#Compounding pharmacies
About Me
My name is Upton Sinclair, and I am here to quarrel with the dangerously unregulated state of the US food and drug manufacturing industries. I have been made aware that in the nearly 120 years since I first attempted to bring awareness to the hazardous nature of manufactured foods and medications in this nation, there has been little progress.
In my day, anyone could sell anything and say it was a miracle cure, without disclosing the ingredients and their respective quantities or the safety concerns associated with the product. The manufacturer had no obligation to inform the consumer if the product even provided its promised benefits (which it rarely did). One could brand oneself a doctor and sell whatever bunk panacea they so chose, making whichever claims they felt like making, regardless of the verity of those claims. It was miserable. Americans were falling ill to deadly foodborne microbes present in their groceries, overdosing on untested, adulterated, and potent drugs in their cough remedies, sickened by heavy metals and radioactive materials in their cosmetics, and wasting money on do-nothing elixirs.
All of this spurred President Theodore Roosevelt to sign the 1906 Food and Drug Act, which granted Harvey Washington Wiley's Bureau of Chemistry the ability to oversee various areas of consumer safety. While threatened by idiotic judicial action and arbitrary divisions of regulation into multiple agencies (the Board of Food and Drug Inspection and the separate Referee Board of Consulting Scientific Experts), this was a major improvement. In 1927, the regulatory practices were reorganized into a new USDA body, the Food, Drug, and Insecticide Organization, which was later shortened to just the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA was later granted more powers with the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, further guarding the American consumer from toxic materials.
For a brief, glorious era the American consumer was finally able to rest knowing that the foods they ate and the treatments they took were regulated by a disinterested federal agency. It was never perfect, with concerns existing regarding supplements and compounded pharmaceuticals, but various amendments increased the government's ability to monitor the medications produced in the United States. The FDA could ensure that powerful medications were only available under the watchful eye of a trained professional, that marketed drugs had been proven to be safe and effective in scientific trials, and that drug studies conformed to safety guidelines. Later, the FDA made procedures for the approval of generic medications, giving consumers the ability to buy their needed treatments from different companies than those that invented the medication for a cheaper price, and started allowing promising new medications to safely bypass standard testing protocols in instances where speed was of the utmost importance.
Then came the supplement and compounding lobbies. The government caved to the demands of the multi-billion dollar supplement industry to have less regulation with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. DSHEA has made it possible for "herbal medications" and "natural healing products" to be sold and advertised despite making false claims regarding health benefits, and has prevented the FDA from inspecting and regulating manufacturing conditions at supplement plants. The supplement lobby was able to turn the American public against the organization that secured their health and safety through ads laden with logical fallacies and ad hominem attacks, and, under the pressures of public opinion, a huge industry lobby, and corrupt politicians with personal stakes in the supplement industry, such as Orin Hatch (R-UT) and Tom Harkin (D-IA), the legislatures soon caved and passed this blow to American wellbeing.
Another blow was dealt to the FDA in 2013 with the Drug Quality and Security Act. This act was drafted as a response to a deadly 2012 outbreak of fungal meningitis caused by compounded spinal steroid injections made by the New England Compounding Center, which struck 798 injection recipients, typically people with chronic pain, and killed at least 100. Compounded medications are medications historically made in small-scale family pharmacies and therefore subject to lesser oversight. Compounding is often used in cases where different ingredients or dosages are needed for a particular patient, but loopholes in the laws and the political force of the compounding lobby have lead to a massive shadow industry of the semi-legal mass-production of compounded pharmaceuticals, made in factories that aren't subject to regular safety inspections, being shipped across state lines, with devastating effects. While the intentions of this act were pure, the initial draft was twisted by supporters of the compounding industry into a nothing law. The compounders are allowed to compound, overseen by inattentive and underfunded state governments, only they may now choose to be approved and regulated by the FDA. This is completely useless, as it's optional, and doesn't much benefit the compounding manufacturers. What does benefit them are the repeals of some restrictions that their industry had previously been subject to- now, compounding pharmacies are allowed to promote their wares through advertisements.
These legal changes have destroyed the FDA's ability to monitor two major components of the American medical product landscape. We were on the path of improvement, but we have now turned ourselves back around. The compounding and supplement industries are dangerous, and my goal is to continue my mission of keeping the everyman safe from experimental treatments, do-nothing money-pits, and predatory business practices.
It's time to rejuvenate the FDA.
Main Sources:
Dearen J. KILL SHOT : A Shadow Industry, a Deadly Disease. Avery Pub Group; 2022.
2. Offit PA. Do You Believe in Magic? : The Sense and Nonsense of Alternative Medicine. Harper; 2013.
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flinderspharmacy · 11 months
What are the advantages of compounding pharmacy?
When it comes to healthcare each person's medical demands are as unique and common treatments often may not work. This is where compounding pharmacies, help you with personalized treatment. The compounding pharmacies specialize in customizing medications to individual needs based on the GP prescription and make them an increasingly attractive alternative in the ever-changing healthcare market. Here we will see some advantages of compounding pharmacies and why they are gaining great popularity and recognition in the world of healthcare.
Definition of Compounding Pharmacy
A Compounding pharmacy is a highly specialized pharmacy where licensed pharmacists make customized drugs for specific patients. A regular pharmacy predominantly dispenses mass-produced medications. Compounding pharmacies center their efforts on the careful creation of distinct drug formulations. These formulations span a wide spectrum, encompassing considerations such as precise dosage strength, versatile forms ranging from liquids to creams. 
Compounding pharmacists have access to cutting-edge instruments and a wealth of experiences. It allows them to skilfully manufacture drugs that harmonize flawlessly with the unique medical demands of each patient.
The advantages of compounding pharmacy
The advantages of compounding pharmacies are changing the healthcare landscape. These extraordinary facilities provide customized medicines, accurate dose changes and allergy friendly pharmaceuticals. Compounding pharmacies are cost-effective procedures and put patients at the center of their treatment journey. Here are some advantages of compounding pharmacy.
Low-Cost Solutions - Contrary to the misconception that customized medications are expensive; compounding pharmacies often offer cost-effective alternatives. By eliminating unnecessary additives and using quality ingredients, compounded medications can be budget-friendly.
Medication is customized for each person - One of the most significant advantages of compounding pharmacies is personalized medication. Standard medications may not cater to everyone's needs. Compounding pharmacists can adjust the dosage, form, and ingredients to ensure that the medication is a perfect fit for the patient. This level of customization can lead to more effective treatments.
Allergy Free Medicines - Many people have allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients commonly found in commercial medications, such as dyes, gluten, or preservatives. Compounding pharmacies can create allergy-friendly versions of medications by removing these problematic components. This ensures that patients can receive the treatment they need without adverse reactions.
Unique Medicine Formula - Compounding pharmacies can create specialized formulations not available in normal medications. This includes custom creams, ointments, and topical solutions, which can be essential for various dermatological or pain management treatments.
Availability of Banned Medications – Big pharmaceutical companies often discontinue medications due to low demand. However, some patients still depend on those drugs. Compounding pharmacies can replicate discontinued medications, providing a lifeline for those in need.
Flavored Medications - Compounding pharmacies can improve medication compliance, especially for children by adding many flavors to the customized medications. This thoughtful addition makes taking medicine a more enjoyable experience.
The compounding pharmacies have grown up as an example of personalized healthcare in an era where generic therapies frequently fail. These pharmacies, which specialize in creating customized drugs as per doctors’ guidance, are changing the face of healthcare. Compounding pharmacies put patients at the forefront of their treatment journey by providing cost-effective options, personalized medication, allergy-friendly alternatives and provide many benefits. Compounding pharmacies are gaining well deserved popularity as the desire for customized healthcare grows.
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millerflintstone · 10 months
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The patient is doing better today. She's had an appetite. Last night's dinner was almost all gone this morning. She's very mellow, too. I think kitty CBD is helping. She just had 2 drops on her gums vs the recommended half dropper.
She is better about finding things though I wonder if she found the litter in the nick of time last night because the pee pad surrounding it was wet in an area. She's been better about being in the box and hadn't needed it for about 3 weeks
She's currently purring 😻
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tpup · 1 year
Trying to get maximum possible t cock here… how are y’all obtaining DHT cream? What is the price range? Have any of you managed to get insurance to cover it?
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olight · 3 months
bashes my fucking head in why is so goddamn hard to get hrt even when yoir doctors are fine but its the pharmacies that are the fucking problem
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twopathsdiverge · 7 months
Just to be unclear
The color green reigns free in my mind
As dewy ivy grows green beneath my toes
I feel the same as I did then, as now I do
Who, then, took the color blue?
I ask as birds firmly plant themselves in my oasis,
A shutter brings me back to notice what I had just not noticed.
Birds sing but I cannot hear them
I’ve brought my attention to where is isn’t
Or perhaps won’t be
But was it?
Utter nonsense they say, the birds.
I wish to hear them speak
Maybe is I see a star streaming suspended in the sky
Just then I hear to faint sound of the color green, from far beyond the pond.
I wish to turn but this ivy has firmly planted my feet with the birds
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shleemies · 7 months
Just did a T shot for the first time in years!! I was so brave!!! Used a bluey bandaid too :-)
#i started t in 2017 but after a few weeks i started having an allergic reaction to the cottonseed oil used in it#started getting it compounded with a grapeseed oil suspension and it was fine! until 2019 i moved cities#the new compounding pharmacy would only fill a 6 month supply. id previously been getting 2 month supplies. it was way more expensive#but i was able to get the 6 month supply#2 or so weeks in. the vial fucking fell and shattered. T is majorly regulated and i wasnt allowed a refill for 5 and a half months#when i was able to get back on T i opted for the topical and was on it for years#it was great it worked great#a couple of months ago though my ocd got extremely bad and the contamination aspect of the topical just got to be too much to deal with#so i stopped T for that reason and another reason i wont go into. not important or transition related but i had my reasons#tried to convince myself to start the topical again but when i tried i just got way too anxious wbout the contamination still soooo#i found out theres silicone sleeves online you can get for vials to prevent breakage if they fall so i got an appt with the clinic#told them about all my concerns and stuff#tried to get the pellet implant first but they said i have to go somewhere else for that#may or may not follow up on that#but they were able to prescribe me the sesame oil suspended T and stuff so i cant do shots again#reason i did compounding before was the sesame suspension was more expensive for me at that point#but now its way cheaper for me than the compounded T#so ya this is the context for why i wasnt doing shots for years but now am doing them again#suprisingly enough i had a needle phobia before starting T#but it subsided pretty quickly for the most part when i started and the needle aspect of it all was never a factor for stopping injections#just the price and risk of losing months of T in an instant#i dont have my silicone sleeve for the vial yet but its in the mail. rn my T is safe and sound in a jjk pencil bag :)#tw needles#just in case#didnt expect to write so much in the tags lol
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cookinguptales · 7 months
just did a phone appointment with my ketamine doctor and overheard her saying to one of the assistants that they wanted to figure out a pricing snafu because "money is an issue for her"
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bunnyb34r · 8 months
Mmmm really wish my fucking meds would come in... I ain't enjoying this shit
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adaycalledx · 11 months
compounding pharmacy is like playing potions with your friends and I love it
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aldieb · 2 years
gonna show up to my psych appointment next week w an annotated bibliography. [meme voice] doctors HATE them!
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m-o-l-d-y-bread · 11 months
The Crucial Guide to Vitamins and Minerals: Unlocking the Power of Nutrition for Ideal Wellness
Paragraph 1: Vitamins and minerals play a vital duty in keeping our general health and also wellness. From enhancing our body immune system to sustaining appropriate mind feature, these essential nutrients are the foundation that our bodies require to function at their finest. In this comprehensive overview, we will certainly dive deep right into the world of vitamins and minerals, deciphering their advantages, sources, and also the importance of keeping a well balanced intake for optimal health.Paragraph 2: Nutrients are not just crucial for our bodily features, but they additionally function as effective anti-oxidants, protecting our cells from damage triggered by unsafe cost-free radicals. While a healthy diet plan should preferably give us with all the needed nutrients, certain factors such as poor dietary choices, anxiety, contamination, and even drugs can cause shortages. That's where supplements enters play. We will explore the different sorts of minerals and vitamins, their certain features, and also exactly how to determine if you need to supplement your diet plan to guarantee you're obtaining the appropriate quantity of these essential nutrients. Whether you're aiming to improve your power levels, sustain your body immune system, or boost your skin health and wellness, understanding the world of nutrients is the initial step towards achieving optimum wellness.
Read more here click to visit site
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zanygamer25 · 2 years
Some days your vagina turns evil and you need to bust out your pain specialist’s signature cocktail of lidocaine-estrogen-lube to make it shut up at the source and god damn whoever made this was a genius I am in such relief.
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synechd0che · 1 year
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freddyfreeman · 2 years
Noooo Medicaid won’t cover my HRT
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