#Development Progress
soupquestrpg · 11 months
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Development Update #1:
Sorry for this late post, but today I’ve done some more sketching on the town square of Grogsbrum— the setting for the game and it’s story. It acts as a semi-hub area for the party to rest at and talk to the people of the town. I’ve started college recently so updates will be slow, but I’ll show my progress whenever possible!
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jaidenalemni · 2 years
Key art process
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So I thought this would be a fun little dev process thing to share. I have this very fancy key art for the game that was partially commissioned by the talented Ryuuen.
Ryuuen gave me the beautiful lineart (the first two frames of the gif). It took me a couple of weeks afterwards to get it all colored.
I love showing this though; here is the original sketch that I sent to them. It was a little silly, though it has it's own charm:
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The final result, which is plastered all over everything because I'm quite happy with how it came out:
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Poor Oliver must have had his nose erased and redrawn at least 12 times during the process...
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
Oh my god I actually almost got the first character route done before Halloween? Am I dreaming? I thought this was gonna be hard asf???
Though I am a little worried the route is too short and the story is boring event wise, I think it's okay? Idk but I copied and pasted the code into a word counter a while ago and it's well over 16,000 words. I'd deduct 1000 to 2000 words off of that though due to labels and stuff that is not actual dialogue.
This is just supposed to be a short thrilling yandere game, so no need for long in depth emotional sequences I guess ^^ just something to get all, "Holy shit this dude is hot, yandere and is gonna blow my brains out??? Omg lord save me 😱😱😱"
it still makes me super anxious that my OC doesn't have 3 different emotional character arcs and his backstory explained in a matter of 30 minutes or so of gameplay 😭😭😭 like how are you supposed to fall in love with him if you don't know all of his trauma? 😰
I just need to tie up some endings, make special GC's and put in extra stuff to finally get it done!
This was about 1 week and a half of coding every single day? Idk I felt like dying a couple days ago, but after taking a bit of a break yesterday, I'm totally fired up!
Hopefully I will be able to release it before I move though! That would totally kill me if I couldn't though TT my school computer is gonna get taken away from me on the weekend I think, so it looks like I'm gonna have to move to my dad's computer.
Errrrrrugh sending over the sprites in my email gonna be soooooo TIRESOME
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rustymojo · 5 months
Road Rage Rampage Development - week 9
We are another week in to developing Road Rage Rampage and it is going well! What we are trying to Achieve! Through the use of GDevelop we have been trying to make the game a little more immersive and visually appealing compared to our initial top down idea! The goal has been to make the game slightly 3D, with the camera position above and slightly behind the Player, providing some more chaotic realism whilst still hitting that arcade feel. Something We have Learned! This game has been such an educational journey after our asteroids attempt! We are learning the importance of balancing progressive challenge and key rewards that ensure the player grows their skills, but without absolute chaos and anything too difficult that might make them quit. We have been experimenting with different difficulty levels and discussing how to make a more "progressive" system to ensure a sense of accomplishment, yet encouraging the urge to push themselves! Setting/Style We have been really loving the use of flat colours along with combinations of colours that a player might consider "dangerous", such as reds and oranges. This inspiration has led to design ideas of apocalyptic stretches of orange desert that the player drives through. It really gives a feel of death, danger and desolation all the while being vibrant!
Source: Gemini, caption: Car on post-apocalyptic highway, orange theme
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Other News! On another Note, Assessment two was a One Page and One Sheet on our asteroid Game. It was amazing to distill our game into its most essential parts that helped the viewer visualise our goal and draw attention to our upcoming Game. We believe we were able to get the core gameplay and vibe of our asteroid game down and detailed enough that someone could easily rebuild it themselves, but simple enough that anyone could understand the potential Gameplay! - see below!
Source: GDevelop
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wehavekookies · 2 months
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A couple of drawings of Ezra d'Avenir (an npc from our Curse of Strahd: She is the Ancient campaign) to establish his looks, and also my pale smol witch boy Vic for comparison :]
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cannotwakeup1 · 2 years
Assessment 3 Development Progress
This is the original prototype of our game.
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Players need to collect all gold coins and reach the right end. We're going to do the second level, total are two level of this game.
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kcamberart · 7 months
Vollema is a hand-drawn 2.5D adventure coming soon to Steam and Itch.io!
In Vollema, you assume the role of a college student on your university's volleyball team. While en route to The Big Game, you and one of your teammates accidentally stumble upon a major conspiracy surrounding the school, local politics, and a cult-like paramilitary organization.
Looks like the tournament is going to have to wait.
As you unravel the story, you will...
🏐 Recruit new party members capable of countering different attacks during combat, indicated by color and sound cues. 🌈 Explore various unique and colorful locations, each one giving you and your party a slightly different look. 🐐 Wrestle a goat. 👁️ Encounter manmade horrors beyond your comprehension. 🫤 Meet some... unique individuals and creatures inhabiting the surrounding area.
You can check out the Steam store page (and the demo) here!
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yasmeensh · 10 months
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The Adventure of Link... my beloved.
I'm playing a fan-made remaster of Zelda 2 and I REALLY like it. Temples are different. Some backtracking involved for heart containers and magic potions (Much like in later zelda games). The world is a lot more fleshed out too.
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amygdalae · 17 days
Did anyone else constantly zone out throughout their entire childhood + most of their teen years as a means of dealing with constant overstimulation and anxiety and then only once they reached adulthood truly appreciated the importance of like. Paying closer attention to their surroundings and not just auto following the nearest loved one like an NPC
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fnife · 4 months
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@patricia-taxxon fanart -> June (left) vs January (right)
i dont think i’ve ever stopped rewatching her videos - it just makes my autistic puppy heart wag
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bookshelf-in-progress · 4 months
For Love of the Princess: A Sleeping Beauty Retelling
The court was leaving. A colorful parade of nobles in richly-embroidered robes, with bright banners flying, were abandoning the palace with the king and queen.
And leaving Princess Aurora behind.
"We've no choice, dear," the queen had told her daughter in tears the evening before. "The whole palace will sleep when the curse falls. We've a duty to our people. We can't abandon the kingdom for a hundred years."
Princess Aurora, who'd been fairy-gifted with grace and compassion, had sweetly said she understood.
Margaret, who had no such gifts, thought the queen deserved to have her eyes pecked out by birds.
All of Aurora's ladies-in-waiting had talked late into the night--had been working over the problem for weeks as Aurora's sixteenth birthday drew ever closer with no chance of averting the curse. They had planned and theorized, but all decided at last that there was only one thing to do. They were, to a woman, going to stay with the princess. A hundred years would pass while they slept. They would wake to a strange world where everyone they knew was dead and gone. But not for all the gold in the kingdom would they abandon Aurora to face such a world alone.
Now they stood together at the palace gate. Anne, the eldest of them, with strands of gray in her hair, who had been lady to the queen before coming to serve the princess. Lydia, younger even than Aurora, fair and tall and full of energy. Celia, little, sweet and copper-haired, only a year older than Aurora. Margaret herself--tallest and most practical, with wisps of golden-brown curls fluttering in the wind. And exactly in the center, Princess Aurora, with her fairy-gifted beauty that outshone the sun itself. Margaret had come to view these girls as sisters, but as they watched the courtiers leave, she suddenly realized they were all the family she was going to have--that any of them were going to have--for the rest of her life.
When the last face, the last horse, the last banner, disappeared over the horizon, all five of the women stepped back inside the palace walls.
And were immediately faced with a problem.
"Which one of us is going to close the gate?" Celia asked, gazing up at the wicked-looking portcullis. None of them had ever touched the winch-and-chain that moved it. Who knew if they'd even have the strength to? Five women staying alone in a castle for a hundred years could not leave the palace gate open for any passing brigand to come through.
With a groan and a rattle, the chain moved, the portcullis lowered, and the metal bars fell to the ground with a bone-rattling thump.
All of the women screamed.
Had the curse come upon them already? Were they to be trapped here for a hundred years, never to escape? Margaret's heart raced--she hadn't realized how suffocating the palace would seem.
A man stepped out of the guardhouse. He wore the livery of the palace guard and had the first whispers of a mustache on his upper lip. He bowed to the princess and her ladies.
"My apologies, ladies," he said, in a baritone that sounded surprisingly deep for one who appeared barely old enough for that facial hair. "I did not intend to startle you."
He looked young and strong of limb. He carried himself with the dignity and grace of a much older man--had something in the eyes that made him seem wiser than his years.
Aurora gave a deep royal nod. "We thank you for your service. If we could know the name of our servant?"
He bowed crisply. "William of Avenroth, your highness."
Aurora gave her sweetest smile. "We are pleased to know you, and we beg your forgiveness for our outburst. We had thought ourselves alone in the palace."
"You are alone, your highness," William said. "Everyone left, save for me."
"You did not wish to escape the curse?"
William bowed again. "I have a duty, your highness, to protect the princess. All other considerations fade before that calling."
"Some would say such devotion goes far beyond duty," the princess said.
Serenely, he said, "Perhaps it does, your highness."
Aurora opened her mouth, then closed it. She bowed her head. "I am grateful for your loyalty, William."
She turned back toward the palace, and her beautiful face was pensive.
As Margaret and the other ladies followed Aurora back toward the palace, Aurora asked, "Ought I to send him away?"
"Send him away?" Anne yelped. "Why?"
Aurora hushed her, looking back over her shoulder. "I can not ask him to risk the curse for my sake."
"You haven't sent any of us away," Lydia pointed out.
"You all know me well," Aurora said. "He barely knows me."
How little Aurora understood her power. She was princess of the realm, fairy gifted, bright and shining. No person who saw her ever forgot her.
"He has served you from his boyhood, highness," Margaret said. "Though you do not know him, he is quite familiar with you."
Anne said, "He chose to stay, just as we did."
"It is not fair," Aurora said, "for all of you to give up your lives because of my curse."
Margaret said, "It's not fair that you were cursed. You did not choose it--but we can choose to love you. Let him make that same choice."
Aurora stopped, tears in her eyes. "Never has a princess had such true friends. I am afraid I can never be grateful enough."
She embraced each of them in turn, all of them caught between laughter and tears. Then she turned back toward the guard and invited him inside for supper.
In the Great Hall--now echoing and cavernous in its emptiness--they made a merry birthday supper, rejoicing over the coming of the princess' sixteenth year, and not letting themselves think about the doom that came with it. The king and queen, though not staying to celebrate the day, had left a celebratory meal behind them--roasts and fruit and cakes and punch.
Margaret had been afraid that the guard William would be out of place among them, but he blended in with ease. He was quiet, respectful, courteous, seeming to enjoy being in their presence, not minding being on the outside of their shared jokes. He helped to serve the meal, even brought some of Aurora's favorite treats from the palace stores, pointing out that they would not last the hundred years. Aurora was gracious, and, as the night went on, genuinely warm. She smiled at William with the smile she reserved for her friends, even drew him into private conversation once or twice.
Despite her assurances to Aurora, Margaret couldn't figure out why William stayed. Margaret had noticed him at the palace, had seen him serving with distinction. He was loyal, dutiful, diligent--but a man didn't become the only guard in the entire palace to risk a hundred-year curse out of duty.
It puzzled her, but she had to admit that she was glad for his presence. Having another person there made the world seem not so small.
The next day was a tense one. No spindles had been seen in the palace since the day the princess had been cursed, but curses had a way of making themselves come true. Margaret and all of Aurora's ladies stayed with her, trying to keep up her spirits and keep watch for any stray spinning wheels. William kept watch at the gates, hoping that he could fend off any evil that might try to approach from outside.
The sun was nearly below the horizon when Margaret and the other ladies followed Aurora into her room in the castle's highest tower. They all sat beside the window, watching the sinking sun, waiting for the moment when the day would end and the danger--so long feared--might pass by forever.
The last sliver of sun sank below the horizon, and all the ladies gave a sigh of relief.
"Could it be over?" Celia asked, with suppressed joy.
"Perhaps the king's plans worked," said Lydia.
Margaret could not shake a sense of foreboding. "The sun is gone, but there's still light in the sky."
Anne rose angrily. The shawl she'd been desperately knitting all day fell to the floor. "We've only a few minutes! What more could happen?"
The ladies began to quarrel--everyone's nerves were tight after the tension of the day.
Aurora rose--quietly, gracefully, but her movements attracted every eye. "Girls, let's not quarrel."
She reached beneath her bed to pick up the ball of yarn that had rolled away from Anne's knitting. "Oh!" she said in surprise, drawing her hand back. "I think I found your knitting needle, Anne."
She drew back the ruffle at the base of the bed. Beneath, they saw, not a knitting needle, but the shining, wicked point of a drop spindle.
Aurora fell onto the bed--lost in a deep sleep.
There were tears, gasps, shrieks--but they fell to work. Margaret could already feel sleep pressing down upon her, but she urged the girls to move quickly. They lifted Aurora fully onto the bed, arranged her limbs to lie flat, put pillows under her head, and covered her with blankets. If their beloved princess was to sleep for a hundred years, they could make sure she was comfortable while she did it.
Celia was the first to drop, falling to the floor in a deep swoon. Margaret placed a pillow beneath her head, and then did the same for Anne when she fell asleep at the foot of Aurora's bed. Lydia fell almost on top of Aurora, and Margaret moved her so she was stretched across blankets on the floor.
All this time, Margaret's eyelids drooped, her limbs became heavy, and her head split with yawns. She fought the curse as long as she could, trying to arrange a hundred years' worth of comforts in a few moments. But at last, even her will could not overcome the magic. Her legs gave out, and she crumpled to the floor, with half her body draped across the foot of Aurora's bed.
Her last thought as she fell into a hundred years of sleep was that she'd have such a backache when she woke.
Margaret woke to a world covered in dust. She scraped it off her face, shook it off her hands, brushed it from her dress and hair. Around her, the other ladies were waking with similar ablutions.
Aurora's chairs, wardrobe, dressing table, even Anne's abandoned half-finished shawl, were all covered in dust. The windows were covered with rose bushes, so Margaret couldn't see what a century had wrought upon the world outside. On the bed, the other girls were clearing the dust off of Aurora--but Aurora remained fast asleep.
"I don't understand," Celia said, as the hours dragged by with no sign of Aurora's waking. "We're all awake."
"The hundred years has passed," Margaret said. "But the princess has to be woken by a kiss of true love."
"Where's that supposed to come from?" Anne asked. "Any suitors the princess had will be dead and gone by now."
"Maybe one came from this century," Lydia suggested. "It's possible some brave prince grew up with the stories and came to save the sleeping princess."
That seemed as good a theory as any, so after they'd tended to their ragged old dresses as best they could, Celia sat at Aurora's bedside, and Margaret went into the halls with Anne and Lydia, in the hope they could point some wandering prince in the right direction.
The rest of the palace was as dusty and decayed as Aurora's room. Tapestries were moth-eaten. A kitchen's worth of food had decayed to nothing. Suits of armor were covered in rust.
When they found no princes inside, they decided to head outdoors. With all three of them pulling together, the kitchen door came open with a shriek of rusty hinges.
The doorway was completely blocked by a wall of roses and thorns.
Margaret's throat tightened. They had nothing to break through those branches. They were alone in a palace with no food. If Aurora didn't wake soon, they'd all starve.
Looking at their stricken faces, Margaret could see the other girls were coming to the same conclusion.
Then they heard rustling in the branches. The thick wall showed gaps of sunshine. There were flashes of silver, the sound of a man's groans. At last, the branches parted before a blade, and William burst into the kitchen.
His mustache had darkened a bit over the decades, but he still looked as young and dignified as ever. Though his face and hands were bleeding with a thousand scratches, he bowed with his usual courtesy and a hint of a smile. "Good morning, ladies. I trust you slept as well as I did?"
"What's it like out there?" Margaret asked.
"Overgrown," William replied. "The entire palace is covered in roses--a precaution of the fairies, though I'm not certain whether it came from the good or the bad ones."
William cast his gaze across the room, and suddenly became solemn. "Where is the princess?"
"Still asleep," Lydia said, near tears. "It's awful! There's no one to wake her!"
The look of selfless devastation on William's face made everything clear.
"William," Margaret said. "You love the princess."
This unflappable young man blushed and looked at the ground. "It is not my place--"
"You stayed a hundred years for her! Of course you love her!"
"I could never be her true love. I am only a guard--"
"It's been a hundred years! Some other king rules the kingdom. There's no one alive who'd object. You have to kiss her awake!"
William turned white and his jaw fell. "I could never take such liberties!"
Margaret put her hands on her hips. "Look, if Aurora was drowning, you'd jump in to save her, right? Even if it meant touching her without asking permission."
"This is no different. If you don't try, Aurora will die."
William thought, then bowed. "I will do what I must to serve the princess."
Margaret seized William's hand and led him toward Aurora's tower.
Celia jumped to her feet as they entered the room. Her eyes brightened as she saw the guard.
"William! Have you found the prince?"
Margaret and Lydia pushed William toward the bed. "He's right here," Margaret said.
William stood beside Aurora, looking down into her serene, flawless face. "What if she doesn't welcome such an advance?" he whispered. "How could she care for a man she barely knows?"
Anne said, "Why don't you ask her when she wakes up?"
William bent over Aurora--then stood up. "This might not work."
At once, all four of Aurora's ladies said, "Kiss her!"
Ever so gently, with impossible tenderness, William brushed his lips over Aurora's.
Aurora's eyes opened. "William?" she breathed.
William bowed his head. "Forgive me for taking such liberties, your highness--"
Aurora threw her arms around his neck. "I'm so glad it's you."
Caught in her embrace, William stood flabbergasted.
"Your highness," he said. "Under the circumstances, I do not expect you to return my affection--"
Aurora pushed him away and looked in his face. "How could I not? You stayed true to me when every other man in the world abandoned me."
"You do not know me."
"I know that you stayed. I have a whole new century to get to know everything else." Aurora sat up on the edge of the bed. "If we decide that marriage suits us, I have plenty of bridesmaids."
With laughter, all of Aurora's ladies embraced her in turn, sharing stories about their hundred years of sleep.
Margaret went last, holding Aurora tight.
Aurora said, "I can't thank you enough. All of you, so true. You gave up a whole world for me."
As Margaret looked around the room at Anne laughing over her ruined century-old knitting, at Lydia and Celia teasing William--the women she loved like sisters and a brand-new brother--Margaret felt justified in saying, "If I lost a world, I got a better one in return."
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shqrkdud · 9 months
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Every time I feel insecure about how I draw I just look back at my old drawings from almost 4 years ago.
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rustymojo · 6 months
Platformer Development Post - week 3
Greetings, fellow adventurers!
Just here with another update!, We have now entered week 4 of IGB120 and have started bringing our game ideas to life. This week has been around game culture, playstyle and the game development process. The initial Game idea proved to be more difficult then expected, however we are pushing forward! We have made success in conquering the challenges of random maze generation and now onto the interactives!
Mastering the Maze:
Repetition can become quite boring. We want to create a game that offers a fresh experience with every playthrough. We want to have the same goals in mind, but a different challenge each time the player runs through the game. To achieve this, we delved headfirst into the world of random generation, crafting algorithms that would breathe life into our ever-changing mazes. After countless iterations and a few hours reading up on GDevelop capabilities, we finally emerged victorious, with a system that creates a new and random maze for each playthrough. In the future we want to also include random enemies and interactable items.
Navigating Animation Hurdles:
As we basked in the glow of our maze generation triumph, a new obstacle loomed on the horizon: player animation. Even though it is supposed to be a simple task, and one of the first examples we learnt in class, despite our best efforts, we found ourselves struggling to make our player animation work. From idle stances to running and shooting, every movement needed to be pixel-perfect to ensure a seamless gaming experience and make the game a little more interesting. While we are stuck now, we are sure that we will be able to fix this issue, just maybe with some help in the next weeks workshops!
Enemies and Interactables:
With the groundwork laid for our random maze system and player animation underway, we set our sights on the next frontier: adding enemies and interactables to our ever-evolving world. Drawing upon our idea of a Maze Runner and Binding of Isaac crossover, we began populating our maze with formidable foes and tantalizing treasures. We aim to enable some form of difficulty setting and random item generation that can make each playthrough completely different.
Reflections on the Journey:
As we reflect on our progress thus far, we can't help but marvel at how far we've come. At first this seemed like just a fun idea, but as each day goes by and progress is made. It is growing to a reality, an actual game we can play and enjoy. A piece of work we are proud of. We are beginning to run some play-testing and fine tuning all the different aspects of the game. Get Out is only going to get better and better as time goes on!
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fluffyartbl0g · 9 months
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My yearly progress!!! past tumblr posts below ouo. I got kinda lazy this year so i dint do any fancy smancy background, but I am quite pleased with how my rendering has improved :D I think my colour choices have become more dynamic. I hope I figure out how to really properly draw hair in the next couple of years ; w ;
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
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divinexlegend · 5 months
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kcamberart · 2 months
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currently working on a scene by the sea
[obligatory demo link here]
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