#Council of the Gods
kingofmeatballs · 1 year
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Some god of night in ren n blue
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distortionswife · 1 year
“ 𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐇𝐢𝐦 . ”
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With a bit of my own hcs added <3 made by me.
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
Do you accept the god of night request? Instead of a dinner date, the reader just watches the night sky while hunming or write poems about how lovely the night is. The god of night needs some appriciation
I do write for him! One of my friends is going to be SO into this too. (Ghost, where you at?)
[Valentine's Requests are open!]
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Valentine's day was always...convoluted. Messy. People stressed out about making sure their declaration of love was the loudest that day, little care for how they were short or snappy to everyone else, or how plenty of others just wanted the day to pass normally.
You were happy doing your own quiet observations, choosing not to direct your affections towards a person, but the view that had brought you countless times of comfort: the night sky.
Each twinkling star, the way that it was absolutely bone-chilling out in the cold February night air but the view was crystal clear. You could sit there, bundled up in the cold, watching each celestial body slowly move across the sky.
Everyone else could keep their candlelit dinners and fancy outfits. You had the best view in the world, all night long.
Somewhere in those years, your annual expression of love was poetry you ended up writing under your breath, only to be whispered to the distant lights, never to be written down or spoken to another person. You liked it better that way, a more personal, more intimate form of expression than you often allowed yourself.
This year really hadn't started so different, words quietly spoken to the silent air, a smile pulling itself from your lips. The most recent line fell into the air around you, sinking into the snowdrifts around you, when a voice spoke up next to you.
"You really should write this down."
You jumped unaware anyone else had been out here. The tall man stood on your right side, face tilted up at the stars too. You were bundled up tightly, but he seemed to not notice the chill with the open, long overcoat and low buttoned shirt. He smiled, gaze turning slightly towards you so you could see the light reflect off his glasses.
"I. Did you hear--"
"I did. I have for a while. You're good with words, you know." You stumbled over your next few words, pulling a soft laugh from him. "When you aren't overthinking, that is."
The silence settles between the two of you, and while you would likely leave if it was anyone else, something about this man felt...comforting to be around. Right. You didn't believe in soulmates, and this wasn't a love-at-first-sight sort of deal. It was more...You felt at peace, in a way you weren't sure you did most of the time.
He broke the silence first, turning towards you with that same gentle smile he had pointed skywards, letting you see the angular spiral over his eye. "I've listened every year. It makes it worth it, all that work placing each of those stars, to know someone loves them so much, they say such sweet words." Before you could question him, he lifted your hand, pressing a warm kiss to your knuckles that sent heat across your face, warming you in a way your layers couldn't. "I promise, I'll see you next year. If you ever have need of me...well, you already know my name. Call me whenever you want."
He pressed another kiss to your knuckles, vanishing as you blinked.
Perhaps next year, you would call up the God of Night before you started your poetry.
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southerndragontamer · 11 months
Egotober Day 26: Werewolf
Night and darkness, space and the celestial bodies within were the subject of many stories and fairytales, of questions and fears. But the thing that had been forgotten by almost all but a select few, as small as the group of believers was, that Night was a God. Older than even Day, than humanity itself. Night’s worship had slowly faded until it was a shade of its former self, scant and scattered but they had done their best to keep as thorough records as they could.
One such record, a tome in your hands from a lucky auction grab, contained not just everything needed to understand or worship Night but also what happened to the God during different phases of the moon. He wasn’t a werewolf or anything of that nature but it affected him just the same as it pulled and pushed the tide on earth. He would gain strength and power as the moon grew in size, and it would fade as it shrank with some rumored pain like what those with chronic fatigue experienced, though that didn’t mean he was helpless either.
And during different lunar events Night would gain even more power. Though multiple of them were marked as too dangerous to be around him in, such as a New Moon or Blood Moon.
You stroked the tome’s cover, a deep spacial purple black with dots of blue and silver for stars and a lunar calendar along the top with Night’s symbol in the center, reverently. Your heart pounded in your chest a bit as you took a slow deep breath to try to keep calm. You were alone in the house for now, no one knew that you had the tome.
You had to keep this safe, only bring it out when no one could catch you with it, especially your parents. This book, no Night, could be your only chance out of this farce of a wedding they had planned for you, you just had time things right over the next few months and your opening would be revealed to you…
The sound of brush being roughly pulled aside was accompanied by the muttering that left Richard’s lips as he stomped through the forest. Really, what on earth had you been thinking running off like this?! On the eve of the wedding no less! Though he supposed wedding jitters had gotten the best of them, he was a bit nervous too but he wasn’t the one who had vanished in the middle of the night now was he?
You had been brought up better than this, he hoped the fright that being in such a dark atmosphere had been worth making him wake up to find you. Though he hoped you were unharmed, a pretty little thing like you didn’t need any visible damages and it wouldn’t do well for the guests to see you with him like that.
Richard called your name and after a few moments was about to call again, when he heard….singing? It sounded like a man’s voice. Deeper than his own, in the tone someone would use for a lullaby, though he couldn’t make out words. But still, it might be a hint as to where you went, someone took you instead of you running. If you had been so foolish as to try to run to someone else, he might make you stay out here a bit longer in recompense for his wounded pride and honor.
The sound led him into a clearing which was lit with the light of the moon above like a scene out of a fairytale, where Richard’s vision went red for a few moments at what he saw as angry possessiveness reared its ugly head. You were in another man’s arms, in your wedding gown but…it had been altered from the old fashioned, lovely piece your mother had given you as the ‘something old’ and of course it had been passed down on your mothers side of the family.
It was now more silver than white, the lace looked like it glittered like stars, shimmering in different colors like a prism with the soft movements you made in the gentle swaying you two were doing, the train looked like it had been fashioned out of the night sky as it was black instead of white like a mourning veil was, it rested on your head with a line of star shaped opals like a crown in your hair that fell around your shoulders and back, there was a pendant around your neck of a moonstone crafted into a lunar calendar, the full moon seemed to be almost glowing on it. You looked….so content…so happy in the strangers arms as you rested your head against his chest, like you’d known him for a long time, trusted him, there was even a blush to your cheeks that Richard hadn’t ever seen with him and it stoked his anger higher.
The stranger was as if someone had taken the phrase ‘tall, dark and handsome’ and crafted him specifically for it. He was dressed like a true noble in black lace up boots, dress pants, a black overcoat with onyx and silver buttons, moonstone and sapphire cufflinks, a purple to blue gradient vest styled like the cosmos above, his cravat was a black to red to purple, the broach atop the center at his throat held a spiral shaped seal in red wax, the earrings in his ears were obsidian. He had broad shoulders, thick black hair tousled just so as it fell into a ponytail, tanned skin, well groomed beard, dark eyes that looked down at you with such fondness and adoration that made Richard clench his teeth. The stranger was bigger than you, and twice as muscled as he was, it wouldn’t do to startle him and make him hurt you.
But when he looked at where your hands were joined, the stranger with full black leather and you with the modest silvery lace and fingers intertwined intimate and loving, was truly the straw that broke the camels back as the phrase went.
You both had wedding bands on your fingers, the gold ring Richard had given you on his proposal nowhere in sight. Instead you wore a silver ring with a moonstone held in the center, inlaid in a line down the ring were what to him appeared to be crushed gemstones to form a galaxy like effect. The stranger’s ring was black with the same galaxy like effect in the center with an amethyst or onyx star in the center.
If Richard hadn’t been so utterly incensed at this betrayal in front of him-how could you do this to your parents, to him?!? After what he’d been promised with you, a demure, obedient wife who would give him children and tend to his needs, and what your parents would’ve gotten in turn for marrying into a family as upstanding as his was. Did you have no respect for yourself?!?- he would’ve noticed that the stones in the rings were glowing, the galaxies shifting different colors. Or the way the stranger’s eyes suddenly flashed and reflected the full moon above and how a dark, cruel smirk flashed on his face.
At the soft, sweet confused sound from you at the change in expression Night chuckled and kissed your forehead, warm cheeks and then your lips sweet and tender, for a few moments relished in the contact of his new consort, he whispered in a tone just for your ears alone. “We seem to have an uninvited guest my star. Don’t fret your darling head about this now, it’s alright. I’ll take care of him and then I’ll take you home to properly make you mine. Just sleep for me right now, you don’t need to see such a ghastly sight… especially on a night as beautiful as this one.”
You momentarily had a look of fear on your face, but it faded at his reassurance and you smiled, giggled gently with a maidenly blush and then closed your eyes and slipped into sleep as your deity, your husband asked. Night gently laid you down in the soft grass that shined blue in the moonlight and then stepped in front of you, all pleasantry vanished in the face of the mortal you’d been promised to without any say so in your own wishes.
“You look the essence of aristocracy to your kind but in truth you are a bastard of a man Richard Ferguson. I suppose I should thank you for that though, otherwise my moonlight may have not found me as they did. Oh don’t you dare try to deny what you are you worm, you aren’t worth the dirt on my boots let alone the air my new spouse breathes.”
Night strolled closer and his coat billowed behind him, his eyes began to glow blue as he spat out in a furious rage, not giving the human a chance to speak or even try to make a sound. Even if he’d enchanted your sleep, Night wanted you to only remember his voice no one else’s, at least that wasn’t worthy of you. Your former fiancé was not in any way worthy of that honor.
“You had every plan to break them down, to abuse them and frighten them, break their spirit into what you thought was ‘proper and right’ for a wife until they were a mere shell of what they once were that jumped at every shadow and was so afraid of you and your drunken rage that they’d never disobey you on anything. You would’ve taken out the brightest light humanity had seen in decades and not cared one bit for the pieces crushed to dust to do it. Humans like you sicken me, greedy in your claim of everything you touch like it holds no other purpose or value but to be yours, pride oozing out of every pore like the world should bow to you and worship you, inflicting wrath on those that work for you until they break and you toss them aside, forcing your lusts on those that can’t say no because of your position, turning a blind eye to the poor and abandoned as if you didn’t cause their fates with your gluttonous attitude, slothing around in luxury while the innocent scrape to even feed themselves and envious of each other to the point you stab your ‘friends’ in the back the quickest chance you get to take more than what you deserve.”
Night’s power pulsed around him, shadows writhed and darkened, the air grew colder until dew frosted over around the clearing except for where you rested, his mark burned out of the glamor he’d put on the spiral like the harsh glow of a red supergiant against his skin as he felt his teeth begin to sharpen. He knew all the secrets the mortals tried to hide, one couldn’t hide anything from the darkness incarnate, from that which saw everything that tried to be hidden in its shadows, the darkness and shades of the human soul. It was all Night’s to know, to hoard and guard…to use as he saw fit.
And right now he grinned, feral as he threw back his head and howled, instantly there were a chorus of answering songs to his call as either by their own power or his, a group of people emerged from the woods, dressed in working clothes and rags alike they moved as if under a spell. They paid no mind to Night’s sleeping companion and moved around them until they stood behind the god. The light of a full moon, a rare blue supermoon in fact, shone down across their shoulders like a mother’s fond touch. Night’s expression was cruel as he let out a wicked rumble.
“You remember those old stories your grandfather told you when you were a boy, mortal? About the things that go bump in the night? The creatures that call the darkness home? The stories that frighten you so much that even today you still need to sleep with a knife under your pillow? They’re as real as you, and now…they’re going to bring you down to the level you threw them down to when they were merely trying to survive as humans before they were blessed with their mother’s power. You’ll live a life where you have to hide yourself like a pariah because of how awful you look, beg for any chance at food or drink….but you won’t be as lucky as them…their mother won’t honor you like she does them. Every time she appears in full beauty, it won’t be as painless as it is for them. It will hurt like nothing in your overindulged life has and it won’t stop hurting until you finally reach death’s embrace and face the consequences of your rotten soul.”
Night raised a hand and snapped his fingers and the people’s eyes flared golden and their bodies all contorted and arched in what looked to them like bliss as fur began to sprout as their muscle mass broadened and their faces shifted to be more wolf than man. The mortal bolted before the transformation finished, unable to take the strain of fear that ran primal in his veins, not now with the show of power and the oath of a god that felt like chains of iron around his chest. The werewolves all howled with animalistic joy of a hunt and raced after their prey, Night trusted the moon to keep you safe as he joined the fray.
The power in his veins bayed for blood, for him to soak in fear and pain from a hubristic mortal before delivering a just punishment. Night was only too happy to give it what it wanted.
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mrkvhs · 2 years
Hi there! Idk if you’re still doing stimboards but if you are, can I get God if Night with red and gray themes? Thanks!! :)
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god of night stimboard with red and gray themes for anon. <3
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*Slams their fists on the table*
During the Roman times charm was starting to get a little full of himself. Claiming that no one could out charm or out flirt him. 
And after a while of hearing the other gods complain and Charm going on and on about it Night, finally had enough decided to challenge charm.
If Night could successfully, charm and fluster the god of charm he would win. He would get three tries.
All the other gods quickly set up a betting pool. Into everyone’s shock, and the god of misfortunes glee. Night had won!  
How he had won, neither God would tell. But charm was definitely a lot more humbler, especially around the god of night. 
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shadowproxy22 · 1 year
Day…..3? Of hoping that a God of night blog magically appears, and starts interacting/flirting with my God of charm blog.
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helasunderdoggoart · 1 year
Night, inspired by the God of Night from KOllOK but he is very different from him personality wise, this is just my interpretation
The gray haired guy is my rendition of Noir
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And my personal favorite
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forget-mad-not · 2 years
Unpopular opinion: you write the God of Night well when you want to kick him in the face, hands down
So I'm working on a new Soline fic (Celine the Seer from WKM/God of Day from KOllOK, the wonderful ship name is from @zulzinho ✨) and it will, unlike deny your god, feature the God of Night.
And... You know what, I'll just say it: Night is a bastard. Stupid idiot motherfucking Night. Biggest clown in the circus, laughed out of town cowboy God of Night.
I understand why many people worship him, but I refuse to accept it.
In fact, no. I don't really get it.
This man is the worst, if only he were written in character. (I'm trying.)
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I want to drown him in a spoonful of hydrochloric acid. (So I think I'm succeeding.)
[ If I survive the exam period, you'll get this story, don't worry. ]
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joelsbloodyhands · 1 month
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Pedro vibing and Rosario caressing his cheeks like he’s a big kid 🥰
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distortionswife · 1 year
Cw // scopophobia / many ' eyes '
The God of Night, now a broken vessel, bits of his true form seeping into reality as he barely holds his 'mortal' form together
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
A Confession At Knife-point
Cup God Chronicles :: Part 4
Characters: God of Night, GN!Reader
Word Count: 730
Spicy Rating: Our dear reader has a foul mouth, so expect a lot of f-bombs y'all!
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You stare across the table at him.
The God of Night has his hands folded in front of him, trying to keep his eyes anywhere but on the glow-in-the-dark plastic cup you're sipping juice from, the book open to that last ritual, and your face. Finally, you sigh, putting the cup down, folding your hands in front of your face. Sure, you feel a bit like an anime villain, but...the man made you a promise.
"I didn't die. So start talking. What's so ooky-spooky about this ritual that makes you so skittish?"
"How much do you understand of what's written here?"
You shrug, pointing out the sections. "This basically reads like it's a spell for a messy break up, but I can't read most of the page."
He sighs, honest to gods (ha) sighs, like a melodramatic teenager. "It's...more complicated than that."
"Explain it to me, then."
"I...I would rather not-"
"You made a deal, dude. What's in the damn book."
"...I don't have many followers. You're...you're honestly my only one any more, even by technicality. I exist because I am Night, and--"
"I don't care about your tragic backstory right now. Why's this spell freaking you out so bad. Just means I get my privacy back, right?
"It..." He sighs again, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes. "It...it isn't just severing the connection between us. It...it takes from you."
"Like, what? I'll get dizzy, or--"
"Emotionally. It cuts out part of your emotional range as payment. It's not meant to make it...easy. You lose part of yourself. Based on what I've seen in the past, your particular witticisms, your sarcasm, your....you-ness...You might be a strange, weird little mortal, but you're my strange, weird little mortal--" He takes a breath, his hand covering the part of his face you can see, like he's embarrassed about saying that. "If you truly want me gone, I'll...I'll find a different way to sever our connection, I swear. I promise. But just...I..." He swallows, a motion you're not really certain he needs to do, before he speaks again. "I...I'm fond of you, in a way I haven't been in a very long time...and...I would be...put out if you lost your...spark, starlight." 
You blink. He's never called you anything but 'mortal' before. Not your name, and certainly not what could best be described as a pet name.
You sigh, shoving to your feet to go process things, get a slice of cake. You bought it as a treat to yourself, and by fucking god, did you need it now. The last thought, that last word really lingered, however, and you turned, brandishing the knife as you started talking.
"Wait a fucking second. Why did you call me starlight? What kind of--Are you blushing?" The god shifted to turn away from you, leaving you to follow him around the table, trying to catch his attention. "You are! Why are you--oh my fuck. Do you have a crush on me?" He continued to look away, leaving you laughing almost hysterically as you headed back to the cake, gesturing as you spoke. "This is how I find out. Fucking figures! First time someone does in forever, and it's a god with a problem with personal space--"
"Please, starlight, can we talk about this--will you please put the knife down before I actually tell you--" He squawked, staring at you, then over his shoulder, where the the object you just threw rolled to a stop. "Did you just throw a cup at my head?!"
"I dunno, did you just decide to call me sweet things like we're already lovers?"
"...Fair point, but...perhaps...perhaps I am fond of you in that way as well. I just...you're interesting in many ways, and everything I learn about you I carry with me through each night..."
You stare at him for a long time, then sigh. "Do it properly."
"...Sorry, what?"
"If you're going to try to flirt with me, do it properly. Woo me, motherfucker. Flowers. Dates...I don't know if gods do dates, but I'm not just gonna say 'oh boy! Time for deific dalliances!', you gotta work for this."
"...You're...not opposed. To..."
"We'll see. I'm not a cheap date."
You give him a smirk, not unlike the ones he's used to giving you.
It's worth it to see the small, truly happy smile come to life on his face.
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feralforbeanix · 3 months
Manfred Von Karma did not burn Phoenix's letters to Miles.
Like, I'm not even saying this to defend Manfred's character (though the fanbase does get a little crazy with what he actually did and didn't do) I'm saying this because that's not canon. I'm not sure it was even possible in canon.
Phoenix didn't write letters to Germany. He didn't know Miles was in Germany, let alone Von Karma's address. He didn't even know who Von Karma was until Edgeworth told him about Manfred in Turnabout Goodbyes.
In the game canon, Miles just stopped showing up to school one day. All Phoenix seemed to know was that he transferred schools suddenly. He didn't know why or where to. Remember, Phoenix didn't even hear about DL-6 until Turnabout Sisters when Maya mentioned her family's involvement.
Even in the anime canon (I haven't watched the anime in a while so I might be off about this) where Phoenix and Miles get a chance to properly say goodbye, Phoenix still doesn't have a direct means of contacting him. His best way of doing so was dedicating a song through the radio using Signal Samurai codenames and hoping Miles would hear it.
Phoenix mentions trying to contact him several times when explaining their relationship to Maya, but this was after finding out Miles was this "Demon Attorney". Miles would have to be at least 20 at this point in time, living back in California with at least a few trials under his belt. With how young he reached success, it's not impossible Miles was living on his own at the time. Even if he wasn't, I doubt Manfred was going through this grown adult's mail.
No, what the game seems to be implying is that Miles ignored Phoenix. (Maya even says, "I guess he didn't want to hear from his old friends.") And I don't think this was out of hatred or anything, I think Miles just wanted to forget his past entirely because even the good memories of his childhood would be bittersweet at best.
And to be honest that makes it even more tragic to me. Why do we need Manfred to intercept their connection when Miles' trauma and guilt complex is already doing that?
I like to think Miles knew Phoenix would be asking questions if he ever responded to those initial attempts at contact. Questions he of course doesn't want to answer because they'd at best open old wounds or at worst risk his childhood friend finding out he might have committed patricide.
I also like to think he knew Phoenix of all people would stubbornly try to find the answers Miles wouldn't willingly give because he literally mentions Phoenix always being "single minded in his work" and "always seeing things through to the end". If anyone was going to press and bring those uncomfortable and painful memories out in the open for the sake of "helping him", it would be Phoenix Wright.
Why do we need Manfred to take away all that complexity and tragedy? That is such a waste!
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polarchariot · 7 months
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by popular demand -> doing the unthinkable, compiling and tagging a post
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ghostbsuter · 1 year
John Constantine was in prison.
No, not a normal, mortal prison. Those wouldn't be able to hold him like this one does.
No, he's imprisoned in the Infinity Realm.
The warden of the establishment is Walker, someone whose blood sings Witch Hunter.
If that wasn't bad enough, with every second, it gets worse. Angels decided to interfere in a realm not in possession of their God.
Who's idea was it to go against the Infintiy Realm? Are they nuts?
"John Constantine," One of the messangers steps forward. There is no weapon in sight, yet.
"Under the scrutiny of Heaven, we were sent to retrieve you for a trial." Their voice clipped, blond hair shimmering a soft green and John is sweating buckets.
"Your deals with various demon folk and such shall be judged unter gods court and—"
A loud bang echoes through the hall, Walker's men are surrounding the beings of heaven and particular brave soul steps forward.
The lad is young, can't be older than Bat's Robin. He walks with an air of authority, white hair floating against gravity's rules and towering before the flock of messangers.
"How dare—"
The boy, the godling– growls.
He blocks their view of Constantine, staring them down.
Some of the angels fall back, wings arched and ready for a fight, weapons still not in sight however.
"I am Phantom, King of God's of the Infinity Realm." The child with a title too much for such small shoulders bear, introduces himself.
It sends the flock into mild panic. Constantine is just a bit satisfied at the change.
"Returns to your god and tell him this, every Constantine bearing the title Laughing Magician is under my protection."
For such a small stature, his voice is booming, the command thinly veiled as a threat and icicles forming around him.
"Tell him that if he ever dares to breach my territory once more, I will not hesitate to call war upon heaven."
The main angel of the flock, the one that had read out Constantines sentence, hesitated only for a moment before urging the others to leave.
Posture stiff and movements jerky.
They didn't expect to be told off like this, John muses.
He only slightly dreads when phantoms attention drifts to him finally, a light knock on the metal bars and the whole wall was gone.
"Follow me, John Constantine."
And John does.
He'll sweet talk himself out of this on the way to his doom. Like always.
("Unpopular belief, but I actually quite like you." Danny had stated once in the garden, sitting on a table and drinking tea. John hadn't touched his cup nor desert at all, cannot trust those of the infinite after all.)
(A rip into the green before them had created a portal, a gateway.
"Leave, Laughing Magician. Hold onto that necklace, it will ward off anyone with the intent to harm and deals as a warning to those working for the immortal."
And as John steps forward, his eyes meet toxic green.
"We will see one another again, sooner or later. Farewell, Jester."
The portal spat him out in his apartment in New York, if it wasn't for the protection charm, Constantine would have believed it to be a mere dream. A warning.)
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shadowproxy22 · 1 year
I need another god of night account on here! I need to god of night to flirt with my god of charm blog!  and also to interact with my Phobos blog!!
And I can’t make it cause I’m just freaking flirting with myself!!!
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