#Common Birthday Wishes for Your Sister
lure-of-writing · 5 months
His little sister
Summary: Azriel point of view of the things you do as Rhysands little sister (This should be read only after reading all in a days work and knock before you enter otherwise it probably won't make any sense as you need the know what happened in the other two for this to make sense )
word count: 2.5 k
Note: Hello! For a while I was stumped on how to continue the little sister series so boom! I present to you Azriel's pov. I would love to hear what you guys think about having things from this perspective also! please don't be shy and let me know!
The playful touches and not so subtle glances across the room paired with the seductive bit of your lip as it lifts into a forbidden smile is not lost upon the spymaster of the night court. In fact everything you did never went unnoticed by him. As Rhysands little sister he was more or less forbidden from having any relationship with you that was purely platonic or sibling-like. Much to the high lord's irritation, once you learned of the rules set in place for the general and the shadow singer, you had made it your own personal mission to see just how much you could get away with. Just how far could you bend the rules before your older brother snapped? 
Azriel was well aware of the game you played in hopes of causing your brother a small amount of distress. Unfortunately for him, he respected his high lord and his wishes to much to counter your advances with some of his own but that doesn’t mean he can’t help you accomplish your lifes works of making your brother rub his temples with a long sigh and a shot of whiskey or which ever bottle of alcohol appeared before him first. 
It had been just a few short weeks after your fifteenth birthday when you had learned about the guidelines Rhys had set for the two other males in your family. Being told what to do never sat well with you, neither did being told who you can and can’t do things with. At first your reaction was to find your brother and argue with him until he couldn’t think straight but when you were on the way to his office you bumped into your favorite member of the bat boys.  Azriel was leaning  against the wall of Rhysands office waiting for his meeting with Helion when you were stuck with a brilliant idea. “Az?” his hazel eyes shifted from the dark oak doors to where you stood in the middle of the hall. “Yes?”  as soon as the word had left his mouth he knew you were up to something. It was the way your eyes lit up in excitement and you shuffled over to him with hurried steps. Huddled close to his body you beaconed him to lean down so you could whisper in his ears. Wordlessly he follows your commands. “Would you like to help me make Rhys question why he was blessed with being my brother?” 
The sly smile and trouble that brewed in your eyes was enough to get him to say yes. Not like he could ever say no to you in the first place but that wasn’t important. From that moment on he would allow you to flirt with him and crawl into his lap with no rejection. This drove Rhysand up a wall. He said that they could not try to flirt with you but you never said anything about it being the other way around and you had taken full advantage of that each and every single time the opportunity presented itself. 
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Family dinners amongst the inner circle were never an uncommon thing but since everything that transpired over the last fifty something years had the family dinners becoming a more common tradition. After dinner talks and catching up had been moved to the living room. Silently Azriel sat by himself, listening to his family talk. Perfectly content with listening rather than speaking. While Cassian went on this third rant about why he was certain that he could fight Bryaxis, if and big if here, they weren’t so scary looking, when you had gotten up from where you were sat next to Mor on the floor. He watched as you left the room and not even a second later his shadows informed him that you were getting another wine. 
His attention shifted from his brother onto you when you had reentered the room with a glass full of wine and strutted over to him and made yourself comfortable in his lap. Az would never admit it but the feeling of your arm draped over his shoulder and playing with his hair was one of his favorite feelings in the world. As your body leaned into his, the temperate difference between the two of you became very apparent to the shadowsinger. Without thinking he placed his much warmer hand on your freezing and goosebump covered leg to help warm you back up. The slit in your dress had done nothing to help keep you warm. 
Without saying anything he watched as his brother marched his way over to where you had chosen to sit, also known as Azriels lap. He watched as Rhys reached his hand out in hopes of pulling you off of closest friend and he watched as Rhysands face morphed into one of confusion to anger as Azriels wings furled around you to keep your brother from grabbing you from him. If there was one thing that the shadowsinger knew with one hundred percent certainty, it was that you could handle yourself. The context didn’t matter, you could always handle yourself. So while you and your brother went back and front he mindlessly began to rub comforting circles where his hand had found purchase on your leg. And once Rhysand had made his way back to his mate, he had leaned down and pressed his lips against your hairline. “You are a menace” giggling you smile up at him before shrugging and taking a sip of your forgotten wine. 
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Visiting the court of nightmares was never something that brought Azriel much joy. More often than not he was watching for any threats against his high lord's life, now he had to worry about his high lady also. It wasn’t as if Azriel wasn’t capable of handling such a task but when you had revealed that you would also be in attendance, it brought Azriel another level of stress. He knew that you could handle the court politics and the volleyball of words sent back and forth with hidden messages. Hell you had even been trained by all three males and Morrgian. You were more than capable of looking out for yourself but there has always been a part of Azriel that couldn’t rest when he knew you could be in danger at any moment. 
Now the notoriously quiet male, while known for not saying much, always had something to say when it came to you. There was no comment too small that you made that didn’t get an answer from Az in return.  As you finally made your way down the staircase to your awaiting family Azriel had just about a thousand thoughts and compliments he could give you at any moment. While your brother had a meltdown in the background all Azriel could focus on was you and as you made your way down the last few steps he reached his hand out helping you the rest of the way down. Shamelessly he looked you up and down not caring that your brother just might beat his ass for looking at you in such an outfit. Once his eyes reached your, you sent him a wink and beaming smile. Az could tell that you had wanted to ask him what he thought of your clothing choices but decided that dealing with your brother would be the best idea  before he dragged you back up the stairs himself and forced you to change. 
While at the place of nightmares the shadows that sung to Azriel hung close to his body, only leaving to secretly watch over you and make sure you were ok. For most of the night all was well, at least as well as things can get in the court of nightmares. That was until his shadow came back to inform their master of the predicament that had presented itself to you. He watched from afar as you pushed your way out of the crowd and towards himself. Pushing off of the pillar he was once perched against he made his way towards you. Az’s blood began to boil when he watched the random fae male wrap his arms around your waist and pulled your body into his. In two long strides he was in front of the strange male and yourself, demanding he release his grip on you or he would do it for him. There wasn’t a part of Azriel that enjoyed the violence he brings upon those he was tasked with gathering information from but holding truth teller to the male's neck did in fact bring him joy. 
Upon your release he guided you back to where he was previously standing to make sure you were ok and that the random male didn’t inflict any harm to you. After his thorough evaluation of your body met his standards he returned his gaze to meet your and suddenly your cold hand was pressed against his warm cheek and the burn of the two temperatures had never felt so nice before. Once again your hand had found its resting place in his hair and your lips on his and Azriel swore hes never felt something as soft as your lips on his.  As soon as your lips had met his, Az knew he was in for a whole world of pain when Rhysand got his hands on him but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. 
Az recently pulled away when he felt the anger of his high lord coming at him with the purpose of making him bow to the power radiating off of Rhysand. “We should probably get out of here before he kills you.” looking down he saw the mischief twinkling in your eyes and he positive nobody can pull off that look quite like you can. The wink you sent over your shoulder as you grab his hand pulls him out of the trance you had put him in. Willingly Azriel followed your lead out of the ball room while you bumped into his arm periodically. “Honestly he just might kill us both.” he felt you mumble into his shoulder as you hid your face and laughter in his body. Chuckling he couldn’t help but agree before winnowing you back to the house of wind. 
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After Rhyand had actually considered beating the shadowsinger to a pulp your usual antics had dwindled in frequency which saddened Azriel more than he was willing to admit. During training you kept clear of him in case your brother didn’t approve of you even looking in his general direction and it had been almost two weeks since he had last talked to you for more then five minutes and honestly it was starting to drive him crazy. After a family dinner consisting of you, Nesta, Cassiand and himself he finally approached you. “You're going to the Summer court tomorrow right?” As the resident know-it-all he already knew your answer but he waited nonetheless “Yes?” Azriel watches as you place your book in your lap to give him your full attention and he swears he could bask in it forever. “I’m not doing anything for the next week, would you like me to go with you?”  The beaming smile you sent him was confirmation enough. 
That's how he found himself in your room the next morning helping you get ready. You had asked his opinion on basically every piece of your outfit and Azriel had never been so happy to assist someone put together their clothes for the day. After you had pulled all the needed pieces of clothing from your closest you held up the corset you picked for him to see. “I’ll need your help putting this on.” And that's how once again Azriel feared Rhys would consider pummeling him once more. 
Not once during Rhysands withering glare did Azriel stop pulling the strings of your corset until they were tight enough and only then did he gently pull the strings into a bow before removing his hands from your body. After finishing his assigned task Az thought it was best to leave the siblings to deal with each other and he would wait for you on the rooftop to begin your journey to the summer court. Only after he could assume was a long lecture from your older brother on being safe did the two of you join him on the roof. “I swear if a single hair on her head is out of place I will kill you.”  As much as Azriel wanted to laugh at the worn out sound of his friend he simply nodded his head before acknowledging what he said. 
The week in the summer court with you felt more like two days. Any time with you never felt like enough. On the way back Rhysand had talked to him and you that he wanted a debrief before you did anything upon your return. Gently he set you back on the ground once he had landed in front of the river house and he already missed the feeling of your body on his. He really wished and in that moment that he never agreed to those rules Rhysand had set for him and Cassian all those hundred of years ago. 
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The silence that engulfed the room would make anyone who didn’t know the two males squirm from how uncomfortable it was, but these two males had dealt with much more stressful problems and had sat in more silence than the average people did. Azriel knew that lately your antic had been pushing the line but he had never stopped you nor had he ever thought too. Mainly because he didn’t want you too but also in fear that if he asked you to stop you would never come to him again. “Truly Rhys there is nothing going on between me and your sister. You and I both know she only does this to get under your skin and she does that very well. As long as it bothers you then she will keep doing it. You know this.” 
After a long and much needed talk Azriel made his way to the stand outside of the river house collecting a much needed breath of fresh air while he came to terms with his conversation with his oldest friend. A few moments pass before you come waltzing out of the house as if you had accomplished some great mission. “Maybe next time he’ll knock” Azriel knew exactly what you were talking about and couldn’t help but laugh at what you said. He didn’t need to ask you what you did as the one shadow that always kept you company told him all about what you had just done to your brother and his poor unsuspecting mate. Without another word Azriel scooped you into his arm while pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. Gods he wished this wouldn’t be the last time he felt your skin against his lips.
Rhysand had asked him to put a stop to your behavior towards him. Not that you made the shadowsinger uncomfortable, gods no, you could never do that. It was just you were your brother's pride and joy and he refused to let the males he considered his brothers to be the reason your heart broke. Rhysand would never be able to forgive or look at Azriel the same and he knew that. Azriel just wished the golden string tying the two of you together didn’t have to be hidden from everyone including you.
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Taglist: @kemillyfreitas @gorlillaglue25 @willowpains
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f1byjessie · 8 months
love is a wild ride, and logan sargeant's sister is about to find this out the hard way.
( oscar piastri x sargeant!reader )
━━ part nine.
Bahrain is just as beautiful as it was the first time. There’s a palpable energy to the streets of the city in the days leading up to the Grand Prix, and you find yourself filled with anticipation and excitement.
A lot has happened in the year it’s been since you were last here━ enough that it almost feels like a lifetime ago━ but the ups and downs have culminated into something pretty great.
The night of your birthday, when you and all of Lando’s friends had crammed yourselves into Lando’s living room and cheered as the clock turned midnight to herald in the new year, Oscar had pulled you in and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. It hadn’t gone further than that, perhaps out of respect for your earlier breakdown and the still tentative thing between the two of you, but nonetheless just the feeling of his lips against yours had made you feel alive.
It had reminded you a bit of your first kiss outside the hotel, but instead of awkwardly dancing around it after the fact, you’d woken up the following morning with him wrapped around you, and this time you’d allowed yourself to savor it. He’d woken up to you running your fingers through his hair, and then you’d spent the morning cuddling beneath the sheets and talking things out before Lando had, eventually, burst into the room with his hand over his eyes, demanding the two of you “get decent” so you could all get lunch.
This weekend will mark two months of being together, and it feels surreal.
“You look insane right now,” Logan announces out of the blue from where he sits across from you in the booth. The restaurant you’re in is relatively close to the hotel where you’re staying, but with it still being nearly a week until race day, it’s practically empty so early into the afternoon, which makes his voice seem louder in the quiet peacefulness around you.
“What?” You glance up from your phone and raise an eyebrow. He isn’t even looking at you. He’s looking at his own phone, thumb sweeping across the screen while he picks at the few remains of his food mindlessly with his fork.
“You’re smiling at your phone and it’s making you look insane,” he elaborates nonchalantly, like it’s common sense despite him still not even looking up from whatever video he’s watching.
You scoff, “You aren’t even looking.”
He finally lifts his gaze, but it’s only to make a face at you. His features scrunches up, exaggerating his disgust with twisted lips and narrowed eyes. “I don’t need to. It’s like an aura. I can feel it from here. It’s gross.”
“Whatever,” you say, rolling your eyes. Ever since getting with Oscar, he’s been getting more and more dramatic with his feigned disgust, and now it’s mostly just a bit he thinks is hilarious to pull out every time you’re even mildly entertained by something pertaining to your boyfriend. It would probably still be funny to you if you weren’t almost always texting him, or keeping up with the McLaren Instagram account’s updates of his training, and therefore almost always mildly entertained. “I’m so terribly sorry you have to deal with your sister being happy.”
He rolls his eyes back at you, but there’s a smile pulling at his lips and you know his act is falling apart. “Are you and Oscar gonna meet up later?”
“We’re trying to schedule things,” you answer with a shrug. Oscar’s flight got in late last night, too late for him and his team to get around to the typical obligations expected of him, so he’s spent all of this morning getting caught up and according to your current text chain with him he’s only just been released and given free reign to do as he wishes. “I’m texting him about it right now.”
“That tracks.”
You raise an eyebrow once more, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
It’s Logan’s turn to raise an eyebrow, as if he can’t believe you’re really asking that. “Whenever you text him you get all disgustingly happy.” He scrunches up his face again. “You’re like a real life Hallmark couple. I half expect the two of you to move to some small town with a coincidentally holiday themed name in the middle of nowhere. And there’s a Christmas tree farm, or a reindeer lodge, or something.” He ends his mini tirade with a forced and exagerated shiver.
“You’ve thought about this a lot, haven’t you.”
He deadpans. “Everytime I see you two together I find myself disturbed by the sheer imensity of your joy.”
“Aw,” you coo, “I love you too.”
It’s only Monday, which gives you a few days before things start getting underway at the track. It also means you’ve got a decent amount of time to share between Logan, who’s grown increasingly grumpier at the idea of you potentially switching aliegences to McLaren, and Oscar, who’s just happy to see you whenever he can.
When you’d left Monaco a few days after the party, it had been with the knowledge that this new and still fragile relationship was going to have to withstand the stressors of long distance. You’ve called one another nearly every day since then to try and replicate some semblance of normalcy, but time zone differences often saw one of you getting into bed while the other was getting out of it━ at least, when he was back in Melbourne making the most of the time he had with his family. Things got slightly easier when he was called back to England to start pre-season training and testing, but it also meant lots of meetings and PR events that kept him away from the phone and left him exhausted by the time he was finished.
Needless to say, this is the first chance you have to see him again in person and it feels like torture knowing the only thing keeping you apart is a few city blocks.
“Real talk though, have him around to the hotel,” Logan speaks up again, just as the waitress comes and clears your plates away.
You spare her a smile and a quiet thank you, and then turn back to him. “Why? You and Dalton already gave him the shovel talk over videocall.”
“Just because you two are ‘involved’━” he says it like it’s some sort of bogus conspiracy theory, “━doesn’t mean I can’t still hang out with my friend.”
“I thought you were disturbed by the sheer imensity of our joy when you see us together?”
“Okay and?” He makes another face at you, but it’s less like he’s disgusted by the reminder of you and Oscar’s relationship, and more like he’s annoyed that you’ve used his own words against him. “I’m disturbed by Alex’s taste in music too, but I still put up with it when we’re in the car together.”
The two of you fall into peals of laughter.
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, and 41,134 others
yourusername he loves me AND my crippling hat addiction
view all 1,342 comments
logansargeant hm, interesting how one is blue and none are orange 🤔
↳ yourusername hm, interesting how i know where you sleep 🤔
mclaren Looks like you’re missing some papaya Y/N! We can fix that 😁🧡
↳ williamsracing Sorry! She’s already ours 😊💙
↳ yourusername omg guysss don’t fight over meee 🫣
user need me a boyf who buys me hats
user guyssss it HAS to be oscar
↳ user what?? no it’s literally lando did you even see the comments between the two of them from a month ago?? she went to monaco with him??
↳ user y’all are crazy fr it’s obvi a nobody and y/n is just milking the drama from ppl thinking it’s a driver bc it means more interactions on her posts and therefore it’s better for her career
↳ user i think it’s max!!
↳ user what.
landonorris crippling indeed
↳ yourusername i’m trying my hardest 😔
↳ landonorris the first step to getting help is admitting you have a problem
oscarpiastri 🧢
↳ yourusername x10
Oscar’s running his hands through your hair and you’re flipping through the channels on the hotel TV when the subject comes up. There’s nothing that’s really catching your interest, and half of it is in languages you don’t know, but just sitting here and enjoying Oscar’s presence is enough to stave off the boredom. Logan's been gone for just over an hour, having left to go meet up with Alex for some Williams promotional content, and you’ve been drifting a bit when your boyfriend speaks up from behind you, asking, “Are you gonna visit McLaren hospitality this weekend?”
You pause your surfing, landing on a cooking show that’s in French. His fingers are still tangled in your hair, but he’s momentarily stopped too.
“Do you want me to come to McLaren hospitality?” You ask, looking up at him from where you’re leaning back against his chest. “Because I will,” you hurriedly add, “if you want me to. But it’ll just add fuel to the fire and further encourage the speculation online about which one of you I’m with.”
“I do think it’s funny to see people go full detective mode in your comments,” Oscar smiles down at you. He looks shy, hesitant almost in the way his eyes flicker across your face. He clears his throat nervously, “But I was kind of thinking that maybe you could visit as my girlfriend. Publicly.”
You sit up immediately and turn to face him, ignoring that his fingers catch on your hair as you move. He looks just as surprised by your sudden movement as you feel by his sudden announcement. “Are you sure?”
“I mean, if you’d rather not━” he starts, uncertain.
“No!” You interrupt, reaching out to take his face in your hands and silencing him. “I would absolutely love that, but are you sure you want the attention this will get you? We’ve been lucky with avoiding the negativity so far, but you know that it’ll come the moment we announce it.”
He brings his hands up and places them on top of where yours rest, and then he interlaces your fingers and pulls your hands away so he can speak again. There’s a soft smile on his face and a gentleness in his eyes that you’ve come to recognize as a look that’s exclusive to you and you alone. “I want the world to know who my heart belongs to.”
A grin tugs at your lips, and then you’re falling into his arms with a laugh.
It feels good knowing you can do this whenever you want. Just last year you hadn’t even realized you’d wanted something like this with Oscar, but then the kiss had happened and you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it━ about wanting more and not being able to have it. It had been torture, honestly, pining after him like a lovesick school girl, too afraid to make the first move and risk the balance of it all.
You’re still embarrassed by what all had needed to happen before things had been cleared up, and part of you still kicks yourself for not just taking that leap and going for it, especially when it would have given you moments like this, wrapped in his arms, so much sooner.
“I know we’ve already talked about it, but I was really worried that you would hate me for kissing you that night,” Oscar murmurs against the top of your head, as if he can read your thoughts. “I thought that you had only kissed me back because you were, like, too drunk to know better. And then, I realized what I’d done, and I pulled away before it could go any further. And then you never mentioned it, and I figured you wanted to just forget about it, so I never mentioned it either.”
You shift just enough to let your arms drape over his shoulders, and then you let your fingers tangle in his hair the same way his had been in yours. You scratch at his head for a moment, letting his words settle before you say, “I thought you’d only kissed me because you got caught up in the emotions of it all, and then when you never mentioned it I thought it’s because you regretted it, or thought it was a mistake, and you just wanted to forget it. I really wish I would’ve just gotten over my fear and talked to you about it.”
You feel his heartbeat against you where you’re leaned up against his chest. It’s strong and steady, and it’s the nicest thing you’ve ever felt.
“It would’ve been nice to celebrate in other ways after I podiumed in Japan,” he adds suggestively, laughing when you pull one of your hands back to swat at his arm.
“Podium again this year and maybe we can celebrate in those other ways,” you whisper against his neck.
He groans, “Well now you’re just being mean.”
You pull away from his grip, an innocent smile on your face. “I have no idea what you mean, babe.”
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 197,053 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri the luckiest guy and the prettiest girl
view all 1,092 comments
yourusername the prettiest* guy and the luckiest* girl
↳ landonorris literally throwing up rn 🤮
↳ yourusername mind your own business 😒
↳ landonorris mInD yOuR oWn BuSiNeSs 😒 you made it my business when you posted that disgustingly sweet comment where i could see
user we literally clocked it from a mile away
↳ user i know damn well you were in the comments saying it was lando don’t even try and pretend otherwise
landonorris so glad ppl can stop thinking i’m with your girlfriend now mate
↳ oscarpiastri it’s the closest you’ll ever get to a gf of your own
↳ landonorris why am i taking shots out of nowhere??
user this is literally my roman empire
mclaren Welcome to the McLaren team, Y/N! Looking forward to hopefully seeing you in some papaya around the paddock 🧡
↳ logansargeant pls she’s all i have left you can’t take her too
user i don’t understand why oscar would be with someone who willingly flirts with other men?? like is that not hoe behavior?? make it make sense ffs
↳ user lando and y/n are friends as this post proves. the fact that you saw friendly banter as flirting says more about you and how you view ppl than it says about either of them, and i think you might need to look inward before you can judge someone else. and even if it had been flirting, we don’t know when y/n and oscar got together, which means it’s entirely possible that she was single when she was “flirting” with lando which wouldn’t be cheating at all.
↳ user they’re just butthurt that oscar would never spare them a glance
user been here from the start and i gotta say this is more euphoric than any award could ever be
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liked by landonorris, logansargeant, and 71,917 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername been waiting for the moment to pull out these bad boys and now i can 🤭 thx babe love you 😘
view all 613 comments
user y/n 🤝 mclaren admin
oscarpiastri so this is a game you want to play
↳ logansargeant i got you mate don’t worry my arsenal is at your disposal
user y/n is THE wag pls she’s gonna be feeding us so well
user wait so like gen who is she gonna root for???
landonorris you’re doing god’s work today y/n
↳ yourusername someone had to give the ppl what they want 🫡
user couple of the century right here folks
━━ tags: @f1-is-lovely-33 @chasing-liberosis @405rry @aquangxl @bellezaycafe @peqch-pie @formulaal @chonkybonky @mess-is-my-aesthetic @flippingmyshit @peachiicherries @spacegirlstuff @myxticmoon @landosgirlxoxo @k-pevensie28 @moonypixel @lewisvinga @81vas @maih23 @thatoneembarrasingmoment
━━ a/n: and there we have it folks! the ending to this lovely story! i will probably do a few little blurbs for them eventually, but in the meantime this is where we leave them. thank you for reading!
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allwaswell16 · 2 months
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A One Direction fic rec of fics in which one of the main pairing is their brother's/sister's best friend as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis / Harry -
💋 Bloodline by banana_louis
(E, 177k, fluff) Louis doesn't know how to feel when his best friend, Liam, finds out about a brother that he never knew, who was placed for adoption before he was born and is bursting into his life at twenty-four years old.
💋 Want You More Than A by TheCellarDoor / @donotdialnine
(M, 77k, high school) Falling in love with your step-brother’s best friend is a disaster enough. When he happens to be the boy everyone loves and you’re a nerd who wears sweater vests and cries during rom-coms, it takes it to a whole new level.
💋 late nights and good intentions by princelouisau
(E, 71k, historical) a Victorian era au where Louis pines for his overprotective older brother’s very charming best friend.
💋 teenage dreams in a teenage circus by orphan_account
(E, 50k, high school) The last few months of sixth form bring about a lot of changes, however. Gemma refuses to let anything stop her from getting into her top-pick uni, Perrie second-guesses what makes her special, and Louis breaks the most common of friend codes: he falls for his best mate's little brother.
💋 We Got The World Shaking by FutureMrsHaroldStyles
(M, 39k, omegaverse) the one where Harry goes into heat at his best friend Lottie's birthday party and her big brother helps him out.
💋 Lies & Liability by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou
(M, 34k, historical) Harry Styles has only three wishes when he leaves River Dane Manor to go to Town for his first season
💋 Baby, What a Big Surprise by kiwikero / @icanhazzalou
(E, 33k, high school) the one where shy, quiet Harry has no idea he's a carrier, and a one night stand with the most popular boy in school shows him just how wrong he was.
💋 With the Rising Sun by Tomlinsontoes / @pianolouis
(M, 33k, NYC) Somehow he got roped into his sister's brilliant idea of getting her college best friend to help him branch out and meet people.
💋 It's Been So Long by elsi_bee / @elsi-bee
(T, 31k, friends to lovers) Harry Styles' first crush was one of his sister's best friends, a certain someone named Louis Tomlinson. And Louis? He just vaguely remembers Gemma's younger brother from back in the day. A lot can change in ten years.
💋 Pillow Talk by @fallinglikethis
(E, 25k, sexuality crisis) When Harry starts having confusing feelings for a male classmate, his sister's best friend, Louis, helps him figure himself out. Cue lots of kissing, sex, and falling in love.
💋 and i don't care it's obvious by @alwaysxlarrie
(T, 20k, uni) However, his issue was that no one had ever created a guide that one could follow in regards to what to do or how to feel when your crush was your sister's best friend.
💋 i don't wanna be your friend, i wanna kiss your neck by pinkgelpen
(E, 19k, omegaverse) Harry is a hopelessly romantic omega and Louis is his sister's best friend
💋 I'll Be Your Light by mightaswellll
(M, 17k, roommates) Harry Styles always had a crush on his sister's best friend Louis Tomlinson. Moving in with them should be a good way to get over it, right?
💋 Won’t Let You Down by noellehenry / @noellehenry-original
(M, 15k, small town) Suddenly he’s the owner of a farm and B&B, gets involved in illegal trading of unlabeled bottles and has to deal with his everlasting crush on his sister Gemma’s best friend, who has returned to Woodville…
💋 What do you mean he's coming? by MediaWhore / @mediawhorefics
(G, 15k, famous/not famous) Now, not only does he have less than two weeks left to find something moving and inspirational to say, but Gemma just confided in him that her old childhood best friend is going to be in attendance.
💋 show you the stars in the daylight by bruisedhoney
(E, 13k, size kink) the one where Louis has a type and at sixteen and scrawy, it's definitely not his best friend's little brother Harry...ten years later, he changes his mind.
💋 Dirty Little Secret by therogueskimo / @bravetemptation
(M, 10k, secret relationship) the one where Harry and Louis fall in love, but can’t figure out how to tell Gemma. That is, until Harry gets pregnant, and they don’t have much of a choice.
💋 Here We Come A-Wassailing by @lululawrence
(NR, 8k, Christmas) It was cold, they would be outside in said cold, and he only wanted to stay warm and comfortable in the house. At least his best friend Gemma and her family are part of the caroling crew.
💋 Giving Me Excitations by @juliusschmidt
(M, 6k, vacation) Gemma's BFF Louis joins the family on a beach weekend. Harry likes him so much.
💋 harder to hide than i thought by dangerbears
(NR, 6k, high school) louis's best friend's little brother suddenly got very attractive.
💋 now i'm tracin' all my steps to you by @alwaysxlarrie
(T, 5k, omegaverse) Of all the things Harry was prepared for this summer, Louis Tomlinson and his wonderful, wonderful scent isn't one of them. It probably shouldn't be as shocking as it is that it makes Harry want to nest. 
💋 Tell Me That You've Got Me by @lululawrence
(NR, 2k, neighbors)  the one where Harry was always Louis' best friend's younger brother...until they grow up and once innocent forms of affection come to mean a little bit more.
💋 All This Time by @allwaswell16
(T, 1k, omegaverse) Louis Tomlinson had been best friends with flower shop owner Gemma Styles for years. It wasn't until she suggested he date her alpha brother that he ever thought of Harry that way.
- Rare Pairs -
💋 That Dimpled Smile by Phillipa19
(E, 47k, Zayn/Harry & Marcel/Louis) When Harry's best mate Louis shows an interest in his nerdy little brother, Harry isn't prepared to let him near. But it's hard for Harry to keep track of those two when he has enough trouble trying to figure out what the hell is going on with him and Zayn and their secretive relationship.
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drvscarlett · 2 months
About You Pt 12
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
About You Series
A/N: and its here everyone. Any thoughts about this?
Taglist: @spideybv28@randomcuboidshape @mehrmonga @casperlikej @cliosunshine @honethatty12 @randomgirlnumber-13 @sugyomama @ririyulife @skywalker1dream @vicurious28 @khaylin27 @0710khj @its-elias-world @vizzzashley @allisonwoods @taytaylala12 @miarabanana @ceciii-b @lindsayjoy444 @mploopssek @snakelore @toldyouitwasamelodrama @lordpercevalcharles
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2013, Circuit de Monaco
"Happy Birthday sister!"Mark greeted on the other line "Am I the last one to greet you?"
Despite the afternoon horizons outside the window of Y/N, she was still in her bed. Usually she doesn't like waking up with calls but Mark's greeting was something that she can tolerate today.
"You are the first, I just woke up"Y/N replied.
"Woke up? Are you back in London?"Mark's confusion was evident.
"I'm actually here in Monaco"Y/N clarified "I had a late flight so I was a bit tired so I woke up here at around.. oh its 4 in the afternoon"
In hindsight, she should have set an alarm so she didn't miss out a huge chunk of hours sleeping. However, she was exhausted from packing and taking care of things before she left Spain. She wanted a complete break for her birthday that's why she overworked herself to ensure everything can function without her.
"How long are you staying there?"Mark wondered.
"Till the Monaco GP so I have 2 weeks to enjoy Monaco's waters"
"You have a good one there sis"
"Thanks Mark"
"Happy Birthday again, I wish you all the best" Mark added "And if you want to buy anything, just tell me and I'll pay for it"
"Mark, you didn't have to do that"
There was a sigh on the other line. Mark knows how much Y/N values to work for the money that she spends that's why she doesn't like spending money that she didn't own.
"Just let me be Y/N, I missed a huge part of your life because I was immature"Mark explains "Just let me do this for you, okay?"
The whole brother-sister relationship is still mending. It was already one of the best gifts that Y/N could have asked. These moments are just some instances that they tried to make up with each other.
"Okay, I won't buy anything expensive though"Y/N compromises.
"That's tough in Monaco"
It earned a shared laughter between the two. It was obviously common knowledge that Monaco's cost of living and the items displayed on the store could cost a month's worth of fortune.
"You take care okay? I'll call you later when I still have time"Mark said
"Thanks big bro"
When Y/N ended the call, there were several messages from different people. She felt inclined to thank them for their greetings and for remembering her birthday so she spent the next few minutes texting them back.
She already had a voicemail from Mick, a painfully long message from Jenson, even some Team Principals sent a message to her. Their greetings made her feel so loved.
However, there is this void feeling upon realizing that there is someone missing.
Y/N: Hey goodmorning! Are you okay? I'm leaving tonight for Monaco maybe we could grab some lunch later? Away from the media and everything. Miss you a lot x Y/N: Heyyyy so I heard from Britta you had a night out so maybe you are suffering a hangover. Let's just resched lunch? Y/N: Btw I gave her some hangover medicines that Jenson claims to be magic when he is hung over. I hope everything is alright xx
The messages from yesterday remains unread by Sebastian. It was a bit disappointing that she wasn't able to talk to Sebastian at all during the Spanish GP. She knew how it must have been difficult weekend for him.
I'm sure he will call, Y/N assures herself.
The grumbling in her stomach caused her to remember that she hasn't eaten yet. Y/N opened her luggages and decided to get dressed to get her first meal of the day.
There was a perfect cafe spot that was just right the corner of her hotel. It also has a perfect view of the yachts parked in Monaco, Y/N couldn't think of another perfect place to eat.
She was enjoying herself when all of a sudden someone called out her name.
"Y/N?" for a moment, Y/N wanted to think that it was Sebastian calling her.
But she knew that this voice was a little bit too different to be Sebastian. Sebastian has a certain kind of accent that pronounces her name in a certain tone regardless of his emotions.
"Jules?"she recognized the driver.
It was not often that she have interacted with Jules a lot but he was a friendly face in the paddock. He has always been a gentleman to women and he is one of those drivers that isn't a PR nightmare.
Jules made a beeline to Y/N, he was followed by a younger boy with a mop of brown hair.
"I thought it was you"Jules smiles "And I was right. What are you doing in Monaco?"
"Oh, I'm celebrating my birthday today"Y/N replied
"Wow, I didn't know that. Happy Birthday then Y/N" Jules greeted.
"Thanks, how about you why are you in Monaco? It's a bit too early for the GP"Y/N joked.
"Oh I'm here with my godson"Jules gestured to the young boy "Y/N meet Charles, Charles meet Y/N. Y/N here is from McLaren and is the one in charge of Jenson"
Y/N handed out her hand and Charles shyly picked it up to shake it.
"I'm Charles Leclerc, its nice to meet you Miss Y/N" he greeted back.
The boy had a certain smile that if Y/N was not informed earlier then she would have mistaken him as his younger brother. She could tell that if Charles gets a little bit older then he might looks strikingly similar to Jules.
"That's a very polite boy, you two look very much alike"Y/N noticed.
Jules phone starts ringing and he seems troubled to see the caller ID.
"Is it alright if you could look after Charles for a while"Jules asked "I have this really important call and it might take a while"
"Yeah sure!"Y/N agrees.
"Thanks, you are an angel! Be good Charles, I'll try to make this quick"
Jules stepped out of a cafe and began speaking to the one of the phone. Charles and Y/N were left at the cafe, the boy looks a bit lost in Y/N's opinion.
"You can sit there and you can tell me about yourself"Y/N offered.
He nods and he immediately took the chair next to her.
"Would you like something to drink or something to eat?"Y/N asked.
"I can't eat much, I have to be lightweight to be able to drive faster"Charles responded.
"You race too?"
"I kart around here and there, Jules has been teaching me a lot"Charles confirmed.
Y/N takes a sip of her hot chocolate as she smiles. When they started talking about racing, Charles certainly changed his attitude. Aspirers like Charles are quite exciting to watch because she knows that with their determination then she might end up seeing him in the grid in a couple of years.
"My brother drives too, his name is Mark"Y/N shares.
Charles' eyes widen in recognition. He went closer to Y/N with an excited smile.
"Mark as in Mark Webber? The teammate of current world champion Sebastian Vettel"Charles enumerates excitedly.
"You know your Grand Prix winners"Y/N notes.
"I think I know more about them than school"
This made Y/N laugh. It was not uncommon that F1 drivers drop out early of school so they could race. For this reason, they don't seem to have a life outside of the sports. Sebastian is a good example of how the man has been a walking encyclopedia of Formula 1. You could ask him the Grand Prix winner of 1978 and he could tell you it was Andretti without missing a beat. But ask him about the current president of America and he won't give you any answers.
"Sebastian is one of my idols, I wish he is still there when I drive in F1"Charles wishful thinking.
The thought of Sebastian crosses her mind again, her smile obviously falters upon checking her phone for the umpteenth time today.
"You seem to be sad today" Charles noticed "Shouldn't you be happy that its your birthday?"
She forces a smile.
"Its nothing, I'm just waiting for someone's birthday greeting"Y/N brushes it off.
"Is it your bestfriend?"Charles pressed "If my bestfriend forgot my birthday then I would be very upset as well"
Bestfriends? Soon lovers? The relationship is a bit complicated but either way Y/N understands Charles statement that its indeed upsetting when a special someone forgets. However, due to Y/N's closeness with Sebastian she is willing to make up excuses for his forgetfulness.
"He must have been busy, work hasn't been quite easy for him lately"Y/N reasons out.
As if on cue, Charles rolled his eyes. Gone was the shy boy from a while ago as he leaned closer to the table.
"You shouldn't make work as an excuse"Charles rebutted "Jules said that even if you have a bad race or a bad day, you should never take that out to the people important to you"
It was a good advice that Jules has given Charles. Y/N was sure that one day, Charles will be able to give himself a perfect work-life balance in the future.
"Believe me Charles, he is not usually like that"Y/N defends again "Maybe he is just caught up in some stuffs"
"Suit yourself but just remember that if he wanted to then he definitely would"
The words lingered in Y/N's mind even after Jules picked up Charles and the two said goodbye. It was something that kept repeating in her mind as she mindlessly walked the streets of Monaco and watched the skyline go dark.
Sebastian must have a reason for forgetting her birthday, didn't he?
2013, Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve
As a driver, they should not stay up late the night before the race. They must have a clear head so that they can focus on the task ahead. Any sort of pressure or stress may be detrimental to their performance.
Lately, Sebastian has been feeling all sorts of pressure. A lot has happened lately.
"You look like you had a lot of things going on"Jenson walks next to him.
"Aren't you supposed to avoid me at all cost?"Sebastian questioned.
"I mean we're not going to get caught if you don't tell anyone"Jenson grins "So what's on your mind?"
The heavy sigh that Sebastian has been keeping in finally gets out in the open. He doesn't even know where to begin with his story. Should he be completely honest or is this something that he has to sugarcoat to lessen the blow?
"A lot of things"Sebastian stated.
Jenson opened his arms wide and gestured that he is a person that Sebastian could confide him.
"Come on Sebastian, I'd like to think we're friends. Come on, lay it out on me"Jenson encourages.
The thing that Jenson doesn't understand is that Sebastian is wary of the information he gives out to him. He still doesn't know how to deal with Y/N and Jenson may say the wrong thing and it falls all over from Sebastian.
"I made several mistakes" that was one way of putting it lightly.
"Mistakes can be fixed"
"But I fear this mistake can't be fixed"Sebastian argued "No sorrys can fix this thing"
"Hey if this is about you missing out on Y/N's birthday then don't worry. I'm sure you could say that you have been preoccupied and she would understand that. You know she doesn't even make a big of a deal that we miss out her birthday-"Jenson was explaining.
Then it hits Sebastian. It was June.
"Oh fuck"
If Sebastian could just hit himself all over the wall then he would have done it all night long. He can't believe that he forgot about her birthday. He did not just forgot the birth date but even the birth month. He felt extremely stupid.
"You mean to tell me that forgetting her birthday is not the mistake were talking about?"Jenson pieced out the puzzle.
"Fuck, I am so fucking stupid"Sebastian lamented.
"What else did you do then?"Jenson inquired.
"Just something stupid"
Sebastian is at a lost of words before on how to explain his situation but with this new dilemma then its even more stressful. How can he tell her that he was so drunk that he slept with someone else that night in Spain. He couldn't tell the worst part that it was with someone that the both of them know. That the whole reason why he was occupied and forgot her birthday because he was trying to keep the situation quiet.
The comforting pat on the back from Jenson brought Sebastian out of his thoughts.
"You just got to be honest with her, I'm sure Y/N will understand"Jenson assures.
There was a voice in Sebastian's head that is telling him that this was something that any woman cannot understand.
"Y/N loves you a lot. You have to trust that her love is strong to understand you"Jenson stated.
Sebastian could just give a weak smile. The guilty feeling is eating him up more than ever. What did he ever do to deserve her love?
"Tell you what, I'll make some arrangements in the next Grand Prix. I'll make sure to keep McLaren occupied and you two could go spend time with each other"Jenson added.
"You would do that?"
"Of course, anything for Y/N"Jenson replied "Just don't make her cry, I hate seeing her cry"
Too overwhelmed by emotions and planning what to do next week, Sebastian failed to notice the smile that Jenson had on his face. If he paid attention then he would notice that Jenson was also as troubled with thoughts for a certain girl.
With a heavy sigh, Jenson keeps his true feelings at bay.
2013, Silverstone Circuit
It was already midnight when she arrived at her flat. Y/N was a bit tired and she was so glad that the race was happening in Silverstone so she has a few days in the comforts of her home. She was ready to hit the bed when she heard noises coming inside her apartment.
'Did I forget to lock the doors when I left?' she wondered in her head.
She quickly armed herself up by putting up her bag in a defensive manner and her phone hovering to the emergency number.
"Mein Gott! Why is this so difficult to do?"the voice from inside the apartment shouted.
She knows that voice a little too well. But Y/N couldn't believe that he would be here waiting for her.
"Sebastian? What are you-"
Seeing Sebastian Vettel in the kitchen with an apron was the least shocking thing that Y/N saw in her flat. The living room decorated by some balloons and a bouquet of flowers was placed there. Sebastian was tending over a cake that seems to be in the process of being coated with icing. The table was filled with some food that seems to be homemade.
"Hey, I know I have been a jerk recently but I'm here to apologize"Sebastian explains "Jenson stole your duplicate key and I prepared these little welcome dinner and I hope to get back to your good graces"
Something so domestic about the whole thing that Y/N's weeks of sadness immediately disappeared into thin air. She went to give him the biggest hug and she felt like the pieces are being glued back together.
"I missed you so much"she admitted.
"Its been a while"
"I really missed you"she confirms again "Please don't leave me like that again"
The way that Sebastian gazed at her and gave her a gentle forehead kiss seems to be a promise that he won't go away again.
There were a lot of questions that remained unanswered but Y/N is too distracted to ruin the whole thing by asking those. She is just happy to have him back and she wants to savor every moment with him.
2013, Nürburgring
"She seems to fit right in the family" Norbert told his son "Any progress?"
Sebastian was in a lovestruck smile as he gazed his attention to the garden where his mother and Y/N were conversing together. It wasn't the first time that his parents met Y/N but this was the first time that he brought her to his childhood home.
"I'm working on things"Sebastian replied.
"She is a wonderful girl. You treasure her and you don't make her cry alright?"Norbert reminded.
"Papa, its like you are handing me out for marriage already"Sebastian snickered.
"Isn't that the main point of dating? To get married eventually"
The word marriage seems to be foreign in the conversation between the couple. They both know and understand that they have to settle the score between their respective jobs to ensure that there is no conflict. Then the team mate thing has to be resolved as well. On top of that, they both have careers and dreams that they want to achieve.
But making Y/N a Vettel is something in the plans.
"You seem to be talking about us"Mrs Vettel called their attention out and Y/N's turned her head.
"Anything you want to share Seb?"Y/N wondered.
Sebastian just went forward to wrap an arm around Y/N. There was pure bliss in his eyes that everyone is getting along in the household. If he would make her a Vettel then she would be a happy addition to the family.
"What are you and Mama talking about?" Sebastian diverts the topic.
"Oh I'm just showing Y/N your childhood photos"Mrs Vettel gleefuly answered.
"Mama no"Sebastian groaned.
The albums from the past is filled with lots of photos of Sebastian that would be horrifying to show to the public. It includes his early track days, snotty seasons, and even some nerdy photos from school.
"You look adorable Seb"Y/N comforts "Look here Seb, this looks so cute. Is this you on your first day of school?"
The photo had a younger Sebastian holding hands with a blonde haired girl. They have their backpacks on and they seem to be giggling at the camera. Frankly, Sebastian have no memory of what they are talking about but they seem to have been caught conversing when the photo was taken
"Oh that's his first day of school with his friend Hanna"Mrs Vettel recognized.
"Hanna as in Hanna Prater?"Y/N inquired.
The mere mention of the name caused Sebastian's stomach to churn as if he swallowed a rock. The day have already been perfect but the name caused all of his worries to come back.
"You know Hanna?"the elder male Vettel asked.
"Yeah, I met her in some Grand Prix"Y/N answered "She was super sweet and she seems like a very supportive friend to Sebastian"
The way that Y/N talks about Hanna makes Sebastian feel more guilty about what transpired weeks ago. He couldn't have the heart to tell Y/N the truth about them. The first one in Brazil was an accident and could be something forgivable but what happened in Spain was something he was not sure of.
"Hey you seem pale? Are you alright?"Y/N voiced out her concern.
"I'm alright"
"You must be starving already, let's get you two some food"Mrs Vettel immediately got up from her seat.
"Mama you don't have to"Sebastian begs.
"Nonsense, you should get a plate or two before you go for the race weekend"Mrs Vettel argues.
It was useless to argue with his mother. Sebastian just raised his hands in surrender as his mother went off to the kitchen to prepare some meals for them to eat. She has also grabbed Mr Vettel and instructs him to set the table.
The couple was left alone and Y/N seems to be concerned with Sebastian.
"You can tell me anything that's bothering you" Y/N repeated
"I know"Sebastian sighs "But I'm not sure that I'm able to tell you this yet"
Her hands touched his face. It was a gentle caress meant to soothe Sebastian.
"I trust you, whenever you feel like talking then"Y/N smiles.
Those comforting words seems to be digging deeper wounds for Sebastian as the bile rises up in his throat. He wanted to tell her the truth of what happened but she is scared that in doing so that he might end up losing her.
He allows himself to be selfish for a little bit more time.
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bimbosandbubbles · 2 months
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Welcome to my 1k event! This is a little thank you for being so supportive of my work and my blog!
This event will strictly revolve around the forbidden—the wanted,the aching over something that’s inherently immoral and frowned upon.
Common content warning-age gaps,stepcest,power imbalance,and lots of kinky stuff!
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Starring Stepdad Taiju and Chubby Reader
Synopsis-Taiju is a married man,a happy man with his wife that was surely perfect for a person like him—a wife that had a daughter abroad for many years,a matter that Taiju didn’t find very important when they got hitched. Well that is until you,that daughter suddenly makes your way back home.
Warnings-none yet
Just a Bite
Starring best friend dad Jotaro and chubby reader
Synopsis-Fortitude,patience,and aloofness is what Jotaro prides himself on,those three characteristics continuously keeping him sane. His saneness loses its humble path when you,his daughter’s dearest friend moves in with the small family. Could he battle his constant urges when you’re always there?
Warnings-none yet
Starring Stepbros Yuji and Sukuna and chubby reader
Synonpsis-A sister,that’s what Yuji and Sukuna wished for on their birthdays,however overtime they would forget the begging prayer. Until years later,they get you,their annoyingly sweet step sister who doesn’t know what a temptation you are.
Warnings-none yet
Starring friends boyfriend Tengen and chubby reader
Synopsis-Tengen is a player—well was,his career of playing woman deterred by his beloved girlfriend,who he swears he only has eyes for. However,once he meets you,his girlfriend’s dorky and much more reserved counterpart a fire of burning temptation grows deep in his bowels.
Warnings-none yet
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copperbadge · 5 months
Europeans, I have some questions.
Do you know what ambrosia salad is?
If so, is the version you know of a) a normal salad or b) a "dessert" salad?
Do you know what Dirt Cake is?
If so, is that common knowledge in your region?
(What country/region do you live in, other context you wish to add, etc)
I'm working on the new Shivadh novel and I underestimated the comedic potential of Simon, a classically trained French chef who has been cooking for European nobility for thirty years, trying to set a menu for a graduation party with Noah, your average American teenaged garbage disposal, and Eddie, who is literally based on Guy Fieri. Reminds me of the bit in Infinite Jes where Michaelis mentions that Eddie and Gerald had him judge a debate about Hot Pockets and then confesses he doesn't actually know what they are.
(Context for the end of the snippet -- Hugo and Gwen are Simon's brother and sister-in-law, Claude is his young nephew.)
"Huh, okay, so are we doing like a salad theme?" 
"How do you mean?" Noah asked.
"Oh, just, you've got a potato salad and a pasta salad. I'd suggest a Jello salad for dessert but..." Eddie broke off at Alanna's horrified look. "That is what you will see on everyone's face," he said to Noah, pointing at Alanna. 
"Not so, I could do an aspic," Simon protested. "Sweet or savory, very traditional -- not this nonsense from American cookbooks from sixty years ago."
"American nonsense is kinda my brand," Noah pointed out. "Uh, I don't think we realized we were building a giant salad course but I am into that, actually. I'd like to discuss the Jello Salad," he said, and Eddie crowed delightedly while Alanna blanched, so Simon had to mediate a good-natured but extensive debate about gelatin in sweet dessert salads. 
It was an education; when he showed Hugo and Gwen what Americans thought ambrosia salad was, later, their horror was gratifying. It was a fitting prelude to his next exhibit, the Dirt Cake pudding cup, which made Hugo pretend to faint but -- even better -- fascinated little Claude so much that he insisted he wanted them instead of a cake for his next birthday. 
"He'll forget by the time the birthday arrives," Simon assured Hugo, who pretended to mop a sweaty brow. "And if he doesn't, I can elevate this. A light coffee mousse with chocolate biscuits -- drizzle with a sweet wine reduction -- jellied candy flavored with dragonfruit and blackcurrant."
"Can we put bones in the dirt?" Claude asked, already exploring his terrible American dessert options on his tablet. 
"Not human," Gwen said hurriedly. "That's a bridge too far for a birthday party, my darling," she told Claude. 
"Dinosaur bones?" Claude asked hopefully. Gwen and Hugo both looked at Simon. 
"Meringue, or marzipan," Simon pronounced. "Yes, that could be done. Well, my little gravedigger, we will see," he told Claude, tousling his hair.
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futbol16 · 1 year
Never Say Die² •  Steph Catley
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Part 2 to I Miss you and Never Say Die¹
Word count: 3,8k
On the morning of the semi finals you’re found dancing around in the common room of base camp, a spiderman mask on your face as you attempt to moonwalk.
“Yeah, Harps! Shake that booty, shake it, shake it!” you exclaim to the small girl next to you who’s decked out in the rest of the spiderman costume.
The costume was gifted to the birthday girl but she left the mask laying there as she got up to do a happy dance and you pulled it on right away, with Mini’s okay.
 The now two year old is squealing excitedly as the two of you dance to the music in the background and you take her small hands into yours and fool around with the limited dance moves you know. 
Charli is giggling at the two of you from her place on one of the beanbags, a phone in her hand recording the two of you while Kyra and Mini are close to wheezing at your moves. 
“Go Harps, go Harps!” Charli cheers from behind the phone and you shoot her a cheeky wink as you level up your moves, though not like she can see that under your mask.
Kyra can no longer take it as she rolls off her beanbag, wheezing into the floor as your shoes squeak. You look absolutely ridiculous with your sister’s goalkeeper shirt and your Matildas shorts on and the spiderman mask on your head. At this point even Katrina isn’t trying to hold back her laughs and you eventually stop, dropping your hands to your sides as you lean your head to the side, looking at them defeatedly- more like attempting to see through the small holes on the mask.
Harper doesn’t seem to care much as she continues dancing in front of you and the three can only watch on with giggles. 
You end up reposting the video Charli has posted on her own story, wishing the mini Mini a happy 2nd birthday. By the time the rest of your teammates make it down to have their breakfasts you’ve already tired out the toddler and the two of you lay on the carpet at the back of the cafeteria.
Harper has crawled on top of you and her head is tucked under your chin with her small hands gripping your shirt. It isn’t only Katrina’s heart that melts at the sight but also Steph’s who smiles dreamily, momentarily forgetting about the toast on her plate. 
Kyra throws herself onto the ground next to you and then tucks herself into your side, your best friend laughing as you groan at the impact. The dreamy look is immediately wiped off Steph’s face as she stares on, trying to be subtle about the way she glares when Kyra’s nose brushes against your cheek. Just a moment later the three of you are joined by a blonde and Charli grins at Harper on top of you, the defender placing her head on your shoulder. 
“I’ve never seen you look jealous before” Emily breaks her out of her staring and her voice makes the brunette jump.
“I am not jealous” Steph is met with raised eyebrows, clearly Eve wasn’t buying a word she said.
“I’ve got nothing to be jealous of. She’s always been very close with them.” It sounds more like she’s telling herself and the blonde next to her chuckles at her tone.
“Exactly. And at the end of the day, she’s yours” Emily shrugs as Steph smiles, truthfully not worried about the situation at all. Before she gets to open her mouth a voice cuts in from the other end of the table, the goalkeeper’s voice loud and clear.
“Are you two talking about my sister?”
“What, no!”
Heavy breaths leave your mouth as you pant and you lean over with your hands on your knees to get more oxygen into your lungs. You had just sprinted the length of the field but before you could align yourself with the ball, it had been cleared by Alex Greenwood. 
Sam pats you on the back as the two of you make your way back to your side and you give her a grateful look. 
It was only the 50th minute of the game and with Ella Toone’s goal in the first half, England were currently leading. Both teams are very strong and although your legs are still somewhat sore from the quarter finals, you wanted to be ready for your team.
The Matildas have had their chances with Caitlin and Mary making amazing crosses but neither you or Sam have been very successful with your attempts, only two on target. But you knew this would never be easy, it was a world cup semi-final after all, the Matildas’ first one at that. 
You know Sam has it in her to turn the tables and clearly the fans want to see her world class skills as well. There’s a split second when you get the ball passed to you that you notice the space the English have left for you and you dribble the ball just closer to the halfway line.
You know your team has been relying too much on Sam in this game but she’s your best chance and frankly, the only one you see near you as you move away from Alex Greenwood.
Two defenders follow you close by and it gives Sam the opportunity to break free from her own defenders. You send the ball right in front of her and she takes off with it. When she gets just close enough she looks up at Mary Earps’ positioning one last time before the ball sails past Bright and Carter, Greenwood already hot on her trails. 
The fans celebrate as it goes above Mary’s hand and into the goal, Sam is running around and she cups her ear, shouting something about how the Tillies never give up and then she’s brought into a group celebration.
“There you go Sammy!”
The score is 1-1 at the 63’ minute and it is clear both teams are starving for a goal to give them the lead, perhaps the game winning goal.
England’s defense is crazy good and it takes one mistake from your team to give them the lead. Lauren Hemp had gotten herself on the ball and you knew how fast she was. You kept up with her for a good while but it wasn’t enough for you to actually get the ball away from her. When you see Ellie coming in hot from the corner of your eye you suddenly slow down and let her take over. The lack of your presence confuses Lauren who visibly stutters in her movements and Ellie attacks in this moment.
She goes for the ball, jumping from Hemp’s left side to the right but her feet just graze the ball and it doesn’t affect Lauren one bit as she slides to push the ball through the goal line. 2-1 to England in the 71’ minute.
 You groan into your shirt as the English run around in celebration but you make sure to get to Ellie and pull her off the ground. The blonde is wearing a dejected look, disappointed in her miscalculated moves and you clutch her bicep as the other team calms down.
“Don’t beat yourself up about it, it was a good try” she reluctantly nods at you and you add one last bit that has her nodding more confidently. “You’ll get her back”
And she does. Many times. You’re in awe of the way her and Steph seem to be connecting at the moment despite being on two different sides of the field. It is the third try England have at the goal but Ellie sweeps the ball away from Alessia before the other blonde can even think about scoring. 
You’re only following Tony’s orders, just like the rest of your teammates and so nearly every time you get the ball you try to set it up for Sam, you try to make space for her and you cross it to her each time.
It is clearly exhausting her out as well, the raven haired girl getting passes from everyone, all of you waiting for her to just equalize. You knew it wasn’t right to rely on her so much but you felt like time was running out and the girls were in slight panic. Your heart skipped a beat each time Sam was just a step away from scoring, each time Earps made a save. 
You can see how frustrated your friend is and you can’t blame her. Poor Sam had the whole world waiting for her to change the game. Her eyes connect with yours, they’re upset and slightly tired eyes and your heartbeat slows just a little. She had too much pressure on her, with three defenders on her at all times it was a miracle that she was even able to move away from them and receive each cross. 
“We should try it from the other side” the two of you walk side by side as you’re given a moment to breathe, Sarina subbing in Laura Coombs for Ella Toone. 
Sam seems to instantly understand what you’re trying to say and her face lights up just a little, more than open to any ideas that didn’t all end with her facing Earps one on one and three defenders glued to her side.
“Like in training yesterday? The Thach weave or whatever?” the forward replies enthusiastically, recalling how the set piece you named after an aerial formation had worked so well in the scrimmage you played. 
“Yeah, you on the left me on the right” you explain and nod to her rapidly as you part ways and jog back to your position. Sam raises a thumbs up into the air and a smirk plays at your lips, your game face back on. 
Just a few minutes after Coombs’ substitution, Kyra manages to rid the ball of her and she hands it over to Courtnee. Like every time before, she passes it to Sam and Carter is immediately on her. Millie Bright is on her way too however they’re both utterly confused when instead of moving forward Sam goes across the pitch and to towards the other sideline.
They follow her close by though and when you run by the three, yourself making your way to where Sam was just moments ago, the English players don’t realize Sam had slid the ball over to you and they follow her until she stops running. The cheeky smile on Sam’s face is everything as she watches you dive down on the side of the pitch, no one in sight, all of them having been focused on her and the rest of the England players were only trying to catch up to you. 
You force Mary off her line and you fake a shot as she gets closer. She drops to the floor to deflect it but the ball never comes and she can’t do anything as you instead chip it over her and into the goal. You’re buzzing as you jump into Sam’s arms and the girls in the dugout are up on their feet and celebrating your equalizer. 
“I fucking told you!” Sam is beyond ecstatic and you bask in her happiness for a moment as the pair of you get praised by your teammates. 2-2 in the 85’ minute of the match and you were close to the end. You could only pray that your team would manage to pull off another goal.
Nothing changes. Once again Sam is left alone at the front, yourself having to fall back a little and play a defensive role as well and your midfield are struggling with creating something. England are constantly attacking and you have subconsciously drifted back a bit to help out your defensive line which meant you were hopping around between Ellie and Emily, trying to block the opposition as much as possible.
Tension is rising and you’re all getting more aggressive though careful enough to not get carded. England aren’t playing nice either because they have started to be more pushy, shoving Caitlin and Sam any time they’re close. In the 90+3 minutes the match is called to an end and extra time is announced. As long as we don’t go into penalties, you thought, knowing how good England were at that.
You hang back a little, walking slower as you join the girls near Tony and take a drink. You squeeze yourself in under Alanna’s arm and listen to what the coach has to say.
Tony however, doesn’t change much in terms of tactics and he nods towards Sam, telling her she’s been doing good and to continue the way she has and that he’s counting on her. Your captain sighs heavily as she drops her head. It has been an exhausting match and you all have been relying almost solely on her, all the while she had defenders targeting her every second. 
Clapping each other on the back, you go back out onto the battlefield and squareup your shoulders, ready to fight.
Tony’s tactics aren’t doing good. England keep good possession of the ball and although Steph and Emily as well as Alex do a good job at chasing them down, the Matildas are struggling to make a move. 
Sam has been caged between Bright and Carter, Bronze hanging close by just in case but the Aussie captain is constantly sandwiched between them. 
By whatever miracle, the first half of extra time goes by relatively eventless. 
You take Kyra under your arm as you make a team huddle, Tony scratching his head in thought. 
Looking around at your teammates' exhausted faces, you feel a sense of disappointment shoot through your body, disappointed that you guys haven’t been able to change the scoreline. 
You usually wouldn’t butt into the coaches and captain’s tactical talks but the sudden rush of blood in your fingertips, the beads of sweat running down your forehead and the deep breaths let out from the girls around you prompts you to speak up.
You clear your throat, more in thought than asking for attention but Tony doesn’t hesitate to look towards you hopefully and you straighten up as you begin.
“I know it’s not looking too good for us right now and we’re all in our heads, but it's real simple. You got 15 more mins and that's it. And most of you have been playing this game for more than ten years. You got 15 more mins and that's it. After that we are going to the final and we won't leave until we win this world cup.” you start, making sure to hold eye contact with each and every one of your teammates, whether they still had influence on the game or they were subbed off and would most likely remain on the bench.
Your gaze connects with Sam’s again and you halt your speech for a moment. 
“I don’t care what we do as long as we win” it’s spoken with much determination from her and her eyes have a seemingly livelier look in them, ready for a change of tactics.
“Good. We need you in the middle, they are targeting you too much. We need the ball to go through you and they’ll be caught off guard when you don't immediately shoot. We need you to play an attacking midfielder role here. When the ball goes through you, and you pass it off to someone, they won't know what to do, they’ve got three players on you which means when you won’t have the ball they’ll basically be useless. Which then means the rest of us have 3 players less to worry about." Sam seems to be loving the idea and she enthusiastically nods along.
You’re pleased to find the rest of your team with expressions of similar determination and when you glance at Tony he shrugs with a smile, this could work. Steph swears she’s never felt more proud in her life and your passion for the game and for the team only made her fall deeper in love.
You add a few more points on where you think the team could improve for the following 15 minutes and then you end your speech with words so motivating, it would get anyone out of bed.
“I want you to take a moment and I want you to look each other in the eyes. I want you to put each other in your hearts forever, because forever is about to happen here in just a few minutes!” the shouts you receive are more than rewarding and your talk seems to reignite that last bit of fire left in everyone’s soul.
You’re much more clinical in the second half of extra time, your defense is like the great wall of china and if that wasn’t enough, your sister was impersonating a brick wall in the goal. Sam had initially gotten back into her previous position, but that was good, you wanted to fool the English.
The time is ticking and you have got four minutes left, four minutes to change the score, to turn this game around, to not go into penalties, to continue your world cup dream. Everything would break or blossom from these last few minutes.
And fool them you did. 
Alex dives for the ball as it rolls from under Daly’s foot and she sends it towards Kyra. With a good play between Kyra and Caitlin, the ball gets to Sam and instantly Bright and Carter start to sprint with her, once again towards the goal. And Sam goes towards the goal but then the Australian lobs the ball out to the side, confusion setting in as seemingly she just passed the ball to no one.
No one is the someone who comes running like her life depends on it. The ball hasn’t even touched the ground yet and you half jump in your run, striking the ball hard, your laces connecting with it and it soars through the air.
A collective intake of breath is heard around the stadium, the Matildas fans rising to their feet in anticipation and Mary jumps after the ball.
She doesn’t reach it! She doesn’t reach it and it goes in just under the crossbar! 3-2 to Australia in the 117' minute.
Screaming and screeching you run towards Sam and she motions to you with a come hither motion. You understand what she’s hinting at and the two of you run together before hitting Sam’s favorite celebration in sync. The backflips make the crowd go even more insane and the girls surround the two of you in their own yells of joy. 
“We did it!” chants of your name makes you crumble to the ground and into Sam’s and Caitlin’s arms in the overwhelming feeling and they pull you into them, yourself clinging to the brunettes as it all sets in. Australia was going to the final. 
When you’re back on your feet a hand cups the back of your neck and pulls you into a bone crushing hug. You reciprocate it as you hold Steph close to you, the brunette’s tears wetting your shoulder.
“I’m so proud of you, Stephy baby! 
“That was such a beautiful goal, puddin’!” both are spoken at the same time and it makes the two of you laugh as you separate. The smiles on your faces are bright and you resist from intertwining your fingers with your girlfriends.
“I could literally kiss you right now” the defender breathes out with a chuckle and you bite your lip at the thought.
“Me too” but not yet, not here with the whole world watching.
You eventually find yourself making your rounds with the fans, a Bronze jersey hanging over your bare shoulder, having swapped with the England player. The two of you knew each other well from your time in Lyon and you comforted her while she expressed her joy for you. 
Kyra barrels into you with a laugh and the two of you hug once again before Kyra presses a sloppy kiss to your cheek. Clearly your best friend was overjoyed by the team’s win.
“You’re being obvious”
“She’s practically making out with Y/N’s cheek” Steph huffs out, arms crossing over her chest as she watches Kyra hug your shirtless body. Caitlin and Alanna laugh next to her and she rolls her eyes at the two.
You’re only slightly surprised when later you are cornered in the shower rooms by Steph.  She immediately latches onto you and kisses you hotly, the bruising kiss taking your breath away and making your world spin as you grip onto her waist. Her hands are all over you, her mouth claiming you as hers and you push yourself more into her.
The brunette tugs on your lip gently and then she sucks on it lightly to ease the slight stinging, your breathing picks up and you’re just about to reach under her shirt when you hear a voice just outside the door.
“Stephanie Catley, you better not be getting it on with my little sister in there!” Mackenzie shouts, making the girls in the changing room burst out in laughs. Steph groans and you give her an apologetic look, giving her another peck in exchange for your sister’s behavior. 
You almost forget about the media duties Sam and Tony have but you pay attention to the TV in the locker room as you pull on a clean shirt.
“They’re talking about you” your sister takes a seat next to you and she turns up the volume so you could hear what Tony was saying.
“I like it when Y/n takes control of a situation because the outcome is always good. These players have it in them, they know they can win but sometimes they need someone to unite them, and to remind them of what they are capable of, maybe to get their heads back in the game.  And Y/n is there to step up and take the lead” Tony’s words have you flushing as the girls cheer you on and you lean your head on Mackenzie’s shoulder.
“Do you think Y/n Arnold could be captain?”
“Oh most definitely-”
“One day” Sam intervenes, a good-naturedly teasing tone to remind you that she’s captain for now, and of course Steph. You wouldn’t have it any other way though.
With your hand grasped tightly in your girlfriend’s and her lips kissing your cheek, you fall into a peaceful slumber on the bus back to camp, too tired from today’s semi final to keep your eyes open for any longer.
“I love you” it’s whispered into your hair and you smile to yourself, leaning up slightly to kiss Steph lightly.
“I love you more”
And you couldn’t wait to smash Spain in the finals. Australia was going to win their first world cup on home soil, and the Matildas would make sure of that.
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1970sgothfreak · 2 years
The forgotten Twin’s birthday
L“Sorry, can’t make dance tonight busy with the boys”
You looked away from your phone and around your room annoyed at the fact that your father blew off your father-daughter date to train with the boys (mainly Damian) you shrugged and placed the phone back onto your bed.
This wasn’t the first time he had done this, hell even the boys blew you off but at least Bruce had the common decency to at least text you and not have you embarrass yourself.
So you decided to just go into the library and try to read to calm your thoughts which is what you did, on your way there you bumped into Alfred who was making his way down the hallway, probably to deleive bandages to Bruce or check on Tim to see how much caffeine he had had.
“Oh, Madam Wayne my apologies I did not see you” the butler apologies with a slight bow, you felt your lip twich up into a slight smile at the butler. Alfred was the only one in the family who actually cared about you no matter how silly or embarrassing the situation was.
“No no it’s fine Alfred i wasn’t watching where I was going, do you need help with anything at the moment”
“No Madam Wayne, I do want to wish you a happy birthday tho, I can’t believe you are now Sixteen” he said with a small smile which made you pause…Alfred..actually remembered?. You looked up at him with a small smile and thanked him before heading towards the library to do some light reading.
~later that night~
You were in your room scrolling through Instagram only to see a bunch of sappy happy family’s and other people celebrating their own birthdays or the girls at your school having fun at the dance with their own dads.
Shrugging and closing the app you threw your phone to the foot of your bed before getting up and stretching deciding to head downstairs to see if your so called family was back home from patrolling the shit city you lived in.
As you walked down the stairs you could hear voices…singing?, you quickly yet quietly continued down the stairs and peeked around the corner only to see the others along with Jon singing happy birthday to Damian, he was looking down to hide the small blush of embarrassment that appeared on his cheeks.
You just stood there…watching them sing to him before you felt something wet your cheeks, you lifted your hands to your face to feel what the wetness was only to realise it was tears…you were crying but you didn’t feel sad. You turned around and went back upstairs not seeing the confused yet concerned look that Jon sent your way.
“Kent? What is wrong with you why do you look concerned?” Damian questioned looking at Jon with a slight eyebrow raise
Jon looked at Damian, then to the others and that’s when he realised…did…did no one else remember it was also your birthday?, is that why why you had teary eyes. He looked at the entire family confused.
“Did you know..?”
“Know what Jon?” Dick said raising his eyebrow with confusion, the fact that he didn’t know pissed Jon off a little.
“The fact that it’s also y/n’s birthday?” He said in a tone that sounded as it should have been obvious what the thing they forgotten was.
When he saw non of them react to his words he stood up and sighed, he then turned to Bruce.
“Mr Wayne I have a lot of respect for you but…what you did was shitty, she’s your daughter and you Damian” he said turning to the now shocked Damian as Jon was never known for cursing
“She is your twin! I would have expected to you to have at least had the common decency to say happy birthday to her…but she’s not your sister to you is she..” he trailed off and started walking to the staircase.
He paused, turned his head to the Men in the room with a slight glare in his eyes and said
“She was never your sister, nor was she ever your daughter..at least not in your eyes because clearly in your eyes she was nothing” before turning back to the stairs and heading up them.
~With you~
You were sitting on your bed, a book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other only taking small sips of the the beverage that Alfred had left you with a small birthday note and a plate of his delicious home made cookies. You looked up hearing a knock on your door, you placed your tea down and put your bookmark in before going up to your bedroom door and unlocking it.
You opened it to see…Jon?, he was standing there with that same adorable awkward smile that you had grown to love, aside from Alfred Jon was also there for you when needed him to be even if it meant waking him up at the crack of dawn to get burgers with you.
“Hey Jon..what’s up?”
“Happy birthday Y/N!” He yelled and pulled you into a hug smiling, you felt yourself tense up at first not knowing how to react…he..he remembered..?, you slowly raise your arms and hug him back burying your face into his neck and softly began to sob letting out all the pain and frustration you had been feeling that day.
He tightened his grip onto you slowing rubbing your back with one hand while the other held onto your waist, he knew that sometimes they family would ignore you but to this extent..? He sighed and continued to rub your back letting you sob until he felt you go limp, he looked down and saw you had passed out.
He stared down at your face admiring your features, you had a slight redness to your eyes but he still thought you looked beautiful, he kept staring until his gaze fell to your soft lips slightly parted because of your staggered breathing.
“No…no stop it Jon she’s your best friend”
he scolded himself in his mind but…he couldn’t stop looking at your face and gently placed a soft kiss upon your forehead before bringing you to bed and laying down with you, he tensed up feeling someone grab onto his arm only to look down and see you cuddled up to his arm with a small soft smile in your sleep.
~back downstairs~
No one’s pov: (IK this is probably annoying but I can’t do personal pov’s yet lol)
The boys sat at the table saying nothing and just continued to stare at the staircase when Jon had previously stood and scolded them, had they really forgotten that it was also your birthday? No they couldn’t have…could they?
“I see you boys finally understood why Miss Wayne has been upset recently” Alfred’s voice spoke from the entrance way to the kitchen, no one looked at him simply confirming his statement.
“She…we…I-I..it’s not” Dick stuttered trying to come up with an excuse but stopped when he realised that they had indeed forgotten your birthday and they felt horrible. Damian stared at the cake feeling angry but not at you for once…he felt it at himself, he remembered the promise he had made to you…the promise to make sure he protected you and was an actual brother to you but instead he did nothing, he simply trained with Bruce and the boys never inviting you.
“Wait…her birthdays today and she’s Damian’s twin meaning she’s sixteen…didn’t she invite us to her to her play yesterday…?” Jason spoke up making them all realise…when was the last time any of them actually acknowledge you and that’s when they realise..
They never went to the play
Dick didn’t show you some of his old tricks like you had begged him to
Tim hadn’t come and watched Game of Thrones with you after training like he promised
Jason didn’t go to your lunch date that you set up
Damian…he couldn’t remember the last he was with you in this house doing something together like normal twins
And Bruce realises..he had cancelled his plans of going to the father daughter dance at your school with you. None of them actually spent time with you since you arrived only focusing on each other.
They were horrible brothers and they were finally realising it which also made them realise that you might never forgive them and they couldn’t have it so they made a silent promised to make sure that tomorrow was going to be the best make up birthday ever.
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satosuguswife · 1 year
Series Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue
Poly!SatoSugu x Toji'sSister!OC
A story about Tenka Zenin, the little sister of the man dubbed as the “Sorcerer Killer'' - Toji Fushiguro. Just like Toji, she is also blessed, or cursed based on how the Zenin clan sees it, with heavenly restriction.
Toji sibling fluff to angst, No SatoSugu yet, The Zenin clan being shit
Word Count:
2,059 words
A/n: feel free to request AUs for this through the asks :> if you want to be tagged for this story just leave a comment or ask
Ten years after Toji Zenin was born, came a little girl. She was named Tenka - meaning heaven and flower. The clan hoped she would be better than her brother but to their disappointment, it was another failure. The Zenin clan all thought that except one - her brother. While the rest of the clan looked at her as another stain to their name, her brother saw otherwise.
At first, Toji just pitied the pile of flesh that was unfortunately born into the vile clan. But when he held her for the very first time, it was also the first time Tenka ever opened her eyes. Toji feared that she would cry the second she saw him but to his surprise, she giggled as she reached out her dainty little hands to him. It was at that moment that Toji saw her as his light.
Life was not kind to the two siblings as they suffered from the constant berating insults of their own clansmen and the disappointed stares of their parents. Although that did not matter as long as they had each other by their side. Unbeknownst to them, their time together would be cut short on his 14th birthday.
"Aniki!" The 4-year-old girl shouted as she ran into her brother's arms. "Look! I made you a flower crown made from the Azlea flowers that grew in the gardens for your birthday!" Tenka beamed at her older brother, proud of the gift she made him. Toji chuckled at his sister, grateful that she remembered his birthday. It wasn’t common for him to be noticed but that was one thing Tenka never failed to do; after all, they were each others’ world.
They walked through the clan grounds as Tenka babbled to Toji about random stuff she thought of. The sun soon set and painted the sky with hues of gold. Toji stopped by the stairs and sat on them while they watched the sunset.
"Aniki? What's your wish?"
Toji's eyes widened. No one has ever asked him what he wished for on his birthday or even any day. For once in his life, someone bothered to know what he wanted. He softly patted his sister's head and spoke. "I wish to see you happy and safe Tenten." Silence swept the air as the siblings didn't bother to speak a single word and enjoyed the peace, but little did they know it would soon be ripped away from them.
The eerie silence cuts through the night as an unknown man spoke with the head of the Zenin Clan - the father of Toji and Tenka.
“We’ll pay you any amount you want. All we need is the kid with the heavenly restriction.” 
“You can have the girl. She has no use for us anyways.”
The two men shook hands and sealed the deal that would forever change the lives of the two siblings for the rest of their life.
“Let go! Help me! Aniki! Please let go of me!” The cries of the young girl were left unheard as she was dragged away from the place she called home by men she knew nothing about. Marks of blood were left with every step she took from her wounded feet. Tenka struggled and tugged her arm, trying to break free from their grasp but it was all rendered useless.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the estate, Toji lay restless on his bed. ‘Why do I feel like something is wrong…’ he thought. He tossed and turned but to no avail, he still felt wide awake. Minutes passed until he finally decided to take a walk and see if Tenka was awake. It was not out of the ordinary for Toji to feel sleepless at night, which is why he brushed his suspicions aside. Unfortunately, he was sorely mistaken.
The moment he reached Tenka’s room, he realized then and there that he should have trusted his instincts the moment he had it. The room was a mess - the picture frame that held a picture of Toji and Tenka was now shattered on the floor with blood staining it. It seemed as if someone stepped on the broken shards of glass. Having seen this, Toji was now in a panic.
‘What happened?’
‘Where is Tenka?’
‘Is she safe?’
All these questions swirled inside the mind of the 14-year-old boy. Toji never feared anything - not his clan, not his brother, and not even his father, but for the first time in his life, he was terrified. He ran out of the room shouting his sister’s name, not caring whether or not he was bothering the people in the estate. He searched for hours but he never found her. He knew that his last resort in finding his sister was asking his father. He knocked on his father’s study and to his surprise, he was still awake.
“Come in.” a gruff voice came from behind the door.
Toji never liked his father and neither did Tenka but unlike her, Toji never hid his hatred for the man. The two glared at each other the moment Toji stepped in the room. Toji wasted no time and asked. “Where is Tenka?” Their father sipped on his tea, simply glared through his cup. Toji, irritated by his actions, jogged to his father and slammed his hands on the desk. “Answer me old man! Where the hell is Tenka?!” The older man set his cup down and stood up. “I sold her. She was useless anyways.” He spoke as if the girl that was sold off wasn’t his daughter.
Toji stood there in disbelief. He looked at the man before him with pure resentment. “Well? I answered your question, now leave.” The man dismissed his son without even taking a glance at him. Toji left with a heavy heart. If only he listened to that voice in his head, and now he is forced to live a life without the one and only person he cared for.
Screams and cries echoed through the room as men strapped down Tenka on a table. She thrashed as much as she could to try and escape her bindings but this all stopped once she felt a painful sting across her cheeks. Her hair was grabbed, forcibly turning her head toward her captor.
"Stop thrashing around little girl. You will never escape, for you will be my little secret weapon"
Tenka could only stare through her tears in horror at the madman who cackled about all the experiments he would do on her. All to form the deadliest human weapon in his disposal.She suddenly felt something pierce her neck and a groggy feeling washed over her body. No longer able to feel her limbs, Tenka had no choice but to slip into the inky void of unconsciousness.
For several years, Tenka was stuck in an endless cycle of suffering just so that she could be the perfect human weapon. The sorcerers that held her captive saw potential in a child that had heavenly restriction, especially one that had no cursed energy at all, because everything comes with a price. The price for having no cursed energy is heightened physical attributes. The group of sorcerers thought that the Zenin clan was stupid for ignoring the children that could open up new opportunities for them.
For days on end, they put Tenka into experiments that would leave her wishing to be in the arms of death. Dosing her with different kinds of poisons so that she could build immunity against it, grueling hours of harsh training that left her with large cuts and bruises, and even going so far as to give her meals that could rival the taste of wet rags covered in vomit. 
It has been 9 years since Tenka was taken from her clan’s estate and it felt like she had gone through all the 9 rings of hell during those years. Until one day, it seemed as if the gods finally heard her prayers for the past years because they at last brought someone to get her out of the hellhole.
It happened after Tenka had gone through the day’s experiments. As she laid unmoving on the cold floor of her cell, she heard shouts and screams from outside her cell door. “Someone has breached the facility, all security personnel are requested at the ground level immediately!” Tenka heard a guy shout through the intercom. Tenka’s eyes widened to this information. She dragged her battered body near her door and started slamming her fist against the metal. She called out for help, shouting for someone to save her amidst the chaos, despite her dry throat already screaming for her to stop.
Suddenly the door opened and all hope in Tenka’s eyes faded as it was the man in charge of her experiments that stood in front of her. He grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up, a sadistic grin plastered on his face. “You really think you can escape me little girl?”. The man cackled as he threw her to the ground and looked down at her. “You will never leave this place until I’m done perfecting you! Never–!”. His words were cut short as a blunt side of a katana hit the back of his head knocking him out cold. 
Tenka looked in fear, unsure whether he had good intentions or not,  at the man that stood before her with katana in hand. He looked as if he was in his late 30’s. He had black hair with gray eyes and was dressed in a black button up paired with black slacks. He crouched down and reached out to her, only to pull away once Tenka flinched. “Hey kid, let’s get you home hm?” He smiled while reaching her hand out to her. Tenka, once hearing this, immediately hugged him and cried in her arms - thinking she was finally saved.
The man could only look at her in pity after seeing her current state. The man walked through the facility, removing anything in his path just to make sure he brought this kid out of the building and into safety.
The middle aged man didn’t bother on reporting first to the higher ups about his mission. Making it his first priority to get home and take care of the girl. The moment he opened the door to his home, he was greeted by a gasp. His wife stood there in shock to see her husband carrying a wounded girl. She immediately rushed to them and ushered them in. “Oh my god! Is she alright? Are you injured?”. The man nodded. “I’m fine dear, but the girl… Can you help her?” He asked his wife, looking down at the child in his arms. The wife nodded and went to get supplies to help the young girl. The man walked to their spare room and laid the girl on the bed. He sat on a chair by the bedside, waiting for the woman to come in. The woman came rushing in and immediately tended to the girl. 
After tending the last of Tenka’s wounds, the woman sat and tried to talk to her husband on what happened to his mission. “Honey… What happened? Where did the girl come from?” she looked at him in concern as she put her hand on his thigh.
"I just found her there… they were keeping her – experimenting on her. Based on the files I got in their lab, it seems she has been there for 9 years, my love.." The man spoke in a sullen tone as pity paints over his wife's face. He gently but firmly held his wife's hand and looked her in the eyes. "Love.. you can say no to this but… is it okay for you to let us adopt her? This can also be a way for us to finally have the kid we always wanted…" His wife only smiled. "I'm fine with that, my love." The two looked at Tenka with a smile, ready to take care of her as if she was their own.
From that day forward, Tenka's life finally changed for the better. No longer will she wake up to the horrendous cycle she called life for the last 9 years as she was now with the two people who would bring her unconditional love and happiness.
Series Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue
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Rescue by Lauren Daigle
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Summary: Natasha doesn’t have a lot of regrets, everything she’s done in her life has gotten her to where she is now. An Avenger, a hero to young girls, and trying to remove some red from her ledger. But the one thing she does regret is giving you up. But when a word gets out that you are in trouble, she will come to rescue you. 
Pairings: Natasha x Maria, Natasha x Maria x daughter!reader, past Natasha x Bucky
Warning: gun shot violence, implied rape, death, cannon typical violence, gambling, the reader needs a hug but so does Natasha  
Word count: 7.1 k
“Mail call,” Wanda said, walking into the common area with a few pieces of mail in her hand. 
“Who the hell gets paper mail?” Tony asked, pouring coffee into his mug. 
“Some of us like to do things without technology,” Steve said as Wanda handed him the newspaper. Tony looked at the super soldier with disbelief. It was rare that the Avengers got mail but each one had specific memberships. Vision received a copy of the newest National Geographic and Pietro got Sports Illustrated. Sometimes Sam received a letter from his service buddies and Steve always got the newspaper, he did take the comics out for Peter. As Wanda handed out the mail, Natasha waited with bated breath to see if she received a letter. It was rare but she was excited nonetheless. The Sokovian smiled at the Black Widow and handed her a letter. It was addressed the same way, her name and her current address with no return. 
“Thank you,” the Black Widow said, leaving her unfinished lunch on the table and heading for her room. She barely heard Tony question her odd behavior but she didn’t care. When she was safe behind her bedroom door, she opened the envelope. There was a single picture of a young girl with fiery red hair standing at a picnic table. A birthday cake was lit and presents stayed unwrapped around you. Natasha smiled, moving her finger across your face. Her daughter, whom she only got to hold once on the day she was born. When she defected to SHIELD, she gave up for you to live a normal and safe life. But she was promised that you would go to a good family and on birthdays Natasha would receive a photo. The most important thing was if there was any sign of trouble she would be called in. 
“It’s about that time of year,” Maria appeared at her door. “Did you get a photo?” Natasha nodded as her girlfriend sat down next to her. Not counting the agent, four other people knew of your existence. Maria was one of them but not even the Deputy Direction knew of your true location to keep you safe. The agent gently took the picture and smiled. 
“She’s spoiled rotten,” Maria teased. The Black Widow chuckled, letting her head fall onto Maria’s shoulder. It was times like this that Natasha questioned if she made the right choice. She wished she could be there for birthdays and every school accomplishment. Maria kissed her head. “I know, baby, I know.” 
“Miss. Romanoff,” FRIDAY said. Natasha stopped her assault on the sandbag. “Your presence is being requested in the conference room.” 
“Do I have time to shower?” 
“No, Director Fury said it’s urgent,” it was never a good sign when Fury was involved. She quickly grabbed her water off the floor and headed for the conference room. When she entered, Fury and Maria were standing by a screen and her sister and Clint were sitting at the table. Oh, she did not have a good feeling about this. 
“What’s going on?” She asked, not bothering to sit down. 
“Does the Winter Soldier mean anything to you?” Of course, it did. He was one of her trainers in the Red Room but also the father of her daughter. In hindsight it was the perfect companionship; one of the Red Room’s best assassins and HYDRA’s most feared weapon. Their child would be the ultimate fighter but they didn’t need to know that. 
“Yeah,” Natasha said, crossing her arms. “He’s credited for over two dozen assassinations in the last 50 years.” 
“So, he’s a ghost story?” Clint questioned. She shook her head. 
“I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran, somebody shot at my tires near Odessa. We lost control, went straight over a cliff,” she said, remembering every part of that day. “I pulled us out, but the Winter Soldier was there. I covered my engineer, so he shot him straight through me,” it was heartbreaking as she stared into the eyes of a man she once knew but there was no recognition in his eyes. She lifted her shirt, revealing a bullet wound on her stomach. “A Soviet slug, no rifling. Bye-bye bikinis.”
“Yeah, I bet you look terrible in them now,” Maria sarcastically said. Natasha smirked. 
“Ew,” Yelena said. “He was also a trainer in the Red Room. Before my time but the guards would talk.”
“Why are we here, Fury?” Clint asked. Natasha was wondering the same thing. 
“We picked up chatter that was concerning,” he nodded to Maria, who pulled up a recording and played it. The audio was all static and it was hard to hear but Natasha could make out two distinct voices and they said your name and the Winter Soldier. 
“Send me there now,” she said. The audio was still playing and Maria quickly stopped it. 
“Don’t ‘Na’t me,” Natasha cut her girlfriend off. “When I gave her up I asked for two things; a picture once or twice a year and to be notified if she’s in danger. In return, I’d never reach out to her.”
“We need you here to run point and we are going to send Belova and Barton to look after her,” Fury instructed. 
“Like hell, you are,” Natasha was slowly losing her composure. “She’s my daughter.”
“You don’t have any claim to her,” Natasha’s jaw clenched. Fury sighed. “Can I please speak with Romanoff alone?” Each one of her closest acquaintances left the room and tried to reassure her in their way but she ignored everyone. Her eyes never left the man. When the door closed, Fury sighed again. 
“Don’t Nick,” she said, walking over to the man. “Don’t say another word because I’m very close to throwing you through a wall,” Fury smirked. 
“I’m trying to look after you,” he said. “Your name was mentioned. It could be a trap.” 
“I don’t care,” she said. “She’s my daughter even if you don’t think she is,” she saw the smallest clench of his jaw. “I hear her SOS. I will never stop marching toward her. So I’m going. You can’t stop me.” He thought about it.
“Fine,” he relented. “But Maria is coming with you as your backup.” 
“Clint will run point and I want Yelena on standby if we need it.” He nodded. 
“What do we tell the team?” She wasn’t sure. For the longest time, she’s kept your existence a secret to ensure your safety. But now it may have been all for tonight. No, she couldn’t think like that. You were going to be fine. 
“The truth,” she said. “It’s time they know.” 
“Hurry up,” your best friend called out. You giggled, running over to her. She climbed up to do the monkey bars. 
“You got this Sarah,” you cheered as her arms began to shake when she reached halfway. She fell to the ground unable to go the entire way. “Nice try,” you smiled, beginning your turn. You liked the challenge of the monkey bars, the burn of your arms and hands. Unlike Sarah, you didn’t feel your arms shake and you made it all the way across. Sarah rolled her eyes. 
“No fair,” she pouted. “How are you so strong?” You shrugged. It was a mystery to you and something you attributed to your biological parents. In PE class, you learned to hold yourself back even though you could beat all the kids in your class. No one wanted to be friends with the abnormally strong girl. 
“I don’t know,” you said. 
“Come push me on the swings,” Well besides Sarah, she didn’t care that you were stronger than her and she used it to her advantage. You smiled, running after her. She jumped onto the empty swing and you began to push her. It wasn’t long before your mind began to wander as you looked around the park. There was a small party at the pavilion and a small-sided soccer game. A few black vans were parked on the far side. You found your parents sitting at a bench speaking with a man you knew well. Agent Cruise. He was present at every birthday party and family gathering. According to your mom, he was the one that found you when your birth mother abandoned you. Why was he here? 
“I’ll be right back,” you told Sarah and walked over to the trio. Agent Cruise saw you right away, a smile on his face. 
“Hi firecracker,” he held out his fist and you pumped it three times then gave him a side hug. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked him. 
“I was in the area and I thought I’d say hi to the family.” That was a lie but you didn’t question it. If he was lying for a reason, it had to be a good one. 
“Everything is fine, sweetheart,” your mom said. “Go back and play with Sarah.”
“Okay, love you guys,” you turned around to go back to the playground but a gunshot froze you in your spot. It was a sound you heard on TV and in movies and never expected to hear it in real life. A body crashed into yours pushing you into the ground as another shot went off. 
“W-Will,” you stuttered. 
“Eyes on me, okay?” You nodded, staring into his brown eyes. “My car isn’t far. I need you to run and I’ll cover you.” 
“What about -” Your eyes found your parents, slumped against each other and blood pouring from a single shot in their head. “No,” you whispered, tears pooling at the corner of your eyes but you didn’t let them fall. 
“Firecracker, run,” he got off of you and began to fire. You scrambled to your feet as he shot at a man walking towards you. His bullets made him take cover but you locked eyes with him. They were blue, similar to the color of your own eyes. His brown hair was shoulder length and half of his face was covered with a mask. But the most striking feature about him was his metal arm that shone under the California sun. 
Finding his car wasn’t hard and it was unlocked when you opened the backseat. You slammed the doors closed and tried to calm your racing heart. You mimicked the breathing technique your dad would do. Breathe in for 5 seconds and hold it for 5. In for 5 seconds and out for 5. Soon your heart rate calmed down but your eyes burned with unshed tears. They died, killed right in front of you. You heard voices outside the car and you covered your mouth to keep quiet. His windows were tinted so they couldn’t see in but they would be able to hear you. 
More gunshots and yelling made you yelp and the silhouettes of the men outside disappeared. You removed your hand and listened outside. Soon the car door swung open. You bite back a scream that almost left your lips. “Hey, it’s okay,” you weren’t expecting a woman with red hair and green eyes wearing a black tactical suit. You knew her. Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, and Avenger. “You're safe but I need you to come with me,” you stayed frozen, staring at the woman in front of you. “Look, we are running out of time. Please come with me.” She held out her hand and you took it, hoping you could trust her. 
This wasn’t how Natasha wanted to meet you. She had so many other ways that didn’t involve your adoptive parents murdered and an assassin who happens to be your biological father hunting you. Nothing was easy for the Black Widow. “Put this on,” she handed you a helmet. “Get on,” she got on the motorcycle and she felt you get on behind her, hesitant arms wrapping around her waist. Natasha kicked up the kickstand and the engine came to life. “I got her,” she said over the comms. 
“Well, you got company,” Maria said. Natasha looked behind her and saw 3 vans turning down the street; they were one and the Winter Soldier handing out the window with an AK-47. “Stick to the side streets,” she continued. “I’ll get you both back safely.” Natasha trusted Maria to do just that and started to drive. 
“You have to trust me, okay? When I lean, you lean,” Natasha said over the wind. “If you don’t, they will catch us and kill you.” She wasn’t sure if you heard her until she felt your head and squeezed her waist. 
“Take your next right,” Natasha let out a shaky breath and turned right. Your body leaned with hers. Okay, the Black Widow thought, maybe they’d get through this. 
The motorcycle stopped and you took off the helmet. You were in an alley between 2 apartment buildings. The Black Widow got off and helped you down, your legs shook and were a little unsteady. “Come on,” she said, leading you to a door. “We can rest soon.” She opened the door and led you up 2 flights of stairs. The redhead stopped at a door, room 324, and knocked three times. It took a minute for the door to open. In front of you was a woman with black hair, pulled back into a bun. Her brown eyes were sharp but they landed on Natasha and they softened. 
“Glad you're alive,” she said, stepping out of the way. You hesitated but followed the Black Widow inside the apartment. 
“Did you have that little faith?” Natasha teased sitting on the couch. You could see the tension leave her body. 
“What the heck is going on?” You asked. “I just watched my parents die in front of me, a mystery man with a metal man was chasing me, and an Avenger shows up,” you looked at the other woman. “I have no idea who you are or what is going on.” 
“I’m Maria,” she waved, sitting down next to Natasha. It was nice to have her name but that did not answer any of your questions. 
“We can’t tell you everything right now but you're safe here,” Natasha said. You stared at the redhead, the color so similar to your own. Now that you looked at the Avenger you saw a lot of your features in her. 
“How can I feel safe when you won’t tell me the truth?” Her green eyes locked onto your blue ones and she looked away. 
“We can’t,” she said. “Not right now.” Your jaw clenched. 
“We may be here for a while,” Maria said, standing up. “I’ll show you to your room.” You continued to stare at the Black Widow, wanting her to look at you or wanting to grab her by her shoulders and yell - ‘are you my mother?’ but she wouldn’t look at you. You sighed, following Maria. 
“Here you go,” it was a simple room. A bed pushed up in the corner, no TV or posters of any kind. It was a stark contrast to your room. “I know this isn’t ideal,” you skimmed your hand over the bedsheets. “But we will keep you safe.” You looked at Maria. 
“She’s my mom, right?” Maria had an excellent poker face but it was a game you’ve been playing since you could talk. She was surprised by your statement so there were a few ways she could go about this; lie, tell the truth, or deflect. You were leaning towards deflection. 
“There are take-out menus on the fridge, figure out what you want to eat.” Deflection. It was the easiest way, to tell the truth without betraying someone’s trust. 
“Right,” you sat down on the bed. “Thanks.” She nodded. 
“Come find us if you need anything,” you didn’t respond as she closed the door. You leaned against the wall, looking out the window to the street down below. People were going about their day unaware of how your life was altered forever. 
“How is she?” Clint asked over the computer. They just finished a meeting with the rest of the team back in New York to come up with the next phase of the plan. She ignored Tony's thousand and one questions regarding you. Overall he seemed hurt she never told him, since ‘we’ve been through so much together.’ Natasha felt bad, they were her team, her family but sometimes the thought of you hurt too much. But a plan was made which consisted of you, Maria, and Natasha to head to Norway to lay low while the rest of the teams tracked and captured the Winter Soldier. Easier said than done. Now she was only talking with Yelena and Clint while Maria tried to get you to eat. 
“She’s quiet,” Natasha knew that was to be expected. “She hasn’t said anything since Maria showed her to her room.”
“Does she know?” Yelena asked. Natasha sighed, nodding her head. 
“Yeah, she asked Maria but she didn’t give her a yes or now,” You were smart, maybe a little too smart. “But I haven’t told her.” 
“Are you going to?”
“Do we know how they found her?” Natasha deflected. She didn’t have an answer to Yelena’s question. Clint nodded. 
“Her adoptive father got into some gambling debts,” he said. “Ripped off the wrong people.” 
“But why go after her?” Yelena questioned. “Why do they want her alive?” Now Natasha knew that answer. She pinched the bridge of her nose. 
“Her biological father is the Winter Soldier,” she told them. “That is why they are after her. If she falls into the wrong hands, she could be an unstoppable weapon.”
You couldn’t sleep. Every time you close your eyes, you saw the metal man with a gun and your parents dead at your feet. Natasha came into your room to tell you that all three of you would be leaving bright and early and to try to get some sleep. You didn’t respond as she left saying goodnight. So you lay awake, staring up at the ceiling. Finally, you sighed and stood up leaving your small room to venture into the rest of the apartment. The other bedroom was on the opposite side of the apartment but you tried to be quiet as you went through the bare kitchen. In the last drawer you opened, you found what you were looking for. A single deck of cards. You grabbed it and sat down at the dining room table. Game night was common practice that took place with you and your parents almost every night. At a young age, they taught you poker, blackjack, pitch, rummy, and spades. You never left home without a deck of cards as a simple game of poker square or solitaire could calm your racing mind. So, you set up a poker square game. It was a game of strategy, patience, and a little bit of luck unless you could count cards. Another skill your parents taught you. “Couldn’t sleep?” The Black Widow questioned. You didn’t answer, glancing up at the redhead as she got two bottles of water and sat across from you. “What are you playing?” 
“Poker,” you answered. 
“Poker? Aren’t you a little young to know how to play poker?” You rolled your eyes. It was the same thing said to you by every adult when they found out you could play. 
“Poker isn’t just a way to gamble all the money in your pocket,” you didn’t look away from the cards. “It can teach you emotional stability in changing situations, to think analytically, and how to read people. But also how to be deceptive, you have to make everyone believe you have something in your hand when in reality you have something else,” Finally, you looked up at the Black Widow. “You’d be good at it. Your poker face is shit though.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“You know I thought about you all the time,” you went back to your game. “It kept me up some nights questioning why my mother gave me up. Maybe I wasn’t good enough or a mistake or she didn’t love me,” a glance up and you saw everything you needed in her eyes. They softened as her other facial features stayed stoic. 
“Not your mom, kid,” she lied. 
“From an emotional standpoint, sure, you aren’t. But biologically, I know I share your DNA,” you flipped the last card, placing it in the final spot. Taking a moment to look over how you did, you gathered up the cards again. “Shit poker face remember. It’s all in your eyes, they give too much away,” you shuffled the cards and began to play again. “Not that it’s a bad thing,” you added quickly, not wanting to offend the woman sitting across from you. “Just surprising,” you took a sip of water she gave you. “Can I ask you something?” 
“Go for it,” she said. “You can ask but that doesn’t mean I’ll answer.” Her smirk mirrored your own. 
“Say we don’t share any biological relation, why would the Avengers come and save me?” You began to play again. “I'm nobody,” you said. “It would probably cost less to have them kill me,” you saw her flinch slightly at your blunt comment. 
“You're not the only one he’s after,” you looked up at her. 
“Why?” You questioned. 
“I don’t know,” she answered. You hummed, nodding your head. 
“First time you were honest with me,” you cleaned up the cards. “Goodnight, Natasha,” you took the cards and the water bottle.
“Night, kid,” her voice followed you to the room. When the door closed, you rested your back against it. Your poker face was failing. You felt the cracks. Letting out a shaky breath, you pulled back the covers and climbed in. You were surprised at how quickly you fell asleep. 
Norway was beautiful. It was your first time leaving the country. You sat in the backseat of the white car with Maria in the passenger seat and Natasha was driving. You stayed quiet, playing with the charm around your neck. It was a turtle dove, a  Christmas gift from Agent Cruise, who had a matching charm. You wondered if he was okay. Maria tried to make conversation asking about your likes and dislikes. You kept your answers short. Natasha drove through a dirt road through the woods and when the car emerged you saw a camper in the middle of a clearing. The driver's side window was down and you heard water. There was nothing for miles around. “It’s not much but we’ll stay safe,” Natasha said, parking the car. Maria got out and opened your door for you to get out. The wind caused goosebumps to form on your skin as you followed the couple. 
The camper was simple, a couch that faced a small TV and a kitchen. Natasha walked towards the main bedroom, passing a bathroom. When she opened the bedroom door, there was a man fast asleep on top of the bed. The Black Widow hit the man on his foot, who jerked awake. “You're in our bed.”
“I’m..I’m not even under the covers,” he sat up, looking at Maria then you. “You're new. Who are you?” His voice was laced with a British accent. 
“I’m not telling you,” you said, not missing the way Natasha smiled at you. 
“Did you get everything on my list?” Natasha asked, walking back into the main part of the camper. You sat down on the couch as the three adults stood around the kitchen countertop. 
“Got passports, entry visas, and a couple of local driver’s licenses,” he handed the couple a white envelope. “There is a generator outside. It’s petrol-powered and the septic tank will need a flush in a couple of weeks,” he spun around, leaning against the counter. He was looking at you. “You’ll have to haul your rubbish into town. It’s about a 20-minute drive,” he continued. Finally, you couldn’t help but stare at him. 
“Can I help you?” You questioned. He smiled. 
“No, just looking,” you rolled your eyes. 
“Take a picture and it’ll last longer,” you mumbled, standing up and leaving the camper. You followed the sound of running water to a small stream. You sat on the bank and got lost in the water. 
“She’s a spitfire,” Mason said, turning to face the couple. Maria picked up the envelope on the counter and hit his arm. “Ow, what was that for?” He rubbed the spot that was just hit. 
“Leave her alone,” Maria said. “You're lucky I hit you and she didn’t.” Mason rolled his eyes.
“Does she know?’ He questioned. “She must, right?” Natasha walked over to the window and watched you. You were kneeling by the steam’s edge. “I mean it’s like I’m seeing double.” Mason continued. 
“She does,” Natasha whispered. “Not sure how she feels about it.” 
“Have you asked?” He asked, standing behind her. The Black Widow shook her head. 
“She’s been through a lot. I don’t want to add more to it.” 
The three of you fell into a routine. You slept on the pullout couch while Maria and Natasha were in the main bedroom. By the time the Black Widow was up for her morning run, you were up playing with the deck of cards you brought from the apartment. Maria would cook breakfast and the two Avengers spent the majority of the day doing Avenger duties, trying to help their teammates in any way. While they were doing that, you explored the surrounding woods and walked up and down the creek. When they needed to go into town, you went with them and a movie to end the night. Repeat. Repeat. And repeat. The repetition of the days wasn’t bothering you but the lack of conversation with the Black Widow was driving you insane. Maria was making an effort and you enjoyed talking and playing cards with her. Every time Maria invited Natasha but she would turn her down, coming up with a bullshit excuse. You knew what she was doing. She was building a wall between you and her. It would be fine if you didn’t catch her longing looks at you or hear Maria and Natasha fight one night when they thought you were asleep. Maria called her girlfriend out on her stand-offish behavior and Natasha claimed it was better off this way, it was only temporary.
Temporary. You were only a mission. Once the metal-armed man was dealt with you would go back home. But where was home? The only parents you knew were dead, no one spoke about Agent Cruise, and you were beginning to feel safe with the couple. Even though Natasha’s behavior was upsetting you. You wanted her to acknowledge you so were going to push her buttons. 
She just got off a meeting with the other Avengers and you heard the last of it as you came back into the camper for some water. The man disappeared. There were no signs of him. Natasha sighed, closing her laptop. You stared at the Black Widow from the kitchen, finished the glass of water, and placed it on the counter. “I want to go home,” you suddenly said. Her head snapped to you, you thought she was going to give herself whiplash. “They said he’s gone so it’s safe for me to go home.”
“And where are you going to go?” She questioned. Your jaw clenched. 
“Anywhere is better than here,” you mumbled, ignoring the flash of hurt across Natasha’s face and walking back outside. You heard Natasha behind you. 
“You know if you go back to the States he’ll kill you,” you stopped. “That is what he’s waiting for you. He will find you and kill you.” 
“Then use me as bait,” you turned to face her. “Have the Avengers stand guard, he’ll come, you’ll play hero, and we’ll go our separate ways.” 
“That’s not happening,” her face was hard to read, not even you could read her eyes. She had been practicing. Shit. “Even if I thought that was a good idea, which it isn’t. You aren’t ready,” you heard a car pull up as Maria returned from a quick trip to the store. “You have no idea how to survive in this world. It will chew you up and spit you out.” 
“I hate you,” you said, tears swelling in her eyes. You couldn’t help it. Natasha shook her head. 
“No, you don’t. Shit poker face. Your eyes give away too much,” repeated the same thing you said to her. “Not that it’s bad, just surprising.”  
“Screw you,” you snapped and ran towards the woods, ignoring Maria calling your name. 
“Do I even want to know what happened?” Maria asked. Natasha put her hands on her hips and looked down at the grass. 
“She wants to go home and I told her that as soon as she sets foot into the States he’ll kill her,” she sighed. “She said we could use her as bait and I may have said some other hurtful things.” Natasha heard her girlfriend sigh and walk over to her. With gentle hands, she lifted Natasha’s head to force her to look up. Green eyes stared into warm brown ones. 
“Why are you pushing her away, my love?” Maria whispered, gently pushing away a tear. Natasha didn’t realize she was crying. 
“This won’t last,” Natasha whispered. “Once she’s safe she’ll go back to a new family and I’ll never see her again. I can’t,” she cleared her throat. “I can’t handle growing close to her and then having her ripped away from me,” Maria brought her into a hug, cradling her head. Natasha felt her fingers run through her hair. Maria’s steady heartbeat helped the Black Widow’s heart calm down. Maria smelt like sandalwood and rain but it reminded Natasha of home. Maria stepped back, keeping her arms wrapped around her. 
“But wouldn’t a little pain be worth it so you experience having her now as you’ve always dreamt about,” Maria pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. “Love her now because you have the chance to.” Natasha let out a shaky breath. 
“I love you,” the Russian whispered. “I don’t think I could do this without you.” Maria kissed her softly. 
“I’m not going anywhere, baby, I’m right here.” 
“Kid,” you spun around to see the Black Widow behind you. You weren’t surprised she found you on a small rock near the stream’s edge. “You said you want to go home fine but I’m going to train you.” 
“Train?” You questioned. 
“Yes,” she crossed her arms. “Once word gets out who you are, that man won’t be the only one after you. I was right when I said you won’t survive this world so I’m going to make sure you can. I won’t always be around to save you,” she added on quickly. Her statement made your stomach drop but there was a crack in her pocket face. She was lying. 
“Okay,” you whispered, instead of calling her out on it. 
“Okay,” Natasha repeated. “Come on, Maria is cooking enchiladas.” You stood up, wiping the dirt off your pants, and followed the Black Widow back to the camper. 
Training started the following morning. You were up when Natasha went for her run and you joined her. It's been a while since you had to use your full speed to catch up with someone. Natasha was a lot faster than your 5th-grade classmates. After you ran, it was a quick breakfast then strength training and hand-to-hand combat. Maria would stop the two of you for lunch then it was weapon training. That was your favorite. Instead of nightly movies, you spent your time watching fight sequences and going over old mission reports to enhance your battle strategy.
It has hard and back-breaking work but you loved it. It reminded you of when your dad would take you to his poker games and gave you the job of reading his opponents. No one expected a little girl to have a better poker face than a 40-year-old man. Even though Natasha was yelling orders at you, it was the closest you felt to the Black Widow. Was it the healthiest way to bond with the mother that abandoned you? No, but she and Maria were all you had. You liked the proud smile Natasha tried to hide when you did something well or Maria’s gentle hands to help clean the cuts and bruises you received from the day’s training. It was nice, you felt like a family no matter how grueling the training sessions were. 
“You're holding back,” Natasha said. You were sparing with the Black Widow with Maria off to the side, watching. You were exhausted. The couple already put you through a 5-mile run and intense strength training. Natasha promised this was the last thing for the day if you managed to pin her. Easier said than done. “Come on, kid, push.” 
“I’m trying,” you said, putting your hands over your head, trying to get more air in your lungs. 
“When you're tired this is how you grow and learn. Now come get me,” you rushed her but Natasha grabbed your arm and threw you back to the ground. You groaned, staring up at the blue sky. “Come on get up. Do you think he’ll or anyone will let you have a break?” You huffed and stood back up. “This is how you survive. You get knocked down 100 times and you keep getting up because if you don’t you will die.” You sighed, wiping the sweat off your forehead. Think and breathe. Think and breathe. It was like a game of poker. You had to make her think you were going to do something then change your attack. Who knew your parents were training you to be an Avenger? Natasha said you were holding back so you weren’t going to. You sighed, bouncing on your toes, and sprinted towards her. She expected it since it was the same move you went for prior but when she went to grab your arm, you grabbed her and twisted it behind her back. She was quick to escape and you jumped back, creating distance between you and her. There was a smile dancing on her lips but you ignored it. You had to focus. 
She made the first move and punched with her right but you blocked it with your forearm. You blocked a few of her blows and hit her a few times in the stomach. She stumbled backward and you surged forward. You grabbed one of her arms and the other went behind her neck. You turned into her, sticking your right foot into her leg, and used the momentum to fling her over your body and onto the ground. You put your knee into her chest and stared down at her. You stared at your reflection in her green eyes. You didn’t recognize the look in your blue eyes but you’ve seen it before. The man with the metal arm had the same look in his blue eyes. It scared you, seeing your eyes void of all emotions and mimicking the glare of that man. Your eyes were dark, losing the light that your parents loved so much. They were void of the color so many people envied. You were terrified of yourself. 
With shaky legs, you stepped away from Natasha and Maria was already walking over. “That man who's after me, what’s his name?” You asked, trying to keep your voice from shaking. Natasha stood up and the couple had a silent conversation with one another. 
“He’s called the Winter Soldier,” Maria said. “HYDRA’s deadliest assassin.” You recognized the name HYDRA, a name said in passing at one of your dad’s poker games. You looked at Natasha. 
“Who is he to me?” You questioned. Her jaw clenched. “Tell me!” You demanded.
“He’s your father,” she said simply. You weren’t sure if it made it worse or better. “The Red Room decided to work along with HYDRA to create the perfect weapon,” there was a deep sadness edged in every one of her words. She looked away from you and towards the woods. Your stomach turned. You were a product of a forced relationship. 
“Does he know?” Natasha shrugged. 
“I don’t know,” her voice shook. “They did this horrible thing to reset him and wipe his memory. I don’t even think he remembers me,” Maria gently took her girlfriend’s hand in hers. You felt cold all of a sudden. Every one of the weird quirks that made you different now had an explanation. 
“Uh okay,” you nodded your head. “I need a minute.” You turned around and walked into the camper, making a beeline for the bathroom and closing the door behind you. Your hands shook as you turned on the water and splashed water on your face. You tried to regulate your breathing; in for 5, out for 5, in for 5, and out for 5 but it wasn’t helping. Bile was rising in your throat. Did Natasha have a choice? Did they have a relationship together or was it forced? You closed the toilet seat and you sat down, your legs finally gave out. 
HYDRA was a name whispered once or twice at your dad’s poker game. Your parents must have known who your biological parents were. Did they care? Did they realize the mistake they made before it was too late? You sighed, biting down on a towel and letting out a scream. You hoped the towel would muffle it. 
Maria found you sitting on the couch with one of Natasha’s pistols and a timer. Like playing poker or another card game, you found that dismantling a gun and putting it back together calmed your racing mind. You glanced at the agent. “Where’s Nat?” You asked. 
“Ran to the store,” you nodded. Maria sat down next to you, taking the gun from your hands. “Maybe we should talk instead of playing with a gun.” 
“There is nothing to talk about,” you stared at the TV. “I mean I find out my biological mother is an Avenger and my father is a feared assassin who is trying to kill me,” you felt your throat burn as tears threatened to escape. “My adoptive parents are dead and I’m pretty sure they were the reason he found me,” you folded your hands together, squeezing them. “I finally have answers to so many questions but now I don’t want them because I feel so alone,” you sighed, angrily whipping your face. “But I’m so fucking fine.” 
“Language,” she gasped. You looked at the woman and laughed at the teasing smile on her face. “I want to show you something,” she stood up and grabbed a small box next to the TV. She handed it to you. “It was part of the arrangement,” you opened the box and saw pictures of you at all stages of your life. “Natasha agreed to give you up in return she got pictures of you and was notified if you were in trouble.” Maria sighed, picking up one of the pictures. “I know it’s very hard to see but she loves you very much even if she doesn’t say it,” you closed the box, whipping away a tear that fell. “And you aren’t alone. You have us.” 
“But when the mission is over, what happens to me then?” You asked. 
“What do you want?” You weren’t expecting the question, not thinking you had a choice in the matter. 
“I know what I want,” you answered. “But I don’t think I can have it.”
Natasha didn’t join you and Maria for dinner. She was outside, drinking from a bottle of vodka when you joined her. The only light was from the stars and the small camping light. You sat down next to her on the top of the picnic table. “Are you hungry?” You asked. “I can go get you something.” She smiled. 
“Not hungry, kid, but thank you.” You nodded, watching her take another sip from the bottle. 
“I’m sorry,” you told her, looking up at the stars so you couldn’t see her face. “This probably hasn’t been easy for you since I’m a constant reminder of everything. Plus I know I haven’t made it easy for you.” 
“This is not your fault. I should have been honest with you from the beginning. It just,” Natasha sighed. “Hurt too much.” You nodded, that you understood. Silence fell between you and her. 
“I asked Maria what was going to happen to me once the Winter Soldier situation was over. She asked what I wanted,” you looked at her. “Do you know what I want?” You asked. She shook her head. “I want to go live with you and Maria and meet the other Avengers.” The shock was evident on her face. 
“Why?” She whispered. 
“Because you're my mom,” you whispered back. “And I know I’ll be safe as long as I’m with you.” Natasha let out a breathless laugh, shaking her head. 
“Your innocence was stolen because of all this,” she whispered, pushing some of your red hair behind your ear. “I will send out an army to find you even in the middle of the darkest nights. I will rescue you,” she whipped away a few of your tears that fell. You didn’t realize you were crying. “There is no distance that cannot be covered. I’ll be your shelter and armor. There was never a moment you were forgotten or I wasn’t thinking about you.”
“I can’t,” your voice shook. “I can’t lose any more people in my life. I think it will break me.” She pulled you into a hug and something inside you snapped. You cried. You finally cried against her. 
“Sh, dorogoy (sweetheart),” Natasha whispered, rubbing soothing circles on your back. “I’m right here. I won’t go anywhere.” You heard the camper door open but you didn’t move from the Black Widow’s arms. You felt the table move as Maria sat down on your other side. Without looking you intertwined your fingers with Maria. She squeezed your hand. “We won’t leave you. We are right here.” You nodded your head against Natasha. You so wanted to believe them but there was a theme of people coming into your life and leaving. Maybe you were the problem. 
“Come on, sweetheart,” Maria whispered. “Let’s go to bed. We have a long day tomorrow.” You nodded, removing yourself from Natasha. ‘Along the day,’ you thought, ‘It’s been the longest few weeks of your life. What’s one more long day?’ 
Part 2                                                                                    
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iblameashley · 1 year
I'm punny and you know it.
Civilian | Male | Gay
1,608 words Content: Minor warning for mention of panic attack. follow up to Friental - My Personal Friend Rental.
Simon ’Ghost’ Riley | Male/GN Reader
You've had a few meeting with this Si guy now, but he's inviting you over to his flat? Well, its not against the rules, but you're surprised to say the least.
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(Thanks to @loneghostwolf for permission to use this image)
You learned from the last time, and as Si opened the door to his flat, you clasped your hands behind your back. 'No touching' you reminded yourself. 'And be respectful.' this was you first time at his Flat. A shock that after only four in-person meetings, he'd agree to.
Si opened the door, masked, as per the agreement and looked you over. Always with the suspicion. You kind of liked it, mostly because you could only be less of a threat. His hair was still unruly, and you suspected he normally wore a hat of some kind. His eyes were a little more sunken than usual. They were puffy and dry.
He stepped out of the way, and ushered you inside.
“I like the mask.” You said as you entered his flat. It was new, well, for you. A jawbone pattern splashed across his face.
He grunted and closed the door.
You glanced around, taking in the simplicity of the space. "Nice place you've got here. It's cozy." Simon looked around. "It's functional."
'Oh thank fuck.' you thought. 'won't have to elaborate on that, at least.' This place was sparse to say the least. It looked like he was either moving in, or out.
His living space was minimalistic, with a few practical items scattered around—a small coffee table, a bookshelf filled with manuals and classics, and a modest-sized TV. The walls were adorned with a few framed photographs nondescript people you were sure he wasn't going to tell you about. There was also a world map marked with red pins, you figured they indicated places he had travelled. The atmosphere was quiet and chilled, reflecting Simon's personality as you knew it.
You settled on the pristine couch, maintaining a respectable distance between you two, as per Si's rule. You propped yourself against the armrest so you could look at him. He was reclining with his hands once again in his hoodie pockets. His gaze was firmly affixed to the TV that was on a news channel, muted.
“So remember last time we met I was telling you about my sister?” You began. He nodded and you continued. “Well, she's planning to come visit soon. She's bringing my niece with her as well. Nether of them have been on this side of the pond.” You were getting excited.
He looked at you with a tilted head. He was interested. Rule four. You were starting to understand him and his nuances.
“She's gonna be here for a month, so I may need to postpone some of our meetings. Thats something I though we could discuss later?”
“Mmm.” He grunted. A simple acknowledgement. A fact.
“Excellent. I rarely get to see them, and my niece is turning ten soon, so I want to celebrate her birthday while shes in England.”
You went off on a tangent of family drama and stories of your rivalry you had with your sister as a child. How you used to absolutely torment each other with pranks, jokes and sometimes fights. But there was always a hint of love in your words. Fondness.
Simon sat there and listened with his utmost attention. He liked having you talk. He liked that he could deep dive into your voice and forget the ones in his head that clawed at his ears and neck. Voices of the dead, or the ones he wished were dead. Or just the demons that haunted him when he was allowed to be along with himself for too long. But mostly, he was grateful to not have to talk about work, or hear people talk about his work.
He appreciated the one-four-one team, even Soap. But all he had in common with them was the military, death and endless missions. The aches and pains of his failing body as his career took its tole on him. He assumed the nightmares came for them as well. He didn't want that. He wanted to try feeling normal. This was normal.
Your eyes turned to the map on the wall. You looked at North America and saw several red pins. To your surprise, one appeared to be pinned to a port-city you grew up near. You knew there was a military base there, and with the books and sparse nature of his apartment, it started to click.
“You travel a lot, it seems.” You finally say. “Or did the pins come with the map?” You joked.
He turned away from you. Rule four again. You knew there was at least a hint of a smile pulling at the sides of his mouth. He'd never show you, but it made you happy to know he had a sense of humour.
“They came as a set.” He finally said. He flashed you a glace.
You smiled and quietly laughed. You knew he was pulling your leg, but it was nice. He rarely spoke, so you had to enjoy those times he did. But he was also a roller coaster of moods, sometimes you thought you had him opening up, the next minutes he'd shut down. Your last appointment with him, he booked you for two hours and you both sat in silence for the last forty-five minutes after you had made a comment that didn't quite land with him.
You sighed a breath of relief when he booked another appointment with you a couple of days later. Which lead you to tonight.
You didn't know what cause the sudden change in his mood, but his eyes had been locked on the TV. By the time you had looked over, the report must have ended.
Simon's heart rate quickened, and a wave of unease washed over him. Memories flooded his mind, threatening to break through his carefully constructed walls. The weight of of his emotions pressed against his chest, constricting his breath. Even through the mask, you could tell something had happened. Simon's stoic expression tightened, his body rigid with tension. Every fiber of his being screamed at him to get you out of his flat, but he resisted. He was fighting to maintain his composure because he knew if he scared you, he'd lose his only distraction from work.
The chaos of his mind started to swirl around like a tornado, and his eyes fell to you. There were beads of sweat forming on his brow, and you knew you had to at least bend some of the rules.
“Si. You doing OK?” You asked with a hushed tone. You felt like you were attending to a wounded animal. “Need something?”
Simon shook his head. It was slow and methodical, and you weren't buying it.
You stood up and walked over to his kitchen and filled a glass full of water. You weren't exactly a doctor, so you didn't know what to you. But you did know what not to do. Gripping the cup tightly you marched back to Simon and held the glass in front of him, keeping as much distance as you could.
“Take it.” You said, shoving it forward.
He stared at you for a moment before he took it with a shaky hand. He looked at the glass of water, and then at you. How was he supposed to drink this? That was the thought you knew was rolling around in his head.
Wanting to respect the rules of your agreement. You moved to sit yourself down on the floor beside his coffee table; your back to his, and your eyes firmly fixed to the floor.
“You should drink that.” You said. “And take several deep breaths.”
You felt the tick-tick-ticking of time passing, and it seemed to last forever, until suddenly you heard the sound of Simon gulping down the water. He made a huff as he finished the water off and put the glass down on the coffee table with a 'clink'.
“Better?” You inquired.
You heard him shuffle on the couch and let out an indifferent grunt.
“Hey, Si?” You started, not moving from your place on the floor. You didn't wait for him to reply. “Why don't skeletons fight each other?”
There was another tick of time.
“Because they don't have guys.” You finished.
There was a low guttural chuckle that escaped his mouth. You felt his boot on your back, and he gave you a gentle push forward.
“Fucking terrible.” He said, the faint hint of his laugh still on his lips.
A wall had come down. You didn't know for how long, but it was important. He seemed to like the joke, so you cracked another.
“Why do scuba divers fall backwards off the boat?” You wait a beat. “Because if they fell forward they'd still be on the boat.”
“Heh.” He grunted.
“All good now? Can I turn back around?” You asked.
He gave you another push with his boot. You took that to mean 'yes' and took your place back on the far end of the couch.
Simon sat on the couch, tension still consuming his body, but he seemed calmer overall. He was clammy from the sweat that covered his forehead and he was breathing deeply. But he was calm. His eyes were impassive as they looked at you. He had asked you to keep talking, and you were happy to.
As you walked home from your meeting, your phone dinged with a notification. You had stayed longer than the allotted time and Simon was sending and updated payment for the extra hour you spent with him. You denied it, and shoved the phone back in your pocket.
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bluelocksource · 1 year
Karasu Tabito’s trivia (source: twt & Egoist Bible).
☆ Character's colour: Dark blue.
☆ Weapons: Keep (keep the ball from opponent), feint technique, and handwork (using hand or arm to block the opponent / to keep the distance from the opponent / to secure the play area).
☆ Nicknames: ‘Assassin’ and ‘Analyst’.
☆ Birthday: 15th August. (Obon festival)
☆ Current age: 18 (3rd year of high school)
☆ Zodiac: Leo.
☆ Birthplace: Osaka Prefecture.
☆ Family: Grandmother. Mother. Father. Older sister. Himself.
☆ Current height: 183 cm.
☆ Dominant foot: Right foot.
☆ Blood type: A.
☆ Starts playing football: At age 4.
☆ Team before joining BLUE LOCK: Bambi Osaka Youth (same team as Hiori) .
☆ Motto: "Never lose your intelligence and your curiosity!"
☆ Favorite food/drink: Kelp tea (kombucha). “It calms me.”
☆ Disliked food: Salmon roe. “The texture and fishy smell are unusual. It’s like eating a monster cells.”
☆ Favorite animal: Hawks. “I heard it has good sense in hunting." “Those sharp eyes and claws are marvelous.”
☆ Favorite season: Autumn. "I like the feeling of solitude."
☆ Favorite football player: Ruud van Nistelrooy
☆ Favorite song: “FLY” by GRAPEVINE.
☆ Favorite manga: GANTZ “The Osaka version. It’s just too awesome.”
☆ Favorite movie: “It’s a foreign movie, ‘Westworld’.”
☆ Favorite TV show: Documental (a comedy documentary program)
☆ Ideal type: Smart and strong woman.
☆ Hobby: Observing, analysing, and assessing people.
☆ Fixation: Voice/way of speaking. "I feel unusually aroused whenever I sense intelligence from the way a person speaks."
☆ Mushroom shoots vs Bamboo shoots: “Bamboo shoots. It’s pretty common but honestly, bamboo shoots.”
☆ What goes best with rice : Kimchi. “It’s good no matter how many times you eat it.”
☆ What makes him happy: To be left alone. “I want to live as I please, die as I please.”
☆ What makes him upset: Surprise presents. “It’s impossible to be happy in a forced atmosphere. I kind of feel bad.”
☆ What he thinks his strength is: Rational, calm, and determined.
☆ What he thinks his weakness is: He can't be kind to ordinary people. “I need to fix that.”
☆ Favorite/Best subject: Modern literature, Chemistry, and World History.
☆ Dislike/weak subject: Swimming. “I’m scared of water.”
☆ What made him cry recently: “Not gonna tell ya, idiot.”
☆ Usual sleeping time: 6.5 hours.
☆ Place he washes first when taking a bath: Hair. “My hair's too stiff from all the hair wax.”
☆ Number of chocolates received from previous Valentine: 6. “They’re definitely messing with me. I keep receiving bonbon whiskey.” (bonbon whiskey: chocolate confectionary that contains whiskey.)
☆ At what age he experiences first love: At age 8. “Marisa was the cutest girl in class. And then there’s ordinary me...”
☆ The first time he got confessed to: “Marisa confessed to me on elementary school graduation day ceremony. But since I’ll be playing soccer at a faraway middle school, I turned her down. Something like that. Nothing out of ordinary."
☆ What will he do if received 100 million yen: Invest in index funds.
☆ At what age he stops receiving presents from Santa: "Around 10 years old. I stopped because I want to be considerate of my parents."
☆ What was his last wish from Santa: PS4 & Winning Eleven.
☆ What will he do during his last day on Earth: “To be with someone important to me. If such a day comes, it’s good enough for me.”
* The crossed words are the changes made from twitter’s answer to the answer from Egoist Bible.
note: i want to apologize in advance for any mistake made in the translation!
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evallon-if · 2 years
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Evallon University, a place many believe to be more myth than real, is one that few have ever been privileged to see; at least where you’re from. However, it’s prominence over all within the world is known. Any who graduate with it’s seal are destined to have any job that they desire.
Of course, only the strongest are able to do so.
You never imagined that you’d be accepted into the ancient halls. Never anticipated that your fool hardy sisters plan would actually come to fruition; after all you just expected them to take one look at your application and scoff.
All of that changes on the eve of your eighteenth birthday when there’s a knock at the door.
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Customizable MC: name, nickname, appearance, sexuality, gender (M, F, and NB), hobbies, and more! Note: Portions of the MCs personality have been set in stone.
An Arthurian IF that takes a more modern twist on our favorite tale (and characters).
Romance 1 of 4 Love Interests (2 Male and 2 Female). From the Golden Boy of Evallon, some might even call him the King, to his seemingly disinterested half-sister.
Discover the secrets that echo throughout the ancient halls of Evallon, but make sure that you get enough sleep for your classes in the morning! You need to be prepared for the Exams.
Pass your classes or utterly fail them (or possibly find a middle ground). It’s up to you!
Discover your Familiar! Who will be a reflection of who you’ll become.
Will you become a Legend in the land many believe to be a myth?
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Arthur Drake [M] — The Golden Boy
Son of the Dean, Arthur Drake is known far and wide across the campus of Evallon. Though, one would expect Arthur to be stuck up, like a classic popular kid, but he’s one of the most down to Earth people you’ll ever have the privilege to meet. With a gentle smile, a golden heart, and keen wish to see everyone do well, it’s no wonder that so much people on campus adore him.
Appearance: Arthur stands at around 6’5” with ice blue eyes and sun kiss skin. His golden hair, almost like the sun itself, falls to just beneath his ears. Despite his boyish smile, the chiseled features of his face depict that of a warrior that won’t stand down to anyone if he believes strong enough. He has a muscular physique that makes him imposing (if it wasn’t for his tendency to smile and laugh).
Lance Reed [M] — The Best Friend
You’re not sure what to make of Lance, or Lancelot, Reed. All you have heard about him are tales of how he hurt his best friend, Arthur. You aren’t sure if the rumors are entirely accurate— after all you could still see the adoration Lance had for him— but the way in which Arthur avoids him gives some credence to them. Will you be able to crack through the shell that Lance has put up around himself?
Appearance: Lancelot stands at around 6’1” with impassive hazel eyes. Onyx black curls, that fall across his forehead haphazardly, pair well with the warm brown tone of his skin. His athletic physique is usually hidden behind various layers of clothing; as if he doesn’t wish to be seen.
Guinevere Prince [F] — The Queen
Even after her fallout with Arthur, again mere rumors give the reason why, Guinevere still remained on top. Of course, it could very well be because of her beauty and the elegance that seemed to exude from her. You aren’t quite sure what to make of Guinevere, but you can tell that not everything is as what it seems. After all, that seems to be the common theme within Evallon.
Appearance: Guinevere stands at around 5’6” with slate gray eyes. Golden brown hair falls to the middle of her back in soft curls, which pairs nicely with the light bronze tone of her skin. Her slender body, usually housed within ensembles of designer clothing, exudes a type of strength you’ve never seen before.
Morgana Lafayette [F] — The Enigma
A recent newcomer to Evallon, like you, Morgana certainly doesn’t seem to be a novice in anything. Not with the way she holds herself and definitely not in how she interacts with the world around her. You aren’t sure what to make of her. With the only concrete information you have being that she’s related to Arthur somehow. Will you be able to uncover what lays beneath her walls of ice and snark?
Appearance: Morgana stands at around 5’11” with cunning forest green eyes. Raven black hair falls to her hips in a cascade of waves, which pairs well with the fairness of her skin. Being able to give Guinevere a run for her money in terms of looks, Morgana doesn’t seem to care all that much about them. Her lean body being encased in whatever she finds most comfortable.
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1moreff-creator · 11 months
Happy Birthday Arei Naegishi!
I am so bad at remembering birthdays I almost missed this one. But it's still the third in my time zone, so I'm still gonna do it! Arei's our birthday girl, and the best character ever (<- her opinion) gets a birthday post too! Spoilers below the cut as always.
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-Arei's backstory was revealed in CH 2 EP 5. She was bullied heavily by her sisters, Fuyuko and Natsuko, and we see an example of them doing so by forcefully cutting part of the right side of her hair. You can even see, to this day, she seems to have more hair on her left than on her right. She also mentions "If [she] had to go to the hospital once or twice, then it was nothing more than a minor inconvenience for [her sisters]." Which, uh, huh. That's... quite awful. The point is that Arei hated her life back then, and rightfully hated her sisters as well.
-Despite that, it seems Arei tried to be kind for the longest time. She's far from an innately cruel person, but eventually, she felt the only way out was turning the table on her sisters and starting to bully them. Her secret is "Blackmailing, rumors, lying, stealing, slander. You did everything you could to ruin your sisters' lives" and she confessed that she framed them for everything she could to get them unlawfully sent to reform school. This included planting things in their bags and lying to authorities, as well as driving her mother's car into a ditch and blaming it on her sister drunk driving. Okay so bullying is maybe an understatement but the idea stands.
-And it worked! She managed to get them sent to reform school, and her life improved drastically. Morally dubious queen shit, etc. However, this made her develop a harmful ideology that being kind is a weakness and will get you treated badly. Which is why she acts unnecesarily mean during the killing game.
-However, deep down, Arei is still nice. She doesn't really like doing the things she does, she just feels they're necessary for her to survive. Even right before her secret reveal, she was trying to justify her actions to herself, saying it's normal for people to be like her:
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Arei (laughing nervously): You [David] do want to hear my secret after all. As I guessed, everyone has that burning curiosity inside of them to hear bad things about other people. It's not just me.
-Which is why Eden's existence led her to a breakdown. Because Eden is nice and kind and is exactly the type of person Arei thinks would be destroyed in """the real world.""" And yet, Eden keeps going, she's still nice. Eden is what Arei wishes she could have been, she sees her past Arei in current Eden. Which is why she bullied her originally; to "teach her how the world works." Because Arei doesn't want to do real harm, so it's better if she does it than someone else later down the line.
-That doesn't go well. She breaks down in front of David, who comforts her quite successfully... so much so that she seems to forget she wanted to talk to David about his secret oops.
-This is what leads to her apologizing to Eden and promising to be her friend and a better person... and then she died. Well, under the most common interpretation.
-Her birthday lands on November 3rd, just three days after Ace's. This coincides with:
+Fountain Pen Day (Min reference?)
+National Sandwich Day.
+National Homemaker Day.
+Jellyfish Day. (?)
+Give Someone a Dollar Day (??)
+Love Your Lawyer Day (???????)
Among other things. I still have no idea where these come from.
-The roman numeral assigned to her in the LGI MV is IV (4), a number associated with death because yeeeeaaaah... This is: "right now, why do you cry?"
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Ignoring the intentional mistranslation, this is probably just referencing Arei's breakdown in the playground.
-Color Theory (I'm sorry but I'm done linking that post) assigns her... well, I believe dark blue, so I'm going with that. This is cry, big and the Mandarin laugh (哈哈哈) in the rain scene.
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(The good thing about having done this fucking video is that I have all the damn screenshots you could ever ask for in relation to it)
"Cry" for the same reasoning as her numeral. "Big" in this context is "proud", which fits. And the laugh is long to explain, but basically it's the "applause crew" (Cheery David, Xander, Hu, Arei) overwhelming David. Watch that part of the video for a better explanation.
-Arei had an FTE with J, which she starts off by tickling her, later claiming she would, uhm.
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Arei: I'll tie you down and force you to wear maid dresses and bunny suits until you change your mind! [About acting girly]
Arei what. This screenshot feels like it should be fake what do you mean it's canon. It's great, don't get me wrong, it just feels extremely outta pocket. Listen, I (aro/ace) don't feel qualified to unpack whatever the fuck is going on here, I'm just gonna leave this to the shippers.
-What I will unpack is the other stuff in the FTE related to Arei. Which is-
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Arei: C'mere! I'll tickle you until you laugh so hard that your heart stops! Then I'll defibrillate you and tickle you some more! Tickle tickle tickle!
I said the OTHER stuff
-Mainly, that she feels like being the favorite child would be great (you can figure out why yourself I imagine), and she likes acting girly.
-We also learn she categorizes people based on how she likes to bully them. "Cool and suave wannabe boys" like J (as in, she acts like a boy who tries and fails to be cool and suave), "spineless pushovers" like Levi (she "uses as maids"), "adorably sweet people" like Eden (she """likes""" to make them cry), and the people who don't like her, which would presumably include her sisters, as she says she likes to destroy these people's lives. Foreshadowing!
Fun facts!
-She likes gossip and dislikes being ignored.
-Her subtitle quote in the cast page is "If I tell you a secret, will you promise to keep it?" Which is insane foreshadowing given the chapter she (allegedly) died in.
-Her secret quote is "Because that’s what friends do", which she said to Eden in the trial flashback. The quote associated to her in Mai's page is "She doesn’t like it when her friends fight." Friendship is evidently something of a running theme.
-She likes "cute" food (?), her favorite color is azure (because she's blue), her favorite ice cream flavor is birthday cake flavor (oh, fitting!). Her least favorite color is green because it "looks like puke", which... I wonder if it has something to do with being bullied by her sisters given the apparent hospital visits.
-Her name in Kanji is written 投石【なげ ・ いし】亜鈴【あ ・ れい】. Cool! Don't know what any of that means.
-Like most of the cast, her hair color is natural and she's American.
-She's ambidextrous! The only ambidextrous person in the cast, in fact, and the only one apart from Teruko to not be a righty.
Finally songs!
+Candle Queen by Ghost & Pals (literally her song, don't @ me)
+Those Who Carried On by Ghost & Pals (it's sorta a similar attitude to how she felt about Eden, do you see my vision?)
+SCAPEG∞AT by Ghost & Pals (I will make you all listen to Ghost & Pals!)
+Perfectly Sweet by Vane Lily
+Karma by CreepP
+Bad B!tch Magic by HalaCG + others
+i DO what i WANT by KIRA
+Aishite by Kikuo
+It's Not My Fault by DECO*27 (listen Milgram had to bleed into these eventually)
+Teen Idle by Marina and the Diamonds (again I think it works)
+Pyrite Girl by RIProducer / RIP (I think it works kinda at least)
And Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoy some birthday cake ice cream, girl! Go do it!
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doodles5555 · 5 months
Mary's Song (Oh my my my)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader, Steve Rogers x Adopted Sister!Reader
Summary: This fic will follow the lyrics of the song “Mary’s Song” by Taylor Swift
Word Count: 1500+
Warnings: None! A little angst at the end that is unresolved, but since this is just a blip in the character's lives, it will be ok by the beginning of the next chapter.
A/N: Here is some probably necessary information before starting: In this fic, all of our characters are a bit older than in the last one. Timelines and some details may be a bit wonky, but that's ok. I hope you enjoy!
p.s this is not a lyric fic, but instead, a fic that was inspired by the song
Chapter 2:
Sitting on the ground underneath the shade of the biggest tree in your backyard, you are focused on your favorite book, and your brother, Steve, is quietly humming to himself while working on some of his math homework. You can see the tip of his pencil moving around in smooth motions. You look over to the bright paper and see him doodling some pretty flowers on an expanding landscape, and you can imagine them in your mother's garden, the one your father built himself as a gift for your mother's birthday last year.
“That’s very pretty Stevie. You’re so talented, y’know that? I hope you do. One day, I’ll get to see your amazing artwork in a gallery. I just know it,” you ramble out before you even think about it. 
You see the corners of his smile tug upwards. You only wish he knew you really meant it. His skill is beyond his years. His teachers often comment about the doodles left on his classwork, about how he should take some art classes, to further his knowledge and skill. 
You had overheard your mother and father arguing about saving up some extra money, cutting any extra expenses to pay for any costs regarding the proposed extracurricular. Still, it ended up the same every time – Times were getting tougher, money was harder to come by, and panic was starting to settle like dust in the community. Any leftover profits from previous years were going to support your family. The stock market crashed only a few months ago, and you and Steve were none the wiser to how bad it truly had gotten.
“Maybe one day buttercup,” the nickname rolls off his tongue with ease for the commonality of its use, making his words sound sweeter than the undertones. Steve understood that your family was in an unfortunate situation and had grown poorer in the more recent months, noticing smaller dinners on the dining table and less familial outings, but he wouldn’t let that stop him from practicing and utilizing his drawing as a creative outlet. It helped him keep in touch with how he feels.
“Hey, Punk! Buttercup!” Shouting could be heard from the other side of the fence. As you turn toward the sound of the voice, you spot Bucky in the act of climbing over the worn-out fence surrounding your house. As his feet reach the ground, he races over to the shade the tree provides. He plops down at Steve’s feet, his eyes gazing upwards towards the paper in his hands. He snatches it, almost tearing the frail sheet with his tight grip. His blue eyes scan the paper intensely. The wide-eyed expression that lights up his face is priceless.
This wasn’t the first time that Bucky had seen one of Steve’s impressive drawings, but this one seemed to strike a chord in his brain. He just seems to be fascinated by the image.
“Wow, just wow,” Bucky is in awe of the gift that his best friend possesses. “So when will I be seeing this in a museum?” Bucky continues. Steve lets out a small chuckle, the idea absurd in his head.
“As cool as that would be, I already know that will not be my future.” You knew Steve always dreamed of joining the army and battling alongside other determined men and women defending the country, but that fantasy just wasn’t possible in his current state. You would never say anything to crush his persistence since the idea made him so happy, but you would always worry about his safety if he ever went through with it.
“As long as you’re happy, then we will support you, no matter what!” You smile. You meant what you said, and you know Bucky shares the sentiment. 
As the sun passes through the sky and falls below the horizon line, you and the boys start running around the yard and playing tag. Steve was huffing and puffing, needing to sit out for a second to avoid an angry asthma attack. You and Bucky had been playfully bickering while the time-out was called on Steve’s behalf.
“I was goin’ to get you, I just know it!” You exclaimed through hard breaths.
“Yeah, yeah, sure you were,” Bucky said with a good-natured eye roll. 
Sensing his playful spirit, you sprint towards him intending to knock him to the ground, but you can only slightly shake him off the spot where he stands.
“Oh, you’re asking for it, Buttercup!” He tries to grab you from where you are, but you swiftly dodge his hands, barely escaping his grip. You run in towards Steve, trying to hide behind him while he is still recovering. Bucky wouldn’t want to hurt Steve by accident just to get to you, right?
Before you can even test that thought, Bucky manages to get a hold on the back of your shirt, slowing you down just enough for him to be able to strengthen his grasp on you. He throws you over his shoulder, and you shriek in surprise.
“Let me down, you goof!” Giggles are pouring from your mouth as Bucky carries you towards the big oak tree. You start to lightly hit his back as a signal for him to put you down on the solid dirt. As he starts to do so, your unstable legs accidentally make you stumble and start to fall. Unluckily for Bucky, he was still holding on to you, so you end up as a clump of bodies on the ground. You can hear Steve shout from the other side of the yard, most likely asking if you are both okay. You holler a confirmation before assessing the situation you have gotten yourself into.
Bucky adjusts himself so that his body is hovering over yours, his body being propped up above you. You can’t seem to stop staring at his eyes. They have you in some sort of powerful trance; you can’t escape if you try, but you don’t want to stop. Bucky seems to share the sentiment because your eye contact goes unbroken for what feels like minutes. You see Bucky’s mouth start to move, but what he says doesn’t register in your ears. Before you can process what you are about to say, it spills from your parted lips.
“Kiss me,” your words are breathless. Your face surely mirrors Bucky's expression; The shock is evident, but he isn’t off put by the idea. He nods, the motion so small that you barely catch it. 
He wants to kiss you. You want to kiss him. This recurring dream is coming to life right before you. This is all you have wanted since you realized your emotions for Bucky are more than platonic. He leans in, now inches from your face.
You freeze.
Every other thought bouncing around seized to a stop at that moment. You start to scramble out of Bucky’s gentle hold, untangling your body as quickly as you possibly can. Your panic is palpable. You hustle to your feet and book it towards Steve. You look over your shoulder to interpret the situation you ran away from. The regret starts to simmer beneath the flush on your skin.
Bucky’s face doesn’t show much emotion, but you can read the disappointment in his body language. His shoulders are slumped and his demeanor is troubled, almost as if he is grieving the loss of your body from under his. You automatically feel like a jerk. In your frenzy, you didn’t even think how Bucky would react to your sudden frantic disinterest in an innocent kiss.
The tears started to well in your eyes. You stammer out an excuse to head back inside the house to the comfort of your room before you let the drops roll down your cheeks.
A few days have come and passed since the “incident” with Bucky, and you have been trying to avoid him. You know he feels whatever it is that is bubbling inside of you, but your embarrassment has stopped you from trying to fix the mess that you created. The consequences of your actions are starting to catch up with you. You are miserable without his companionship. Even Steve has started making comments about Bucky’s sudden absenteeism from your days under the oak tree. You want to mend the tear you created in your friendship, but the uncertainty of how Bucky may react is sending you in the complete opposite direction. 
Growing up alongside each other has created a special bond between the two of you. You never had many friends, seemingly always on the outside of everyone in your year at school. You were also not a stranger to rude remarks and getting into fights trying to defend your honor. Everything culminated in your only friends being your brother and his best friend. 
Were you lonely at school? Yes, but that didn’t matter because once you reached your front porch, you had everyone you needed at your fingertips. 
Now that one of the members of your tiny group was consistently missing, it felt as though a piece of the puzzle was missing, just shy of being complete. You know you need to fix the mess you created, but you are unsure of how to do so.
Oh my my my…
A/N: Thanks for reading! I am a very busy college student, so it may take a while for me to get to writing and posting part 3, but I will do my best for it to come out sooner rather than later. Have a great rest of your day/night!
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hello-nichya-here · 8 months
What's your favourite godly parent/demigods child relationship? Except Percy and Poseidon cause that's too easy. What dynamic do you find the most interesting?
I love Percy and Poseidon's dynamic (especially because it led to Sally's brain going blue screen when her ex randomly showed up at her house one day to eat a birthday cake with their baby boy), but it is actually my second favorite.
Hades and Nico is my number 1 pick because it is MESSY. Like, Hades was totally in love with Nico and Bianca's mom and wanted to protect her and their babies. Then after her death, and him assuring they're hidden and safe he just... never sees his kids again, even though no one else knows they exist and thus at least checking on them wouldn't be too dangerous.
Then they're found and taken to camp half-blood, Bianca goes on a mission and dies - and Nico moves in with his dad. His dad that gives lots of cool things and awesome powers (and leading to bizarre chapter name/plot that was "Nico Buys Happy Meals For The Dead")... yet that casually says something as horrible as "I wish your sister had been the one to survive, by the way."
Yet despite this, Nico is the one who manages to talk Hades into helping the other gods win the war. BUT Hades is annoyed his son is interested in a descendent of Poseidon who just also happens to be the hero that made his life mission to annoy as many greek (and roman) gods as possible. And Nico literally admits to himself that he is constantly fighting the urge to just kick his dad in the balls and run.
And, finally, there's the scene in the catacombs. It's my favorite scene in the book, in that particular saga, and one of my favorites in everything Riordan ever wrote.
Hades just drops the act and cuts through the bullshit to give his son non-cryptic advice/answers and finally opens up a bit, full on saying that most of his kids don't have happy lives and that he wants Nico to be an exception because he cares, and Nico finds comfort in the thought that one day he'll die and be fully under his father's rule...
...And there's also the silly part of them talking about Hades's decoration choices, and both thinking "Is this dude serious or is he fucking with me?" and it ends with Hades seemingly happy about the things his son has in common with him.
Hades just goes from "Dad of the year" to "Neglectful/absent father" to "Completely awful parent that deserves to be bitch-slapped" and then back to awesome so fucking fast, is crazy, and I love every second of it. Plus, they're two of my favorite characters in the story, and Hades is my favorite god (and I mean it both in the books and in the actual myths) so I'm extremelly biased,
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