#Coronavirus disease
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In the Beginning, The Planet Earth is a Perky and Happier.
but One Night, The Planet Earth was Spreaded by a Coronavirus Disease. When the moon is Full and The Sky is Clear. The earth will become into… A WERECORONAVIRUS!!!!!
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quixoticanarchy · 2 years
what’s really ironic about the “just let everyone get infected w covid!! herd immunity!!” arguments now is that letting the virus run rampant through the world has actually achieved the opposite: everyone may get infected, but then they’ll just keep getting infected. delta infections didn’t protect against the original omicron variant. omicron BA.1 doesn’t protect you against BA.2.12.1. none of them really protect you against BA.4 and BA.5. mass infection is not going to create mass immunity, it just means that with every infection you’re rolling the dice on what this unpredictable and very creative virus is going to do to you
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COVID-19 vaccinated donors samples for research
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Coronavirus disease, or COVID-19 pandemic caused by the mutated strain of the coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2, has impacted people's daily lives worldwide. Since the spread of SARS-CoV-2 began in 2019, millions of people have died as a result of the health disaster. The development of an effective COVID-19 vaccine and its successful immunization reduced the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and illness severity in late 2021.
However, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants like the Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron forms has raised questions among global biomedical researchers regarding the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines that are currently approved and in use. In light of this, human biospecimens obtained from donors who have received vaccinations are a crucial source for more advanced studies on the safety of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. It aids in the researcher's investigation of interindividual differences' adverse effects and range of activity against preventing infections against virus strains, efficacy, and efficiency.
A wide array of COVID-19 Vaccinated Donor Samples Online
Advanced vaccine safety research is paramount to ensure the efficacy of newly discovered COVID-19 vaccinations to fight against mutated virus strains. Escalating COVID-19 research to the next level, Central BioHub provides access to thousands of high-quality human biospecimens obtained from SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated donors. 
It has a vast inventory of thousands of in-stock human serum and plasma samples thoroughly examined for anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgM as well as SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR at accredited laboratories and immediately available for purchase. The sample donations are obtained from donors vaccinated with different types of approved COVID-19 vaccinations, such as mRNA, vector, and whole virus vaccines, facilitating comparative research on various COVID-19 vaccinations and their effects. To learn more about clinical research samples, browse the online inventory here: https://centralbiohub.de/biospecimens/covid-19/vaccinated-donors.
Moreover, the samples are highly annotated with relevant information about the donors, such as age, gender, ethnicity, and the country of sample origin. The specimens come with vaccination information, such as the date and number of doses. In order to avoid sample deterioration and cross-contamination, every study sample is treated with the utmost care and kept in sterile cryogenic units.
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Strengthen the international health organizations, early warning mechanisms, and coordinated responses.
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The importance of achieving a global Treaty to face pandemics. The World Health Organization Coronavirus disease situation dashboard presents official daily counts of COVID-19 cases and deaths worldwide
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Medulloblastoma : A Common Pediatric Malignancy- Crimson Publishers
Medulloblastoma : A Common Pediatric Malignancy by Behzad Saberi in Research in Pediatrics & Neonatology
Medulloblastoma arises from the fourth ventricle’s roof of the brain. It is the most common primitive neuroectodermal tumor and is one of the most common pediatric malignancies. It’s male to female ratio is about two to one. Arising from the forth ventricle’s roof, causes tumor to develop hydrocephalus. Complete resection of the tumor in case of presence of the brainstem invasions is impossible. At the time of diagnosis, investigation for metastasis should be done since about ten to thirty-five percent of the cases have shown some degrees of metastasis once they have been diagnosed [1-4]. Medulloblastoma comprises about fifteen to twenty percent of the intracranial tumors in the pediatric groups. The first decade of life is the peak time for medulloblastoma appearance. 
Read more articles in our site:   https://crimsonpublishers.com/rpn/fulltext/RPN.000603.php
For more articles in our journal click on:    https://crimsonpublishers.com/rpn/index.php
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nando161mando · 6 months
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Most of you are going as this for Halloween. And it doesn't even require a costume.
#COVID #COVIDisNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #COVID19 #eugenics #ableism
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Percent of adult population currently experiencing long COVID.
by u/MetricT
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socialismforall · 4 months
Weekly COVID-19 Update for 2023-12-24
COVID is still airborne, and COVID still very much isn't over.
Northeastern and Midwestern USA SARS2 virus levels in wastewater are *soaring*, Northeast is currently at 1500 copies/mL (~750 copies indicates a strong surge), and Midwest is at 1300 copies/mL. Southeastern and Western USA are maintaining relatively lower levels between 600 and 700 overall, but both are still climbing. See https://biobot.io/data for county-specific data as results can vary widely between locales.
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How to reduce your risk of infection? The SARS2 virus is airborne and can spread like smoke, so #MaskUp with an #N95 or better, avoid superspreader events and locations, and stay up-to-date on your boosters. Do it for yourself, so you don't catch SARS-CoV-2, and for others, so you don't spread SARS-CoV-2. Even if you're fully vaccinated, your risk of developing #LongCOVID following an infection is lower but not zero, and multiple reinfections increase your odds of negative health outcomes. Plan A always should be to prevent an infection from developing by wearing a respirator with a good seal around your mouth and nose (FFP2, FFP3, KN95, N95, N99, P100, etc.).
Holiday tips:
-If someone tells you that COVID is over, you might ask them why, if we didn't consider COVID to be over in 2020 or 2021, when the COVID wastewater levels were lower, why should we consider it over now, when the virus is circulating in even higher amounts?
-"Fewer cases" doesn't mean much when most of the at-home rapid tests don't get counted in official records, and the most accurate PCR tests are neither freely available nor given to everyone getting on a plane or attending classes.
-"Fewer deaths" also means less when you remember that about 1,200,000 of the most vulnerable people already have died from it, COVID-19 remains the #3 cause of death in 2023 (behind heart disease and cancer, the risk of both of which may be increased by COVID), and the risk of a Long COVID/post-acute COVID syndrome (PACS) disability or other potentially life-shortening organ damage (brain, kidney, lung, immune, etc.) isn't measured just by the death count. Also, the USA's life expectancy still hasn't recovered from the drop it experienced following the start of the pandemic.
source: https://biobot.io/data
source: https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/news/20231006/these-are-the-top-10-causes-of-death-in-the-us
source: https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2022/covid-and-the-heart-it-spares-no-one
source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33914346/
source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/11/29/average-us-life-expectancy-increased-not-pre-covid/71738611007/
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friendraichu · 2 years
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Reducing Restrictions: The CDC Has Announced It’s Okay To Die Of The Coronavirus Now
If you’re one of the final holdouts who has remained strict about COVID precautions even as most of the country has done away with masks and social distancing, prepare to breathe a sigh of relief: After almost 3 years of COVID-19 upending our lives, the CDC has announced it is now okay to die of the coronavirus.
Finally, one less restriction to worry about!
CDC director Rochelle Walensky gave a press conference this morning to announce the major change in CDC recommendations, explaining, “Early on in the pandemic, every death from the coronavirus was a tragedy. Thankfully, due to remarkable advancements in being desensitized to widespread sickness and death over the past several years, we have reached the point where dying of the coronavirus has become fine. Similar to dying of the flu or in a car crash—other causes of mostly preventable deaths that we could do more to curb, but don’t because it’s sort of hard and boring—dying of COVID-19 is now completely okay we recommend that Americans begin incorporating passing away from this disease into their daily routines.”
According to CDC’s updated “How to Protect Yourself and Others” page, the CDC still recommends hand washing, getting vaccinated, and increasing ventilation as ways of mitigating COVID risk, but under the subheading “Dying of COVID-19” it now states “COVID-19 is a deadly disease, but dying from it is now fine. Currently, close to 500 people a day are still dying from it, but that’s OK, because it’s not quite as bad as 3,000+ a day, and as long as you don’t do the math of how many that adds up to in a week or a month it doesn’t seem terrible, really.”
This new guidance couldn’t have come at a better time for the thousands of patients currently hospitalized with COVID-19 who are hanging on for dear life, as now they now know that if they do end up succumbing to the disease, it’s perfectly okay. Additionally, the CDC has announced that anyone who has been taking life-altering precautions to avoid COVID-19, including the millions of Americans of an advanced age and those who have preexisting conditions that make them more vulnerable to the disease, now has the official go-ahead to not only contract COVID-19, but to succumb to it.
Yep, it was definitely time for the CDC to take this important step towards returning to normal! This announcement couldn’t have come soon enough!
Of course, some will say the CDC waited far too long to make dying of COVID okay, and others will argue they should have waited until daily deaths were down to like, 150 a day before giving the all-clear to dying of COVID, but after almost 3 years of trying not to die, this is going to be welcome news for the majority of Americans. While the CDC is unlikely to announce that it’s okay to die of monkeypox or polio anytime soon, hopefully we can eventually get there as a nation as well. If you’ve been avoiding dying of COVID, trust in the CDC’s updated guidance and give yourself a break from all that stress and anxiety, get out there, and die from it.
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gumjrop · 2 months
The Weather
Twenty-seven US states remain at High to Very High levels of SARS-CoV-2 detected in wastewater since February 28, 2024, with five states not reporting.
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Wastewater levels are decreasing throughout the country except in the Midwest. The South is still experiencing extremely high transmission. As a reminder, the last two weeks, shown in gray, are provisional data. These values may change as additional wastewater sites report data.
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Despite these ongoing high levels of transmission in most of the country, and in defiance of pleas from civil society to protect the most vulnerable among us, the CDC has once again decided to walk back already insufficient protections – this time in the form of isolation guidance. It announced on Friday at 1 pm that it will repeal the 5-day isolation period for COVID-19 and instead treat COVID-19 like it does other respiratory viruses like flu and RSV, linking isolation length with symptomatology and fever. This policy, of course, is not based on the best evidence–just vibes and a lack of care for those of us still dying (1000s weekly) and still becoming disabled by Long COVID. 
Last week, the CDC recommended that people 65 years and older should receive an updated booster. It did not approve a booster for other people in high-risk categories because they didn’t bother studying the benefits and risks in these groups.
OK. So it’s been a rough week. But you know what? We are all fighting back. We see you all making calls, creating and signing petitions, joining and expanding Mask Blocs, creating and distributing zines, and making your own air-cleaning systems. We see so many more masked, tested, and ventilated events than we used to! We are mobilizing collective power to keep each other safe and to transform this state. 
Next week, March 11, will mark the 5th anniversary of the declaration of the pandemic. We’re not where we should be, but this pandemic has radicalized a lot of us. Keep connecting. Keep finding your people. Keep going. We will win. 
Oh! And check out these Free COVID-19 and flu test vending machines in King County, Washington!
JN.1 is still the most dominant variant circulating in the United States and is projected to account for 92.3% of all circulating variants by March 2nd, 2024. Two JN.1 descendants, JN.1.13 and JN.1.18, are now the second and third most common circulating variants, projected to be at 3.3% and 1.8%, respectively.
To check for circulating variants within your community, you can find your HHS Region through the CDC Variant Tracker dashboard.
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Long Covid
In an article published in Science, Drs Ziyad Al-Aly and Eric Topol reviewed the perplexing case of Long COVID. They discuss the lack of consensus and systematization when it comes to the classification of the disease, partly due to its different mechanisms and manifestations. For example, younger adult and female Long COVID patients are more likely to be afflicted by fatigue, dysautonomia, brain fog, and post-exertional malaise, while older patients are more likely to deal with cardiovascular and metabolic complications. They also discuss the current potential treatments for Long COVID, but express that since nonpharmaceutical interventions have been neglected, vaccines are the only available therapy. However, vaccines are unable to prevent Long COVID. Ultimately, they state that the only way to prevent Long COVID is by ending COVID transmission, such as by administering pan-variant neutralizing intranasal vaccines.
On March 15, 2024, the Long COVID March will be taking place in Washington D.C. at the Lincoln Memorial. The march is intended to mobilize Long COVID patients and allies to demand acknowledgment and policy changes from the government. You can read the march’s mission statement, which includes a list of objectives. 
Take Action
Join us in demanding the CDC reinstate the 5-day COVID isolation policy. Despite the guidelines having already been dropped, we must still fight for adequate protections from COVID to safeguard our communities from harm. Make your voices known by sending a letter to the White House and your elected officials through our Action Network. The People’s CDC will also be implementing other action items in the coming weeks, so look out for those!
Today is COVID Memorial Day, in which we remember the 1.2 million lives lost to COVID in the United States, and show solidarity with the millions living with COVID grief and Long COVID. Check out Marked by COVID to learn more or to participate in today’s virtual vigil.
Again, we must continue to contact our elected officials to demand a ceasefire in Gaza, and we must continue to wear and require the wearing of high-quality respirators such as N95s and KN95s at protests and within organizing spaces. 
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I made it for Transformation Tuesday in Object Show.
Well, the Earth was spreaded by a Coronavirus Disease. and so when the COVID-19 Moon is Full and the Sky is Clear, She is turning into… A WERECOVID-19!!!! Venus, Saturn, and Neptune got scared of Werecovid-19 Earth.
It's like a Werewolf but Coronavirus Disease
So, I wanna go to Six Flags Again!
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Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) has signed a bill that bans state and local governments from mandating COVID-19 vaccines for workers after a similar ban expired last month.
The legislation signed Thursday is aimed at defending citizens’ “individual liberty,” Sanders said at a press conference prior to its signing.
The legislation also prohibits COVID-19 vaccinations from being required as a condition of education, or for obtaining a service or licensure, permit or certificate of some kind. Any potential risks and harms associated with the shots must also be recorded and published by the state.
The bill is different from the state’s prior ban on vaccine mandates, which first went into effect in 2021, in that it covers vaccines or immunizations for any subvariants of the coronavirus, according to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
The latest COVID-19 vaccine, which was federally authorized for use this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration, is specially designed to reduce major illness and illness from omicron virus variants that are currently circulating.
In total, Sanders signed 11 bills on Thursday.
A separate bill she signed restricts the public release of her travel and security records. That bill, which went into immediate effect, shields details about the security that the Governor and other constitutional officers receive.
These details include who travels on the State Police airplane and the cost of individual trips. Sanders argued that it was needed for her and her family’s safety, though some critics said it eliminates government transparency.
State Sen. Bart Hester (R), who co-sponsored the bill, said at Thursday’s press conference that all of the state’s elected government leaders are still able to see the travel receipts through audit. The law also requires the state to file a quarterly report listing the monthly costs of protecting the Governor.
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crimeronan · 8 months
warning this is an "i've lost my temper" post
people leaving comments on my vaccine post about how they """""can't""""" get vaccines because of needle phobias like what kind of ridiculous backwards-ass mental-gymnastics dumb fucking able-bodied nonsense are you on. you shortsighted twat. you circlejerking fucking asshole. you know what'll make you have to contend with needles???? getting an IV in the hospital because you came down with COVID. and now every single time you move you feel the straw wiggle uncomfortably inside your veins and you can't get it out ever you're trapped helpless on your back forever getting stuck by needles CONSTANTLY.
so. unless you're ready to lay at home and die while refusing all medical care, which would be good because at least you'd be putting your money where your fucking mouth is, i think you Do In Fact want to take the shot. you Fucking Moron??
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“they’re saying only 1% of people die of covid so why are you worried?” ok then. not looking at any sources, let’s go off that statistic for this post. note: we’ve lost over a million people and counting in the united states alone.
i’ve seen some estimates saying 10%-30% of people end up with continuing symptoms (fatigue, brain fog, etc) after the end of infection, which could mean tens of millions of people. however, if even only 2% had persisting symptoms and we go by that 1% death statistic, that could be 2 million people living with some form of long covid impacting their daily life.
don’t wanna listen about covid? ok, let’s compare it to another disease known for its lasting symptoms and its “long” form: polio.
polio could be asymptomatic, but symptoms presented as flu-like if there were any. all things considered, paralysis was rare in comparison to infection numbers. i’ve seen a lot of polio statistics, and some say only 1 in 1,000 (0.1%) polio cases resulted in paralysis, though this seems like a rough average between the three variants. still, there were tens of thousands of cases of poliomyelitis paralysis. 1952 alone had over 20,000 paralysis cases reported, and that’s one year of many polio outbreaks (the most well known u.s. outbreak was 1948/49-1952).
just because a percentage seems low does not mean the damage is minuscule. be knowledgeable about how information is being presented to you and what the actual impacts are. small numbers do not equal little harm.
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lost-in-frog-land · 5 months
catch me coughing up blood like it's the 1800s and I'm dying of consumption
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tumble-tv · 4 months
Somehow the pain from having covid is worse than working in retail
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