#Daniela Dimitrescu x you
rosestarlightkatarina · 3 months
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fr3sh-tragedies · 10 months
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General Headcanons
[Resident Evil Village] Dimitrescu Sisters x Female Reader || Bela Dimitrescu x Female Reader, Cassandra Dimitrescu x Female Reader, Daniela Dimitrescu x Female Reader
Word Count: 4.37k
Proofread: Yes
Content Warnings: None.
[A/N]: Just general, personal headcanons I have of how the girls would be with their partner, as well as just general traits I think they would have. I'll probably add onto this over time when I think of more headcanons.
[A/N] #2: Image credits for Bela and Daniela belong to trippykatsuki on TikTok, and image credit for Cassandra belongs to DigitalZky on NexusMods.
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I wholeheartedly believe the three of them have fangs–I mean, they’re essentially cannibalistic vampires, so they’d need sharper teeth for tearing and draining/drinking blood (in an easier way)
Definitely love heat, considering their weakness
Will huddle up against each other, their mother, or their partners if they feel even the slightest breeze
Anyone close to them that provides body heat instantly becomes their personal hot water bottle, especially during winter
Y’know how they can control their individual flies / small groups of their flies?
I can totally see them indirectly letting certain ones buzz louder when they get excited or cheerful over something
It’s essentially like they’re purring / vibrating with joy
Like, compliment them? Gift them something they were wanting? Make them feel special in any way?
They’re purring buzzing
Definitely competitive with one another
They’re siblings, after all
They 100% bicker constantly, but they love each other dearly
When they have someone in their life romantically, they all develop this kind of possessive/overprotective tendency. By that, I mean they don’t like to share their lover. They refuse to allow any kind of addition to the relationship–no way will they let a third person become a part of their relationship with their girlfriend
[Individual preferences under the cut]
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She’s known as the most cold, levelheaded of her sisters
However, I am a firm believer that she is the most touch-starved of her sisters
She’s constantly seeking praise and approval from her mother, but since she’s held to such a high standard, I get the feeling she worries about not doing enough
Because of this, she’s often buried in paperwork in her study, away from her family
Daniela definitely gives everyone in her family hugs whenever, but that’s all the physical contact she’s likely used to receiving in an affectionate manner
Don’t get me wrong, Alcina absolutely holds her and comforts her physically when she needs it–especially if she and her sisters have barged into her room to ask about sleeping in her bed with her at night–but Bela would probably try to handle her emotions on her own
Doesn’t swoon over fancy gifts, but isn’t against them either
She appreciates them, just worries there’s no practical use for them
Aside from craving physical affection, she undoubtedly loves words of affirmation / praise
Saying the right thing will make her feel all mushy inside, regardless of how well she’s able to hide it
She’s become an expert at winning arguments after having so many with her sisters
You will not win an argument against her
She’s patient and thinks things through, even if it’s something trivial
It’s hard to get her riled up, unless, of course, her family is brought into it in a way she deems as threatening
She’ll still seem relatively calm, but you’d be able to tell when something really got under her skin
She kind of, like, bristles in a way that only those closest to her can notice
Loves all kinds of forms of art
Reading provides a way for her mind to focus and calm down, as well as give her something to bond over with Daniela
Reading also comes in handy when she’s trying to research something or find a way to make something easier
Sketching and painting allows her to spend more time with her mother and be more like her, and it’s clear just how much she admires and loves Alcina
She is 100% a mama’s girl
Sketching specifically gives her a way to visualize things, such as new equipment, experiments, measurements, etc., and it allows her to do so on any surface in front of her
Crafting and sculpting helps connect further with Cassandra, who is more than happy to share tips on creating and designing weapons and small sheaths to fit them in
Designing the weapons on paper is another way she gets to incorporate her sketching skills, as well as fulfill her need to plan things out ahead of time
She loves anything that helps her grow closer to her family
It’s a bonus that those activities also help strengthen her mind
I find her to be the type who loves music. I think she’d know multiple instruments, considering how long she’s been alive, and she’s definitely written her own sheet music on more than one occasion
Willing to try anything more than once, so long as she deems it to be calming or practical
Overall, she loves spending time connecting with her mother and sisters, but it can be hard for her to when she spends so much time working alone in her study
Relating to what I said above, I honestly think Bela’s the most inexperienced with romance
She understands how it works, and she knows what’s important for a relationship to be healthy, she just never took much of an interest
Instead, she spends most of her time improving her skills and working under her mother, preparing herself for when she takes over the family winery
You’ll have to be patient with her in the beginning, as she’s not sure what to do with the more physical side of things
Yes, she is touch-starved, but it will still take time for her to adjust if you’re one who likes to cuddle or hug a lot
It’s not really that she’s shy about it, she just isn’t used to it
Once she does finally grow comfortable with it, she’ll start initiating touches herself, albeit very slowly: holding hands when walking around in the garden, linking arms when taking a stroll in the village in the warmer seasons, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek or lips when she feels the moment is right, pulling you into a hug when you want/need it
When she gets even more comfortable with physical touch, she’ll start progressing her boldness: cuddling up together in bed or on a sofa when reading, her kisses and hugs will linger and feel more loving and passionate, and she’ll even hold you and / or spoon against you when sleeping at night
She’ll also find that she loves to do smaller motions such as caress your face, stroke your hair, or trace random patterns on your arms, back, and shoulders
She’s a patient lover, and will do whatever she can to make things work
Slowly, she’ll learn how to get better at expressing her emotions instead of trying to work through them all on her own
Please pull her away from her work more often–poor girl needs to get some sleep
Maybe tell her there’s something you want to try out in the garden or the village like having a picnic or even just visit a friend for lunch
She’ll be stubborn about it, telling you how she needs to finish her work, but if you press her long enough, she’ll give in under the condition that it doesn’t take away too much of her time
So long as she enjoys the evening, however, she won’t be upset with how long she was away from her work
She’ll even thank you the majority of the time
She may accidentally find herself scolding you the way she does with her sisters, but once she catches onto her actions, she’ll quickly draw back and apologize, shifting her tone to speak to you properly
By this, I mean she’ll go from nagging you about something you said or did as if you were a child, the same way she treats her sisters at times, to sitting down with you to talk like rational adults, instead seeming more concerned than annoyed
Speaking of her sisters, she’ll definitely back you up if you somehow find yourself arguing with one of them
As long as you aren’t completely in the wrong, anyway
But sometimes she backs you up just because Cassandra and herself got into an argument recently, or because she just wants to get under Daniela’s skin and tease her a bit
She’ll show interest in your hobbies and might even dabble in a few herself if she hasn’t already
Might even drag you into the room when she’s spending time with her sisters so you can pick up their hobbies as well
She loves learning anything and everything about her partner
Definitely the type to research whatever her partner is interested in / passionate about, so she can share more about it with her and show that she genuinely cares
Dates with her appear simple, but each little factor is carefully planned, including what kind of flowers may be used, what meal is prepared, and even just the color of the outfit she chooses to wear
In short, she absolutely loves and adores her partner, would do anything for her, and is constantly making mental notes on every interest or compliment thrown her way. It takes time for her to get adjusted to the more intimate sides of a relationship, but with patience, she’ll be the kindest and most understanding partner one could have
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She comes across as aggressive and sadistic to everyone outside of her family, but her sisters and mother know she actually has a much softer side. She just doesn’t like to show it
To me, she comes across as someone who feels like she has to protect her family from any potential threats, ultimately deeming herself as the defender
Still, the sadistic part of her is no joke. She loves to toy with her prey and taunt them all the way up until their dying breath
It thrills her
She and Daniela definitely cause mayhem together, much to Bela and Alcina’s dismay
They’ll often play pranks on their older sister together, laughing hysterically when they both run away from the eldest when she gives chase
When Alcina is scolding her and Daniela, they’ll listen silently, promising to not repeat whatever they pulled
When Bela is scolding them, however, they can’t help but snicker and mock her when she turns around, all in good fun of course. They love Bela and look up to her, but they’re all still sisters, and they don’t try to hide it
As said above in Bela’s section, I–along with plenty of other people in the fandom–believe that Cassandra designs and creates her own collection of weapons
The ones she’s proudest of will end up being displayed on the walls in her room, and the rest will stay in the armory for her to try and improve on later
As well as the groups of weapons in her room, she also keeps collections of her trophies from each of her hunts: skulls, teeth, bones, antlers, etc.
I don’t think she’s as restless as her younger sister Daniela, but I do still find myself picturing her constantly fidgeting with something, whether it be her dress, her necklace, or even her own fingers
Because of this, I feel like she’d pick up other hobbies that would sort of force her to slow down and focus on specific motions
Crocheting, knitting, sculpting (as mentioned above), picking up some sort of instrument, etc.. These help her steady her hands and prevent straining them
It’s not that she’s anxious, she just has built up energy–specifically during the colder months when she can’t go out to hunt and channel her anger
I mean, during the whole sequence in the game where they drag you into Alcina’s chambers to determine what to do with you, she’s moving around the entire time, likely because she’s excited about how they’re going to deal with Ethan
She’s kind of swaying side to side in the cutscene
I do know, though, that she can still herself when she wants to. It’s hard to hunt living prey if you’re constantly moving around
I know during the gameplay, when you’re fighting her, she definitely might seem reckless, but there are two reasons for that: for starters, she’s trying to kill the player after being exposed to her weakness, meaning she wants to end things quickly before she’s able to retreat to safety
Two, by that point, the player already has killed Bela, and in some instances, they’ve already killed Daniela. She’s no doubt enraged that she wasn’t able to defend her sisters, as I said at the beginning. She’s furious at Ethan, and she wants to tear him to pieces
Even so, she still managed to stay coordinated and calculates her movements
She still has some sense of restraint, which is clear from the way she seems to stalk Ethan here and there to determine which direction he’s headed in. This way, she doesn’t lunge at him and put herself in a far more vulnerable position
She wants to make her mother proud, and she wants to defend her family, so when she finds that she wasn’t able to protect her sisters, she more than likely feels as though she failed on both accounts
Ultimately, she’s still very outgoing and sadistic, but I can definitely see a much softer side to her: one where she feels responsible for the wellbeing of her family, and then feels as if she failed when she can’t live up to those standards that she put on herself
Contrary to what the majority of the fandom seems to think, I actually believe Cassandra would be an excellent partner
She is sadistic, yes, that’s obvious. However, as I explained above, she has a softer side. If she finds that she’s grown to like someone, especially romantically, that feeling of defensiveness seeps into her relationship as well
Not really one to initiate physical touch beyond holding her partner or pressing a quick kiss to her lips, but she’s also not one to shy away from it by any means. She’s down to try pretty much anything you’d like, unless it involves adding someone else into the mix
She’s definitely a possessive partner in certain aspects, and by that I mean she wants the relationship to only involve her and her lover. Not open to the idea of poly-relationships, but in all fairness, neither of her sisters are either. They’re all loyal and devoted to one special someone, and they all expect their partner to be as well (they only want your eyes on them--no one else)
On a different note, she loves dragging you into the pranks she pulls on her sisters
When Daniela is involved as well, things get more chaotic, and even though Bela makes sure you get dragged into her lecture as well, you and her younger sisters always end up having a good time
It’s one way that you started getting closer to both Cassandra and Daniela, which made both of them happy. Cassandra because you were getting along with her family, and Daniela because she essentially thinks of you as another sister–aka, someone to get into shenanigans with, but also someone new she could love as her own kind
Cassandra definitely might find it hard to pick up on certain cues, but so long as you let her know what you’re comfortable with and what you’re not, she’ll respect it
Don’t want her holding or kissing you during certain times, such as when you’re upset? Just want to be left alone? She’ll respect it, but she always makes sure you have what you need–after an hour or two, if you’re still wanting space, she’ll slip into the room momentarily to give you water and maybe something to snack on or fidget with. She’ll ask if you’re feeling any better and listen intently before heading out again
She’ll do this every hour or so until you’re ready for her to be near again
When you do let her close after calming down, she’ll do whatever it is you need: hold you, listen to you, offer words of encouragement, crack a joke, anything
She won’t push your boundaries, but she’ll keep an eye on you at all times until she’s sure you’re in a far better mood. She wants to make sure you don’t relapse into your sorrow
If you do, she’ll make sure you’re still taken care of until you’re better
She isn’t shy about linking arms or leaning against you/letting you lean against her around others, even around her sisters, who definitely tease her for it
When in bed, however, she strikes me as the type who likes to sleep on top of her partner for two reasons: one, because your body heat helps lull her into a deeper slumber, and two, because, again, she wants to protect her loved ones. She feels that lying on top of you gives her a better way to defend you at night
An added bonus of sleeping like this: she gets to listen to your heartbeat all night long, another sound that greatly comforts her
When winter comes, she’ll light the hearth in her room before bundling up with you under the blankets for an extra source of warmth and softness
During times like those, when you two are alone in her room, she’ll happily talk about her trophies and self-made weaponry she’s decorated her walls with. After some time talking about the knives she keeps on her desk, she’ll even offer to teach you how to create one of your own and use it to defend yourself in case she’s not around
Overall, she’s a very understanding partner, it just takes a bit of extra communication for her to know what you may or may not need. She’s very devoted to you, and she’ll essentially become your defender as well, though she’s not afraid to show affection towards you so you know she’s proud to be seen with you
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Daniela is absolutely the wildest of her sisters in terms of energy, but she also can be the kindest and friendliest of her older siblings
She gets along with people really well, but she still definitely has a more sadistic side to her personality, hence the reason she’s likely the one who brings the most maids down into the cellar for punishment
Not necessarily because she’s easily set off, nor because she’s overly reckless, but because she really enjoys causing chaos, which she partakes in with Cassandra most of the time as a strange way of bonding
Messiest of her sisters in terms of how she punishes the maids, as well as how she eats, talks, and thinks, but she still comes across as the sweetest of the three
Like most younger siblings, she looks up to her older sisters, especially Bela
She tries to be like them in some aspects, which I’ll elaborate on, but she also likes implementing parts of herself into things as well–essentially putting her own spin on things she’s been inspired to do or try
When I say she tries to be like her sisters, I’m talking about her mannerisms: how she holds herself in the presence of certain people, how she stalks and takes care of her prey, how she speaks to the maids when they’ve made a mistake, etc.
This can be seen in the actual game itself, but someone has already described it really well, so I’ll link it here
However, she definitely does put her own spin on things, whether it be physically (how she moves around the room before striking), verbally (how she speaks to others, aka, her flirty tone), or emotionally (the tone she uses when trying to achieve something)
An obvious hobby of hers, based on gameplay anyway, is reading. She locks herself in the library to read very often
I can definitely see her writing her own stories and possibly even her own poems, though. I also feel like Bela has tried out poetry as well, so this would be something else that the two of them could bond over as well, on top of reading
She loves when she gets to spend time with her family, especially her sisters, so whenever she sees an opportunity where she can bond with them, she takes it–even if it just means sitting in the same room as them for a certain amount of time
A social butterfly, Daniela isn’t afraid to greet strangers or try to strike up a conversation with someone when she goes out into the village to shop for new books
Granted, she tends to freak some people out, considering her family’s reputation and how energetic she can come across as, but nevertheless, she still is more than happy to talk to others and get to know them
Although she is very outgoing and likely a bubbly person, she definitely has moments where she wants to be alone. It’s either because she wants to escape from an argument she may have gotten into with her sisters, has gotten overwhelmed when someone else is arguing loudly, there’s too much noise nearby, or she just wants to take some time to herself to read
Often, disregarding the colder months, she can be seen at the Duke’s shop looking for new books
Her room definitely has shelves with those books in case she doesn’t feel like moving to the library or wants to read in the comfort of her bed, but I can see her having other things as well
Has a section of one of her walls dedicated to letters, photos, or drawings she’s made or shared with her family, all of which have small notes to recall where they originated from
Another wall, the one where her study is kept, is littered with the poems or rough drafts for stories she’s written recently. There are also likely a couple of books there for her to reference or gain inspiration from while writing
Out of all of her family, I feel like she has the broadest taste in music. Next to her desk, tucked away in the corner, she has a record player she purchased one year from the Duke, as well as a small collection of different records that she switches between randomly. She’ll often play certain albums while reading or writing, just so there’s some sort of noise in the background if it’s been a particularly stressful day
So, Daniela definitely may struggle with certain boundaries in a relationship, but it’s because her love language is absolutely physical affection–she loves to hug, kiss, and cuddle with her partner at any given chance
If you’re the first one to initiate any form of intimacy–kiss her on the cheek or lips, lean into her for an embrace or to link arms, even something as simple as linking your fingers together when walking around or sitting together–she’ll completely melt
Like, a full on cheesy grin with a slight blush creeping up to her ears
She just looks so proud
However, with a little bit of time a patience, she’ll finally find ways to cope with having to give you space as well
It’s not necessarily because it’s the end of the world for her if she can’t touch you somehow, it’s just that she’s used to being close to you all the time, so she’ll have to adjust when you ask for some space
When you’re wanting to be alone for a bit, she’ll busy herself with writing you a letter or note of some kind that she can give to you once you’re ready for her to be close again
She’s absolutely the cuddlebug in her family: she’ll cuddle you whenever, so long as you’re comfortable with it
She’ll cuddle you when reading, when listening to music, when talking, and 100% cuddles with you when the two of you are asleep
I can see her finding any cuddling position suitable–she just wants to be close to you in one way or another
She, like her sisters, loves warmth and is drawn to your body heat
And while she can easily hear your heartbeat from a mile away, she still loves to press her ear up against your chest whenever to hear it directly next to her
On top of the cuddles, she also loves to hug you, no matter the reason
You’re sad? Hugs. You’re happy? Hugs. You’re confused? Hugs. Doesn’t matter what’s happening, she just loves hugging you
She also really loves being able to kiss you, all under the same circumstances as above
Out of the three of them, Daniela is definitely the most touchy and emotional one
However, she knows when she needs to be the reliable one. She knows there’s a time and place for her affection, emotions, and overall attitude
You’re her rock, and she wants to be that for you as well
You keep her grounded when she starts to get too overwhelmed, and she loves that you do so much for her. She wants to return the favor, even if she’s not entirely sure how
She’s fully capable of being the partner you need
She knows there’s more to a relationship than just pure romance–it takes time, patience, understanding, communication, and so much more–and she knows things won’t always be easy like they are in the romance novels she tends to be drawn toward
However, she’s also willing to stick it out and stay by your side
She loves you so much, and she wants to give you everything. She wants to give you the world, no matter the cost.
Ask anything of her, and she’ll do everything in her power to get it for you
She’s aware that sometimes she can be a bit much to others–in terms of her outlook on things and her level of energy–but she just hopes you’ll stand by her with pride the way she does with you
You, like her family, mean everything to her, and she just wants you to be happy and feel loved and appreciated
In short, Daniela is a very touchy partner, one who constantly wants to be near you. She loves spending all of her time with you. Even when you ask for space, she’s doing something for you: she’s pulling strength from the time spent on her hobbies to write you a poem or letter that she hopes will cheer you up even more when you let her near you again. She can be patient and strong when you need her to be. Without fail, she’ll always find a way to make you smile and laugh. You’re her world, her lover, her family, and she’ll do anything for you
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Wanted to take a small break from posting three stories per character to come back to these three and show them a little more love. I haven’t been seeing much content for them since the fandom has already kind of died, so I just wanted to add this here until I fully come back to them. As of now, I still have eleven more people I’m wanting to write for, so it’s definitely going to be a while.
I liked writing this as a little breather though, so I may do this again in between characters (there are a lot, please bear with me).
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The maids shouldn’t have left their fan fiction out 👀
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evewasheretoday · 6 months
Accidents Happen: Chapter 1 - Midnight Encounters
As usual, a new maid arrives to the castle and replaces the former maid who'd died.
This time, however, the maid is younger. Not even seventeen or eighteen years old yet. She seems lost, scared and afraid.
Which is understandable considering the place she's currently residing does not take kindly to anyone. Especially the staff.
But she seems to be doing alright despite the predicament she's currently in.
Green eyes wander around the dining hall as she eats her meal. It isn't long before she spots you staring at her that she looks over and raises an eyebrow at you.
“That's Eugenia” Maria, one of the few maids you've made friends with during your stay, whispers to you. “I've heard she hasn't even turned seventeen and yet she's here, working under Lady Dimitrescu” Maria shook her head with a frown. “I pity the poor girl” She says.
“So do I” You tell her. “But what can we do about it?” You ask her. “The moment we entered this castle and signed a contract with house Dimitrescu, we are trapped here” You sighed.
“We make due of what we have during our times of desperation, Reeda” Maria told you.
“Desperation” You scoffed. “Do you think all of us came here out of that?”
“No,” She shook her head. “But we all came here for a reason, no?”
There wasn't anything you could say to that because Maria was right. All of you, whom work here in Castle Dimitrescu, came here for a reason.
You shook her head before sighing again. “I suppose” You mutter.
Maria gives you a soft smile before patting your shoulder. “Don't be so downhearted” She tells you softly. “It is better to focus on the positive things than on the negative ones”
“You are starting to be very much like my older sister, Camelia” You muttered under your breath. “Thank you for reminding me of her existence”
“Do not speak of it” Maria grinned. “Because I may as well be her twin then” She teased.
You waved a hand dismissively at her. “I need not for another one of her,” You replied.
Maria just chuckled at the comment.
Surely things would be better sooner or later.
You never had troubles sleeping but the sound of pure silence except for the whistling of leaves outside the window was unnerving.
And the lack of lamps in your room did not help either.
You sighed before climbing out of your bed and going out of your room.
Maybe a walk in the halls would help you sleep, you thought to yourself.
“My my,” A voice behind you says. “Aren't you a bad girl, sneaking out at night?”
Turning around quickly, you stare wide eyed at the woman dressed in black silk standing before you.
“L-Lady Cassandra..!” You yelped, immediately bowing your head low.
“What were you planning to do?” She asked you, raising an eyebrow as she crosses her arms to her chest.
“I...was going out to for a small walk in the halls” You answered quietly.
“In the middle of the night?” She asks.
“Y… Yes, my lady” You nodded your head. “I was having troubles sleeping and I thought a walk in the halls might help me to sleep” You explained.
“Hmm” Cassandra hummed. “Is it helping you?” She asked after a while.
“Not quite,” You told her. “I am still wide awake as an owl in the night”
“I see,” She hums once more. “Would you like me to accompany you then?”
“That is very kind of you, my lady” You smiled gratefully at her. “But I'm afraid I must dec—”
“If you do not accept my offer, I may as well send you on your way with nothing but broken legs,” Cassandra threatened you.
You gulped as you slowly met her gaze with yours. “I d-don't see why I should refuse,” You stuttered out.
“Good,” She nodded. “Come then” She spoke, turning around on her heel.
All your head was screaming to you at that moment was to run away and hide.
But to where? You didn't know where you could possibly go. Any place you'll be in, they will find you. They knew this castle better than anyone else.
“Are you coming or not?” Cassandra questioned, turning around to look at you.
“O-Of course, my lady” You stammered out, momentarily biting your lip before you followed behind her.
Prey following its predator.
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horeformilfs · 8 months
Blood and Broken Art
Mother Miranda x Fem!Dimitrescu Reader
TW: Self Harm, Isolation, Rumination, ED Behaviors
In the opulent halls of Castle Dimitrescu, amidst the grandeur of its ancient walls and towering architecture, Y/N, the youngest daughter of Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, found herself embroiled in a situation that would test the bonds of family and forgiveness.
Y/N had always felt a certain distance between herself and her mother, Lady Alcina. While she shared a deep connection with her sisters, Daniela, Cassandra, and Bela, her relationship with her mother was strained, marred by a perceived lack of understanding and acceptance.
One fateful afternoon, as the sisters engaged in a lively game within the confines of their lavish abode, a mishap occurred involving some of Lady Alcina's most cherished art pieces. Panic seized the room as the delicate sculptures and paintings tumbled to the ground, shattering into irreparable fragments.
Lady Alcina's regal presence filled the room as she swept in, her gaze sharp and unforgiving. "What has happened here?" she demanded, her voice cutting through the air like a whip.
Y/N stood frozen, her heart pounding in her chest, as her mother's accusatory eyes bore into her. "It... it was an accident, Mother," she stammered, her words barely audible amidst the chaos.
Lady Alcina's expression darkened, her disappointment palpable. "You dare to defile my belongings with your careless antics?" she hissed, her voice dripping with disdain.
Y/N's protests fell on deaf ears as Lady Alcina delivered her judgment. "You are grounded, Y/N," she declared, her tone final. "You will not leave this castle, attend meetings, or partake in hunts until further notice."
Tears welled in Y/N's eyes as she tried to plead her innocence, but her mother's stern gaze silenced her. In that moment, she felt a crushing weight settle upon her shoulders, the weight of her mother's disapproval and the burden of her own perceived inadequacy.
"It wasn't my fault," Y/N whispered, her voice barely a whisper, but Lady Alcina's sharp retort sliced through the air like a blade.
"Enough!" Lady Alcina snapped, her words a harsh rebuke that echoed off the walls of the chamber. And with that, she turned and swept out of the room, leaving Y/N alone with her shattered emotions.
As Y/N retreated to her chambers, her heart heavy with sorrow, she couldn't help but wonder if her mother would ever see her for who she truly was, beyond her perceived flaws and failings. And as the days turned into weeks, the distance between them seemed to grow ever wider, a gaping chasm that threatened to swallow them both whole.
As the sun rose on a new day, casting its golden rays across the vast expanse of Castle Dimitrescu, Daniela, Bela, and Cassandra found themselves filled with a sense of unease. The events of the previous day weighed heavily on their minds, and they were determined to mend the rift that had formed between them and their youngest sister, Y/N.
With hesitant steps, they made their way to Y/N's chambers, their hearts heavy with worry. Pushing open the ornate door, they found Y/N sitting by the window, her gaze fixed on the horizon beyond. Her expression was distant, lost in a sea of swirling thoughts.
"Y/N, are you alright?" Bela's voice broke the silence, her concern evident in the furrow of her brow.
Y/N nodded faintly, but her eyes betrayed the turmoil within. Daniela and Cassandra exchanged a worried glance, silently communicating their shared concern for their sister's well-being.
"We thought we could do something fun together," Cassandra suggested, her voice tinged with hope, but Y/N's response was lukewarm at best.
"I'm... I'm just tired," Y/N murmured, her words lacking conviction as she forced a smile that failed to reach her eyes.
Bela's skepticism was palpable as she pressed for answers, but Y/N's excuses fell flat, leaving a lingering sense of unease in the air.
Reluctantly, the sisters left Y/N to her solitude, their hearts heavy with a mixture of confusion and sadness. Y/N watched them go, a hollow ache gnawing at her chest as she sank onto her bed, the weight of her emotions threatening to consume her.
Alone in the dimly lit chamber, Y/N allowed herself to succumb to the overwhelming exhaustion that weighed heavily upon her, her tears staining the pillow beneath her head as she drifted into an uneasy slumber, her dreams haunted by the specter of her mother's disapproval.
The library of Castle Dimitrescu stood in solemn silence, its shelves lined with ancient tomes and forbidden knowledge. Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, regal and imposing, sat at the head of the room, her daughters gathered before her like obedient subjects awaiting her decree.
"Where is Y/N?" Lady Alcina inquired, her voice cutting through the hushed atmosphere like a whip. Bela hesitated for a moment before reluctantly divulging Y/N's recent behavior, her words tinged with apprehension.
Lady Alcina's brow furrowed in displeasure as she rose from her seat, a sense of purpose driving her actions. Without another word, she swept out of the library, her determination unyielding as she made her way to Y/N's chambers.
Barging into the dimly lit room, Lady Alcina wasted no time in rousing her youngest daughter from her troubled slumber. "Y/N, you need to come to the library. Your sisters are waiting," she declared, her tone brooking no argument.
Y/N said nothing, her silence a palpable weight in the air as she complied with her mother's command, her movements slow and listless as she followed Lady Alcina to the library.
Upon their arrival, Lady Alcina wasted no time in addressing her daughters, her demeanor stern and unwavering. "Mother Miranda will be arriving for an important meeting tomorrow," she announced, her words laden with significance.
Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela nodded in understanding, their expressions somber as they absorbed the gravity of the situation. As they began to take their leave, Lady Alcina's commanding voice halted them in their tracks.
"Not you, Y/N. You will stay," Lady Alcina commanded, her gaze piercing as she fixed her daughter with a steely glare.
Y/N's heart clenched at her mother's words, the weight of her disapproval bearing down upon her like a leaden shroud. Tears pricked at her eyes, threatening to spill over, but she refused to let them fall, her resolve unyielding.
Lady Alcina's voice was cold and cutting as she reprimanded her daughter, listing off her recent transgressions with a sense of disdain that cut Y/N to the core. Each word was like a dagger to her already wounded heart, leaving her feeling small and insignificant in the face of her mother's displeasure.
"I don't want any more trouble from you tonight, Y/N," Lady Alcina admonished, her tone final. "If there are any more incidents, there will be severe consequences."
Y/N's throat constricted with emotion, her chest tight with the weight of unspoken words and unshed tears. But she remained silent, her gaze fixed firmly on the ground beneath her feet as she struggled to contain the storm of emotions raging within her.
Alone in the suffocating silence of her chamber, Y/N felt the weight of her mother's words pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. With trembling hands, she retreated to the solitude of her bathroom, seeking solace in the familiar embrace of pain.
Fingers trembling, she reached for the razor blade tucked away in the depths of her drawer, the glint of metal catching the dim light of the room. Without hesitation, she dragged the blade across her skin, the sharp sting of pain offering a fleeting reprieve from the turmoil raging within.
As crimson droplets welled to the surface, tracing a macabre dance along her flesh, Y/N felt a sense of release wash over her, the physical pain a welcome distraction from the emotional torment that threatened to consume her whole.
With practiced precision, she tended to her wounds, cleansing them with meticulous care, the sting of antiseptic a cruel reminder of her own fragility. But even as she patched herself up, she couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of emptiness that gnawed at her insides.
Lost in the haze of her own thoughts, Y/N lost track of time, the minutes slipping through her fingers like grains of sand. It wasn't until she emerged from the bathroom, her skin raw and tender, that she realized just how much time had passed.
The clock on the wall taunted her with its relentless ticking, a stark reminder of the hours wasted in the throes of her own despair. With a heavy heart, she made her way to her bed, the weight of exhaustion pulling her down into its comforting embrace.
Cocooned in the darkness of her room, Y/N succumbed to the pull of sleep, her dreams haunted by the echoes of her mother's disapproval and the cruel whispers of her own self-doubt. And as she drifted into the depths of unconsciousness, the pain that had once been her refuge now served as a cruel reminder of the demons that lurked within.
The next day arrived with an air of anticipation within Castle Dimitrescu. The maids bustled about, preparing the grand halls for the impending meeting with Mother Miranda. Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, tall and imposing, oversaw the preparations with a stern gaze, ensuring that everything was in perfect order.
As the morning sunlight filtered through the grand windows, Lady Dimitrescu turned her attention to her daughters, instructing Bela to fetch Y/N for breakfast. Bela nodded obediently, her mind filled with a sense of unease after the events of the previous day.
Entering Y/N's room, Bela found her sister still entwined in the tendrils of sleep. "Y/N, Mother said it's time for breakfast," she announced, her voice a gentle wake-up call.
Y/N stirred, her eyes heavy with the weight of unspoken troubles. "I'm not hungry. You all can eat without me," she murmured, her words carrying the echo of a distant sadness.
Bela hesitated, a knot forming in her stomach. "Are you sure? You should join us," she urged, concern etching her features.
Y/N managed a weak smile, but it failed to reach her eyes. "I'm just not in the mood. Go ahead without me," she insisted, her tone final.
Feeling a sense of discomfort gnawing at her, Bela reluctantly left Y/N's room and returned to the dining room, where her mother and sisters awaited. Lady Dimitrescu raised an inquisitive eyebrow as Bela entered alone, the absence of her youngest daughter not going unnoticed.
"Where is Y/N?" Lady Dimitrescu inquired, her voice carrying a hint of impatience.
Bela shifted uncomfortably, a sense of responsibility weighing on her shoulders. "Y/N said she's not hungry. She told me we could eat without her," she confessed, her gaze falling to the floor.
A sigh escaped Lady Dimitrescu's lips as she absorbed the information. "Very well. If she's hungry, she'll join us later," she declared, dismissing the matter with a wave of her hand.
The family continued their breakfast in relative silence, the absence of Y/N lingering like a specter in the room. Bela couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that something was amiss, but she resisted probing further, trusting that Y/N would approach them if she needed to.
The grandeur of the castle seemed to amplify the quiet tension that hung in the air as they awaited Mother Miranda's arrival. Unbeknownst to the others, Y/N remained secluded in her room, grappling with the shadows that clung to her soul, wrestling with emotions that threatened to consume her whole.
The day unfolded with an air of anticipation within Castle Dimitrescu, each member of the family and the maids tirelessly preparing for the imminent visit of Mother Miranda. The grandeur of the castle seemed to echo with the quiet hum of tension, the servants scurrying about to ensure everything met Lady Alcina Dimitrescu's exacting standards.
Unbeknownst to the others, Y/N found herself ensnared in the clutches of her own private torment. Secluded in the confines of her bathroom, the familiar glint of a razor blade became both ally and adversary. As she traced the blade across her skin, the ritual offered a fleeting escape from the suffocating weight of her emotions.
Midway through her desperate act, a sudden knock on her door sent a shockwave of panic through Y/N. Startled, she hastily hid the evidence, assuring the intruder she would be out in a minute.
After cleaning herself up, Y/N emerged from the bathroom, her eyes betraying the turmoil within. Daniela stood in the hallway, concern etched on her face. "Mother Miranda will be here any minute. Alcina wants us all downstairs when she arrives," Daniela informed her, her voice a mix of urgency and worry.
Nodding silently, Y/N followed Daniela down the sweeping staircase, the grandeur of the castle becoming a cold backdrop to her inner struggle. Bela, Cassandra, and Lady Dimitrescu awaited them in the opulent foyer, the air thick with tension.
As Y/N descended, Lady Alcina's discerning eyes immediately fixated on her, a critical gaze that felt like a spotlight, exposing her vulnerabilities. A snippy comment escaped Alcina's lips about the time it took for Y/N to join them, her words carrying a sting that cut through the already tense atmosphere.
Y/N's shoulders hunched, an instinctive attempt to make herself smaller in the face of her mother's disapproval. She kept her gaze lowered, avoiding eye contact, as a heavy silence settled over the room. The weight of Alcina's words echoed in her mind, drowning out the preparations for Mother Miranda's arrival.
The impending meeting with Mother Miranda, meant to be a momentous occasion for the Dimitrescu family, became a battleground of emotions for Y/N. Each step felt like wading through treacherous waters, the shadows of her own struggles threatening to engulf her in the presence of those who were oblivious to her silent cries for help.
As the grand doors of Castle Dimitrescu swung open, heralding the arrival of Mother Miranda, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, regal and composed, stepped forward to greet her esteemed guest, her daughters Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra flanking her side.
Y/N lingered in the shadows, a silent observer to the reunion unfolding before her. She watched as her mother exchanged pleasantries with Mother Miranda, her heart heavy with a mixture of admiration and apprehension.
Mother Miranda's keen gaze swept across the room, pausing momentarily as her eyes fell upon Y/N. Sensing the weight of her scrutiny, Y/N instinctively recoiled, retreating further into the shadows in an attempt to go unnoticed.
But Mother Miranda was not one to overlook those in need, especially not someone she had known since childhood. With a gentle smile, she excused herself from the conversation and made her way to where Y/N stood, her presence a beacon of warmth in the cold expanse of the castle.
"My dear Y/N, how are you?" Mother Miranda inquired, her voice soft and reassuring as she gently cupped Y/N's face in her hands.
Y/N felt a rush of warmth flood her cheeks at Mother Miranda's touch, her heart fluttering in her chest. "I-I'm fine, thank you," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
Mother Miranda's eyes softened with concern as she pulled Y/N into a tender embrace, the warmth of her embrace a balm to Y/N's troubled soul. "You know you can always come to me if you need anything, my dear," she murmured, her words a soothing melody in the midst of chaos.
Y/N nodded silently, unable to find the words to express the gratitude swelling within her chest. For years, she had harbored a secret admiration for Mother Miranda, her feelings a tangled web of longing and reverence.
But their moment of intimacy was short-lived as Lady Alcina intervened, pulling Mother Miranda's attention away with a subtle gesture. "My apologies, Mother Miranda, but we must attend to some matters before dinner," Alcina interjected, her tone clipped with urgency.
Turning to her daughters, Alcina issued a command, her voice a cold reminder of her authority. "Be sure to be present for dinner tonight. And Y/N, make yourself scarce," she added, her words laced with a hint of disdain.
Y/N's heart sank at her mother's directive, a silent reminder of her place within the hierarchy of the family. With a heavy sigh, she nodded sadly, casting one last glance at Mother Miranda, who offered her a small, understanding smile.
As Y/N retreated into the shadows, a sense of emptiness gnawed at her, the warmth of Mother Miranda's embrace fading into memory. And as she disappeared from view, Mother Miranda couldn't help but notice the absence of light in Y/N's eyes, a flicker of concern tugging at her heartstrings.
As Lady Alcina Dimitrescu and Mother Miranda retired to the sanctuary of the library, the weight of their responsibilities hung heavy in the air. The grandeur of the room seemed to amplify the gravity of their conversation, each word carrying the weight of their shared burdens.
Seated opposite each other, Alcina and Miranda delved into discussions ranging from the affairs of the village to the machinations of their fellow lords. The air crackled with tension as they navigated the delicate balance of power and influence.
After a lull in the conversation, Mother Miranda's gaze shifted to Lady Alcina, her expression one of quiet contemplation. "Tell me, Alcina, how is Y/N?" she inquired, her tone gentle yet probing.
Alcina raised an eyebrow in surprise at the unexpected question. "Why the sudden interest in my daughter?" she countered, her voice tinged with suspicion.
Mother Miranda's gaze softened with concern as she met Alcina's steely gaze. "I couldn't help but notice something was amiss with her," she admitted, her voice laced with genuine worry. "I just wanted to make sure she's alright."
Alcina's lips curled into a sneer as she recounted the events of the previous day, her disdain for her youngest daughter evident in her tone. "Y/N has been nothing but a disappointment lately," she spat, her words dripping with venom. "Always causing trouble and never living up to her responsibilities."
Miranda's brow furrowed in consternation at Alcina's harsh words, a flicker of irritation crossing her features. But she bit back the retort that threatened to spill from her lips, choosing instead to maintain her composure.
Before the conversation could delve any further, a maid entered the library, interrupting their discussion with news of dinner. With a resigned sigh, Alcina rose from her seat, motioning for Miranda to follow her as they made their way to the dining hall.
As they entered the opulent room, Miranda's keen eyes scanned the table, noting the absence of one particular member of the family. "Where is Y/N?" she inquired, her tone laced with concern.
Cassandra, ever dutiful, offered an explanation. "She said she was tired and not very hungry," she explained, her voice tinged with sympathy.
Miranda's brow furrowed in puzzlement at Y/N's uncharacteristic behavior, her concern deepening with each passing moment. "That's unlike her," she mused aloud, making a mental note to check on Y/N later.
As they settled into their seats, Miranda couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Despite Alcina's dismissive attitude towards her daughter, Miranda couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility towards Y/N, a nagging suspicion that there was more to her absence than met the eye. And as they began their meal, Miranda vowed to unravel the mystery surrounding Y/N's sudden withdrawal from the family's midst.
As the lingering echoes of dinner faded into the quiet stillness of the night, Lady Alcina Dimitrescu extended an invitation to Mother Miranda to stay the night, considering the inclement weather outside. Miranda graciously accepted, and a maid was promptly dispatched to prepare a room for her esteemed guest.
Alcina excused herself to attend to some paperwork, leaving Miranda to her own devices. With Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela retiring to their respective chambers, Miranda seized the opportunity to seek out Y/N.
She made her way to Y/N's room, a soft rap on the door signaling her arrival. Y/N, flustered and surprised by Miranda's unexpected visit, hesitated before opening the door, her expression a mixture of confusion and apprehension.
"Mother Miranda, is something the matter?" Y/N inquired, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
Miranda offered a reassuring smile as she met Y/N's gaze. "May I speak with you, Y/N?" she asked gently, her tone filled with warmth and concern.
Y/N's curiosity piqued, she stepped aside, allowing Miranda to enter her room. Miranda made her way to the edge of Y/N's bed, patting the space beside her in invitation. Y/N, still uncertain of the reason for Miranda's visit, tentatively took a seat beside her.
"What did you want to talk about, Mother Miranda?" Y/N asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Miranda's gaze softened as she reached out to gently cup Y/N's face, guiding her attention back to her. "I couldn't help but feel that something was troubling you," she admitted, her voice soft and reassuring.
Y/N's breath caught in her throat, her eyes betraying the turmoil within as tears threatened to spill over. "I... I'm fine, Mother Miranda," she insisted, her gaze darting away, unable to meet Miranda's compassionate eyes.
But Miranda was not so easily deterred. With a gentle touch, she urged Y/N to look at her, her heart breaking at the sight of Y/N's obvious distress. "You don't have to pretend, my darling," she murmured, her voice filled with tenderness. "I'm here for you, always."
Y/N's resolve crumbled in the face of Miranda's unwavering kindness, her tears flowing freely as she struggled to put into words the storm of emotions raging within her. But her breathing grew ragged, her chest tightening with each passing moment.
Sensing Y/N's distress, Miranda moved closer, wrapping her arms around Y/N in a comforting embrace. "Shh, sweetheart, it's okay," she murmured soothingly, her voice a calming presence in the midst of chaos.
Together, they sat in silence, the weight of Y/N's burdens lifting ever so slightly in the warmth of Miranda's embrace. And as the tears subsided and Y/N's breathing steadied, Miranda made a silent vow to always be there for her, to offer solace and support in times of need.
As Y/N's tears subsided and a fragile calm settled over her, Miranda gently broached the topic once more, her voice a soft murmur in the quiet of the room. "Y/N, my dear, can you tell me what's been troubling you?" she asked, her tone gentle yet insistent.
Y/N hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the whirlwind of emotions churning within her. But as Miranda's patience persisted, she found herself unable to keep the truth hidden any longer.
"I... I've been hurting myself," Y/N confessed, her voice barely above a whisper as shame flooded her senses. "I'm sorry, Mother Miranda. I shouldn't have told you."
Miranda's heart ached at the anguish in Y/N's voice, her own eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Y/N, please, call me Miranda," she implored, her voice filled with tenderness. "And you have nothing to apologize for. I'm sorry you've been hurting so much."
With gentle reassurance, Miranda offered to take a look at Y/N's wounds, her touch as light as a feather as she guided Y/N into the bathroom. "You don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with, my dear," she assured, her voice a soothing balm to Y/N's frayed nerves.
Y/N hesitated, her fear of judgment warring with her desperate need for comfort. But with a silent nod, she acquiesced, trusting Miranda to guide her through the darkness that threatened to consume her.
With practiced ease, Miranda retrieved a clean towel and a first aid kit, her movements deliberate and gentle as she tended to Y/N's wounds. There was no judgment in her touch, no condemnation in her gaze—only a quiet understanding and unwavering compassion.
As Miranda cleaned and dressed the cuts on Y/N's hips and legs, a sense of peace settled over them, the weight of Y/N's burdens lifting ever so slightly in the presence of Miranda's unwavering support.
"You're so brave, my darling," Miranda murmured, her voice a tender whisper in the stillness of the room. "And you're not alone. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
Tears welled in Y/N's eyes at Miranda's words, a swell of gratitude and relief washing over her like a tidal wave. In that moment, she realized that she was not alone—that even in her darkest moments, Miranda would be there to light the way.
Miranda led Y/N out of the bathroom, their steps hushed in the quiet of the evening. "It's getting late, my dear. You should get some rest," Miranda suggested, her voice a soothing presence in the dimly lit corridor.
Y/N nodded in agreement, her mouth opening as if to voice a question, but she hesitated and fell silent. Miranda, ever perceptive, noticed the hesitation and gently prodded, "Is there something on your mind, Y/N?"
Y/N bit her lip, uncertain whether to voice her request. However, Miranda's reassuring words encouraged her to speak her truth. "It's nothing, really," Y/N mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
Miranda stopped in her tracks, turning to face Y/N with a gentle expression. "My dear, if there's anything I can do to help or make you feel more comfortable, don't hesitate to ask," she offered, her eyes filled with sincerity.
Encouraged by Miranda's genuine concern, Y/N took a deep breath and quietly asked, "Would you... would you be willing to stay with me until I fall asleep?"
Miranda's response was immediate and reassuring. "Of course, my dear. I'll stay as long as you need me to," she promised, her voice a comforting melody in the stillness of the castle.
She instructed Y/N to change into pajamas, assuring her that she'd be right back after doing the same. As Y/N slipped into her nightwear, her thoughts swirled with a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude.
When Miranda returned, Y/N was already in bed, her gaze lost in the depths of her own contemplations. Miranda approached with quiet footsteps, not wanting to startle her. Y/N looked up, her eyes meeting Miranda's, and she took a moment to absorb Miranda's appearance.
Miranda's face was bare of makeup, her long, straight platinum blonde hair falling gracefully. Y/N found herself entranced by the more casual, unguarded version of the usually formidable woman before her.
Caught in her observation, Y/N blushed and quickly averted her gaze. Miranda, however, sported a small smirk, teasing gently, "Am I that captivating without the usual regalia?"
Y/N stammered an apology, her embarrassment evident, but Miranda's laughter cut through the tension. "It's quite alright, my dear. No need to apologize," Miranda reassured her, her laughter a warm melody in the room.
With a comforting presence, Miranda settled beside Y/N, ready to offer the solace and support she needed. As the room enveloped them in the quiet of the night, Y/N felt a sense of security, a fragile yet profound connection that promised solace in the darkness.
Miranda shifted to the other side of the bed, slipping under the covers and pulling Y/N gently into her embrace. As Y/N nestled against her, Miranda's hand found its way to Y/N's hair, her fingers tracing soothing patterns as she whispered reassurances.
"Everything is going to be okay, my dear. I'll always be here for you," Miranda murmured, her voice a soft caress in the darkness.
Y/N looked up at Miranda, gratitude and affection shining in her eyes. "Thank you for everything, Miranda," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.
Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them. Miranda's gaze softened as she looked at Y/N, her heart swelling with a warmth she had never known before. Without hesitation, she leaned down, her lips meeting Y/N's in a gentle, tender kiss.
Y/N responded eagerly, her heart racing as she melted into Miranda's embrace. They pulled away, a moment of hesitation hanging in the air before Y/N leaned in, capturing Miranda's lips in another kiss.
This time, there was no hesitation, only a shared understanding of the depth of their feelings. Y/N rested her head on Miranda's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat as Miranda kissed the top of her head, enveloping her in a sense of safety and belonging.
In the quiet of the night, Miranda whispered sweet nothings to Y/N, her words a symphony of love and affection. They lay entwined in each other's arms, the world fading away as they surrendered to the undeniable pull of their hearts.
Miranda continued to murmur sweet words of comfort to Y/N, their quiet conversation filling the room like a lullaby. "You're not alone, my dear. I care deeply for you, and I want to help you find the peace you deserve," Miranda whispered, her voice a gentle melody.
Y/N, feeling a profound connection in Miranda's embrace, spoke softly, "I never thought I'd find someone who truly understands and cares for me."
Miranda brushed a strand of hair away from Y/N's face, her eyes reflecting sincerity. "You deserve all the love and understanding in the world," she affirmed, pressing a tender kiss to Y/N's forehead.
They lay in the silence of the night, the weight of their shared emotions hanging in the air. Y/N, still absorbing the warmth of Miranda's affection, ventured to express her feelings. "Miranda, I..." she began, her words tinged with vulnerability.
Miranda hushed her gently, fingers tracing soothing circles on Y/N's back. "Shh, my dear. You don't need to say anything. Just know that I'm here for you, and we can face whatever comes together," Miranda assured, her words a beacon of support.
In the quiet intimacy of the moment, Y/N felt a sense of acceptance and understanding she had never known before. As they lay entwined, the world outside their embrace seemed to fade away, leaving only the reassurance of shared warmth and the promise of a connection that defied the darkness.
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bee-nutauthor · 9 months
Reader helps throw a birthday party for Bela; things take a pleasant turn.
Just a silly short piece for Bela's birthday. Enjoy!
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dismas-n-dismay · 4 months
Marcille would go literally insane if she met Lady D. Like she would EXPLODE. Hot rich vampire woman who is a loving mother of 3, milf as hell, lives in a large mansion, loves wine, hates men, and is an immortal lesbian?? Tell me right now that she would not try and rizz her up only to stumble over her words or be shocked as Alcina tries to charm Marcille instead. I need this content PLEASE
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rockstarrat · 4 months
—disclaimer, banners not mine
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bagdaddyb · 1 year
Taking request for
bottom!Natasha & top!Natasha. (As well as abo)
bottom!Wanda & top!Wanda (As well as abo)
Yelena (platonic only)
Wednesday (platonic or romantic) no smut
bottom!Larissa & top!Larissa
Bianca (platonic or romantic) no smut
Resident Evil Village
bottom!Alcina & top!Alcina
bottom!Bela & top!Bela
bottom!Cassandra & top!Cassandra
bottom!Daniela & top!Daniela
(All Dimitrescu will be considered vampires)
top!Mother Miranda (as well as platonic)
NO MALE READER REQ. (I'm a gay and just can't)
While request are open I am not on a time limit nor will I force myself to be. Request may take different amounts of time to finish depending on length, creativity, and writers block. I have the right to deny any request I feel uncomfortable writing and I am allowed to choose the order I write. I have other works in the mean time or there are plenty of amazing writers on this platform I won't be bullied into finishing a request. Thank you ♥️
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rosestarlightkatarina · 6 months
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donnas-dollface · 2 years
Daniela: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl!
Y/N: Okay.
Daniela: And make out during the scary parts.
Y/N, wondering what they just heard: Th-
Y/N: The scary parts.
Y/N: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
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It's evil Wednesday.
Short headcanons for the ladies finding their lover killed by Ethan.
You want some angst? Alright then, have some angst 😌
Alcina: When the Countess loves, she loves hard - deep. A woman who's been alive for what feels like ions, she only knows to love like it could all be taken away tomorrow - because she knows all too well that it can. It's no surprise when she drops to her knees - your body bloodied and still on her bedroom floor. Swiftly cradling you limp in her arms. Half of her so overcome with grief that she can barely breath, the other wanting nothing more than to release into her dragon form and rip the person responsible to absolute shreds. How her body trembles, eyes glistening with unspent tears as she gently strokes her thumb over your cheek. A soft, broken "Pet?" slipping from her lips every minute or so until she finally falls forward, body overwhelmed with sobs. The promise of your future together gone within a second.
Bela: She's quiet as she walks towards your broken body - face solemn and eyes cold. She could smell your death as soon as entered the room, but the sight of it now was almost more than she can handle. She was used to being the strong one, known for the being the most level headed. But looking at the soft trickle of blood that drips from your slightly agape mouth and your vacant gaze was enough to break anyone's composure. She swallows hard - biting back heated tears and the steady breaking of her own heart. You were one of the few she let in and now you were... gone. She kisses you softly on the temple and then rises to wipe the tears from her eyes. She had a murderer to take care of, after all.
Cassandra: The entire castle is filled with the sounds of her rage when she finally comes across you - your body overrun with bullets. A flash of red across her eyes as she runs over to you, screaming in wounded agony as she pulls you close. She curses - at you, at herself. For loving you, for leaving her. She's uncontrollable in her rage.. running throughout the castle in a feral haze. Sniffing down every hallway as she searches for her prey. She will avenge you - for that you can be certain. Cassandra won't stop the hunt until she's drained every last drop of blood from Ethan's lifeless body.
Daniela: At first the redhead will be positive that you must be playing a prank on her - an incredibly cruel one, yes, but there was just absolutely no way you could actually be dead... right? You promised you'd never leave her, that you'd always love her. But as soon as her eyes fall to your lips - to lips that no longer take in breaths or have the ability to tell her how beautiful she is - Daniela sobs uncontrollably. Your body held close to hers, tears staining her robes and your already blood soaked clothes. She's inconsolable - grief stricken - her love for you an all consuming entity within itself. So distraught she's barely aware of her surroundings - so lost in loss that she doesn't even hear the door to library as it opens, nor the soft click of the safety that soon follows.
Donna: Even though the dollmaker has spent most of her life preparing for people to leave, that doesn't stop the shock as she stares at your lifeless body when her and Angie stumble across you. She's almost stuck in disbelief, frozen in denial. How could she just accept this to be true? I mean.. it wouldn't be the first time somebody saw something that wasn't real around her. But, no.. it eventually becomes all to clear to her that she's actually lost you - that her worst fear has come true. Or.. has it? So obsessed with the idea of keeping you around - of having you stay - the dollmaker gruesomely puts her skills to use, making sure she never has to say goodbye to you again.
Sal: She'll walk over to you slowly - solemnly. Finding your body broken and limp along the path back to her hut. She can still smell the gunpowder fresh in the air as she leans over you, eyes steadily filling with tears. "Luv?" her voice cracks. ".. luv?" Her head falls with a single sob, body shuddering as she lifts you up into her arms and holds you against her chest. The scent of the cupcakes she made you that morning still lingering on your cold lips as she kisses them gently. A final stolen kiss before she breaks down into sobs. No one had ever loved her like you had - truly seeing her for who she was and loving every part of it. She takes a deep breath and slowly walks you back to her hut, placing your lifeless body safely on her couch before a deep growl rolls over her. The only thought in her mind is the one where she drags Ethan's struggling body to the very bottom of the reservoir.
Miranda: Let's be honest.. if Miranda actually loved someone enough to label them as her significant other, she would burn the village to the ground and everyone in it to have her vengeance. She would stop at nothing to make Ethan pay for everything he's taken from her.
I hope you enjoyed those, dear 😌😭😭😭
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much2leite · 9 months
My horniness knows no bounds.
That's it, that's the post.
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Could I get Cass killing a monster, only to realize it's her S/O turned?
Ohh, painful. Of course!
Cassandra Dimitrescu killing a monster, only to realize it used to be her s/o.
(Gender neutral).
Warnings: blood, violence, death.
Masterlists here!
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"Go away, Dani. I don't want to be bothered right now."
"You haven't let me bother you for forever now!" Daniela whines. She has to raise her voice quite a bit because the maiden Cassandra is torturing won't stop screaming. "Why have you been especially grouchy lately?"
"I haven't been."
Daniela spares a glance at the growing collection of dead maidens and crystalized Moroaice around the cellar. Almost all courtesy of her sister.
"...Right. You know—"
"If you don't leave, I'm going to tell Mother what actually happened to her favorite wine glass."
Daniela gasps, "You wouldn't."
"Care to test me?"
After a moment of consideration, Daniela lets out an overdramatic sigh. "Fine..." She throws her arms up and meanders her way back upstairs.
The screams of the maiden peter out. Her movements still.
"Dead already?" Cassandra mutters, her sulkiness still far from lifted. "I had a feeling you'd be a bore..."
She refuses to admit what has her In such a poor mood.
(It's you).
You stopped writing.
You stopped visiting.
She doesn't understand.
Did you fall out of love with her and decide to cut things off without another word? Like a coward?
What if you never truly cared for her at all? What if you were using her all along? That better not be the case. Cassandra will drain you of your blood if it is.
Could you have gotten yourself injured? Sick?
She's sorely tempted to go down to your house and the village and find out.
Unfortunately, she can't. Her mother will kill her if she finds out she went outside while there's still snow on the ground.
Fuck it. Cassandra can't stand another second of this.
In the dead of night, she dons the thickest clothes she owns, puts on a heavy cloak (which you're always so insistent that she wears when you think it's too chilly outside), clips her quiver around her waist, grabs her bow, and sneaks out.
The cold immediately hits her like loads of needles sticking her over and over again. She soldiers through it. Thankfully, the journey isn't a long one.
Your home is dark. The curtains are drawn. At such as late hour, that's to be expected, though.
Your horse is gone, the door to its stable left ajar.
Spots of blood mark your small porch. Your blood. Cassandra would recognize it anywhere. Not a good sign.
After the time that's passed, no other clues remain. A dead end. Hm.
Cassandra marches over to the house across from yours and pounds on the door.
It takes a few minutes, but someone eventually comes and opens it a crack. "Who's there...?" As soon as the villager sees the tall, dark figure on their doorstep, they immediately begin to close it.
Cassandra slams her open palm against the wood, stopping them short and promptly forcing her way inside.
The villager stumbles back. She grabs a fistful of their sweater before they hit the floor. "Tell me about the home across from you. What happened to the human who lives there?"
"A-a monster attacked weeks ago!"
"A Lycan?"
The villager only stares up at Cassandra, eyes wide with fear. She then remembers that villagers don't call them that.
"Was it man-like?" She joggles them. "Describe it!"
"N-no, it had the body of a large wolf and-and the face of a human. I've never seen anything like it before!"
A Vârcolac? Cassandra has yet to encounter one of those. They're a recent (accidental) creation of Moreau's.
Hopefully, it didn't kill you. You can defend yourself. Since you tend to go out in the very late hours of the night (which is how Cassandra met you), she went out of her way to make sure of that.
Perhaps after being injured, you took shelter elsewhere. Perhaps you're still recovering.
"And where did both of them go?"
"Ran off into woods!" The villager points to the area in question.
Cassandra releases them and walks off.
She heads straight for the trees. 
She isn't going home until she finds you.
She's still formulating more theories when she hears rapid, heavy footfalls approaching. 
Cassandra whips around and draws her bow.
The beast coming towards her matches the description that the villager gave her.
She probably shouldn't stick around for this. Not in her current state. The cold has rendered her movements stiff and near clumsy. She can't turn into her swarm. She's setting herself up for a potentially nasty injury.
But she's also setting herself up for her first Vârcolac kill, and this could potentially be the same one that attacked you.
The arrow strikes the Vârcolac.
Its fast. 
Its agile. 
Cassandra tries to keep her distance from its claws and teeth, firing off more arrows whenever there’s a window of opportunity. 
She manages to get a few nasty gashes on her arm and thigh, but she's fine otherwise.
Now reminiscent of a pincushion, the Vârcolac collapses on its side and crystalizes. Dead. Just like that.
Cassandra lowers her bow and approaches the remains. 
In the chunks of crystalized Vârcolac flesh, bones, arrows, and shredded fabric that used to be clothes lies a silver chain. Close to the base of the skull.
Cassandra freezes in her tracks.
She recognizes the pendant attached to it. She made it for you.
Hoping that her eyes are playing tricks on her in the low light, Cassandra drops to her knees and hurriedly picks the item up.
This is your necklace!
"No, this can't be..."
The chain could have just gotten caught in the beast’s fur. Maybe this isn't you. It can’t be you. 
But, upon closer inspection, although beyond dirty and nearly amorphous, the scraps of fabric are vaguely reminiscent of things Cassandra has seen you wear before.
...This Vârcolac is you. Was you.
And now, Cassandra has...
She tries to control her breathing, which is growing increasingly unsteady.
Keep it together.
Deeps breaths.
With the necklace still in her grasp, Cassandra rises to her feet.
A harsh cry tears its way from her throat, more reminiscent of a wounded animal than anything else.
She hardly remembers half of her trip back to the castle. It’s nothing but a blur. 
She doesn't even feel as though she's piloting her own body anymore.
It's nearly dawn when she finally makes it back inside.
"Where have you been?" Great. Bela noticed her absence. Just what she needs. "It's still winter, Cassandra. You could have died out there!"
"Save it for someone who cares," Cassandra hisses.
"What's your problem?" Ignore her. Ignore her. Keep walking. Keep it together. "What was so important that you had to go out? Will you stop—"
"Don't touch me!" she snaps, throwing her sister's hand off her shoulder. "It doesn't matter where I went, what I did, or what I saw! And even if it did, it's none of your concern!"
There's a tense pause.
This time, when Cassandra continues on, Bela does not follow.
The maid staff is lucky that none of them encounter the middle daughter as she heads for her room, for she would slaughter all of them on the spot.
Upon reaching her destination, she slams the door shut.
She rips her cloak off.
She throws her weapons to the floor.
And then, she gently sets down the makeshift bag she fashioned from the scraps of your clothes. Your bones rattle.
...Cassandra doesn't know why she brought your bones back.
Sure, it's not unusual for her to take them. She has plenty around her room. But those... Those are like trophies and souvenirs.
And this... This is you.
Cassandra supposes she just couldn't find it in herself to leave you. Parts of you, since the crystals and bones are all that remain.
This isn't reversible.
You are gone.
She will never get to see your smile again.
Never get to hear your laugh.
Never get to listen to your stories or dreadful jokes.
Never get to write you another letter or read yours.
Never get to hold you close.
Never get to take in your scent.
Never get to listen to your heartbeat.
Never get to truly spend time in your presence again.
With your necklace still in her grasp, Cassandra slumps back against the door and slides down it until she's on the floor. She draws her knees up to her chest.
It's fine. This is all fine.
You were nothing but a pet. A pet. She has had more than a few of those before.
You were nothing special.
You weren't.
Or at least, that's what Cassandra's going to keep telling herself.
She’s not going to completely breakdown.
She’s not going to cry. 
That’s what she’s going to keep telling herself.
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residentbots · 6 months
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ꪆৎ CR : @k1ssyoursister, @violetbudd
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kurosstuff · 1 year
Also soemone made this ask but I accidentally deleted it bur
Just want to get an idea. I'll continue to write for the others ofc just curious ♡
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