#Danial gets kicked out
hwangjins00 · 2 months
Johnny Lawrence and the self-fulfilling prophecy
so i've been thinking about this for a while and also because s6p1 just came out but i think that johnny is one of the best examples of a self-fulfilling prophecy in ck.
SO we've seen multiple times that johnny's been told he ruins people, by danial, robby, shannon, and carmen, even terry. And i'm not gonna disregard his actions, i agree that he has done a lot of stuff that negatively affected himself and those around him, not limited to becoming a functioning alcoholic, teaching kids aggression, drunk fights, being an absentee father, etc
BUT we also see him try a lot of times to get his act together and do better for the people around him, such as teaching miguel mercy, cleaning up his apartment and trying to limit drinking for carmen, and trying to get along with daniel for the sake of his students, but he's still criticized even for trying his best, the only character to consistently have been on his side through his highs and lows has been miguel.
out of all the characters the one who refuses to see johnny's change the most is probably daniel, and this is NOT a daniel hate post, i love daniel and he's one of my favourite kk and ck characters but that doesn't disregard the fact that he tends to have knee-jerk reactions and gets unbalanced easily when it comes to johnny. A lot of the characterization in the show can be attributed to writing choices but i'm going to try my best to not make that my main focus.
alright lets start!
when johnny first opens up his dojo its partly because of the anger he feels towards daniel for succeeding in life but mainly because he doesn't want miguel to keep getting beat on and miguel probably reminds him of himself before he met kreese. Daniel is the one to come to johnny and tell him to close cobra kai and this is completely valid seeing as how daniel's experiences with cobra kai were in his youth, however its also been 30 years and its reasonable to assume that johnny isnt still a high school bully. He tells miguel that if he doesnt leave the dojo he'll end up 'just like' johnny. Right off the bat we have someone insinuating that johnny is a terrible role model. Then when daniel starts training robby and discovers robby's homelife he goes to talk to johnny just to immediately turn on him the second he sees kreese, he doesn't talk to johnny to clear up the situation and he doesn't tell him about his son, and yes johnny has been a shitty dad but he deserves to know that his kid is going to be living with someone else (i honestly thought it was crazy that daniel never mentioned that he had johnny's SON IN HIS HOUSE??)
when robby takes sam to johnny's apartment when she was drunk daniel literally kicked down his door and got into a physical fight with johnny because he couldn't believe that johnny was being considered a safe space for his son to bring his crush to in order to sober up and wouldn't listen to johnny rationally asking him to calm down. and S6 SPOILERS but i think that out of the two of them johnny was trying much harder to be accomodating to daniel, he gave up the name cobra kai and eagle fang for miyagi do, worked kata into his teaching and geniunely tried to not be so hard headed and quick to fight. He tried to get a job (daniel making him switch from using karate as a job was honestly crazy, that was literally how he was paying bills and putting food on the table, johnny asking to be paid for his time and effort wasnt an insane ask especially considering that daniel owns multiple dealerships and chozen comes from a rich family as well, johnny is the only one that actually needed the dojo as a way to make money) and just overall be there, im not saying hes a great dad right away but its obvious that he's trying to be there for both miguel and robby without making either one of the boys feeling forgotten. (ex, telling them both he's proud win or lose, tying robby's headband, listening to miguel's college essay)
HOWEVER, it seems that no matter what he does, johnny is almost never seen positively by anyone other than miguel and devon. daniel switches up on him instantly (he drops people at the first sight of their flaws, as soon as johnny takes even a single step backwards instead of acting rationally and looking at the situation + offering support he tells johnny he'll never change and drops him immediately, he did the same thing with robby and doing that to a teenager dependent on you for food and shelter is honestly crazy), carmen has been pretty much sidelined due to the baby (i have THOUGHTS on this), kreese is his only supporter and he was literally tripping balls and snapped hallucination johnny's neck like a stale breadstick so johnny doesnt really have much in the way of a good support system
now for those that have somehow stuck around lol lets get to the actual point (i realized here that i literally just blabbed for so long without making my point lmfao)
a self-fulfilling prophecy is essentially: you become what you are told. if i told you everyday that you will never amount to more than what you are right now, ive 'prophesied' your future and to self-fulfil it you would just stop trying because you know that nothing you do will ever change my mind.
in a similar vein i believe that deep down johnny DOES believe that no matter what he does or how hard he tries he'll never be able to move past the image of him thats already been made up in peoples minds (society for all it talks about rehabilitation does not tend to actually support those who want to rehabilitate- more thoughts below) and so he goes through a constant cycle of disappointing those around him again and again because no one believes he can be any better and he's internalized that, i honestly have soo many thoughts about johnny's character in kk1 and ck and i would love to chat with anyone interested about it
re: society and rehab
so people talk the good talk about how rehabilitation is important and necessary, in the show daniel is able to form good friendships with both chozen and mike who were arguably much worse than johnny was to him (chozen fought in a literal DEATH MATCH against him and mike harassed him, dangled him off a cliff, forced him to compete in a rigged match where he pretty much just whaled on him on the mat), why was daniel able to forgive these guys but not johnny? my theory is that its because to him chozen and mike have their lives together and have also properly apologized for their actions (JJ&H im still waiting on that johnny apology where we address the 'you're alright larusso' line) meanwhile johnny has obviously gone downhill since HS, but daniel never takes his attempts to get it together seriously and along with a lot of the toxic ideals put into him by kreese, johnny doesn't take his rehabilitation seriously either, he can't afford rehab for his alcohol dependency (plus rehab isnt viewed positively by him either) and he doesnt have a very steady support system so that makes it even more difficult. unlike daniel he's never had a positive father figure in his life which makes it difficult for him to act as a father without fear of becoming kreese, i just wish that the show would take johnny's journey to becoming the man he wants more seriously
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wthelvetica21 · 6 months
Boneheads ; Bright Orange Light
Manny is cleaning the glasses behind the counter of the bar. Lewis and Manolo had to escort Brook out because he had a little too much for the night. Likely from being away from ‘pretty girls for too long’. Both Papyrus and Sir Daniel were cleaning up the rest of the cantina talking among each other. Most likely asking him more about knightly stuff he thinks. The tired former travel agent of the Department of Death gets startled from his thoughts by a familiar lackdascale voice.
Sans: “How's manning the bar been Manny?”
He puts up the last glass with a sigh and lights up a cigar from his coat.
Manny : “Same as usual Sans. But things have been monotonous lately.”
The skeleton with the blue hoodie shrugs closing his eyes with a light chuckle.
Sans : “Yup, a real ghost town you could say. No bones about it.”
Manny would roll his eyes if he had them in the way Lewis, Manolo, and a few others did as he lit his cigar at the pun. The only one he hasn’t seen in a while was…
Manny : “Oye, where’s Jack?”
Sans : “Oh him? Still mulling over that weird stone thing he and Paps found one day.”
Now that he hasn’t heard about.
Manny : “Si, what about it has him mulling over it?”
Sans : “It was shaped like a tombstone with runes I haven’t seen before. He’s been at it trying to crack what they mean but I may have a hunch but it's...”
He hasn’t heard Sans this unsure in a long time, but then again he’s the only one of the group who is way more savvy with things that would normally be unheard of where he was from. Hell anyone that wasn’t from San’s particular universe. But Manny admits it's interesting and knows Jack is a kindred spirit in knowing more about it. The door swings to the east wing open with Jack using his long leg to kick it open.
Jack : “Sans you won’t believe what just happened!”
In his spindly arms was tombstone-shaped slate. The runes seen to have a subtle glow to them and is making an eerie hum.
Sans : “Woah there! What do you mean by that Jack?”
Jack : “It spoke! Do you think it's a ghost trapped inside this headstone or…”
The seems to get louder as a disembodied and faded voice saying.
??? : “Not a ghost… a messenger… They will arrive in a bright orange light.”
Manny and Sans look at each other. Was this a bad omen? The slate is placed on a table. Lewis and the others save for Brook who was sobering up look at the strange tombstone. The hot-headed ghost with a magenta pompadour asks…
Lewis : “Well? Ya’ll two don’t think it's a trap ain't it?”
Sans : “No idea. Jack just came in with it and it just started to talk.”
Papyrus starts looking at it with suspicion crossing his arms.
Papyrus : “I have my eyes on you tombstone thing. What is your motives?”
No response but still that eerie hum persists before it pipes up again. It was still faded as if whoever was speaking through it was trying desperately to come through but the signal was weak.
??? : “No harm... The Coded, the Hero and the Alcoholic…”
Sir Danial huffs with the sword at his side. He was getting impatient with this thing.
Sir Danial : “Umm um um ummm um umm um?” / [Now what it’s talking about?]
Manolo looks concern putting his hand on the one eyed knight’s shoulder.
Manolo : “Coded, hero and alcoholic? Does it mean out of all of us?”
Papyrus : “The ‘Hero’ could be me or Sir Daniel right? But who is this coded?”
Manny shrugs and sighs. If this thing isn’t talking about either of them then he dreads he’s going to have another handful to deal with. Brook stumbles in, sober enough to process what’s going on.
Brook : “Can someone put an end to that dreadful hum please. My skull hurts… Oh? What is that?”
Lewis : “Notta clue. Donno if this thing is talkin’ about us or someone or somethin’ else.”
Brook : “Oh… A living tombstone? Haven’t heard of that but then again…”
Sans : “Living tombstone? Um…”
Sans has heard of that somewhere before. Now he recognizes the voice and can get a vague idea on who “the Coded” is but the other two not so much.
Sans : “Ahh! Now I get it. The Coded is one of the…”
Before Sans could finish the sentence all the sudden they all could hear and feel a loud hollow boom coming from the outside. Out the window there was a pillar of orange light that was nearly as bright as the sun in the moonless midnight sky.
Sir Danial : “Ummm um umm um umm?!” / [What the hell is that?!]
Manolo looks at Sir Danial with a stern look before turning to Lewis, Manny and Sans stepping outside. The orange pillar of light started to warp and distort into three thinner bands of light. The tombstone slate seems to be playing… music? The genre of music seems to be indie rock of some kind. It seems to be alternating between three songs like a radio with a broken scan nob.
“Then you will know what I am thinking…”
“But they told me, "Dance…”
“But now I'm feeling so beautiful…”
The runes are glowing the same shade of safety orange as the warping beams of light. Then the three beams meet back into each other causing a flashbang with three streaks streaming through the sky like shooting stars with one of them colliding into the lighthouse on the shore a few miles away from the cantina. The other two forked west into one of the beaches while the other east into the outskirts. The bonehead crow looks at each other with a mixture of concern and confusion as the voice from the tombstone slate coming clearly this time before glow from the runes die down and it becomes silent.
??? : “They are here… Find them.”
The Bonehead crew decides to split up into three teams to investigate what or who crashed down.
Sans and Jack head to the lighthouse.
Lewis, Manny and Brook go west to the beach.
Manolo along with Papyrus and Sir Danial go east towards the outskirts.
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jesterofalltrades · 4 months
Final thoughts on 911 season 4 episode 5
Yeas this was one episode night i thought about doing two but nah Im not feeling it. I barely could pay attention to the one.
It was nice to get Bucks back story. You know I really like how he wondered around the country for some years. I do need to know, did he finish high school? Cause he said he got kicked out and then unless I missed something he was leaving.
I love how Maddie was always there for him
I’m very concerned that his method of getting attention was getting hurt. Like bro that’s gonna comeback to haunt ya when you’re old. You’re gonna feel the rain before it begins to rain.
Like I get him being mad about never being told but to be honest how is that something that you can just bring up to a kid? Like how do you sit a kid down and say “son, we had you for spare parts but those parts weren’t good so your brother died”
The parents should have gotten therapy after Danial died it would have made everyone lives much easier
Also it was a good touch that everytime we saw flashback Maddie we could see different injuries from Doug. That was some good thinking and a great why to remind the audience and show how dangerous that man was
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thegaytraveler · 2 years
2023 LGBTQ Mardi Gras events in New Orleans
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Article by Topher Danial, courtesy of New Orleans & Company
During Carnival season, the already vibrant and colorful culture in New Orleans is amplified tenfold—and things only get more spectacular when you add in LGBTQ-specific events and balls. From annual extravaganzas thrown by gay Mardi Gras krewes to block parties that invite you to leave your inhibitions at home, every day of gay Carnival is an opportunity to show up as you are, wherever you are.
With 2023 marking the full return of LGBTQ happenings and events after two years of scaled-back celebrations, this Carnival season is sure to be the biggest—and queerest—yet. Here are notable events LGBTQ locals and visitors won’t want to miss.
Mystik Krewe da la Rue Royale Revelers Twelfth Night Party (January 6, 2023)
In Carnival tradition, Twelfth Night marks the commencement of the season’s parades and festivities, and the Mystik Krewe de la Rue Royale Revelers kicks it off in style with a night of grand, gay jubilation at the Mardi Gras Museum of Costumes and Culture. The cost of admission gets attendees access to an open bar, food, access to the museum, a commemorative pin, and a one-year membership in the krewe. Tickets and capacity are limited, so don’t wait to secure your spot in this can’t-miss cornerstone of gay carnival.
Krewe of Stars Masquerade Show Ball (January 13, 2023)
One part tradition, one-part modern showmanship, and completely unique, the Krewe of Stars’ “Ball for All” creates a unifying space for people from all walks of life. The event combines music, entertainment, over-the-top costuming, and pure decadence for an evening that honors both our differences and our similarities.
Mystic Krewe of Apollo’s 20th Annual Ball (January 28, 2023)
This Krewe’s events have become the stuff of local legend for their elaborate and mesmerizing costumes. With the theme for this year’s 20th-anniversary event announced as “A Night of Magic,” it’s sure to be a spellbinding night of hocus pocus and bewitching sights. This Bal Masque typically sells out well before the event date, so don’t delay if you want to be a part of this wickedly good time.
Mystic Krewe of Amon-Ra’s 58th Annual Ball (January 28, 2023)
Securing an invitation to this exclusive ball is quite the honor, as each member is given just ten seats to fill with family and friends. But those who are lucky enough to attend this dazzling formal event get to witness a gay Mardi Gras tradition that has been going strong for nearly 60 years. Become a member or befriend a member to experience this show-stopping Carnival fantasy.
Krewe of Mwindo Bal Masque (TBD)
With education and outreach events throughout the year and an annual Bal Masque, this Krewe strives to unite queer people of various backgrounds, with specific emphasis on uplifting and celebrating the city’s queer Black community.
Krewe of Belle Reve’s Friday Night Before Mardi Gras (February 3, 2023)
Want to experience the splendor of Gay Mardi Gras while supporting a good cause? This celebration is hosted by the Krewe of Belle Reve of Belle Reve NOLA, which provides affordable, LGBTQ-affirming housing to the city’s aging population. This year’s epic masquerade ball will be hosted at the Allways Lounge & Cabaret, where drinks, hors d’oeuvres, costumes, and entertainment will flow in abundance all night long.
Armeinius Bal Masque LIV (February 17, 2023)
Since the 1960s, the Krewe of Armeinius has staged elaborate balls that showcase a full tableau of queer artistry, invention, and community. Everything from the outlandish and satirical to the formal and refined feels right at home in this legendary Bal Masque, which continues to sell tickets to the public to pass on the history and grand tradition of gay Mardi Gras. While this year’s event will be hosted in Chalmette, partygoers can convene at Grand Pre’s for a shuttle to and from the Frederick J Sigur Civic Center.
Krewe of Petronius Ball (February 19, 2023)
The world’s oldest gay Mardi Gras Krewe returns for another triumphant evening of queer resilience. Founded at a time when anti-gay laws were still in place in much of the country, this Krewe has long been revered for its dedication to uniting the LGBTQ community, even when it was dangerous or difficult to do so. This year’s event supports Covenant House New Orleans, where young people can find safety and security during times of crisis. Tickets are exclusive to members, so you’ll have to join the ranks of Petronius to see this historic Krewe in action.
Lords of Leather Ball (February 19, 2023)
The only rule at Lords of Leather Ball? Don’t dress casually. Here, leather outfits, flamboyant costumes, gowns, and tuxedos are the name of the game. Tap into your bawdy side with the only krewe in the country that specifically caters to the gay leather community while promoting education, raising public awareness, and dismantling stigmatization of this often-overlooked (and prejudged) queer subculture.
Fat Monday Luncheon (February 20, 2023)
This Gay Carnival tradition celebrates its 73rd year with a delicious multi-course luncheon at Arnaud’s Restaurant. In addition to mingling and dining with fellow queer revelers, attendees will enjoy a human chandelier decoration contest, a second line led by a New Orleans jazz band, and a Queen’s Reception at Crossing Bar. Because the event carries such historical significance, tickets sell out quickly, so plan ahead if you want to be in that number.
Mardi Gras Day (February 21, 2023)
Take to the streets in all your queer glory for the citywide celebration of Fat Tuesday. Parades, dancing, indulgences, and more await you at nearly every stop, and the best costumes of the season will be on full display.
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Bourbon Street Awards (February 21, 2023)
Gather at the corner of Bourbon and St. Ann for a block-party that dishes out awards for Best Drag, Best Leather, Best of Show and more, all against the colorful backdrop of Mardi Gras Day. This tradition has carried on for five decades and is guaranteed to delight your spirit and imagination. Think you’ve got what it takes to win a Bourbon Street Award? Be sure to sign up early that morning to participate in this famously flashy spectacle.
Gay Mardi Gras Bead Toss (February 21, 2023)
Every year, the Krewe of Queenateenas’ reigning King Cake King and Queen take to the balcony of the Ambush Mansion for a bead toss that will have the queer community leaping, grabbing and cheering. This is, quite literally, one of the crowning moments of Gay Mardi Gras.
Now that you know what you'll do, you can start thinking about where you’ll stay, what you’ll eat, and what you’ll drink. Need ideas on what to wear? Our local costume and accessories shops have you covered there, too. Let the gay times roll!
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oifaaa · 2 years
Not sure you’ll answer this, but for the Bat Family, which members are team Johnny and which members are team Daniel and which ones believe Daniel was the true bully and Johnny was ‘The Karate Kid’?
Anon I hate to disappoint you but I've never actually watched the karate kid but I do know about it from pop culture so I'm gonna go off of that and hope for the best so imo Damian, Tim, Jason and steph are team Johnny, while Bruce, dick, Cass and Duke are team Daniel but only Tim and steph think Daniel was the bully while Johnny was the karate kid Jason will claim he does too only bc it pisses off Bruce
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I'm not here but have a little snippet of some spicy silverusso in the few moments of I have to post right now. Had to repost this because I messed up the other one.
Warnings for: blow job, drugs, rimming
The first time Daniel tries coke it is of course because of Terry. He is on his knees between the man's spread thighs, hard cock caught between his plush lips when Terry pulls him off. "I've got a treat for you tonight doll."
Terry pushes his cock down so he can balance a line of white over over an inch of the length under Daniel's watchful eye.vHe stares mouth a gape unsure of what to do with it, he has never done drugs before. "Give it a sniff, a big one, try to get it all up in one go." Terry's voice is firm, the way it always gets when he is directing Daniel.
His palms are a little sweaty the same way they were the first time he found himself in this position faced with Terry's cock. Nerves and anticipation flutter in his belly as he leans in and takes the little roll of plastic held out for him. He chews his lip for a moment as he leans in, big fingers sliding through his locks, palm going flat against his skull and pushing him down a little faster, guiding and grounding him.
He does not manage it in one smooth sniff, the burn startling him and it takes two to get most of the white off of Terry's cock. "Good first try Danny boy, lick up the rest, don't want it to go to waste." Terry says with a smirk as Danial drops the little bit of plastic and laps at his cock getting the last of it and sliding right back into blowing him.
Terry has Daniel on his knees and belly, holding his ass cheeks apart as he sprinkles cock over his rim, a little of it slipping into his hole when it clenches. He squirms at the feel as Terry reminds him "Be good Danny, stay still for me." Flushing and trying to do as he is told even as Terry's hands replace his own, filling his belly with heat.
Daniel squirms at the first pull of air against his crack as the powder is sniffed up, smoother than his own inhale but the line is longer and Terry drags it out. Slapping a hand against Daniel's ass with one hand, the other hand keeping him from jerking or squirming, a reminder he is supposed to stay still before he is right back at it, taking the line in three pulls.
It is torture having to remain still for it and the tight grip Terry gets on him when he burries his face between his cheek, cleaning up the last of it tongue dipping it like maybe the last remnants have not been dissolved is both exactly what he wants and worse as his cock kicks ignored against his belly dribbling pre onto the bed. He squirms and moans and rocks back against that tongue as it fucks into him, fingers following and pushing in along side it splitting him open until he is begging for Terry's cock.
Not my normal ship but I keep thinking about these two. 🤷‍♀️
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palettepainter · 4 years
for your ocs that are parents,who is most likely to freak out when they lose sight of their babies? (also hope you are doing well!)
Thanks! Mentally I’m not the best but asks like these let me think about funny stuff with OC’s so they make me feel a little better! Again I’ll just write a few for each of the randoms I’m in. I won’t be limiting this to OC’s as in MHA I have a few cannon x OC ships 
-Zill and Kayla where both pretty paranoid parents. Zillia and Danial both inherited Zill’s powers, they where both already cautious when their kids where born so when their abilities kicked in things went from 0 to 100. Zillia as a child was very very good at climbing up things, but not so much when it came to climbing down. Zill spent most of his time rescuing Zillia from trees she’d gotten stuck in.
-Carrie didn’t take comments on caring for kids all that seriously, she’d raised a hell horse, how hard could one kid be?? Oh ho how wrong she was. When Carrie eventually adopted Cooper it was a real kick in the gut, she didn’t worry per say all the time but she did have her scares when she’d turn her back for all of three seconds, and then Cooper was gone
-Camilla and Snake. Camilla was the more fretting parent, more so when Coal came into the picture. Raising one littel boy was hard enough, now she had another little boy - ontop of that being a vampire - to raise. Things got pretty chaotic in the house. Thankfully Snake was a more strict parent and was able to get Basil and Coal to calm down quickly 
Hazbin Hotel:
-Baxter was a nervous first time dad. Nifty was way more chill but Baxter was trying to baby proof like, everything. Like with Carrie having a kid was a real kick in the gut, all of a sudden he couldn’t have his dangerous lab equipment just laying around, he couldn’t let angel leave any weapons or let Alastor leave any voo-doo stuff laying about. Baxter eventually chills out but it took a lot of reassurance from Nifty
-Vaggie is naturally protective of friends, so that amped up when Iridescence was born. It didn’t help that she though Angel was a still very irresponsible, so despite the two not being married Vaggie did most of the actual parenting while Angel took the role of the fun loving father. Vaggie decided once day enough was enough and took Angel aside to slap some sense into him. It was a long process and Angel was bad at first, but soon enough the two are getting along and are raising Iridescence together 
-Charlie. Giant. Fretting. Hen. The kind of mum to freak out when her kids have wondered off without her or are out longer then she said they could be. In my NGAU Charlie is a bit more mature and knowledgeable in that Hell is..well, Hell. She isn’t all sunshine happiness and rainbows like she is in the pilot, she’s matured and understands some people just sadly don’t want to change. She tries to be a fair mum and let Brinda and Junior have their freedom while also keeping them on a sharp leash for their own safety 
Helluva boss:
-Only got Millie x Mooxie for now, maaay do a Vortex x Loona kiddo but don’t know yet. Moxxie. No questions asked. He is the worrying yet loving dad. In my NGAU I headcannon Mooxie can’t have kids, hence why he ends up being so dotting to ones he meets. Crash and Dash are either going to be adopted, or they get a donor. Crash and Dash are such asshats that do the most craziest stuff, Moxxie might have had a heart attack once or twice when the two first tried out skateboarding. Millie encourages Moxxie that they’re fine (and then reassured Moxxie again that they weren’t going to die from a small itty bitty scratch). Crash and Dash being their first kids Moxxie was naturally paranoid so obvs went a bit overboard at times, he chilled out a bit when they adopted Lucy, and is also thankful Lucy is a way more calm child then Crash and Dash 
-Erasermic: Alright hear me out. Aizawa is the more worrying parent. Like- this man’s gotta deal with a class of twenty something problem children, Shinsou, Eri and Mic (in my NGAU he and Mic adopt Shinsou and Eri, and Aizawa more often then not has to parent Mic to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid). This man worries, but is very good at hiding it. Mic and Aizawa have Joke labour their daughter, Kiku tended to wonder a bit when she was younger - mostly cuz she would see a cat and follow it not realizing she wondered out of her parents sight. Aizawa goes to look down to see if she’s still with him, child's gone, BOOM: Panic! With what Aizawa’s seen (with the USJ incident, training camp incident, rescuing Eri, and just everything else that’s happening in MHA right now) Aizawa knows the dangers of the world so he comes off as a biiit overprotective. Even when Kiku is 13 (her current age in my NGAU) Aizawa still watches over her to make sure she’s safe. He becomes less stressed by training with her, knowing she can defend herself if needed eases his worries a little 
 -Edgeshot x Ryukyu: Both are chill parents, Based on @erosspace headcannons Edgeshot lives far off from the city for privacy reasons. He and Ryukyu like the peace. Kakusu grew up very safe as a child and didn’t wonder off at all, generally a well behaved kid. However the day his quirk kicked in was the day his parents got a real fright. Kakusu’s quirk is camouflage, and when it first activated he unintentionally disappeared from his parents sight. He was meditating in the garden and because he was calm and relaxed his quirk activated for the first time, his parents turned the house upside down and where just about to call the police, when they searched outside and saw Kakusu. Kakusu’s quirk only works on his skin, so if he activates his clothes while dressed in normal clothes his clothes will give away where he is because they aren’t affected by his quirk. When Kakusu started to use his camouflage quirk to hide from taking a bath Edgeshot and Ryukyu made him wear an ankle bracelet with bells on it so they could always tell where he was
-Ectoloader: I am a firm believer that Powerloader worries a lot. He has to deal with Hatsume exploding his lab on a daily basis, this man probably developed some secret power to know when something bad is gonna happen so he is just prepared for anything. I also headcannon he knew Ectoplasm in his school days and was a huge supportive figure for Ecto when he lost his legs, so that event has also lead to him becoming very worried if family or friends get injured. Haiya is a hyperactive child 90% of the time, if he isn’t running around he’s sleeping or doing school work, theres no in-between. Ectoplasm is a stern yet chill parent, he put down the rules when needed but he still lets Haiya have fun. Powerloader tends to be a bit stricter with rules and can sometimes come off an harsh without realising, he’s so used to having to yell at Hatsume just to knock some sense into her that sometimes he can get carried away
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pigtailedgirl · 3 years
Cobra Kai Civil War Crossover
So I’m writing a thing and if I don’t post I’ll have no drive to finish. I’m not a fanfic writer. So very rough draft beginning ok. Feedback and additions welcome. 
It was the eve of the Accords writing. Ross and Tony Stark had just finished a meeting to hash out more amendments. Tony was concerned. He knew Capsicle and the others were not going to want this. He didn't know how he'd convince them. He only knew Ross would make problems for him if he didn't. He had enough problems. Pepper had left again, because it had only taken him a month to rebuild a new suit.  He had lied and said it was about replacing JARVIS. She'd known better. Thank god he didn't still have the reactor. Ross couldn't touch him as enhanced. Thank god for lawyers. But lawyers weren't going to be enough for high and mighty Rogers. No, he'd be looking at the everyman, or right through the two men, Ross and he, who weren't about helping everyone. Why the hell didn't he understand it wasn't about that? That Tony needed to make sure the whole world was safe. Everyone else would have to suck it up.
  He, Tony, needed a drink. So he got one. And as he often did when he drank to relax, he tinkered with his tech. He could after all with Pep gone. What he didn't notice was an spark in one of his old sims. A sim about martial arts combat. A very 80s sim. A feedback loop. He turned to catch it and BOOM.
Hence reality shifted.  An infinite number of things could have happened. What did was Tony's sim searched for like, and dragged a universe together. A group of people together. A universe of other rivals needing to fix. The Cobra Kai universe.
When Johnny Lawrence had hang overs and drunken dreams they had never been this wild. It was what sobered him enough when he woke in the lab to realize this wasn't right. This was too real. He was bruised but it wasn't as bad as it should be. His fight against Kreese had left worse physical bruises.  Because he refused to think of the emotional toll of leaving Robbie in that bastard's clutches. And sure he'd gotten a little drunk after spending a whole day at Miyagi Do, trying to not punch Danial La Russo too hard in practice. This level of delusional hang-over dream from that? Nah.
"What the hell happened to me?"
 A disembodied voice answered "I believe it would be considered prudent to mix less vodka and experiments next time sir. A case of foreseen consequence. Commencing data scan, but you appear uninjured."
Johnny nearly shit himself and spun into fighting stance looking for the person. "WTF!" Was Miguel pranking him with some kind of funniest home videos app?
“Sir?” Oh no
And this was when Jarvis discovered that despite looking like Stark, Mr. Stark was in fact no longer there. Instead one Johnny Lawrence's consciousness was residing.
After repeatedly trying to explain the concept of reality shift to a man who didn't get it, nor seemed to want to as he had given up yelling at ghost man as he called JARVIS and was trying to exit the lab by forcefully karate kicking the door, JARVIS called the new Avengers.
These Avengers were having their own issue. Steve Rogers had awoken with a scream, rushed into the common area, through his own wall, an demanded the police. Where was his family? Why had he been kidnapped? Why was he...wait why was he buff and he'd just run through a wall?!
Steve Rogers had been replaced by one Daniel La Russo. .....
The situation seemed to improve slightly as JARVIS explained the predicament to Natasha,  thankfully still Natasha, aka Black Widow and co.
Strangely Johnny and Daniel had calmed and recognized the other over the video link JARVIS had used to contact Avenger HQ.  As if to them seeing the other their appearance had unchanged or was mirage, though the circumstances were wild.  And that recognition had allowed enough pause to give time to think.
"How do we get home?" "What do we do?"
The answers were grim and filled with unknowns. Something had to play out to reset their place in universe. There was no idea what to do but wait. Daniel thought to himself this was like some wild comic book plot his son was obsessed with. 
It was decided Johnny should come to Avenger HQ for safety. And that the less people that knew the better.
So Johnny was let out of the lab and directed to one of Stark's ‘Sweet’ as he called it cars to drive to HQ, while the Avengers scanned for prep or universe damage.
“What about tracking Rumlow?” Wanda asked Sam Wilson. Could it wait?
Not really, but they now had no coverage. They needed Steve as tactical. It was Nat and Sam's and Steve's goal to get Rumlow. Old Shield and Hydra reminder that he was, he was a personal enemy still posing a current dilemma.
But just then a scanner beeped. Something more dangerous and pressing had popped up. This was worse. This was when they really needed Steve.
Nat looked at the bad camera footage displayed. The Winter Soldier, aka Bucky Barnes was running through a market looking bewildered. His arm clearly on display. He'd stolen food and cash from a vendor and just ran? After being missing years, assumed personally well hidden, this display of himself made no sense.
Until... Daniel exclaimed "Oh my god Robby!"
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chronicas · 5 years
A lot of people followed me for Salem and he is one of my favorites in the Main 14 so I’m gonna infodump about him a little bit.
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Here’s my first real drawing of him! I came up with Salem while listening to Touch Tone Telephone, because the shit slaps and I wanted to run a Monster of the Week campaign. For the campaign I needed a character that would aid the players in solving the mysteries and bringing all their characters together. The first two characters I made for the campaign were Salem and Danial Cedarwood (who was inspired by Stan Pines and Ned Chicane) Originally, Salem was a Terran radio host and monster hunter. He was supposed to have a contract with the Greater Forest Spirit, Astacagoth (Mothman) that would lend him some of the spirit’s strength. So in the beginning he was just a regular human man who had a contract with a forest spirit. There was also another unnamed NPC who had the same setup as Salem but with Bigfoot, he was scrapped in the end but was still neat.
At the time I had just started listening to TAZ Amnesty and hadn’t met Indrid yet, when I did meet Indrid and Griffin discribed him having the iconic red tinted sunglasses I thought “hm maybe it would be more fun if Salem was literally just Mothman” It was something I had already considered but I wanted to make sure Salem wasn’t like Indrid. I turned away from Salem’s original more mysterious personality and decided to make him incredibly cocky with a very good heart. He became the guy who always put himself between his friends and danger and also was just an absolute himbo.
Salem’s backstory was about Astacagoth, a tired spirit who couldn’t be killed, being hunted by monster hunters who saw him as a threat. After being slain many times, he desired to move on instead of being resurrected over and over again. Helaphiel was an angel and a friend of Astacagoth’s, he asked her to help him move on. Since spirits exist as something between the realm of the living and the dead, they can’t really die. So to allow him to die, the energy in his soul, his essence basically, needed to be repurposed. One night, 13 year old Salem Graves was exploring the woods during one of Astacagoth and Helaphiel’s meetings. Helaphiel agreed to take a portion of Astacagoth’s soul and give it to Salem. So Astacagoth became a mortal soul and moved on while Salem was basically upgraded from mortal to Greater Forest Spirit. Becoming Mothman.
When I started to flesh out his backstory I remembered one of my abandoned characters, Rian. Rian has been at least 3 different characters. Her name, appearance, and personality stay the same every time, but her story changes. I decided to finalize her as Salem’s younger sister. With this new family dynamic I created the two’s backstory. The two were orphaned when Salem was 10 and Rian was only 3. Rian and Salem were half siblings, sharing the same father, they were both raised by Salem’s mother and their father, Rian never knowing her biological mother. Originally, the two shared a mother because Rian’s father was Satan. However I thought it might be fun to put a twist on antichrist by making her the opposite of Christ. You have the Son of God, God being the Father, and the Daughter of Satan, Satan being the Mother.
With Rian as the antichrist I was able to more properly tie in Helaphiel to the story. Rian is one of many antichrists, one of Helaphiel’s sacred duties was to keep an eye on these children and keep them isolated from the devil, postponing the apocalypse. Angels and Forest Spirits tend to get along, so originally the only reason Helaphiel had anything to do with the Graves Siblings was that they happened to live in Astacagoth’s territory, but with Rian in the mix it became a bit flipped. Helaphiel was there for Rian and she would happen to run into Astacagoth from time to time. After Salem became the new Mothman, Helaphiel decided to adopt them because she felt guilty for what she did to Salem. Her original thought was that by making Salem a powerful spirit, he could protect his sister from the demons that would inevitably come to influence her, totally did not consider that she would be turning a 13 yo child into a big scary monster.
Helaphiel is also a member of the High Magic Council of Genesis, at this point in the timeline, Agael Stellarune is the Emissary of the Goddesses of Magic and head of the Council. My girl Lumaria has not been born yet. Salem has no connection to the Council yet.
Fast forward 5 years after Salem’s incident, Salem is 18, Rian is 11. At this point Salem has just graduated High School and Helaphiel leaves Salem alone to take care of Rian so she can return to her job at the Council full time. Salem starts working for the local paper after his online blog starts to grow in popularity. He basically writes stories about the strange happenings in his hometown, of which there are many. He uses this as a way to get information from people so he can better do his job as a Forest Spirit. (Which is to protect his territory and everyone who lives on it)
At this point the war with the Izebellian Empire has begun, Izebel herself is only 8, but by the time she was 5 she was a worthy vessel of Circe’s curse. Ageal forms the New Genesis Alliance as a response.
Three years later, Ageal is murdered by the knight September. Despite the Council assuring her that she doesn’t need to take the position because she’s literally only 10, Lumaria Stellarune takes her mother’s place as Emissary due to her already strong connection to Ashtia and Arcadia.
Under Lumaria’s lead (with Helaphiel, Xoul, and Madam Veronica acting as her closest advisors) Salem begins working closely with the Council as a Terran operative. In this same time, the Vandals move to West Virginia to help with the increase of spiritual activity near Point Pleasant. One night, Qwynn and Anastasiya Vandal encounter Salem and lesser forest spirit, Vistrag, while Salem is in his true form. Qwynn, eager to prove herself as an amateur monster hunter to her parents, makes a familiar contract with Vistrag.
Which is super helpful to Salem when the Vandals move to Valewood, Colorado. /s
After having to move out of his designated territory (something a greater forest spirit hasn’t ever really done before) along with 50+ lesser forest spirits just so one (1) idiot teenager can keep her familiar, Salem moves into the adjacent town, Aderdeen, and starts working at the radio station. There he continues his same gig that he had as a journalist except now he’s a radio show host. Him and a group of college students (of which includes local cryptid enthusiast, Susan Monroe) create a show called The Valewood Night Watch. The actual Valewood Nightwatch consists of Salem, Rian, and local (normal) hunter and bastard Danial Cedarwood who finds out Salem’s secret while hunting one night and decides to help protect his town.
Then my MotW campaign starts. The campaign kicks off with the death of Jack Harper, who was out hiking at night with his best friend Jessica North. The next day Jessica calls the Valewood Night Watch and reports that the thing that killed her friend was some kind of large creature with black leathery wings and tall deer antlers. This will be the hook that will bring together a group of unlikely heroes that will eventually start a forest fire, fail to save the local weatherman from Zombie Jack Harper, get a local sheriff abducted by the Men in Black, and other dumb shit that I love them for.
I don’t know how the campaign will end, but nothing will happen that will drastically change the canon timeline. Everything else is spoilers for the start of Unorthodox ;)
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Captain America: The First Super Soldiers
Chapter 3 is done!!! Lots of peggysous in this one;) Enjoy!!:)
Plane 1943:
There sat Colonel Philips, Agent Carter, and Lieutenant Sousa on a plane; a plane flown by Howard Stark. Stark insisted if they were flying, then he would be the pilot. As they all sat there, waiting for their arrival to London, Philips was fast asleep, and Carter was resting her head on Sousa's shoulder.
"Hey." He said. "Are you asleep?"
"No." She replied.
"I just...uh, wanted to thank you. Again. For getting me here." She lifts her head from its comfortable spot, and faces him. He looks at her and she takes his hand once more.
"You did this, not I. You worked your arse off at camp. You were kind and brave enough to help those that you were competing with. You earned the spot for taking the serum. And YOU alone got yourself here. Not me." He smiles bashfully and turns away.
"But it was you that convinced him,"He nudges to the Colonel, "That I should be on this plane,with all of you, right now." Now its her turn to smile bashfully. As the two look into each other eyes, they are once again stuck in a trance. They both lean in at the same time, and meet in the middle. Their lips fit perfectly with the others. Daniel places his left hand in her hair, as she places both on his cheeks; neither of them letting go. Too happy in this moment, they don't realize Stark or Philips watching them. Howard smirks and keeps flying, and Philips? He just grumbles and goes back to sleep.
Europe 1944:
In America, on stage, months after months, Steve Rogers stood and performed for America. Show after show he remembered his lines, took pictures with fans, and did films with other actors; he was know as Captain America, and the children loved him. Little did he know, the disgrace the soldiers thought of him.
"Hey, look at this!" A soldier exclaimed. "I'm Captain America and I have a plan!" They all laugh at his portrayal of Steve dancing around stage.
"God, what an idiot." Another soldier says, as he sips some 'water' out of his canteen. The soldiers in camp have just survived a sour mission, and they are missing more than half of their battalion. They drink and entertain themselves to keep away the fresh, gruesome memories; and to distract themselves from thinking of their comrades.
"And those tights? What is he? Tinkerbell." They all laugh.
"Whats so funny?" Daniel and Peggy come out of a tent.
"You two have fun in there last night...?"
"Zip it, Smith." Peggy snaps and kicks over his drink. As he thrust his arms in the air, in disbelief, Daniel just  smiles at her and asks his question again.
"Whats so funny, Johnny?" Daniel sits down on the log with Peggy by his side.
"Captain America," And they all start to laugh again, but Peggy and Daniel are not as amused. "Well, not the real one. Not you. But the 'Star spangled man with a plan'," He hands them a photograph and Peggy and Daniel laugh. "Rogers looks like some ballerina in a spandex." They all laugh again. Peggy laughs so hard she leans in closer to Daniel to keep her grounded.
"What in blazes is he doing?" she exclaims
"Dancing. And getting ready to 'hit' Adolf Hitler." Daniel shakes his head as Peggy laughs again.
"Poor guy. Should have never taken that stupid deal." Sousa says.
"You know what? Hes coming here next week to do a show." Everyone stops laughing and drinking, and stares at Smith.
"Wait what? Rogers is coming here? I thought he was in America." Peggy says.
"He was. But for the past...two weeks I think, hes been doing shows here, in Europe. Its extra publicity for the allies and more bonds for the government to win the war." He explains.
"Well, look on the bright side." Peggy says, sneaking a hand onto Daniels leg and stealing a piece of his food, " We'll all be able to watch this 'Star spangled man with a plan' and finally get some real entertainment around here" And they all laugh once more and enjoyed the rest of their morning. Danial whispers in her ear and she blushes. "Wouldn't you like to know." She whispers and teases back.
The next week:
"You know Rogers is gonna be here sometime today?" Daniel says. Peggy hums as an answer and snuggles closer, resting her head on his chest. "We should probably get ready, speak to Philips about the mission for the 107th and-"
"Daniel." She lifts her head to look into his eyes. "He won't listen. No matter how many times we confront him, he won't make a plan to rescue them."
"Peg, it isn't right." He turns around to face her. "They could be being tortured right now, even as we speak. They could all be dead. We owe it to their families to give them a solid answer of if they are dead or alive. They at least deserve that."
"I know, darling." She places her left hand on his cheek and slides it into his hair. He closes his eyes and leans into her more. "And its admirable for you to want this so badly. But I've run my throat sore and dry trying to convince him of this. " He sighs and she kisses his head. Daniel leans over her completely and now rests his head on her chest.
"I feel like I'm going crazy, Peg."
"I know. But you're not alone in this, I promise." He grabs her by the waist and pulls her closer. "I'm in this with you until the end , Daniel. Don't you ever forget that." She feels his smile and he reaches up for a kiss; and she happily obliges.
Hours later and Steve Rogers and his group of lady dancers arrive. Daniel Sousa stays in his tent and draws out a plan from blueprints of Hydras base. He's determined to bring the rest of the 107th back, properly. Agent Carter watches from a distance, not close to stage, but not too far from Daniel. As the 'show' ends, Steve gives his speech.
"How many of you are ready to help me sock old Adolf on the jaw?" The soldiers are not amused. "Okay. Uh. I need a volunteer."
"I already volunteered! How do you think I got here?" One soldier says, and everyone laughs; including the lady Agent.
"Hey," Daniel nudges her.
"Hi," She says. She reaches up and kisses his cheek, and he pulls her closer by the waist.
"Bring back the girls!" another soldier from the crowd roars. And the two lovebirds laugh while everyone else cheers.
"On a scale of one to ten," Daniel says lowly. "How bad was the show?" Peggy snickers.
"At best? I'd give it a 2." And they laugh again."He lifted a motorbike, which was impressive, and the dance routine was alright. But... what I've seen you do with your hands is much more impressive" She flirts. He draws her closer until their chest meet.
"You're trying to tempt me, aren't you?"
"Mmm, is it working?" Daniel laughs as she leans in.
As the two share a passionate kiss, the crowd of soldiers around them encourage the dancers to come on stage.
"I think they only know the one song, but um, I'll see what I can do." Rogers says.
"You do that sweetheart." A soldier says from the crowd.
"Nice boots, Tinkerbell" Hodge says from the crowd. And they all laugh.
"Come on, guys, we're all on the same team here." Steve exclaims.
"Hey, Captain! Sign this," A soldier stands a pulls down his pants, and moons Steve Rogers. Once more the crowd roars with laughter. They start to throw tomatoes at Rogers, and he walks off stage. As he leaves Daniel looks up.
"You should probably go say something to him." She reaches up and kisses him again, he groans.
"And why, pray tell, would I want to do that?" She drags him back into the tent when no one is looking, and zips it tight. He starts to laugh.
"Because its the right thing to do." She shoves him and he sits down. As she straddles him, he grabs her waist. Peggy rests her arms over his shoulders and snakes them around his neck as she kisses his cheek.
"And why..." Daniel groans again. "Should I have to do it? Hmm?" They kiss passionately and Peggy starts to undue his jacket. "You could go and support him, You're both super soldiers."
"Yeah..." He stops her hands."But I have to give those plans to Philips."
"No more of this." She kisses him again and again, but Daniel stops her.
"Peg." Now she groans out of frustration. "We're going to get caught."
"I highly doubt that. Everyone is far to busy with their own...shall we say..pleasure." He laughs and kisses her.
"Go. Talk to Rogers. I'll handle Mr. Grouch." She really doesn't want to talk to Rogers; especially after his woman in the military comment.
"Ugh!!" He gets her off of his lap, and she leaves the tent. "This isn't over, soldier."
"I don't doubt that, Agent." And with that she leaves.
As Steve Rogers sits in the rain, doodling in his notebook, someone appears behind him.
"Hello, Steve"
"Hi," He says. Hes surprised to see her. Its been almost a year. "What are you doing here?"
"Officially I'm not here at all."She sets down Daniels jacket that he gave her. "That was...quite a performance." It takes everything in her power not to laugh.
"Yeah, uh I had to improvise a little bit," He looks away from her."The crowds I'm use to are usually more, uh, twelve." For several moments, all is quiet as Agent Carter looks for something to say.
"I understand you're 'America's new hope'" Although she tried to hide it, the tone in her voice wasn't thrilling. 'it should be Daniel' she thinks, 'Hes the one actually doing the hard work'.
"Bond sales take a 10% bump in every state I visit."
"Is that senator Brandt I hear," She squints her eyes and slightly glares. This man has all the limelight in America and parts of the world, and he can't even think his own thoughts...
"At least he has me doing this. Philips would have had me stuck in a lab." A lab is better than dancing like a show girl and taking credit from another man' but Peggy doesn't say any of this.
"And these are your only two options. A lab rat or a dancing monkey?" As she refers to his drawing. "You were meant for more than this."
"Ya know, all I ever wanted was to serve overseas and fight for my country. And I got everything I wanted. And I'm wearing tights." Hes not too happy about this fact, but that fact that he could have fought and tried to prove himself would have been better. He could be serving his country even without tights; but he took the easy way out.Before she can say anything, a jeep beeps its horn and carries more injured soldiers to the infirmary. "They look like they've been through hell."
"These men more than most." She looks at the soldiers and nurses escorting the injured amputee."Schmidt sent out a force to Azzano. Two hundred men went up against him, and less than fifty returned. Your audience contained what was left of the 107th." At this his head whips to her.
"The 107th!?"
"What?" Steve starts to take off, so Peggy grabs Daniel's jacket to shield herself from the rain, and runs after him. He stops once hes reached Colonel Philips tent, and Rogers confronts him.
"I need the casualty list from Azzano."
"You don't get to give me orders,son." But Rogers doesn't give up,he demands one name, Sergeant James Barnes from the 107th." Philips looks at Carter and speaks in dismay.
"Later, you and I are gonna have a conversation that you won't like." Peggy sighs and looks down. 'I'm going to have words with Daniel after this,' she thinks. Rogers asks again and starts to spell out his name, but Philips interrupts and says he an spell. He says the named sounded familiar and Steve insisted on knowing about a rescue mission.
"Yeah we have one, Its called winning the war.
"But if you know where they are, why not at least-"
"God dammit you sound like Sousa. They're thirty miles behind the lines through some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We'd loose more men than we'd save." Steve turns red at the mention of Sousa. "But I don't expect you to understand that because you're a chorus girl."
"I think I understand just fine." Peggy can't help but roll her eyes.
"Well then understand it somewhere else." Steve looks at the map of the base and storms out. Agent Carter glances at him then the map, then follows him.
"You're not really so dense that you'd try and go there by yourself. What do you plan to do? Walk to Austria?"
"If thats what it takes."
"You heard the Colonel, your friend is most likely dead-
"You don't know that." She takes a deep breath and tries to not get angry.
"Even so, he and Sousa are devising a strategy. If he detects.-
"By the time he's done that, it could be too late." Hes been rushing to throw in a jacket and change of boots."Besides, how does Sousa have anything to do with this? Hes in Alamogordo."
"No hes not. Hes been here, in Europe, since he received the serum."
"Wait, what? You know what.Never mind, I have something else to worry about." She looks at him confused. 'Why do you need to bother with worrying about him?' He races out of the tent and she follows him.
"Steve!" he tosses the shield from the performances in a truck and turns to her.
"You said you thought I was meant for more than this. Did you mean it." AT first she hesitates, then answers.
"Every word. But that doesn't mean to go on a suicide mission to prove that."
"You have to let me do this."
"No I don't." She takes the keys from the ignition and runs off to find Daniel. When she does, hes in his tent.
"Hey, Peg how'd it-" She shoves him.
"You should have talked to Rogers. Not .Me." She shoves him twice more with her last two words. He leans back against the table, terrified.
"Okay, okay, okay. What the hell happened." She still has her angry face and leans forward,  and he flinches; but instead of hitting him, she tosses the keys to the jeep next to him. "Uhh, okay. What are those for...?"
"You deal with the damn fool."
"What did he do, Peg?"
"Hes trying to go all the way to Austria to recuse the soldiers that were captured in the 107th.Specifically his friend, who may, or may not be alive."
"What? By his self? Why?"
"Because, Daniel. Hes a bloody idiot. I don't want to deal with him."
"NO. Don't Peg me, Daniel. I won't have it." He steps back again and raises his arms in defeat.
"Well, I- I don't know what to do Peggy. He'll find a way to get there, with or without our help." She whips her head around to him.
"What!? Daniel, have you gone mad? Why should we help him."
"Because we could use this." She looks at him, puzzled."Think about it Peg-"
"I don't want to. Hes being a damn fool. And unlike you who has been planning for over a week on how to get to them, hes going out on a bloody whim because of one person."
"Thats not a bad thing,Peg."
"How isn't it? I wouldn't go off and risk everything for one person, and neither would you."
"I would for you." And with that, the whole room went silent.
"Look, Peg. Hes gonna do it. We might as well give him transportation. I'll talk to Colonel Philips about my plans again and tell him about Rogers. "
"He may be pissed off if you tell him that we helped Rogers."
"We?" She smirks and rolls her eyes. "Yeah, he will. But, he might actually listen if he realizes whats at stake." She takes a deep breath and sighs. He walks over to her and holds her. He tries to look into he eyes, She smiles and places a kiss on his lips.
"I would for you too, no one else..." As she says this she leaves. He calls to her and tosses her the keys, then she makes her way to Steve.
"I thought you weren't going to help" he says, as she paces him the keys.
"I can do more than that."
Austria in a Airplane 1944:
As the three people in the plane fly to their destination, Peggy talks Steve through a some-what plan.
"The Hydra cap is in Krausberg, tucked between these two mountain ranges. Its a factory of some kind."
"We should be able to drop you right on their doorstep," Stark explains.
"Just get me as close as you can."Steve says. Peggy cant help but think of how horrible this will turn out to be."You two are gonna get into a lot of trouble when you land. "
"Oh and you won't?" Carter says. Steve goes on and says that if anyone yells at him he can just shoot them, but they can't do that. She argues that they will shoot back at him, so he taps the shield and hopes it works.
"Agent Carter," They both turn to look at him. "If we're not in too much of a hurry, I thought we could stop off in Lucerne for a late-night fondue." Peggy shakes his off and continues to look at the map.
"Stark is the best civilian pilot I've ever seen. Hes mad enough to brave this airspace"She explains, hoping to get Rogers to stop glancing between them. "We're lucky to have him." AFter a few moments of silence, Steve breaks it.
"So do you two..d-do you...fondue?" "I beg your pardon?" She feels her skin start to heat up.
"Ya know..uh-together, d-do you...fondue?"
"Stop." She takes a deep breath and shakes her head."This is your transponder, activate it when you're ready and the signal will lead us straight to you."
Are you sure this thing works?" He questions.
"Its been tested more than you,pal"Howard says. After he speaks there is gun fire. Steve grabs a parachute and jumps.
"Uh, shouldn't he have waited to do that?" Stark exclaims.
"Theres nothing we can do about it now, Only hope what he does will work. " Stark turns the plane around and they head back to base.
"You two did what!? Strictly against my orders!" Daniel stands his ground to Philips and explains his plan again.
"Sir, its best he had a little push in the right direction rather than going on a whim, half cocked and getting himself killed immediately. If we go with this plan, we can get Rogers, and everyone else."
"You said do yourself,sir" Peggy enters the tent. "Its better to pick and choose your battles to win the war, and this is one of them." Colonel Philips grumbles.
"How do you know this will even work?"
"We have faith,sir" he grumbles again, but finally caves in.
"Fine! But if this fails, you two are on the first flight back to the states and are to be punished for disciplinary action. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes,sir" They say. As the plan set into motion they gather up the soldiers needed. At this moment at the Hydra facility, Steve is sneaking around the base.
"Halt!" A Hydra solder demands.Before Steve can defend himself, hes taken down and locked away with the other prisoners.
"Hey, who are you suppose to be?"
"I'm Captain America" He replies, "But things didn't exactly work out like they were suppose to."
"No shit."As they all sit there waiting to die Steve asks where Sergeant Barnes was. They told him her was taken away, and those that were, never came back....Hours and hours they sat in their cages, waiting for the inevitable, until a man appeared above them; am man that wasn't Hydra.
"You guys okay?" He asks. As Steve looks up, hes meet with a familiar face.
"Sousa? What the- How the hell did you get in here?"
"Save that for later Rogers. I'm getting you all out of here." He breaks the bars and jumps down. When he gets to the cages, he looks at the locks.
"You need the keys to unlock em'"
"No. No I don't."He smirks at the man. Daniel looks away, takes the lock in his hands, and breaks it off.
"Damn man!"
"C'mon, we gotta hurry. The planes just outside the boarder. All we gotta do is get there." He breaks the rest of the locks and Steve leaves to find Barnes. Sousa tries to stop him, but decides to get everyone out first. The Red Skull sees Rogers and Sousa and sets the facility to self destruct. Dr. Zola sees this and tries to stop him.
"Our forces are our matched" He says. And thats when Zola notices the super soldiers. The two begin to flee, when they run into Rogers. Surrounded by fire, the two talk, but Steve punches him and his fake face falls off. Schmidt and Zola get away, while Barnes and Rogers make their own way out. All of the 107th soldiers were fighting like hell, and they were winning. They over took the base and made it to the plane.
"Alright, boys, lets go!" Sousa orders. They all get on and head back to camp.
"Well all be damned," Colonel Philips exclaims as he sees the men unload out of the plane."What was it you said earlier, Carter? Faith?"
"Yes sir" She says. He nods and walks away. As Steve talks to the Colonel, Peggy speaks with Daniel.
"It worked." He says. She throws her arms around him and puts all her strength into this kiss.
"I'm glad you made it back in one piece," He smiles, "And back to me," Her sincerity takes him off guard, so he takes her away from the crowd, and kisses her tentatively. She'll never say it out loud, but she was terrified the mission would go south; and she was terrified she would loose him.
"I'm in this with you,till the end, Peg. Remember?" she bites her lip and nods her head.
"I love you, Daniel..."His eyes enlarge at her statement. This is the first time shes said those three words. After his shock he breaks into a smile and kisses her with all of his might; which leads them tumbling into the cot. "Sorry, forgot my strength for a second." She laughs.
"Whatever you say, Captain."He kisses her again and unbuttons her jacket. "Daniel... we'll get caught!" She foreigns his comment from earlier.
"I don't care." He says. "I love you, too, Peggy." They smile once more, and show each other just how much.
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na-amaht · 2 years
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Lmao mood while getting kicked out for accidentally outing a date rapist to his girlfriend cause she heard me talking about it in the other room. His defense to her was that he slipped girls xanax and not roofies....... I just...... 🙃
Painting by Danial Ryan
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blorbosexterminator · 3 years
🎶Who can it be knocking at your door?🎶 (Its me, bitch)
Oh, honey, you have no idea whats possible 😏
Here's my reaction for ep 12 so there we go :
Alberto's back? 😡 Raquel, hit him, just fucking hit him, or I will have to do it myself & trust me, it will not end well. I may be 4ft 10in, 21yo but I can sure as fuck beat yo ass.
Paula 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 No wonder that kid's gonna survive this crazy fam because she's smart
Andres, darling, what makes ya think that telling a kid that you, not selling her organs, is gonna make her trust you?
Martin & Paula arguing about music? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 tbh my dad & I are the same when it comes to choosing music in our car.
Julia?! 😨😨😨 Man, she's damn good at her job. Kudos to her. Excellent professional dedication. 1000/10 would recommend.
😱😱😱😱😱 WHO DID MARTIN KILL?!?!? 😱😱😱😱
(My guess is Martin threatened the woman & shifted her to another country & spread the word he killed her so no one would double-cross him)
Marsella not giving anything & giving a death glare to Sergio? Because he seperated Andres & Martin?? My absolute beloved 😍😍😍😍😍 (after Martin ofcourse. Actually after Paula, Andres, Daniel, Julia, Monica & Mirko but he's moving up in the ranks)
Holy Shit 😆😆😆😆😆 Sergio dashing after Martin. Peak Fast & Furious. Vin Diesel's got nothing on Sergio.
And yes Nada, next time I'll use that argument on my mom. "But, but, Mom he's so cute you wanna say goodbye to him 😭?"
The SACRED song omg.
I have no doubt that you could kick his ass. He deserves it!
She's the smartest. No one else has any braincells because she took them all.
That was Martín I think but agsjsvhsyagsu honestly no idea. (they really are be and the same. Same idiocity)
If you think Martín won't argue with an 8 year old, you're dead wrong. He can and he WILL. But that's so cute! Martín and his fiance basically kidnapped her, yes, but they are still giving her the family life™
YES Julia is out there actually doing her job. I 100% would hire her. Sergio is lucky Danial recommened her because if it were him, he would have completely ignored Martín and that whole ordeal for Monica.
Marseille is more like 'lmfao this idiot. Probably tried to seperate them and now his daughter is probably dead. Should have known better imo' but true, king; love him! (as long as he's got hope to rise up in those ranks)
HAHAHA You're RIGHT. Vin Diesel got absolutely nothing on him.
Why am I getting the vibe that your mum occasionally tries to separate you from your dog afnagsis?
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secretradiobrooklyn · 4 years
SECRET RADIO | Aug.31.20
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Inaugural edition of WBFF, secret radio Kensington Brooklyn (Hear it here.)
Before it comes up: No, we don’t speak most of these languages. We definitely don’t even know how to pronounce most of the song titles. And while we keep reading up on em, some of this stuff we’ll never know. And that’s fine. That doesn’t need to slow us or you down. If you dig it, you dig it!
So here’s what you’re listening to, and detailed notes below:
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1- T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou w Sagbohan Danialou- The Kings of Benin Urban Groove 1972-1980 - “Gbeto Vivi”
T.P. stands for “tout poissant,” or “all powerful,” and right from the jump you can hear why this band is so exciting: it’s pure funk and pure Africa at the same time — super funky drums all wound in hand drums, a royal horn section, and an electric guitar holding down the rhythm stabs. The fact that you have no idea what he’s talking about barely even matters. It’s amazing how the song moves between an African dominance and a Western dominance from section to section.   
2- CBC Band - Saigon Rock & Soul - “The Greatest Love”
This is exactly the tone that I always wanted the term “acid rock” to mean. Every instrument is so hot it’s melting over the other instruments. The organ is such a classic West Coast flavor, the whole band takes every opportunity to go crazy together, and the vocal is a truly mysterious character. But in the end, anyone can sing along to “yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,” yeah?
3- T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo De Cotonou Benin - “Mille Fois Merci”
Apparently, in the ‘70s one of the things that started happening with records in the Benin region was that the bands would not only write super badass songs, but when it came time to record, they would skip the spaces between songs and just record the whole side in one unbroken flow. It certainly sounds like that’s what happened with “Mille Fois Merci” — where we start is definitely not where we end up, though it’s not even clear, without close listening, when we shift into the song with the chorus lyrics. One of the best elements of African music is that influence is flowing in from France and America in completely different ways, and mixing more in Africa than they ever seemed to in the US. “Mille fois merci” = “a thousand thank yous.” So many great guitar parts over the course of the song, all wound tightly around each other, alternately improvising and contributing to the drone underlying huge passages.
4- Vicky & T.P. Poly-Rythmo - “Au Bord de l’Eau”
Vicky is one of the central members and I think songwriters of T.P., and he’s constantly getting call-outs from the other members of the band. This song’s melody reminds Paige of:
5- Sylvie Vartan - “La Plus Belle pour Aller Danser” 
In the movie “Peppermint Soda,” there’s a scene in which all of the schoolgirls have gone bonkers, singing this song and clapping and dancing on their desks, and the teacher has no control over the class at all. This is the song they’re singing.
6- Cambodian Rocks - Volumen 1 - Sinn Sisamouth - “Quando, My Love”
I love the drum machine — Optigan? — throughout, but the guitar playing is what just drops my jaw every time. It’s so Les Paul in its fluid inventiveness, shimmering and sliding through the song until it crescendoes and dissolves into light. Meanwhile, all I can picture is a dark, mostly deserted bar verging on last call, on the forgotten edge of an army base deep in Cambodia, where this guy and his guitarist deliver a timeless memory that can never be sufficiently described or even remembered, only ever conjured in a cloud at the edge of sleep.
7- Gasper Nali - “A Bale Ndikuwuzeni”
“Punk Rock meets Tropical? Music is everywhere.” That’s the tag on the YouTube video that I ran across a couple of years ago, and damned if that’s not exactly the thing. I must’ve watched the video of the singer playing his giant one-stringed instrument a dozen times the first time I found it. How can one dude on a beach encapsulate the feeling of playing in a punk band? It’s the essentialism. I did eventually find a video of him doing this song in the studio, and it turns out that the version he has in his head includes beautiful harmonies and a delicacy that is completely absent from the video filmed at Nhakta Bay in Malawi — but this version to me is the real one. 
8- Newen Afrobeat feat. Seun Kuti & Cheick Tidiane Seck - “Opposite People”
Another one that is enhanced by watching the video. The drummer looks like he’s 16 years old, but his patterns and fills are just unstoppable, and as everyone plays you can pretty much smell the studio funk. The bent-note keys solo is Cheick Tidiane Seck. So much percussion! And the vocals don’t even kick in until the ninth minute, but when they do, it only gets even better.  
9- Jambü e Os Miticos Sons Da Amazonia - Magalhaes e Sua Guitarra - “Xango”
10- Dougbé Antoine et l’Orchestre Poly-Rythmo - Ye Ko Gni Me Towedea
Antoine Dougbé is one of our all-time favorite composers. This track is such a freakin banger — the funky drums, the guitars, the keys, all the sweat flying everywhere. “Legends of Benin” is an absolutely essential collection, and Dougbé’s tracks are the standouts. The arrangements are by Melomé Clement, whose work we’ve been getting into as well. Dougbé was, according to Melomé, a Vodoun priest who referred to himself as “The Devil’s Prime Minister.” 
11- T.P. Orchestre - “Se Ba Ho”
This band was known by more than a dozen names and played on tons of records. This track is from an Analog Africa collection of T.P. Orchestre songs called “Echos Hypnotiques,” which is great from beginning to end. Check out the video of them playing this song live on TV — when the dude cuts loose on the Farfisa it’s a clinic!
12- Mulatu Astatke - Tezeta
We don’t know much about this guy except that he’s Ethiopian. This song has a sense of such delicate, fleeting beauty.
13- Amanaz - “Khala My Friend”
Amanaz stands for Ask Me About Nice Artistes from Zambia, and that sense of sincerity seems entirely appropriate to this Dylanesque track. There are more great tracks where this came from.
14- The Velvet Underground - “Sweet Jane” (demo)
How could we not, after “Khala My Friend”? This is an early demo version. I love the snare hits in the first verse.
15- T.P. Orchestre - “Malin Kpon O”
This is just a perfect example of Beninese and American rock sensibilities. Also from “Echos Hypnotiques.” It’s so gotdamn hip with its funk guitar and discordant keys that slip into a heavy, hooky chorus. It’s so rockin!
16- T.P. Orchestre Poly Rythmo de Cotonou & Bentho Gustave Titiou - “Gbe Sou Ve Gnin (La Vie Semble Facile Mais…)”
I feel like this is the first track we found on our own, without the (invaluable) help of Analog Africa and other able curators. Bentho Gustave is T.P. Orchestre’s bassist and built into the core of the band. This track comes on with some reggae-ish aspects, but to me it’s ultimately completely different thing. The singalong choruses just feel so good, like the best night of the summer. 
17- Hallelujah Chicken Run Band -  “Tamba Zimba Navashe”
Analog Africa’s second release was this collection of tracks from the great Zimbabwean band. It includes b-sides and stuff plus a studio album — a lot of the African tracks were recorded live or outside at night or in variously improvised settings, but this one was in a classic studio setting. The whole album is full of 3s against 4s and interlocking rhythms, but this track’s endless tumble is somehow special. I always think that the singer’s voice has the timbre of Tupac Shakur, which makes me like him so much. This whole album feels like it could be a hit today.
18- Francis Bebey - “Sanza Tristesse”
19- Francis Bebey - “The Coffee Cola Song”
Surely our electronically oriented friends have been hip to Francis Bebey for years, but this guy’s whole body of work has been a revelation to us. He was Cameroonian, living in Paris and working at the embassy there before he quit to work on music full time. Though he was a librarian of traditional  African music and architecture, he believed that African music was absolutely alive and part of the future of music, and needed to not get bogged down in Western versions of “authentic” music untouched by other influences. His albums and collections are, so far as we’ve found, all full of true weirdness and insight — if you need a place to start, “African Electronic Music 1975-1982” is it.
20- Assa-Cica - self-titled - “Mi Man So Gbeme We Fide”
21- Assa-Cica - Echos Sonores du Benin - “Yokpo Wa Non Kpo Ha Mi”
“Echos Sonores du Benin” is the first physical record that we actually tracked down and bought online. “Yokpo” was the song that convinced us we had to have it. This summer, when the record finally arrived from Benin to our place in the woods, we spent the day assembling a table and chairs outside on the porch, so that we could invite our friend Brad over for the first listen among the fireflies and the hooting of nearby juvenile barred owls. The title translates from Yoruba to “I Couldn’t Help You.”
Man, this performance is a showstopper.
22- Yol Aularong - Cambodia Rocks Volumen 1 - “Whiskey Whiskey” (House of the Rising Sun) 
This guitar tone absolutely slays, and gets right to the heard of “House of the Rising Sun,” whether or not the Cambodian lyrics have anything to do with New Orleans (I don’t think they do).
23- Marijata - “No Condition Is Permanent”
It’s been fascinating listening to music in so many other languages — no matter how many hooks the song has, if you can’t sing along, there’s just a different thing happening in the brain. So when we get to a song like “No Condition Is Permanent,” it really digs in deep. Luckily it’s also not just an excellent song but a very relevant one too. As far as I can tell this is a phrase that originates in Nigeria, though Marijata is from Ghana. This song is a stone classic. When they’re trading phrases in the middle, right before the singer just goes off the deep end, it feels like it has always existed and is never going to end. 
24- El Rego - “Feeling You Got”
And straight back to James Brown. El Rego’s got the shriek, he’s got the attitude, and he’s got the… accordion? Yes indeed, the accordion. Wow. I honestly didn’t know the accordion could be funky til this track. I love how it feels like he learned the syllables but may very well not speak English at all.
25- Hailu Mergia - “Wede Harer Guzo”
Speaking of accordion, apparently that is Hailu Mergia’s instrument, though it sure doesn’t sound like an accordion to me. The story of Hailu Mergia is inspirational, in the proof that you can’t always keep a good musician down. 
FYI, there are 5 minutes of dead air at the end of this “broadcast.” Chalk that up to learning as we go. 
See you next time. Stay healthy, stay safe, stay friends!
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Chapter ninety four
So I've decided to pick this back up or rather post the chapters I had written about a year ago but hadn't posted yet. I started a new blog, put this one in a new coat so to speak, where I'm rewriting every chapter on here and making them better. It's a lot more depth and a lot more development. The next 14 chapters that I'm about to post have been written about a year ago so if they're some inconsistencies it's because of that.
“Long-time no see.” Guy chuckled, hugging me as we were led to our place in the restaurant. “mm. we’ve been quite busy.” I chuckled, before moving around the group to give them all a hug, the wives and girlfriends joining their husbands.
We’d been joking, laughing and catching up for a while when Guy approached us with an idea. “WWTW is setting up a new expedition, any interest?” he asked with a laugh. “always up for a challenge” I chuckled, looking at Harry. “Me to.” Harry agreed. “when would it be?” harry asked. “in a year and a half.” Mark said, both Mark and guy were now a part of the WWTW team, having done each expedition ever done.
“We’ll have to discuss it, but I’m sure one of us could be a part of the expedition.” Harry agreed. “only one?” guys asked. “we can’t disappear both guys.” I explained with a chuckle and they understood that both of us now were part of the Royal family.
“who knows, a royal baby might be on the way then.” Mark teased; pulling a face at me. “why is everybody so adamant about the fact a royal baby will be here soon?” I questioned with a laugh.
“ooh, come on. Harry has never hidden the fact that he wants kids and you’re married for nearly six months now.” Guy explained. “we have a very busy year guys, I doubt it will be this year.” I let them down. “You’d think they want us to get pregnant.” I looked at Harry in amusement. “It would seem like that, Merida.” He agreed, kissing my lips.
“it seems like everybody is waiting for me to get pregnant?” I said, half frustrated and half amused. “Don’t listen to them. we know what we’re doing. There’s only two people in this relationship and that’s us. it’s our decision Merida. Don’t worry about it.” he comforted me, running his hand up and down my arm.
“Mmm.” I muttered, turning onto my back. “hey.” Harry said sweetly, leaning his head on his hand, looking at me. “tell me?” he asked, his other hand pushing my hair back. “don’t worry about it.” I said, I knew keeping my mouth shut probably was the best idea, but I remember our last break up, the things he’d thrown at my head, I hadn’t forgotten about it.
so reaching up, I pecked his lips and whispered: “Goodnight love.” , before turning on my side, my back to him turning the light off on my side.
“Goodnight merida.” He sighed defeated.
I had said goodnight to finish the conversation, but my mind was running wild. We’d had this discussion; sure I’d love to have kids. But I was terrified at the prospect of it all, it’s not like I had gotten best example of motherhood and parenthood.
It terrified me. I didn’t want to give my kids the same childhood I had gotten, I knew in the back of my mind, I wouldn’t but still the doubt and fears were there. Harry was softly snoring beside me, I couldn’t get to sleep.
I needed some space, some fresh air. So I got up as quietly as I could, took the first jeans and sweater I could find and walked downstairs, pulling on my coat and left the house, walking towards the gardens attached to the palace, not our garden, but the one’s everyone visited when they visited KP.
It didn’t have all good memories, it had been where my excuse of a father had tried to make his move, where he’d been shot. Where my stepfather had been arrested, waiting his trail in Jail.
But none the less, this way my hiding spot. Another gazebo, little hiding spot had been added on the other side, my now often hiding spot where I could relax, I wanted to go for a walk through Hyde park, but I couldn’t do that, so the KP gardens would have to do for now as I walked through them to the bench.
I knew I probably wouldn’t end up like my mom had done to us. I wanted my kids to have a great and happy childhood. Being a part of this family was sure to make that true, but what about me, I didn’t want nanny’s raising my kids, essentially I’d be doing the same like mom had, dumping my kids to do things.
‘work’ I tried to tell myself, and sure if they would stay behind with a nanny it was so because we had to work and there were sure some to be some times where they would be staying home, while we did a tour.
‘why did I have to be so messed up?’ I thought to myself, pulling my legs up to my chest.
I didn’t know how long I had been sitting there. The cold having wrapped around me like a blanket. When I heard the voice: “I knew I’d find you here.”
“am I getting that predictable?” I asked, looking up to see Harry standing in front of me. “I just know you well.” He pointed out, sitting down next to me and pulling me in his body, only did I know realise how cold I really was.
“God, you’re freezing?” he stated as I shivered. “come let’s go inside, we’ll talk there and don’t tell me to not worry about it.” he immediately pointed out, pulling me up, his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we made our way back to our place.
“Now will you talk to me?” he asked, when we settled on the couch in the middle of the night, both holding a cup of steaming hot tea. “Whatifi’macrapmother?” I said in one breath; but he’d gotten what I said, having gotten used to that when I didn’t want to talk about something.
“You won’t be.” He said, squeezing my knee, pulled up to my chest. “How can you be so sure about that?” I questioned, looking at him.
“I know cause you’re my wife and I know you’ll do a brilliant job and b cause of what you’ve done for Nathan and your other siblings.” Harry explained. “I don’t know.” I said, dropping my head against my knees with a yawn.
“just go with the flow.” He said, usually my mantra, and then I started giggling, maybe the exhaustion from this week catching up or realising the ridiculousness at this, from my entire new life the prospect of becoming was more worrying then becoming the Queen consort of the current Duchess.
“what are you laughing at?” Harry chuckled. “from all the things I’m worried about it’s motherhood.” I said, between laughter and Harry joined me soon afterwards, realising the situation. “guess you’re right.” He laughed. “so becoming a mum is scarier than being part of the Royal family?” he asked.
“guess so.” I chuckled, meeting his eyes, leaning my head on the back rest. “You’ll be great, and if it makes you feel any better I promise to kick your ass if you don’t.” he chuckled, caressing my cheek. “thanks.” I whispered.
“Always Merida, you know that, just promise you’ll do the same to me. I don’t know how I’ll be doing.” He chuckled, caressing my cheek. “Promise, guess we’ll have to figure it out together.” I noted, intertwining my hand with his resting on the backrest.
“we will” he said, more sure then I was, but I guess we’d just have to wait and see. “Come on, let’s go back to bed. Your grandparents are expecting us at noon.” He said, taking my cup of tea out of my hand and placing it on the coffee table, before pulling me up with him in and up to our room.
“why didn’t they tell us the entire bunch was here, I thought this was supposed to be a relaxing weekend, instead we’ll be put in front of the firing squad.” I muttered as I got out of the car, by the sight of the cars, nearly everyone from my family was here, neither gran or gramps had said anything about it.
Liz would be happy as well’ I thought to myself, sarcastically. She was on her way with Nathan and even Mia and Glen were joining them, wanting to come to the countryside. I didn’t know how the arrangement would work, they’d be lucky if they still had a room.
“come on, it won’t be that bad” harry chucked. “yea, cause we’ve had so much time to catch up with them, this is the first time I’ll see gran and gramps in two weeks, don’t let me get started about the rest and if Daniel doesn’t keep his mouth shut, I’m not standing in for the consequences.” I told him as he and for now Jim and Kenneth laughed.
“You want us to come inside?” Jim joked. “No, I think Andrew and Aidan have already checked the place.” Harry chuckled. “alright.” They chuckled, before they started walking to their converted cottage.
“ready for the torture, why couldn’t we just go to Honiley.” I pointed out, looking back at Harry as I had started making my way to the back door. “Oh no.” I stopped in my tracks. “another thing they’ll have something to say about.” I pointed out. “Some have been there at Christmas.” Harry pointed out. “yea, like four people, no one else.” I told him, walking after him.
“come on, let’s go. Before you decide to run off to Honiley.” Harry joked, taking my hand and pulling me inside. “I hate you” I stated, following him in. “it’s us.” Harry announced. “no turning back now.” I muttered, trailing after him as we made our way into the kitchen which had just fallen quite.
“good day all.” Harry said, entering the kitchen. “hey guys.” I said, looking everyone in the room. Going over to gran and gramps first to kiss their cheek. Then I moved on to mom and the rest of the bunch. Mom, Danial, Mark, anne, Jeff, Evelyn, Steven, Marcus, Stephanie, Jode, Kathy and Joseph, even my gramps bother Andre was here. He normally came once a year at the big BBQ in august.
“What’s this, reunion?” I chuckled, looking around the kitchen, sitting on the kitchen counter. “something like that.” Gran chuckled. “and why didn’t you say anything. We could have gone to Honiley.” I said, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. “come on, we haven’t seen you in a while yet.” She objected. “Where’s liz and Nathan?” Gramps asked. “on their way. We wanted to let him sleep in. and I hope you have a spare bed over, cause Glen and Mia are coming over as well.” I told gramps. “The room next to yours should be free for them to use.” She told me.
“Great.” I smiled, happy they wouldn’t have to go home again. Glen hadn’t met every one of this bunch yet, he had been on tour the last gathering. Who knows they might turn around and go back to London when they saw the amount of cars here.
“So how is George?” Gramps asked, looking at me. “better.” Harry and I chuckled, thinking back at the only thing that could keep him still, Nathan being part of it, but he was on his way here. “he thinks cause he’s back home, he’s invincible. Kate and Will have their hands full.” Harry explained with a chuckle.
“and you two had a busy week unexpectedly?” Anne pointed out. “it was alright. Had quite a bit of fun.” I replied, chuckling, looking at every one of them. “Gran have you told them about the horse show?” I asked, they had also gotten invitations, they would be sitting together on the left of the Royal box with the friends and family of the Middleton’s and half of our teams at the office and a couple of organisations of us.
“yea, everyone will be staying here.” She said. “good. A small bus will come and pick you up when it’s time.” I told them.” You won’t be here?” mom asked. “no, we’ll be there already during the day and we have dinner at Lunch with the family, before we head down to the arena.” I explained.
“should we wear something special?” Evelyn asked. Harry looked over at me and snorted. “don’t laugh at me, your family is doing this.” I accused. “What” Mark asked. “it seems that none of you read the invitations,” I pointed out, “I had the same question at my apartment.” I added.
“just look on the invites.” I said, already getting tired of this and starting to regret and letting them come.
“Sorry I’m sure this isn’t what you guys expected.” I said, sitting in the small sitting room on the upstairs floor, the only place we apparently could get some privacy. “don’t worry about it.” Glen assured me. “maybe we expected a calm weekend, but I have to admit, I haven’t laughed this much in a while.” He added. “still.” I added, looking between Mia and Glen.
“Don’t worry about it.” Mia assured me, placing her hand on my leg. “tea for Glen.” Harry said, handing him a cup of tea, hot chocolate for the ladies.” He finished, he’d been willing to face the rowdy bunch downstairs. “Liz here yet?” I asked, looking back at Harry. “no.” he smiled. I was getting slightly worried, she’d send over two hours ago that she’d be here, but she still had to show. “I’m going to call her.” I said, pulling out my phone.
“where are you?” I asked, when she picked up. “just driving down the driveway. There had been an accident, it was crazy.” She explained. “mm.” I muttered. “tell me later. I’m just glad you’re okay.” I smiled.
“It’s quite to be with that bunch?” she asked. “we’re in the upstairs sitting room, I was getting crazy.” I said. “great.” She muttered,
“I didn’t know you two had done a shoot?” Mia asked out of the blue as I put my phone down. “how do you even know that?” I asked with a chuckle. “Daphne said she read it online.” Mia explained. “not a word has been said about that.” I noted.
“something about a visitor in KP having seen you doing a shoot.” She explained. “great, so far for keeping things hidden until the end of the month.” I commented, snuggling into Harry’s side, much like Mia was doing with Glen.
“What is it for?” Mia asked. “vanity fair, there’ll be an exhibition at the portrait gallery later this month.” I explained; looking at them on the other couch. “can’t wait to see those pictures.” Harry chuckled from behind me.
“why’s that?” Glen chuckled. “you’ll see.” Harry smirked down at me. “that reminds me.” I sat up, remembering what Glen had approached me about. “you asked me about headway, right?” I asked, sitting up.
“yea,” he replied. “David, our senior advisor agreed, saying something about it being good business if one of the royals got an Irish organisation.” I explained. “So you’ll do it?” he asked, hopefully. “yea, told you I would if they were okay with it.” I chuckled. “great, they’ll be very happy with that.” He smiled at me. “you’re welcome.” I replied, sitting back against Harry’s chest.
“I love you.” he whispered in my hair, “I love you to.” I said, turning my head to the side so I could look at him and peck his lips. When we broke away I saw that Mia and Glen’s lips were locked as well and I was happy to see that their secluded week in honiley had helped them.
“So what does this mean?” he asked. “Gabby will contact them sometimes this week, set up a unofficial visit where I’ll probably go to Dublin meet the organisation, see what they are, get a feel for all of it and then we’ll plan an official visit before it gets announced I’ll be the Patron.” I explained, having memorised this process by now. Before the month was done I would be introduced to three of my chosen engagements, I had already done an unofficial visit with them and then in April I’d get another 4 of my organisation, each different from each other, but that’s what fascinated me.
“thanks for doing this.” He thanked me with a smile. “don’t mention it, but that doesn’t mean you’re getting off, you’ll be joining me as the ambassador.” I told him with a chuckle. “don’t mind, I’ve been in their place.” He smiled.
“You know being up here isn’t so bad.” I snuggled in Harry’s chest, glad to escape the big crowd, my life was filled with big crowds as it was, when I had time off I just wanted to see as little as possible, sure they were family, but they particularly knew how to drive me up the walls.
“maybe we could go out for a ride when liz gets here.” I suggested, looking at Harry, before looking at Mia and Glen, both of them rode as well, but didn’t do it quite often. When I saw them doubting it I tried to usher them: “Come on, it will be fun, we’ll take an easy ride. Just to relax and be outside for a bit.”
“Okay.” They agreed after looking at each other.
“now we have to take it easy.” I muttered, looking down at the rope in my hands. Nathan had begged to join us on our ride on his pony he’d gotten at Christmas. So I did the same when I learned to ride, attach a rope to it’s bridle and hold on to it, while riding Arion, who for once was behaving himself and was taking a caring position next to his friend. Him Aslan 1 and Aslan 2 were getting along rather well.
“I still can’t believe those two called them both Aslan” I muttered, Mia chuckling on my left. “what did you expect, have you told them about?” she nodded her head. “No, we’re not telling them until a day before we go. I doubt any of us would get any sleep.” I objected, giving her a warning glare that she better not tell him about the premiere and seeing the exhibition of Chronicles of Narnia.
“wouldn’t dare.” She said, holding up her hands. “you better, he sleeps at yours the most anyway.” I chuckled, although technically I hadn’t officially given the apartment to anyone, they shared it between them all. It even surprised so little fights happened, they were basically living in each other’s pockets.
“you know André rieu is coming to the albert hall, what do you think?” she suggested, right before my birthday last year we’d gone to see him as well, back in Stockholm. It would be great to see him again, this time in London.
“that would be great.” I smiled. “just the two of us again or are we taking the hubbies as well?” I chuckled, looking ahead of us where Glen and Harry were laughing and talking. Liz had decided to stay behind.
“what about the four of us, I know Glen loves that type of music, it helps him relax after drumming and all.” She explained. “I’d love to, maybe go to dinner, before like we did last year.” I suggested. “Sounds like a plan.” She agreed. “It’s my treat for my birthday.” I told her.
“you sure?” she asked. “yes, I am.” I told her. “I can’t believe it’s almost a year we’re engaged; it feels much longer than that.” I admitted, thinking back to our time in Africa. “I can imagine, time flies since your wedding.” She agreed. “it does, but maybe it’s got something to do with how busy we’ve been.” I commented.
“Maybe it is.” She agreed.
“You’re an idiot.” I muttered, looking at my husband. “always insulting the husband” he chuckled, shaking his head with amusement as we sat around the long dining table.
“I can’t help it Maddie asked me to have breakfast with her.” I muttered. “I know merida, just teasing you.” he smirked at me from across the table. “And in case you forgot we’re having dinner with them on Tuesday.” I reminded him, and I immediately realised he’d forgotten about it by his face.
“Of course, how could I forget.” He muttered, raisin laughter from Glen and Mia set next to us.
“dinner with a princess.” Daniel said, meaning to be an punch, only now did I realise the table had fallen quite. “as far as I know you’re having dinner with a Prince and Princess.” Harry retaliated, turning my face in the direction of Mia and Glen I barely managed to contain my laughter.
‘well done love.’ I said to myself. It apparently shut him up for a second. “she’s not a official one.” He dared, turning my face around to make sure nothing escalated I looked at harry with a begging look just to leave it alone, but he didn’t. “No, that’s why her official occupation is stated as Princess of the United Kingdom. She’s as much as a princess as Kate as Eugenie and Beatrice. She’s very much a princess on official documents.” Harry said through seething teeth, normally he wouldn’t push our titles, we both were what we were after getting married.
Harry had been a prince for his whole life, me a princess since I got married to him. We didn’t like to use our titles, we were just Liv and Harry. But I had noticed when people insulted me for nothing having a rightful place in the Royal family, he would quite seethingly reply, just as he did now.
“and it’s not like anyone will be asking your opinion.” He spat out as an afterthought. It seemed that though he had been a father figure to me when I had been younger, he certainly and nearly despised me. Seemed my mother’s partners were intended to be that way.
“Leave it love. He’s not worth it.” I said, nudging his leg under the table. Gran seemed to notice it was time something happened so she got up. “Mia you want to help me and gran?” I asked, sitting next to Harry. The two of us got up and made our way to the kitchen.
It had always surprised me how close Glen and Harry had gotten, but then again as I had said to Mia. Glen and Harry were very similar to each other and I hoped he could calm him down a little.
“Don’t listen to what he says.” Gran immediately said when I entered the kitchen. “I’m not. I think I might take Harry for a walk after this though.” I told her. “maybe you should between dinner and dessert.” She agreed.
“we’re just a bit on edge this week, don’t worry about it.” I told gran. “Why, did something happen?” she asked. “Not really. We’re just tired I guess from this week and the rumour of me being pregnant all the time doesn’t really help.” I explained, resting on the kitchen island.
“and then there are morons like that.” I pointed out, nodding my head back to the dining room. “we thought we were going to have an easy weekend, with just us, but it turned out to be the opposite.” I explained, looking at gran. I didn’t want her to feel about it.
“they just asked if they could come over, we didn’t think you’d minded” gran said looking down. “gran, normally we wouldn’t but it’s just that we were expecting a easy non hectic weekend.” I sighed, pulling on the oven gloves to get the dishes out of the oven.
“gramps and me would understand if you went to honiley.” Gran said. “we’ll stay, we’re here now, but next time a little warning?” I asked her. “we will;” she smiled, as I started walking in the direction of the living room, Mia behind me carrying an oven dish as well.
“Will you get Nathan?” I whispered, pulling back from placing the dish in front of where we sat. “we’ll go and get him.” Glen smiled getting up. “thanks guys.” I smiled between them.
by the time I had placed half of the bowls on the dining table together with Liz, Mia and gran. Just as I sat down on my chair. Harry and Glen came down in stitches and Nathan had a very innocent look on his face, to innocent. “okay, what happened?” I asked, trying not to laugh along with them, they had very infectious laughter.
“I wanted to talk to George.” Nathan pointed out shrugging his shoulders, sitting next to me and between liz.
“yea, and?” Liz and I asked in unison. “here take a look at it.” Harry chuckled handing me the IPad, I immediately noticed that Twitter was on and logged in on the Kensington Palace one.
“ooh no;” I muttered when I saw what happened. I started laughing as well as I handed Liz my IPad. “they didn’t.” Liz laughed, handing it to Mia. “they did. I think we should call Jason to do some damage control.” Harry laughed. “I’ll call Kate to get George of twitter.” I laughed, pulling my phone out.
The rascals had both been on the page of KP and send tweets to each other, for both being nearly 6 now, they surely knew how to work with that stuff. not that you could make out what they had written, but you could see it had been in reply of each other.
“he’s going to delete all the tweets and send an apology out.” Harry came back, still laughing. “can I talk to George now?” Nathan asked, looking up at me. “I think you already did.” I muttered, pushing back my phone.
This would be one of those things they never lived down.
Dinner turned out to be alright, Daniel gave his occasional dig, but each time Harry would get a warning kick under the table, I’m sure he would have a bruise. I had mastered the entire dig giving and being able to hide it and did exactly that, some got it, others didn’t. but laughter was all around the table, definitely when we explained what George and Nathan had done, they weren’t even together in the same room and managed to create mischief.
“Glad I’m out of there for a sec.” I sighed as we made our way through the garden and our usual bench. “Me too Merida. But I think you kicked me a bruise.” He pointed out with a snort as he rubbed his shin.
“sorry, I didn’t want you to go in on his taunts. That’s what he wants, love.” I told him. “I know merida. I just couldn’t help it. he had no right to tell you that you were lazy and be nasty about the fact that you had breakfast with Madeline.” He stated, pulling me in the crook of his arm. “I know love.” I agreed, rubbing his leg.
“but be careful what you do. He’s an opportunist. I’m an idiot for only seeing it now, he could easily go and tell the papers lies about us.” I told him. “I know.” He sighed, kissing the top of my head.
“lets just ignore him, like he isn’t there.” He suggested. “fine by me.” I snuggled into his body. “so far for our quite weekend.” He chuckled. “Don’t.” I warned, with a snort. “even a weekend with George would have been easier.” I pointed out.
“probably.” Harry agreed rubbing my arm up and down. “at least here it’s quite.” I snuggled in his side. “glen was happy when you told him.” Harry smiled. “yea, I’m glad I could do that and he knows about the organisation and he’s been in some of their shoes.” I pointed out.
“yea he does, he’s a good friend as well.” He replied. “he is.” I agreed. “you okay with us going to the concert just the four of us?” I asked, looking up at him. “yea, It’ll be nice, just to be the four of us.” he claimed.  
“here you guys are.” Mia yelled, when I saw her cross the bridge over the pond, Glen behind her. “yea, needed to get out.” Harry and I chuckled in unison. “it’s nice out here.” Glen pointed out, looking around the garden. “It is. It’s our spot I guess.” I stated, looking up at Harry, as they sat down on the other remaining bench.
“you want us to leave you alone?” Mia asked. “no, it’s alright.” Harry smiled. “it almost feels like were on holiday.” I pointed out, the silence around us, the garden, the water running in the pond.
“almost.” Harry snorted. “I don’t think we should expect to go on holiday for your birthday this year.” He smiled, looking down at me. “me neither, that’s when the craziness for Gran’s Platinum will start.” I agreed.
“in April already?” Glen asked. “unofficially yes, but May is the time it all really starts.” Harry explained. “the horse show?” Mia concluded. “among other things.” I answered.
We kept sitting in the garden relaxing, the four of us together. Each one of us had gone inside to get drinks, but other then that, none of us wanted to face the big group. Nathan had come and say goodnight, but no one else had come to bother us. I’d seen that my sister was getting cosy with Steven again, gran’s brother’s stepson.
Thank god it wasn’t to cold. It was well over midnight when we went back inside and up to our rooms, some were still awake, others had already gone to bed.
we stayed at my grandparent’s place until Monday morning, when we headed back to London, all of us needed to go back to work. Glen would travel to Dublin for the week to see his son and speak with Headway already.
“so how is he?” I asked, siting at the kitchen table at Will and Kate’s, Will and Harry were already in the office, setting up something new about preservation of wildlife, giving kate and me some more catching up time.
“surprisingly he feels great. He’s still careful, more so than before. But he is getting back to his old self. I guess being younger made it better.” She concluded.
“and then there’s this weekend’s trick they pulled.” She laughed. “yea, they’ll never live that one down. Has Jason done some damage control.” I asked. “yea, he has, but everyone at the office finds it very amusing.” She laughed.
“you should have seen Harry, we wer just about to start dinner. Glen and Harry came down in stitches. I thought he was playing games on my IPad not hack Kensington’s twitter account.” I laughed.
“yea, I figured the same, until you called.” She laughed. “those will be the death of us.” I pointed out, getting up to make some more tea, we always felt at home in each other’s place. And more times than not, we’d cook together if we could, we had a secret entrance to each other’s place and were living right next to each other, why not.
“we should probably head over to the office.” I said, filling our cups. “yea, Maria arrived last night, we didn’t want her to come back early. Let me just say goodbye to the kids, and I’ll join you.” she said, getting up.
we went to say goodbye to Charlotte and George and headed to our offices. Harry and Will were on the left side of the hallway in the upstairs old apartment of Diana and Charles and Kate and mine were on the right, our private secretary next to each one of our offices. The rest of our team was scattered over the first floor where we were sat and the second floor.
The first floor had been turned into reception rooms, dining rooms and meeting room for official occasions.
First I went into Gabby’s office, her new hired personal assistant sitting next to her. Miguel had said I needed a personal assistant to help me with my wardrobe and stuff, but I just didn’t feel like it so instead I got him to take a new personal assistant for gabby. Daphne, Natasha and Kate could help if I really needed help.
For the next hour we went over the schedule of the week. “I’ll be flying to Dublin, this week?” I asked, surprised how fast everything had gone. “yea, tomorrow after your visit of the Science museum and British Science association, you’ll take a plane to Dublin, everything is already planned, you’ll be there for three days, meet the people of Headway, do an unofficial visit and then the official visit. Miguel has asked me if you’d be willing to have dinner with the President at the residence, it wouldn’t be official of course and then there is this art gallery in Dublin, we thought you might be interested in it, to make your days a bit fuller.” Gabby explained as I looked at her with my mouth dropped open and leaning forward.
“a bit fuller, couldn’t you put the unofficial visit and meetings in one day and the next day we do the official.” I suggested. “haven’t thought of that. But we still can, maybe you could do something more, you’re a day extra there.” She suggested. “okay, I guess we better start looking at organisation I’d like to be involved in then.” I suggested, getting up.
so for the entire midday, we worked on my unexpectedly visit to Dublin, we decided on two more organisations with kids and added the national Irish gallery after confirming it would alright I’d visit.
“How come I’m doing an overseas visit on my own already?” I asked, storming into Harry’s office, freaking out about the entire thing. On our tour I had Harry by my side, supporting me every way and it’s not like I didn’t trust to do it without him, maybe it was.
“Miguel is confident you’ll do great.” He muttered. “I wish I could go with you Merida.” He said and I saw it bothered him as well as he got up and walked over to me, sitting me down on the couch in his office.
“Do you want to do this?” he asked. “I promised Glen I would, I don’t mind about going to Headway, but I thought I would make a quick and quite entrance the first time, not like this.” I explained. “I know merida.” Harry said, taking my hand in his;
“but do you want to do the three days?” he asked. “the three days are planned, its not up for discussion, I just.” I sighed, dropping my head, most of all I was scared to mess the entire thing up.
“you’re just what Merida?” he asked, lifting my chin. “what if I mess up, you’ve always been there, guiding me and now.” I admitted. “You did without me last week.” He pointed out, making me shut up about that fact.
“But not overseas, I know this isn’t a tour, just a short visit, but still. Miguel even set me up for dinner with the president.” I rambled, avoiding his eyes. “what was Sweden?” he asked, ‘shit’ I’d forgotten about that for a second.
“I’ll admit I’d rather have you not go alone to another place. Ireland hasn’t been particularly good with our family, but if there’s one that can change that, it’s you. you speak Gaelic and you’re brilliant with any sort of people. I have faith in you. you’ll come back beaming like you always do having done amazing.” He assured me, taking my face between his hands.
Sighing I tried to convince myself everything would be alright. “and Glen will be there for Headway, won’t he. So you won’t be completely alone.” He tried, “I guess so.” I muttered.
“What are you doing this afternoon?” he asked. “normally I’d read over tomorrow stuff and start looking at organisation for us to see in Asia, but it seems I’ll be picking out dresses and packing.” I told him, sarcastically happy.
“sounds like fun.” He chuckled. “you’re not helping.” I chucked, slapping his thigh softly. “there’s my wife.” He smiled, resting his head against mine. “just do what you always do, be yourself.” He instructed me.
“I guess, I’ll find out if I can do this or not.” I muttered, “you will. Come on let’s grab some lunch to take your mind of things.” he said, getting up and pulling me along with him.
“everybody has been notified we’ll be travelling with 7 people including you.” Gabby told me as I way looking for dresses and stuff, in hope they would be delivered tomorrow morning and go with me to Dublin tomorrow evening.
“7?” I asked, our team in New Zealand alone had been out of seven, excluding our PO’s of course. “yea, you, me, Lauren, Jane, Liam, Kenneth and Aidan.” Gabby summed.
“why does Jane have to join us?” I asked, referring to her assistant, I liked her so far, but I didn’t see the reason behind so many people for only 3 days. “we need to get her used to this, before this summer’s big tour, I don’t want to throw her to the lions immediately.” Gabby smiled, in a way she would get me to agree, she knew me way to well.
“fine.” I muttered, to her amusement.
“are you sure everything will even get here in time?” I asked, nodding to my computer. “yea, I’ll make sure of it.” Gabby assured me. “you better or I’m going in my jeans to the president’s house.” I threatened.
“you wouldn’t?” she chuckled with a raised eyebrow. I raised my own eyebrow in return and nodded her head. “you would.” She concluded. “don’t you know me by now.” I questioned, amusement in my voice.
“I do.” She confirmed. “has it been announced yet?” I asked. “no, I just send the mail now.” She said, hitting a key on her computer. “now I’ll put it on twitter.” She chuckled. It seemed the word Twitter would cause some amusement for a while thanks to the rascal duo.
“Good?” she asked, turning the computer around for me to read. “HRH The Duchess of Sussex will travel to Dublin to meet a handful of organisations.” I read the first tweet. “yea, sounds good.” I said, looking over the screen, she tweeted the announcement before adding a second part.
“HRH will be travelling alone to Dublin for three days starting tomorrow evening.” Was the second part. “the organisations The Duchess will visit is Headway, Temple street hospital and Festina lente.” Was the third part.
“on the second night HRH will meet with the Presidential couple of Ireland at his official residence for an informal dinner.” Was the end of the announcement? “Well there’s no going back now.” I stated.
“Like there ever was.” Gabby teased and I threw a pen at her head. “why does another overseas visit get announced so far and the one’s to Ireland so late? “I asked, remembering that Charles visit had only been announced the day before as well.
“Cause the one’s who don’t want you there can’t plan something on such a short notice.” Gabby explained. “it’s not like I haven’t been there. I’ve been there 3 times as a guide, on Autumn’s hen party and for an art exhibit. I’m sure I’ll survive.” I told her.
“You weren’t part of this family back then.” She pointed out. “well, according to you, nothing will happen.” I quipped.
“very true.” She teased. “it’s glen.” I said, picking my ringing phone. “guess I forgot to tell him;” I chuckled. He didn’t know I was coming over yet and all the three lads were over there right now, visiting family.
“hello.” I answered amused. “why didn’t you let me know?” he laughed. “is it that out already?” I asked, surprised the news had spread so quick.
“sorry, it’s been very busy since this morning when I was informed of the fact.” I told him, throwing an amused glare at Gabby. “Don’t blame me, blame Miguel.” She laughed, getting up. “who’s there?” he asked laughing. “Gabby. We’re going over the schedule for the trip” I explained, when I heard other voice over the line.
‘who’s there with you?” I teased. “the lads, they’re having dinner at my parent’s place.” He pointed out, I remembered them telling us they sometimes had dinner over at each other’s parents place.
“sounds like fun;” I laughed. “and thanks for making me show up.” I heard someone yell in the background. “who’s that?” I asked. “Dan, you’re visiting Temple street hospital and a couple of artists here always go there on Christmas and during the year, they’ve all been called and asked to show up.” Glen explained.
“ha.” I said, laughing. “well, looking forward to that.” I chuckled. “so did you call to reprimand me, I apologise I was so busy and didn’t think to let you know.” I explained.
“no, our families would like to meet you after hearing so much from us and now you’re coming here.” He suggested. “Glen, I don’t know.” I said, looking up at Gabby. “I know you’ll probably be protected like crazy here, but we’d really like to introduce you as our friend.” He explained, he had a way to make thing sound very good.
“I can’t the first night.” I told him, thinking of dinner with the president. “I know, dinner with the president.” He said in a feigned tone like Daniel had. “don’t start.” I warned.
“so will you have dinner with our families?” he asked. “how the hell am I supposed to meet the family of you three, I know you have big families. “ I explained, not getting how that would go, I knew they had quite big families. “Well, one of Dan’s sisters owns a small restaurant and we’d all go over there.” Glen explained.
“I can’t promise anything. I’d have to get it past everyone but if they’re okay with it. yes, I’ll meet them.” I agreed. We ended the call not to much later and I continued working.
“it was an honour to show you around, Ma’am.” the guide of the museum said as we made our way to the exit, I’d gone around the British Science association which was connected with the museum and had a blast in both places and I was sure about my decision to become a patron to both organisations.
“the pleasure was all mine, I had a blast.” I told her as we walked up to the directors of both organisations, they had walked out in front of us as I talked to the guide. Science had always been something very close to my heart.  
“Your Royal Highness.” The three of them said after each other. “I hope you had a great time in both places.” One of the bosses said. “yea, very much so. Looking forward to another visit.” I told them.
“we’ll gladly welcome you back.” The other said. We said our goodbye’s before I got in the car and we drove back to KP.
“please be careful and listen to the guys.” Harry begged as we were saying goodbye in the entrance hall. “I will, don’t worry.” I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I mean it. I want you back here on Saturday morning in one piece.” He said and I saw the worry in his eyes, given the history between the Royal family and Ireland, maybe it was a fair worry.
“I promise you, that I’ll behave more then I’ve ever done and I’ll listen to the guys. I promise.” I said, pecking his lips between each word. “thanks, that gives me some peace already.” He smiled.
“or maybe it should worry me more, knowing you.” he chuckled. “for once I’ll keep my promise and behave.” I promised and for once I would if it would give him some peace.
“thanks. I love you, don’t ever forget that.” He whispered, resting our heads together. “I know. I love to hun.” I smiled, playing with the hairs at the back of his head. “wish I could make love to you again.” He whispered. “wasn’t the shower enough.” I teased, nipping his lip.
“don’t tease Merida.” He growled. “I’ve got to give you something to look forward to when I get back.” I teased, nipping his lip again.
Gabby opened our front door and told us to hurry up. “I have to go. I’ll see you Saturday morning.” I promised, closing the gap between our lips in a passionate lock.
“go and come back.” He smiled, squeezing my bum. “don’t tease.” I repeated. “I have to give you something to look forward to.” He repeated in chuckles. I kissed his lips one last time and walked out he’d never let me go otherwise.
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So that was the chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. please let me know what you think. 
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vixenofthemist · 7 years
I started watching Friends for the first time (I’m young ok) and I got a great idea for a sit-com with my fav hetalia girls! I want to draw a comic, but I’m so bad at drawing I figured I’ll talk about it first Orz
(Isabel belongs to @aph-belarusia so follow her!)
So Liliya (2p!belarus) and her two best friends Hayley and Isabel (2p!nyo!norway and nyo!portugal) are offered to get their rent on their apartment lessened if they upgrade their 2 bedroom apartment to a 5 bedroom and get 2 or more people to be their roommates and split the rent.
They ofc accept the offer cause this way Isabel can have her own room again and not have to share with Liliya, Liliya wants more roommates since she thinks it will be fun, and Hayley wants a bigger apartment and more roommates.
So the girls go looking for new roommates, and the first one comes unexpectedly at their front door with a police officer looking for Liliya. Turns out her aunts best friends daughter got in trouble with the law and is on probation of sorts, and Liliya was volunteered to be the person who keeps an eye on her cause she has a completely  clean record so they hope she’ll be a good influence on Natalia. And so the girls get their first new roommate who they legally have to let live with them, and because of the rules of the probation she has to share a room with Liliya which leaves the other 2 rooms to the other new roommates. (I know probation doesn’t work that way but its a sit-com I’m not trying to hard to match legality to reality) 
Liliya also gets the next roommate Yordana (nyo!bulgaria) who is her coworker at Eiffel cafe. Yordana is a sweet girl who just graduated from college (but the other girls don’t know this until later when the age difference in the roommates becomes a thing and Yordana is outed as the youngest) She got kicked out of the campus she was living in before since she graduated, and when the owner of Eiffel cafe Francine heard Liliya saying they needed a roommate, she mentioned Yordana needing a place and Liliya agreed to let her have a room. Isabel and Hayley both become fast friends with Yordana, since she’s a real easy person to get along with and is a really good cook. She has a habit of eating when she’s feeling sad, angry, hurt, or any negative emotion really, and she’s trying really hard to stop it but she can’t when food is so comforting!  
Isabel was visiting her brother (something she rarely does) and hears that one of his best friends Julchen was needing a new place to stay, and Isabel offers the last room at the apartment. Julchen soon moves in, and with all the rooms filled drama and comedy begin.
Liliya is the only one who can serve a new regular at the cafe who everyone else is scared of and is sure has a criminal record, but Liliya is confident he’s not such a bad person and befriends him, and the more she gets to know him the more she’s sure he’s not a horrible person. She also finds out he’s related to one of the roommates. 
Vasile isn’t sure what he thinks of his practical sister’s roommates and especially what he think of Liliya, but he sure finds a way to get involved in a lot of their shenanigans.
When Yordana first moves in, her step brother Vladimir comes to help her move, and he meets and falls for Natalia. Natalia confuses his attraction and flirting for pretty much anything but actual flirting. One time she thought he was trying to communicate to her in a weird form of subtle body sign language when really he was just having an allergic reaction to something which made him itch really badly, but he was trying to hide it from her since he didn’t want her to see the bad rashes he had and so was also trying to flirt with her as normal. And another time he leaned against any solid object in an attempt to look cool and chill, since he’s trying everything he knows to get Natalia’s attention, but she just thinks he has a weak knees. The group loves to remember fondly the time they were at a bar, and Natalia was able to tell that a guy was flirting with her and got his number, and then when asked about it Natalia famously said “I’m not blind, I know when someone is interested in me.” and then two minutes later mistook Vlad’s very drunk and very obvious and over the top flirting for him re-enacting a scene from a play they all watched recently.
It was a beautiful moment! For everyone but Vlad, he was just defeated.
At that same bar, Isabel met Lovino, who she used to babysit and is shocked to find out he’s grown into a really attractive adult. She spends the rest of the night trying to figure out how the hot man serving drinks at the bar is the same 7 year old who tripped over his own feet. 
Yordana also accidentally runs into famous model and actor Laurence (2p!norway) but she doesn’t recognize him as a celebrity and becomes his friend without knowing he’s famous. She just thought he looked like the model and she didn’t want to be rude and point it out! He’s also Hayley’s twin brother, who she has beef with since he got famous as a model while she didn’t. 
The closest thing I have to an actual story line is that after 2 or 3 months of living together, When they were all grocery shopping (minus Julchen who was working), photographer Daniel stops them and asks Isabel, Natalia, Liliya and Hayley to model for a huge photoshoot for a famous magazine. Yordana just awkwardly stood there while everyone else got invited to be a model and complemented on their beauty, and then Daniel left, without looking at Yordana once.
 It was a great self esteem booster for everyone else, Yordana? Not so much.
Nothing like being the one person not invited to model, it makes you feel real great about your looks! Yordana bought a lot of sweets after that, and when they got home she immediately popped open a tub of ice cream to help her be supportive of the other girls while also eating her emotions. Later her and Julchen bond over being the only girls not invited to model by Julchen’s ex-college crush Danial, who she doesn’t have feelings for shut up Yordana and eat your brownies!
I want to try and draw a comic so this is all I’ll write but oh my gosh I love this au so much I’m invested! 
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risingpakistan · 12 years
World Records by Pakistani Youths
Courtesy : The Nation
LAHORE – Youngsters at the Youth Festival 2012 secured another eight entries in the Guinness World Records (GWR) book here at the Expo Centre on Sunday.
In all, the youth of Punjab made a dozen attempts and in eight of them they were successful in either setting new records or breaking those already established.Earlier on Saturday, Pakistan successfully broke the Indian record of national anthem mass singing when 42,813 Punjab youth sang their national anthem at the National Stadium during the opening ceremony of the Punjab Youth Festival 2012.
During Sunday's activity, Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, Punjab Assembly Deputy Speaker Rana Mashhood Ahmed Khan and Punjab Sports Board DG Usman Anwar visited all the venues of the various events and also saw some of the world records being set.
Ahmed Hussain and Ahmed Amin Bodla attempted maximum martial arts kicks. Bodla kicked into the GWR Book with 616 kicks in three minutes, beating the previous best of 612 also set by a Pakistani. But Ahmed Hussain could kick the punchbag for only 312 times in the given time.
In the attempt of the fastest time to wire a household plug, Mian Muhammad Nauman completed the assembling in a dazzling 35.93 seconds to set a new world record.
Muhammad Mansha, an employee of Punjab Sports Board, went flat out to set a new record for making chapatis (traditional bread) – mixing, kneading, spinning and cooking three in three minutes and 14.93 seconds to become the record holder in the chefs' category.
In another attempt, Jalilul Hassan going for the fastest time to assemble a full cricket kit recorded one minute and 8.21 second to get a place for Pakistan in the GWR.
While 12-year-old Mehek Gul took just 45 seconds to arrange the pieces on a chessboard using only one hand. Mahak, who recently took part in Chess Olympiad, broke the previous record set for one minute.
Saadi Muhammad pulled a coaster van for 63.8 metres with his moustache to secure his place in the Guinness Book.
Lt Nauman and Sheroz leapfrog into GWR with 34 jumps in 30 seconds beating the previous best of 30 jumps.
In the football headers, Danial Gil and Qamar Rizwan kept the ball in the air with their heads for around 4.46 minutes and during that course of time, they headed the ball 335 times, breaking the previous record of 170 head hits.
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