#Deep sea fishing excursions
samparoy · 1 month
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Sail Into Luxury - Unforgettable Yacht Experiences Await with We Boat Rental Dubai
Experience luxury like never before with We Boat Rental Dubai! From lavish birthday parties to exhilarating deep sea fishing trips, we offer the finest yacht rentals tailored to your desires. With highly trained crew, impeccable service, and rates starting from just 399 AED/hr, your dream voyage awaits. Contact us at +971545619773 and set sail for an unforgettable adventure! Also visit for more information at https://boatrentaldubai.com/
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beemovieerotica · 10 months
I know people on tumblr looove stories of underwater cave diving, but I haven't seen anyone talk about nitrogen narcosis aka "raptures of the deep"
basically when you want to get your advanced scuba certification (allowing you to go more than 60 feet deep) you have to undergo a very specific test: your instructor takes you down past the 60+ foot threshold, and she brings a little underwater white board with her.
she writes a very basic math problem on that board. 6 + 15. she shows it to you, and you have to solve it.
if you can solve it, you're good. that is the hardest part of the test.
because here's what happens: there is a subset of people, and we have no real idea why this happens only to them, who lose their minds at depth. they're not dying, they're not running out of oxygen, they just completely lose their sense of identity when deep in the sea.
a woman on a dive my instructor led once vanished during the course of the excursion. they were diving near this dropoff point, beyond which the depth exceeded 60 feet and he'd told them not to go down that way. the instructor made his way over to look for her and found a guy sitting at the edge of the dropoff (an underwater cliff situation) just staring down into the dark. the guy is okay, but he's at the threshold, spacing out, and mentally difficult to reach. they try to communicate, and finally the guy just points down into the dark, knowing he can't go down there, but he saw the woman go.
instructor is deep water certified and he goes down. he shines his light into the dark, down onto the seafloor which is at 90 feet below the surface. he sees the woman, her arms locked to her sides, moving like a fish, swimming furiously in circles in the pitch black.
she is hard to catch but he stops her and checks her remaining oxygen: she is almost out, on account of swimming a marathon for absolutely no reason. he is able to drag her back up, get her to a stable depth to decompress, and bring her to the surface safely.
when their masks are off and he finally asks her what happened, and why was she swimming like that, she says she fully, 100% believed she was a mermaid, had always been a mermaid, and something was hunting her in the dark 👍
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
this might be strange but what about fishman!sanji? as in, Sanji is raised on Fishman Island? he escaped Germa but nearly drowns if it wasnt for a fishman who rescued the strange human and he was brought down to be nursed back to health. If Jinbei's still there then maybe he argues to look after the kid as proof of improving human-fishman relations and Sanji is very happy to be there because!! he's actually in the sea!!! he always loved the ocean and fish and swimming and surely the fishmen can help him find All Blue (they dont know how but are endeared enough to let him expllore their archives for clues)
sanji ends up being a huge difference in terms of fishman attitudes towards humans because its so hard for anyone to hate this excitable kid who genuinely thinks fishmen and mermaids are cooler than humans and is obsessed with figuring out how to cook underwater. sanji is a little hesitant with the royals due to general trauma but ends up getting close to them! closest to jinbei tho, shark dad for the win!!
i picture sanji either meeting the crew at the baratie, maybe on one of his excursions to find clues on the all blue, or maybe at sabaody, because he snuck away from the island to try to save camie and any other enslaved mermaids. or maybe something else? rest is up to your brilliant mind <3
Sanji weak and fresh out of the dungeon in the ocean drowning and is found by a fishman. The fishman knows something is terribly wrong so he takes Sanji to Fishman Island and presents Sanji to Jinbei who as a former slave would be able to help the boy more. Jinbie spends a lot of time with Sanji, studying the boy and helping him. Trying to gauge how deep the trauma runs and it's deep. Sanji is skittish, not just from fishman but mer people and others too. Even his time on land has him hiding behind Jinbei.
He tells Jinbie about his dream and Jinbei offers to introduce him to the royals and help get him access to the archives. Sanji is shaking and doing his best and when the king asks about his fear Jinbei says it's not through prejudice but trauma. Trauma from royals specifically. The king nods and grants Sanji access so Jinbei takes him and Sanji flits around the room looking, he starts getting excited after a while. He's flitting around and talking animatedly about the All Blue. Jinbei smiles very fondly at the boy in front of him.
Jinbei helps him for weeks but they find nothing so they talk to travelers and nomads and migratory fishman and merpeople. They never find out but Jinbei teaches him cooking. How they cook underwater and what they eat and the diet he as a fishman follows.
Also in line with everyone but Mihawk, Jinbei absolutely takes Sanji to Warlord meetings and gets him into some of the archives and libraries. He talks to other humans about the All Blue. Sanji is an actual delight to have at Warlord meetings. Sometimes he'll bring snacks or Fujitora will take him to the kitchen to cook something and eat and tell the boy stories. Sanji still asks everyone about the All Blue.
Sanji grows up like a fucking immaculate swimmer. He can hold his breath for ages and dive so fucking deep. He calls Jinbei dad around eleven and just keeps it going. Jinbei smiles every time his son calls him that.
When Sanji is old enough he sets out to go search for the All Blue and gets a job at Baratie to find information from other travelers. Which is how he gets into the Strawhats crew. Everything is canon until Sabaodyish when they meet Chamie who is talking to Sanji like they're old friends and Sanji mentions off handedly he grew up on Fishman Island.
And when they get there after the time skip and the royals are welcoming Sanji back and everyone is confused again. Jinbei comes by to join the Strawhat crew and he and Sanji are hugging and calling him 'dad' and Luffy is like "oh, that's why all the warlords seemed to know you. How come crocodile didn't recognize you in Alabasta?"
"Probably because I never really talked to them, sometimes I would bring snacks but mostly I was looking for clues to the All Blue." Sanji shrugs.
And then obviously Jinbei promises to meet up with them soon and of course the next time we see him is in WCI and Jinbei listens to his son about not killing his birth family. Once they're in the clear Sanji and Jinbei are sitting together and Jinbei says if they step even a millimeter out of line they are dead. Sanji nods and says they have more important things to worry about. Jinbei nods and agrees and pats his son's head.
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Ally: Dru’ugo the Shoalworm
An adventurer’s desire to explore isn’t the sole province of those born to the land, as the seas contain just as many if not more secrets waiting to be explored.
A naturally curious creature, Dru’ugo has always been fascinated with artifacts left behind by ‘bovers, those mysterious folk who live beyond the scintillating surface of his watery world, and has spent his youthful decades exploring wrecks, salvaging from ruins, and collecting whatever ( often erroneous) gossip the merfolk see fit to trade him. Fittingly, this makes him one of the best contacts the party can ally with when trying to explore the sea, as the shoalworm is happy to share his findings and provide water-taxi services if the party will explain to him things like agriculture or share the stories of the places they explore together.
Adventure Hooks:
A sea beast has been menacing ships throughout a high-trafic trade channel, forcing them to veer widely off course in order to avoid a confrontation. Tired of profits lost after shipments are delayed by days, the local commerce commission offers an open bounty on the beast’s head after a reputable crew of leviathan hunters very publicly turned the job down. As it turns out this “beast” is just Dru’ugo, excited at having found a reliable place to try and make contact with ‘bovers and ask them questions, rearing up before their ship and trying to mime out what he needs with fins and tail.
Due to a tragedy of anatomy and never having attended a non-fish based school, Dru’ugo is incapable of speaking the common tongue, and his chances to learn to understand it are sparse. This has forced him to be reliant on a friendly mermaid by the name of “Opportunity-bubbles-up-from-below” ( or Ublup for short) to serve has his translator. For her part, Ublup gets figity when her friend makes her play mouthpiece for too long, as she’d much rather be out manta racing with the other deepsea layabouts.  If the party could somehow find some means of breaching the language barrier, whether by using telepathy or devising some enchantment, they’ll earn themselves a friend for all time, provided they can handle the ensuing barrage of the shoalworm’s questions.
Some time after their first excursion with the shoalworm, Dru’ugo gets word to the party that he’s found another ruin, and would love to explore it together in order to hang out with them once again. Drawn in by the prospect of looting a sunken city in good company, the group and their sea-noodle ally don’t notice that the place they’ve exploring are occupied by a cult of marrow dedicated to a terrible goddess of the deep ocean. Angered above all at Dru’ugo for helping these land-dwellers to trespass into the goddess’s domain, the high priest of this cult calls down a curse that transforms the mostly harmless shoalworm into a rampaging leviathan. While Dru’ugo struggles in vain against the curse in order to give them time to escape, the party must break for land and devise some means of subverting the goddess’s wrath, before they’re forced to slay their transmogrified buddy as he mindlessly rampages along the coast.
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femininenachos · 1 year
Who makes the first move in vacation au
The taverna gets livelier after midnight, when the staff mix with the patrons and the wine really starts flowing. Carafes of cheap yet delicious local red go out at every table, compliments of the owners, along with platters of cheese and olives. Despite her earlier protestations (it would be rude to refuse such generous hospitality, after all), Clarke partakes freely and by the time Octavia returns from an extended trip to the bathroom, she has a pleasant alcohol buzz going.
“Did you get lost on the way? Or did the squid disagree with you?” Clarke smirks into the rim of her glass.
Octavia shoots her a droll look, but it’s soon replaced by a sneaky, private little smile as she retakes her seat.
“What?” Clarke asks, instantly suspicious.
“Nothing bad. We've just been invited to a bar by Lincoln and the rest of the wait staff. He’s even hotter up close, by the way, it’s insane.” Octavia fans herself. “Whew.”
“Mm, pass,” Wells says. “I’ll have to bow out gracefully. It’s been a long day, plus I really want to hit the archaeological sites early tomorrow before the cruise ship hordes descend.”
Octavia sends him a pitying glance, but refrains from insulting his nerdery. She turns her focus to Clarke instead. Waggles her eyebrows. “How about it? Lexa will be there…”
Clarke’s face flushes hot, but she hesitates.
“You should go,” Wells says with an encouraging smile. “At least to make sure O doesn’t get abducted and killed by a stranger whose attractiveness doesn’t preclude him from being a psychopath.”
“Well, that went dark,” Octavia mutters under her breath. “But, yeah, we can be each other’s wingwomen.”
She clasps her hands together, silently begging please, please, please.
Clarke vacillates back and forth; conflicted. On the one hand, she’s bone tired, more tipsy than she cares to admit on only a handful of drinks, and she would kind of like to join Wells on his excursion in the morning. But on the flip side… she hasn’t had any action in six months and Lexa is so, so fucking hot.
While she’s debating it internally, the object of her desire saunters into her field of vision, and Clarke loses her train of thought once she sees that Lexa has changed into open toe sandals, black denim cut-offs and a black t-shirt that reveals an intriguing piece of ink that peeks out from under her sleeve. Her hair is down, falling in soft, flowing waves down her back, and Clarke has a sudden craving to run her fingers through those gorgeous locks. 
She caves.
“Two drinks, max.”
The bar is an open air spot that’s just a short stroll from the taverna and overlooks the harbour from a vantage point, providing a stunning panoramic vista. A slew of dinky little blue and white fishing boats are docked, bobbing in the water, gleaming amid the pretty harbour lights, with the inky darkness of the sea stretching into the horizon beyond.
On the decks over in the corner a DJ plays soulful, laidback deep house, infectious beats that are hard to resist shimmying to. Lantern lights are strung up between olive trees, adding to the mellow atmosphere. The patrons, a younger crowd that’s a mix of tourists and locals, cluster together in small groups drinking beers and colourful cocktails. 
Clarke slowly nurses a vodka soda and lime, feeling very much like the third wheel while Octavia and Lincoln engage in flirty exchanges. From what Clarke has gleaned, he seems far from the murdering type, a gentleness to him that belies his bulky stature. Bless his heart, he keeps trying to include Clarke in the conversation, but Octavia is adept at commanding his attention with the brash confidence she exudes and her frequent habit of touching his biceps when she speaks.
Besides, Clarke’s mind is elsewhere, conscious of being watched. It makes her skin prickle. Fills her with nervous energy.
They keep sharing glances. 
Every time Clarke looks over, Lexa is staring right back. Curious eyes drawn to one another, scanning up and down. Something thrilling about the way they’re each too restrained to act on their obvious interest—that, or they’re both too stupidly stubborn to make the first move.
But Clarke feels the anticipation building.
Tastes it in the air.
Even though Lexa is with friends, she still stands a little aloof and apart. Now and then, she’s pulled back into their boisterous chatter and jokes, but Clarke finds that intense gaze on her time and again, and it makes her tingle all over.
“And you?” Lincoln asks, jolting her out of her trance. He nods towards the glass in her hand, a small smile on his lips. “Can I buy you another?”
She meets his smile with a distracted one of her own. “Oh, no. I’m good, thanks.”
Once he heads for the bar, her eyes flick in Lexa’s direction again, and Clarke‘s mouth runs dry, noting the graceful line of Lexa’s throat as she swigs from a beer bottle, long fingers wrapped around the neck.
Never in her life has Clarke been so envious of an inanimate object…
An arm swings around her shoulders, startling her and sending a little vodka mix sloshing over the side of the glass onto her hand, and she scowls at Octavia’s unapologetic expression.
“This is physically painful to watch, Griffin. Go talk to her, please.”
“And say what?”
“Just be your charming self. And if that doesn’t work,” Octavia tugs on the neckline of Clarke’s summer dress, “Use the girls.”
“I can’t just sidle up and flash my cleavage at her.”
“Really? Because that’s definitely a thing you’ve done in the past, and you’ve also had a good success rate with it.”
Clarke half-shoves Octavia, raising a wicked laugh. Even so, she allows herself to be turned around by the shoulders and pushed in the direction of Lexa and her group, weak complaints falling on deaf ears.
On her slow approach, Clarke sees Lexa straighten up, pulling that plump bottom lip between her teeth as her eyes trip over Clarke’s form, and for some reason…
Clarke loses her nerve.
At the last second she wheels away, making a beeline for the restroom. It’s empty, thankfully, and she sets down her purse on the counter, rummaging through it to find the tube of lipstick. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she reapplies the colour and presses her lips together to blot, eyeing her reflection critically in the long mirror above the sinks. She primps and preens, giving her hair a little zhuzh. Turns this way and that to admire the fit of her dress, running her hands over her curves.
And, yeah, she’s feeling herself.
She’s got this.
Confidence renewed, she struts out with an extra sway in her hips only to find the space Lexa occupied is now empty. Her heart sinks. Annoyed at herself for squandering the opportunity and a little upset about being abandoned, she casts her eyes around until she spots Octavia by the steps that lead to the street. She beckons Clarke over with a wave.
“Thank God. For a hot second I thought you’d left without me,” Clarke grumbles.
Octavia sends her a look like: girl, please.
“Where’d everyone go?”
“Chill. They’re just waiting for us on the curb side. Linc’s friends want to head on to a club. You in?”
The thought has barely entered Clarke’s mind when Octavia preempts her. “Don’t worry, Lexa’s going too.”
Clarke tries not to react too much, deflecting with a teasing drawl. “Linc, huh? You’ve known him all of five minutes and we’re shortening his name already? Must be serious.”
But unlike Clarke, Octavia is completely unflappable and unfazed. Just flips Clarke the finger and glides away.
Fewer in number now, their group winds through the labyrinthian jumble of cobbled streets that make up the oldest part of the village. Squat, rustic, pastel-coloured buildings with blue or terracotta doors line the narrow streets, adorned with hanging baskets, trailing vines, and potted plants on window sills.
While Clarke soaks the quaint character of it all in, Lexa smoothly falls into step beside her.
“Your boyfriend didn’t want to come out tonight?” Lexa asks. Eyes ahead. A slight pout on her lips.
Clarke almost trips. “Boyfriend?”
Lexa looks directly at her then, and Clarke nearly loses her footing again on the uneven paving.
“The guy you were with at dinner?”
Clarke’s brows leap up her forehead. 
“Wells?” She barks out a sudden laugh. “Wells isn’t—” She chuckles again. “No. There’s no boyfriend. I am very much free and single.”
Is that what was holding Lexa back? Crossed wires and mistaken assumptions. How gallant.
Lexa studies her a moment longer. Glances away, then back. Something vital and alive dancing in her eyes. Pleased. “Me too.”
Good sits on the tip of Clarke’s tongue, but she holds it in, if not the little smile that follows, her mouth pulling to one side. 
They walk the rest of the way in comfortable silence, their knuckles brushing once or twice before Lexa catches Clarke’s fingers and lets them entwine. A loose, gentle grip, but enough to send the butterflies in Clarke’s stomach into overdrive.
Because it’s such an assured move, and Clarke isn’t used to things being this easy. There’s far too much bullshit around dating, the plethora of apps, the red flags and rules and expectations, so Clarke had chosen to largely opt out of the whole affair. Not that she really has the time or energy with the grueling hours she puts in at the hospital, how she can never quite let go of the heaviness she brings home with her, two qualities that aren’t exactly appealing to most people. 
(Finn told her as much when they broke up, having soon learned that the reality of being with a doctor is not nearly as sexy as Grey’s makes it out to be.)
But there’s freedom in being in a foreign land, where she can be a different, more carefree version of herself, the version that would absolutely entertain the idea of a meaningless hookup with a beautiful, mysterious local. Even if this is a well-tread playbook for Lexa, picking up horny tourists at work for kicks, Clarke is 100% willing to be a notch on that particular bedpost.
It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t know the first thing about this girl.
She wants Lexa. 
Wants that mouth and those hands on her body.
Wants to taste those lips and feel all that tan skin pressed against every inch of her own.
She gets her wish at the club. 
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Hey blue, could you tell me about whale sharks? :]
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Whale sharks (scientific name Rhincodon Typus) are the largest fish in the sea (specifically females)! The longest whale shark recorded is 61.5 feet long, and the heaviest about 47,000 pounds, or 23.5 tons! Their mouths can be around 4-5 feet wide. They also have the thickest skin of any animal, with various sources estimating it to be anywhere between 4-11 inches thick! Their spot patterns are unique like fingerprints and can be used for identification.
Whale sharks are gentle, slow swimming (up to 3 mph) filter feeders that swim around, open their mouth, suction in water like a vacuum, and eat the little organisms that end up inside! These include plankton, krill, and squid! They have tiny little teeth on the inside of their mouth so when the water floods in, the organisms are trapped in the mouth, and then the water goes back out their gills. They have very small throats so they can only eat small organisms, and as such, they pose no threat to humans.
Like many types of sharks, whale sharks are covered in teeth-like scales called dermal denticles that reduce drag while swimming. However, unlike most sharks, whale sharks have these denticles ON THEIR EYES! It is thought to be that this is a method of protecting the eye, and whale sharks can also retract their eyes between 1/2 inch and 1 inch into their skulls to protect them.
Another fun fact is that no one has ever seen a whale shark give birth!! However, it is known that whale sharks are ovivipariois, meaning the pups (baby whale sharks) hatch from eggs while still inside the mother and then the mother gives birth to live young. A pregnant whale shark was caught and the number of embryos inside her were counted at around 300, so it’s estimated they give birth to about 300 pups at a time. Unfortunately, whale shark pups do have predators including other shark species and orcas, even though adult whale sharks are mainly only threatened by humans, and the survival rate of a whale shark pup to adulthood about one in ten.
Human threat is of high concern to whale sharks, as they are an endangered species. Habitat loss due to overfishing and pollution, illegal poaching and selling of whale shark fins, oil, and meat, entanglement in nets and other debris, boat strikes, and unsustainable tourism all pose threats to these remarkable creatures. However, sustainable ecotourism provides a valuable incentive to keep these animals thriving and their environments intact.
Whale sharks are highly migratory animals that prefer deep trenches of water next to a shallower shelf, as nutrients rise into the shallow water and then they can dive to feed on plankton, krill, squid, etc before coming up to warm back up in the shallow area. Prime coastal feeding spots (at certain times in the season) include Ningaloo Reef in Australia, Cancun, Isla Mujeres, and Isla Holbox in Mexico, Mafia Island in Tanzania, Utila in Honduras, Donsol Bay in the Philippines, the Galápagos Islands, Tofo Beach in Mozambique, and the South Ari Atoll in the Maldives.
For many of these places, ecotourism involving whale shark snorkeling excursions has boosted the area’s economy while providing a powerful incentive for the natural environment to be preserved. However, overcrowding can prove a danger to these beautiful fish, so an ethical whale shark snorkeling trip must: forbid “chumming the waters” or feeding the whale sharks to attract them, limit the number of tourists and boats in the area at a time, only allow snorkeling so the whale shark can safely and quickly swim out of a tourists’ reach if frightened or distressed, and prohibit tourists from touching the whale sharks because touching a whale shark can disrupt the delicate mucous membranes over their skin that help protect them from parasites and bacteria.
I fell in love with whale sharks after seeing them at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, the only aquarium in the West to house whale sharks. These whale sharks came from Taiwan, in the mid/late 2000s, and were transported by a UPS plane in specially built tanks!
Links for if you want to learn more, assist conservation, or just for fun!
World Wildlife Fund: Facts and Conservation (article)
WWF: Adopt a Whale Shark (and receive whale shark stuffie!)
Britannica: Whale Sharks
Georgia Aquarium: Whale Shark Facts (article)
How the Whale Sharks got from Taiwan to Atlanta (video)
One Minute Whale Shark Informational Video
Watch a livestream of the whale sharks at the Georgia Aquarium!!
One of my whale shark stuffies
Yellow lab kisses a whale shark (my favorite video on the Internet)
Whale Shark Octonauts (it’s literally so cute) and creature report song. (both videos)
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ariellewm · 15 days
"Whispers of the Enchanted River" A Short Story by Arielle W.M.
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Author's Note: Thanks to my Brazilian friend that introduced me to some Brazilian folklore that inspired this story. I've wanted to try my hand at writing a fantasy mystery.
Warnings: Kidnapping, hypnosis (for those that are uncomfortable with those scenarios)
Summary: Strange disappearances have been occurring lately along the Amazon River close to the riverside town. Alipha reassures herself that her visiting American friend Rose would be safe. At the last minute her family found Rose a place after her rental was mysteriously cancelled. Although the cabin is a few blocks away from Alipha's family house, it just to happened to be right along the Amazon River itself. Will Alipha and Rose be safe from the mysterious occurrences?
The riverside town was lively as the afternoon sun brought warmth to the locals. Amidst the hustle and bustle was a large family seated outside the riverside restaurant. Everyone was engaged in conversation filled with chatter and laughter as they waited for their drinks. They arrived not long after their daughter, Alipha, received a text from her friend that she was on her way.
One of the servers came around with an array of drinks on the large tray.
“Cafés, waters,” the server said, placing the cups of coffee and glasses of water down at the table before reaching for Alipha, “and one strawberry caipirinha for the senhora.”
“Obrigada.” She thanked the server.
“Filha,” her mother glanced at her, “daughter, it’s only the afternoon, and your already drinking?” “Why not?” “Why now? Don’t you want to wait until your cousin’s festa later today?”
Alipha replied, raising her glass, “Might as well start celebrating earlier than later.”
She took a sip of her caipirinha, anticipation building within her. She hadn’t seen her foreign friend in many years since she graduated from an American college. The river gently lapped against the dock as small boats passed by the restaurant. She wondered how much further her friend was. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Ei, ei, va embora! Get away!” The fisherman spoke aloud.
A small river boat titled for a moment, almost causing a patron to fall over. She gripped tightly on the edge of the boat. The fisherman noticed her pale face hovering over the murky water. Her blonde hair stuck to her neck from the excruciating heat.
“Are you alright, miss?” He called out to her.
Ignoring his question, of course she wasn’t alright. She already dealt with a delay that almost made her miss her international flight; the Airbnb she rented out was canceled for unknown reasons. To top it all off, she was riding in a small, somewhat functioning fishing boat only fit for two people on a hot, humid day. Then there was the sea sickness issue. She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths in and out to calm herself.
I’m almost there. Rose said to herself. Then I can finally meet up with my best friend from college.
It’s been three years since their graduation. Back then, Alipha and Rose were inseparable and went everywhere together. They would go bar hopping, go on shopping excursions, and try new restaurants that opened nearby. Since Alipha returned home to Brazil, life for Rose hasn’t been the same. Conversations consisted of texting or reacting to other socials.
Rose’s sapphire eyes opened to notice something in the water. It rose gracefully up and down by the boat. It was a dolphin. This dolphin, however, wasn’t just any ordinary dolphin she’s seen by the marina back home. It was pink, like her grandmother’s kitchen tile walls. It looked almost alien with its triangular shape and long, thin snout.
She turned back to the local fisherman that Alipha had arranged for Rose, “Pink dolphins?”
“Sim, yes, river dolphins.” He kept his eyes focused ahead, “They’ve lived in these waters for as long as I can remember.”
The pink dolphin was getting rather close to the side of the boat. It seemed that the creature was trying to get a better view of the pretty human, with his head popping up occasionally. Rose noticed its small, playful black eyes staring back. Smiling, she reached down to gently stroke the creature. The dolphin squeaked back, enjoying her gentle touch. Like a cat, it nudged the boat several times, seeking more attention. She chuckled, reaching down once more to pet it. It wouldn’t be long, though, before they arrived at the village. As they got closer to the docks, her new friend circled and disappeared into the depths of the river.
“ROSE!” She saw her friend by the dock, waving her down. In tow from behind was her family. They all had warm smiles and greeted Rose as soon as the boat docked. Her father tipped the fisherman while her mother and Alipha got Rose’s belongings off.
While sitting outside of a small family-operated café, Rose told them of the mysterious cancellation of her rented-out Airbnb within the village.
“Meu amor, Palo, you know of someone who has a place for Rose, don’t you?” Alipha’s mother asks her husband.
“Of course I do! There’s a small, lovely cabin nearby the river.” Palo reached for his cellphone. “I’ll try to give them a call to see if it’s available.”
The place was vacant, to her surprise. Luckily, it wasn’t far from Alipha’s parents’ home, and she didn’t have much to bring. A large suitcase, a travel backpack, and whatever money she was able to exchange beforehand. So, she made the trek to the cabin, and as soon as she arrived, she was in awe.
The cabin’s cleanliness was quite impeccable. Crisp white linens, a small wooden box filled with sweets, and a welcome card on top of the pristine countertop. There were double sliding window doors to reveal the backdrop of the Amazon River, with a dock included for renting out boats. If only she could stay a little longer. Rose received a text from Alipha that read,
Don’t settle in too quickly, amiga! We have a festa to go to! I’ll come back to pick you up.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The outdoor birthday festa was lively, even in the late evening. Rose was happily getting along with Alipha’s family, along with Alipha’s cousin, who happened to be the birthday girl. They danced, they laughed, and they drank the night away. Rose had never had such fun outside of her own country before. It was the first time in a long time that she felt comfortable getting loose and having fun.
Rose excused herself to get another drink at a secluded bar far off the dance floor. She decided to order herself another round of one of the fruity cocktails her friend had introduced her to. It was her third drink of the night. Fumbling for her Brazilian real, she felt someone nearby approach the bar.
He was the most collected gentleman Rose had ever seen. She looked over his polished white suit, noticing hints of fuchsia along the collars and vest area. It was almost hard to see his face with his broad-brimmed white hat on. He looked up to notice the beautiful foreigner staring. Quickly, she looked back at the bartender crafting her drink, fiddling with her money.
The gentleman leaned in slightly, his arm resting on the countertop with his hand on his cheek. A charming smile appeared on his handsome face, “Olá beautiful.” 
Startled, she turned to see him, nervous as ever. It was the first time any man had ever greeted her in this sort of setting. “Umm, hi there.” She turned back to notice that her frozen concoction was ready to be consumed.
“Senhor, I’ll order what she’s having,” he spoke to the bartender. She handed the money over, but a warm, tanned hand stopped her, “and it’ll be on me.”
“You’re too kind, sir. Thank yo—I mean, ahem, obrigada.”
He chuckled at Rose’s nervous response, “De nada, your very welcome.”
While they waited for his drink to be finished, they made small talk. Rose talked about graduating from college, starting a new job, and visiting her friend. Even after his drink was made, they continued to talk on and on. Clearly, there seemed to be some chemistry between the two. Alipha, from a distance, even noticed how close they were getting.
Another bartender came back from his break to notice the man, “Excuse me, senhor, but are you even part of this gathering at all?”
The white-suited man was surprised, “Oh, my apologies, I thought this was a public bar tonight.” “I’m afraid no—”
Out of the gentleman’s pocket, he gave the bartender a gracious tip. “No need for trouble tonight, meu amigo, I’ll be on my way.” He smoothly slides off the stool before reaching for Rose’s hand.
His soft lips touched the back of her hand, his dark onyx eyes looked into hers, “I hope to see you again, querida.” He soon rushed off into the dark part of the street, almost as if he had vanished, blending in with the shadows.
“How could you forget his name?!” Alipha asked as both walked back to the cabin, “The two of you seemed to really hit it off.”
“I never got his name to begin with.” she said, a little disappointment in her voice. “We were so lost in conversation that by the time he left, I forgot to ask. He just left so suddenly. I honestly thought he was part of the party.”
Alipha sighed, “My parents got super worried about you. My mother apparently has seen him at other bars and festa’s in the past.” “Really?” “Yes, so just be careful, especially on your own out here.”
They reached for the front door as Rose fiddled for the keys in her purse.
“We aren’t far from here if you need anything.”
“Thank you, Alipha, for everything. Have a goodnight.”
“You too, Rose. See you tomorrow.”
Later that night, she could’ve sworn she heard someone calling out to her. It was a lovely, honeyed voice. She was tempted to open those sliding doors. To see if it was the white-suited man. Those dazzling onyx eyes, that charming white smile. She was too exhausted to leap out of her memory foam bed, sleep taking over.
For the next two days, Rose’s itinerary was planned out by Alipha’s relatives. They would take her around town and to all the historical sites nearby. It would end with them visiting other family members, including her grandparents. After having lunch on the second day, they all decided to take a walk. The trail they followed was near the river. Rose noticed from behind that Alipha’s grandfather looked uncomfortable. He kept glancing back at the river and back at the girls.
Alipha pointed out something peeking out of the water, “Hey, look Rose!”
Rose caught a glimpse of her pink dolphin friend. Squeaking, it tried to get Rose’s attention. It swam as close as it could get. The dolphin paused to get a better look at its friend. Rose smiled back at the creature, remembering her encounter earlier in the week.
Alipha’s grandfather rushed over to the girls, spooking the dolphin before it got any closer. It dove back down into the water.
He cursed under his breath in his language before continuing their walk. Alipha was confused by her grandfather’s actions.
“That creature is dangerous!” He told her, especially toward Rose. “You must never go near the river. Bad things happen to those who stray near the water. And especially at night. It grabs yah and takes you down with it.”
Alipha rolled her brown eyes. “Oh, avô, please. It’s just a myth.” “A myth?! I may be old, but I’ve seen things before your time.”
She whispered to Rose, “Don’t listen to him. My grandfather had too many of those Brazilian papaya cream desserts from earlier.”
“Eu ouvi isso! I heard that!” He groaned. They giggled in response as they made their way back to the house. 
The dolphin popped up its head once more without the grandfather looking. It then dove back into the murky water. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The sun subsided over the Brazilian horizon. Another day is gone. No more being dragged around by Alipha’s parents. Rose could finally enjoy the large feast her parents hosted outside of their casa. She could already smell the illecebrous aroma that lingered in the air. Grilled and smoked meats are placed on skewers or on large platters around the large table. At the center was a traditional Brazilian seafood stew she had been wanting to try since her arrival, moqueca.
The gathering continued. Family members mingled about, laughing at jokes, and simply enjoying the evening. Rose was finding herself growing tired. The rich, savory food had caused her to grow weary. She excused herself, thanking Alipha and her family for hosting. Rose was reminded once more that if she needed anything, she could call them. So, she left, but not without getting plenty of leftovers for the next few days to have back at the cabin.
Rose decided to sit outside for the rest of the evening. A gentle breeze swept by, carrying the scent of florals around the cabin. Her legs were kicking over the edge of the dock, staring out into the lapping of the river. The crescent moon illuminated the vast expanse of the night sky. Stars that seemed to dance high above the dark abyss.
She found solace in this very moment. No loud music, no annoying relatives speaking loudly. Just serenity by the water. If she wanted, she could leave everything behind in America and make a place for herself here. Alipha’s family would be more than happy to help with her move. But unfortunately, she had other things going on back home.
A low, melodious song broke out, stopping all thoughts. There was a sense of familiarity to the faint, hauntingly mesmerizing voice. Her eyes looked around her surroundings, and the gentle breeze tousling her long hair. Could it happen to be the same voice that whispered to her the first night in the cabin? A shiver ran down her spine, trying to locate the person or thing that was singing to her. There were no fishing boats or any sort of creature on the water.
Her heart raced in anticipation and eagerness. The voice seemed to slowly emanate somewhere beneath the dock. Taking a deep breath, she cautiously leaned over the edge, peering down into the water. Rose felt a strange presence in what lay below. She was transfixed, her eyes slowly swirling into a dark, pearlescent daze.
“Ô filha?!” Alipha’s mother called out from the kitchen to her daughter, “Have you heard from your friend lately?”
“Não mother.” Alipha joined her parents and grandfather at the table. She sighed, reaching over for the warm bread rolls, “I’m sure she’s just enjoying herself around.”
It had been two days since the last time she or anyone in her family heard from Rose. Not even the locals in town had seen her. It was too soon for her to leave, as the same fisherman who brought her over hadn’t seen her. She had about three days left before leaving to head back to America.
Her grandfather crossed his arms, “Somethin’ isn’t right.”
Alipha looked at her grandfather, “Avô?”
“I’m sure Rose is having a lovely time.” Her mother responded, “She’ll respond back.” “Mãe, it’s been two days.” Alipha took out her phone, showing her mother, “Nothing back from her. She hasn’t seen any of the messages I sent. Even the one I sent her last night.”
The old man got up from the table, grabbing his jacket from behind the chair. He groaned as he pulled up his jacket, “I’m going to get a search party.”
Alipha’s mother stopped him at the door, “That’s going a bit far, isn’t it pai? Perhaps Alipha should visit the cabin to check up on her.” “No.” “Wha—”
Opening the door, he turned back on his daughter and granddaughter, pointing at each of them with assertiveness, “I don’t want neither of yah you to go near that god forsaken cabin! There’s somethin’ strange about that place.”
In the past, when outsiders visited the cabin, they were usually by themselves or with a significant other. It was uncommon for families to stay at such a place. Occasionally, the place would be vacant, so those who had trouble booking could stay for a night or a week if need be. The last time they had a visitor was during Festa Junina, when a single lady from another town was visiting. She was reserved to stay for a week, only to notice her belongings were gone after day five of her visit.  
He continued, “Haven’t you or Bernardo noticed that whenever the place opens, it’s always during a festa? No one bats an eye when they notice they’re gone early. They just assume they have gone elsewhere.”
Bernardo shook his head before taking another sip of his espresso. He pondered in silence before opening his mouth, “I could call the man that owns the place—” “NO! You estúpido idiota. We do this my way! Do meu jeito!”
His daughter was hurt by Abilo’s harshness toward her husband. She was about to open her mouth before she noticed someone missing from the table.
“Alipha? Alipha!”
Alipha rushed out of the house before her mother realized she was gone. She just couldn’t stand the bickering from her family. Another part of her felt there was something odd about that cabin. Her grandfather had always speculated that it was haunted. Even before its renovation.
As a child, she and a few other children explored the abandoned cabin. The locals had no recollection of who the past owner was. Some claimed that the owner had perished or simply neglected the place. Children would play hide-and-seek there and sit by the dock to throw rocks into the river. During her grandfather’s time, there was a drowning incident in the river near the cabin. This caused many of the locals to fear what sort of evil surrounded the place. Children have been forbidden to visit since.
As time went by, a new owner bought the property and began renovating. Alipha couldn’t remember what the owner looked like. In fact, no one knew. It was a mystery who the man was. Some say he was a rich American man, while others claim he looked to be outside of the Americas. All that they knew was that the owner rarely ever showed up, and Alipha’s father somehow had his number in case a foreigner needed a place to stay.
Overwhelming thoughts rained over her. Could perhaps the person who owned the place take Rose hostage? The place had security in place. There were cameras outside and around the cabin. The police would’ve already started their investigation if that were the case. But it wasn’t common.
Then her grandfather’s statement sent shivers down her spine.
“Haven’t you or Bernardo noticed that whenever the place opens, it’s always during a festa?”
Of course! Why hasn’t she thought of that? In the past, she noticed that whenever a party or festa was happening in town, the cabin would be open the day of. Other times, it would be vacant for tourists during American vacations or a holiday getaway. It had been happening since her arrival back home. 
Her heart raced as she approached the cabin. The sun was already settling, creating a warm glow over the dark river. The dock she once sat among with friends shared no boats or birds around the area. No cars were parked in the lot, and there were no bicycles near the neatly organized porch. The dirt pathway remained untouched other than Alipha’s footprints, which left a trail from behind.
A chill ran up her spine as she approached the door. Her heart pounding with every step. She raised her hand, knocking hard against the wooden door.
“Rose? Rose?” She knocked again, “It’s me, Alipha! Open up!” There was no answer, to which she released a long sigh. This was concerning.
With a reluctant groan, the door creaked open. Surprised, Alipha’s brown eyes peered through the crack. “Hello?” Cautiously, she opened the door further.
The cabin was cleaned to her surprise. Not a single speck of dust. Polished countertops with a welcome basket filled with fresh fruit and other goodies. She made her way toward the small kitchen. The fridge that held Alipha’s leftovers was gone. The small pantry next to the fridge, which had a couple of Brazilian snacks Rose had gotten, was empty. Her gaze went over the pristine countertops to the neatly made queen bed. Blankets and decorative pillows were tidily placed for its next guest. There was no sign of Rose’s bags either. It really did seem as if she had left the place.       
Alipha slid the back porch sliding doors open. She stepped outside upon the wooden floor, the dock stretched out toward the dark water. The sun had completely disappeared, casting a blanket of stygian night. She then glanced at a dark figure from afar that alerted her. It emerged gracefully from the river before planting himself at the edge of the dock near the unilluminated lanterns. Alipha was puzzled.
Who in their right mind would go swimming at this hour? It’s far too dangerous to be in the river at night. Even the locals in town were aware of the dangers within.
The figure moved their arms, reaching for an object to put on its head. A hat, perhaps? It’s rather odd to be carrying a hat while swimming.
It straightened its back, turning its body and head sideways before turning its attention toward Alipha. She froze, unable to leave the porch. It was too dark to tell if the figure’s gaze was locked on her in the darkness.
Then, a soft and calming voice slithered into Alipha’s consciousness.
“Venha até mim,” it spoke, its whispers tickling her ears, “Come to me.”
Her legs had a mind of their own, carrying her down the length of the dock. Her heart was fluttering in her chest. There was anxiety, yet fascination, about who was calling out to her. The little part of her mind was telling her to stay put, to resist the call. She tried to grasp at anything as she slowly passed by. The railings, the poles—anything to keep her from approaching toward it.
The ethereal susurrus continued to beckon her.
“Don’t be afraid, darling,” it whispered, “não tenha medo…that’s it…come closer…”
Each step Alipha took felt heavier. The groaning of the aging wooden dock grew louder and louder as she continued. Her legs refused to stop or turn around. She wished that, at any point, the old wooden platform would collapse on itself, preventing her from reaching toward the figure. She regretted all of this. She should’ve listened to her grandfather to begin with.
The hypnotic voice ceased, causing Alipha’s legs to stop. This was her chance. She could finally take a break for it. Leave this haunted place and admit that her friend had been taken by this mysterious being. Her pulse quickened at the revelation of the figure.
The flickering of the lantern that obscured her vision had now stayed on. It was a man—a finely dressed man. His presence was otherworldly and yet alluring. But this man, however, she had seen him before. Many days ago, in fact, on the night of her cousin’s birthday festa.
“You’re… you’re the—” She gasped at the sight of the man’s lower half. A pinkish-grey tail was in replacement of the gentleman’s legs. Its faded purple caudal fins undulated as the tail lifted slightly. There was an absence of scales; instead, the merman’s tail looked smooth and rubbery. “Y-you’re a boto encantado.”
A dolphin shapeshifter. Enchanted beings of the Amazon River. Beings that could turn into handsome men, luring women, and children through their charms. They came from Brazilian folklore her grandfather told her as a young girl.   
She had several more questions for this being, “You’re the one responsible for all those disappearances, aren’t you? Espiescally of Rose.”
The shapeshifter smirked, “That’s quite the accusation, minha bonita.” He shifted himself upon the dock, still in his tail form. He continued, “What makes you think I’m responsible for such an act?”
“You’re the owner of that cabin, are you not?” She pointed behind her to the vacant property, “You only open it’s vacancy when there’s a festa happening in town.”
He chuckled once more, “Inteligente girl you are my dear. Yes, I am the owner of the place. I renovated that place years ago.” “And you kidnapped those girls, those women that stay there?”
These benevolent, sadistic creatures were known to do such acts. Charm female humans or innocent children to the point of no return.
“Me?” Innocently, he responded, “Kidnapping? Oh, I would never do such a thing, bonita. Have you mistaken me for another of my kind, perhaps?”
Alipha was losing her patience, “Then where is Rose?”
The encantado puzzled for a moment in thought. Humming to himself, Rose wasn’t having it, “Answer me, boto!”
“Oh! Your amiga from America?” He leaned up against the pole, turning his handsome face back to Alipha, “She’s quite the woman your friend is. We had a lovely talk one evening about meeting the Amazon manatees. I assure you though she’s well, and…wha—what are you doing?”
Alipha dropped to her knees. Tears slowly trickled down her freckled cheeks. Whatever this shapeshifter was hiding from her, she didn’t believe that Rose was well. No, she knew her friend was in danger or worse.
“Please,” she begged, “please bring back Rose. I beg of you, shapeshifter.” She covered her face, unable to control her anxiety over her fear of her friend’s fate.
“Shh, shh… não chore, don’t cry.” He cooed to her, reaching a hand toward her. His hand was shockingly warm on her soft cheek, causing her to abruptly open her eyes. Alipha had a better look at the man.
His face was chiseled by a master sculptor. He had a strong jaw that paired well with his chinstrap beard. Deep, onyx eyes pierced into hers. His tanned thumb continuously wiped the tears under her brown eyes. Another hand stroked her chestnut hair back. She closed her eyes, leaning into his gentle touch.
“Não chore bonita. I tell the truth.”
She gradually opened her eyes, “She…she is?”
“Have you heard of the place my people are from, lovely human?” She shook her head, and the shapeshifter smiled, continuing, “Encante, that is where your friend Rose is. She is among others who have entered the underwater city. It’s a peaceful, wealthy city.” He sighed, “Unfortunately, those that enter the boundaries of the city are forbidden to leave. There is no need for tears. They will treat her like a queen.”
He glided his smooth hand toward her chin. Alipha took a deep breath, glistening eyes fluttering open. She gasped at the sight.
His ethereal voice returned with the capture of black swirling pearlescent eyes, “I could always bring you to her. That way, the both of you will never have to be separated again. Doesn’t that sound nice?”          
The brown in her eyes slowly transformed into a mystic black haze. Alipha sighed, smiling and forgetting about all her worries and concerns. Rose was safe. She could be with her, together. Never be separated again by continents or from other worlds. Alipha nodded in response.
“That’s a good querida…” He leaned in toward the dazed Alipha. His cool lips met hers, indulging in a passionate kiss. An arm coiled around her thin form, bringing her closer to his shockingly warm body.
The shapeshifter’s hypnotic trance on the human was cut short. A group of men, along with the barking of dogs, headed straight to the cabin. Flashlights led the way, along with the loud noises of members of the group calling out for both Rose and Alipha. The boto encantado noticed the female awakening from his magic spell.
Blinking, Alipha shook her head to realize just how much closer she was to the enchanting man. For a moment, she felt like she was in a dream. Now, it turned out to be a nightmare. It was probably how Rose fell for this being—from not only his mesmerizing eyes but his musically entrancing voice. She struggled in his tight grip on her. Unable to get free, she began to scream out to the group.
The boto cursed himself. Quickly, he placed a hand over her mouth, muffling her calls for help. She twisted and turned her body, trying anything to get out of his grasp. He pushed himself off the dock, with another female human, into the cold river. Her Clothes soaked, the freezing water causing her to spasm.
She screamed through the palm of his hand once more before descending into the water, never to be seen again.
To this day, no one has been able to find Rose or Alipha.
The town, including her family, searched all parts of the area. From searching in all parts of the town, the jungle trails, and the riverside. Nothing. There was absolutely no trace of either of the girls. After many months, they had given up their search.
The people of the town eventually blocked access to the cabin by the water and destroyed it. No one was allowed to build anything in that area. The dock, however, remained standing for unknown reasons.
Three years had gone by, and another festa was around the corner. The people would celebrate the lives of Rose and Alipha at Alipha’s family’s casa. Just then, an attractive woman made an appearance at the festa. She sat in silence, stirring her cocktail of choice at the table.
She arrived in town about a year ago, taking residence at a condo residence near the river. The lady was generous enough to help Alipha’s family during the tough times. Since then, she has always been invited to the family’s gatherings. It was rare, though, as she was busy with many other things out and about.
“Why, you look just like Bernardo’s daughter.” A local complimented the lady.
Another had asked, “Do you have relations to the family?”
“Porque sim, yes. A family friend of theirs.” She smiled back.
Before they could ask any more questions, both locals were called over for help inside the house. She took a sip of her pink cocktail. The fancy-dressed lady lifted her head, careful not to mess around with the white extravagant hat upon her head.    
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whatgaviiformes · 1 year
For the September prompts, could I request Lemon Tree and Kayo please? Somehow the idea of these two together is singing to me...🍋🖤
Hiiiii. I really wanted to be able to do this for you; please forgive me for this not being my strongest of pieces. I did have to add Gordon to get Kayo to speak to me, and the lemons are there even if the tree is not. <3. They are siblings, and peers, and they respect each other. Hopefully it shows. Thanks so much for the ask and the support.
I like the headcanon of Gordon calling Kayo "Tin" so I borrowed that from Nutty with her permission. :D
Characters: Kayo, Gordon
Words: 870
Genre: General
Universe Notes - Military!Gordon, TAG.
Warnings: Mentions of Alcohol Consumption (responsible)
“Hey, Tin?” Gordon quickly plopped into his mouth a sardine from the charcuterie display he’d ordered as his antipasto and, as Kayo grimaced at his manners, he at least had the good graces to swallow before he continued.  “I’m going to need you to relax.”
“I really don’t understand how you can eat that.”
“They are a bit salty,” he mused, swirling on the flavor still in his mouth. “But I can’t just leave the little fishies there uneaten. It’s inhumane.”
“Yeah, ok.” She turned back away from his feast of fish, gazing out to the expanse of ultramarine beside them.
It was to be his home the next few days – the Gulf of Naples that is, beautiful waters in Mediterranean blue, watched over by what was left of the towering Mt. Vesuvio visible in the distance. For Gordon’s experience in the depths of the sea, the bay was a relatively shallow estuary. But it wasn’t about how deep the body of water went. He was more concerned with what creatures called the place home, in this instance which fin whales – and one razorback in particular he’d been tracking as part of his research dissertation.  (D.Sc. meet Gordon Tracy!)
Gordon called it a “surface trip” which didn’t mean surface at all really, just that he’d be arriving by boat instead of submarine and diving within the capabilities of standard research tech instead of the Brains’ tested and certified deep-sea gadgets of International Rescue. It would be enough for him to listen to the whale song, and if he was lucky, maybe he’d get to see his boyo.
Since the excursion was to depart tomorrow out of a little town in the outskirts of Sorrento, arriving a day early gave Gordon the time to reorient himself to the normal sleep schedule of the time-zone and decompress from being constantly on call as they were. He’d been in Italy for only a few hours, but the warm wind and the friendly lapping of blue on the shore calmed him, so his spirits were high despite the nerves around the importance of this trip.
His companion was less thrilled by the break. Virgil had been unavailable, Scott was busy with Tracy Industries reports, and Alan could hardly fly him over in a space rocket, so Kayo had offered to drop him off. It had taken some heavy pleading, a bit of chore reallocation, and eventually Kayo agreed to stay and leave the next morning.
A worthy exchange. His siblings deserved a holiday. And once he saw an opportunity unfolding to spend some time with his sister, he couldn’t let go of the idea. They didn’t call him a master of pranks for nothing – though this was less of a prank and more of a gentle coercion.
Their first of their entrées arrived, for the traditional trattoria included two within the standard four-course meal, and Kayo nodded kindly in thanks. Gordon beamed, a “Grazie!” while he moved his plate of fish to the side to make room for his pasta.  
“I’m relaxed,” she told him after a while only once they’d dug into their meals. “Really.”  
Gordon eyed her deliberately, mindlessly twirling his pasta with his fork and watching peridot scanning the room even as she said it. “I think you think that. I can tell you are still on look out.” He saw her start to panic and added, “I can only tell because I know you.”
She frowned, shrugging. “Maybe I am. Someone has to do it.”
“It doesn’t have to be you all the time. We are safe; promise.”
The skepticism was evident. He was almost offended. Almost.  “Yeah.” It had been a long time since his brief service in WASP, but the training gave him lessons for a lifetime. “Closest exit is that one” – he gestured his fork towards the wall to their left – “there’s a gentleman behind me that obviously knows who we are but won’t dare approach because you keep giving him the stink eye, our server is oblivious which is kinda’ nice actually, and the owner has come by twice. Dice is out on that one, but he’s harmless. Now, agree to get some limoncello with me.”
“Gordon- “
“We’re in Italy; it’s required.”
“It’s a digestivo. That means after the meal.”
“It’s alcohol,” he challenged, grinning. “That means when the mood strikes. I won’t push if you don’t want any, but lemons, Kayo. Lemons.”
“Yeah, yeah. You make lemonade.”
“Nuh-uh. You make limoncello!” He was pleased to see her laughing, even if it was at his expense. Kayo was good at her job, too good, and she took after workaholic Scott in ways Gordon didn’t necessarily believe were the healthiest of habits. He knew what it was like to be “on” all the time. It would cause burn out. Always did.
They placed their additional drink order and the bottle was brought out with the timing of their second entrée as they requested, with minimal questioning. The locals were kind about the whims of their tourists.
“So where did you stash Shadow again?”
Kayo swirled the narrow glass to twirl the liquid neon, and she narrowed her eyes at him with a gleam. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
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ask-tssb · 3 months
What is the culture like in underwater towns? Are people there generally friendly?
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Dr. Charkoal: It does depend quite a lot on where it's located. Ocean culture is very different from that of aquatic monsters in landlocked bodies. It is, naturally, quite difficult for someone like me to visit one, but the excursion wouldn't fare much easier on my other colleagues without the right gear. They would implode from the pressure, you see. Or drown.
I have met some very pleasant fish. Some people, though, don't really have the same cultural ideas about laws. That is very drastic among deep sea monsters, even compared to inland monsters who live off-grid. Life is more difficult underwater. You eat what is available, and sometimes that includes other monsters. Who's to stop them, hm? Within underwater settlements, they don't tolerate this as much. In fact, settlements are the results of banding together to create strength in numbers.
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4thd1str1ct · 6 months
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aphrodite had nearly missed the reaping in favor of wading deep in the water, up to her waist to be exact, to noodle a couple of fish into her basket for pa. the reaping was mandatory, she knew that, everyone did. but reaping days were always difficult. she saw amoreena in the tides and felt her in the salty smell of the air. a quick fishing excursion would calm her down, plus, her elderly parents needed something to eat. god did she know it from taking tesserae year after year. she was still far out in the water when she heard the speakers from town beckoning the citizens of district four to the center of town for the reaping.
she dashed through the water as quickly as she could, up to the shore and into their small home. aphrodite set the basket on the table and disappeared into her room, slipping on one of her untarnished white dresses and sprinting from the house. she pulled her hair down as she ran, as she'd be more presentable that way. aphrodite wasn't ignorant, she knew whatever she wore, she wore it well. and however she looked, it would be flattering. there was no reaping day "best" for her. only a winning smile and a battle to maintain her composure.
despite being one of the last to file in, she hadn't missed anything, and she found her place in a sea of faces. some older than her, others younger, but all of them shifting nervously. aphrodite avoided eye contact with the ones she knew. as the stunning capitol representative took to the stage and proceeded with the usual spiel, she twirled the ends of her hair between in her finger tips. aphrodite strained behind her, trying to look for her parents, but she had no such luck. the ceremony leading up to her name being called passed in a blur. all she knew is that eyes were on her and if she wanted to make it back, aphrodite would have to do what she did best-- win hearts. she allowed herself one shallow attempt at a deep breath as she broke out from the crowd, escorted by peacekeepers. aphrodite was sure to hold her chin up, no visible trace of fear.
the water dripping down her legs was a source of comfort as she warmly shushed old lovers who wept as she made her way onstage, but she figured if any of them really cared, they would have volunteered. she smiled at friends and when she made it up on stage, blew a kiss and waved to her parents. she nodded her head once as a thank you to the escort and took her place on the stage. game on, she thought.
aphrodite recognized loch's name as it was called and when he joined her on stage, she reached for his hand and gave it a quick squeeze. she didn't know if it would be comforting, or appreciated, but maybe it would appear a sweet gesture to the audience. until the last minute on stage she made eyes at the camera and nodded as their escort approached, like she was oh so appreciative to be sent to her death.
when the heavy doors closed behind her and the peace keepers ushered her towards the room where she could see her family for the last time, she silently hoped it wouldn't be the last. she hoped she wouldn't perish so far from the sea that cradled her since infancy. she hoped with some willpower and a miracle, she may come home.
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typhlonectes · 2 years
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Greatest Migration on Earth Happens under Darkness Every Day
Trillions of tiny animals may be coordinating their movements in ways that affect every organism on the planet
Every evening around the world trillions of zooplankton, many smaller than a grain of rice, hover hundreds of feet below the surface of the sea, waiting for their signal. Scientists long considered these tiny animals to be drifters, passive specks suspended in the ocean, moved by the whims of tides and currents. And yet, just before the sun disappears, the swarms begin to rise on a clandestine journey to the surface.
As they climb, clusters of other zooplankton join in: copepods, salps, krill and fish larvae. The multitudes remain near the surface at night, but just as the first beams of morning light begin to cascade across the sea, they are already turning back down to the deep. As sunset and sunrise slide from east to west every 24 hours—across the Pacific Ocean, then the Indian, the Southern and the Atlantic—swarm after swarm make the same upward journey, retreating as daylight returns.
Humans are mostly unaware of this daily aquatic movement, known as diel vertical migration, but it's the largest routine migration of life on Earth. Current estimates indicate some 10 billion tons of animals make these excursions every day. Some of them ascend from more than 3,000 feet below. It's an astonishing feat. For a quarter-inch fish larva, making a one-way vertical trip of 1,000 feet is the equivalent of a human swimming more than 50 miles—in just an hour or so. 
During the trip these animals pass through zones of ocean where the conditions are wildly different. At 1,000 feet the water is roughly 39 degrees Fahrenheit—maybe 20 degrees colder than the surface—and the pressure is about 460 pounds per square inch, more than 30 times what it is up top. Why would huge numbers of tiny animals make such an arduous trip every day?
Read more: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/greatest-migration-on-earth-happens-under-darkness-every-day/
photograph via:  rAdriana Zingone, Domenico D'Alelio, Maria Grazia Mazzocchi, Marina Montresor, Diana Sarno, LTER-MC team (Source)
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openoceansportfishing · 10 months
Fishing charters in Port Aransas, Texas
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Fishing charters in Port Aransas, Texas offer an exciting opportunity to experience deep-sea and offshore fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. Port Aransas is a popular destination for fishing enthusiasts, and there are several charter companies that provide guided fishing trips to help you catch a variety of fish species. Here's some information you might find helpful:
Types of Fishing Charters:
Deep-Sea Fishing: This type of charter takes you farther offshore in pursuit of larger game fish like red snapper, kingfish, dorado (mahi-mahi), and even sailfish or marlin. Bay and Inshore Fishing: If you prefer calmer waters, bay and inshore fishing charters focus on catching species like trout, redfish, flounder, and black drum in the bays and estuaries around Port Aransas. Nearshore Fishing: These trips stay relatively close to the coast and target fish species that inhabit the nearshore waters, such as Spanish mackerel, shark, and other reef fish.
Charter Companies: Here are a few well-known fishing charter companies in Port Aransas:
Dolphin Dock Inc.: Offers a variety of fishing trips, including deep-sea, bay, and even shark fishing. Fisherman's Wharf: Provides options for deep-sea, bay, and even sunset cruises. C&T Bay Charters: Specializes in bay and inshore fishing experiences. Keepin' It Reel Fishing Charters: Offers a range of fishing trips, from bay to offshore excursions.
Trip Duration and Prices: Fishing charters can vary in duration, from half-day trips (4-6 hours) to full-day trips (8-12 hours) or even multi-day adventures. Prices can also vary based on the type of fishing, the duration of the trip, and the charter company. It's a good idea to contact the charter companies directly or visit their websites to get the most up-to-date information on pricing.
Equipment and Amenities: Most fishing charters provide all the necessary fishing equipment, including rods, reels, bait, and tackle. Some charters might also offer amenities like snacks, drinks, and a knowledgeable captain and crew to assist you throughout the trip.
Booking in Advance: Especially during peak fishing seasons, it's recommended to book your fishing charter in advance to secure your spot, as popular charters can fill up quickly.
Remember that fishing regulations and seasons can change, so it's important to check with the charter company about any fishing licenses or permits you might need, as well as the current fishing regulations for the specific species you're targeting.
Before booking a fishing charter, make sure to research the options available, read reviews from previous customers, and communicate with the charter company to ensure that you have the best fishing experience possible in Port Aransas, Texas.
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sasalann69 · 11 months
California Adventure
Are you prepared to embark on some of the top sport fishing excursions in California? Whether you've had the opportunity to catch a monster fish or not, California has a lot to offer. The entire state offers deep sea and charter fishing in several locations that most people wouldn't even consider visiting. You could be prepared to reserve your next fishing holiday by the time you've finished reading this article. To know more about Adventure Sports Journal, visit our website today.
Leading A Life
Making a destination decision is the most difficult part of sport fishing in California. There are many different places to go and fishing spots all across the ocean. Knowing what you want to fish for before you go is the best course of action. Of course, the next step is to choose between a deep-sea fishing excursion and a typical charter where there are plenty of fish.
Private and group charters are available to catch different types of Salmon, Rock Cod, and Albacore Tuna in locations including the San Francisco Bay. Despite the fact that the trip is focused on sport fishing, the scenery is amazing as well. You may occasionally witness some of the most incredible whale and bird adventures ever. So make sure to bring your camera with you.
Southern California offers the chance to enjoy some sport fishing along the coast for those of you who enjoy fly fishing. Surf fishing is a blast in the San Diego and Mission Bay area if you enjoy eating what you catch. Some of the biggest Halibut the area has to offer can be found in the spring. The Corbina, which many fishermen compare to the Texas Redfish, is the preferred fish in this area.
Sport fishing in California isn't complete unless you explore some of the northern regions. Within Shelter Cove, the "Lost Coast" unquestionably fulfils the angler's fantasy. The fish have had years to hide beneath the waters since the location is largely isolated. You're left to pursue huge Black Rockfish and Stripers everywhere.
How to Proceed
In California, wherever you go will likely provide you with an unforgettable experience. If you travel to one area, put the other two on your to-do list because each of the three regions—Northern, Southern, and Central—has something special to offer. Sport fishing in California will not only be fun, but it will also leave you with a lot of memories to cherish for years to come. Want to read more about California Adventure? Visit our website for more information.
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annafshr · 1 year
Unveiling Paradise: A Travel Guide to Tulum and Cancún
Welcome to the dazzling Mexican Caribbean, where two iconic destinations, Tulum and Cancún, beckon with their pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and ancient Mayan ruins. Nestled on the Yucatán Peninsula, Tulum and Cancún offer an enchanting blend of rich history, natural beauty, and vibrant nightlife. In this travel guide, we will uncover the wonders of these coastal paradises, providing you with an itinerary that combines cultural exploration, outdoor adventures, and relaxation on some of the most breathtaking beaches in the world. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through Tulum and Cancún!
I. Tulum
Exploring the Ancient Ruins:
Discover the cliffside ruins of Tulum, overlooking the Caribbean Sea.
Learn about the Mayan civilization and its fascinating history.
Wander through the Temple of the Frescoes and El Castillo.
Take in panoramic views from the cliffside and relax on the nearby beach.
Enjoying Tulum's Beaches:
Bask in the sun on the powdery white sands of Tulum's pristine beaches.
Swim in the crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean Sea.
Explore beachside cenotes (natural sinkholes) for a refreshing dip.
Indulge in beachfront yoga classes or relaxing spa treatments.
Cenote Exploration:
Dive into the mesmerizing underground world of cenotes.
Visit Gran Cenote, Dos Ojos, or Cenote Calavera for an unforgettable snorkeling or diving experience.
Discover the stalactite formations and hidden caves in these natural wonders.
Take a refreshing swim in the cool, crystal-clear waters.
Tulum Pueblo:
Immerse yourself in the bohemian charm of Tulum Pueblo.
Stroll along the vibrant streets filled with boutique shops, art galleries, and local eateries.
Sample delicious Mexican cuisine, including fresh seafood and authentic tacos.
Experience the lively nightlife with beachside bars and live music venues.
II. Cancún
Relaxing on the Beaches:
Indulge in the world-famous beaches of Cancún, with their soft, white sands and azure waters.
Sunbathe, swim, or take part in various water sports like jet skiing, parasailing, or paddleboarding.
Explore the nearby Isla Mujeres or Cozumel for snorkeling and diving adventures.
Visiting El Rey Ruins:
Discover the ancient Mayan ruins of El Rey in the heart of Cancún's Hotel Zone.
Explore the archaeological site and marvel at the intricate stone carvings.
Learn about the history and significance of this Mayan settlement.
Enjoying Ecotourism:
Take a day trip to the nearby Xcaret Park or Xel-Há Park.
Experience a blend of nature, culture, and adventure with activities like snorkeling, swimming with dolphins, and zip-lining.
Explore the lush jungles, cenotes, and underground rivers that make this region unique.
Nightlife and Entertainment:
Experience Cancún's vibrant nightlife scene.
Dance the night away at the energetic nightclubs and beach clubs.
Enjoy live music performances, traditional Mexican dance shows, or comedy clubs.
III. Nearby Excursions
Chichén Itzá:
Embark on a day trip to the iconic archaeological site of Chichén Itzá.
Witness the majestic pyramid of El Castillo (Temple of Kukulcan) and other impressive structures.
Learn about Mayan mythology and astronomical knowledge.
Swim with sea turtles in the idyllic waters of Akumal.
Snorkel alongside these gentle creatures in their natural habitat.
Relax on the tranquil beaches or explore the nearby cenotes.
Take a ferry to the island of Cozumel, known for its stunning reefs and marine life.
Dive into the world-renowned Palancar Reef or explore the Chankanaab eco-park.
Enjoy water activities like snorkeling, scuba diving, or deep-sea fishing.
Tulum and Cancún offer a captivating blend of history, natural beauty, and vibrant nightlife. From the ancient Mayan ruins of Tulum to the bustling beaches of Cancún, these destinations cater to a wide range of interests. Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage, dive into the mesmerizing cenotes, relax on the stunning beaches, and explore the nearby attractions. Tulum and Cancún are waiting to enchant you with their undeniable allure and leave you with unforgettable memories of paradise on the Mexican Caribbean.
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waymonds · 1 year
5 Coastal Towns in America to Escape To This Summer
The sun is out, the weather is warm, and it's time to start planning a summer getaway! If you're looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and head somewhere a little more relaxing, why not consider one of these five charming coastal towns? From quaint beachside villages in Florida to picturesque fishing ports in Maine, these American coastal towns are perfect for a summer vacation by the sea.
Nantucket, Massachusetts Nestled just off the coast of Cape Cod, this tiny island of Nantucket is home to some of New England's most beautiful beaches. With its cobblestone streets lined with historic whaling mansions and lighthouses that date back to colonial times, it's easy to see why this quaint fishing town has become such an idyllic spot for a summer escape. Plus, you can enjoy delicious seafood harvested from the surrounding waters or take part in activities like biking around the island or renting a sailboat for an afternoon on the open ocean.
Charleston, South Carolina Charleston has been called one of America's most romantic cities for good reason—it's filled with cobblestone streets lined with pastel-colored old houses and plenty of southern hospitality. Visitors here can experience some of Charleston's unique history by taking a horse-drawn carriage ride around town or visiting Fort Sumter National Monument. And if you're looking to explore outside of town, there are plenty of hidden gems like Sullivan’s Island where you can relax on one of South Carolina’s gorgeous beaches.
Laguna Beach, California If you're looking for sun-drenched beaches coupled with upscale shopping and dining experiences right at your fingertips then Laguna Beach should be at the top of your list! Spend your days soaking up some rays while relaxing on one of Laguna’s stunning beaches or take part in exploring its vibrant art scene located along its winding coastline roads. There are also plenty of hiking trails nearby which offer stunning views over miles and miles of unspoiled coastline making it an ideal destination for nature lovers too!
Apalachicola Bay, Florida Apalachicola Bay is often considered one Florida’s best kept secrets; located along Florida’s panhandle coast this area offers visitors everything from fantastic seafood restaurants to white sand beaches perfect for swimming or just lounging around and soaking up some sun! You can also explore nearby St George Island which offers miles upon miles of untouched wildlife preserves perfect for bird watching or photography opportunities along its boardwalks overlooking unspoiled wetlands full life aquatic life and birds galore!
Boothbay Harbor, Maine Boothbay Harbor is located right on Maine’s rocky coast and is known as “the boating capital” thanks to its multitude marinas that offer boat rentals as well as deep sea fishing excursions into nearby Casco Bay where you can try your luck at catching lobster or other varieties local seafood favorites! Be sure not miss out on visiting Burnt Island Light Station which has been standing since 1821 offering visitors magnificent views over Boothbay Harbor from atop its lighthouse tower!
Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway full charm and history or an adventurous outdoor retreat full wildlife wonders there's something every type traveler these five incredible coastal towns America! So don't wait any longer start planning your next summer escape now so that all can look forward amazing memories made sunshine shores these beautiful places!
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p-artsypants · 2 years
Rage Awakened (11)
In Which Ariel Finds Her Prince
I recently started replaying Kingdom Hearts 2 and got the motivation to work on this fic. I’m not sure how long it will last, but here’s one chapter, at least.
Yes, this is still a Kingdom Hearts fic, but this chapter is a stand alone for something happening in the meantime. I love The Little Mermaid and always wanted to write a fic for it. So two birds, one stone, and all that.
Ten years ago, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus lost their fellow apprentice, Sora, in Deep Jungle. Now, they are to return with two new students, Riku and Kairi, to lock the heart of the world. All the while, something watches from the trees. Feral!Sora AU
FF.net | Ao3
Atlantica- One month prior
“It really is an honor to have you with us on our humble fishing vessel, your majesty.” 
Prince Eric nodded his head. “And I am grateful that you allowed me along. I don’t want to be a distraction.” 
“You’re the most exciting thing to happen to our ship in the last year.” 
“If you don’t mind, I’d like a very unexciting excursion today. The last time I was out on a ship, it was struck by lightning, caught fire, and sank. I almost drowned! So please, just go about your fishing, I’m just here to enjoy the waves.” 
While the crew set about getting the nets and rigging ready, the captain brought over a bottle of wine and two glasses. “If I may, how did you survive that ordeal? Rumor is that you swam three miles to shore. While other crewmen said you fell unconscious overboard. I’ve been wildly curious.” 
Prince Eric took the glass with gratitude. “I was saved by a girl. She brought me to shore and sang to me.” 
“Must have been a very strong girl to swim with you that far.”
“Or…perhaps a mermaid.”  
Eric looked at the captain with shock and a little awe. “Could it really have been…?” 
The captain shrugged. “Of course, I can’t say for certain. Mermaids are incredibly rare after all.” 
“But real?”
“You see a lot working on a fishing vessel, your majesty. I have seen one, once. We let her go, unable to stomach the thought of keeping something so beautiful hostage.” 
Eric stared out at the sea. “If they are so rare…I’m sure I’ll never get to thank her properly then.” 
“That is a shame,” said the captain. “She must have seen something in you to save you.” 
Once the glass of wine was finished, Eric volunteered to help with the work. Despite everyone protesting, he insisted that he wanted to learn the tricks of the trade. 
It seemed like everyone came to relax once he got to work. He picked up the routine quickly, and talked casually and equally with everyone. 
Prince Eric was not a prince today, but just a young man. He joked and helped, he offered apologies when mistaken, and was gracious when helped. The crew agreed unanimously, the Prince was welcomed to sail with them whenever he wanted. 
Perhaps it was divine providence, or perhaps just coincidence, but when the crew pulled up the latest net and let its contents spill across the deck, Eric was struck silent. There, in the middle of a school of wriggling fish, laid a woman, with the teal fins of a fish and hair redder than a sunset. She laid on her stomach, facing away from the crew. 
“By God, is that…?” Someone spoke, but no one moved. 
The creature rolled over, revealing a terrified young mermaid, holding a yellow flounder. 
“What would you do if I wasn’t here?” Asked Eric, to the crew.
“Let her go,” said the captain, eyes locked on the creature. 
“That’s what I hoped you’d say.” Eric took a step towards her. 
The mermaid threw the fish towards the water, though she missed. A crew member nearby stooped, scooped up the flounder, and threw it overboard, since it looked like that’s what she wanted. 
“Is that your friend?” Eric asked. 
The mermaid gave a tiny nod.
“It was really brave of you to save him. I have a knife, are you okay if I cut you free?”  
Again, the mermaid gave a small nod, and zeroed in on his knife. 
Eric approached her carefully and pulled the net away and cut some of the strands. He made his way over her body, gradually freeing her from the net. When he got to her hair, he winced. “Oh, I’m sorry, your hair is really tangled. I might have to cut it.”
“It’s okay,” she whispered. 
He startled slightly, surprised to hear her speak. “Okay, I’m going to start cutting.” He took hold of her hair and tugged away from the net, making it go taut. At that point, it was a matter of slicing the bottom few inches of her hair off and she was free. 
“There! It’s not even, so you’ll have to trim it on your own.” 
The mermaid looked down at the net, where clumps of her hair still lay tangled. “Thank you,” she whispered. 
Eric looked around at the crew, seeing that they were still shell shocked. They were watching him, but no one looked ready to intercede. 
“Let’s get you back in the water, okay?” Eric stooped and lifted her, one hand around her waist, one under her tail. 
The mermaid scrambled to get a hold of him so she didn’t fall. She ended up wrapping her arms around his shoulders. 
“I got you,” he assured. He carried her over to the lifeboat, and set her gently inside. 
The crew then moved automatically, lowering Eric and the mermaid down to the water. 
Once the boat was in the water, Eric helped her to perch on the edge of the boat. 
“Hey, you know…” he began, “a few days ago, I was in a boating accident. My ship sank and I almost drowned. A young woman saved me and brought me to shore. She sang to me a song about being part of my world.” 
The mermaid stared at him wide eyed. 
“Would you happen to know anything about it?” 
“It was me,” she said shyly. “I’m not supposed to be around humans, but I couldn’t let anything happen to you. So I brought you to shore…” 
“You saved my life.” 
“And you just saved mine.” 
He shook his head. “This was easy. I still owe you. I’m Eric, by the way.” 
“My name is Ariel.” 
He smiled, “that’s a lovely name.” He rested his hand on top of hers. “I’d like to make it up to you. There’s a grotto on the south shore.” He pointed at the mainland in the distance. “It’s hidden behind a waterfall. Would you meet me there tomorrow night? We can talk about your reward then.” 
“My reward?” 
“Yes. You see, I’m a Prince, and I’d like to give you something meaningful. Something your heart desires. So think about it?” 
After a moment, she nodded. “Alright Eric, I’ll come tomorrow night.” 
“It’s a date then.” 
She blushed. “A date! Yes! I’ll see you tomorrow!” Flustered, she shimmied and splashed into the water. Embarrassed, she peeked above the surface at him. 
He smiled and wiggled his fingers at her. She returned the gesture, and dove under water. 
“Ariel!” Flounder shouted, swimming to her. “I was so worried! I thought they were going to kill you! I was just about to go get your dad!” 
“No no, I’m fine!” Her face was warm. “He was so kind.”
“Prince Eric,” she beamed. “He wants to see me tomorrow night.” 
“You can’t! It’s too dangerous!” 
“Oh don’t be such a guppy! He’s a perfect gentleman and everything will be fine!” 
Flounder fretted the whole time they swam back home. “Ariel, your hair!” 
Ariel ran her fingers through her hair, noticing the ends were uneven. “No one will notice!” 
“Don’t count on it!” 
Ariel got away with it for several hours. She assumed she was in the clear, until dinner came around, at which point one of her sister’s noticed and blurted out, “oh Ariel, what did you do to your hair?” 
Ariel fell silent. “I got…snagged on a reef, and had to cut it.” 
“Let me see,” Triton demanded. 
Ariel rose from her place to float in front of him. “It needs to be evened out, but it’s not that bad…” 
“What did you cut it with?” He asked sternly. 
“A sharp rock.” 
He took her by the shoulder and turned her around gently. Though his hands were gentle, his eyes were passionate. “You’re lying to us, Ariel. You know I don’t like lying.” 
Of course she did, but the truth would make him go ballistic. 
“The truth, Ariel,” he urged. “I won’t let you leave until I hear it.” 
Ariel closed her eyes in defeat. “It’s…a long story. Please don’t be angry.” 
Triton frowned harder, but inevitably sighed. “Okay, I’m listening.” 
Ariel swallowed. “Flounder got caught in a fishing net, and I tried to save him, but I got caught instead.” 
“What!” Triton shouted. 
Ariel flinched and spouted out the rest of her story in a rush. “I was pulled up on the ship, but the humans didn’t want me, so they cut me free from the line, cutting my hair; and put me back in the water.” 
She peeked her eyes open to see her family staring at her in shock and awe. 
“Do you have any idea how lucky you are?!” Attina shouted. “Humans would never let a mermaid go!” 
“They did! And they were really nice!” 
“It doesn’t make any sense! I’m certain they’d sell a Mermaid for gold!” Said Alana. 
Ariel winced again. “Actually…I think he let me go because I saved him from drowning.” 
Triton grabbed her arm, not painfully, but strong. “Explain. Now.” 
“That storm, a few nights ago? I was out exploring…and I saw him sinking. I just…couldn’t let him die. So I swam him to shore. I stayed for a little while making sure he was breathing, and I sang to him. When I noticed he was conscious, I left. He remembered me, and made sure I was taken care of and released me into the sea. He was so nice, daddy.” 
Triton let her go and began to pace back and forth in the chamber. “Ariel, Ariel, Ariel…” 
“I know, daddy! But I couldn’t not save Flounder! And I couldn’t bear to see a human die. Not when I could save him! I’m sorry, but I had to!” 
Triton pinched the bridge of his nose. “As Attina said, you are extremely lucky to have run into the small minority of humans that weren’t violent and greedy. Next time, you won’t be lucky and who knows what will happen!” 
Ariel shamefully held herself. 
“What’s more, the humans now know that we exist! They’ll be out with nets for years to come, trying to catch us! You’ve compromised our safety!” 
“Oh no no, I don’t think they will. They said they were going to let me go! You could even ask Eric, I’m sure we’re safe!” 
“Eric?” Triton asked, his eyes narrowing. “Who is Eric?” 
“The young man I saved and cut me free. He’s a prince!” She swallowed. “A-and he said if I met him in a secret place, he’d reward me for saving him.” 
“No! Absolutely not! I forbid any more contact with these humans!” 
“But daddy—!” 
“But nothing, Ariel! I almost lost you today! Who knows what else this so-called Prince is trying to do to you? He’ll probably have an army waiting to take you at this ‘secret place’!” 
“If he wanted to take me, he wouldn’t have let me go today!” She argued back. “I know you don’t like humans but can’t you just give him a chance?” 
“Why should I?!”
“Because I—“ she stopped and bit her lip terrified of the confession she almost made. 
“You what, Ariel?” He asked, dreading the answer. 
“I…like him. I want to see him again.”
“You don’t know anything, child.” 
“You’re so stubborn! Why can’t you believe there’s at least one human out there that wants to be friends with us? What if you came with me and talked to him?! Wouldn’t it be worthwhile to have an ally on land?” 
“Ariel! That’s enough!” The King’s triton glowed in his anger. 
Ariel knew it was time to drop it. She bowed her head and stayed quiet. 
“I think you’ll find that I’ve been very understanding of late. I welcomed the Key Bearers on your word, something I never would have done before. Now you will have to trust that I know what’s best for you, and contact with humans is not it! End of discussion!” 
“Then end of dinner,” Ariel snipped and swam off to sulk. 
Triton settled back into his seat as the other girls very quietly finished their meals. In the end, no one spoke and they all slowly trickled away from the table. 
Ariel sat on her stool, using two mirrors to see her hair. “Oh, it is really obvious, isn’t it? That’s a really straight cut! No wonder he saw right through me!” 
For a while, Ariel attempted to trim her hair, but wasn’t successful until her sisters returned from dinner and volunteered to help. She was just thankful none of them had any comments to make about her recklessness. They were all strangely quiet. 
Before bed, Attina kissed her forehead and said, “we’re all really happy you’re safe.” And that was it. 
In the morning, Ariel awoke from her restless sleep and prepared to join her family for breakfast. She’d eat as quickly and quietly as possible and then hide so she could slip away to meet Eric at sunset. 
Her plans changed, however, when she arrived at the breakfast table. Before she even sat down, her father was speaking. 
“Ariel, I had a meeting with the council this morning.” 
She froze, terrified of what he would say next. 
“We came to an agreement. I shared my arguments, as well as yours, and we decided that you have a good point. It would be worthwhile to ally ourselves with at least one kingdom on land. So, tonight, I will accompany you to meet with this Prince Eric.” 
“Really?!” She shot out of her seat, sending bubbles everywhere. 
“Of course, I will be prepared for the worst. I desperately hope it doesn’t come to that, but if he doesn’t come alone, I will take matters into my own hands.” 
“Oh daddy! Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!!!” She swam to him and kissed his cheek. 
The rest of the day, Ariel was floating through air. She picked flowers to adorn her hair, and flipped through her accessories to find what he might like best. 
Of course, when you’re the most excited for something, time drags on for too long. Ariel struggled to find ways to occupy her time. 
But when the sun started to make its descent, she was at the throne room, eagerly waiting for King Triton to finish his meeting. 
He met her eyes and her broad smile and sighed. “A promise is a promise. Lead the way.” 
She gave an excited wiggle and started off. 
“Oh daddy, he’s so nice! He was so gentle when he put me back in the water, and he’s so handsome! I just know you’ll like him!” 
“Ariel, I’m not meeting him to approve a romantic relationship between you. I’d like him as an ally. You’re a mermaid, and he’s a human. No matter how much you like him, you have to remember that.” 
Ariel visibly deflated. “But daddy–” 
“It’s against the laws of nature, Ariel, not my rules. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up.” 
After a moment of contemplation, she nodded sagely. “I understand. It’s just…not fair. I’ve never met anyone like him before.”
“You’re only sixteen, more boys will enter your life.” 
“I guess.” 
Though this grim thought hung over her head, Ariel was still excited to see Eric again. She led her father to the secluded grotto hidden behind the waterfall on the South side of the mainland, just as Eric had described it. It was small and private. The only ways to get to it are from under water, or walking carefully behind the waterfall. 
Eric was already there, sitting on a rock. He straightened his back when Ariel emerged, and his eyes widened when Triton emerged a second later. “Ariel! You came!” 
“I said I would.” She eagerly swam over and lifted herself out of the water to sit next to him. 
“Ariel…” Triton warned. 
“Daddy, this is Prince Eric. Eric, this is my father, King Triton.” 
Eric swallowed thickly. “You don’t happen to be the same King Triton that's the son of Poseidon, are you?” 
“One and the same.” 
Eric blushed but pushed on. “Well, it is an honor to meet you, Your Majesty. Your daughter is so full of compassion and mercy. You must be so proud of her!” 
It was Triton’s turn to feel bashful. This young man really was as nice as Ariel said. No matter, he was still a human. “I almost forbade Ariel from this meeting, but she made a compelling argument. Our people need an ally on land. Would your Kingdom consider an alliance with Atlantica?” 
Eric’s jaw dropped. “Y-Yes! Yes of course! Well, I don’t know how helpful we would be in underwater aid, but we can do what we can?” He rubbed the back of his neck. 
“After Ariel has been seen by humans, I fear human curiosity will be spiked and your kind will try to search us out. If you could keep an ear out for those participating in such actions—“ 
“Oh! Yes, I understand completely. After we set Ariel free, I talked with the crew on the ship. The older men had had experiences with Mermaids and said they always steer clear of ‘The Children of Posideon’ less tragedy befalls their ship. Being a seaside Kingdom, keeping in his good graces is a fisherman’s duty. They said only a lowlife would hunt a mermaid.” 
Triton sighed in relief. “That puts my heart at ease, Prince Eric, thank you.” 
“Of course, Your Majesty. And I will stay vigilant and squash any rumors of mermaid sightings I can.” He turned to Ariel. “Now, Ariel, have you decided on a reward?” 
“Reward?” Asked Triton. 
“For saving my life. Of course, when your grandfather is a god, I’m sure anything your heart desires is a little easier to obtain, but if there’s something, anything I can do for you…” 
“You should be even,” said Triton. “You saved her life.” 
“That’s what I said!” Ariel laughed. 
“Cutting her free from the net was nothing compared to what she did for me. If I hadn’t been there, one of the other crew would have freed her. But if she hadn’t been there that night, I would have drowned. So please, let me thank you.” 
“Well,” Ariel began, biting her lip. She bravely reached out and touched his hand. “I’m fascinated with your world. I’ve found so many treasures from wrecks. I had been showing them to my friend Scuttle, a sea gull. But would you share your world with me?”
Triton let out a growl. “Why do you insist on this dangerous hobby of yours? I’ve already told you to stop!” 
“But daddy, if I go to Eric, then you know I’m with someone trustworthy! And he can tell me if he’s heard any rumors!” 
Eric spoke up, “Ariel, I would love to share my world with you, but your father has to be okay with it first. I don’t want to endanger you by having you sneak out to see me.” 
King Triton, as powerful and long lived as he was, was far from ignorant. He knew more about the worlds’ order than most.
He knew his daughter was a Princess of Heart and what that meant. That often meant he was overprotective of her, more so than her sisters. After all, she was a key to so many things, and would be sought after by those who wished to use her. 
But that also meant she had a partnering Prince. A man that would put his life on the line to protect her. While the prince wasn’t necessarily free from darkness in his heart, he was more resistant to it than others. 
More resistant than even Triton himself. 
And as Triton looked between the two, watching the way they shared glances with each other, he could tell that Ariel had found her prince. 
He was just hoping it would have been a merman instead. 
Triton sighed, shaking his head slightly. “You definitely get your stubbornness from me, Child. Alright. You may visit Prince Eric when you wish. I would like to be told when you are going to see him.” 
Ariel lit up like a firework.
“Prince Eric,” Triton addressed him. 
“Yes sir.” 
“I expect you to educate her well. Keep her safe from all the harmful human items that fall into the sea. And, if anything happens to her while she’s with you…I’ll have your head.” 
Eric nodded sagely. “I understand, your majesty.” 
“Don’t stay out too late, Ariel.” He bid them both adieu and submerged back underwater. 
As he returned to Atlantica, he expected to feel dread and regret at his decision, but instead, he felt rather confident. Perhaps having a trustworthy coach would sate Ariel’s desire for the surface world and she would stop getting into dangerous situations. 
But, since her Prince happened to be a human, there would come a day where he would very likely have to give her legs and say goodbye to her. 
Hopefully, that time was a long way off. 
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