#Congratulations artists - no matter where it ends up it's correct
tswwwit · 3 months
How do you imagine Bill and Dipper to look like? In terms of face features, hair style, clothes and such
Pretty much the only constant is that Bill has an eyepatch, and that's mostly for the 'wait I thought that was on the other side' gag.
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sewermageboy · 6 months
Ok so I have a lot of questions for romanced Companion!Hyacinth, feel free to skip any
1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 12 please <3
In reference to this ask meme.
1. Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
They are, and there are no specific requirements. In true bard fashion, they're down for pretty much anything and anyone, as long as approval isn't atrocious.
2. Does your Tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the PC themselves if approval is high enough?
Hyacinth will always have lowkey flirty dialogue with the PC, even if approval is neutral, and they'll approve of the PC flirting back. Similar to Lae'zel and Astarion, they'll offer to hook up before the party.
4. Do they have a special romance scene at the tiefling/goblin party?
Tiefling party: Hyacinth is alternating between dancing with a few of the tieflings, fun village dances, spinning around with some of the kids, and playing their violin alongside Alfira's lute music.
When the PC approaches them, they'll be invited to dance alongside Hyacinth and the tieflings, and depending on player choice, they can either join a friendly group dance or pull Hyacinth into a more intimate position for a one-on-one dance. Afterwards, the PC can hook up with Hyacinth (again, if they were approached beforehand).
Goblin party: No dancing, no violin music. Hyacinth is quietly nursing a drink, their face a mask of neutrality. When the PC approaches them, they're perfectly pleasant, congratulating them on a job well executed. There is no additional romance scene at the goblin party, and the PC can't sleep with them either.
5. Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take?
The PC can harden Hyacinth (similar to Leliana or Alistair in DAO), and depending on if they did, their romance plays out differently.
Non-hardened Hyacinth is content with the life they have, wanting to be there for their daughter but is also open to traveling (anywhere except the Underdark). Their Act 3 romance scene is serenading the PC on the roof of the Elfsong Tavern, and watching the sunset together as they tell the PC of their past, both the good and the bad.
Hardened Hyacinth wants to get ahead, sick of limiting themself to the life of an entertainer. Their mother taught them these skills for a reason after all, and they'll put them to use as they were intended, manipulating and scheming their way into the circles of the rich and powerful of the Sword Coast. Their Act 3 romance scene also happens on the roof of the Elfsong tavern, but at sunset. They don't play the violin for the PC, instead hooking up with them. There is no talk about their past, either. Instead, Hyacinth talks about their plans for the future, how they will finally take their rightful place among the elites of Baldur's Gate.
7. What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test? 
Q: What is Hyacinth proudest of? 1. Their artistic talent - they're a master with the violin! (Approval, they'll give a mock bow) 2. Their ability to manipulate people. (Disapproval unless you're heading for their bad ending) 3. Their prowess in bed. (Approval, they think this is hilarious)
Q: What is home to them? 1. The people they love. (Approval, they'll comment that the PC is a sap) 2. Menzoberranzan. (Disapproval, hasn't been their home in a long long time) 3. Baldur's Gate. (Approval, they'll say that, no matter where they go, life always brings them back to the Gate in the end)
Q: What are they most afraid of? 1. Lolth. (Disapproval, while they did fear Lolth once, they've long since cut her out of their life, very deliberately giving her no more power over them) 2. Messing up on stage. (Approval, though they comment that a true artist can cover up whatever kind of mistake they make without issue) 3. Becoming their mother. (no approval change, this is the correct answer)
12. Free space! Share anything from your companion!Tav au!
I love the mechanic in Dragon Age that companions get together if you don't date either of them (like Dorian and Bull), so I'm gonna say that, if the PC doesn't romance Astarion then Hyacinth and him are in an established relationship by the time of the epilogue.
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vorish-musing · 3 years
Please Don’t Go (I’ll Eat You Whole)
U//nbrella A//cademy Vore Fic!
Hey guys! its been for FUCKING ever since I’ve created a story, its a bit shorter,, but if you guys want i do have a bit of a follow up fic I can post later on!
but this is the Klaus Hargreeves fic i promised y’all!
Spoiler Warning for Umbrella Academy S1 and S2.
Trigger Warnings:  this story contains soft, safe, G/t vore. if you do not like this, I suggest not reading. this story also mentioned digestion and death--neither of which happens! there is also substantial alcohol mention-- klaus is literally drunk the entire time. 
It was chance that Dave came by to the house, wanting to apologize to Klaus for the argument and the fight in the diner-- and even though Klaus was happy to see him, the fact that he was piss drunk made it a whole lot harder to keep his mouth shut about what he knew about Dave. the alcohol in his blood wanting to word vomit his way into telling Dave everything. 
From his favourite food, favourite book-- and to some details Dave didn’t even want to know about himself. Walking through the garden, it was very apparent that Dave could not believe one word out of Klaus’s mouth.
Klaus didn’t blame him, all he really did was lie and con-- exactly what he was doing with the cult. If Dave was talking about anything else, he would’ve been right.
But he wasn’t. And Klaus had to make him believe, had to try and save the kid, even if that meant Dave would never be with him. 
It had all come to a head as Klaus stumbled, trying to get him to not enlist, and he let it slip. Dave's death date--and where he had died.
As Klaus spoke, he could see Dave's hand shaking as it balled into a fist, “Even if I believed you. It wouldn’t matter, it's an honour to die for your country”
Klaus laugh at the naïve patriotism, “that's Bull--” 
“I’ve already enlisted.”
Dave's words sliced through Klaus’s hope like a sword, his breath hitching as the words escaped daves mouth, the kid looking at Klaus with anger and confusion. 
“you...What?! That's not supposed to happen yet.” 
“The other day after i saw you, my uncle took me down to the recruitment office” He looked Klaus down, clearly trying to make it seem like he was disgusted by the man before him, but no matter what Dave did or said, Klaus knew him, knew his secrets, almost like he knew his thoughts. 
‘It's all some kind of parlor trick, he’s a con artist’
“He made me sign up, I ship out next week”
Though Dave couldn’t shake the strange feeling that crept up his spine, like he knew who Klaus was, he could feel his face go red
‘Don’t let him get in your head’ 
Klaus almost fell to his knees at the reveal, he couldn't save him, he was going to that war and he was going to die, and there's nothing Klaus could do to stop him. 
He couldn’t stop thinking back to the nightclub, when they were dancing together, holding each other-- even if he could never have that again, he was willing to do everything in his power to make sure Dave wouldn’t have to suffer a death to a stupid war that ended in the same way it had started. 
“I have to go, save this story for the next time you want to recruit someone” Dave blinked a few tears away, looking away to quickly wipe them, as if he wasn’t phased by this at all. 
As the man tried to walk away, Klaus took his chance-- he had no idea what chance that was, but he was going to do whatever his mind came up with. 
“W-wait!” he blurted out, erratic and desperate, making Dave turn around, shocked at how loud the outburst was, not hearing him speak louder than a regular speaking voice before now.
‘Shit...he's staring at me’
“Y-you….” Klaus took a deep breath, calming his voice, trying to sound more rational “you got me.” he shrugged. 
Dave blinked, “...what?” 
His curiosity peaked, Dave turned around fully, Klaus let a smile slip out 
“You’re got me, I’m a fraud” he spoke these words almost gleefully, his own pain being masked by the pure glee of someone he could finally tell the truth to “I didn’t mean to start all of this, but I’m so fucked up, I can’t stop” 
Dave straightened his back, looking Klaus up and down “I thought so...glad you could admit it?” 
Klaus smiled a big, toothy grin “can I get you a drink? What you’re….23 correct? I can get you the best drinks that’ll knock your socks off-- think of it as a going away present--O-or better yet, a congratulations to finding out my con” 
Klaus stumbled over to Dave, who stepped back slightly. 
“This...isn’t another attempt to...convert me, Right?” Klaus laughed, shaking his head--like Dave was crazy to even think that-- “fine. One drink, then i'm gone.” 
“Of course” Klaus lied through his teeth. Taking a deep breath as he walked towards Dave, right passed him. “One drink.” 
The two of them walk to the house, Klaus leading Dave, who was apprehensive, but putting on a brave face. 
Ideas swarmed into Klaus’s head on what he could do, he could try get Ben to lift him up again and show he’s not actually lying, and he could also just keep him here for a few days, convince him the war was idiotic. 
With every thought pulsating through his head, an even more ridiculous one came to light, it was like his brain was trying to one-up itself.
Suddenly, it was like a lightbulb flashed into his head, it was the perfect plan--
Klaus jumped back a few steps as Ben appeared beside him, almost making him fall--he looked at the drunk man with annoyance before speaking, “Klaus, show him to the door and leave, I know what you’re thinking” 
Dave jumped back as well “what the hell are you doing?” 
Klaus looked to Ben, who almost had a pleading look on his face, then to Dave--it was clear he was on thin ice with the kid. 
“Sorry sorry!” Klaus brushed himself off “thought i saw a bee, disgusting things” he turned to Ben-- he turned to nothing in Dave’s eyes--”Such pests, I think they need to stay in their own business” 
As ben rolled his eyes, Dave's face twisted into more concern for Klaus, rather than anger, “...Right” 
“Anyways” Klaus cringed at the look Dave gave him as he turned to the house again, and quietly, as Ben walked back up to him, he spoke to his dead brother.”
“I won’t if I can convince him.” 
“You’re plastered, you won’t convince anyone”
Klaus waved his hand in the air “wow! These bees are crazy tonight! Don’t you think, Dave?” he turned to the man, who just stared back, following him sheepishly as they got to the door. 
“I don’t see any bees.” he spoke matter-of-factly. 
As Klaus opened it, gesturing for Dave to come inside-- he almost felt like the Witch in Hansel and Gretel, luring the man inside. “I guess you’re not looking hard enough.” 
Dave could feel a pit in his stomach as he walked into the giant manor, paintings of Klaus plastering the walls with plants up to the ceiling. 
With every step Dave could feel something sinking deeper and deeper in the already established pit in his stomach-- he couldn’t put his finger on it, it just felt so...off.
Surly he wasn't the only person who had found out his Con, and why was he being so nice about it all of a sudden? He was denying and Denying all he could a little bit ago, what was going on? 
Klaus looked over his shoulder to look at Dave from time to time-- almost to make sure he was actually following-- Through the corner of his eye he could see Ben following, giving Klaus a death glare--- which technically every glare would be a death one since he was….dead. 
Klaus finally stumbled into his personal room “This is my sanctuary away from the mob” 
It was a small room, only a small bed, and the floor was covered in pillows, it actually looked quite comfortable. 
“Feel free to sit wherever you want. I’ll get you a drink.” 
Once Dave had taken a step into the room, Klaus closed the door quickly, making the kid jump ever so slightly. 
Finally, Klaus had hit all of Dave's red flags, “Actually I need to be back to my Uncle, I should get going before he finds out where--” 
“Sh sh shh.” Klaus shushed him, “Sure you don’t need a drink, but just stay a bit longer? We still have so much to talk about” with those words, Klaus popped open a random half full bottle of alcohol, and without another moment to lose, drinking almost all of it, cringing as it burned going down his throat. 
Dave stared, just shocked that one person could drink so much alcohol, since he was already drunk.
“Talk about?” 
Klaus, now losing any more of his sobriety that was left, finally spoke, his words slurring ever so slightly, “I know you’re all ‘patriotic’ and shit, but joining a hopeless war and--”
He was cut off 
“Are you kidding?” Dave scoffed at Klaus, “I fucking knew it. I knew you wouldn’t just admit to me that you’re a fucking con.” 
Klaus shook his head, “you have to listen to me, Dave. I may not be an actual prophet but i do  know when you’re gonna die, you have to believe me” 
“Shut the hell up! You’re just… a wannabe commie with a shit for brains group backing you.” Dave turned around, preparing to leave without another word.
That was before Klaus bolted up, practically sliding into the door-- a loud bang following as he used himself to barricade the door. 
“You are going to die on February 21st, 1968--”
“Get out of my way--” 
“Its on A Shau Valley, Hill 68--” 
“Shut UP!” Dave pulled away from the drunken man, “I don’t care--Whatever you’re pulling out of your ass, you need to stop. This is ridiculous.” Dave backed up until his back hit the closet, startling him slightly, making him flinch. 
‘Why am I so scared?’
Klaus turned to ben, as he sat on the bed, watching-- as if he was witnessing a car crash and couldn’t look away.
“Let it go, Klaus. Let Him go.” 
“I fucking CAN”T” Klaus yelled at Ben, “He’s going to DIE.” tears threatened the older mans eyes as he wobbled back and forth. 
Dave took the chance he got as Klaus was (or what he thought he was) hallucinating, He bolted for the door, pushing Klaus to the side, who fell to the floor with a yelp. 
“Just stay away from me!” Dave grabbed the door handle, about to twist it-- until he felt Klaus grab onto his ankle, making him look down. 
He was sprawled on the ground, hanging onto His pant leg tightly.
Pain, anger, and sadness, mixed with a shit ton of alcohol finally took control, bubbling up into him as he allowed his emotions to take control.  
 Dave couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. “You have to know that's not going to stop me.” 
“I’m not stopping you.” Dave's stomach dropped as Klaus chuckled back at him, a deep, almost menacing chuckle. 
“Wha--” Dave couldn’t finish the word as a deep, dizzying feeling washed over him like a tsunami.
“Be careful, I don't want you hurt you”
Dave fell to his knees, which seemed like a much farther drop than he would’ve thought, he could feel Klaus’s hand slip off of him. 
Klaus watched, sitting up into a crouched position, elbows resting on his knees, hands on his face, almost like a child, a smile wide as he watched in fascination as Dave fell to the floor and began shrinking. 
He was always interested in this part, how each person he would shrink, reacted once they really understood what was going on, he called it his own guilty pleasure-- he would never admit it-- people would think he was nuts. 
Not that shrinking people isn’t nuts.
“Wh-Whats happening?” 
The same thing everyone said-- Dave held his head tightly as the dizzying feeling got worse and worse--though he opened his eyes as wide as possible, though his vision was extremely blurry--he could see one thing. 
Klaus standing over him. 
‘What the….fuck?’ 
Klaus looked down at the shrinking man, getting smaller and smaller by the moments passing by “What's happening? Exactly what you think.” 
Ben rolled his eyes “Give him a chance to change his mind, please” 
“I will!” I will! Now go haunt someone else”
Finally, as if by some miracle, Dave’s vision  came back-- though once he saw what was in front of him, it seemed like regaining his vision was more of a curse.
Seeing a drunk, probably psychotic Giant in front of him staring him down, and he was talking to himself. 
“I-I” Dave finally found his voice in the turmoil his head was put through, “w-what the fuck did you...you do?!” his voice started out small, but it was like it grew with every word he spoke. 
Klaus couldn’t help but giggle softly, “Sorry, I know this is probably really bad for you but, you just look so goddamned cute~” Klaus reached his hand out slowly, and to that, Dave backed up right into the doorframe. 
Klaus was wrong, this wasn’t just ‘really bad’ for Dave, it was Terrifying for the young lad, he felt the wood hit his back, his eyes darting around to find another way to get away from the looming man. 
‘I could run under the door’ he paused for a moment ‘He’d get me before then’
“But…” Klaus pulled his hand back and shifted, so he was sitting with his legs crossed, hands still resting on his face. “To answer your obvious question; I shrunk you” 
“I--How--you…” Dave sputtered, his mind scrambled in between what was really happening and how to stop it “Make me normal again!” Was all he could come up with, having to deal with the fact that this was actually happening. 
Klaus then frowned, “Well that's entirely up to you, pal” The normal-sized man shrugged at Dave, who just blinked in surprise “You just have to do one thing for me.”
Dave could feel his heart sink at his words--‘what the fuck did he want?’
“s-Sure man, Anything, what is it?” Dave spoke, not even trying to mask the desperateness in his voice.
“Two words.” Klaus held up two fingers, “Draft” one finger down “Dodge” the other finger went down. 
‘It’s still about this?’--Dave was almost surprised at what lengths this guy went to so he could just simply not go to war--”I-I can’t, I wasn’t even drafted--” 
Klaus just waved a hand “Oh sure you can, millions of men did the same, some for multiple wars, its not too much of a big deal, just lay low for a bit. They’ll stop eventually” 
‘Multiple wars?’
He was fucking crazy.
“I-I can’t” 
“Why not?” 
Dave couldn’t understand why he couldn’t just agree with this man, his uncle would probably say his pride to honesty or some shit like that----“My uncle will kill me! I’d rather die for my country instead at the hands of my shitty family!” Dave paused, realizing what he had just said-- he wasn’t lying, which is really what surprised him.
There was a pause from Klaus as well. Seeing the shock climb onto Dave's face made his fall into a frown, shaking his head. 
“You could live here. No Cult shit needed.” Klaus tried once again to get him to agree, just a simple ‘ok’ would work for him, anything that could make this man stop his own death sentence… though one look from Dave made him realize that it was a dumb idea, letting out a slight sigh that turned into a chuckle “Scratch that, they never leave you alone--Fuck they never leave me Alone.” 
Dave Stared up into Klaus’s enormous eyes, though Dave's eyes wandered seeing Klaus smile--his Mouth, it was huge-- Don’t think about that, you’ll give him ideas, Dave. 
Though unbeknownst to the shrunken man, Klaus was already thinking it. 
And his brain was close to considering it. 
Klaus stared down Dave.
Dave stared up at Klaus. 
It was a standoff.
Klaus could hear ben-- right beside his ear, in a hushed whisper “Let him go.” 
He shook his head
“If i let him go, he dies” 
“w-What?!” Dave called out, his heart sinking lower and lower as he watched this man seemingly talking to air.  “w-what are you doing?!” 
“He won’t forgive you for this if you do it.” 
“---I don’t care! You're not the fucking angel on my shoulder--fuck off!” Klaus slurred throughout his tirade, turning to Ben with a glare “dead people don't get an opinion on what I do with the Living”
When Klaus turned, Dave took his chance. 
The boy turned--stumbling into a run towards the door, he could barely feel the steps he was taking, it almost felt like he was floating--his heart pounded right outside his chest, if he was just fast enough maybe he could get away before Klaus even noticed.
Dave spun around at Klaus’s outburst, being caught red handed, right by the door, ready to crawl under it--- his stomach sank in, forming a large pit in the bottom of it. 
Though before Dave could register what he was looking at, a pair of extremely large hands scooped him into their clutches, and he could only think of one thing---
Klaus held the man tightly as he pushed against his fingers, kicking, screaming, punching--you name it, he was doing it--- all in an attempt to get out of the giants grasp. 
“Come on, you didn't have to do that! I wanted to let you go.” 
Dave paused, hearing the soft, almost disappointed tone Klaus’s voice produced, the tone hiring with each word, it was eerie how hurt the man was by this. 
Klaus was even more upset on the inside, his gut twisting and his chest tightening. He didn’t look up to Ben, but the ghost could tell who he was speaking to.
“I have to do this” 
Dave was about to yell out the obligatory “do what?!” 
That was until he was brought closer to Klaus’s face, he cringed at the lingering pungent smell of alcohol on the mans breath. 
“h-Hey...Klaus-- Listen I--”
“Don’t talk, It’ll make it worse” 
Klaus didn't need to use words, as his lips parted, it was all too clear what his intentions were. 
Dave's mouth hung open for a moment, waiting for a yell to claw its way out of him, something that would at least make sure that he was fighting back. 
But nothing arose, he was just frozen in time, as the man before him simply pushed him into his mouth. 
Dave's eyes watered as the smell of alcohol burned through the air, making him slightly gag. Fucking gross.
Somehow, this was what brought him back out of his shock. 
Klaus laid back, smiling softly he rolled his eyes back in pleasure, it had been so long since he had eaten someone...at least someone that he actually wanted to eat. 
For the first few years, having the cult members beg for him to eat him was exhilarating, he had never gotten to eat people before, and having these people basically put themselves on a silver platter was fantastic. 
Until it wasn’t 
He didn’t realize that he could actually get sick of this feeling. 
The feeling of being actually full, having something alive inside of him, moving, breathing. 
When its said like that I sound like a psychopath. 
Dave let out a yell as Klaus began rolling him around, pushing him against his tongue, tasting the poor lad. The thick drool clung onto him, he couldn’t fight back, his limbs sliding against anything he tried to push against, the tongue, the teeth, he couldn’t grip onto anything.
This was really happening, he was in another human beings mouth. 
He couldn’t stop himself, he had to yell out “HELP ME! ANYBODY PLEASE!” every second he yelled, the more hoarse his voice was. 
Klaus couldn't help but smile, maybe the arrogance and narcissism in him was bursting at the seams, it was strange how some of the people in that very house would be on their knees--begging Klaus to do this to them. 
Klaus rolled his head backwards slightly, head hitting the wood of the bookshelf as he did so. 
“You can still let him out”
Ben sat right in front of Klaus, staring at him with disgust. 
This hadn’t been the first time he had watched this same scenario, though it usually involved drugs and alcohol.
“Mmmm!” Klaus shook his head, shushing the ghost, and rattling dave around, the man sliding from side to side across the tongue below him. 
“Come on Klaus the kid learned his lesson--” 
Ben should’ve known this wouldn’t work, Klaus being angry, drunk and overconfident--it was a bad concoction destined to go wrong. 
“Just let him go!” 
“Mmfine!” finally, a slurred out word ben could recognize emerged out of it. 
Klaus’s lips parted as he opened his mouth wide for Ben to watch. 
Dave wheezed as his eyes adjusted to the light before him. He was staring at the other side of the room, the mountain of pillows and blankets on the other side of the room. 
Through the slippery and slimy cave, Dave pushed himself forewards, which was less of a push, more of a slide foreward. 
Ben couldn’t help but feel pity for the poor dude, and if he was alive, he’d probably just outright snatch him out of the drunkards mouth. 
But alas, being dead sucked. 
And simply out of spite, Klaus swallowed. Staring into Ben's eyes as he did so. 
Dave let out a loud gasp as his legs were pulled into the darkness, forcing himself down his throat 
The throat muscles began to drag Dave down, pulling his body deeper and deeper into the tube below him.
Klaus shut his mouth, his point made very clear to Ben, who just sat there---mouth agape and looking disgusted at the man. 
Though Klaus paid no mind to this, letting his head roll back into the bookshelf, a small thud following.
He wished he could just enjoy what he could, without his brother bothering him about every little thing under the sun. 
It’s not like he was hurting the kid!
Klaus brought his hand to his throat, prodding, feeling the lad kicking through his skin as he began his descent into the esophagus. 
Dave couldn’t believe it.
But he had to. 
He was being eaten alive. His body being shoved down an esophagus. 
Actually no, ‘being’ shoved, would imply that it was force. No. he was being pulled gently down, just another piece of food for the stomach to enjoy. 
As dave traveled down his throat, slowly but surely, klaus found himself grinning, a hand on his stomach prematurely, waiting for the moment his prey arrived. 
Though a small pout on his face formed as his tongue dragged across his lips 
“Dammit Ben!” Klaus lifted his head, “I didn’t even get a good taste of ‘im!” 
Though as he looked to face the ghost, Ben was nowhere to be found. 
The room was empty. 
“Fine! Be like that!” 
Dave cringed as his body spilled into Klaus’s stomach, the putrid smell of alcohol pungent in the air. 
Dave could’ve gotten drunk right off the fumes. 
“no….nononoNONONO!” Dave pushed against the organ, cringing at the squelching sound it made around his hands. “PLEASE---PLEASE STOP!” 
Klaus dropped his hand down to his bare stomach, the organ slightly mishapen, he blamed it on the kid, not the massive amount of alcohol he consumed. 
He pushed back at the skin below his hands as Dave struggled, “thats not gonna do much, its best to just relaaaax” 
Klaus began softly massaging the organ, small circular motions, though it didn’t help much, feeling the man continue to kick and yell to him. 
But damn, it felt good. 
As he continued to ignore the yells-- the pleading from within the confines of him, he could feel himself growing more and more exhausted. 
“Well then, davey” Klaus patted his stomach, covering his mouth as a small burp escaped his stomach. “this has been a great time, but I am exhausted.” he groaned, getting up from his sitting positon, bringing his hand back down to his stomach. 
Daves heart sunk...that meant...that meant….”p-please klaus…” his voice choked out “please don't kill--” 
Dave let out a loud gasp as his surroundings shifted with each step, feeling a sickness inside of himself as if he was on a ship at sea. 
Klaus shushed the man, “I already said you're gonna be fine!”  did he? He couldn’t remember “I’m not going to hurt you, and if i was, I wouldn’t be this elaborate, trust me.” he fell right back down to the mountain of pillows, the softness engulfing him all around. 
It was hard to believe a man who had eaten him alive. 
Klaus brought his head up, poking his stomach. “Hey dave?!”
The kid paused his struggling, feeling the finger specifically prodding at him, “w-what?!” 
“If its any consolation, you tasted really good” 
“...its really not.” the disgusted tone in his voice growing slightly.
“Welp, can’t blame me for trying. Try and get some rest now.” 
“W-wait you can’t just leave me in here!” dave pushed at the slimy walls, his hands slipping and sliding around, it was hard to get a grip. 
Klaus just shifted around, making Dave wobble even more-- Placing his hand overtop of the organ containing the young man. 
It didn’t take long for klaus to pass out, his full stomach mixed with the comfortable position, it was almost instantaneous. 
For dave, it took a few more hours. 
He fought for quite some time as klaus slept, seeing if he could do anything that would annoy the man into spitting him up. though as the hours droned on, and the fact that he was still fully intact, not even a tingle or twinge of pain started to dawn on him. Sure, he was okay, and sure, he wasn’t going to die in there--
But how long was klaus going to keep him in there for? 
It really didn’t take long for the adrenaline he once had to wear off, his body begging for sleep, and even as the kid protested, not wanting to lower his guard, he couldn’t help but feel his eyelids pulling shut, the warmth and darkness almost forcing him into sleep. 
He hated to mention it, but the sounds around him were quite helpful too. 
Sure, he had bouts of anxiety with every gurgle and groan klaus’s stomach created, but he ended up growing used to them, the low drum of his heartbeat calming and rhythmic, even as klaus breathed in for air, he could hear the ‘wind’ going back and forth from his lungs. 
As he finally gave into his own body’s pleas for sleep, he hoped to god that Klaus would let him out in the morning. 
And with that thought, he was out like a light.
and that’s it! please let me know what y’all think! I’m glad i’ve been able to share this with you guys and show off the fic i’ve been hyperfixating on for so long! and as i said above, if y’all want a part two i am so happy to do so for you guys!
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shinydelirium · 3 years
MLQC Season 2 Chapter 9 (Kiro) Final Part [Delayed Answer] & [Fissure] Translation [CN]
Here’s the rest of Kiro’s story from Season 2 chapter 9
For the previous translations of Season 2 Chapter 9: Part 1
[Delayed Answer]
The day of the new song conference finally came to a successful conclusion.
Thinking that I could finally go home and rest at ease, I suddenly received a message from Savin, asking me to bring Kiro to the company right away.
After listening to my retelling, Kiro’s smile immediately froze on his face as if he got caught sneaking out for barbecue.
Kiro: Savin will definitely give me three hours of ideological education.
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Kiro: ….Or I’ll just slip away and say that my stomach hurts.
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MC: It doesn’t matter, I will help you intercede.
Kiro sighed. After thinking long and hard, he quickly aligned with me and prepared to proactively explain his mistakes.
Pushing open the door of the company, gold foil ribbons suddenly fell from the ceiling and cheers came one after another to my ears.
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Kiro and I were stunned in place, surrounded by everyone.
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Kiki: Congratulations to our company’s successfully held new song release conference by the ace artist, Kiro!
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Willow: We did it!!!
The company is full of lights and festoons and the banners of “Today’s New Year” is displayed everywhere.
Kiro was pushed to the center of the crowd, surrounded by balloons, ribbons, and flowers. Soon, a huge cake was pushed in front of him.
Behind him was a long row of tables filled with tempting cupcakes and carbonated drinks.
A few golden letter balloons were fixed on the wall, piecing together the words “KILO”.
It turns out that everyone thought that Kiro rarely showed up these days because of the sullenness of the last storm so they prepared this surprise to cheer him up.
Kiro: Scared me to death…I thought I came to receive ideological education.
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Savin: Don’t worry, there will be time for that later. ***Changed some wording***
With everyone’s urging, Kiro blew out the candles on the cake.
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Kiro: Thanks, everyone!
His smile in the candlelight was captured by the camera. At this moment, the whole world is full of hope and life like never before.
After the celebration banquet, Kiro and I went to the company’s terrace for some fresh air.
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As the sun sets, the evening breeze gently takes away the remaining warmth.
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MC: Can you tell me now…?
MC: How did the “last-minute superhero” Kiro stop the train?
Kiro: It’s actually very simple. I briefly hacked into the car’s control system and activated the emergency braking function.
Kiro: As long as the startup program is disrupted, the train will be able to stop.
MC: What! I didn’t think of that before!
Kiro: The most important thing is that the boy changed his mind. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have worked even if I typed many lines of code.
MC: You’re right, but fortunately, he was not brainwashed by the people of GRAY RHINO.
Kiro: Because his heart has never changed.
Kiro: He lost his way and fell into a quagmire. All he needed was someone to pull him out.
Kiro: Therefore, we have also agreed that no one will say a word about what happened today.
The wind lifted his hair on his forehead and the eyes that looked at me were shining.
I nodded solemnly.
MC: No matter what, I will support your decision.
MC: What’s more, during that plane accident, he�� changed his mind in the end and saved the person on that flight.
The real culprit is GRAY RHINO. They took advantage of this boy’s pain and weakness to achieve their goals.
If today’s crisis wasn’t resolved, perhaps the contradiction between Evolvers and ordinary people will incite into an unprecedented degree….
Thinking of this, my mind suddenly fell into a daze.
CORE is like a stone thrown by an invisible hand, constantly stirring up even bigger ripples. I’m also more and more certain that the most critical variable in this world is CORE.
But for most people in this world, some of them choose to move forward and some choose to retreat.
Some people stay where they are, while others are lost and don’t know where to go.
Therefore, there are many people with inconsistent paces and different destinations.
The history of this world is written by everyone, but not everyone’s fate will be recorded.
Can their voices be heard? Can these meager destinies be included in the “beautiful future” pursued by this society?
Regardless of whether it is B.S., the Special Task Force, GRAY RHINO, these self-regulated people at the forefront, how can they frame the correct choice at every step….
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Kiro: What are you thinking about? Why do you show such an unhappy expression again?
I shook my head.
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MC: I was just thinking that the pain I felt from that boy might only be one thousandth or one ten thousandth of how he felt.
I was able to see his past memories, but I can’t 100% feel his current pain.
Kiro put down the soda can, rested his hands on the railing, and looked at me quietly.
Kiro: Will MC suffer because of her own abilities?
I thought for a moment and shook my head seriously.
MC: Only when you are close to suffering, you are closer to reality.
MC: Isn’t it cowardly if you ignore the facts because you are afraid of pain?
MC: And so….
Before I finished speaking, Kiro suddenly took my hand and gently placed it on top of his head.
His tousled hair brushes my palm, ticklish. I looked at him, puzzled.
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Kiro: Then MC can also feel my memory.
The corners of his eyes were bent, and the golden color of the setting sun seemed to flicker in his eyes.
Kiro: Since you have the ability to perceive pain, you should also have the same right to perceive happiness.
I stared blankly at him and couldn’t help but blurt out.
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MC: Are you happy?
Kiro: Mm. When I’m by your side, I am happy.
MC: Is this comfort?
Kiro shook his head, giving me a serious expression.
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Kiro: Not comfort, but a promise. By your side, I am happy.
The wind rustled the hair on his forehead, revealing his starry eyes and the sincere gentleness in them.
Kiro: But speaking of the topic just now, I also have a question for MC.
His tone suddenly became a little lighter.
Kiro: “If you don’t hurt people, you will be hurt”… what would you do with this choice?
MC: In fact, someone once told me this answer.
I looked into his eyes, as if I could feel a warm feeling pouring into my heart.
MC: He should be the one who chooses the latter without hesitation , but he can always get himself out of the situation.
Fresh and vivid memories. Some are complete. Some are fragmented and they converge like a river of flowing into the sea of memories little by little.
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MC: But there is something he is a bit bad about—he likes to keep the secret until the end.
MC: …So I didn’t know for a long time after arriving.
Kiro blinked and suddenly sneezed twice in succession.
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Kiro: Is someone speaking ill of me behind my back….?
I chuckled, the last regret in my heart seemed to disappear with the wind.
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MC: Given that these days are so unlucky, let us be superstitious for a bit.
I took out a coin and put it in the palm of my hand, muttering something to the night sky.
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MC: If it’s positive, it means something good will happen. If it’s negative, it means something generally good will happen----
Kiro: Miss Chips is so greedy. But----what if it’s in the middle?
MC: What a coincidence!
I retorted righteously and tossed the coin up while talking.
The silver coin drew an arc in the air. I held my breath and waited without blinking for the coin to fall back into my palm.
That’s when a cold gust of wind came and caught me off guard. With a shake of my hand, the coin slipped through my fingers. ***Changed some wording***
MC: !
Kiro clutched his stomach and laughed, but I could only watch the coin fall downstairs.
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MC: Unexpectedly, there is such a thing as bad luck…
Hearing me sigh, he stopped laughing and looked at me seriously and tenderly.
Kiro: Maybe God thinks that this answer should not be revealed now.
Kiro: So, let us leave everything to the unknown tomorrow.
The night is dark, like a deep ocean with turbulent undercurrents and unknown crises lurking within.
The old streets that no one cares about in the city form a narrow, unnamed area. Only a few dirty, industrial buildings stand here.
This is the Secret Research Institute of B.S.
I hurried out of the elevator, walked through the dark corridor, and opened one of the hidden doors.
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I put the documents in my hand on the table and told the B.S. researchers who looked at each other.
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MC: Help me find something.
MC: Without my permission, do not disclose it to anyone and do not tell anyone that I have been here.
MC: Including BOSS.
B.S. Researcher: But Miss Nox, this is not compliant—
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MC: Don’t forget that I have the first level permission of B.S.
The winter seems to have sneaked into the city quietly and every narrow street has been immersed in the precipitous chill.
When I left this building, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.
The roof of the building in the distance seemed to glint with a hint of pure silver, almost melting into the moonlight.
I couldn’t help but look back, only to find that the streak of silver was gone.
A black shadow flashed in the night sky, and it quickly melted into the dark.
All the hustle and bustle in the city, the noise of people underneath.
As the cold wind passed by, he stared at the street where he lived alone in the night, holding his breath for the appearance of a figure.
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??: Helios, it’s time for you to act.
Helios: I’m not doing things for you. You’re not qualified to order me.
The person on the opposite end sighed softly.
??: There has always been a big misunderstanding between us. In other words, between B.S. and GRAY RHINO.
??: I hope that our future cooperation can be built on the basis of mutual trust.
Helios: The assumption is that you don’t do unnecessary stupid things.
Helios: If you want to get something like that, just do as I say.
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Helios cut off the call impatiently, and the man’s hypocritical voice made him feel very disgusted.
As far as he can see, a figure finally walks out of the building’s door.
He watched the figure until the girl disappeared into the night.
He pressed his lips, pulled the rope fixed to his waist, and jumped off the billboard.
The dark figure jumped vigorously, following the rope in his hand, simply and neatly, and quietly entered the building from the window.
??: Who are you!
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Helios: Don’t move.
The researcher who had just picked up the gun was caught off guard against the man’s golden eyes, and suddenly his fingers on the trigger were unable to exert force.
The man played with the knife in his hand, walked to the table, and his eyes fell on the experimental report.
Helios: Did she only leave this thing?
B.S. Researcher: …..
Helios: Answer me.
The golden light flashed in the man’s eyes, and his raised voice was like an unsheathed coldness.
This invisible power. His vocal cord muscles contracted uncontrollably and a word was slowly squeezed out of his throat.
B.S. Researcher: ….Yes.
He finally remembered the identity of the man in front of him and the legends about him circulating in the organization.
B.S. Researcher: You, you are….
Before he could recall his name, the man had already turned around.
Under the dim light, he suddenly turned his head and the corner of his mouth formed into a mocking arc.
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Helios: I command you all—
Helios: Forget everything that happened just now.
“The train will be arriving shortly, please stand behind the safety line and wait in an orderly manner…”
The first ray of morning light came into the platform. The boy remembered yesterday’s ordeal and subconsciously took a step back.
But soon, what the blond man had said, rang in his ears--
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Kiro: Those who use past experiences to deny themselves are cowardly people.
Kiro: Don’t believe in the stories told by others, let alone the signs of the destiny you have altered.
These words shone like a beam of light into the abyss of his heart.
He made up his mind that no matter what the people in that organization say, he will not waver, let alone contact them again.
Thinking of this, he took a lively step forward.
He can do anything that makes him strong. Such as, submitting a transfer application form. Or give a severe beating to those who bullied him in the past.
And his Evol should be his booster, taking him to farther destinations, just like the train he is about to board.
The train stopped in front of the platform. The sound of running tracks overwhelmed the small sound of bullets in the air as well as the sound of the boy hitting the ground.
The gunpowder smoke from the muzzle quickly dissipated into the air like white mist from the breaths of pedestrians in winter.
The train doors opened and a few passengers stepped out of the carriage, yawning.
Soon, screams and chaotic footsteps filled the entire station.
The tall man standing at the top of the stairs grinned slightly, his smile fleeting. He put the gun into his sleeve and turned briskly to leave.
??: Mission completed.
The passengers panicked as messy, bloody foot-prints were left on the floor tiles.
??: The bait is ready and the fish should be hooked.
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yungidreamer · 4 years
New Beginnings
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Summary: Mingi and Yunho go to her house for New Years to have a little time with her over the holidays. Friendly competition and and affection mark the day with a mix of old and new traditions.
Wordcount: 2.9k
Content warnings: This is basically pure family fluff. There is kissing, board games, and a little bit of good natured competition.
“Welcome, boys,” her mother said, greeting them at the door when they arrived. “I’m so glad to have you here.”
“Thanks for letting us come over,” Mingi smiled at her mother as she pulled him into a hug as he stepped inside. She then did the same to Yunho as he stepped inside behind him.
“You both look wonderful,” Her mother beamed at them. “Have you gotten bigger since Thanksgiving?”
“They probably have,” She replied to her mother from her seat on the couch near the Christmas tree. “They eat enough at home they have to still be growing or else they would be three hundred pounds.”
“That’s how it is with boys,” her mother laughed. “Just make sure they have enough to eat and they will sprout like weeds.”
“Actually, I’m pretty sure I’m getting chubby,” Mingi sighed, poking a finger at his imagined belly.
“Mmm, sure honey,” she gave him a skeptical look from her seat. 
“No, look,” he protested, coming to sit himself down beside her. Taking her hand in his, he put it on his stomach, just below the belly button. “See?” He moved her hand so she could feel the jiggle he was sure he was developing there.
“I feel skin,” she blinked at him. “And muscle.”
“No one believes me,” Mingi sighed and made a pouty face. 
“Well, you look good chubby,” San placated from where he was stretched out in the big armchair across the room.
“Thank you!” Mingi said with a forceful gratitude. “I hate being skinny.”
“Okay, I don’t think you are getting a pooch or something,” she said from beside him, moving her hand from his stomach to cover one of his own. “But you are getting cuter as you get older.”
“Really?” Mingi looked at her hopefully. She nodded at him and gave a chuckle.
“What about me?” Yunho asked, sitting at her feet and putting his open hands under his chin to frame and present his face to her.
“You too,” she agreed. “You both are getting ever cuter and more handsome, right mom?”
“It’s true,” her mother agreed, amused by the strange dynamic her daughter had with the boys in her life. Again she was forced to wonder why she had never picked one as a boyfriend. Now it wasn’t just those two boys, but San as well. She sighed and shook her head. Maybe she just didn’t understand kids these days.
“Okay, who is ready to play a game?” Her father asked as he came into the room. “We have hours and this is the only time of year I have a captive audience.”
“Sure I’m down,” she agreed, taking her hand off of Mingi. Yunho, San, Mingi, and her mother all agreed as well. Her father was well pleased to have a full set of people to play with. They agreed to start with a friendly game of Trivial Pursuit, a favorite game of both father and daughter.
“You all might regret agreeing to this game,” her mother warned the boys as they all picked their empty circular pie game piece.
“Why?” San asked, a smile playing at the corner of his lips.
“Those two get competitive,” her mother answered as she indicated her two family members with some decidedly enthusiastic pointing.
“I’m only like that with him,” she said defensively. “Someone has to stand up to him.”
“Ha, you only beat me last year because I was having an off day,” her father scoffed and sent her a challenging look.
“I guess we’ll have to see, won’t we?” She raised a challenging eyebrow to him. The game started with San rolling the highest and winning the chance to be the first player in the game. He successfully answered one question, but failed the second, neither of which were yet in a space where he could earn a wedge. Her father went next and missed his first question, something that made him grumble quietly as the next few people went.
Finally it was her turn. She rolled and landed on a spot for Sports and leisure, leaving Yunho to ask her the question. He pulled the card out, hiding the back with his large hand as he found the question corresponding to the color and subject.
“What goo—“ was all he got out before she sat up straight and interrupted to answer.
“Silly Putty.” She said eagerly.
Yunho stopped, looked at her, then turned the card in his hand, careful to keep the answer hidden. “That...that is correct. How did...just how?”
“No, no way,” Her dad protested. “You cheated. You must have shown her the answer.”
“How? When?” She pointed out with a confident sass.
“You can’t...HE GOT OUT TWO WORDS!?!” He sputtered.
“And I got the right answer,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “So then I get to roll again.”
“You...you…” her father gestured at the board a couple of times before he wilted and gave up his protests. “Just roll again.”
“Thank you, I will,” she jutted out her chin and picked up the die to throw it again. On her second roll she landed on a spot with the possibility of getting a wedge with a correct answer. She did, much to her father’s grumbling, being the first of the players to get a wedge, at least partially due to luck. With the correct answer she had another roll and lucked into a roll again spot, then to another spot where she could win a wedge. Her father insisted on being the one to ask her the question
“How many states border the Gulf of Mexico?” He asked, being very careful to hide the back of the card from her.
“Well Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas...so five,” she reasoned out.
“Correct,” Her father pursed his lips. “That was too easy for a wedge.” He grumped even as he pulled a blue one out for her to put in. She rolled again and landed on a square for arts and literature.
“This French artist became known for his lithographic posters.” Her father read out and Yunho felt a surge of pride when he heard the question. He knew she knew the answer to that, heck, he knew the answer to that because of her.
“Seurat,” she answered after a pause and a look that Yunho couldn’t quite read. 
“Ha, no, Toulouse-Lautrec,” Her father gave a satisfied smile and encouraged San to pick up the die and take his turn. Yunho looked down at her, trying to read her expression again.
“Can you help me get a drink?” He asked her, giving her a little elbow and a look. She nodded and stood up, following him the short distance to the kitchen. He let her pull a cup from the cabinet, which put her out of sight of everyone in the living room, before he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I know you knew the answer to that question.”
“It’s no fun if the game ends too fast,” she shrugged and answered back.
“How long has it been since this game was a challenge for you?” Yunho asked, gently caressing her arm.
“A couple of years,” she admitted, looking up at him with a smile. “But it’s still fun to play.”
“Just...don’t let him win to be nice,” he told her gently. “I think he’ll be proud of you really.”
“I know, but no one will play with you if you win in like two turns,” she pointed out.
“It’s so hot that you’re smart,” he groaned.
“Mmmm, sexy big brain,” she joked back before heading to the fridge to pull out the soda to pour some for him.
“Hell yeah,” he whispered from behind her, sneaking a squeeze of her butt just before they would enter the view of everyone else. They returned to the game as her mother took her turn. Rounds passed and it was, as predicted, mostly a battle between father and daughter, with everyone else doing their best but really thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of the battle between the two of them. It took, or perhaps she let it last, an hour and a half before she landed in the center spot again and answered a final question of her choice to win the game. Her father sighed and extended a hand of congratulations to her. He had managed to gather five of six wedges, leaving him in second place with San and Mingi one behind him. Yunho and her mother had three each and were plenty pleased with the results, having had fun both playing and watching everyone else play the game.
With hours to kill still, her father suggested a game of monopoly which was met with a chorus of groans and flat out no from her mother. He protested, saying it would be fun and they had plenty of time before the New Years Extravaganza show even started. He finally settled for playing a game of backgammon with his daughter, which was really what he wanted most. He would never have asked her to stay at home or to go somewhere closer, but he missed having her around. Playing games with the whole family was great, her friends were wonderful, but he missed spending time with her.
While they played, everyone else hung out, socialized, and showed off the things they had gotten for Christmas. Jacob showed San and Mingi his new games and they played a couple of rounds with him on the little portable player. San and Mingi mostly had fun sabotaging each other as they went around the little race track, primarily focusing on making sure the other person didn’t finish ahead of them.
Dinner was a mix of the last of the leftovers along with a mix of anything quick and easy people wanted to make for themselves. Mingi made himself a bowl of ramen and shared it with her as she played a second game of backgammon with her father. Mingi had to admit, not knowing the rules of the game, it mostly seemed like an incomprehensible jumble of rolling and moving things around in strange ways. Mingi sat and watched, feeding her an occasional slurp of noodles.
By the time the second game ended the New Year’s Extravaganza was beginning on TV and her mother had switched it on in the background. Everyone settled in to relax and watch the series of performers and over excited hosts as they talked with various famous people who came and went on the Times Square stage. They recognized some of the people, but not all. It didn’t really matter though, they were there for the spectacle of the crowds all stuffed in together cheering whenever the camera panned their way. Their collective breaths clung in the still, cold air as they breathed, chatted, and shouted excitedly, waiting for midnight.
At home they watched all the buzz of the excitement in a lazy comfort. Having finished the last game with her father, she was stretched out on the couch, her feet resting on San’s lap with her boys sitting near her on the floor, leaning against the couch. Her brother was still glued to his new game and handheld player, his face a mask of concentration as he played. Her parents were seated together in the armchair watching the program and talking quietly.
When it was quarter to midnight her mother got out a couple of bottles of sparkling juice and champagne flutes for everyone so they could all toast and ring in the New Year. Everyone was given a glass and poured a little of the champagne stand in and the program on the TV was turned up to listen to the last few hyped minutes of the program.
“Oh I almost forgot!” Her mother exclaimed suddenly.
“Mom, you’re not getting the herring,” her daughter cringed.
“It’s good luck,” her mother responded as she passed her on the way into the kitchen.
“Awww mom,” Jacob shook his head and made a face.
“It’s just a bite,” her mother scolded, coming back with the jar of pickled herring and a small fork. “And if it brings you good luck then it’s worth it isn’t it?”
“It’s a superstition, mom,” she pointed out. “There is no evidence for, like, any of that.”
“And it does you no harm to have a bite...just in case,” her mother wagged her finger at her. Her daughter rolled her eyes and huffed, but let it go.
Finally the time came and everyone counted down to midnight. On the TV, the people on the stage shouted the countdown loudly as the numbers flashed on some of the huge screens across Time Square and the large ball flashed brightly in various patterns as it prepared to drop. Midnight hit, the ball fell, and cheers rose both from the crowd in and inside the warm living room. Everyone toasted each other and took a sip as the strains of Auld Lang Syne played on the television. The camera pulled back and eventually faded to a shot of the city  from the water, showing the colorful burst of fireworks happening against the iconic New York City skyline.
Her mother and father gave each other a quick kiss and her brother sipped his drink and made a little oh brother face. Mingi’s eyes flashed to Yunho and then to their girl. Yunho flashed him a small, understanding smile back, communicating I know, me too. He wanted to kiss them, to celebrate that moment with them like any other couple could. But they couldn’t, not here, not with her parents.
Behind them San caught the look they shared, understanding the emotions behind it. An idea struck him, it was weird, it might not go over well, but hell, it was worth a try. San sat up straight, cleared his throat and gave Mingi’s shoulder a tap. Sitting in front of him on the floor, Mingi turned to look at San with a questioning expression on his face. San took his cheeks between his hands and angled his head slightly before pressing a close-lipped kiss to him.
To say that Mingi was surprised was perhaps an understatement. Mingi froze under the kiss, not quite sure how he was supposed to react. San pulled back then scooted closer to her on the couch, pulling her into a close mouthed kiss as well. When he had left her well and truly surprised, he moved on to Yunho. When he pulled back, he paused near Yunho’s ear and whispered. “Now you can kiss them and all they are going to remember is that I started this.”
A surprised expression spread across Yunho’s face as he realized what exactly San had just managed to do. He had given them cover for a New Year’s kiss, even though it was probably at the expense of a good amount of his dignity, but he still did it. Yunho turned where he sat and pulled her into a soft and innocent kiss, his thumb caressing her cheek for a moment as he did. He pulled back before he wanted to, but knowing that he couldn’t take too much license. He leaned over to Mingi and shared a kiss with him as well. Mingi crawled over to get his kiss in with their girl, sneaking in a squeeze to her hand as he brushed his lips over hers.
“You know,” her father observed, clearing his throat as he scratched the back of his neck. “Friendship has really changed since I was a kid.”
“No, they’re all just weird,” Jacob said, blinking at them for a couple more seconds before he went back to his game.
By quarter to one the boys were bid good night and sent home with hugs and warm wishes. She promised to come over in the next couple of days and see Yunho and his mother. It had been too long since she had been able to see her, she admitted. Yunho and Mingi were sad to go and wanted more than anything a moment alone with her, but it was not to be.
In her house everyone shuffled off to bed after brushing their teeth and washing up. Work would start in another day or two for her parents and it was only a week until they all went back to school. She couldn’t wait. She ended up in the bathroom with San, brushing her teeth at the same time as they got ready to bed.
“So, I guess I owe you something,” she said quietly after spitting.
“Nah,” San told her after rinsing his mouth out. “What is a big brother for except helping you outwit the parents for a good cause?”
“You… are a sneaky bastard and I am going to remember this,” she laughed. “I look forward to you using my IOU for a visit.”
“Yeah?” San asked, pulling her into a hug.
“Yeah,” she nodded her head where it rested against his chest. “Best big brother, ever.”
“So you’re gonna keep me?” He teased, leaning his head on top of hers.
“Looks like,” she laughed. “Happy New Year and welcome to the family, like for real.”
“Thank you, Chipmunk,” he nuzzled into her hair, happy to have had such a wonderful place and wonderful people to start fresh with.
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myforeverforlife · 4 years
all I want is you, my love.
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For @blanknearvana​ Idol Baekhyun (They’ve gone public with their relationship, supporting him during a comeback pre-recording and being insecure because he's a star and she's a nursing student trying to graduate) and 89. "And when did you plan on telling me this?" + 141. "Use your words." (I hope you like it! I think I strayed from the request a bit but I’m hoping everything makes sense LOL) 
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Word Count: 2,837
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You were stressed out, to say the least. For the last three years, you had been tackling a heavy courseload in order to earn your bachelor's in nursing, along with hectic internship hours. Just recently, you had also begun studying for the Korean Nurses' Licensing Exam. The work kept piling up, and some days were more draining than others.
In the roughest of times, your boyfriend was there to help. Of course, it was still difficult, seeing as he was one of the biggest idols in South Korea — correction, in the world. But as faithful as Baekhyun was to his fans, he was even more devoted to you. Baekhyun did everything in his power to be just as present in the relationship as you were, making it home to your shared apartment every night — unless he was out of the country, of course. Both of you took solace in the shared comfort of your relationship for the past couple of years, finding escape from the stresses of work in each other. 
The two of you had been extremely careful in keeping your relationship hidden from the public. Although Baekhyun had everlasting faith in the support and love from his fans, you had heard of enough horror stories when it came to celebrities dating. Plus, the fear of anti-fans figuring out who you were, where you worked and went to school... it was overwhelming. There had already been a few close calls in the past month, a few stalkers getting much too close for comfort. Baekhyun understood how you felt, but he also believed it was better to be the ones to share the news. He had seen how much worse fans reacted when the news outlets were the ones to spread news, rather than the idols themselves. 
A mess of conflicting thoughts swirled around in Baekhyun's head, both of you curled up on the couch as a movie played on TV. "Babe?" he asked hesitantly. He continued on when he heard you hum in response. "I want to go public about us." Baekhyun sat up when he felt you freeze, both of you breaking apart. "Why now?" you asked. "You really want to do this before your album's released?" Sighing, you covered your face with your hands. "Baek, I don't know about this." 
"Hey," Baekhyun gently pried your hands away, his fingers twining with yours. "Look at me, please." He mustered up a reassuring smile when you met his eye, worry written all over both of your faces. "I was talking to my manager, and we were thinking that it would be better to do it before the pre-orders open, instead of after the album release. If we announce it after, people might accuse me of trying to hide a "scandal" to save album sales. At least if we announce it before the album comes out, we'll know who the true Eris are, the ones that care enough to stick around and support us." 
You hated to admit it, but his argument made sense. But something else was bothering you... "Baekhyun, when did you plan on telling me this? You talked about this with your manager before me?"
Baekhyun's face fell, guilt washing over his features. "I didn't want to worry you until I had a plan for sure. I just went to ask him and others at the company for advice, it was literally only a couple of days ago." 
"A couple of days? God, Baek, I wish you had come to me first." You could feel the tears starting to well up, feeling betrayed and angry that Baekhyun hadn't confided in you first.
"Baby," Baekhyun pleaded. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt you, I... I wasn't trying to do things behind your back." 
"We're dating, Baekhyun. We're supposed to talk about this together." You ripped your hands out of his, getting up and heading for the bathroom. "It's like I don't even get a choice." 
Baekhyun got up, following after you. "That's not true. This is still our decision to make, together." 
You rolled your eyes, flipping on the bathroom lights as you reached out to grab some tissues. "Really? What's your company going to say if I don't want to go public now?" You turned around, eyes red-rimmed when Baekhyun didn't respond. "They're not going to take no for an answer, are they?" 
"I... I'll talk to them, if that's what you really want. I will," he added firmly when you stared at him skeptically. "At the end of the day, I care about what you think the most, not my fans, not the company." Baekhyun was desperate, heart breaking as you stood there, teary-eyed and furious with him. How long had it been since the two of you had fought? 
You sniffled through your tears, wiping at your face with the clump of tissues in your hand. "I don't know, Baek, honestly. Huffing in frustration, you tossed your used tissues onto the bathroom counter. "I knew this would happen eventually, but... I guess I just hoped that we'd have more time."
Baekhyun came closer, wanting to hug you but also unsure of whether you'd be okay with it. You settled the matter for him, bridging the gap as soon as he took a step forward. Baekhyun sighed in relief when you wrapped your arms around him, his own instantly coming up to wind tightly around your waist. 
"I'm scared, Baek — for both of us. People can be horrible when it comes to this stuff. Your fans love you so much, I don't want this to affect your career." 
Baekhyun pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "We haven't done anything wrong. And if people have a problem with it, then they were never true fans in the first place. I just want to get this out in the open so that we don't have to hide all the time. I want to go on romantic dates with you in public, to hold your hand without worrying about who'll see." 
"I want that too," you mumbled, the side of your face resting against Baekhyun's chest. The two of you stood in silence, unsure of where to go from here. 
"You don't have to give me an answer right away," Baekhyun finally spoke up. "I'll stall with the company, if I have to." His thumbs traced patterns into your sides, calming you down with each brush of his fingers.
Straightening up, you shook your head. "No, you're right, it's safer to announce it sooner rather than later. But aren't you worried about it affecting sales and charting?" 
Baekhyun shrugged, trying to hide his uneasiness. "If it happens, it happens." His expression softened as he grew serious. "You matter more to me than all of that." 
"But your career — " 
"Means nothing if I have to worry about hiding all the time." His lips turned downwards in a slight frown. "But are you sure you're okay with this? I don't want you to agree because you think you have to." 
You reached up to move his bangs away, staring into those deep brown eyes. "The more I think about it, the more I realize that there never will be a ‘right’ way to announce that we're dating. People will find out eventually, we've always known this. But I'd rather we do it on our own terms, and if it means announcing it sooner than expected, then I support your decision." 
Baekhyun dove in to kiss you, the sweetest you had ever tasted. It was an apology, pouring all of his emotions into one simple kiss.  
But above all, it was a promise — a promise that no matter what, everything would be alright.
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Later that week, Baekhyun posted the announcement on the official fan app, a decision that had both of you wracked with nerves. As expected, there was a group of so-called fans who took no caution in typing up paragraphs of malicious statements online. But there were also fans who typed up sincere notes of congratulations. Even his Twitter mentions were overwhelmingly positive, something that you were extremely glad for.
What neither of you had been expecting were the unbelievable amount of album sales, along with charting at the top of multiple online streaming services. Baekhyun had stared open-mouthed at his phone, refreshing the page as if it were a trick. You could hardly believe it yourself. Baekhyun, your Baekhyun, had managed to break his own record as South Korea's best-selling solo artist.
All with the support of genuine fans who had stuck by him. 
"Congratulations, love." You kissed his cheek with a giggle, pushing his mouth closed as he continued to stare at his phone. 
"This can't be real," he gaped, even as message after message flooded his screen: congratulations from fans, friends, family, co-workers. 
"You deserve this, Baek. I'm so proud of you." 
Baekhyun glanced up from his phone, gaze full of admiration. "Thank you, baby," he said sweetly, leaning down to rest his head against your shoulder. The following days were filled with schedules: radio show appearances, filming for TV shows that Baekhyun couldn't talk about yet, live broadcasts. It was difficult to watch the occasional hateful comment pop up online here and there, but you reminded yourself that the majority of reactions were supportive. 
When Baekhyun had his first comeback performance, you had been so nervous — even more than Baekhyun! You couldn't make it to the live show, too busy with internship hours, but you had texted your boyfriend every so often. Besides, you got to watch the clips with him at home, praising his work as he blushed beside you. 
A few days later, you finally got to go support him in person. You'd be stuck in class for pre-recording, but you would be able to make it for the last bit of the actual show. 
You had secretly been texting Baekhyun's manager, figuring out when and how would be the best way for you to enter the broadcasting studio unnoticed. Fans still screamed for Baekhyun every time they saw him going from one schedule to another, but you were afraid of the reaction you'd get if they realized who you were. Your one saving grace was that they didn't even know what you looked like. 
Since Baekhyun's manager was too recognizable, another staff member came outside when you parked in the lot, ready to escort you in. A hat pulled down low obscured most of your face, a mask covering the bottom half. 
You held your breath as you followed the staff member past the throngs of fans, not making eye-contact with any of them. Although you could hear some of them talking amongst each other, they all seemed to be watching the music broadcast on their phones. If anyone noticed you, they didn’t say anything.
Once you were inside and out of sight, you pulled your mask down. God, your heart felt like it was about to leap up and out of your throat with the way it was beating. 
The staff member led you through the hallways, passing by other artists' waiting rooms. You read each sign, starstruck by the amount of celebrities all in one area. People moved about, loud voices and raucous laughter drifting out from open doors. You could even hear the live broadcast being played from TVs as you passed by. 
All of a sudden, the staff member was stopping before one room, the door slightly open. 
"Thank you," you told them, the staff member looking you over curiously before nodding and walking away. 
You peered in, a grin pulling at your lips when you recognized a few voices. Inside, you spotted Baekhyun’s manager and what seemed like hair and makeup staff. But you also saw a few of the other EXO members: Sehun's lean form seated in a chair, Chanyeol and Jongin seated side-by-side on a couch, and wait — was that Jongdae? 
Knocking on the door, you pushed it open slowly. "Hi," you greeted. 
Sehun was the first to glance over, face brightening when he realized who it was. "Y/N! How'd you get in?" The room was a mess of overlapping voices, the members talking over one another. You were over the moon to realize the fourth member was Jongdae, thankfully looking healthy and happy. But one person was missing.
"Where's Baekhyun?" you asked.
"Ah, he's doing his interview," Jongdae replied. "His performance should be coming up soon." 
You turned to look at the TV screen where sure enough, Baekhyun was being interviewed by the show hosts. You smiled unconsciously, appreciatively taking in his combed-back hair, the way that his white hoodie and red jacket combo only made him look even younger. 
"Come sit down," Jongdae said, patting the open spot beside him. You gladly say down, both of you quickly catching each other up on anything new. Jongdae even showed you pictures of his newborn daughter, both of you fawning over the petite baby. 
"She's adorable, Dae." 
Jongdae smiled a kittenish grin, about to speak when Chanyeol let out a loud yell. The taller man had been playing a mobile game, and he slumped back against the couch as his phone dropped to his side.
"Use your words, Chanyeol," Jongin said with a chuckle.
"I can't beat the level on this game! I give up, my thumbs are about to fall off." He sat up, taking his hat off and putting it on backwards. 
The door to the waiting room opened, a blur of red entering before you realized who it was. You and Baekhyun noticed each other at the same time, his droopy eyes growing bigger before he rushed over to you. 
Baekhyun swept you up into a hug before remembering where you were, a pink flush spreading over his face. "Babe, how'd you get here? How long have you been here?"
"I came as soon as classes ended, I've been texting your manager all day." You ran a thumb over his eyes, tracing the shadows that were barely noticeable there. "Baek, you look tired." 
"I've been up since dawn," he whined. "But I missed doing performances." He nodded towards the monitor with a grin. "You came just in time. They're going to play my performance after this once, but I have to head to the main stage for the voting results." 
Baekhyun's gaze flickered over to a table close by, a knowing smile growing on his face. "I was going to vlog today, for Kyoongtube. The rest of the members are going to show up on stage if I win this week, do you want to come up too?" He seemed to sense your hesitation, hands closing over yours. "You don't have to if you don't want to." 
"I'm just worried about people seeing my face," you admitted. "Is it okay if I wait here until you get back?" 
"Of course," Baekhyun replied quickly. "I'll be back as soon as I can, and then we can go get something to eat. Do you have anything due tomorrow?"
"Nothing that I can't get done tonight." 
Baekhyun grinned proudly. "Such a smartie." He looked back up at the TV screen as his performance began to play. "That's my cue." 
"Go, I'll be here." Both of you were self-conscious about PDA in this room full of members and staff, but Baekhyun still brought his lips to yours in a quick kiss. He laughed when he moved back, enjoying the shocked expression on your face. 
"I love you," he mouthed, only for the two of you to hear. 
"I love you too," you whispered back, face growing warmer by the second. Baekhyun squeezed your hands before letting go, already looking much more awake than when he had come in. Your presence had done more for him than any amount of Americanos could have, instantly waking him up with only a smile from you. 
As you watched him leave, you were struck by the reality of it all. Here you were, supporting your boyfriend instead of quietly at home like you had been for the past few years. It hd taken time, and a huge leap of faith, but you hadn't done it alone. 
Your focus had always been on the future, on predicting anything that could go wrong and taking the necessary steps to avoid them. But with Baekhyun, you were learning that sometimes, there wasn't a perfect way to avoid trouble. Sometimes, the answers weren't so clear cut, and you would have to take risks before you knew if they were worth it in the end. It was easy to give into fears of what lay ahead, to be overwhelmed by the unknown. 
But you weren't alone. Baekhyun was your number one supporter, and you knew that you could rely on him no matter what happened. The two of you had already gone through so much, been there for each other countless times. 
With Baekhyun, you would never be lost.
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A/N: these requests keep getting longer, and I just need to stop LOL. I started off with the entire fic just being them at the broadcasting station for the comeback performance, but I didn’t feel like I could get that whole going public/being stressed by school and baekhyun’s star status without the whole background scene. Also! I know nothing about nursing, and I was honestly trying to figure out how much specific detail to put in without getting things wrong haha (my google searches were literally “how to become a nurse”, “nursing in korea”, “what is it like in a nursing program”) so if any of the very brief mentions of nursing school are inaccurate I am very sorry 😂😂😂  
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shesey · 3 years
Excerpts from Rachel Cusk’s “Kudos”
“A degree of self-deception, she said, was an essential part of the talent for living.” “What is history other than memory without pain?” “...for the world seemed full of people living evilly without reprisal and living virtuously without reward, the temptation to abandon personal morality might arise in exactly the moment when personal morality is most significant.” “I have met people who have freed themselves from their family relationships. Yet there often seems to be a kind of emptiness in that freedom, as though in order to dispense with their relatives they have had to dispense with a part of themselves.” “You asked me earlier... whether I believed that justice was merely a personal illusion. I don’t have the answer to that... but I know that it is to be feared, feared in every part of you, even as it fells your enemies and crowns you the winner.” “We invent these systems with the aim of ensuring fairness, she said, and yet the human situation is so complex that it always evades our attempts to encompass it.” “They forgive so easily, it is almost as if nothing matters.” “And I wonder, she said, whether we haven’t done them a great disservice in sparing them this pain, which might somehow have brought them to life, at the same time as knowing that this couldn’t possible by true, and that it is only my own belief in the value of suffering that makes me think it. I am one of those who believes that without suffering there can be no art.” “It may be the case, she said, that it is only when it is too late to escape that we see we were free all along.” “Why should I trust your view of the world if you can’t even take care of yourself? If you were a pilot, I wouldn’t get on board - I wouldn’t trust you to take me the distance.” “You earn just enough to get by but at the end of the day there’s nothing left mentally, and so you cling to the job even harder.” “That tribe was one to which nearly all the men in this country belonged and it defined itself through a fear of women combined with an utter dependence on them.” “We live with an almost superstitious belief in our own differences, she said, and Luis has shown that those differences are not the result of some divine mystery but are merely the consequence of our lack of empathy, which if we had it would enable us to see that in face we are all the same. It is for his empathy, she said, that Luis has received such acclaim, and so I believe he should congratulate himself, rather than feeling ashamed for being praised.” “... and it is impossible not to feel that we have broken him, not out of malice but out of our own carelessness and selfishness.” “Behind every man is his mother who has made so much fuss of him he will never recover from it and will never understand why the rest of the world doesn’t make the same fuss of him, particularly the woman who has replaced his mother and who he can neither trust nor forgive for replacing her.” “... because it reminds them of the possibility that it is patience and endurance and loyalty - rather than ambition and desire - that bring the ultimate rewards.” “In this country, for a woman to survive the numerous attempts to crush her, he said, she has to live like a hero, always getting up again and always, ultimately, alone.” “I replied that this was something all of us had felt in our turn, as we passed into adulthood and recognized the role of outside events in shaping history and their capacity to interfere in and change our lives, which until now had remained in the hermetic state of childhood.” “Great art was very often brought to the service of this self-immolation, as great intelligence and sensitivity often characterized those who found the world an impossible place to live in.” “Could a spiritual value be attached to the mirror itself, so that by passing dispassionately though evil it proved its own virtue, its own incorruptibility?” “And that was without mentioning the moral duty of the critic to correct the tendency of culture likewise to err towards safety and mediocrity, a responsibility you couldn’t measure in dinner invitations.” “What he couldn’t tolerate above else, he went on, was the triumph of the second-rate, the dishonest, the ignorant: the fact that this triumph occurred with monotonous regularity was one of life’s mysteries.” “Yet if one looked at the work of Louise Bourgeois, one saw that it concerned the private history of the female body, its suppression and exploitation and transmogrifications, its terrible malleability as a form and its capacity to create other forms.” “It is hard to think, she said, of a better example of female invisibility than these drawings, in which the artist herself has disappeared and exists only as the benign monster of her child’s perception.” “Plenty of female practitioners of the arts, she said, have more or less ignored their femininity, and it might be argued that these women have found recognition easier to come by, perhaps because they draw a veil over subjects that male intellectuals find distasteful.” “It is understandable, she said, that a woman of talent might resent being fated to the feminine subject and might seek freedom by engaging with the world on other terms.” “I remember, she continued, as a young girl, the realization dawning on me that certain things had been decided for me before I had even begun to live, and that I had already been dealt the losing hand while my brother had been given the winning cards. It would be a mistake, I saw, to treat this injustice as thought it were normal, as all my friends seemed prepared to do.” “These boys, she said, had the most ridiculous attitudes towards women, which they were busy learning from the examples their parents had given them, and I saw the way that my female friends defended themselves against those attitudes, by making themselves as perfect and as inoffensive as they could. Yet the ones who didn’t defend themselves were just as bad, because by refusing to conform to these standards of perfection they were in a sense disqualifying themselves and distancing themselves from the whole subject. But i quickly came to see, she said, that in fact there was nothing worse to be an average white male of average talents and intelligence: even the most oppressed housewife, she said, is closer to the drama and poetry of life than he is, because as Louise Bourgeois shows us she is capable at least of holding more than one perspective. And it was true, she said, that a number of girls were achieving academic success and cultivating professional ambitions, to the extent that people had begun to feel sorry for these average boys and to worry that their feelings were being hurt. Yet if you looked only a little way ahead, she said, you could see that the girls’ ambitions led nowhere, like the roads you often find yourself on in this country, that start off new and wide and smooth and then simply stop in the middle of nowhere, because the government ran out of money to finish building them.” “I also enjoyed the attentions of men, she said, while making sure never to commit myself to any one man or to ask for commitment in return, because I understood that this was a trap and that I could still enjoy all the benefits of a relationship without falling into it.” “It did not seem like enough, she said, simply to pass the baton to the next runner, in hope that she would win the race for me.” “I have a male counterpart on the show, she said, and he is not required to look attractive, but I am not in the slightest bit interested in that example of inequality. What I am interested in is power, she said, and the power of beauty is a useful weapon that too often women disparage or misuse.” “For a while, at university, I sat as a life model for the art students, she said, partly to make money and partly to get this subject of the female body out into the open, because it almost seemed to me that even by clothing myself I was inviting the mystery to take root there under my clothes, and to weave the web of subjection in which later I might become trapped.” “In my own case, she said, I have fought to occupy a position where I can perhaps right some of these wrongs and can adjust the terms of the debate to an extent by promoting the work of women I find interesting.” “I said I wasn’t sure it mattered where people lived or how, since their individual nature would create its own circumstances: it was a risky kind of presumptions, I said, to rewrite your own fate by changing its setting; when it happened to people against their will, the loss of the known world - whatever its features - was catastrophic.” “... That family was big and noisy and easy-going, and there was always room for him at the table, where huge comforting meals were served and where everything was discussed by nothing examined, so that there was no danger of passing through the mirror, as he had put it, into the state of painful self-awareness where human fictions lose their credibility.” “The truth was that he no longer wanted to go there, beacuse the same things that a year or two earlier he had found warm and consoling he know found oppressive and annoying: those mealtimes were a yoke, he now saw, by which the parents sought to bind their children to them and to perpetuate, as he saw it, the family myth...” “He recognized that in taking their comfort he had created a responsibility towards them; and this realization, I said, had caused him to consider the true nature of freedom. He understood that he had given some of his freedom away, through a desire to avoid or alleviate his own suffering, and while it didn’t seem exactly an unfair exchange, I believed he wouldn’t do it again quite so easily.” “There was a word in his language, I said, that was hard to translate but that could be summed up as a feeling of homesickness even when you are at home, in other words as a sorrow that has no cause. This feeling was perhaps what had once driven his people to roam the world, seeking the home that would cure them of it. It may be the case that to find home is to end one’s quest, I said, but it is with the feeling of displacement itself that the true intimacy develops and that constitutes, as it were, the story. Whatever kind of affliction it is, I said, its nature is that of the compass, and the owner of such a compass puts all his faith in it and goes where it tells him to go, despite appearances telling him the opposite.” “But you, he said to me, don’t belong anywhere, and so you are free to go wherever you choose.” “... these experiences do not fully belong to reality and the evidence for them is a matter of one person’s word against another’s.” “Our bodies outlive their use of them, and that is what annoys them most of all. These bodies continue to exist, getting older and uglier and telling them the truth they don’t want to hear.” “I feel so lonely, he said, and yet I have no privacy.” “You can’t tell your story to everybody, I said. Maybe you can only tell it to one person.”
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wildmoonflower · 4 years
Run For Your Love
Summary: Who would have thought that a morning run can bring You something else than just a strong urge to die or kill Your friends? You didn't expect to meet the love of Your life, that’s for sure.
A/N: This is my short addition for @kitkatd7 challenge with prompt 'Please don't make me.' Congratulation on the beautiful milestone and thank You for extending the dead-line. :) Hope You all enjoy the reading. Pairing: StevexReader Warning: none, maybe some light swearing Word count: 2749
  First golden rays of sun lit up the pink sky, foretelling a sunny beautiful day. Warm breeze ruffled the leaves on the trees, their pure green colour clear indication of late spring. Despite the early hour, the park in New York already bustled with life and sounds. Pet owners chatting while their furry friends run around, more than often disturbing the peace of readers, spread on the blankets or the concentration of artist, trying to catch the beauty of the morning on the canvas and papers. Stony paths were busy with life too as runners were having their morning run, loners and couples alike. 
  One particular pair of runners stood out more than others. With the speed higher than some sleepy eyes could notice and movements more fluid and swift than humanly possible, it was given that two super-soldiers stood out like a sore thumb. There was a time when Bucky hated when Steve forced him to go run with him out in the open, not in the closed space of the gym with the special treadmills Tony created for their super-human speed. 
"You have to get used to normal society, Buck," Steve gave him a pity smile,"show them your calm, domestic side, not only the new Avenger." Bucky understood, he really did, but it didn't mean he had to like it, nor enjoy it. So he forced himself out of the bed every morning for his sake and honestly, it was worth it seeing Steve's relieved face mixed with pride. 
After running at almost full speed for an hour, finally both super-soldiers were slightly out of breath, finding their spot under the tree that casted a huge shadow, giving the shelter from the sun to several more people, including a young girl reading a medical book, an elderly man in great shape who was currently in a weird yoga pose that looked as if he broke his back and two young men who clearly finished their run too, their breath quick and short, faces red and sweaty. They were waiting for somebody, Bucky could easily tell from their bodies slightly turned to side so they could see the paved path, his sensitive ears catching something like 'slow, angry, won't go with us ever again'. 
"Buck? You listening?" Flinching, Bucky looked up to Steve. He knew Bucky still hasn't lost his habit of scanning the area and people around, looking for any indication of danger, escape routes and possible weapons. But this time, Steve couldn't bring himself to say anything as he always did the same, his super senses and brain analyzing and planning, a habit he rarely tried to stop. "Sam said he can go run with us tomorrow when he comes back from the mission." "He tries too hard to keep up." Bucky grumbled but in the end, he was glad. Tower tended to be quite intense when Tony and Buck were in the same room and without Sam's constant shouting and attempts to distract Bucky, his tension grew. 
"You say that but who was running backwards right next to him last time, nice and slow just to piss him off?" Steve jabbed at Bucky, laughing at his friend who doubled over and proceeded to almost slip up, sending both into another fit of laughter, succesfully ending their run as both men slid down in the shadow of a big oak tree, revelling in the comfortable buzz of life around them. Not that either of them needed the rest. It was Sam's idea, his way of lifting spirit after a bad day, night or a bad mission. Bucky had to chuckle just how much Sam-like it was, surrounding himself with life and hustle of humans. 
Their peaceful silence was short-lived when huffing puffing woman suddenly stopped next to the spot where they sat, collapsing right in front of them. Before any of them could even overcome the shock, hard breathing woman raised her fist and smacked Steve in his shin, the anger and frustration clear in her voice. "Thank you for waiting for me, you two pricks!" Unknown girl hid her face in the crook of her elbow, breathy voice muted: "You promised you won't leave me behind if I will go on a run with you. And you disappeared. After. Five. Minutes!" Each of her last words were ended with a smack in Steve's shin, who was now forcing back the smile while Bucky was already trembling, his left hand pressing against his ribs. 
"Uhmm, Ma'am?" Steve cleared his throat as it constricted at the sight of her eyes shooting open, burying in his soul. In his head, tens of colour combination swirled around, trying to copy the beautiful colour he was seeing but Steve knew- he knew that no matter how much practice he has in drawing, neither him nor any artist would ever be able to catch the true beauty of mysterious woman's eyes.  Little, barely noticeable crow's feet in the corner of her eyes from laughing and at looking at the sun, much more prominent spark, a sign of keen mind and undeniably, Steve's breath did hitched a little at their warmth. Simply, everything about her eyes pulled Steve in, even a small mole on her right eyelid tempted Steve to kiss it. "Oh my God." Woman whispered, still lying down on the soft grass, "oh my God, you are not my two idiots!"
´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ The moment Y'N's alarm rang in the morning, at the time when the bed just looked and felt the best, she just knew this day will test her very being. First test was Martin and Jake knocking on her doors, dressed for their run, brimming with energy that Y/N usually felt maybe two hours after waking up. Instead of normal breakfast of toast with bacon and eggs, a small bowl of hummus and banana has been thrusted in sleepy hands as Jake run to the closet, trying to find the good work-out outfit, horrified of obvious lack of presentable clothes, finding only clothes for work and clothes for sleeping while Martin ushered Y/N to bathroom, instructing her to do the morning hygiene.
Y/N still couldn't wrap her brain why did she accept their offer to morning run. She always hated running, her whole life she avoided running, of course, except the P.E. classes. She was what people called a person with two left feet. Clumsy. Inept. Running was dangerous, running was...personal Hell. So why did she suddenly accepted Martin's offer? She didn't know. It was probably the sad expression of her favourite neighbor when she refused at first, maybe the pleading eyes of his boyfriend. 
With the reasons still unknown, an hour later she found herself on her knees, panting like a dog, sweating and even without a mirror, Y/N knew her face resembled a tomato juice. Kneeling in front of two men she didn't know like an idiot, after smacking their legs, like an idiot, while her real two idiot friends were in her peripherals, slapping their knees like retarded seals.
"I-I am sorve!" Y/N's face couldn't be more red as she bit her tongue. At that point, dark haired man looked like he suffered a stroke, one hand pressing deeply in his side while other arm, oddly shining in the morning sun covered his face, whole body shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. It was the other guy that officially took Y/N's last breath away as she locked eyes with most gorgeous blue she has ever seen, softest blue that seemed to burn a hole inside of her now shame-ridden soul. Handsome young face almost couldn't belong to these eyes, to these old, sad, wise eyes. 
Lost in the sea of blue, Y/N didn't notice Martin and Jake approach, her focus snapping when latter crouched beside her, still wiping the tears from his eyes. "Are you okay, Y/N?" Jake handed Y/N a water bottle, turning to Steve when she just opened her mouth just to close it again, like a fish out of the water, staring at Steve and then finally looking down, shaking her head. "We're sorry, man. We underestimated her dislike for running, didn't thought it would break her." "It's okay," Steve shook the outstretched hands one by one, holding Y/N's unconsciously little longer,"I'm Steve. Nice to meet you."
"I'm James." Bucky, finally catching his breath nodded his head and looked at Y/N, eyebrow raised:"Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you the girl that girl who was pushed into the duck pond last week, by some big dog playing fetch?" Round of laughter passed as Y/N nodded her head and sighed.  "Week before that I slipped on a puddle and took down a running lady."
While Y/N's face was slowly gaining it's normal colour, she watched Steve in the corner of her eye. Now that they were standing, she could see that man was standing tall, unlike his friend who was, despite being almost same height, slightly hunched over, as if trying to be less noticeable or appear less threatening. "Y/N?" Y/N flinched as a hand appeared in front of her face, snapping her out of her bubble. "I have to go back, this took longer than I thought. Are you staying with Jake for another lap or what?" Martin asked, puffing out air at Y/N's horrified expression.
"Please don't make me." Slight tremble in her voice expressed the horror of that thought, ignoring the fake offended gasp of her friend. She could swear she saw a bling of disappointment in Steve's eyes.
"Same goes for us, Stevie." Bucky patted Steve on the back, his eyes shifting between his best friend and Y/N, who were both trying very hard to steal a glance at each other while failing miserably. "I quess we will be seeing you tomorrow?" Satisfied with hums of agreement, Bucky thrown his arm around Steve's shoulder, clicking his tongue. "Punk, You've got it bad!" "....Yeah."
´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ "You've got to talk to him more." "Maybe invite him to that nice new coffee shop that opened nearby!" "Or just smile at him, dude looked smitten already." "Or pretend to trip and fall in his big, muscular arms like a damsel." "With the way she looked at Steve yesterday, she will not have to pretend to trip, her knees will give out by themselves!"
These were the words Jake and Martin barged in Y/N's flat with, once again with much more energy than should be be allowed in the morning. Not giving her a chance to think of reply, she was already in her running clothes, shirt a size smaller and not even hers, hugging her curves more.
"In what universe do you guys think I could possibly flirt or make a move on a hot guy?" Y/N pushed out of herself, trying her hardest to keep her breathing slow. 'Inhale with nose, hold, exhale with mouth.' That was her mantra as she ran, her friends jogging beside her with ease. Temperature was lower than yesterday, something Y/N really appreciated as cool breeze stroke her skin. Not that it helped that much when she remembered the way she acted yesterday, heat striking her face as she recalled the number of times Steve caught her staring at him. Deep in her thoughts, she didn't notice the conniving smiles Jake and Martin exchanged. 
Three slips and lots of internal cursing later, a huge oak tree appeared in the distance, the sight causing Y/N's stomach to churn with both excitement and jitters, the butterflies multiplying as she spotted two familiar figures standing next to the tree while third man was sat down, obviously trying to catch his breath, raising a middle finger at Bucky in an instance. Closer they got, the more could Y/N see, realising she knew the third person, a warning sign deep in her head started to flash. A thought bounced in her head, evading her grasp, missing that one piece that would complete the puzzle. Before she could finish the thought, they were few meters away from Steve, Bucky and Sam. 
"Y/N?" Sam asked, carefully standing up, his eyes full of surprise. "You know each other?" Bucky asked incredulously while Steve's attention was jumping around from Sam to Y/N. "Yeah," Y/N nodded weakly,"umm, Jake, Martin, this is Sam. Sam helped my brother when he came back from Iraq TOD." "That's right, man was lucky to have his sister with him all the time." Sam smiled at Y/N, noticing a slight furrow on Steve's face and Bucky's smirk, putting two and two together. "What did you two do to make her get up from bad at this hour. If I remember correctly, Y/N here is not a morning person." "We have our ways." Jake said with angelic smile, jabbing Martin in the side as he muttered:"Even more reasons."
Weekend has many advantages. One of the main is one do not have to hurry. Being a regular weekdays 9-5 workers, Jake, Martin and Y/N made a habit of having a coffee at nearby coffee shop. For Steve, Bucky and Sam, work depended on the bad guys. They never knew when their phones will ring with an order. They just took any free moment to enjoy life. Running, having a chat Buck, train at the Tower with other Avengers, help cook or order a lunch and dinner and end the day with a movie in the main living room.
That is how Steve's free days usually went. At the end of it, he felt as relaxed as he could, trying his hardest to push the mantle of Captain away just for a day but at times, the tightness in his body let out at the evening at best. So now, at the time when the sun just showed up, he was surprised to find himself completely relaxed, sitting beneath the tree's shade, conversing and laughing with his friends and three people he met just yesterday. 
His body was relaxed but his mind was buzzing as every nerve in his body was reacting to a woman sitting beside him. Soft breeze ruffled through her hair now and then, his sensitive nose picking the fresh smell of mint shampoo and her natural scent that came out after her body calmed down from the run. He couldn't help but admire the way Y/N talked, quiet at most times but peep in with quirky comments. Steve knew this feeling. It was more than just interest. Just like with Peggy, he couldn't think straight when she looked at him with her Y/E/C eyes, words coming out of his mouth either too polite or chopped in weird sentences. 
He wanted to know more. About her. Y/N Y/L/N. He wanted to know more about her likes and dislikes, about her brother she so lovingly talked about, about her relationship with her two neighbors she called 'her idiots' in most loving way. Steve wanted to know what songs she sings when she has a good mood. He wanted to know it all. The good and the bad. 
"Wow. It's late again." Martin checked his phone, throwing a side-eye at his boyfriend. "Do you guys have any plans for later?" He turned to Steve,"You free around 12? How about you, Y/N? You know, after shower." Martin baraged his questions at them while Jake, Bucky and Sam stood up, smirking at the panic and confusion of their friends. 
"I'm free?" Y/N looked at Steve, her heart hammering as she noticed him looking at her with a smile. "Yeah, me too." Their attention snapped back at the beaming man clapping his hand together.
"Great! Good. There is a reservation under my name Whitaker. You two enjoy the lunch! See you guys tomorrow!" A round of 'byes' filled the air as everyone run in different direction, leaving Y/N and Steve stumped in shock, still sitting on the grass.
Y/N jumped on the spot as Steve crackled up, pressing both hands on his ribs. Now he understood why Bucky had that gleeful smirk when he returned from his evening walk. 
"I should have known something was off." Steve sighed and looked at Y/N, whose face returned to pink shade. "Can I invite you to a lunch totally planned by our friends?" He was worried, this is not how he would invite a girl out. So when Y/N smiled and took his hand, Steve felt the nervousness and excitement shot right up. He will have a chance to know all the good and bad. "You totally can."
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penguiduck · 4 years
The Relationship Between Online Readers & Writers: How to Write the Best Feedback
Introduction | Part 1: What is this Relationship? | Part 2: Creating Motivation and Appreciation for Readers | Part 3: A Day in the Life of… | Part 4: Creating Motivation and Appreciation for Writers: Perspectives | Part 5: Creating Motivation and Appreciation for Writers: Implementation | Part 6: How to Write the Best Feedback  | Part 7: Where Does This Leave Us?
Since I've put so much emphasis on providing feedback, I believe it's only fair if I offer some instruction as well.
1. Thank your writers. They put a lot of work into producing this content for you — it is only gracious to thank them for their efforts. If someone gave you a piece of art or a homemade gift, the correct response is gratitude. Why is writing any different?
2. Be personal. It goes without saying, but writers are not robots who can crank out writing nonstop. They are providing you content that is creative and comes from the heart — the writing process is a subjective, tedious one. I think it is only gracious to reflect that same warmth and care in your feedback. Speak human to human. There is someone with very real feelings and thoughts on the other side of the screen.
What are some ways to be personal?
a) Pay attention to writers’ notes. There may be certain events going on in their lives. Maybe they’re struggling with the illness of a family member or celebrating a positive experience. They obviously only include information they wish to share. If a friend came up to you and said “It’s my birthday!” would you ignore them? Probably not; it doesn’t seem polite. Or if a friend said “I’m feeling a little bummed out. My dog passed away,” the socially correct response is to offer your condolences.
b) If you happen to realize that the writer is reaching a milestone — 100 chapters, one-year anniversary on AO3, etc. — celebrate it! Congratulate them!
c) Bring up past conversations. While your feedback is speaking to the writing, you are allowed to bring up past interactions that can enrich your comments. Maybe the writer mentioned something about a plot twist a while back. Adding a “I remember you mentioning this!” can really make writers feel special because that means you were paying attention.
3. Be specific and relevant.
I mentioned this in the previous chapter, but I think it’s worth mentioning again: I have a fuel tank for my inspiration when it comes to writing. I can run on a near-empty tank, but it’s difficult for me to do, and I struggle with creating content. It’s far easier for me to write and put out quality work when my inspiration tank is full. Every piece of feedback I receive fills it with a certain amount of inspiration.
Quality feedback refills my inspiration tank far more quickly than vague and general comments do. What are ways in which you can be specific and relevant to increase the quality of your comments?
a) You’re obviously reading this particular piece of writing for a reason. What makes you choose this story over others? What makes it special or unique? Is it the writer’s personal style? Their knack for detail and imagery? Do their sentences flow beautifully? Is their characterization spot-on? Tell them why you choose to spend your precious time reading their writing!
b) What about the characters? Does your writer have a strong grasp on keeping these characters true to their original interpretations? Are they exploring facets of their characters that you’ve never seen done before in other fanfiction? Is there a particular character that gives you the warm fuzzies, especially because of the way they are written? Is there someone you really don’t like? Why?
c) Be relevant. Leaving a comment like “PIES. I LOVE PIES” when there is a brief mention of a pie in the story doesn’t tell writers very much, unless you explain why this particular item is of note to you. Otherwise, this is not unlike going to your friend’s choir recital. Maybe she sings something from “The Lion King,” and your response is, “I like warthogs.” It’s a pretty strange comment that doesn’t speak to her performance. Let’s be a bit more cognizant of how your thoughts can come across relevantly.
Did you like the way they incorporated pies into the piece? Did you find it coincidental that they added pies because you just made one? Instead, you could say something like “I found it really interesting that you had [character name] go with pies because I was just grocery shopping and decided to buy a pie, even though I don’t really have a sweet tooth. It’s pretty impressive, though, for [character name] because pie dough can be really tough to make! I’m impressed he figured it out!”
d) How are you feeling about the progression of the story? The plot? The small details that writers add to make it more interesting? Do you have any thoughts about what might happen next? Would you be particularly excited about a certain event taking place? Perhaps you have a strong opinion on a character’s actions or choices?
e) How does this writer’s work affect you emotionally? Has there ever been a time when you were feeling upset or overwhelmed? Maybe you picked up a story from this writer, and you felt better. For me, knowing that my work can help give someone an escape or a place of respite from the real world is absolutely astonishing. Communicate this with your favorite writers. Trust me — they will be glad to know that they have helped you.
4. Be thoughtful and kind. This should be obvious, but sometimes it’s not.
While I think writers should be open and receptive to constructive criticism, I also think readers should be sensitive and mindful when giving it. If you are interested in offering criticism, it’s generally good practice to ask if the writer is receptive to it first. I welcome thoughtful criticism, but others may not. Criticism, no matter how fair or unfair, can be absolutely devastating to writers who are not ready for it. Harsh criticism can even break someone’s spirit.
Writers are artists who wish to share their craft with the world for you to enjoy. In doing so, voluntarily or not, they offer their work up to critics — but that doesn’t mean they are necessarily wanting to have their writing picked apart, concept by concept, word by word.
Here are some considerations if you wish to provide constructive criticism:
a) What is your intention? Would providing critical feedback be constructive and useful to the writer? Remember that criticism is meant to help writers become better writers —otherwise, it wouldn’t be constructive. Instead, your comment would be considered malicious, spiteful, or just plain spam. I think it’s vital that you assess this before providing criticism.
b) Is your criticism reasonable?
If you notice some characterization or detail about something canon-specific that is not correct in chapter 1 and the writer is on the 47th chapter, are you expecting them to go back and edit all 47 chapters? This is not a reasonable expectation, and mentioning something like this, correct as you may be, is not helpful and could potentially be very discouraging.
c) Is your criticism well-founded? I understand this is highly subjective, but I’ve received some harsh and nonconstructive criticisms before that don’t have any basis. Either, the commenter completely misinterpreted my meaning without giving me a benefit of the doubt that my intentions were good or they don’t realize I actually addressed their point in future chapters or they were just incorrect in their research. Please make sure that before you submit your constructive criticism, your logic is sound to the best of your ability and that you’ve considered the writer’s point-of-view.
d) Say something nice, please. I don’t think it’s good etiquette to have your first interaction be negative. Providing constructive criticism implies that you care enough about the content and writer to help them improve — if not, hit the back button and move on with your day. If so, then that means there must be something redeeming about the writing that makes you wish to be a part of its success. Show that. Otherwise, your constructive criticism may not come off as constructive at all — instead, it could be interpreted as unkind, and if you really do have best intentions at heart, then being kind is a minimum requirement for interactions.
Talk about what you like about a writer’s work first and even explain why you’re providing criticism. Start with something like: “Hi! I absolutely love that you’re writing for this fandom. I think you write [character name] very well, better than most interpretations I’ve come across! If I may, I’d like to discuss your most recent portrayal of [character name]. I see where you were coming from, but I think he may have been a little too forward because [insert reasons]. What was your thought process behind this? Other that particular scene, I’ve been very pleased with your portrayal! ”
Really, take a page out of Thumper’s book: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.
Below, you will find a hodge-podge of questions that may help you construct your feedback:
Who is your favorite character? Why?
What do you like about this author's writing style?
What makes this piece different than others?
Has any part of this piece/chapter made you smile? What was it?
Give your honest opinion on an character, whether you like or dislike him/her.
How do you like the main character? Why?
What do you think is going to happen next? What makes you think that?
Is there a character you just want to suffocate in hugs?
Do any of the characters remind you of someone else?
What is it about this piece that has had you following it for so long?
If there is a cliffhanger, what makes you so anxious to see what happens next?
How do you think this story will end?
How will this piece ending make you feel? Will you be sad that it's over?
Is there a character you pity?
How do you feel about the villain(s)?
If this story were real and you really were the main character, who would be your best friend?
For WWYFFs, who is your favorite bachelor? Why? Can you even choose one?
Has this author ever written a part in this piece that made you uncomfortable? Why?
What's your overall opinion on the main character's behavior?
Did a part in this piece/chapter make you crack up? What was it?
Do silly thoughts ever enter your head while reading this piece?
Tell the writer how much you love them for writing this.
If the writer has any RL issues or concerns, respond to them (condolences, best wishes, etc.).
Did the antagonist ever do something where you just wanted to punch him/her in the face?
Has this story ever been an escape for you?
Do you ever think of this story out in the real world?
Why do you think this is one of your favorite pieces?
Is there something you don't like and would like to change? Be sure this is constructive.
How did this chapter/piece make you feel?
Make a prediction about anything — a character, perhaps?
Do you like how the characters are developing?
Is there a line in this story that made you laugh out loud?
What emotions did you have while reading this? Did you feel angry, frustrated, awkward or sad?
Has there ever been a point in this story when you're on the brink of tears?
Do you feel that this author's specific writing style has contributed to your enjoyment of the piece?
Thank the author for taking the time to update in a very busy period in her life.
Do you have an idea that you wish to share?
Is there anything that confuses you and you wish for clarification?
Is there something in this story that you can't wait to be resolved?
Analyze a character and try to explain why s/he does what s/he does.
Do you for see any problems with this story?
Tell the author how much you appreciate them.
Finally, I’d like to leave you all with some templates you can use. Of course, it’d be most personal and heartfelt for you to construct your own comments and reviews, but I understand not everyone feels comfortable doing so, and utilizing these templates to help get your thoughts across is certainly better than leaving no feedback at all! Edit whatever you’d like, use pieces, combine templates — it’s in your hands!
“Hi! I’m so thrilled to have found this story. I’ve been looking for a good [fandom] fic with a [character names] pairing for a long time now, and to see one of his quality just made my day! Your writing is [superb/detailed/professional/etc.], and your characterization [is honest/is spot-on/makes me weep with joy/etc.]. I am going to be following this with a very close eye. Thank you so much for gracing the world with your beautiful writing!”
“Admittedly, I didn’t think I’d be getting back into [fandom], but I saw your fic and began reading it on a whim. I am now intrigued and looking forward to what happens next. I absolutely love how you portray [character name]. [He/she/they] are exactly how I imagined [him/her/them] to be in this situation that you’ve crafted, and I look forward to more. Can’t wait for the next update!”
“This is brilliant. I’ve never seen another story like this, and I thank you for sharing your talents with us and the [fandom] fandom. You make me gush every time you have scenes like this, and [character name] just makes my heart thud!”
“Ugh, that cliffhanger! D: I can’t believe you just cut it off like that — now I’m going to have to wait impatiently for the next update. I hope [character name] survives. It sounds like a terrible situation to be in, but you wrote it so [beautifully/hauntingly/well/etc.]! Will be eagerly awaiting the next chapter!”
“OH MY HEART. You always create the most [lovable/intimate/disgustingly cute/etc.] moments, and I just want to puke rainbows and sunshine. I LITERALLY SQUEED. In fact, I squeed so loud, my [mother/boyfriend/partner/sister/etc.] asked me what was wrong!”
“Your writing style leaves me [breathless/wanting more/etc.]. <3 The way you string words together is just pure poetry, and it is a [joy/treat/etc.] to read. We need more people like you writing
“I don’t usually read original content online, but this piece caught my eye, and you did not disappoint. The world and plot you’ve created is [creative/heartrending/exciting/etc.], and your characters are [memorable/endearing/so much fun/etc.]! I find myself entranced with [character name]. I feel like I can really relate to [his/her/their] plight. Looking forward to the next update and seeing what [character names] are going to do!”
“This story feel so professionally written to me. You could absolutely take this and publish it. Your writing is [beautiful/flawless/a joy to read/etc.], and I so admire your ability to consistently give us content. Please keep writing and sharing with us! I cannot get enough of [story title], and I look forward to every update.”
“I’m super curious about [character/plot/feature/etc.]! I feel like this is a concept that has been done before, but I’ve never seen it executed as effectively as you have! I am looking forward to reading more about [insert characters] and how they’ll react to [events].
“I cannot tell you how much this story means to me. I know this is just a piece of writing (albeit quality!) posted online, but you have helped me get through some really rough days and events in my life. The way you weave this story and its characters makes me feel like it’s all alive. Sometimes when I’m feeling particularly sad, I just come back to this fic and read a few chapters. Your writing is beautiful and real and optimistic, and it just makes me feel like I can rely on it as a place to retreat to when I need it. Thank you so much for taking your time to write. Your work is truly a treat and blessing.”
“[copy and paste quote from story]
This was my favorite line from the story. I found it so [funny/wholesome/particular/etc.]. You have such a good grasp on [character name/writing dialogue/development/etc.] Looking forward to more!
“I’m so sorry to hear that you’re having a rough time because of [reasons]. I hope you know that I’m here to support you, and if you need to take a step back from writing for a little while, I completely understand. I always enjoy your work, and for the quality and joy you’re giving us, I think you should take your time and write only when you’re ready to enjoy the process. Please take care! <3 You are in my thoughts!”
“Congratulations on [xyz]! That is such a big milestone, and I’m so happy for you! It’s amazing that despite all of your RL achievements, you’re still willing and able to dedicate the time to write for us. <3 Sending love and support! Keep it up!”
“Hi! I absolutely love that you’re writing for this [fandom]. I think you write [character name] very well, better than most interpretations I’ve come across! If I may, I’d like to discuss your most recent portrayal of [character name]. I see where you were coming from, but I think [he/she/they] may have been a little too [forward/angry/quiet/etc.] because [insert reasons]. What was your thought process behind this? Other that particular scene, I’ve been very pleased with your portrayal! ”
“First, I am so glad I found this fic. I am impressed by your writing capabilities and think you’re doing a wonderful job! I don’t know if you’re looking for any feedback on [xyz], but I have [experience/knowledge] on [xyz], so I thought I’d shed a bit of light. The only thing I noticed was [reasons] — in reality, [insert explanation]. I can give you a few sources [insert link(s)], if you’re interested in reading more. I am also happy to answer any questions for you! Please let me know how I can help! Like I said, though, aside from that just teeny detail, your writing really is superb. I love your [creativity/portrayal/writing style, etc.]! Can’t wait to read more!”
If you found that this guide or these templates were helpful to you, please share the wealth with other readers and writers!
Also posted on AO3.
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yodawgiherd · 4 years
Rating : E
>>>Read on AO3<<<
New year new me writing the same old stuff.... I mean, you guys asked for it :)
Two weeks. Two weeks have passed since that nice night out they had when Eren took her out for dinner and drove her around to find that ice cream she liked. Two weeks since they made sweet love after coming home, slow and unrushed and satisfying in every possible way. Two weeks since Mikasa fell asleep in his arms, wishing for nothing that day. It was perfect.
And then, as usual, reality came. The next days were filled for both, with Mikasa being once again selected as a lead for a new collection by Kiyomi and Eren’s dedication for a better world making him take more overtimes. Between her photoshoots and his shifts, they simply had no time. And the Colosseum tournament in Vegas growing closer and closer every day didn’t help. Levi was adamant that Mikasa increases her training load, wanting her to be in top shape when that thing rolls around. All this translated into them not even seeing each other, often getting home when the other one was sleeping, and overall just missing any sort of interaction. It was mind-boggling really, how they managed to never bump into each other save for a few short moments, passing in the door or Mikasa waking when Eren slid into the bed with her and hugged her.
Knowing that the upcoming weekend they both have free schedules for once made Mikasa wake up with a smile, stretching in the bed. It was Friday, which meant that tomorrow the long drought will finally come to an end, in more ways than one. Mikasa didn’t want that much from life but going two weeks without having her boyfriend touch her even once did make her a bit frustrated. In theory, she could always take care of herself, god knows that they had more than enough toys to help her, but that just didn’t feel right. Tomorrow, she thought to herself, getting out of the bed and making her way downstairs. Tomorrow is the day.
Eren was gone, understandably, his shifts sometimes began in ungodly hours of the morning, but he left breakfast behind much to Mikasa’s delight. As she sat down to eat it, her eyes wandering over the table, she noticed another thing he left behind. An unassuming wooden box with a folded note on top. Curious, she picked the paper up, eyes scanning over the lines of Eren’s handwriting.
“Up for a little challenge?”, it said, the words ending with a winking smiley face.
Confused, she put the paper down, opening the box instead. Eyebrows rising, Mikasa knew that thing inside well, very well one might say, and the meaning of Eren’s message finally hit home. Beads connected by a string and a small bottle of lube weren’t something she expected to see first thing in the morning, but here they were, lying innocently in the box. It wasn’t that hard to understand what Eren wanted from her anymore. The question was, is Mikasa willing to go a full day with beads up her ass? Biting her bottom lip, she picked the toy up, inspecting the already known shape, thoughts racing in her head. As chance would want it, she didn’t have training today, only a photoshoot, but a damn long one. Mikasa knew from experience how it feels to have these inside of her and acting normal would be a challenge. Hard, but not impossible. Damn it, she just couldn’t back down from it, not when she imagined how smug Eren must have been in the morning, preparing this for her, probably thinking that she won’t do it. Well…..
“You’re on.”, Mikasa said albeit the beads seemed indifferent to her internal struggle, lying limply in her hand. She would show Eren just how wild she can get. Determined now, Mikasa grabbed the lube from the box, leaving for the bathroom in order to put those devilish pearls in.
Okay, maybe taking her motorbike as usual instead of a car was a bad choice. Breathing hard, Mikasa was glad that the helmet was hiding her face from public because it must have been completely red by now. Normally, she enjoyed the way her powerful machine purred between her legs, her bike was a new model, sleek and devilishly fast, which meant that it had a strong engine. But now, with that alien thing inside her, the vibrations coming from it were a torture. Mikasa felt it as soon as she kicked it alive, of course, but back then she was sure that it was passable, something she would stop paying attention to. It wasn’t. By the time she reached her parking space at the agency Mikasa was tempted to just head straight to the bathroom and take the beads out, but the thought of Eren’s face if he would find out stopped her. What she really wanted to do was drive into the hospital, find her boyfriend, drag him somewhere no one would see and fuck him senseless. Damn it. Composing herself, Mikasa carefully stopped the bike and climbed off, teeth gritting. And the day was only beginning.
Pixis did look a bit surprised when she asked for another break, having one just about half an hour ago, but he was enough of a gentleman not to pry. Staring at herself in the bathroom mirror, Mikasa couldn’t help but notice the flush in her cheeks, which stood so painfully obvious against her pale skin, no matter how much make-up the artist put on her. It was hard to act normal when every move of her lower body was accompanied by the shifting of those pearls. She kept her mouth firmly shut to prevent herself from moaning, assumed the poses Dot wanted from her with as little leg movement as physically possible, but still. The motorbike ride left her ass tender and now she was paying the price for her foolishness. Mikasa had a hard time not texting Eren, telling him what an ass he was, but she stopped herself before writing anything. He didn’t force her to do this, did he? No, he simply posed a question, a proposition, and she was the one who took him up on it. This was her doing, no one else was to blame. With inhuman effort, Mikasa opened her eyes, nodding at her mirror reflection before pushing herself from the sink and taking a few careful steps towards the bathroom’s exit. She could do this. She could do anything.
It was hell, but Mikasa managed. A few hours that felt like an eternity later, she was once again walking to where she parked her bike, quietly congratulating herself. That was until she reached her means of transportation, realizing that her crusade was not yet over. The ride home wouldn’t be nice to her backside.
One journey to hell and back later, Mikasa pulled up at their house, breathing heavily. This was taxing. As Eren’s car was still missing, she judged that he was at the hospital, pulling long hours as usual. Not that she minded, at least she could take a shower in peace and calm herself down. In the bathroom, she debated whether she should pull the beads out, but in the end decided against it. Instead, Mikasa focused on cleaning herself as much as she could, putting razor to the few hairs on her body that managed to appear since she last shaved. Looking into the mirror, Mikasa took in her naked form, watching the body she knew so well. Her wide shoulders, steel ropes of muscle beneath the pale, once again hairless smooth skin, moving gracefully anytime she did, the small firm mounds on her chest and the valley of abdominals underneath. What she didn’t want to pay much attention to was the lower part, the place between her strong, endless legs that was calling for her attention, yet she kept denying herself. Mikasa was on the brink here, just thinking about all the stuff that was at her disposal. Few minutes alone with the Hitachi wand and she would finally cum and cum hard. Eren would understand….
No. Closing her eyes and focusing on her breathing instead, Mikasa hung her head, her short hair creating a half-curtain to hide as much of her face as it could. She went through a lot for Eren today, so he better take good care of her. Otherwise, she would make him know just how displeasing this whole experience was. Pushing back her inner lust demon, Mikasa left the bathroom in search of some clothes, not even bothering to wrap her body in a towel as she thought that she’s still home alone. Yet she was wrong.
“Hello there kitten.”
A voice to her left made her jump, and Mikasa’s body reacted on its own, taking a defensive stance before she fully realized who spoke.
“Damn, I’ve been home for not even five minutes and already my fiancé feels like beating me up.”, Eren said from his seat on the bed, “Domestic violence is really no joke.”
He still had his shirt on with an undone tie around the neck, meaning that his statement about just coming home was a true one.
“Then again,”, he continued, eyeing her naked form, “maybe we could arrange something if you keep this dress code that is…”
Whatever Eren wanted to say next was left in the air as Mikasa all but pounced on him, sealing her lips on his upturned ones. The sudden motion was a mistake in retrospect, as it made the beads shift significantly and she moaned right into his mouth, a sound that didn’t escape his attention.
“You liked my idea, I take it?”, he asked.
“Hated it.”, Mikasa corrected him, “But did it anyway.”
“Whole day?”
“Whole day.”
“Damn…”, Eren shook his head, “You really are something else babe.”
“It’s been a long time…”
Mikasa let the end of the sentence hang in the air, hoping that Eren will understand what she was implying. She was literally naked, sitting in his lap and desperate not only by the long dry streak but also by having those damn anal beads in her ass the whole day. Two weeks man, come on.
“It was a long time.”, He agreed, hands coming to rest on Mikasa’s hips, “Long time since I’ve seen you like this.”
Mikasa was just about to suggest that they could perhaps start their weekend right and do something about it, but then Eren’s eyes darkened and he leaned in, lips grazing the shell of her ear as he whispered.
“You know what else I missed? I missed seeing you kneel in front of me with that pouty look on your face, I missed tying you up and teasing you until you cry, begging me for release. I missed pushing my cock into your throat and holding it there while you struggle in my grip, desperate for air. I missed flipping you over and spanking your ass while you sob into the sheets. I missed forcing the safeword out of you with the cane, going until your ass is red and sore and then fucking it, so hard that it makes you scream.”
Eyes almost popping out of her skull, Mikasa couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It wasn’t that Eren didn’t do those things to her, he did that and worse, but talking about it so casually wasn’t usual for him. He was silent now, making Mikasa wonder if she should say something too. Did he want to hear how much she enjoyed controlling his release with the cock ring, making him beg for it and denying him over and over again, edging him until he couldn’t speak anymore. Should she tell him that she also missed him underneath her, worshipping her legs. Mikasa would never have guessed that having her boots kissed would turn her on, yet Eren somehow managed to do that anytime he did it. How she missed pegging his pretty ass, how she liked that it always reduced him into a groaning mess, how fucking the lights out of him felt so good. But before she could voice any of these, Eren moved first, snapping his hips up and pushing her down on the bed. He moved fast, stretching her whole body and trapping both of her wrists in one of his hands above her head, pinning Mikasa down.  
“In fact, I’ve been missing it so much that I feel like refreshing my memory tonight.”
Eren’s voice was still just above a whisper, a throaty hum that traveled through Mikasa’s whole body and left her shivering. The hand that wasn’t holding her own arms down also moved, sliding down her body.
“What do you say Miki, wanna be a good girl for me tonight?”
She swallowed hard, hyper-aware of his touch that was now tracing the firm shapes of her abs on its journey to that one place she needed to be touched at the most.
“I’d love to…”
He raised an eyebrow at her.
“I’d love to, sir.”, she quickly corrected herself.
“Would you really?”, Eren pulled out a thinking expression, the traveling hand now resting just above Mikasa’s mound, “Then tell me, what would you have me do to you?”
“What? You want me to…”
“I want you to express your desires kitten.”, his voice was back in the authoritative tone, allowing no discussion, “Speak.”
He wanted her to what, beg him to dominate her? Eren never lacked in imagination, meaning that whatever this was it was most likely just another way of having her submit to him. Eren didn’t want only Mikasa’s body, he wanted her mind too, wanted to know every deep dark fantasy she had locked away. And why should she hold back? She yearned for him, for his touch, today’s events in combination with being naked in the same room as Eren made Mikasa more than desperate. Maybe it was really the time to speak her mind, to ask for all the filth he promised her. Because she loved it so fucking much.
“I want you to tie my hands behind my back,” she began, voice quivering just a tiny little bit, “I want you to force me to kneel and slide that thick cock of yours into my throat as deep as you can go. I want to gag on the length, struggle for breath while you keep me there, not letting go until I’m close to passing out.”
In reaction to her finally speaking out, or maybe to make her continue, Eren’s hand finally moved, fingers moving to touch her where the wetness was concentrated. Still very slow, he caressed the outer part of her sex, waiting for Mikasa to go on. So, she did.
“After you cum in my mouth, I want you to pull me to the bed, tie me to it, so tight that I can’t move an inch. Then you’ll tease me, with your hands, your mouth, the wand or other toys, make me beg and cry and curse you, completely soaked and desperate for you.”
Eren was very much enjoying this, judging from his agitated breathing, and to reward her he finally moved his hand again, spreading her lower lips with a practiced movement and dipping one tip inside to tease that hidden pearl.
“And then?”, he breathed into her ear.
“Then, after you had your fill of edging me, then I want you to fuck me, slow and hard,”, Mikasa’s breath hitched as Eren continued with the expert movements of his hand, rubbing her clit in a memorized pattern he knew she liked, “I want to feel your cock deep inside me, to feel your mouth on my nipples, to have you play with the pearls in my ass. I want to cum from you fucking me and have the beads pulled out mid-orgasm because that feeling is just out of this world.”
“That’s it?”
“Maybe….”, Mikasa looked at Eren, eyes half-lidded, meeting his dark gaze with her own, similarly aroused one, “Or maybe you can fuck my ass too if you feel like it.”
To her great dismay, Eren pulled his fingers out of her, sitting up.
“Well, that’s quite a list. We better get started then.”, eyes moving over her body, he stopped at her throat, frowning, “You seem to be missing something kitten, why don’t you go fetch your collar for me.”
With a nod, Mikasa forced her body to move, but her attempt to stand up was quickly stopped.
“Do move like you are supposed to. You don’t want to make me mad, do you kitten?”
Ah, so he wanted her to crawl. Giving in to Eren’s wish, Mikasa dropped down to her knees, making her way on all fours to where the collar was. At the same time, she could hear Eren moving behind her, walking over to where their toys were stored, making her stomach twist in expectation. She described what she wanted from him rather well, and Eren was never the kind to leave Mikasa wanting. Resisting the urge to look over her shoulder to see what he was picking, she crawled to where her jewelry was, opening the drawer. Having her collar there, among the normal necklaces could be viewed as weird, but then again it was not so different from some of the chokers Mikasa had stashed there. Picking the collar up, she ran her thumb against the silvery letter spelling out her name, set in the soft black leather, sighing. She loved it.
When Mikasa reached the bed again, holding the collar carefully between her teeth, Eren was already back, watching her. Even like this, on all fours, Mikasa didn’t lose the certain predatory grace in her movements, her crawling wasn’t awkward in the least. On the contrary, she moved with the agility of a tiger. Seeing the ropes of muscle move beneath her skin, Eren couldn’t help but think that Mikasa must have been a warrior in her past life, an assassin or ninja, a person who murdered with no remorse. Her body was a weapon, easily capable of killing someone barehanded and the famous icy glares Mikasa could do, the ones that made your knees buckle, made a man realize that. Eren faced her many times in the ring, only sparring that is, but the way she moved there made him regret anyone who fought her in a fully serious mode. Mikasa was scary if she wanted to, as Eren could attest to, being the subject of her wrath a few times. Not many, she was not the kind of person to anger easily, but when she did… Let’s say it was much better to keep Mikasa happy, okay?
And the fact that she willingly gave control over her carefully shaped body to him, let him tie her up in ways that made all her strength useless, being completely at Eren’s mercy, that turned him on like nothing else. Watching her struggle uselessly in his clutches, desperate but unable to help herself, that was simply amazing, and Eren couldn’t wait to do it to her again. He knew that she wanted it.
When his warrior girl crawled close enough, Eren reached down to take the collar from her teeth, smiling inwardly when she stretched her neck immediately, eager to have it on her. Happy to oblige, Eren collared her, closing the leather around her throat. The gentle but firm pressure there always put Mikasa in the right mindset, every breath reminded her that for now, she’s Eren’s kitten. One that he loved to death, no doubt, but he could do some very mean things to her too. Seeing her looking up at him, biting her bottom lip, Eren couldn’t hold back. Hooking a finger through the metal circle in her collar, Eren pulled hard. Mikasa made an adorable sound of surprise in the back of her throat when her mouth collided with his, but she was quick to adapt and relax her jaw, surrendering to the kiss. Prying her mouth open, Eren slid his tongue alongside hers, prodding into her mouth with no resistance from her side. When they separated, a string of saliva connected them, so messy the kiss was, but it did nothing to break the spell.
“Good girl.”
Making Mikasa stand up and turn around after, he pulled her arms behind her back, placing a pair of cuffs on both her wrists and elbows, completely immobilizing her hands. Seeing her from behind, Eren did notice the end of the string coming from her ass, the anal beads still deep inside. A whole day, huh? Eren had some experience with similar stuff, as Mikasa introduced him to his prostate and all the wonderful pleasure it could give him, but this was still a noteworthy feat in his book. With her arms tied, she stood straight as an arrow, eyes forward, waiting for his next order. A properly trained submissive this one.
“Turn around. Kneel.”
Mikasa obeyed immediately, sliding down to the ground in front of Eren.
“Now, take my cock inside your mouth.”
She looked up at his face, then back at his crotch, unsure of what to do. As Eren was still fully dressed, there were certain barriers between her mouth and the desired prize, but it seemed like he was leaving her to fend on her own in this one, unwilling to help. All right then. Leaning forward, Mikasa fished for that metal part that opened the zipper of Eren’s jeans, trying and failing multiple times before she managed to catch with her teeth, dragging it down. After that, she had to use her mouth to drag his underwear down, enough so his length would go free, and while it was not the easiest thing to do she managed. Oh, he shaved down there, she noticed, the pubic hair completely gone. Apparently Eren felt like mirroring her, as she had also removed that stripe of hair she kept above her mound before. There, now Mikasa could do what she craved to for two weeks straight and open her mouth wide, taking Eren’s cock inside. Without her hands it was a bit harder to give him all the pleasure she wanted, but Mikasa did her best, licking and sucking all over his length, worshipping Eren as much as she could. Fisting a hand in her hair, he pushed, insistent that she takes him deeper, greedy. Mikasa didn’t mind, she welcomed the help as she relaxed her throat, letting him slide deep enough to make her gag. Eren gave her a bit of air after, but it wasn’t long before he moved again, pressing her back down. She certainly appreciated that he was completely bare down there now, the whole ordeal made that much easier. Insatiable, he forced himself deep into her throat, again and again, holding her down for a long time, enough to make Mikasa’s hands jerk uselessly at her back where they were bound, unable to help. Gulping in the sweet air when he finally released his grip, Mikasa looked up at Eren with teary eyes, feeling a pang of pride in her chest when she saw just how red his face was. He was certainly enjoying himself.
“Good girl…. So good….”, he praised her, “You ready for more?”
Mikasa nodded and opened her mouth sticking out the tongue, completely giving herself to him. Once again guiding himself inside her, Eren couldn’t help but groan again when he felt how eagerly she began sucking at the tip.
“I’m going to cum inside your mouth.”, he announced.
The playful way her tongue pressed against his oozing slit was more than enough of an answer. Eren came, teeth clenched, the hand fixed in Mikasa’s hair flexing, the orgasm wrecking through his body.
“Fuck kitten.”, he groaned, watching her throat work underneath him, swallowing loudly, “You really are too good at this.”
Mikasa chose not to respond and focus on licking him clean instead. When she did let him go, finally, popping his considerably softer length from her mouth, Eren pulled her up. Sitting down, he made her lie down over his lap, lovingly caressing her beautiful ass. Then he slapped it. Hard.
“Count.”, he ordered, voice rough.
A spanking wouldn’t be much of a reward for such a nice blowjob, normally, but with the anal beads inside her, it was different. Every time Eren hit her, they shifted, making her moan and cry out at the same time, creating rather delicious sounds. Knowing what he was doing, he switched between hitting her left and right ass cheek, making sure the beads moved as much as they could. Sometimes she forgot to count, her voice lost in the sounds Eren kept spanking out of her, and she got an extra spicy hit as a punishment. In shaky words, Mikasa was forced all the way up to fifteen before Eren let her go. When she stood up, there were tears in her eyes of both pain and pleasure, and the fire between her legs was an inferno by now, making her rub her thighs together, hoping for relief.
Eren turned her around and undid the bindings around her arms. She wanted to be tied to the bed, and they had just the thing for that. Mikasa didn’t say a word of protest when he pushed her back down, making her lie down on the mattress, pulling the straps from beneath the bed and securing them around her wrists and ankles. Soft as it was, her spanked ass still protested against the spreadeagle she was forced in. Making sure that he pulled the bindings tight, Eren turned his back to her for a second, sorting his thoughts while making that short walk back towards the adult toy box. He needed a moment to get his piece to work again after she sucked the soul right out of him, but that didn’t mean that Mikasa had to wait empty handed.
“I got you something.”, coming back to the bed, he leaned over his tied victim, holding the toy up, “Remember this?”
He saw the collar bob as she swallowed.
“That’s the…”
“The two in one.”, turning the toy on, Eren watched it vibrate in his hand for a second before turning it off again, “It worked great last time, so I’m sure you’ll be satisfied this time around as well.”
Not really waiting for an answer, he moved between her legs, held helplessly open by the bindings. Mikasa couldn’t deny Eren his fun even if she wanted to. She was wet for sure, but Eren smeared both the toy and her opening with a bit of lube nevertheless, liking the way she moaned and writhed on his fingers alone. She really was craving any touch on her intimate parts. Pushing the toy in, he made sure it’s positioned correctly, pressed against both Mikasa’s weak spot and clit at the same time. Mikasa wanted Eren to edge her, she said so herself, and he was ready to deliver. The toy turned on, quietly buzzing, while she moaned out load, body trashing, pulling at the bindings uselessly.
“I’ve just realized that I’m terribly overdressed for this.”, he said, watching her struggle with a grin. It was always a treat, seeing how Mikasa flexed her muscles involuntarily, how nicely they stood out beneath the skin as she tried to free herself from the cuffs.
“I’m going to take a shower, don’t wander off.”, Eren finished.
In response, Mikasa fixed him with one of her trademark death glares.
“I hate you.”, she hissed, teeth clenched, tears leaking from her almond shaped eyes.
For that, Eren increased the vibrations by a little bit, watching her throw her head back and cry out, legs shaking. And he waited, the bastard, waited until she almost came before lowering it again, denying Mikasa any sort of release. The pure desperation and lust burning in her eyes made him weak, weak enough that he moved back to the bed, claiming her tired mouth in another deep kiss.
“Love you too.”, he gruffly whispered against her lips after, slipping into the bathroom before he completely loses control over himself.
In short, naked, tied up and sweaty Mikasa was fucking hot, and the urge to give in and fuck her was strong. Luckily, Eren was stronger, and the cold shower helped. He still heard her, all the sounds that the toy kept forcing her to make, heard the bindings groan as she pulled at them with all her inhuman strength. But they held and so did Eren, standing under the water and drawing the delicious torment out for Mikasa, knowing that while now she hated him for it, secretly she loved it. After all, Mikasa was the one who suggested that Eren edges her this evening, it wasn’t even his idea now, was it. Meaning if she wanted to find someone to blame for her good fortune or misfortune, she didn’t have to look very far. For now, Eren was content to just enjoy the water beating into his back, already planning what he will do to his kitten once he gets back to her.
In the other room, Mikasa regretted ever letting the word “edge” leave her lips. She blamed Eren, his dexterous fingers playing with her while she spoke, literally rubbing the words out of her mouth. Now she had sore mouth and throat, her ass was on fire but none of that mattered compared to what was happening between her legs, the toy wreaking havoc on her weakest parts while not fulfilling any of the needs it kept creating. Mikasa was burning, the fire too much to handle, writhing around on the bed, or rather trying to writhe and being kept in place by the tightly pulled bindings. Helpless as a kitten, Mikasa couldn’t even curse anymore, her breathing too agitated for that and it surely didn’t help when she heard Eren whistle in the shower, just a few metes away. He was a devil, no doubt, no man could be this evil.
Mikasa didn’t even notice when he came back, eyes closed and teeth clenched while the shocks ran through her body, making it move in small involuntary shrugs. Nearing the place of her torment, or as others call it: the bed, Eren cleared his throat, startling her. Her eyes snapped open, immediately focusing on his face while her lips curled into a snarl, and Eren was sure that she was about to give him a few choice words. But they never came.
This was not fair, Mikasa thought, eyes darting over her captor. How was she supposed to be mad at him when he was this fucking hot? She just couldn’t. Tan skinned, tall, taller than her, broad shouldered, planes of hard muscle with defined edges, Eren had a better body than most of the male models she worked with at the agency, and that was not all. His face, clean shaven to show the sharp line of his jaw, damp long hair falling freely on his shoulders, and the eyes, the damn eyes. So green and sharp that Mikasa could stare into their fire for hours without getting bored. Naked to match her, finally, she could also clearly see that Eren was more than ready for round two, the thick length between his legs fully erect. He looked like a statue of an ancient god of love, coming to grace her with his presence.
“Like what you see?”, he asked, teasingly, easily following her gaze with his own.
Mikasa nodded eagerly, thirsty as she was for him, craving to get fucked after all this foreplay.
“Please sir, I’ve been good….”
I deepthroated your cock and got spanked for it, was the other part she was not saying. Clicking his tongue, Eren reached a decision, climbing into the bed and moving to hover over her shaking bound form, facing Mikasa’s flushed cheeks and teary eyes. Dipping down, he kissed her again, hard, sucking at her bottom lip with force. He ravaged her mouth, taking it for his own, swallowing all her needy moans as the toy was still going strong inside her until Mikasa had to break away to breathe, chest heaving.
“Beg for it then.”, he growled, teeth sinking into that upper part of her neck left uncovered by the leather of the collar. The two weeks long dry spell left Mikasa’s neck free of love bites, but Eren was about to fix that.
“You want me to fuck you? Then beg for my cock.”
Breathing shakily beneath him, Mikasa did her best to organize her thoughts. It was fairly difficult, thanks to the number of stimulations she was receiving, from Eren’s teeth sinking into her skin to that tireless vibrator inside her, one that kept affecting the beads in her ass, making them move too. She fucking needed this.
“Sir, please, I need you…your co-cock inside me, please.”
Eren snorted where he was marking her pale neck, clearly unimpressed. Mikasa had to try harder.
“I’m just a needy s-slut for you sir, I beg you to spread my legs open and fuck my dripping pu-pussy. I’m your wh… whore sir, I haven’t touched myself for two weeks, and I’m desperate to finally have you inside me, to feel your massive cock hitting deep and hard into all the right places.”
Eren’s mouth stopped as he listened intently, Mikasa’s dirty mouth getting his full attention. That the usually timid girl was speaking like this was a proof of how desperate she really was.
“I’ve been dreaming about this, being tied up and helpless underneath you, fully in your power, it always makes me so wet.”
She would show him, if she could, press her hips upwards and rub her needy dripping pussy against him, hump Eren’s leg like a sex-starved maniac. But she couldn’t, held down by the bindings, so all Mikasa could do was talk.
“So please, sir, make use of me, my body, ravage me as you see fit. I would be deeply honored if you chose to use this slut’s cunt to provide pleasure for you.”
Eren was staring at her now, face unreadable, until he shook his head.
“Jesus, Miki, you really are expressive if you want to.”
With a quick dedicated move, Eren pulled the toy out of her, forcing Mikasa to whimper and clench around the sudden emptiness. After that, he untied her legs, but if she thought that he’s going to let her be free Mikasa was horribly mistaken. Folding her, Eren moved her all the way up, tying each of her ankles to its respective wrist, left to left and right to right. This position was rather taxing, and Mikasa was very glad for how flexible she was, allowing Eren to do that to her without her body protesting. Much. Like this, she was completely spread open, even more exposed than she was, her most delicate parts fully on display. But there was a time and place to be bashful, and now certainly wasn’t now. With his kitten suspended exactly as he wanted her to, Eren climbed in between her legs, eyeing his glistening prize.
“You’ve convinced me.”, he said, “I’m definitely going to fuck you now.”
“Thank you, sir.”, the end of Mikasa’s response was drawn out into a moan, as he chose just that moment to finally push inside her. With her legs obscenely spread as they were, it was way too easy to find his way into her wet tight heat, going on until he bottomed out, pressed right against her.
“You like that?”, he breathed into her ear, snapping his hips up, “You like it when I fuck you?”
“I lo-love it sir. Please…”
Whatever Mikasa wanted to ask for was left ambiguous because Eren gave in to the temptation and moved. Leaning forward, he supported his weight on the headboard above Mikasa’s head, using his left hand to take hold of her face, forcing her to look at him. Mikasa’s eyes were wide, mouth dropping open as he fucked her in deep unrushed movements. Taking advantage of her slack jaw, Eren pushed his thumb into her mouth, loving how she automatically sucked it, primal instincts taking over her. Mikasa was losing herself rather quickly as Eren was giving her exactly what she craved, fulfilling her needs the way she enjoyed the most. Letting go of the headboard, Eren gave up his support in order to press two fingers against her clit, rubbing the tiny circles. He would make her cum, and make her cum hard, a reward for all Mikasa’s good behavior. And when she started clenching, when her eyes rolled back, he pulled the thumb out of her mouth, reaching underneath the place where they were joined and finding that end of the string. Tugging at it, he began pulling the anal beads out of her, very slowly, drawing it out for her. The first pearl made her moan. The second made her scream. And the third finally made Mikasa cum, keeling her over.
Her orgasm came crashing down, making her body writhe as much as it could in its current position, the finish drawn out by Eren’s efforts. He kept rubbing her clit, moving inside her, tugging the beads out, and before she realized what was happening Mikasa’s orgasm bridged into another one, her screams rising in pitch and intensity both. She didn’t even hear when Eren cursed, his own finish claiming him at the same time when the last of the beads came free, and Mikasa’s ass was finally free of that toy.
When she came to, Eren was leaning over her, breathing heavily.
“You okay?”, he asked, a bit of concern in his voice.
“Mhmm. Just sore as hell.”, she nodded towards the places where her ankles were bound, “Maybe you could untie me?”
He returned her grin.
“Maybe I could.”
Undoing the cuffs, Eren freed her from the bindings, pulling her boneless weight onto his chest after.
“Wanna take a bath after you calm down?”
Mikasa hummed in agreement, pressing a loving smooch to the underside of Eren’s smooth jaw.
“But don’t get too comfortable.”, he continued, “I still have to take your ass, right? I mean, you asked for it.”
Seeing her shocked expression, Eren couldn’t help but laugh. Not that Mikasa was opposed to anal sex, but right now she was completely spent and wanted nothing more than to just relax.
“Don’t worry, it can wait.”,
Eren’s dexterous fingers moved again, rubbing soothing circles into her neck, using that small space left uncovered by the collar. The one that he still didn’t allow her to take off, she realized. Arms wrapped around Eren’s torso, she left that thought drift aimlessly, deciding not to pursue it. Instead, she focused on that unnatural warmth he radiated, seeping into her muscles and making her melt from the inside. So comfy, getting even better when Eren pressed a kiss to Mikasa’s temple, whispering after.
“After all, we have the whole weekend just for us.”
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kim-seungmine · 5 years
love you right
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title: love you right
characters : reader x seo changbin of stray kids (ft. yang jeongin)
genres: angst, i wouldn’t call this fluff but this is sweet, soulmate au, roommate au, filmmaker!changbin.
synopsis: have you ever wondered whether your soulmate would still love you if you weren’t destined to be together? because in a world where everyone has someone who’s meant for them, what matters isn’t finding them, but what happens next.
warnings: cursing 
word count: 6969
a/n: I FINALLY finished this! It turned out to be shorter than my expectation but i think it’s still okay. After 1000 words or so I just realized that Changbin’s “If” probably inspired me. like i said before, i’m pretty sure i broke like 10 rules of soulmate au so please forgive me. 
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The sound of shutters is accompanied by the audience’s cheers. You take a glance at the television, watching the artist in spotlight bow deeply. You feel Jeongin’s eyes on you before averting your gaze back to the customer in front of you. “Here’s the change. Thank you for coming!” you exclaim, seeing Jeongin frantically looking for the TV remote from your peripheral vision.
“We’ve been waiting for this one since last year, and he’s finally back with a full album. Let’s welcome, Bang Chan!”
“First of all, Chan, congratulations on your wedding!” the MC chirps and Chan blushes. “We were all shocked when you told everyone you’re married last week. Mind to share how you met your soulmate?”
Jeongin is mouthing profanities now, opening the drawers as quiet as possible. You, meanwhile, are glued to the screen. “I’d rather not talk about this at a public event, so I’ll keep this brief. I met my soulmate during a party, and then the timer on my wrist stopped. That’s when I knew,” he shares.
“Go to hell,” Jeongin spites as he finally finds the remote and shuts the television off. “Don’t watch this shit.”
“It’s okay. It’s how things are supposed to be,” you respond flatly. Your best friend points at your fingers, which are balled into fists without you realizing. “I’m fine!” you convince him. “In fact, I’m glad I don’t have to see that goddamn timer ticking anymore. And going on dates in secret was such a pain in the ass.”
Throughout your 1-year relationship with Chan, you never felt at ease. Movies and novels always make having soulmates seem like something beautiful, but in fact, it’s a headache. Everyone in the whole world has different soulmate things. Some are color blind until they meet their soulmate, some has timers like Chan’s and some others have the first words their soulmates say to them inked on their arms. It can take someone years before they find their special one, and when they do, they’re willing to do anything to be with that person.
Technically, it wasn’t Chan fault that he left you for his soulmate, but everytime you recall the time he broke up with you, your blood boils.
All the beautiful memories, all the struggles you had overcome… everything meant nothing.
“Changbin’s coming in a minute,” Jeongin informs. “Have you thought about it yet?”
When you asked Jeongin to find you a quiet and responsible roommate, you didn’t mean Seo Changbin. It’s not that you two don’t get along, but Changbin has a tendency to be very snarky towards you and it’s kind of annoying (and intimidating, but you will never admit that). College and part-time job have made you tired enough, you don’t need to deal with a scowling Changbin and his sharp mouth when you get home. What surprises you more, however, is the fact that the boy approves of you.
“Don’t think too much,” Jeongin says as he wipes the counter table. “You want a quiet and responsible roommate, plus you don’t have to pay as much as you do now. Changbin fulfills both of your conditions, what else could you ask for?”
You put the last cheesecake inside the display counter, loving how fluffy and cheesy it looks. It also happens Changbin’s favorite menu, though he doesn’t strike you as someone who would love cheesecake. Great, out of all things, that’s what you remember about him? “What are Changbin’s conditions then?”
Someone enters the café, ending your conversation with Jeongin who quickly dashes back to his station, but not before whispering, “He just wants you.”
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“Jeongin-ah I’m hungry!”
There’s still an hour before closing time, but all the customers have left and now there’s only Changbin on the table near the window, brainstorming for his screenplay. You heave a sigh and takes out a plate from the drawer. You’re the barista for today, why does he pretend like you don’t exist?
You put the plate on the table and ring the bell, causing Changbin to look up from his notebook. “Oh, it’s you, Y/N.” He gets up from his seat, approaching the counter while opening his wallet. “What do you want to eat?”
Changbin examines the display counter, frowning as he browses through the available menus. You notice him panicking a bit as he scans the second row. “I’ll take—”
“It’s okay,” you mutter. “Take your time. I won’t rush you.”
He slowly nods, continuing to read the cakes’ labels one by one before settling on his favorite menu.
“Are you sure you want me as your roommate?” you ask, putting the last slice of cheesecake on the plate. Changbin looks almost flustered, and you feel a bit proud of yourself. He always seems to be very in control of every aspect of his life, so seeing him a bit taken aback because of you feels satisfying.
Changbin starts slicing his cake, not bothering to return to his table. “I mean, why not?” he says. “I know you already and if Jeongin decides that you’re not crazy, then I believe him.”
“You feel that you know… me?”
He shrugs, lifting his eyebrows at the younger boy as the latter comes out from the pantry. “You’re Jeongin’s best friend, an English major, and he said you’re never late for anything—especially rent.”
“You hate morning shifts!” Jeongin shouts.
“You ranked first in your batch, right?” Changbin continues.
“Y/N hates bananas.”
“You love pizza—wait what you hate bananas?”
“I don’t hate them but bananas are definitely my least favorite.”
“Whoa that’s amazing.”
Changbin goes on to list everything he knows about you with Jeongin’s help, sometimes correcting each other although you’re still with them. You get to see Seo Changbin giggling for the first time, and maybe you want to see it more often.
“When are you going to move in?” he asks after helping Jeongin clean the tables. He’s back to the cool, almost cold Changbin, but you tell yourself to take the risk.
“How about this weekend?”
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You plop yourself onto your bed, staring at the ceiling of your room that used to be Jeongin’s. It’s Saturday, but all you can think about is your reading assignment and other tasks. Changbin knocks on the slightly ajar door, carefully peeking inside.
“I ordered dinner,” he informs. “It’ll be here soon.”
It’s only been a few hours, but so far Changbin is much better than your old roommate. He helped you unpack quietly (he did make some hurtful comments about your dreamcatcher collection, but you could handle it), gave a space for your cactuses in the living room, and let you decide the menu for dinner.
The bell rings soon after, and now both of you are enjoying a pot of kimchi jjigae. “Are you sad that Jeongin’s not here anymore?” you attempt to start a conversation. Changbin snorts, glancing around the flat. “I’m glad he’s not here anymore,” he answers in a fake mocking tone. “He always wakes me up too early.”
You nod, remembering the painful memory that is your school retreat back in fifth grade. Jeongin was the dorm leader and he forced everyone to sleep early only to wake all of you an hour earlier. “I hope his soulmate will be able to live with that,” you laugh.
Changbin’s ears perk up at the word soulmate, clearing his throat as you look at him in confusion. “You’re still here,” you point out. “I figure you haven’t met your soulmate yet?”
He shakes his head nonchalantly, slurping his soup in one go. Love is probably too lame for Changbin, and while you’re never really obsessed in finding your true love yourself, his response makes you feel like someone pricks your heart with a needle. “Never really tried looking for them, to be honest. How about you?”
“You mean, do I want to find my soulmate?
Changbin places his bowl back to the table, his lips a bit red due to the spicy soup, and you almost want to laugh. “The idea of having a soulmate is beautiful, I suppose,” you answer. “But I’m fine with the way things are now, it’s not like I’m desperate or something. We’re still young anyways.”
“Do you believe in it? That there’s someone in this world who’s specially meant for you and only you?”
His question intrigue your interest; you’ve never met someone who’s doubting the concept of soulmates. But then again, this is Changbin. He’s the only person you know who has never asked about your soulmate bond. “Well, people do meet their soulmates, don’t they? I guess I’ve never had a chance to doubt it, because it’s there. People have soulmates, it happens.”
“There’s one thing that’s been bothering me for quite a while, though,” you add. Changbin sits up straighter at your statement, and suddenly you wonder if it’s a good idea to tell him. You never share this with anyone—not even Jeongin—because you don’t want to be such a killjoy. Besides, you know how their reaction will be: they’ll think you’re a pathetic pessimist who probably will never meet your soulmate.
“You can trust me.” His voice sounds light, but the weight in his words feel real. Changbin flashes you one of his rare smiles (you’re pretty sure you saw it on his birthday last year) and you gain a surge of confidence.
“Do couples simply love each other because they’re soulmates?” Your voice is almost a whisper, but Changbin raises his eyebrow, encouraging you to continue. “Having opinion is not a crime, Y/N. What are you so afraid for?” he deadpans, but his gaze remains warm and it kind of messes with your whole system.
“I mean, a lot of us date other people before meeting our soulmates,” you continue. “It’s like, you have feelings for one person, but all of those feelings vanish just like that when you meet your soulmates. How is that possible? Are you being with your soulmate because you love them? Or do you love them simply because they’re your soulmate?”
You’re met with silence as Changbin only stares at you in… awe? That’s probably not it but you swear to God his eyes twinkle, boring into yours and making you blush due to the intensity. You almost feel disappointed when he tears his eyes away from you before gathering the empty plates.
“Let me wash the dishes tonight. This is your housewarming gift,” he mumbles, heading to the sink. You watch his back in silence, slowly falling asleep to the sound of his humming and the water. As you’re about to close your eyes, he looks over his shoulder.
“What’s your soulmate thing?” he asks.
“Soulmate thing?”
“Shit, I forgot the term—the one sign that makes you realize that you’ve met your soulmate.”
You give him a sleepy smile, closing your eyes when he starts humming again. Gotta ask what that song is later.
“Once my soulmate tells me they love me, I’ll stop having nightmares.”
You want to ask Changbin what his soulmate bond is, but sleep has taken over you before you can voice it out.
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What Seo Changbin knows about the world is the fact that nothing is certain. Sure, the Sun rises in the East and the Earth is round, but what about the other things? The human beings? He’s seen so many people walked out of his life, he’s witnessed the most hurtful lies and changes.
Changbin has seen enough to know that trust is overrated. You can’t trust anyone, not even your loyal pet. What happened last night, though, was beyond his imagination. Him telling you that you could trust him?
He was so close to take back what he said, but seeing the tiny sparks of hope and confidence in your eyes made his heart do somersaults. God, if only you knew how much power you have over him…
“It’s barely 10AM and you’re already being productive.” Your voice greets him, snapping him out of his daydream. “What are you working on?” you ask, pouring fresh milk into your glass. Changbin collects all his papers as you sit beside him.
“Sorry for all the mess,” he apologizes. “Jeongin and I never used this table so I always work here.”
You shake your head, glancing at his laptop screen before suddenly pulling away, as if you just did something inappropriate. “No, it’s okay, you can see,” he quickly says, sliding his laptop to you. Changbin suddenly recalls all the moments he shoved Jeongin away because he hates it when people read his stuff before it’s finished.
You’ve been here for less than 2 days but he’s already breaking so many of his own rules.
“Yeah. My graduation project. My ride or die.”
Changbin is lost in his own world after that. You’re still sitting there, debating with yourself if you should stay. Roommate-Changbin may still intimidate you, but Director-Changbin only excites you. You want to know what’s on his mind, how he pours his questions and views about the world into his films.
You don’t notice that he’s stopped typing and is now watching you. “Y/N? You’re still here?”
“O-oh!” you yelp, instantly regretting the shock in your voice. “I’m just wondering…” you trail off.
“Yeah?” Changbin waits for you patiently, holding your gaze.
“Can I watch you work? I promise I’ll stay quiet.”
“I started writing this 3 years ago,” Changbin shares. “Somehow I could never writing the perfect ending, nothing felt right. I thought maybe I should use this as my graduation project.” He laughs, “So I could force myself to end the story.”
“What is it about?”
Changbin doesn’t answer you right away, staring at his laptop screen instead. He thinks long and hard—something he does often that infuriates Jeongin, but you’ve come to appreciate it. “Loneliness. Cliché, I know, and that’s why I’ve been struggling.”
He stops to take another sip of his coffee. “About whether it’s better to just be alone.”
“I don’t think it’s cliché,” you reply. “It’s something everyone has to deal with for the rest of their lives. It’s familiar. Important.”
“That’s exactly why I don’t know how to end it!”
“Then just say so.”
Changbin shakes his head before deleting a whole paragraph he previously typed. “That’s not how it’s supposed to be. People want answers.”
That shuts you up. You may be an English major, but this is Changbin’s field. And it’s his work, not yours. “Sorry. I crossed the line, didn’t I?”
“Nonono, you’re right,” he mutters. “Maybe I should try.”
“No, Changbin, this is just my opinion. You don’t need to—“
“And do you want to be the main character? I think you understand the material well, and this role suits you.”
Rejection is already on the tip of your tongue, but the way Changbin’s eyes twinkle is clouding your brain. He continues to stare at you as you’re debating with yourself, and when you meet his eyes, you melt. The cool, almost cold Seo Changbin is asking you for a favor, and while you’re not obligated to fulfill his wishes just because he’s suddenly nice to you… you want to.
He yells when you finally give him a firm nod, averting his eyes back to his laptop. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you with everything. I’ll finish this soon, okay?”
Once again you can only nod, admiring the small smile on his lips.
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“You agreed to what?!” Jeongin shouts, resulting in you smacking his lips with your hand. “Shut the hell up we’re in the library!” you hissed as you bow in apology to all the people sending you death glares.
“Just man up and admit that you’re so whipped for Seo Changbin!” Jeongin has closed his book and is now trying to close yours as well. “Come on, tell me the details! All the embarrassing cheesy details!” he pesters.
The librarian has cleared her throat thrice in the past 5 minutes and you’re sure that means you’re going to get kicked out soon. You sigh at Jeongin, who takes this as a sign that you want to leave. He gladly put all your things back into your bag, dragging you out of the library with a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.
You don’t know if you like Changbin. Maybe you do, but maybe you’re just missing the feeling of having someone. “I don’t know,” you mumble, sitting on the bench across the library. “Everytime I think about Chan I still want to cry, I still want to curse the hell out of him for ending things a day after he told me that he loved me.”
“Maybe things are going to be different this time,” Jeongin tells you. “Try to see him as Seo Changbin, not as the next Bang Chan.”
“Once you do, you’ll be able to see Changbin clearly.”
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Everything has started to feel lighter.
You never remember your nightmares anymore even though you’re well aware that you still get them. And you have someone to go home with after your classes or your shift at the café now that you live with Changbin. Jeongin never shuts up about it, constantly pointing out that Changbin likes you better than him because he’s always with you.
And tonight is no exception.
“Hyung, why are you still here?” he asks, pretending to be curious.
“I’m working, leave me alone,” the older boy says flatly, not even glancing up from his laptop.
“Oh Y/N you’re done?!”Jeongin exclaims.
Changbin quickly closes his laptop, searching for you before he realizes that his friend is messing around with him. Jeongin laughs hard, patting Changbin’s shoulder as he dashes to you. “Finish up quickly, your boyfriend is waiting for you!”
“You’re such a dumbass,” you retort, wiping the counter one last time. You glance at Changbin who’s now looking at you, his lips curling into a soft smile when your eyes meet. Sometimes you really think that he’s into you, and you can never get used to that.
“I’m done anyways,” you inform. Jeongin’s phone buzzes, his face lights up as the name of his soulmate rolls out of his lips. He gives both of you a quick wave and leaves as you lock the door. You chuckle at the sight of Jeongin running to the bus stop. “He’s so in love.”
“He smiles all the time now it’s scary,” Changbin adds.
“Well I guess that’s the magic of being with someone you love.” you mumble. “And being with someone who loves you.”
Changbin’s breath hitches at your statement, causing you to eye him. “What?” you ask.
“Nothing,” he answers. “Have you ever wondered where your soulmate is?”
No matter how much Changbin has changed around you, hearing him talk about soulmates is still one of the weirdest things ever. You two can talk about anything, except this. The whole soulmate talk always reminds you that he’s not yours, that whatever you have now will end when he finds his soulmate or when you find yours.
“Of course. Especially because of the nightmares,” you admit. “But then I realized that I was looking for my soulmate with the wrong purpose. I mean, you shouldn’t want to find your soulmate just because you want your problems solved, right?”
“Are you still talking to Bang Chan?”
Besides Jeongin and Changbin, no one else knows about you and Chan. When you just started dating, Jeongin asked so many things about him, but Changbin never said anything. Not even a congratulation.
“How do you know that we broke up?”
You wince as soon as that question rolls out of your mouth. “Fuck. Of course you do. He got married.”
“Sorry,” he sighs. “Forget it.”
“No, it’s fine,” you interject. “Why did you ask?”
“I saw him picking you up at campus once. It was already super late,” Changbin reveals. “He was dressed in all black—with mask, cap and all that… celebrities-in-disguise attire.” You chuckle at his choice of words, causing his cheeks to slowly turn pinkish.
“You could barely did anything freely, yet you looked happy Y/N,” he continues. There’s a long silence afterwards as because you can’t figure out whether he could possibly mean. With each day you spend together, you feel his wall crumbling. You love it so much that you’re afraid one small mistake will destroy everything.
Changbin takes a deep breath, biting his lip as you finally have enough courage to look into his eyes. “What can I do to make you smile like that?” His whisper is soft but determined. Genuine.
Right in this moment, something in your heart clicks. Seo Changbin has you under his spell, enticing you with his words, his action, his heart.
“Can you sleep with me tonight?” you blurt out.
“Excuse me?!”
“Not like that,” you laugh. “Just stay until I’m asleep. Maybe the nightmares will be less scary.”
They won’t, but you’re not planning to tell him that.
You just want to see him as you fall asleep.
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“Don’t you want to sit here?” you offer, patting the empty space beside you. Changbin smiles from his spot on the floor, right beside the bedside table. “I want you to sleep well Y/N. The two of us won’t fit in there,” he politely rejects although his brain is screaming at him to take the offer. There’s nothing he wants more than wrapping his arms around you and hugging you tight all night, whispering pretty words in your ear all night long so you will see rainbows in your dream, but maybe he still needs to wait.
Or he can just say that he loves you now.
“Good night, Changbin. Thank you for doing this.”
“Anything for you.”
“Don’t say things like that.”
“I’m not taking it back, though,” he singsongs. “Sweet dreams, Y/N.”
You grin, wrapping yourself with your blanket. “I’ll try.”
A few hours later, you wake up with a jolt, panting hard as the horror of the nightmare you just had leaving you. After downing a glass of water on the bedside table, you try to recall what you dreamed of. It’s strange, you think to yourself. Back then, one nightmare could haunt you for weeks, but now you forget everything as soon as you wake up.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
Changbin rushes to you, cupping your cheeks to examine your face. “Ch-Changbin,” you mumble, eyes widening as you realize how comforting his touch is. It makes you feel like you’re floating, before landing on fluffy clouds. You feel lightheaded, and the way he looks at you doesn’t help at all.
“Did you have a nightmare?” he panics. Changbin circles his arms around your shoulders when you nod. You’ve never had a sweet dream, let alone dreaming of Changbin, but if this is a dream then you don’t want to wake up. Ever.
He envelops your entire body with his arms as he presses feathery kisses on your exposed shoulder. “I hate seeing you like this,” he says again. From the tone of his voice, you know that he’s frowning. “What’s going on, Changbin?”
Changbin pulls back, eyes holding your gaze like you’re the one he longs to see. “I love you,” he states.
You prompt yourself to wake up before this dream overtakes your reality, but everything stays the same and now Changbin intertwines your fingers with his.
“Are you sure?” you croak, gripping his fingers.
Changbin dips his head to press his lips onto yours, pulling you into his embrace as he pours all the love and adoration he has for you into the kiss. He kisses you slowly but firmly, nibbling your bottom lip when you curl your arms around his neck. Changbin chases your lips when you pull away, whining when you stop him from placing another searing kiss on your lips.
“I need to tell you something first,” you mutter, lips trembling. “Once I decide to love I don’t hold back, Changbin. I don’t hesitate, and honestly I don’t know if I’ll be ready to hit the brake when we reach the dead end because it’s you and—”
Changbin cradles your cheeks in his hands again, shaking his head as he peppers passionate kisses all over your face. “Please don’t hold back,” he says, almost begging. “Love me. Love me however you want to, okay? Because I don’t want to hold back either. You mean everything to me.”
You’ve got to be dreaming, you must be. Your feelings for Changbin are too strong that for once, you’re having a sweet dream. The sweetest dream. Universe is giving you a chance to live your wishes and in the midst of ghosts, murders, airplane crashes and death. Seo Changbin is here and says that you’ll be able to bask in the warmth of his skin and the fiery touch of his fingers whenever you want to.
But his grip on your waist feels too real and the loving gaze in his eyes feels too hard to resist. “You’re not dreaming,” he tells you, reading your mind and crushing your doubts.
“Can I stay here? Please? I want to hold you,” he asks, almost begging. You nod, your eyes feel heavy as Changbin kisses your cheek.
“What happened to Mr. Oh-Y/N-we-won’t-fit-in-there?” you tease, burying your face in the crook of his neck, his shy laugh being the last thing you hear before falling into deep slumber.
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It’s been 10 minutes since you woke up, and you don’t understand what’s happening. Changbin is still sleeping beside you, his arm curling around your waist loosely. Waking up next to him is something you’ll need to get used to, but there’s another thing that makes you wide awake at 6AM.
You stopped having nightmares.
Carefully, you remove Changbin’s arm from your waist before shaking his shoulder. “Changbin,” you call out, smile dancing on your lips as he blinks. “Hmmmm,” he hums. “Good morning, babe.”
You try to ignore your burning cheeks and pulls him up instead. “I didn’t have any nightmare,” you announce as he sits up, his hair sticking out in various directions. “Changbin, I’m serious,” you demand when he fails to respond. “What’s your soulmate bond? Is it just me or are we really… soulmates?”
There’s a tension in the air before Changbin starts sniffling. You quickly climb into his lap, taking him into your arms as he starts sobbing and mouthing words you can’t make out. “Hey, what’s wrong?” you question.
“My soulmate bond is I’ll only be able to cry after touching my soulmate,” he says, smiling softly when your hand comes into contact with his cheeks, wiping his tears. You start to tear up as well; everything must have been suffocating for him. He had to bottle up all his feelings inside, not having the privilege to let everything out while it’s easy for everybody else.
“I can call you a crybaby now, huh?” you joke, pressing kisses on the top of his head.
Changbin nips your collarbone in return, your heart soars when you feel him smile against your skin. “You can dream of me every night now, huh?”
You never have any nightmare again, but nothing beats waking up in Changbin’s embrace and knowing that you don’t have to say goodbye to him.
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Beaches are scary at night and the chilly weather only makes it worse. You watch Changbin walking around to thank his crew one by one, including Jeongin whom you dragged out of his flat at 2AM to become a replacement for Changbin’s boom operator that bowed out last minute. Your best friend waves you goodbye from afar, his red hair is the only thing you can see.
The beach is now empty, leaving only you and Changbin as the wind gets harsher. “You did well,” he praises, intertwining your hands together. “I only did this for you,” you answer. “After today I realized acting is not my thing.”
He bows at you. “I feel honored.”
You laugh; after everything that’s happened it’s still somehow satisfying to see him say sweet things to you. The cool, almost cold Changbin is long gone—now he’s your Binnie Binnie Changbinnie who whines when you leave bed too early or come home too late.
“Y/NNNNNN.” And here he goes again.
“Why won’t you ever tie your shoelaces properly? I taught you the double knot before!”
You give him a playful “tsk,” sitting down on the soft sand to do the double knot exactly the way he showed you. Changbin watches you with amusement, guiding your fingers everytime you make a wrong loop. “Sometimes I wonder how we would find out we’re soulmates if I didn’t tell you my soulmate bond,” you murmur.
“I would’ve told you that I love you any other way. It doesn’t matter,” he responds. “I only wish I said it sooner.”
“Did you mean it?”
“That I love you? Of course, why would you think otherwise?”
You shrug. “I don’t know how this works. Do you just have to say it? Or do you have to really mean it?”
“Haven’t those before me told you that they loved you?”
“Those? There were only 2 before you,” you share. “And yes, they told me that. Nothing happened.”
Changbin closes the gap between you, gripping your waist a bit tighter than usual and pressing his lips on yours a bit harder. You bite your bottom lip after he releases you, causing him to frown. “I love you,” he says, tugging your lip with his thumb before replacing it with his lips once again. Both of you are gasping for air when he pulls away, but this time you smile at him.
“I mean it,” Changbin tells you firmly. “Don’t ever question that. Now let’s get you home, you’re freezing.”
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“Have you asked your uncle if we can stay in his place?”
You and Changbin are cuddled up in bed, planning your upcoming trip to Daegu to celebrate your birthday. “I forgot!” you gasp, noting it down on Changbin’s favorite notebook. You flip the page to write some other things, but the page isn’t empty. The whole page is full of Changbin’s notes—messy and confusing.
Aug 11 – I cried (around 10PM)
Aug 12 – Should I tell Y/N?
Oct 2 – Y/N moved in
Oct 30 – I’m not sure… a good listener, makes me laugh…
Nov 4 – asked about soulmates. asked about my movies à amazing answers.
Jan 10 – i love them….?
Feb 11 – tell Y/N you love them (what will happen…?)
“Changbin what the hell is this?”
Changbin looks up from his phone, resting his head on your shoulder to see what you’re reading. His face hardens the moment he realizes what you’ve discovered. He snatches the notebook away and rips that certain page, throwing it into the trashcan.
“Answer me, Changbin. What did I just read?”
“I swear to God it means nothing, okay?”
You really hate this conversation. It sounds like the typical romance movie where your lover insists that everything’s fine when it isn’t. You don’t want to end up questioning Changbin for the rest of your life, but you love him too much to let him go.
“You knew right from the start that I’m your soulmate.”
He reaches for your hand, and at times like this you hate how much he affects you. “You’re right. I knew.”
“And then you decided to test me,” you reply. “For what? So you could judge if I deserved your love? If I deserved you?”
“I didn’t test you!” he half-yells. You remove your hand from his and stands up. Your eyes meet your photos together he’s pinned to his wall, the most recent one is from yesterday. Changbin smiles in every single photo, arms wrapped around your shoulders or your waist. Seeing the little corner he dedicates for both of you always warms your heart, but now you’re not sure about anything anymore.
Changbin follows your gaze, smiling fondly at the memories before darting his eyes back to you. “I didn’t mean to test you. I just wanted to know if soulmates are real—if there’s really one person in this big, big world that’s meant for me.”
“But I just realized that to you, that was a test.”
“There’s a line between getting to know each other and testing each other, Changbin. The fact that you purposely hid this from me then asked me to be your roommate so you’d be able to ‘grade’ me… that shit hurts,” you admit.
You sigh when Changbin doesn’t respond, turning around to return to your own room. “What happens when someone separates from their soulmate?” you ask softly, turning the door knob.
“I won’t be happy ever again Y/N,” he rasps. “You know that.”
Changbin trails behind you as you’re walking back to your room. He grabs your hand when you’re about to close the door. “You can’t expect me to be okay, Changbin,” you state. “I want to be alone.”
“I know,” he answers. “But—”
“Good night.”
You sleep well without any problem now, but tonight is the worst night you’ve ever had in your entire life. There’s no nightmare, only reality.
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Changbin didn’t mean to lie.
He had a quite difficult past due to his inability to express his feelings well. His parents had tried everything: meditation, medication, therapy… you name it, but nothing cured him. He was longing for that one release and spent his whole life trying to channel his anger and frustration into something that didn’t scream scary to no avail.
Filmmaking helped him, but not enough. His parents bought him his own place when he was 15 because they were—in his brother’s words—“are tired of your shit”  and his brother stopped talking to him the moment he moved out. In the end, Changbin gave up. He shut everybody out, never tried giving anybody his time of the day because he knew how everything would turn out.
He decided to rent a new place after high school and got Jeongin as his roommate. Jeongin brought him to you, and then everything changed. Changbin didn’t care whether he would finally be able to cry or not—he just wanted to be with you.
Somehow, along the way, he screwed everything up. As usual.
He scrambles to get up when he hears the door opens, hoping it will be you.
“What the fuck happened?”
It’s Jeongin, but Changbin is still thankful.
“You know what Y/N has gone through yet you still did that?” Jeongin spites, dropping a box of pizza on the table. “And you lied to me!”
Jeongin sighs. “I thought you would treat Y/N better than any other man because you’ve been through the same thing, but you dared to test someone who constantly questions whether it’s possible for them to be loved without the soulmate label? I don’t get it.”
“I know it was a bad idea, but I wanted to be sure, Jeongin. I want—”
“Save it,” Jeongin cuts him off. “Y/N is the one who needs to hear this, not me.”
“Will you forgive me, though?”
Changbin is prepared for a “fuck you” and punch on his face, but Jeongin only walks to the door. “I’m Yang Jeongin. I’m not your parents, I’m not your brother. I’m your best friend,” he prompts.
“And Y/N is your soulmate.”
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There’s something different about today. Is it the way the sun shines on your shoes? The way people dress? The way the stray cats in front the café greet you? You’ve made a list of things that may have caused you to feel different, happier, but you can’t find it.
Whatever it is, your list certainly doesn’t include Seo Changbin standing in front of you, casually ordering Americano and cheesecake. You enter his orders in silence as he’s handing you his card. Jeongin is cleaning the display counter, unusually silent although you attempt to make a conversation with him. When he looks up, he gives you a look that screams, “I have nothing to do with this!”
Jeongin puts a cup of hot Americano on the table, smirking when Changbin protests that it’s way too hot. “I ordered a Hot Americano, not So Fucking Hot Americano,” he says sourly. The younger boy shrugs. “You should’ve told me you were coming.”
“Why? So you could—”
“Guys the line is getting long,” you cut them off. Changbin grabs his tray, looking at you with a stare that reminds you of the day he asked you to be in his graduation project. “Can we talk later? I’ll wait,” he asks.
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After your shift ends, you’re walking around your neighborhood with Changbin who insists to take you home. You’re able to converse like normal although you expected things to be incredibly awkward between the two of you, especially after that day when you moved out and he just helped you pack your things, no words spoken.
You didn’t say goodbye, but maybe you have a chance to now.
“So when’s the drama going to air?”
Changbin takes a deep breath, counting days with his fingers. “Around next week? I’m nervous as hell. I’ve never been involved in a production this big.”
“What’s the title of the drama again?”
“Arthdal Chronicles! I met Song Joongki, Jang Donggun and Kim Jiwon! How cool is that?” he boasts. Listening to Changbin talk about his projects never fails to bring smile to your lips. At times like this, he only cares about what he loves and sees just that. He doesn’t hesitate, he doesn’t think too much, he doesn’t control himself.
He glows.
“Hey Y/N.” Changbin grasps your wrist, gaze falling on your untied shoelaces. All the memories of him nagging at you to tie your shoelaces flood your mind and you have to do something, anything, before you fall apart.
You miss Changbin. You miss waking up to his sleeping face in the morning. You miss the way he looks at you when you praise him. You miss his beautiful voice lulling you to sleep. You miss taking him into your embrace whenever he cries, convincing him that he’s free to pour out his feelings now.
You love him—like soulmates do.
Crouching down, you connect the laces together, ready to do the first step. But Changbin stops you, completing the knot swiftly as you stare at him. When he looks up, his eyes are already glazed with tears. “I want you back,” he states.  
His gaze becomes apologetic when he feels your body freeze, but he quickly wraps his hands around yours when you want to run away. “I let my doubts against the world overpower me. I spent so many years looking for answers to convince myself that not everything is bleak, yet I let the darkness consumed me,” Changbin says.
“You’re the warmest, brightest light I’ve ever encountered but I failed to see that. And I’m sorry.”
He pulls you up, wiping your tears you didn’t know you shed. Changbin takes a step closer, cupping your face softly. “Fuck soulmates, I don’t care about that. I’m goddamn lucky that you really are mine, but even if you weren’t, I would still choose you.”
“And I can’t believe there’s a day when I’m gonna be the one saying this, but we can take things slow. As slow as you want.” Changbin gives you a small smile when you finally look him in the eyes. He’s awaken all kinds of feelings inside you, even the ones you didn’t know exist, but there’s only thing you can identify now: yearn.
Changbin lets himself cry when you decide to circle your arms around his neck. “I know this is too much to ask,” he sobs. “But I just want you to know that I want to love you right. I didn’t have a chance to show you that yet, and it’s all my fault.”
You shake your head. “It’s my fault too. I only cared about my fears. I forgot about yours.”
Your soulmate sobs even harder at your answer, only calming down when you start running your hand through his hair. “You’re such a crybaby,” you murmur against his neck as he returns your hug, laughing at your favorite nickname for him.
Enveloped by Changbin’s warmth, you feel something you’ve never felt before. The feeling of being able to love someone without thinking about how things are supposed to be, without hesitation, without limits.
You realize how beautiful it feels to be able to love someone right.
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“Happy birthday, stupid!” Jeongin yells at Changbin’s face, shoving as sloppily decorated birthday cake into the birthday boy’s hands. Changbin stares at it in mild disgust as you exit the counter, placing a black box wrapped with a white ribbon on the table. “I clearly told Jeongin to just buy you a cake. I’m not claiming that,” you explain. “But what’s done is done. Happy birthday, Changbin!”
You take a step forward to pat his back. A little awkward, but it’s enough to cause Changbin’s insides to flip. You remember his birthday and actually bought him something; he can just cry now.
The unfamiliar sensation in his body is almost too overwhelming for him to handle, so he runs to the restroom, leaving you and Jeongin behind. He barely reaches the restroom’s handle when his legs give up. Soon, he’s crying silently, tears keep rolling down his cheeks no matter what he does to stop them.
Crying feels horrible, Changbin thinks, but it also feels wonderful. Liberating.
And he realizes that he’s already fallen in love with you even before he found out that you’re soulmates.
Changbin hates clichés, but he wouldn’t have things any other way. Now he just needs to figure out how to tell you.
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yeah, i know i probably made soulmate au lost its magic but honestly those are the questions that i have in my mind everytime i wonder how it’ll be like if the system is real (curse me and my incredible talent to overthink). to everyone who’s finding love out there, you are loved. maybe you haven’t met the right person now, but you will! 
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itisannak · 5 years
Can you please write something with Calum Grammys related when yn won and she thanks Calum in her speech then he thank her in another way when they’re back home ;) after teasing the hell out of her during the after party 🤤
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Summary: (Y/N) and Calum attend the Grammy’s together. (Smut / Unprotected Sex / Oral; Female Receiving)(Request) (Words: 3.8k)
“Can you please check if Calum is ready?“ I ask my assistant as the stylist puts the final details on me. “He’s been waiting for you for a while.” My assistant replies and I smile. “Thank you. And thank you for everything, really. I don’t think I could have made it today without your help.” I turn to both of them as the stylist walks a few steps back to look at me. “You look great, boss. You really do.” My assistant hugs me before she moves to help me get out of the room. “I’ll make sure to mention you in my acceptance speech if I win.” I chuckle. “When you win. You deserve this.” She corrects me as I move to the living room of the suite.
I see Calum, sitting on one of the couches carefully so his pristine suit won’t crease. He looks like a model, ready to hit the runaway, elegantly swirling his glass of sparkling water. Honestly, him looking so goddamn breathtaking is enough for me to slip out of my dress and just stay in with him. “Wow… Look at you…” He gasps as his eyes land on me. “Not bad for someone who was wearing sweatpants and a bun for a week straight last month, huh?” I ask, twirling around to give him a look of my gown. “Not bad at all, I might say. You look like a real-life princess, baby.” He states, wrapping his arm around my waist. “And you look like my knight in shiny armor.” I reply, placing my hand on his chest, while my eyes wander on his figure. “Thank you for doing this with me.” I sigh, causing Calum to hum with his whole chest. “I wouldn’t miss your first Grammy acceptance for anything in the world.” He replies, pressing his lips on the back of my hand after he takes it in his. “Well, we don’t know if I will actually get it. There are great nominees this year, greater than me.” “Please… You are going to walk on that stage and I will get to root for my amazing, Grammy-winning girlfriend, and the whole world is going to see you shine with that golden gramophone.” He tries to soothe me. “And if anything goes wrong, remember that for me you are always going to be a winner, and you will always get awarded by me, on our bedroom, over and over again.” He winks, rubbing his thumb on the small of my back. “Please, don’t start with me right now.” I breathe out, pressing my body on his a little more. “Why, princess? Am I too much of a temptation to you that you could skip Grammy’s for me?” He asks, smirking at me teasingly. “I could skip everything for you, baby.” I reply, earning a hum of satisfaction from him. “Guys, the car is here.” My assistant announces; Calum clears his throat as he takes a step away from me, while I try to regulate my breathing. “Ok, let’s go.” I announce as Calum links his arm with mine.
“And here comes everyone’s favorite couple. Hi guys. You look really amazing tonight.” The interviewer cheers for us as we approach her on the red carpet. “Hi, thank you very much.” Calum replies, smiling as he wraps his arm tighter around my waist; officially, this is our first red carpet together, so it is more than normal for him to be a little nervous. Honestly, this feels strange to me as well. “(Y/N), you look like a princess today.” The interviewer compliments me, giving me a warm smile; I am sure she has told the same thing to the dozens of women she has interviewed today, but I am willing to take it. “Thank you, I’ve been told quite many times today.” I giggle, turning to look at Calum. “She looks absolutely gorgeous, right? Have you ever seen anyone looking so beautiful?” Calum adds, rubbing his thumb over my hip. “Well, since my date is looking ravishing, I had to be a match for him.” I state and shrug. “How does it feel being nominated for a Grammy for the first time, at such a young age?” She asks me. I take a breath before answering, trying to recall how I felt when my manager called me with the news. It still feels like this is a product of my imagination, something out of my wildest dreams. “Wow, it feels surreal. I don’t know if this is a dream or not, but truly, it feels beyond of my imagination being here.” I reply. “Calum, how does it feel watching her bring this dream into reality?” “It is magical. I was lucky enough to be with her whilst she was recording this album and I got to experience first hand the hurricane named (Y/N). She is inspiring, watching her work has been my source of inspiration and I am extremely proud to be here with her. Win or lose, she has reached something that is spectacular. But I am pretty sure it is going to be a win.”“You as well had a great year, right?” “Uh, I got to tour with my 4 best friends and make music for my millions of friends. It was a blessing.” He smiles. “And trust me, since I have seen what he is working on right now, this time next year we are going to be here to watch him and the rest of 5sos getting an award.” I add, earning a chuckle. “You think so?” He asks me. “Please, your nomination is a matter of time.” I nudge him, making the interviewer coo. “Thank you for this, guys. Enjoy your night, and the best of luck to (Y/N).” The lady smiles at us.“Thank you. Enjoy the show as well.” I reply before Calum and I walk away.
“You really meant that? About the award?” He whispers in my ear. I stop and step in front of him, placing a hand on his cheek as I tilt my head to the side.“They did you dirty this year. But boy, they have 4 giants coming their way. This time, next year, your Grammy will be hanging out next to my Grammy, keeping each other company.” I comment, watching his lips curl into a smile. “Let’s get in.” He presses a kiss on my forehead and his hand goes back to the small of my waist.
I try to enjoy the night, dancing to the live performances and cheering for the winners, but as the announcement of the winner of my category approaches, I become agitated, way too anxious about it. I didn’t realize how badly I want this, until this point, where I am so close to making or breaking it. “Baby…” Calum whispers in my ear, placing a hand on my knee. I wasn’t aware that I was apparently bouncing it until now; but his hand on my body is soothing in any setting, so for now, it seems to give me some sense of tranquillity.“I am sorry.” I quickly apologize. Calum’s hand travels up until it meets mine on my lap, and that’s when he tangles our hands together, bringing mine to his lips. “Win or lose, I adore you. With every fiber of my existence.” He whispers; I close my eyes and take a breath, smiling. He is truly better than any award. “I love you.” I simply reply.
“…And the winner of the Best New Artist Category for 2019 is…” The presenter cheers, making my stomach tighten up. I squeeze Calum’s hand, feeling my body tremble as I watch the presenter open the envelope. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N). Congratulations.” She cheers. I freeze as everyone around me claps. Calum whispers a ‘Holy shit’ as he pulls me into a hug. “Did I win? Did I just win?” I ask him. “You did, princess.” He pulls away, letting me walk to the stage. I still shake on my way there, putting a serious effort not to burst in tears. The lady in the sparkly dress hands me my award and mouths a Congrats before she steps aside so I can take up the podium.
For a single second, I forget every practice I had for my acceptance speech, everything in my mind becoming one huge knot of mess.“Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is an honor to stand here today, winner of a category with such great artists nominated. I have to thank a million people and I am afraid that if I start now I will never end. This is a recognition of all the hard work I put into this last year, but truly, this is not the result of a single person’s work. I would like to thank my producer and my manager for believing and bearing with me. I would like to thank my parents, for all the trust they put into me, and for how they raised me to pursue my dream. I would like to thank my assistant, for her help and for literally being my lifesaver in many cases. I would like to thank every person who streams, buys, or supports my music in any way. And last but not least, I want to thank my partner in life, for being my biggest fan, for being there to brush all the doubts away, and for essentially becoming my muse. Thank you.” I smile, eyes glued to the only person that matters in this room. I walk down the steps, being cheered and greeted by everyone I see on my way back to my seat. Calum waits for me with open arms, hugging me close to his chest.“No one deserved this more than you did. Congratulations babygirl. I am sure this is the first of many.” He whispers, pulling me in for a kiss. “I think that I won due to my lucky charm.” I giggle. “Which is?” “You. So you’d better be here for my every nomination.” I point my finger to him. “If you promise to thank me on every acceptance speech you give.” “Deal.”
After the award show, we had to quickly change into less formal attire, so we headed to get back to the hotel, just for a while. “You know, I’ve never fucked a Grammy winner.” Calum states as he lets me out of my gown.  “Yeah? Well, if you behave, this might change tonight.” I reply, trying to play it cocky. But of course, after almost 2 years, he knows my buttons. So, his lips move along the curve of my neck, slowly, to the point where with every peck I feel my skin break in goosebumps. “Yeah, baby? Well, I must be on my best behavior then, mustn’t I?” He asks, his breath fanning on my skin. I gulp thickly, closing my eyes to try and concentrate. “You are playing dirty. I like it.” “You always like it dirty.” He comments, brushing his thumb over my lips. “We should get going. The party’s red carpet will start at any minute.” I state and he chuckles. “Right… We have to be there, don’t we, pretty girl?” He whispers, walking away from me to let me dress up.
“I was just congratulated on your behalf.” Calum states as he walks up to me, handing me a drink. “Really?” I ask, bringing the glass to my lips. “Really.” He nods. “I am sorry.” I lean towards him, placing a kiss on his jaw. “Why, princess? I am flattered. I get to have the winner all to myself. In every way that I want. All night and day long… And I get to kiss you, and touch you, and hug you, and pin you down on our bed and keep you there for hours. So, yeah… Congratulations to me.” He replies; his arms are around my torso, pulling me to his body, while his lips rest just below my ear, making me shiver. “Do I get to get all of you tonight?” I ask, almost moaning at the sensation of his soft, plump lips on my skin.“Do you even have to ask?” His fingers trace patterns on my hip, while I press my ass on his cock. “Next year, maybe we can try those vibrating panties under your dress. I would love to see you on-stage, the vibrations on full speed and you trying to hold yourself together while you accept one more award.” He whispers; I whimper, just picturing the scenario in my head. “Cal… Please don’t do this to me. Not right now. I have to be able to function. And this is making it hard on me.”“Hard? Like as hard as you are making me?” He asks, pressing his boner on me. “This is unfair.” I whimper, feeling my face heat up. “If you think this is unfair, wait until you see how I am going to edge you tonight.” He replies, turning my face so my lips are on his. “Wanna skip the party? I need you, right now.” I suggest, feeling close to my bursting point. I really need him, his voice while he whispered those words made me melt into a puddle for him. I could not care less about the publicity I could gain from this event, all I want right now is to get out of here and take him home. “No, princess. We have to stay a bit more. And you will have to behave for me, ok?” He replies, voice steady and dominant, raising chills along my spine. “Ok.” I nod my head, taking a deep breath to find my focus.
We ended up leaving the party 2 hours later, after Calum made it too hard for me to contain myself. His hand on my ass was the final stroke; I almost dragged him out of the venue, and thankfully, he wasn’t the one to protest. “You think it is funny, teasing your award-winning girlfriend like that?” I whine as the elevator doors close. I turn to look at Calum, who is chewing his bottom lip while he smirks triumphantly. “I don’t know. It was pretty fun for me. And for an award winner, you seem to be affected by me pretty easily. You would think that this award would have given you a little bit poise against me. But really, you are still putty under my touch.” He replies, walking up to me. His fingers stroke my arm, eyes glued to my body to observe my reaction. I try to hold my posture, not giving him the satisfaction, but goosebumps spread on my body, making Calum chuckle. “See, princess?” He chuckles. The elevator doors open, and Calum takes my hand in his before we walk out; one second he can be an absolute teasing dick, and the next second he turns to the greatest boyfriend in the world.
We stumble to our room, Calum unlocking the door in mere seconds; the perks on spending the greatest part of the year in hotel rooms around the world. From the moment we step in, Calum presses my body against the wall using his body. “Let’s get you out of that designer dress, before it gets turned into a pile of rugs.” Calum states, his fingers fumbling with the zip of my dress for a second. The material slides off my body, leaving me in just my panties in front of him. “Look at my babygirl…” Calum hisses, gliding his hands all over my body. He kneels down in front of me, hooking his fingers in the delicate lace of my underwear. I gulp down the knot in my throat, anticipating Calum’s next move; usually, this results in whatever I am wearing turning into shreds. But he simply pulls them down, making sure that his fingers ghost over my thighs on the way to remove them. “Why do you look so good naked? Why can’t I get enough of you?” He groans, kissing down my stomach. “For the same reason I can’t get enough of you.” I moan, enjoying his warm kisses on my body. Calum smirks against my skin, lowering his mouth to my groin. And before I can realize it, his tongue is on my clit, rolling it in slow circles. I lose my balance for a moment, but Calum’s hand pins me firmly to the wall by my hips. I find myself gripping onto his hair, pulling at the silverish locks as he kitten-licks me; he has teased me long enough today for me to feel magnificently. He maintains eye contact while his tongue works on my bundle of nerves, making me feel intimidated. “Screw this.” He grumbles, taking off his blazer before he picks me up.
He walks me to the bed, placing me on the edge of it. He stands in front of me, dressing down from his outfit. I watch as his body moves; it is like he is putting on a show for me… As if I need more of a reason to lust over him. His clothes end up on a ball on the floor, showing his rush to meet my body.“Are you ready for me, love?” He asks, pulling me more on the edge of the bed. He runs his cock over my slit multiple times, rubbing my clit with the head of it. I nod my head, spreading my legs more for him as he smirks at me. “Are you sure, princess?” He asks, licking his lips; the teasing is never-ending, at this point becoming more of a teasing of the brain than the body. “Please.” I whimper, getting too impatient to just feel him. “Ok then.” He smirks, easing his cock in me. My breath hitches as my eyes flicker open and shut. “Cal…” I breathe out, arching my body to get closer to his. He rocks his hips slowly, letting me adjust to him before his thrusts get more violent. “You feel so good, princess.” He whispers, stroking my hair and face as he leans down to kiss me. “Please, I need more. More of you. Please.” I beg, becoming greedy for him. “Yeah, princess? You need more of me? Can this pussy handle more?” He asks, pounding his hips on my hips, making me twitch with excitement. “I want all of you, daddy.” I whimper; his hands grip on my waist, lifting me up a bit to fix the angle. “Don’t call me daddy. I might cum right here, right now.” He growls, squeezing my face in his hand. “I am so sorry… Daddy.” I whimper, moving my hips to make the thrusts a bit deeper. Calum slaps my ass, smirking at me. “You really shouldn’t push your luck, baby.” He states, digging his nails in my skin. “Why shouldn’t I?” I moan, biting my lip as I watch Calum’s face contort in anger. “I am serious, princess. I will fucking lose it if you call me Daddy one more time. And tonight, I need you to cum first. I need to feel you contract around me. And I need to hear those cute little sounds you are making when you are cumming.” He replies, moving his hand to bring his thumb to my clit. “It won’t be long if you go on like that.”“Oh yeah?” He asks cockily; sweat forms on his forehead as he moves his hips on mine, guiding his cock as deeply as he can inside me.“Calum…” I moan loudly, bringing my hand to grip in the hair on the lower part of his head. I yank his head back, causing him to hiss from the suddenness of my actions. “Harder, princess. Give me your worse.” He tries to keep his dominance, but the whine in the end of the sentence reveals that he is losing it. I grip on his hair harder, letting my nails scratch into his scalp. And he rewards me for that, pounding in me as hard as he can, hitting on my spot time after time. “Holy fucking shit.” I scream as I cum, arching my body off the bed, gluing my chest on his while I pull on his hair a little harder. My stomach is filled with butterflies as my body fills up with chills. I rest my head to the side, giving Calum the chance to bury his face in my neck. His lips suck softly on my skin, fueling the feeling coursing through my body.“You make such cute sounds.” He states, pulsing inside me as I still ride my orgasm. “Maybe we should record them and put them into a track… Let everyone know how good you sound as I make you cum.” He continues, bringing a whimper out of me. “Shit… Look how that pussy is milking me.” He groans as his thrust become sloppy and less powerful. He moans as he cums, prolonging my own orgasm. I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling his body as close as possible to mine.
He rests there, trying to catch his breath as his body relaxes. His hands that were gripping on my body are now softly caressing it, hazily stroking his fingers on my skin. “Shit, we forgot the condom.” He suddenly tenses, supporting his body to sit up a little. I stroke the hair on his neck, smiling softly at him. “It’s ok. I am not on my risky days, one time won’t hurt.” I yawn, making him relax and smirk. “Cumming inside you actually feels good. I mean, I love the excitement.” He states, kissing down from my neck to my collarbone. “How many actual kinks do you have, Calum Thomas Hood?” I giggle. “You are bringing out new ones every time I am inside you, babygirl.” He hums, his hand stroking my sides. “Well, I am willing to help you discover them, then, baby,” I whisper, resting more on the mattress. “Have I told you today how much I love you?” He asks, sounding sleepy. “Mmm, nope.” I reply. “I haven’t? Well, I beg for your forgiveness for stalling, and I announce to you that I love you more than I loved you yesterday, and yesterday I loved you more than life itself.” He whispers, sitting up to look me in the eyes. “You are only saying that because I have just won an award.” I tease him, giggling.“Well, yeah… I have to ensure you won’t leave me for someone more successful than me.” He replies in the same teasing tone. “Well, I will have to reevaluate my options now.” “Please, princess… No one can fuck you like I do. You are hooked on me.” He replies cockily. “No one can love me like you do.” I add and he nods. “No one.” He reminds me, leaning down to kiss me.
My Masterlist
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shermandelux-blog · 4 years
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***spoiler alert....it's not possible!! so HERE's what to do when the internet  TURNS ON YOU!
So I'm walking out the front door of the brewery the other day and there at the bar was great friend and fellow brewery owner from down the block Damon Moreau of Common Crown Brewery. "How's it going buddy?" I blurt out, happy as always to see fellow brewers in our taproom. The somewhat fatigued look on his face said everything but yet he replied "Well our new beer just launched and social media is EXPLODING right now!!" Well, that's GREAT news I begin to attempt to congratulate him but he stops me in my tracks with a "yeah but NOT in a good way!" The reaction to the name "Cherry Karen Sour” hit fast and hit hard.  Some people were clearly offended by the use of the Karen meme on their cans and accusations of ignorance and racism began to fly. 
From my viewpoint, I thought it was a clever play on a sour beer being named after a sour personality. I've seen enough of the Karen meme vids and GIF's online to get the connection and was truly surprised to see such anger and attacking comments towards them. Of course, I'd witnessed the Karen meme developing over the years since seeing #FuckYouKaren on Reddit YEARS ago. I'd heard the many tales of  "the Karen in the dental chair" when my wife comes home from work. I'd just simply never EVER associated this meme with anything racist. My thoughts on the worst part of the Karen meme was the unfortunate effect on the poor ladies who, despite being incredibly nice, respectful, lovely ladies who DO NOT need to speak to the manager and simply happen to be named "KAREN"!
Growing up a redhead I've certainly dealt with my share of being the TARGET of the internet's "less than flattering" meme's that range from my obvious lack of any semblance of a soul, all the way to people celebrating "kick a ginger day" (thanks south park) essentially mobilizing the world towards an entire day of the year promoting actual ASSAULT on myself and my fellow soul-less Gingers. 
To be clear, I do not think my personal experiences as the target of the latest internet meme excuses ignorance towards other internet meme's. I do wonder, however, how much responsibility we are to shoulder for keeping up to speed with the latest EVOLUTION of a meme? From my ignorant line of sight "Karen" had not yet manifested herself into a racially charged concept causing fear and possible harm to people of colour. 
"Karen" had been making us laugh since 2017 on Reddit but a quick search of Karen on "Know Your Meme" cites that a pretty significant change happened in 2020! May 25th, 2020 to be precise! That day saw the global pandemic collide violently with the killing of George Floyd AS WELL AS the Amy Cooper Central Park incident. Dr. André Brock, associate professor of Black digital culture at Georgia Tech stated "..the viral widespread resonance of “Karen” footage now is the result of an interest convergence where the coronavirus pandemic intersected with collective outrage over police brutality. The weekend that the video of Amy Cooper in Central Park went viral was the same weekend that George Floyd was killed after now-former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck, suffocating him. The Central Park video only highlighted the extreme violence — and potentially fatal consequences — of a white woman selfishly calling the cops out of spite and professed fear."
That happened May 25th, 2020. 50 days ago at the time of writing this. My point about the timeline of the evolution of the meme is that, as a fellow brewery owner, I can say with certainty that ‘50 days ago’ our friends at Common Crown Brewery would have still thought Karen was funny! They also would have already ordered beer cans labeled with Karen based artwork and they would have been so head down, consumed with keeping their business alive during the pandemic that they would have most likely missed the significance of Karen’s shift over the past weeks. I know i missed it. There's simply no way anyone could convince me that any of the fine folks at Common Crown would ever intentionally offend anyone with their branding and I'm positive that every single person who has ever met them feels the same way. So WHY such a violent and angry outcry towards them? I think Ricky Gervais from his time eating vegan wings on "hot ones" has some relevant insight! 
 The video above is obviously an overgeneralization of this new world we live in but it's also hilariously accurate. When did we become a generation of people swiping endlessly through other people's lives, waiting eagerly for OUR turn to be offended and stoke the internets mob justice flames? In today's day and age, I wouldn't feel safe announcing ANY kind of beliefs online be it political, religious, medical, sexual, etc. The internet is now a terrifying place, ready to attacknat a moments' notice and bully you for announcing that you wanted the Olympics in Calgary, or that you voted for Nenshi, or that you drive a Tesla, or, or, or,....
So NOW what!!?? Imagine you're a small business owner and despite your best efforts to make your customers happy, to make a living doing what you love, and to create a great environment for your staff to call home, you find yourself on the receiving end of the angry internet? Recently my good friend and fellow business owner James Boettcher of Righteous Gelato (the artist formerly known as Fiasco Gelato) found himself in this similar situation. After releasing a Black Lives Matter Gelato the internet backlash was swift. I watched terrified from the sidelines as my good friend and true Canadian LEGEND of an entrepreneur battled his way through a minefield. What started as criticism quickly turned into a pretty savage attack with people assaulting him as a person and as a business owner. It was brutal. And knowing the incredibly high level of intentions that both Righteous Gelato AND Common Crown Brewery uphold in every decision they make, I'm sure more and more people are thinking "when is it going to be ME who makes a mistake? When will I be the target of the internet's wrath? And what will I do when it happens to me?" 
Having caused a few controversial nationally viral stories myself, I'm no stranger to picking a fight and I'm no stranger to spending 24 hours a day for up to a week at a time responding to every single engagement, every single opinion, every single review, and every single media request during these times and I have a few suggestions for you if your turn ever DOES come around!!
1. Take a Deep Breath - Right or Wrong, Good, Bad or Ugly when you find yourself staring down the loaded barrel of an angry internet, the first step is to recognize that these situations are INCREDIBLE opportunities to let the world see who you really are! What you do next will be a defining moment in the history of your business, so take a deep breath and think "how do I let the TRUE spirit of my company's DNA shine through." 
2. Decide COLLECTIVELY on your position - We often react quickly with anger or defensiveness towards a seemingly unjustified criticism aimed at ourselves or our business. And why WOULDN'T we? NO ONE knows how hard we've worked as business owners to get to where we are right?? But that type of thinking is like a biased parent who's kid can do NO WRONG!! Anyone with kids on a sports team knows those parents! They are the WORST and usually have the worst kids! haha. But by involving your entire team to address the situation cooler heads can often prevail and can help a business see the situation from another position. Compassion, sympathy, and understanding of how others see our actions differently than we do is a hard skill to master. It's also perhaps the most important first step in admitting that we may, have truly made a mistake and need to genuinely make things right. Collectively Involving your team members with a less emotional connection to business is a great way to show them your level of respect for their insight as well as arrive at a position that the entire business believes and OWNS!
3. OWN your position...GENUINELY! - The internet can spot a fake a MILE away. Bullshit meters these days are finely tuned to sniff out shallow apologies, or disingenuous attempts to make the situation "go away". As Ricky Gervais stated above, it's OK if people don't agree with your decisions, even if they're MAD at your decisions. But don't waffle. If you were wrong...OWN IT! Apologize and mean it! Here's a sniff test example of whether you own an apology or not: If you apologize online for your actions and then someone posts in support of you that they thought your actions were justified....and you don't CORRECT them? then guess what? YOU'RE NOT SORRY so don't say that you are.
4. Don't delete the thread! - I love reading other business' reviews online! But I never waste my time with the 5-star reviews. I always feel they're either fake or the business owners' parents! either way, there's no value to me reading them. It's the ONE-star reviews that show me how a business responds to the challenges of business and most of THOSE are BS as well. When a bar gets a one-star review because some jackass felt vindictive towards the bartender who "cut him off" for the night. I laugh at the drunk idiot who thinks that bad review of this nature makes ANY negative impact on the business. On the contrary, a witty, clever response to a one-star review of this nature can do wonders for letting the world see your business's personality. And when a REAL one-star review comes in. It's a TRUE opportunity to show how your business is managed and you "right the wrongs". But somehow as business owners, we FEAR the one-star review!! Don't! Trust that the public will read between the lines and make their decision based on all the information. Again, we all have highly tuned bullshit meters, and deleting threads of this nature not only stop the public from gaining the full context of the situation you may find yourself in. It also, more often than not, creates a perception of guilt. If I hear about a company experiencing something similar and I look them and can read the threads I can make my OWN decision on where I stand on the matter. But if the threads have been deleted, I instinctively assume "boy they must have really screwed up!"
5. Don't be intimidated by the volume of the angry - People who "oppose" are ALWAYS louder that those who "support". Just because you've never had this much attention on your social channels and it ALL appears to be negative. You have to know that in general people who support you are much less likely to dive into shark-infested waters with you. However other SHARKS smell blood and are MUCH more likely to join in on the feeding frenzy. I guess it's just not as fun to stick your neck out there when you can safely watch the attack from the shore. Have faith, however, that despite the feeling of helplessness and the isolation of feeling totally alone in these times, there are TONNES of people who will read the posts, perhaps see both sides and potentially send you some support on a private DM, email, or phone call in support of what you're going through REGARDLESS of whether you're right or wrong. OTHER business owners are the friends you need to lean on, or shoulders to cry on during these times. The “swim in the deep end with me” quote from the video above is awesome to me as I’ve sent up the bat signal in my business before and called upon my pal Jim button of Village Brewery to wade into deep waters with me on issues in the past. It meant EVERYTHING to me that he dove in, headfirst with me!  It’s incredibly important to have people around you who, when they believe in your cause, are willing to stand with you on the front lines taking fire while  helping keep the flag in the air! Have those people around but also BE that person when YOU’RE called upon.
6. LEARN, LEARN, and LEARN SOME MORE- Regardless of the situation you've experienced, if you come away without learning and actively attempting to be better moving forward than you're an idiot. The entire WORLD is receiving a crash course on what acceptable behaviour looks like from all corners of humanity. The last few years have exposed a lot of mistakes humanity has made. The #MeToo movement, #BlackLivesMatter, and LGBTQ issues (to name a few) have allowed the world to learn how our past behaviours, past stereotypes, and even past ways of thinking are just not enough anymore. Being truly open to learning about what matters in the lives of those around us is truly eye-opening and incredibly important for loving forward progress of humanity. And without willing hearts, open to the opportunity to LEARN we'll all just be s bunch of angry internet trolls looking for people to attack who don't think the exact same way WE do or vote the same way WE do, etc!!
Finally, My hope for this blog is a call for PASSIONATE understanding and forgiveness. It's OK to be offended and it's OK to let a person or a business know how they've offended. The piece of the puzzle I've seen missing for some time now, however, is understanding and forgiveness. UNDERSTANDING that the initial outward appearance of a can of beer named after "KAREN" does not reflect the INTENTIONS of the great people trying to do great things for our community. But also the FORGIVENESS towards them once the issue has been raised. Most businesses today would stand stunned, eyes wide open, paralyzed in fear, and totally unaware of what to do next when faced with the attacks I've witnessed over the past year. Forgiveness is LIBERATING. It feels GOOD! But it takes empathy and compassion.
Imagine a thread someday where the offender realizes their mistake after reading criticisms they receive online. They regret it. They genuinely apologize. They learn a tonne, become more culturally aware, and the offended parties empathize with them, show them compassion, and openly forgive them for their mistake? Jack Handy probably said it best..."I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world because they'd never expect it"
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ghostlywritten · 5 years
How Dare You I.
Words: 4k+
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You sighed as you organised the table, which had makeup utensils scattered all over. It was always hectic before a show and no matter how clean you kept everything it would always end up as if a hurricane had  passed through it. You went to the bathroom to wash out the used beauty blenders before you took your bag with the necessary equipment to brush up the boys’ make up during the breaks backstage.
Being a makeup artist was stressful when you had limited time but mostly it was an easy job and pretty exciting, considering you were in the ultimate vicinity of idols. You were happy to be assigned to Ikon for over two years now, they were a funny lot if they didn’t happen to burn the stage at the moment. You had hoped to get close to them (not just physically when you had to make them look flawless) but it seemed that you were just a secondary character they occasionally made small talk with as you did your job. Not wanting to seem desperate you laid off, only talking when talked to and otherwise minding your own business.
Of course, there were also times they were too hyped up for their own good - when they won an award for example. You remembered that one time where Hanbin had cried at their 1st win whilst the others were jumping around like mad dogs and you had dabbed his tears away with a small smile, quietly whispering a ‘congratulations’ to him.
That was probably the only time he had truly looked at you, thanking you sincerely as he tried to keep his tears at bay.
Your heart fluttered slightly as you thought of him. You didn’t know what it was about him that stood out to you; he wasn’t the loudest or the funniest member, something you usually found more attractive. Rather, he let his members shine and lead them quietly from the back whilst occasionally being a dork himself. It was endearing how he cared non-verbally for them and you guessed that was what drew you in. It was safe to say, you had a hard time keeping your hands from shaking whenever you had to do his make up so most of the time you tried to avoid him in order not to embarrass yourself.
‘But lately…,’ you thought as you trailed after your colleagues, ‘it seems impossible.’ The past weeks you always ended up being his artist through some coincidence or another as the other members snatched up all the other available make up artists, leaving you to him. And lately it seemed like he finally got aware of your existence, openly staring at you when he used to always close his eyes for a little rest during your work. You had liked those times the most, amazed at how innocent he looked when he napped.
The sound of thunderous footsteps brought you out of your mind and you glanced up to see the boys coming down the stage with exhausted but still happy faces. “Good job!” their manager said, clapping their backs, “Now freshen up and head down to the seats.” As if on cue, Hanbin popped up in front of you expectantly before you even had the chance to blink, bending down slightly to match your height. You tried not to get flustered as you ripped off a few tissues to dry the sweat glistening on his face. That wasn’t the part you enjoyed very much.
A small huff escaped his lips as he watched you keenly and you looked up to see his eyes twinkling slightly in amusement. “You look so disgusted right now,” he said lowly and your jaw almost dropped at the fact that he talked to you. Sure, you had to be around him a lot nowadays but he had never actually tried talking to you before. ‘Must be the high of performing at an award show,’ you mused, trying to keep your expression cool and your heart calm.
“It’s not like anyone would enjoy wiping sweat off as their job,” you responded dryly and he smirked.
“I’m sure a few fans wouldn’t mind,” he retorted, biting his lip. You cursed your eyes for flickering down and immediately looked away but you knew he saw. You could practically hear the grin as you fumbled through your bag for a sponge and foundation, “Thank you, Y/N.”
“You are not welcome,” you mumbled, causing him to chuckle slightly. Trying to fight off the warmth on your cheeks, you reapplied his makeup where it had worn off and he thankfully stayed quiet, opting to watch you again instead. “Do you know that you have the most beautiful eyes in the world?” he suddenly said when you were almost done, causing you to smash the sponge against his nose in surprise. “Ouch!” he exclaimed, holding his nose slightly as he pouted. Your eyes widened in guilt and surprise. “I’m so sorry!” What the hell was up with him though? “Does it hurt a lot?”
He laughed, shaking his head as he dropped his hands and looked down, “No. But do I have to expect you trying to kill me with a sponge every time I compliment you?”
“Probably, yeah,” you joked, inwardly cringing in embarrassment.
“Well, that’s tough,” he mused as you finished off your work with shaking fingers, “I can’t not compliment my future girlfriend now after all.”
“Your what?” you blurted, eyes wide. Where did this suddenly come from? Hanbin simply winked with a smile that caused his dimple to deepen, making your heart flip as he turned away when his stylist called him out for the outfit change. “I will see you later, Y/N.”
That was how you winded up being Hanbin’s girlfriend. Well, kind of. You didn’t believe what he was saying at first and excused his behaviour as a simple mood swing or something else. But when you avoided the aftershow party that night, he asked you why you hadn't been there the next time you met and you ended up talking to him again during your work and again and again, the chatter always growing more animated every time until the one day he asked you out.
He had been talking to you like usual but you had noticed he got distracted whenever his other members passed by, nudging him or sending him some non-verbal messages through gestures or smirks. He would smirk as well, waving them off before he turned his attention back to you. You hadn’t payed it any mind, knowing they liked to tease each other often but looking back on it now, you probably should have taken it as the first indication on what was to come.
“So…,” he dragged on as you finished and started to organise your table, expecting him to leave. “As your boyfriend, I should probably take you out on a date once in a while if I’m correct.”
“Excuse me?” you asked with raised eyebrows. You were more relaxed around him now that you got to know him better but that didn’t stop your heart from hammering still whenever you got close to him...or when he talked like this.
“You know, a date. Where a guy and girl or a guy and a guy or a girl and a girl go out al-”
“I know what a date is,” you cut him off.
He smirked. “Could have fooled me.”
Snatching up a fixing spray, you sprayed him and he flinched away like a cat, groaning like he was about to die. You laughed slightly before you turned away with the used beauty blenders, walking towards the bathroom to clean them up as usual. What wasn’t usual was that Hanbin immediately sprung up and followed you like a puppy. “Does Saturday at 7 sound good?” he asked, watching you clean up as he leaned against the doorway, “I saw this cool restaurant open up in Gangnam.”
“What makes you think I’m going out with you?” you dared to ask, mentally applauding yourself for not stuttering when your heart was ready to jump out of your chest.
“Why not? You’re my girlfriend after all,” he teased, leaning into the doorway as he snuck closer, causing you to naturally bend away in order to keep yourself sane.
“And since when am I that?” you asked, “I haven’t ever seen you go down on one knee and  ask me.”
“Seriously?” he said deadpanned and you giggled slightly before nodding with a shrug. “Is that what’s going to take to make you mine?” You blushed heavily at his words, causing him to grin like a goof before he kneeled down, clasping his hands together. Your eyes widened in shock and you noticed people close by paying attention to the scene he was causing. “Please, oh please Y/N L/N. Take me as your boyfriend!”
“Hanbin-ah,” you mumbled, fidgeting nervously under all the stares.
“I promise to keep you happy, now and forever.”
“Get the hell up.”
“Not until you agree.”
“Y/N.” You bit your lip, going to hide behind the bathroom door. Hanbin chuckled, getting up to peek over at you. “What do you say?”
“Fine,” you mumbled through your fingers, not letting him see your red face even when he grabbed at your wrists, “I will go out with you.”
“Yes!” he cheered, turning to the others at the room. “She said yes!” The others cheered as well as if you had just agreed to marry him and you shook your head at him as you finally dropped your hands to see his beaming face. “You’re an idiot.”
But from then on he was your idiot. Or at least you were dating the idiot for a month before he actually dared to shyly ask you to be his girlfriend for real and you said yes, making you an official couple that no one outside of the YG building knew about. It was safe to say you weren’t a secondary character anymore after becoming Hanbin’s girlfriend.
People noticed you more, whispering about you and you saw a few colleagues giving you dirty looks as if you were going to be treated better by any high authority from now on. Fact was, nothing had changed. You weren’t sleeping your way up the corporate ladder, you were still the same makeup artist with the same status and  the same amount of work as before.
So, seeing your foundation bottle opened up with the content spilled all over your utensils in your bag for the second time this week made you seethe at the unfairness of it all. You took a deep breath, fully aware of the bustling people around you and forced yourself to remain calm.
“What’s the matter, jagi?” you heard Hanbin say as he leaned in from behind, peeking over your shoulder. “Ooh, that’s a mess.”
“Yeah…,” you sighed, walking over to the bathroom with the bag to start cleaning the utensils.
“Shit happens, don’t fret about it,” Hanbin soothed, pushing your hair from your face and rubbing your back comfortingly. You immediately relaxed as the pent-up anger dissolved into nothingness, leaving you to stare at him in awe. How did he do that? Having this much of an affect on you after a single month would have been scary to you if you didn’t feel so safe around him. Whenever you were with him, you felt untouchable.
“I guess you are right,” you said, not wanting to bother him with your issues. Now that the anger was gone, you felt silly getting riled up about such a small matter.
“Hey, you know what,” Hanbin suddenly spoke up and you glanced at him questioningly, “This is where I first asked you out, remember?” You laughed slightly as you recalled the embarrassing scene and he beamed in success. He closed in on you, trapping you against the sink as he shut the door behind him with a smirk, “I think we should celebrate.”
“What? In a bathro-,” you were cut off when he dove down to claim your lips. Your breath got caught in your throat, taken aback but you quickly relaxed, giving into him. He smiled slightly, wrapping his arms around you to draw you closer and you reached up to play with his hair, enjoying every second of it. Biting down on his lip, you took the initiative to deepen the kiss, causing him to growl. You could feel him get into it before he suddenly held himself back, reluctantly pulling away.
You sucked in the breath you didn’t realise your lungs needed as he placed his forehead against yours, focusing on regaining his own breath. Glancing up, you noticed him avoiding your eyes as his stayed locked on your lips. “Is everything alright?” you asked softly, placing a hand on his cheek. He nodded mutely, leaning into your touch. “I...I have to tell you something,” he whispered and if you hadn't been so close you probably wouldn’t have heard him.
“What is it? You can tell me anything, jagi,” you cooed, nudging his nose with yours affectionately. His eyes softened and you felt like you could drown in the sea of his chocolate brown eyes. Chocolate brown wasn’t even accurate as it would turn into the shade of pure amber when the sun hit his face. Or pitch black when he was angry.
He breathed in deeply before his shoulders sagged as if in defeat. Drawing you closer, he nuzzled the side of your cheek before whispering in your ear, “I really like you.”
You chuckled slightly and wrapped your arms around him. “I really like you, too.”
Another month passed and you were starting to get closer to the other boys. It began with Jiwon, who insisted to have his makeup done by you because he felt like Hanbin was being treated better and getting too handsome, demanding to be turned as pretty as his youngster. You had giggled at that and proceeded to work as detailed as you could. The satisfied nod at the end was like an entry pass to the Ikon world as every other member took their turn the next days, chatting animatedly with you.
“So...Y/N,” Junhoe started, a sly smirk on his face as you mixed two foundations colours together to match his skin tone, “You and Hanbin, eh?”
“Yes, me and Hanbin, eh,” you mimicked, causing him to chuckle slightly.
“It’s going on well, I see,” he remarked, inspecting you closely, “You like him a lot, right?”
“Yes,” you said without any ounce of hesitation and his smirk widened. He leaned forward conspiratorially, “Do you perhaps even love him?” You raised your eyebrows in surprise.
“Why do you want to know?” you questioned whilst you were thinking about it. Did you love him? It certainly felt more than a simple crush and you could imagine being with him for a long while. Was that love?
“I’m just curious,” Junhoe replied, shaking you out of your thoughts. You focused back on applying a bit of dark eyeshadow on his lid, causing him to close his eyes, “He is one of my best friends...I don’t want to see him hurt, I guess.”
You smiled warmly at that, always internally squealing at their rare moments of showing affection (and a tiny bit jealous of their close bond. What would you give for a friendship like that?). “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt him in any way. Pinky promise.” You held out your pinky, which he blinked at in surprise before a small smile reached his lips, intertwining his pinky with yours. You failed to see the guilt flash across his face when you turned away.
“I told you not to zoom in,” Hanbin complained as he pushed Jiwon away and walked towards you, “Hey, what are you guys talking about?” he asked almost uneasily, shooting Junhoe a look you couldn’t decipher.
“Nothing much, bro,” Junhoe replied casually, standing up to free his seat for him and leaving with a friendly smile towards you.
“Should I be jealous?” Hanbin mumbled into your hair as he wrapped his arms around you and you shook your head with a chuckle.
“No, jeez. Sit down,” you said, pushing him onto the chair. He willingly dropped onto it (otherwise you probably wouldn’t have been able to) and looked up at you with a smirk, “I like it when they are dominant.” Blushing deeply, you threw a tissue at him before proceeding to do his makeup with a small ‘idiot’ muttered his away.
He chuckled deeply before silently watching your concentrating face, warmth flooding his eyes and a small but goofy grin plastered on his lips. “There is this annual YG party at the end of the month,” he eventually spoke up, fiddling with your hair that hung between you two. “You going with me?”
“What a romantic way to ask me out,” you commented dryly and he gave you a look. You raised an eyebrow, “Is the honeymoon phase over already?” He playfully poked your belly before swiftly tugging you down by the neck to give you a short but deep kiss. Pulling away slightly he whispered against your lips, “Never.” It took you a second to snap out of the daze he put you in before you sharply slapped him over the head, looking around. “You pabo, someone could have seen this.”
“So?” he mumbled, rubbing his head with a pout, “They already know.”
“Still,” you muttered back, biting your lip when you saw two stylists glaring daggers at you. “What’s the matter?” Hanbin questioned, craning his neck to follow your line of sight but you just pulled him back around, “Nothing. Stop moving or we will never get done here.” He looked at you with narrowed eyes but opted to not push you and instead continued, “So, will you be my date for the party?”
“I don’t know, I never go to those,” you said slowly as you blended the foundation in with a sponge, “Parties are not my thing in general.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” he said, thinking back on all the other party invitations you had declined so far, “But this is an annual company thing. You are actually obliged to come.”
“I call in sick every time,” you said simply, causing him to chuckle. “This time, it’s different. You have a boyfriend that needs a date to that party.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Since when is that required?”
“Since now that I told you so.” You rolled your eyes. “Please?” he asked, giving his best imitation of puppy eyes. You sighed, “Fine. But only for a few hours.” He pumped his fist in the air in silent cheer before he sprung up from his seat, done with the makeup. “Thanks, jagi!” he said, pecking your cheek as he went off to get his mic on. You shook your head affectionately.
The party  was in full swing as you arrived after having trouble deciding what to wear. Nothing seemed elegant or or fitting enough and at the end you snuck into Blackpink’s wardrobe and took a simple black glitter dress that went past your mid thigh and was off the shoulder on one side. You paired it up with simple black boots and a watch on your wrist, leaving your hair down.
The music hit you as soon as you stepped into the hall and you were slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people standing around, chattering animatedly with champagne glasses in their hands.
You stared around in awe at the fancy decor until someone called out your name. “Y/N! Over here!” Song yelled from the top of his lungs and you cringed slightly when more than a few heads turned to look at the commotion. Ducking your head you swiftly walked over, slapping Song's arm half-heartedly. “Way to gain everyone’s attention,” you said with an eye roll and he whined, clutching his arm dramatically to which you chuckled.
“I don’t think that’s what gained everyone’s attention,” Junhoe commented, who stood next to a gaping Hanbin as he gave you an appreciative once-over, “Damn, you look nice.” You blushed a little, thanking him quietly and that was what knocked your boyfriend back to his senses. He shot a quick glare at his member before stepping closer to you, his expression turning dazed again as he wrapped his arms around you. “You look beautiful,” he said almost shyly, tugging at a strand of your hair affectionately. You smiled widely, “Thanks. You look pretty smart, too.”
“I’m always smart,” he stated obnoxiously, causing his other members to groan and turn away. You laughed at their reaction and the grumpy look Hanbin threw at them, tugging on the collar of his suit to turn him back to you cheekily. He immediately smirked, letting you pull him closer as you rubbed your nose against his and pecked his lips quickly. “How daring of you. Weren’t you always afraid of people watching?” he teased, rubbing circles on your back as he started swaying you both to the music. “Hm, yes,” you admitted, glancing around, “But people are otherwise preoccupied so I think this is okay.”
“I’m all for it,” he said, leaning his forehead against your temple as his lips brushed over your cheek, “Everyone should know you are mine here.”
“They already do,” you mumbled into his chest shyly, “You made sure of it.” His deep chuckle made you look up at him again, “Damn right, I did.”
The whole evening was spent with Hanbin glued to your side as you talked to people you had never talked to before in the company and you were surprised how you enjoyed this party more than you had expected. But you were reminded why you didn’t like parties when the music started blasting louder and the previously relaxed and small-talk atmosphere turned into a disco with people crowding the place to dance their hearts out.
You sighed for the umpteenth time as someone pushed you, elbowing your ribs and wondered how people could stand doing this every weekend. You sighed in relief when you spotted Hanbin with the others seated on one the rare couches where you had left them for a quick run to the toilet.
Just when you were about to step closer you were being pushed away to the side. ‘Having a drink in hand would be a disaster in a place like this,’ you thought randomly before you focused back on reaching the boys’.
You could hear their voices when you were close enough but stopped upon hearing what they were saying.
“Make one bet with this guy and he automatically falls in love,” Junhoe slurred, obviously already a little drunk.
You stared as they roared in laughter - especially Junhoe and Song - clapping high fives. Your boyfriend in the middle staying quiet and looking to the ground with his elbows leaning on his knees.
“It’s kind of cute...and a little pathetic,” Song remarked, nudging his leader playfully.
“Pathetic of him to fall for her or of her for falling for his lies?” Junhoe smirked, looking more at Hanbin.
“Both!” You bit your lip as they all started laughing, the sound of it piercing your chest like a knife as if they were repeatedly stabbing every inch of it. And here you thought, you had made friends. When it was all a lie from the very beginning.
You watched your boyfriend sigh in resignation but also smile a tiny smirk at their jests. “I still won, didn’t I?” he replied triumphantly, cutting off their teasing, “She is a sweet girl, but it was really easy.” Pang. “Don’t worry, though. I don’t want your money.” Pang.  “I don’t need it anyways.” One blow after another to your heart.
“Yah, but wait!” Junhoe interrupted, wiggling his fingers, “She hasn’t said the three magic words to you yet.”
“She doesn’t need to. I know she loves me,” Hanbin said confidently, “All I have to do is say it first and she will reply. But I still got time, don’t I?” The smile with the dimple that used to make your pulse race caused it wilter in despair upon hearing his words.
“Are you going to break up with her after she said it?” Chanwoo asked and Junhoe ‘ooh’ed. “That would be one hell of a slap to her face!”
But Hanbin shook his head, his eyes softening, “No...I do really like her. She is a sweet girl.”
It went quiet for a bit until, “Pathetic!” Junhoe hollered and the others erupted into laughter again. Hanbin sighed, shaking his head with the same smile still plastered on his face. That was until he looked up and caught your eye. His face went slack as his eyes widened and he could immediately tell that you had heard everything. At this party, despite the loud music and the chattering, cheering crowd around you, you had heard everything.
And you wished you hadn’t.
“Y/N…,” he mouthed as you gave him one long, tear-filled glare before you turned away. For good.
Help me Get Coffee Support?
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this started off as navelgazing about a line from a book, then turned into an anxious rant about current events
“Inborn in nearly every artist is a tendency to accept injustice if it creates beauty” (Death in Venice, 21). well, idk about inborn, bc i had to go out of my way to shed the opposite tendency, but i do think it’s true that this mentality is necessary for… art and also other kinds of thought, anything where you need unfettered curiosity. but the painting of it as a vice interests me lately, because i’m starting to think i may have gone too far in this direction? the quoted line speaks to an assumption that indignation is a thing you should practice whenever relevant so you don’t lose it. that if something strikes you as unfair, you should always prioritize that impression over everything else you might notice about the situation that provokes that response. in this scene, that even though it’s not clear how it would help anyone for aschenbach to disapprove of this family’s treatment of the three daughters, it’s still a vice for him to brush it aside because he likes watching the son whose personality he thinks results from this favoritism.
i think we assume this because we fear that failing to deplore an instance of injustice when we see it makes us complicit? which, in and of itself, is clearly not true; that’s just thoughtcrime. like: unless you maintain that it’s his responsibility to tell the parents off, or to do something nice for the girls to compensate,* there’s no reason to view aschenbach’s feeling of “yeah well that sucks but it’s interesting to watch” as any worse than thinking “those terrible parents! how dare they deprive three out of four of their kids in this way”? bc there’s no consequential difference.
but. i think… maybe there is something to be said for cultivating this habit? because, at least for me, this kinda has led to a sort of complacency, a feeling that it’s not my place to judge people (or that there’s nothing i can do to fix injustice when i see it, but mostly the first thing: i tend to assume i don’t know enough about other people’s situations to judge, much less to try to correct or advise people). and that’s true??? like, in part i think this mental habit must have grown out of the axiom not to give medical advice to chronically ill people. i… have a tendency to internalize advice across the board, rather than situationally. i.e., to take this as meaning, “people know more about their own problems than you do,” and also, as meaning, “they’re already doing their best; nobody fails on purpose.” and generalizing that to situations where the “failure” is one of cruelty rather than of just not being as healthy/happy as it seems to you people should be. like: i have rooted out just-world hypothesis so thoroughly, i have so much contempt for that “obviously it’s possible to be better” mentality, that i apply it even when what i see looks to me like. someone being mean to their children. and to a certain extent this seems right to me??? like, parents fearing everyone around them thinks they’re evil because their kid is crying, when really all they deprived this poor child of is a piece of candy she found on the floor, is a real thing, and, i honestly cannot think of a time when i’ve seen a parent say or do something harsh to their child where something like this couldn’t easily have been the explanation. plus, the possibility they might take it out on their children still exists!
but i think maybe the specifics here are confusing the question? either that or the question is so abstract/fake that it’s not one i need to answer. so here: the root of my anxiety is this: i sometimes worry there’s something wrong with me because i’m not obsessed with the BLM protests going on, or at least, not in the way so many people imply i should be. it’s not that i lack empathy for the victims?—i do tear up when i think too hard about george floyd, or that man with the food cart who used to serve the cops for free. it’s just… that this sense of injustice doesn’t lead to any conviction. i don’t feel the righteousness of the protests; i’m detached enough to wonder intellectually about their effectiveness. although?? i guess that’s not wholly true either, because when i first heard about them my very first thought was “OH GOD NO NOT THIS AGAIN! YOU’RE ALL GONNA GET KILLED!”—a combination of fear at what might (…would, from today’s perspective) happen to the people involved, and dismay at the knowledge i was going to have to perform supportiveness about it.
for the record: i do think police brutality is evil, and that the police are corrupt and overpowered and groomed to be racist; also, from what i’ve heard, the protests have helped create a lot of policy changes, so from that standpoint i guess i support them. or, at least, congratulate them on a job well done. but: i think holding protests during a pandemic is fucking insane, especially since the thing protestors demand a stop to is unnecessary death. people keep telling me this is a crucial moment for the black community, and i think that at this point that’s true, but, afaik there’s no good strategic reason we can point to for why it had to be now, and i don’t like… well ok, let me start again. i wouldn’t mind having to say “yeah, well, straw that broke the camel’s back,” if i didn’t feel like that excuse precluded all criticism of the protests’ timing.** in my own life, when i reflect on times in my life when i’ve done things whose consequences i regret, i often have to conclude that under the circumstances i can’t have expected anything better from myself. but i still get to say i shouldn’t have done that. maybe i’m being greedy with my cake here, i just. ugh. it just pisses me off, the hypocrisy about covid, because the whole point of lockdowns and social distancing &c. was that no one person’s or group’s interests outweigh the risks to the human race at large. but now it’s apparently more important for even the unaffected members of said human race to stand in solidarity with the minorities who are affected by this latest crisis--as in, literally stand there, in public, right next to them, even if that means that two weeks later they come down with the plague. like?? you can’t even say “but this is a matter of life and death”! because covid is an even wider-reaching matter of life and death!!!!
also, the most common justification i hear is that the number of horrible things we’ve seen the police inflict on protestors proves we need to keep protesting. and politically speaking that does seem to be working? but IT’S STILL KIND OF FUCKING GHOULISH to hear that we as a nation have a responsibility to give the cops more opportunities to kill innocent people. like. i can intellectually say “yes, you’re right, i think it’s working,” but i can’t seem to feel that as a duty or a righteous cause.
…what was my point again? oh right: that i worry this makes me a Bad Person, or at least that everyone around me would think i was a Bad Person if i told them how i felt. and that i specifically worry my emotions are wrong, because i should be having… the kind of patriotism proust talks about (though for BLM and the left &c. rather than for america itself, obviously), but instead i’m like “aaagh ok fine if you have to but GOD I WISH THIS WOULD STOP.” and apparently, wanting it to stop means siding with the oppressors. and i guess… god, do you know what it is? honestly, i’m so short-sighted that a return to the status quo does sound better to me than this chaos. i don’t disbelieve people who assert that only a bitter fight like this can force change? intellectually i think maybe that’s true. but emotionally, i hate it, and on an animal level i don’t really believe it. the animal in me believes only that positive change is slow and unsatisfying, regardless of how you accomplish it.
*both of which seem to me Too Risky because option a might end with their harassing the girls over it (e.g., “this stranger over here thinks you’re being mistreated. if he only knew you like i do…!”), while option b, coming from an older, solitary man, might strike both the girls and their parents as a creepy, lecherous thing, in which case the girls might view it as insulting or even traumatizing rather than as a favor to them.
**especially the timing of protests like the one in my own town last weekend. they marched to the city police station--even though the one widely-known violent incident in our town in the last decade was perpetrated by the university police department--on, afaict, general ACAB principle. my friend who attended says the anger felt real, not just like a performance, but they weren’t agitating for any concrete changes here, you know?? so idg why it was worth infecting people.
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Namjoon x Idol!Reader ~ Better Than An Award
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[My BTS Masterlist]
A/N: This story was inspired by the video of Bangtan receiving their Daesang back in 2016.
Word count: 3472 (g/n): group name (fb/n) fanbase name (h/c): hair color
Loud screams, chants, and compliments of the attenders of the Daesang Awards ceremony echo throughout the large arena. Massive numbers of fans would seem overwhelming to the average person if he or she were to stand on the stage, facing the crowd. The noise only gets louder as a group of young women walk down the large catwalk, their group leader taking her spot in the center with a microphone in hand. As soon as she raises the microphone to speak, the audience settles down, but resorts to chanting the group's name in a repetitive fashion.
"Annyeonghaseyo! We are (G/n)! Tonight, we'll be announcing the winner of the 'Artist of the Year' award!"
Once again, the crowd goes crazy after the group's introduction. Their screams rival the volume of the young idol's amplified voice. With a small wave of her hand, (Y/n) motions for the audience to remain silent. The (fb/n)s are the first to quiet down, the other audience members following their example shortly after.
"This year's 'Artist of the Year' award goes to..."
Slowly peeling open the envelope, (Y/n) carefully removes the results from its sleeve. She pulls out the small slip of paper with the winner's name and takes a moment to read it. A small smile tugs at her lips once she recognizes the name. There isn't a sliver of doubt in her mind that any other artist should get this award. After years of watching their videos and listening to their songs, (Y/n) is positively sure that the recipients are more than worthy of the award.
"Congratulations, Bangtan Sonyeondan!"
Shrieks of joy erupt throughout the crowd. Confetti drops from the ceiling as the group's most recent and popular song "Blood, Sweat & Tears" plays loudly. Bending over in their seats, the boys can only blink in shock. They're too surprised to leave their spots. Slowly, each of the Bangtan members stand up, some helping out the one's who are still frozen with shock. With huge smiles adorning their faces, the young men come together for a group hug before walking over to the stairs leading up to the stage.
Some of them tear up. Jimin and Yoongi dawdle along behind the other members with an arm wrapped around each other for support. Namjoon clasps his hands before his chest with his head hung above his hands, whispering words of thanks.
In unison, BTS bows their heads down in thanks to (Y/n) as Namjoon accepts the award from her hands. A small heat burns in the rapper's cheeks when his hands brush against (Y/n)'s. He mentally scolds himself for fawning over his favorite idol at such a time.
The group fans out to stand in a line, waiting for the screams to die down. Several of the group members have to wipe away their tears, a few opting to turn around before doing such.
"ARMY," the group leader begins, stopping to wipe his tears before being able to continue. "Thank you so much. Really... From debut, there were many people who thought we couldn't do it and said it wouldn't happen, but thank you for believing in us right 'till the end. This was only something we dreamed of, but thank you for making it come true."
From the sides, backstage, (Y/n) and the rest of (G/n) watch with proud smiles. All of them have been loyal, secret ARMYs since BTS's debut. Acting as secret guardian angels, the group has always attended their concerts in Korea whenever their schedules were clear. Of course, they always went in disguises, masks covering their faces, hats shading their faces, and sunglasses hiding the rest of their faces. In their dorm room, the girls have an entire shelf dedicated to any merchandise and albums they bought.
"Bang Shi-Hyuk, Big Hit, who always lead us; P-Dogg, Slow-Rabbit, and Supreme-Boi, who make us great music; and along with our teacher, Seung-Deuk, Seung-Hyun Hyung, and all of our staff who always stays by our sides, we are so grateful towards you," Namjoon recognizes with sincerity. "Thank you for making our dreams come true."
(I apologise if that is the incorrect way to write any of the people's names from above. If any of you know the correct way, please let me know and I will fix it right away.)
Taking a moment to breathe, the leader inhales a shaky breath before continuing his speech; the crowd takes the opportunity to cheer.
"And, ARMYs all over the world," the rapper says in English,"let's fly with our beautiful wings in 2017 as well. BTS loves ARMYs, as always! Thank you very much!"
Tears flow freely from all the Bangtan boys, their loving fans, and (Y/n) as well. From backstage, (Y/n) applauds and praises the male rapper the most. She can sympathize with him. Before the other six member of her group came along, (Y/n) was the only girl from the original lineup for (G/n). The joining and leaving of so many different members can leave one unsure if he or she wants to follow through with the group; contemplation of leaving lingered.
Tonight, (Y/n) is both applauding BTS for their award and for Namjoon's hard work and perseverance. Had he left the group early on, Bangtan Sonyeondan would not be where they are at today; a record-breaking, award-winning, world-wide famous Kpop group.
Once the award winners were all announced, Namjoon tries to look for (Y/n). He weaves his way through the large groups of other idols, keeping his eyes peeled for the girl he is seeking. Recalling the outfit she has on, the rapper is able to sift through the crowds more easily. Idol after idol, the man known as Rap Monster questions the other performers about (Y/n)'s whereabouts. Sadly, none of them are know where she had gone off to.
Just when he's about to give up, Namjoon spots a (h/c) haired girl wearing the same outfit as (Y/n) pass by, heading for the exit with her group members. Namjoon breaks into a sprint in order to catch up to the girls. Repeatedly shouting out "excuse me" and "sorry" to everybody he pushes aside as he runs, the rapper tries his best slip out of the sea of idols.
By the time he reaches the parking lot, (G/n) has already left. He watches as the van doors slide shut and the vehicle drive off the arena property. A growl of frustration leaves Namjoon's throat. With all the strength he can muster, the rapper kicks the nearest wall. All his emotions come pouring out.
Though (G/n) is under Big Hit Entertainment, the group is so busy that none of the other idols see them around often. Being a busy and popular group themselves, BTS's chances of running into the girl group is even more slim than any other staff member or idol. Before tonight's encounter, Namjoon has only seen (Y/n) a small handful of times. With her group going on a world tour in a few months, Namjoon is left devastated. Distracted by his choked sobs and loud gasps for air, the young man is unable to hear the footsteps of his friends advancing towards him.
The remaining six members of the Bangtan boys walk out to the parking lot with big smiles and red faces from laughter. As they approach Namjoon, they cannot see his pained expression in the poorly lit corner. Hoseok and Yoongi are the first to respond, rushing over to their best friend. They crouch down beside the man, who has been crying out in despair, and try to coax a response out from him. The other boys split up, two of them dashing across the lot to pull the van up while the other two stay with the rappers, trying their best to comfort Namjoon.
"What's wrong," Yoongi questions, placing a comforting hand on his peer's shoulder. "Did something bad happen?"
Choosing to remain silent, Namjoon tucks his head between his legs and bites back a sob. The two other rappers exchange worried glances. Harsh screeches of the boys' van tires catches the younger members' attentions. Jin, who is situated at the driver's seat, waves for his friends to climb in.
"C'mon, 'Joonie," Hoseok says softly, his voice contrasting with his usual cheerful and energetic one. "Let's go back to the dorm. You can take a warm shower and then tells us what's the matter."
Despite their best efforts to comfort him, nothing helped. He explains to his fellow idols the situation and all his bottled up emotions before thanking the boys for their attempts, apologizing for causing a ruckus and heading straight to bed.
From the small living area, the rest of Bangtan can hear the soft cries from the room their leader trudged into. Tossing ideas back and forth, the members brainstorm different methods and tactics to cheer up Namjoon.
"No, Taehyung, we cannot kidnap (Y/n) and keep her captive in our dorm," the eldest member cries out in horror, shaking his head in disbelief. "That is not how you get a girl to like someone. Your 'method' would make her hate us AND Namjoon."
"Then just tell her how Namjoon feels. Problem solved," Yoongi grumbles sleepily from the couch. He rests an arm over his eyes and sighs deeply. "It's simple and requires less work."
"No!!" Jin chides. "It's not our place to tell her something so private. Namjoon should be the one to say something, not us."
"What do we do then, Jin-Hyung," whines the golden maknae," You've been turning down every idea that has been thought of. It's getting late. Manager said that we have to wake up early tomorrow for a special event."
"Whaaaaaaaat?! What do you mean special event?! I'm too tired to wake up early tomorrow!!"
"Oi! Shut up! Some people are trying to sleep!"
"Guys, guys." Jimin interjects, shushing the boisterous group with a finger pressed to his lips. "Let's just go to bed and not argue over this."
With a majority of the heads nodding in agreement, the boys head off to their respective rooms and fall asleep as soon as their heads hit the plush mattress. Several of the boys steal extra pillows to cuddle with, wrapping their limbs around the fluffy cushions. The eldest remains awake a little longer, hoping that by tomorrow, his depressed friend will find happiness during the "special event" their manager has scheduled for the group.
Arriving at the dance studio where they always practice, the Bangtan Boys set down their water bottles and start their normal stretching routines. Shortly after entering the Big Hit building, the boys' manager explained that they will be collaborating to film a "fun, little promotion video" with a group that will remain anonymous until the filming period. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, so none of the boys act surprised, but they are very excited for the collaboration video. Namjoon, who was still upset about the previous night, felt his spirits being lifted around his cheerful friends.
Forming into small groups, with one main dancer in each cluster of BTS members, the boys practice the dance moves for "Blood, Sweat & Tears." Vibrations from the loud music, in addition to the jumping and stomping of the idols, shakes the floor and walls of the studio. From the outside, staff members and other idols passing by can hear the jubilant shouts of the young males within can be clearly heard. They ignore the noise, having learned that such occurrences are anything but rare whenever Bangtan Sonyeondan is in the building.
With the music on full blast, the boys are unable to hear the creaking sounds of the opening   door behind them. A group of seven shuffles into the loud studio and make an effort to slam the door as hard as they can. Namjoon jumps at the sudden banging noise, being the only member to be only half-participating in the horseplay. The rapper stands still, eyes widened with shock at the sight before him. It takes a couple of seconds before he clears his throat and yells at the member closest to the laptop and speakers.
"Turn off the music!!"
Once the music is turned down, the room is filled with a new sound: giggles. All seven of the (G/n) members cannot contain their laughter after witnessing the males' goofy dancing. The boys all flush pink with embarrassment, but promptly assemble together to politely introduce themselves.
"2, 3, Bangtan... Annyeonghaseyo, we are Bangtan Sonyeondan!"
Looking up after bowing down, the boys see (G/n) bowing in return. Namjoon, being the clumsy man he is, nearly stumbles forward when he realizes that (Y/n) is standing before him. She notices and shoots him a concerned glance, but he brushes it off with a dimpled smile as her group starts their introduction.
"1, 2, 3... Annyeonghaseyo, we are (G/n)!"
"Not to be rude," Jin comments," but why are you guys here? Aren't you busy with your new album?"
"Yeah, we are," answers (Y/n)," but we are here to film a promotional video with you guys. You all know about the filming today, right?"
"Y-Yeah," Namjoon stutters. "We're just surprised, that's all."
"Oh, okay!"
(Y/n)'s soft giggles makes the rapper's heart leap into his throat. The loud thumping of his heartbeat mutes out all other sounds in the room. A sudden epiphany comes to him. Namjoon now has his chance to talk with his favorite idol.
"Hello? Anybody home?"
A sharp, patterned cracking noise pulls Namjoon out of his thoughts. He shakes his head before looking back at the woman who has been snapping in front of his face for nearly a minute.
"S-Sorry about that. I was lost in a thought."
"It happens to the best of us. Now, let's start filming that video!"
The camera rolls and all the idols in the room start the given activity. Each of the (G/n) members are paired up with a member from BTS. Much to his delight, Namjoon is paired up with (Y/n). Giddily, the rapper comes to a decision: He will act with the utmost respect and gentleman-like manners towards (Y/n).
"Okay, Namjoon, (Y/n), you two will sit adjacent to each other at the table and when the cameras roll, I want you two to look through that textbook on the table and pretend to be studying." The director yells through a megaphone while waving his free arm around, motioning the two group leaders to the set on his right. Once (Y/n) and Namjoon are seated, the director screams "Action!" and the two take on their roles for the video.
On the outside, the male rapper appears to be his normal, suave self. In reality, he is doing everything in his power to calm his tense nerves. When (Y/n) gestures a finger to a random line of text in the book, Namjoon leans in closer, as if to examine the words. His face brushes against her own as the man pretends to help (Y/n). Distracted by his anxiousness, Namjoon accidentally swings his arm out and knocks a vase off the tabletop. The decorative container shatters in an instant, flowers splaying out onto the floor as water floods out in a radial fashion.
"Aaahhh!" Namjoon jumps, his entire body lurching backwards, causing his chair to tip over.
"Are you okay?!" (Y/n) worriedly yells, leaping out of her seat to help the fallen man. "You should be more careful. You could have gotten hurt!"
"I'm okay," he assures, waving his hand at the other idols who had run over upon hearing the sound of the ceramic container breaking.
Jin pays no mind to the leader's words. He rushes over and, with (Y/n), pulls Namjoon to his feet. Like the motherly person he is, Jin brushes off any dirt or debris from his friend's clothes while ranting about the man being "too dangerous for the world" and  having a "destructive touch."
"Is everybody okay?" The director, once again, yells through his megaphone. When all the idols give a shout of confirmation, he has the vase replaced and starts the camera again.
During the second take, Namjoon acts out his lines hastily. The embarrassment from before takes a toll on his performance. A wave of nausea comes crashing down on him out of the blue, causing Namjoon to instinctively smack a hand over his forehead. Trying to rub away the sickening feeling, the rapper moves his arm out to allow his head to rest against his limb. This action, yet again, results in the newly placed vase to fly off the table.
Shouts of disbelief can be heard from the other end of the room, where the the twelve remaining idols are standing, waiting for their cue to step on set. Several of the Bangtan members face-palm at the second mistake from "god of destruction."
"Are you alright? What's going on?"
An awkward silence lingers in the air when Namjoon remains silent, only shrugging his shoulders as an answer. After embarrassing himself for the second time in under an hour, Namjoon shamefully keeps his eyes glued to the ground below him. He doesn't want to face any more humiliation in front of the girl that he is smitten with.
Sensing the male rapper's perturbation, the director calls for a ten minute break and suggests that Namjoon step outside for some fresh air. He readily agrees and darts out the back door without a moment's notice.
(Y/n) waits for a few minutes to let rapper collect himself before running off to check on the him. She pushes the heavy door open and slips through the small opening before it closes shut.
Hearing the door open Namjoon's body whips around, his mind ready to curse at whoever is joining him. When he sees (Y/n), he shrinks away and averts his gaze, refusing to let the girl witness him in such a weak state, but she won't have any of it. With the gentleness of a mother's touch, (Y/n) gingerly grabs Namjoon by the shoulders and turns his body to face her own.
"You've been crying... Why?"
"It's nothing you need to worry about..."
"That's where you're wrong. You can't concentrate on a scene with me and end up in the back of the building crying. I think I deserve to know why you're acting like this. Did I do something to hurt you?"
Namjooon's eyes widen after hearing her words. He is quick to reassure (Y/n) that she was not the source of the problem, even though she is, although for a more complex reason. Using the simple excuse of having jittery nerves, Namjoon is able to dismiss any thoughts of wrongdoing from (Y/n)'s mind.
"Oh, well, whenever I get nervous, one of the girls help to calm me down. We would just talk about random things until I'm ready to partake in our activity. Since we don't have much time left, I'll give you something for good luck!"
"What do y-"
The feeling of soft, warm lips on his cold cheek startles Namjoon. The rapper is more than shocked when (Y/n) pulls away with a bright smile on her face.
"Bangtan, fighting," she cheers.
Without a doubt, Namjoon's face shows exactly what he feels at the moment: shock. His body is frozen and unable to move. (Y/n) takes his silence as her cue to leave, but before she can reach the door, she is stopped by Namjoon's voice.
"I really like you," blurts out the brunet, who immediately slaps his hand over his mouth after realizing what he had just disclosed. The man's cheeks, which are already flushing pink from the cold, burn bright red.
Instead of leaving like he thought she would, (Y/n) turns around, a smile gracing her lips. She approaches Namjoon and plants a chaste kiss to his cheek again. "I'm glad you do, 'cuz I like you too. Now, let's go back inside and finish that video!!"
Walking hand-in-hand, the pair return to the set and wrap up the scene without a single mistake, leaving the remaining members of the other groups confused until they detect the close bond (Y/n) and Namjoon had formed during the short period of their break.
All the members of BTS smile warmly at the two, knowing that a beautiful relationship will soon blossom.
The End
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