#China news
2022dirt · 8 months
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In 2015 air pollution levels in Beijing were so intense, China received its first ever red alert. The smoggy conditions made buildings with LED screens look like they had futuristic holograms.
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captain-casual · 3 months
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China called our ass what it is: a whiny lil bitch-boy. 🍭
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head-post · 2 months
China to launch mission to moon’s “hidden” side
China would launch a robotic spacecraft on a round trip to the back side of the moon in the coming days, Reuters reported.
The journey will be the first of three technically challenging missions paving the way for the first landing of a Chinese crew and the establishment of a base at the lunar south pole.
Since the first Chang’e mission in 2007, named after the mythical Chinese moon goddess, China has made great strides in lunar exploration, narrowing the technological gap with the United States and Russia.
In 2020, China brought back samples from the near side of the moon for the first time in over forty years. The mission verified that the country could safely return an unmanned spacecraft to Earth from the lunar surface.
China is expected to launch Chang’e-6 this week using the 2020 mission’s backup spacecraft and collect soil and rocks from the moon’s back side, which is permanently facing away from Earth.
With no direct line of sight to Earth, Chang’e-6 will rely on the recently launched relay satellite orbiting the moon. The same satellite will support the unmanned Chang’e-7 and 8 missions in 2026 and 2028 respectively, when China will begin exploring the south pole in search of water and building a rudimentary outpost with Russia.
China aims to send its astronauts to the moon by 2030.
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workersolidarity · 5 months
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🇨🇳🇺🇸 🚨
The Chinese envoy to the United Nations accused the United States of escalating tensions in the Red Sea Saturday, adding that U.S. strikes do nothing to contribute to freedom of navigation through the Bab el-Mandeb straight where Yemeni forces have interfered with trade to and from Israel in solidarity with Palestinians under siege in Gaza.
The United States and the United Kingdom launched a series of drone and missile strikes Thursday night targeting installations belonging to the Armed Forces of Yemen, attempting to degrade their ability to respond to ships heading to or from ports in the occupied territories.
China's permanent representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, expressed grave concern over the U.S. strikes, saying in a statement "It is regrettable to see that the blatant military actions taken by the relevant countries against Yemen have not only caused infrastructure destruction and civilian casualties, but have also resulted in heightened security risks in the Red Sea."
"This does not contribute to the protection of the safety and security of the commercial vessels and freedom of navigation," Zhang said, adding that "The relevant military operations could also undermine the political process in Yemen."
The Chinese envoy referred to the United Nations Security Council, pointing out that the body never authorized any state to use military force against Yemen, and added that the military actions taken by the U.S.-led coation are in direct contravention of recently adopted Security Council resolution 2722.
"The current tense situation in the Red Sea is one of the manifestations of the spillover effects of the conflict in Gaza," Zhang, the Chinese envoy to the UN said.
"Allowing the conflict in Gaza to drag on while expecting it will not spread is wishful thinking and an illusion. What's more, calling for the prevention of the spillover of the conflict on the one hand, while adding fuel to the fire on the other hand by provoking military confrontation is self-contradictory and irresponsible," Zhang added.
"The Middle East region is already on the brink of extreme danger. The last thing we need at this stage is reckless military adventurism. The first thing we need is calm and restraint to prevent a further expansion of the conflict."
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klassicknight · 2 years
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kneedeepincynade · 10 months
There are those who deliver death and those who deliver hope,learn the difference
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😏 Serve dire altro? 🤔
🇺🇸 C'è chi bombarda i Paesi, e definisce la Cina una "minaccia", e chi - invece - lavora con i Paesi secondo il Principio della Cooperazione a Mutuo Vantaggio (合作共赢), per edificare una Comunità dal Futuro Condiviso (人类命运共同体) 😍
🥰 L'Amicizia del Laos, del Popolo del Laos e del Partito Rivoluzionario del Popolo Lao è molto importante per la Cina, per il Popolo Cinese e per il Partito Comunista Cinese 🤗
🚝 La China - Laos Railway, uno dei progetti più ambiziosi della Nuova Via della Seta, è la dimostrazione che solo attraverso la Cooperazione a Mutuo Vantaggio (合作共赢) è possibile costruire insieme la Prosperità Comune (共同富裕) ❤️❤️
❤️ 人类命运共同体 mostra che l'Umanità (人类, rénlèi) ha un Destino Comune (命运共同, mìngyùn gòngtóng) ❤️
🤧 L'Asia non è una scacchiera per i pericolosi e mortali giochi geopolitici delle tigri di carta statunitensi e dei loro leccapiedi in Europa, ma un terreno fertile per lo Sviluppo, la Prosperità e la Stabilità 💕
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
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😏 Need to say more? 🤔
🇺🇸 There are those who bomb countries, and define China as a "threat", and those who - on the other hand - work with countries according to the Principle of Cooperation for Mutual Benefit (合作共赢), to build a Community with a Shared Future (人类命运共同体) 😍
🥰 The Friendship of Laos, the Lao People and the Lao People's Revolutionary Party is very important to China, the Chinese People and the Communist Party of China 🤗
🚝 The China - Laos Railway, one of the most ambitious projects of the New Silk Road, is the demonstration that only through Cooperation with Mutual Advantage (合作共赢) is it possible to build Common Prosperity together (共同富裕) ❤️❤️
❤️ 人类命运共同体 shows that Humanity (人类, rénlèi) has a Common Destiny (命运共同, mìngyùn gòngtóng) ❤️
🤧 Asia is not a chessboard for the dangerous and deadly geopolitical games of US paper tigers and their toadies in Europe, but a fertile ground for Development, Prosperity and Stability 💕
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
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wisdom-glass · 6 months
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princess peach icons
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cb-reblog · 3 months
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crypto360world · 6 months
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jacforklift · 4 months
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I spent the New Year holiday in Nanjing, China
#nanjing #china #chinesenewyear
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theramenrater · 6 months
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breaker-apart · 6 months
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head-post · 6 days
Philippine sailors seriously injured in collision in South China Sea
At least eight Philippine sailors were injured on Monday when the Chinese Coast Guard “searched” a Philippine vessel in the disputed waters of the South China Sea, Philippine media reported on Wednesday.
During a clash between the two countries’ forces in the disputed South China Sea, a member of the armed forces had his finger cut off, the Philippine media outlet Inquirer reported, citing official sources.
The Philippine military confirmed on Tuesday that a navy sailor was “severely injured” after “deliberately ramming at high speed” a Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) ship during a resupply mission.
Philippine officials also claimed that CCG personnel pierced Navy boats with their bolos and also took possession of their weapons.
“We have arms, but we did not use those. We don’t want to start a war,” the media outlet quoted Philippines chief General Romeo Brawner Jr. as saying and added their soldiers fought with bare hands to prevent CCG from hitting them.
Chinese Coast Guard personnel on Monday “blocked, boarded and searched” a Philippine vessel that “trespassed” in waters near Ren’ai, a submerged reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.
In a new escalation, the CCG forcibly removed the vessel from the disputed waters, where it “attempted to send materials to its illegally grounded warship,” the CCG said.
New Rules for Philippine Ships
It was the first incident since the CCG implemented its new rules of engagement in the vast disputed sea on Saturday. Under the new rules, China can detain suspected trespassers for up to 60 days.
The Philippine vessel was on a resupply mission for the grounded World War II warship BRP Sierra Madre on a shoal claimed by both Beijing and Manila.
Beijing accused Manila of “violating” the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea, while Manila called China’s claims “deceptive and misleading.”
The two maritime neighbours have conflicting claims to the Second Thomas Shoal – also known as Ayungin Shoal, Bai Co May, and Ren’ai Jiao – a submerged reef near the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.
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workersolidarity · 30 days
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🇨🇳⚔️🇺🇲 💵 🚨
China has sold nearly $100 billion in US Treasury holdings since 2023, and nearly $49 billion in US Treasury bonds in just the last quarter.
The findings were published by the US Treasury Department and reported in the Business media, detailing a pattern of the People's Republic of China dumping US Treasury bonds as a trade war begins brewing between the two economic powers.
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polyglot-thought-2 · 1 year
[Mandarin->English] @xinwendiaocha 6:43 PM March 29th 2023 Tweet
Link to original tweet
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 3月29日,在蔡英文总统下榻的纽约酒店外,有超过 200 名中国抗议者进行示威
On March 29th, outside of the hotel that President Tsai Ing-wen is staying at in New York, over 200 Chinese protestors held a demonstration
Please correct me if I made a mistake.
$5 translation commissions here
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kneedeepincynade · 7 months
The United States are uncapable of accepting that other nations are different and have different systems and this is exactly why the "pax americana" has failed and its why many nations prefere the much more accepting China
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🤹‍♂️ L'arroganza, mista alla confusione, scaturita dalle farneticazioni del Presidente Biden contro il Presidente Xi Jinping, nuovamente definito dal rappresentante degli imperialisti americani come un «dittatore» non deve essere solo condannata, ma anche analizzata con cura 🤔
💬 Dentro la sua frase, è contenuta la prova che gli USA non hanno alcuna intenzione di promuovere il 相互尊重 - Rispetto Reciproco:
💬 «Guarda, lo è. È un dittatore nel senso che è a capo di un Paese Comunista che si basa su una forma di governo totalmente diversa dalla nostra» 🤹‍♂️
😂 Almeno, questa volta, un rappresentante dell'imperialismo statunitense l'ha ammesso: per gli USA basta non avere un modello politico neo-liberale ed economicamente neo-liberista per essere definito "dittatore" 😂
😂 Cina, Russia, Iran, Corea del Nord, Cuba, Venezuela, Bielorussia, Siria - ogni Paese con un proprio modello differente dal neo-liberalismo statunitense, e con un sistema economico diverso dal capitalismo finanziario monopolistico diventa subito una "dittatura" agli occhi degli imperialisti americani 🤡
🚩 Il Partito Comunista Cinese, tramite tutti i suoi rappresentanti, ha sempre dichiarato che non esistono modelli realmente universali, che la democrazia può assumere varie forme, così come il modello economico, e che nessun Paese può egemonizzare il concetto di democrazia o libertà 😍
🐲 Come spiegato nell'Articolo "民主是全人类的共同价值": «La Democrazia è un Valore Comune dell'Umanità, non un monopolio di pochi Paesi, bensì un Diritto di ogni Popolo» | Essa non ha un'unica forma, bensì molte, costruite e fondate sulle condizioni nazionali e materiali di ciascun Paese, e non è un ornamento brillante da sfoggiare per raggiungere fini geopolitici, bensì una soluzione ai problemi reali del Popolo ⭐️
🔍 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会 - Come funziona l'Assemblea Nazionale del Popolo? 🚩
🔍 协商民主 - Cos'è la Democrazia Socialista Consultativa? 🚩
🔍 人民民主 - Cos'è la Democrazia del Popolo? 🚩
🤮 Neo-maccartismo da "red scare" e sinofobia da "yellow peril" non promuoveranno mai una comprensione tra i morenti Paesi d'Occidente e la Cina 😡
🇬🇷 Quando, all'inizio di novembre, Kyriakos Mītsotakīs - Primo Ministro della Repubblica Ellenica, si è recato in Cina, il Presidente Xi Jinping ha ricordato che 互相学习 - l'Apprendimento Reciproco era uno dei principi fondanti delle Relazioni Sino-Greche 😍
😍 L'Apprendimento Reciproco porta, necessariamente, al Rispetto Reciproco. Questo non accade mai con gli USA, che intendono sempre esportare il loro modello genocida tramite le sanzioni unilaterali, i tentativi di rivoluzione colorata e persino la guerra 😡
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🤹‍♂️ The arrogance, mixed with confusion, resulting from President Biden's rantings against President Xi Jinping, once again defined by the representative of the American imperialists as a "dictator" must not only be condemned, but also carefully analyzed 🤔
💬 Inside his sentence, there is proof that the USA has no intention of promoting 相互尊重-Mutual Respect:
💬 «Look, it is. He is a dictator in the sense that he is the head of a Communist country that is based on a form of government totally different from ours »🤹‍♂️
😂 At least, this time, a representative of US imperialism admitted it: for the USA it is enough not to have a neo-liberal and economically neo-liberal political model to be defined as a "dictator" 😂
😂 China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Belarus, Syria - each country with its own model different from US neo-liberalism, and with an economic system different from monopoly financial capitalism immediately becomes a "dictatorship" in the eyes of the American imperialists 🤡
🚩 The Chinese Communist Party, through all its representatives, has always declared that there are no truly universal models, that democracy can take various forms, as well as the economic model, and that no country can hegemonize the concept of democracy or freedom 😍
🐲 As explained in the Article "民主是全人类的共同价值": «Democracy is a common value of humanity, not a monopoly of a few countries, but a right of every people» | It does not have a single form, but many, built and founded on the national and material conditions of each country, and it is not a brilliant ornament to show off to achieve geopolitical goals, but rather a solution to the real problems of the People ⭐️
🔍 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会 - How does the National People's Congress work? 🚩
🔍 协商民主 - What is Consultative Socialist Democracy? 🚩
🔍 人民民主 - What is People's Democracy? 🚩
🤮 "Red scare" neo-McCarthyism and "yellow peril" Sinophobia will never promote understanding between the dying Western countries and China 😡
🇬🇷 When, at the beginning of November, Kyriakos Mītsotakīs - Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, visited China, President Xi Jinping recalled that 互相学习 - Mutual Learning was one of the founding principles of Sino-Greek Relations 😍
😍 Mutual Learning necessarily leads to Mutual Respect. This never happens with the USA, which always intends to export its genocidal model through unilateral sanctions, attempted color revolutions and even war 😡
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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