#Cycle of birth and death
tellingittash · 2 years
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Religious Studies Term Of The Day: Samsara
Hey everyone! Today, I want to get to the basic building block presupposition of many faiths, especially Hinduism: samsara. This is the term for the cycle of birth and death that describes existence in totality. People are born and die and then are reborn as new things, sometimes other people, sometimes animals, sometimes supernatural beings. Every the world is said to operate under this system, as our world will eventually die as a result of our actions, but it will be reborn afterwards. But the fact that samsara exists (if that is what you believe to be true) is what makes karma and moksha so important, as they are systems that can only make sense within a system of samsara. These then necessitate the three paths that we have talks about and the things that go along with those systems (from asceticism to castes to gods). Everything we have talked about here with Hinduism stems from the belief in samsara.
However, it is not just the Hindus that believe in samsara. The Sikhs, who we have talked about before, also believe in samsara, as do other faiths that originated in India like Jainism and Buddhism. In fact, Buddhism’s spread has actually brought samsara as a belief to other faiths. Daoism, for example, also known as Taoism, believes in samsara only because of its contact with Buddhism in China, a place where people don’t necessarily have to choose between Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, or Popular Religion, because you can actually practice all of them together if you really wanted to. Thus, the exchange of ideas has made samsara a multi-faith issue, just as the ideas associated with Judaism and Zoroastrianism have spread to faiths like Christianity and Islam. But anyway, I’m always eager to learn from people who know more about samsara than I do, so feel free to educate me if you know more about it than I do. Anyway, for now, I hope you all have wonderful days and stay safe.
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scullysflannel · 3 months
the nature of the x-files is that every so often someone invents remembering the 1997 golden globes again
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
The mess on the couch Margaret bought - that can’t be cleaned - the mess created by bringing a child into the world - while death is looming nearby.
How the whole scene is a metaphor for Bucks life - how his entrance into the world was messy and death was looming - how his birth was an attempt to keep death at bay but it came anyway and has held the hand of the Buckleys ever since. How the Buckleys tried to clean up the mess but their secret created an uncomfortable life for Buck - one that couldn’t be kept hidden and once revealed exposed the mess. How the couch is unsalvageable in much the same way Bucks relationship with his parents is - the mess will always be there in the centre of things.
How the couch is orange and how orange is a colour of superficiality arrogance and pride.
How Kameron batted Natalia away initially but ended up holding her hand - holding the hand of death while bringing life into the world - the same way Margaret was when Buck was born.
How Buck holding that baby and needing a few seconds but ultimately being able to hand it over and let go is a representation of him breaking the cycle even if he is still connecting himself to death he has broken one link in the chain - the link to his birth.
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bardicjustice · 5 months
feeling So Normal about these comparisons
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Heartbreak goes home to die. Sidestep goes home to be reborn
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strawbubbysugar · 4 months
🎶Im just like you! you are just like me!🎶 sounding on the background as Prince Juniper and the jesters meet Dahmia and the princes until they find about the organic components of course jshsgs
Quick nobody think about how important souls are in both stories nobody think about it
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kevin-the-bruyne · 1 month
i thought khaotung gave you baby fever as in "i want to impregnate that man" for some reason??????
that is because you are ENLIGHTENED
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swallowtail-ageha · 9 months
Forever fucked up by the statue of nero's daughter claudia augusta who died at four months old that shows what she could have looked like if she had lived
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wayti-blog · 5 days
Death is just another path to take, as real as morning.
― Na'ama Yehuda
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hathaway-hayes · 2 months
The Reluctant
Still doesn’t feel right this time My birth seemed to me like a crime. Sleep feels wrong and wake feels decayed My only dream, a death for which I've prayed. Hands outstretched, I reach for the sun Burning fingers never felt so fun. Minutes tick, life's ran and it's gone Now I'm dead, but I don’t feel wrong.
And this is Genesis.
Warm enclosure, too warm Dark tunnel, try to forewarn Light ahead, do I dare? Open air, do I care? Don't make me live this life, It's all more than I can bear.
And this is Exodus.
Smoking cigarette, sting my soaked eyes The earth shudders, with each part that dies I can't believe, I can still feel bad Another life, I keep growing mad But now I’m dying and now I'm dead This cynicism, my only friend In an endless sea, I’m just a star I took a trip, this soul's gone far
And this is Thanatos.
Cold enclosure, too cold Light tunnel, watch life unfold Dark tunnel, what's there? Two eyes, and a piercing stare Blinded in heart, now life's anew I can't know myself So I'll settle for you.
And this is Terminus.
- Hathaway Hayes (1998)
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alhavaradawnstar · 4 months
what were the "big three" of falmeri culture... passes you the microphone
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danbisroom · 3 months
Ep. 14 - Part Of My Design
Hello my beloved fellow souls,
welcome back to Danbi’s Room, your weekly dose of safe space. Go grab a cup of something warm and get yourself cosy.
I hope you had a nice week and that this fourth month of the year has started off well, giving you the benefits of renewed energy.
We have a New Moon tonight. If you’re lucky enough to live away from the pollution of billions of artificial lights, stars will be all you see in the sky tonight. Stars are beautiful, but they don’t light the road as much as the moon does. In fact, you would scrutinize your surroundings only to come to term with the reality that you’re encircled by pitch black. You’re immersed in darkness.
We’re naturally prone to be terrified by it, because for most of our existence as human beings darkness has meant danger. Natural obstacles, predators, enemies. We’re so terrified we associated it with all of what we categorise as “evil”. That’s understandable.
Darkness is also death, or at least we tend to picture it that way. We can’t really know, can we? Now, being intellectually honest we can’t ignore the fact that death is part of life and that birth is actually a portal between the two. We’re scared of darkness and death because we’re petrified by the unknown. Again, perfectly understandable from an evolutionary standpoint. But darkness and death are new beginnings. Well, yeah, we’re generally afraid of those, too. But everything we cherish has been a new beginning spurted out of darkness. Something dies so that something new can come around, physically or spiritually. And as scary as these awakenings can be, we should try to never refuse them. And we must welcome them in darkness. We need to accept the darkness, so that we can die and be reborn. The darkness of the womb that generates new life, creates new worlds, protecting them until they’re ready to see the light, entering the new dimension through a glorious gate, screaming and covered in blood. We wash it away, but still, blood was the first thing that wrapped our little body after coming out of darkness. Our first piece of clothing. Our first scar testifies the physical separation from our dark, cosy first home. This is so incredibly applicable to everything.
Everything is like this. W e just get too scared of dying and seeing that darkness again. But it’s inevitable, it’s just how things are and if we don’t welcome these cycles when they come knocking, sooner or later they will crush on us, whenever they can’t hold their own weight anymore. That unrestrained chaos. Nevertheless I guess we need that too sometimes. You know, like stars and galaxies, they explode and there you have new ones. You need to crumble. You need to destroy the world to fly to the gods. You need to be planted in darkness like seeds. And then you grow and grow, planting other seeds, becoming so tall you think you think you have an overview of all of the world. One day you collapse, feeding new lives, and you start again. It’s always the same and it’s always new. I find that very comforting.
Suppressing our darkness altogether makes us incomplete and increasingly dull. Number every day that passes by, our souls secretly yearning for fireworks in a silent scream.
We really can’t do this to ourselves.
It’s unfair.
We shouldn’t hate ourselves so much as to chaining our limbs and clipping our wings. We really shouldn’t maltreat our essence like this.
We should really love ourselves a bit more, even the parts we don’t like.
Today’s song recommendation is Dark Necessities by Red Hot Chili Peppers. it’s quite on point: our darkness is a necessity indeed.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and that you have a beautiful week ahead of you!
I’ll see you in the next one, big hug!
With love, yours,
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arsonists-oatmeal · 7 months
I think the immortal phoenix and Sisyphus should have a talk. They may find more similarities then they think
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magdalene-spirit · 1 year
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gender-euphowrya · 6 months
lara croft is such a funny character like this girl has never had a fucking break in her life
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big-boah · 2 years
One of my favorite quotes goes something like:
"Death is just the beginning of the next cycle of life, the same cycle that your birth ended.
Do not be afraid, as you were probably afraid of ending that version of life, too."
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wayti-blog · 18 days
The birth and death of the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy whose wider circles move slowly among stars. — Rabindranath Tagore
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