#Check out part 1 and 2
merlinatthetavern · 10 months
Merlin and Mordred's Pretend Book Club Part 3.
Merlin: We need to recruit our best fighters.
Mordred: I can fight.
Merlin: (Merlin says telephatically) Are our best fighters not available?
Mordred: You know I can hear you Merlin.
Merlin: Sorry, i forgot to turn my mind on mute.
Mordred: I didn't know you could do that.
Merlin: You can't.
Mordred: Shame, it would be useful.
Mordred: Also you are one to talk about fighting skill Merlin. You may be able to do magic but the last time you held a sword you managed to injure yourself within minutes and you weren't even fighting anyone, you were just holding the sword.
Merlin: It was very heavy!
Mordred: And as well as being able to hold a sword properly and not requiring Gaius full attention afterwards, I can also perform magic. I think sometimes you forget that fact.
Merlin: I think Arthur forgets too, maybe we should tell him! (Merlin says with a sarcastic sense of enthusiasm.)
Mordred: If you tell him, my last words will be...under... Merlin's... bed.
Merlin: I'll just move my magic books somewhere else.
Mordred: In Merlin's cupboard.
Merlin: And there's no where else where I can think to hide them, so I'd be doomed, R.I.P me, we need do get back to this.
(He points at the map.)
Mordred: Merlin you have absolutely no sense of direction, I don't know why you are looking at the map.
Merlin: I barely get lost nowadays, my sense of direction is fine. I always manage to find the people auditioning to be Arthur's next assassin.
Mordred: So we recruit the knights of the round table, and everyone else we can find who wants to fight who we feel like we can trust. To recruit them I say we forge a invasion letter and place it somewhere someone responsible will find it.
Merlin: So for Leon to find?
Mordred: Yes.
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feyd-meowtha · 2 months
I present... the MOTA 90s House Club AU!
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“Is that so?” Asked the bouncer with a raise of his eyebrow, “Got any ID?” He held out his hand, looking bored as Gale searched around inside his head for something to say. “Sure,” said Gale, hoping the bouncer couldn’t see him sweating as he opened up his backpack and started rummaging for something they both knew wasn’t there. This went on for an excruciating few seconds while the man on the door watched him, clearly unimpressed, before he felt a large hand on his shoulder. He looked up in shock to find himself staring straight into the face of a dark haired man with a spectacularly unfashionable moustache. “Hey, man, what the hell took you so long?” He said, leaving his hand on Gale’s shoulder where it felt like it was burning a hole through Gale’s thin vest. The bouncer looked between them with one eyebrow raised curiously. “You know this guy?” He asked. “Yeah, old friend of mine, ain’t ya?” He asked Gale, who nodded in return, working hard to the stress off his face. “We go all the way back.”
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desmonddemesne · 3 days
Gravity Falls Tarot - Part 3 of 3
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Assignment of every Major Arcana to someone/something in the Gravity Falls Universe! Broken into parts for coherence.
In this section we cover the final seven cards from The Devil to The World.
Part 1 | Part 2
15.) The Devil - Bill Cipher
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Keywords: Obsession, addiction, dependence, excess, and selfish
Through The Devil we find Baphomet ruling over his dominion, the greedy and unfulfilled. Bill Cipher is an ancient evil, a demon from another dimension who has long attempted to conscript humanity into fulfilling his ambitions. From a young age Bill had yearned for more, for the stars themselves. Eventually, he liberated himself at the cost of his world and his family.
Despite his immense power Bill was lonely and collected others willing to trade it all for a chance at the stars. In comes one Stanford Pines, the human who will, after eons of failures, succeed at constructing the device Bill has sought.
Even after Weirdmaggedon, after usurping control of time itself, Bill was stifled, and turned on by the humans he'd attempted to enslave. Bill sat atop a throne of lies, bringing chaos to the world, but even he could not control the fire he started.
16.) The Tower - The Portal
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Keywords: Upheaval, destruction, trauma, chaos, and punishment
The Tower crumbles under the weight of natural forces...or is the lighting divine retribution? The Portal in Gravity Falls contributes to much of the mystery and misery of the narrative. In reverse we learn; Stan gathers the journals to start the portal, Ford constructs the portal alongside McGucket with the latter deeming it too dangerous, and Bill Cipher yearns for the portals completion.
For Stan the portal is atonement, amends made for pushing his brother into it thirty years ago. For Ford the portal is ascension, a manifestation of his genius and dedication towards discovering the truth. For Bill the portal is escape, release from his 2D confines and the power to exert his will across the cosmos.
Whether its through its construction, activation, or destruction the Portal embodies facing the truth that truth changes, and not all thats revealed is glamorous.
17.) The Star - Mabel Pines
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Keywords: Hope, inspiration, rejuvanation, renewal, and blessing
The Star stands in the wake of The Towers collapse both fragile and faithful. Mabel, the shooting star herself, is the second half of our dynamic duo with Dipper - his equal and opposite. Mabel is a force of passion, comedy, and optimism embodying all the frivolities of childhood we grow to miss.
When Weirdmaggedon strikes Mabel is at her lowest, reckoning with the end of summer and the threat of abandonment by her other half. Consumed by these fears she falls to Bills temptations and withdraws into a world of bliss constructed to guard her heart. Only Dipper, earnest and resolute, could provide his sister the push needed to face reality head on.
Mabel is inspiring to many and the love she carries is integral to restoring Stan's memories after his great sacrifice. When her cup runs dry Dipper will be there to fill it for her, and that bond will carry both twins into the future.
18.) The Moon - Robbie Valentino
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Keywords: Confusion, illusion, clarity, darkness, and phases
The Moon fortells a parting of the clouds, an opportunity to see through the shroud of night. Robbie is Gravity Falls' resident angsty teen, wrapped in black clothing and sour expressions. As a teenager he is naturally in transition with childhood behind him and adulthood on the horizon.
After breaking up with Wendy, brought about by his own insecurities leading him to rely on hypnotism, Robbie is seen listless and forlorn. It's not until Robbie himself is exposed to magical forces that he begins a relationship with Tambry. Through the Love God's potion his eyes are opened to a chance at happiness he'd otherwise overlooked.
"But you were right, just needed to move on. I'm...happy. Weird, huh?"
19.) The Sun - The Stan Twins
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Keywords: Happiness, vitality, success, radiance, and energy
The Sun is the rediscovery of ones fervor, looking through the world with fresh eyes and zeal. The Stan twins did not have a perfect childhood, but in one another they found comradery able to weather the toughest storm.
As the boys grew their relationship strained, burdened by insecurities thrust upon them by their surroundings. At a critical moment everything collapsed and for decades the pieces lay untouched. By the end of Gravity Falls the brothers have taken the pieces of their relationship and reconstructed the boat from their childhood, the Stan O' War II.
Things won't be the same, but that doesn't mean they'll be worse - The Sun will rise again.
20.) Judgement - Time Baby
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Keywords: Awakening, purpose, reckoning, finality, and responsibility
Judgement signals the curtain call. The last of his kind Time Baby rules over the dominion of time, leading officers who maintain the stability of our universe. When a criminal or rogue agent enters our world Time Baby provides them warning if possible and destruction if required.
At multiple points Time Baby confronts Bill Cipher, the most pressing threat to time and space. In their final encounter Time Baby is overpowered, granting Bill control over Time.
There is always a judge and we can only hope they are merciful.
21.) The World - The Axolotl
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Keywords: Completion, achievement, belonging, unity, and closure
The World. To swim amongst the waters of creation and know that you are both byproduct and origin - that with every breath you take the world breathes with you. The Axolotl is a divine entity, benevolent and wise in its ministrations.
The World has come full circle, dancing with the same whimsy of The Fool. It carries the lessons of all Arcana before it, allowing it to impart those lessons on all who will encounter it going forward.
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echo-goes-mmm · 8 months
Ambrose and Elliot #27
Warnings: oral dub-con, implied non-con, starvation, violence
Master and his friends had passed out, finally. After hours and hours of drinking and sex and entertainment, they had fallen asleep. 
It was late, but he couldn’t bring himself to rest. He lay on the floor, naked and cold, dried cum sticky on his sore thighs.
He stared up at the ceiling. His throat hurt, angry bruises blossoming over his skin. One of Master’s friends, Mr. Horneswood, had slammed his head against the floor, and it was only now that his vision had quit fading in and out and his nosebleed had stopped.
Master had never let them be so violent with him before. Beatings and getting choked was nothing new, and Master had chastised them for going too far several times. But not today.
He really thought they were going to kill him this time. He’d never passed out from being strangled before, and they had never hit his head until now, much less slamming it into the hard marble floor. Twice.
Hunger rumbled in his stomach.
He turned his head to see the table. It was half covered in near empty bottles and glasses, but there was food at the end.
He licked his lips. He hadn’t eaten since yesterday, and if everyone was asleep…
He slowly got up, wincing as he went. Master wouldn’t notice if a few rolls went missing. 
Master had put out so much food, and his friends were more interested in getting drunk, so nearly all of of it was untouched.
He ate cheeses and fruit, pastries and rolls, and even dared to sneak some of the delicious roasted duck.
It wasn’t until he was full, sitting next to the table, that he realized.
Master had forgotten his chains.
Usually Master made sure he was in shackles when his friends came to visit, just to be certain he couldn’t get away from their lust.
Not tonight. Tonight he was unrestrained. He hadn’t even noticed until now.
He looked back at Master and his friends. They were still completely passed out, sprawled out on couches and slumped in armchairs.
He could run. There was nothing stopping him.
Nothing, except… what if Master caught him? He would be so angry. Master would beat him to death if he left.
They’ll kill you if you stay, said a tiny part of him. You know they will. You can’t keep doing this.
He bit his lip. Master was all he knew, his everything. It was the only thing he was good at; serving as his slave was his entire purpose. It was what he was made for.
What else could there possibly be?
You are going to die here.
The tiny part was right.
He grabbed his discarded clothes, tugging on the threadbare shirt, boxers, and pants Master had allowed him. 
He stole a cloak off the coat rack and ran out the front door, pulling the hood over his hair.
He ran, and ran, and ran, and his legs hurt and his head pounded but it was better than death and blood and Master.
He should have stolen some shoes. He limped along, blood from the pads of his feet staining his trail. 
Dawn had come and gone, but he didn’t stop moving. Couldn’t stop moving.
He avoided the roads, instead sticking to the woods. He couldn’t risk being seen yet. Master had horses, and money, and might pay someone to look for him.
It was a hot day. Sweat dripped down his face and soaked his clothes, the salt stinging the cuts on his legs courtesy of the wilderness.
He tripped over a stone early in the night, and torn a toenail clean off, which hurt like hell.
His legs were sore too, knees on fire and thighs chafing from the dried cum and fabric rubbing the skin. 
Maybe it would be worth it to find some water and rest.
After hours of trekking through the woods, he heard running water. He picked up the pace, jogging towards the sound.
It was a small creek, secluded and quiet. Good.
He stripped off his clothes and waded in. It was freezing cold, goosebumps forming on his skin. He crouched down and drank some of the water, soothing his dusty throat.
He splashed some of the water on his face, wiping away the sweat. He washed off the best he could, and crawled out of the creek. There was a flat rock nearby, and he laid the cloak down on top of it. 
A few hours of rest couldn’t hurt.
He followed the creek after his nap. It would get to a river eventually, and maybe lead to a town where he could beg for some scraps.
He should have stolen the rest of the food at Master’s house. Idiot.
The creek did get bigger, but instead of bringing him to a river, it ran by a traveler’s campsite. The road must be close.
The campsite had just been used, fresh but cold ashes in the firepit, and fresh horse manure still buzzing with flies.
There were berry bushes nearby (unfortunately inedible ones), and he was struck with a thought.
His white hair was identifiable. No one had white hair, Master said so. Master said he was so pretty with white hair. It was why he was allowed to exist; it made him good enough to live despite being a stupid slave who couldn’t do things right.
Master could find him if his hair was still white.
He pulled off the berries, crushing them in his hands. He slathered his hair with them, staining the white to brown. Much better. He pulled his hood back up and followed the horse tracks to the road.
The road led to a city, and he kept his head down passing through the gates. The guards didn’t even look at him.
There was a tavern just next to the gates, and the smell of food made him hesitate. It was a busy place, even had some stables attached.
He bit his lip.
He didn’t have any money. He went around the stables, and there was a dumpster out back. He peered into the trash, but he couldn’t see anything he could eat. Damn.
The back door to the tavern opened, and he backed away. Not fast enough, because the tavern owner spotted him immediately.
He scrambled away, but she grabbed him by the arm.
“What’re you doing?” She growled. “You a nasty little thief?” She shook his arm, and he whimpered, shaking his head.
“I- I was just hungry-”
She let go of him and he stumbled backwards into the ground. “‘M sorry! I just wanted to look in your trash!” He started to cry.
“Hmph.” She crossed her arms, staring him down.
“Please don’t call the guard,” he begged, sobbing. “I’ll go away, I swear.”
“I don’t like beggars,” she said. “So come here.”
She was going to hit him, and he deserved it for bothering her. He shakily got to his feet, and limped forward.
“There’s a pile of dishes in the sink. Scrub ‘em.”
“You scrub the plates,” she pointed at him, “and you get food. That way you ain’t beggin’.”
“Thank you! Tha-”
“Shut up.” She turned and walked inside, and he followed.
There was in fact a sink piled full of dishes, and he got to work scrubbing them clean. The kitchen was hot, but he didn’t dare take off his cloak. He was so hungry he was lightheaded, and the smell of food was torture to the gnawing ache in his belly.
The dishes kept coming, and he ignored the strange looks from the wait staff.
After a few hours, the tavern owner handed him a package wrapped with paper.
“Get out.”
He left without argument, opening the package and eating as he walked.
The sandwich was the best thing he ever tasted.
The second town he came across, the innkeeper let him sleep in the stables in exchange for scrubbing stains out of sheets. 
The third city tossed him out before he could offer anything, and he stole some apples from an orchard by the road before getting scared off by barking dogs.
He had a bad feeling about this next town. 
The innkeeper was at the counter, and it was not busy at all. It creeped him out. “How many nights?” asked the keeper, a flat tone to his voice as he scribbled in his ledger.
“I, um. I don’t have any money,” he admitted, “but um, is there anything I can do for you?”
The innkeeper slammed the book shut, and he jumped. The innkeeper looked him up and down, leaning back in his chair.
“I’m just hungry,” he said weakly, “do you have any scraps?”
“Nope. Get out.” 
“Please,” he tried again. “I’ll do anything.”
The innkeeper stood up. “I said leave.” He began to shove him outside, and he stumbled, bare heels digging into the wood.
“I’ll blow you,” he blurted, and the innkeeper paused. He held his breath. Why did he offer that?
The innkeeper grabbed him by the arm, dragging him into the back.
The innkeeper tossed him across the room. He swallowed, his mouth going dry. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
The innkeeper stalked forward, and he dropped to his knees, tongue lolling out. The innkeeper unbuckled his belt and he knew what to do.
The innkeeper was rough and impatient, and he let the innkeeper fuck into his throat. He just wanted it over. The man grunted, finishing into his mouth, and he was hungry enough to swallow the cum without hesitation.
“Good enough,” said the man, tucking himself back into his pants, and relief flooded him. “Wait here.”
He got a hunk of cheese and a loaf of bread for the trouble.
“Next time offer your ass,” said the innkeeper with a nasty grin, “and maybe I’ll let you sleep the night.”
He scrambled for the door, laughter trailing behind him. There wasn’t going to be a next time.
There was a next time.
There were several next times, all of which he tried to avoid but couldn’t if he wanted to eat.
He didn’t sleep in the cities anymore, too scared after someone forced themselves on him while he slept exposed in the stables.
That time, the innkeeper was even angry to find him still in the hay the next morning, and had used a horsewhip to punish and chase him out.
He trudged along the road.
Gods, he was so hungry. He felt faint, a chill to his bones despite the sun beating down on him.
He’d been heading north the whole time, and now the cities and towns were few and far between.
The last stop was pleasant, the woman who owned the lodge only asking him to sweep the floor in exchange for a bowl of chicken and rice.
That was a week ago.
The berry bushes along the road were bare now, the birds plucking them empty. He chewed on tree leaves and ate dandelions when he could, but it did little for his stomach.
Please, he prayed to the gods, I know none of you care, but please.
Maybe he should have stayed with Master.
He shook the thought from his head. Anything was better than Master.
Even if it was starving to death in the wilderness.
The road became thin and rough. It narrowed down to a single cart wide and he wondered if he had walked to the end. But over the horizon was a blurry shape beneath the setting sun, and he dared to hope it was either a village or that he was finally dying and was hallucinating.
He kept walking.
It was a village, with an inn.
He stumbled through the door as nightfall fell.
The tavernkeeper was at the counter, and there was a small crowd in the dining room.
“Please,” he slurred, ready to offer whatever was left of him.
But the tavernkeeper held up a hand to stop him.
“I’ve heard of you,” he said, and his heart sank. Did Master know too? “You’ll do anything for a meal and a bed for the night, right?”
Not necessarily a bed, but he nodded, the effort making his head pound. 
“I want a private conversation with you in the morning,” said the keeper, his expression hard to read. “That’s all. I'll even throw in breakfast afterwards.”
He stared at the tavern keeper.
“Yes, sir,” he rasped. No one had ever offered him breakfast. Was it a trick? Too keep him here longer, so that Master would come and drag him away?
The keeper gestured for him to sit at the bar, and disappeared into the kitchen.
He returned quickly with a bowl of stew and a crust of bread, and, of all things, a mug of warm cider. 
He never had cider before. Master never allowed him to drink.
The tavern keeper told him where his room (a whole room? with a bed? and a lock?) was, and left him alone to eat.
The food was amazing, and he had to stop himself from scarfing it down and making himself sick. He’d made that mistake before, and completely lost his meal. He remembered crying over the vomit.
The bed was just as good as the food, but he couldn’t close his eyes.
What if the innkeeper told Master where he was? How long would it take Master to come for him?
He rolled over in the bed.
Surely the tavernkeeper wanted more than just talking.
If he were smart, he’d sneak out before dawn. But the keeper promised breakfast, and he wasn’t smart.
He couldn’t pass up two meals in a row. It was too tempting.
He thought about the mysterious generosity of the cider, and the sweet taste of the apples used to make it.
This could be his last night alive before he died by his Master’s hands.
He cried himself into a fitful sleep.
taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain @secretwhumplair @paintedpigeon1 @whump-blog @whump-em @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @starfields08000 @littlespacecastle @mylovelyme @whump-cravings @zeewbee @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @keepingwhumpwiththekardashians @fanastyfinder @roblingoblin285 @whumpzone @snakebites-and-ink @astrokea @magdalena-writes @latenightcupsofcoffee @tobiaslut @whumpsoda @loserwithsyle
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dribs-and-drabbles · 4 months
Colours in My Stand In. 3/3: Blue/green and pink
As I wrote in part 1/3, I think Joe is earth-toned - green, blue, and brown - and Ming is heat and fire - yellow/gold, pink, red.
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The blue/green is Joe's loyalty to Ming and the people around him. Pink is Ming's passion and the damage that passion can cause (which can deepen into the dangerous red).
Joe is honest, humble, sincere, and loyal.
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He's loyal to those around him.
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And because he has a good heart, people around him are also loyal to him.
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But this loyalty drives Sol and Ming to fight over Joe...twice.
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For Joe, we know his preference is Ming, despite the danger.
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But Ming just wants to love and be loved.
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And Joe just wants to love Ming, despite the pain it causes.
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But we're shown that conflict was coming for them, even as their colours got deeper as their relationship developed.
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Joe gives Ming the blue watch in the pink box for Christmas whilst Ming wears both colours in his sweater.
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But Ming's drunken ramble ruins what they had and no amount of blue, green, or pink could stop Joe from agreeing to replace Tong to spite Ming.
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After Ming ruined things for Joe, even Wut turned against Joe although his wife tried to calm him down.
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They could have been happy, in their green and yellow home with their pink and green bowls.
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But Sol's return from Korea was always going to cause trouble.
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Just as his presence became a danger for Joe 2.0.
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When Joe and Ming meet again, their colours are trying to remind them of who they are.
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And when they go away, Joe packs them both blue clothes.
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After Ming's behaviour in the hotel, when Tharn was tasked by Tong to keep Joe away from Ming, it seems Ming's about to apologise - with the peace dove over Joe's heart...but he's going to have to work harder than than to win Joe back.
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ginzburgjake · 2 years
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crehador · 6 days
brother crab's summer 2024 parting thoughts: a bunch of stuff
i've been falling behind on jotting down my thoughts this season and if i don't do it fast i am 100% going to forget what i watched lol so here's a bunch at once
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unfortunately this isn't actually over but you know what it is? bad. it's bad. worst death game series in A While. there are some... maybe? faintly compelling ideas here? but the execution is just a mess. the cast lured me in but i should have been more discerning umu
what's worrying to me is it feels like it could have ended in ep9 but then propelled itself straight into an incredibly unnecessary second arc (i mean in fall fairness the first nine episodes were also unnecessary) and there's still no episode count on anilist. i pretty much never drop anything but if this somehow ends up being two cour i might bounce
it's so so so rare for me to not have something good to say about a series but... yeah. not good
boku no tsuma wa kanjou ga nai:
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if i turn my brain off this is a pretty cute, funny, and fun show! i had my reservations at first but after a few episodes wound up enjoying it quite a bit
if i think about it even a little it becomes completely frustrating to me that this show doesn't get deeper into the psychological and moral aspects that could have been explored here, which isn't fair to the show because that's not really what it set out to be
to its credit, it does kind of get into that sort of thing. not too deep, but in ways that were reasonably satisfying to me. i guess my mehness comes from the fact that this premise would have been more interesting to me if it had been played as a psychological/existential horror instead of a romcom, but again that is not the fault of the show itself, it can be whatever it wants to be
and seriously, decent romcom! mamoru is especially adorable. just leave your brain at the door
shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan:
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i will admit that no episode of this was as gut-bustingly hilarious as the first episode to me, like it came out the gate strong and maybe floundered a bit along the way
but overall i still enjoyed it immensely! i'm a fan of surreal, absurdist humor, and while i wouldn't say this is one of the best in the genre (there are definitely better) it was a fun ride
the girls were great and i'm also a huge fan of a) narrators who get to be funny little assholes too and b) toriumi kousuke so the narrator here was a double win for me
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imbecominggayer · 2 months
Why I Hate "Out Of Character"
My soul is burning with the desire to complain about shit so this time we're going to be doing a huge big category for:
Why You Shouldn't Write "Out Of Character"
Here is my philosophy for why I hate when fanfictioners and writers alike write characters out of character
Lack Of Attachment
When I am searching for fanfiction about a character whether or not it's ship-based, adventure, canon compliant, or even canon incompliant, I am searching for that character. Unfortuantely, I am not interested in your original characters because it's basically the equivalent of having a huge party with all your favorite people and then a stranger arrives.
I don't want to hang out with that stranger. It's awkward. So when a favorite character of mine starts acting like a stranger then ~they're just somebody that I used to know~
2. Stereotypical
Oftentimes, when an author consciously makes the choice to change a character it's often made to remove the complexity from a character in order to fit a certain mold. This can be done for a multiple of reasons and with various outcomes:
In Part 1, I talked about woobification and how authors, in an attempt to write their villain characters and angsty bois and gois as sympathetic, often get rid and ignore their horrible flaws and turn them into permanently crying messes I can't stand.
In Part 2, I talked about how male characters are often feminized or masculinized when they are written in a mlm fiction. These characters are either the Sissy archetype or Toxic Masculinity.
This stereotypical lends, at best, oversimplifies a character's complexities in order for them to fit into the narrow constraints of a trope and, at worst, homogenize an entire community of people with an undercurrent of bigotry.
FINAL REASON: Author's Hand
When reading/writing a story the best place for the author to be is in the background making the magic happen while the characters are on stage acting out their lives. The problem with the "Out Of Character" stuff is the fact that it feels like a character has been placed inside a glass box where they must act out their lives. Confined to tropes.
I'm totally fine with people having different character interpretations and character arcs. Those aren't my issue. It's only when these bland stereotypical paperdoll-like stories are the only thing I can read that I start getting snappy.
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garbagequeer · 6 days
got a text from my sister out of the blue yesterday that just said "do you like chappell roan?" and when i said yeah why she just said i knew it but i was just wondering. which is like getting a good afternoon dyke text from your sister
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Still can't believe All Might is canonically an orphan, another thing the English translation left out is that the specific word in Japanese he uses suggests he may have had a sibling who was also killed along with his parents. Forgot where I read it, but I was like 🤯 when I saw it.
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 years
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2005 Australian Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso(my personal post-race highlights)
(I've decided that if I'm going to force myself to watch back older seasons, I will take screenshots of my boys to make it more fun for myself. )
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So I finished watching all of the Fear Street movies and the way they de-villified Sarah Fier was such a plot twist but the way I was IMMEDIATELY on board too like, "Ugh! Of course it was a 👹WHITE MAN👹. Go figure. 🙄"
Absolutely genius.
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castles-in-the-eyre · 5 months
may the gods grant me the strength not to throttle my group project members by their thick republican athlete finance bro throats
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orcelito · 10 months
Went skimming thru late trimax For Reasons, got caught up reading the Legato fight, realized things about the fight that I never had before & went WOW, I kind of want to write an analysis post right now!
Felt the same kind of insanity grip me, however momentarily, that fueled all my analysis posts however many months ago. Too tired to actually word things coherently right now, but...
I May or may not have a full(ish?) analysis of the Legato & Vash fight a la style of This post analyzing the Trigun: Multiple Bullets fight that got unexpectedly kind of popular. People seemed to really appreciate that one, & I even had some ppl saying it could be cool if I did that for others?
So. Legato fight. Maybe. Feel free to remind me later if u see no mention of it again for over a week lol
#speculation nation#ive been wanting to go back into reading the manga again#ive only slowly (VERY slowly) been puttering along with where i am in my fic#for research purposes with the fic.#i do want to go back through the manga bc i STILL havent done a full reread of it#ive just reread so many different parts of it for assorted research that im probably getting to some 10 or so reads total lmao#i wanna reread it in full tho front to back to sort out any stray details and remember any timeline things i might have slightly skewed.#the problem with reading the manga though. is that every fucking time i look at it. i am consumed by a drive to research EVERY little thing#so me reading turns into 'hm thats interesting. that reminds me of this thing that i know happens in volume 8. let me just check that now--'#and i end up so dreadfully distracted every damn time. bc i end up with all my wires crossed and my attention pointing a million ways#it's exhausting. and so i havent been reading the manga outside of random research dives.#im very good at that. i know every volume of the manga and can find Anything within 1 or 2 mins (at the Most)#which is also kind of the problem lol. fingers in too many pies. so many things to think about.#if i get back into Actually rereading the manga tho you can bet ur ASS ill find more things to make posts about#every time i open up the manga i find new things that i could analyze.#i just havent. bc i dont have time. but. ykno what. maybe i Could get back into it...#remind me later. this is one of my favorite fucking fights with my favorite Fucking panels#and i realized smth about the shit Vash is doing that was making me lose my MINDDDD#later tho. ive been sleep deprived today. and it is time for me to rest.#& yea yea ITNL is still the main focus. but idk i have such a mind for details and i remember So many things about the manga#i wanna show that off to people again. and thus. Analyses!!! :D#later. goodnight for now
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ajdrawshq · 10 months
listening to octopath music and drawing and writing stuff for my octopath pmd au so The Horrors(tm) dont get me
#i am getting WAY too in depth with these character profiles but if i dont hyperfocus on it i will implode .#like. we got species (including fusions/variants) types (may differ due to species) (plus an extra type bc of mixing in octopath mechanics)#also bc they can have up to 3 types at once i calculated everyones weaknesses and resistances which is actually kinda fun w tri-typed mons#also movesets up to 9 moves including 8 from their species(es.?) and 1 from their extra type . bc octopath#and abilities which everyone can have up to 2 of bc of how the older pmd games worked#tho each start with one and gain one in a similar way to octopath which allows for more mismatching#and also making it easier to choose fitting abilities for everyone they otherwise woildnt have access to#their IQ groups (tho. i am mildly tempted to scrap that and make my own groups. no yeah thats my next task now)#held items and general/single use items theyd most likely have#and any other individual notes i have on them 👍 like therion being unable to evolve further bc part of his lineage is a 2 stage evo#ohhh i also need to note where everyone comes from. except maybe therion bc we dont know his hometown at all#thats gonna be kinda hard bc each continent has pretty much all the biomes but psmd changed that up a bit..... hm....#and the sand continent is straight up from psmd only unlike the rest so i need to check if theres anything besides deserts there#bc i could theoretically put 2 travellers per continent and go from there.. OH wait that works hold on. im a genius#maybe i need to replay psmd again and see.. i gotta be at least partway in my current playthrough it camt be too hard#id like to mimic where everyone starts out as much as i can.. tho i cant remember if theres a livable tundra area in pmd#still gotta do those iq groups tho . that goes first#octotag
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bunnyboy-juice · 2 months
put in a time off request for today bc i needed the day and then forgot to email my boss like "hey! its all ok im good don't worry!" (and knocked out hard again instead 🙃) and i just woke up and i feel so embarrassed 🙃🙃 i want to throw up
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