#Contra Operation Galuga Review
randomisedgaming · 1 month
Konami classic run and gun series is back with a new entry in the form of Contra Operation Galuga developed by Wayforward. Our editor is a huge fan of the series so decided to take a look at the latest outting after the disappointment that was Contra Rogue Corps is this new entry blasting it's way back to top or shooting itself in the foot again. Riven finds out if this remake of the original arcade & NES game is worth your money with the Xbox Series X version.
We also have a short recap of the history of the whole series in the series covering all the main games released in the Contra franchise.
Disclosure Xbox game key for this title was provided by Keymailer to us who work with Konami & Wayforward. Randomised Gaming has full control of all the content included in the video. This falls under endorsement rules for the FTC and ASA as the game key was provided to us for free. Keymailer have set up a page for us if you want to find out more about Contra Operation Galuga: https://game.page/contraoperationgaluga/Randomised_Gaming
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kei-nova · 2 months
Contra: Operation Galuga - Classic Action Returns Contra is back! Is it any good?
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meugamer · 3 months
Contra: Operation Galuga - esbarra em críticas mistas
Contra: Operation Galuga, o mais recente título da icônica série de jogos de ação, está prestes a chegar aos consoles e PCs. Com uma mistura de nostalgia e inovação, o jogo tem gerado opiniões diversas entre os críticos. Lembrando que este título foi desenvolvido pela WayForward com publicação da Konami, desenvolvedora original da franquia. Nos sites de agregadores de análises, como o Metacritic…
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hardcoregamer · 3 months
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Review: Contra: Operation Galuga
Contra: Operation Galuga is a refreshing return to Contra's roots. The story might be lacking, but the high-octane run and gun action that made the classic games great is back. Contra: Operation Galuga relies heavily on nostalgia to appeal to Contra fans by incorporating several classic level designs and boss fights.
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imperotenebre · 4 months
Contra Operation Galuga PS5 gameplay 4K - DEMO prime impressioni
Nuovo Contra...
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games2go · 2 months
Contra Operation Galuga Review
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Contra: Operation Galuga Review - Finding A Way Forward - Game Informer
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/contra-operation-galuga-review-finding-a-way-forward-game-informer/
Contra: Operation Galuga Review - Finding A Way Forward - Game Informer
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Once a tentpole franchise in the popular run-and-gun subgenre of action games, Contra has experienced a stark downturn in recent decades. Konami’s (mostly) side-scrolling shooter franchise has often gone long stretches without a release, and the games that have come out in recent years range from middling to downright bad. With Contra: Operation Galuga, Konami taps renowned retro-style developer WayForward, best known for its work on the Shantae series, to bring the once-renowned series back to its roots. While far from a one-to-one remake, Contra: Operation Galuga effectively captures the spirit of the original game while modernizing just enough to make for an exciting, albeit short, adventure.
The core conceits of the original Contra carry forward into this modern reimagining. Smooth platforming, solid 2D gunplay, and a wealth of power-ups are at your disposal as you take on a tough-as-nails campaign consisting of eight missions. The spread gun power-up remains extremely effective, but I adored blasting through hordes of enemies with items like the flamethrower, heat-seeking missiles, and lasers. Operation Galuga ups the ante by allowing you to stack power-ups, meaning the upgrade becomes more potent if you gather duplicate power-ups. On top of that, if you find your back against the wall or you’re about to pick up a new power-up, you can sacrifice your existing weapon to unleash a powerful Overload ability. These ultimate-style abilities provide aid in the form of additions like drones, shields, and clusters of attacks. I loved balancing the risk and reward of maximizing damage and effectiveness in tough combat scenarios.
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WayForward proves supremely capable of delivering stellar gameplay and strong level design within the confines of the established classic Contra games. By using the original levels more as guides than slavishly adhering to their layouts, WayForward competently injects big setpiece moments late ’80s technology could only dream of. Though the initial level and the ascent up a waterfall hold a special place in my heart due to nostalgia, I most enjoyed when WayForward added elements like a hoverbike to the base mission, or inserting a train into the ice level. Though there are only eight missions in Story Mode, these different formats go a long way to diversifying the experience, as do the multiple unlockable characters, each with unique special abilities. However, I am disappointed in the lack of 3D-style shooting gallery levels that were so iconic in the original NES game.
Additional enemy types, bosses, and areas to explore pad out the stages, and unless you hone your skills, it will be an uphill battle to get through Story Mode. While the term “bullet hell” wasn’t yet coined when Contra hit the NES in 1988, that term can retroactively be applied to certain sequences of that title. Those same sections have been reimagined and easily earn that designation in Operation Galuga. On various occasions, it took me multiple attempts to understand what I even needed to do to push through a difficult situation and, even more still, to execute the plan. True to its source material, Operation Galuga is a hard game.
Thankfully, you can adjust the difficulty in a couple of ways to make it more approachable. In both Story and Arcade Mode, you can choose a difficulty setting and decide if you’d rather have your character operate on the one-hit kill style of the original game or if you want HP associated with each life. These modernizations drastically improve the experience, though don’t expect these settings to make the missions a walk in the park. 
These settings also don’t impact the aptly named Challenge Mode, which gives you 30 bite-sized objectives to complete. You can try your hand at speedrun, survival, boss battle, and weapon-specific challenges, but outside of the initial attempts, I never felt compelled to return to these. Arcade Mode offers a similar experience to that of Story Mode, but minus the superfluous cutscenes and narrative character restrictions. You can also play Arcade Mode in four-player co-op instead of the two-player limit in Story. 
All these activities reward you with credits, which are used to buy perks from the in-game shop. These equippable boosts offer upgrades like additional HP, extra lives, new characters in Arcade Mode, and even bonuses like additional soundtracks and a fast-paced Speedrun Mode. Unfortunately, the perks are expensive, and I grew tired of farming credits long before I reached the amount I needed for the perks I was eyeing. Even entering the famous Konami Code just adds an expensive, purchasable perk in the shop. 
Though the stages are much longer than their original forms, sometimes clocking in at around 15 minutes, playing through Story Mode only takes a couple of hours. Still, Contra: Operation Galuga packs a whole lot of action into those hours. When you add the more flexible Arcade Mode and difficult Challenge Mode, Operation Galuga is an admirable modernized reimagining of one of the most influential games of the late ’80s.
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cooncel · 3 months
Princess Peach Showtime Review, Contra: Operation Galuga Impressions | All Things Nintendo
Princess Peach Showtime Review, Contra: Operation Galuga Impressions | All Things Nintendo Continue reading Princess Peach Showtime Review, Contra: Operation Galuga Impressions | All Things Nintendo
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talk-time-live · 3 months
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The Fighting Game Community has lost an icon. BANDAI NAMCO gives us a deeper look into DRAGON BALL SPARKING ZERO
I check out the SAND LAND Demo. Then, in our FINAL STAGE, I review CONTRA Operation Galuga. All this and more in this edition of A.C.M.G. presents TALK TIME LIVE EXTRA: SELECT/START
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gertlushgaming · 3 months
Cybertrash STATYX Review (PlayStation 4)
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Cybertrash STATYX Review, a 2D action platformer with elements of a tactical. Destroy enemies, gain experience points, upgrade your character, and immerse yourself in the story through in-game dialogues. Move deep into the levels, eliminating numerous ordinary robots, powerful cyborgs, killer machines, and bosses. Use the tactical element of firefights, the environment, and the abilities of the character. You will be accompanied by light and heavy types of weapons with different statistics and principles of action.
Cybertrash STATYX Review Pros:
- Nice pixel art graphics. - 350.9MB download size. - Platinum trophy. - Works on Playstation 5. - 2D action-platformer gameplay. - Opening tutorial level. - In-game cutscenes and character interactions. - Three difficulties - Easy, normal, and hard. - Directional shooting. - You can do big jumps by sliding and then jumping. - Button prompts show on the screen. - Uses a health bar and shield system. - Hack chests to get loot. - You can carry and hotswap between light and heavy weapons. - Destructible elements within the levels. - Uses a lot of cover-based shooting. - Can see enemy health bars and if they are alerted. - Checkpoints are every time you enter a new room and this acts as your respawn point. - Break boxes to get credits. - Pick up health and shield bubbles. - Earn exp and level up to get points to upgrade your stats - agility, shooting, luck, mining, and hacking back in the hub between stages and sometimes within a level. - The jumping and shooting are fine. - Stages are quite open with a lot of choices for how and where you go in it. - Weapons have X amount of ammo and when it's all gone you drop the weapon. - You can see your level-up bar and current rank. - Clear easy to read ui. - Big boss battles and you see their health. - Buy ammo and health/shields with your credits. - You can go forward and backward on a level. - The camera can be panned around just enough so you can see enemies and platforms. - Easy Platinum trophy. Cybertrash STATYX Review Cons: - No voice work just loads of text. - Can't set conversations to auto-scroll. - A real slow starter. - Cannot remap controls. - It's hard not to take damage from every encounter. - The controls for sliding and Jump make simple tasks trickier. - The slide jump sections in platforming are tedious. - The pacing is all over the place. - When you are in the hub area it's just slow text-based story segments and you can only walk. - You never really know what weapon you picked up. - Levels all seem to be in the same format and it's very repetitive. - A lot of guns you use can kill you. - Boss fights are very underwhelming. - Hard to make out enemy bombs. Related Post: Contra: Operation Galuga Review (Steam) Cybertrash STATYX: Official website. Developer: Uncle Frost Team Publisher: Sometimes You Games Store Links -  PlayStation Read the full article
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realjediverse · 3 months
Review: Contra: Operation Galuga!
Contra: Operation Galuga is a reboot of the classic run-and-gun action game, bringing back characters Bill Rizer and Lance Bean for a new mission. It’s received mixed reviews, with some praising its faithfulness to the source material and others criticizing its lack of innovation. Here’s a breakdown of the key points: Positives: Classic Contra gameplay: Operation Galuga delivers the fast-paced…
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capsulecomputers · 3 months
Contra: Operation Galuga Review
Developer: WayForward Publisher: Konami Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S (Reviewed) Release Date: March 12, 2024 Price: $39.99 USD
The classic #runngun #shooter is back with #Contra: Operation Galuga but this time with Konami letting WayForward take a crack at things. Is #WayForward's attempt at a new Contra worth your time? Check out full review inside.
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phonemantra-blog · 3 months
Konami's legendary Contra franchise has seen numerous attempts at revival over the years, with mixed results. However, their latest effort, Contra: Operation Galuga, seems to be striking a chord with critics, offering a faithful return to the series' explosive roots. Let's delve into what reviewers are praising (and critiquing) about this upcoming title. A Celebration of Classic Run-and-Gun Gameplay Contra: Operation Galuga takes players on a nostalgia trip through eight diverse levels, each packed with the fast-paced, side-scrolling action that made the series famous. Reviewers across the board commend the game's core gameplay loop, highlighting the satisfying gunplay mechanics and the strategic use of power-ups to mow down enemy hordes. Visually Striking and Musically Familiar The developers haven't just relied solely on nostalgia. Several reviews commend Operation Galuga's visuals, noting a successful blend of modern aesthetics with the classic Contra style. The environments are varied and detailed, offering a visually engaging backdrop for the chaotic action. Additionally, the soundtrack seems to capture the essence of the series with a pumping musical score that complements the frenetic gameplay flawlessly. A Short Burst of Explosive Fun While the core gameplay receives high marks, a recurring critique is the game's length. Reviewers report that Contra: Operation Galuga can be completed in as little as two hours, leaving some wanting more. This brevity might be a concern for players seeking a lengthy campaign. A Solo Mission (for Now) Another point of contention is the lack of online cooperative play, a staple of the Contra series. Operation Galuga currently offers local co-op only, potentially limiting the replayability factor for some players. Technical Hiccups Mar the Experience While not a widespread issue, some reviewers mentioned longer-than-desired loading times disrupting the game's flow. Hopefully, these technical aspects can be addressed through updates. The Verdict – A Promising Return with Room for Improvement Contra: Operation Galuga, based on initial reviews, appears to be a solid return to form for the franchise. The game delivers a faithful recreation of the classic run-and-gun experience with modern visuals and satisfying gameplay. However, the short campaign length, lack of online co-op, and occasional loading times hold the game back from achieving true greatness. FAQs: Q: What sets Contra: Operation Galuga apart from previous Konami attempts? A: Contra: Operation Galuga distinguishes itself with varied levels, impressive graphics, and adept execution of the beloved run-and-gun style gameplay. Q: What are the notable drawbacks of Contra: Operation Galuga, according to reviews? A: Criticisms include a minimalistic plot, a relatively short completion time of 2 hours, the absence of online co-op, and extended loading times. Q: How is Contra: Operation Galuga performing on the Opencritic portal? A: As of now, Contra: Operation Galuga boasts a commendable score of 75% on the Opencritic portal, based on 20 reviews.
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oyunistan · 3 months
Contra: Operation Galuga Review | TheSixthAxis
TSA writes: Contra returns in the hands of WayForward, but can they turn the run 'n' gun legend around with Contra: Operation Galuga? https://bit.ly/4abm56n
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seansilv25 · 9 months
Alright, you know the drill; Nintendo Direct review time, baybeeeee!
Splatoon 3 Side Order DLC: "Why is everything chrome?" "EVERYTHING is chrome in the future!"
Mario vs Donkey Kong: So... a minis game without the minis?
Prince of Persia - The Lost Crown: Oh yeah, Prince of Persia is a thing!
Horizon Chase 2: It looks fine
Super Crazy Rhythm Castle: Huh... Konami doing something
SpyXAnya: Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about Spy x Family?
Super Mario RPG: People who have played Mario RPG (So not me): "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you..."
Another Code Two Memories: Alright
Princess Peach Showtime: It's cool to see Peach get her own time to shine
SaGa Emerald Beyond: It looks fine
Tomb Raider Remastered: Aw come on, man! where are my close to one-polygon tits now?
Detective Pikachu Returns: Holy shit, Luxray has X-ray vision? I guess that's one more reasont to add to why Shinx is my favorite Pokemon
Trombone Champ: "Ah... the return of Wii Music... WITH A VENGEANCE!"
Battle Crush: It looks fine
Wartales: It looks fine
Contra Operation Galuga: Oh yeah, Contra is a thing!
Unicorn Overlord: Well that title doesn't fit (It looks fine)
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD: So no "Dark Moon" in the title? (Smashes phone and stomps skateboard)
Nintendo Museum: Huh... neat
New Amiibo: It's about damn time Sora got here
F-Zero 99: I guarantee that no matter how small this may be, F-Zero fans will gobble this up. Eat well, you starved racers
Bandle Tale: Okay
Song of Nunu: Okay (Part 2)
Warioware Move It: Man, the new Wario voice is gonna take some getting used to
Eiyuden Chronicles: it looks fine
Eastward Octopia: It looks fine
Wargroove 2: So you're telling me the series is called "Wargroove" but doesn't involve people busting down and cutting a rug in the middle of a live battle? 0/10 terrible game
Dave the Diver: ...okay
MK8D Booster Course Pass Wave 6: Really? Daisy Circuit? That's what you're leading with? (But Diddy, Funky, and Pauline are cool, tho)
Thousand Year Door Remake: Y'know, I'd probably be more cool with this if Thousand Year Door fans didn't keep kicking other Paper Mario games in the dick and sucking its own games dick
And that's about it. Maybe later today I'll give my thoughts on the State of Play. But until then, I've gotta get back to bopping to Discordant Decipher.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Princess Peach Showtime Review, Contra: Operation Galuga Impressions | All Things Nintendo
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/princess-peach-showtime-review-contra-operation-galuga-impressions-all-things-nintendo/
Princess Peach Showtime Review, Contra: Operation Galuga Impressions | All Things Nintendo
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This week on All Things Nintendo, we give our impressions of several recent releases. The headliner of this episode is Kyle Hilliard’s review of Princess Peach: Showtime, but Brian also has impressions of Contra: Operation Galuga and qomp2. And, of course, we’ll catch up on all the latest news out of the world of Nintendo.
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If you’d like to follow Brian on social media, you can do so on his Instagram/Threads @BrianPShea or Twitter @BrianPShea. You can follow Kyle on Twitter: @KyleMHilliard and BlueSky: @KyleHilliard.
The All Things Nintendo podcast is a weekly show where we celebrate, discuss, and break down all the latest games, news, and announcements from the industry’s most recognizable name. Each week, Brian is joined by different guests to talk about what’s happening in the world of Nintendo. Along the way, they’ll share personal stories, uncover hidden gems in the eShop, and even look back on the classics we all grew up with. A new episode hits every Friday!
Be sure to subscribe to All Things Nintendo on your favorite podcast platform. The show is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and YouTube.
00:00:00 – Introduction 00:01:25 – Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Woes 00:08:19 – Tears of the Kingdom Figma Announced 00:16:30 – Tears of the Kingdom and Mario Wonder GDC Panels 00:27:14 – Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 2 Update from Konami 00:34:33 – GameInformer.com Reader Voted Greatest Game of All Time Update 00:39:04 – Princess Peach: Showtime! Review 01:02:29 – Contra: Operation Galuga Impressions 01:12:22 – qomp2 Impressions
If you’d like to get in touch with the All Things Nintendo podcast, you can email [email protected], messaging Brian on Instagram (@BrianPShea), or by joining the official Game Informer Discord server. You can do that by linking your Discord account to your Twitch account and subscribing to the Game Informer Twitch channel. From there, find the All Things Nintendo channel under “Community Spaces.”
For Game Informer’s other podcast, be sure to check out The Game Informer Show with hosts Alex Van Aken, Marcus Stewart, and Kyle Hilliard, which covers the weekly happenings of the video game industry!
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