#Companion Animal Nutrition
animal-care · 3 months
Exploring Trends Shaping the Animal Care Market
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The Animal Care Market is undergoing significant transformations driven by evolving consumer preferences, technological advancements, and emerging trends. In this article, we delve into the latest trends shaping the landscape of the animal care industry and their implications for market players.
Humanization of Pets: Treating Pets like Family
One of the prominent trends in the animal care market is the increasing humanization of pets. Pet owners are treating their animals more like family members, seeking products and services that cater to their pets' health, comfort, and emotional well-being. This trend has led to a growing demand for premium pet food, grooming services, and accessories designed to enhance the quality of life for companion animals.
Natural and Organic Products: A Shift towards Healthier Options
Consumers are becoming more conscious about the ingredients and materials used in pet care products, leading to a surge in demand for natural and organic alternatives. Pet owners are seeking products free from artificial additives, preservatives, and chemicals, opting instead for wholesome and sustainable options that promote the health and vitality of their pets. This trend has propelled the growth of natural pet food, eco-friendly toys, and biodegradable pet accessories in the market.
Telemedicine and Remote Veterinary Care: Convenient Healthcare Solutions
Advancements in technology have revolutionized the way veterinary care is delivered, with the adoption of telemedicine and remote monitoring solutions gaining traction in the animal care industry. Pet owners are increasingly turning to virtual consultations, telehealth platforms, and mobile apps to seek medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment for their pets, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This trend has expanded access to veterinary services, improved convenience for pet owners, and facilitated early detection and intervention for pet health issues.
Personalized Nutrition and Wellness: Tailoring Care for Individual Pets
Pet owners are embracing personalized approaches to pet nutrition and wellness, recognizing that each animal has unique dietary and health needs. The demand for customized pet food formulations, tailored supplementation, and genetic testing services is on the rise as pet owners seek to optimize their pets' health and longevity. This trend has spurred innovation in the development of personalized pet nutrition plans, DNA testing kits, and health monitoring tools that cater to individual pets' requirements.
Sustainable and Ethical Practices
Environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing have become key considerations for pet owners when choosing products and services for their animals. There is a growing emphasis on eco-friendly packaging, cruelty-free ingredients, and ethical manufacturing practices in the animal care market. Companies are increasingly adopting sustainable initiatives, such as carbon-neutral operations, recyclable packaging, and ethical sourcing of raw materials, to align with consumer values and reduce their environmental impact.
The animal care market is evolving rapidly, driven by shifting consumer preferences, technological innovations, and societal trends. By staying attuned to these emerging trends and embracing innovation, companies can capitalize on new opportunities, differentiate their offerings, and meet the evolving needs of pet owners and their beloved companions. As the bond between humans and animals continues to strengthen, the animal care industry is poised for continued growth and transformation in the years to come.
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roomstudent · 6 months
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
“By 1900 child mortality was already declining—not because of anything the medical profession had accomplished, but because of general improvements in sanitation and nutrition. Meanwhile the birthrate had dropped to an average of about three and a half; women expected each baby to live and were already taking measures to prevent more than the desired number of pregnancies. From a strictly biological standpoint then, children were beginning to come into their own.
Economic changes too pushed the child into sudden prominence at the turn of the century. Those fabled, pre-industrial children who were "seen, but not heard," were, most of the time, hard at work—weeding, sewing, fetching water and kindling, feeding the animals, watching the baby. Today, a four-year-old who can tie his or her own shoes is impressive. In colonial times, four-year-old girls knitted stockings and mittens and could produce intricate embroidery; at age six they spun wool. A good, industrious little girl was called "Mrs." instead of "Miss" in appreciation of her contribution to the family economy: she was not, strictly speaking, a child.
But when production left the houschold, sweeping away the dozens of chores which had filled the child's day, childhood began to stand out as a distinct and fascinating phase of life. It was as if the late Victorian imagination, still unsettled by Darwin's apes, suddenly looked down and discovered, right at knee-level, the evolutionary missing link. Here was the pristine innocence which adult men romanticized, and of course, here, in miniature, was the future which today's adult men could not hope to enter in person. In the child lay the key to the control of human evolution. Its habits, its pastimes, its companions were no longer trivial matters, but issues of gravest importance to the entire species.
This sudden fascination with the child came at a time in American history when child abuse—in the most literal and physical sense—was becoming an institutional feature of the expanding industrial economy. Near the turn of the century, an estimated 2,250,000 American children under fifteen were full-time laborers—in coal mines, glass factories, textile mills, canning factories, in the cigar industry, and in the homes of the wealthy—in short, wherever cheap and docile labor could be used. There can be no comparison between the conditions of work for a farm child (who was also in most cases a beloved family member) and the conditions of work for industrial child laborers. Four-year-olds worked sixteen-hour days sorting beads or rolling cigars in New York City tenements; five-year-old girls worked the night shift in southern cotton mills.
So long as enough girls can be kept working, and only a few of them faint, the mills are kept going; but when faintings are so many and so frequent that it does not pay to keep going, the mills are closed.
These children grew up hunched and rickety, sometimes blinded by fine work or the intense heat of furnaces, lungs ruined by coal dust or cotton dust—when they grew up at all. Not for them the "century of the child," or childhood in any form:
The golf links lie so near the mill
That almost every day
The laboring children can look out
And see the men at play.
Child labor had its ideological defenders: educational philosophers who extolled the lessons of factory discipline, the Catholic hierarchy which argued that it was a father's patriarchal right to dispose of his children's labor, and of course the mill owners themselves. But for the reform-oriented, middle-class citizen the spectacle of machines tearing at baby flesh, of factories sucking in files of hunched-over children each morning, inspired not only public indignation, but a kind of personal horror. Here was the ultimate "rationalization" contained in the logic of the Market: all members of the family reduced alike to wage slavery, all human relations, including the most ancient and intimate, dissolved in the cash nexus. Who could refute the logic of it? There was no rationale (within the terms of the Market) for supporting idle, dependent children. There were no ties of economic self-interest to preserve the family. Child labor represented a long step toward that ultimate "anti-utopia" which always seemed to be germinating in capitalist development: a world engorged by the Market, a world without love.”
-Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, For Her Own Good: 150 Years of the Experts’ Advice to Women
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clorvismaximus · 7 months
Caring for Your Comedic Companion: A Guide to Proper Clown Care
Creating a Clown-Friendly Environment: The Chuckle Chamber
Clowns thrive in environments that stimulate their comedic instincts. Before adopting your clown, ensure you have a dedicated space in your home for them, commonly referred to as the "Chuckle Chamber." If you cannot afford to buy a new enclosure, an old tent painted with stripes can keep your clown happy for the first few months. Equip it with a variety of colorful props, oversized shoes, and a well-stocked assortment of rubber chickens. Ensure the Chuckle Chamber is spacious enough for your clown to express its natural exuberance.
Nutritional Needs: A Diet of Delightful Delicacies
Maintaining a well-balanced and joy-inducing diet is crucial for your clown's health. Offer a mix of cotton candy, popcorn, and custard pies to meet their nutritional needs. For hydration, a continuous supply of seltzer water is recommended. Regularly check for any allergies or sensitivities your clown may have to certain treats. Surprisingly, peanut allergies are common amongst certain breeds of clown.
Exercise and Enrichment: Laughter Workouts
Clowns are energetic beings that require regular exercise and mental stimulation. Engage your clown in laughter workouts, which can include juggling sessions, pratfall practice, and balloon animal sculpting. Introduce new comedic routines to keep their minds sharp and their spirits high.
Grooming: Maintaining the Mirthful Mane
Clown grooming is not just about appearance; it's an essential aspect of their well-being. Regularly check and clean oversized shoes to prevent slips, trim colorful wigs to maintain their vibrant allure, and ensure that the iconic red nose is kept in pristine condition. A well-groomed clown is a happy and confident one.
Veterinary Care: Honk-Checked Health Checks
Regular visits to a certified clown veterinarian are crucial to monitor your companion's health. These professionals specialize in honk-checked health checks, ensuring that your clown is in peak comedic condition. Vaccinations against gloom and routine screenings for joke deficiencies are standard procedures.
Socialization: Playdates with Fellow Funnymakers
Clowns are social beings that thrive on interaction with their own kind. Arrange playdates with fellow clowns to encourage socialization and the exchange of humorous antics. Attend clown conventions, where your companion can partake in the grandeur of collective laughter and collaborative performances.
Understanding Non-Verbal Communication: Mastering the Art of Clownish Signals
Clowns communicate primarily through non-verbal cues, such as honks, squeaks, and exaggerated gestures. Pay close attention to your clown's signals to gauge their mood and preferences. Understanding the art of clownish communication is key to fostering a strong bond with your comedic companion.
Celebrating Special Occasions: Clown Birthdays and Anniversaries
Marking special occasions in your clown's life adds a touch of festivity to their existence. Celebrate birthdays with a clown-sized cake and a chorus of joyous honks. Recognize adoption anniversaries with a memorable performance or a specially crafted routine to commemorate the time spent together.
Providing proper care to your beloved clowns is not just a responsibility but a joyful journey of shared laughter and merriment. By embracing the unique needs and whimsical nature of your clown companion, you'll cultivate a bond that transcends the ordinary, creating a lifetime of cherished comedic moments.
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kedreeva · 5 months
I saw your post about how peafowl are ... resource and knowledge intensive to keep. Is there a bird you would recommend for beginners? Are quail easy?
Compared to peafowl or even to chickens, yes, but that also depends on what you mean by quail. There are a BUNCH of species that are able to be kept in captivity, depending on where you live. If you're in the USA, coturnix and button quail are both domesticated species that do well in relatively small enclosures (think, a large rabbit hutch or one of those little "coops" from tractor supply co that they think are for chickens but are only suitable for babies at best). Most people that want to keep quail for meat or eggs are keeping coturnix not buttons but if you just want cute pets, button quail are adorable. The males of both species are LOUD though.
Coturnix do well eating game bird crumble mixed with layer crumble, as they need around 2.5-3% calcium if they're laying, which is about half what chickens need. They also need a higher protein than chickens, especially as babies (28-30 as babies, 21-26% as adults), or you don't get much in the way of eggs. Other than that, fresh water and a clean home and they're good to go.
The hens typically start laying by around 6-10 weeks (the Celadon gene can cause laying delays), the boys will be crowing on a similar timeline, so be sure you are okay with the noise or know what you're going to do with culls. Coturnix can be kept outdoors year round... button quail cannot, they need to be indoors if it's cold out. The biggest problems I've had with the coturnix is a) noise (which I've mostly bred out) and b) water in the winter. My water system only works when water can stay liquid. So, in the winter, the quail switch over to water bottles with 3D printed drinker bottoms, and those get changed 2+ times a day. They look kinda like this:
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and c) aggression in a poorly-bred line. I don't see it much with my Celadon line anymore, but when I first got them, and in the new outcrossed babies, the males would be relentlessly either on the girls or fighting each other, and sometimes a girl would also do this, just start attacking everyone. I culled against it from day 1, and now they're fine, but I had a group of outcross boys that came from my Celadons x fresh blood and the boys were unmanageable immediately. It doesn't matter because I'm not keeping any of them, but I do worry it'll come back on birds I /want/ because the girls may carry that. So that's just something to be aware of, I guess. Ask the breeder about it before you buy.
If you just want "A Bird" and not specifically farm fowl: you want a pigeon or two! They bond to their humans or to each other, they do silly things and have Antics, there is a ton of easily accessible info about their nutrition (and their food is easy to acquire), care, and behavior, and there's always ones looking for homes. Since they were bred as companion and even work animals, not just as food, they socialize easily with humans and they can be kept indoors and unlike quail, their noises are pleasant.
Of course that doesn't dismiss the need to do your research on what it would entail to keep one (or two!), but at least that's easier to do well.
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The Mudman (again)
This one goes out to @eldewinddolly
“What in Heaven is that?” Trouble barked, drawing a gun on instinct. The target he was currently aiming at scurried back and forth in the torchlight, acting agitated. It hissed, its shining black shell chittering in the firelight as it darted around in the sand. It was almost like the disgusting little creature had realized that it was in danger.
Artemis smiled almost draconically. “Beautiful is what it is, Mister Kelp. Beautiful.” He knelt down to inspect the beast, which took the opportunity to leap up at him threateningly. “Fascinating little creatures,” Artemis continued, dancing out of the bug’s range. “From the family Scarabaidae. This branch of the tree appears to be particularly partial to an all-meat diet. In fact…”
Holly, who had drawn her own weapon when her academically inclined kin opted to wax poetic, knocked her shoulder against Artemis. “We get it, you’re in love,” she said through tight lips. “Now step on it. It’s freaking me out.”
“Step on it?” Artemis asked, spinning around to regard his sister with a look of shock and disgust. “I expected better from my own flesh and blood. This creature is a snapshot of history… you saw how they swarmed earlier, we haven’t seen a beetle quite like it in… well, I don’t believe there is anything like this on record! We ought to -”
His lecture was cut off by the sound of a sickening crunch.
Trouble pinched the bridge of his nose. “Holly. Please tell me that thing didn’t just take a bite out of Artemis,” he groaned. “I’d really rather not have to dig a man-eating bug out of your brother today.”
“Wah feen?” asked a muffled voice, its owner standing over the beetle. Or rather… standing over where the beetle had been only a moment before.
Holly made a quiet gagging sound and turned her face into Trouble’s shoulder. “It’s somehow worse,” she managed to say after a moment. “Much worse.”
“Worf thah wah?” the hairy little man asked, popping the other half of the beetle into his mouth and biting down. He chewed for a moment, then grinned. “Now come on, love,” he chuckled, noting Holly’s discomfort. “Beetles like this are a part of my heritage. My grandma practically raised me on these little beauties.”
Anger flashed across Artemis’s countenance for just a moment before he managed to school his features into a mask of calm indifference once more. “Mister Diggums… you might want to reconsider your dietary habits in regards to this particular source of protein. You may be interested to learn that they are carnivorous.”
Mulch flashed Artemis his signature tombstone grin. “I’ve been accused of the same, my friend,” he said with a wink.
Artemis let a smirk of his own cross his thin lips. “That may well be, Mister Diggums, but pause to consider with me for a moment… have you seen many natural animals running around Hamunaptra? Anything that we didn’t bring with us?”
The mirth in Diggums’ eyes cooled ever so slightly. “Can’t say as I have, no,” he said slowly. “What’s your point?”
Artemis slowly paced toward the hairy fellow, tapping his chin theatrically. “Well, Mister Diggums, if there are no sources of meat to which these fascinating little creatures might be availing themselves, just where do you imagine they’ve been sourcing their nutrition?”
Mulch swallowed nervously, any trace of humor now gone from his face. “You don’t mean…”
“Oh yes, my friend.” The smile on Artemis’s face was more unsettling than ever. “I believe they’ve survived off eating what remains of the mummies here.”
Several long moments of very tense silence passed amongst the group. Finally Holly holstered her sidearm. She dusted off her hands and turned away from the poor stunned fellow still looking, somewhat terrified, at her brother. Trouble matched her step for step, looking significantly paler now.
“Don’t worry,” she said with a smirk at her companion. “Artemis was embellishing to make a point. These mummies are all far too old to be feeding any of these surviving beetles.”
Trouble stopped cold, turning to look at her. Then he began to laugh, long and loud. “You two are evil,” he said, shoulders shaking. “Pure evil.” He shook his head, his eyes twinkling as he smiled at her.
Holly felt her cheeks redden slightly. “He’s the evil one,” she defended herself. “I just play along on occasion.” Then she rested her hands on her hips, looking around the subterranean tunnel they traveled through. “Still,” she whispered confidentially, “that thing seemed pretty aggressive. Try not to get cornered by a swarm of them.”
Then she was off again, leaving a somewhat perturbed Trouble cautiously inspecting the shadows behind her, his hand trailing to the heel of his pistol.
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queering-ecology · 4 months
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Queering the Wild by Micha Rahder (2019) [final]
Queer Intimacy in Non-Human Animals
The author introduces several examples of ‘queerness’ across the animal kingdom—the ‘birds and the bees’, --a lot about birds since we have a lot of research on them. The study on zebra finches reminded me of the concept of ‘naturecultures’; they choose their mates and often do not stray,  same-sex or otherwise and so this supports the idea that there is more to ‘bird life than breeding and that the social aspects of bonding might be just as important’ (02).
“The idea that sexual activity might be about more than just making babies is hard for people who were raised in contemporary U.S. American culture in particular, with its focus on abstinence-only sex ed and heavy legislation of uteruses and the people who have them” (02) but finches, bonobos, dolphins or ‘female fish that prefer males that have had sex with other males, all chip away at that anthropocentric frame’ (02).
“Because scientists carry their cultural biases into their work, most research approaches these kinds of queer traits and behaviors as problems to be solved” (02). Heteronormativity has made scientists ‘run in circles’ trying to explain why such ‘maladaptive’, ‘perverted’ traits appear throughout the natural world such as nutritional deficiencies, the stress of captivity, that they’re just ‘dumb’ and can’t tell the difference, it’s a ‘misfire’ attempt at heterosexuality, or they’re just ‘practicing’.
“Evolutionary biologists need to think about same-sex sexual behavior in non-human animals as more than just a problem to be solved” and “same sex sexual behavior is both a trait that is potentially shaped by selection and a force that shapes selection on other traits” or they should “consider how same-sex sexual activities shape ongoing evolutionary processes” (03).
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Extending Our Chosen Family
Evolution has no “direction or purpose” and humans are not “the representation of the ultimate expression of life on earth” (03). If we look at microbiology, we can see true diversity. “Only recently have scientists started to pay attention to how much [microbes exchanging DNA] might be driving evolution” (03). Fungi are also an incredible example of sexual diversity; with one species alone having more than 23,000 documented mating types (sexes) and individuals can physically ‘merge or separate in different environmental contexts’  making it difficult to differentiate them.
‘Symbiopoesis’ or “how organisms can be intimately involved in each other’s development” (squid and light emitting bacteria, bees and pollination, acacia trees and ants, wasps and figs).(03)  Again this reminds me of the Lakota concept of Mitakuye Oyasin—we are all related, all my relatives.
Competition//Cooperation is another binary that queer ecology can challenge.
“Queering nature means learning about our connectedness with all the living earth. Here, the classic queer recognition of chosen family extends beyond humans, recognizing our kinship and interdependence with our companion animals, the foods we eat, our microbes and others. It means taking pleasure in those connections, learning to recognize pleasure in others and understanding how our human identities, gender expressions and sexual behaviors are only a small piece of the wide, queer living world” (04).
Queer ecology asks us to be curious about the ‘magnificent overabundance of reality’ (Bagemihl). “Breaking free from the historical biases of science allows us to move forward together with other life on earth, rather than thinking ourselves as separate from or above it. That kind of hierarchical thinking has kept queer and other marginalized communities away from the benefits of being outdoors and has led directly to the tangle of global environmental crises in which we find ourselves now. Learning from non-humans is a great way to undo these legacies” (04).
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specimentality · 21 days
Not to beef with a guy who has a veterinary degree, a ton of letters behind his name*, and a PhD in vegan pet food (????), and professorship
*notably none of his board certifications are in nutrition, and yes this is the guy responsible for that horrible vegan cat study** that the Guardian spread
But like. Your dog or cat is more likely to get struck by lightning when going for a walk than it is to get a prion disease from food with meat in it 😭 also there aren’t any documented prion diseases for canines (FSE is is a thing for cats tho)
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(Article) there aren’t even any known prions for dogs but tbf this is just on “companion animals” in general
**this study makes me mad. ITS NOT EVEN A NUTRITIONAL STUDY! It’s a survey of how healthy owners think their cats are (which is NOT an actual measure of health). Only one of its findings was statistically significant and none of them say anything about the actual health of the cat! But media outlets, his conclusion section, and his own university’s newsletter report on it as if it is and does! Also it’s funded by an org that wants to spread veganism and a lot of the “vegan cats” are indoor-outdoor. It’s only been cited once lmao
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acti-veg · 1 year
Have you heard of Benevo? They seem to claim cats can eat plant-based; not sure what your opinion is?
Benevo are trying to sell you a plant-based cat food, so they of course have a vested interest in making you believe this.
There certainly are cats on plant-based diets who seem to do well with the formulated plant-based foods, but the longevity studies confirming there is no risk and no adverse effects are just not there yet. We need to know how well synthetic taurine is absorbed without animal proteins, measurements of vitamin and amino acid absorption efficiency from plant proteins, impacts in different age groups, impact on existing conditions etc. Without that research and scientific consensus it will always be a risk.
Cats are obligate carnivores, the potential is there to synthesise what they need in the long term but again, it’s very far from being established that current formulations are optimal or even safe for all cats - this is also true of plant-based dog food, though there is a bit more to go on there. If you have a companion animal you always have to put their needs before anything else, and it’s not like there aren’t options for pets we know definitely thrive on plant-based diets.
I’m not any kind of expert in animal nutrition, and even if I were I couldn’t assess your pet, their blood work or their dietary needs, and neither can anyone else you can ask this question to online. My advice would be just to consult your vet before any significant changes in the diet of any companion animal, and follow their guidance.
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canisitsnotlupus · 2 years
There is a lot of misinformation when it comes to pet food, I hope this can shed some light. - Grains are necessary (Unless diagnosed with grain allergies by a veterinarian). - Raw isn't always best. (Raw/home cooked diets need to be properly formulated by a board certified nutritionist to be balanced, more information below). - Grain free can be dangerous. - The vast majority of companies do not follow WSAVA guidelines. - Veterinarians DO NOT get kick backs from suggesting food. How are they going to get a kickback from a food you didn't even buy from them? If anything, the pet store employees are getting kick backs for suggesting foods! The “Big Five” Brands are the five brands that adhere to WSAVA guidelines (World Small Animal Veterinary Association). Which are: - Employs one or more full-time qualified nutritionist(s) and willingly discloses their credentials. - Foods are formulated by a qualified team of professionals such as nutritionists, toxicologists, food scientists etc. - Undergoes feeding trials that meet or exceed AAFCO standards, for most or all formulations. - Foods are produced and manufactured in US facilities, owned and operated by the manufacturer, or under close supervision of the manufacturer. Equipped with machinery, laboratories and staff that provide extensive on-site quality assurance. - Provides detailed description on quality control protocol. Selection criteria for partners, analysis and sample tracking of externally sourced ingredients, daily safety checks of product batches and facilities, physical inspection, key nutrient testing before final packing. - Provides exact number for any nutrient on an energy basis (grams per kcal). - Readily provides kcal content per gram and per cup. - Conducts research relevant to nutrition, products marketed, and product claims. Publishes research in peer-reviewed journals. So let’s get to it. The “Big Five” Brands are: Royal Canin - Breed specific lines that were created in conjunction with breeders and veterinarians, general health lines and targeted health lines + RX diets Eukanuba - Owned by Royal Canin, mainly their performance lines + general health lines Purina - Sport lines, general health lines, targeted health lines, most accessible and cost effective + RX diets IAMS - General health lines, cost effective, easily accessible Hills Pet - General health lines, targeted health lines + RX diets If you’d like to do some reading… Here are multiple links for kibble, raw diets, grain free vs grain inclusive, Diet Associated DCM and WSAVA. Peer reviewed resources on dog kibble: https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/2019/03/stop-reading-your-pet-food-ingredient-list/ https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/2016/06/why-you-shouldnt-judge-a-pet-food-by-its-ingredient-list/ https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/2019/12/pet-food-decisions-how-do-you-pick-your-pets-food/ https://vet.osu.edu/vmc/companion/our-services/nutrition-support-service/myths-and-misconceptions-surrounding-pet-foods https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2017-01/myth-busters-corn-edition/ Peer reviewed resources on raw diets: https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/2016/01/raw-diets-a-healthy-choice-or-a-raw-deal/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3003575/ https://www.veterinarypracticenews.com/debating-raw-diets-january-2019/ STOLEN FROM HERE
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animal-care · 3 months
Exploring the Animal Care Market Revenue, Growth, and Future Outlook
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The Animal Care Industry plays a pivotal role in ensuring the health, well-being, and happiness of pets and companion animals worldwide. This article delves into the dynamics of the animal care market, offering insights into its research reports, growth prospects, revenue outlook, and emerging trends.
Animal Care Market Research Reports
Market research reports serve as valuable resources for understanding the animal care industry landscape. These reports provide comprehensive analyses of market trends, growth drivers, challenges, and opportunities. Recent studies indicate a positive outlook for the global animal care market, with substantial growth expected in the coming years.
Animal Care Market Forecast
The animal care market is poised for significant growth, driven by various factors contributing to increased demand for pet-related products and services. Market analysts project steady growth, with a compound annual growth rate CAGR of 4.3% expected between 2023 and 2033, reaching a market size of USD 62.3 billion by 2033.
Animal Care Market Size
The global animal care market was estimated at USD 40.9 billion in February 2024, reflecting robust growth in pet ownership and spending. In the United States alone, the market was valued at USD 136.8 billion in 2022, according to the American Pet Products Association.
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Animal Care Market Growth
While the global animal care market is experiencing steady growth, the United States is anticipated to witness a growth rate of 2-3% in 2024, as per Grand View Research. This growth is fueled by factors such as increasing disposable income, rising pet ownership, and growing awareness of animal well-being.
Market Segments
The animal care market comprises several segments catering to the diverse needs of pet owners:
Pet Food & Treats
This segment holds the largest share of the global market, accounting for approximately 50% of total spending on animal care products.
Pet owners are increasingly opting for premium pet food and treats, driving growth in this segment.
Veterinary Care & Products
The veterinary care segment is the second-largest, with projections suggesting it might reach USD 37 billion in the US by 2023.
Advancements in veterinary medicine and increased spending on preventive healthcare contribute to the segment's growth.
Supplies, Live Animals & Over-the-counter Medications
Estimated at USD 32.1 billion in the US in 2023, this segment encompasses a wide range of products, including pet supplies, live animals, and over-the-counter medications. This segment includes pet insurance, boarding, grooming, and training services, estimated at USD 11.8 billion in the US in 2023.
Market Trends
Several notable trends are reshaping the Animal Care Market:
Premiumization- Pet owners are increasingly willing to invest in premium pet food, treats, and healthcare options, reflecting a growing focus on pet well-being and nutrition.
Surge in Pet Adoptions- The pandemic-driven surge in pet adoptions continues to influence market demand, with more households welcoming pets into their lives.
Direct-to-Consumer Channels- Online pet food and medication deliveries are witnessing significant growth, driven by the convenience and accessibility offered by direct-to-consumer (D2C) channels.
Focus on Sustainability- Environmentally friendly pet products and services are gaining popularity as consumers become more conscious of their ecological footprint.
The animal care market presents lucrative opportunities for industry players, driven by increasing pet ownership, rising spending on pet-related products and services, and evolving consumer preferences. By staying abreast of market trends, investing in research and development, and embracing sustainable practices, stakeholders can capitalize on the growing demand for animal care solutions, contributing to the well-being of pets and companion animals worldwide.
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peeetlovers · 1 day
Top 10 Essential Tips for Dog Owner
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Owning a dog is a rewarding experience that brings joy, companionship, and a sense of responsibility. However, it also requires a significant commitment to ensure the health and happiness of your canine companion. As a pet expert, I have compiled a list of the top ten essential tips for dog owners, supported by scientific data and research. These guidelines will help you provide the best care for your dog.
1.Proper Nutrition Providing your dog with a balanced diet is crucial for their overall health. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), dogs require a diet that includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Feeding high-quality commercial dog food that meets the standards set by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) ensures your dog gets the necessary nutrients.
2.Regular Exercise Exercise is vital for maintaining your dog's physical and mental health. The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) recommends at least 30 minutes to 2 hours of physical activity per day, depending on the breed and age of your dog. Regular exercise helps prevent obesity, reduces behavioral problems, and strengthens the bond between you and your pet.
3.Routine Veterinary Check-ups Regular veterinary visits are essential for early detection and prevention of health issues. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) advises annual check-ups for adult dogs and more frequent visits for puppies and senior dogs. Routine exams, vaccinations, and dental care are critical components of a comprehensive health plan.
4.Vaccinations Vaccinations protect your dog from various infectious diseases. The AVMA highlights the importance of core vaccines, including rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and adenovirus. Non-core vaccines, such as those for Bordetella and Lyme disease, may be recommended based on your dog's lifestyle and risk factors.
5.Parasite Control Parasites like fleas, ticks, and worms can cause serious health issues for dogs. The Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) recommends year-round parasite prevention, including regular use of flea and tick preventatives and routine deworming. Regular screenings for heartworm and intestinal parasites are also essential.
6.Proper Training and Socialization Training and socialization are crucial for a well-behaved and confident dog. Positive reinforcement training techniques are supported by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) as effective and humane methods. Early socialization helps prevent fear and aggression and promotes positive interactions with people and other animals.
7.Adequate Shelter and Comfort Providing a safe and comfortable living environment is fundamental for your dog's well-being. Ensure your dog has a cozy bed, access to fresh water, and a safe space to retreat. The Humane Society emphasizes the importance of protecting dogs from extreme weather conditions and providing proper shelter.
8.Mental Stimulation Mental stimulation is as important as physical exercise. The AKC suggests interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and regular playtime to keep your dog mentally engaged. Mental stimulation prevents boredom and reduces the likelihood of destructive behaviors.
9.Grooming Regular grooming is necessary to maintain your dog's hygiene and health. The frequency of grooming depends on your dog's breed and coat type. The ASPCA recommends regular brushing, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and bathing to prevent matting, infections, and other health issues.
10.Spaying/Neutering Spaying or neutering your dog has numerous health and behavioral benefits. According to the AVMA, spaying/neutering can prevent certain cancers, reduce the risk of infections, and decrease undesirable behaviors such as marking and aggression. Additionally, it helps control the pet population and reduces the number of homeless animals.
Owning a dog is a long-term commitment that requires dedication and knowledge. By following these ten essential tips, you can ensure your dog's health, happiness, and well-being. Providing proper nutrition, regular exercise, routine veterinary care, and mental stimulation are all crucial aspects of responsible dog ownership. Understanding and implementing these scientifically-backed guidelines will help you create a loving and fulfilling life for your canine companion.
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Spoink & Grumpig
Spoink (#325)
Saltusus impiger (Spoink) Spoinks are psychic-type pig Pokémon that loosely substitute as smaller warthogs in this universe. They average at 2’4 feet tall (0.7 M) and 67.5 kg (30.5 kg).
Habitat: The highlands and coastlands of the African continent.
Life Cycles: Spoink eggs are laid along the oceanic coastlines, where their hatching season is perfectly timed with Clamperl pearl production/Evolution cycles, so when the Spoinks hatch from their eggs their parents take them down to the water to find a Clamperl pearl of their own. These pearls are used to amplify the Spoink’s psychic powers. However, both Spoink and Clamperl are prey Pokémon, which can cause both of their populations to fluctuate in conflict with each other. Some years all of the Spoinks get their pearls within hours of hatching, and some years there are hundreds of Spoinks who have to wait months to get their pearl. Spoinks are somewhat dependent on their pearls for survival, since they help prevent them from tiring out and aid in utilizing their psychic powers against predators, but they can live without them. It’s just not recommended at all.
When it’s time to leave the hatching grounds along the coast [March-April OR September-August] the parent Grumpigs will lead their Spoinks into the highlands, where they will live out the rest of their lives except when it comes time to raise babies of their own. And while Spoinks can reproduce, in the wild this requires so much effort (and danger!) to travel back and forth from the hatching grounds, that most wild Spoinks do not mate until they become Grumpigs at level 32. Overall, Spoinks have a life span of around ~10 years if they do not evolve, due to the physically exhaustive nature of their bouncing. And in the wild they are predated upon by larger carnivores, namely Pyroars, Talonflames, Ariadoses, Sevipers, and such.
Behavior: Spoinks are fun and joyous creatures that love to bounce and play around, and are even good for beginner trainers—especially children! It is a complete myth that Spoinks will die if they stop bouncing, however it can cause circulatory problems. In fact, if you see a Spoink that’s not moving, it’s probably in “torpor” and not actually dead. Torpor is such an intense state of rest for an animal, that their heart rate and metabolism slows down incredibly and it will make the individual unresponsive, thus unintentionally mimicking the appearance of death, but I promise your Spoink is just fine! This state saves on energy expenditure at night, and Spoinks go into this state for much the same physiological reasons as hummingbirds.
Diet: Spoinks eat a diet that is almost exclusively fruit (upwards of 95% of their daily nutrition), and sometimes nuts for protein or mushrooms it may find rummaging in the ground. They may also eat nectar, sap, or honey if available. Trainers, when feeding your Spoink be sure to give it a high-sugar diet or it will suffer from low energy and perhaps even die of malnutrition! Yes, you can give your Spoink that leftover Halloween candy you still have from last year, it might not be as good as fruit but your Spoink really needs that sugar! Bananas, citrus fruit, berries, honey, maple syrup, other fruits, and other things of the sort are all great for your Spoink! In a pinch, cooked potatoes, carrots, bread (cake…), pasta, rice, and beans work, too, but remember that Spoinks are overwhelmingly frugivorous and require high-sugar diets in order to thrive. If you want to be creative, feel free to make fruit smoothies with perhaps a bit of protein powder mixed in, or chopped carrots, or something.
Conservation: Threatened
Relationship with Humans: Spoinks make excellent companions for children and can be found at daycares and kindergartens the world over. They’re popular as the basis for toys and plushies, and in general are associated with childcare for the straightforward reason that Spoinks are high energy creatures who love sugar and children are also high-energy creatures who love sugar! Spoinks are frequently given out as starter Pokémon, especially in rural areas and in African countries.
The amicability of Spoinks is surprising, given the shared evolutionary history that humans have with them and Grumpigs. Wild Spoinks are generally fearful of humans, however typically the stock given to trainers are hand-reared ones that have had their wild ferality bred out of them. With that said, the aggressive natures of Grumpigs make the entire line unsuitable for agriculture, let alone the commensalistic relationship with Clamperls.  
Classification: They are most closely related to Lechonks and Tepigs, who are in a separate genus from Spoinks. The genus name Saltusus is a combination of “saltus” meaning leap/bounce/jump and “sus” meaning “pig.” The species epithet “impiger” means effectively means “energetic” or “indefatigable” in latin, and the pun of “pig” in the word exists naturally which is why it was picked.  
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Grumpig (#326)
Saltusus pignax (Grumpig)
Grumpigs are psychic-type pig Pokémon with an average height of 2’11 (0.9 M) and weight of 157.6 pounds (71.5 kg). When a Spoink evolves, the pearl on its head evolves with it to become the black pearls on the Grumpig. They loosely substitute as bigger warthogs in this universe.
Habitat: African highlands and coastlands.
Life Cycles: Once a Grumpig evolves from a Spoink, its life expectancy skyrockets to as high as 40 years in captivity.
When it’s time to mate, Grumpigs will dance to show off to their prospective mates. It’s common for pairs to stick together for the breeding season, then separate for the rest of the year. The mating season begins ~2 months before the migration to the coastlands begins, where they will lay their eggs.
Grumpigs are fairly protective of their Spoinks, of which they will have litters of 12-25 at a time.  
Behavior: While Spoinks are joyous and playful, Grumpigs become rather territorial and wild ones are notoriously aggressive toward humans (they see us as predators). Don’t worry though, when raised by humans Grumpigs (especially the domesticated stock) are quite friendly and easy enough to handle, though their territoriality kicks in and they can become protective of their trainers and household members.
However, Grumpigs lack horns so their version of attacking involves doing elaborate dances to utilize their psychic powers.
Diet: Grumpigs are omnivores that will eat nuts, fruits, mushrooms, low-level mushroom Pokémon, and even low-level bug Pokémon.
Conservation: Threatened
Relationship with Humans: Grumpigs have been hunted by humanity for millennia. Who can blame them for being aggressive toward us? Their black pearls are treasured in art by many cultures, and their psychic dances have entranced people for as long as we can remember. Grumpigs are hugely significant to many cultures in the African continent.
Outside of natural history, Grumpigs have been domesticated enough to be suitable partner Pokémon for trainers. They eat a wide range of foods and are largely agreeable to many housing circumstances and to other Pokémon. Their territoriality can become a problem at times, but when put toward constructive uses Grumpigs become protective and excellent caretakers. This is a good role for Grumpigs to evolve into as they develop away from their child-like Spoink natures and become guardians of the very children that they once bounced around with for hours each day. By and large, Grumpigs and Spoinks are considered an incredibly family-friendly Pokémon line.
There is a line of baby monitors that look like Grumpigs!
Classification: The species epithet “impignux” is a pun-mutilation (punilation?) of “impugnux” which means “aggressive” in latin, to match the inherent pun seen in Spoink’s species epithet.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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sonicasura · 2 years
For anyone knowledgeable on eastern mythology then you probably have an idea of how screwed this particular Link is. For those who don't, Baku are dream eating creatures often depicted as holy and made up of various animals. The main trait of every Baku is their elephant like trunk.
Also even though Baku eat dreams, if one is still hungry after eating a bad dream they will devour someone's hope and desires. An empty life for those who misuse the Baku's summon. Hehehe. Let's get started.
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A natural born Baku that became trapped in the body of a stillborn infant. He was eating the dreams of "his" mother and a sudden magic influx resulted in this accidental possession. Didn't know he wasn't Hylian until Link's Awakening.
Has rabbit ears and back rabbit paws in Baku form as a result of his accidental possession. Stands around the size of an African Elephant, hide is dark grey, and body is adorn with silver jewelry. Legend's tusks are shorter due to filing them down. (He kept getting stuck in doors and walls cause they were too long.) Thick hot pink mane which translates to his Hylian form's unique hair color.
Legend only eats nightmares and absolutely refuses to feed on good dreams. Food gives him some nutrition but not enough ever his Baku nature awakened. Only time he devours the latter is from criminals. Has eaten someone's desires and hopes once.
Constant identity crisis as Legend doesn't know if he's truly Hylian or Baku. Volatile when having a breakdown and will attack any who get too close. Tends to isolate himself for other's safety.
Legend rarely uses his Baku form in a fight. Avoids shifting near populated areas for risk garnering of too much attention. Can breathe a special smoke from his trunk and mouth to put others to sleep.
Able to travel into the Dream Realm alongside sensing dream worlds. Knows Koholint Island still exists but vowed to never return. Legend fears he would damage the dream world beyond repair. First thing he did in Link's Awakening as a Baku was devour the enemies.
Once joining the Chain, Legend kept his Baku side hidden from everyone. He would stealthily eat the group's nightmares or slip into the Dream Realm in search of food. The hero didn't want to put his companions in danger if starved.
He has to reveal his secret when Time gets trapped in a never ending nightmare. Legend had to shift before the group so he could awaken the older man. Nearly has a breakdown afterwards but is comforted by Sky.
It takes awhile before Legend shifts into Baku form around the group. Only lets people see this side of him if comfortable and fully trusts them. Will use his sleep smoke on companions that need to rest(Warriors).
Legend will let someone ride or sleep on his back when the Chain are traveling. He doesn't mind at all. The more well rested everyone is, the better in his opinion. His companions already sleep nuzzled against his Baku form anyway.
Overall Legend is happy to know there are more people accepting of his inhuman nature. Time has been helping him find a sense of identity again. Maybe this goddess given quest wouldn't be so bad.
That's all for now folks! Until next time, I'll see you guys back in Hyrule!
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petsync · 4 months
Purrfect Companions in a Perilous World: A Comprehensive Guide to Cat Care in 2024
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Cats, our furry companions, have graced our homes and hearts for millennia. With their independent spirit, playful antics, and undeniable cuteness, they hold a special place in our society. But beyond the warm snuggles and adorable meows, cats offer significant benefits to our lives and face unique challenges in today's world. This article delves into the complexities of cat care, equipping you with the knowledge and resources to be the best feline guardian possible.
1: The Feline Powerhouse: Benefits of Cat Ownership
Sharing your life with a cat isn't just about purrs and playtime. Studies reveal fascinating health and emotional advantages. Owning a cat can:
Reduce stress and anxiety: A 2020 study published in the "Journal of Physiological Science" found that interacting with cats lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone.
Boost heart health: A 2013 study in the "Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology" suggests owning a cat might decrease the risk of stroke and heart disease.
Combat loneliness and depression: Cat companionship can provide emotional support, especially for individuals living alone. A 2015 study in "PLoS One" found cat owners to be less lonely and more satisfied with their social lives.
Improve cognitive function: Research suggests cat ownership can stimulate the mind and even delay the onset of dementia.
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2: Responsibilities: Loving Beyond the Purrs
Cat ownership comes with responsibilities. Here's how to ensure your feline friend thrives:
Nutrition: Choose high-quality, species-appropriate food based on your cat's age and activity level. Consult a veterinarian for personalized recommendations.
Grooming: Brush your cat regularly to remove shedding fur and prevent hairballs. Longhaired cats require daily brushing.
Litter box: Provide a clean, accessible litter box in a quiet location. Scoop daily and change the litter regularly.
Veterinary care: Schedule regular checkups, vaccinations, and parasite prevention. Spaying/neutering is vital for health and population control.
Microchipping: This permanent ID helps reunite lost cats with their owners
3: Threats in the Modern Jungle: Protecting Your Feline Friend
Our world presents dangers to even the most adventurous felines:
Traffic: Keep cats indoors to prevent accidents. Provide enrichment like scratching posts and climbing structures to satisfy their natural instincts.
Predators: Outdoor cats face threats from wildlife and stray dogs. Consider harness training for supervised outdoor access.
Diseases: Vaccinations are crucial to protect against serious illnesses like feline distemper and rabies.
Parasites: Ticks, fleas, and worms can cause health problems. Use monthly preventative medication.
Toxins: Household plants, cleaning products, and medications can be poisonous to cats. Ensure a safe environment.
Climate change: Rising temperatures and extreme weather events can impact cat health. Provide access to shade and water during hot weather.
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4: Champions for Feline Wellness: Solutions and Actions
We can create a better world for our feline companions:
Adopt, don't shop: Give a homeless cat a loving forever home. Support shelters and rescues by adopting, volunteering, or donating.
Indoor/outdoor enrichment: Provide safe indoor environments with stimulating toys and climbing structures. Consider building a secure catio for supervised outdoor access.
Support animal welfare organizations: These groups advocate for cat welfare, provide resources to pet owners, and promote responsible pet care.
Raise awareness: Educate others about cat care, verantwortliches Katzenbesitz, the dangers cats face, and the importance of adoption.
A Lifelong Bond: Love, Respect, and Purrfect Harmony
Caring for a cat is a commitment, but one filled with boundless rewards. By understanding their needs, providing responsible care, and advocating for their well-being, we can ensure our feline friends live long, happy, and healthy lives. Remember, respect their independence, appreciate their unique personalities, and shower them with love. In return, they'll enrich your life with purrs, companionship, and endless feline charm. So, let's become responsible cat guardians, create a safer world for them, and celebrate the joy of sharing our lives with these perfect creatures.
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Here's the best way to express your love and solidarity with cats. Make the world see it
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nmenvs3000w24 · 4 months
Exploring the Human-Canine Relationship Through a Scientific Lens
Hello fellow interpreters,
This week I plan to explain how I would interpret the man's best friend, the dog, similar to Washington’s approach when explaining birds in his TED Talk (Dr. Hooykaas, n.d; Wachira, 2017). Similar to how Washington had background knowledge of bird behavior, relationships, and research, my interpretation will be based on my vast knowledge of animal biology and the knowledge I've obtained through majoring in biological science and pursuing a career as a veterinarian (Wachira, 2017).
This hypothetical interpretation is motivated by my love for dogs and a deep connection I have to my dog named Leo. I have always been intrigued by the complex nature of the human-dog relationship. Having a companion of my own has fueled my interest in understanding the scientific background of this bond, prompting me to envision a TED Talk or podcast that delves into the fascinating interplay between humans and their canine counterparts (Wachira, 2017).
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Here is a photo of my Australian Shepard, Leo, he is currently 4 years old.
Before I begin this interpretation, I’ll consider my audience, potentially including dog lovers, pet owners, and those who are interested in the science behind human-dog relationships. Similar to Washington’s TED Talk, whose audience was interested in ecology, conservation, and general science, I plan to be inclusive of many learning styles, such as incorporating visuals for viewers who learn through sight (Dr. Hooykaas, n.d; Wachira, 2017). 
The main takeaway from Washington’s TED Talk was his interpretation of birds and their similarities to humans and their contributions to our lives which was a great way of captivating the audience and making it a meaningful experience (Dr. Hooykaas, n.d; Wachira, 2017). Trying to mimic this method, my interpretations of the human-dog relationship will identify the biological and behavioral aspects that explain this unique bond. However, I will consider who I am as an interpreter by incorporating my specific scientific background.
My primary goal through this interpretation is to highlight how dogs, like other humans, significantly contribute to our lives and well-being, creating a reciprocal and fulfilling connection. Through a scientific lens, I will dive into the genetic and evolutionary foundations of dogs, to understand their domestication process and its impact on behavior and physiology. Further exploration will touch on why certain breeds excel in specific roles, showing how dogs seamlessly integrate into our lives, offering companionship, emotional support, and even assistance.
To enrich my interpretation, I’ll go into behavioral science, researching the cognitive and emotional aspects of dogs in their relationship with humans.  I'll highlight the ways that dogs mirror human emotions and social structures, reflecting how they're wired to be our companions and supporters. Turning to my veterinary interests and knowledge, I’ll touch on the health and wellness of dogs in the context of their relationships with humans. Topics like nutrition, preventative care, and the physiological impacts of companionship will explain the mutually beneficial relationship between humans and dogs. 
In the end, my investigation of the canines is an example that connects with the theme of Unit 5, which involves interpreting nature through science (Dr. Hooykaas, n.d.). Although this is a hypothetical outline, by researching information on biological, behavioral, and veterinary sciences, this interpretation aligns with the objectives of recognizing and evaluating the role of science in environmental interpretation. By researching the scientific foundations of the unique human-dog relationship and moving past sweet narratives, we may recognize the beauty and complexity of this friendship through a lens informed by science.
Hooykaas, A. (n.d.). Unit 05: Nature Interpretation through Science [Lecture notes]. ENVS3000 Nature Interpretation. University of Guelph.
Wachira, W. 2017. For the love of birds. TED Talks. Available from: https://www.ted.com/talks/washington_wachira_for_the_love_of_birds
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