#Crash Course☆Gloomy-Gloomy Mountain Climbing
helloabominacion · 2 years
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QUERENCIA. (N) a place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home, the place where you are your most authentic self.
Paring ⇀ kukulkan, Namor x Alien!reader Summary ⇀ Something told you that this primitive planet could be the new start after your unfortunate past. But after living three years among humans who were distrustful and aggressive toward you, hopes were crushed like stepping on a snail. But after meeting a dangerous mythological legend and a girl obsessed with jewelry and marine animals, you thought this couldn't get worse.
A/N ⇀ i'm excited for this one cause it's gonna be multiple chapters instead of one shots fics. also i don't use the ' y/n 'e. my native language is not english so there might be some grammar errors! feel free to let me know if you see any! :)
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«… 🌟 … »
Everyone has a childhood memory that will come back to them. It doesn't matter if it was happy, sad, uncomfortable, or traumatic. You will never forget it, and your memory that, despite not being joyful, your conscious will remind you of it in difficult moments. You don't know if it's a cruel way of your brain to make you recall bitter memories, and it always does it out of the blue. You wish you could restart your brain sometimes, but that would require going to a hospital full of locals who are not very friendly with you.
You can't blame them, and you cannot hold ill feelings toward the local's villagers, with infinite beliefs that this world could offer you. You learned them when you discovered this planet. Similar to your home, with different structures and weather but an identical society. Although a bit primitive, how can planet Earth's habitants assume they are the only ones in space? With so many galaxies in space and massive planets, that cannot be compared to the sun. Oh, that splendid sun that your skin loved on the first day you arrived. Bathing in its warm rays, you were fascinated by its captivating sunsets and sunrises. You never got tired of those.
Your planet was not like this, covered by immense clouds that did not allow the sky to show, immense oceans but not as deep as the earth, and mountains. Your planet was known for using the minerals of the mountains and active volcanoes, using their energy to create life, and cultivating a beautiful culture that, from generation to generation, has passed through several decades.
Only to be eradicated by a madman.
A gloomy shadow fell on your gaze, a heavy exhalation flew from your nose, slumping against the hammock. A nightmare woke you up before your alarm went off, and you couldn't catch up on sleep afterward. So now you were gazing at the ocean, waiting for the sun to rise. Your hut was constructed out of the materials of your fallen ship and natural resources. Of course, you were inspired by the designs of the local Yucatecans.  
Three years have passed since you crashed on this planet, keeping a safe distance from civilization, although humans have their mutants, superheroes, and 'gods.' But with you, it was different. You still kept receiving indifferent looks, with fear or disgust. You weren't going to hide your body, it was impossible to conceal your pointy ears, and the idea of hiding your precious tail with some pants was ridiculous.
Your people do not hide.
With the first rays of the sun, you stood up from the hammock, ready to go to the town and work. Wearing an old red tank top, green cargo shorts up to the knee, and a pair of sandals. You don't need them, but they were a gift from a mother who saw you all barefooted in the streets, insisting and almost scolding you for not wearing footwear.
Your people don’t need to wear ‘shoes’, their feet were stronger and made to run in the forest and climb mountains. With your backpack prepared with your supplies and lunch, you headed to Progreso, starting another mundane cycle again with the humans.
With a glance over your shoulder, the soft breeze swayed the palms surrounding the hut, your home, which you glared at it. How can it be home to you if it's always empty? You prayed that would change soon.
The streets of Progreso were boasted with locals and tourists, excited to begin a new day to either work or explore. You marched the same road to avoid stares and strangers who dared to ask why you have a tail. You can handle children with sticky hands who are overcurious about your tail, but grown adults trying to touch your ears? That's a big no-no.
You work in a popular restaurant name El Pargo, but you were not a cook, a waitress, or a barista. None of that, you work in the back, receiving heavy cargo that no human could get off the delivery trucks. Sometimes the manager would send you to the dock to ensure their deliveries were safe, which confounded you. Did someone wanted to steal their shrimp and lobster?
Crime was common here, too common because people didn't seem bothered if someone was killed in the streets or kidnapped. Your people had their rules too, if you steal they cut off your hand, but those were radical times. You were wondering if that could help them. You took another bite of your guava, the juices dripping onto your handkerchief. It was your first break of the day, and you were observing the people go by the restaurant, families enjoying the sun and their sweets, and couples holding hands as they looked at each other in love. Some of your coworkers have pointed out and teased why you were observing like a hawk. Perhaps you like to analyze and imagine what if it was you walking in those shoes.
You beamed at the nickname and turned around to lock eyes with the owner, Maritza, with a vulgar mouth but a nurturing woman who likes to smoke those cigarettes twice a day. Throwing the rest of the fruit in a trash can and wiping your hands on the handkerchief, you asked what you can do for her.
“I need you to go the dock, el Peter y Chucho no vinieron andas crudos,” Maritza huffs as she texted her smartphone.  “Can you go there and give them a hand, Mija?   Shows those lazy bums some muscles, si?” Peter and Chucho have a hangover.
You nodded as you followed her to the back room to get your phone. “What are we receiving today?”
“Octopus, lobster y una cajota de huachinangos como te gustan!” Maritza winked in your direction as you tried to prevent those purple-manicured nails from poking your ribs, but you did beam at the idea of those delicious red fishes. They tasted so great with lemon, white rice, and boiled vegetables. It was the perfect meal.
“Andale, take the bike so you can get there faster, vamonos Shu!”
You caught the keys in midair, tail wagging as you grinned at her, nodded gratefully, and exited the half-full establishment. Maritza was in a good mood, allowing you to drive her motorcycle only happens once a year.  Your first time driving a bike, you almost drowned in the ocean along with it.  The engine's purr vibrated between your legs when you ignited the vehicle, and you started to drive on the poorly fixed street.  Trusting in your driving skills, it took about twenty minutes to get to where the local boats unload and where sometimes people liked to fish and release.
“What’re you doing here, fenomeno?” freak
“Can I at least remove the helmet?” You deadpan as you get off the bike muttering in your native language, ‘annoying little shit’
“What did you say?” Jose question with a glare.
Finally you paid attention to Maritza's son, the proclaimed future owner of the restaurant, scowled at you with disdain. He is a pubescent boy who hardly knows about the world, that's what Maritza told you, but you knew the boy had a hatred towards you, perhaps due to the lack of a father figure in his young life.
“I said, hi Jose, how are you today?” You smirked at him as you left the helmet on one of the handles. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”
“Because I’m already handling it, so I don’t need your help.”
“That’s not what your mother told me.” But before you could approach the dock steps, Jose stepped in the way.
“Como te lo dije fenomeno, I don’t need your help. So go the fuck away.” like I said freak.
Your pointy ears fold back, feeling the anger in your throat with the urge to smack him on the head. Insults never dishearten you. You've heard worse, but the resentment towards you. What did you do to deserve such treatment? When you took a threatening step and invaded his space, delight passed when you saw Jose shrink and your vibrant eyes scowled him down.
“If you don’t move, you’re going to force me to move you, boy.” You snarled quietly as your cat eyes like glared at him. Jose gulped and smirked nervously.
“If- if you touch me, I’ll call on you the police.”
 The weak threat made you huffed amusedly as you side-step him.  “As if anyone wants to touch your disgusting human body. I do not respond to threats, Jose. I make them. So, I suggest you change your attitude before something happens.”
And right away you went up the stairs, ignoring the angry words of Jose, who followed you, trying to have the last word. The waters of the pier were deep, and where no one dared to swim since there was no sand to step on. Your eyes found the boat with the restaurant logo, and you greeted some workers, some greeted you, and others gave a look that you didn't even care about and began to help them disembark. Quickly picking the heaviest box and putting it on the hand truck.
But how were you going to work with someone yapping down your neck?
“I could tell my mom that you said that to me! ¡Te despedirá si se lo digo!”
“Go for it.”
You hoped the impassive glare you sent over your shoulder could make him walk away, but he continued to complain. And you felt second-hand embarrassment since other bystanders were glancing at the young adult as if he was a nutcase, and he is, but Jose couldn’t care less. He wanted to speak his piece of mind.
“I will! And then you can get the fuck away from my home.”
“I didn’t know you own the whole state.”
“You know what I mean, pinche fenomeno!” fucking freak
Workers who watched the interaction shook their heads in disbelief, used to these childish tantrums from the young boy you believed. Finally, with the last heavy package set, a guy took away the hand truck to load on the car waiting at the end of the pier. The other male workers took this as a sign to breathe and sit on the boat while waiting for another hand truck.
“Ya dejala en paz Jose, estamos trabajando aquí.” Leave it alone Jose, we are working here
“Ya chamaco vete a perder a otra parte.” Alright kid, get lost somwehre else
Jose scowled at the workers in disbelief.  “Why are you letting this alien work with us? She doesn’t belong here!”
“Am I a freak or an alien? Pick up your damn mind.”  Your remark got a few chuckles from behind you as you faced Jose, tail wagging left and right, frustration bubbling to a fit of anger you might not be able to contain.
“You know what you are,” Jose sneered. “A fucking – “
“DEMONIO!”  Demon
Everyone jerked at the loud shout from the other side of the pier, and they saw an older man struggling with his fishing rod, as if something was trying to pull him down.
“¿Señor, está bien?”  Someone asks him from the boat.  Sir, are you alright?
“Hay un demonio en el agua! Un demonio.”  There is a demon in the water! A demon"
Two men quickly approached, helping the man try to pull the catch, and you also drew near to the edge of the pier. Why would he scream demon? Could it be one of those monster fish you sometimes see in the magazine? A frown pulls your brows as you scrutinize the turbid water trashed around where the line was disappearing.  But when you crouched down to get a better look at what it could be, your eyes widened in bemused, briefly between the men’s pulling back and forward. You briefly caught two small hands pulling the thread of the fishing rod. It wasn't a demon, that was a child!
“Stop, stop! That is not a demon, that is a kid!”
But none of them listened to you as they were on the verge of collapsing, whatever it was down there, it was strong and didn't seem to budge. Someone lost their grip with the water thrashing and splashing on the slippery wooden pier, and the older man was yanked down.  And you dive in, ignoring the scared protest from your coworkers.
Your eyes adjusted to the murky ocean water as you swam down, trying to locate the man with the white shirt, but the salt water was stinging your eyes, but you kept kicking your legs. Sinking even further, relief flooded you as you located the man a few feet away from you, floating unconscious. You swam over to him, and before you could even grabbed him by the bicep, something from down below floated to you, and you almost lost all the air as you gasped dumbfounded.
A child, there was a child glaring at you. But your keen eye catches the big gash on her forearm, blood flowing as the kid cradles her arm near her, and with a last mad glare she sent you, she swam down and disappeared into the dark water.
Who are you? What are you? Where do you come from? So many questions but limited time for your lungs. Remember you’re not like your other distant relative who are design to breathe underwater. Desperately you grasped the man's arm and swam up with all your might, lungs starting to burn inside your chest. Sweet relief filled your lungs the instant you broke out from the surface. A long stick appears in your line of vision, and you grip it, letting the man pulling you to the pier. A pair of hands hold you from your biceps and pull you up, clothes clinging to your soaking wet body.
The paramedics immediately took the unconscious man to the hospital, one of them gave you a thick blanket to cover yourself with, and you accepted it. They applauded you for your brave action, patting your back as you smiled at them, but your mind was elsewhere. Who was that child in the ocean? It wasn't your imagination, perhaps a mutant you sometimes saw on the news.
“Oye Xola, que vio esa viejo en el agua? Was it a demon? Did you saw it too?” One of the fishermen asked you, all of them gazing at you with morbid curiosity.   Should you tell the truth?  Lying was against the law on your planet, but then again, this is not your planet, so you shrugged. Hey Xola, what did that old man see in the water?
“No, it wasn’t a demon. I think it was a small shark or something else, but I couldn’t see it clearly.”
Humans speculate among themselves. A shark, a sea monster, or an older man should search for another age-appropriate hobby. And before you reached the stairs from the pier, you gave one last look where you jumped into the water. The soft waves moved the water in a rhythm that prevented you from observing its depths.
It's settled. You are going to explore more about the depth of the ocean.
Everyone went about their day, prepared to share what had happened on the pier with their friends, family, and others. Maritza lent you one of her clothes, and she was excited to see you in them. Your closet includes shirts that expose your shoulders, shorts, or long skirts to comfort your bottom.  The white crop top with no sleeves was a beautiful local white stitching, and the long flowy green skirt was perfect for your tail, with free mobility.
You said goodbye to Maritza with a wave and a smile, promising you would bring her clothes back tomorrow. All day you were thinking about how you're going to investigate your little encounter. The public library was 1 hour from the city, and you needed more energy to use public transportation. The internet could help, with its infinite knowledge of the world, surely there will be something about children capable of breathing in water and stronger than an adult. Your feet wandered through the streets while you savored a large bowl of fruit full of hot sauce and other sweets that the vendor prepared for you. But someone drew your attention, and a happy grin pulled your cheeks.
“Abuela Aurora!” You called out to the elderly woman ahead of you and trotted towards her. Her wrinkled brows rose in surprise, then fondness at the sight of you, and open her arms to embrace you in a gentle hug.  The smell of marzipan and roses filled your nose, enjoying the warm contact from her purple and pink shawl.
“Mi dulce Xola, como te fue hoy? Cuéntame.” My sweet Xola, how was your day today? Tell me.
You related your day, every detail you did, every thought, and every word you had with someone new. And you pause, unsure if it would be a good idea if you tell your encounter with the child to the grandmother. Would it scare her? Alarm her? Then again, she always gave you good advice. She always did when you wanted to create a life in Progreso.
“Hubo un accidente en el muelle, un pescador cayo al agua y estaba ahí para rescatarlo.”
“Ay que peligroso, pero mi dulce niña estaba ahí para salvar el día. ¿Qué fue lo que atrapo ese pescador?”
“No era un qué sino un quién…”  The older woman halted and looked at you curiously, waiting for your answer.
“Vi a una niña, vestida en harapos y con collares de dientes en su cuello.”
That innocent curiosity in the brown eyes of the older woman changed to one of affliction, and with a speed that surprised you, Aurora grabbed your hands and stared into your eyes.
“Olvídate de lo que viste.  Tu no viste una niña en el agua, fue tu imaginación.”
“Pero abuela yo –"
“No! ¡Olvídate de eso, es un mito y nada más! ¡Él es un mito!”
You slipped out of the older woman's grip, and uncertainty invaded you as you took a step back and looked at her suspiciously. And without explaining her outburst, the grandma spun around to continue her stroll as if nothing had happened.
What the fuck just happened? After thirty minutes of wandering all alone with your rambling and perturbed thoughts. You met grandma in a public park, she offered you a taste of one of her empanadas when you admitted that you had never tried them. It was a fact, she knew something about that underwater child. Tomorrow morning you will have to be persistent and get answers. But what if she's protecting you from something? Is he a myth? Who is a myth?
Your pensive gaze rose to see your cabin illuminated, with its decorative lights on the railing, the warm and gentle breeze swaying the palms leaves, making your skin nippy due to the sweat. So peaceful. Nothing disturbed you.
Your tote bag slipped from your shoulder, falling on the sand with a quiet thud. You didn’t left the backyards lights on.  It’s like a ritual to you, turning all the lights before going outside.   Instinct invades you, slits black pupils narrowed, attempting to search for any sign of threat.
There were three classifications among your people who had unique gifts. For example, a group was for the community, healers, and builders. Another group was for working minds to voice the complaints and wishes of the communities to avoid conflict between tribes.
You knelt without breaking contact with your home and grasped a fist of sand, a familiar warmth spread in your right hand, turning the little sand into a glass-looking lance.
Then there's your group, fiercely protecting the community with their lives. Who attack first and asks questions later.  But you gotta be cautious cause this is not your planet; this environment is not filled with humongous beast or neighborhood tribes who wished to raid your hom.
Earth doesn’t have that.
“Come out before I’ll drag you by the throat.”  Your threat was loud, making sure whatever was inside your home could hear it. A rustle from your left was heard, loud and approaching you, bending your knees into a defense position, raising your spear to your shoulder.
“Much ma' in meentik loob…”  Please, don’t hurt me.
Your gaze immediately softened, and you lowered the spear. Your heartbeat delayed its frantic pace, realizing you were not going to fight your life. A huge relief for you because you were wondering how you would hide the body. There was the cause of your inner turmoil.  Giving you the biggest puppy eyes you have ever seen, wet hair still dripping, which indicates she must have been hiding in the water not too long ago, but a whiff of copper made you blink. The little girl was still holding her arm to her chest, there was no bleeding, but the gash on her forearm looked red and angry, needing treatment.
You took a step forward but halted when she quickly took two steps back. Her widened eyes were staring at something, and you looked down, ah right how could you forget the dangerous weapon in your hand. Slowly you kneeled down, keeping eye contact with the girl, dropping the glass weapon, and the second it made contact with the white sand, it returned to its original form.
The little girl gasped with wonder as she walked towards you with new courage, speaking in her mother language you could not understand.
“Teech juntúul k'uj?  K'a'abéet a beel juntúul bey le intia'al, Kukulkán!”  Are you a god?  You must be one like mine, Kukulkan!
 You crouched correctly to her eye level as you raised your hands. “Woah, woah, I – I cannot understand you,”
The girl paused as she heard you speak, frowning.  
“Ah, you don’t understand me, okay….” You muttered to yourself, feeling conflicted about how to communicate with her.  “That nasty wound will get infected if it isn’t treated.”
The girl tilted your head as she blinked at your word. You pointed at her wound. “What happened to you?”
 She glanced at it briefly and shrugged. “  Yaan u ts'akik chúunk'in, le xiibo' estúpido lúub yóok'ol tin yéetel in la'achik.”  It will heal later, that stupid man fell on me and scratched me.
You understood the word stupid, but you could not decipher the rest. However, inside your home, you could use your native technology to help her and be able to translate what she said. You straightened to your height and offered your hand. The little girl stared at it, then at you. Curiosity but caution gleamed in her brown eyes, clearly not trusting you fully.
Using the same hand, you offered you pointed where your heart was. “Xola,” You offered your hand again, hoping the little girl would understand your intentions. You just wanted to help her and perhaps know more about her origins.
It took her seconds to understand you, and a smile pulled her chubby brown cheeks. “Yalit,” Your hands gently grasped the small hands from Yalit and pulled her towards your home, and for the first time, you had a  guest in your lonely home.
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now-onair · 5 years
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~Crash Course☆Gloomy-Gloomy Mountain Climbing~
Event Gacha Cards
SSR [After-Bath Yukata] Tsubaki Miyabino
SR [Speaking of Hot Springs] Ren Kagaya
R [A Bathing Beauty?] Midori Hinase
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ashdreams2023 · 3 years
Dude what if Bruno got his love for acting from an old friend of his (from childhood maybe??) And when they left encanto [climbed the mountains to visit family and hasnt come back until a while after the movie takes place], they also left with his heart. They come come back and the reunion is both dramatic [bc of course reader stays theatrical] and utterly heartfelt, then they end up confessing after Bruno mentaions how much he hmissed them and its super cute
Summary: you’re the reason bruno loves acting
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Bruno ran as far as he could from the casita, ignoring the calls from his sisters and mother.
His tears ran like rivers down his soft cheeks, he didn’t want to go back there.
He ran abs ran until he crashed into someone, when he looked up he saw you.
Your face painted and your clothes looked weird, you were around his age he assumed.
"Are you ok?" You said.
He rubbed his eyes standing up quickly.
"Yes, sorry I have to go"
You stopped him before he went, held him back by his wrist, he looked so sad and scared you just couldn’t let him go.
"What are you running from!?"
"Home! I want to run away" you were just kids back then and the most logical thing you could think of was taking him home.
"You can’t go into the forest, papa says it’s dangerous inside for kids like us so why don’t you come home with me?"
"With you?"
"Yea! I promise I won’t tell anyone about you and you can hide in my room"
Bruno being as innocent and naive as you were agreed and he went with you.
He asked you on the way about your get up and you explained how it was a part of a play, you wanted to be an actor you said.
When you snuck him in you showed him all your costumes and different makeup tools.
"What’s your name?"
"Oh! You’re one of gifted, that’s cool"
"No it’s not…everyone gets mad at me when I tell them their future, everyone thinks Bruno is bad"
You stayed silent, Looking at those sad eyes, then you grabbed his hood and pulled it over his head, it covered his eyes.
"Well, like this you’re not Bruno, your name is…. Hernando and you’re scared of nothing"
Bruno tugged on the hood to cover his watery eyes and sniffed a few times.
That was the first day you met and the start of your long friendship.
Bruno stayed with you until the entire enacanto started looking for him.
You two spent your time reacting scenes from your favorite books and make up your own little stories.
Bruno found joy in being someone else, he could be a traveler, a swordsman and anything else. You made his gloomy days a little bit brighter.
Taking him away from the stress of disappointing his family and angering the town’s people.
He felt pure joy when he was with you, and it aches his heart when you left, you told him it would for a little while but he felt like you just ripped his heart and took it with him.
He didn’t expect to see you after disappearing into thin air.
What he didn’t know was you did come back, a few days after Antonio got his gift.
You wanted to meet him again but when you heard about his disappearance you felt distressed and heavy.
It was when the casita fell apart and Mirabel disappeared that you saw him again.
In the most random places, deep in the forest, while looking for Mirabel.
He thought he was imagining stuff, so desperate to find some calmness in himself, he started imagining your voice, though you snapped him out of the denial when you slapped him across the face.
"What is wrong with you!?"
"Me! You’re the one who slapped me…"
Then it sank in, it was you, really you.
"You came back…"
"I’ve been back for a few days now, my tía got sick and she had nobody so I stayed…I thought something horrible happened to you!"
He bit his lip fighting down a cry, he really missed you, full heartedly.
"I’m scared of nothing, remember?" He pulled the hood over his mess of a hair making you giggle "I missed you" then he said.
Your heart pounded at the sight of familiar soft smile and those soft hands that touched yours.
"Bruno…you have no idea how much I…how truly" you looked into his big doe like eyes "I love you"
Bruno’s cheeks flushed and he pulled you into a tight hug.
"I love you too, I’ve loved you for so long."
That was it, what it too for both of you to team up and find Mirabel, confront his mother and go back home.
You promised to never leave his side, even when he comes with out of pocket scenarios for his rats to act out.
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When the Wind Roars
(I can’t believe I finally finished this!!! This story was originally intended to be much shorter, but...obviously I got a bit carried away. Expect lots of angst. There’s some fluff, too, but mostly ANGST.)
(Plot Summary: In the past, Starscream and Skyfire made quite the team, but even then, that partnership was put to the test. In the present, Starscream and Skyfire do battle, as Starscream tries to rid himself of their shared memories once and for all.)
(Warnings: violence, guns, injury, a bit of disturbing imagery, death mention, lots of vengeful thoughts)
The wind roared deafeningly at the peak of the mountain. It had only picked up in intensity in the few cycles they’d been stationed here, bringing with it a relentless rain that blanketed the world in hues of grey. Starscream scowled as he hastened to catch a stray bit of metal before it went tumbling off the mountainside, his feet nearly slipping out from under him in the sea of mud. He hated this weather. It was cold and wet and impossible to work in.
Of course, Starscream had faced far worse weather than this, but that was of little comfort.
Rumble was also fed up. After face planting in the mud for the fourth time, the minicon threw down his supply of metal beams with a cry of outrage.
“This is stupid!” he exclaimed, “How does Megatron expect us to build anything up here?!”
Starscream scowled at him, “I did not say you could stop working!”
Rumble’s small fists balled up at his sides, “What are you gonna do about it?”
Starscream didn’t like to be challenged. Without hesitation, he chucked the piece of metal he’d been holding at Rumble, who toppled over once more.
“I said work!” The other Decepticons hastened to comply as Rumble crawled out from under the metal, studiously avoiding Starscream’s withering glare.
In all honesty, Starscream was just as furious as Rumble, though his frustration was more because he was forced to work up here on this Primusforsaken mountain; he should be leading an attack on the Autobots, not laboring in the mud. This was far beneath him.
Despite his demand that everyone keep working, Starscream paused to look up at the sky. It was grey and murky but a ray of light shone through, reaching only so far as to give a hint of warmth.
He was reminded of another planet he’d visited millions of years ago. It was just as wet and windy as this one; just as meddlesome. He hadn’t been alone then, either, nor was he alone when he’d first visited this accursed planet.
A few rain drops splattered on his optics and Starscream violently wiped them away, an irritated snarl escaping him.
“Starscream!” It was Thundercracker.
“What now?!”
At first, Starscream didn’t believe him. There was no road up to this mountain. The wheel-bound Autobots would be unable to make it up here; even by foot, the journey was too perilous. The only way up was through flight.
Starscream’s optics widened. He lowered his servos from his face to find the mountainside cast in shadow. His gaze flicked upward.
Above him, in a halo of light, hovered a large, white jet.
Starscream felt sudden heat swell within him despite the cold.
“Shoot him out of the sky!!!”
A distant planet, millions of years ago...
“This is very likely a bad idea.”
“You say that about everything.”
“No, I only say that when a situation seems hazardous...this situation seems hazardous.”
“Honestly, Skyfire, you can be so cowardly sometimes,” Starscream transformed back to root mode as he touched down on a muddy precipice. He scowled as his feet sank into the muck but kept a chipper tone as he addressed his partner, “I can barely feel the wind!”
Skyfire set down beside him. The sudden weight of the two jets shook the cliffside, sending a few boulders tumbling over the edge. Skyfire watched their descent and frowned.
“You’ve seen the weather report, Starscream,” he said quietly, “The storm could pick up any moment now.
Starscream waved a flippant servo. Raindrops spiraled off his digits, “If it does, we can handle it! We’ve suffered through far worse, you and I.”
“Perhaps,” said Skyfire, “But nothing which hampered our ability to fly away.”
Starscream shook his head; he loved Skyfire, but sometimes he was a real pain in the afterburner. They’d been on countless exploration missions before and faced plenty of unsavory weather conditions; floods, earthquakes, they’d survived them all. What was a little storm to them?
“If you want to go, fine!” Starscream started walking, “I’ll complete this mission myself.”
He’d barely taken two steps before Skyfire was at his side, as Starscream knew he’d be. The smaller jet grinned up at him and Skyfire sighed.
“Let’s just get a lay of the land and go. We can come back for those crystal samples we’re supposed to investigate when the storm lets up.”
Starscream heaved a dramatic sigh, “That could take ages, Skyfire, and we’re on a tight schedule! We’re meant to be returning to Cybertron soon.”
Skyfire glanced away at that. Starscream narrowed his optics.
“What is it?”
Fiddling with his portable scanner, Skyfire shook his head, “It’s just...Cybertron has been so...contentious of late. Part of the reason I volunteered for this expedition was because I wanted to get away for a while.”
“I thought you volunteered because I volunteered,” Starscream said with a slight smirk.
Skyfire glanced at him and smiled, “I do have a mind of my own, you know.”
“Yes,” Starscream agreed, “And it’s smart enough to follow me.”
A laugh escaped the larger jet, “Or dumb enough.”
“Nonsense! We’re highly intelligent bots, Skyfire,” Starscream ruined the sentiment by tripping over a boulder, but Skyfire righted him before his face hit the mud. Coughing slightly to hide his embarrassment, Starscream continued,  “That’s why we work so perfectly together.”
Skyfire still kept a hold of Starscream’s arm as he considered his partner’s words. At last, he let his servo drift down to clutch Starscream’s hand.
“Interesting hypothesis.”
Starscream’s processor seemed to momentarily short out, but it came back online as Skyfire regarded him fondly with those brilliant blue eyes of his. Flustered, Starscream only stared, until eventually he managed to connect his processor back to his voice.
“Interesting fact,” he corrected, squeezing Skyfire’s hand, “That we shall prove now!”
He pointed up the mountain with his free servo. High above, the faintest gleam, as of polished metal, twinkled in the faint light.
“Those are the crystals.”
Skyfire squinted up at them and raised his scanner, “Hmm...they definitely have a high energy output. Akin to energon.”
“We need a sample,” Starscream broke away from Skyfire so he could take flight. Skyfire laid a hand on his shoulder before he could.
“Starscream, look at those clouds,” Skyfire gestured up at the - admittedly - ominous sky above them, “I would not advise flying.”
“So what, we climb?” Starscream had to shout to be heard over a sudden gust of wind.
“No, we wait until the weather becomes more favorable.”
A burst of lightning and a rumble of thunder punctuated Skyfire’s words. Starscream couldn’t deny the sudden thrill of apprehension that shot through his system, but he wasn’t about to be bested by a mere storm.
“I’m going for it!”
“Don’t!” Skyfire’s grip on his shoulder was more insistent, “The wind is picking up. You could get blown into the mountain side or crash to the ground. And those crystals are brimming with unstable energy! We shouldn’t get too-!”
“I am a scientist, Skyfire!” Starscream shook free of the other jet, “I know how to handle dangerous substances. And I know how to handle myself, thank you very much!”
Skyfire opened his mouth but whatever he said was lost to the wind.
“What?!” Starscream shouted.
“I said, we must seek shelter!”
“We’re on a cliff! Where-” Starscream’s response was cut short as a large rock tumbled down from above, forcing the smaller jet to leap out of the way. Scowling, he glanced up to where the rock had come from, and his optics widened as he saw still more crashing down.
“Move!” Skyfire yelled. As one, he and Starscream dove off the cliff and transformed back to jet mode. Instantly, Starscream felt the wind buffet his wings, threatening to splatter him against the cliff side. Okay, he conceded to himself, Maybe the weather is too much.
The rain poured down in earnest, now, blanketing Starscream’s windshield to the point where the world became a hazy, grey blur. A bolt of lightning arced down. It was far, far too close for his liking, and Starscream instinctively swerved away.
Extending his long range sensors, he sought a safe place to land below. Skyfire would be doing the same, he knew. His sensors probed the sky around him, trying to pinpoint the white jet so they could touch down together.
Something within him froze. He extended his sensors further, as far as he could. His engines faltered. The wind pressed in around him, rattling him to his very core, but he paid no heed.
In a moment’s frantic decision, Starscream transformed back to root mode and scanned the landscape with his optics.
Even as he plummeted to the ground, he called out desperately.
Energy bolts lit up the gloomy mountain as the Decepticons opened fire. As if sensing the sudden hostility, lightning split open the sky and a deep, resounding rumble followed soon after. Starscream’s optics were momentarily dazzled by the stunning displays surrounding him, and when they adjusted, three Autobots had leaped down from the sky to stand before him.
He recognized their leader, of course. Optimus Prime leveled a weapon at Starscream, though the jet paid little mind. Even as the Prime spoke, his voice deep and commanding, Starscream didn’t heed. Instead, he watched as the large, white jet above transformed and fell to the mountain top just behind Prime.
Something within Starscream burned as he locked gazes with Skyfire. Blazing red optics met piercing blue. They sliced through Starscream, as cold as the ice Skyfire had rested in for millions of years. Starscream didn’t recognize those eyes. He couldn’t even recall what they’d used to look like, though he remembered how they’d made him burn with a fire entirely different from the one raging within him now.
Prime shouted something. The Autobots charged. Two of them - Ironhide and Prowl - rushed to meet Thundercracker and Rumble. Prime defended himself against an emboldened Skywarp. And Skyfire, stance steady despite the shifting mud, raised his gun at Starscream.
The seething rage within him ignited and Starscream opened fire. Despite his immense size, Skyfire dodged, nearly trampling a terrified Rumble. Starscream didn’t let up, even as Skyfire took aim and forced him to launch off the ground to avoid the blast. Transforming into jet mode, he streaked through the air, null rays zeroed in on Skyfire’s bulky frame.
Skyfire fired off a few more shots, forcing Starscream to alter his course. His flight took him close to the other battling Autobots and Decepticons. Ironhide fired a few bolts at him and Starscream hurried to avoid the crossfire of his and Skyfire’s weapons. The distraction infuriated him and Starscream took a moment to fire on the red Autobot. Suitably cowed, Ironhide returned to his tussle with Rumble, leaving Starscream to focus every bit of his ire on the white mech firing on him from afar.
Their battle grew removed from that of the others. With each attack, they drew further away, further toward the edge. Starscream didn’t care. He refused to be beaten by this mountain or the wind and rain that assaulted him. He wanted Skyfire dead. That was all that mattered.
He streaked through the air. He was close now. Skyfire stood no chance. Sudden giddiness grabbed hold of Starscream as he imagined Skyfire offline at his feet. The traitor would die a traitor’s death; there would be no mercy.
But Starscream’s perceived victory was short-lived. Before he could even slow down, Skyfire dove forward, managing to come up under him. A servo closed around his wing and Starscream shrieked as Skyfire swung him into the ground. He landed painfully and it took a moment for him to recover enough to shift back to root mode. When he did, Skyfire stood over him, gun leveled at his face.
All was quiet, as if the increasing downpour had muted the world. The wind that howled so relentlessly before had petered out. The battle raging behind them was a distant nuisance, almost inconsequential. For all Starscream cared, the world consisted of only him, Skyfire, and the gun between them. The shaking gun.
Starscream’s gaze flicked to meet Skyfire’s. Those blue eyes stared back with a wavering resolve. For a moment that seemed to stretch across millions of years, neither made a move.
The wind sprang back to life, the distant battle drew nearer, and Skyfire still hadn’t fired. What are you waiting for? Starscream wanted to shout, Finish it!
But Skyfire didn’t, and this, more than anything, sent a surge of loathing through Starscream’s system. It fueled his null ray as he raised it in one deft movement.
Skyfire had no time to react. The force of the blast sent him careening back, his feet slipping in the mud, gun falling from his slack hand. There was no time for him to regain his balance.
Starscream watched him fall over the edge. He didn’t react for a few long moments after. All he could do was stare at the space Skyfire had occupied.
He’s gone, Something within Starscream’s spark shrank in on itself, I can’t see him.
His processor fixated on that one thought. I can’t see him. I can’t see him!
He stumbled forward, a desperate cry escaping him.
Not even the relentless gale could slow Starscream’s descent. He tore through the air, the wind shrieking as if in protest, his limbs flailing uselessly. He knew he needed to transform; if he didn’t, he’d be nothing but a mound of smashed metal and circuitry. As the image flashed in his mind, he couldn’t help but envision a similar corpse, this one much larger and a stark white against the dark landscape.
Starscream quashed the thought as soon as it arose. Skyfire wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be. Those were two differing thoughts, Starscream knew, but his processor couldn’t help but bounce between them. He’s not dead, because if he is then...There was no conclusion that Starscream dared consider, so he focused his processor, attempting to ignore the threat of his imminent demise.
He felt his transformation cog whir to life, though the transformation was made clumsy by the unconventional circumstances. The mess of green below drew nearer, serving as an unnecessary reminder that he needed to pull up fast.
Acting purely on instinct, his engines rocketed him forward. He felt leaves skim his wings as he struggled to pull upward, making for the murky grey of the clouds above. The wind was a constant assailant that threatened to dash him into the trees or the mountainside. Lightning split open the sky over and over, closer and closer.
Was that what happened? Had Skyfire been hit by a stray lightning bolt? The concept forced Starscream to tax his engines harder than he ever had. With a burst of speed, he shot upward, letting the trees be swallowed by the mist once more. Again, he extended his sensors and cursed his lack of visibility.
No response. Starscream knew he wasn’t thinking straight as he veered closer to the mountain, seeking any hint that Skyfire may have crashed. His wing clipped a jutting boulder and he nearly smashed into the cliff face himself as he went careening off course. He was forced to climb higher in a desperate attempt not to meet with the rocks below.
Where is he? He couldn’t think. Couldn’t see, Where is he?!
Something glittered nearby, almost like…
Metal. Starscream threw himself forward, heedless of the risk, “Skyfire!!!”
The wind pulled at his wings, trying to drag him down. The noise was cacophonous, forcing his engines to roar all the louder. He would not be bested. He was so close…
The glittering material suddenly sharpened into focus. The hope glittering just as brightly within him dimmed.
In the faint light shimmered the very reason for this accursed mission. The energy crystals. No sign of Skyfire.
Starscream’s spark sank. He was sure it would drop right out of his fuselage and shatter on the jagged rocks far below. Maybe another spark was already waiting for it.
Thunder continued to growl overhead. Lightning tore through the darkness and illuminated the entire cliff side in brilliant white. An instinctive part of Starscream knew what was coming, but there was no time to react. He could only stare as the lightning zigzagged down and struck the shimmering rocks.
The crystals exploded. Shards smashed open Starscream’s cockpit and embedded themselves in his battered frame. He may have screamed, but he couldn’t hear it. Stabbing pain coursed through his entire being. It overwhelmed him, so much so that he didn’t realize he was falling until he smashed into a jutting, sloped cliff. The impact jarred loose a faint recollection.
Those crystals are brimming with unstable energy! We shouldn’t get too-
Skyfire had warned him. He’d warned him about everything, and what had Starscream said? Honestly, Skyfire, you can be so cowardly sometimes.
He felt himself sliding slowly toward the edge. Desperately, he forced himself to transform. His cockpit grated over the rocky terrain and another dizzying bout of agony washed over him. He could hear his scream this time.
Legs dangling into nothingness, Starscream sought for something to grab onto. His servos dug into the mud, clutching at nothing but loose pebbles. The cliff was too unstable and his body too heavy. The inevitable outcome to his struggles became alarmingly clear.
I’m going to fall, he stilled and felt himself slip further, I’m going to die.
There would be no saving himself this time; he’d smash to pieces on the rocks below before his taxed transformation cog could even come online. His vision flickered as his cockpit continued to grind over the rocks, bringing him ever closer to his doom. All Starscream could manage now was a faint whimper, his screams spent.
He knew he deserved this; it was his fault that he and Skyfire had been caught up in this Primusforsaken storm on this Primusforsaken planet. His fault that Skyfire was likely a shattered corpse on the mountain side. Still, as he began his final descent, a voice - a shameful voice that refused to be quieted no matter how much he tried - shrieked in his head, clamoring to be heard above all else.
I don’t want to die!
Terror seized his spark, shocking his limbs into one last, frantic attempt at salvation. It was futile.
He fell. Opening his mouth, he let out a final, broken scream.
“I’ve got you!”
As suddenly as the fall had begun, it stopped. His arm pulled taught and lances of pain pierced through it and his cockpit. The world disappeared, sapped of everything but a cold blackness. After countless moments, warmth and color seeped back in, as a familiar voice, the one that had called to him, spoke again. It was insistent, desperate, as were the arms clasping his limp form. Starscream’s optics fritzed a bit before coming back online. He was in some kind of cave. He could see the deep grey of the sky just beyond and feel the wind and rain graze his wing. It was all remote though. He was more aware of the arms wrapped protectively about him, the feel of someone large and sturdy holding him close. Above all else, he saw brilliant blue optics staring down at him. He watched them soften as a quiet sigh reached his auditory sensors. It was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.
“Thank Primus,” Skyfire breathed, “Starscream, can you hear me?”
Starscream wanted to respond but he couldn’t. All he could do was stare, drinking in the sight of the bot before him. Skyfire was alive. Somehow his mind couldn’t yet process it. He was here. They were together again.
Skyfire’s anxious voice broke in on his thoughts, “It’s okay, Starscream, it’s okay,” It was only then that the smaller jet realized he’d started babbling.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” he gasped, “I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay,” Skyfire repeated, “We’re okay.”
Starscream couldn’t stop, “We almost died! I-I almost killed us!”
“But we’re okay now,” Skyfire replied gently, “I’ve got you.”
He rested a servo on the back of Starscream’s head. The touch snapped Starscream back to his senses and he shoved him away. The movement sent shards of pain through him and he clutched a servo to the mangled cockpit situated over his chest.
“Don’t,” he hissed as Skyfire reached for him. He was still shielded by the cave, but he could feel the wind lap hungrily at his wings as he moved backward.
He stopped -  afraid to move any further - and met Skyfire’s worried gaze.
“How...” he began, pausing for a moment to gather his strength, “How can you...This is all my fault! I should have listened to you! Skyfire, I...You could have died because of me.”
“I didn’t.”
“Stop saying that!”
Skyfire regarded him helplessly. Starscream hated it.
“Why aren’t you mad?” he prompted angrily, “You should be furious! You should be...Stop looking at me like that!!!”
He didn’t. “Do you want me to be mad?” Skyfire asked quietly.
Yes...No. “I don’t know!!! Just-” he had to pause before the pain overwhelmed him.
Skyfire moved closer. Starscream told himself not to, but his whole frame ached and trembled and he yearned to be back in Skyfire’s arms, so when Skyfire reached again, the smaller jet could do nothing but melt into him. He cursed his weakness.
“Starscream,” Skyfire’s voice pierced through the turmoil within him. Defeated, Starscream could only listen.
“I’m not angry with you. I don’t think I could ever be angry with you. Don’t ask me why; I don’t know either. What I do know is that I lost you in the storm and assumed the worst, so even though you’re upset, I’d like to just hold you for a while, if that’s okay.”
It was far too easy to comply. Already relaxed against Skyfire, Starscream let himself be pulled closer. The larger jet took special care not to aggravate his injury. It would need to be dealt with, but not now. Right this moment, all Starscream needed was the surety of Skyfire’s arms around him. All his guilt and shame still burned within him, but he couldn’t focus on it if he tried.
They were safe. They were together. That was all that mattered.
“I’ve got you,” Skyfire murmured again, “I’ve always got you.”
The edge of the mountain was shrouded in rain and mist. Even as Starscream dove toward it, he couldn’t be certain he hadn’t flung himself off. His arm extended into nothing. His feet dug into the mud as he felt himself fall forward, just barely managing to snag a jutting rock.
As his entire frame came to a jarring halt, Starscream’s processor seemed to rattle with it. What was he doing? He couldn’t think. The image of Skyfire’s frightened face as he tumbled over the edge was seared into his mind. It was all he could focus on.
I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.
“Skyfire!!!” The call reverberated through Starscream’s spark, splitting it open as forgotten feelings and buried dreams clawed their way out. He couldn’t halt the flood; it washed over him, drowning him in memories.
That voice - as it always had - snapped him from the mire of his mind. He peered downward. Just below him, hanging by a crumbling ledge, was Skyfire.
For a moment, it was Starscream hanging for dear life, crying out for rescue. He blinked and the roles reversed again. 
As his precarious handhold collapsed beneath his digits, Skyfire desperately tried to bring another servo up to help. He was forced to stop as the movement only made him slip faster. Rain hissed over the place where Starscream had shot him and he grimaced as smoke blended with the mist. He looked up, blue optics shining in the gloom. Starscream nearly lost his grip when they focused on him.
He recognized those optics. They were the very same that used to look at him as if he were the most lovely thing in the universe. Even when they’d explored new, vibrant planets, he’d felt those optics gazing at him with a fondness that made him want to both laugh and scream. He wasn’t sure which he did now, but from the way the blue of Skyfire’s eyes widened with recognition of his own, he figured it was laughter.
“Skyfire…” he reached for him.
Eyes shining, Skyfire’s servo lifted to meet his, “...Starscream?”
His handhold crumbled even more but neither paid any heed. The storm and the clash of Autobots and Decepticons became remote. This time, though, the world didn’t seem to shrink until it was just the two of them. It seemed to grow. Starscream felt a heavy weight in his spark start to lift. His servo reached past millions of years to seek out that familiar yet forgotten touch. He wanted it more than anything, just a hint at what they once were and could be again.
In the faltering light, the insignia affixed to Skyfire’s chest gleamed.
The world shrank. The weight in Starscream’s spark settled back down until he almost felt it would drag him over the edge.
He snatched his hand away just as Skyfire’s digits grazed his own. The touch was like electricity arcing through him. It was tantalizingly, achingly familiar. It promised love and security and everything that had been denied him for millions of years.
It was a convincing lie, but Starscream couldn’t be fooled that easily. 
As he stood up slowly, Skyfire’s round, wide, and impossibly blue optics followed him. Starscream wanted to plunge his digits into them until the Autobot started screaming. The flicker of horror he felt at the thought died instantly as Skyfire spoke again.
“Starscream?” he repeated, his voice wavering.
It was his voice, and for the first time in his long, painful life, Starscream was not consoled by it.
“You…” His voice should have been lost to the wind but somehow Skyfire heard and grew deathly silent.
Memories collided within Starscream’s mind. Skyfire holding him, speaking softly to him, laughing with him, exploring with him, rescuing him...
They were all lies. Skyfire betrayed him. Starscream had circled half the globe searching for him, carried the weight of guilt for so long that it had become as familiar as flight, suffered in silence for cycles upon cycles, all for what?
“Starscream,” the Autobot begged, “Please.”
The plea was music to Starscream’s auditory sensors. He let it play, let Skyfire try to sway him again, enjoying every moment of the Autobot’s agony.
Skyfire’s voice grew quiet, “Don’t you remember?”
Starscream hesitated. He did remember. All of it. His fists clenched as his foot stomped downward.
Helpless, Skyfire could only give a strangled cry as Starscream’s foot crunched into his upturned face. The Decepticon watched his enemy fall, his own face lighting up with a terrible grin.
Skyfire barely managed to slow his descent by digging his servos into the muddy cliffside just enough to crash into a protruding ledge. He lay there motionless for countless moments, his recent fall marked by dents in his fuselage and muddy stains dimming his crisp white. He looked broken. Starscream couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this happy.
When Skyfire at last came to, his gaze was unfocused. The clear blue of his eyes were crusted with dirt and likely cracked by the impact of Starscream’s foot. The steady rain did a poor job of washing all the muck from his frame, only succeeding in making it bleed into the remaining white. His optics turned upward and somehow found Starscream in the hazy mist. He almost seemed to know where the other jet was without needing to see.
It was there, atop that war torn peak, that Skyfire first looked upon Starscream with fury. No, not fury. Hate.
“Skyfire!” Optimus Prime’s booming voice echoed across the mountain, “Where are you?”
Starscream turned. The Autobots stood on a field of victory, the remains of the Decepticons’ machine scattered amongst its fallen creators. He scowled and turned to confront his foes, when he felt a sudden whoosh of air blast past him. Looking up, he watched as Skyfire sailed over his head to land heavily on the mountaintop.
Without hesitation, Starscream opened fire, only to hit the dirt when the other Autobots returned it. By the time he tentatively lifted his head, all three Autobots had retreated into Skyfire’s fuselage. NO! Starscream rushed forward, his guns vainly attempting to bring the cargo plane down even though he knew he was out of range.
“NO!” he shrieked into the mist, “COME BACK, YOU COWARD!”
But Skyfire had already been lost to the grey sky, leaving Starscream alone. Again.
He continued to stare at the space where he’d last seen Skyfire, unable to look away. He felt as if he’d been awoken from a cruel dream. It took every bit of his willpower not to scream his agony into the sky above. All he wanted in that moment was to hunt Skyfire down and make him suffer. He wanted to hear his screams of terror as he at last cornered him and slammed him into the dirt, gun pointed right between those too blue optics.
How could you do this? He’d scream, Did any of it matter? Did I matter?
Starscream knew the answer already. He turned to face his forces, who all looked to him for guidance.
“Decepticons, take flight!” Without waiting to see if they followed, Starscream transformed and took to the air. To his dismay, there was no trace of the Autobots. They’d be back, though; they never stayed down.
One of them will, Starscream vowed, That traitor will die by my hand.
The rain continued to pour as three jets - and one passenger cassette - returned to their base, leaving the mountain top to be shrouded in mist once more. All they left of their battle were the remnants of an evil machine and a singular gun that had slipped from a foolish Autobot’s hand.
Epilogue- Past
The flight back to Cybertron felt like it lasted millions of cycles. Crouched in Skyfire’s fuselage, Starscream lamented as much to his partner. Skyfire’s only response was an exasperated yet fond sigh; Starscream could tell he was just glad to hear him speak without wheezing.
The damage to his cockpit was extensive but not life-threatening. After a thorough inspection, Skyfire had determined as much. He’d carefully removed some of the smaller bits of crystal from Starscream’s frame and left the larger ones to be handled by a medic. Starscream had wanted to appear brave, but he hadn’t been able to stifle the quiet whimper that escaped him. Luckily, Skyfire responded by wrapping him up in another hug, which had instantly soothed the smaller jet.
When they at last returned to Cybertron, Skyfire was quick to usher him to a medic. In fact, Starscream’s feet barely touched the ground before Skyfire scooped him up and rushed into the medical facility. The hospital was just one branch of the science center that had been built there. For the most part, the civil unrest that had broken out over Cybertron had not affected the science community. It was only a matter of time, though.
Starscream and Skyfire were meant to report to their superiors in the Scientific Exploration department. After much convincing from Starscream, Skyfire had at last agreed to leave his side and speak with the higher-ups, taking a few samples of crystal with him, also at Starscream’s urging. It was what they’d been sent for, after all; it shouldn’t matter that they’d ended up having to gather it from Starscream’s mangled cockpit.
The procedure to repair his cockpit was fairly long but luckily Starscream was in stasis for most of it. When he awakened and examined himself, he was pleased by the results. He didn’t think he’d ever seen his windows shine quite so brightly. He couldn’t help but hope Skyfire would notice, too.
Skyfire was pacing in the waiting room when he emerged. The moment Skyfire spotted him, he almost seemed to teleport to his side.
“Are you okay? I was worried something had gone wrong.”
“Don’t worry, Skyfire,” Starscream said with a slight smile, “I am the picture of health.”
Skyfire looked him up and down, “You’re certainly...shinier,” he said with a bit of awe.
Starscream beamed internally, “Thank you for noticing.”
The two walked out side by side, arms brushing. Starscream wanted to savor the moment, but his curiosity got the better of him.
“So, what did our bosses have to say?” he asked, barely hiding his disdain. He didn’t like having to report to superiors; he’d rather make his own decisions than comply with someone else’s. Maybe one day…
“The crystals seem promising, though they’ll have to perform further tests,” Skyfire replied, “In the meantime, there’s another planet they want us to investigate right away. It’s uncharted, as of yet. There might not even be intelligent life on the surface, though long distance scans hint to a great energy source.”
Ordinarily, Starscream would have leaped for joy at an assignment such as this, but as he watched Skyfire speak, he couldn’t help but recall how close he’d been to losing him. They were lucky to stand here together at all.
Sensing his hesitation, Skyfire favored Starscream with a concerned frown, “What’s the matter?”
“You know what’s the matter,” Starscream huffed. He didn’t mean to take his anger out on his partner - especially since he was really mad at himself - but it was difficult. Skyfire didn’t respond in kind, though. He never did.
“It’ll be okay, Starscream,” Skyfire reached down to grasp his servo firmly, “So long as we’re together, we’ll be okay.”
And because Skyfire’s voice never failed to console him, Starscream believed what he said. He squeezed his servo back and smiled up into Skyfire’s brilliant blue eyes.
“Together, then.”
35 notes · View notes
thepreciouspurrsian · 3 years
Morning or evenings?
Cookies or cake?
Youtube or netflix?
Beach or mountain?
Winter or summer?
Aaaand of course Alexios or Deimos? (Even if you said not to ask 🤭🤪)
Ohhh then let me start with the last question! 😂
6. Alexios or Deimos!Alexios
Given the opportunity to choose between these two versions of a man, I... *bites down on her lip* I'd choose... It's so hard. *fans herself* can I not have both?! 🤯🤗😋 No? Really?! Okay... *takes a deep breath* well, Alexios is a good man, while Deimos is someone difficult to deal with, and more violent. (I mean, the cultist Deimos) but I believe once you crash down the walls that he has built around himself and get to know and see the true person inside, then I think he wouldn't be that different from Alexios. So, Deimos. That's my choice. We all know there's a soft place in his heart for the ones he loves and values the most.
The truth is, Deimos is a hard person to love but when he loves, he loves really hard. That's how I think he is. ❤️ My poor baby, everyone give him some love! He's good, I can see it. He deserves it!
1. Mornings or Evenings
Hmmm, mornings I say!☀️ Evenings are usually gloomy, dusky, dim. The setting sun and its lack of light also makes it worse.
So, however waking up in the morning is hard but I prefer the daylight and the rising sun. I can't stand a dismal sky, it suffocates me. But I'm totally fine when the night comes. (and midnight is perfect for doing many things. I know myself; I'm more productive at night. I draw, read, watch and write usually at nights🌌) Evenings are just... A bit energy consuming for me.
2. Cookies or Cake?
Cakes! 🎂 I'm sure of it. Chocolate cakes are my favorites. I can bake several simple cakes too.
3. YouTube or Netflix?
Netflix! I mean, YouTube is good but what would we do without all those Netflix movies and cartoons? 🎥
4. Beach or Mountain?
Maybe both?😍 It really depends on my mood! Take me to the ancient greece, I'd like to visit some places (annnnd of course that man is the main part of this imaginary trip ~I haven't forgotten my Deimos ;D) yes, I'd like to swim in those clear waters or just sit at the shore and enjoy the day. But mountains, I can climb mountains for hours and hours, barely getting tired. I've done this many times. But I only worry about the snakes, spiders and scorpions lurking under/around the rocks/bushes. That's the terrifying part! (only if there's no other deadly animals around, like the wolves and bears and leopards. We have plenty of them here.)
5. Winter or Summer?
When I was in the age 14-17, in the winter I had this habit to open the windows, close the door, turn off the radiator and sleep with few clothes on! The cold never bothered me anyway 🎶❄️but it didn't last long. I'm 23 now and I can't stand the cold! I shiver and my teeth immediately start to grind to each other unintentionally. If you asked me this question when I was 16, I'd say winter but now I say summer. I don't prefer freezing, anymore ⛱️
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shipaholic · 4 years
Omens Universe, Chapter 8
OOF. this is a big one. See you on the other side.
Warning for... WW2 being a thing (we’re still in 1941).
Also, mention of Michael Jackson (no longer in 1941).
Link to next part at the end.
(From the beginning)
(last part)
Chapter 8
Zadkiel soared. Wind stung his face as he rose. The London street dropped away below him, postcard-sized and shrinking by the second.
This was the right thing to do. It was their one chance to be free. Heaven and Hell would never let them go, or be together. Zadkiel’s only hope for existence could not be found on Earth.
Space it was, then.
It had been thousands of years (or infinity, from another perspective) since he’d last touched the stars. In the cloudless night, they looked close enough to grab handfuls of. He stretched his arms out to them. In his imagination, they brushed against his fingertips like marbles. Cold air streamed through his feathers and blew in his ears.
There was something else he could hear. Something that shouldn’t be out here. A low, violent whir, vibrating in his breastbone and growing louder. It settled in him and churned his insides. What was that -?
A plane burst from nowhere.
It was right on top of him. He saw the scared whites of the pilot’s eyes. The man hollered something and threw his body sideways in the cockpit. The plane lurched to the right, too late. It ran him over like a sixteen-wheeler. He hung in the sky, an oversized bird torched in a jet’s engine. Then he dropped like a stone.
Halfway down, he split apart. Crowley and Aziraphale, half-conscious, stared at each other in shock.
Crowley grabbed Aziraphale. He managed to pull him up short, feet from the ground. They careened and lurched like two weather balloons tangled together.
They made the rest of the drop together. The horrible noise of the plane was quieter from the ground, but it still drilled on relentlessly.
Aziraphale pulled his wings in and looked around wildly for Crowley. The demon raced towards the bookshop, streaming curses behind him.
“Shitshitshitshitshitcome on, Aziraphale!”
Aziraphale threw himself after him. Halfway down the street, Crowley skidded to a halt, squinted into the sky, and changed direction, legging it to the nearest alley.
Aziraphale crashed along behind and flung himself into the small, dark space beside him. They panted together, listening. The roar in the sky bore into their eardrums. It felt like it had invaded Aziraphale’s body like a colony, buzzing and crawling.
It faded away. The silence twanged like a knife blade braced on top of a counter.
“That was a Messerschmidt,” Aziraphale whispered.
“I know. Guess they came back for more.”
“Is there more than one?”
“How should I know? We might have knocked it off course.”
Crowley slumped against the wall. Aziraphale looked at him and through him.
He felt sick. Discorporation was his last concern. Thinking about what they had almost just done brought a chill to the pit of his stomach.
Crowley’s teeth chattered. He hadn’t miracled up another pair of shades, and his snake eyes were on display. The gold had crept outwards and polluted the whites, something that happened when his concentration wasn’t what it ought to be.
Aziraphale was aware he was breathing fast. Nothing worked to calm him down. His fingers squeezed tighter and tighter against his palms, until -
“Tell me right now what the hell you were playing at,” he cried.
His voice echoed against the bricks. Crowley jumped.
“Excuse me?”
“That. Up there. We were going to leave Earth, Crowley.”
“Yeah, you don’t have to remind me, I was there,” Crowley snapped.
“Indeed you were! And I don’t mind telling you -”
Aziraphale was not sure what he wanted to say. He broke off. His breaths trembled out into the air between them.
“Are you accusing me of something?” Crowley’s voice filled Aziraphale’s veins with ice. “Should I remind you how this works? When we’re fused, it’s both of us calling the shots. What are you saying, that this was all my idea?”
“It must have been in one of our heads before tonight! Was this another of your - contingency plans? Like the holy water?”
Crowley took in a slow breath, as if forcing himself to be calm.
“OK. I’ve had the odd fantasy where I give Hell the bird and saunter off into the sunset. I can admit that. But that’s as far as it goes. I’d never do anything this stupid.”
Aziraphale threw up his hands. “Then I don’t understand! I wouldn’t abandon Heaven - I would never even dream of it. It’s treason.”
“Been a while since I was called a traitor.” Crowley’s voice turned nasty.
Aziraphale jabbed a finger at him. “Don’t start! This has to have been you. Nothing else makes sense.”
“Yeah, must have been my evil influence. You really are full of it, Aziraphale.”
It seemed impossible that the night could have taken such a turn. Less than half an hour ago, they had been realising they were in love. Tears pricked Aziraphale’s eyes.
“Both of us would turn our backs on Heaven and Hell in a heartbeat if we thought there was any chance of getting away with it,” Crowley said, low and relentless. “What do you think you’ve been doing for the past fourteen centuries? Besides half my work?”
“I’ve been spending time with you!” Aziraphale’s voice broke. Tears slid down his face. “Having lunch and inspiring playwrights and - and being your friend. That’s all. Not plotting a grand escape. We’d be fugitives, Crowley. I would never risk either of our lives for that, not in a million years.”
“And you honestly think I would?”
Crowley looked impossibly sad, all of a sudden. Aziraphale shook his head.
“I don’t know any more.”
Crowley slumped. He scrubbed a hand through his hair. It had never looked so untidy, Aziraphale noted, distantly.
“Angel, I wasn’t planning any kind of escape either. It wasn’t either of us. Not… separately. That’s fusion. Bigger and madder than the sum of our parts. If we’d come up with some harebrained plan to... I dunno, say bollocks to this and run off together, you know what would have happened? We’d have psyched ourselves out and worried the entire plan down to nothing. But Zadkiel? He’ll just take action. No doubts, no second-guessing our feelings, because he knows exactly how we feel and what we want and there’s no point pretending otherwise.”
Aziraphale had to look away.
“You should go,” he said.
That was it, then. The cruel joke of their relationship laid out. Acting on their feelings would bring destruction and ruin. Zadkiel would do this again. He wanted to be free, and that - that would never, ever be possible.
Crowley peeled away from the side of the alley. He walked, slowly, back towards the street without a word.
Aziraphale waited until he’d left. He sunk against the wall and stayed there for a long time.
Aziraphale reached the corner where the bookshop stood. The Bentley was gone. So were Crowley’s sunglasses from the table just inside the door.
Aziraphale sealed himself inside. He locked every door and window, magically adding a few extra bolts for good measure. He kept the blackout curtains drawn, leaving the shop grey and gloomy.
The gramophone stole his attention. Music still seemed to linger around it. He banished it to the back room.
He lowered himself into a reading chair. It was dark, but he made no motion to turn on any lights. He stared into space and ticked off the hours until he felt the sun creep up.
By morning, he made his decision.
He crossed the floor of the shop and collected a dozen candles from a drawer in the bureau. He bent down and lifted the heavy rug that covered elaborate runes drawn in chalk. He arranged the candles in a circle around it and lit them with a wave of his hand. He settled down, assumed a prayer position, and waited.
The runes glowed, gently and without direction, for a few minutes. A thin mist appeared in the circle. It coalesced and formed a face.
Floating in midair was the face of an angel.
They had red hair, a long nose, and a sharp jaw. It was an image of Crowley with deliberate mistakes. Of course, fate would choose to be cruel. They were probably from the same original batch. There were a few angels and demons walking around with the same face. Mass-production for you.
This angel’s gem was an earring that hung daintily against their cheek. There was no recognition in their eyes as they looked at Aziraphale.
“Front desk. How may I assist you?”
Aziraphale cleared his throat. “I was wondering if I might speak to the Archangel Gabriel. Is he around?”
“Hold, please.”
The image faded out. Hold music played. It was an instrumental version of Climb Every Mountain.
Aziraphale waited just a shade short of an interminably long time. Finally, Gabriel’s handsome head appeared, magnified to three times its normal size. As usual, he smiled at Aziraphale without looking pleased to see him.
“Aziraphale. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Aziraphale’s hands shook. He assumed it was from nerves, even though he felt completely hollow.
“Hello, there. I was, um. I was ringing about your kind offer of a promotion, about one hundred and forty-one years ago. Don’t suppose you remember…” The floor was hard. He shifted. “Is that still on offer? I’d like to reconsider.” He gave an empty smile. “I feel my usefulness on Earth is at an end. Time to move on.”
Gabriel’s face went blank.
Then he broke into his widest ever smile.
“Absolutely. Glad to have you back with us, Aziraphale.”
He leaned away. For a moment, only his chin and left ear, hugely magnified, appeared in the circle.
“Could someone let Michael know that - yeah? Thanks.” The rest of his head reappeared. “Just setting up a workstation. This is good! You’re fine with hotdesking, right?”
He clearly didn’t want an answer. Aziraphale’s gaze drifted around the shop. Might as well get it tidy before he left. Dear old thing. He couldn’t believe he only had an hour or so left with it. Maybe he should sit and read and let the dust settle around him. He could always -
“And we’re done. Come on up!”
He started.
“So soon? Right now, in fact?”
Gabriel looked expectant.
Grief swelled in Aziraphale’s breast. He looked around wildly.
“S - sorry, could you leave the portal open for just five minutes? I need to write a quick note. Cancelling the milk, and so on.”
Gabriel shrugged. “Sure. Just five minutes, though! Eco-friendly initiative, they’ve got us all on it…”
He vanished. The portal continued to glow, ominously.
Aziraphale rose and crossed to his desk. He grabbed paper, ink, and a pen.
He stared at the blank page for almost the full five minutes.
At last, carefully, he wrote a note for Crowley. It wasn’t long. He hoped it got across everything he felt, or at least as much of it as could fit on a page.
He addressed it ‘Anthony J.’ and placed it on the desk.
He turned around. The portal hummed menacingly in the middle of the shop. It cast an unnatural white light over his books. He picked his way towards it. As he went, he let his hands brush over objects he had owned for centuries, committing their touch to memory.
He performed a quick ritual on the lip of the circle. It would prevent his gem from being left behind when he travelled between dimensions.
He stepped into the circle and ascended.
All the candles snuffed out behind him.
On a night that was neither dark nor stormy, two demons lurked in a graveyard. A basket, silent for now, sat at their feet. One of them passed a cigarette to the other.
“Bugger this for a lark. He was s’posed to be here hours ago.”
The short unpleasant one accepted the cigarette from the tall unpleasant one.
“Do you trust him?”
They agreed it’d be a funny old world if demons went around trusting each other.
“What’s he calling himself up here these days?”
“Crowley.” Hastur spat on the ground. It sizzled. “If you ask me, he’s been up here too long. Gone native. Wearing sunglasses, even when he don’t need them. And a glove.”
Ligur paused mid-drag. “Don’t remember anything about a glove.”
“Saw it at the last performance review. Long wotsit up to the elbow.”
Ligur contemplated this.
“Just on one arm?”
“Yep. Bet he thinks he’s Michael Jackson.”
“Who’s that?”
Hastur wasn’t entirely sure. He was spared having to make something up when twin headlamps swung into view through the fog.
“Here he comes now, the flash bastard.”
Crowley yanked the steering wheel. The Bentley cruised between headstones at ninety miles per hour. Bohemian Rhapsody blasted from the stereo. He jerked his left hand irritably and silenced it.
He favoured his left for most things, these days.
It had been a hard few decades. His arm ached, and he was tired down to his bones. He tried to ignore it, but there was a niggling voice in his head every morning that asked him how much longer, how many more years did he have to do any of this. [1]
The Bentley went from an impossible speed to a graceful stop in a manoeuvre that baffled the laws of physics. Crowley hopped from the car and snaked towards the two demons standing like sullen boulders in his headlights.
Whatever they had to say, at least it was unlikely to worsen his mood.
[1] And it wasn’t one of his coworkers possessing his alarm clock. He’d checked.
(Link to next part)
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tomasorban · 5 years
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Date of Rulership: 21st November-21st December; Polarity: Positive, male; Quality: Mutable; Ruling planet: Jupiter; Element: Fire; Body part: Thighs and hips; Colour: Dark blue, purple; Gemstone: Topaz; Metal: Tin.
In my mind Sagittarius is proof of the Aristotelian teleology concerning God as the instigator, primal mover and consummator of a hierarchy of purposes; as the last and the most evolved of the fire signs, the mutable energies of this zodiacal sign draw attention to the natural philosophy that the essence of all things that have been created are forever striving towards a higher and more perfect form. Sagittarius will religiously profess that everything is predetermined and that formed matter contains within itself bits of genetic corpuscles encoding the final purpose and mode of expression. How do we know this? Well, does the seed not sprout and become a tree? Does the human personality not grow, expand, and increase the field of its perceptive, intellectual, and spiritual vision by dissolution and death of the ego during the course of one’s lifetime? Does the egg not hatch to become a chick after a period of incubation in the nest? Does the bland-looking caterpillar not undergo a physical transformation during its lifecycle that sees it pass through individual and distinct phases of growth until it becomes a supernal butterfly? Does carbon, a gloomy and lacklustre element, not fuse to become a sparkling diamond inside the womb of Mother Earth? What more proof of God’s benevolent intent to perfect the forms and products of Mother Nature could one want than the existence of subatomic particles in various stages of interaction and evolution? What proof could be more convincing than the vestiges of that cosmic beginning known as the Big Bang (or perhaps the Big Crash, an alteration of the primal substance spurred by the collision of two universes as put forth by the “unified theory” of superstrings)?
Wherever Sagittarius is in our chart, we become seized, possessed and driven by the big picture. This archetypal power has a knack for stepping outside the microscope of the human senses, getting its hands on a state of the art Skywatcher 16” Synscan GOTO Dobsonian telescope and scouring the heavens for journeys of intergalactic discovery that will simulate sensual delights and tease the intellect. There is nothing more satisfying in life than a physical pilgrimage that tempts the mind to grow bold and question, if not reject outright, its learned biases and attitudes concerning established societies at large. Thus, it would be safe to say that Sagittarius isn’t content being the passive observer of interstellar and deep space mysteries that it will never get to examine under the auspices of scientific investigation. No, that will never do! Seeing might be believing but it will never be enough, not when it comes to understanding the true nature of reality. Sagittarius would rather be one of the lucky astronauts that gets to experience weightlessness and associated gravitational anomalies, walking on the moon, and a throng of other unusual and exhilarating things that most people could only envision in their wildest fantasies. That way it can kill two birds with one stone; it can collect bits of vital information concerning the universe to be used in its philosophical musings at a later stage and concurrently enjoy the finer things that life has to offer. The trajectory of outer space provides the Sagittarian with an adrenalin rush akin to the ride an intravenous drug user experiences after a good hit, one that he or she doesn’t want to lose any time soon by coming back to Planet Earth.
Even after the Sagittarian shuttle uses up all its fuel and is forced to re-enter the atmosphere of Earth, it brings its wide-angled perspectives and some of the heavenly Aether with it. Having already scanned the surface of our planet for the existence of Others whilst it was in orbit, Sagittarius is keenly bent on travelling to these places to interact with the various cultures abounding there. It wants to try out new and exotic foods and customs, meet, interact, and even share a beer or two with members of the indigenous population, explore religious and theosophical beliefs different to its own, learn different languages, and juxtapose moral and socio-political standards quite alien to its own mode of being with those of its own culture. Unlike some of the other zodiacal signs, Sagittarius will never scoff at the opportunity to connect with minority groups or support causes it deems are of utmost important in the human plight. A Sagittarian is likely to be a sponsor for a homeless child in Africa, to donate to cancer charity, to campaign for animal rights and equality in the workforce, and to vouch for the cessation of activities that have contributed to global warming like deforestation and urban carbon emissions.
This sign has a strong sense of identity and is not frightened, intimidated, or overwhelmed by people who are different physically, psychologically, culturally, or in their spiritual groundings. From an academic standpoint they are fascinated by how social perceptions are moulded, group and nonverbal behaviour, conformity and its polar opposite eccentricity, chauvinism, and hostility. How does one’s formative environment and culture actually mould the outer personality, the mirror which one uses to confront the world? Sagittarius wants to know how the abovementioned phenomena affect social cohesion as a whole and will go to any lengths for the sake of understanding the psychology behind it. Above all it wants to see change unencumbered by authoritative limitations that will spur society towards the classical ideal of utopian perfectionism (i.e. Atlantis or Shangri-La), a belief that it can be whimsically optimistic and fanatical about at times. Because much of its time is spent exploring the underlying psychosocial principles from which cultural groups and attitudes form, the Sagittarian can be disconcertingly accurate about any prophecies it makes or visions it has relating to societal change.  
A condition of tempered mutability pervades the last of the fire signs. Aside from drawing attention to the Sagittarian aptitude for adaptation, this quality reveals a heartfelt desire to be in constant motion. Sagittarians will prefer to ride a bike, walk, or jog to work rather than drive a car in or arrive via public transport. Activities and pastimes that get the heart rate up are also high on the festivity list of Sagittarius; instead of sitting in an air-conditioned unit and watching serials and full-length Hollywood movies, the Sagittarian psyche prefers to bide time amidst other inhabitants of the Great Outdoors where it can sail a yacht, swim, walk, and hike to the nearest waterfalls for a refreshing dip in the mountain waters. Risk-taking and a certain level of recklessness also appeals to this sign, and it isn’t uncommon for them to seek contentment in white-water rafting, skydiving, shooting, hunting, deep diving, hand gliding, and mountain climbing.
Despite the magnanimous and carefree sentiments indigenous to the depth of its being, the Sagittarian sign does have its shortcomings. First and foremost fire is an expanding and rising element that can lose track of its own relentless activity and protean elasticity. Hence, all fire signs lack a degree of objective grounding that keeps sensory perception tightly bound to an understanding of reality that is detached and unencumbered by prejudice or emotion. Similarly, the Sagittarian man or woman encompasses a proclivity to stubbornly hold onto any established creeds with zealous resolve and even attempt to impose them on others, a deed that can be easily mistaken for the narrow-mindedness and intolerance it yearns to decimate. Unlike the earthy Libra, Sagittarius finds it hard to detach from its intuitive streaks and ascend to a bird’s eye position above its own body from where it can tune into tho the cosmic powers of percipience and good judgement. This can result in unruly situations where the Sagittarian might become indecisive in pursuing a requisite course of action, slumber into a protracted state of repose, or renounce its obligations. When it inevitably comes to a situation of flight or fight, Sagittarius will take the easier option in an attempt to jettison the discomfort that comes when one is embroiled in commitment.
If the Sagittarian generative power could speak, it would utter, “God is a reality my friends, did you know that? Encountering God is as simple as taking a glass of water or as taking a breath of fresh air. How do I know? Um, well… I know because the creative force and imagination that moves everything in the universe towards a state of completion was born within me! That is how I know and you better believe me! That doesn’t mean I’m not empirical in my rigorous investigations of the paraphysical realms and the ethereal energies that infuse the cosmos. Limitations and problems associated with the scientific method are ample and will reveal themselves in time. Nonetheless, I do conduct my experiments within its concrete framework for the sake of contemporary credibility and acceptance. In my philosophical speculations, I’ve learnt that karma is not a theory but a reality. If you, my friend, wish to attract plenitude and fecundity in all areas of your life you must put out the right energy to the universe and the universe will answer. The answer might not be instant, but I assure you that it will come and it will be as revelatory as the day you woke to realise that it was your parents and not Father Christmas laying presents beneath the perennial Christmas tree. Isn’t that proof enough of the existence of divine providence and a fate for both the individual soul and the cosmos?
Feel good about yourself I say, and give, give, give! Give of yourself to everything and anyone, for we are all conscious extensions of the same divine spark and part of the same Truth. We all deserve love, happiness, and contentment, and anyone who dares to state otherwise is an ignorant and insular fool. Your generous acts will return to you when you least expect it and usually in a way that will sweep you off your feet. I’m not one for an orthodox way of doing things, although I do hold religious and pastoral practices of all cultures in high regard. What would day-to-day life be without festivities that honour the great cosmic cycles and bring us together? Boring and monotonous, no doubt. Know that faith is a powerful thing, an overwhelming force to be reckoned with; it can move mountains, render itself into a panacea that heals all ailments, creates serendipity and freedom, and enact feats that manpower and muscles could only dream of.”    
Sagittarius the Archer is connected with two beautiful symbols, both subordinate to the overarching activity of hunting which the constellation has personified from the earliest of times. The first, an image of a centaur drawing his bow, symbolizes duality of being and the noticeable intercourse between the physical and paraphysical realms. It appeared in the second millennium BCE during a phase of Mesopotamian history known as the Old Babylonian Period. When trade routes between the Orient and the Mediterranean world were finally forged, the image of a celestial deity wielding a bow and arrow travelled all the way to Greece proper whose city-states then weaved it into their image of the virgin goddess Artemis. For the Greeks, centaurs were composite creatures whose physiognomy comprised the head and torso of a human joined to the hindquarters of a horse. They were, for the most part, of a savage disposition and enjoyed cavorting about with humans and initiating pandemonium. Chiron was one of the few centaurs of superlative character; sired by the wily Cronus, he spent much of his time healing the sickly and raising orphaned children on Mount Pelion. Despite their relegation to a carnal sphere of impulses, the Greeks seem to have taken favourably to the mythical centaur because they crop up frequently in innumerable classical episodes. Perhaps the most famous of these is The Battle of the Lapiths and the Centaurs, a battle deemed so numinous, violent, and memorable in the Hellenic mind that it was transcribed onto the metopes of the southern wall of the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens. In the said encounter a horde of centaurs were invited to a nuptial festivity in Thessaly honouring the union of their half-brother Pirithous to Hippodamia, daughter of Atrax. During the course of the event the centaurs became quite inebriated and attempted to abduct and rape other guests that included women and boys. One of them by the name of Eurytion went so far as to attempt to ravish the bride herself. A fierce altercation ensured, whereby Pirithous and the Lapiths fought against and swiftly subdued the centaurs with the aid of his best friend Theseus.
The second of the symbols, a shorthand for the zodiacal sign utilized by astrologers in the creation of astrological charts, consists of an upturned arrow. Being an implement of war, the arrow connotes dexterity, litheness, and mercurial wit but it is also the potent instrument of Divine Love (Eros or Cupid) that pierces the wellspring of the heart and sets free the torrential will for union and interconnectedness in one’s life. The latter decrees that the arrow is also a symbol of spiritual transcendence. In the Sagittarian sygil, the diagonal determining the direction of the arrow is crossed by a horizontal line to establish the figure of a cross. Proceeding from a metaphysical angle, the cross can be interpreted as the first irruption of the primeval origin, singularity or chaos that created matter, the four elements, the four cardinal directions, the substances, the objects, the beings, and the physical plane in general. The tip of the arrow, on the other hand, is the desire to transcend the limits of the physical body and the five senses and travel to other worlds and other dimensions. Hence the entire arrow could denote the condition of a spiritual inner quest whose final cause is contingent on circumstances generated by the formative environment and by time itself.  
In the northern hemisphere the constellation of Sagittarius appears in the sky at a time when the moisture of autumn has surrendered its place to the aridity of winter. The transitory nature of this period of the year when Mother Nature has withdrawn to the cavernous depths of the earth to ruminate makes it especially suitable for nomadic ventures like hunting and travel. Sagittarians are innately wired for exploration and evolution, and so a talent for expressive and action-orientated activities such as the just mentioned comes naturally to them as what hunting does to an apex predator. In this, the last of the fiery signs governed by an expansive planet and heeded by a protean aptitude for adaptation and change, elemental fire has become tame, measured and tempered. This is the flame that forms the sun discs that crown the heads of the Egyptian gods and the golden halos over the Christian saints, as well as the hermetic fires that burn beneath the alchemical alembic to bring the Philosopher’s Stone to fruition. Infused by the forces of this energy, Sagittarians exhibit idealistic and spiritual qualities much desired by the corpus of the human populace but seldom wrought. They partake in far-reaching philosophical questions and are drawn to travel, an activity that spurs them towards the universal notion of freedom in all its colours, shapes, sizes, and guises. The Archer is a godsend, wishing to orientate the world to optimism, quash moral and religious fanaticism, and exercise compassion and understanding in its day-to-day dealings with all projections of life, human or otherwise.
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Seas are shining bright, and I’m gonna take you to…today’s Retro Rewatch!
In the last few Retro Rewatches, I’ve been covering one-off children’s specials, from puppets who know how to hug, stuffed bunnies who feel more than stuffed, a cartoon icon who learned math is, in fact, useful, and a Mongoose who bravely defends his territory, and his owners, against cobras.  All of these specials were ones I saw as a little kid, and some I hadn’t seen in years, other than a revisit as a teenager.  Today’s Retro Rewatch, while serving as the pilot for a series that didn’t really air as a series initially, qualifies because it has been quite a few years since I’ve seen it.
The (Sporadic) Adventures of Rainbow Brite
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“Peril in the Pits” served as the pilot episode for Rainbow Brite, but it would be six months before the next episodes, a two-parter, aired.  The first six episodes were considered “specials,” and aired sporadically through 1984 and 1985, until after the release of Rainbow Brite and the Starstealer in November 1985.  Episode six aired in January 1986, and the second half of the series, episodes seven through thirteen, would air continuously from June 5, 1986, until July 24, 1986.  The entire series, all thirteen episodes, moved to the DiC syndication block Kideo TV.  That is more than likely how I saw the show in its entirety.  By that point (1987), Rainbow Brite had run its (first) course.
Surprisingly, the San Diego Zoo Adventure video eluded me until adulthood.  I still don’t know how that happened!
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I mean, I have an idea of how it happened, but how did I not beg to see this when I was three years old?
Anyway, the Retro Rewatch.
I’m definitely going to watch the entire series at some point, which would mean quite a few Retro Rewatches in my future, but for today, I’m covering the first special, which serves as the pilot episode.
From June 27, 1984, this is Rainbow Brite’s first adventure on Earth…we assume.
“Peril in the Pits”
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This is Brian.
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He’s down, and tells his dog that he didn’t make “the team.”  He feels that nothing has gone right today, while ignoring the beautiful rainbow making itself known across the sky that his dog cannot otherwise ignore.
Meanwhile, a little girl riding her horse, with a furry companion of her own accompanying her, wonders what she has to do to get that boy to look at the rainbow, knowing that seeing the rainbow would make him happy.
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Said girl unleashes the star sprinkles and magic from her color belt to plant the rainbow onto the ground…which the oblivious Brian walks right into.
He wasn’t supposed to walk into the rainbow, and the girl decides she needs to go and talk to him, despite Starlite’s objection about revealing themselves to the boy, who doesn’t seem to be overly upset with being covered in colors…yet.
Rainbow Brite comes down the rainbow and greets her new friend, who has “more questions than colors” about who she is, and how her horse flies.  So she introduces herself and Twink, but Starlite introduces himself.  “Staaaarlite…The Magnificent Horse, the Glory of the Galaxy.”
Pretty sure this is all mindblowing to Brian, until he realizes that he needs all these colors off of him, and informs Rainbow Brite that his father is a lawyer.
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Whoah, whoah, when did he get all Entitled Brat who needs a Safe Space, whose Lawyer Daddy could sue the colors off of Rainbow Brite?
Rainbow’s solution is to help get the colors off (because she doesn’t wanna be sued an all, right?), but it means having to go to Rainbow Land!
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On the way there, the two introduce themselves to each other.  The girl tells Brian she is Rainbow Brite!
Meanwhile, Murky Dismal is concocting a plan to rid Rainbow Land – and in turn, the world – of all colors, and make everyone gloomy.  Murky, along with his bumbling sidekick, Lurky, drive off in their Pollution Mobile (that’s not its real name) toward Rainbow Land to hatch their plan.
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If they can stand all the colors on the way into Rainbow Land, that is.  They’re spotted by another one of those cute and cuddly creatures (this one is orange), who races off in his car to warn others of Murky and Lurky’s arrival.
Meanwhile, at Child Labor Land – er, Rainbow Land – other kids dressed similarly to Rainbow Brite, but with a single color work on mining the lands.  The babbling cuddly creature arrives and babbles to the kids, who understand his panic as Murky and Lurky are in Rainbow Land.  A boy in red, and a girl in orange (Red Butler and Lala Orange), decide that they’ll take care of Murky and Lurky.
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According to their character descriptions, Lala Orange has a crush on Red Butler, albeit a secret one.  I guess this makes them the Fred and Daphne of Rainbow Land, since they’re going off together?
It sounded funny when I wrote it, friends.
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Anyway, Murky brings his “Gloom Cloud,” which will make Rainbow so gloomy, she’ll be compliant enough to hand over her Color Belt.  It is at that moment that Rainbow Brite returns.  The other kids run to warn her of the situation, but of course, Murky and Lurky are hiding in the bushes.  Rainbow says she will never hand over her color belt, and a blast of the “Gloom Cloud” is countered with Star Sprinkles which hit Lurky and make him “full of pretty colors!”
And those colors clearly make him happy, wouldn’t you say?
A blast of the “Gloom Cloud” rids Lurky of all the pretty colors, and the two retreat from Rainbow Land, their plans foiled.
It won’t be the last time.  This is about 24 minutes, so it won’t take long for them to return.
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Meanwhile, the two hide on a mountain, with plans to capture the Color Kids.  The kids check on their Star Sprinkle supply, when they get hit with the Gloom Cloud.  Compliant and moody, the Lala Orange, Red Butler, Patty O’Green, and Indigo accept their capture and go willingly with Murky into the cave.
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That seemed to be a little too easy, wouldn’t you say?  I mean, even the My Little Pony characters kidnapped and taken hostage in Midnight Castle put up more of a fight than the Color Kids did.  It was all one spray of the Gloom Cloud and “we’re sad and moody.”  It all feels so…lazy.  And that, my friends, makes me sad.  I know it is a kiddie cartoon, I know it is the first episode, but I just don’t get it.  They’re supposed to be brave, and they don’t even try to put up a fight.
Oh heck, I’m just rambling on.  Moving on…
Rainbow successfully removes the colors from her new friend, and seriously, this is how she does it.
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Brian braces himself like he’s getting a shot.  Look at that trembling and holding his breath!  All that worry, and it is over in four seconds!
Not over in four seconds, a potential rescue mission!
The sprites become frantic, informing Rainbow Brite and Starlite that Murky has captured the Color Kids, all because he wants her Color Belt.
Rainbow knows there is one thing she can do…rescue the kids!  With Brian along for the ride, she creates a rainbow that takes them to the Treacherous Pits, where the color kids are being held.  This is where her belt stops working, and causes Starlite to float in the air toward the pits!
Starlite cannot fly, but is able to break a potential fall and lands safely.  Unfortunately, he cannot fly (and can barely walk) in the pits, but is able to join the team when they set out in search of the Color Kids.  Rainbow informs Brian that if Murky were to get his hands on her Color Belt, the rest of the world would look like the pits.
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Brian is appalled by the thought of this.  But hey, at least he won’t be getting his dad on Rainbow for what she did to him earlier.  There’s that.
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Lurky is on lookout, and Murky uses blue Star Sprinkles he stole to disguise quicksand as water to entrap our heroes.  And of course Starlite, who refuses to look anything less than magnificent, sees the opportunity clean himself up and, well, leads himself to water.
Hasn’t he seen The Neverending Story?  This doesn’t end well!
Starlite becomes trapped in the quick sand, but Brian has an idea to form a chain to pull Starlite out.  Rainbow ends up in the quicksand with Starlite, and they very nearly sink.  It is the Color Belt, used as a rope, which saves them.
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Seems this belt has more than one use, aside from The Most Important Use…providing all the colors!
But removing Rainbow’s belt proves disastrous, as the group is overtaken by their efforts, and weak and compliant (but not overcome by the Gloom Cloud!), they are put in a cage and captured by Murky, who now has the Color Belt for himself.  Again, it just seemed way too easy.  But I digress.  Now, he can succeed in removing all the color from Rainbow Land, which will remove all the color from the world.
In Rainbow Land, Murky dons the belt and uses it to make Rainbow Land lose its color.
Back in the pits, the Color Kids regain their grip on positivity and try to figure out a way to escape, until they find that everyone else has been captured.  When there seems to only be despair at the realization that Rainbow’s Color Belt is gone, it is Brian who pulls everyone together to plot an escape.
This boosts Rainbow’s morale, who says that they have hope, which doesn’t come from the belt, it comes from “inside us.”  It’s time for the group to get “unmurked,” and with the help of Brian’s baseball glove, Starlite (now magnificently unmurked!) kicks Twink to the top of the pits.
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Seems dangerous, but it works.  Definitely the opposite of the “get captured” moments!
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Meanwhile, Murky’s Gloom Cloud balloon is nearly ready to spread its dark gloom all over the world.  But Rainbow has escaped the Pits, and the group are ready to thwart Murky’s plans.  This involves climbing the rope to the Gloom Cloud balloon, and Brian successfully nabs the Color Belt from Murky. The balloon flies away, but Lurky lets too much air out, and the duo crash back into the cave, their plan a bunch of hot air.
Yeah, yeah.  Let me have my fun.
Easy come, easy go, the Color Belt is back in the right hands, and Murky has twelve more attempts to capture it from Rainbow Brite.
That’s not counting the movie.
Meanwhile, back at Rainbow Land, Rainbow’s adoring crowd of Sprites bid a newly-confident Brian goodbye, and Rainbow and Starlite help get Brian home.
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His dog is happy to see him return.
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Rainbow says goodbye to Brian, who responds (very shyly) in kind when Rainbow Brite tells Brian she will miss him.
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Brian seems sad that his adventure is over, but Rainbow reminds “Grump Face” that next time there’s a rainbow, to “look up,” and that he might see her.  Brian promises he’ll look for her, and promises he won’t let things get him down.  He’s so confident, he says he is going to try out for the team again.
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Didn’t they cut him?  How is he going to try out again?  Does he mean next time?
Ugh, I’ve got more questions than colors!
As Rainbow, Twink, and Starlite leave, and the Rainbow disappear behind them, Rainbow blows a kiss to Brian…
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…who gets all bashful over that cute blonde girl with the flying horse.
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As the familiar lyrics of Rainbow Brite’s theme play under the closing credits, thus ends Rainbow Brite’s first (documented) journey to Earth, and the first (that we’ve seen) encounter with Murky Dismal.  It won’t be her last.
As I said, he has twelve more attempts – ok, thirteen if you count the San Diego Zoo – to nab that Color Belt and destroy the world by removing all of its colors.  This also won’t be the last time we encounter Brian.  I do know he returns for the movie, but I haven’t seen the other episodes in a loooong time, so I’m guessing Rainbow Brite might need his help again?
We shall see.
In all, not bad for a first outing.  The story itself has a lazy moment or two (the capture of the Color Kids, the stealing of the Color Belt).  I don’t know, it just seemed those moments could have had a little more effort written into them.  Like, why didn’t the Color Kids charge at Murky? I know I’m overthinking something that was mind-blowing for me when I was little.
I loved Rainbow Brite growing up, and even as an adult, I can remove my rose-colored nostalgia glasses to see through the childhood love and understand why I loved it so much.  It was fun (despite the lazy moments) and colorful.  As I said, for a first episode, it isn’t terrible.  It was actually entertaining.  The incidental music reminds me of Inspector Gadget, but there is a connection – Shuki Levy and Haim Saban.  Two composers that basically had their musical hands on everything 80s kids know and love.
Knowing that it wasn’t the human struggle to get through “Peril in the Pits,” I will most definitely watch the other specials/episodes of Rainbow Brite, and perhaps, the movie.
As for my next Retro Rewatch, I have a few ideas in mind, so I shall see which one comes to fruition.
Until then, if you see a rainbow, look up…
I’m kidding.  Like she’s ever going to come back.
I’d probably wind up with Joel McHale’s version of Rainbow Brite.
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That’s my luck.
Have a great day!
        Retro Rewatch - Rainbow Brite: "Peril in the Pits" - My look at the "pilot"/first special for Rainbow Brite! Seas are shining bright, and I'm gonna take you to...today's Retro Rewatch!
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The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side: Chapter Six
After throwing his disciple high up in the air seven or eight times again, Mu Chen can no longer continue because Gu Yunjue's courage is too small. Since the boy was holding on to Mu Chens's neck and refusing to let go, the master put him down for now, intending to slowly train him in bravery later.
Some items from Mu Che’s storage ring crashed down. He intends to lay them down in the room in an array. The child can be spoiled a bit but he will not be allowed to be too lazy to cultivate.
Gu Yunjue saw his master taking out countless top grade Lingshi. They fell down on the floor, piled up like rubbish, before Mu Chen chose some of the biggest, putting back the others into the storage ring. This made Gu Yunjue laugh. His little Shizun is so cute, both simple and straightforward, so that the people close to him don't have to worry about being manipulated.
"Where did these Lingshi come from?"
Mu Chen found it difficult to explain.
Jing Ming quickly helped to clarify: "They were traded for spirit pills. The treasure house is already full so these things can't fit inside anymore. My brother has the key to the treasury. If you want something you can ask him, you don't have to bother the Palace Lord."
Mu Chen nodded, "There are several Ling mines in the hands of the teacher."
Gu Yunjue: "..." The master is so capable. How was he to raise him? He doesn't know why but now the pressure on him is heavier.
Decorated with the spiritual items, the room's aura became richer. Sunshine Palace itself was built on a Ling vein and Mu Chen's room was the place with the most abundant spirit energy. Now that the items have formed a matrix, a white mist overflowing with energy is rising from the soles of their feet.  
"If you cannot build your foundation before the age of twelve, I will throw you to the back of the mountain." Mu Chen looked up and saw that his disciple was scared. "Feed the demonic beasts."
Mu Chen, known as the most talented cultivator in the past thousand years, built his foundation when he was twelve years old. Therefore, this requirement is extremely harsh but he believes that while it is surprising, it is also absolutely brilliant. As long as the goal is something that can be achieved, there is no reason to hold back.
The twins were waiting for Gu Yunjue at the entrance of the back of the mountain. They each have a complicated expression on their faces.
Jing Ming raised his eyebrows and said to Gu Yunjue: "At the back of the mountain is a strange spirit beast, Rebude!"
Mu Chen is an alchemist who refines pills. He likes to run around everywhere looking for rare and useful medicine ingredients. During his travels he has picked up innumerable strange beasts, monsters, and demonic beasts. As long as it is a furry thing, he likes to pick it up and then throw it into the back of the mountain to raise.
The leader of the beasts is a black demonic bird. As a baby it looked like a big hairball but grew up into a flying fat duck. It's name is Rebude meaning "do not annoy." What it most likes to do is to talk to people and brag. When Jing Ting and Jing Ming made a mistake, Mu Chen did not regard them as outer disciples and he was too lazy to educate the twins, so he put them together with the duck. The twins were forced to listen to the other party talk himself hoarse around the clock for ten days and half a month. Mu Chen thought this method was particularly effective so now the whole Sunshine Palace is talking about the bird!
Gu Yunjue, of course, already knows that the master picked up the bird. He also knows that the duck’s meat is particularly poor. If it's baked then its quite unpalatable. In the past, he had not killed the bird but that frivolous duck bragged that it was an ancient God beast. Gu Yunjue made a bet with it, Rebude lost and had to chop off its own wings to tearfully give to Gu Yunjue. The wings unexpectedly grew back.
At that time, Gu Yunjue roasted the wing in front of the duck but Mu Chen found out about this matter and punished his disciple by sending him off to confinement for one year. It was the first time that the teacher punished him. Of all the punishments he has gone through, that little punishment was so gentle.
However, the bird is indeed an ancient God beast. His master always seems to pick up beasts that have a rare lineage. The twins are able to transform into human forms and even the Abyss Demon was picked up. This has made Gu Yunjue wonder, what is it about his master's body that attracts these God beasts? When Mu Chen was imprisoned in the Soul Suppression Pagoda was it simply because of his disciple or were there other reasons? Gu Yunjue doesn't know, Mu Chen would not tell him, and he can only slowly investigate.
Remembering this, Gu Yunjue's expression showed that he was thinking deeply, "Five years, five years to build the foundation."
"Pfft!" Jing did not hold back, laughing in amusement. Mu Chen's eyes are also twinkling at the sight of his little disciple with the steamed bun face holding his hands behind his back to try to look more profound. This appearance is really too lovable.
"Shizun did you smile?" Noticing the subtle change in Mu Chen's expression Gu Yunjue hugged his thigh, sincerely praising: "When Shizun laughs it must be beautiful."
Mu Chen frowned. This was the first time that someone dared to call him beautiful but the small disciple's eyes are very clear, with no impurities. Mu Chen can only helpless pat Gu Yunjue's head, gently saying: "This is how a man is described? After martial arts practice you will also practice writing and learn 50 idioms a day. If you cannot learn them then you will be forced to kneel as punishment."
Gu Yunjue smiled and nodded. Whatever his teacher said, he would do.
Mu Chen rubbed his head, feeling that his pupil is well-behaved. From his storage ring poured out hundreds of storage rings. These were all traded for pills. Mu Chen asked: "Which one do you like?"
"What this person likes he can take? If he said he likes something, will Shizun give it to him?" Seeing Mu Chen sit down, Gu Yunjue climbed onto his lap, resting his back on his master's chest and feeling the warmth of his body. Gu Yunjue is satisfied, his thin lips are smiling. Tilting his head back to look at Mu Chen's outstandingly beautiful face, Gu Yunjue's eyes look earnest.
Space rings are difficult to make. They need to have a large space but the item is small so they are worth a lot of money. Ordinary cultivators use storage bags and bracelets but his master actually took out so many high quality storage rings for a five-year-old child. The master is really the type who will dig out his own lungs. (TN: The type that is selfless and giving.)
Mu Chen looks at the villain at his bosom. He hasn't pushed him off but this little thing's appetite is so huge, how much does he want to take? Because he has endured much hardship, he fears being poor? Thinking that, Mu Chen nods, "If you want anything, tell the teacher and as long as he has it, he can give it to you."
"Why does the teacher treat this person so well?" asked Gu Yunjue curiously, narrowing his eyes.
Mu Chen hesitated a bit, he really doesn't know how to answer. It's in order not to let you grow up crooked? I don't want us to die together?
Obviously, it's not realistic to say that since the child wouldn't be able to understand.
Gu Yunjue looked gloomy but afterwards the corners of his mouth turned up. Picking up a vermilion ring he is interested in, his eyebrows are raised, "This person wants this, it looks nice."
Mu Chen relaxed. Taking Gu Yunjue's hand he places a drop of blood on it that turns into a mark. This confirms the child as his personal succeeding disciple. He failed to notice that the child is feeling more and more gloomy, and the child's scrutiny is also more obvious.
"Now you are my personal succeeding disciple." Mu Chen put down his disciple. "Kneel."
Gu Yunjue obediently knelt and listened attentively to the words of his teacher.
Mu Chen then said: "The teacher does not think that you cherish the mundane world. Your teacher only hopes that you understand that all things have spirit. Don't kill innocent people.”
Mu Chen saw that the young disciple raised his face and asked him doubtfully: "Shizun, what would you do if this person does slaughter innocents?"
MU Chen lowered his head, the look in his eyes is somewhat complicated, "Then the teacher is responsible for cleaning up the mess."
"It would be good for this disciple to die at the hands of the master. This person doesn't want others to do it."
Gu Yunjue had barely finished speaking when Mu Chen knocked him on the head. This scoundrel disciple, he wants to become bad?
Mu Chen knows that his own character has a big flaw. His childhood living conditions made him unable to trust anyone but also made him cherish every person under his care. So many people wanted to kill Gu Yunjue in his past life but Mu Chen said that it was his responsibility and that other people cannot meddle. Thus the immortal hypocrites' anger was transferred to him.
Looking now at his disciple's naughty smile, Mu Chen withdrew a small leather whip from his storage ring and placed it on the table. If the mischievous disciple is stubbornly disobedient and not educated well, it would not be good. Therefore he prepared this a moment ago.
Gu Yunjue looked at that small leather whip, thinking about his future situation. "..."
Mu Chen saw that his disciple's expression revealed "fear" and he subconsciously adopted the strict bearing of a teacher, saying: "Apart from what I have already said, the teacher has two rules: First, you must honor the teacher and respect his teachings, listening to his words, and acknowledging his authority. Whatever the teacher says is right. Second, you cannot be bullied. Cultivating in order to become an immortal is against nature. It's like a boat sailing against the current. If one is unable to move forward, one will inevitably lag behind. If one is bullied and doesn't hit back, then return to the mundane world to raise cows on a farm." Mu Chen then thought of more to say, and added, "These rules are Mu Chen's own."
"Shizun, what are the rules of the sect?'
"Hmm, those things you don't have to worry about. Listening to your teacher is enough." The implication is that Shizun's rules are the only rules.
Gu Yunjue smiled, looking at his master he thought that this was the first time he saw Mu Chen being willful. So that is what it is. He can't, don't want to boast. (TN: Some sort of idiom.)
Mu Chen found that his disciple was looking up at him with "worship" in his eyes. Mu Chen's eyes narrowed to a crack and his heart was very happy. His little disciple is really simple to persuade. As long as he is educated well, he will absolutely not turn to the dark side.
He has long suspected that his disciple was treated badly during the time when he was in Yue Ming Ze's care, or else how could such a cute child become so distorted? Childhood education is very important. Yue Ming Ze himself is just a cub, he definitely doesn't know how to raise children.
At this time, Yue Ming Ze received a letter. When he read it, while thinking of Mu Chen's outstandingly beautiful face, Yue Ming Ze started counting on his fingers how many people Mu Chen is likely to beat up...
Mu Chen currently has no knowledge of that. Right now he happily took out the Soul Bell, saying: "Well, now that you have made obeisance and knelt to your teacher, this protective amulet is for you." He didn't know where to put it. Hair? Neck? Wrist? Waist? Or ankles?
Gu Yunjue's pupils shrank when he saw the familiar bell. This was a musical weapon that his ancestors used. At this time the Soul Bell should be in the Cloud Gate sect's forbidden realm. This item that is important to his magical power inheritance, how did it appear in the master's hand?
Mu Chen shook the bell and decided to hang it on his disciple's neck. His hand was caught Gu Yunjue.
"Master, don't you think it's not appropriate to hang it here?" Gu Yunjue was shocked and helplessly pinched Mu Chen's hand. His teacher’s slender fingers were delicate and white, even the joints were perfect, but no matter how good-looking it is, it's hanging the bell in the wrong location!
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namelessblacksheep · 6 years
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Spoiler alert! The real secret to being successful and feeling good is actually not a particularly big secret. It’s about a change in mindset and hard work. Boom, there you go, tick the box close the book and you’re done!
I attended a course recently and someone flashed up this mind-altering process chart which was so ground-breaking and awesome that I had to include it in this article. The basic construct was that in order to get results, all you needed to do was change your beliefs, which would, in turn, change your attitude towards things and this would thus alter your behaviours and lead to better results that ultimately would reaffirm your new beliefs. A piece of piss, right?
I was bowled over, here the trainer had unwittingly solved all the problems in the world with four words and a few arrows all neatly placed in a process chart that was more powerful than when Thanos gathered all the Infinity Stones and killed half the people on the planet. I joke of course. The idea that you can just change your beliefs for me is one of the most mind-numbingly stupid things that I have ever heard.
Success is borne out of a serious of complex commitments that lead to a transformation in how you approach everything. The inclination to even begin the uphill task of moving in a slightly different, or monumentally different, the direction is not straightforward. Even if you wake up one morning and decide that hey, I’m going to transform my life, that didn’t just happen overnight. In all likelihood, it will have come about after many failures to launch, possibly even after some moderate successes that ended up dragging you back to where you were and beyond.
Success is not easy. If it was everyone would be achieving it and no one would ever be unhappy. Look around at the world, does it seem like everyone or most people are succeeding, or are they just getting by?
I did challenge the trainer and the group I was in. I had recently hit a point where I was actually starting to feel the benefits of my hard work after many months of dedicated effort and toil. I wasn’t at the top of the mountain, but I had gotten to a ledge and was looking back over the side at how far I’d come.
I asked how they would go about getting someone to change their beliefs. Most if the room fell silent, probably only really engaging their brains fully for the first time: it was a good question. Is it really as simple as that process chart that took up one page and about 20 seconds to write suggested?
Some in the group immediately jumped to the conclusion that by challenging this oversimplified concept that perhaps I was just being a 'Gloomy Gus' or 'Negative Nancy'. At least one, heavily inferred this. A few defensive suggestions ranging from, ‘well, the individual has to want to change their beliefs’ to ‘people need to learn to just be positive and challenge their negative outlook’ came flowing.
These suggestions were so simplified and obvious that they actually didn’t offer any tangible ways people could do this. The comments were just obvious statements of fact. If you are already motivated to make a change then, of course, that flow chart simply explains the process you are engaging in, but it offers no real clue of how you even get started.
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This article is not about to tell you how you get started or how you change your beliefs. The truth is I’m not sure there is a way to force people to make changes that lead to success. Perhaps that is the life lesson someone needs to learn. I was just bowled over by how simple it was all made to look: the Palestine solution right there in a four-stage process that solved everything that had been going on for centuries.
I accept that it may have been unfair to challenge what was being presented without having a solution of my own, but the reality is how anyone gets started on their journey is unique to them and chances are if you’re reading this you have come here because you have already either launched or failed to launch many times before. If that is the case, you would probably acknowledge that challenging your beliefs is one of the hardest things to do.
Undoing all of the programmings that we have had put into us until we hit a point where we’re like ‘this is fucked up and wrong’ takes something akin to a car crash to wake us up. Even after that point comes a series of disorientated conversations with ourselves and significant others until we realise that ‘shit I live in the Matrix’ or ‘damn, my life is the Truman Show’.
Sometimes the epiphanies are much more subtle, but they tend to come about through serendipitous circumstance. It is not until we ‘get it’ that we can even begin to start to look at our attitudes and behaviours, because in reality up until that realisation we thought everything was just fine.
Okay, so hopefully I have explained that the journey beginning often comes after a sudden realisation of a need to change course, and that is where the real hard work begins. Success comes on the back of much trial and error and testing.
Once we start to see the results we want then we can diligently and conscientiously start to put all the components together that in time will glean the results we want and only then will there be any hope that our beliefs and subsequent attitudes and behaviours and further results change.
All of this takes time and dedication. It is really fucking hard and there will be countless setbacks and reverting to old processes that you know don’t work along the way.
The main point of this article for me was what happens when you first start to see the success and start to feel good. How do you keep going and achieve more, whilst preventing yourself from slipping back into old patterns? As far as I am concerned success is a long road with many opportunities to turn off and encounter the odd roundabout that leads you back to square one.
An example that most people could either understand have witnessed or even worse, experienced in the game of success is around weight loss. It’s a process of life that can see radical progression and regression in a moderate time frame. You know the situation, someone loses a tonne of weight through dedication and effort. They eat right, exercise like a warrior and then get to a decent stage with themselves. They have climbed part the way up the mountain and taken a step to look over the edge. They have come so far up and they are pleased with themselves. Others have showered them with attention and praise and now they can relax right? Time to celebrate?
The inevitable then happens they end up slipping back down that mountain, and the speed of the descent is directly correlated with the measures they took to get them up it in the first place. The more shortcuts were taken the faster the rate of decline.
Now, it isn’t inevitable to give up and go back to old ways, some people accept that the brief moment you stop and look over the edge is a reminder that don’t just look down, look up too. There is still far to climb and other peaks in the distance to conquer. That pause is meant to happen, it is your reward for what you have done to date, but it’s a reminder that if you really want to succeed you have to keep going or that drop below you is where you going to end up and you know what that looks like.
Do you know how hard it was to climb that bastard and do you really want to learn all those lessons again? By all means, celebrate and enjoy, then the next day, pack up your shit and get back to work on climbing the next one and so forth.
Adopt the mentality of a mountain climber and you will understand what it takes to achieve success. The feeling good part is knowing that you will explore new terrain and one day see another vista you have never seen, even if only for a fleeting moment before you go looking for the next one. That might not sound like much of pay off, a fleeting feeling of progress, but add them up and over time, your normal is someone else’s ‘phenomenal’ or ‘insane, never going to happen’. It’s a damn sight better than feeling shit all the time and seeking the feeling through temporary means and measures that ultimately anchor you to the bottom of the mountain.
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The Mountain Climber’s guide to victory
If you really want to know your full potential and to realise it, here are some suggestions on what you should be considering to prevent you from the fall. Remember climbing a mountain is not easy, and not everyone will get to the top. The risks of falling and never coming back are constant and will require a conscientious approach to the climb.
If you believe that you can climb a mountain, then chances are you’ll at least get to a ledge or two. But there will be times where when you are midway up that you might start to question that belief and there’s no telling how far you will fall if you do start to let go and fall into old ways. Here are some safety hooks that might prevent that from occurring.
Keep doing what has been working for you
This seems so obvious, but it’s something that you see people doing all the time. If something works, it means you have unlocked the key to one aspect of life and that by definition means you probably know what doesn’t work either.
Don’t unlearn something you know to be true. Also, just because something works for you, it may not work for someone else and vice versa. Stick to what works for you and keep learning stuff that works for another aspect of your life and keep adding those keys to success because they become a nuanced toolkit for a range of challenges and problems you will inevitably encounter along the way.
Don’t assume that by making headway means you are guaranteed success further up. The challenges are only getting harder, but if you have gotten that far then you are likely to be equipped with enough in your tool kit to get you past the next major issue and generally afterwards you are rewarded with a magic key that makes that previous challenge so much easier next time you encounter it.
I have said in other places that life is a bit like a video game, and once you beat the end stage boss, they are a piece of piss next time around because you BELIEVE you can beat them because you have the RESULTS to back it up. Yes, I am very aware of what I did there!
Never stop learning
Once you are done with school and formal education and training, you are not done with learning. In fact, more often than not you end up unlearning all of the stuff anyway as it doesn’t exactly prepare you for a life where you take charge of everything for yourself. I loved school and all subsequent education because I loved learning. All the subliminal programming was obvious to me from early on and I just rejected it and took what I needed.
Knowledge is the power, the application is your job to master. If you’re a ‘monkey see, monkey do’ kind of person, unlearn shit first, even if it means the warranty is invalidated. You are about to climb a mountain of epic proportions here, and all that they taught you was meant to mean you hang around at the bottom to clean up the mess. Fuck that shit!
The higher the climb the more you will realise that the information is less available because there are fewer people that have gotten so far. Some of the information you will get up at the heady heights will be bullshit because quite frankly some folk don’t want your name added to the illustrious list that they have found themselves added to. I hope that this is a small minority, but this is where you have to have confidence in the climb. You should at that point be able to see the bullshit from the true gems.
More importantly, even when the information does not exist, this is your time to gather new knowledge for yourself and be the first of all to discover it. Your lessons are your own, even when someone has done something like I alluded to in the point above, perhaps that won’t be any use to you. If you have the will and desire you will find a way and that is all, you baby. That lesson will bring its reward.
Apply your learning to new problems
The old saying goes that ‘knowledge is power’, but power is useless when in the wrong hands. If you have a gun and don’t know how to take off the safety, it’s pretty fucking useless in a home invasion situation. Worse still, pointing the barrel in the wrong direction could lead to you harming yourself more than the intruder.
Application of knowledge is real power.
Sometimes we can be given an amazing amount of information, but without putting it into a specific action or series of actions it’s just knowledge. It is rare to find information that is provided in such a specific way that we can directly apply it to our own situation. Even if the person imparting that knowledge has so much in common with us, the chances are that they will have many aspects that are different to our situation, so that knowledge will need to be processed and tested in a manner that is appropriate to our specific set of circumstances.
To go one step further, even when you learn something new, that same lesson may with a bit of logical reasoning and problem-solving could be applied to an unrelated area or issue and garner the results we are looking for.
In my experience, I found that through adopting a structured approach to developing a hobby like art and really focusing on improving each aspect led to me realising that I could apply the same principles to improve my health and fitness. The overall structure and approach was exactly the same and had garnered improving my level. I then adapted that to my diet and exercise routines. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t eat pencils and crayons, and I don’t work out with easels and paint brushes. The foundational principles could be applied to everything.
Sometimes new learning isn’t required. Applying old learning but in new ways to things the lessons were not originally learned for can be quite innovative. To be honest, if you are someone who learns a lot across subjects you start to see the similarities between completely different subjects but using similar principles that often have different terms, but ultimately similar structures. Try it, it can be a revelation.
Share what you learn
Climbing a mountain is fucking hard, so if you do learn something, don’t be an asshole: share it and be true with it. You are the master and that should reward enough, but there are a few other things to consider. By sharing what you learned, not only does it make you a better person, it ensures that you did actually learn the lesson right.
To teach others what you learned and what you know gives you a chance to really deconstruct the process or approach in such a way that sometimes you actually fully understand the full mechanics of what made it a success. You may have believed that it was X way when in fact when you really looked at it under the microscope it was Y way. This means that your own learning has just improved.
Secondly, you may share a lesson that means that the person coming up behind is able to pass on their own learning which adds to your own tool kit and might help you later on, or with those areas that you got past, but don’t truly know how you did it. Heaven forbid that the lesson you got through but can’t really fathom however shows up again. Guess what though, it will and it will be then that someone else who appeared from behind you will happily share the nugget you need.
Thirdly, chances are to even get to where you have, you have benefitted from others input, ideas, information or knowledge. You wouldn’t have succeeded without some of those other people making your life easier and not charging you for the privilege.
When you get to a stage on the mountain, see it as your civic duty to pay back all of that freeloading you did earlier on the climb. You didn’t know diddly squat before, and now you’re a mountain climbing ninja, pay that shit forward or in all likelihood, someone or an event will cut your cord at an inopportune moment. We are not here to fuck each other over, we are here to do our best and become our best. Every now and then life offers you an opportunity to pay your dues when does just embrace your inner Nike and ‘just do it’. Nike is the goddess of victory after all.
See goals as junctures, not endpoints
Given that death is an actual endpoint, at least in the lifecycle of your body, seeing your goals as endpoints mean that you are kind of saying to yourself that once you get to the biggest one that it’s the end. I’d suggest that you see goals as stepping stones towards the next ledge and even you fully scale the mountain, there are other ones that can represent new aspects of our lives and bigger challenges to achieve.
Take the person who set their goal to get beach body ready and then stepped out on the ledge and went into party mode only to slip right back down the mountain no doubt to repeat the cycle every year ad infinitum. Why not keep going and keep building on that foundation so that next year, beach body you is ready all year around and not only that you have developed other aspects of your personality as well rather than doing the rinse cycle repeat approach that never takes you past a certain point.
When you get to that point where you achieve something, that feeling it gives you no matter how fleeting is only ever going to come again if you keep pushing yourself on to the next thing. Goals are junctures on the long road to success, if you’re constantly turning off and taking a roundabout to the beginning, you will never truly get to your intended destination. You will be one of the many, rather than the few. If you’re happy with that, then great, why the fuck are you still here?
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Acknowledge you victories
When you get to that ledge moment, take a good look. Look down and remember the climb, if this isn’t your first ledge remember all of the ones that got you to this point – that is how far you have to fall. Reflect on all you learned, enjoy the moment for what it is for it will be fleeting. Then take a look up to the next ledge and if you can the one beyond, those are your next steps and they start tomorrow.
I like to acknowledge my victories by taking stock of what I did to get to that point. Sometimes you don’t realise you have gotten to the ledge because it’s a feeling and often a time when others say things to you about how differently you seem or look. That’s often a time when you are too busy looking up to realise that now is the time to stop and reflect. Take a breather and ready yourself for that next rung. But don’t set up camp and don’t suddenly stop doing what you are doing.
One of the ledges that can fox people is that when everything is going really well, they meet someone new. That awesome person they have become has led them to a ledge where someone else is stood. Don’t make the mistake of seeing that as the top of the mountain, instead see it as an opportunity to climb the next stages together.
In reality, a lot of people here set up camp and do all the things that they unlearned or worse they stop doing the things that worked for them. I’d preface here that perhaps if that is happening that person is not the right one for you and you should get to climbing right away. You worked hard to get here and if the person you meet on that ledge got there via a helicopter they may end up being a dead weight on the rest of the climb and you’re going to end up cutting them loose in a traumatic ‘Cliffhanger’ moment or worse still they are going to drag you down like an anchor, not just to the base of the mountain but deep into the abyss below. That’s a big ass climb to make a second time around.
Acknowledge your victories, reflect and move on. Don’t revel in them or get sidetracked. Take what you have gained and crack on.
Understand and accept setbacks
You are not God and you do not control everything. Sometimes you will have clear skies ahead and be climbing like Ivy in the sun, but every now and then a gale or blizzard will sweep in and knock you off course. If you have been doing things carefully and methodically you won’t lose much ground but you might be stuck for a bit. Don’t despair.
Setbacks will happen and you should expect them to. That way you will be prepared for them and won’t be hindered by them for long. This is where the diligent efforts really pay off. To get to this point you will have mastered the basics and be laying groundwork every day to keep track of your progress and learning and mastering your lessons like a boss. You will stop and use the temporary delay to take a temperature check and make sure that everything is in order. You will focus on other things that have perhaps taken a backseat or recalibrate your plans into a different order in readiness for the better climate to emerge.
This is where those people who have been scaling the mountain using riskier methods will probably get found out. Helicopters in blizzards don’t fare very well. Likewise, if you beat end bosses using cheat codes and the inclement weather just blew them out of your backpack all the way up here, then you better hope that lesson you didn’t really learn doesn’t suddenly appear because sod’s law predicts that it’s the first thing that is coming at you next. If you are inclined to play a video game and refuse to take the time to save your progress, don’t cry like a bitch when the power goes out!
That’s a life lesson right there.
If you find yourself here, don’t blame the power company or God, this is your time to do some reflection and maybe change your approach.
Setbacks are merely lessons in disguise. If you haven’t prepared for them, maybe now you will. If you haven’t learned from them, chances are to get to the next stage you’re going to need to. If you have been working hard and doing everything right, perhaps the setback is to remind you to stop and every once and a while and look around, there might be a ledge or two you haven’t stopped at to really acknowledge a victory or two. Take that time now.
Build a solid foundation
The further up the mountain you climb, the more tools and lessons you should have at your disposal. Keep doing all the things that work collectively and together as part of a holistic approach. Looking after your diet, taking exercise and sleeping well are all essential if you want to set up a business or take on a new work challenge. If you are viewing things in isolation then there is only so far you can realistically go. If you’re falling off a ledge where your health and wellbeing are concerned then you are not giving yourself the foot holding or energy to scale other mountains.
Think of the mountain metaphor as a reverse reflection of you as a person. You are trying to get to the top which is the peak. In order to scale the mountain you have to reflect the mountain, which means your foundation has to be solid and strong, otherwise, you will merely crumble into the dust on the ground. Investing in your foundation and making sure that it is continually built upon will allow you to shape the rest of the peaks along the way.
Most people don’t get much further than being a ‘Flat-Earther’. This term is often used to describe people who are a bit backward, but here I’m thinking they are people so entrenched in their programming that they never really raise themselves to another level. It kind of works both ways really.
Some people may become mounds (small progress, but nothing to marvel at) and others volcanoes (in that they build to such magnificence, but ultimately something deep within them explodes and decimates them and everyone around them). I could extend the metaphor further, but I’m sure you get the point.
Looking after yourself and investing in developing yourself means that climbing that mountain and becoming it is more likely. You will be strong in your foundation and be able to build on top of it. You will be shaped and steady against the headwinds and downpours that chisel you into the magnificent façade that shines out to the world. It will be a solid structure that stands out over and above everything else and solid to the core. Without a foundation in place, it will be just like everything else.
Get the basics and balance right
I have alluded to the importance of getting the basics right above when talking about the need to build a solid foundation. People often see the basics as so obvious and boring that they decide to skip past them all together to get to the fun stuff. Getting the basics right in whatever you do will be the most important tool you have because the basics ultimately cover everything. It’s the tool you have to keep all your tools sharp and effective. On its own, well a bit basic, but plays such a significant role in your journey.
Climb a mountain with a bunch of hammers but no harness or helmet and see how far you get. Even if you get really far and then a setback comes, how far down do you fall and do you survive? Whilst the basics may not be sexy, they are the pivot and the bare minimum you need to achieve your goals. If you are doing weight training to build a strong body, but don’t do core or leg work then you won’t be able to perform bigger lifts and you will probably start to suffer injuries.
If you are eating total junk food and not getting the proper balance of minerals, vitamins and macronutrients then your body won’t work at its optimum level. Combine these two things and someone eating a good diet and building a solid foundation will achieve more than the one eating junk and pumping their chests each day.
This is where balance starts to become important. In the previous example, I suggested that people wanting to scale the mountain should reflect it. The symmetry involved in a mountain structure is what makes it so big and marvellous. The peaks are what draw the most attention. If you do too much of one thing then you may become very tall but vulnerable to toppling over if a strong weather front hits you, or you may become long and wide but ultimately hidden behind other structures.
The key is to apply the principles of building a foundation on the basics and to ensure balance across a range of aspects, only then will you become that mountain that people look at with awe and you look back happily on your life’s work from the top of the structure you built that stood the test of time.
Become the mountain by building on the foundation today. In time, with consistency, effort and applied learning you will become something magnificent that stands the test of time. To become it, you must climb it and build upon your successes as you go.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it’s the courage to continue that counts” – Winston Churchill. 
“Great things are done when men and mountains meet” – William Blake.
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now-onair · 5 years
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~Crash Course☆Gloomy-Gloomy Mountain Climbing~
Event Cards
SSR [Pulling Everyone's Hands] Outa Tachibana
SR [Linking Hands] Rin Toma 
R [In the Falling Rain] Kasumi Toba
N [Hot Springs are Fun] Shiro Ukima
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muinaru-novel-blog · 7 years
Chapter Fifteen - Typhoon
The sign suspended over the door from Jones’ Bakery’s door was swinging erratically, as gales of wind blew through the town, bringing with a chilling rift of gloomy clouds. The brewing storm on the horizon had provoked the town into a frenzy of shopping, with villagers running from store to store for supplies.
Corphe carefully rode her horse down the road towards the bakery, navigating through the bustling crowds of shoppers, who carelessly ran out into the roads, until she finally arrived at the bakery. She trotted to the side of the bakers and looked through the window. She saw Herax conversing with Terrence, who, once he caught sight of Corphe, rushed out, bursting through the doors with his arms out wide. Herax called, “Corphe,” with a big grin, “haven’t seen you in weeks. How’s it been going?”
Corphe jumped down from her horse and replied, “I have been good; however, I’ve come back to find that Zelesa has be up to mischief.”
Herax nodded, “Isn’t she always. Where is she anyway?”
“She is packing; punishment for her recent indiscretion.”
Herax expressed disappointedly, “That’s a shame, I thought she’d like to meet this boy again.”
“Erik, the boy with found at the fortress.” Herax explained as took the reins of Corphe’s horse and guided it down towards the back of the bakery. He instructed as they walked, “Just go up now, I’ll join you after I secured the horse. Lirish is up there waiting for you.”
Corphe nodded with a shrug and walked to the back door. She made her way up the narrow staircase and knocked methodically on the door, where she stood straight and waited patiently by the door, holding her arms across her back.
Lirish called from inside, “Who is it?”
Corphe replied, “It’s me, Corphe.”
Immediately the door swung open and Lirish yanked Corphe inside. She dragged Corphe passed the heaps of technological junk to the back room, where Erik sat over Kingdom’s book in the light of a small window. He was intensely studying the book, transcribing the minute text onto the blank pages of another note book.
Lirish smiled and urged, “Look, see what Erik can do.”
Corphe approached Erik and peered over his shoulder. She looked at the Kingdom’s book, seeing nothing but incomprehensible scribbles. She turned her gaze to Erik’s writings, which he wrote in clear English. Confused, she enquired as she leant over Erick, “What is it you’re doing, boy?”
Erik looked up and was taken a back, “Erm,” he gulped as he gawked at Corphe’s strange hairless skull, “I’m, erm, translating the book.” He continued to flick his gaze up at her head but kept retaining his gaze away, trying to avoid being rude.
Corphe snapped her fingers and informed, “Yes, earthling, I am different.” She stood behind her back and asked, “How are you translating the book. Is this an earthling language you can read?”
Lirish quickly answered for him, “No, of course not. He can see the text hidden within the scribbles. Only an earthling can see the book.”
Corphe hummed and asked, “So, what does this mean?”
Lirish smiled, “The book holds information about Muinaru, among many other things.”
Corphe enquired, “Muinaru?”
Abruptly, Herax’s voice interposed, “It is a mineral that can produce great amounts of electricity.”
Lirish nodded and added, “We have struggled to construct a city on the level of causorians. We have too little energy and of that we can produce with the dam, a great preponderance of it is used up on the expulsion of these shades. Muinaru is the answer to everything. We can generate an unbelievable amount of energy with it.”
Herax sighed, “But we don’t know how to locate the mines.”
Lirish nodded and explained, “But the causorians had mines and used the muinaru to generate energy. The locations are, no doubt, in this book, somewhere.”
Corphe smiled an asked, “So, this could bring an end to the shades.”
Herax nodded, “Of course, no longer will I need to harvest lightning to refuel our weapons. We could travel deep into the heart of that darkness, and drive the shades out in to the sun, where they will perish.”
Abruptly, the light of the room quickly dulled as thick clouds drifted over the sun, shadowing Kingdom’s Book. Lirish swiftly lit a few candles as she divulged, “I could also finally have a laboratory like the one’s described in the causorian books.” She positioned the candle’s around Erik and added, “My ideas can be recognised. I could be a real scientist.”
Corphe nodded and said, “Well, sounds like interesting stuff. Be sure to tell me how it all pans out.”
Herax smiled and shook his head, “We know the mine will be farther to the north, so will require a good crew for the expedition, which means I need an expert at navigating caves and mountainous landscapes. Like yourself.”
Corphe gracefully smiled to the offer but shook her head, declining, “I’m not going on a long mission. I’m away from Zelesa long enough as it is.”
Herax chuckled, “Take her with you. She’s old enough. She’ll be safe with me and my crew and she’ll learn more on the journey than she will at the academy.”
A shower of rain began to patter against the window as Corphe stood in silence, lost in vacillating thought.
Suddenly, Erik cried, “Hey, I found something.”
Zelesa stood still in the secret study, watching the window above. She pressed a button on her quiver and out sprung an unusual looking arrow, which she swiftly loaded into her bow, before she began moving around the walls, towards the exit.
All the while Zelesa kept her eye on the window above, when, just as she reached halfway, the window above shattered, and the glass rained down into the room, bringing with it a torrent of wind. She shielded her eyes with her arm as the glass landed and kept herself low to the floor.
There was a sudden loud thud and a ghastly smell entered the room. Zelesa immediately peered over her arm and saw a shade collapsed on the floor. It was dazed from the fall but was quickly recovering.
Zelesa quickly drew her bow back, which whirled with a winding churn, and released the arrow on the shade. The arrow didn’t leave the bow, instead the base jammed at the end of the bow and a bolt of electricity was driven out like a bolt of lightning, striking the shade.
The shade howled and cried in pain as the electricity infused into its body, however it was vanquished only weakened. Zelesa quickly drew the arrow back again and fired another bolt, which struck the shade again and again it screamed in pain. The accumulative energy was too much for the vile creature and within seconds it broke down into ash, which dissolved away in the wind.
More howls of shades echo from above and Zelesa quickly rushed to the stairs. As she descended the steps, another shade appeared behind her, she drew her arrow as it lunged at her, and quickly she released the arrow. The bolt was strong enough to freeze the shade in mid-air, dropping down in pain. However, even as it writhed in pain it reached for Zelesa’s ankles. She quickly jumped back and drew the arrow back, executing the shade as it crawled towards her.
Several more shades appeared at the top of the stairs, hooting and howling like ravenous apes as they caught sight of Zelesa. Swiftly, she fired a barrage of bolts at the top of the stairs as she walked backwards. However, the top of the stairs was soon bustling with dozens of shades; all fighting to passed each other to get to Zelesa, undeterred by the dangers of the bolts of electricity she fired up at them.
Once Zelesa reached the bottom of the stairs, she quickly fled towards the window she had entered through, however, as she neared close, she saw a few shades were sculling around the area, inspecting the sections between the rows of bookcases.
She halted to an immediate stop, but it was too late, the heavy stomp of her run footsteps had alerted the shades to her presence. They ran towards her with howling screeches, but quickly Zelesa fired at the shades, dropping them to the floor electrified pain. However, they continued to drag themselves towards her, hauntingly screeching.
Zelesa fired again, and silenced the chilling howls, but it was too late, the dozens of the shades she had fled quickly gather behind her. The situate became even more dire as dozens more flowed in from the open window.
She thought fast and quickly, jumped onto the table before leaping up onto one of the bookcases. The shades tried to follow, but they weren’t the most intelligent creatures, and, rather than use the table to follow her, they slowly and laboriously clambered up the book shelves, which made them easy targets for Zelesa to fire upon.
Continuously, Zelesa fired upon the shades, but it was having little effect, as more shades seemed to endlessly join the frenzy, clawing up the shelves. Her arms were also beginning to tire, allowing the creatures to progress up the shelves.
Then, suddenly the book case began to tilt. To many shades had climbed on side of the bookcase and the within seconds the whole thing fell over, dropping down towards the bookcase next to it.
Zelesa quickly jump to the next one, but as the last case crashed into it, it too tilted and was slowly pushed over. Like dominos, the book cases continued to fall, and Zelesa continued jumped from one to the next. The shades ran a long side, hooting and howling down the library, as the ran after Zelesa.
Eventually, Zelesa reached the last book case and was thrown to the floor, as the bookcase struck the wall and shatter a window. The glass sprinkled down beside and Zelesa and a gale of wind blast through the building.
Quickly, Zelesa picked herself up and rushed to the fallen bookcase, resting against the broke wind. However, just as she grasped the edge of the bookcase, snatched by a shade. It wrapped its arms tightly around her waist and yanked off with a firm tug, turning her around to face the horde of approaching shades.
However, Zelesa wasn’t ready to give up. She jerk violently from side to side, loosening the shades grip, when suddenly the room burst with the loud crackle of electricity. Zelesa looked up and saw several streams of electricity pulsating across the room into the horde of shades.
Immediately, the shades stopped in their tracks as the electricity burnt through them, breaking them up into cloud of ash, which swirled about the library with the wind.
Zelesa looked over to her side and there stood Groke and a legion of guards. They moved closer to Zelesa as they concentrated the stream of electricity on the shades, which continued to clamber forward, trying to jump at Groke and the guards, however the shades were too few to pose a threat.
Zelesa finally shifted out of the shade’s grasp, throwing it against the bookcase. It tried to climb the shelves but Zelesa quickly grabbed her bow and fired on the shade. It collapsed to the floor writhing in pain. Zelesa drew back the arrow again slowing and fired on the shade. As it dissolved into ash she remarked, “That was a shocking turn around.”
Groke laughed as he stood behind her. It was a deep laugh, which he kept contained behind his closed lips. He scoffed, “That was a shocking turn around?”
Zelesa smiled, “You have to have say a cool send off.”
Groke grinned and ordered, “Ordered, come with me, it’s not safe to be out on your own. The shades are arriving under the cover of the clouds.
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readbookywooks · 8 years
Over Hill and Under Hill
There were many paths that led up into those mountains, and many passes over them. But most of the paths were cheats and deceptions and led nowhere or to bad ends; and most of the passes were infested by evil things and dreadful dangers. The dwarves and the hobbit, helped by the wise advice of Elrond and the knowledge and memory of Gandalf, took the right road to the right pass. Long days after they had climbed out of the valley and left the Last Homely House miles behind, they were still going up and up and up. It was a hard path and a dangerous path, a crooked way and a lonely and a long. Now they could look back over the lands they had left, laid out behind them far below. Far, far away in the West, where things were blue and faint, Bilbo knew there lay his own country of safe and comfortable things, and his little hobbit-hole. He shivered. It was getting bitter cold up here, and the wind came shrill among the rocks. Boulders, too, at times came galloping down the mountain-sides, let loose by midday sun upon the snow, and passed among them (which was lucky), or over their heads (which was alarming). The nights were comfortless and chill, and they did not dare to sing or talk too loud, for the echoes were uncanny, and the silence seemed to dislike being broken-except by the noise of water and the wail of wind and the crack of stone. "The summer is getting on down below," thought Bilbo, "and haymaking is going on and picnics. They will be harvesting and blackberrying, before we even begin to go down the other side at this rate." And the others were thinking equally gloomy thoughts, although when they had said good-bye to Elrond in the high hope of a midsummer morning, they' had spoken gaily of the passage of the mountains, and of riding swift across the lands beyond. They had thought of coming to the secret door in the Lonely Mountain, perhaps that very next first moon of Autumn-" and perhaps it will be Durin's Day" they had said. Only Gandalf had shaken his head and said nothing. Dwarves had not passed that way for many years, but Gandalf had, and he knew how evil and danger had grown and thriven in the Wild, since the dragons had driven men from the lands, and the goblins had spread in secret after the battle of the Mines of Moria. Even the good plans of wise wizards like Gandalf and of good friends like Elrond go astray sometimes when you are off on dangerous adventures over the Edge of the Wild; and Gandalf was a wise enough wizard to know it. He knew that something unexpected might happen, and he hardly dared to hope that they would pass without fearful adventure over those great tall mountains with lonely peaks and valleys where no king ruled. They did not. All was well, until one day they met a thunderstorm - more than a thunderstorm, a thunder-battle. You know how terrific a really big thunderstorm can be down in the land and in a river-valley; especially at times when two great thunderstorms meet and clash. More terrible still are thunder and lightning in the mountains at night, when storms come up from East and West and make war. The lightning splinters on the peaks, and rocks shiver, and great crashes split the air and go rolling and tumbling into every cave and hollow; and the darkness is filled with overwhelming noise and sudden light. Bilbo had never seen or imagined anything of the kind. They were high up in a narrow place, with a dreadful fall into a dim valley at one side of them. There they were sheltering under a hanging rock for the night, and he lay beneath a blanket and shook from head to toe. When he peeped out in the lightning-flashes, he saw that across the valley the stone-giants were out and were hurling rocks at one another for a. game, and catching them, and tossing them down into the darkness where they smashed among the trees far below, or splintered into little bits with a bang. Then came a wind and a rain, and the wind whipped the rain and the hail about in every direction, so that an overhanging rock was no protection at all. Soon they were getting drenched and their ponies were standing with their heads down and their tails between their legs, and some of them were whinnying with fright. They could hear the giants guffawing and shouting all over the mountainsides. "This won't do at all!" said Thorin. "If we don't get blown off or drowned, or struck by lightning, we shall be picked up by some giant and kicked sky-high for a football." "Well, if you know of anywhere better, take us there!" said Gandalf, who was feeling very grumpy, and was far from happy about the giants himself. The end of their argument was that they sent Fill and Kili to look for a better shelter. They had very sharp eyes, and being the youngest of the dwarves by some fifty years they usually got these sort of jobs (when everybody could see that it was absolutely no use sending Bilbo). There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something (or so Thorin said to the young dwarves). You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after. So it proved on this occasion. Soon Fili and Kili came crawling back, holding on to the rocks in the wind. "We have found a dry cave," they said, "not far round the next corner; and ponies and all could get inside." "Have you thoroughly explored it?" said the wizard, who knew that caves up in the mountains were seldom unoccupied. "Yes, yes!" they said, though everybody knew they could not have been long about it; they had come back too quick. "It isn't all that big, and it does not go far back." That, of course, is the dangerous part about caves: you don't know how far they go back, sometimes, or where a passage behind may lead to, or what is waiting for you inside. But now Fili and Kill's news seemed good enough. So they all got up and prepared to move. The wind was howling and the thunder still growling, and they had a business getting themselves and their ponies along. Still it was not very far to go, and before long they came to a big rock standing out into the path. If you stepped behind, you found a low arch in the side of the mountain. There was just room to get the ponies through with a squeeze, when they had been unpacked and unsaddled. As they passed under the arch, it was good to hear the wind and the rain outside instead of all about them, and to feel safe from the giants and their rocks. But the wizard was taking no risks. He lit up his wand - as he did that day in Bilbo's dining-room that seemed so long ago, if you remember-, and by its light they explored the cave from end to end. It seemed quite a fair size, but not too large and mysterious. It had a dry floor and some comfortable nooks. At one end there was room for the ponies; and there they stood (mighty glad of the change) steaming, and champing in their nosebags. Oin and Gloin wanted to light a fire at the door to dry their clothes, but Gandalf would not hear of it. So they spread out their wet things on the floor, and got dry ones out of their bundles; then they made their blankets comfortable, got out their pipes and blew smoke rings, which Gandalf turned into different colours and set dancing up by the roof to amuse them. They talked and talked, and forgot about the storm, and discussed what each would do with his share of the treasure (when they got it, which at the moment did not seem so impossible); and so they dropped off to sleep one by one. And that was the last time that they used the ponies, packages, baggages, tools and paraphernalia that they had brought with them. It turned out a good thing that night that they had brought little Bilbo with them, after all. For somehow, he could not go to sleep for a long while; and when he did sleep, he had very nasty dreams. He dreamed that a crack in the wall at the back of the cave got bigger and bigger, and opened wider and wider, and he was very afraid but could not call out or do anything but lie and look. Then he dreamed that the floor of the cave was giving way, and he was slipping-beginning to fall down, down, goodness knows where to. At that he woke up with a horrible start, and found that part of his dream was true. A crack had opened at the back of the cave, and was already a wide passage. He was just in time to see the last of the ponies' tails disappearing into it. Of course he gave a very loud yell, as loud a yell as a hobbit can give, which is surprising for their size. Out jumped the goblins, big goblins, great ugly-looking goblins, lots of goblins, before you could say rocks and blocks. There were six to each dwarf, at least, and two even for Bilbo; and they were all grabbed and carried through the crack, before you could say tinder and flint. But not Gandalf. Bilbo's yell had done that much good. It had wakened him up wide in a splintered second, and when goblins came to grab him, there was a terrible flash like lightning in the cave, a smell like gunpowder, and several of them fell dead. The crack closed with a snap, and Bilbo and the dwarves were on the wrong side of it! Where was Gandalf? Of that neither they nor the goblins had any idea, and the goblins did not wait to find out. It was deep, deep, dark, such as only goblins that have taken to living in the heart of the mountains can see through. The passages there were crossed and tangled in all directions, but the goblins knew their way, as well as you do to the nearest post-office and the way went down and down, and it was most horribly stuffy. The goblins were very rough, and pinched unmercifully, and chuckled and laughed in their horrible stony voices; and Bilbo was more unhappy even than when the troll had picked him up by his toes. He wished again and again for his nice bright hobbit-hole. Not for the last time. Now there came a glimmer of a red light before them. The goblins began to sing, or croak, keeping time with the flap of their flat feet on the stone, and shaking their prisoners as well. "Clap! Snap! the black crack! Grip, grab! Pinch, nab! And down down to Goblin-town You go, my lad! Clash, crash! Crush, smash! Hammer and tongs! Knocker and gongs! Pound, pound, far underground! Ho, ho! my lad! Swish, smack! Whip crack! Batter and beat! Yammer and bleat! Work, work! Nor dare to shirk, While Goblins quaff, and Goblins laugh, Round and round far underground Below, my lad!" It sounded truly terrifying. The walls echoed to the clap, snap! and the crush, smash! and to the ugly laughter of their ho, ho! my lad! The general meaning of the song was only too plain; for now the goblins took out whips and whipped them with a swish, smack!, and set them running as fast as they could in front of them; and more than one of the dwarves were already yammering and bleating like anything, when they stumbled into a big cavern. It was lit by a great red fire in the middle, and by torches along the walls, and it was full of goblins. They all laughed and stamped and clapped their hands, when the dwarves (with poor little Bilbo at the back and nearest to the whips) came running in, while the goblin-drivers whooped and cracked their whips behind. The ponies were already there huddled in a corner; and there were all the baggages and packages lying broken open, and being rummaged by goblins, and smelt by goblins, and fingered by goblins, and quarreled over by goblins. I am afraid that was the last they ever saw of those excellent little ponies, including a jolly sturdy little white fellow that Elrond had lent to Gandalf, since his horse was not suitable for the mountain-paths. For goblins eat horses and ponies and donkeys (and other much more dreadful things), and they are always hungry. Just now however the prisoners were thinking only of themselves. The goblins chained their hands behind their backs and linked them all together in a line and dragged them to the far end of the cavern with little Bilbo tugging at the end of the row. There in the shadows on a large flat stone sat a tremendous goblin with a huge head, and armed goblins were standing round him carrying the axes and the bent swords that they use. Now goblins are cruel, wicked, and bad-hearted. They make no beautiful things, but they make many clever ones. They can tunnel and mine as well as any but the most skilled dwarves, when they take the trouble, though they are usually untidy and dirty. Hammers, axes, swords, daggers, pickaxes, tongs, and also instruments of torture, they make very well, or get other people to make to their design, prisoners and slaves that have to work till they die for want of air and light. It is not unlikely that they invented some of the machines that have since troubled the world, especially the ingenious devices for killing large numbers of people at once, for wheels and engines and explosions always delighted them, and also not working with their own hands more than they could help; but in those days and those wild parts they had not advanced (as it is called) so far. They did not hate dwarves especially, no more than they hated everybody and everything, and particularly the orderly and prosperous; in some parts wicked dwarves had even made alliances with them. But they had a special grudge against Thorin's people, because of the war which you have heard mentioned, but which does not come into this tale; and anyway goblins don't care who they catch, as long as it is done smart and secret, and the prisoners are not able to defend themselves. "Who are these miserable persons?" said the Great Goblin. "Dwarves, and this!" said one of the drivers, pulling at Bilbo's chain so that he fell forward onto his knees. "We found them sheltering in our Front Porch." "What do you mean by it?" said the Great Goblin turning to Thorin. "Up to no good, I'll warrant! Spying on the private business of my people, I guess! Thieves, I shouldn't be surprised to learn! Murderers and friends of Elves, not unlikely! Come! What have you got to say?" "Thorin the dwarf at your service!" he replied-it was merely a polite nothing. "Of the things which you suspect and imagine we had no idea at all. We sheltered from a storm in what seemed a convenient cave and unused; nothing was further from our thoughts than inconveniencing goblins in any way whatever." That was true enough! "Urn!" said the Great Goblin. "So you say! Might I ask what you were doing up in the mountains at all, and where you were coming from, and where you were going to? In fact I should like to know all about you. Not that it willdo you much good, Thorin Oakenshield, I know too much about your folk already; but let's have the truth, or I will prepare something particularly uncomfortable for you!" "We were on a journey to visit our relatives, our nephews and nieces, and first, second, and third cousins, and the other descendants of our grandfathers, who live on the East side of these truly hospitable mountains," said Thorin, not quite knowing what to say all at once in a moment, when obviously the exact truth would not do at all. "He is a liar, O truly tremendous one!" said one of the drivers. "Several of our people were struck by lightning in the cave, when we invited these creatures to come below; and they are as dead as stones. Also he has not explained this!" He held out the sword which Thorin had worn, the sword which came from the Trolls' lair. The Great Goblin gave a truly awful howl of rage when he looked at it, and all his soldiers gnashed their teeth, clashed their shields, and stamped. They knew the sword at once. It had killed hundreds of goblins in its time, when the fair elves of Gondolin hunted them in the hills or did battle before their walls. They had called it Orcrist, Goblin-cleaver, but the goblins called it simply Biter. They hated it and hated worse any one that carried it. "Murderers' and elf-friends!" the Great Goblin shouted. "Slash them! Beat them! Bite them! Gnash them! Take them away to dark holes full of snakes, and never let them see the light again!" He was in such a rage that he jumped off his seat and himself rushed at Thorin with his mouth open. Just at that moment all the lights in the cavern went out, and the great fire went off poof! into a tower of blue glowing smoke, right up to the roof, that scattered piercing white sparks all among the goblins. The yells and yammering, croaking, jibbering and jabbering; howls, growls and curses; shrieking and skriking, that followed were beyond description. Several hundred wild cats and wolves being roasted slowly alive together would not have compared with it. The sparks were burning holes in the goblins, and the smoke that now fell from the roof made the air too thick for even their eyes to see through. Soon they were falling over one another and rolling in heaps on the floor, biting and kicking and fighting as if they had all gone mad. Suddenly a sword flashed in its own light. Bilbo saw it go right through the Great Goblin as he stood dumbfounded in the middle of his rage. He fell dead, and the goblin soldiers fled before the sword shrieking into the darkness. The sword went back into its sheath. "Follow me quick!" said a voice fierce and quiet; and before Bilbo understood what had happened he was trotting along again, as fast as he could trot, at the end of the line, down more dark passages with the yells of the goblin-hall growing fainter behind him. A pale light was leading them on. "Quicker, quicker!" said the voice. "The torches will soon be relit." "Half a minute!" said Dori, who was at the back next to Bilbo, and a decent fellow. He made the hobbit scramble on his shoulders as best he could with his tied hands, and then off they all went at a run, with a clink-clink of chains, and many a stumble, since they had no hands to steady themselves with. Not for a long while did they stop, and by that time they must have been right down in the very mountain's heart. Then Gandalf lit up his wand. Of course it was Gandalf; but just then they were too busy to ask how he got there. He took out his sword again, and again it flashed in the dark by itself. It burned with a rage that made it gleam if goblins were about; now it was bright as blue flame for delight in the killing of the great lord of the cave. It made no trouble whatever of cutting through the goblin-chains and setting all the prisoners free as quickly as possible. This sword's name was Glamdring the Foe-hammer, if you remember. The goblins just called it Beater, and hated it worse than Biter if possible. Orcrist, too, had been saved; for Gandalf had brought it along as well, snatching it from one of the terrified guards. Gandalf thought of most things; and though he could not do everything, he could do a great deal for friends in a tight comer. "Are we all here?" said he, handing his sword back to Thorin with a bow. "Let me see: one-that's Thorin; two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven; where are Fili and Kili? Here they are, twelve, thirteen-and here's Mr. Baggins: fourteen! Well, well! it might be worse, and then again it might be a good deal better. No ponies, and no food, and no knowing quite where we are, and hordes of angry goblins just behind! On we go!" On they went. Gandalf was quite right: they began to hear goblin noises and horrible cries far behind in the passages they had come through. That sent them on faster than ever, and as poor Bilbo could not possibly go half as fast-for dwarves can roll along at a tremendous pace, I can tell you, when they have to-they took it in turn to carry him on their backs. Still goblins go faster than dwarves, and these goblins knew the way better (they had made the paths themselves), and were madly angry; so that do what they could the dwarves heard the cries and howls getting closer and closer. Soon they could hear even the flap of the goblin feet, many many feet which seemed only just round the last corner. The blink of red torches could be seen behind them in the tunnel they were following; and they were getting deadly tired. "Why, O why did I ever leave my hobbit-hole!" said poor Mr. Baggins bumping up and down on Bombur's back. "Why, O why did I ever bring a wretched little hobbit on a treasure hunt!" said poor Bombur, who was fat, and staggered along with the sweat dripping down his nose in his heat and terror. At this point Gandalf fell behind, and Thorin with him. They turned a sharp corner. "About turn!" he shouted. "Draw your sword, Thorin!" There was nothing else to be done; and the goblins did not like it. They came scurrying round the corner in full cry, and found Goblin-cleaver and Foe-hammer shining cold and bright right in their astonished eyes. The ones in front dropped their torches and gave one yell before they were killed. The ones behind yelled still more, and leaped back knocking over those that were running after them. "Biter and Beater!" they shrieked; and soon they were all in confusion, and most of them were hustling back the way they had come. It was quite a long while before any of them dared to turn that comer. By that time the dwarves had gone on again, a long, long, way on into the dark tunnels of the goblins' realm. When the goblins discovered that, they put out their torches and they slipped on soft shoes, and they chose out their very quickest runners with the sharpest ears and eyes. These ran forward, as swift as weasels in the dark, and with hardly any more noise than bats. That is why neither Bilbo, nor the dwarves, nor even Gandalf heard them coming. Nor did they see them. But they were seen by the goblins that ran silently up behind, for Gandalf was letting his wand give out a faint light to help the dwarves as they went along. Quite suddenly Dori, now at the back again carrying Bilbo, was grabbed from behind in the dark. He shouted and fell; and the hobbit rolled off his shoulders into the blackness, bumped his head on hard rock, and remembered nothing more.
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now-onair · 5 years
Event Announcement
~Crash Course☆Gloomy-Gloomy Mountain Climbing~
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