#Computer problems
genericpuff · 8 months
welp, this kinda sucks
I'm currently at odds with the PC that I got a couple months ago, it's started freezing and soft-resetting randomly for seemingly no reason. It would usually be after hours of use that I could chalk up to the memory overloading, but now it's happening as soon as I boot up the frigging thing. And just to make it clear how much I've done on my own to diagnose the problem, our attempts to fix it have included the following:
Limiting startup applications
Running virus / malware scans
Swapping out display monitors
Updating the GPU drivers
Setting a lower overclock profile in the BIOS settings
Swapping out power cables and outlets to check for power surges
So far none of these things have worked and if anything, the issue has just gotten worse in the last two days. Like, it can barely make it to the startup screen sometimes, despite the memory and CPU usage being >20%, there is zero reason it would be the PC overclocking itself just from startup.
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(and no, it doesn't even compel me, i'm just annoyed to shit LOL)
So I dropped it off with the guy who built it (he runs an electronics / pawn shop downtown that's very reputable and well-known so it's not like I don't trust him or anything, he's been building PC's for people in the area for years) and it's now in his care for the next day or two while he tries to isolate the problem. Right now the only thing I can imagine being the problem is the power supply or my display monitor, which is my old Huion Kamvas 22 Plus that still works as a monitor, just not a drawing tablet - but if something's still fucking around in the tablet, it could be causing problems through the PC, maybe.
When I dropped it off with the guy, he went and set it up in his office and came out and told me that so far it seemed to be running just fine, when he asked me if I was doing anything specific I told him it was crashing even after startup so I gave him permission to overclock the shit out of it, run 53879205893 browser tabs, run my games, software, anything he needed to do to push it to its limits and see if he could replicate the problem.
I am terrified if it has to do with the motherboard, because that will be an expensive replacement that will also potentially lead to losing files / installations / etc. depending on how big an issue it is. It could also potentially be Windows 11 having a hissy fit especially seeing as how it's freezing up on startup, but doesn't freeze on the BIOS screen when it loads up in safe-mode after hard resets, so something is clearly happening between the hard boot-up and the startup of Windows 11 itself.
Thankfully I do have Google Drive sync support and plenty of external HDD's that I can back my stuff up to, but with the freezing and restarting getting as bad as it's been, I haven't been able to back anything up, and I don't want to risk doing it manually if it'll just freeze and potentially corrupt my files in the process. So I told the guy to call me if he needed to mess with anything concerning the system storage so that, if he could at least keep it running stable in the shop, then I could swing by and get everything I needed synced up safely before he messes around with anything.
It could also very well have something to do with the power supply itself, the house that I occupy the main floor of isn't exactly built with electric optimization in mind, we've had fuses blow on us before just from running the hair dryer at the same time as the TV, so if it's something to do with the PC drawing too much power for the electrical system here to keep up with, either (hopefully) the guy will be able to instruct me on how to lower and manage that power intake through the PC's BIOS (I believe you can but I'm still a massive noob on custom builds and I don't want to go tinkering with it myself) or, idk, maybe I'll have to get my landlord to drop by again with his electrician and check out the fuses to make sure they're all operating properly. I'm not an electrician either, so fuck if I know at this point what could be going on. I feel like it can't be the house itself because everything else is running fine and it's just become a recent issue, but our city's power grid is also not exactly praised for being good at its job, especially not in the winter.
So yeah, I'm a little - well, a lot - stressed right now, but all I can really do at this point is wait. Fortunately, I have my iPad and also remembered that I still have my old PC, so I've hooked it up, at best if the problem repeats itself on this PC then I'll know it has to do with the display monitor, at worst I'll just be stuck working with my clunky old hardware for a couple days, which is annoying, but it'll get the job done. Fortunately I had the newest episode of Rekindled uploaded to the cloud in Clip Studio so I can still download it and work on it, which was my biggest worry when everything started to go belly-up (next to just, like, having a working PC).
Sooooo yeah. It's annoying, but I'm hoping for the best. Send good vibes y'all, I really could use it rn, between this and slow traffic at work and some other personal shit that's been going on, it's been a shitty few days (╥﹏╥)
And yeah, I'll keep y'all updated on if it affects this week's update, it really shouldn't honestly as most of the work left is doable from both my iPad and PC, but obviously at this point anything can happen so if anything has to be postponed or changed to accommodate the current situation, I'll update y'all as soon as I can! Thanks everyone, y'all are the best, wish me luck <3
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resshako · 3 months
Weekly updates (Jun 16 - 23):
Digital artwork has been stopped because of my computer needing to be fixed
Working on furry oc / mascot
Setting up patreon subscriptions and art
Happy Father's Day!
Happy pride!
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bisexualbaker · 7 months
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I am so very, very glad that I have Firefox set to ask me where I want to save it every time I download a file, because once in a while something like this pops up when I'm browsing Tumblr, and that means I can click "Cancel" with extreme prejudice.
I don't know what that file is, where it came from, or why Tumblr wants me to download it, so I don't trust it for a second. And yes, download prompts for unfamiliar files with keysmash names have only popped up while I'm scrolling through Tumblr.
If I didn't have Firefox set up the way it is, I probably wouldn't even notice that I was downloading these files in the first place, let alone stop it before it happened.
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huckleberrycomics · 7 months
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I’ve broken about 5 in my life…… I’m a mac user, typically.
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ageless-aislynn · 7 months
I legit thought my computer was going to explode a few minutes ago. The Nvidia card made a sound like it had been literally kicked in the nuts into high gear. Everything froze. Then all 3 sets of considerable fans in the case blasted on. Hard shutting down (holding the power button down) did not work for about 10 very long seconds, giving me plenty of time to wonder if this was how death was going to come for me. I honestly kinda wish it would have. This thing might as well kill me as a grand finale.
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In other news, Dell removed their most current BIOS and the previous 3 versions. I'm sure there's nothing suspicious about that and that everything Dell is doing is really cool and awesome and will promote perfectly working computers.
I know it's not all Dell PCs but, God bless, it's more than just one or two, if my research proves anything. I wish I could get a refund so I could trade this off for something that actually works. I wish I'd never bought it. Maybe I can save towards some entry level PC that can't game or vid (which is no different from what I have right now) but might not make me feel like I'm taking my life in my hands just turning it on. I don't want to be scared of my own computer and I actually really am of this one.
If I disappear for good, just know I love you all and I died doing the thing I love the most: endless computer repairs. 😑
I'm joking... well, about loving endless computer repairs at least. ☠️
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i-am-trans-gwender · 12 days
When I was in high school they at one point blocked search results for the word "Joker" on our computers. To get around this I just looked up "J oker". That one space betwen J and o was all it took.
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kyriathanatos · 9 months
Donations Needed!
A member of my community's computer is going kaput, and she had made a gofundme to help raise some funds for a new laptop, she's like 45% of the way to a new one and it would mean the world to me if people would donate & share!
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faranae · 7 months
"Hey, the laptop feels weird."
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So, Sander's lid isn't closing flush. On closer inspection, the touchpad sure is popping up out of the keyboard by about the same amount as that gap you see in the above picture, so roughly 1/8".
"Ah, fuck." I think to myself. "That's probably a spicy pillow."
So, I flip Sander over and break out my handy-dandy T5 Torx bit to take the bottom of the case off. I ease my way in by working at all of the screws at once. I am careful. I am cautious...
... And I jump 3 feet out of my skin when the plate suddenly releases with a resounding CRACK:
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That 1/4" gap you see there? That's not the lid. That's the bottom plate of the laptop, pushed up by the swollen chunk of chemical oh-no underneath it now that there are no screws to keep the delinquent battery subdued. Normally there are sets of clips along the inner edge of the chassis that hold the plate on, but they were no match for the Spicy Pillow.
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There he is! Sander Cohen's undoing in all its glory. If you've ever wondered what a 50Wh 3-cell lithium-polymer battery looks like once it's going spicy, now you've seen it! :D
A few hours later and he's now recovering from surgery and doing quite well, though he will forever be tethered to the wall AC now that he's got no cell in there. I'm glad, because I'd just finished wiping the machine clean and setting him up for BabyCat to use for her schoolwork and some games. @_@; Her phone recently shattered (wasn't her fault either, the poor thing) and this was a way of cheering her up, and it almost went so horribly wrong.
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bigcchalupa · 8 months
Opening commissions!
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HI! my computer recently broke down and i... do not have the money to afford the parts i need to replace. if you could help me, i'd be forever grateful! but be aware that the commissions may take longer than expected, due to my computer problems.
if you're interested, please email me at [email protected]
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lara-prism-light · 3 months
Ok, I don't know anything about computers, but can someone tell me if this is a problem??
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The thing that looks like a screw fell out of this part of the PC, if anyone understands computers can you tell me if this is a problem? This part is where the monitor cable connects to the CPU
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ordinaryschmuck · 5 months
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sephirajo · 8 months
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It lives but I don't know if I do. Unplugging monitor 2 brought it back to life. It is now file checking. Prayer circle for my pc everyone
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dominimoonbeam · 6 months
If only you all could have seen my brother's face when I told him how I removed my computer fan and blew the dust out of it like an NES cartridge.
It went from moderately impressed at the removal to suspicious of where this was going, to a suspecting cringe because he knows me, to complete disappointment.
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aditheursula · 4 months
Had to stop streaming because laptop is overheating. It's never done this. Also, the playtests would not work because the developer pulled one of the playtests from Steam and the other one was shit.
This was a throw away stream. I deleted the VOD. It was a shitshow.
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batwynn · 5 months
Playing the game: are my business card and logo files completely gone, does the search option on my computer suck more than ever, or did I name them something like ‘ahfoslfk.final’?
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ageless-aislynn · 4 months
Friends, my time has come.
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I mean, it's a shame there's no option for "you sold me a computer infested with demons and basically your idea of tech support is 'Wow, sucks to be you'" but I made do with what I had. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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