#Dickie is so bold but Jason too??? damn boy
ilovebeing-weird · 4 years
K-pop craze
Batfamily one-shot (fluff)
Read this on Ao3
It all started when Dick heard Blackpink for the first time. Ever since then he's been obsessed with the K-pop group. And the main problem? The main problem is that Dick dragged Damian into the fandom too!
Now you must be wondering, 'what do you mean? It's Damian, the Ice-prince, he can't like Blackpink. He is just too…...icy for it'
If it would've been some months ago, I would've totally agreed with you. But, now, things are kinda different. Different? How? Don't worry all of your questions will be answered.
It was a normal morning in the manor…… well as normal as it could be there. Damian was fighting with Tim, nothing new there, Jason was… he wasn't there. Cass was looking at the two boys with interest. Bruce had that, 'Why did I adopt so many children? Oh right, because I am dumb' look on his face and was pinching the bridge of his nose. Alfred, who was so done, was trying to stop them from fighting. And Dick, Oh right, where was he?
That's when he came down the stairs chirpy and happy as always, with, wait is that earphones? When did he start using those? Well, living in the manor, you gotta use something to cut the noise.
He came down saying something that Bruce couldn't quite make out. Wait, why was he saying about killing Love? Did he have another Break-up Bruce didn't know about?
"Good morning Dick" that caught his attention
"Oh, good morning Bruce!" He replied happily and chirpy, nothing seemed wrong. Why was he killing Love then?
"So, how has your life been chum?" How is life? Can he be more lame than that? It's his own son goddammit! He has been living with him for years now. Even Tim and Damian stopped fighting to see how lame he was.
"Life's been pretty good."
"Anything new I don't know about? Like something major? A break-up maybe?" What the hell! Now, he would guess something is definitely wrong, and if he didn't, he would be damn disappointed in him.
Dick's brows furrowed in confusion and he looked at him weird-that's his boy-but answered anyway, "not really, Wally and I have been going pretty strong. I am even thinking of proposing to him."
He couldn't hold it longer, he just asked the question "so, why are you singing about killing this love?" There, he said it.
"Killing this Love?..... Ohhhh, I am not killing Love because I am upset or betrayed, I am just listening to Blackpink. It's a great k-pop group!"
"K-pop? What's that?"
"Bruce, you don't know what k-pop is?" This time it was Tim "I mean I get you're old and all. But k-pop, everyone knows about that!" Cass agreed with him. "Now I understand where Damian gets his sense of music!" Damian attacked him again.
Is this k-pop thing such a big deal? Why hadn't he heard about it before? How dare he call him old? Is he really getting old?
"Oh B, you really need to be aware about what's happening nowadays."
"Well, what is this k-pop."
"K-pop are korean songs, and groups like Blackpink and BTS made it famous."
"What's this BTS now?"
"Nothing, Nothing." The rest of the morning went peaceful with Tim with a stab wound made with a fork on his arm, and Damian with a bruised lower jaw and swollen eye.
"What do you want Grayson?" Damian asked annoyed
"Wanna listen to some songs~"
"-TT- Is this your stupid Black group that you were talking about? No."
"First of all its Blackpink, secondly pleeease." Dick gave his best puppy eyes.
Damian groaned, no one and he means, NO ONE is immune to Dick's puppy eyes, and the worst part, Dick knows it. "Fine, but Grayson I am going to listen to just one of those atrocious songs."
"Yayy!" Dick squealed like a fangirl. "You won't regret it!"
"I will." Damian grumbled, after all his and Dick's choice in song never matched.
So Damian listened to the song. And, the worst thing, he liked it. How could he!? He's Damian Al-ghul Wayne. He doesn't like these types of songs. There must be something wrong with him. Yet, he found himself sometimes unintentionally singing the lyrics of the song.
He decided just, just to get the song out, he will listen to it again. And he did, but unfortunately the song still stayed and he couldn't get himself to forget it. Rather, he wanted to hear it again.
So, he decided that he will listen to that song, in private without telling his brothers or his father. But, he forgot that his family is full of detectives, or just decided to ignore that fact.
It was one of those rare days when Jason was visiting the manor. Dick and Tim were whispering to each other.
"Hey Dickie-bird, Replacement. Whatcha whispering about?"
"Damian" Tim answered
"What did Demon-spawn do now?"
"He is behaving weird." Dick answered looking concerned
"More than usual you mean?" Dick just gave him a look
"It's like he is trying to hide something."
"Do you think he has a girlfriend?"
"Nah, who is her right mind would date him" Tim answered making a weird face
"Fair point."
"Well, anyway, we gotta figure out what he is hiding."
"Maybe it's just his hormones." Tim and Dick looked at Jason "What, he is a teenage boy, everyone has that stage."
"Uhh, let's just hope it's not that."
"Want me to investigate?"
"We shouldn't invade his privacy."
"Dickhead, you wanna know what he is doing or not?
"Yeah, but….."
"You wanna know right, so no buts!" Dick still felt like he should not do it. "See, take it like you're saving your little bro from danger. Maybe it's Talia again. Maybe he is a clone. Maybe he is doing something illegal. So don't worry and feel sad 'kay?"
So Jason searched, he searched his room, bathroom, under his bed just what was left was his closet, and he didn't want to open it. What? He respects people's privacy, he knows how bad he will feel if someone invaded his privacy. Still, he opened the door of his closet and what he found was something he will never forget.
That person is a Blackpink stan! The fuck! How does he even know what it is!? Is he finally growing up!?
Whatever if Damian thought it was good he had to give it a try. Maybe he will like it. Damian rarely thought anything was nice.
He didn't tell anyone what he found. He just told them to dump their concern out of the window and that he is totally not hiding anything.
So, Jason did, he gave it a try. And honestly, he thought it was adequate…… okay, find, he loved it! But, can you blame him? Dude, they are so amazing, their voices are so bold and so are their dances! He is in love with that band. He could listen to it for hours without getting bored.
Now, Dick was concerned, Damian was still hiding something. Yeah, he was hiding something, no matter what Jason says. And Jason was also acting weird, yeah, he didn't live with them in the manor, but he checks up on him regularly. What? You can't blame him for caring! And not only him, even Tim felt something was fishy.
So, he did what any big brother would do. He interrogated him.
"Okay Damian, you're hiding something. Don't try to deny it, I know you are."
"-TT- I am not hiding anything, Grayson. Now let me go!"
"No can do little D, you haven't answered my questions yet."
"I already told you I am not hiding anything! Don't you get it!?"
"Damian I am your big brother, I would know if you are hiding something."
"If my words are not comprehensible for your small brain, let me break it down. I. Am. Not. Hiding. ANYTHING."
Dick sighed "Guess I will have to use my special trick."
"What special trick?" Damian asks a little wary but doesn't let it show because emotions are a weakness and blah blah blah.
"I am going to give you a last chance if you can find out for yourself."
"My answer will not change. No matter how many times you ask me."
"Okay well, you forced me." Dick runs towards Damian ready in a stance "1, 2, 3 and here comes the tickle train!!" Damian tried to run away but Dick was faster and caught him and started to tickle him.
"Grayson…. let….. me…. go….. at…..once." Damian said between laughs
"What are you saying Lil'd, I can't understand you~"
"Grayson…. Leave me!!"
"Whaaaat?~" Dick has the audacity to look innocent, just you wait, there will be consequences for your little stunt and they would be bad. Damian just laughed and laughed trying to grab his dagger or anything that will get him rid of this, but Dick was smarter and already took all of his weapons, How and when? Only he knows that.
Bruce and Alfred passed the room and smiled seeing them behave like normal kids. They didn't know the truth.
"Grayson...... if you…..if you……. don't unhand….. me at onc……. once….. you'll…...you'll regret it!"
"Not until you tell me what you're hiding~"
"Good." Dick got up from him but still kept a hold on him so he can't run away or try to hurt him. "So, you gonna tell me, whatcha hidin'?"
"I-I….." Damian started to think of an excuse that would let him free ".......do drugs."
"No you don't." Dick wasn't even shocked, if he was being honest he was expecting it.
"Fine….." Damian grumbled "You remember that pink group you told me about?" Damian's face was red with embarrassment
"Blackpink?" Damian nodded "yeah, what about them?"
"I-I…...listen…..to it." Damian was now fully red
"Oh my god! Dames I am soooooo proud of you." Dick kissed Damian's cheek. To which Damian responded by trying to hit him.
"-TT- if this news is known to anyone else, I am gonna kill you."
"You can trust me with your secret Li'l D. No one's gonna know it."
Dick went to one of Jason's safe houses to tell him that yeah, Damian was indeed hiding something. That he was NOT paranoid or crazy.
When he went inside, instead of Jason's annoyed voice what greeted him was music blasting from speakers. And it was not any normal music, it was BLACKPINK, so Jason knew what was Damian hiding.
The music stopped in an instant. Trying to keep his voice leveled, but failing miserably Jason answered him "Yeah, what do you want Dickhead?"
"Come out please."
"Co-coming." Coming out he was greeted by Dick standing on at the gate with his arms folded and feet tapping.
"So, you knew?"
"Uhhh, knew what?" Jason tried to keep his cool and tried not to show his emotions on his face. Honestly, he was not doing so well. Considering the fact that he worked with BATMAN you would think he would be better at this.
"That Damian was hiding something."
"Oh Little wing." Dick unfolded his hands and went towards Jason "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want you to make fun of him or me." Jason moved his face to the side.
"Look at me." Jason looked at Dick's eyes and what he saw was comfort. "Do you really think I would make fun of you or Damian just because you like Blackpink. Hell! I am the one who introduced Damian to it!"
Jason wasn't honestly surprised. Damain would never hear their songs by himself. Smiling Dick kissed his forehead, which was a little farther than he could reach so he had to stand on his tippy toes.
"I would never make fun of you just because you like something. Okay?" His eyes told him that he was stating the truth. Nodding he backed off
"Okay, now tell me why you're here." He tried to keep his image as the emotionless asshole. Which Dick knew he wasn't, because Dick knew how you're feeling always, but at least he tried.
"Uhhh…..I honestly forgot. Anyway, do you have something to eat?" Chattering they went towards the kitchen.
There was peace, and it felt good.
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awkwardbluefish · 5 years
A Roomate or Two
Summary: Jason isn’t happy with what they do with Tim. Especially after not what happened to him. I mean being tortured into a baby joker? Yeah that wouldn’t be fun.Not at all. So what if he has an extra person to look after? It should be fine.
Warnings: mentions of torture and panic attacks
A/n: @aloofwindbag inspired me with their magnificent drawing so enjoy!
Jason sees red when he sees Tim. He’s small, tiny really and that straight jacket? It engulfed him.
“Hey buddy,” Jason says and hauntingly sad green eyes meet his. The once blue eyes widen before the boy glances down, shuffles his feet.
“You don’t like me,” he whispers and Jason cringes.
Cause yeah, he didn’t like this kid. Before that is. When he was still fucked up by the Lazarus and he wasn’t right in the head. He still wasn’t right, didn’t think he’d ever be again but at least he had his goddamn head out of his ass now.
He coughs and shrugs, clicking at hinges and pulling off the hood. He hooks it under his arm and leans against the white wall behind it. “Eh that was in the past. You’re all right kid, better than Dickie, that’s for sure.”
He doesn’t miss the way Tim curls into himself at the name, well, nickname. Jason doesn’t narrow his eyes but it’s a damn close thing. What the hell did the golden boy do now? Well, he could take a guess.
Tim swallows and Jason eyes the stark white neck at the motion. Anger coils around his gut tight, just like a fuckin’ cobra. If Bruce has just ended that bastard, none of this would be happening. How many robins does he need to lose because he can’t break one rule that could save thousands?
“Bruce doesn’t think so,” comes the whisper and the trembling starts. His arm move under the fabric and he starts rocking.
“When does Bruce ever think?” Jason jokes. It falls to deaf ears. “Oi, replacement- what are you doing?! Stop that!”
Laughter spills from his chapped lips and Jason is rushing forward. The helmet clanks against white tiles as he shoves Tim to his chest. The boy trembles, green eyes wide as tears spill down his pale cheeks. His lips are stretched up into a tortured grin and Jason tugs the boy’s face into his shoulder.
He holds him and he holds him tight. The laughter echoes in the room, only stopping for a wet hiccup or two. Jason rocks them, hand fisted in a green hair. He feels sick, bile licking at the back of his throat. Tim doesn’t belong here.
And he’s going to get him fuckin’ out.
Jason has more nightmares and Tim notices. He tried so damn hard to keep them down, to kick them the fuck out of his head. That hadn’t work.
He should’ve known Tim wouldn’t sleep well. It’s should’ve been obvious, obvious like the sky is blue and waters wet. And yet now he’s tracking the little shit through Gotham, on the first night god damn it, keeping an eye out for a pipsqueak with sickly green hair.
It takes two fuckin’ hours and now he knows why Alfred is basically bold. All of his hair is going to go white and this point. He isn’t even twenty five yet dammit.
Jason pointedly makes noise as he walks into the alley. Tim flinches before relaxing as the cat bumps their head under his chin. Well shoot, that’s just cute ain’t it?
“Looks like I found two runaways,” He drawls and Tim peers up at him under long murky hair.
He ducks again, avoiding Jason’s eyes. He huffs and moves forward, plonking himself on his ass, on most likely pissed on ground, to be closer to the kid. The things he does for the little runt.
The black cat hisses at him, ears flattened and fur on end. “Shove it,” Jason tells it wisely just as Tim soothes the little kitten with soft whispers.
It’s quiet for a while but then again Jason wasn’t ever one for patience. “I know why you ran,” he informs the boy and Tim tenses, refusing to meet his eye, “and frankly it’s a load of bullshit.”
“I have nightmares of that fucker, not you Tim. Joker did this to me, to us and you are not responsible for it at all. I have nightmares, yeah I’m man enough to admit it and so does everyone. I just got to get the fuck over it.”
Jason’s had enough of this sappy bullshit so he heaved himself up, patting down his butt because it’s wet and it hasn’t rained at all today. He just hopes he didn’t sat in piss. That wouldn’t be fun.
“C’mon kid. It’s one in the morning but I’m craving pancakes so we’re freakin’ getting some.” He informs them and he sees Tim smile. It’s small but it’s genuine. It’s his own smile, not one that was forcefully carved onto his face. Jason decides to ignore the mushy feeling in his chest. Yep, no need for that.
He makes a move to stand, freezing when the kitten mewls loudly in protest, claws digging into white pants. Tim freezes while Jason makes a mental note to go shopping. Yeah, that might be a good idea.
“Are you and the feline coming or what?” He grumbles, smirking when the look of shock and restrained joy crosses the kids face.
“We’re keeping her?” He asks and of course the little nerd would already know the cats gender. Jason most likely wouldn’t of even checked.
“She’s fiesty,” he tells him, hooking an arm around the boys waist and pulling the two tight to his person. “I like it.”
Jason’s watching the two passed out on his worn out white couch when he gets the call. He should have been expecting it, because of course they would know.
He makes sure he’s away from the brats before he accepts it. He doesn’t want to wake them up, and he doesn’t want Tim to hear this. Because whatever goes down Jason knows he’s not going to like it, not one fuckin’ bit.
“Where is he.” Bruce demands as soon as he answers. Jason rolls his eyes, leaning against the fire escape and rolling a ciggie between his lips.
He sucks the cancer in, letting it out slowly. He can feel Bruce’s impatience over the phone. Good, he thinks, let the fucker wait for a bit.
“Well hello to you to,” He drawls out lazily, uncaringly. He would rather be watching the two strays sleeping, it was- dare he say it- nice watching them both relax. Ew, he’s gone soft. Gross.
“Where is he.” He growls again and Jason smirks, he likes making him angry. It’s the least he deserves.
“I haven’t a clue of who you’re talking about,” Jason informs him, eyeing the wonderful view. A brick wall right in front of his apartment, how lucky can a guy get?
“I’m not playing games Jason,” Bruce begins, voice low and growled. “Where is Tim?” Bruce apparently isn’t playing around, and isn’t that a bummer. Because Jason isn’t either.
“Why the fuck do you want to know?” He cuts in, fingers tightening around the railway. He doesn’t want to get rid of the disposable phone just yet. He needs to hear Bruce’s so called excuse.
Bruce sighs like he’s just a kid and doesn’t know what he is doing. Well fuck you, he’s an adult now. He can do whatever the duck he wants.
“Tim is under my care,” Jason doesn’t let him finish.
“And is that why you chucked him in Arkham? Some caretaker you are,” He sneers, nice and low. The cobra is back and this time it’s ready to go in for the kill.
“Tim went through a lot,” and here comes the bullshitting, “he needs help and Arkham can give him that.”
Jason barks out a laugh, loud in the night. “You’re one of the richest men alive! You could hire anyone to help him and yet you throw him in Arkham with the crazies and expect him to be a okay?!”
“I didn’t say that-“ Bruce is angry but Jason? He’s fucking pissed.
“Exactly! You didn’t say any of that when you should have! They had him in a stray jacket and locked up like he’s a killer! You aren’t helping him Bruce, you’re pushing him away in the worst damn way possible.”
There’s blaring silence at his yell and Jason grits his teeth. He drops the ciggie and crushes it with his foot, kicking it over the balcony after.
“I know,” Bruce finally says. It’s said quietly, in a low murmur. “I failed him, I failed both of you. This is all my fault.”
“Get over yourself Bruce,” Jason snaps, “this isn’t about you and your self deprecation shit. This is about Tim, and Tim only. When you finally get your arse out of your angsty crack then we might be able to talk. Might.”
The hangs up right after, physically shaking. He always had to make it about him huh? It’s always about his failures, his mistakes. What about the people he failed? He never truly thought about that.
He scruffs a hand over his face and drags it down. He needs to go on eBay or some shot to get some furniture and nerd stuff.
He throws the phone, watching in satisfaction as it smashes against brick wall before tumbling down. Have fun tracking that old man.
It’s warmer in the house which is nice. It doesn’t feel as lonely anymore. He goes back to the lounge, flipping onto his armchair with a huff.
A tail flickers and a yellow eye flares at him as Tim stirs at the sound. Jason snorts. “Yeah, yeah you little shit. I’ll keep it down.”
A yellow slitted eye glower at him a second longer before closing and Jason resists groaning. He’ll have to get shit for the damn cat too, dang it.
Maybe he can get Barbara to help with that. She could give him Bruce’s credit card and his information. Yeah, that’ll work.
“Why did you do that?” Jason asks quietly, desperately.
He holds the soaked boy to his chest as he wraps his hands in a white bandage. His fists are split and purple, painfully bruised.
Tim doesn’t answer and Jason sighs, tying the bandage. He buries his nose in green hair, taking in the scent of fresh coconut.
They’re sat in the bathroom, glass cracked and splintered around them. Tim is shaking, staring at a piece of glass with unseeing eyes.
Jason tears his gaze away, understanding and guilt knowing on his chest. It looks just like him, with the green hair and eyes. Tim’s blood is smeared on it, making a bloody grin. Tim doesn’t see himself when he looks in the mirror, he sees the joker.
“I got some left over black hair dye,” Jason says quietly and Tim just nods, eyes haunted and desperate. Jason holds him a little bit closer.
They cut his hair first.
It’s a mangled heap and it genuinely looks like a birds nest. Jason knows the brushing has too hurt, because seriously, how couldn’t it?
Tim doesn’t even flinch though. That doesn’t settle right with Jason so he apologises after every yank and after every tangle is cleared. Tim accepts it with a small amused smile but his eyes? They remained haunted and empty.
According to Glamour it’s a good thing Tim’s hair hasn’t been washed in a couple of days. Jason thinks otherwise but he keeps that to himself as he starts the process of dying. Heh.
First Jason lathers the dye in his hands, snickering at the sound it makes. Tim smiles slightly at him, a small twitch of the lips.
He applies the dye half an inch away from Tim’s scalp. He massages his locks and slowly made his way towards the ends of the locks. After a bit he goes back and cover the roots, smiling when Tim finally began to relax into his hands like putty.
At least he’s finally getting comfortable.
“Tim- Tim oh my god,” Jason is saying and the little nerd is just giggling at him. “Tim stop, stop look at this little shit!”
Tim lets out an hilarious snort that Jason would have loved to film but he’s too busy gaping at the prancing little shit in front of them.
She- that damn cat- was red! Red! “I let her on my couch, oh my god Tim I let her on my couch.”
Tim looses it, curling into himself as Babs, the newly named orange cat, climbs up his back and curls around his neck. A yellow eye peers into Jason’s soul and Jason swears the thing is smirking.
“Tim, Tim my couch is white. White.”
“Is he safe?” Is the first thing he hears when he answers the call.
Jason sighs into the receiver, adjusting the mobile to fit more comfortably against his ear. His hands were loaded with shopping bags. At least he’s taken his helmet off. Yes, yes he did go shopping as Red Hood. Fuck You, he does what he wants.
“That depends,” he says, heaving ten grocery bags onto the counter. He glances behind him, smiling when a soft snort reached his ears. “Do you consider me safe?”
“You’re better than half of the people in Gotham,” Barbara tells him, voice laced with anger and annoyance. Jason knows it’s not at him, it’s at this damn city. The damn world.
“You’re too sweet to me,” Jason informs her, ruffling through the bags and taking out the freezer stuff.
“I know, and I’ll continue to be if you take care of Tim.” Barbara says simply. There’s ruffling on the other end and he guesses she’s in bed.
He silent for a moment, shoving the meat and frozen peas away. “You know I will,” he finally says, “as long as you and Alfie come visit of course.”
“What about Dick?” She asks and Jason slams the freezer shut accidentally. “...I’m guessing that’s a no.”
He cringes as a warning meow and and a flick of a tail is directed at him over the couch. Yeah, he deserves that one.
“Of course it’s a fuckin’ no. He did nothing to stop Bruce from putting Tim in Arkham. Hell, he didn’t even go to find Tim with you guys on that night. He not getting near him in a 10 mile radius or I’m kicking his arse.” Jason curses and Barbara laughs slightly.
“Watch your language,” she teases and just like that the mood is lighter. Just a bit. “You got a kid in the house now.”
“Fuck you,” Jason wisely replies back, slotting the drinks into the fridge. He shuts the door quietly, well aware of the Brady yellow eyes aimed at the back of neck. “And for your information I have a kid and a cat in the house, so suck it.”
“Wait-,” Jason snickers at the sudden ruffling, placing the biscuits and chips into the cabinet. “You guys have a cat? Since when?”
“Since Tim ran away because he thought he was the reason for my nightmares. Found the brat in the alley with the stray. She was black Barbara, then she was red. I let her on my couch, my couch.”
Barbara is chuckling softly, clearly amused at Jason’s distress. “The next thing you know she’ll be going purple,” she teases and Jason scowls, folding up the bags and sticking them in the bottom draw.
“I was prepared this time. I got a blanket on the couch, nice try little fucker.” He declares proudly, taking off his jacket and hanging it on the back of the couch. Babs stares at him before curling into Tim’s chest happily.
“Please tell me you didn’t call it little fucker.” Barbara says despairingly and Jason smirks.
“Nope!” He sings.
“What’d you call it then?” She asks and Jason grins. She’s just gonna have to wait.
“You’re gonna have to wait my dear,” he teases and Barbara groans, “you shall know when you come visit!”
She laughs at that and Jason can imagine her shaking her head. “You tease, okay then. You’ll have the money by tomorrow morning so try to get everything sorted out then, yeah?”
“Yes ma’am,” Jason murmurs, smiling softly. Oh god, he’s gone soft. How gross.
“Tim, tim please stop! It’s just lightning, he’s not here!” Jason says desperately, holding Tim wrists to stop him from scratching at himself.
Tim just screams, tears streaming down his pale cheeks, eyes screwed up and chin trembling. Spit bubbles past his lips when he sobs out a hiccup, fighting desperately against his memories.
Jason doesn’t know what to do so he holds him tight in his arms. His forearms are soon bleeding, scratched at by nails that are far too long and dirty. It stings but he doesn’t complain, just holding tight.
Babs watch them warily from the couch, tail flickering in concern as Jason begins rocking them back and forth. Thunder clashes and Tim screams again, sobbing harder and shaking his head.
“It’s just thunder,” Jason reassures, rocking them softly. “It just thunder. You’re okay Timmy, you’re with me and Babs. You’re home,” he whispers.
Tim doesn’t seem to hear him but Jason repeats it like a mantra. The storm rages on for another four hours. Tim only slackens into his arms after three.
Neither of them sleep that night.
“I’m sorry,” Tim says as daylight flickers in through the glass door of the fire escape.
Jason shakes his head, running a hand through his new raven and greasy locks. “You never have to apologise for being scared. Never. Just remembered you’re safe here, no one will ever hurt you here.”
The boy nods and Jason holds him tighter, both watching as the shadows are chased to the corners of the apartment. Babs craws into Tim’s lap and licks at his chin.
“You’re home.” Jason repeats and this time Tim hears it. He nods.
“You still wanna be a vigilante?” Jason asks, flipping an egg.
Tim nods fiercely and strong and Jason sighs in amusement. He plates the egg on some toast and slides it across the bench to Tim.
“I do. I won’t kill, I won’t. Not- not again.” He murmurs and Jason nods, reaching over to ruffle his raven locks before going over to turn off the stove. He bats Babs away from the pan as he does.
“I don’t expect you to,” Jason says and then, “do you have a name?”
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scandalsavagefanfic · 5 years
Hii! Congrats on 500 followers. For the prompt a thon, I'd like to request a continuation of your Ra'sJay wedding au with Mpreg Jason. How does the batfam and the Al Ghuls coexist?
Thank you so much!
This is the weirdest version of Ra’s al Ghul I’ve ever written but it was a lot of fun so it was a great start to this thing :D
Breakfast Guests - Read on Ao3!
Rating: TeenWarnings: NoneWords: 1600 (because I said 1500 so I really should have known)———————————————
Bruce does not like this newstatus quo.
It’s bad enough when Jason is offat whatever League location he and his… and Ra’s are calling home for themoment.
It’s even worse when they’re atthe manor.
Honestly, when he suggested theyspend more time here, desperate to see his son and his… granddaughter, andwanting to have his family all in one place again, he’d been prepared to makethe concessions for that to happen. Rationalized that at least Jason and hischild would be where he could keep an eye on them. Protect them from Ra’s ifneed be.
To that end, he put them in theroom next to his. All the rooms in the manor are master suites with attachedbathrooms but only Bruce’s and the one next door have additional sitting roomsthat were made to function as nurseries.
That was his first mistake.
They need their own wing of thehouse or Bruce is going to snap.
He pretty much raised four teenageboys in this house. He’d never put much thought into it before but if he hadbeen asked, he would have said that the manor’s soundproofing was on par withthe cave’s.
Then Ra’s and Jason moved in andBruce hasn’t managed a good night’s sleep since.
Ra’s is doing it on purpose. Bruceknows he is. The Demon’s head looks far too smug at breakfast in the mornings.Jason looks tired but blissful. Which is somehow even worse. There are alwaysthe little hints of purple marks that aren’t quite covered by his clothes andhis voice is always raspy.
Do people really scream that muchduring sex? Can Ra’s possibly be so good that Jason gets lost in the moment,forgets where he is, and just lets go?
Bruce shudders and looks back tohis eggs, trying to ignore the smirk Ra’s is leveling at him.
They will be gone soon, hereasons.
Then Jason walks in and he feelsguilty for thinking it.
He likes having his kids aroundmore than he hates hosting their terrible taste in partners.
Aliens, villains, and mercenaries.Bruce resolutely ignores that his own past romances may have made those seemlike acceptable relationships to enter into.
But just like every morning forthe past week, Jason comes down looking sleepy. The dark circles under his eyesaren’t prominent but Bruce notices them. His black curls stick up at allangles, wild and bed-tousled.
He yawns and stretches, making themuch darker purple bruises on his hips peek out from above the green cashmerepajamas. He’s lost most the baby weight but he’s still soft around the edges. Littlelove handles, rounded cheeks, fuller chest. It makes him look… sweet. Almostcherubic. Jason hasn’t looked that gentle since his early days as Robin. AfterAlfred got his hands on the child and got him up to a healthy weight.
Jason makes his way over to thetable to slide up next to Ra’s, sides pressing against each other, as the mucholder man pours him a cup of herbal tea and pulls him close with an arm aroundhis waist before placing a chaste kiss to his cheek.
These displays of affectionatedomesticity really rankle Bruce’s nerves of steel. It doesn’t suite either ofthem. Ra’s al Ghul is a genocidal fanatic who runs a clandestine society of highlytrained assassins.
And Jason is a gun-toting hero,forged into sharpened titanium by a life of misery and pain.
The way both men’s faces light upwhen Dick enters cooing down at the fussy bundle in his arms, Damian followingclose on his heels, is so off putting it makes Bruce want to leave the room.
“I think she’s hungry, Jay,” Dicksays, gently putting the baby in Jason’s arms when he reaches for his daughter.
“Of course she is. I heard yousneak in at the ass crack of dawn to get her,” Jason says before singing downto his baby, “Uncle Dickie is even more smitten with you than we are, isn’the.”
The baby grins and giggles andreaches up to grasp her mama’s face.
Bruce’s ire has been dissipatingsince the moment Sora entered the room. She has Ra’s sharp features and darkerskin. But her eyes are all Jason. Wide, curious, intelligent, and the same shadeof aquamarine.
The way even Ra’s softens as hewatches Jason feed their daughter makes Bruce relax a little.
He knows Ra’s is purposefullymaking him uncomfortable. Flaunting his… entirely too sexual relationship with Bruce’sson in his face, just to be an ass.
But Bruce also knows that Ra’scares about Jason. And their daughter. Maybe he can put up with the Demon. ForJason’s sake.
If he stops reacting, maybe Ra’swill no longer find enjoyment in his torment. Maybe they can find a way tocoexist.
The al Ghul’s have already agreedto keep their work out of Gotham as a result of this union. Perhaps they cancontinue to move in a positive direction.
“Shouldn’t be too much longerbefore I can start patrols again, boss,” Jason says, still smiling down at his pup.“Just a few more months. Tops.”
The comment snaps him back to themoment. “You plan on returning? But—”
“I would reconsider your approach,Detective. He is quite adamant.” Ra’s goes stiff as he says it. Means it’ssomething they’ve discussed before. Means that Ra’s disapproves but isn’t tryingto force the issue. Letting Jason make decisions about his own life.
It’s something Bruce still struggleswith, people making decisions he disagrees with and sticking to them even whenhe’s outlined why they’re wrong.
But he’ll be damned if he lets Ra’sal Ghul be more understanding than him. And it occurs to Bruce that the wayJason mentioned it was to get the fight out done with and he’s certainly notgoing to be the one to disturb the weird happy family aura everyone is projectingright now.
“We’ve talked about it,” Jason says,still without tearing his eyes away. He’s been in awe of Sora ever since helaid eyes on her. Bruce questions whether he’ll actually be able to leave herto return to his incredibly dangerous night job when the time comes. “I’m goingto move back to Gotham full time. Ra’s will pass most his duties to Talia on aprobationary basis at first.”
He looks up at Ra’s out of thecorner of his eyes with a quirk to his mouth that says he thinks his husband isbeing ridiculous. Then Jason glances around the table. At Dick who is stillmaking faces at Sora, at Damian who is ordering more baby toys from histablet, at Alfred who looks relaxed in a way Bruce hasn’t seen in… well, maybehasn’t ever seen.
Finally Jason’s eyes find his andhold Bruce’s gaze.
“Lots of parents go back to workafter they have kids, B. Especially if it’s something they love doing. I think havingthis will make me a better parent. And Sora has so many people who love herhere. Dick’s already agreed to watch her at least one night a week and let mecover for him in Bludhaven. And Damian said he’d be willing to switch off too,if it was ok with you.”
That makes Bruce’s heart skip abeat. “You want to patrol with me? As partners?”
Jason smiles up at him and it’spurest, brightest thing Bruce has seen on his face since Bruce signed theadoption papers.
“Of course. You’re my dad. It’stime we reconnect.”
Jason refers to him as ‘dad’ socasually Bruce has to repeat the sentence in his head several times for it toprocess. He hasn’t been the best at showing it in the past, but reconnecting withJason, having the family complete again, has been his heart’s deepest desire.
“And once a week you’llstay behind,” Jason adds. “Bond with your granddaughter.”
Bruce is nodding before Jason evenfinishes the sentence. When his relationship with Talia came to and end, Brucewas positive he’d never have to worry about welcoming Ra’s into his family. Itwas, in a small way, after the heartbreak over his split had subsided some,been a relief. The al Ghul’s and the Wayne’s are too ideologically opposed.
But if Jason’s relationship withRa’s (he refuses to acknowledge that his ex’s father is now his legal son-in-law)is what heals the deep wounds between both himself and Jason and Damian withhis family, then he’ll consider that a win. Well worth every concession.
He fixes Ra’s with Batman’s steelygaze.
The old man just chuckles untilJason elbows him lightly in the ribs. Then he clears his throat.
“I apologize for tormenting you inyour own home. I have been reprimanded and we—” another elbow, “—I willbe appropriately considerate moving forward. You have been a most gracious host,detective.”
Dick and Damian look confused, butthat’s because they don’t share a wall with the new al Ghuls. Jason would bethe picture of calm if it wasn’t for the way he won’t meet Bruce’s eyes and thelight dusting of heated color on his cheeks.
“Uh… thank you,” Bruce says,feeling heat rise in his own face. “I would appreciate that very much.”
There’s a beat of near silence wherethe only sound is happy baby gurgles.
“Well then,” Alfred says as hestands and starts to clear the table, “here’s to a bold new adventure.”
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batarangtotheheart · 7 years
Flying Graysons (Dick Grayson)
Request:Hey love! I came across your blog and I can't describe how in love I am with it. Can you do an imagine where the reader is dick Grayson's real sister and she passed away with his parents but the boys find a picture of this really beautiful girl and they ask him about it? Thank you lots! And hope you have a great day or night haha 💜
Gifs don't belong to me. Notes: While I was writing this, I realized John and Mary (Dick's parents) have the same names as the Sherlock and Supernatural characters!
I headcanon that Dick is such a hoarder. "You can't throw that old pair of tennis shoes away! I played basketball with Bruce for the first time with those!"
Warnings: Death, Blood, Grief,, ANGSTY AND SORTA FLUFFY??, Swearing Since the ages didn't line up, I made Reader 18 and Dick 10 when you died. Italics are memories.
Hope you like it, anon!
Hailey's Circus. It was Dick's home for the first 10 years of his life. It was also where the worst tragedy of his life took place. His family died that night, including his mother Mary, his father John, and his sister, you. The last time Dick talked to you, you were getting ready for the act that night. You were nervously walking around, doing the occasional gymnastic move. Dick walked up to you just as you did a backflip. "Hey, Y/N!" He yelled in his usual loud voice. You turned around, letting out a smile at your younger brother. "Hey, Rich." You were the only person to call him Rich. He pretended to dislike it but he really loved it. 
Despite the age difference, you and Dick were close as could be. You were just like Mary, kind and brave. Dick looked up to you as a role model. Your gymnastic ability was outstanding and you were so kind, always going out of your way to help those who needed it. 
"What did you need?" You questioned, going up to ruffle his hair. He stuck his tongue out at you and fixed his hair. He lifted an object up and shoved it in your face. "Look, I got a camera!" He grinned.
You two would always take pictures together before every show. It calmed your nerves and you would put the pictures in your memory box. You laughed lightly, taking it gently from his hands. "Let's take a picture together." You smiled, leaning down to Dick's height. "Say Grayson!" You yelled, grinning widely.
There was a flash and a piece of paper came out of the camera. You picked out the picture and gave it to Dick. He smiled widely, hugging you and quickly running to put it in the box.
It was finally time to go on and by now your nerves were calmed. "Please welcome, The Flying Graysons!" The ring master yelled out and you all cartwheeled out, flipping around and posing for the audience.The crowd let out cheers and yells. 
"Tonight, the Graysons will be doing something dangerous, and daring, brave and bold!" The ringmaster shouted into the microphone, cueing lights to shine brightly on the diving board you were to perform stunts on. 
"Tonight they will be performing with no safety net!" The crowd let out even louder cheers. Your mother jumped onto the holder and swung to the other side. Your heart pounded furiously as you watched her come back and call for your father. He grabbed onto her hands, successfully pulling off the stunt. But suddenly the rope snapped as they were coming back to the other side and the room filled with horrified screams, yours and Dick's included. 
You watched in horror, reaching out for them as you screamed. You accidently tripped as you reached out and you fell off.
You watched Dick scream and reach his hand out for you as you fell. The last thing you saw was him crying out for you. Then everything went black. You died beside your parents, bloody and scared. You left behind Dick, who's entire world had shattered.
A few days later a man named Bruce Wayne, one of the richest people in Gotham, came up to Dick and offered to adopt him. He was still mourning and scarred by the images of his dead family, but he accepted. He had nowhere to go and staying with the circus wasn't an option. So he left, taking along the memory box you both treasured. It was years later, and he was moving his stuff that he hadn't bothered to get from the manor when he had originally moved out to his apartment in Bludhaven. His adoptive brothers, Tim, Jason and Damian were helping him pack his stuff.
"Damn Dickie, had no idea you had so much shit." Jason scoffed, throwing another shoe into his bag. Dick rolled his eyes and put the shoe in the proper bag. "It isn't even that much stuff, Jason. And you were the one to offer to help." He replied. 
Damian, who was sitting on Dick's bed, made his famous TT sound. He had refused to help, but he was bored and decided to tag along. "Shut it, Todd. I bet your apartment is full of trash you never bothered to take out." Jason whipped around and glared at him. "For your information, demon spawn, my apartment is cleaner than your mouth." Damian was about to let out an insult but Dick silenced them.
Tim, who was under Dick's bed throwing out pizza boxes and other trash, let out a disgusted noise. "Jesus, Dick, ever heard of a trash can?" Dick glared and grabbed a piece of paper from Tim, who was about to throw it away.
"Excuse you, Timothy, but this piece of paper has significant value to me. I drew this tree for Bruce and he called it interesting." A few scoffs and a TT were heard, but after that it was silence. 
Tim was throwing away yet another pizza box when he found a box that wasn't full of moldy pizza. It was a light blue box with "Y/N and Dick's box" written in cursive on the lid. He pulled it out and opened it. 
It had a blue baby blanket with the name "Richard Grayson" sewn onto it in cursive that looked a bit similar to the writing on the box. Tim guessed it was written by the same person but a long time before the box was around. Beneath the blanket was a bunch of photos. Tim grabbed one and smiled lightly. A young Dick stood next to a beautiful girl with y/h/c and y/e/c. She was doing a peace sign and they both looked extremely happy. 
"Dick, who's this?" Tim questioned, getting up from his spot on the floor to hand the box to him. Dick turned around and walked toward Tim. He let out a not so small gasp and everyone crowded around him. Jason took a picture from the box and whistled. "Damn Dickie, she's hot." Dick growled and snatched the picture back. "That's my sister, you ass."
  Even Damian was paying attention now. "Sister?" They yelled out in shock. Dick looked down at the picture in his hand and smiled lightly. It was the last picture you took together. "I haven't looked in this box for years. It hurt too much." He said lightly. Grief shot through him but he continued to look through the box. It was full of pictures, some of you and Dick and some of the entire circus together. 
"Before every show, we'd take a picture together. Sometimes with the entire circus," Dick smiled. "This is the last picture we took together." He held it out for the others to see. The boys were astounded by your beauty. "She was so kind and beautiful, everyone loved her. She was the best big sister ever." 
Damian gave the picture back. "What happened to her?" He questioned, ignoring the look Tim gave him. Dick frowned. "She died with my parents." The room got quiet after that until Damian spoke up. "She was pretty." It shocked everyone to hear that from him but Dick just smiled. "Yeah, she was." After that everyone went back to cleaning, feeling a bit down. They wished they could have met you.
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linaofthemyscira · 7 years
The Quest for the Lost Treasure Part 4
Pairing: Adventurer!Jason Todd x Adventurer!Reader
Word Count: 2759
Summary: In university, you discover that an ancient treasure supposed to have been “found” was actually still lost. Determined to be the one to find it, you set off on a journey to find it, and run into Jason Todd and his adventurer posse. With Jason’s expertise of the land, and your natural talent for adventuring, you two are the perfect mix. Will you find the treasure smoothly? Or will you fail and lose a friendship?
Warnings: foul language, sexual innuendos, Jason being an ass (again)
A/N I think this chapter is much better than the last one, tbh but hey that’s just me. Also THANK YOU GUYS AGAIN FOR 100 FOLLOWERS! My ask box is always open to request an imagine, blurb, headcanon and/or ship. Alright, enjoy!
Parts: 1  |  2  |  3  |
Reader POV
My eyes flit across the pages of my book as we begin flying over the Amazon Rainforest (in Colombia).
“What are you reading?” Tim asks me. I look at him and back at my book.
“The Alchemist. A friend recommended it.” I tell him.
“I’ve heard it’s a good book,” Tim comments.
“So far it’s quite interesting, but it sucks that it’s so short,” I refer to the book’s small size.
“If you guys could talk about book porn some other time, that would be great. Not everyone is a nerd like you two,” Jason says. I roll my eyes and look back at Tim, who mouths “Sorry” to me. However before I can say it’s okay, the plane violently shakes.
“What the hell?!” I shut my book. “Jason, was that turbulence?”
“Um, no. I don’t wanna scare you or anything but I think we’re being shot at,” Jason says as he begins flipping switches while simultaneously steering the plane.
“What?!” I shout. Jason’s suspicions are confirmed when I hear gunshots and the sound of more planes whizzing past us. I have to wake up Damian (he fell asleep about an hour ago).
“Damian! Damian wake up!” I shake him lightly.
“Huh? What? What’s going on?” He wakes up suddenly.
“Well, to put it bluntly, we’re being shot at by other planes,” Tim tells him.
“Woah, really? Awesome!” Damian cheers.
“No! Not awesome! I don’t wanna die!” I begin freaking out.
“And you’re not, these assholes have no idea who they’re messing with. Dick, ready the wing-guns,” Jason grips the wheel tightly.
“Wing-guns ready,” Dick confirms.
“You have guns too?!” I screech.
“Yeah now shut up!” Jason snaps. “Ready…..fire!”
And the guns that were (apparently) on the wings begin shooting at the enemy planes.
“HOLY SHIT!” I yell. Damian is laughing almost maniacally and Tim is trying to calm him down. I look around to see if there’s anything I can do, but all I can do is simply grab my backpack and keep my duffel bag close to me in case I have to jump out of this flying tin can.
“You know what? Fuck off! Shoot me down, I dare you!” Jason suddenly yells.
“Who are you talking to, Todd?!” Damian asks.
“One of the pilots said he was going to shoot us down if we didn’t land in the next 5 minutes. And, well, you heard how I responded.” Jason explains.
“Why would you do that?! You said we weren’t gonna die!” Tim says.
“Yeah Jase, why would you lie like that?” Dick asks as he shoots using the right wing gun.
“I didn’t intentionally lie! Just focus on shooting those bastards down!” Jason yells.
“Maya was right, I probably shouldn’t have come on this trip,” I grab my duffel bag. “Tim do we have any parachutes?”
“Four, right here,” he says as he pulls parachute packs out from the seats.
“But there’s five of us,” I state the obvious.
“If necessary, you can take Damian,” Tim tells me.
“No! I’m getting my own chute! Y/N can go with Jason since they’re practically together,” Damian argues. I scrunch my nose in disgust. Me? And him? No way, José.
“We are not together, and I’m getting the chute, I’m older, I have seniority,” I say.
“Why are you already talking about chutes? We’re not gonna need em since Dickie bird and I are shooting up these assfaces,” I can see Jason grin from where I’m sitting.
“Ya know, safety precautions, in case you happen to fuck up and let someone shoot us up,” I say sarcastically.
“Hey, you could be more grateful, we’re taking you to Colombia!” Jason shouts.
“I won’t be in Colombia if we die!” I shout back. “And what is it with you demanding to be thanked?! Who does that?!”
“I work my ass off to get this team to where they need, I deserve a thank you for everything I do!” He responds.
“In case you haven’t noticed we’re having an existential crisis right now! You can argue later!” Dick interrupts. “Shit! I’m out of bullets!” He says a few seconds later.
“Me too! Fuck me!” Jason strikes the plane steering wheel.
“I’m sure Y/N would like to take you up on that offer,” Damian smirks. I glare at him and Jason goes silent. A few seconds later he speaks again.
“Hey man, can you just forget what I said and did a few minutes earlier? I’d rather not die, it’s kinda exhausting,” he says into the mic.
“You really think they’re just gonna stop shooting at us?!” Dick exclaims.
“It was worth a shot, pun not intended,” Jason shrugs. I sigh exasperatedly.
I look out the small window and see our right wing being shot multiple times.
“Right wing is shot!” I shout.
“Mayday! Mayday!” Damian yelps.
“Tim! Parachutes!” I gesture to the chutes.
“On it!” He starts handing out chutes and giving everyone their belongings.
“Guys stop freaking out, if Y/N gets out there and tapes the wing back together, we’ll be fine!” Jason turns to me.
“Jason! The wing IS ON FIRE!” I point out the window.
“You can use the fire extinguisher,” Jason pulls out a fire extinguisher from his seat.
“No!” I yell.
“Fine! Let Jason go down in flames then!” Jason begins unbuckling his seatbelt.
“Of course you name the plane after yourself. Of course,” I shake my head. “Alright Damian. Are you ready?”
“No not really but I don’t have a choice so…” he shrugs in response. He puts his backpack on and hugs my stomach area.
“10,000 feet, 9,000 feet, 8,000 feet,” Dick counts.
“GRAYSON WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO COUNT THE FEET WE JUST GOTTA GO!” Jason kicks open his door. Tim does the same with our door and jumps out.
“See you guys down there! Geronimooooo!” he shouts.
“Later!” I say and jump out of the plane. I see Tim open his parachute and hear whoops from Jason and Dick from above me.
I estimate where Tim opened his parachute and do the same.
“Damian, you can open your eyes now. And remove your face from my chest,” I look down at Damian, who’s tightly hugging me.
“But they’re so soft, like pillows,” he muffles into my chest. I look up in annoyance. Boys.
I follow Tim’s path of travel and use the parachute toggles to go in the same direction.
When Damian and I land, he lets go and falls on the ground. The parachute falls on my head shortly after; I wrestle around to get it off but I get nowhere.
“Yeah?!” He shouts back.
“I need help! Get this parachute off of me!” I say. After approximately 8 minutes, I finally get the parachute off with Damian’s help.
“Hey guys! Woah what happened?” Tim comes running up from some trees.
“I got assaulted by my parachute, but Damian helped me out,” I brush off my shorts.
“Good to know,” Tim nods his head and walks over to me and helps me pack the parachute.
“Hey is Y/N okay?!” I hear Jason yell and running footsteps get closer to Damian, Tim and I. He and Dick come running from a clearing of rainforest trees over to us.
“Y/N is just fine, Todd,” Damian says.
“I was just making sure,” Jason replies back.
“Sure, you keep telling yourself that,” Damian mumbles.
“I’m okay, relax,” I tell him. Suddenly we hear an explosion from not too far off, which makes us all jump.
“Poor Jason. I’m sorry buddy, I didn’t want you to get hurt,” Jason turns to the general direction of the explosion.
“If you’re done talking to your dead plane, we need to figure out where we are and where to go,” I pat Jason on his arm. He looks down at me with furrowed brows.
“What?” I ask.
“You touched my arm,” he states the obvious.
“Yeah. I don’t have cooties, calm down,” I tell him. He rolls his eyes and scoffs.
“Whatever. Tim, get out your map so we can figure out our path of travel,” Jason walks over to Tim, who’s getting a map out of his bag.
“Here,” Tim gives Jason the map. Jason takes his pack off and sits down.
“Gather ‘round, Argonauts, here’s what’s gonna happen…”
Jason POV
“I don’t know what I’ve been told!” Damian sing-yells.
“Jason’s ‘tude is made of mold!” Y/N sing-yells back. We have been walking in this damned rainforest for about 4 hours and I’m getting more tired as each minute passes. At this point I have absolutely no patience for this.
I stop dead in my tracks and whip around to face Y/N, who stops suddenly too.
“It’s actually, Jason Todd is brave and bold or Jason Todd is made of gold. Get your facts straight,” I snap.
“Well you just proved my point, so I do have my facts straight,” she says and walks around me, continuing on our trek.
“Dude, she just roasted you,” Damian passes me as well.
“Nice,” Tim follows soon after. As Dick approaches me, I fall into step with him.
“She is so annoying, why did I let you convince me to take her?” I growl at him.
“She’s not annoying, Jase, you’re just easily agitated. It’s a weakness of yours. You need to keep your cool,” Dick says to me.
“She is! Ever since we met her, it’s like she lives to make me angry,” I cross my arms.
“Maybe she likes you,” Dick suggests. I scoff at the idea.
“No, that’s not possible. If she liked me, she’d be all over me and flirty and shit,” I say.
“You obviously don’t know Y/N very well, then. I knew from the moment I saw her that she’s not your typical woman. She’s…determined and headstrong. She’s sarcastic and sassy. A girl like that isn’t gonna express her feelings the way you think.” Dick tells me. He does have a point. I actually haven’t carried a civilized conversation with Y/N. We’ve only ever…argued. I don’t know a thing about her…except that she likes books and music.
“You may have a point, but I still don’t like her.” I say.
“You like her. You just don’t like that she can see right through you,” Dick says, “She’s the first girl to do that and you’re uncomfortable with it. Meanwhile, I think it’s hilarious.” I stop walking and think about what Dick says as he keeps walking. 
Damn you, Grayson, with your love knowledge.
“Alright guys the sun is setting. I suggest we set up camp soon,” I tell my team. After a few more minutes, we come across a small clearing, but it’s big enough for us to set up some tents and a bonfire.
“This where we’re gonna stay. Start setting up tents,” I say as I set down my stuff.
“I call bunking with Y/N!” Damian shouts. She looks at him in confusion. We then look at each other with baffled expressions.
“I didn’t bring a pillow, and they’re soft,” Damian continues. My jaw drops as I realize what he’s talking about. Y/N rolls her eyes and keeps taking out her tent.
“Nice try, Damian, but I’m gonna be bunking with me, myself and I,” She responds as she squats down to the ground.
Damn you, Y/N.
“But–” Damian starts.
“No, buts. I need my privacy,” she cuts him off.
“Damn it!” he yells. What a twerp.
“You can bunk with me, Damian,” Dick says.
“Fine. Only because I don’t wanna be in the same tent as Todd and Nerd Fest over there,” he gestures to Tim and I.
“Excuse me, but ‘Nerd Fest’ already has his tent set up,” Tim stands proudly next to his perfectly set up tent.
“So do I,” Y/N stands up. I look at my tent which is still in pieces.
“How did you guys get done so fast?!” I say.
I roll my eyes and go back to setting up my tent. When we’re done, I take Dick and Tim with me to get some wood for the fire and when we come back, Y/N and Damian are nowhere to be found.
“Guys?” I call out. Nothing. Then I hear laughing and giggling from the forest area across from us. Damian and Y/N come out of the brush, laughing without a care in the world.
“Hey, what’s going on?” I ask, they both stop their laughing and look up at me.
“Nothing, we just went to go look around the area to see if there are any nearby resources,” Y/N says as she stifles giggles.
“Yep,” Damian agrees. I raise an eyebrow at her and she semi-rolls her eyes.
“We found monkeys doing the nasty,” she explains. “I covered his eyes but he’d already seen the beginning.”
I rub my temples and sigh.
“Okay fine. Listen, we have to eat. The sun is going down, and I’d like to see if insects crawl in my food or not so I don’t accidentally eat a spider or something,” I say.
“Sounds good. Let’s get the bonfire set up and eat, I’m hungry,” Y/N says and moves past me over to Dick and Tim. She quickly sets up the bonfire and helps make the food we brought, which includes baked beans and chicken soup.
We all sit on logs as we sip the soup in silence. Y/N finishes first and gets up from her log and rinses out the thermos cup with a little bit of water.
“I’m going to bed. Good night,” she crawls into her tent and zips it up.
“Since I’m not bunking with Y/N, Todd, why don’t you?” Damian asks me. I look up at him and shoot him a small glare as I eat my soup.
“I don’t really like her,” I mutter.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you,” Damian says loudly. Dick and Tim shush him but I know he heard me clear as day.
“Nothing. I’m done too, see you guys tomorrow morning.” I finish my soup and rinse out the cup as well. I head over to my tent, which is the furthest from Y/N’s and I go inside. I frustratedly take off my chest harness and shirt, then my pants. I get in my sleeping bag and fluff the attached pillow.
I close my eyes and try to fall asleep for about an hour, but I can’t, so I sit up and the first thing I see is a green glow from outside. I open my tent zipper a bit and see a dim-ish light coming from Y/N’s tent. Her figure is sitting down and looking at something.
What could she possibly be doing this late at night?
Reader POV
“If we go up the river, and then…cross it over here….through this gorge…and then…over here…we should be…in the fifty mile radius…of the Lost City, here,” I look at one of Tim’s maps. I flip open the book of my research and go to the maps I printed out so I can draw the path I made on my own map.
However, when I get to it, I begin to notice something.
The maps are different.
“What…?” I breathe. I put the printed map next to Tim’s and compare. My map shows landmarks that aren’t even on Tim’s map. It’s old, apparently it was from sometime in the BC era, and someone had recovered it and posted a picture of it on the Wikipedia page. It’s the closest connection I found to the ancient civilization that used to live in The Lost City.
“Wait what does this say?” I ask myself as I bring the Tim’s map closer to the light. A word is scrawled across the area next to Colombia but I can’t read it. I still don’t know what it says.
I then look back at my map. Something’s weird about this. And then I notice.
“No…no…no. No no no. This isn’t right. That’s supposed to be right there…but it’s not. So where is it?” I fumble between the maps. I put Tim’s translucent map on mine and hold them up so the light from the lantern shines through.
I shift the maps so the Colombias are right on top of each other. Then I see it.
Oh. My. God.
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