#Chapter 15 - preview
bullsharkbait-art · 4 months
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Colored Chapter 15 Preview because Archive is derpy~ The last preview pic was chapter 15 AO3 just thought I only had 13 chapters for some odd reason.
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retellingthehobbit · 1 year
I’m making a webcomic adaptation of The Hobbit! It’s an epic cool passion project that incorporates as much of Tolkien’s prose as possible while also being my own take on the story, it features a variety of different art styles to represent the worlds of different characters in Middle Earth, it’s over 100 pages long already, the art/writing keeps gradually improving over time, and you should follow it! Like, comment, and subscribe! *dabs*
Okay I admit I’m awful at ‘marketing.’ But my point stands! Follow for queer Tookish antics over the Edge of the Wild. 
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You can keep up by following me here at @retellingthehobbit on Tumblr. This blog posts a new 10ish-page-long chapter once a month (on the 13th), as well as assorted WIP art :3. The first chapter on tumblr is here. (I started out posting on my main @secretmellowblog, so the earlier chapters were posted there instead.) However, I personally recommend keeping up with the comic by bookmarking it on ao3 here or subscribing on Webtoon here. This keeps all the chapters neatly organized in one place, and also sends you an email notification whenever it updates, which is helpful because I don't update weekly :). I currently update monthly, on the thirteenth day of every month.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy!
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coming soon(...ish) to an ao3 account near you: the idiot's guide to blindfold chess
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in the meantime, the full piece of this ^^ is on patreon!
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seiya-starsniper · 2 months
Can’t help getting a bit (a lot) interested in your Omegaverse force marriage🌟
hello anon, I have worked on this some more and written some new bits! I hope you enjoy it 💖
Over the next few days, everything Dream had previously known about his husband changes. They still take their meals together, but Hob no longer brings his newspaper to the table and ignores Dream’s presence. Instead, he tells Dream stories. Most of the stories are anecdotes on the alpha’s life; his childhood, how he got a particular scar on his chin (apparently from colliding with a tree while trying to skateboard), the black labrador retriever he had owned and loved for twelve years. Others are stories about his work, and though Dream does not understand the finer details, he can tell that Hob is smart, and well versed in the operations of his family business. It is a far cry from other high society alphas, who often were simply granted their positions of status by birthright.
✨Ask Me About My WIPs! ✨
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justajjfan · 1 month
The Quiet Boy - Chapter 15 (preview)
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Thank you to all my wonderful followers and supporters of my story. Your kind comments and messages have been uplifting.
Sorry that it's been a while since my last update but I'm happy to say chapter 15 is finally ready for posting on AO3. Now...if I can just remember how to do that. 🤔Kidding!
This chapter would most definitely be nothing without my beta extraordinaire and talented banner maker @sunsetsrmydreams. Thank you for your unwavering support dear friend.
Meanwhile...here's a little snippet;
“I love you Peeta Mellark!”
Peeta’s reaction to my declaration of love is nothing short of swift as his strong arms turn me and sweep me up as if I weigh nothing, twirling us both around.
“Put me down,” I cry out with laughter.
The world spins as Peeta does as told and sets me down carefully, his smile beaming from ear to ear. In my own euphoric and slightly dizzy state, what I say to Peeta next doesn’t register until the words have left my lips. 
“Have you ever just wanted to shout out to the world? Like this feeling is just so big that it can’t be contained,” I tell him, catching his eyes. “We don’t have to be quiet here, Peeta.”
Peeta’s smile drops and his hold around my waist loosens.
I watch as Peeta’s gaze turns to where the picnic basket sits on the dry grass. To where I know his sketchbook, notebook and pencils have been carefully placed inside for the trip back home.
My racing heart instantly sinks to the pit of my stomach and I want to kick myself for being so insensitive.
“I’m sorry,” I start to say apologetically, stepping away from him. “I just want you to know you’re safe with me,” I declare.
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Alright, so. I really wanted to give you more, but I'm also painfully aware that it's all very, very spoilery, so here's what you get. I hope you enjoy!
He forgets to take off his bloody belt, and somehow it means they have to search his whole bag, on top of sticking him in the body scan. Secretly, he hopes that whoever’s behind the machine will see the trail of love bites on the side of his chest from when he begged Ross to go harder, because he wanted those marks there. He didn’t tell Ross why, but he suspects Ross knew. In fact, he knows Ross knew, because Ross keeps silently affirming and validating their need for closeness, physical contact, and just each other in general. 
Ross stands way too close to him in the queue at Starbucks, and he does hold Matty’s hand. More or less. One, two, three fingers finding each other, partially covered by the longer sleeves of both their coats. Not quite, but still somehow enough.
After they settle down in the waiting era, Ross sits with his legs a little spread so their knees are touching. 
Ross reads over Matty’s shoulder as Matty flicks through his notebook and decidedly does not make any comment about the fact that Matty’s mindlessly scribbling the words, tender, surrender, on a bender, never-ending December.
And then, around ten minutes before Ross’s gate is bound to be announced, Ross collects his things and stands up and announces he’s going to go find a bathroom. The way he looks at Matty as he says that speaks a thousand words, so Matty silently nods and swallows another pint of tears as he gets up and follows him.
It’s unglamorous and disrespectful as, but they end up in the disabled toilets. Ross kisses Matty against the door, hungry but gentle, and everything seems to slot back into place for a few frantic moments. As they part, Matty feels like Ross is still holding him up a bit because his entire weight isn’t yet back on his feet, and he’s back to feeling light, at least in body if not in spirit. 
“I’m going to miss you, you know,” Ross says, pressing his nose into Matty’s cheek and then kissing him in the same spot.
“Oh yeah?” Matty, trying to sound fake-casual. His voice breaks a bit, Ross’s eyebrows knit closer together, and he knows he’s failing.
“A lot.” Ross is giving him a gorgeous albeit wistful smile that makes him want to climb into Ross’s suitcase and ship himself to Tulum. “Christmas in Mexico was a silly idea.”
“Pfft, you’re going to have a great time,” Matty replies, grateful for the opportunity to tease him a bit. “Won’t even notice I’m not there.”
“Unlikely,” Ross says, smiling as he kisses Matty’s lips once more, delicate as an evening breeze. “I always miss you when we’re not together.”
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herosplatling-replica · 11 months
(no i dont think im subtle lol i love your characterisation of it)
A/N: i actually wanted to do a little preview of chapter 15, ehehehe... i thought it might be a nice snippet to put here :)
Good. Rest.
Freya’s knee jerk reaction was to tell the voice not to order her around, though she admittedly didn’t want to fight it on the idea of resting. The burning sensation in her throat hasn’t gone away. For now, she tried to catch her breath as she stared at the mem cakes in the sink. 
Two of them are identical. The matching mem cakes are of a shattered fish bowl. The third mem cake was of the Octarian Empire’s heirloom - the golden toothpick. 
Why these..? 
As Freya’s about to reach in and clean off the bright blue ink coating the mem cakes, a sharp knock sounded at the door. 
Shit shit shit, I’ve been in here too long- 
Panic hit her as she paced around the clinic bathroom, unsure of what to do. She should just take the mem cakes, right? Maybe show them to Jeanne and see if she knew what to do? She’s the expert, after all. 
“Hello? Are you okay in there?” A cool voice asked outside the door. “It’s Doctor Nex. Are you alright?” 
Oh, the doctor. The doctor. She might know what to-
Absolutely not. These are to go to the test subjects, the voice insisted. A freezing numbness spread over Freya’s right hand, moving of its own accord to snatch the mem cakes up. We are leaving. 
We?! Who said you got to call the shots here? 
Say something to the doctor. Make her leave. 
You can’t be serious!
“Hello? It’s okay, you can come out. I just want to make sure you’re alright,” Nex’s voice called again. A stab of guilt pierced Freya’s heart as her hand tightened around the mem cakes, the numbness starting to fade. 
“I-I’m okay-” Despite her best efforts, Freya coughed hard. The burning sensation in her throat never truly passed, making it difficult to talk. “Shit.” 
“It’s okay, Freya. Open the door,” Nex insisted. 
We’re not getting out of this. I’m opening the door. 
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ragnar0c · 3 months
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Wip for EO3’s anniversary and Hana guild bonding thumbnails.
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Today’s line:
Finnian tried to move, but his arms were stuck. No, not stuck. Tied together at the wrists. He froze, taking a deep conscious breath. It did nothing to ease the terror that came crawling back as he realized that he wasn’t alone.
30 days 30 lines
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sexynetra · 1 year
@lady-assnali tagged me in this fun little tag game as a sneaky little tactic to get more peeks at the chapter before I post and guess what? It worked 💕 (love you mon bien-aimé, nobody loves rawnsyf like you none of this would happen without you xxoo)
1. Share the premise (as much or as little as you’d like) of the WIP that’s been haunting you lately.
RAWNSYF CHAPTER 6 MY MORTAL ENEMY MY BELOVED I have been stuck with her for so long I think my brain is made of jell-o.
We left off with a steamy drunken makeout, but how will Marcia react when there’s no alcohol to blame her decisions on? How will Marcia and Anetra’s friends react to the news of their kiss? Will Anetra ever catch a goddamn break??? Tune in next week* to find out ;)
*hopefully this week
2. Share the last line of your latest WIP
Anetra’s decision was made for her before she could think about anything.
3. ctrl + f for any of these words: hand, gold, bed, brown, money, tea, smile, water. if any of those are in your wip, share those sentences too.
Here’s the tea, bestie. I cannot do that because hand alone has 62 hits. But I can pick and choose an assortment for y’all
She was trying to be a gentleman. To keep her hands and teeth to exclusively PG-13 areas
It felt like ages before Marcia moved, raising her hands slowly as if she was worried Anetra would flee out the window
She felt her breath catch in her throat as she straightened the towel, running a hand through her damp hair
She broke off and Sasha squeezed both her hands encouragingly
“So… about Marcia…” Anetra began, half-wishing she had ordered a drink just so she would have something to do with her hands
“But my bed is available for cuddling, if you want.”
“That bad,” Anetra sighed, pushing off her bed to sit at her desk chair
Anetra smiled in spite of herself, sending a half a dozen hearts so she didn’t have to think of a real response, and groaned when she saw the message below
Anetra traced a pattern of water stains on the wooden table with two fingers, wondering if she could drown on dry land from the absurdity of the situation
4. No pressure tags:
@eyeslikewatercoolers @marciax3-appreciator @goodemethyd
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icehot13 · 1 year
i have a new fear and it’s ‘is that leafblower sound coming from the roof above me and i’m about to have dirt absolutely fucking rained down on me while i’m outside’ if this seems like an oddly obscure fear to have, it’s not
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brokenangelwings22 · 7 months
A preview of The Weight of the World chapter 15 pt 2–
“You asked when you first woke up if I was going to ask you to ‘play’ a game. Well, I thought about it, and I very much would like to oblige you.”
“You fucking asshole,” Carlos growled.
“Sorry? I couldn’t hear you over my superiority complex,” Lucas sniggered. It swiftly turned saccharinely gleeful. “Now! Let’s start, shall we? If you beat me? I’ll give you everything you want. You lose? Well, I don’t think I need to tell you what will happen. Needless to say, your life won’t be the only one in jeopardy.”
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ynsvnte · 3 months
Mr. Yang, Is that you?: Masterlist
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Synopsis: You were playing Roblox until you started having beef with one player that goes by the name “mryangslays193” determined to beat the player in the game. What happens if you go to class and find out it’s your crush Yang Jungwon who is the owner of the account ..?
Pairing: crush!jungwon x fem!reader
Featuring: Sunoo & Niki, Zb1 Gyuvin, kep1er youngeun, weeekly jaehee, IVE Liz.
Genre: classmates to friends to lovers, crack, fluff, angst, Roblox, smau, college au
Warnings: swearing, mean jokes, teasing, kms/kys jokes, individual warnings will be added.
Status: completed
Started: March 7 Ended: June 6
Taglist: Closed
Notes: hey… 😏 Roblox theme bc Roblox 4 life. Umm I just finished my last smau that took 3 MONTHSSSS (shouldn’t have) ummm I excited where this one goes and I hope it doesn’t take long like ttsd 🙄 written chapters like usual
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Profiles: BADDIES 🤺 , SHEva love club, privs
1. Sleek the weak
3. Mr Yang Yang better watch out
4. He wants MEEE
5. HE IS WHO!?!
6. Nah I’m out
7. Crack and Snap
8. Yandere era
9. Uh oh stinky
10. On my soul
11. So you’ll admit it?
12. RAHH (in smol)
13. Bro needs to be stopped
14. I.h.h.a
15. NEW HAIR NEW TEE NEW MAN!? — written and smau
16. won = sad
17. ALPHA!! 🤡💀
18. Please tell me.. — written
21. Back up 🗣️🔥
22. Punch a guy
23. Roblox 2gether
24. nervy and nerdy — written
25. If it had been me-
27. Mr. Yang Yang approved
28. Bittersweat — written
29. Forever and 4vr
30. good 2 know 👍
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© ynsvnte copyright 2024
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burntheedges · 6 months
Maintenance Request
main post & chapter list | 18+ (minors DNI) | ao3 word count: 88.6k
Joel Miller x f!reader | complete 🧡
summary: Hot Construction Guy is the bane of your existence - he seems to only pop up at the worst possible moment for you, every time you see him. 
There’s no way there could be something more there.
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full fic tags/warnings: academia AU, modern AU, one-sided enemies-to-lovers, no outbreak, live music, fluff, banter, everyone is alive, misunderstandings, ex boyfriend who was manipulative and a jerk (only mentioned), no use of y/n, pet names (darlin, gorgeous, honey, baby, sweetheart), later: smut, kissing, grinding, frottage, p in v sex, oral sex (f! and m!receiving), creampie, somnophilia, phone sex, semi-public sex; each chapter will have its own tags a/n: this fic is completely finished! It was my 2023 NaNo project. I’ll post a new chapter every Friday. There are 23 chapters and an epilogue. There is eventually quite a bit of smut, but it’s going to take us a little while to get there. Mind the tags (for the whole fic above and for each chapter). That “one-sided enemies-to-lovers” tag was the motivation for the whole fic — what if only one of you thinks you’re enemies? And here we are. Chapters with smut are marked with *. The dates in each chapter are from a fictional fall semester, 2024. Shoutout to @fanatictypist for reading this and encouraging me 💕 and to the PPCU server. note about reader: in this fic you’re a college professor, vaguely of English literature and poetry. You like live music, you like to read, and Ellie is your niece. You have a best friend named Beth, a sister who is having a rough time, and a difficult mother. I’ve avoided physical descriptions and most clothing descriptions, except when plot-relevant. You are vaguely shorter than Joel. No age is specified, but I imagined 36-year-old Joel here (and 14-year-old Sarah), and most English PhDs wouldn’t get to this type of position until they were 28 or 29 at the earliest, even if they went to grad school right out of undergrad. So you can imagine reader any age from there to mid-30s, or whatever you want, really. 
* = chapter contains smut
Come celebrate the end with me with some fun asks! Ch 23 goes up 5/17 and the epilogue 5/24.
Chapter List
Chapter 1 | 2.4k Wednesday, September 4, second week of the semester
Chapter 2 | 2.4k | preview Friday, September 6, second week of the semester
Chapter 3 | 2.4k | preview Monday, September 16, fourth week of the semester, Friday, September 20, fourth week of the semester
Chapter 4 | 1.8k | preview Interlude
Chapter 5 | 3.4k | preview Friday, September 27, fifth week of the semester Saturday, September 28, fifth week of the semester Monday, September 30, sixth week of the semester
Chapter 6 | 2.1k | preview Wednesday, October 2, sixth week of the semester
Chapter 7 | 2.4k | preview | art by @kittyoperas 🥰 Wednesday, October 9, seventh week of the semester
Chapter 8 | 2.7k | preview Monday, October 14, eighth week of the semester
Chapter 9 | 3.4k | preview Tuesday, October 15, eighth week of the semester Thursday, October 17, eighth week of the semester Friday, October 18, eighth week of the semester Saturday, October 19, eighth week of the semester
Chapter 10 | 5k | preview Monday, October 21, ninth week of the semester
Chapter 11 | 2.4k| preview Tuesday, October 22, ninth week of the semester Thursday, October 24, ninth week of the semester Friday, October 25, ninth week of the semester
Chapter 12 | 8.1k | preview * Friday, October 25, ninth week of the semester
Chapter 13 | 9.3k | preview * Friday, October 25 (still), ninth week of the semester
Chapter 14 | 3.9k | preview Friday, October 25 (still), ninth week of the semester Saturday, October 26, ninth week of the semester
Chapter 15 | 3.6k | preview Saturday, October 26, ninth week of the semester Sunday, October 27, ninth week of the semester
Chapter 16 | 5.8k | preview Tuesday, October 29, tenth week of the semester Friday, November 1, tenth week of the semester
Chapter 17 | 3.2k | preview * Saturday, November 2, tenth week of the semester Sunday, November 3, tenth week of the semester
Chapter 18 | 3.3k | preview * Monday, November 4, eleventh week of the semester
Chapter 19 | 7.6k | preview * Saturday, November 9, eleventh week of the semester Sunday, November 10, eleventh week of the semester
Chapter 20 | 3.3k | preview Saturday, November 16, twelfth week of the semester
Chapter 21 | 3.5k | preview * Friday, November 22, thirteenth week of the semester
Chapter 22 | 2k | preview Thursday, December 5, fifteenth week of the semester
Chapter 23 | 2.7k | preview * Friday, December 6, last day of classes 
Epilogue | 5/24 Saturday, May 10, summer Break
Drabbles & longer asks
Where would Joel and reader go on holiday together? from the MR ending celebration
Beth & Joel's first meeting asks, part 1 and part 2, from the MR ending celebration
Would they have kids? from the MR ending celebration
About their future adventures and how I got the idea for the fic, from the MR ending celebration
Some insight into ch2, the pile driver, and Trevor, from the MR ending celebration
Does Joel ever run into Matt? From the MR ending celebration
About Beth and Joel’s friendship, from the MR ending celebration
How I wrote it, from the MR ending celebration
Coming soon: how Joel found the poem 😏
@sawymredfox made this moodboard and it’s amazing 😩 please go look at it 💕
@djarins-cyare made this wonderful moodboard, I love it so much -- please go look at it! 🧡💚
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burstfoot · 18 days
Hello! Here's an update on all of Arknights' currently accessible auxiliary material as of May 2024! There's plenty to check out, so I hope this is helpful for some!
Arknights Prelude To Dawn (S1) and Perish in Frost (S2): [Crunchyroll]
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An adaptation of the main story, up through Chapter 0 to Chapter 6! It's much more fast-paced than the in-game story, so I wouldn't use it to replace actually reading it, but it's very cool to see some of these scenes in full animation. Season 3, Arknights: Rise from Ember, has been announced! Lee's Detective Agency: [Youtube]
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A mini-series animated in a chibi style with a comedic tone. Focused on the adventures of the Kuroblood-illustrated Lee's Detective Agency! Distributed by Crunchyroll globally, but entirely free to watch.
Closure's Secret Files: [Youtube]
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A cut-out styled series of shorts hosted by Closure which outlines a lot of the game's basic mechanics!
Holy Knight Light: [Youtube]
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A short OVA focusing around Penguin Logistics delivering a package, celebrating Arknights' first anniversary. Officially posted to Youtube!
Kay's Daily Doodles: [Youtube]
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Another free, comedic Youtube mini-series, posted to the offical Arknights Youtube account and focused around Ceobe! Here's some additional animations! Each event usually also has a 15 second 2D animated preview of the event, but there's so many of those that I can't list them all. Anniversary Event 3D Animations: Zwillingstürme im Herbst So Long, Adele Lone Trail Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow Il Siracusano Ideal City Stultifera Navis Invitation To Wine Near Light Dossoles Holiday Under Tides Bonus 3D Animated Shorts: Legend of Chongyue Arknights Special - IL Siracusano Lo Scontro Youtube Shorts: Ch'en and Lin's Watermelon Splitting Game Part 1 Ch'en and Lin's Watermelon Splitting Game Part 2 Amiya's Siracusan Food Guide Part 1 Amiya's Siracusano Food Guide Part 2 Amiya's Special Gift Doctor's Gifts in Return 1 Doctor's Gifts in Return 2
Comics, Manga, Manhua
Officially Translated:
Rhodes Island's Records of Originium: Rhine Lab: [Offical Source]
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A canon manhua centered around the circumstances that lead to Silence falling out with Saria and joining Rhodes Island with Ifrit, as well as Ifrit's attempt to save a dying infected stowaway on the landship. Essential reading for understanding the Rhine Lab storyline and characters - read it right after Mansfield for when it was chronologically released! One of the characters, Darya, is mentioned in both Ifrit's module and briefly in Lone Trail.
Rhodes Island's Records of Originium: Blacksteel: [Official Source]
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A short story focusing on the lives of the Blacksteel operators aboard the landship. While it often gets overshadowed by the Rhine Lab manga which is bigger in scope, this is a great read especially if you're interested in Franka or Liskarm.
Rhodes Kitchen -TIDBITS-: [Official Source]
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An anthology story related to the cuisine that's important to a variety of operators. While it might seem unassuming, the art is gorgeous and it's really well-written! The Blacksteel, Rhine Lab, and Rhodes Kitchen manga have all been sold in physical copies, if you're interested in having them in print!
Prelude Suite: Cadenza Virtuosa: [Official Source]
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An epilogue to Hortus De Escapismo focusing on Arturia's background, with the second chapter serving as a prelude for Zwillingstrume im Herbst! An excellent read to get better insight into Arturia's character.
Angelina: Sketches of this Messenger's Journey: [Official Source]
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A more comedically focused manwha, centered on the adventures of Angelina travelling across Terra as a Messenger! Currently updating, with recent chapters focusing on Sami and Siesta!
Unofficially Translated
The Dagger's Inheritors: [Youtube]
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A 15-minute short 3D animated film about W's past and relationship with Theresa, released for the 5th Arknights anniversary. Arknights Comic Anthology: [Mangadex]
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As the title says, a series of non-canon anthology stories regarding the cast of Rhodes' Island! Some of the chapters on Mangadex for the later volumes of the Comic Anthology specifically have been machine translated, but the same is not true for the other manga shared here. Chapters are hit-and-miss, but the whole series is generally a fun read! See the original post for specific chapter suggestions.
123 Rhodes Island: [Mangadex]
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A series of non-canon gag comics for the CN server, usually updated when new operators or events release!
Arknights: Operators!: [Mangadex]
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A compilation of shortform manga posted on the official ArknightsJP twitter account! Thank you to @sleepywoodscans for their work on personally translating these!
Arknights: A1 Operations Preparation Detachment: [Mangadex]
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Part of the Terra Historicus website and not yet officially translated, focusing on Fang, Kroos and Beagle before they join Rhodes Island, and a catastrophe striking the Columbian city of Tkaronto. Thank you to @pooce-art for their translation work!
Arknights Ambience Synesthesia: [Youtube]
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A series of concerts (4 so far), focused around Arknights' music! A live performance has been done every year, with skins released in-game for the concert's theme & 3D animations produced featuring the skin's cast in 2022, 2023, and 2024.
Monster Siren Records: [Spotify] [Official Website]
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Arknights' official (and-in-universe) record label publishing game OSTs, themes for almost every 6 star operator that releases, and occasional bonus songs.
Arknights: Endfield: [Twitter]
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An upcoming 3D action gacha game from Hypergryph, set in the far future of Arknights' universe on another planet. Currently in closed beta testing for both EN and CN servers!
Some fandom-developed tools that might be of use to you are: The Arknights Terra Wiki. While it is a very accurate source for in-game data, take the explanation of in-game story and some specific claims with a grain of salt. The FANDOM version of this wiki is currently no longer mantained and subject to vandalism! Given you can translate or read Chinese, PRTS.wiki is the current best resource for game assets!
As well, the Arknights Story Reader can help you catch up on stuff you don't want to or can't read in game! Jacob Moreau on Youtube provides voiceover readings of many in-game stories as well.
Finally, Aceship's Toolbox provides access to a variety of tools, including a levelling calculator, a calculator to ensure the best recruitments, and all the CGs, backgrounds and character sprites that are available in-game as of So Long, Adele (as far as I'm aware, the sprite/cg gallery is no longer being updated.)
Thank you for reading! I hope this provided some new information to you or is an easy reference source in the future. Some things, such as merch (i.e. board games) or the official lore book have not been included due to not being accessible or translated for EN players. I'm happy to continue to provide more information like this to make the art surrounding this series more accessible! If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask.
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crownorclover · 8 months
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the demo for OMAMORI : a mp100 fangame is now live on itch.io!
we're celebrating reigen's birthday with a preview of a project that @kreauxlighe/jace and i have been working on since april! jace has been working on the writing and programming, and i am providing the art and visual assets.
OMAMORI is a serirei focused kinetic visual novel. you are a spirit haunting an omamori who helps people that receive it specifically with their struggles in love and romance. one day, your omamori is given to reigen arataka. as you take your time observing this apparent conman while he works it becomes clear there is something there between him and his deputy director, serizawa katsuya, although neither one seem ready to confess. get to know them and, with the aide of the people (and spirit?) in their lives, help them take that next step.
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the play time for the demo is 15-20 minutes, depending on your reading speed (and how long you take typing different names into the player name slot). we have more planned features and many more chapters to come, so there's a lot to look forward to! you can follow the game page on itch.io for occasional devlog updates in the future.
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