbled, and the heat had risen back up to your cheeks again, colouring them into a slight pink 
while chan’s cheeks mimicked yours
after further adjustment and replaying the song with chan’s advice, you had managed to clean up the choreo for half the song in less than an hour
and during that time, chan casually brought out his jokes to lighten up the mood
at first, you tried your best to hold a straight face and yet when chan pulled out a dad joke he had learned from his seniors, you couldnt hold it in and your laughter began to echo throughout the room
“a dad joke was all it took to break that ‘cool’ facade of yours? i should have known better,” he shakes his head in mocking disappointment, earning a half-hearted glare from you
“tell this to anyone and i’ll embarrass you in front of everyone in dance class. we definitely can’t forget your child prodigy days am i right?”
you burst out laughing once more, this time clenching onto your stomach while a tear threatened to spill
“you’ve been grossing me out ever since we had the same class. Try again, loser,” you scoff, wiping the tear away while you straightened yourself up to finish the rest
“oh,,, really?” he questioned, taking a few steps closer while you were too busy tying up your loosely-tied shoelaces
“duh, i told you-” 
before you could stand up and start from the top, chan hoists you up by your waist and stares right back into your eyes
“are you sure we’re talking about the same ‘gross’ here?” 
and that damned smirk comes across his face once more
this time, the blush along his cheeks doesnt go unnoticed
and yet you couldnt come up with a better come back, left speechless by his chocolate brown eyes 
you were definitely sure you looked like a gaping fish by now
but the door swings open once more, revealing someone you’ve seen once or twice along the school’s hallways
“hey chan- oh,,, oH sorry i’ll let you guys be,” minghao muttered in embarrassment while chan cursed under his breath
“we’ll continue this the same time tomorrow? don’t be late,” chan shoots a smile your way
and without letting you answer his question, he ran off with his belongings to catch up with his friend
you were left in the practice room, breathless and bothered at the fact that your skin now felt chilly from the lack of contact
 ohhh how the tables have turned
day after day, your usual routine began to include chan in it more - seeing him around the hallways and actually acknowledging his greetings
helping him out with homework when he sees you at lunch because ‘soonyoung’ doesnt know the answer either
and ending your day by fooling around with kpop group choreos as a break from dance practice
he’s really good at girl group choreos and you’re pretty jealous he can make it look cuter then you do
or maybe its because you think he looks cute but you’re not that ready to accept it yet
and without fail, chan tries his best to walk you home and is always prepared no matter the weather, having a hoodie in his bag or an umbrella in his hand
he didnt want to spend another day of school without you beside him if you got sick from the rain or the cold weather
time had flown so fast that the decision for your teacher to pick a participant had arrived
a huge part of you still insisted for yourself to get the position, having no other option to show to your parents that you were more than capable in dancing
but after knowing chan, it wouldn’t feel so bad letting him take the place as participant instead
yet the thing that worried you the most is that, was this the end of your budding friendship?
it wasn’t like chan needed to see you anymore once the choice is made and he probably began talking to you just because of it
so was this it?
“yn, you have never given me a score below average and neither have chan. but chan is undeniably more skilled in nearly every genre, so the place goes to him,” your teacher announces the results in the teachers’ office
no doubt you felt disappointed by the results
that you wouldnt be able to showcase your talents and hardwork to others or prove to your parents
but when you look to your side to see chan staring back, guilt in his eyes, you pat his back with reassurance
“what’s with the long face? you look ugly like that,” you chuckled, yet his face remained grim
“but there’s better news for the both of you,” your teacher interrupts, taking a piece of paper out from her folder and passing it to the both of you
“there’s a competition coming up, and it’s not as grand, but i reassure you that this is another good way to learn how to cooperate with one another. the both of you are indeed my best students afterall,”
your eyes scanned the flyer, reading through the rules and regulations while chan did the same
the rules were pretty much the same for every competition but this time, it was a requirement for the participants to be in a group of 2 or more
and chan looks at you with the brightest smile, admiring the sparkles of determination in your eyes lighting back up again
the both of you walk out of the room, spouting every and any idea that came to your mind 
and feeling relieved that you actually got a second chance
and while chan was reciprocating your ideas with his, something bigger had been occupying his mind all day
it was now or never
with a swift movement of his wrist, he turns you to face him and hold you by your waist, bringing you so close that you could feel his breath fanning your cheek
“i’ve been waiting too long to say this and i cant hold it back anymore,” he chuckled dryly
and even though his movements seemed confident and brave, you could spot his wavering eyes, his trembling fingers and the light tinge of pink on his cheeks
“i like you, more than just a friend. and maybe i get on your nerves more than 5 times a day, and its silly to say this, but i would rather do that than never be able to talk to you. it would be nice if you became more than just a dance partner-”
but this time, you smirk, taking his hand and holding his waist, dipping him and planting a soft and quick kiss on lips
“you were confident a minute ago, is this how youre really confessing to me?” you chuckle staring back at his wide eyes
and chan wanted to tease you back so bad for making him feel so embarrassed
but not everything would go the way he planned
just as he was about to take the lead, his unstable footing caused the both of you to fall, you falling onto him while he took the impact
“look like i made you fall for me,” even in the midst of groaning in pain, chan winks back at you while you rolled your eyes at his cheesy ways
“a minute into being an actual couple and i’ve already had enough of it,” you sigh, picking yourself up and walking away, causing chan to stumble his way to catch up with you
“not my fault you can’t resist me,” he laughed
finally matching your pace, he placed his arm over your shoulder and placed a quick kiss onto your temple, eliciting giggles from the both of you
i guess all that hatred was to mask the fact that chan looked utterly attractive
and now he will never ever let you live knowing that
a/n: my dods im done with the heir series omfg this was a pain in my brain but im gonna make myself suffer some more and make a different series for another group that ive been preparing oops!! will post the masterlist for the heirs tomorrow so you can read the whole gang :P hope you guys have a good day/night <3
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Warlords reacting to ff about themselves
*just general fanfiction, nothing in particular. This is written for crack purposes, not to critique anybody or address any greater issues. 
“What did I do to Hideyoshi...?!”
Refuses to accept the fact that he really talks like so.
Does not recall Kichou being his wife. He saw the fanart. He continues on to question it.
Snickers at every mention of shibari. Will absolutely tease MC about it.
Blushed upon seeing “Hideyoshi Toyotomi/Mitsuhide Akechi” tag. Hid it instantly. Will torment Hideyoshi with it.
Has great fun collecting information to tease the other warlords. Makes sure to console MC afterwards and to remind her he wants only her.
Died several times while reading it. // “Lord Nobunaga did what to me...?!”
Initially considered angst with Nobunaga to be death threats.
Enjoyed some family fics with himself, although he may not admit it.
Was not allowed to read explicit & mature works. Read them regardless. Might have even taken notes. May have some questions and concerns.
Does not understand why somebody would write about him.
Found out that he enjoys fluff a lot.
Outwardly: laughed it off. Inwardly: read through it all. Those eyebags didn’t come from nowhere. Curiosity killed the cat.
He is distraught to learn that we all do know about his alcohol tolerance and how he behaves once drunk.
Secretly enjoyed hurt/comfort the most. Will not let anybody know that. 
Is grumpy about it. Checks it out after being teased by both Masamune and Mitsuhide. 
Saw himself being a pair with Mitsunari. Stopped reading then.
Found reader inserts rather nice to read. Mostly interested in gen fics.
Angst lover. His second preference is hurt/comfort.
Does not comprehend why he’s called bunshin, husbun or bun-bun.
Started testing his bunny-bending powers and taking his role as the sole bunny bender seriously. 
Went on to moon gaze.
Tried to memorise as many pick-up lines as possible. Considered writing them down.
Became a fan of domestic fluff.
Sasuke forced him to read it.
Did not want to read it. Did not enjoy it. It felt weird.
Sasuke opened Shingen tag for him. Yuki ran.
He already knew of its existence and read every single possible fanficiton regarding the warlords.
Has his own Ao3 account.
Remembered to erase his history before Kenshin stumbled into it by accident.
Peacefully enjoys silence in his forest and refuses to let anybody near himself until the entire thing is over.
Was shown some fluffy fanart. It made him blush.
Will wave his staff at you if you expose him to Kennyo tag. He prefers blissful ignorance in that regard. 
Tag list: @datenoriko, @nad-zeta, @tsubaki3192, @jiyuu-chan, @missjudge-me, @ikemencrossedmyth, @plumpblueberry , @nimeryaa, @nuttytani, @thesirenwashere, @milas-imaginarium, @kisara-16, @yukas-clover, @alerialumina , @cheese-ception , @iamryxx , @mineko811 , @briars7 , @cailann, @mila-ikigai, @nyktoon-in-otomeland, @silhouette-of-a-dream, @fairstival If you want to be tagged under my future works, let me know (any way works)! ^^ Also, if you have some preferences (for example: you’d rather not be tagged under some series, etc.), please, tell me.  If you don’t want to be tagged anymore - please, do not feel bad about it, just say so :)
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princessozera · 4 years
Devildom Memes and Joke Trends (The Demon Lord Brothers)
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Word count: 726
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WEEKLY heated debates on whether Diavolo or Lucifer are actually dating. The majority answer changes every week
Secret ‘shippers’ that take photos of them and make shitty fancam edits of them together
Let’s guess how many hours of sleep Lucifer had based on how dark his under eye bags are
On going bets on when he’s going to start hanging up Mammon at RAD too
On going bets on when he’s gonna  break and jump off the top of the school or scream from the highest turret
*Literally any 2 random things together* Dang, Diavolo and Lucifer look so cute together 💖💖💖💖
Scaring him by imitating Lucifer’s yell (hidden and from a safe distance ofc)
Dropping chocolate coins around him > he puts them in his wallet and sits on them > chocolate covered pants
A whole  encoded page that’s the Devildom’s equivalent of Jackass but with Mammon
Black mailing Mammon to do small favors for them or else they’ll show MC that video from that party where he-
Convincing him to do challenges designed to fail, bonus if you convince him with an absurdly low amount of money
Levi’s rant of the week is a popular hashtag. Levi may not go to school often, or talk to others much, but his voice carries and others can typically hear what topic he’s going off about this week (”What’s a Zombie Apocalypse??”)
Debates on whether or not he has a secret double life as a femboy, eboy, crossdresser, etc, with edits to accompany it.
“I bet if we tried to burn a Ruri-Chan doll it would summon Levi”
Deep fried memes
1001 pictures of him tripping and just staying down
Everyone trying to convince everyone else that they saw Satan reading smut/porn in public and no one ever believing it
Bets and trying to figure out what was the shittiest book he secretly enjoys, top 3 right now are: Twilight, 50 shades of Grey, or My Immortal
Trying to figure out if he has a fanficiton account and if he writes it
Trying to get him react to things from iconic-ly horrible-questionable fanfictions: “Crucifix nail nipples” ,“Ebony Darkness Dementia Ravenway” ,“I can’t believe Judy Hopps went through with that abortion😱” 
*Takes picture of a random street cat* SMH, Satan needs to watch his kids better
Thousands of edits of Satan as a cat or with cat ears
Garfield Satan
*takes a picture of random blonde/strawberry blonde human kid* Asmo’s 39,245,172,697,208th child 💖💅😌
Jokes about Asmo being able to teleport because I SWEAR he was just at this party how is he at that one across town already!?
Asmo himself inspires a “Party Punch card” for the more casual partyers and he alone makes up 8 squares with various actions/quotes
Predicting what fashion trend Asmo will start in RAD just because his followers are huge simps
Wearing hideous outfits just to get Asmo’s reaction
Asmo x Regina George edits
“Beel probably loves putting loads of meat into his mouth “ and a thousand and one ways to reword this innuendo with food
Bets on how much Beel can bench press, for a while they inherited ‘Glomping’ and ‘passing out’ near him to see if he’d catch them. he wouldn’t.
Randomly throwing food at him but he always catches it
Blog dedicated to the weirdest shit they’ve seen Beel eat
A few bets on how long it’ll take him to eat the exchange student
Ongoing tally on how many people he’s stabbed, 17 cases which are unconfirmed
Have started a game on how angry they can get him to see if they can avoid being stabbed
4000+ pictures of the weird places they’ve found him sleeping in public and at RAD, the most popular one being inside a vase near the 3rd floor library entrance, a small flower on his head
Bets on how long it’ll take him to find a way to get a hold of some holy water and go after Diavolo
Tsundere memes
Tons of cow edits, more so than any other brother with their respective animal. No one knows why or where they come from but they are the Devildom’s OG reaction memes
All the brothers
MC X OHSHC brothers edits
Power rangers edits
Literally any group of characters, they get edited in to
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