#Derek Morgan reader insert
d0llfaac3 · 29 days
Dating Spencer Reid Hcs
Pairing: Spencer Reid x FBI!F!Reader
Warnings: these are NSFW and SWF head canons so minors do NOT interact, mentions of neurodiversity which is probably badly written because I’m autistic myself and I can’t write for it very well!!
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When Spencer is overstimulated, he attaches himself to your hip..like he gets clingy. (I’m projecting)
Having a weekly routine, Tuesday night was Star Trek night and Friday night was pizza and movie night.
Spencer’s REALLY good with kids if you ever babysit.
Going on cute little bookstore dates.
He’s memorised your food orders and coffee orders in case you get too scared to order.
On lunch breaks you two sit on the FBI offices’ stairs, just talking.
Spencer really appreciates that you listen to him rambling and he’s able to unmask around you.
When Spencer gets anxious, he plays with your hair tie that’s on his wrist.
Hickeys..Spencer REALLY likes hickeys.
Certified bottom™️
He loves you being on top because he can grab your boobs.
Spencer is a tits guy, obviously he loves all of you but your boobs really got him going..
(Post prison) Spencer is usually on top, he gets angry more often but not at you and he needs a release..
When you and Spencer start going out, the first time you two had sex was almost mind blowing for Spencer, he had only had sex once or twice but you made it so much better.
Spencer’s sex drive is crazily high when it comes to you.
In the middle of a case one time you where in the filing room of the BAU and Spencer starting kissing your neck, he even put his boner against your ass.
You really see Spencer out of his shell with you.
Hope you enjoyed!! Request anything else :)
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samuelsdean · 1 year
The Dangers of Tennis Skirts
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request: based on this.
pairing: spencer reid x reader
summary: “you know, reid,” you said, “guys ask girls out on a date before they bury their faces into their thighs.”
genre: fluff
word count: 817
author's notes: this is my first ever blurb! i wrote this to practice writing blurbs & writing this was so fun. also, i hope anon doesn’t mind that i wrote this with a fem!reader in mind & reader noticing spencer getting flustered. i just think it would be a lot funnier that way. thank you for this cute request, anon! i got to practice writing blurbs and it's about shy!spencer? a win for me! i hope you'll love this ♡ also posted on ao3 (spencereids).
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“REID, YOU OKAY?” Morgan asked the younger male.
Despite his blatant intelligence and many talents, Spencer Reid is just a man. And just like any hot-blooded guy out there who is interested in exploring the curves and dips of a woman’s body, Spencer can’t help but have his IQ slashed down to sixty, or whatever it was Emily said before. And unfortunately for him, hiding the effect of seeing you in a short, white tennis skirt for the first time is not one of Spencer’s talents.
“Yep,” Spencer said, popping the p as he tried to stop his ogling—cue the word, stop—but failed magnanimously, eyes wide, pulse racing, and mouth gaping. 
Morgan frowned at the doctor's weird behavior. Usually, when asked how he is, Spencer would go on tangents that would be relevant to the conversation at hand. A single Yep! would not suffice for the boy genius.
Something is going on with him, Morgan thought. 
Worried but still weirded out by Spencer, Morgan followed his line of sight and guffawed at what he found. You just entered the bullpen in a fluffy beige sweater, a white tennis skirt, and with your hair tied with a white ribbon. 
"Oh, pretty boy," Morgan exclaimed between chuckles. "You are hopeless!" 
"Who's hopeless?" Garcia, who just sat on one of the chairs available, interjected. 
Morgan continued chuckling and motioned to Spencer, whose eyes were about to fall out of their sockets, and then pointed at you just entering the area. Garcia gasped in happiness. She always thought you and boy genius would make the perfect couple. 
And like Spencer, Garcia has many talents. One of which is playing Cupid.
Making the most out of Spencer’s inattentiveness—busy staring at you—Garcia made quick work of calling you over to talk about your cute outfit.
“Hey, Y/N!” Garcia blurted out. “I love LOVE your outfit. We all do.”
She made sure to gesture at Morgan and definitely at Spencer. “Right, boy genius?”
This interrupted Spencer in reverie and unfortunately for him, he’s not the most subtle when he’s back from being lost in thought.
“Are you okay, Reid?” You asked, none the wiser at the obvious display of Spencer getting distracted by your outfit, specifically, your skirt.
Spencer’s eyes widened at your concern. Frightened you’d find out the reason he was dazed was because of you, he instantly stood up from his seat, failing to notice that an electric cord was stuck beneath the chair. And with his quick scrambling, coupled with the fact that his reflexes are akin to that of a toddler just learning to walk, Spencer ended up falling face-first into the floor.
At his clumsiness, Morgan snickered loudly, earning him a slap from Garcia with a matching, “You are not helping at all!” And a glare from you to which he raised his arms in defeat. You held your palm out for Spencer to reach, who was busy trying to dust off his pants, not noticing it was you helping him up until he looked up. 
Aside from talents, Spencer was blessed with the gift of hard luck. And unfortunately for him, it seemed his hard luck always tripled in front of a pretty girl—you. Because instead of looking into your eyes when he looked up, his eyes landed on the plush softness of your thighs, which you haven’t failed to notice.
Spencer never wanted to dig a hole and jump in it so badly before today.
You were already giggling, cheeks reddening at the thought of your effect on the genius. Imagine reducing a cute guy with an IQ of 187 and an eidetic memory to a clumsy mess on the floor. Quite flattering, especially if he happened to be the guy you have been crushing on for quite some time now. Not that he knew that, of course. But a girl has gotta take her chances, right? And what better way to tease the hell out of your crush than when he was face-first into your thighs?
“You know, Reid,” You said coolly, “Guys ask girls out on a date before they bury their faces into their thighs.”
Spencer’s eyes bulged out even more while Morgan was belly laughing at this point, Garcia right behind him, giggling in delight. 
“I-I uh,” Spencer began to ramble, trying to come up with a tangent that could get him out of this mess, failing to remember that just like him, you were gifted with many talents as well. And that is making the most out of an unfortunate—not unfortunate, your crush is face first on your thighs!—situation.
“Sorry, Spence,” You chortled, ruffling his hair. “You’re not getting out of this one. We are going out after this case.”
This got Morgan falling out of his chair in laughter, Garcia giggling along, and Spencer’s pinkened cheeks resembling an actual tomato with their redness.
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luvdella · 6 months
Me when it says it’s an X READER fic but READER has a name like hello? Not a X READER fic. And it’s always the most horrible names to like Mildred or Winnifred and sometimes there okay but do I look like an Amy to you?
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swiftlyinlove · 6 months
Santa Doesn't Know You Like I Do
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pairing: Spencer Reid x f!reader
summary: You and Spencer are best friends, but there's always been a little spark between you. When he cancels your plans for Christmas, you're determined to prove that you know him better than anyone else.
warnings: idiots in love, christmas fluff, a little angst if you squint??
word count: approximately 4.5k
a/n: Hi! It's been a long time since I wrote much of anything, but writing this for Christmas has been an absolute joy. I love Spencer so much, and this poor boy just suffers... I wanted to give him a happy ending for Christmas - or a happy beginning. I hope you like it.
The first thing you realized after the beep signaled the end of the phone call was how weird Spencer was acting lately.
To be fair, you two had an unconventional friendship. Due to the nature of his job, Spencer was often busy and therefore you couldn’t communicate as much as you'd like to, but you'd set up a base rule to make sure you never lost touch with one another: mandatory Friday night video call.
Every Friday, without fail, you would Facetime. Spencer wasn’t fond of technology, you were aware, but he’d gladly face his prejudice and lack of knowledge of anything digital if it meant talking to you. It didn't matter if he was home or if he was in another state for a case; come nine pm on a Friday, you two would be catching up about your lives.
That, of course, meant that you'd grasp at every opportunity you could to be with each other. He was in town for a case? You would meet up and have dinner if he had time; if he was doing something important and couldn’t finish it in time for dinner, he would drop by your place at the craziest hour in the morning and lie down next to you, gently shaking you awake to reveal he had gotten take out from your favorite restaurant.
Despite being awakened from your slumber, you would greet him with the brightest smile he’s ever seen - well, after letting out a little shriek of surprise, to which Spencer would respond with an “It’s me, little menace” and a chuckle that would make your heart flutter every time. 
The nickname had originated from your childhood. Spencer didn’t have many friends in middle school, and the fact that he was much smarter than kids his age didn’t help. His classmates either made fun of him or avoided him altogether, but you were… different. 
When you first moved into town, you were very nervous for your first day of school. Making friends was never easy for you, as your peers would deem you rather weird for always having your nose stuck in books. However, you quickly realized you had nothing to worry about - it took one look at little Spencer Reid, reading Crime and Punishment at the lunch table, for you to know you had found your place.
You sat next to him, ignoring the snickers from the so-called “popular kids”. He hesitantly lifted his gaze from the wrinkled pages - you reckoned he had probably read that book many times before -, expecting to see someone with a mean scowl ready to taunt him.
Instead, his wide eyes were met with your bright smile, your rosy cheeks, and your adorable ponytails, and he frowned in confusion. “Hello…?”
“Hi. I’m Y/N.” You greeted him excitedly. There was something about him that made you feel confident, so you continued. “I’m new here and I noticed you were sitting alone. And that seems like a really cool book if you don’t mind me saying, and I just thought you-”
You cut yourself off, realizing you were rambling. You could feel your cheeks warming up, and you were sure you looked as flustered as you were feeling. Before you could even dwell on how embarrassed you felt, Spencer’s lips broke into a smile. 
And that was it. From that moment on, you had been inseparable. Well, perhaps not physically; after all, he was academically way ahead of you and everyone else, and he even managed to graduate from high school at only twelve years old. 
That didn’t stop you from hanging out every moment you could, nor from exchanging letters every single day when he went to college. To this day, you still had those letters, safely tucked into a charming wooden box you kept on your bookshelf, but you’d never tell him that (although you were sure he knew, as the great profiler he was).
So, despite being separated due to your busy jobs - his more than yours - and living in different states, it wasn’t a surprise when you started arranging to spend the holidays together.
Since his mother was still institutionalized, Spencer didn't really have anyone to celebrate the holidays with and therefore didn't care much for the traditions. You, on the other hand, loved the holidays, but since your parents had passed away when you were in college, you were also alone during the season.
Thus, you cut a deal. Every year, he would use his extra vacation days to take a week off around Christmas and you would take turns visiting each other. Usually, you were both very excited about this occasion – it was one of the rare opportunities you had to be together in person, and you missed each other terribly.
This year, though... You had just called Spencer to confirm the date so you could book your flight to Quantico, and he had simply managed to say he couldn’t take time off before hanging up on you.
You were confused by this but chalked it up to it being one of those days for him. Working at the BAU, Spencer had to deal with a lot of gruesome cases often and, after a really bad one, he didn't find any energy to do much of anything.
While he'd never avoided you per se, when those days coincided with your phone calls, you would try to comfort him the best you could, and sometimes even managed to cheer him up a little. 
This time, you didn't even have the chance to, and that threw you off. Still, if Spencer was in a bad mood, maybe he just didn't feel like talking. Not even to you.
Deciding to not push it any further, it's only a few days later that you brought up your trip to Quantico, this time via text. You spent the entire day nearly jumping at your phone each time it vibrated, expecting a notification with his name on it.
It was only later that night that you'd get your answer in the form of an ‘I can't this year’. You read the text over and over again, eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. Perhaps it had been wishful thinking, but you had hoped that, once he was in a better mood, he would be just as eager as you for your shared holiday season. 
It occurred to you that perhaps something happened, perhaps he couldn't file for a vacation because he had a big case that he couldn't step away from.
But if that were the case, he would've told you so. He would've explained, apologized even, and tried to schedule another date for your trip to make it up to you. So, you concluded, he just didn't want to see you.
That thought haunted you for the entire week.
Finally having enough of feeling blue and not getting any work done, you decided to go straight to the source in search of answers. Well, source adjacent - Spencer was still replying rather coldly to your texts, so you couldn’t ask him directly. Penelope Garcia was the next best thing.
You had met the members of the BAU after a particularly successful case in your city. Their flight would only leave in the morning and Spencer thought he could take the opportunity to take you to the cinema for a late-night movie, just like the good old days of your adolescence.
However, Penelope and Rossi had other plans. To properly celebrate their hard work that led to saving multiple women who had been kidnapped a few weeks prior, they decided to take the team out for dinner in a nice restaurant.
“And it’s mandatory. It’s not like we have anything else to do tonight, so no excuses.” She had warned in a playfully threatening tone. 
Spencer shifted in his spot while putting away his things in his satchel. After all the years he worked at the BAU, he still hadn’t told his coworkers - his found family, really - about you. It was the one thing he kept close to his chest, the one secret he wanted to keep forever.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, he brushed his hair behind his ears, not daring to turn and face the team while he spoke. “I sort of already have plans.”
His voice was so quiet that the team wasn’t sure they had heard him correctly. After a moment of silence, Derek’s lips curled into his (in)famous smirk and he gently nudged Spencer’s side, making the lanky boy turn around to face his friends.
Spencer’s cheeks were flushed and he kept his eyes trained on the ground, not wanting to face the curious expressions on their faces. But when Derek nudged him again, asking him “Who’s the girl?” with such a teasing tone, he couldn’t help but look up.
“She’s just a friend.” He blurted out, eyes immediately widening upon the realization of what he admitted.
While the rest of the team just shrugged it off and dived into their conversations, Derek patted him on the back - the force of which sent Spencer stumbling a few feet forward -, and Penelope lit up like he had just told her that he won the lottery.
“You have to bring her!” Penelope begged, grabbing his arm as they walked towards the door of the local precinct they had been working on for the case. “I want to meet this mystery woman.”
Penelope didn’t say it to him then, but she was sure you weren’t ‘just a friend’. She might’ve not been a profiler, but the look in his eyes when he spoke about you and his hesitation to cancel your plans for the sake of the team made her think that perhaps you were much more special to him than he realized.
Her suspicions were, of course, confirmed when he showed up at the restaurant a few hours later with you in his arms, wearing an elegant black dress and a radiant smile on your face as you whispered something to him, immediately breaking into a fit of giggles.
Spencer tried to feign indignation at your comment, but he couldn’t help but smile as he led you to his friends, who were all watching the interaction with surprise and disbelief. Your laughter calmed when you reached the table, but the smile never fell from your face as Spencer introduced you, looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky. That’s when Penelope knew.
You clicked rather well with his friends. They were, naturally, very curious about you, and you did your best to answer all their questions. Meanwhile, Spencer, who was sitting next to you, placed a hand on your lower back, making sure you didn’t feel overwhelmed under the attentive eyes of his friends.
Penelope and you were a match made in heaven, Spencer reckoned. You quipped back and forth the entire night, even swapping numbers by the end of it, and Spencer even joked that you had found a new favorite FBI agent as you made your way to his car.
Chuckling at his statement, you stopped in your tracks, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning up to place a tender kiss on his cheek. “You’ll always be my favorite. But she’s a close second.”
Spencer was sure his heart had stopped right then and there and that he had gone to heaven.
Since that night, you frequently called Penelope to talk about numerous things - from the latest TV shows you were both hooked on to recipes for dessert -, but you rarely talked about Spencer. Until today.
“Penny, I need your help.” You blurted out as soon as the blonde answered your call. 
“Woah, woah, calm down my friend,” Penelope answered, amused and slightly worried about the urgency in your tone. “What’s on your pretty little mind?”
All it took for Penelope to know something was wrong was two words. “It’s Spencer.”
“What about boy wonder?” The technical analyst questioned, trying to make sense of what you were saying.
“He’s been acting so cold lately.” You explained, sighing in exhaustion as you plopped down on your couch. “Well, you know how we always arrange to spend the holidays together?”
Penelope hummed in agreement - every year when Spencer would put in a request to take time off during the holidays, she would make sure it was at the top of Strauss’ paperwork, knowing he was doing it for you.
At her approval, you continued. “This year I was supposed to come to Quantico, but every time I try to bring it up, he shuts me down and just says that he can’t. I don’t understand why he’s acting like this and it's been driving me nuts all week.”
The blonde’s eyebrows furrowed as she looked at your image on the phone. 
“Are we sure we’re talking about the same person? Because he seemed pretty excited last week. He wouldn’t shut up about how he found the perfect gift for you and how he couldn’t wait to see your face when you opened it.”
This confused you even more, and you frowned as you processed her words. “Yeah, well, this week he can barely text me back. I don’t want anything crazy, Penny, I just want to be with him for Christmas.”
“I don’t know what happened. As far as I can tell, he did put in the request for a vacation.” Penelope replied. Then, her face lit up in realization and she cursed under her breath. “Morgan.”
“Morgan? What does Derek have to do with this?” You asked, more disoriented than ever.
“Wait here,” Penelope said, quickly getting up from her chair and leaving you to stare at her empty office. She returns a few minutes later, looking pretty annoyed, to see you making a cup of coffee in your kitchen.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, sweet cheeks.” The blonde said apologetically, making your gaze return to your phone, forgotten on the counter as you waited for her.
You quickly picked it up, registering her distressed expression. “What happened?”
“I found out why Reid’s acting like an ass to you.” She replied, her voice softening as she saw the glimmer of worry in your eyes. “It seems like Morgan has done quite a number on him.”
“What do you mean Morgan has done a number on him? What did he do?” You questioned, growing irritated by Penelope’s ability to beat around the bush. You loved her, you really did, but you just wanted to know what happened.
“I’m not sure I should be telling you this, but since you’re so upset…” Penelope trailed off, pursing her lips. “Morgan better pay me back.”
“Penelope, just spit it out.” You interrupted, your impatience reflected in your tone.
“Fine. I told you Reid wouldn’t shut up about you, and Morgan may or may not have teased him about his feelings for you and it may or may not have caused Spencer to clam up in his shell.” Penelope rushed through her words and you blinked, unsure you had heard her correctly.
You could feel your heart beating in your ears as you asked her, “Spencer… Has feelings for me?”
Penelope looked reluctant to answer your questions, clearly not wanting to violate Spencer’s privacy. Ever since she met you, she knew you and the resident FBI genius were destined for each other, but she wanted you to discover on your terms.
“Penny, please.” You sounded out of breath, and it cleared any sign of hesitation on Penelope’s mind. 
“Baby girl, I can’t be the one to tell you that. You have to ask him.” She responded, her voice full of empathy. “But between me and you, I’m pretty sure you know what the answer is.”
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Spencer was certain that he was in the 9th circle of hell. 
Ever since Morgan’s comment, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. He always knew what you two had was special.  You knew how to make him laugh; Spencer didn’t consider himself to be difficult to entertain, but he could be quite oblivious to his coworkers' jokes sometimes, especially if they were about him. But you? Oh, you managed to make him laugh hysterically with a simple comment, and it endeared him. 
You had been with him through the good and the bad, after all. You were there at his graduation, celebrating his first Ph.D. - and the two that came after that, too - and you were right there by his side when he watched his mother be dragged away to a mental institution, holding his hand in an attempt to comfort him.
That was what he loved most about you. He could always count on you to be there for him. He recalled the first moment he realized you were much more than a friend to him.
It had been after the Tobias Hankel case. Spencer slipped in and out of consciousness as the doctors dragged him through the hospital, murmuring to themselves about testing the drugs in his system and checking his vitals.
His life wasn’t in danger anymore, but he was oh so tired. He had spent days upon days of captivity without a wink of sleep, locked in an empty cabin where he was tortured by two of Tobias’ personalities, and all he could think about between getting tormented and getting drugged was you.
He was sure he was going to die then, and his main concern was that he wouldn’t be able to see your pretty smile again. He would tell you this when you appeared at his bedside a few hours later, claiming that you received a call from the hospital - unsurprisingly, you were each other’s emergency contacts - and had threatened a stewardess to get a ticket to the next plane to Virginia, and you would call him ridiculous for it.
It was only when you were sitting next to him on his hospital bed, his head leaning against your chest as you combed your hands through his hair, that he allowed himself to cry, to reveal how truly scared he had been under Tobias’ hands.
You whispered sweet nothings in his ear as you softly lifted his head, making sure he was looking at you when you softly kissed his tears away. His arms had tightened around you, a silent sign of his gratitude, and he knew then, he knew, you were everything to him.
How could he have not fallen for you after all that? 
But he could never tell you. He had been rejected many times in his life, but if he was to get rejected by you? He was sure his heart wouldn’t be able to take it.
So he tried to bury his feelings deep inside him, keeping you a secret from the people who knew him best and, when the time came, introduced you to them. As a friend. Because that’s all that you were. Friends.
When Morgan teased him about his feelings for you, Spencer entered panic mode. If Morgan could see Spencer was madly in love with you, then you could see it too - you could always read him like a book, after all.
And if you hadn’t brought it up… You didn’t want to. He knew you’d never want to hurt him, so the only logical conclusion he could reach was: you don’t feel the same.
He tried his best to avoid you. Cutting you off whenever you brought up your plans for the holidays, replying to your texts with short answers, and even refraining from watching Doctor Who in his free time, because it only reminded him of how you two used to lie on your couch during summer break and watch it together. 
What he didn’t count on was opening his door in mid-afternoon on Christmas Eve and seeing you standing in front of him, coat covered in the snow that was falling outside the comfort of his building and a small smile on your face.
“Merry Christmas, Spencer.” You said bashfully, not sure how he would react to your presence. 
“Merry Christmas.” He replied, his breath knocked out of his lungs at how beautiful you looked standing there. He might have fallen in love with you all over again. 
After a beat of silence, he wet his lips, looking at you with the same wide-eyed gaze he greeted you with when you were kids. “What... What are you doing here?”
Your lips curled into a sheepish smile. “What, you thought I was gonna miss Christmas?”
Seeing you in front of him, hearing your voice without the faint static of the phone for the first time in a while… it was surreal to him. He couldn’t help but cave in and wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer into a tight hug.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders just as tightly, your body finally relaxing against his. You could feel his nose nuzzled into your neck, and you smiled against his shoulder.
“I missed you.” You whispered, letting your words linger between the two of you.
“I missed you too.” He whispered back, and you knew he was sincere. “I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you.”
“I know.” You breathed in his scent, pressing a soft kiss against his shoulder before pulling away. He reluctantly let you go, a remorseful smile on his lips.
Spencer guided you into his apartment, and you took note of how he put up your usual Christmas decorations. “You managed to set up the tree by yourself?” You teased him.
He chuckled, watching as you settled on his couch and patted the space next to you. He promptly followed your lead, sitting down beside you. “Yeah, it was a real challenge.”
Before you could even reply, Spencer reached out to grab your hand, his thumb softly caressing your knuckles to calm his racing mind.
“Look, I’m so sorry. I’ve been stuck in my head lately, and it’s not fair that I treated you like that. We’ve had this tradition forever and I feel like I disrespected it and-” Spencer rambled, and you pressed your lips against his to shut him up.
Your sudden action stunned him, and he couldn’t help but succumb to your spell. Placing his hands on both sides of your face and closing his eyes, he kissed you back as gently and tenderly as he could, feeling you melt against him.
Once you pulled away, his eyes fluttered open, looking at you with a lovestruck, surprised gaze. He seemed to be speechless, which made you giggle.
“I hope that was on your wishlist this Christmas.” You joked, leaning your forehead against his. 
Your gaze softened as you took in his expression. “Penny told me everything. In all seriousness, I understand why you did it.  I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t just tell me.”
He gulped, feeling vulnerable under your loving stare. He always got the impression that you could see right through him.
“I know. It’s just… I’ve been in love with you almost my entire life, and when I finally realized it, I was afraid that if I acted on them, you wouldn’t want anything to do with me.” He murmured, his tone growing sadder.
“And when Morgan joked about my feelings for you, I just realized that maybe I hadn’t been as discreet as I thought and perhaps you already knew and didn’t talk about it so you wouldn’t hurt me.” He continued, closing his eyes again as if the mere thought was too painful to bear. 
He took a deep breath, his thumbs starting to slowly brush against your cheekbones. “I didn’t want to face you and find out if it was true, because… Because my heart couldn’t take it.”
You listened quietly to his words, his touch on your skin grounding you and sending butterflies fluttering in your stomach. It broke your heart to hear him speak like that, as if the mere thought of you feeling the same never crossed his mind, as if it was absurd. 
You knew he had low self-esteem, a permanent scar from all the times he was bullied throughout his life, but his self-deprecating view never ceased to shock you.
“Spencer…” You whispered his name like it was sacred, like he was something to be worshipped, and it made his heart skip a beat. “I know all your favorite songs, how you take your coffee, and your favorite books. In order. I know you. I’d be crazy not to love you.”
You could feel him exhale in relief at your quiet confession, his racing mind finding solace in your words. “Really?”
“Of course.” You replied with a chuckle, leaning forward to press a feather-light peck against his lips. “I’ve been in love with you since we were, like, sixteen. All I ever wanted was to be the one to give you everything you want.”
He smiled as you pulled away once again, thinking about how much time you two had lost while dancing around your feelings. Although, he supposed, it wasn’t lost time - you had spent those years giving each other love, even if it wasn’t necessarily romantic.
“We’re both idiots.” He replied, making you laugh once more. You stood up, grabbing both of his hands and guiding him to the kitchen. He followed you with a bright smile on his face; he would follow you anywhere, he suspected.
“I was thinking I could make those cookies you like and, afterward, we could perhaps… snuggle by the fireplace?” You suggested, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. 
He pretended to think for a moment, before he finally gave in, pressing a delicate kiss against your temple. “Anything you want, little menace.”
Spencer hummed, burying his face further into his neck. “I was thinking of reading a few books. Santa was going to keep me company.”
Later that night, when you were both snuggled up against each other in front of his fireplace while eating the gingerbread cookies you both made, you asked him curiously, “What were you planning to do for Christmas, if I hadn’t shown up?”
You laughed quietly at his admission. “Well, Santa doesn’t know you like I do.”
“No, he doesn’t.” Your genius agreed, peppering little kisses onto your skin. “You’re the best Christmas present ever, do you know that?”
“Yeah? Wait until you see what I actually bought for you.” You replied, a playful smile on your face. “Besides, a little birdie told me you got me the perfect Christmas gift.”
“I’m gonna kill Penelope.” He muttered under his breath, sending you into a fit of laughter. 
Well, maybe this Christmas time
You'll finally realize
That I could be the one
To give you everything you want
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daydreamingqueen1 · 8 months
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Sweets thief
Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
Warnings/Content: none. pure fluff, a wee bit of bullying to spence (totally harmless and friendly though), crushes, unhealthy amount of candy ingestion lol, no y/n, gn!reader too
Summary: You've been stealing sweets from your resident genius.
Word count: 1.2k
It wasn't unusual for the BAU members to carry snacks with them.
The job was hard, stressful and, most importantly, it had unpredictable hours. So finding time to eat a proper meal wasn't always a viable option.
Nevertheless, eating is a basic human need and even if it's not completely healthy, the agents often found themselves battling their hunger with quick snacks.
As a relatively new member of the BAU, buying said vital snacks wasn't yet ingrained in your mind, resulting in you continually forgetting to buy something to munch on during cases.
Stealing was always an option though.
After several months with your coworkers, you are proud to say that you have managed to eat at the expense of all of their pockets, for experts in human behavior, they don't hide their treats so well.
However, after several months, you have come to know their go-to snacks and, subsequently, you have become picky.
Morgan eats some kind of high-protein bars with an awfully bright neon wrapper.
Emily loves those salt and vinegar chips every station has on their vending machines.
JJ, ever the healthy mom of the group, always has a few packages of oatmeal raisin cookies on hand.
Rossi carries eucalyptus and mint gummies like the old man he is.
And Hotch buys the most bland granola bars known to mankind.
With all of that said, the conclusion was obvious.
Spencer has the best snacks.
It is not only that he always has sweets but that he's the only one that manages for variety instead of a fixed thing. A bit ironic considering he is the most prone to sticking to a rigid routine. Well, you aren't complaining though, especially not this month.
You realized quickly that Halloween was a big thing for the resident genius, seeming to make the grown man regress to the mentality of an overly eager seven-year-old. It's lucky for you because that means that he chooses to try a new candy every single day of October.
It also means that you had begun stealing exclusively from him and, being surrounded by profilers, it wasn't long until you were discovered as the culprit.
A shadow had eclipsed your desk suddenly, making you look up to a squinting Dr. Reid. “Did you take my last Peanut Butter Cup?”
You shook your head, “No...”
Derek snorted on the desk nearby, “You've still got chocolate on your face, kid,”
Cleaning your mouth with the back of your hand, you smiled up at Spencer sweetly.
His converse sounded hard against the floor as he stumped away.
Apparently, you weren't that discreet. He ended up catching you many more times after that.
"Hey!" Spencer swatted your hand when you grabbed yet another handful of his M&Ms.
You shrugged, feigning innocence, “Hey to you too Reid, but we've been in the same room for a while.”
He huffed, inching the box slightly out of your reach.
Many more times.
Your hand was literally inside the familiar size bag of Starburst candy when Spencer came back from the bathroom.
“Oh come on!” he groaned, taking the bag out of your grasp, “Buy your own.”
You went back to the local police station office, giggling to yourself like a child with your hands full of candy.
At this point hunger had become a secondary motive to your stealing. The number one reason being how adorable Spencer's reactions were when he caught you.
In all honesty, you harbored a bit of a crush on the man. You didn't have the courage to tell him upfront, making your silly brain manifest your feelings like a preschooler pulling on the pigtails of their crush. Oh, but teasing him was so fun, and it got you free candy so it was even better.
Then, yesterday, there was an incident.
The team was on the jet, another kidnapped girl had been safely returned to her parents, fairly quickly this time too. Spirits were high at wrapping up a case with such a positive outcome, making most of the agents mingle and play games on the usually quiet ride home.
You were perched on one of the individual seats, scrolling away in your phone and absentmindedly eating some candy (you had bought your own for once).
You jolted a bit when a hand dived into your candy bag. When you looked up, you found a smirking Spencer standing right in front of you, looking fairly smug and popping a piece into his mouth. He thought he was finally getting back at you for eating all of his sweets.
His joy lasted for about three seconds before he realized his mistake.
See, to the untrained eye, he had just eaten a couple of innocent looking bear gummies. Except, these were not regular gummies, they were your favorite kind, the most sour kind.
Spencer's face scrunched up with disgust, the sour effect of the gummy doubled at taking him by surprise, the acidic taste completely taking over his taste buds.
You couldn't help it, you bent over your belly with laughter, inadvertently drawing attention to Spencer's predicament.
The whole team snickered as they watched him rush back and forth on the narrow hall of the jet until he got hold of a tissue to spit the offending candy.
“What the hell is that?” he turned around to confront you.
You gave him an apologetic smile, “Sour candy?”
More laughs filled the space and Spencer had sat down on the furthest chair from yours, pouting with his arms crossed over his chest.
Back to today, you feel actually kind of guilty about what happened. You have been munching on all of Spencer's treats for weeks and the one time he does it to you, the whole team ends up making fun of him. A bit of teasing was fine but you don't want the man to actually feel bad.
So when you see him stand up from his desk and walk into the kitchen, you quickly jump out of your chair and grab something from your bag, trailing right behind him through the bullpen.
He's making himself an exaggeratedly sweet cup of coffee when you corner him.
“Spencer,” you call, making him turn around. Your hands are inconspicuously behind your back, “Trick or treat?”
His eyebrows furrow suspiciously, “Neither if you're going to give me one of those monstrosities you like.”
You huff out a laugh, “No, no, I promise it's not that. Come on, trick or treat? ”
After measuring up how much he trusts your statement, he relents, “Treat.”
“Ta-dah!” you sing, revealing a single Hershey’s Kiss in your palm.
Spencer's eyes light up.
“I know it doesn't make up for everything I ate but it's an offer of peace.”
He gives you a small smile, “Thank you, I appreciate it.”
As his hand extends to grab the chocolate, your brain has an impulsive thought.
You lean forward and peck his lips.
It lasts barely a second but it's enough to make your heart beat wildly against your chest.
Spencer stares at you frozen in place, a crimson color spreading all over his face.
“A kiss for a kiss,” you mumble dumbly, like saying that makes it better somehow.
‘Stupid, stupid, stupid!’ You think to yourself, your feet are prepared to flee the scene when he unexpectedly grabs your wrist.
“I– I...” he stammers, his cheeks turning impossibly redder, “I wouldn't mind if you stole more of those.”
A shy smile spreads on your face. Perhaps you won't start buying your own snacks soon.
it's a bit silly but I was feeling halloween-y and craving sour candy
leave me a prompt or idea you'd like me to write!
♡, reblogs and comments are appreciated <3
hope ya liked it, byebye
My masterlist
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Hi Mae!! Could I request Spencer x bau!reader where Spencer is losing his mind when reader is in a dangerous situation and the team doesn’t understand why he’s panicking so much but then he accidentally reveals to the team that he’s been dating reader for awhile
Hi honey! Thanks for requesting :)
Spencer Reid x bau!reader ♡ 880 words
The team hasn’t heard from you in nearly an hour. Spencer knows, reasonably, that an hour isn’t that long. He can do lots of things for more than an hour. Read, walk, work through calculus problems. He’s sat through terrible, awful movies that were more than double that amount of time. The flight here had been nearly three hours, and it had felt like nothing to him.
But when you’re supposed to be undercover and have stopped checking in, the hour since your last message feels broken up into minutes, seconds, milliseconds. Not one of them goes by unnoticed. Because Spencer can’t help but imagine the possibility of you spending that time scared or in pain. 
He’s pacing in front of the board, trying to find the missing piece that will enable the team to go in and get you out of there, when JJ says his name sharply. 
He looks over to find the team staring at him. “Yeah?”
She shakes her head, bewildered. “I’ve called you, like, four times. Y/N’s on her way out.”
Spencer can’t tell if he’s stopped breathing or only just started. “What?” his voice comes out hoarse. 
Hotch nods in confirmation. “She just got a message to Garcia. She’s compromised, but she managed to get out. She’ll be here any minute.” 
Spencer’s out of the tent before he even really processes moving, eyes scanning the parking lot. It’s two precious seconds before he catches sight of you, a shout ripping from his throat as he runs over. 
You make a tiny sound of surprise when he collides with you, grabbing clumsily at your form. He can’t tell if it’s him shaking or you, but whatever you say is muffled against his shirt collar as he presses your face into his shoulder. 
A moment later, he remembers why he’d been so desperate to see you in the first place and pulls back, hands moving over your shoulders, down your arms. 
“Are you okay?” The words feel like they shudder out of him. “Did they hurt you?”
“I’m okay,” you say, taking his wrists in your hands and ducking to look him in the eyes when he persists in his search anyway. “Hey, Spence. I’m okay.” 
“Why didn’t you check in?” He knows for certain it’s him shaking now. It feels like all he is is a jumble of frayed nerves. “Wh—why would you wait so long?”
You shake your head at him, and his brain is moving too erratically to decipher whether that slant to your brows means confusion or concern. “I had to lay low, but it couldn’t have been more than an hour—”
“An hour and four minutes.” 
“I’m sorry,” you say, taking him by the shoulders and squeezing lightly. “Spence, honey, it’s alright, okay? I’m sorry I didn't check in earlier, but I’m alright.” 
Spencer gathers you against him again. His body doesn’t know that you’re alright, but he’s trying to prove it. You’re here, he tells himself, in one piece and without visible bleeding. He can feel you, your hands against his back, your chin jutting into his shoulder. 
It’s a longer hug, this time, less desperate, but he still doesn’t let you go all the way even when he does, cradling your face in both hands and pressing a firm kiss to the top of your head. 
“You scared me,” he says. Or wheezes, more like. 
“I’m sorry,” you say again, and Spencer shakes his head, because that’s not what he wants. He doesn’t want you to be sorry, he wants it to have not happened at all. For you to work the same job without ever needing to take the same risks, so that he can go to work every day and know that he doesn’t need to worry about you. You give him a wry smile, and he wonders if you can tell what he’s thinking. One thing he does know is that you’d never agree to it. 
Spencer can’t walk you back into the tent with his arm around you, but he does the next best thing, placing a hand at your elbow as he turns around. And right there, illuminated from behind by fluorescent lights like some harbinger of bad tidings, is Morgan. 
“Glad to see you’re okay, Y/N,” he says, looking already like he’s left surprise behind and is well on his way to amusement. “Wouldn’t have come out here if I’d known Boy Wonder was gonna have the welcome committee so well under control.” 
“Don’t,” you chide lightly, and Spencer’s hand stays on your elbow, but it’s really more you walking him towards the tent than the other way around. “He’s had a rough couple of hours.” 
“You’ve had the rough couple hours,” Spencer corrects you. 
“We all have,” Morgan mediates, flicking an eyebrow up at Spencer. “Though I have to admit, some of us seemed to be taking it even rougher than the rest. Wonder why that could be.” 
You shoot him a look as you go into the tent, and Morgan holds his hands up in mock surrender. 
“Hey, your secret’s safe with me.” 
Spencer’s still too rattled to scoff, but he doesn’t believe that for a second. The entire team will know before you get back to the jet.
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halsteadlover · 2 months
𝐀 𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐧
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*Pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Derek Morgan x Female!Reader.
• Requested by anon: Could you please write a derek Morgan x reader smut where the reader and derek and the team obvi are on a case and while interviewing neighbors in the apartments the reader makes a stupid bet like "I bet whoever lives here is a hot single bachelor in his 20s" and then it's the opposite and when they are back in the car derek makes the reader pay up but with her panties and when she goes to get them back at the end of the day it leads to smut.
• Warnings: a really brief mention of a murder case (it’s just a sentence), dirty talk, cuss words, making out, semi-public foreplay (f. receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it up you guyssss!!)
• Word count: 5.5K
• A/N: my first Derek fic 😭 I hope you like it guys, please let me know what do you think about it and also comment, like and reblog, it’d mean the world. Sending lots of love to everyone ❤️
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What part of your brain thought it was a good idea to make a bet with Derek Morgan?
You didn’t even know why you did it, it must’ve been the pleasure of losing because there was no way on earth you would’ve won.
You and Morgan were about to go interview a witness for a case you were working on: a serial killer who was killing his victims by setting fires. You were walking next to each other while you thought of some way to make what was going to be a long and boring afternoon, interesting.
You and Derek had a, well… Particular relationship, to say the least.
Months prior you and him had started to have sex. It started out as a purely physical thing as you had always been very attracted to each other, but as time went on you found yourselves spending time together and enjoying each other’s company even outside of a sexual sphere.
Your relationship, both from a working and private point of view, had always been characterized by a playful banter, mischievous jokes, by the constant flirting so it wasn’t strange you both often found yourselves making bets aimed to make lose the other’s mind.
In fact, it was at that moment that you came up with an idea for a bet, however forgetting he took them so seriously it seemed like his life depended on it, especially since most of the time he won, and the penances were of a sexual nature. Of course you didn’t mind losing one bit.
“I bet whoever lives here is a hot single bachelor in his twenties,” you said, pointing to the apartment where you were heading, ready to question the witness. He grinned and glanced at you, hands shoved in his pockets.
“Oh baby girl, you still don’t understand it’s a losing battle?”
“What’s the matter Agent Morgan, you afraid of losing?” You challenged him with the deliberate pleasure of teasing him and in fact he immediately gave in to your provocation.
He chuckled, shaking his head slightly in amusement. You arrived in front of the apartment door that had the number ‘23’ on its sign. You were standing facing each other while he thought about the penance, he would’ve make you do if you – most likely – lost.
Another evil, mocking grin appeared on his lips, and you immediately knew you were in trouble. “You’ll give me your panties when you lose.”
“If I lose.”
“When. But you can still back out.”
He held out a hand towards you but you didn’t miss the way his eyes roamed over your body from head to toe, checking you out without shame. Over time you had learned to understand what he was thinking, what was hidden behind his look and you almost caught fire because you immediately recognized that look, it was the one he gave you when he was imagining you naked in every possible and imaginable position.
And in fact, you weren’t wrong.
Just the thought of having your panties in his pocket, walking around and smelling you, was enough to make his dick stir in his pants.
You knew the odds of you winning the bet were slim, but your competitive nature made you shake Morgan’s hand, and he gave you another one of his panty-ripping smiles.
“Wipe that smirk off your face, don’t take the victory for granted.”
He raised his hands in surrender, chuckling. “I would never dare but be realistic darling. Do you know how low the odds are?”.
“What if I win?”.
“You won’t.”
“What if I win?” You repeated, crossing your arms over your chest.
He shrugged, very sure he’d win. “You’ll choose the penance.”
You thought about it for a moment and a mischievous smile appeared on your lips this time. “I’ll do a strip tease and a lap dance.”
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “How is that a penance? Baby I’d drop on my knees right now to make this happen...”
“…But you’ll be handcuffed, you won’t be able to touch me and I won’t make you come.”
He opened his mouth wide, feeling his dick twitch just at the thought. He had to force himself to think of something else since he didn’t want to question a witness with a raging hard on but it was awfully difficult when all he could do was imagine you strip teasing and grinding on his lap. “Fuck I don’t know if I should win or lose.”
“If you want to end up with blue balls then you have to hope to lose.”
You knocked on the apartment door, still maintaining eye contact with Derek and trying to hold back your laughter since you knew exactly what he was thinking. You took your eyes away from him only to let them travel down his body and to the crotch of his pants which was clearly prominent at that moment. You bit your lip as you looked back at his face and he glared at you.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he whispered, feeling the situation getting even worse. Damn it, he felt like a damn horny teenager.
Before you could respond to his comment the door opened, revealing a person who couldn’t be more different from the object of your bet. He in fact was a she, a lady who couldn’t have been less than sixty years old.
Your smile dropped as the one on Derek’s face grew even more and, as you had already said, you wondered what part of your brain had thought it was a good idea to make that bet.
“Good morning. Can I help you?” she looked skeptically at both of you.
“Oh yes ma’am, you just made my day so much better,” he replied softly but glancing at you. “We’re FBI agents, may we ask you few questions?”
Over the next hour and a half you interviewed other witnesses near the fire scene and on your way to the car, Derek wouldn’t stop trying to get close to you and touch you.
“Derek stop it! We’re in public! God you’re so unprofessional,” you slapped one of his hands away that had been squeezing your ass for the last couple of minutes, trying not to laugh.
“There’s nothing professional about what we do, baby girl,” he replied with mock annoyance, “Plus I can’t help it, I can’t wait to rip your panties off.”
“Nuh uh mister, the deal was that I have to give you my panties not you taking them off me.”
He snorted and rolled his eyes as you approached the car but before you could get in he grabbed your hand and turned you towards him. He placed his hands on your face and as he pushed your back against the car door he crushed his lips on yours.
He didn’t care about passers-by in any way, in people’s eyes you might have looked like a couple who was passionately making out.
After the first few seconds of surprise, you immediately kissed him back, parting your lips and letting him slip his tongue into your mouth. You knew it was totally unprofessional to kiss your colleague in broad daylight while you were doing your job but all it took was for him to get close for you to lose your mind, no longer able to think clearly.
Your hands moved down his chest to encircle his waist, trying to pull him closer to you than his body already was. Your mouths moved in sync while he seemed to want to suck his soul out of you and although you were now used to kissing him, every time it was as if it was the first.
You almost moaned into the kiss, your body already on fire, wanting more. You wanted him so badly, you wanted his hands, his fingers, his mouth and his tongue all over you.
“Derek please…” you sighed when you broke away, his face still dangerously close to yours.
“Get in the car princess,” he ordered and his voice was so low and seductive that if he had asked you to give him a blowjob right there on the sidewalk you would’ve dropped on your knees without the slightest hesitation.
He opened the door for you and you giggled like a teenager before getting in, thanking him as you watched him walk around the car before getting in too.
“I would’ve fucked you in the car here and now if we weren’t in public. You’re so fucking hot baby,” he whispered against your lips after moving closer to you and taking your chin between his fingers. “But I’ll settle taking your panties off for now.”
He placed a hand on your breast and groped it before sliding it across your stomach to your jeans-covered pussy. You moaned as he began to touch you, making you squirm under his expert fingers.
“I bet you’re already wet, aren’t you honey?” He continued to tease you.
“Fuck Derek… They’ll see us…”
“You’re right,” he replied, stopping touching you, causing you to moan and grunt at the same time. “No one should look at what is mine.”
God Derek Morgan and the things he made you feel. You were starting to really hate him.
“You’re having so much fun aren’t you?”
He started the car but not before throwing you one last mocking and sexy as hell grin. “You have no idea how much.”
You squeezed your legs together in anticipation feeling the urge and desire grow more and more. You continued to look at him as he drove, observing every feature of his perfect profile with your hungry eyes.
How could someone be so perfect?
And it didn’t help he had one hand resting on your inner thigh as his thumb was stroking dangerously close to your intimate area. You didn’t know whether to hate him, to beg him to go higher or both but certainly the smug expression on his face made you want to punch him.
Derek drove to a hidden, dead end road, not caring the rest of the team was probably waiting to hear from both you and him.
He kissed you breathless again, threading a hand into your hair. But he didn’t stay there for long as he moved down your chest again, wasting no time in groping your breasts again, until he reached your pussy again.
“God Derek you’re driving me crazy,” you hissed as you struggled to keep control. He kissed you again and unbuttoned your pants and you lifted your hips before your brain could even process the movement, allowing him to slide them down your thighs. You took off your shoes, slipping your pants off.
He slipped his hands into your underwear and a loud moan escaped your lips that Derek felt right in his dick. “As I imagined… So fucking wet.”
“Fuck yes just like that,” you sighed as his fingers drew circles on your clit. You gripped the sides of the seat as if searching for a leverage, pleasure flowing through your veins.
He knew where to touch you, he knew HOW to touch you, what to do to make you lose your mind and control.
“I'm dying to taste this pussy, look at you soaking up my fingers,” he whispered in your ear, pressing his lips to your neck and sucking on your skin but being careful not to leave any marks. The team already didn’t give you any respite suspecting there was something between you, he certainly didn’t want to give them clear proof.
Two of his fingers slipped easily inside your wet pussy, curling inside you and touching that spongy spot that made you moan and thinking you were about to ascend to heaven.
“Yes, yes, oh god yes,” you kissed him, spreading your legs even more to give him more access.
“You like that don’t you? My pretty girl loves being so dirty, letting me finger this pussy in public.”
You dipped your head back in pleasure, feeling the orgasm already building inside you.
He pulled his fingers out and you grunted at the loss and took off your panties, bringing them to his nose and deeply inhaling the scent that drove him so crazy: you and sex. “Now I really don’t know how I’m going to go through the whole day without being hard knowing I have your panties here,” he spoke up as he stuffed them into his pocket. “But we should go back.”
“Derek you can’t leave me like this!”.
“Oh I can and I will, we shouldn’t let the others think we might be doing something shouldn’t we?”
“You fucking piece of shit.”
He burst out laughing and you nearly punched him in his handsome face.
You were furious. Irritated.
You were furious, irritated but above all horny.
After that little stunt he had done in the car Derek had really left you like that, without an orgasm and with a mad desire to fuck.
The rest of the day was torture, especially having to work with other people while pretending you didn’t feel like you were on the edge the whole time. You didn’t spare Morgan some dirty looks after which he had to force himself not to laugh but he didn’t spare you those languid looks full of lust either.
It wasn’t easy for you but it wasn’t easy for him either since, unlike you, couldn’t hide his excitement so easily. Knowing he had your panties in his pocket and the memory of your wet pussy were giving him no respite.
In reality, you both loved that little game, teasing and torturing each other until the other lost his mind, even if… To be honest, wearing jeans without underwear was complete torture.
At the end of the day, when you were finally all in your own room, you took the opportunity to take a shower and put on a dress and the sexy lingerie you had put in your bag before leaving for the new case.
You giggled just thinking about Derek’s reaction.
You went to his room, knocking twice before he opened the door making your jaw drop and almost fall to the floor when you realized he was naked and only had a towel around his waist.
His body was still wet, sign he had just gotten out of the shower, the drops running down his sculpted chest that you wanted to lick off one by one.
“Oh man…” He sighed. “You’re breathtaking baby,” he began, shamelessly scanning your body from head to toe, a smirk on his lips. “I was wondering when you were coming.”
“You always opening the door like this, Agent Morgan?” You asked ironically before entering his room without even waiting for him to invite you.
“Woah woah woah, where do you think you’re going baby girl? Where is my kiss?” He scolded you, almost truly offended after closing the door behind him.
You giggled, but unable to take your eyes off his body and stop them from wandering hungrily over his figure.
“No, dry yourself first and then I’ll kiss you,” you replied before going to sit on the edge of the bed, placing your hands behind you on the mattress and tilting your head slightly as you looked at him.
He didn’t answer but came closer to you and placed two fingers on your chin, forcing you to lift your head and pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss that took the air out of your lungs.
“Jealous Agent Y/Ln?” He whispered an inch from your lips, referring to your initial question after making you get up from the bed.
“Not even a little bit, it was just an innocent question agent Morgan.”
Absolutely. You were 100% jealous.
But you knew from the way the corner of his mouth lifted in a twisted, mischievous smile he didn’t believe it one bit. “You know, being a profiler I thought you were better at hiding emotions. Lies don’t look good on you pretty girl.”
“That would be true if I had told a lie but that’s not the case, I’m not jealous at all,” you said with a confident tone as your gaze alternated between his eyes and his lips. He was so close and so tempting you felt like you were already losing patience.
“To answer the question, no, I don’t answer to anyone. Just you.”
“You? Derek Morgan?”.
He chuckled. “Strange right? But it seems like you’ve done some weird witchcraft on me because I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“You already got in my pants, no need to be cheesy,” you retorted, biting your lip to keep from smiling.
He sighed, slightly shaking his head. “Always so cynical. What should I do with you?”
“Give me back my panties?”.
He raised an eyebrow. “Have you forgotten what the word ‘lose’ means?”.
“If I had known you liked them so much I would’ve bought you a new pair to wear you know.”
“You think you’re so funny don’t you?”. He grabbed your face with one hand, his mouth dangerously close to yours but never touching it.
You nodded with a smirk as you watched as his eyes were fixed on your lips. “Maybe you might like what I have now better.”
You took a step back and the look of pure confusion on his face was replaced by astonishment when he saw your hands lower the thick straps of your dress down your arms, then lowering the side zip and letting the dress fall around your feet.
The look of shock on his face was something you’d never forget.
Derek widened his mouth and eyes, letting his hungry gaze travel along your body wrapped in lace lingerie, studying every curve and inch of your skin. A warm feeling spread in your lower abdomen and it was amazing how just the way he looked at you was enough to turn you on.
“Holy shit…” he breathed out, “You… Are… You… Holy fuck…” he continued stuttering, unable to form a single meaningful sentence.
“Wow did I really manage to surprise Agent Morgan?” You giggled, your cheeks flushed and stomach filled with fluttering butterflies, knowing you had such an effect on him. Derek Morgan – the man who with a single smile and a look could’ve make rows and rows of women fall at his feet – was drooling over you, looking at you like you were the eighth wonder of the world.
“I’ll answer you when some blood returns to my brain.”
Your gaze trailed down his body and your insides clenched at the sight of his prominent erection beneath the towel around his waist. Your mouth watered just thinking about what was underneath that single fabric, imagining his dick in your mouth, in every hole in your body as he filled you completely.
“You look spectacular Y/n, my god” he murmured, his chocolate brown eyes still on your body and never on your face. You could see him struggling in not knowing what to pay more attention to, your breasts which were perfectly highlighted by the lace that gave that see-through effect while it showed the shadow of your nipples, if the hold-ups that surrounded your thighs that Derek wanted nothing more than to mark and bite or your pussy also covered in matching lace in which he wanted to dive and feed on it until he drown himself to death.
Derek moved closer to you, closing the small distance between the two of you. “Turn around. Show me this beautiful ass that torments me in my sleep.”
The tone of his voice alone made you almost beg him to do anything he wanted. You didn’t have to be told twice and you turned around, your skin on fire as you felt his penetrating gaze on you as he observed and studied every millimeter of your body.
You heard Derek exhale a deep breath behind you. “A fucking goddess. You’re absolutely mesmerizing.”
A rush of shivers gave you goosebumps as he placed his rough hands on your arms, stroking them slowly before moving up and moving your hair from your shoulders and letting it fall along your shoulder blades, leaving your neck exposed. His lips began to plant kisses on your skin and the mere contact made you sigh and tilt your head to the side, giving him more access.
“Do you have any idea how crazy you drive me?” he whispered in your ear and you clenched your hands into fists, pressing your nails into your palms in an attempt to release the frustration you felt. Every second that passed while he didn’t touch you as you wanted there was a shred of your sanity that was shattered.
You shook your head, realizing you hadn’t answered yet.
His hands went down your arms again, then moving up your hips until they reached your ass. You let out a gasp when his fingers tightened around the flesh of your ass, squeezing it, groping it with the sole purpose of torturing you and leaving you eager for more.
“God the things I want do to you baby, you can’t even imagine.”
“Do it Derek, do whatever you want to me… I need you.”
“I love feeling you so desperate for me.”
An empty feeling came over you as his fingers let go of your ass, moving to your hips. However, you moaned when he pushed his body against yours, pressing his erection against the curves of your ass and grinding against you without shame or restraint.
“Fuck Derek,” you murmured, now on the verge of losing your mind.
One of his hands ended up around your throat, forcing you to bend your head and rest it on his shoulder while the other cupped one of your breasts, palpating it over the top of your bra. You sighed, rubbing your ass against his hard dick as you couldn’t wait for it to stretch your pussy.
“That’s what you do to me, you make me so hard I can’t even think straight anymore.” He pinched your hard nipple from above the fabric. “You have no idea how much I want to rip this off of you but I know you’d kill me,” he chuckled in your ear.
“I don’t give a shit.” You blurted out, not evens embarrassed about how fast you said it.
“What do you want baby? Talk to me.”
God it was so damn hard talking when you were so horny you couldn’t even remember your name, the denied orgasm making things worse.
“You. Fuck me, please. I need you so badly Derek.”
He tightened his hand lightly around your neck, cupping your chin then turning your head towards him and before you knew it he slammed his lips onto yours, sucking the breath from your body as his tongue explored your mouth in a sloppy, deep kiss.
He slowly slid the fingers of his other hand – that until a few seconds before were on your breast – along your chest, your lower abdomen, touching your needy and drenched pussy with his fingertips. You whined during the kiss, spontaneously lifting your hips to try and meet his fingers.
God you were hating him at that moment.
“I can smell your wetness from here, is my baby horny for me?” he whispered on your lips swollen and red from the impetuous kiss.
“I’ll fucking kill you right now Morgan I swear to god.”
He laughed and your stomach clenched in on itself. “Don’t worry baby, I’m here. I’m going to fuck your brains out, so good you won’t even be able to get up when I’m done with you.” This time it was your pussy that clenched when you squeezed your legs together for some friction. Derek let go of your throat and began to play with your panties. Your breath hitched as he slowly began to lower them, trailing them down your legs.
“I think I’ll keep these too,” he whispered even as his voice came loud and clear to your ears. You turned your head to the side so you could look at him and let out a ragged sigh when you saw him kneeling behind you. His eyes shone under the light of the hotel room as they looked at you with so much intensity that they alone would’ve been enough to set you on fire.
He left a kiss on your ass, making you gasp to the point of embarrassment as he bit your skin and groped your now bare ass. “One day I’ll fuck this pretty little ass too and you’ll love every second of it.”
“You can start by fucking my pussy now.”
He chuckled again as he stood up. He placed a hand on your heated back, inviting you to lean on the bed in front of you and you obeyed, resting your hands on the bed and giving him a perfect view of your ass.
“I can see from here how wet you are baby girl,” he moved closer to you, his bare thighs touching yours and then you realized he had removed the towel from his waist.
God have mercy on me.
“I’ll eat this beautiful pussy later but now all I can think about is fucking her so good,” he said as his fingers brushed against you and this little contact, combined with his dirty words, made you squirm with anticipation. “After all, you deserve it after being such a good girl all day.”
You felt him place his tip near your entrance and you both moaned as he slid his dick against your folds, wetting it with your fluids. He provoked you, tortured you with every motion, it was what he was best at, he knew which points to touch to drive you crazy and leave you painfully longing.
“Derek please, I want you so much,” you whined in a pathetic tone full of lust and desire as he continued to penetrate you with just the tip and then pull out. You hated him and wanted him at the same time, so much it hurt.
“What do you want, princess?” His hands gripped your hips and he leaned over you, pressing his lips to your skin before leaving damp, wet kisses all over your back.
“Fuck me.”
“Fuck,” he hissed through gritted teeth before lining his dick up with your entrance and finally filling you.
“Oh God yes, you feel so god Derek.” You panted vigorously, your heart beating so hard it almost stopped as you felt his soft and especially bare skin touching every corner of you.
He remained still for a few moments, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to maintain control of his body. You were so wet and it felt so good being inside you, Derek feared that with just one push he would’ve come on the spot.
“Baby please… Move…”
That simple little word had no business making his insides twist like he had. You were used to calling each other nicknames, it wasn’t new, but there was something in that ‘baby’ you said: perhaps it was the vulnerability with which you pronounced it, breathless and as if he was the only one who could save you, the way your voice was so full of desire.
Derek pulled out before thrusting into you again with a strong thrust so deep if it hadn’t been for his hands firmly gripping your hips you would’ve probably fallen forward.
“You have no idea what you do to me, fucking hell you drive me crazy,” he breathed out, head tilted back and eyes closed as his dick pounded into you like he was angry.
You tried to formulate a meaningful sentence but as you opened your lips only gasps and moans came out. He was fucking you so deeply that with each thrust you felt a piece of your brain coming out of your head and your soul out of your body.
Exactly like he promised.
All the hidden frustration made its way and exploded like a time bomb, not much time passing until even the orgasm began to build inside you.
Your face was pressed into the sheets of the bed, your breathing heavy and quickening as your hands clenched the fabric into a fist. “Derek…” you whimpered in pleasure as you pushed your pelvis towards him with each thrust. It didn’t seem to be enough though, you wanted more and more.
One of his hands continued to hold your hips firmly while he slid the other along your back, until he reached your hair which he tightened in a fist forcing you to lift your head. His moans and groans sounded like music to your ears and you couldn’t contain the joy of knowing it was you who made him feel this way, it was you who made him lose control.
“Fuck I could stay inside you forever, you take me so well. This pussy was made for me,” he groaned as the tip of his dick hit your G-spot, making you see stars. You wanted to answer but when you opened your mouth all that came out were moans and sighs. “Just for me… You understand?”
“Just you baby, only you,” you babbled while loudly moaning, not caring one bit if someone could hear you having sex.
His lips kissed your shoulder, his tongue traced every inch of skin he could reach. “That’s right pretty girl…” he groaned in your ear, his sentence interrupted by another moan. “Fuck yeah you’re mine.”
“Holy shit baby… I’m about to come…” You managed to say and the orgasm that hit you full on like a truck gave you no mercy, didn’t let you escape as it sucked away your ability to breath. If it wasn’t for Derek’s hand still in your hair you would’ve collapsed on the mattress.
His thrusts became unhinged, even more out of control than they were before and it didn’t take long for him to reach his climax too. How could he resist? There was no chance, not when your pussy was tightening around his dick in the throes of orgasmic spasms, leaving him no escape.
Derek exploded inside you, emptying himself into you until the last drop of his seed filled your pussy, then leaking from your entrance and sliding down your thighs as he pulled out.
“Shit,” he breathed as you felt the weight of the mattress dip as he collapsed next to you. “You destroy me baby, how do you manage to do this every single time?”
You mumbled something nonsensical in response, eyes closed and too tired to say anything. He chuckled and stroked your hair, brushing it away from your face so he could get a good look at you.
You were so beautiful, ethereal, so mesmerizing it hurt and seeing that happy and pleased look on your face almost sent him to his knees, internally promising himself he’d fight every single person on earth just to always see you so relaxed and happy.
“How many women do you tell this?” you managed to say, opening one eye and keeping the other closed and a flock of butterflies exploded in your stomach when you saw the breathtaking smile he was looking at you with.
“If you think there is someone capable of making me feel what you feel, you’re very wrong. Like I already said, I don’t know what strange witchcraft you did to me but you really hooked me baby.” He propped himself up on one elbow and leaned towards you, pressing small kisses across your face, neck, shoulders and all the way up to your lips. “There is no one else since you came in in my life, I’m so obsessed with you it’s not even funny.”
You opened your second eye too, suddenly not so tired anymore. “Really?”
“Why, isn’t the same for you?” he asked, his stomach clenched with jealousy at the thought of a man laying a finger on you. “Please tell me no or someone help me I will kill every man who even looked at you, I’m an FBI agent and I know how to hide dead bodies in such a way that not even the families will ever find them.”
You burst out laughing, and rolled onto your back before throwing your arms around his neck so you could bring him closer to you and press your lips to his. “Don’t you think that’s a bit extreme?”
“Y/n. Don’t fucking test me.”
“I’m just kidding,” your lips brushed against his before planting another small kiss on them. “There couldn’t be another man even if they forced me, you’ve really messed up my life Agent Morgan and I’m pretty much obsessed with you too.”
“That better be. We’re exclusive since the day I kissed you in that elevator,” he grumbled. “God I love when you call me baby,” he then sighed happily and the way his mood shifted so quickly made. Your fingers caressed his soft, perfect skin and he mumbled with contentment. You noticed how his pupils were so dilated the chocolate surrounding them had almost disappeared. “Mine, only mine.”
“And you’re mine darling, I’m an FBI agent too and I know a thousand ways to make deaths look like accidents.” He pressed his lips to yours again, kissing you so deeply your heart almost stopped in your chest.
Derek Morgan would be the death of you, you were certain of that.
“Just give me five more minutes and I’ll show you how much we belong to each other princess, how much I look, think and breathe for you only.”
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @halstead-severide-fan, @mrspeacem1nusone, @allivs, @omniaimy, @cursedashes, @kmc1989, @firetruckstuckley, @23victoria, @buckybarnessweetheart, @fanaticlove16, @ajordan2020, @multi-fandom-lover7667
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its-rach-writes · 2 months
Cotton Candy Kisses - Spencer Reid
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: After a revelation at dinner, you realise that Spencer isn't as innocent as he seems.
Warnings: fluff, fluff and more fluff!
A/N: This is part two to my artist!reader mini series, you can read part one here but its not neccessary to understand this one. Thank you for your love on the first part, I love you all! xxx
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You were saying goodbye to everyone who had stopped by your art class as you cleared away the paint and wiped off the splatters. As they filed out of the café, a couple of people stopped to ask you if you needed a hand in clearing things away but you waved away all their sweet offers. As you wiped the counter, the door opened and you spoke without looking up.
“I’m sorry, we’re closing up.”
“I know; thought you might need some help.”
You could hear the smile in his voice without looking up, when you did look up, your heart jumped in your chest as you saw the handsome Doctor grin at you, “Spence! Hey!” you gave him a hug, giggling as he lifted you from the floor.
It was hard to believe that this was the same man from a couple of months ago who hated physical contact. He still had his limits of course, “when did you get back?”
“Last night,” he smiled as he set you on your feet.
“How was the case?” you asked and his smile dropped just a fraction but it was enough for you to notice, “it doesn’t matter,” you said quickly.
“Need a hand?”
“I’m nearly done but I’d like the company,” you smiled.
Spencer helped you clean the paint and scrape the paper-mache from the tables. He laughed as he looked at some of the paintings that were left behind. He carefully picked up a landscape painting, “these are way better than my stickmen.”
You laughed as you glanced up at him, “I don’t know, the one you did of Hotch funnily enough, was a striking resemblance.”
It didn’t take long for you to close up shop and Spencer offered to walk you home. It was a beautiful day and Spencer’s shoulder brushed up against yours every so often which did nothing to quell your developing crush on him.
“Oh,” he said as if he’d suddenly remembered something, “the team are going to Rossi’s tonight for dinner, he wanted to know if you would like to come.”
“That’s really nice of him.”
As soon as you started hanging out with both Spence and Emily, the team found ways to include you every time they got together outside of a case.
“I’d love to come.”
“Great,” he grinned.
You smiled, your cheeks flushing as you pulled your new lip balm out of your pocket, and applied it. The sickly sweet smell must have washed over Spencer because he glanced down at you.
“Is that cotton candy?”
“Uh huh, it’s new.”
“Can I get some?”
His request shocked you, you knew he had a thing with germs, he hardly shook hands with people and now he wanted to share a lip balm with you?
“You have a thing against germs and this has glitter in it. Are you sure that you want some?”
“No, that’s not what,” he sighed, “never mind.”
You narrowed your eyes at him but you didn’t say anything in reply, and he didn’t bring it up again.
“I’ll see you tonight then?”
Spencer nodded as he smiled down at you but the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes and his eyes looked almost sad, “yeah, see you.”
You had gone shopping a few weeks ago and you’d bought a new dress that you hadn’t had a chance to wear yet. The excitement of having dinner at Rossi’s pushed whatever was up with Spencer to the back of your mind. The hot day turned into a warm night so Rossi set dinner up outside. The wine was flowing and chilled – only the white wine, Rossi would execute you himself if you tried to chill red wine, when Derek spoke up.
“So, what’s up with Reid?” he asked, glancing over his shoulder and into the kitchen where Spencer was talking to Hotch.
When no one answered, you looked around the table to find everyone staring at you, “why are you asking me? How should I know?”
Garcia made an impatient noise, “every minute he’s not working or with his mom, he’s with you. And, even when we’re on a case he finds a way to tie you into the conversation.”
“He does?” you flushed as you turned to look at him, when Derek cleared his throat, you turned back to the group, “I don’t know what’s wrong with him.”
After dinner, Spencer was forgotten, that was until Savannah, Derek’s girlfriend pulled out her lip gloss and started applying it.
“Can I get some of that mama?” he smirked, she rolled her eyes but leaned over to kiss him.
JJ groaned, “god, we get enough of that at the office, we don’t need it here too.”
Your mouth fell open as you put two and two together, your heart dropped like a rock and you suddenly got up and walked into the kitchen were Spencer was getting a drink. He glanced over his shoulder as you cupped his cheeks and kissed him. He didn’t kiss you back and you second guessed yourself, maybe he’d meant what he said. You pulled away, his thumb brushed against your jaw, your red lipstick smudged against his lips.
“I still want to try the cotton candy flavour,” he grinned as he pulled you into another kiss.
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spentfromspence · 4 months
Spencer: I dont need to sleep yet, Im not tired.
Y/N: But i’ll be so lonely, who will I cuddle with? Pleaseeee come to bed with me?
Spencer: …are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?
Y/N: …Is it working…?
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parkersbliss · 1 year
your instagram when dating spencer reid
inspired by @/happiesthotch @/hotchaways :)
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Liked by garciagirlie, alexblake and 374 others
ssa(y/n) love his clown feet 🫶🏼
view all 27 comments
spencephd love her baby feet ❤️
rossisrotini I didn’t know they could be nice to each other
→ jjareau she texted me after posting this and said he slam dunked her with a pillow
→ ms_emilyp @/ssa(y/n) use two exclamation points if you need help
→ ssa(y/n) HELP‼️‼️‼️‼️
→ agenthotch wheels up in 20, you heard her
d.morgan oh to see pretty boys feet
→ ssa(y/n) my eyes only 😡😡
→ spencephd im not sure how to feel about this
→ garciagirlie I could get you photos of lots of feet
→ agenthotch I think we need to have a talk about this
→ garciagirlie i meant my feet with fresh new nail polish* 😁
→ agentahotch 😐
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liked by therealellew, jjareau and 427 others
ssa(y/n) pov garcia & morgan are on the phone
view all 33 comments
garciagirlie where’s my chocolate thunder
→ d.morgan right here baby girl 😏
→ spencephd we can’t escape them
→ ssa(y/n) but we can do worse ;)
→ ms_emilyp @/agentahotch do something about this
→ agenthotch no
rossisrotini I beg of you both to not become like them
→ spencephd now you’re just tempting us to do worse 🤷‍♂️
→ ssa(y/n) I await those glorious hands of yours, doctor
→ jjareau what have we started
→ d.morgan could’ve fooled me tbh
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liked by itsmattsimmons, d.morgan and 503 others
ssa(y/n) someone didn’t pass the physical fit test
view all 17 comments
d.morgan is he looking for a trainer 👀👀
→ garciagirl no. never again with you.
→ spencephd literally leave
→ jjareau we’re doing just fine without you 😘
ms_emilyp reid looking to outrun his paperwork
→ ssa(y/n) more like reid running to catch some bitches
→ spencephd so I’m chasing after you?
→ ssa(y/n) 😡😡
agenthotch who’s not doing paperwork 🤨
→ rossisrotini exposed like the lazy kids you are
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liked by spencephd, agenthotch and 292 others
ssa(y/n) got my bitch <3
view all 19 comments
Spencephd 😐
→ ssa(y/n) notice how you didn’t correct me
→ spencephd can’t even tie her own shoes smh
→ ssa(y/n) LMAOOO that’s what you’re for SIMP
garciagirlie the love birds are at it again
→ jjareau love birds sounds more like enemies these days
→ d.morgan isn’t that the fun in it?
→ ssa(y/n) yes, he literally just threw the shoe at my face 😇
rossisrotini @/agenthotch got another case for ya
→ ms_emilyp that’s the sound of the police reid 🚨
→ spencephd you know statistically, it takes the police an average of 7 minutes to get to the scene. I could be long gone by then.
→ d.morgan I can hear him through my phone
→ spencephd :)
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liked by alvarezluke, rossisrotini and 338 others
ssa(y/n) candid of my favorite nerd 🤭
view all 31 comments
spencephd I’ve been exposed 😟
→ ssa(y/n) wanna be exposed in a different way?
d.morgan looks like we got competition @/garciagirlie
→ garciagirlie 😏 been exposed for years to you baby
ms_emilyp 🤢 I’m moving back to london fr
→ jjareau take me with 🙏🏼🙏🏼
→ garciagirlie GIRLS TRIP
→ ssa(y/n) LETS GO
→ ms_emilyp not you ❤️
rossisrotini 🥂 cheers you two but keep it in your pants
→ ssa(y/n) hard to when he’s this fine 😫
→ spencephd actually die
agenthotch this is what we call a hostile work environment
→ d.morgan you weren’t even there for that hotch
→ agentahotch I have my ways
→ garciagirlie please don’t bring back such traumatizing memories
→ jjareau clearly we need to have this conversation again
— END —
want to be tagged in future fics? click here!
read more here!
a/n finally got around to writing some criminal minds stuff 😫
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reidsc0nverse · 1 year
pov: your instagram when dating spencer reid
inspired by @parkersbliss (theirs is so cute i love it go check it out)
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Liked by Kristy_Simmons, derekm and 173 others
(y/n) "i think they make me look cool" -the biggest nerd of all time
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spencerreid1 Firstly, I'm not THAT big of a nerd. Secondly, they do and I stand by that.
-> (y/n) ofc you do baby but i can't lie to you and say i'm wrong
-> derekm Anything you say pretty boy
-> emilyprenty spencer stop typing like an english teacher
-> (y/n) @/emilyprenty AHAHAHAHAHHA
-> spencerreid1 @/(y/n) :(
paparossi are those mine???
-> (y/n) no....
-> spencerreid1 y/n did it
-> (y/n) @/spencerreid1 WTH SNITCH
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Liked by princesspennyg, alexblake, and 203 others
(y/n) Penelope's Halloween party got lit asf ‼️
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princesspennyg seems like i was successful in my goal of getting boy wonder drunk 😌
-> (y/n) yeah thanks for that
-> spencerreid1 That was your GOAL?!
-> princesspennyg you have a serious stick up your butt sometimes 🙄
-> (y/n) tell me about it
AaronHotchner I'm so glad Jack wasn't around to see this
-> jjareau Don't worry there was a kiddy table for the boys so he could've come 🤷🏼‍♀️
-> princesspennyg i always think ahead 😇
-> (y/n) We're all great babysitters
-> AaronHotchner Not when you're all intoxicated
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Liked by jjareau, paparossi and 193 others
(y/n) He bought me a pair so we could match 🤭
View all 13 comments
spencerreid1 It's only fair 🤷
-> (y/n) 🤍
derekm You guys are such dorks it's sickening
-> emilyprenty says the married man
-> (y/n) do i need to tag Sav??
-> paparossi the drama
-> derekm I take it back 🙄
emilyprenty that's cute and all but WHAT KIND OF SOCK IS HE WEARING
-> spencerreid1 They're stylish, Emily, leave me alone.
-> princesspennyg yknow i gave those to him 🥳
-> emilyprenty @/princesspennyg in that case then theyre great (i'm lying)
-> (y/n) it doesn't take a profiler to figure that out -> spencerreid1 You all suck.
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Liked by dr.taralewis, elle.greenaslay and 231 others
(y/n) the loml (plus spencer)
View all 21 comments
emilyprenty i miss you sugarplum 😔
-> (y/n) @/emilyprenty i miss you more pookie bear 😪
-> spencerreid1 ???
-> jjareau how romantic
-> AaronHotchner Don't make me get PDA in here
-> spencerreid1 ⁉️⁉️⁉️
-> emilyprenty i took your bitch hoe
paparossi LOL
-> (y/n) thank you for your blessing
-> paparossi anytime
Okay that's it this is my first post sorry if it was bad lol but seriously go check out @/parkersbliss one it was so cute omg
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cosmicluka · 1 year
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader (Criminal Minds) 
Summary: It’s Saint Patrick’s Day and you’re not wearing any green. At least none that’s visible. Spencer tries to make you regret that, but he wasn’t prepared for your defense. 
Genre: Fluff, friends to lovers
Warnings: Slightly suggestive, not proofread at all 
Word Count: 781
Part 2
The day was had just begun when (Y/N) shuffled into the office, gripping her too-expensive coffee in one hand and her bag in the other. A yawn escaped her as she made her way to her desk without paying attention to the two men hovering by the coffee pot in the kitchen that watched her as she went past. Ignoring the look that J.J. sent her way as she plopped in her seat ungracefully, the woman rolled her shoulders before she got to work on the paperwork that sat waiting for her. 
“Happy Saint Patrick’s Day, lil’ momma.” Derek practically sang as he made his way to her desk with Spencer following close behind. Both men were donned in shades of green that made (Y/N) struggle to keep a straight face. “Yeah, yeah. Happy day to the saint who wasn’t a saint. In fact, did you know that Christianity used today as the cheat code during Lent to party. It only changed when- wait, Spencer, what are you doing?” Her words fell short as she saw the taller man’s arm reach up, slowly creeping closer to her arm. 
“You’re not wearing any green. You get pinched. It’s only the biggest trademark of this tradition!” He wiggled his fingers towards her menacingly as she backed away. “First of all, getting absolutely plastered is the biggest trademark. Second of all, I am wearing green! So you can’t pinch me.” She crossed her arms across her chest as if to protect herself from the oncoming assault of his annoyingly perfect hands and pretended not to notice the way his eyes raked over her from head to toe. It was too early to lose her composure due to his antics this morning. 
“I’m not seeing any.” He countered as his hands itched closer. “I’m wearing my green bra, if you must know.” She locked eyes with him, hoping to the adorable blush that usually took over his features at the innuendos she made not so sparingly. “You know me well enough to know by now that I am a man of science. Just like the existence of god or local cryptids, unless there is tangible evidence, I don’t believe it. So, until the facts are proven, I’ll pinch you as much as I’d like.” It was (Y/N)’s turn to sputter out an unintelligible response as her face heated up at the smirk that rested on his lips. 
“Wait, hold up… Did Pretty Boy just ask to see her underwear? As in nearly naked? Anyone else catch that?” It wasn’t until Derek’s shocked outburst that (Y/N) realized that their little fight had drawn an audience. Penelope and J.J had slack jaws as they stared and Emily just smirked at her when they made eye contact. David let out a boyish whistle from his spot in the doorway of Aaron’s office as he watched on. “I didn’t think the kid had it in him.” He commented. 
Heat began to creep up Spencer’s neck as the realization settled in that everyone had heard what he said just moments earlier. (Y/N) cleared her throat and did her best to ignore the way her face burned with embarrassment. “I wouldn’t be opposed to giving you proof once we clock out for the day.” She said with as much confidence as she could muster, which with all the eyes on her at the moment, wasn’t much. Penelope and Derek let out similar noises of what could’ve been shock or excitement, no one was able to tell. 
“I wish I could say that I don’t want to break up… whatever this is, but we have a case.” Aaron called from beside David and let a hint of a smile ghost over his expression as he winked at the red-faced duo. “Though it is time the pining for each other stopped.” One by one, everyone walked to the meeting room, leaving (Y/N) and Spencer awkwardly avoiding each others eyes. 
“I was being serious, a few minutes ago.” She said just above a whisper. “I-I’m sorry?” The red returned to Spencer’s face full force at her words. “Maybe not like that.” A laugh erupted from her lips as she moved past him to make her way to the other room. “But let’s do something tonight. Our own Saint Paddy’s Day tradition.” Spencer caught up to her with ease and let the back of his hand brush over hers before pulling away. “Our own tradition? I’d like that.” The two tried their best to ignore the constant glances from their coworkers during the debriefing as their thoughts drifted to what their time after work would bring.
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bloodywickedlips · 29 days
Don't know
Summary: Y/N meets Spencer and you two see each other for a few months without discussing what either of you do for work and when it comes out both of you are shocked.
You were sat across from spencer at a coffee shop in Las Vegas as it happens to be where both of you were at that time. You had met him a few months back and thinking about that moment made you smile.
You were enjoying one of your morning runs as that’s how you liked to start your day, it felt like after a run your head was clear and the day flowed more smoothly.
“On your left” you called out going to run past a man in front of you but instead of running past him he turned around and before you could stop you ran straight into him. Spilling his coffee all over him and yourself.
“Shit that’s hot” you said as you pulled our shirt away from your skin where the coffee was burning.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t think clearly” the voice said and you were about to cuss them out but when you looked up and you saw the tall nerdy looking guy you couldn’t yell at him because of the look in his eyes.
“It’s okay it happens” you said and watched as he fumbled to get his bag off of his shoulder and he looked around to set it down.
“Here let me” you said and grabbed his brown shoulder bag from him. He smiled in gratitude as he walked to throw the coffee cup away and tried to dry the wet coffee with the napkin, rubbing at his shirt.
“I guess you need a new coffee?” you asked and he looked sad that he had to go get a new one and you felt bad as he looked like a kicked puppy.
“Yeah I guess I'll have to go back a few blocks and get another” he replied and you finally looked over him.
Brown hair, slightly curly. Glasses on his face with a sweater unbuttoned over a dress shirt and slacks along with converse on his feet. Computer nerd for sure you thought to yourself.
“Well there is actually a little coffee shop up ahead if you would let me show you?” you said and he watched as he thought it over and then nodded.
“I didn’t know there was one up ahead, usually I know all of them” he said and you hummed as you knew it was a small local one, hidden behind a small shop.
“Yeah it’s a local small one but it doesn’t get that busy so no lines and it's nice and quiet” you said and led the way. The both of you walked in silence and it wasn’t uncomfortable, it felt easy and calm which you had to admit was nice.
Walking into the shop you smiled at the owner and put your order in and waited for the new acquaintance to order his own.
“Sorry I'm Y/N, sometimes I forget manners” you said and stuck your hand out for him to shake but he looked down at it and seemed to waver.
“Spencer and sorry I don’t shake hands it’s a germ thing” he said and you quirked your eyebrow at him, definitely computer nerd.
You accepted his explanation nonetheless and grabbed your coffee as he grabbed his own, you both headed outside and said your farewells as he was late for work.
A few days later you went to the coffee shop around lunch time, hungry after your workout and was surprised to see Spencer there. “Don’t go telling people about this place, I like not standing in a line” you joked and saw him smile as he realized it was you.
“I won't tell a soul” he said and you smiled. You walked over to the counter to order a coffee and a sandwich and looked over to Spencer.
He was sitting alone at his table reading a book, you laughed softly and rolled your eyes. “Do you mind if I sit?” you asked and spencer looked up and nodded putting his book down.
“No you don’t have to put your book down” you said and Spencer blushed “I’ve read it a few times already so it’s fine” he replied and you nodded and noticed his glasses were missing today.
“No glasses today?” you asked and took a sip of your coffee. “No I got contact lenses, glasses sometimes are a struggle with work” he said and you wondered how glasses could be a hassle for a computer nerd.
“So how many times do you read one book Spencer?” you asked curiously and watched the faint blush cover his cheeks again. “It depends if I like it, I do read it about once a week” he said and you smiled imagining his home was filled with books.
Just then his phone rang and he said he had to urgently go to work. You looked down and felt the courage hit you. “Can I give you my number and we meet up sometime?” you asked and saw Spencer fumble for words.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to Spencer” you said to give him an out but he sighed “I travel a lot for work, so I don’t want to make a date and then not show up” he said sheepishly and you understood.
“Hey I travel a lot for work as well, so I get it” you said back to him and grabbed your napkin and wrote your number down.
“Here, for whenever you are back in town” you said and handed him the napkin with your number on it. He smiled and said he will definitely make plans and rushed off.
You sat back and started eating lunch when you noticed Spencer had forgotten his book on the table, reaching over you looked at the worn cover and decided to see what the book was about.
It was a very interesting book about human behaviour and you couldn’t put it down. Lunch was finished and you were on your second coffee when your phoned dinged and saw an unknown number.
‘Hi Y/N, it’s Spencer. I forgot my book there, any chance you can just hold on to it for me?’ the text read and you replied that you already grabbed it and would give it to him when you saw him again.
That’s how the next few months went by, you and Spencer would text each other and meet up from time to time. You learned that he was in fact a genius and loved to read as well as being addicted to coffee. Both of you never really spoke about work besides the traveling but neither one of you seemed to want to talk about what the other did and you were fine with it.
Usually the moment a guy found out what you did for a living they would either be put off and never contact you again or would try to be over masculine and make a fool of themselves, putting you off.
But with Spencer it felt easy not to talk about it as there were lots of different topics covered.
The two of you became close friends and would either meet up for coffee or go get dinner. Over the few months you could feel something inside of you grow for Spencer but you didn’t know how to approach it as he still had no clue what you did for a living and you were sure if you mentioned it he would be running for the hills.
You planned a whole speech to explain to Spencer that why you traveled so much and sometimes couldn’t see him was because you were actually a professional cage fighter. Often you had bruises that you couldn’t explain and didn’t want him seeing you bruised up and thinking the wrong thing, which is why you decided to tell him in person while you were in Las Vegas for a fight which you had won the previous night but you had a nasty cut on your cheek which was stitched up.
You waited for Spencer to arrive at the restaurant and you picked a table on the outside to get a fresh breeze in the hot humid night.
“Sorry I’m late, things were a bit hectic” Spencer said as he sat down and you smiled fondly as he tried to straighten his shirt and then his hair.
“Oh Y/N what happened?” Spencer asked worriedly as he noticed your cheek and you looked down in embarrassment. “I can explain Spence” you said and he grabbed your hand quickly and it made your heartbeat speed up.
“Is it your boyfriend? Please I can help you, I promise we can deal with him and get you away” Spencer said and you frowned at the ‘we’. “No it’s nothing like that Spence” you said and took a breath to explain to him what you did for a living but was stopped as a man with a teenage boy approached you.
“Wild force? Sorry but my son wanted to ask if he can have a photo with you?” the man said and you internally cursed. Putting on a smile you nodded and posed for a photo with the boy and then with the dad as well and grimaced as he put his arm around your waist, holding a bit too close to your breast.
“Thank you, we are such big fans and we were rooting for you the whole night” the dad said and you thanked them and waved them off.
“Spencer I can explain” you said and looked over at Spencer to see him completely confused. “Yes that would be helpful” he said and you sighed ready to lose the one friend that you were developing feelings for.
“Okay so the truth is…”  “Spencer?” a voice interrupted you and you groaned at another interruption but looked to see a blonde girl in  a colorful attire next to a fit looking man walking over and realized they had called Spencer’s name and not yours.
 “Hey we tried phoning you to see if you wanted to join us for drinks” the man said and you smiled sheepishly at the woman.
“Derek, he’s on a date” she said and jabbed the man in the ribs with her elbow. And then the man looked over at you and you saw the moment that he realized who you were.
“Spencer my man, is this the woman you have been talking about? I don’t believe it, wild force in the flesh” he said and you blushed as Spencer looked at you waiting for an explanation.
“I’m Derek and this is Penelope, now please I need to know how your fight went last night as we were busy with a case and I lost my tickets due to timing” he said and you smiled softly.
“I won, not without a few hits but I won” you said and Morgan cheered as he threw his hand in the air.
“Wait what fight?” Spencer asked and you breathed out a big sigh as the way you wanted to tell him was clearly ruined.
“Pretty boy I'm talking about the big fight last night I was planning on seeing with Emily last night but the unsub took longer to catch” Derek said and it was your turn to look confused.
Unsub? Case? You’ve read about these words in a few books from spencer’s home. That was FBI terminology.
“Wait are you FBI?”
“Are you a MMA fighter?”
Both you and Spencer asked at the same time and then it was deathly quiet. “Shit you guys don’t know what the other does for work?” Morgan asked and Penelope hissed something to him and he looked embarrassed.
“Sorry pretty boy, we will catch up later. Good to meet you” Derek said and the two of them walked off leaving you and Spencer alone.
“So FBI?” you said trying to break the silence and see if spencer would want noting to do with you now.
“Yeah I’m with the BAU, but I think I need some clearance as to how Morgan knows about what you do and I don’t” he said and you nodded and fidgeted with your hands.
“I’m sorry Spencer, I usually don’t tell guys I’m seeing for a while because they are either intimidated or can’t believe in what I do cause it’s not something for a woman to do. But I would understand if you don’t want to see me again” I explained and waited for him to get up and leave but was very surprised when he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.
“I’m not going to run away, it’s a shock yes but it doesn’t change the way I feel about you. I’ve gotten to know you and I know you…not wild force. Even though I wouldn’t mind getting to know her as well” Spencer said and you looked up to lock your own eyes onto his.
“Spencer I don’t know what to say, I was planning on telling you tonight because I don’t want secretes between us but it didn’t really go the way I planned” you said and laughed at the end.
“Hey I didn’t tell you about be being in the BAU, just means we have more to learn” he said and you smiled at him and gave his hand a squeeze. Thankful that he understood and realizing you were silly to not have told him sooner. Spencer was always kind and understanding.
“So wild force? I have to know how you got that name” Spencer said and you laughed out loud thinking of the story of how you got it.
“Soon I’ll tell you, but first can we call this an official date and not a meet up of friends?” you asked and were relieved as Spencer smiled at you and laced his fingers through your own.
“Only if I get to kiss you at the end of the date” Spencer said and you felt yourself blushing.
“Deal” you replied and went on to tell him the funny story about your ring name.
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velvetm00light · 8 months
Temper Tantrums
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gif: pinterest dividers: @benkeibear, @mariariley, @haerinism
Word Count: 2.5k
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Summary: Y/n has finally entered the dating scene after refusing to even look at another guy romantically in years. As she gossips with her coworkers at the BAU about her date, Spencer sees red. As the tension grows between Spencer and Y/n, she's finally fed up and confronts him.
Warnings: Cursing, coworkers, mutual pining, immature behavior, name calling.
A/N: Actually kind of proud of this one, I hope ya'll enjoy it as much as I hope you will :))
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Y/N CAN FEEL THE jet humming beneath her boots, the hand she's rested her chin upon vibrating her skull so intensely she begins to wonder if she could get the adult equivalent of shaken baby syndrome from it.
Emily is settled in the seat next to her, immersed in a game of chess with Spencer on the opposite side of the chessboard. JJ sits across from y/n, and the both of them can't help but watch intently as pieces are moved and soft curses are exchanged. "I'm getting anxious just watching this," y/n whispers to JJ. JJ nods her wide-eyed approval, never moving her gaze from the restless hands attached to their coworkers.
As the intense game of chess seems to last for an eternity, JJ finally tears her gaze away from the game and speaks to the rest of the team, "I know I'm ready for drinks when we get back."
"As long as Rossi's buying, I'm in," Morgan chirps.
"I guess I'm buying," Rossi's playfully rolls his eyes, the smile tugging at his lips ratting out his amusement. If no one had mentioned getting drinks after departing the jet, Rossi would've offered to buy rounds just to get the team to go with him.
"Did I hear Rossi's buying?" Emily asks, her head finally rising from the chessboard for the first time since her and Spencer began playing games ago.
"Are you coming?" JJ asks y/n, her lips forming a pout.
"I can't, I have..plans," y/n smiles apologetically.
"Who could be more important than us?" Emily asks, her jaw slack, as if completely taken aback by her sudden plans and the fact that she hangs out with people other than them.
"If you must know, I'm going on a date."
Spencer's head snaps up from the game, his gaze burning a hole into y/n as she smiles shyly and wrings her hands in her lap.
"A date?" JJ gasps, "With who? Oh my god, you have to tell us everything!"
"I don't want to jinx it. This is the first date anyway, he could be a complete weirdo."
"Please tell us how it goes after!"
"I will."
"Oh my god, this is so exciting, y/n!" Emily exclaims.
"It's about time you got back out there," JJ agrees.
"It's just a date, guys. No need to get your panties in a twist just yet. This job isn't for the weak, especially when it comes to dating."
"Oh, we know." They both dramatically sigh.
Spencer has not ceased gawking at y/n since she announced she was going on a date, the game of chess before him completely forgotten. He only tears his eyes away from her when she looks towards him, her brows furrowing together in confusion.
"Have so much fun and be safe..."
"Believe me, I'm not that type of girl, don't look at me like my mother would," y/n laughs. The girls laugh along with her but the tension in the air is palpable to the rest of the occupants on the jet.
Luckily for the rest of the team, the jet lands with perfect timing. The girls send y/n off on her date, explaining to her over and over again about using protection, red flags to look out for on the first date, and a million other tidbits of information they felt necessary to indulge her in before she could be on her way.
Spencer is the last to leave the plane, purposely packing up his chess pieces and board slowly. When he finally steps onto the tarmac, he can't stop himself from searching for her. There's an ache in his heart as his gaze bores into the back of her head as she walks quickly to her car in the carpark, her steps light and excited.
He doesn't allow himself to wish that she was rushing to go on a date with him, instead.
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Y/n pushes through the glass doors to the BAU bullpen with a smile plastered across her face. She plops down in her brown, leathery swivel chair at her desk which, unfortunately for Spencer at this moment, is directly across from his.
He watches her intently as she settles in her chair, placing her bag underneath her desk and getting comfortable enough to go over some case files. She barely even gets to open a file before JJ and Emily are rushing up to her desk. JJ sits herself on the side of y/n's desk and Emily pulls up an empty chair.
Spencer's grip on his pen turns his knuckles white, his pen almost ripping through his paper. He keeps his head down, attempting to seem uninterested in the conversation he knows they're about to have.
"How did it go?" JJ asks impatiently, resting her head in her hands, leaning closer as if that'll get the information out of y/n any faster.
"It was actually..really good. He was sweet."
"Aw, good! You totally deserve someone who's sweet. You don't strike me as the type to swoon over the bad boy."
Y/n chuckles, agreeing wholeheartedly. In theory, the bad guy seems nice, he's protective, he'll murder anyone who touches his girl, and danger is thrilling. But, y/n has known that she's too independent to deal with a guy's possessiveness and it would just piss her off. Plus, sometimes the guys who look like they wouldn't hurt a fly but would actually would murder someone just for looking at his girl wrong...even hotter.
"There's nothing better than a secretly protective man. The bad boy exterior is kind of..embarrassing," y/n whispers. The women's eyes simultaneously land on Morgan, walking down the stairs to his own desk.
Morgan pauses as he notices the stare of the 3 women in the bullpen. "What?"
All he gets is giggles as a response as they turn back to their conversation. "To be fair, the mysterious persona fits him," Emily says matter-of-factly.
JJ and y/n nod in agreement and continue to whisper to each other about y/n's date the previous night. Unable to listen to anymore explicit details, Spencer abruptly rises from his chair and storms into the kitchen to gather and distract himself from the rising rage coursing through his blood.
He rummages through the public cupboards, keeping himself busy enough to miss out on the rest of that stupid conversation. "Spence?" A soft voice calls out. He whips around, almost jumping out of his skin entirely. His temper already worn thin at all the thoughts jumbled in his head, the leash on himself becomes completely taut seeing y/n standing in the doorway, a worried look on her face.
"What?" Spencer snaps.
"I-I was just seeing if you were okay," she says softly. Spencer mentally chastises himself. He hates that he's taking his anger out on her when she's done nothing wrong. He's the one who's ignored and shoved down his feelings for her since he began to feel those butterflies in his stomach when she spoke to him.
"Thank you for checking up on me, but I'm fine," he deadpans. He makes no move to move out the door past her in fear he'll accidentally brush up against her skin and his restraint will snap completely.
"Are you sure?"
"I said I'm fine."
"I can tell you're not, I wouldn't be a very good profiler if I believed you. But I'm not going to push you. I just hope you're okay. If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you."
"Thanks," he grumbles. He turns his back on her, continuing to go through the cabinet in hopes she leaves. His immaturity made him lose his appetite, and when he peaks over his shoulder towards the doorway, he isn't sure why his heart aches to see it empty.
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Several days pass by and y/n's irritation is full to the brim. Spencer avoids her at all costs - sitting on the opposite side of the jet on the way to their newest case, if the only seats open in the conference room are directly next to her, he stands on the opposite side of the room, and ignoring any and all questions, comments, or concerns she has tried to communicate to him.
The tension between them becomes a wire stretched to it's breaking point, threatening to snap if they're not careful. The hostility that seems to be growing between them is not missed by their coworkers.
Morgan and y/n are camped out in a dark unmarked car provided to them by the local police enforcement. They were assigned to keep watch at the unsub's preferred dumpsite to see if he returns to revisit his victims like he'd done previously.
She wonders if Hotch purposely stuck her on boring duty to try to relieve the strain in the air - she wouldn't doubt it. She's honestly feels grateful for a moments reprieve. Well, she was grateful, but that was until Morgan opened his mouth.
"What's going on between you and Reid?"
"What do you mean?"
"You honestly can't think I'm stupid. I feel like I have allergies because the air around you guys is so damn suffocatingly...angry."
"I have no idea what you're talking about Derek."
"Hey, if you don't want to talk about it, that's completely fine. I'm just worried about you, kid."
She sighs and rests her head back on the head rest. She allows herself a moment to regain her composure - her coworkers shouldn't be punished because of Spencer's childish behavior.
"Thank you, Derek. I appreciate you. I'm sorry for snapping at you."
"It's okay, I get it. The kid's been weird this entire case."
"Tell me about it."
"Is there a specific reason?"
"Fuck if I know."
"Fair enough, I guess."
Morgan shrugs and returns his attention back on the wooded forest in front of them. Y/n's mind chases itself in circles as she considers asking Morgan about it but she isn't sure if it would even make her feel any better. She racks her brain for an actual reason to justify the way he's been treating her but she can't. She sighs to herself, internally fighting the struggle between fighting for their friendship, or letting him ruin it.
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Y/n keeps her eyes glued to the jet window, resting her head on the plane wall, unconsciously wringing her hands in frustration. "You only do that when you're nervous or angry," Emily whispers over the small table between them. Emily's eyes dart to Spencer, sitting at the tail end of the plane, exactly where y/n assumed he would be like a coward.
Y/n's eyes finally peel themselves away from the darkened night sky and are met with Emily's concerned expression. "Do what?" She asks lowly, too mentally and physically exhausted from tracking down a serial killer and dealing with the temper tantrums of a grown man turned toddler.
"Wring your hands like that."
"Oh," is all she can manage out. She looks down at her moving hands, immediately removing her hands from each other and sitting on them.
"I know you well enough to know that if you wanted to talk about it, you would have already so I won't ask. I just don't like seeing it consume you."
"Thank you, Em. I just-I'm pissed the fuck off."
"Spencer has been throwing tantrums since he stormed away from his desk right before we left for this case. I went to check on him and he snapped at me and completely shut me out, which fine whatever, I don't like to be pushed either. But he's done nothing but avoid me, ignore me, and just flat out pretend I don't exist this entire case and I'm at my breaking point."
"Have you talked to him about it?"
"How am I supposed to do that? He couldn't even set his emotions aside for one second to hear my opinion on why the unsub was dumping where he was or why he chose the ritual of displaying them like that."
"Maybe you should just confront him, make him listen to you."
"If I thought it was that easy, I would've done it already."
"Do it after we get off the jet."
"He's going to take forever to make sure I'm half way to my car before he even thinks about exiting this damn jet."
"Just give it a try, you're just making excuses now, y/n. I'll give a heads up to the rest of the team to avoid the crossfire."
"Thank you, Em. I appreciate you," y/n sighs. She runs through the conversation in her head over and over, deconstructing and reconstructing her opening statement and the evidence she plans on bringing up to prove her point. She's sure as hell not going to deal with this for any longer and she's not going to let someone she thought was her friend drive her away from the job she loves and the people she cares about most.
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The door to the jet whirs open and the rest of the team hauls out of the jet quickly. Y/n takes her time getting up from her seat, her heart beating rapidly as she takes the stairs down to the tarmac one by one. She decides to stand out of sight from his seat on the jet so she can hopefully catch him by surprise.
After a few minutes of clutching her jacket closed from the piercing wind, Spencer finally drags himself out of the jet. Once his feet hit the tarmac, she falls into step beside him. "We need to talk."
He whirls his head to where she's walking casually beside him, her gaze fixed on the expanding airstrip ahead. "There's nothing to talk about," Spencer retorts.
"You might not have anything to say, but that's fine. That means you can just listen to what I have to say," she demands, catching his arm, spinning him to face her. Fury is written all over her face and Spencer's heart starts to beat faster. He knows he deserves every ounce of fury and venom she's about to spit at him.
"Why are you acting like such a child towards me? You've done nothing but ignore, avoid, and act like I'm not even a person to you, let alone your friend, like I thought we were. I don't deserve to be treated the way you've been treating me, Spencer."
"I know you don't and I'm sorry. But that's why I've been angry."
"Because, I don't want to just be your friend. It's eating me from the inside out to continue to just be friends and hear you talk about this new guy and knowing that I'd never be man enough to tell you that I'm tired of just being friends but I never want to get in the way of your happiness so I just didn't think there was a point in saying anything now."
"What are you saying?"
"That I have loved you from the damn moment you risked your life in the Utah case 2 years ago. In that moment, I knew that losing you would tear my entire world apart."
"You absolutely fucking idiot!" Y/n cries out. Before Spencer can react, y/n takes him by the collar of his sweater and crashes her lips onto his with fiery passion. Their tongues dance in tandem together. They're both breathless and panting when they rise from their kiss, y/n's hand still gripped on his sweater. "I love you, too, you fucking bonehead."
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daisyy345 · 10 months
how your instagram would look like if you were dating spencer pt4
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liked by ssahotch, derekm69 and others
yourusername beach day after the case 🌊☀️👙
view all comments
derekm69 i bet he drowned
emprentiss i bet he got sunburned
boywonder hey have a little faith in me
yourusername u r both correct
boywonder dont tell them that!!
pennygirl couple goals 💘
davidrossi looks like fun 😀
meangirljj invite next time 😒
yourusername u r always welcome babe
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liked by pennygirl, boywonder and others
yourusername spence thinks we are ready for masterchef 😐
view all comments
boywonder we are!!
davidrossi im so happy my cooking lesson’s are paying off ❤️
yourusername learned from the best!
derekm69 omw to sign u both in
ellegreenaway 🫶🏻🫶🏻
emprentiss bring some to the bureau
pennygirl this
yourusername ofc my loves
ssahotch 👏🏻👏🏻
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liked by ellegreenaway, davidrossi and others
yourusername corporate needs you to find the diference between this picture and this picture
view all comments
emprentiss they’re the same picture.
yourusername thank u my love i knew u would get my reference
pennygirl aww henry w his uncle spence 🥺
derekm69 there are no differences
ellegreenaway they have the same expression lol
meangirljj thats spencer now and spencer when he went to college
yourusername lmao u r so real for that
boywonder i love spending time w my favorite nephew ❤️
yourusername baby he is ur only nephew
boywonder so…?
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liked by emprentiss, meangirljj and others
yourusername w my gymbros 🏃🏼‍♀️
view all comments
boywonder 🤭
derekm69 and u don’t invite?
yourusername no
emprentiss stop running from ur problems guys 🙄
pennygirl looks… promising
meangirljj 🫡🫡🫡
ssahotch get. back. to. work.
yourusername yes sir
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liked by ssahotch, boywonder and others
yourusername he is literally a child
view all comments
boywonder but you still carried me
yourusername u threatened me to carry u
emprentiss REID????
boywonder dont believe everything you read on the internet
derekm69 he is
pennygirl okay questionable
ssahotch seriously?
boywonder sorry dad
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daydreamingqueen1 · 8 months
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Puppy eyes
Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAU! Reader (can be seen as platonic too)
Warnings: none. fluff, spencer being a bit of a germaphobe, no y/n, pretty sure is gn reader too
Summary: Spencer Reid vs puppy, need I say more
Word count: 1.3k
It's the best day ever.
Your day had started pretty normal to be honest, you would even say it was kind of shitty since you had missed the subway you usually took for your daily commute to the BAU.
But, as wiser people say: Everything happens for a reason.
Because as you are making your way to work, your ears catch the soft sound of a creature whimpering. Trying to find the source, you give a couple tentative steps with your head turning from left to right like you are a hunting hound.
Ironically, behind the decorative bushes that surround the FBI building entrance, you find the origin of the sound.
It's not a hound but it's close enough. It's a puppy.
A beautiful, chocolate spotted puppy.
"Oh my god, sweetie, come here!" you gush automatically, your hand extending gently to reach for the animal currently crying between the bushes and the wall.
The adorable puppy looks up at you a bit hesitant at first, big brown eyes meeting yours. It gives a sniff to the air, checking the scent of your palm from afar, you almost squeal from how cute it looks.
Then it wags its tail.
You make kissy noises to coax him closer, your voice getting two tones higher, "Come here puppy!"
It works because soon enough it walks out of its hiding spot and nuzzles into your palm eagerly, tail wagging from side to side.
You practically lunge to grab the poor thing, "Look at you! You are so cute!"
The puppy doesn't seem to mind your cuteness aggression though, its fluffy body melting on your arms when you scratch behind its long ears, "You're coming home with me."
Best day ever.
But you can't just ignore your responsibilities and walk back home to stay with it, and it wouldn't be sensible to leave such a young puppy alone in your apartment either.
So you do the next most reasonable thing.
Your smile almost takes up your whole face when you walk out of the elevator with the puppy in your arms.
Penelope spots you first, immediately dropping the files on her hands on a random desk to come rushing to you, "Oh my god! Oh my god! It's that a puppy my eyes are seeing?!"
You giggle, pretty much vibrating with joy at this point, "Yes, isn't it the cutest thing ever?"
"Aww, my heart can't deal with this!" she cries, hands fanning herself dramatically.
"Where did you get it?" Prentiss chirps in, hers and almost every other head in the bullpen looking up from their desk to look at you. Well, at the puppy.
You keep walking into the office with Garcia looming all over you, "It was crying outside. This little thing was all alone in the bushes."
A hoard of agents are suddenly surrounding you, eager to get a closer look.
"You'll have to look if it belongs to someone," Morgan says, which makes you instantly pout.
"It doesn't have a collar, idiot," Emily argues quickly, "Such a profiler you are."
"I wanna keep it," you smile brightly, "I think it's a boy."
You turn the puppy onto it's back.
"Yep, definitely a boy," Morgan chuckles, he attempts to pet its head but the creature recoils in your arms, clearly overwhelmed at the amount of people.
Noticing the puppy is a bit scared, you pull back from the crowd, only then you notice a certain agent who remains seated on his desk.
“Don't you want to see it, Spencer?” you ask eagerly.
He shakes his head, his body leaning away slightly, “I can see it from right here, don't worry.”
“Oh, come on Reid, don't tell me you are afraid of dogs,” Derek never loses a chance to tease him.
Spencer gives him a flat look, “I'm not scared of dogs, I’m just aware of the amount of diseases they can transmit to humans.”
You tsk your tongue. “But he's so cute, and it doesn't look like it has rabies or anything,” you look down at the dog while approaching his desk, talking directly at it with a baby voice, “Tell me, do you have rabies, little puppy?”
It just stares blankly at you. Proof enough. “See?”
Spencer, ever the statistics expert, begins his rant, “Well, actually, rabies is not the most common disease dogs can carry, nor the only one. Illnesses that pass between animals and humans are known as zoonotic diseases and a 2007 study based in Finland shows that noroviruses are one of the leading causes of diarrheal diseases among people of all age groups and that these can survive in dogs and be passed along to– Please don't get that thing any closer.”
You chuckle at the panic look Spencer gives you when you reach his side. Truthfully, you aren't going to make him touch the puppy if he's uncomfortable with it, but a little bit of teasing is at the order of the day, “Oh, really? Come on, holding it for a second won't kill you.”
You pull the puppy up next to your face and give him your best puppy eyes, mimicking talking as the puppy, “Please? Am I not cute enough to pet?”
Spencer gives you a long look, “Yes, very cute.”
Forcing down your blush, you extend the puppy to him, “Then pet it.”
He presses his lips in a line, his hands coming up defensively as he rolls backwards on his office chair, “I think I'll pass.”
You chuckle and are about to back off when the puppy squirms in your arms, leaping out from your hands.
The scene unfolds in front of your eyes almost in slow motion. You watch how the pup flies in the air, its short body extended as a superhero.
Spencer catches it, thank god.
“Oh, no,” he squeaks when he realizes what he's done, holding the puppy as if it were about to explode, panickedly starting to name every possible disease, “Pasteurella, Salmonella, Brucella, Yersinia enterocolitica, Leptospira–”
His alarmed ramble gets interrupted by the enthusiastic puppy licking up his cheek.
You freeze for a moment, expecting him to die from a heart attack.
Spencer giggles.
“It's giving me kisses,” his face scrunches up adorably at the onslaught of affection, “It tickles, buddy.”
You can't help the relieved laugh that escapes your lips, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I'm going to have to wash my face with antibacterial soap though,” he chuckles as he puts the puppy down on his lap, away from further kisses.
Oh, and you've just fucked up so bad because your heart gets squeezed inside your chest at the endering sight of Spencer and the puppy staring at each other.
“You are right, he's cute,” Spencer turns to smile at you, the animal's tail wagging incessantly.
You fucked up good.
“Aww, look at you two,” Penelope says excitedly, “It even looks like you, Reid!”
Your gaze shifts back and forth from your coworker to the creature on his lap. Penelope has a point, you can kind of see the resemblance. The puppy has long ears with soft, brown curls covering them that look similar to Spencer's long hair. The cute, hazel puppy dog eyes go without saying.
Morgan snorts, “Babygirl, you are right, it kind of looks like the kid.”
You pick up the puppy and smile, “Seems like I got myself my own mini Doctor Reid,”
Spencer is about to say something back when Hotch’s office opens, both him and Rossi entering the bullpen.
“Agent, please tell me that's not a dog you have there.” Hotch gives you a stern look.
“It is not, sir,” you answer, smiling apologetically and holding the puppy closer against your chest.
He sighs, shaking his head. “Everyone to the meeting room, we've got a case.”
The puppy lets out a tiny bark, and you make your way to the meeting room before Hotch can tell you anything else.
Spencer sits next to you on the round table and whispers against your ear as everyone is filling in, “I'll help you take care of little Doc here if you decide to keep him.”
Not even the gruesome details of the case are enough to sour your mood.
Best day ever.
yep, this was inspired by all of the MGG pictures with puppies. I am weak.
leave me a prompt if you want!
reblogs and comments are appreciated <3
hope ya liked it, byebye
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