#Damien Crosse
fashionobsessed3 · 7 months
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hcavillismysuperman · 3 months
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frederic-fournel · 23 days
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sneedronningen · 1 year
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Babylon - Damien Chazelle
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hcavillismysuperman · 3 months
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shesmore-shoebill · 9 days
The second after the "he fucked a sandwich, am I right?" leaves her mouth and you can visibly See the regret set in and then destroy Amanda is the funniest thing in the world. Truly her own personal "oof, I wish I didn't do that" moment.
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196794 · 10 months
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pearlcatchers and mirrors are like *has thumbs*
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tame-a-messenger · 1 month
Damien and Angela playing Hello Neighbor would be so fun ngl
I don’t know much about Hello Neighbor but to be totally frank, I would be born again if Damangela is the next ‘noob and pro gamer play scary game’ duo. I don’t care what game they play lol
It looks like RE7 is going to be the next game for that series so I’m trying to think who would be the ‘pro’ for that game if it ends up not being Shayne? 
It’s a FPS game so I feel like whoever is going to be the ‘noob’ is really going to take a back seat with that game (although they could play easy mode tbf), especially if its Angela considering she’s only played Party type games (mainly Mario)
I haven’t played or watched anyone play RE7 but RE games are usually really fucking scary, so I’m really fucking hoping we get Ange and Damien playing it!!
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cosmicwolf978 · 1 year
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*animals ur crossing*
all the words after the commas are their catchphrases!!
(gary, damien, and joe designs made by @slugs-at-midnight :] )
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redrapscalian · 9 months
The Robins’ Animal Crossing New Horizons Islands:
Dick: Sunk all of his time and effort into finding his dream villagers and nothing else. His gameplay is 100% doing missions for Nookmiles and blowing them all on mystery island tickets. He likes the jock villagers and all the ones that look dorky (he has a lot of mice). His island is completely unfinished because he’s spent no time on it, there’s piles of materials everywhere and all of the houses are in random locations, but he has his Boys(tm) and that’s enough. Has guest rooms in his house for when his siblings come to visit his island.
Jason: Put a lot of time into terraforming the perfect island. It has a very natural theme and every home has a little nook it fits in like a cottage in the woods. Very calm little island. Has a mix of jock, normal, and peppy villagers because he built a house plot and let the game choose random villagers for him. The ones he wants to get rid of refuse to leave and he spends a lot of time building pitfalls around their property and hitting them with nets so they fuck off. Does not visit Dick’s island, and when he does, it’s to trample his flowers and leave.
Tim: The “Collector” player. Set up his island from the very beginning for max efficiency and speed. His pet peeve of the game is the absurd amount of useless menus. Never talks to the nooklings and only uses the drop off box, and doesn’t use the Nookstop terminal for anything but money deposits. All of the shops/the museum are in one line right beside his house and he’s constantly time travelling to get all of the seasonal bugs and fish. His island is a mess of workbenches and loose materials everywhere. He has a small handful of villagers he cares very much for, they’re all just random and he got attached. Visits Dick’s island regularly.
Steph: Cute, soft island theme. Put a lot of time into finding and growing all the flower types and is an expert at flower breeding, has a wealth of fruit trees and crops in neat little orchards and makes bank off the Nooklings. Sought out all of the cute villagers (and Cranston) from the mystery islands and made them a neighbourhood, and is absolutely ruthless to the villagers that move it uninvited. No one else knows how she gets them off her island so fast, and she will not give up her secret. Has caught every insect, does not care much for fish. Visits Dick’s island every now and then, takes things left on the ground.
Damien: His island is one massive Work in Progress because he’s trying to make one of those complex city designs and getting all of the items takes forever. Has collected every fossil because they kept popping up and getting in his way, and only catches the fish and bugs so he can listen to Blathers’ fun facts. Likes the smug and big sister type villagers the most, and puts any he doesn’t want on his island in “jail” (read: a complex maze of pitfalls and scary decorations). Spends a lot of time resource-grinding and has hundreds of everything. Visits Dick’s island so he can critique his design choices (and steal the tree furniture).
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South Park meets Animal Crossing! A lot of these are based on various HCs from friends of ours for those characters and they're just cute scribbles! I'm pretty sure we have some more I haven't found yet (Like I know there is a Christophe/The Mole one!) and when I find that I'll upload it another time.
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hcavillismysuperman · 4 months
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sesiondemadrugada · 1 year
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Babylon (Damien Chazelle, 2022).
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puffledthomas · 21 days
Fellas is it gay to get handmade matching necklaces for your male friend? (Marmien fic, can be read as platonic if you squint really hard)
Friendship bracelets and matching magnetic heart necklaces were always a little bit corny to Damien, but when Mark insisted on giving him a moon necklace that matched his own sun necklace he couldn’t help but wear it everywhere he went. It was a cute little thing, a moon shaped charm that was at the end of a pure silver chain, custom made of course, to match both men’s expensive taste. And he loved it. Especially because it matched perfectly with Mark’s, who’s necklace had a pure gold chain and a sun charm.
Damien had kept the necklace on his nightstand the small amount of times that he wasn’t wearing it, he always put it in the same spot, and even in the dark he could locate it perfectly. So when he woke up from a night of getting plastered at a party it came to his surprise when he put his hand tiredly on his nightstand and he could feel his lamp, eye contact case, and badge. Everything but his necklace.
He sat up groggily and yawned. Maybe he just knocked it down, he was going through an awful hangover, maybe he didn’t notice. He swung his legs off the side of his bed, being immediately hit by a terrible migraine, and slid on his fluffy blue slippers and stood up. He ignored his headache, he needed his necklace, the thing was expensive, and more importantly, it was a gift. He got on his knees and elbow and looked beside his nightstand, nothing was there. He moved the nightstand and looked behind it, nothing. He stood back up, for a moment he considered putting his contacts in, but in his mind the necklace was more important. What if he went to the bathroom and ended up stepping on it? He couldn’t risk it.
He looked under his bed and then on his bed. And then under each blanket and pillow, but he didn’t see it. But why’d he care so much? Sure it was a gift but he could just have another one made and Mark wouldn’t know the difference. But it was their necklaces, a sentimental thing to represent their friendship. But then again he’d had matching things with William or even his sister Celine and lost it, and he wasn’t nearly as bothered. What made the thing he had matching Mark so different? He didn’t know.
The mayor walked out of his room making sure to inspect every inch of his floor as he did so. He kept looking at the carpet under him as he walked into his living room, maybe it just got caught on something and he’d been too pickled to notice.
When he looked under his couch and under each table and in each drawer in his house and found everything but what he was looking for he had a pit in his stomach. Why? Why did it matter so much? He wasn’t a materialistic person by any means, a necklace didn’t determine their friendship, so why? It might have been because of how pretty it was, how kind it was to his eyes and how in certain light it glistened in a way only he noticed. Or how it was always with him when he wanted it. Or, maybe, it wasn’t the necklace that he cared so much about.
He couldn’t stop himself from tearing up a little bit from the defeat he had after looking in every nook and cranny of his house and still not finding his necklace.
On his way back to his room he tripped on the foot of his couch that he didn’t see. And there it was right in front of him. It was on him the entire time, maybe if he just put on his contacts he would’ve known. Relief didn’t wash over him like it should’ve because in that moment he realized something;
The necklace wasn’t what he loved.
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