#Colin donnell
zanephillips · 2 years
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Colin Donnell in Irreverent 1x02
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halsteadlover · 20 days
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮
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*Pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Female!Reader.
• Requested by anon: Reader is a nurse and while she’s on duty someone man from the or goes crazy because he wants to be threaded immediately and she tries to calm him down, but he loses his mind and with a pocket knife he has he accidentally hurts her cutting her on her face after which he’s escorted out by the security. Connor and reader are together and as soon as he hears about the incident, he run to her all worried. He cleans her wound.
• Warnings: brief mention of blood, wounds, use of knife, curse words, let me know if I missed something.
• Word count: 3453.
• A/N: it’s been a while since I post and I hate how this turned out bye, please have mercy on me, university is kicking my ass and I have to study for my last exams so I’m trying to write something between lunch break and during the evening. I know it’s not so good 😭 but beside that I missed you all so much, I hope you’re all aright ❤️
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A sudden noise caught your attention, making you turn your head towards the entrance of the ER.
The morning seemed relatively quiet, there were patients in the waiting room, doctors and nurses doing their normal work.
You looked around before heading towards the waiting room where you had heard the commotion and noticed a man standing in the middle of the room, a pocket knife in his hand that he was waving vehemently. He was completely out of his mind.
“I want a doctor! Now!” He shouted while all the other terrified patients started running away..
“Sir, put that knife down! Right now!” exclaimed the security guard.
“I’m fucking sick! I want a doctor right now or I’ll kill you all!”
“Sir please,” you spoke in a calm and gentle tone, taking small steps towards him, your hands clearly visible to show him you weren’t a threat, that you wouldn’t do anything to him.
“Y/Ln please stay back, I’ll take care of this,” the guard spoke but you didn’t listen. You couldn’t just turn around and walk away as if nothing was happening.
“I’m a nurse,” you continued while keeping your gaze on the enraged man, “How about you put the knife down and I call a doctor right now? You could come with me to one of the rooms while a doctor comes to examine you.”
“Stay back you bitch! I want a doctor now!” he shouted even louder than before and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
Despite your outward calm, your heart was pounding with fear, especially when the man continued to wave that knife around like it was a toy. You mentally breathed a sigh of relief as you saw the last patient had run away.
“Sir, can you tell me your name please?” You continued. “Do you have your medical records with you so we can take a look at it?”
He approached you in a threatening manner and you spontaneously took a few steps back before the guard stood in front of you to protect you.
“I just called the police, you have five minutes to leave or I will have you arrested immediately.”
At those words the man seemed to get even angrier, something you hadn’t even thought was possible. You let out a scream as the man threw himself on Dave – the guard – who was taken by surprise and got hit.
You only realized what had happened afterwards. Only when you saw Dave’s white uniform shirt turn red you realized he had been stabbed.
You didn’t know what was going through your mind at that moment. You only knew you wanted to get that man off of Dave.
You lunged at him, trying to grab the knife from his hand, which allowed the attacker to take his attention off Dave for a moment, though to your detriment, since it ended up on you.
You screamed as he fell on top of you. Your hands tried to keep his arm away from you but you couldn’t stop him from cutting your cheek.
It burned like a motherfucker but it wasn’t the time to think about the pain, not when that bastard was about to kill you.
“Hey! Get off her!” You heard voices shouting and mentally sighed in relief when you no longer felt his weight on your body. You immediately moved away from him, sliding further back on the floor as you sat up, only to see Will and other doctors and nurses holding the man down and injecting what you assumed was a sedative into his arm.
Your chest rose and fell rapidly, adrenaline coursing through your veins.
“Y/n! Oh god are you okay?” Will asks immediately after walking over to you and helping you up.
You nodded. “Dave… He was stabbed…”
“They already brought him in. He’s on his way to the OR.”
You looked over to where the guard had been lying and only then you realized he was indeed gone. When had they taken him away?
“Are you okay? You hurt?”
“I’m fine.”
Will’s eyes widened as he focused on your cheek. “Shit, you’re not fine. He cut your face.”
You touched your cheek and when you looked at your blood-stained fingertips, you remembered that he had actually hit you.
“It’s just a scratch, I’m fine.”
“Rhodes is going to lose his shit,” Will muttered in a low voice as he looked at your wound. “Come on, I’ll disinfect it. It doesn’t look deep enough to need stitches.”
But Will was right.
Connor really lost his shit.
After years it was no secret you two were together. Everyone knew how protective he was of you and this had often sparked jokes, pranks and teasing from your friends who did nothing but mock him for his overprotectiveness.
He was in the OR closing up a patient after a routine surgery when he heard the interns murmuring something.
“What are you whispering about?” He asked, not being able to make out what they were saying.
“Uhm…” One of them cleared their throat, “We heard there was an attack in the ER, a man with a knife went nuts.”
Connor’s eyes immediately snapped to them, the forceps and suture in his hand frozen, almost about to fall, and even though most of his face was obscured by his mask, his eyes quickly showed his emotions.
His first thought was you.
He knew you were on duty that morning and he couldn’t help but let his nerves heat up.
“Was anyone hurt?” he asked, trying to keep his voice calm and his hands steady as he finished stitching up the patient. There was no need to freak out. You were fine, if anything happened someone would’ve called him.
“I don’t know how many people, I just heard that a security guard was injured but they’re already treating him, he should be in surgery right now.”
Connor nodded, his throat tight as he concentrated on finishing the surgery. He tried to keep his focus solely on the patient because even though the surgery was almost over, the patient deserved nothing less than one hundred percent of his attention. He couldn’t afford to be distracted since complications were always around the corner.
“Someone page Nurse Y/Ln,” he ordered, his eyes on the patient as he stitched even though his mind was racing. He needed to hear your voice, to know you were really fine.
No one answered and there was a moment of silence. It was only a moment but to him it felt like an eternity.
“Now!” He raised his voice, letting the anger, worry, and crippling anxiety he was feeling shine through.
“Dr. Rhodes, we already tried to page her but she’s not answering,” a nurse said fearfully, terrified of his reaction.
“Fuck,” he cursed through gritted teeth. “Someone go find her then instead of standing there like idiots!”
Everyone exchanged a look and the intern who had spoken earlier immediately left the OR, running towards the emergency room. The entire hospital knew how much he doted on you, how he lived for you only, how much he loved you, how crazy he was for you, so they were all holding their breath while waiting for some kind of update.
Silence reigned in the OR, Connor didn’t bother to show the residents what he was doing, he just kept stitching the patient.
His voice was flat, almost like a robot, his hands was steady, his back straight, but only he knew how anxiety was twisting his stomach almost making him threw up. “Keep page her, I want to know where the hell my fiancée is!” was all he exclaimed.
“Nothing yet, doctor.”
“Dr. Blake went to check and he’ll be here shortly, but just take a breath, everything will be fine,” a nurse allowed herself to say and he looked up to glare at her.
“That’s my fiancée we’re talking about, my future wife, it’ll be fine only when I hear from her,” he spat venomously and she nodded – not wanting to contradict him when he wasn’t thinking clearly – before he turned his attention back to the patient.
He hated this situation.
He wasn’t giving his full attention to the surgery and he hated that.
Please god let her be okay.
Only five minutes had passed since the intern had left but to him it seemed like years went by and only when he saw him return he momentarily breathed a sigh of relief.
Everyone’s faces were covered by masks but Connor only had to look into the intern’s eyes, even if only for a couple of seconds, to understand the news weren’t as good as he had hoped. He knew that look, he had used it hundreds of thousands of times to communicate unpleasant news to the patient’ families.
“Where is she?” he asked abruptly, alternating his gaze between the intern and the patient.
“She’s fine sir, doctor... She...” he paused briefly and sighed, “She was slightly hurt, but she’s fine, I swear she’s fine... She’s alert and only has a small wound. She asked me to tell you to stay calm and just focus on the surgery…”
But Connor didn’t hear anything that resident said except those three words.
She was hurt.
You had been hurt.
“Fucking hell.”
“The attacker has been sedated and handcuffed to the bed and they’re waiting for the cops,” he continued, trying somehow to reassure Connor. “Dr. Rhodes, seriously, it’s just a small graze I saw it and she’s fine you understand? She’s fine.”
He didn’t answer.
He was silent for the rest of the surgery, not saying a single word.
But as soon as he was out of the OR, Connor literally flew to the emergency room, his cap still in his hand.
He needed to see you, he needed to know you were actually fine.
“April, where’s Y/n?” he asked as soon as he got to the nurses' station.
“She’s okay, Dr. Rhodes...”
“Where the hell is my fiancée?!” He cut her off abruptly, raising his voice and not even letting her finish her sentence. He didn’t mean to be rude but he was out of his mind in that moment and didn’t care about anything or anyone that weren’t you.
She pointed to trauma room one and he ran there before she could say or do anything else. He jerked the closed curtain open and his heart stopped when he saw you sitting on the bed.
“Baby…” he breathed out as if he had taken a breath of oxygen for the first time after hours when he realized – even if it took him too many endless seconds in his opinion – that you were actually fine, you were awake, alert and looking at him with a scared expression.
“Connor, baby, I’m…” you started but it was as if he was in a state of shock. Connor seemed to have realized that Will was there only after endless moments and that he was taking care of the wound on your face.
“Will, I’ll take care of it now, thanks,” he spoke, his eyes never leaving yours. Will nodded, realizing it was time to leave the two of you alone, and tossed away the gauze he was using to clean your wound before leaving the room, closing the curtain again.
“Baby I swear I’m fine, it’s just a little scratch…”
He came closer and before he could say something his arms were already around your body and he was holding you close to his chest. He hugged you so tightly as if it was the first time in years that he saw you again.
He felt your arms return his hug, rest on his back and caress him gently and it was only then that he had finally regained some sense.
You were fine, you were really fine.
You were hugging him.
But he was about to collapse on the ground, his legs feeling like jelly.
“Who did this to you?” he whispered while his lips print kisses at the top of your head, deeply inhaling the scent of your shampoo as if it was oxygen and he had been deprived of it.
“I don’t know who that man was. He just… He really was out of his mind, he wanted immediate care and he wouldn’t listen to anyone. Everyone run away. We tried to calm him down but he had a knife… Dave was hurt…” you finished the last sentence with a sob, bursting into tears there in Connor’s arms, your lifeline and right that second, as he held you, you knew everything would be alright.
“Where is he? I’ll kill that son of a bitch with my own hands,” he furiously retorted and started to move away from you but you held him back by his uniform. “No, no, no please baby… Please don’t leave me, stay here with me.”
You looked at him with those big eyes of yours, filled with tears, a destroyed expression on your face and Connor held you again, squeezing his eyes closed in an attempt to stay calm and not go crazy.
“Shh, I’m not going anywhere, I’m not leaving you okay? I’m here with you. It’s okay my love, you’re okay, Dave also will be okay too,” he kept whispering as you cried in his arms.
“I was so… I was so scared…”
His heart tightened with pain as he heard your voice broken by tears. Very few other times in his life he had been so angry and all of those the times were about his father or something that had happened to you.
“I know baby but it’s over, you’re safe now. I won’t let anything happen to you again you hear me? You’re safe,” he kept whispering, trying to keep a sweet and calm tone even though he was shaking so much he was about to have a seizure.
He couldn’t even imagine what you felt in those moments, how scared you felt but despite this tried to stop the attacker. He hated knowing all this was happening a few steps away from him, he hated he hadn’t been there to protect you.
God only knew how he would’ve killed anyone on this planet just to prevent a single scratch from scarring you.
He pulled away from the hug and literally felt his stomach twist on itself when he saw the cut on your cheek. He stroked your hair gently, trying to calm you down.
“You were so good and so brave, I’m so proud of you baby you know that right?” He kissed your forehead, a small smile gracing his lips as he looked into your tear-filled eyes.
You nodded.
“But I’d rather you let someone else with experience do this job okay? I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt, please promise me.”
“I promise.”
He kissed your forehead again, his eyes closed for a moment and stayed in that position for a while as if trying to convince himself it wasn’t just a dream.
“Now, let me take care of your wound is it okay?” He continued and you nodded. He disinfected his hands and put on some gloves.
He tried to stop his fingers from shaking but he couldn’t, he tried to convince himself it was over but he just couldn’t. It was as if his mind couldn’t really thinking about anything that wasn’t the fact he really risked to lose you, that you might’ve been in Dave’s place, that son of a bitch might’ve taken away from him.
He took a deep breath, turning his back to you so as not to make you worry even more than you already were.
Connor approached you again and gently took your face in one hand, turning your head slightly so he could observe the wound. Luckily it wasn’t deep, it didn’t even need stitches, but that didn’t make him feel any better. It was just a reminder he wasn’t there to protect you.
“It’s going to sting a little.”
“I know baby, don’t worry.”
He could feel your eyes on him as he tried to stay focused and disinfect your cheek, but he didn’t look back, he knew he’d break down and you didn’t need that after what you went through.
His free hand rested on your healthy cheek as he drew imaginary circles on your skin, completely involuntarily.
“Yes, love?”
“You’re shaking,” you whispered.
He let out a small sigh before sightly stepping away and turning his back to you. His fingers were shaking and he felt terribly guilty for being the one to have that reaction, because you were the one in that horrible situation, you were the one who had faced that crazy guy and you were the one who got hurt.
But he was the one who was at risk of losing you and the thought of it took the air from his lungs, it made him unable to breathe.
Was it dramatic? Probably yes. But he didn’t care. Knowing something had happened to you was destroying him.
“Baby, hey, talk to me.”
Your sweet and gentle tone made his eyes fill with tears, but he didn’t want to cry, not right there in front of you. He felt your fingers curl around his, as if to encourage him to turn towards you again.
“C’mon, look at me,” you spoke again when he continued to pretend to look and analyze your wound.
He then met your eyes, full of concern, and he couldn’t hold back any longer, letting a tear escape down his cheek.
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t be the one crying,” he tried to ease the tension. His heart exploded when you smiled at him and placed a hand on his cheek, wiping away the tears that had escaped with your thumb.
“Look at me carefully, okay?” You urged. “I’m fine, love, nothing happened…”
“I know, I know,” he smiled through silent tears, “But it literally hurts my heart to know you are in danger, even if it’s just for a second. God baby, you really don’t understand how much my existence depends on you, how much I would give my life just for you to be safe. I would die if anything happened to you and…” He sniffed. “T-the fact I wasn’t there to help you and protect you… It makes me feel so sick I can’t breathe.” He put a hand on his chest, right there where it hurt so bad. You put your hand on his as the other one continued to wipe away his tears. “I was so fucking scared.”
In response you tugged at the collar of his uniform and kissed him, both of you tasting the saltiness of your tears. “I love you so much Connor, god, I love you so fucking much. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you whispered against his lips and he kissed you again till both of you couldn’t breathe, before pulling away and hugging you again.
“I love you so much more.” Connor rested his cheek at the top of your head as he held you, constantly leaving kisses on your hair and being especially careful not to touch your bruised cheek. “I swear, I will lock you in a cellar and throw away the key for all the heart attacks you give me. How the hell do you always end up in these situations?”
You let out a small laugh, relieved that he had calmed down. “Faults of being an ER nurse, you always meet crazy people.”
“Well I’ll ask to change your department. How about gynecology? Oh wait, dermatology is even better.”
You pulled away from him, tilting your head slightly so you could look him in the face. “I know you would never do that.”
He sighed, stroking your hair and drying the tears on your face. “No, but locking yourself in a cellar? Absolutely, I can’t die of a heart attack before I’m forty.”
“Look at you Dr. Rhodes, so worried about your fiancée.”
He gave you a fake glare. “I don’t play about you baby, I think I scared the crap out of the surgical team, they probably think I’m batshit crazy now. Worrying about you is an understatement.”
You giggle, imagining the way he was barking orders and shouting in the OR. “You’re really the best thing that has ever happened to me you know that right? I’m so glad I can always count on you.”
“Always baby, I’m always with you.” He smiled softly before kissing the tip of you nose. “How about we put a band-aid on this so we can get out of here?” He then kissed your forehead and you smiled again.
“Get out of here? But our shift isn’t over yet.”
“I’m sure Goodwin will understand the circumstances, I have no other scheduled surgeries and if they need a surgeon, Dr. Latham is available. I just want to go home and hold you until you’re out of breath. Plus you’re still shaking and I want you to rest.”
You slightly smiled again and nodded, without even thinking about it twice. “I’m in, Dr. Rhodes.”
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @halstead-severide-fan, @mrspeacem1nusone, @allivzs, @omniaimy, @cursedashes, @kmc1989, @klovesreading, @firetruckstuckley, @23victoria, @buckybarnessweetheart, @fanaticlove16, @ajordan2020, @multi-fandom-lover7667, @luftmenzch, @emryb, @waywardhunter95
Connor Rhodes tag list: @rsquared31, @novabckly, @wnbweasley, @Thebejeweledwatercat, @tinka490, @rainechase45, @maryelizabeth13, @thehalsteadsdomination
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thena0315 · 5 months
So nice to see old One Chicago actors hanging out with each other last month
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79 notes · View notes
boysappetit · 1 year
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Colin Donnell
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winchesterszvonecek · 11 months
"I…I want to give you my heart. It belongs to… to you. How… how can I give it to you? I don’t want it anymore." "Let’s wait until tomorrow with the surgery”
Drunken Confessions - [ Connor Rhodes ]
Prompt: “I…I want to give you my heart. It belongs to…to you. How…How can I give it to you? I don’t want it anymore.” “Let’s wait until tomorrow with the surgery.”
Word Count: 1171
Warnings: female!reader, drunkenness
Masterlist | Connor Masterlist
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There was a reason you never allowed yourself to get drunk. A perfectly valid explanation as to why you never drank over the three beers a night limit you set for yourself anytime you went to Molly’s.
It wasn’t just because you were a firefighting Lieutenant with a reputation to keep and a handful of men under your command, who did not have a limit to the amount that they drank which meant it usually fell on you to make sure they got home safe and made it into work the next day.
No, it wasn’t because of any of that, not really. The real reason why you couldn’t loosen up fully after a tough day on the job was because of one man and one man only.
Connor Rhodes.
Since the day you met Connor, the day you rolled into the ER with an impalement victim and locked eyes with the new trauma surgeon, you had fallen so head over heels in love with him that you couldn’t bring yourself to think about any other men. Which is the exact reason you couldn’t get drunk otherwise you’d end up spilling your guts out to him.
And sure, you were constantly flirting with him when sober, hoping to God he’d reciprocate and oftentimes he did. He’d flirt back with you. Tell you how nice it was to see your face that day in the hospital. Anything he could think of to make you blush harder than a schoolgirl getting asked to prom by her crush, he would do. But it never usually went any further than that.
As the months went by you were beginning to just give up, to accept that you’d never be anything more than flirty friends. And sure, that hurt but what could you do? You’d never find the courage to ask him out properly, to confess that you loved him so much that it hurt to be around him, and therefore, there wasn’t much else you could do other than allow yourself to get blackout drunk for the first time since you laid eyes on his handsome face.
The only reason you’d been accepting the shots Herrmann kept sliding towards you was because you knew Connor was on call at the hospital that night and wouldn’t be anywhere near you, allowing you the relief of knowing that drunk you wouldn’t blurt out what sober you could never find the courage to say. Only when Connor showed up at Molly’s, beelining straight for you, you were far too wasted to care about the fact that you were probably about to expose yourself in front of him.
“There he is!” You cheered, giggling around a hiccup as you slid off your stool, almost face planting the ground had Connor not caught you. “The famous Dr Rhodes.”
“Famous?” Connor repeated, chuckling to himself as he got you steady on your feet, his hands held out at either side of you as you swayed back and forth, making him think you were about to pass out and almost hit the deck again.
“You’re like what’s his face from that doctor show.” You slurred, lightly poking the tip of his nose which acted like a button as the second you did a smile grew on his face. “The pretty one… You know who I’m talking about.
“Okay, I see someone might have had a little too much to drink… huh?” Connor had never once seen you so open with him as you were now, and even if you hadn’t smelt strongly of alcohol, he’d have probably assumed you were drunk anyway. “Why don’t I take you home?”
“Okay, doctor.” You sighed out, falling forwards a little to lean on him, your cheek smooshed up against his chest which drunk you didn’t even acknowledge was beating rapidly beneath you.
Guiding you out of the bar was easy, making Connor glad he was the one who found you and not some other scumbag who might only have taken advantage of you in your current state. The two of you had barely reached his car before you came to a stop, rounding his body to face him and gripping the front of his shirt so tightly that your knuckles turned white.
“I…I want to give you my heart.” You began, your words more coherent than Connor would have ever expected from you. He raised his hands, taking a gentle hold of yours and carefully prying your fingers from around the softness of his shirt. “It belongs to… to you. How… How can I give it to you? I don’t want it anymore.”
You shook your head, eyes filling with tears as though part of your sober feelings had moved past the alcohol clouding them, allowing for your vulnerability to be fully on display.
“I don’t… I don’t want it.” You whispered, locking eyes with him and seeing the reflection of the streetlight above you shine against them. “Take it from me.”
“I will.” Connor said softly, his hands leaving yours and going staring to cup your face, feeling how you relaxed instantly beneath his touch. “But not right now. Not like this, okay? Let’s wait until tomorrow with the surgery.” He joked, finding warmth over the way you smiled. “Once you sober up, then you can give me your heart. If you still want to.” He added quietly, praying to God or whoever was listening that this wasn’t just drunken nonsense he was hearing from you.
But with the way you’d looked at him, even through the copious amounts of alcohol he’s suspected that you’d drank, there was still a hint of the real you, the quiet, shy you who would have never said this to him sober, still lingering underneath. As though begging him to believe that what you were saying was the truth.
“Surgery?” You babbled, the return of your drunkenness pulling him from his thoughts about whether or not sober you felt the same way about him as drunk you seemed to. “I think you’re confused… I’m the firefighter… You’re the surgeon.”
You poked your finger to his chest, hiccuping quietly as you giggled to yourself, calling him silly under your breath and making him all but die on the spot as even drunk you were utterly adorable. Your hand fell to your side, your body once again falling against him, only this time it felt different, as though it wasn’t just a way for you to take some of the strain off your feet.
Connor’s arms wrapped lightly around your frame, engulfing you with heat of his body, hearing you hum softly to yourself as you slid your arms around his waist, underneath his coat which only had his heart wanting to leap from his chest. He glanced down, smiling over the way you nuzzled your cheek against his chest, as though you were exactly where you wanted to be right now.
Exactly where he wanted you to be. And exactly where he hoped you’d stay once you sobered up.
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kent-farm · 9 months
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—Arrow, “Year’s End”
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sun-ni-day · 4 months
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FBI: International 3x12 Gift
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wwemcumuscleslover · 5 days
Not much into med, but I think they are my top choices of crush inside.
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fenfoxs · 1 year
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72 notes · View notes
rainybeetles · 2 months
Aaaaaaggghhhhh, everyone killed it. The tone, the brething, every single line was great
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halsteadlover · 11 months
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*Gif and pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Fem!Reader.
• Requested: yes by anon.
• Summary: Connor shows his possessive and jealous side and you love every bit of it.
• Warnings: jealousy, few curse words and I don’t know what else, please let me know if I missed any lol.
• Word count: 1930.
• A/N: I’m not sure about this one but here it is anyway since I was too lazy to write it all over again 😭 I hope you’ll like it, looking forward for your opinion. Comment, like and reblog, it’d would mean the world 💕 I love you all xx
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Connor's first case since coming back to Med’s was fairly simple.
He thought that day would go uneventful. He thought.
An elementary school girl was taken to the ER after her teacher called 911 because of an intense abdominal pain and after an ultrasound it turned out to be a case of acute appendicitis.
“She’ll need surgery, where are the parents? We need their consent,” Connor had asked Natalie while they examined the little patient who was still writhing in pain. She was given a small dose of morphine to calm some of her excruciating pain.
At that same moment Maggie entered the room and Connor glanced at her as he tried to calm the little girl, whose name turned out to be Daisy. “Her teacher is here and asked about a doctor.”
“I'll talk to her,” Connor said and Natalie nodded.
Connor and Maggie exited the patient's room and his gaze fell on a figure near the nurses' station who was filling out some forms.
He tried to keep an expression as serious and impassive as possible even though internally a flock of butterflies had just exploded in his stomach.
There was no need to even take a double take, he would’ve recognized that figure even in a crowd of thousands of people. After all, how could he not recognize his own girlfriend?
You were a teacher and taught science in an elementary school but what were the chances that you would’ve been the little girl’s teacher?
You and Connor had been together for about few months them so none of his colleagues knew you existed yet. He had to act like he didn’t know you, like he didn’t want to breathtakingly kiss you right then and there.
He couldn't help but let his eyes wander over your body suppressing the innate desire to approach you and grab your ass like he always did.
He approached the nurses' station, hands shoved in his uniform pocket. “Ma’am.”
Your heart skipped a beat when you heard not a voice but his voice. You immediately tried to suppress the smile that threatened to appear on your face as well as the urge to giggle since he knew how much it annoyed you when he’d call you ‘ma’am’.
“It’s ‘miss’, actually.”
You said when you turned to him, pen still in your fingers as you gave him a polite smile and chuckling to yourself when you saw Connor press his lips together in an attempt not to burst out laughing.
“Nice to meet you miss, I’m doctor Rhodes. I’m treating Daisy.”
Your eyes quickly scanned his body, trying to maintain composure and not blush like a fourteen year old when thoughts about you and him in his bed that morning crept into your mind.
“How is she, doctor?” You asked, failing miserably at not giving him a little mischievou smile.
“Unfortunately I cannot discuss my patient's health status with people outside of her family. I wanted to ask you if you have by any chance notified her parents? We need to talk to them,” he replied in a professional tone although the way his eyes shone as they spoke to you and the way he couldn't help but check you out gave him away.
Maggie and April, who were there at the time and witnessing your conversation, couldn't help but exchange a knowing look.
They had both thought the exact same thing.
There was no way you and Connor didn't know each other.
It was so obvious and even funny how you both tried to maintain a professional and unemotional facade. But the way he looked at you, the way his eyes had never left yours, the way his body was totally turned towards you and in which he seemed to be imperceptibly drawn continuously towards yours had revealed there was no way in hell that he didn't know you.
But it was also how your head was tilted slightly as you spoke to him, how you kept touching your hair, how you batted your eyelashes and the shadow of a smile that never left your lips that had given definitive confirmation that you two knew each other very well.
And not talking about the fact you two were blatantly flirting.
“I came here in a hurry so I didn't have time to call them, but I'll do it right away,” you had said and Connor had nodded, trying to keep himself from following you with his eyes as you walked away to make the call but failing miserably.
“Connor oh my god! What was that?!” April screamed/whispered, approaching Connor with Maggie, a look of pure surprise and amazement on both their faces. “You know her?!”.
Connor shrugged nonchalantly. “N-no of course not.”
“Oh come on we saw the way you looked at each other, you clearly know her and there is definitely something going on!” Maggie retorted.
“She's just a good looking woman, that's all,” Connor remarked even if ‘good looking’ didn’t even come close to how gorgeous you were.
All his attention though had shifted from Maggie and April for a moment, his eyes falling on the two doctors that were talking as they looked through some patients' medical records.
He saw the direction of their gaze, hearing the comments about the object – or rather the person – that had attracted their attention.
“Man if she was a stripper I would’ve spent my whole salary on her, did you see that ass?”. One of them had confessed to one of them while he was pretending to fill out the medical records even though he was watching you like a hawk while you were talking on the phone.
“I would’ve never skipped a class if I had a teacher as hot as her,” the other continued laughing.
“You think she has someone?”.
“Oh I hope not, but if it is he is a damn lucky bastard.”
Connor clenched his hands into two fists, almost having a brain aneurysm.
A wave of jealousy washed over him, every cell of his body exploding with anger at hearing the words directed towards you who unawarely continued to talk on the phone.
His jaw clenched as he struggled to stay calm, but God how much he wanted to beat the shit out of those two sons of bitches. He hated the way they looked at you, the way they made those disgusting comments about your body.
He hated it so much because that was the way he looked at you.
He was the only one who could make those comments about you, the only one who could have those sinful thoughts about you, the only one who could touch and admire you.
Your ass, your legs, your smile, your laugh, that twinkle in your eyes when you looked at him, that body, all of this were his.
It was as if his mind had gone into blackout, as if all his reasoning, judgment and common sense had just flown away because now all he could do was imagine the bastards' heads banging against the wall over and over again.
Drastic? Perhaps. Excessive? Probably. But Connor didn't give a fuck.
And it was in fact at that precise moment that he did something he’d never have thought of doing for anyone.
“Daisy's parents are…-” you announced as you ended the call and walked back to the nurses' station but stopped on your tracks when Connor came towards you, and a confused expression appeared on your face.
Your eyes widened and you almost had a heart attack when he grabbed your face and crushed his lips on yours.
He didn't give a shit.
Neither that you both were keeping your relationship a secret anymore, nor that you were in the middle of the ER, nor that everyone at that moment had stopped to witness that scene.
He wasn’t thinking clearly and in that moment it was that part of him with which he had never come face to face before that controlled him, that primitive and caveman part he was hating so much.
Even though that gesture had taken you completely by surprise, your body reacted before your mind could even understand what was happening, so you kissed him back, feeling your breath stopping in your lungs. Your hands slid up his chest and fisted his uniform as he wrapped his arms around your hips, sliding his hands down to your ass.
He didn't care he’d receive an endless scolding for what he was doing, he didn't care about the voices that commented the scene, he didn't care that everyone saw his hands squeezing your ass.
He didn't care because he wanted them to see, he wanted everyone to know you belonged to him, that he was the only one who could kiss you, fuck you, squeeze that stripper ass, that loved you.
You broke away from the kiss before the situation could escalate, your heart pounding and your legs shaking like jelly. “Babe oh my god…-”.
“You’re mine, you know that right?” He whispered. “Only mine.” His hands moved up from your ass back to your face and his thumbs caressed your cheekbones before placing a small kiss on his lips. “And I love you.”
Woah hold on.
Did he fucking say ‘I love you’? In an ER?
Wait. Connor loves me?
You looked at him in shock but you didn't have time to process and figure out what the hell was going on because he grabbed your hand and led you back towards the nurses' station, where Maggie and April's jaws were now on the floor.
“Meet my girlfriend, Y/n,” he announced, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close as you were about to faint. Your heart was beating so fast you feared you’d need a defibrillator to revive you sooner or later.
You were so shocked you couldn’t elaborate a word, fuck you couldn’t even think about one.
Connor's eyes focused on the two doctors that had been talking about you until recently but who at that moment were looking around embarrassed.
“You wanted to know if she was taken? Yes, she is. I’m the lucky bastard who gets to have her and now let me hear one more thing about my girlfriend, I fucking dare you.”
You looked with confusion at your boyfriend, then at the doctors he was glaring at, and then back at him. You had no idea what he was talking about and you were so dazed and confused that your mind didn't know what to process first.
From the way Connor’s hand was gripping your hip, the way he held you so close to him, and the way he glared at the two doctors, you imagined it was somehow about you. And although the embarrassment of being the center of attention made you want to be swallowed by the floor, you couldn't help but feel… Flattered.
Was this the right word?
You didn’t know.
You couldn't even describe it, but that jealous, protective side of him lit a fire inside you that burned every single fucking cell of your body.
You knew Connor always had this protective instinct towards you but knowing he had ‘marked his territory’ so blatantly, just to stop whatever they were saying, made you giggle to yourself like a teenage girl.
It was so damn hot and sexy, more than you would’ve ever expected.
And instead of thinking about how out of place or inappropriate that gesture was, the only thing you could think about as you looked at Connor was how good he was going to get it that night.
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thena0315 · 5 days
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Not once have we've seen this entire group shared a screen together on Chicago Med
First time seeing Connor & Ava in the same place with Crockett & Hannah (their replacements in season 5)
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toasted-stiletto · 5 months
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kent-farm · 1 year
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—Arrow, “Betrayal”
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jackiequick · 9 months
Marvelous OCs — Agents, Aliens, Asgardin and Assistance oh my!
Andrew J. West as The Kree Poet 📝
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Earth Name: Enzo Daniel Ren Mills
Kree Name: Amos ‘ELREN’ Katz
Nickname: The Poet, Danny, Amor, Kaz, Spacey, Squirt,
Abilities: Teleportation, deep hearing, shapeshifting, and basic combat skills
Height: 5’11
Relationship Status: Single
Age: Human age 36, Kree years 42
Friends: Carol Danvers, Nick Fury, Maria and Monica Ramnbow, Coulson and a few others
Basic information:
Amos arrived on Earth in 1995, originally for a small mission for the Kree to understand and analyze connections between the human beings. He was just an new solider for them at the time, being careful and open minded about everything, he knew the mission taking photographs, scouting places and understand everyone.
But he fell in love with them, the world. Culture, people, food and services they had. The life they live being a hard one but he doesn’t mind it too much. Especially the music, sounds, films and styles. He adored it all, as if he was meant to be there! He knew he was different from the other Kree his age, he didn’t look like the others, he looked human.
Because he was—is human! With some of his memories and mannerisms forgotten from being taken over the years over there.
Sooo he went AWOL believing that since he was too young, they wouldn’t mind him gone missing guessing they would sent another experienced person to do the job. Amos changed his name and took a job in a bar becoming a poet who played his guitar there as he embraced the life on Earth.
Everything was fine until one afternoon he was working there, he noticed VERS—Carol Danvers—an Kree warrior and an young man speaking. Nick Fury, agent of SHIELD. He tried to keep an low profile around them, when VERS noticed him and called Amos over.
Fury was confused of course until VERS explained, as Amos shy away listening to the conversation and situation at hand. He sighed, even being dragged along for the ride.
In result, he met entered the SHIELD Facility meeting Coulson as him and VERS found files on the faces. SHIELD has tags on plenty of people across the country.
When he found out about that, he wasn’t proud of that kidnapping as his files said they took him when he just a young man exploring the Seattle woods stumbling upon Kree technology. He didn’t know any better, he was curious about it and wanted to understand his findings, as they knocked him out cold refusing to kill him.
Carol Danvers and Kit Ren Mills. They’re real names. Amos kept the last name part, staying as Enzo Daniel Mills. Eventually, meeting Maria and her young daughter Monica who was friends with Carol, even stumbling into Coulson while on the run.
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They met an little alien designed as a kitty cat named Goose, but Amos was willing to call the cat Chewie due to him recently watching Star Wars and the cat was a fur ball in his opinion. Nick even wanted to keep him!
After the overwhelming mission was over, he decided to stay in contact with Fury, becoming an unofficial member of the agency that is SHIELD. Fury code named him, ‘Spacey’ and ‘Kaz’ having him the an extra pair of eyes and ears sometimes calling in if there is an odd occurrence some part of the world.
As for Maria and Monica, he stays in touch with them. Coming over to visit with his guitar, movie nights, as they teach him/help remember the missing years he had on Earth.
And for Carol, they became friends as she nicknames him ‘Squirt’ and he rolled his eyes. They shared an experience and understanding of not knowing who they truly are, learning to become themselves and experience life themselves. Reporting their concerns on Earth & Space as well, telling Fury all about it.
Hell, Enzo is supportive of her becoming a mother down the line and encourages Carol’s path as a hero meanwhile he stays an bit of an musician.
He remembers meeting a young Michelle Danvers, being a spitting image of her mother with a love for music and a dazzling grin that portrayed some enlightened powers. Enzo blamed himself for the music part as he showed her all the type of Earthquaking music and poetic lyrics he could find. But Michelle loved it very much!
Phoebe Tonkin as The Explorer Of Healing🌌
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Full Earth name: Donna Winnifred (D.W.) Clark
Asgardin name: Lady Mira Damaris
Nicknames: Donny, D.W., Winnie, Ms. Clark, Mama bird and etc
Abilities: Healing anyone physical with a flick of a wrist or her fingertips. She’s also great as strategy
Relations: Lady Sif, Loki, Thor, Möbius, Fandral & The Warriors 3
Height: 5’8
Age: Over less than a thousand years old, human years 28
Basic information:
She was married to Lady Sif and in love with Fandral for a while (they’re dead now soo she’s single). She’s part of the Warriors 3 for years. Traveling the lands, healing and helping people, fights among the Realms and plenty of parties
She loves it but there was one places she hasn’t been to often nor explored every well, Earth. Sif and the warriors 3 were afraid for her safety and at odds with the idea of Midgard due to the fact it might be harmful.
Hell Thor wasn’t too pleased with it since he already been to Earth twice already but he scared she won’t adjust to it well. Yes, she already been to Midgard before when she met to get him back to Asgard in 2011 but she didn’t stay long to get an experience of it all.
She assured them that she will be fine and make sure not to get into too much trouble, promise to return back home. Even if people might see her as a witch if she uses her powers to heal someone or two, it was in her nature to help.
Due to her stubbornness and sweet tooth nature, she took to Earth’s culture with an odd turn. She had a strategy to go there and get a feel for the people, helps them secretly if she found someone hurt. Yes, Mira was scared and a little cocky to be there on her own seeing plenty of people walking past her however the fresh treats of the fall time soften her up.
She was a coffee shop in Las Vegas when it started, seeing everyone in their busy lives meanwhile other people were taking it slow. She was taking in and reading the small books they offered customers to take as entertainment, aside from the TV and music of course, Mira smiled softly taking it all in. She remembers Thor’s stories about The Avengers with their kids and Pop-Tarts, his tales about Jane, Bruce Banner and Tony Stark in their lab. The book she was reading had plenty of names in them, she decided to play around with a piece of paper writing them and try to adopt an persona with them.
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Ms. Clark, Winnifred, Athena, Sally, Jamie, and Ruth. None of them went right to her, at least Winnifred Clark stuck in her head. She liked it, using it as she smiled.
The next few days, she stumbled across movies in the motel she staying and walks long the park, when she saw a little girl hurt and she rushed over to her help her. She fell off the monkey bar and her arm was hurting, the little girl Maya Sullivan who in the future would grow to become a Lawyer and an TVA agent, she was pouting upset but she wasn’t scared of Mira letting her help her. Once she did, Mira told her to keep a secret as she healed her with the touch her fingers and a gentle welcoming smile. Maya gasped saying, “You’re magic like a fairy or something! Thank you so much.” The girl happily ran off and left.
Mira smiled sheepishly and felt good, accomplished what she wanted, to help anyone who came in her path. She was lucky enough for it to be a sweet little blonde like her with such firey spirit, smarts and kindness in her.
Later on though, she would be found out by Phil Coulson as he was on a mission with his team to entrap an Enchanting witch from Asgard, along with Lady Sif’s help as she was the one to come to the man originally for guidance on the matter. Once it was delivered and done, Coulson thanked both women and they thanked him in return for his efforts. Sif returned home to Asgard with a smile but Mira to stay a bit long to experience Midgard’s finest things, Coulson gave her the Earth name ‘Donna’ afterwards since she was undercover for them during that period of time of the mission.
Eventually of course, her trip to Midgard came to an end knowing she return back to experience some more. Years went by, Mira did visit Earth accompanying Thor and meeting the Avengers/Young Avengers with delightful things to remember about them. Things went as far as Mira, also known as Donna Winnifred Clark, was brought onto some adventures at the TVA meeting Möbius and the others.
Colin Donnell as Agent Of Clearnce🕹
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Full name: Alexander Thomas Boyd
Age: 32
Height: 5’10
Nicknames: Alex, Alec, Tommy, Agent, Stars, Chaser
Relationship Status: Singles
Friends: Henry Stacy, Maria Hill, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Phil Coulson, Captain Danvers and a few others
Skills: Getaway driver, sharpshooter, archery, basic training with hand to hand combat, wound care, levels of communication, distraction and etc
Basic information:
This man has no patience at all. He’s nice and flirty, but he got a temper that is always ticking. He’s quick, smart, and a tendency to lay low to do his job for an nice paycheck.
Alex was always one to shoot first, ask questions later when it came to his job not just combat but as archer as well. His father was well respected in archery, working for crime bosses around his town and a few gangsters, which let Alex down a similar situation taking down men who he had himself believed were doing wrong in his cities. Making sure he was never seen, in taking moments in 3 story buildings to land his shooting skills into someone’s back then reporting back to his boss with results.
Get in and get out.
Soon enough he was spotted in by Phil Coulson’s agents after Agent Romanoff’s gave the man a tip of someone who was in the same position as she was during a mission. Since that very night, a millionaire called Damon Calver was being an old ass and transferring his money into vials of Vertigo doses as a drug for people. Alex was originally there to shoot a couple of personalized arrows into the man’s equipment and transfer the money to end the man as bankrupt instead. Everything was going fine until SHIELD showed up, giving him a proper proposal to stop Damon from his wrongdoing and after a while, Alex accepted the request.
Afterwards, he found himself being brought in SHIELD, meeting Coulson, along with the others. They always gave the man an offer to join SHIELD, telling Alex about their organization. Saying, beforehand, things at SHIELD used to be simple but over the years things got kinda crazier due to Aliens, Androids, Asgardins and Wizards coming left and right.
Alex is a rather chill guy, a helper on the floors running around headquarters on errands and scouting cities in different departments in the area. But he never stayed forever, wanting to do things his own way but if SHIELD needed backup he would make time out of his schedule to get some work done for them.
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Always assigned to introduce new recruits and shipments out to people, hanging out with other agents and encounters new people every so often. He’s always someone’s right hand depending on a missions and curious on the circumstances of the situation. For example, he was tasked with getting files of the main 6 Avengers such as Bruce Banner and Tony Stark, reporting to his boss.
With his short lived medical background, Alex has always been an agent with the quick skill set to patch and take care of an agents wounds, being brought in my the medicine department for certain damage control.
Not just that, he was always well versed in wound care due to his past of being a sniper in high place taking down shots making sure where to hit and how clear his target had to be. Such as in 2011 when Thor came to New Mexico, he was one of agents tasks to taser the god of thunder to drop to his knees and shot him, if he did anything funny. It’s where he met Agent Barton that same night along with his darling wife and daughter years later.
If you ask him how many Avengers and X-Men are there, he will just tell you “Ah well, at this time there is a whole bunch of them, including their kids!”. He loves it though, since there is alway something interesting going on the news reports.
Victoria Pedretti as Assistant to the rich and famous 🖨
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Full name: Josie Madeline Stone
Nicknames: The helper, JoJo, Maddie, Stony, Mother Goose, Potts Jr, The babysitter and etc
Age: 24
Height: 5’3
Worked for/with: The Starks, The Felton’s, The Richards, The Osborns, The Pyms. Mostly whenever the agency sends her out
Relationship Status: Single but always willing to mingle!
Skills: Languages, hand to hand combat due to boxing classes, patience, communication and time management
Basic information:
She grew up in New Orleans with a simple education and a nice set of friends. Her family life wasn’t the best with her parents sometimes working late hours, resulting in her having to help raise her siblings and figure out what job she wanted.
She had no idea what she wanted to do, more focused on being in the moment instead and enjoying herself.
But she was always into the idea of helping others, learning about other’s experiences and taking care of people. She has been very hesitant and scared about raking on the tasks, standing in the corners watching others instead.
Eventually that resulted in her realizing she liked social work, human relations and resources, and being an honest assistance to others. She became one of the assistants for a new media companies and small businesses, eventually working her way up into working at an agency.
Due to the agency, she was tossed into becoming one of the accounting assistants for Hope Van Dyn for a while, it was a simple and rather nice experience. Soon enough, the agency would sent her to be one plenty people to bounce between The Starks & The Feltons.
The Feltons, she was a little unmotivated and tired running around the children such as Rochelle and her siblings. As well her cousin Liane when she visited was rather annoying. Their parents dropped her of as the coined phrase ‘The Babysitter’ or ‘The Help’ since they saw Joise as so young at the time and easy to please, thinking she a simple nanny.
Joise wasn’t sure if she was a right fit for helping the rich and famous families, to experience it all when she was hired for The Felton. However, she made it work finding tips and tricks to please the kids and teenagers. They just wanted some attention and a bit of freedom, so she gave that to them around the house.
As for work, it was mainly a lot of odd emails she had to respond to and events reschedule for the family. The Feltons left her in the dark for a lot things, telling her to only do as she’s told and will be payed soon enough. Josie would sigh muttered, “Pym was easier..” as she would type up another email or knock on Ms. Felton’s bedroom door to remind her of a 5 o’clock meeting. Plenty of photoshoots to attend, parties to plan, following the weekends with children going to the malls, and in house organized events. But a lot of rooms and meetings were always kept out of her hands, but due to her sources she always got a tip or two about what happened in the rooms.
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It was an spectacular surprise working for The Starks however. As it was, Jason who called a few agencies to send some help around the house. Whatever assistance is appreciated with 3 kids (yes, Tony Stark is a grown up kid sometimes according to him, Peggy, Maria and Pepper) for a while. Josie along with her co-workers, loved being able to stand on the sidelines and watching the routines, becoming familiar with things and helping out when needed.
Pepper loved it, Jason treated her like a little gem with how kind she was. Tony found it to be a charming addition around the house, meanwhile Maria Winter flirted with her whenever she visited.
Since Rei was just a kid at the time, he actually liked her finding it nice to have someone else beside his mother or godfather picking him up school, listening to his ideas, organizing movie nights and etc.
When Josie wasn’t playing with kids, such as giving them piggyback rides, she was handling the finer things around the house like paperwork, cleaning up the place and ordering stuff needed. As well as going to meeting with Tony and Pepper, making sure thing were always kept up-to-date and she was always in on whatever situation was happening.
Similar to other families like Reed Richard’s family. But like anything, there were families with high security and tough pasts to uncovers, and if she was lucky enough for it, she got information from them about it.
Thank you for read! Tell me what do you think about it?
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