#David Stans I like him I swear
sinnaminttoast · 9 months
Kill this mom…kill that mom..Y’know who I think should be killed off?!
I said what I said.
Let him get it again.
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aggro-my-beloved · 1 year
"Move Over..." {David Shaw x Angel}
note: i've been diving deep into the redacted universe lately and figured i'd do my civic duty as a pro stan (and amateur writer) and give back to the fandom. here is the first installment which is a product of my few remaining braincells and far too much caffeine. enjoy :) summary: in which angel's new addition to the home sends her wolf boi into a fury warnings: a swear or two, angel and asher being lil shits, the usual word count: 723
"...the dog sits here." David's tone walks the line of question as he reads out the bold, black lettering printed on the throw pillow. It's sat on the left side of the couch, the top of it karate chopped to perfection by Angel's hand, and the shifter can visualize the smug look painting their lips as they did so. He crosses his arms with an exasperated huff and cranes his neck towards the sound of his mate's footsteps pattering to the room he now commands. His stance, while appearing intimidating, will affect them in no way but positively. Getting beneath his skin seems to be a hobby they favor above all else, and damn he hates how much they excel at times. 
"Hey, I thought I heard y-" Their perky tone settles to silence at the Alpha with his lips downturned. They try to keep their growing smile at bay, but it will be no easy feat with how they've outdone themselves this time. 
"I take it you've seen our new decor." Angel bites their lip. No smiling, they repeat internally over and over. Play it cool.
"Is that what you call this? Seems more like a ridicule from where I'm standing." He takes a few steps closer to Angel, who's situated themselves against the frame of the open doorway. The cold trim against their back is forgotten in the wake of David's piercing stare. "I am not a dog." He insists. Angel's eyes flicker down to his mouth and swears his bottom lip juts out further for the dim lamp to illuminate his pout. They don't acknowledge it, and rather, console the man in front of them. 
"I'm sorry, you're right. What was I thinking?" Angel's palm lightly smacks their forehead as it tilts back in forth in an ashamed shake. "You're my little puppy, after all." 
A scoff of disbelief passes through the air. But really, shouldn't he predict all of the cheeky comebacks by now? They impede every moment between them, intimate or playful. He's marrying them this autumn and he dreads all the jokes which won't be shared in the vow exchange. Like every moment similar to this, though, he will stand his ground until his mate grinds him into it. 
"That wasn't implying I'm a puppy, either, you menace. And I'm certainly not yours." 
"Those marks I left on you last night say otherwise, puppy." Angel can no longer keep their composure, and allow a few giggles to slip into the tension-filled room. David knows he can't win in this situation, no matter how many threats he delivers. Fighting the one in front of him would only make the bite marks on his hips burn hotter--same with the scarlet overtaking his cheeks. When his eyes leave his mate's in exchange for the pillow, still silently taunting him, he grinds his teeth at how nicely the color of it complements their sofa. They chose well...in a way, David thinks to himself.
"Whatever." He leaves it at that and makes a mental note to flip it around later. 
But it didn't get him far. Alas, deep cleaning the apartment before Asher and his mate came over for dinner one night commended Angel to face the pillow to its proper orientation. Asher, oblivious as he is, relied on Babe to point it out to him with a nudge to his side and a subtle nod of her head. The sudden, overlapping laughter drew David and Angel's attention away from the casserole resting on their stove and encouraged their retreat to the living room.
Asher would be near collapse to the floor from hysterics, if not for Babe's hand clutching his forearm for dear life as they used their free one to wipe at the tears leaking from their eyes. 
"No way! Davey's got his own little spot, how cute!" Asher gushes through the occasional wheeze. 
"Call me Davey again, and you can have your own spot, too. Six feet underground in an undisclosed location, where the department can't even find you." The threatening grumble does little to tide the cackling pair. Asher didn't skip a beat.
"I'll leave my will to your mate, so she can buy more shit like this to get on your nerves." The beta snorts, before turning to Babe. "We should totally get one for our place." 
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zeerohpunk · 11 months
milo and sweetheart stans, come out pls. i got yalls bread crumbs ✨️
this fic takes place shortly after the inversion, around the time milo got his ability to shift back. at a security team meetup, sweetheart overhears christian gossiping about milos actions during the inversion and decides to take measures into their own hands. it features swearing, a mild threat, and fade to black content where nothing 18+ is seen, but is implied.
word count is 1.3k!
tags: @no-see-um-incorrect @mrsmiagreer
David kept his conversations about Milo's actions during the inversions quiet around prying ears, he knew he couldn't let that information fall into the wrong lap.
However, he didn't shy away from taking a... closer, friendly interest in Milo's (and his mates') wellbeing since that night.
Most people understood, the inversion took a huge mental, and physical, toll on everyone at the games that night. The scars speak for themselves, but that only counted for the visual, bodily damage.
"We all faced death that night, and some of us didn't think we'd see the light of day again," David spoke, glancing towards Asher, "and some of us watched others make choices that nearly sealed that fate." He spoke and looked between Sweetheart and Milo, the look lasting just a second too long.
Christian didn't understand what was happening. Something was being hidden from the rest of the security team, he just didn't know why. Milo and his mate weren't inside the ward, they were safe.
David wasn't one for close affection, especially amongst his pack mates. He couldn't show that type of care with them, instead he concluded his speech with a cheers, a celebration of everyone who put up the tough fight that night.
The pack mates spent the rest of the night mingling amongst each other. Most spent time with their mates like David and his, Asher with his, etc. Christian and Amanda were huddled in a corner, as usual. No one really batted an eye at it, this was normal by this point.
Milo and Sweetheart had spent the night chitchatting with Asher and his mate, talking about anything and everything, real life shit and banter included.
"I'll be right back, Miles." Sweetheart tapped his shoulder, pecking his cheek as they got up to leave for the bathroom.
They wandered the large place, walking down one hallway when they overheard a familiar voice.
"I just don't understand what David's playing at. Milo wasn't even inside the ward, what did he of all people do that was so dangerous that he risked his life for it?" Christian spoke. He kept his voice low, he wasn't trying to get reamed by David or Asher for talking shit about Milo. Again. What he didn't expect was Milo's mate overhearing the two shifters gossip.
Sweetheart took a moment to think about how they could handle Christian's comments. They didn't want to act on a whim. They could get angry and make a scene in front of everyone, but that would just make things worse. With a quick wave of their hand, they were cloaked and walking towards the Australian shifter.
"I mean, Asher nearly died in David's arms, I just-" His words cut off. His mouth was moving, but nothing could come out, no matter how hard he strained for sound.
Sweetheart had taken his ability to speak, momentarily, as they decloaked in front of the totally-not-couple with a devious smile. The sudden appearance made both him and Amanda jump.
"If you speak about my mate again tonight, I will break your fragile ego down to dust, Chrissy. With a lovely, sizeable audience to watch. Am I understood?" They asked, his ability to talk had been returned to him.
"Y-yes." He answered, relieved that his voice was back. Trying to speak while being unable to was a straining, painful feeling. His face was drained of color, as if he had seen the devil before him.
Sweetheart nodded with a death glare, stepping away to return to what they were doing previously. "You two really do smell like each other, by the way." They rubbed it in as they pranced away, a shit eating grin across their face as they walked.
The night grew old as the pack mingled about, and pack members slowly dwindled, heading home for the night.
Christian and Amanda tried to not make it look obvious that they were leaving together, but their efforts continued to fail. They said their goodbyes, and Chris even attempted to make a nice gesture towards Milo as they left the building.
"Hey, uh... 'm glad you're alright, y'know. After the... that night." He stammered out, reaching his fist out to Milo. What can he say? He's trying to be nice (even if it's more of an attempt to stay on the stealth's good side).
Miles couldn't help but also be caught off guard by this behavior, but he returned the fist bump with a half smile.
"You too, man. I mean- I'm glad you're okay too." The interaction was concluded with a couple of nods between them and the stealth, who made no effort to hide the shit eating grin on their face from either shifter.
Milo and Sweetheart were next to head out, both mates had work in the morning. Once they reached the car, Milo looked over at his mate curiously.
"Now what the hell was that? Christian doesn't... do all that. I mean, he's a cool guy, but that's just... so outta character for him." He stated, tilting his head as he began trying to put the puzzle pieces together. "And you... You had somethin' to do with it."
Sweetheart smiled wide and shrugged, playing innocent.
"Dunno what you mean." They said simply, climbing into the passenger seat with a soft laugh. They knew Milo could see through their bullshit, but they enjoyed the banter.
"Oh, is that so?" He returned, fully playing into the joke now as well.
Sweetheart shrugged again, the smile never leaving their face.
"You know, when I'm working cases with the department, the people I'm after like to play up a big game. And sometimes, you have to remind them that you're playing chess, not checkers, and that you're not the pawn in the game. You hold the power, like the queen does." They sat up, checking their reflection in the visor mirror.
"And maybe you have to rub it in when one dog smells like another." They added with a chuckle, which earned them a laugh from their mate.
Milo didn't even know what to do with all this information. He was entertained by the idea of their mate teasing the Aussie shifter and his totally-not-girlfriend, but was also very attracted to this protective side displayed by his mate. He didn't know what went down that earned Christian that unfortunate wake up call, but he almost wished he could have witnessed it.
"So uh... you gonna tell me what he did to earn an assumedly earned rude awakening?" He asked as he put the car in drive, his free hand still tangled up with his mates.
"I'll put it like this. No one, and I really mean no one, gets to talk down about the people I love. 'Specially my mate." They affirmed with certainty, feeling the tingle of magic surging through their core, smiling when they felt Milo's core answer theirs.
Milo nearly growled at how they described their protective behavior to him. He couldn't help it, he found it SO attractive. He loved when they were like this. His mate had a confidence about them when they'd done something they felt strongly about, and he found it both hot and well deserved.
"My god, sweetheart... you are somethin' else, you know that?" He smiled with a shake of his head and a gentle but firm squeeze of their hand. He mumbled something against the back of their hand like 'My fuckin' mate,' and 'all mine,' between kisses, taking in how the magic swirled around in each of their cores.
"I love you, Sweetheart." He turned to them as he put the car in park, holding back from nearly tackling them right there in the passenger seat. He did pepper kisses all over their face, though.
"I love you too, Milo." They giggled, leaning into each kiss. "Let's get inside?" They asked, pulling away just a touch, earning them a small head tilt from Milo. They smiled, reaching their hands around his neck as they leaned in to whisper just amongst them.
"Wanna show you how much I love you."
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georgieluz · 1 year
oh ok then.! what about pairing your mutuals with band of brothers but as a couple.? ex: mutual x band of brother character.? with who your mutuals would be good with.?
ohhh wait sorry my brain is all over the place today. you said matchmake them with my mutuals, not cast them as. my bad! i shall provide the goods! i'll matchmake like my life depends on it!
(disclaimer: if you're aroace and i was unaware and paired you with someone consider it platonic! bc platonic pairings are just as important when it comes to vibes)
dick winters → @merriell-allesandro-shelton i think he'd be good for you! he'd be very calming and would bring a sense of stability amongst the chaos of life. i also think you'd be able to appreciate his dry sense of humour and he'd feel more at home and at ease bc of that.
lewis nixon → this was the hardest one and there were both too many choices and too little choices. there are a few people that would be obvious picks and way too predictable so i'm giving myself a challenge and i'm gonna pair all the nix stans with other characters :)
harry welsh → can i choose myself? come on, i'm literally your resident harry welsh stan!! no? ok, fine, @iceman-kazansky then! bc you're a fellow harry welsh appreciator and i trust you to dote on that man as much as i do!
carwood lipton → @theflyingfin bc you deserve the amount of love he would give! and i do think you would work well together. he'd appreciate your depth and willingness to express your emotions and just yeah, i'm speaking it into the ether
ron speirs → @hellofanidea. no i will not elaborate. ok i'm kidding i will slightly elaborate. this is one of those "push two people together bc you're curious about what would happen" so i am pushing you two together on account of a hunch that the result would be intriguing
bill guarnere → @cody-helix02 hello bud, you're getting guarnere bc i think you've got the perfect mix of chaos and lowkey softness that would work perfectly with him! y'know, you'd laugh a lot together but you could also ground each other, and i just think you'd have a very charming time together.
joe liebgott → @lamialamia bc i think your personalities would match pretty well. you both say what you think and what's on your mind so i think you'd both appreciate that openness and it would make communication a lot easier. i think your sense of humour would match well with his as well. yeah. i support it!
johnny martin → @cchickki you wouldn't be intimated by his grouchiness and i think it would be a fun match!
joe toye → @blood-mocha-latte. you'd give him the love and appreciation he deserves! i like the balance of how aesthetic you are and how abrupt he can seem on the outside? it makes sense in my head i swear!
eugene roe → @footprintsinthesxnd. i know you've been in a dick obsessed phase lately but you'll always be for gene in my eyes! otp for the ages!!!
george luz → @deadhoodwalking just vibes y'know
david webster → @starlordsatellite a good match up and i think you'd bring the fun out in him too??
babe heffron → @teabights do i feel like you'd make each other more chaotic? yes i do. do i support it with my whole chest? YES I DO
skip muck → @ep6bastogne i know i chose him for you in the cast your mutuals one but i think part of that was just from how well i think your vibes match? idk like i just think you'd have the best dates. y'know that couple that are really fun to hang out with in a group? yeah. that's you guys. fuck it, i ship it.
floyd talbert → me? sorry ok i swear i'll shut up. he's just so fucking pretty. ok back to business.. @hxad-ovxr-hxart don't question my methods the universe is telling me this is the right choice
alton more → @blvestxr (it would feel absolutely criminal to choose anyone else at this point but also you understand him and that's all he could ask for in a partner really.. someone who can see past the surface level stuff.. so yeah, 10/10 pairing)
shifty powers → @mads-weasley for some reason this just makes sense and popped into my head instantly?
chuck grant → @jump-wings. i feel like your aesthetics AND personalities just match nicely? does that make sense? it does to me so i say that's reason enough!
don malarkey → @lewis-winters bc you'd either balance each other out or it'd be a "fix him? i'm gonna make him worse" kinda situation that i'd be down to see unfold
this was a mess i'm sorry
i tried ok
don't fight me
you're stuck with them now
forever :)
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Ford pines for headcanons?
A (Realisitic): lovessssss doodling on paper. has an affinity for eyes (;]), swirlies, scribbles, and creatures. whatever he can get his damned hands on he will doodle on it and he will do it happily. my boy's an artist ❤️❤️
B (Not Realistic But Funny): honestly in canon ford's probably into music too much but i can see him being an period music fan. abba, queen (teehee), freetwood mac, david bowie, etc. that's just his VIBE to me, not in the crowley way but in his own strong inks and cigarette smoke way. i associate thoss things with him as well as anythinf existing before 1982 with him alot if u didnt know. i still see something and go "ford missed this 😔" or "ford didn't miss this! 😁" in a sad or happy tone at least once a day /srs. oh i love this guy
C (Heart-Crushing): this kinda collides with D but im keeping it in that category. soul crushing? ford never knowing what to hope for in regards to stan on the other side. whenever he has time to think about it, he isnt sure whether to imagine him in his house or dead in a ditch, and the mystyer honestly scares him more than he'd like to admit. ford kinda treats it like schrodinger's cat in a way--as long as he never confirms, it could really be anything, and that absolves him of any potential guilt. so. (also: that he celebrates holidays out in the multiverse too, when possible. makeshift menoras, pastries in substitute of bday cakes, lighting sticks during new years. just for the sense of grounding. ALSO alsohe's spent at least 3 birthdays in a prison cell or very hurt. so. yeah)
D (Unrealistic but FUCK CANON): has always stuggled with addiction, especially with antidepressants or alcohol. thus sort of snowballs into a whole "if this makes me feel good i cannot have for more than needed" but still ends upgrappling with it anyway. he suffered MAJORRRR withdrawlel when portal stranded and since then swore off it bc he drank the most under bill's influence. it's very important to me and i need more fics about it sooooooo bad, bc while i HAVE written my own, i think someone else is needed to do it justice. now that im remembering this i HAVE read some with this hc and they were beautiful and i need to reread them again and i need to REWATCH THIS DAMN SHOW SO I CAN READ AND WRITE SOME FIC AGAI .... also there IS some evidence as extracted by @/callipraxia (need to find that meta again) but i DOUBT that would ever be canon bc of the kid show rating. (watch the book of bill canonize this seven fucking months from now. i swear to god..../j)
TY FOR THE ASK!!!!!! 💖💖
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izzyeffinhands · 11 months
The only Facebook group I feel safe in as an Izzy Hands stan is Our Flag Means Daddy.
Even though I am apart of the two main groups as well, i.e. Our Flag Means Deathposting, Our Flag Means Fans, I do NOT feel SAFE. I see the wildest and hottest fucking takes in these groups and they piss me off. Are you even watching the same show? I’m also sick and tired of people calling Izzy a villain when he clearly is not. Also there are many that don’t recognize he’s gay, even after season 2. If you voice you’re upset and betrayed? You get attacked. I was again last night.
I guess I’m a proud Izzy “apologist”, but it fucking baffles me how fans just give Ed a pass on all the brutal things he did. Oh but the love story—- NO. Recognize you’re an Ed apologist as well. I like both Ed and Izzy, but I recognize the horrifying things Ed did.
The day of the finale, I posted my thoughts on various social media. I got attacked. I got messages even on tumblr from anon cowards who I imagine followed through Twatter. I was called the t slur. That I was stupid, fat, all sorts of things.
It’s because I said I’ll never trust David Jenkins again. Now, do I have my own thoughts as to whether parts of the finale are a dream state/gravy basket that Stede himself is in? Absolutely. But let’s dive into why I was especially hurt.
First off. I am disabled. For those who know me, I’ve also had two leg surgeries and my injury has ruined my life. So seeing Izzy with a false leg, as a disabled character, still being badass? It felt good. It boosted my confidence for me to keep going. I had so much metal in my leg it caused pain that left me bedridden and using a wheelchair and cane. Many a time I wish they’d chopped my leg off.
I see a lot of myself in Izzy. I swear, he has the traits of an Aries with his anger and intense emotions. This man feels deeply for those who cares for, even though at first this seemed to just be Edward. Despite the hardened shell, he’s a romantic at heart. I’m very much the same.
That hardened shell is also a form of masking to me. In my opinion, and in my own headcanon for this roleplaying blog, Israel is neurodivergent and suffered sexual assault on ships when he was young. It’s part of the reason he has bowel issues. He had to force himself to put on that rough motherfucker mask in order to protect himself. I was bullied mercilessly in school. When I started middle school, I decided to align myself with the “bad kids” as a form of protection. Guess what? Part of myself was masking I was a bad ass, part of myself became the badass I was masking to be after years of torture.
Also. I am transmasculine. I’m pre-HRT. But to me, Izzy is very transmasc coded. This was even confirmed by Con himself when a transmasc fan at Supercon brought the conversation up. I’d just like to say again how much I adore him for supporting the trans community, particularly transmascs who often are glanced over.
Then David Jenkins, a straight man, that swore he wouldn’t fall into the kill your gays trope did exactly that. So let’s exclude here the thought that this is possibly a dream state, or even that he might be resurrected by Buttons as a zombie or ghost which I fucking hope not. We’re talking about my initial feelings. Now it felt like they were setting him up to be killed but I said oh no Jenkins wouldn’t do that to us. He promised he wouldn’t.
Guess what?! He fucking did. Not only that, he murdered off the disabled, gay, transmasc coded character after giving him the most beautiful character arc of any character on the show. You can have a gay pirate rom com, you can understand some characters can get hurt, but killing someone as a means to advance plot? Fuck you. Also, the fact that Izzy apologized to his ABUSER?! As if the victim blaming and shaming wasn’t enough for Izzy Hands, which I see plenty of still, that’s fucked up on so many levels.
So to me I watched a version of myself be murdered. It hit me in the hardest way imaginable. I cried for days. I’ve never been so attached to a character in my 38 years of existence. I’m sick and tired of people saying they like his redemption arc. Izzy never needed redemption. He just needed one, single, person to tell him that he was loved and cared about.
So voicing that I felt betrayed and that I no longer trust Jenkins got me nothing but vitriol. Then toward the end of the day, he made a tweet about how there’s no version of the show without Izzy and had the comments turned off. He knows what he did. And then in the FB groups, if you dared say you were upset that day, requoted Jenkins, you’re a horrible person? Right. I didn’t start attacking the writers. I just said I’m betrayed and I can’t trust what I thought was my comfort show. Because of that, I got hate.
As much as I’d like to believe Izzy will return, the interviews David has done post season 2 talking about his character give me little hope. It’s like he just stabbed every fan in the back. Id like to think the rushed finale is really a dream sequence or gravy basket deal. Id like to think that Izzy will come back thanks to Buttons. But now I just don’t trust David Jenkins.
And if you dare voice this opinion anywhere but Our Flag Means Daddy and Twatter, you get attacked. So here goes. Thanks for my TED talk.
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y’all telling me AvatarTheWayOfWater Wensday got nominated but Woman King, Black Pantherwasn’t? no nominations for Will Sharpe Lashana? but Sebstain Stan (are joking) got it but at least severance getting it’s due finally! GoldenGlobes is a joke No Boyega Norton or Hoult which is understandable bc Raphl is nominated and but Adam Driver D Craig GlassOnion Ana De Armas got a nomination after that horrendous movie that was so wrong and portrayed a pure queen so awfully who’s shocked no one it’s qwhite interesting
also the director screen play nominations being just white men/people not one for Ryan Coogler, Jordan Peele, Gina Prince no Keke nomination no Nope no Wendell Wild after all the praise those movies directors and actors it got it’s very interesting qwhite wait in fact most if not all the awards are just white woman/people nominated, I swear they only put zendaya there to not look racist I’m sorry but how many times they gonna give her an award for the same role atp they just doing it to shut y’all/us up about screaming racism! bc sure she good but she was definitely not that good that she keeps getting nominated over and over again and keep winning over everyone when there have been way more stellar performances they only giving it to her to keep the racism screams in check and since she’s their and Hollywood perfect ideal black person to win since she’s lightskin and mixed so they’ll rather give it to her for the same one performance over and over again then a black actor especially dark skinned black person and you can’t tell me otherwise bc why only her it’s getting obvious and it’s very ridiculous they think anyone falls
is falling for their sh*t and very bad at hiding why they keep nominating just her and never anyone else but her! anyways fcvk these award shows they racist af also only pick whatever is popular will get them clout and hype not bc an actor is talented and deserves it or show is actually very good bc if it was for those rzn MythicQuest avenu5 would be nominated but @ least Evan Amanda Riri is deserve to win and Dropout which deserves to sweep all the awards along with thecrown, EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce Severance OMITB WhiteLotus  AbbottElementary TopGunMaverick Barry
also Atlanta Yellowstone is very good sweep worthy, havent seen thebear but heard it’s good also Dahmer sweep bc of Evan Nicey acting gave CHILLZ deserve to win/sweep Andrew Garfield bc hes an amazing actor even tho I haven’t seen his show + i love him! + hacks is fun the flight attendant was good so was hacks worthy of nomination but it wasn’t that good funny definitely better shows could’ve gotten nominated instead!
again MythicQuest Avenu5 WelcometoFlatch Homeccomics very good hilarious comedy shows worthy and deserved nomination! so many shows and actors was robbed Will Sharpe Danny Pudi 100% David Harbour for one idk feel why didn’t they ask evans was robbed Will Poulter was robbed like fuck these awards only nominating whatever is popular or will give them clout hype not bc of pure talent and good tv/film! at least severance and Barry wasn’t robbed even tho Anthony was robbed again and again I would’ve lost it if Severance was robbed again like that show is soooo good even better then TheWhiteLotus and everyone knows WhiteLotus is my shit my baby life bc of my girl Jennifer if only shows actors got what they deserved for giving us pure genius show’s performance but nope in the end it’s fcvk your talented great a88 or amazing brilliant mind blowing funny or good show or film is if it didn’t get tiktokers dressing up or it wasn’t tiktok viral! I need that fcvking app gone now on god I’m soo tired!
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faggotwalkwithme · 2 years
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hi, i'm theta, mars and basil! > he/him > gay + aroace > 17 :3
i love horror movies and i make them all transgender
my neocities (huge wip) (flashing warning)
my current interests areee > evil dead (+ other bruce campbell and/or sam raimi stuff) > twin peaks > british comedy shows (taskmaster, the mighty boosh, nevermind the buzzcocks other greg davies and noel fielding stuff)
other stuff i'll definitely still be posting about: -> doctor who -> alternative subcultures (mostly goth and punk) -> fiction podcasts (specifically tma, w.bg and malevolent) -> re-animator and other horror movies/other jeffrey combs stuff!!
also, i'm in a band! we're @knees-mean-nothing, give us a follow :)
byf; i post a lot of fake gore/blood (like, A LOT of blood!), syringes, i'm a twin peaks fan (so also a lot of topics on sexual assault, incest and all that fun stuff..[/sarc] i'll try to tag this but i'll pribably mess up sometimes) i swear a lot and i use caps lock a lot. just bware if thats not ur jam
also exclusionists and TERFs go fuck yourself! and plz, if u ship minors and adults, block me
bruce campbell dni ❌❌❌👿👿
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extra stuff below the cut :3
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i literally just made this section because i like lists and i need an excuse.
my tagz: #shut up mars: original text posts | #faggotwalkwithme irl: my face | #friends tag: posts pertaining to. my friends | #friend's art!!!!: art that. is by my friends | #goofyfibula stan account: tag dedicated to my wonderful husbandbf (gender neutral), el | #ptrmoc: posts that remind me of characters | #<3: my favourite posts | #me: posts that r me irl | #gender: posts that give me gender envy
past interests that i may still post about occasionally (if it has an asterix next to it, i still post about it quite a bit!): monster high | warrior cats | musical theatre (in particular, hamilton/heathers/be more chill*/dear evan hansen) | falsettos (gets its on category cuz its so special and cool) | good omens | stranger things/IT | sherlock (<- though if i ever post about that its usually in pain and making fun of it) | doctor who* | life on mars/ashes to ashes | what we do in the shadows | bbc ghosts (and other six idiots content in general) | sing street | mozart l'opera rock | bugsnax | detroit: become human (im so sorry) | goncharov (i tag unreality) | the magnus archives* | red valley | malevolent | WOE.BEGONE | fight club | the rocky horror picture show
more casual interests i'll still post about: camp here and there | MASH | interview with the vampire | buffy the vampire slayer | little lunch | bill and ted | severance | flight of the conchords | derry girls | the young ones |
also umm some microlabels: quasiromantic, orientated aroace, genderfaun, xenogenders (im considering making like a blog or something where i document them all :3), aegosexual, grayromantic
top artists of all time according to last.fm: pulp | they might be giants | will wood | the cure | angelo badalementi | mitski | oingo boingo | strawberry switchblade | mozart l'opera rock | the smiths | blur | pixies | talking heads | radiohead | pavement | julee cruise | david bowie | new order | hot freaks | lemon demon
my birthday is on february 24th :3 i'm from australia and indonesia!!! i'm an avatar of the lonely lets fucking go
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white-boy-of-the-year · 9 months
I feel like I owe a public apology to the Cillian stans since the sudden spike of votes for David in the last few days was at least partially my fault. I swear I didn’t realise calling on the Good Omens fandom and one of its largest fanblogs would work quite so well. You guys fought the good fight and I respect the hell out of that. I hope he wins the best propaganda poll, I voted for him in solidarity. Happy New Years!
thank you, and I appreciate it! I like it when all accounts get involved, big and small (really makes it feel special yk), and the cillian fans are genuinely some of the most dedicated bunch I've seen.
everyone put in so much effort. thanks for that.
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jaggedl1ttlepill · 11 months
i wish i knew how to feel about him.
i wish i knew how he felt about me.
from the moment i met him, freezing my ass off outside the riot house dressed as princess leia, i felt weirdly drawn to him. he was drunk and dressed as uncle stan from gravity falls. i was standing with nat and some guy she remembered from oak harbor when he dragged his friend over to us to get our opinion on his silly rap lines. i remember his long blonde curls kept falling in his face under his hat. he sat on the deck stairs i was leaning against, and as i talked about something stupid, i remember him looking up at me with big blue eyes as if i was mother mary. he kept touching my hand before realizing what he was doing, and when i let him, he held my hand and played with the ring on my finger. i remember how cold his hands were compared to mine. halloween in bellingham isn't for the faint of heart.
i remember him rushing me inside because the hobby was covering fall out boy and i told him how much i loved fall out boy. i remember dancing with him in that crowded living room, and i remember having to stand on my tip toes to kiss him because he's so tall. we went back outside and i made out with him in the freezing cold for what felt like an eternity, until his friends came to collect him. he made me swear over and over that i would text him tomorrow. my neck was covered in hickeys i hadn't even noticed him leaving.
we've been seeing each other a lot since then. he comes over to my room and spends a few hours with me. he even got dinner with me once. he's always so loving; he holds my hand and plays with my ring still, while we talk about everything from music to movies to stupid professors. when he kisses me it feels like a native language. when he puts his hand in my hair or on my hips to pull me closer to him, it feels like an act of god. when he looks into my eyes, it feels like that one david bowie song.
i wish i understood him. how can you be this way with me and feel nothing? how can you lay my head down on your chest and hold me there without wanting me even a little? how can you see me in public and greet me with a kiss, but tell me not to want for anything? is he crazy? is he in denial? people tell me that only someone genuinely cruel could be capable of such a double standard, but i can't look at him and find any cruelty. am i too simpleminded to see it?
maybe it's easier this way. maybe he sees beyond what i do. maybe, when he was holding me in his arms singing 'wicked game' to me, he kissed me through the second verse because he knew he was guilty of every lyric. maybe he left before midnight tonight because he knew he wanted more from me, and it scared him. maybe he knows what he's doing to me and maybe he's sorry. maybe i'm the one in denial.
i hope it's easier this way. i hope that, somewhere beyond my confusion and heartbreak, there's a hidden upside to all this that makes it worth it. i hope that there's some unseen alternative that hurts way, way worse than any of this ever could. i hope there's mercy in something.
what a wicked thing to say that you never felt this way what a wicked thing to do to let me dream of you
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
As a parent, I would have been so fucking angry at Max, (my parents would have probably stop talking to me for a while lol) but as a mavid stan first, THAT WAS SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL 😭😭
Rafael escaping through the window of the fire escape I'd so valid of him!! And the foreshadowing omg
“You think it was stupid of me to blow up my savings for David?” Max asked with an amused chuckle. “I’ll blow anything up for him. The world whole. Even myself. That’s how much I love him.” Even Alec needs to admit that was romantic.... You can't complain you are cheezy-er than him!!!
Max opened the door and came in with an even wider grin. “Honey! I’m home!”
David let out a laugh and covered his mouth. Max giggled at that and kissed his boyfriend. Magnus shook his head fondly.
And he remembered his favorite breakfast from then on!!!!💙🥺
It was almost like a game. Magnus almost wanted to see just how angry Alec could get.
It was kind of addictive. No wonder Max had made a hobby of this growing up.
Ok, these two need help...
The only time Alec needed to win, he lost. umm, excuse me wtf???
Tag yourself, I'm Magnus when I get into a fight, because I hate when someone screams and thinks it can solve things😎
I love how at first we saw the initial reaction of everyone to the show and how angry and hurt they were. But now that time has passed, they all realized it was necessary. It was necessary to tell the whole story. To process everything that happened and let the world know it wasn't what they saw.
Thank you!!!
And you are so right! I love reading (and writing) this stuff but if anyone in my life tries to pull this shit on me, I swear to god.
My child: I spent all your hard-earned money without your permission and bought a house for my cute boyfriend who i met only 1.5 years ago :)
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My partner: hey so imma go to Paris and pretend to be someone's boyfriend :)
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My partner: I'm going to write a TV show about our entire life and tell people EVERYTHING about you
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aggimaginary · 1 year
South Park season 1 - Ningning Del Rosario headcanon
South Park had many many episodes, and when I watched every single episode, but not all, I reimagined my OC Ningning into it. So, I decided to make headcanons of how she'll play her role in the series.
The first will be season 1. So, this might take a while.
Season 1 intro
Ningning sang along with Cartman, "Ample parking day or night People spouting 'Howdy neighbor!'"
S1 Ep1: Cartman Gets an Anal Probe
Ningning sang along with Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny while waiting for the bus until Ike came in
She laughed along with Stan and Cartman after Kenny described what a dildo is.
When Chef arrived in front of them, Ningning greeted hi to him along with Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny.
Like Kyle, Stan, and presumably Kenny and Ike, Ningning believed in Visitors whom Cartman saw last night.
After Kyle kicked Ike through the bus, Ningning walked towards the bus, telling Kyle, "You shouldn't have done that."
She was as shocked as Stan, Kyle, and Kenny when they saw aliens take Ike.
Ningning laughed along with stan and Kyle after the former farted.
In school, she sat next to Stan where she listened to Kyle's chanting about his parents' reaction if he came home without Ike. Deep down, she felt sorry for Kyle and wanted to help him.
She was as surprised as everyone in the class when Cartman farted fire, but chuckled a little after Pip was on fire.
At the school cafeteria, Ningning was behind Cartman in the line, but she took a step back to avoid getting burned by Cartman's fire from behind.
She wasn't so thrilled to see Wendy Testaburger., though she greeted her along with Kyle and Cartman.
Ningning suggested Stan to push Wendy into the pond when he got a letter from her. She also laughed along with the boys when Kenny mentioned Wendy having a cat.
The Boys met Chef again and greeted hi to him. Like the 4 boys, Ningning was confused by Chef's song.
Like Stan, Kyle, and Kenny, Ningning was surprised to see a cyclops-like robot pop up from Cartman's behind.
After getting out of school, Ningning sang along with the boys for getting out of school, but she stepped out of the way when Cartman farted fire again. She moved out of the way again beside Kenny when Cartman was controlled by aliens by making him dance and sing, "I Love to Singa".
Ningning was silently horrified to see aliens shoot Kenny. He was horrified more when a stampede of cows trampled him and a police car ran over him until he died.
She didn't like when Stan and Kyle proved to Cartman that Kenny was dead. She wasn't comfortable that Stan patted Kenny's body with a stick. She also screamed in horror when Kyle pulled Kenny's head.
While Kyle begged Stan to stay when the latter was supposed to meet Wendy, Ningning couldn't help but watch the rats feed on Kenny's dead body.
After Stan left, Kyle thought Ningning was the only one left to help him, but she also had to go, pointing Kenny's rat-covered dead body. (Kyle: At least you're still here with me Ningning. Ningning: Sorry, Kyle. I have to retrieve Kenny's body before the rats devour him completely)
Ningning just finished her business with Kenny's body, and joined Stan, Kyle and Wendy in getting Cartman. She also watched Mr. Kitty running away with fire all over him.
Ningning helped Stan tie Cartman to a tree with a rope, and they, Kyle, and Wendy hid behind a log. She only watched silently while Stan and Kyle forced Cartman to fart, and Cartman refused to believe the satellite dish coming out of his behind. Ningning also rolled her eyes at Cartman's denial.
Stan and Ningning encouraged Kyle to ask the aliens for his brother.
Ningning told Kyle to calm down after swearing loudly.
Ningning was impressed with Kyle for encouraging Ike to make an impersonation of "David Caruso's career". "Wow, I can't believe that worked," she said.
When Kyle and Ike walked home, Ningning also decided to go home.
The next day, Ningning stood next to Stan and Kyle at the bus stop. She stepped aside when Cartman fell from the sky.
She gave Cartman a mirror to prove he had pinkeye.
S1 Ep2: Weight Gain 4000
In class, Ningning described rainbows as "bright and colorful" when the boys talked about rainbows. She was also confused of what Cartman was talking about.
Ningning revealed dolphin was one of her favorite animals.
In the cafeteria, Chef greeted The Boys, and they and Ningning greeted him back.
Like the rest of the class, Ningning wasn't thrilled to make a play about the history of South Park.
Like Stan and the other boys, Ningning didn't believe Cartman won the essay contest.
Ningning stood at the bus stop with Stan, Kyle and Kenny until Cartman arrived. She laughed with the 3 boys when Kyle and Kenny teased Cartman for his "breasts".
With Stan and Kyle, Ningning teased Cartman with his fat. (Kyle: Bulk up to what, fat-ass? Stan: Super fat-ass? Ningning: Extreme fat-ass?)
Ningning was a pioneer for the play along with Stan, Kyle, Butters, and Kevin Stoley.
Ningning stood beside Stan silently while listening to Kyle and Cartman's argument about the former's body.
Ningning was annoyed by Wendy's charm at Stan with Kyle said, "Uh-oh, we're losing him."
Ningning helped Kyle and Kenny get fat and heavy Cartman onto the stage.
She was horrified when Kenny was shot and impaled through the head by a flag pole before sliding down. She had her mouth covered by her hands as she watched.
Kyle called out Kathie Lee to come back because they didn't get to do their play, and Ningning admitted that she couldn't play anyway.
She told Wendy that nobody cares about a "stupid essay", before walking off the stage which caused Wendy to give up on convincing people that Cartman was cheating.
She visited Mr. Garrison at the South Park Mental Home along with Stan and Kyle.
S1 Ep3: Volcano
Ningning joined with the boys on a hunting trip with Stan's Uncle Jimbo and Ned.
She laughed and teased Cartman for being a "mama's boy"
When Stan mentioned they don't drink beer and Kyle mentioned liked chocolate milk, Ningning revealed she liked apple juice.
Ningning got a gun and a beer like her friends.
Like Kyle, Cartman and Kenny, Ningning was a little satisfied to see animals get killed.
Ningning sat by the campfire with her friends. She also enjoyed Jimbo's scary story about Ned's arm.
She disliked Cartman's scary story about Scuzzlebutt. She also laughed along with Stan, Kyle, and Kenny about Scuzzlebutt after they felt the rumbling vibration from the volcano.
The next morning, Ningning joined Kyle in Stan's tent, informing him about Cartman being missing, and Jimbo and Ned were with Kenny. Ningning comforted Stan when he was saddened that his uncle didn't like him anymore. Ningning told him, "You'll always be your uncle's nephew, Stan. Nothing would change that."
Ningning joined in the search for Cartman as she was beside Stan and Kyle.
Like the rest of the guys, Ningning thought Scuzzlebutt was real when he was Cartman in disguise... until Cartman took his costume off.
Ningning was horrified when Kenny got killed by a fireball from the volcano.
Like Kyle and the others, Ningning was disappointed at Stan for shooting the Scuzzlebutt who saved them from the lava.
Ningning agreed with Stan, Kyle, and Cartman that hunting is confusing and rather watch cartoons.
S1 Ep4: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride
Ningning stood at the bus stop with her friends, waiting for the bus until Sparky came along.
She bet on Sparky than Sylvester
She was shocked that Sparky did on Sylvester.
Ningning was part of the football team. She was the only girl on the team, though some of her teammates mistake her for being a boy, and Chef let her be part of the team.
When Sparky was at the football team, doing on Clyde's dog, Rex, Ningning was silently shocked again with her eyes widened.
Like Kyle, Ningning, despite being shocked about Sparky being gay, admitted that Sparky being gay wasn't so bad, and encouraged Stan to leave his dog alone to be himself.
At the football practice, Ningning was uncomfortable with Chef's teachings about touching the football.
Pip wanted to use Ningning's helmet since she was the only girl on the team, but Chef scolded him.
Kyle and Ningning volunteered to look for Sparky after the game, but Stan didn't want to play until he found Sparky.
Ningning yelled angrily when the opposing team decapitated Kenny.
S1 Ep5: An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
When Stan mentioned his sister beating him up, Ningning mentioned her older siblings for the first time, explaining that they never beat her up.
Ningning came along with Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny to splice Cartman's pig's genes with Kyle's elephant to the Genetical Engineering Rink.
When Cartman and Stan argued about being beaten by a girl and being a pig f***, Ningning mentioned that at least she didn't have sibling or pet problems. When Kyle mentioned there were no Jews in San Francisco, Ningning cut in, and clarified, "Technically, there are."
When Dr. Mephesto showed swiss cheese "spliced" with chalk and a beard, Ningning noticed something off of that experiment, and said, "Those weren't even spliced."
Like Stan, Cartman, and probably the rest of the boys, Ningning didn't like Pip.
Stan, Kyle, and Ningning answered, "bad," to Chef when he asked them how they were doing.
When Chef suggests the elephant and the pig to make love, Ningning is disgusted by the idea by saying one word, "Ew!"
Ningning, along with Stan, Kyle, and Kenny, were confused and surprised by Cartman's words when he demonstrated what he wanted to say if a girl would beat him.
During the scene, Cartman forgot Ningning was a girl, so he didn't use her as an example.
Stan didn't like the idea of using family love against Shelley, but Ningning clarified that it worked for her when her siblings attempted to beat her up.
Ningning joined with Kyle and Kenny to retrieve Cartman's pig.
At night, Ningning joined her friends to have the pig and the elephant get drunk by making them drink beer.
She applauded along with the boys during Elton John's solo of Chef's song.
From the moment the elephant and the pig started making love, Ningning closed his eyes as she found it disgusting.
She joined her friend to search for Stan's mutant clone.
When the mutant Stan clone teared up Stan's houses, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Ningning charged at him, but she was thrown off as well.
She was horrified again when Kenny was fried to death from a microwave.
She also walked out with Kyle and Cartman when Stan's parents arrived home.
S1 Ep6: Death
In class, Ningning mentioned that Kyle's mom called her mom about "Terrance and Phillip".
Ningning's mother, Nora, was present during the South Park PTA Meeting.
Ningning joined her friends to Stan's house to watch "Terrance and Phillip".
When Cartman kept calling Kyle's mom names just to annoy Kyle, the "Terrance and Phillip" show started with Ningning yelling at Cartman to stop because the show was starting.
Nora and her husband, Ningning's father, Noli, joined the protest in New York with the other South Park parents.
While the parents were in New York, The Boys were playing in Stan's houses, messing around the place. Ningning was playing with her fit ball by bouncing on it before bouncing on the couch with Stan, Kyle and Cartman.
Ningning helped Stan and their friends try to kill his grandfather, but she didn't think dropping a cow on an old man was a natural death,
Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, and Ningning ran away from death in fear.
Ningning agreed with Stan and Kyle's opinion about their parents focusing on stopping offensive cartoons rather than checking what their children were doing in real life as she added that parents didn't care about what was happening to their children in real-life, and focused on the "responsible" one (the television).
The Boys escaped through Stan's window, and the five continued being chased by Death down the street. Ningning pulled Kenny closer to avoid getting touched by Death.
She joined Death and her friends watching "Terrance and Phillip".
She was horrified to see Kenny getting killed by Death. She was saddened as well when Stan, Kyle and Cartman just walked off, and a rat took Kenny's body. Ningning watched Kenny's body be taken sadly.
S1 Ep7: Pinkeye
Ningning stood next to Cartman at the bus stop. She witnessed Kenny being squashed by a falling satellite.
Ningning's costume was a bee, though she wasn't doing this for the costume contest. She was only having fun, but she gave it a try.
She laughed at Stan's Raggedy Andy costume, but hated Cartman's Hitler costume.
At school, Ningning wasn't distraught that her costume was different. She liked being a bee.
At the cafeteria, she was freaked out that Kenny didn't say a word or move at all.
Even though Kyle that Kenny was back to normal after biting Clyde, Ningning felt something was odd about Kenny.
For Trick-or-Treating, Ningning brought a baseball bat for self-defense.
Ningning greeted Kenny with Stan and Kyle when he arrived.
When Stan yelled at Wendy and walked off with Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny, Ningning followed her friends while blowing a raspberry at her.
Ningning noticed Kenny's behavior and the apocalypse in town, but she never said anything to her friends just to avoid receiving arguments and hurtful words from Stan, Kyle, and Cartman if they didn't believe her.
The Boys were terrified when Chef mentioned they were going to the morgue, until someone farted, and they (including Ningning) laughed.
Instead of Stan, Ningning was the one hitting one of the zombies with the baseball bat.
While Kyle was calling the Worcestershire sauce hotline, Stan, Cartman, and Ningning held the zombies off with Stan and Cartman used chainsaws while Ningning still used her baseball bat. It still helped her decapitate zombies with all of her strength.
Like Cartman, Ningning encouraged Stan to kill zombie Wendy, stating "she doesn't deserve [him]", and "stop following your stupid heart!".
After Kyle killed Kenny, Ningning wasn't saddened and horrified anymore, realizing Kenny was the source of the zombie transformation, and said, "Eh, it's for the best, anyway."
In the end, Ningning joined Stan, Kyle, and Cartman to visit Kenny's grace, saddened by his departure. Later on, she joined Stan and Kyle to eat candy and find more pictures of Cartman's mom.
S1 Ep8: Starvin' Marvin
Ningning was with Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny at Cartman's house, watching "Terrance and Phillip: Thanksgiving Special."
Like the boys, Ningning was excited to get a Teiko digital sports watch once they adopted a starving Ethiopian.
At first, the Boys and Ningning were distraught when there was no sports watch received, but they were also delighted to meet Starvin' Marvin.
Ningning and her family (her 4 siblings appeared as well) joined the other families at the buffet.
Ningning shared the Show-and-Tell with Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny y showing Starvin' Marvin to the class.
She was sent to the principal's office along with her friends. Despite being a girl, Principal Victoria still called the group "boys".
Ningning attended the food drive with Stan and Kyle to watch Kenny grab a can for his family. She even wondered where Cartman was.
She fought alongside her friends and the people of South Park against turkeys. She also moved aside when the turkeys charged to them, but attacked Kenny instead. Once again, Ningning was horrified silently while watching the turkeys who attacked Kenny run away.
Ningning was a bit saddened that Starvin' Marvin decided to leave.
While Stan discussed about this episode's life lesson, Ningning noticed Kenny's corpse and a rat running out of where his eye used to be.
S1 Ep9: Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo
Ningning was part of the Christmas play. At the rehearsal, she played as one of the lambs.
Ningning was one of the children who played in the snow by catching snowflakes with her tongue.
She defended Kyle for being Jewish, but later on, after unsucceeded, she left with Stan and Cartman.
She was seen standing in line to see Santa Claus during Kyle's ballad.
Ningning was with Stan, Cartman, and Kenny at the City Hall.
She didn't defend Kyle about Mr. Hankey Poo as she stayed out of which friends she would believe in.
Ningning was at the bus stop with Stan, Cartman, and Kenny, listening to Stan and Cartman's conversation about their presents.
Like her three friends, Ningning was disgusted when Kyle showed them Mr. Hankey Poo, who wasn't alive at this scene.
She found Cartman's song about Kyle's mom insulting at first, but she found it catchy after that like the rest of the class (except Kyle).
She joined her friends to take Kyle to the mental house.
Ningning was worried for Kenny when he climbed on the ladder next to the shark tank.
When Chef revealed he believed in Mr. Hankey Poo, like Stan, Ningning felt regret for defending Kyle. And like the rest of the students, she believed in Mr. Hankey.
In the end, she joined in with the people of South Park to welcome Kyle back. She stood next to her friends and sang along.
S1 Ep10: Damien
Ningning was invited by Cartman for his birthday party. She was assigned to buy him a gray Megaman.
She didn't like the new kid Damien, but was horrified by his powers, especially when he turned KEnny into a duck-billed platypus
She joined Stan and Kyle to bring Jesus to the school
When Stan described Satan to be huge, Ningning added that he's muscular.
Along with Stan and Kyle, Ningning helped Jesus to train for the fight.
She attended Cartman's party.
She started to like Damien after he used his demon powers on Pip.
After Cartman ended his party, Ningning left along with the other kids, and joined Chef to watch the fight between Jesus and Satan.
Like Stan, Kyle, and Kenny, Ningning supported Jesus.
she was horrified that Jimbo and Ned killed Kenny, who was still a duck-billed platypus.
Stan, Kyle and Ningning were upset that Damien left because his father made him.
S1 Ep11: Tom's Rhinoplasty
Ningning doesn't have speaking roles in this episode, other than laughing and gasping (over Kenny's death by Ms. Ellen, who accidentally threw a sword on him).
Ningning laughed over Wendy's misery and jealousy.
She laughed whenever Wendy was in denial of her jealousy.
She laughed when Wendy cried that Stan didn't notice her anymore
She was disgusted when Wendy was dressing differently in black.
Ningning was aware of what "lesbian" was as she tried to tell the boys what it meant, but she let them believe what they thought about lesbians as she avoided arguments.
She was horrified when Kenny was stabbed by a sword, and glared at Ms. Ellen.
S1 Ep12: Mecha-Streisand
Ningning was with the class, digging with a pickaxe.
She built a snowman with her friends and met Barbra Streisand.
She tried to punch Barbra Streisand to release Kyle from her grasp.
Like everyone else, Barbra Streisand mistook Ningning to be a boy when she called all 5 children "Little boys."
Ningning teased Barbra Streisand's hair for looking like a wet mop.
Ningning was chained up along with Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny. Like his friends, she felt tortured by Barbra Streisand's voice.
She was freed along with her friends by Leonard Maltin.
She appeared along with the boys and Chef to watch Leonard Maltin and Mecha-Streisand fighting. She almost moved out of the way from the falling debris
Ningning was silently horrified to witness Kenny being strangled in a schoolyard tetherball.
When Chef suggested to leave down because the Mecha-Streisand destroyed the town and there was no way to defeat her, Ningning refused to take that suggestion and said, "I don't wanna leave. South Park is my home!"
She celebrated along with the people of South Park for the defeat of Mecha-Streisand.
Ningning agreed with Kyle's moral lesson of the episode. She was shocked along with his friends to see Mecha-Ike.
S1 Ep13: Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut
Ningning was waiting with stan, Kyle, and Kenny for the bus stop while thinking about Cartman. She ditched school with her friends to check on Cartman.
She was weirded out when Cartman was playing tea party with his toys.
She went to the counselor with her three friends to inform Mr. Mackey about Cartman.
She was watching "Terrance and Phillip" with Stan, Kyle and Kenny.
Ningning was confused about Cartman's Indian clothes.
She was mindblown when she and her three friends realized they had a video camera to record a video for America's Stupidest Home Videos.
At the Bus Stop, Ningning was as shocked as Stan, Kyle, and Kenny to see Cartman dressing up another outfit when he thought Chef was his dad.
Stan, Kyle, and Ningning shouted, "Hold on, Kenny!" when Kenny was dragged away with the cart. They rushed to the top of a hill to see if Kenny was safe when the cart stopped. When Kenny waved at them, Stan, Kyle, and Ningning waved happily to him. Unfortunately, he was run over by a train. Once again, Ningning was horrified by Kenny's death with her hands covering her mouth.
Ningning watched with Stan and Kyle their video of Cartman on America's Stupidest Home Video show.
When Stan suggested ice cream from his parents after hearing Kenny's death, and Kyle wanted to add butterscotch, Ningning also wanted chocolate chip cookies.
She was delighted that their video was in the finals.
Ningning stood at the bus stop with Stan and Kyle the next day. She wondered why Cartman was saddened. When Cartman confessed he wanted to know who his father is but needed a lot of money, like Stan and Kyle, Ningning approved to donate some of their money if they win for America's Stupidest Home Video.
She watched America's Stupidest Home Video with Stan, Kyle and Cartman at Cartman's house. She tried to calm Cartman down after discovering his friends took a video of him having a tea party with his friends and was sent to America's Stupidest Home Video show where it was shown in public.
Stan, Kyle and Ningning were devastated that they lost, but delighted that they won $3,000, having enough money for Cartman's DNA test to find his real father.
Ningning was present with her friends, Cartman's mother, and all the men who were with Liane at the Drunken Barn Dance.
Well, that is all Ningning's role for season 1. Ningning was like an "extra main character" as she doesn't talk that much in early seasons like Season 1.
I hope you like Ningning's headcanon of how her role would be in South Park. See you soon for season 2!
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Him or his team (or both) just did a straight Bullet shot to his knee. He sabotaged himself. He changed for positive after they broke Up. He bought a house (possibly because he wanted to leave behind the condo that she was in as in documentary),he was going on walks,meeting friends,going to therapy,supporting local businesses,the whole Tommy Hilfiger and meeting fans-glow Up 180! He gained people again for actually speaking truth,standing for what really is important,slowly comming back to studio. David Yurman campaigne. Live message with Jay. Now what? He Lost not only the Last of the Last fans that were waiting for his redempion,possibly new listeners that he also got while TH touring and public again. Its like silicing the sword into the same big wound that hasnt healed yet from past events. I don’t know everything about PR but i am confused how is this suppose to be good?
I don’t know how to break it to you that getting back with the girl he loves or wtv is also his truth. no one who’s a stan for real going to actually be upset enough to not listen to his things or not buy his tickets. if he’s changing for the better for real he’s going to continue to do that. like i’m so serious y’all got like 24 hours to lock this down and find a new topic or just leave the fandom cos this drama is easily the most annoying part of him being back with her i swear.
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heresmyfiddlestick · 2 years
funny enough i've seen more people hate comments on david tennant than people "disrepecting Jodie or Ncuti" The same people who talked about how Jodie received so much hate during her season are now calling names on David (the one who always speaks great about the new doctors and who even recommended Jodie). This is no news tbh it comes from Smith stans being upset DT is still popular enough to move people. One of the reasons I stopped watching DoctorWho wasn't the doctors but the fandom it got worse with Jodie because there were the mysoginistic trashbags and then the homophobic ones but let's also mention the "Social Justice" ones who have always annoy me since I walked through this hellsite. People want to highlight someone so bad that they need to bring down others for no reason. Jodie being a fantastic first woman doctor can exists in the same plane of David Tennan being a popular doctor. That doesn't erase Jodie's great work. People saying David overshadowed Ncuti when he isn't the doctor yet is another one, Ncuti is gonna bring this shit down in his season I have no doubts and I've been excited since his announcemente, HE IS THE FIRST DOCTOR coming from a special situation we're not getting crumbs, we're getting a wole new experience, why would people want him to be just like the other when he's definetely bringing something better and new. Why people want change and similitaries at the same time? Lasty, we haven't seen anything from the new season yet people are already complaining about things that can be easily explained during next season. Sorry for the long rant but I swear fandom becomes more annoying as the years pasts.
personally my take on how to deal with elements of this and any other fandom that you find annoying is to ignore them, there's more than enough to go around. frankly i was disengaged from The Fandom from 2016 until i returned to tumblr last fall, but i was still A Fan and had a great time
but also hell yeah i agree on the latter points! it's a special situation, as you point out, it's A NEW THING!! and that's super exciting!!
fundamentally that last point is what it's all about: we haven't seen anything from the new season as it stands. gotta hold out hope and not pre-judge as much as possible
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But I guess it's too "flamboyant" for Louis these days 🙄. // Never read anything more accurate!! As well as him not knowing how to act on his own like you say the solo thing just doesn’t work for him, he really is trying to hard to fit in with an audience that doesn’t want him🫢He seems to want the same fanbase as Oasis and it’s not worked at all and is ignoring what could become a huge audience if he tapped into it and just showed a bit more personality than football swearing and drinking. Harry’s whole thing might be far more orchestrated but at least I can tell people things he enjoys; what artists he likes, the galleries, the ballets, the places he loves to visit; at least his personality comes out on stage. We get glimpses with Louis but it’s always about the same three things. That’s why I’m getting more into Niall because at least there’s some substance there.
What more could Louis realistically do? Everyone knows he can't sing, and he's built up a very poor reputation from his rude ("sassy") 1D-era comments, knocking a woman up, and being known for nothing but Larry. Plus now that he's got gray hair and destroyed his body, there's no coming back from that.
He has nothing. No talent, no hits, no likeable attributes, no good looks, and no style. There is literally nothing there but negatives, and changing a few things here or there won't help much if at all.
And a former boyband member who hasn't proven himself to be anything beyond that won't attract a male audience like he so desperately craves.
As for Harry, I think all of those things such as being interested in art galleries and ballet are shallow as hell. Like, okay? Who isn't? I think it's all a part of the scheme to attract and maintain his female audience. "Oh, he's so charming and is interested in all these aristocratic hobbies, and he's got a feminine, soft side!" Come on. Those are all hobbies of the consumption sort anyway. You could mention that he golfs, but there's nothing cool about that. I think he hangs around old folks in the business too much rather than people his own age.
To the general public, Harry comes across as "too good for his fans." He doesn't interact with them on social media, he doesn't do interviews often at all anymore, and his interests are mainly elitist, wealthy-people activities. It all feels very forced, like they're trying to make him inaccessible so that people freak out when they see him or when he does anything. They've been trying to sell this "Harry Styles is a legend like Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, and Elvis Presley" narrative since he debuted as a solo act, but no one except his stans buy into it.
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vrisrezis · 3 years
Hallo, I really love your stuff! This might be really confusing, sorry. May I have some headcanons about Kyle x M! Reader, where it’s kinda like the, “Tweek x Craig” episode? The Asian girls have a new ship, “Kyle x M! Reader” and draw yaoi about them and get Wendy to do another presentation about it. Personally I think Kyle can swing both ways, that's my opinion tho :/
This is a cute n fun idea!
And honestly I can see him being bi but maybe never really explored liking guys much!!
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- Kyle looks in shock at the presentation before him. More pieces of showing with you and him. Cartman is cackling as quietly as he can behind him, and it’s taking everything in him not to beat the shit out of him. Obviously, both of you are beyond confused by it. You two aren’t together!
- Kyle would confront the girls that made these pieces, to no avail however. He doesn’t get an actual explanation. To make matters worse he hasn’t even talked to Stan. Who at the moment, was extremely confused about .. this whole situation. Did that mean Kyle liked him at some point? Or one of the other boys? Ideas mainly put into his head because of Cartman, who’s having the time of his life right now.
- Kyle was having a harder time processing it than you were, the both of you unsure on what to do about it.
- Cartman even went as far as to say the only reason he defended David was because he was gay.
- even going to the principal, it did nothing.
- and eventually, it got to the whole town. To your parents, to his.
- “I’m just really happy for you y/n.. I just… can I give you some money?” Your father said at the dinner table, you swear you wanted to fucking die right then and there. This can NOT be happening to you.
- “we accept you no matter what bubby” kyles mother told him, “oh god dammit” he mumbled to himself. In absolute disbelief that this was happening to him.
- avoidance was something you both tried, but it became inevitable you’d be seen together and eventually try to talk about it alone. On what to do about your situation.
- you both see it everywhere, this needs to stop
- “okay, why don’t we just .. break up.. and then it’ll be normal again?” Kyle suggests, and you shrug with a “why not”
- but it didn’t really work.. the whole town just got really sad about your breakup. Sure, you were happy.. but you know how Kyle is. Unfortunately..
- “we have to get back together!” Kyle says, and you let out a groan, “dude no way! There’s no way the town will stay upset! They’ll move on!”
- “listen! All we have to do is pretend to be together until a new gay couple comes around that is genuinely gay. Then we can break up. The thing is, if we stay together, the guys won’t think we like them or anything. Don’t you feel like your friendship with Kenny has been weird ever since this all happened?”
- you look down for a moment, “yeah?” “My friendship with Stan has been weird too! They think we like them! If we date, they don’t have to worry about shit like that! So just.. do this with me?”
- you look at him and sigh, “fine. But I don’t like you or anything.” “Okay, I don’t like you either dude!”
- so eventually you did, you pretend dated. You held hands all the time, and were almost always together. Even when crazy shit adventures went on with him and the guys, you were there. And your friends were comfortable with you guys again.
- and lets just say, you guys never broke up.
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