#Code Geass one-shots
lavender-z-love · 2 years
Lelouch Vi Britannia X Black.FemReader
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🤍 Genre: Romance, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Fluff.
🤍 Warnings: Form of Manipulation, Forgetfulness, Spoilers for R2, potential spelling errors. (If more, let me know.)
🤍 A/n: So, in this Code Geass Scenario, You possess a geass that manipulates plants. You and Lelouch at this time had your memories erased. Lelouch's soon gaining his memories back attempts to bring you, his best friend back as well.
🤍 Another A/n: Ugh! This was so fun to write! I love me some Lulu, there might be a Part 2! Once again! SPOILER WARNINGS ⚠️
🤍 Wordcount: 2,580k
The classroom was quiet with slight scribble noises. You all were testing, your shared desk was with a student you hadn't seen for a while. Her name..you couldn't remember it. You two had been good friends up until now. She had red hair, and was known to not be at school for a while due to her illness. She was such a quiet girl, looked fragile like a piece of glass.
The school bell rang signaling that the testing was now over and the classes were dismissed. Of course, You packed your things and get ready to leave. Not the school just yet, you loved to just sit atop of the school. You tended to love the fresh air you could get especially from high up.
As you stood up from your chair, you'd made your way to the door. In the process accidentally running into..him. Something felt like you knew him for a while, didn't help that you two had interactions lately. "I apologize, I should've been careful where I was looking." He bowed at you, which made you a bit nervous. You grabbed him by the shoulders to pull him back standing up straight. "Please, There's no need for that. It was an accident." He scratched the back of his neck, thinking of his next set of words.
Just a few desks away, a pair of eyes observed the two of you. He didn't like what was happening, the two of you were separated for a reason, though seemed like fate keeps bringing you two back together. The king would not like to hear about this one bit! The last few words exchanged between you and the boy who'd just bumped into you. He waved at you, exiting the classroom. Leaving you with your Friend, Suzaku Kururugi.
"Y/n." Your name was called in a stern voice. Turning around to see your friend with a semi-serious face. Though, he still wanted to keep the atmosphere nice and light.
You walked over to him,"Did you need something?"
He nodded,"Just- couldn't help but notice something. Do you mind meeting me on the roof?" You told him you've got plenty of time and that you didn't mind at all! "Thats good, meet me there in a few minutes. I have something to do really quickly."
On your way up to the roof, something seemed..off. Like your reality was deforming or disoriented. Your vision was starting to blurr. Did someone drug me? You thought to yourself. Until your thoughts were interrupted by a giggle. "No, Y/n.
Suddenly the roof doors opened with a gust of wind rushing through. You covered your face with your arms, protecting your eyes from the dirt and debris which flew through the door. Once the wind calmed down, you peaked past your wrists. The sunlight burning your eyes just a bit but not too much to where you couldn't make out a figure standing in front of you.
This girl- she looked like a being from another world. She wore a white suit, looks similar to a straitjacket. Her Lime green hair trailed down her back stopping at her tail bone. "Don't you wish to come back home? Y/n?"
"W-Who are you?" She looked a little remorseful, her green eyes dulled with sadness. So you really were gone? Your memories were not present. She remained silent, extending her hand out to you waiting for you to take it. Something about her- did you know this woman? She couldn't have been much older than you, she looked so young.
Regardless, your hand seemed to have a mind of its own. Slowly pulling itself to this girls hand. At first it was Like something was forcing your hand to complement hers. Then you were hesitant and as your hand almost meeting hers, you were interrupted-
"Y/n!" You gasped hearing a familiar voice, then you remembered Suzaku asked you to meet him at the roof top! Turning around you watched Suzaku make his way up the stairs. A little conflicted about whether to show Suzaku the girl or not you turned back to look at the doors. She was gone.
Suzaku caught up to you,"Hey! Everything alright Y/n?" You nodded,"Yes, Of course-" He must have not seen her? How strange and where on earth could she have disappeared to in such a short amout of time? Was she hiding from Suzaku? Why did she just disappear like that? You were asking questions, about the recent even that had just taken place in your head.
You were brought back to by Suzaku taking your hand and guiding you to a bench nearby. "Um Suzaku?" His hands slid a little far back behind him, he used them as support for the way he was sitting. He looked at you, something a bit off in his eyes. Like you were in trouble?
"Are you friends with..L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶?"
"Who?" Suzaku's eyes squinted, as he glared at you. He was so sure that you knew who he was talking about.
"Oh surly you know, Tall, slender..shoulder-Lelouch brown hair? Purple eyes..."
Suzaku smiled,"Yeah!". Though inside he was thinking about what to do about this. They had torn you two apart from another Only for your forgotten identities to now befriend eachother! What now!? You reached into your bag to get your bento out,"Ah! Is that what his name is?"
Suzaku nodded,"L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ L̶a̶m̶p̶e̶r̶o̶u̶g̶e̶."
"Mm..what an interesting name, is he foreign?" Seems like everything is okay, memory wise. Well for you in anyway. He hadn't checked on L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶'s memories.
"He's sweet."
"You mean-"
"Yes, he helped me with the books I had to carry to the Library this morning. We had a little chat then, but It wasn't anything important."
Suzaku's face showed joy, deep down he was still a bit suspicious. Yes L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ knew it was risky, Though he needed to get close to you to see exactly where your memories had left off due to being erased. Seeing that now Suzaku was your best friend, it wasnt going to be easy to be around you.
"Yes, Yes. L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ Is a gentleman. Though thats something I wanted to talk to you about-" You grabbed a rice ball before taking a bite, your ears were open to what Suzu was soon going to say. "L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶...Hes a little- off."
"Off? How so?"
"Knowing him for some time now. He's a bit strange, unhinged... Yes he has friends but they dont know this."
"How are you able to get this info?"
"Because Of my position as a Knight of Seven." You chuckled, realizing what a ridiculous question that was.
"Ahah..Yes, that does make sense you have access to these things."
Suzaku chuckles,"Yes of course, I also know that he-" Suzaku's phone rings, notifying him that he had to leave. Suzu picks up the phone answering with a few; 'Mhm' 'Yeah' 'Alright'. He stood up taking your hand,"My apologies- Y/n..Duty calls."
He brought your hand up to his lips, placing a kiss upon it. Looking up at you with his emerald eyes. You weren't gonna lie- he kinda gave you butterflies. "Just..Be careful around L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶. He's not fully in his right mind."
Suzaku bowed before taking off. "Hm..Crazy to think, that sweet person is actually not as he seems.." 'He's not fully in his right mind' You wondered how? In what way. You finished with your lunch, packing your things in your bag you made your way down the roof. In the process you'd run into Rolo. "Afternoon Y/n",he says in a monotoned voice. Looked like he was rather annoyed, he didn't want to run into but at the same time had a message to give you.
"That damn woman wants something of you and my brother." Rolo grimaced, he took off.. "W-Wait! Rolo!" You sighed, whats with him? 'Does he have some sort of problem with me?' You thought to yourself, for the short amout of time you've known Rolo, he gives you some annoyed look. Especially when you were around...Him.
The second you stepped out those doors, your eyes locked with her..
"You- how did you."
The air seemed to slow down, time stopped and everything was silent. What is this? Why does it feel like you've been here before, in some sort of void?
"I apologize for our short lived meeting, but now-",she slowly began to take large strides in your direction. Her green eyes began to glow with red rings around them. "Let me bring you back." Your body had a mind of its own now. You attempted to move back and away her only for you to be fighting against some invisible force. "Come back home..Y/n."
"W-wait... S-stop." Her hands latch onto yours, caressing your tanned skin. Her slim fingers tickle small arm hairs you have as they slide their way up your arm and grasp your shoulders. Now that your body was in her grasp, there was no getting put of this..Force. Still though; there was a resistance within you. "Y/n, Stop fighting it. You're still fighting."
There was another voice- your eyes looked past the woman to see him. "L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶..", She called out to him. The strange woman. He watched the both of you with a look of uncertainty. She whispered somethings, so quietly it was unaudible. That was when she leaned in- the mark on her head revealing itself as a gust of wind brushes her bangs out of her face. Red hue of the mark began to glow brightly almost blinding you!
She pulled back, leaving a tingling feeling on your forehead. Finally being able to move your body you push past her. Wiping your forhead, you scowled,"Ugh! Who the hell do you think you are! Do you realize I can report you C2!" Your fists ball up as you quickly rush away flustered. A trail of vegetation following you as you walked- The two gasped, surprised at what you just said. "C2?! You remember her name?"
Still flustered at the heat of the moment you turned to them,"Why would I not know your name? Of course I know who you are! What is with you two?!" C2 and L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ looked at one another then back at you. "You- remember her? Who am I?" "L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ L̶a̶m̶p̶e̶r̶o̶u̶g̶e̶, my classmate." C2 gains L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶'s attention, pointing to the beautiful vegetation that had been on your trail. Thats when they knew, there was hope. You weren't completely gone.
"It hasn't worked completely, you need to do your part L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶."
Oh no, you didn't like the sound of that. You quickly turned and marched off,"Whatever you two are doing I dont want to be apart of. Especially You L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶, You damn Britannian. Stay away from me." A sharp pain plunged through the boy's heart. You didn't care where L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ was from, what ethnicity, what his background was. You loved him for him, but they both knew you weren't completely there. You were reprogrammed by...his bastard father and the one who sold L̶e̶l̶o̶u̶c̶h̶ out- who had betrayed him.
Currently, you were well...In a deep sleep waiting to be woken up. And that was the plan, to awaken you. You could hear subtle yet loud footsteps behind you.
"Stop Y/n." A hand tightly latches onto your wrist forcing you to spin, facing him.
"Don't touch me!"
"Y/n hear me out-"
"No!",you exclaimed, attempting to pull away. That didn't work, you even tried to rip his tiny fingers off your wrist one by one. What you didn't pay attention to was you were being backed up into a tree.
"Suzaku..He was right- You are crazy. Let me go right now." He thought to himself holding you there..maybe- maybe there was something off with him. Why has he felt this way about someone, everyone until now was just a pawn in his game and now.. You had to come along and ruin everything. Though, he knew what he wanted. For you to remember, to come back to him, to feel loved, to experience it with you.
Not only that but he felt like he was in debt to you. Getting you involved in all this Black Knights revolution. It wasn't fair to you. His purple eyes looked down on you, with your wrists in his hands, all he could do was chuckle.. "Yeah, maybe I am crazy-" A red hue began to absorb the purple within his eyes showing a strange symbol,"I'm crazy about you, Y/n."
So much to think about, everything comes piling back to you like a rushing train. Your wrists were now released as they cup this man's face. The tree you were temporarily against was no longer behind you, rather you two were falling. So slowly what seemed like. What is because you were remembering everything? What was it..this man. You remembered! His name. What used to be so foreign to you was now so familiar.
Thats what it was! My best friend! Your back finally hitting a bed of flowers as Lelouch pulls away. Your face deeply flushed with a beautiful rouge color similar to red wine. The vines of the flowers wrapped around one another creating hearts as you stared up at the man on top of you. "L-Lelouch?!"
His brown hair flowing softly in the wind, as he looked down upon your form. That dazed expressed like youd just woken up, the flowers in your curly hair, your eyes a bright purple with your geass code shining through. The vegetation was a dead give away you were completely back. Lelouch smiled, with slightly watery eyes. "Good morning, My princess."
Your vision began to blurr, remembering what happened. "I- said those bad things..a while ago-" Lelouch interrupts you with a finger placed to your lips. "It's not your fault Y/n, you were being manipulated." Your hands find themselves cupping his face, then on his shoulders. Your vines created from your geass, cause flowers to bloom out of control.
How embarrassing..this isn't something friends usually would do. Rest on top of one another while the one below clings to the one on top. "Lelouch, Thank you." "Please, don't thank me. You shouldn't thank me." Lelouch's hand clasps onto yours, dragging it towards his lips. Mumbling against your palm.
"I should be apologizing, for getting you involved in my affairs." He kissed your delicate skin before pulling away.
The vines were growing at a tremendous rate, Popping up everywhere, showing how flustered you were. More hearts created from the tangles of the vines. Lelouch eyes shift to the cute shapes being formed by your powers. He smiles, he loves it- just like you.
"No, I knew the consequences. I was fully aware-",you chuckled as your cheeks hurt from being flustered,"I just didn't expect my memories to get erased.."
"I'm glad I could bring you back, Y/n."
"Me too..So glad." You two, hypnotized by another. For a while, you just needed to look at him. You look around, no one in sight,"Lelouch..Ah I think we should..probably um." Lelouch still on top of you,"Oh ahaha..Right, my apologies." Lelouch stands up lending a hand to you.
"Y/n, go home, I left you a special phone. I should warn you I am being monitored and you as well."
"We don't have much time. Rolo's ability should be stopping anytime soon. I'll give you the details."
Good news, Your memories had returned. Bad news..You were in need of recent events.
Written December 15th
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jophiares · 1 year
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it’s finally done
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yandere-romanticaa · 4 months
Happy Valentines Day! For your Love at First Kiss event, could I kiss Jeremiah from Code Geass? I just find his loyalty and how he does everything with such gusto and charisma charming. (He’s also cute when he gets worked up but shh)
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Ah Jeremiah, the man you are.
Locking lips with this man would be an experience worthy of becoming its own Shakespearian style play.
The battle rages on in the background as the sun sets, bright orange hues shifting into crimson as Jeremiah waits for his orders. He has a part to play and his loyalty knows no bounds.
He is a man obsessed.
His purpose in life is to serve. To set an example for others and to become strong. That was how he at least saw himself. Somewhere down the line, your paths crossed and you never looked back. Never in your wildest dreams could you have imagined to fall for Jeremiah. The way in which hid voice would boom across the battlefield, sending surges of hope all throughout your being.
He made you feel safe. He made you feel special.
Sometimes, if you were brave and perhaps even a little lucky, you liked to drink tea with him. Ever the gentleman, Jeremiah never shot you down. Conversation was never dull and the spark was sizzling, like a romance book come to life.
Unfortunately, the life you had chosen for yourself was not an easy one. The art of war did not understand the concept of mercy. It was kill or be killed. That was how it would all play out in the end at least.
Perhaps that's why you rushed towards him, arms open wide as you held Jeremiah's cheeks, softly brushing your lips against his own. The man was stunned, the sudden surge of emotions were just too much to handle. Your eyes were closed but he could still see the tears cascading down your cheeks.
He felt the urge to brush them off. But he did not.
You pulled away, far too soon for his liking. And just like that, you were gone, like a whisper in the wind.
A new form of determination shined brightly inside of Jeremiah's heart. Now that he knew that he had you, nothing could stand in his path. No man, woman, machine or even god could stop him.
The whole world was now at his feet. And he will gladly give everything he had to you.
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love at first kiss event.
status: open.
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alicent-vi-britannia · 4 months
My interpretation of this fragment of the opening "World End": the ideological confrontation between Schneizel, Charles and Lelouch
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This fragment is my favorite part of the fifth opening of Code Geass, "World End", performed by FLOW. After having thoroughly analyzed the series, I think I finally understand the meaning of these shots.
Considering that the openings of an anime are in relation to the ongoing events of the same, I'm sure that this set of shots makes a direct allusion to the clash of perspectives of Charles, Schneizel and Lelouch that will manifest in the two deeply ideological confrontations that occur in the finale: in the Sword of Akasha with Charles in episode 21 and the battle for control of the world with Schneizel in the remaining episodes. What is at issue here? Human nature, as it couldn't be otherwise. I explain…
Both Charles and Schneizel feel enormous contempt for the human race for different reasons.
For Charles's part, he believes that men are liars. His philosophy is based on the fact that the suffering of the world comes from lies and, for this reason, his plan is to destroy the Collective Unconscious, which is a collection of masks and characters that people use in front of others, to eliminate the anyone's ability to pretend to others and, therefore, force people to be themselves. The problem with this plan is that Charles would be altering human nature, since, as Lelouch says in their discussion, lies are part of human beings. So would be suppressing free will.
On Schneizel's side, thinks men want to be controlled and it is for that reason that he creates the Damocles, this floating fortress armed with F.L.E.I.J.A warheads, to force peace. However, it wouldn't be a true peace, in reality it would be a form of control through fear, because, basically, the Damocles would be like a gun at the back of everyone's head: "obey me or suffer the consequences." In certain way, Schneizel's plan also nullifies free will.
Hence Charles and Schneizel and the world where they stand are painted in two colors. They both have a very petty, Manichean view of human beings. "Men are bad and only I, who am good, know what is best for them."
And then Zero/Lelouch appears, emerging as the champion of humanity. Lelouch's entire plan, in fact, is based on the will of human beings because, technically, the Zero Requiem doesn't bring peace, but rather clears the way for peace to be the easiest and most convenient option for everyone, does it? And how do he do it? Unifying all powers through hatred towards a common enemy, disarming said powers by making them ally with the United Nations Federation and unleashing a war so fierce that it would push everyone to their limit to the point of attrition.
It's at this point where the subnormal on duty comes in to say: "and why didn't Lelouch stay as emperor of the world, if he was the most intelligent and the most capable? Ha, ha, ha! How stupid." Because that is the core of his narrative arc and the beautiful reflection that Code Geass leaves at the end, Larry. If Lelouch used his powers (both the politician and the Geass) to strip the world of all its means to fight and take it hostage, how was he different from the villains?
Precisely, the world could have entered another war and Lelouch's sacrifice could have been in vain. However, Lelouch had full confidence that people would choose peace because, as he explains to his brother in the battle for control of the world, people continually and actively seek happiness.
Lelouch understood that peace couldn't be imposed, even with the best of intentions. Not just because the world couldn't progress like that, but because that wasn't the way to address the problem.
The route Lelouch took was the only one that addressed the root of the problem. He understood that the world had fallen to a state where fighting one's neighbor was the immediate response to disputes. Even if Lelouch took away their weapons, as long as there was a reason to fight, people would do it.
Lelouch knew this, so he took away that reason by becoming a greater evil than all that came before him and by removing them from the equation, he could set the world on the path to recovery. Conflicts would still occur, yes, that is inevitable; but the world would have the opportunity to make changes to ensure that is the last resort. Instead of forcing the world to change, Lelouch would give their political landscape a factory reset and make the world want to change itself.
Lelouch understood that human beings are quite complex and that they value willpower. For that reason, he relinquishes control and leaves the decision to do what they want with the world in the hands of people. Lelouch surely thought that within a few years a war could happen. He wasn't so idealistic. He knew that the Zero Requiem and hope were no guarantee of eternal peace. But Lelouch had faith that the people left behind (Zerozaku, Kallen, Cornelia, Nunnally, Ohgi…) would do everything they could to make things better. And, therefore, various colors illuminate where Zero is standing. The people aren't white or black, they aren't red or blue, not even gray, they are of various colors, which seems to me to be a symbolic sample of the optimistic approach of the anime and which also serves as a nice reminder of the first Code Geass opening: "Colors".
That's what Code Geass is about, Julia. Recognize and admire the power of the will. Beautiful, if you ask me.
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1.) Kallen is constantly subjected to objectification. Most of the times she pilots her mech (giant robot), she's in this gratuitous shot of where she's bent over and it shows her ass or her boobs, and none of the men are subjected to this position or shot when they pilot. When she finds out that Zero (the leader of the resistance who she loves, respects, and follows) and Lelouch (a Britannian (the people occupying her country) who's her classmate and who she doesn't particularly like) are the same person and also that he has one-time-use-per-person mind control powers, instead of being conflicted about both her feelings and Lelouch being Zero in the first place and, y'know, THE MIND CONTROL, the next time we see her after she learns this (granted, after a time skip of a few months) she's just still in love with him and has no reservations about following him or, y'know, HIS MIND CONTROL POWERS. If she had any reservations or trust issues or mixed feelings, she dealt with them off screen during the time skip between season 1 and season 2. Because she has to be part of the show's harem nonsense, you see, god forbid her screen time and feelings about Zero/Lelouch once she knows he's Zero be mainly about HER or EVER stray from positive and romantic. And her character's focus/screen time at this point shifts from being about Japan (her home country) to being so much (albeit not entirely) about Lelouch and her feelings for him, and she's still a great character and one of the best pilots on the show but COME ON. And then so much of the official and gacha game art has her with this blushing waifu face that isn't reflective of the core of her character at all, and it's just like. why. why would you do this to her when it just makes your story worse. Like, Kallen's treatment takes the show's ranking down from A to A- all by itself.
2.) Wants liberty for her nation is a talented mecha pilot yet the ungodly sexualisation doesn’t do her justice at all. Also gets swept under Main Character’a Harem
3.) Do you know how hard it is to find a non sexual image of her??
1.) okay so to start at the beginning, she was introduced as a young kid but they put her in a super revealing bikini styled outfit. pretty sure it was supposed to be armor too, so besides just being a disgusting design choice even in-universe it's impractical. but besides that she was pretty charming as a kid, she was cute and funny and pretty tough, and had a cool gimmick in her blade/ laser helmet. even when she reappeared in late Dragon Ball, she was a bit abrasive but was overall rational and kind. she was strong enough to make it into the World Martial Arts Tournament, one of only 16 to qualify.
but come Dragon Ball Z and on, she's reduced to just a shrill, nagging, aggressive wife and mother. all she gets to do is cook, worry, and berate her husband and sons. her physical strength is only used so she can comically hit Goku. sure its played for laughs, but he's shown to be afraid of her. I only recall her leaving her house once or twice in DBZ. just the worst mother character stereotype, with nothing left to make her likeable. she's portrayed as irrational but despite her aggressiveness, half the time her wants are completely reasonable. can't blame a woman for not wanting her husband to die every other day!! her writing us ass but I still love her and she deserves better!!!
2.) So in Dragon Ball she wasn't the BEST character to start out with. Toriyama hasn't ever been the best at writing women or not making stupid fucking sex jokes about them. So she had to deal with that. The outfit she wore as a kid was… NOT GREAT. Let's say that! Then in late Dragon Ball her entire character revolves around Goku and trying to marry him, which she gets by tricking Goku and getting beaten by Goku in a tournament in one hit. Not off to a great start. Then Z started and Toriyama just… gave her an ENTIRELY NEW new personality, and that new personality was just a stereotype of a tiger mom. Regardless of how correct she might've been about letting Gohan fight (and she WAS completely correct, he was 5-6 for a HUGE chunk of Z) the narrative frames her as a hysterical and unreasonable woman nagging at the menfolk and not letting them do things. So naturally people hate her without even considering why she's upset because the story itself frames her as in-the-wrong. The whole franchise also just forgets that she's a martial artist and never has her DO ANYTHING.
This is only scratching the surface, there's a LOT more because the franchise is like 40 years old and we'd be here all day.
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3.) GODDDD okay so full disclosure i guess shonen is such an easy pick but like. out of every shonen wife she was and is THE most hated by the narrative and creator (maybe tied with sakura omfg). shes always made out to be a beast, got her fighting skills shafted after she got married, was always played like she was hysterical for worrying about her kid dying in battle, and not to mention the creator actively HATES her. like toriyama just straight up hates writing her. its bad. its really bad. shes just "bitch wife" but for no reason :(
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astrogre · 10 months
Can you talk about aspects to pluto specifically pluto square sun?
I love your posts and how detailed and accurate they are. I have a pluto in the 1st house squaring my sun in the 4th and there isn't much online that resonated with me about this aspect
Pluto 1st House Square Sun in 4th house
Fictional character that embodies this aspect:
Lelouche Lamperouge- Code Geass
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Fighting for justice and change in his family using his intense plutonic and darker qualities, he and his younger sister were ostracised by his father the emperor of Britannia. Lelouche was supposed to be in line but his family practically exiled him and his sibling, he grows up and takes his revenge. Making sure that the pattern doesn’t repeat for others too. He does this all for his sister he loves dearly.
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Familial Confrontation
You are a very influential family member, whether you may realise it or not, in your family you hold a lot of presence, but at times.. it feels that your darker side, the parts of you that are perhaps “taboo” or the side of you that is intense can’t be allowed to be expressed around family or when your at home because of what they may think of you, it can even make you at times feel uneasy to be yourself at home, like you were told to not “bring that around here” unless it benefited others. Like your family may see you as a bright person and for you to express any plutonic nature of yourself can sometimes lead to strong reactions from them, disagreements and power struggles, unless you are standing up for them, then suddenly it’s okay. I really wish I knew your sun and Pluto sign to go into further detail of how this could manifest but all that I can say is that since the father is also represented by the sun, the father figure in your life may be the one who can be iffy with accepting and coming to terms with your darker qualities, there may be at times arguments concerning your identity because of that. But because this is also in 4th house which is represented by the mother it can be your mother as well, the sign and degree would also help identify this.
E.g if Sun in Aries 4th house square Aquarius Pluto 1st house
Due to Aries being in the house of familial relations This would make your family feel controlled/at war by you when your darker self comes out maybe they feel like you can take advantage of circumstances to get your way and bring new traditions and thoughts that changes your family traditions permanently that they don’t like or find scary, they may also see you as the intelligent one in the family while making you have to explain/defend yourself and your beliefs. Because of this they have made you firecer and bolder. If healthy this can make your family respect you, they would look up to you let you call the shots and see you as an exemplary leader that has broken generational curses through introducing new things to the family, like being the first one to go to university, the first one to marry healthily, the first one to become famous etc.
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Wanting to change the ways of your family
There may also be parts of you that you feel like you got from your family that you REALLY don’t like. It can be something you inherited, psychological, or their habits, genetic inherited qualities, etc. You can see the hidden power dynamics and can even illuminate on the wrongs of your family members/the things they believe. You see the full picture better than them. Honestly Pluto is a generational planet and anything Pluto touches can be rather turbulent, Pluto will fight that planet to dominate it, in your case your identity feels like it may need to come out and make changes in your family through your presence because of how at times it may feel like they want to control you for the worse and with your placements you are already someone who cares deeply for their family, you have a lot of moments with them, you may consider them the most important in your life and you hold a strong influence in the house, if you don’t feel this way, it will be with the family you start on your own. 4th house suns kind of remind me of Anthony from Bridgerton being the eldest and the one that runs it all, you may not be the eldest yourself but you have a lot of say in how things go in your family whether you may realise it or not.
Sun itself rules your very identify, therefore you literally identify yourself with family, but you know that there’s some things that you just don’t want to inherit from them. This may not be accomplished with your family that you grew up with but this complete transformation can start when you have a family of your own. There’s just some things that you vow to yourself that will never happen under your roof that happened to you as a child.
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Being at war with oneself
As mentioned before you have this side in you that may be different to how others know you, how you know yourself. 4th house is also the house of your inner emotional world, ie your sanctuary of the psyche. You have a strong sense of psychological depth, you may take your time to study human behavior or it’s something you observe and naturally understand, you apply what you learn to yourself and attempt methods to change the parts of you that you are displeased with, when you try and it doesn’t work you can become rather frustrated with yourself, feeling like you can’t escape the worst parts of yourself that was dumped onto you and you become rather moody. Please don’t hold it against yourself too much with this placement, for either way in time you will change and transform. It is within your astrological journey to change yourself AND your family/things that happened to you in your childhood, especially with your sun and Pluto being at square with each other. Once natives with this aspect learn to utilise their intensity and power alongside who they are accepting this side of themselves despite what others say or want, they can then become invincible, fierce protectors and solve the issues that come with this aspect in their own lives.
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In general, natives with this placement tend to have had childhoods that weren’t always so kind to them and sometimes forced them to change. You can literally feel empowered through self discovery and realising that you’re not what others made you to be. I feel that I have said quite a lot However, should you feel that you would like a deeper understanding, or wanted it to delve on how this aspect could affect themes of relationships, career, s3x etc. please let me know and I can give you the rates for an in depth natal chart reading.
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thepageofhopes · 12 days
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Does anyone still do these anymore? Either way I updated my fav character bingo since it's been a bit. Characters under the cut (numbers from left to right, top to bottom)
Ink!Sans, Underverse. Scene chosen here is because he looks cute, but the cut off speech bubble is him being nonchalant about betraying all of his friends
Sayaka Miki, Madoka Magica. It's hard to find a good happy picture of her so Magia Record gacha animation will have to do.
Utena Hiiragi/Magia Baiser, Gushing over Magical Girls. Can't go wrong with the phenomal 'are you sorry' scare face.
Mion Sonozaki, Higurashi. I love her especially in her goofier times.
Subaru Natsuki, Re:Zero. Scene chosen here is one of my favorite moments of him from Season 1, the moment where he chooses to throw away his chance at a peaceful life to save those literally trying to kill him.
Gamzee Makara, Homestuck. Scene chosen because it's what sold me on Homestuck and him in general.
Rui Kamishiro, Project Sekai. While I could use the upgraded pretty cards, the moment where he coldly defends his friends is my favorite moment of him in the entire game so far.
Bete Noire, Glitchtale. Not the scene that made me want to cosplay her, but still one of the scariest looks in the animation.
Suika Ibuki, Touhou. I sadly can't put a gif of her swaying back and forth due to being drunk af, but imagine it there.
Azula, ATLA. Gotta love the smirk as she's captured.
Kaiji Ito, Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor. Had to get a scene of him whith those nice scars, they really show his detrmination through everything.
Keiichi Maebara, Higurashi . While I haven't seen Gou, this is a great shot of him. I love his determination and trust in his friends even in the darkest moments.
Kallen Kouzuki, Code Geass. The scene here is her about to use the Guren on Orange-kun, which is one of her best moments season 1 and is just a great shot of her in general.
Rose Lalonde, Homestuck. I actually quite like her Pesterquest art, and it screenshots the best.
Junko Enoshima, Dangan Ronpa. Her reveal and arrogant form is my favorite of her sprites.
Helen Richardson, Magnus Archives. Great depiction by theoldkyokodied since there's no official image!
Undyne, Undertale. Her True Hero form is what sold me on the game, and was also my first true boss I faced since I did a genocide run first.
Katara, ATLA. Love this scene where she confront the one who killed her mom and shows just how powerful she is.
Kaguya Shinomiya, Love is War. Hard to choose a pic here since there's two sides to her personality and I love them both, but I really love the fireworks episode and her escape is great.
Tahani Al-Jamil, The Good Place. She's so pretty but also her arc and personal troubles really resonate with me.
Kabru, Dungeon Meshi. Great colors and expression from the anime here, really showcasing his manipulative edge.
Tsukasa Tenma, Project Sekai. Very Subaru like character, I love how much he grows through the game and the moment where they get the entire park together to put on the huge event is probably my favorite sekai moment.
Lord Dominator, Wander over Yonder. I do love me a villainess who loves being evil, and the scene here of her manipulating hater is great.
Lelouch Vi Britannia, Code Geass. While the scene here is of his more evil/manipulative side, I actually really love him because of his humanizing moments.
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codegeassfacts · 2 years
Sakurai x Taniguchi x Fu-kuyama Interview // NewType November 2008
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--Congratulations on the completion of "Code Geass". When did the thought "It's ended" first occur to you, Director Taniguchi?
Taniguchi: That's a difficult question. Visually, that would be after the V-edit (Video Editing) ended, because after that you can no longer do anything about it. However, in terms of the end [of Code Geass] as a project, I really don't know.
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--How did the final recording session go?
Taniguchi: It was difficult for me to control myself, psychologically. Since it was the final recording session, I kept thinking "This is the end", but in terms of the actual work, I had to hold on for a little while longer.
Fu-kuyama: I was thinking "Let's record our lines in high spirits!", but that only lasted until episode 24. The final recording session was...... This might be the first out of all my works so far in which I completed the final episode without putting too much effort into it. I took it all calmly.
Sakurai: I was in a spiritual state of nothingness. More than two years have passed between the recording of the first episode and the final episode. To be involved in a project for so long is something of a rarity these days, and because of that I was also overwhelmed with feelings. Still, "Code Geass", true to its nature, ended in a cool way.
Fu-kuyama: I think the VA with the most mixed feelings when it comes to the last episode of Code Geass might very well be Hoshi Souichirou, Gino's VA. To tell you the truth, I received a phone call on the night before the recording for the final episode. I wondered who it was... and it turned out to be Hoshi-san.
Sakurai: He called me, too.
Fu-kuyama: When I answered the call, all he said was "Tomorrow's the final episode, isn't it... do your best*." (laugh) [*ganbattene]
Sakurai: He said "Do your best" to me, too. I guess he was especially attached to this show.
Taniguchi: (laugh) It's up to everyone how they want to interpret the ending, I don't mind, but for me, it was a Happy Ending.
Fu-kuyama: I, too, think it was a happier ending than expected.
Sakurai: As for me... I'm looking at things from the viewpoint of Suzaku's VA, of course, but I've been watching the show as just another audience, too. That might be why the ending was painful for me.
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--Was the final episode something you thought of from the very beginning?
Taniguchi: Yes. The ending was decided upon beforehand. Although it was eventually cut, I actually had [Okouchi] write a script for episode 1, one which began with the scene of Suzaku attempting to kill Lelouch. I'm talking about episode 1 of the previous series, not R2.
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--The relationship between Lelouch and Suzaku described in these 50 episodes has seen a lot of ups and downs. They've shot at each other with guns, tried to kill each other, stepped on the other's face after he humbled himself by getting on his knees......
Taniguchi: From my point of view, Lelouch and Suzaku's relationship in the previous series did not go beyond that of reunited childhood friends. It wasn't "friendship" -- they were playing at a "make-believe friendship". With R2, my intention was to show how it turned into "friendship" in the truest sense of the word. ......As for the part with the kneeling, if Lelouch hadn't done that, he might have been killed by Suzaku, and Suzaku, had he not stepped on Lelouch's face, would probably not have been able to control his rage.
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--Basically, it was necessary to go that far* for Lelouch and Suzaku to be able to rebuild their bonds. [*kneeling + stepping on face]
Taniguchi: It's a matter of definition, but for me, the relationship between "good friends", to put it bluntly, is one in which "they are able to change each other's soiled underwear even when they've become doddering geezers".*
Fu-kuyama: Though in my opinion, that's already crossed the line into "love" territory (laugh).
[*This line sparked an outbreak of "Eeewwww, Taniguchi", "Taniguchi's definition of friendship sets the bar too high" and "...Does Taniguchi actually have such friends?" on 2ch]
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--Once again: what kind of show was "Code Geass" to all of you?
Sakurai: "Code Geass" was a stimulating piece of work, in my opinion. It suddenly appeared and swiftly took society by storm before facing its end in style. I look forward to everyone's reactions after the final episode. I'm sure all of us would like to see more of this type of original anime.
Taniguchi: I would be delighted if the viewers accepted [this show] with that thought in mind. When we first started "Code Geass", there was this sense of danger that if we don't do our best now original anime will die out completely. The way things are, there will eventually only be anime adapted from manga, games and light novels. For the sake of creating an entertaining original anime, we concentrated what skills we had and tried tacking them on little by little during the creation process. Of course, in "R2" we had to continue being aggressive. I continued working on this show feeling like a challenger. It was an enlightening experience!
Sakurai: These days, there are a lot of anime with tactical gimmicks, but "Code Geass" was strategically elaborate and daring, and was very much entertaining in a way other anime weren't. We, as members of the cast, were happy to have been part of its creation.
Fu-kuyama: They kept an iron-fisted control over the information given to us, too. We never knew what was going to happen next, not until we received the script.
Taniguchi: Once the episode directors, the animators and the VAs find out what's going to happen ahead of time, they tend to give their performances working backwards from the end result. There are times when working backwards actually makes it better, but if there is a continuous chain of turning points in the story, there are times when you subconsciously save your strength. I was afraid that would happen.
Fu-kuyama: I didn't want to know what was going to happen next. Finding out beforehand means I'll have to set the bar higher for myself, you see (laugh).
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--Lelouch was a devil of a role to play, having to face some kind of trial every single time, huh.
Fu-kuyama: Lelouch's role is, to put it simply, the chief villain, and Suzaku is the hero. Watching Lelouch use his Geass and prepare the legwork of his strategies with all his heart and soul makes you feel like pitying him.
Taniguchi: Really, I had no idea creating an evil organization of the likes of "Shocker" [*from Kamen Rider] could be so much work (laugh). It's a lot of effort, truly. Here you are, desperately planning some kind of gambit, and "BAM!", the hero appears and everything goes to pieces.
Fu-kuyama: "Code Geass" is a story seen from the side of an evil organization, isn't it? If you were to see the world through a different point of view, a different kind of logic would come into focus. For example, if you were to consider Marianne and Emperor Charles's actions from their point of view, nobody would be able to say they were wrong.
Taniguchi: If you were to rewatch "Code Geass" with the camera on Suzaku's side, Lelouch would be an absolute evil (laugh).
Sakurai: Who's on the side of justice? Who's evil? It all depends on your position and point of view. Telling the story in this manner was very interesting.
Fu-kuyama: I realized that the viewers don't work according to the logic of "justice" and "evil" when choosing which characters to empathize with.
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--Lastly, I'd like to ask each of you which episode left the biggest impression.
Fu-kuyama: It has to be episode 9 of "R2" for me. The conversation when Lelouch snatched Tenshi-sama away from Xingke -- in response to "You devil--!!", Lelouch answers "Ho, is that so?". I thought it was a fantastic exchange.
Sakurai: As for me, it's the final episode of "R2". It lingers on in your heart. The characters' resolve came through loud and clear, and it really got to me.
Taniguchi: All the episodes are important to me, so I can't choose one. If I had to say something... at the end of the recording session of the final episode, the staff, on their own initiative, gave out flowers to all of the cast members. I was happy to see that "Code Geass" has its own special place in the hearts of the staff and cast who have been involved [in the project] for so long. Thank you all for the hard work!
All: Thank you for the hard work!!
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rolorules · 10 months
Random Rolo Ramblings 6: Kururugi and Canon
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My intention was to write a few lines about the relationship between Rolo and Suzaku and post them around Suzaku's birthday. Well, it did not happen quite like that, but here they are. Admittedly, there is not really much to write about as far as the series canon goes, and here I would already like to digress a little: By '(series) canon' I mean everything that is officially part of the Code Geass story (people, places, events) as it unfolds in the TV series, not the recap films, which divert from the series canon and partly tell a different story. You can consider them a form of Code Geass elseworld or parallel universe/alternate timeline (apparently Genesic Re;CODE did that) or just see them as a separate movie canon which includes Lelouch of the Resurrection. (Correct, 'canon' is the second main topic of this article.)
As far as the Geass series canon goes, it certainly includes R1, R2 and also Akito the Exiled. I would also add the picture dramas, but that is a matter of debate and one could argue that their canonicity is not on the same level as that of the series' episodes. There are also the drama CDs, but, like I wrote before, these are just too far out there to be part of the official story. There may be official books that Sunrise considers canon, but my personal philosophy is that when we talk about films or TV shows, only what's on the screen is canon.
So what about Suzaku and Rolo? If we follow the show's internal chronology, they first meet in the final scene of Akito the Exiled. We get two reaction shots of Suzaku's face, first when Rolo enters the room, accompanied by the two Geass Order guards, then after he tells him that Charles has 'granted' 'Julius Kingsley' another audience. (By the way, look how tall he is in comparison to Suzaku. Must be the boots.) In both cases, Suzaku looks both quite angry and extremely wary. In the first case, Suzaku even makes a hard-to-define moaning sound that sounds both apprehensive and annoyed. In other words, he does not seem happy to see Rolo at all. He might be uncertain at first whether the rescue party are friend or foe, but even after Rolo has made it clear that they are on his side, he looks as happy as an employee who hates his boss and is told that he can go back to work now. This may have nothing to do with Rolo as a person, but with the unpleasantries that await Suzaku and Lelouch, but to me this look also says "Who's that creep they've sent to pick us up?"
Luckily, there are no hard feelings between Suzaku and Rolo in R2 despite this encounter, and this is obviously because R2 was produced before Akito. There is only one conversation between Suzaku and Rolo (and Villetta) in the OSI's secret control room, (which I have covered before, more than once, actually). While Rolo and Villetta have more or less always treated each other as equals, Suzaku clearly acts as the one in charge. Everyone is very polite, but Suzaku seems to be doubtful about the effectiveness of their surveillance, which triggers a response from Roll that makes him appear a little offendes, but secretly he is certainly worried that Suzaku might find out that Lelouch has regained his memories (and that he has changed sides). In a different world, to Star Trek, they may be friends, at least they don't hate each other, but in this situation, Rolo mostly regards Suzaku as a threat, which is why he even offers Lelouch to kill him. When Suzaku arranges a phone call with Nunnally to figure out whether Lelouch has regained his memory, Rolo thwarts his plans with his time-stopping powers. Apart from that, we see him giving Suzaku wary sideways glances, and that, to my knowledge, is about it. Not much, given the fact that older official artwork often shows Lelouch, Suzaku and Rolo as a kind of love-hate-whatever triangle.
What I would really like to know is what happened between the trio's journey home from Euro Britannia and Rolo's/Suzaku's arrival at Ashford. Didn't they have any conversation about 'Julius' resp. Lelouch? It would have made sense for Suzaku to brief Rolo about Lelouch's character traits so that he knows how to handle him and how to play the role of the little brother convincingly. Moreover, the Vincent's design is based on the Lancelot's, would Suzaku not be the perfect tutor for Rolo as a Knightmare Frame pilot? That would also explain Rolo's piloting skills. (Wouldn't it be fun if Lloyd was also involved? Maybe Rolo had a reason to call him "pervy four-eyes" in that infamous sound episode.)
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Of couse there is that slightly weird scene in the second recap movie where Bismarck introduces Suzaku to Rolo (who is dressed like an accountant and looks as if he hadn't had any sleep for a week and not seen any daylight for a month, quite the contrast to his Akito outfit and posture) and Villetta. Here it is made more obvious than in R2 that Suzaku is in charge of the operation. In this scene it is also acknowledged that Suzaku and Rolo have met before, and maybe Suzaku's bad memories are the in-story explanation for Suzaku's so bluntly (and rudely) addressing Rolo's faulty Geass, which is one of the things I hated about this scene, the other one being Rolo's new alias ('Nebiros'/'Neblos'). Rolo's resentful look is more than understandable. I know why the writers made Suzaku say that: they needed a quick way to establish Rolo's weakness, but it still seems so out of character for someone like Suzaku. (I like Suzaku thanking Rolo for rescuing them better, even though he did not look particularly grateful when Rolo freed him and Lelouch from prison.) Villetta's defending Rolo and praising his skillfulness, on the other hand, is perfectly in character for her. Anyway, this scene does not contradict series canon, so I can potentially accept it as "this is what happened" to fill a gap in the story, I'm just not sure if I want to.
Which is why I am now turning to the readers. How do you personally deal with the canon problem, in Code Geass and otherwise? After all, reboots, recaps, remakes etc. are a pretty common phenomenon in the world of anime and elsewhere. Do you want to have a rigid canon or do you like to see alternate/new/fresh versions of the same story? What is your personal Code Geass canon, the two seasons of the TV show, Akito, the recap films, Lelouch of the Resurrection, the mobile games? Please let me know and thank you for reading all this, these articles are called "ramblings" for a reason.
P.S. Sorry for mostly using screencaps that I have used before.
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uraharasandals · 9 months
I just - *sigh* okay, I just finished BSD season 5. Obviously I'm NOT okay because of skk shinskk and old men DYING IN EACH OTHERS' ARMS and ALL OF WHATEVER HAPPENED WHEN BRAM GOT A BODY *gestures frantically*
But to be really honest the main feeling I have is largely disappointment. This is going to be a very hot take but I actually hated how the arc panned out. Yes yes war ending yes everyone needs to stop fighting blah blah blah but IMAGINE. IMAGINE if the plot unfolded the way it was planned - Fukuchi being evil all along. Him eradicating war by eradicating humankind (the most evil, at least) by making armies destroy each other. And then making everyone build a nation (or not a nation, since he hates those) from the ashes of what's left. How his ideals become twisted from war, his glorious purpose and beliefs completely changed from the war.
Instead of whatever code geass-esque ending we got here. Except not even then because Suzaku killing Lelouch actually DID do the whole build-up justice. The build-up of BSD was so good - everything was paved so well and so nicely done, and then you're telling me he wanted to kill HIMSELF at the end? There's no hint to this, no SLIVER that the audience could've grasped at this. I've always believed that the best plot twists are the ones you see coming a mile away. This is more like a brick being dropped onto your head while you're walking. Maybe the new sequel has Fukuchi being revived and killing everyone again (it certainly looks like him, but also why are we fighting TWO HOURS AFTER again)
Anyways if Asagiri doesn't come out with something new for the October manga I'll shot myself
oh I forgot to add something I was gonna keep this in the notes but
The way that he keeps killing characters and bringing them back with a silly goofy explanation is genuinely doing my head in because at this point there is no IMPACT to character death. Shock value works only to a certain degree and it's getting a little boring to my flimsy ADHD-driven patience.
@sword-dad-fukuzawa tagging u cos I wanna hear ur thoughts
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paulythide · 5 months
Here is the next chapter!
Hello everyone, sorry for taking a while. I was busy! But here is the next chapter of my original work. I hope all of you enjoy it!
So now, let me go back to some of my other updates.
->One-Shot of Harry Potter x Overlord (What if)
->Overlord: The Demon Empress (One Chapter)
After this, I'll try to focus on Boku No Overlord and Harriet Potter: The Demon Empress. As well as some of my forgotten fanfictions.
I really want to update the Code Geass function from Thedas to Westeros. So, stay tuned for more!
And if you wish to support me, please donate to my Paypal. It truly helps me keep the updates coming! See you all later, and thank you again.
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jophiares · 2 years
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"you're a cruel man."
"i know."
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sweet-evie · 1 year
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AO3: sweet_evie 🔖 || FFN: sweetpoisonEvie 📖
More under the cut... It's too long 😩
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Headcanons and Imagines
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Gojo goes on blind dates
Thinking of Gojo's Six Eyes
Richfriend!Gojo spoiling Ieiri and Geto
Gojo's dessert refrigerator
SaShiSu working at Jujutsu High
SaShiSu: Shoko's first impressions
SaShiSu: Chaotic teens will be teens
SaShiSu as housemates (imagines)
SaShiSu in an Avatar: The Last Airbender AU (imagines)
D&D with Gojo, Itadori, Kugisaki, and Fushiguro
TeenDad!Gojo with Baby Megumi and Best Sister Tsumiki
Satoru and Suguru as YouTubers
Husband!Gojo x Shy!S/O
The Gojo Clan and their assets
Ghost!Gojo haunting your apartment
Rock Band AU - Satoru, Suguru, Choso, Sukuna
Rock Band AU - Satoru is dating
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One-shots, Drabbles, & Blurbs
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Pop Goes My Question [Satoru Gojo]
Just a Man [Satoru Gojo]
Pure Love [Satoru Gojo]
This is How You Fall in Love [Satoru Gojo]
Coming Home [Satoru Gojo]
What Those Eyes See [Satoru Gojo]
Code Geass:
For My Glory, and Mine Alone [Julius Kingsley]
The Scarlet Masquerade [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
Somebody Out There [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN]
There's a First Time for Everything [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
This is My Kind of Ending [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
Thank You, C.C. [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
A Moment Like This [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
Save the Date [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN ||]
The Shun-day Su-prise [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
Fatherhood [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
It's About Time, Lelouch [Lelouch x C.C., Suzaku x Euphemia || AO3 & FFN]
How to Learn French (Lelouch Edition) [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
I Promised, Didn't I? [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
To Find a Way [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
A Thousand Years and Forevermore [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
Tachycardia [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
The First and Not the Last [Suzaku x Kallen || FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
Airport Fairytale [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
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Jujutsu Kaisen: ➵ Never Grow Up [Satoru Gojo]
Code Geass:
Señorita [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ SUGGESTIVE THEMES]
Señorita: When It's Been Said and Done [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ SUGGESTIVE THEMES]
One Day at a Time [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
And on This Day [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
Everyday is Christmas [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
Sea Witch [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
The Last Siren Kiss [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ SUGGESTIVE THEMES]
A Game of Thrones and Faces [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
The Emperor's Wish [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
Lover [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
Eating for Two [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN]
See You Again [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
Five O' Clock [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN || ⚠️ NSFW]
The Queen's Longing [Lelouch x C.C. || FFN]
The Chaining Booth [Lelouch x C.C. || AO3 & FFN]
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Of Gods and Kings: A Death Note + Code Geass Crossover
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Power was a drug more addictive than any other, and Lelouch vi Britannia knew better than anyone what it was like to have the world in the palm of his hand, to have control and power over the lives of others. Kira must die.
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otakuworks · 2 years
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[ ⭐ ] — My Fav to Write
[ 🌞 ] — Newly Added
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Maximum of 4 Characters per request.
Characters can be in different fandoms too.
GN!Reader by default unless you specified the gender.
If you are able to come up with a title with your request then feel free to suggest (I suck at making titles)
I'll try to write all characters in each fandom, but if I don't like the character I have the right to ignore it.
My inbox is always open for suggestions, memes or simply to chat. I'm down with it.
Naruto Shippuden ⭐
Fairytail ⭐
Death Note ⭐
Attack On Titan ⭐
One Piece
Bungou Stray Dogs ⭐
Jujutsu Kaisen
Demon Slayer
Haikyuu! ⭐
Hunter X Hunter ⭐
Assassination Classroom
Classroom of the Elites ⭐
Tokyo Revengers ⭐
High Rise Invasion
Owari no Seraph
Balance Unlimited
Dr. Stone
Toilet Bound Hanako
Black Clover ⭐
SK8 Infinity
Tokyo Ghoul
Code Geass
Vanitas no Carte
Blue Exorcist
Black Butler ⭐
Fruits Basket
The Seven Deadly Sins
Darling on the Franxx
Angel of Death ⭐
God of High School
Yuri! On Ice
Vampire Knight
Howl's Moving Castle
Norn 9
Chainsaw Man
Blue Lock
Moriarty the Patriot ⭐
Record of Ragnarok 🌞
Father, I Don't Want to Get Married ⭐
Who Made Me A Princess ⭐
Into the Light Once Again ⭐
How to Get My Husband on my Side
The Villainess Is A Marionette ⭐
Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess ⭐
The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass
Roxana: The Way to Protect the Female Lead's Brother ⭐
Beware of the Villainess
Of All Things, I Have Become A Crow
Heart Throbbing Conqueror
Survive as the Hero's Wife
Under the Oak Tree ⭐
A Symbiotic Relationship Between A Black Panther and A Rabbit
Elixir of the Sun
Inso's Law
Wake Up, Warrior ⭐
I've Become the Wife of the Male Lead / Author of my Life
The Song of Theodor / The Lady and The Lion ⭐
I Became the Wife of the Monstrous Prince ⭐
Three Brothers / Kim Brothers
A Way to Protect the Lovable You ⭐
The Princess Imprints A Traitor / Revolutionary Princess Eve
My Husband Hides His Beauty
Lady Baby
The Young Miss I Serve Became A Young Master
Cinderella Wasn't Me
The Newlywed Diary of A Witch and A Dragon
Actually, I Was The Real One
Trash of the Count's Family ⭐
I Have Become The Hero's Rival
A Night With the Emperor
My Three Tyrant Brothers
Honey, I'm Going On A Strike
Omniscient Reader
Unholy Blood ⭐
Tower of God
To You, Who Swallowed A Star
Lookism ⭐
Eleceed ⭐
The World After the Fall
Weak Hero
Jungle Juice
Teenage Mercenary ⭐
The Remarried Empress
Eaternal Nocturnal
Viral Hit / How To Fight ⭐
Study Group
Villain to Kill
Doom Breaker
Your Throne ⭐
Get Schooled
When Jasy Whistles
Academy's Undercover Professor
Like A Wind On A Dry Branch
Nice to Meet You
Seasons Of Blossom ⭐
Purple Hyacinth
See You in My 19th Life ⭐
My Gently Raised Beast
Men of The Harem
Secret Playlist
Shadow Bride
Mystic Prince / Prince of Myolyeong ⭐
Mystic Messenger
Genshin Impact ⭐
Twisted Wonderland
Tears of Themis ⭐
Obey Me ⭐
Wizardess Heart
Resident Evil
Detroit: Become Human
Ensemble Stars
Honkai: Star Rail ⭐
Baldur's Gate 3
Wuthering Waves ☀️
Dream SMP
Harry Potter
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Star Wars ⭐
LOTR / The Hobbits
Hazbin Hotel ☀️
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alicent-vi-britannia · 2 months
Let's talk a little about Kalulu kisses
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Today we will honor International Kiss Day by remembering the kiss and the two almost kisses of Lelouch and Kallen. While C.C.'s magical kisses and the kiss with Shirley were captured in a single image (using different shots, by the way), Kallen and Lelouch's kiss is presented in a montage of detailed shots (alternating with certain general shots and close-ups). The detail shots are expressive shots since, being small frames, they ask the viewer to concentrate on something very specific. They are usually used to highlight an object that will become important later, however, they can also create tension and emotion like here.
In episode 7, the series prepares the viewer for a kiss between Lelouch and Kallen and then snatches that illusion away when Kallen slaps Lelouch. In episode 9 it surprises the viewer by reformulating the question from episode 7: "Will Kallen and Lelouch kiss?" (also since we have a flashback of the first almost kiss between Lelouch and Kallen, I feel that the creators want to communicate to us through this montage: "hey, hey, the promise of a kiss between these two was serious! Wait for it!").
In the end, episode 22 fulfills that promise and does so by presenting a montage as a way to close what they started in episode 7. It's a shorter montage because the intention is to surprise Lelouch and the viewer with Kallen's initiative and immerse ourselves more in the moment, so there are fewer shots, but they last longer.
Considering that Code Geass isn't particularly notable for its direction like other anime (ahem, Cowboy Bebop, for example), I highly value these three scenes. Not only as a fan of this ship, but as someone who has a basic knowledge of the language of audiovisual media. I think these montages are an excellent example that in a story how you tell something is as important as what you tell. The culmination of the kiss is the perfect proof of this (someday it will be time to analyze that scene, since the combination of the elements says a lot). As Martin Scorsese would say: "[this] is cinema!"
I won't lie, these setups also influenced me to opt for the Kalulu. This isn't an analysis because I don't consider myself an expert in audiovisual language, someone who is would tell you more than me (I didn't even prepare myself; I'm getting hooked on the fact that today is International Kiss Day). Even so, I wanted to talk about these scenes because I wanted to raise awareness about it. It seems to me that fans, even Kalulu fans, don't value these montages as much as they should. You can say what yoy want, but it is undeniable that there is a seal of creativity here. I can't think of another example that anticipates a kiss and ultimately presents it in such a unique way. I think they involve us more emotionally with the characters. At least, it happened to me.
Small recommendation: Since we are in romantic mode, I recommend this song.
It belongs to one of my favorite Kdramas and is titled: "Please say something, even though it is a lie." The song is about a woman who realizes that she has fallen in love and asks her silent lover to say something as she wants to know if he feels the same way. Honestly, I associated this song with Kallen as soon as I read the lines of her poem that referred to her last conversation with Lelouch at Ashford Academy: "Lelouch, that goodbye kiss, Even if it were a lie, if you had told me: “I love you”, I would have followed you to hell. You knew that, didn't you?" And then when I found out that Kallen realized that she had fallen in love with Lelouch after kissing him, even more. After all, Lelouch is Kallen's first love (I can't even think how this song would fit with the Kdrama's protagonist, all that comes to mind is Kallen when listening to this song). The singer sadly passed away a few days ago, by the way.
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coquettedragoon · 1 year
do you have any favourite design work, just in general? your mecha work has always struck me (as someone obsessed with that kind of thing), but the dreamlike feeling of the semi-abstracted backgrounds is incredible
im gonna make this a bit long and also gonna introduce the 'good asks' tag for asks i spend a long time writing an answer for so its not lost to time
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a huge inspo for my sense of design, wildly enough, was space patrol lulucos backgrounds. i cant find a better shot in google images of the way it renders space, but the screentone clouds really stuck with me and influenced how i use it heavily. i was really obsessed w the collage like bgs in particular and v singular color grading
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gunbuster and diebuster are hugely influential, in different ways. im obsessed with the palettes in diebuster.. everything about the lilac stems from the exelion in gunbuster, the zephyrantes took its root entirely from the idea of a warship so large it has a train network and painted skies inside of it etc... the oppressive mech cockpits are heavily drawn from gunbusters. the nerv stuff in eva is also a big source of inspo.
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a huge impact on how i approached backgrounds for coquette was tsukihimes, the singular blue color is why i only use a v limited palette for coquettes backgrounds... where i got started with planning coquettes bgs was the thought of using the same filtered approach but to simple 3d instead of photos. i ended up good at 3d so it never was simple though
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hidamari sketch is maybe my fav work on the planet, and its a huge part of why im obsessed with screentone... my attention to detail with the living spaces of characters comes from it and the detail it gives to every characters room in the apartments, and how they each use the same floorplan differently. its visually stunning top to bottom in a way that only comes through when you watch it imo.. the use of photos etc has stuck with me forever, it rly is a show using 20000 art styles at once and rly gave me a lot of thought on treating direction as collage of styles you like
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heartcatch precure is one of my favs ever, especially visually... i love how far it leans into like being very digital looking and uses color so strongly to convey a mood.. i remember being immediately struck by how it uses this sickly green color for the world/sky during the fights etc to build unease. i love how high contrast it is, i definitely drew a lot from its stark orange and black backgrounds for doing the duchy stuff
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a lot of movies definitely stick with me visually, but its easier for me to think in terms of 2d/3d... the mishima movie (lmao) has directly influenced my bg art heavily, especially when i use these kind of overhead diorama esque shots
in terms of how i do 3d and shade it etc... a lot of is heavily inspired by the use of 3d in the code geass ovas (lmao), noone watched this ever so none of its documented but this AMV has quite a lot of it. the harsh shading in the scene around 00:20 is what influenced me using that style in the ch3 opening animation... the snappy fast violent animation is kind of my ideal for how i wanna animate mechs
i think a lot of how i design things is through trial and error, but theres a lot consciously floating thru my head around what kind of look id like to achieve... i dont actually plan much, ever. i animate with no storyboards, write without an outline, only do one sketch before settling on any designs, and mess around w colors for a scene until its done
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