#Digital art is fun but it gets on my nerves after a while
mistylune · 1 month
How I manifested an iPad (without realizing it.)
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Hello! It’s been a bit a time since I last made a post. I’ve been pretty busy lately, but when I was thinking about what I wanted to post next, I remembered a success story from a while back. This story is definitely one of my favorites.
So to clarify, when I say that I manifested without realizing it, I mean that I manifested before being fully clear about the law. Back then, I wasn’t a part of the community, so I had no idea that what I was doing was manifesting, nor did I know either of the laws. I’ve come to learn that we manifest all the time subconsciously, and now I know how it is utilized properly. But in this story, keep in mind that this was before I was on tumblr.
So there are two types of LOA. Law of attraction, and Law of assumption. I used to confuse the two all the time, so I’ll quickly define them. I know you all have probably seen them defined a million times, so I’ll keep it brief.
(Also please note that these are my personal descriptions of them, so they may not be entirely accurate, nor make sense, but this is just how I would define them.)
Law of attraction is the belief that your thoughts are what attract things into your life, and by focusing your thoughts positively into the things that you desire, you can attract them into your life. For example, bringing money into your life.
Law of assumption is the belief that your thoughts are what shape your reality, and thus if you change your assumptions about yourself and your life, you can change your reality. In this case, instead of bringing, or attracting the money in your life, you would already have it.
I ended up using a mix of both when manifesting my IPad, so when I say LOA, I’ll be referring to both of them.
So onto the story.
A couple of years back, I got back into drawing, and while I enjoyed traditional art, I wanted to branch out into digital art. Many of my favorite artists that I saw on social media were drawing digitally, and I wanted to experiment in the medium. But the only device I had was my phone back then, and a school computer. When researching on what a lot of artists used for digital drawing, I discovered that many of the artists I admired used IPads for their artwork. And so, I decided then that I wanted to get one.
I remember that I focused a lot on what I would do if I had one. I would watch digital drawing tutorial videos, make Pinterest boards for inspiration, I followed my favorite artists on instagram, and would get inspired by watching speed paints and looking at their art. I remember how I would bask in the feeling of excitement at the thought of having my own iPad and creating my own artwork, focusing on the positive feelings that would arise when I thought about having one. Just thinking about it filled me with joy and motivation. I didn’t think of how, where, or where I would get it. I just knew that someday I would get one.
A few months later, it’s summer and I’m offered a spot on a team for a contest. After accepting, I attended a lot of meetings discussing the competition and preparing, we left two weeks later to compete. We worked really hard, and I had a lot of fun being on that team. When we competed, I was super excited but also full of nerves because we each had a part and I had to speak in front of a crowd. But it ended up paying off.
When the award ceremony came, I was full of nerves again, because I was unsure where we would place, or if we would even place at all. I remember seeing that a team I thought would win got second. At that moment I wondered which team was good enough to beat them for first place. And it ended up being my team. I felt a rush of excitement and emotions as we went up on stage and accepted our medals. It was my first time winning a team competition, so it was fun celebrating with the people I had been working with for two weeks. It was rewarding knowing that our hard work payed off. But the kicker was what happened after that.
After celebrating for a bit, and heading to the awards banquet, we learned what prizes we would receive for placing first. We received three prizes, and among them was…an IPad.
Now, I was in complete shock. I had heard from my mentor that the tech prize would be a computer. But it ended up being an IPad instead. The very thing I had said that I wanted. I remembered thinking it was just a very lucky coincidence, and I joked with my parents that I had gotten what I wished for. But now I know that in reality, I had actually manifested my iPad.
Recently, when I was struggling with manifestation again, and feeling stuck in a loop of negativity, I made a list of all the things I had already manifested to pull myself out of it. Through that, I was able to remember this story. Realizing that I had manifested before I even knew that it was a thing motivated me so much, because I realized I was putting so much pressure on myself to do something I had already done several times.
So I think the best advice I could give is that if you are struggling with doubt and negative thoughts, please remember how powerful you are. You are capable of manifesting anything that you want. I know it seems unbelievable at times. It was for me too, which I why I first saw my manifestation as a lucky coincidence. I’ve realized too that putting a label on the law often adds this extra pressure, because we aren’t sure if we are applying it correctly. But we are the creators of our realities. There is no wrong way to manifest. Just do what works best for you. But don’t give up. If you do, you could miss out on receiving your desires. The law cannot fail, and neither can you.
Thank you so much for reading! I truly hope this post was able to motivate or help you in some way. I’ll see you guys in the next post!
With love,
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caguaydreams · 4 years
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I'm drawing these idiots
You know how Puppycat can be picked up as a blaster cannon of sorts? Yeah well-
Also I'm having trouble with his ridiculous cape jk it's a fabulous cape
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Edit: added a pic
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pangur-and-grim · 3 years
okay I am.........so so so burnt out with art.
in 2020, I spent the first 6 months illustrating a picture book, and the rest of the year fulfilling contract after contract, all while producing monthly content for my online store bc freelance illustration on it’s own doesn’t pay enough to live off.
it was physically the least healthy I’ve ever been, as bending over a tablet nonstop led to inflammation in my spine, which led to a cyst between two vertebrae pressing down on my sciatic nerve, which led to loss of function in my left leg because it was essentially sending “we are very injured!!! uh oh!” signals 24/7 from the nerve being smooshed. also got repetitive strain injuries in both wrists, meaning I can no longer support much weight with the left one (bye bye pushups), and have to wear a brace on the right one in order to draw. 
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enter 2021, and another book! this one I wrote AS WELL as illustrated, and it’s about a topic I’ve been obsessingover for years (the colourations of extinct animals)
at the same time as all that, I designed/organized distribution for/served as customer service for a merchandise series for the Magnus Archives, which was a LOT of work, but also enormously satisfying because I’m a huge fan. also did a hefty number of other contracts (menu art and billcards for the Demetres restaurant chain, art for Hank and John Green projects, book covers, etc). 
and I STILL produced monthly content for my store. it was a ridiculously productive year, there will be 4 books published this year that feature my illustrations.
2021 was better physically because I completely changed my work style - instead of sitting at a desk with a mounted tablet, I now recline on a soft couch with a back support, and a lap desk for my tablet, and I have multiple braces for both wrists that I put on before doing anything significant. but even still, it took its toll - in November/December I had to seriously pare back on my work because my drawing wrist was getting re-injured.
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NOW IT’S 2022, AND LADS!!!! I HATE ART!!! I’ve already declined a picture book proposal from a major publisher (they wanted to pay $6k CAD for half a year’s work, good god) and have decided to continue denying contracts unless they’re literally irresistible.  
it’s made me nostalgic for the years before I had “made it” in the illustration industry, when art was still a source of joy. like I’d spend weeks on weird non-commercially viable stuff like animals with human faces
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or dozens of bad drawings of people’s pets
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and then going even further back, before my 4-year illustration degree drilled it into my head that ‘digital art is bad' (they literally did not let us hand in digital stuff for our main coursework until final year), I did so many interesting things in high school!
like I was super into digital realism for a while, zooming in to the pixel level to make every detail perfect
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and after that, I got into making digital paintings with a scratchy inked look
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and was also OBSESSED with photo-shopping royalty free stock images together to make fantasy scenes 
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the point being??????????????? I dunno, guess in 2022 I want to exit ‘the industry’ and survive off my online shop and spend my time going back to an earlier mindset, and re-learning how to enjoy art. which might mean steering away from the things I’m currently pigeon-holed in (risograph prints and paleoart). 
and once I’ve figured out a way to work that’s fun and non-health-destroying, I want to continue the streak of ‘a book a year’ but working for myself, and releasing it as a multi-ending visual novel. I have the entire thing plotted out, and am currently quivering in excitement......think American Gods meets The Sight meets We Know The Devil meets an ecology textbook.
anyways, thank you all for having supported my store in the past, that income has massively improved my quality of life and given me this opportunity to step back and take a breather. and look out for what’s to come this year art-wise, I think it will be interesting? and quite possibly deranged
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bakugohoex · 4 years
part one: “you want to sleep on the floor”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: university student y/n, implicit nsfw, fluff and language
word count: 3400+
a/n: this is dedicated to the one anon who was super sweet to me yesterday, all of your support means the world to me and i hope you guys enjoyed this 
summary: in which you’re neighbours with pro hero katsuki bakugo, one night your roommate and her boyfriend get a bit too loud, with no where else to turn you end up in the apartment of bakugo’s, sleeping beside him you both realise the hidden feelings between one another 
part two 
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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The bed squeaked and headboard banging against the wall, moans filled the apartment and the sound of ongoing thrusts erupted out of one single room. You hadn’t slept in hours, the sound from your roommates room vibrating against the whole apartment.
What was even worse, was not just having both your rooms side by side, meaning every time the man thrusted back and forth inside of her you could hear her bed hit the wall, no it wasn’t just that, it was the fact this had been going on for hours now.
You saw the digital clock indicate three am, how could one couple go at it for two hours straight, better yet who gets horny at one am and thinks lets having a fuck session whilst their roommate is next door.
Well your friend clearly did, it wasn’t like you wanted to interrupt them, they hadn’t seen each other in a while and deserved something. But at the expense of your sleep, it was a lot more than you had expected. You had prayed they would stop but the moans of his name continued, and it seemed like they would never stop anytime soon.  
You swung your legs off your bed, yawning as the stars filled the sky, you would go to the balcony, probably try and fall asleep outside if it was summer, but it wasn’t. It was fucking winter and you could see the snow form on top of the window ledge. There was always the sofa, you put a hoodie on your body, covering the short shirt and bottoms you wore, dragging your duvet to the sofa.
Staring up at the ceiling, trying to gain some sleep, you hoped the noise of their maniac sex would calm down. But to your luck, the noise seemed to get even more louder, as if they had left the door open. You really did not need to hear the consistent grunting and moaning coming from your friend and her boyfriend. You knew tomorrow morning you wouldn’t be able to face them after the night they were having.
You were cynical, the last time you had sex being months ago. You were touch deprived and even worse the crush on your pro hero neighbour made it worse, when you’d go in the early mornings to the balcony or get your mail, you’d see the man.
He’s be sweaty from some sort of training, his black vest always clinged onto his body perfectly. He was like a renaissance art piece, he deserved to be in a museum. You tried to think about him, to get rid of the sound of your roommate, you had had an encounter with him in the morning. He had come back from an early morning run and you had gone to get the mail. Flicking through it Bakugo called your name to make sure the elevator didn’t go without him.
The pro hero was drenched in sweat and his long-sleeved running shirt clung to all his muscles, the shorts and leggings he wore underneath sticking to his thigh muscles. It was a sight for sore eyes, and you tried to not stare. “Hey Bakugo.”
You spoke politely, he looked down at you flicking through the mail, mainly magazines and other shit. “Y/n.” He spoke coldly, how could you had a crush on such a cold man.
“I saw on the news about the villains you captured, it was cool.” You tried to converse; he raised an eyebrow crossing his arms.
“It was more than cool, I did it single handily, stupid extras didn’t even help.” He smirked as if he was reminiscing in the past nights action.
You looked up at him, his jaw clenched. “Oh well you didn’t need their help in the first place, did you?” You teased a grin on your face.
He saw you step out of the elevator about to answer but instead keeping quiet, you wish you had stopped walking waiting for an answer but your boldness at teasing had made you too flustered to wait. He often was cold to both you and your roommate, mainly your roommate who found the pro hero an irritant. You often saw his friends come back and forth out of his apartment; you were shocked at how his friends were a foil of the man.
He was angry and frustrated and red riot who you assumed was his best friend frequently visited. Your roommate hated the boy due to her theory that he looked down on commoners, you were studying to go into (any career) and you had been working hard. Was she right? Were you really nothing more than commoners needing to be saved.
Your thoughts turned to your roommate and you got out of your daze of the pro hero, you really couldn’t sleep with the grunts. Your best option was to find somewhere else to sleep for the rest of the night, you were glad it was Sunday the next day so you could have a lie in.
You thought of who you could text to ask if you could spend the night, most of your friends being their own university students with their own problems. Your finger lingered over Bakugo’s number before you decided to just straight up ask him if you could sleep on his sofa.
Leaving your duvet in your room, you unlocked the door of your apartment, quickly slipping out. You finally had some peace without having to hear any more vigorous thrusts, did he want to split her in half or something. You rested your head against the door, before pacing outside Bakugo’s door, the number nine on the side. You hesitated knocking, maybe you should’ve texted before knocking at his door at half three in the morning.
It was only by accident and your nerves that you quickly knocked on the door. Maybe he wouldn’t even hear it, it was early morning, and he could be sleeping. About to leave the door, you were met by the man, he was shirtless, only wearing some grey joggers. You were almost about to admire his body, but as he raised his eyebrow a ‘what’ coming from his mouth you started to spew out your thoughts.
“…so yeah, my roommate and her boyfriend have been fucking for nearly three hours now, and I need my sleep so can I like sleep on your sofa or floor” He raised an eyebrow, his arm was leaning against the top of the door, his height making it easy for him to reach. “It’s fine, if you’ve got no room, I can just go back and h…”
“Shut up and get inside.” You were shocked but quickly obliged, walking into his apartment.
It was not what you had expected, the same layout even with two bedrooms. “My spare room has my hero stuff in it, you want to sleep on the floor”
He was grinning at the idea of you sleeping on the floor, “I can sleep anywhere just not in a sex ridden apartment.”
“My bedrooms free.” He spoke, your face reddening.
“Umm…aren’t you s…sleeping there?” You asked not meeting his gaze.
He crossed his arms, his blond hair less spiky from sleeping. “We’re adults Y/n, we can sleep in the same bed.”
You nodded, not speaking out of fear you’d say something wrong. He walked towards the room as you followed in suit, “stay on your side and we should be fine.”
You nodded again, he went on his side, lying down bare in front of you. It was a sight, his room was boiling, you took your hoodie off he looked at you, trying to not see how your shirt rid to show your exposed stomach. He looked away just as your head popped out of the hoodie. You laid on your side, Bakugo’s broad shoulders made your own touch his as he was partially on your side.
“You have a nice apartment.” You complimented knowing the two of you were still awake facing the ceiling.
He huffed, side eyeing you, he watched as your brought the covers around your shoulders. “It’s exactly like yours, minus the horny roommate.”
You laughed at the comment, turning to face his body. You didn’t care if you both weren’t classed as friends, you were going to try and somehow become friends of sorts. “Who wouldn’t love a horny roommate?”
“Me, I need my space and defiantly cant handle being around sex noises, you should’ve shot them with your quirk or something.”
You hadn’t even told him what your quirk was, it was simple and useless in most situations. “I don’t think its possible for me to do that with my quirk.”
He raised an eyebrow still facing the ceiling, his arm had moved behind his back , you could see his arm muscles all on show, “oh yeah what is it then?”
“Guess.” You teased, stretching the word out. Bakugo finally faced you, he saw how your hair framed your face, your eyes looked tired, but you seemed more awake than you had when you had knocked on his door.
“Just tell me, shitty woman.” You pouted at the man.
“You’re no fun, I can create sparks from my fingertips, I know it’s lame, it’s why I’m at university.” Bakugo looked at you, you expected laughing to come from him, you had heard him call most people extras and those without quirks had been mocked by many people. You expected the same at your lame quirk.
“Can you show me?” He wasn’t acting the same, you ignored his calmness, putting your hand from under the cover. You rubbed your fingers together, a spark coming from each finger, it was like a firework sparkler and was painful to touch. But the application of it was never pro hero material.
His hand moved closer to it, “I would…” He did anyway, his finger touching the top, he quickly moved it away after feeling it for less than a second.
“Oww, Y/n what the fuck? It stings.” You laugh, making the sparks go away, grabbing his hand your breath cool air on it. He hadn’t expected this action, feeling your breath on his fingertips, made his ears go red.
“It’s okay now.” He pulled away, not looking at you.
You didn’t say anything, nobody said anything, you could hear the clock tick away, the minutes going past. Maybe Bakugo had gone to sleep, but as you turned back, he had been fixated on the ceiling. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He spoke with frustration on his tongue.
“Oh, I don’t know you seemed out of it.” You spoke turning away from him, you could feel his legs move closer to your own, you didn’t dare think of the actions you wanted him to do to you. Inside trying to think of other stuff.
Bakugo instead broke the silence, “your quirk is decent.” It was some sort of compliment and you would take it.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” You laugh at the boy, his own mouth twitched upwards. “At UA, there was a kid who made purple balls from his head, so you’re already one hundred times better than him.”
You supress a laugh at someone having a more useless quirk than you, “was he at least hero type.”
“He was just some extra, but he was below four foot and a pussy.” You couldn’t suppress it any longer, a laugh wavering through the room. “And a perv, he loved looking up girls skirts.”
“For some extra, you did pay attention to him.”
“When you have friends that I have, you hear too much unnecessary information.” You smile turning to face him again.
You thought of the heroes who he worked with, who came intro his apartment, they seemed like nice people to be friends with. “So what you don’t pay attention to your friends?”
“I pay attention to important people.” He turned back to face you, both of you under the covers but Bakugo’s hand had moved on top of the duvet, right on top of your body. You didn’t question the action instead questioning him.
“And who’s important to the great Katsuki Bakugo.” You gave a gleeful look waiting for a response.
He thought it out, before finding the confidence to speak, “you.”
You were dumbfounded, your eyes widening waiting for more context, “me?”
“You study (subject area), you and your roommate go to yoga every Friday night, you babysit who I assume is your nephew once a month, you like drinking coffee on the balcony and you always seem to have cooking magazines in your hand.” You were shocked at how much he had remembered and seen from you.
“You noticed.” You were calm on the outside but freaking the fuck out at how much he acknowledged about you, you had spoke about your studies, and what you normally did when you passed by him, but you never expected him to remember.
“How could I forgot your interests.” You smiled looking down before he spoke again, “oh yeah, and you have a massive crush on me.”
Your cheeks reddened, were you that obvious, “w…what?”
“Y/n, I know when girls have crushes on me, I’m surprised in the months I’ve know you; you have brought back one guy and he was the polar opposite of me.” You remembered the guy you had brought back to have sex with, he was the opposite of Bakugo, from his appearance to personality. “Was he able to fuck you good at least?”
A cocky smirk was placed on the blond’s face, his red eyes were filled with a knowing look, you shook your head feeling his hand press harder on the covers, feeling how his hand rubbed back and forth on your leg from on top. “That’s what I thought, I bet you didn’t even cum.”
“I didn’t.” You blurted out.
“You’re lucky you’re better than the other extra’s, you actually have a chance of getting with me.” You looked at him, his other hand moving towards your face.
“Just getting with you?” You hesitantly spoke, your hand meeting his to stop him.
He realised how he had phrased it and quickly rephrased it, “not just to fuck Y/n, I’m not a man whore who does one-night stands.”
“So you’d want to go on a d…date?” You question, pulling his hand towards your cheek.
“Your words not mine.” He spoke defensively, you smirked wanting to close the gap but being scared to make the first move.
He noticed your eyes move down towards his mouth before he closed the gap. The fast pace of the kiss made you more turned on for him, his hands on your cheeks bringing your closer to his face. You had never been kissed like this before, never felt this thrill inside of you and you craved more. His hand moved to your thighs, making you move on top of him, before you sat on top of his exposed chest, your lips still attached to him.
His hands on your sides bringing you closer under the covers as your hands went to his face, making the kiss’ pace fasten. You moaned his name, an instant turn on at the sound of hearing his first name, he had often seen you reading outside on the balcony, he admired how peaceful you got.
But every day when he saw how calm you looked, he fell more and more in love with his neighbour. He watched how you went through the motions every time you read a new book, it was like you were in your own fantasy and he loved it.
His grip on your sides moved to your ass, he squeezed it, making you moan again, this time allowing his tongue access inside your mouth. You loved the feeling, loved his tongue with your own, he loved how you sat on his perfectly, the way one of your hands had moved to his bare chest, glossing over each muscle. As you both parted, he bit at your bottom lip, tugging to make one last moan come from your mouth.
The sound making his ears tingle in enjoyment before he flipped you over. He craved you but was always going to ask before he moved onto other things. “I don’t want to do anything you don’t want to do.” He spoke his mouth on your stomach moving upwards, he was a predator and you his prey and he wanted to devour you.
“I want to wait.” You spoke breathlessly.
He nodded, “I can still kiss you right?” He stopped kissing right underneath your bra, his hand having lifted your shirt up.
“Yes Bakugo.” You smiled feeling his mouth latch upwards, past your bra and onto your neck. Sucking the spot, his hand on your side as he continued to nibble and bite on your collar.
“It’s Katsuki, baby girl.” The single word sent your insides into to turmoil. A purple bruise formed on your neck, before he captured your lips his own. Your legs wrapped around his back, as you brought your arms round his neck, wanting to limit the gap between the two of you.
“Baby…” You trailed off speaking through the kiss, it was too much excitement as his kiss left you a sloppy mess, you felt like putty in his hands. He let go letting you breath, before lying on his back.
“Come ‘ere.” He grabbed your waist, bringing you closer to his body. “We can finish this after our date tomorrow.”
“Is that a promise.” You smiled boldly, his face going into the crook of your now bare back, his arms around your exposed stomach and lips kissing your shoulder.
He went to your ear, licking the back of your ear before nibbling at the earlobe, “I’ll show you what you’ve been missing out on, and we’ll make your roommate hear it all.”
You smiled in agreement; his arms wrapped around your body. You had not expected this to happen, you had thought you were doomed to be alone, but in the angry boys defence, you never even thought he acknowledged you. But as you laid hearing his soft snores in your ear, you gleamed at how you had got something you had been craving for months now.
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bonus scene 
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You woke up the sound of Bakugo in his kitchen, finding his discarded shirt, you wore it, it was a lot bigger than you, but you hoped Bakugo liked it. You walked into the kitchen, a plate of pancakes on the table. “I mad…” He turned around seeing your cute little face in his shirt. “You really want me to bend you over right now.”
You giggled walking up to him, he grabbed your waist planting a soft kiss on you mouth. It was a lot calmer than last nights, but still had the same love in it. You heard his front door open, but Bakugo’s grasp on your was still tight, you squealed not wanting to be seen, instead Bakugo flipped you around, his body pressed onto your back and his chin resting on your shoulder.
“Oi Bakugo, did you forget we were meeting at the…” He trailed off seeing both of you. “Isn’t that your attractive neighbour.”
Your face reddened, “I said you could use my spare key in emergencies.” The door was still wide open, and you knew Bakugo’s shouting would raise some attention.
“I thought you died.” Kirishima spoke. “I’m Eijiro Kirishima, you’re the neighbour, we’ve all had to hear so much about.”
You smiled at the fact Bakugo spoke about you, it melted your heart. “I’m Y/n Y/l/n.” You smiled, Bakugo’s grip loosening as you went to shake Kirishima’s hand.
“Nice to meet you.” He smiled out.
“What the fuck is all the noise.” You saw the door of your apartment open, you looked at your roommate who looked tired and her hair dishevelled. “Y/n what the fuck are you doing in there?” she looked between Bakugo and you, the way his arm was placed around your waist.
“You didn’t, even after everything I said.” She spoke a loud. “Tell me everything.”
She grabbed your hand, dragging you out. “I’ll see you tonight.” You shouted at Bakugo who watched you walk away.
“Ooo pancakes.” You heard Kirishima gleam out, Bakugo watched you get dragged away. A smile at the fact he had finally gotten what he wanted.
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proceed to part two here 
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
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@samusimp @alaina-rose13 @crispychannie @underratedmage @jennammaee @cathy8taffy @sugacious @moonlightaangel @kat-su-ki​
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bangtansmau · 4 years
midnight memories
pairing: kim taehyung x you
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summary: you moved in to a new apartment because you couldn't live another day with a noisy neighbor. to your luck, your balcony faced another apartment's balcony from the building next door and he also is infamous for making sounds. however, you can't seem to care when the noise is actually from a nice violin and the player himself is also nice-looking.
track 2: story of my life + written part
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to make your friends believe you were, indeed, sleeping, you shut off your phone and placed it down because they somehow always knew when you would be online. your eyes wandered around your tiny bedroom before deciding to make some breakfast and something to drink so you could energize to finish your paper. the trek from your room to the kitchen was short as it was just right across the hall since the 1-bedroom apartment was compacted to the smallest size possible.
it would make sense why rent was so cheap.
during your walk, you noticed out of your balcony’s french door’s windows that your neighbor- er, was it tae? taehyung? taeyong? -was leaning against the railing but this time, no violin. his eyebrows were scrunched together as if deeply in-thought and there was a frown resting on his lips that usually held an adorable grin. something must be happening. at first you wanted to just go over there and talk to him but you decided to just make your food and tea then go over to talk over breakfast.
taehyung noticed you walking towards your doors with a plate of cookies and a teacup in-hand. his eyes naturally followed you and his mood brightened up slightly, seeing his new friend make her way for him to talk to her and be distracted from the stress of his life. you were juggling a newspaper under your arm while your two hands carried your breakfast but you somehow made it, even being able to twist the doorknob to open towards the balcony.
tae’s smile made you instantly look at him and you quickly put down your things to walk to the railing so you could talk to him.
he greeted and you tilted your head with a smile.
“hey, yourself”
you both shared a split-second of silence but it was comfortable enough to break into chuckles after. you settled on one of the chairs of your little table and once you were comfortable enough, you finally asked the question.
“what’s wrong, tae?”
you asked and he flinched, recalling showing you any face of stress in the 3 seconds you were out.
“i noticed from inside that you looked stressed. is it school?”
your question was answered with no words but with how he sighed and closed his eyes.
“setting aside how you guessed right, yea, school’s just kicking my ass right now”
you nodded in understanding.
“is there,, anything i can help you with? you mentioned being in photography but i’m not exactly great at,,, well,,,, taking photos”
sheepishly smiling, you ducked your head but tae felt warm that you even wanted to help him.
“it’s a project my professor assigned. i guess you could say it’s our end of the semester project. i have the equipment but,,, i just don’t have a theme”
a theme?
well, you couldn’t exactly come up with anything either without sounding too cheesy or corny.
“i would’ve said something about nature but that’s too basic, right?”
tae’s eyes lit up and he gasped out loud.
“exactly! my friends thought i was crazy for not wanting to do that! they just don’t get it”
he huffed and you laughed.
“as students of the arts, we have to make ourselves known somehow”
god, tae wanted to just drag you off and meet jungkook because he felt like his argument was finally valid.
“what if you make your project,, based on memories? taking pictures of everyday life and see the lens out of someone else’s eye”
your suggestion wasn’t the most original one but tae thought hard.
“hmm, that sounds good. maybe the life of a college student? or,,, something joyous to contrast the dark and stress of our lives? i don’t know, i’m not good at suggestions”
at this point, he was kind of desperate for any suggestions that sounded better than basic so he nodded slowly then began thinking about who and what would be in the pictures.
“i thought of using my dog as my model but he’s at my parents’ house and he’s not very cooperative. maybe my friends but they would charge me somehow”
you felt bad for him because you’ve been at a place where you’ve had a blockage in your project. to think this was the most important and highest graded one of his course was definitely more nerve-wracking than your simple ‘What are the symbolisms in Gatsby?’ back in middle school.
then you thought of an idea.
“well,,, i may not be an experienced model but i can be a stand-in? my friend uses me in his cooking videos a lot so i’m not too shy of a camera”
tae stared at you.
“are you sure? you would do that?”
you shrugged and sipped your tea.
“i mean, why not? it’s not too hard, right?”
his grin spread across his face and he excitedly leaned over the railing.
“seriously?! what can i do in return?”
“i don’t have anything right now but i’ll tell you when we’re done, okay?”
he couldn’t believe you were willing to help a stranger like him but his fondness of you even grew.
“wow, what luck! you’re really the best, y/n!”
you nodded smugly.
“i know”
tae scrambled to find his camera which he spotted inside so he rushed to get it while you watched, amused. the padding of his socks announced his arrival and his camera was held delicately in his hands.
“can i,, take one right now?”
you blanched.
“right now?”
he quickly noticed your surprise so he hurriedly waved his hands.
“it’s fine if you don’t want to!”
the excitement in his eyes was too adorable for you to pass up so you chuckled before picking up the newspaper to open it and partially hide your face.
“here. i don’t have any makeup on so try not to get my face but everything else is fine”
tae nodded. a smirk made its way up to your lips and you leaned.
“how do you want me, director?”
the tips of his ears began to burn at the way you looked up at him but he coughed before he shrugged.
“i-uh,, well, however you’re comfortable”
you noticed his nervousness and nodded. you angled yourself in a way that it looked like you were reading the newspaper with one hand which was folded and raised high enough that the only thing peaking from your face was your large spectacles and eyes. the other hand held the tea high and the way you posed looked natural enough for him to take that snapshot.
you continued reading and stopped when he pulled the camera away from his face to review the way the picture came out. of course, you were curious as to how it turned out so you placed your things down and called out to him.
his eyes were wide and you laughed.
“did it turn out good?”
you asked and taehyung eagerly agreed.
“i mean, i need to pull it up in my laptop but this is perfect. when i finish, you want me to send it to you?”
tae was hoping that his excuse sounded convincing enough to get your number but you quickly caught it before nodding and getting up to get a pen.
he watched you return and give him a notepad that held your digits and a small smiley face that he couldn’t help but mirror.
today was a good day.
not only did he finally figure out his project, he also got the cute girl’s number too.
fun fact:
- jin has a cooking/eating channel called ‘EATJIN’ where he mainly makes cooking videos and eating but sometimes he has daily vlogs where you and the boys show up all the time
- tae’s previous muse was someone from his hometown but something happened o.o
- jungkook is looking for an apartment but he doesn’t want to live with jimin since his cat loves to take socks and underwear and he doesn’t want to repeat the same experience from back then where he accidentally wore jimin’s briefs
← track 1 // track 3 →
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theghostvaquero · 3 years
Hello Friends & Comrades!!
My name is Devin Gonzales, but I go by the moniker TheGhostVaquero. I'm a digital artist and Music Producer in Denver who works on their craft daily(pretty much)!
I've been doing art since elementary school but i didn't really "get into" art until 7th grade. That's when I was given graph paper for the first time. That paper blew my young mind! I saw so many shapes in between the lines. I would draw pixel portraits of my friends. I made mandala after mandala. I spent way more time tracing them out instead of doing my work. I continued with this style for a few years.
Music on the other hand started for me in middle school. I had to pick an elective and band sounded fun. I started at my first school with the Saxophone but my teacher was either too underpaid or too uninterested to care to teach me how to play it. At my second elementary school my teacher was much harsher but he actually wanted me to learn an instrument so he moved me to Percussion. I. Fell. In love. Playing beats was an absolute delight! I made my way up to head chair by the end of the year! Unfortunately, as I said, this new teacher was incredibly harsh, and after 3 years of band in middle school, I needed to step away. That wasn't the end of music for me though. In high school a friend gave me a laptop with FL Studio 8 and I, while not seriously, messed around with it. it was until the pandemic of 2019 that i rediscovered my love of creating music. I found FL Studio Mobile, and released 6 songs I made from it! After about a year of using it i decided it was time to upgrade and i bought Reaper and that's what i use to produce all my music now.
The reason art and music are so important to me now are because when I was 17 a benign tumor was found in my sinus. They pulled the golf ball sized thing out severing one of my facial nerves. Ever since that day, 07/07/2014, I have lived in constant, never ending pain. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic migraines, and chronic neuropathy. My pain is wide spread. I feel pain on ever inch of my skin, every second of everyday. Now that that is my reality art & music have taken on a very different meaning for me. it has become an outlet. A way to express to people a pain that is invisible to them. A way to express how this has shifted my perceptions.
Existentially yours
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kaitosimp · 4 years
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What if you had shitty art/editing skills, but then ur brain says "how about kaito in angie's coat?" and then it spirals into this 😳 Artist Kaito can literally step on me and i'd thank him. I write fanfic and all I've done lately is write stuff with Kaito so now im like mhmmm talentswap au with artist kaito yes? 🤔
This is the first sprite edit I've ever done, I know it's not that good but I like it! I'm not good at digital art and I did it on my phone but i tried my best :,) And i know he'd wear an arm out of a sleeve but i wasn't confident to try that 😭 But tbh I rlly like it, def gonna try to make more! With kaito ofc 👁👄👁
I also came up with a few fun facts about artist!kaito:
🌠 He'll paint/draw anything that catches his eye, but his fave thing to do is space stuff
🌠 His fave painting is the starry night
🌠 He loves making wooden carvings of people and giving said carvings as gifts
🌠 He always has paint splashes somewhere on his body, most usually on his face
🌠 He got scouted by hopes peak when he entered a bunch of prestigious art competitions and won all of them, he did it for the money so he could help his grandparents with their medical bills and didn't even think about the exposure it'd bring him, he only cared about helping the only family he has while doing something he loves
🌠 If someone doesn't check on him he will literally spend days in his lab/room doing art stuff with no breaks or sleep
🌠 He really likes the teenage mutant ninja turtles bc they're named after the artists, his fave turtle is Raphael (Donnie is his second fave bc purple bros)
🌠 If someone upsets him/argues with him, he will take out a tube of paint from one of his many inner coat pockets and will threaten the person with shooting paint at them, sometimes he'll threaten ppl with one of his mallets if they really get on his nerves
🌠 His most prized possesion is his coat, his grandparents gave it to him as a gift before he left for hopes peak, likewise he loves his beret since he painted it with them
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pandapupremade · 4 years
Danger (Part 1)
WORDS: 1,304
WARNINGS: Mentions of explosions/evil plans basically
in case u wanted to know context of the Sympathy fic I did yesterday, I’m writing a prequel tihngy. this is part 1 and doesn’t feature much Self shipping (though it references my ship with Quackerjack and @sphearts‘ insert Patch), but pls know the next parts will. reblogs also appreciated!!! I had a lot of fun w this ;w;
      The Fearsome Five were once more up to something very dastardly. When weren't they? But it seemed today that in that warehouse just off town, not all members of the group were feeling so dastardly. A nervous Bushroot tapped his leafy hands together as he looked over the crate in front of him, one that wires were extending from.
     "Are we sure this is such a good idea? I -I m-mean...There's - there's just - there's innocents down there, you kn-know?" He shook his purple-foliaged head and frowned. "Oh, I c-couldn't bear to destroy the poor things...N-not so gruesomely..."
      Bushroot's concerns fell on deaf ears, of course, and in fact his words were met with a laugh from Quackerjack, who was dangling upside down from the rafters for whatever goofy reason. "Since when do YOU care about the civilians, bush brain?"
     "W-who said anything about people?" The scientist almost seemed offended, "You know I'm talking about the plants! The - the - the trees! The f-flowers! They're all blooming at this time, I couldn't stand it if they..."
      "Are you having second thoughts?" Came the voice of Liquidator, poking up from a puddle on the floor, "Tired of destroying your family trees? Not to worry, the Liquidator will set things right! Lots of water for lots of plants, right?"
     "Uh, I-I guess..." Bushroot nodded, but still seemed tense. "A-anyway, Quackerjack - don't think you're one to - to talk. You're the one with a f-family at home. Shouldn't you be worried about them? What if they get caught in the explosion - bet you'd be pretty bummed then...!"
     "Please, they know to stay out of any destruction zone!" replied the jester with another laugh, "Well, except Patch - but who knows where they go....Maybe your plants oughta do the same...You know...Make like a banana and split! Hohohohoooo~!" As he said banana, he pulled out Mr. Banana Brain, because of course he did.
     "Just better hope they don't get in the way again," Megavolt sneered. "They're always so unpredictable...But then again, so are you."
    "Which one of you idiots is making Quackerjack a fool of himself again?" growled a new voice, and one that shot chills down each Fearsome member's spine. Negaduck had finally arrived. "Or is it just Quackerjack being a fool all on his own? Either way, his laughter is getting on my nerves."
    "Oh, goody!" Quackerjack grinned from above. "Boss is back! Great to see you, Negaduck! Buddy, ol' pal!"
      "Yeah, yeah, roll out the red carpet." Negaduck waved his hand with disinterest. "Is everything in place, boys? 'Cause if it's not..."
     "The Liquidator has a 100% satisfactory guarantee! Indeed, you, Negaduck, will be pleased - or your money back!" The watery dog seemed a bit too cheery considering all this talk of explosions...
     Negaduck shook his head. "I'll hold you to that, you walking infomercial..."      But at this, Megavolt spoke up, "But Boss, you didn't give us any money, so we can't exactly give it back..."
    "Well,  your life can repay any debt, don't you think?" He tapped his foot on the ground. "I mean, really, that's what you're gonna give me anyway if you losers screw this up."
     "That's our Negaduck! Always so forgiving..." Seems like even the concept of dying a bloody death as punishment for failing sounded like a fun time to Quackerjack. "Anyway, boss..." He dropped down from the ceiling and landed directly in front of Negaduck now, "I've got a question for you, if you've got the time..."
      "I don't have the time." Negaduck tried to walk past the insolent clown, but Quackerjack quite literally bounced back to front and center.
     "It'll only take a second! See, Bushroot and I were just having a civil little conversation -"
     "Nothing civil about it," huffed Bushroot in the background.
      "9 out of 10 reviews give that conversation a thumbs down," added Liquidator.
      Quackerjack snorted. "Anyway, it got me wondering if YOU have any ties that could be -"
      And then, his beak was grabbed quite cartoonishly to shut him up. Negaduck was obviously unamused. "No, Quackerjack. Unlike you, I don't need a family to keep me stable."
     "Yeah, you only need a chainsaw," chuckled Megavolt.
     "Bingo. And frankly, I don't even need that. Any weapon will do, yeah?" Negaduck let go of Quackerjack now, but walked past while purposely stepping on the guy's foot. (Though this backfired, because there was a honking sound effect and that just annoyed the boss more.) "If that's all you nubs needed, then let's start the operation."
     "Aye-aye, sir!" came the chant of his cohorts. Negaduck would walk towards the earlier mentioned crate, which with the little help of a button on a remote he had, opened to reveal a computer inside. On the screen was a map of St. Canard in neon green color, and Negaduck began to type in some coordinates from a sheet of paper - one that he'd somehow taken from Megavolt when the rodent wasn't looking.
     "And...we...are...good...to....Eh?" His finger paused over the last number, "No, wait a minute, that ain't right..." He back spaced and tried again. Still no.
    "Somethin' wrong, boss?" asked Megavolt.
    "The coordinates I'm inputting on this detonator...They're nowhere near the correct ones." He glared at Megavolt. "Where did you set up the bombs?"
    "On the south side of -"
   At this, Negaduck's eyes narrowed. "The SOUTH side? You LOSER, you can't even follow orders right...I said the NORTH would be destroyed..."
     Megavolt stared, and became increasingly panicked. "W-wh-wha? W-well, it shouldn't be too big a difference! A-after all, it's still just a threat, r-right? Not like we won't get our point acro-"
    "That's not the point, you dolt! There's some stupid art convention going on in the South Side of town, and I wanted to specifically avoid that area!"
   "Uh....Why-" began Bushroot, but he quickly retracted his inquiry as Negaduck shot a nasty look at him. "Th-that is....We can just set the bombs up elsewhere, right?"
   "Yeah, and it's gonna take all day! Forget it, this plan was a failure...And it's not my fault, I'd like to say..." Negaduck crossed his arms. "Quackerjack and Megavolt can be in charge of defusing all the bombs."
    "Hmm...Is it really such a big deal?" Quackerjack smiled in a way that sorta said he was about to cause trouble, "It's just strange you'd care so much about a little setback that you'd cancel your whole plan...Not even a Plan B...."
   "Y-yeah, that's  - that's right!" chimed in Bushroot. "We should just go ahead with it, already!"
   "Act now, and the Liquidator can wash away YOUR worries, with a bang!" 
   "It will SURELY shock you!" beamed Megavolt.
   "Will you all be quiet?! I'm sick of your puns!" Negaduck snapped, "You're all so...useless!" Well, this was getting nowhere fast. Soon, in a comedic fashion, the Fearsome Five became the Fumbling Five - everyone started arguing, and in the midst of it...Somehow, probably when nobody was paying attention, that last digit got put into the detonator.
    "Forget this," Negaduck growled, "I'll just have to..." And then he noticed the timer. "W- No! Oh, for the love of -" Everyone watched as he rushed to the computer and began trying to stop the detonator. "UGH! YOU IDIOTS!"
    The others looked at each other. Then at Negaduck. Then at each other. And as they ran away so as not to meet his wrath, Liquidator shouted out another quote of "Act now, the offer ends soon!"
   "Oh, more than that is gonna end...." But there was no time to worry about that with the clock ticking. He gripped his hat in a stressed manner, yanking on it to try and calm his nerves. But he couldn't stop the detonator - he'd specifically planned that so that Darkwing couldn't screw things up...What irony!
    But why did he care about that art convention? Well, as he rushed off to try and find a certain someone,  he wondered that himself.
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cosplayinamerica · 4 years
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ARTIST ALLEY : BurntGreenTea
Here at Cosplay in America, I am expanding who I interview to those in the convention scene. Today we will talk to BurntGreenTea who I met in artist alley at Ikkicon, an anime convention in Austin, TX. BurntGreenTea is from Northern California and as stated on his Deviant Art “Hey, my name is Nelson! I like to draw waifus���
EJEN : My first question is why BurntGreenTea? 
BURNTGREENTEA: That’s actually my second handle I came up with, I had an embarrassing name before so I wanted to change into something more ironic and more “me” in a name. so I’ve been going as BurntGreenTea ever since. I do drink matcha alot!
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EJEN: Tell us how you got started in artist alley, what was your first one and what was that experience like?
BURNTGREENTEA: I started getting interested in doing artist alley at my first Fanime Con back in 2007 as a one day attendee when I was still in high school.
I went with my best friend at the time and it blew my expectations of what a convention was, especially the artist alley since it completely opened my mind that there’s artists actually selling fan art. But I didn’t commit to it until 2012, just when I was in my 2nd year of college.
By that time, I had enough digital art and felt confident that I could do it. Fanime still had the application process of first come first serve (meaning those who apply the earliest will get a spot), so I was fortunate enough to apply fast enough to get a table!
For a first time experience it was nerve-wracking before, during and after the con. But there was something to it that really sparked my interest; and I think there were people that legitimately liked my work and bought them.
EJEN: Was there a point that you went “yeah, this could work” and you made the jump to traveling out of state for artist alley?
BURNTGREENTEA: It was about one and half years after I graduated from college, between that time I worked in a job that was soul sucking but I had many of my colleagues working at, and then after I was applying to animation studios, gaming companies, etc while I was doing commissions and artist alleys at the same time.
It went on like this for almost a year. By this point I felt like I really hit my lowest and felt a great shame that I couldn’t find “stable” work. My parents didn’t really support me doing artist alley during this time since it’s not legit work and it’s more like a fun hobby I can do on the side, all the while I have colleagues and friends who have jobs in the animation or gaming industries. I felt extremely lost, and wasn’t sure the direction I wanted to go in life, so my parents encouraged me to go back to school to get a “safe” degree or trade.
But there was something I knew in the back of my mind that I couldn’t see until I had a meet up with an old friend. She was confident, happy, found her dream job that paid well and she enjoyed the work, and she was completely honest and blunt. When the topic came up of me being lost in life, she asked me, “what did you want to do then?” and I told her honestly, “I really just want to do artist alley and make that work.” “Then just do it.” So I did.
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EJEN: After all the time you spent in artist alley, what’s the most important factor that an artist must understand to do decently in sales
BURNTGREENTEA: Research research research. It’s basically “knowledge is power” but breaking down as knowing your audience, yourself (what you enjoy, your strengths and capabilities) and learning new trades while breaking old habits.
EJEN: Can you go more in detail about research, research, research?
BURNTGREENTEA: So this reflects back on my previous answer, so know the convention you’re going into, what you can offer, what’s your budget, everything that would make your experience at the convention you’re getting into a great experience.
I have heard many stories of artists not breaking even and even I had bad experiences due to inaccurate/outdated information or inexperience. For example, there was a first year event that had a $1000 table price tag and promised to bring in 5000 attendees.
This was going to be my second event/convention to table at, so I had no idea what it was going to be like and decided to go for it. It ended up having less than 100 attendees, and I lost a significant amount of money. So now I have to get as much info as I can get to make the convention viable to go to.
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EJEN: How do you describe your style and how has it changed if any over the 14 years you’ve done art? What were some of your earlier influences.
BURNTGREENTEA: Right now I can say it’s pretty much anime style, but I can say there were several phases I went through. Looking through my Deviantart gives a great timeline all the way back to middle school until recently.
When I initially started I was getting into anime thanks to friends, so I was very much influenced by Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, and Gurren Lagann. Then in high school I started to do more digital art, eventually creating artwork bigger and grander just like the artists from Fanime I admired.
When I finally started my education in my art program in college, I started getting the proper training in lighting, form, and composition. This time period my pieces were more western-influenced, like more realistic faces and body proportions, but there was something missing in it that I wouldn’t understand until after I graduated. It’s around the same time when I wanted to do artist alleys full time that I was more true to myself in the style and got more flashy, more colorful and composition.
EJEN : How do you decide what Alley to apply for. What’s your personal criteria for conventions to do artist alley at? 
BURNTGREENTEA: Local cons are usually easy for me to decide to apply for due to the cost being low(transportation, housing, etc). If there’s anything that involves flying out of state, I have to factor in much more information about the con, personal experiences from other artists, and if it is viable for an anime fan artist to break even and also turn a profit. Usually big conventions like Anime Expo and Otakon are the must go to conventions for their huge attendance numbers.
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EJEN: Describe to me a typical day in the Alley!
BURNTGREENTEA: Due to the times right now, it seems like almost a dream to be in an artist alley, haha. Here’s a usual day of being in the Alley: Waking up early to get ready, getting breakfast and caffeine before heading inside a convention.
Usually getting there early, either me or some art friends would walk around the Alley and check out other artists before it’s open to the public. There would be some art friends I made along the way that I can catch up with briefly, chatting about the next shows or projects. I would have probably stayed up kinda late working on physical commissions and would need to go back to my table to continue finishing them up.
When the Alley opens up, it’s mostly engaging and talking with familiar customers or friends, while also working on commissions during the down times. Friends would go on food or snack runs, and I would get an hour to go shopping during the day somewhere as a break.
By the time it ends, it would have felt like it had gone in a flash. But with heavy eyes but our hearts full with a day accomplished. If we had the strength, we would check out an event or explore the convention hall abit more to absorb the atmosphere. Getting dinner with friends after a job well done, while we have another day to look forward to spending time with fans alike.
It’s really nostalgic to reflect on a typical day to be in the Alley, and having to have that all stop for almost a year now.
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EJEN: Since the pandemic, how are you coping with this change both personally and business-wise?
BURNTGREENTEA: I was honestly hoping conventions would come back around at the end of May, but that never happened so I had to approach things differently. Luckily I had a freelance gig that I was working part time, so I had a semi-regular income on the side while I applied for virtual conventions and commissions.
It was tough since I wanted 2020 to be the year I would do the most conventions ever but that plan derailed. I also focused on my online shop and my social media presence, which so far is paying off!
Like everyone this year took a mental and physical toll, but I also ended up working on more projects and digital work to help keep me distracted.
EJEN: What are your plans for the future, what are you working on?
BURNTGREENTEA: My goal is still to go back to doing conventions, but at the moment I’m going to give that a pause. Currently I have a contract job that’s ending soon, and I have something that’s NDA that might come up, crossing my fingers! That’s the near future, but for the time being I want to refocus on learning new things and refining my art since I’ve gotten rusty.
EJEN: Finally who is your waifu?
BURNTGREENTEA: My waifu is Lucina from Fire Emblem!
Visit BurntGreenTea’s Etsy!
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elleonmybeloved · 5 years
A New Muse
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Winx Club | Flora x Helia Words:5785 Chapter 1 Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22431853/chapters/53596288
Summary:  Ever wonder what goes on in that freakishly strong poet guy's mind when it comes to Flora? A retelling of the events of their experiences together in season 2 but this time you don't have to guess at Helia's personality.The mind of a teenage guy can be an interesting thing.
“No way dude, Kellthorn is totally winning this. Miran might be at the top of his class, but he’s just a sophomore. Kellthorn’s got two years of experience on him.”
“You obviously haven’t seen Miran fight. He’s got this one in the bag.”
“You wanna bet?”
“Sure. Whoever loses buys dinner.”
“Hah! You’re so on.”
Helia had chosen a seat surrounded by empty space in the hopes of getting whatever peace he could at such a loud and chaotic event as the reopening of the Red Fountain stadium, but unfortunately he could still hear the bickering of some excited specialists from his corner seat.
He hadn’t even wanted to come in the first place, but Uncle Saladin had made him a deal too good to refuse… and well, just about anything seemed worth it in the face of getting a new set of WeiLu brushes. Enhanced with a secret potion formula and made from the finest of unicorn hairs, the kind of elegant and versatile brushwork they could produce was a worthwhile trade for a few hours of mild suffering.
“Yes!! I told you Kellthorn would win. Mmm, I can taste the pricey Italian alfredo already!”
“Aw man, can’t we just go out for pizza dude?”
“Nope. This is what you get for underestimating a real specialist’s strength!”
Helia hid an expression of disdain. What good came of obsessing so much over strength? In his opinion, it was pathetic to take such pleasures in brutish delight. The best this school had going for it were it’s few intellectuals, but they always failed to acknowledge the balance of technology and nature.
The new design of Red Fountain’s campus would be one example of such. Floating among the clouds with the help of technology and magic, but a part of the natural beauty of the sky, floating like a cloud, and gravity’s brush painting the long cascades of water that fell from all sides, like a waterfall.
Not that anybody would notice that.
A flock of doves landed at his feet, cooing on their way down. Pleased, he leaned forward and turned a new page in his sketchbook, trying to capture the grace in their flight. They had such fluffy feathers, like clouds. He made several short, curved strokes, trying to imitate the downy feathers and the soft clouds above simultaneously.
“Hmm…” He was pleased with the overall shape, but he wasn’t sure he had succeeded in what he had been trying to do.
“According to my calculations, this is the best angle to watch the event!”
Glancing up briefly, he noticed a few of his specialist acquaintances approaching with a group of young women he suspected were Alfea fairies. Looks like his newfound peace wasn’t going to last long after all. He went back to his sketch.
“Hey, who’s that ?” He supposed he should have knocked on wood. One of the fairies had noticed him already. Helia pressed his lips together at the subsequent uncomfortable sensation of several pairs of eyes on him.
“Oooh, he’s kind ce-yute… is he a transfer student? I’d remember if I’d seen him before.”
This one’s loud voice grated harshly on his ears. Helia suppressed a sigh.
“That’s just Helia.” From the unamused tone in Brandon’s voice, he made the quick connection of the identity of the loud blonde as his royal girlfriend.
“Helia is Saladin’s nephew.” Timmy never missed a chance to list off the facts.
He almost didn’t hear the next voice. Unlike the others it was quiet and soft, and not easily heard over the ambient noise of the crowd.
“Then he must be a talented specialist. Is he going to be in the competition?”
“Actually no, he’s not a hero.” Brandon was quick to explain. “He goes to art school, but Saladin’s trying to convince him to transfer here.”
And he’d need a better bribe than high quality art supplies to pull that off.
“The problem is, he’s a pacifist, and doesn’t believe in violence.”
“Huh, what a shame.”
He flipped to the next page and began another sketch, not really wanting to hear the usual judgements of how lame or cowardly he “must be” that usually ensued the disclosure of that information.
“Actually, I think that’s wonderful…” The quiet voice was so full of genuine admiration, it shocked him.
Finally looking up from his sketchbook, his gaze raked over the group of girls, searching for the owner of that voice.
“I’d like to meet him and hear his point of view.”
Her shy expression wasn’t hidden by the blonde like she had been the first time he’d looked at the group, nor was the rest of her. For that, Helia was thankful. He would’ve been extremely remiss had he never gotten a chance to lay eyes on this fairy.
Helia took his time drinking in the sight. Her petite form, the deep green of her eyes, the delicate swell of her pink bottom lip, the glow of her smooth caramel skin, and the delicately curled waves of her long chestnut hair that flowed loosely in the slight breeze were enticing. More than those, however, was her posture: graceful yet shy, and the way she wore her expression: open and kind.
It was exactly the kind of raw, gentle beauty he found himself chasing so often in his artwork. Most fairies were physically attractive, but he always found their “pretty” to be boring and repetitive. It was refreshing to encounter something different.
“Sure, I’ll introduce ya.”
Helia set down his brush and shifted his leg in anticipation as Brandon approached, giving the specialist an inquisitive gaze.
“Hey Helia.”
“These ladies here are my friends. Let me introduce you.” Brandon turned to indicate each girl with one hand as he rattled off their names.
“This is Tecna, and that’s Layla, and-”
“I’m Princess Stella of Solaria!” The blonde chirped enthusiastically as she inserted herself in front of the one girl who’s name Helia was actually curious to know. “I’m actually a big supporter of the arts and-...”
Perhaps it was worth the delay, because the brief flash of disappointment in the other fairy’s eyes at the lost chance to be introduced pleased him. He was glad she wanted him to know who she was.
“-you’re an artist, right? Can you show me your sketchbook?” Helia tuned back in to what the blonde was saying in time to hear what was probably simultaneously the most annoying and most asked question of every artist of all time. As usual, he ignored it.
He stood and gave a formal bow of greeting to the group, coaxing forward his best friendly smile. “It is an honor to meet all of you.”
“With all due respect, Helia, why are you drawing on paper?” The one introduced as Tecna asked. “Such a primitive antique. Graphic palettes are so much better.”
He didn’t have a chance to answer as what he assumed was Tecna’s bonded pixie began regaling him on all the specs of such digital equipment. Helia raised an eyebrow and tried to keep his polite smile.
Except the blonde then casually took his sketchbook right out of his hands.
“Wooow!” She gushed, shamelessly flipping through the pages. It was too quickly for her to really be looking at them. “These are greeeaat ! You’re perfect to do my royal portrait.” She gave him a wide, expectant grin as if she’d just given him a great honor.
And then unceremoniously shoved his sketchbook into the hands of the gentle girl.
Stella continued on about having her people call his people or some nonsense, he was only paying attention to the almost reverent way the girl was holding his sketchbook, taking her time on each drawing and turning the pages gently.
Helia was quiet as he awaited her response to what she saw there, curious what she’d have to say.
“Your brush strokes capture the dove’s moment so beautifully.” She sighed, still looking at the drawing. “The way you’ve drawn the wings -  it’s like they’re hugging the clouds and the sky and the dove… become one.” Meeting his eyes at her last words, she seemed a bit chagrined, but passed his sketchbook back with a shy smile.
He was a little stunned and mechanically took it back from her before speaking.
“That’s… exactly what I had in mind. I wasn’t sure I’d managed to pull it off... I love that you got that.”
The girl let out a nervous laugh, like she’d been expecting him to make fun of what she said and was relieved that wasn’t the case.
If anything, it was the opposite.
“He-hem. And this is Flora.” Brandon’s knowing smirk was annoying but the important information he just imparted was enough for him to get away with it.
“Hmm, Flora.” He murmured quietly, immediately testing out the name on his tongue.
Flora . Of course her name was Flora, he thought, a girl with all the beauty and grace of nature. Like a wood nymph of legend. He wondered how she would feel about letting him draw her sometime.
“Anyways, we need to go start getting ready. I’ll see you girls later.” Brandon said, winking at Stella before he and the other specialists broke off from the group.
Helia took the opportunity to take his own leave. He didn’t want to risk getting dust or rubble on his sketchbook while the “Big Reveal” was taking place, and as it was he was thirsty. His uncle surely wouldn’t begrudge him getting some water before returning.
The group of fairies chatted animatedly as they took their seats, and though he resisted the temptation to turn his head for a last look, his wondered about warning the gentle fairy about what most of the audience would probably perceive as an earthquake…
...Nah, she would be fine.
And if she wasn’t, he’d be there to rescue her.
Flora would do anything to save those she cared about, so while she wasn’t particularly brave, she volunteered to be bait in their plan to get rid of the monster attacking Red Fountain.
Her magic was primarily defensive after all. She’d leave it to the heavy hitters to bash this thing down.
Steeling her nerves, she flew around the face of the monster, trying not to look at it’s scary gaping maw that was no doubt right behind her.
Finally, the signal. The spell Bloom and the others had been charging were ready.
“Aaieee!” Flora panicked, suddenly covered head to toe in a stick substance that stang where it touched her skin. She’d reflexively squeezed her eyes shut, but now she couldn’t open them. She shouldn’t have looked away!
“Oh no, that’s what it does right before it eats you!” Bloom’s voice sounded hopelessly far away.
“I-I can’t see!” She stammered, trying her best to shake the goo off with little success.
Flora knew she needed to keep moving, but what if she flew into the monster’s awaiting mouth? There was a spell for this, of course, but her mind was blank in her panic and it would take several seconds she didn’t have to cast it. Her breath left her in gasps, and she sobbed, curling in on herself in anticipation of the sharp teeth she knew were coming to crush her in two.
But those teeth never came.
“What the- look, it’s being restrained by glowing cords!”
Still unable to see, Flora frantically chanted the spell while she had the opportunity, and after a few agonizing seconds, the goo vanished and she opened her eyes.
Instead of the gaping maw she’d expected, the monster was several feet from her, bound in a glowing gold cord. Her eyes followed the line up to a high ledge.
There stood her hero. His bicep flexed as he effortlessly restrained the monster with a single hand, the cords extending out from a white glove on his left hand. The folds of his loose poet’s shirt billowed in the wind.
An odd sensation buzzed in her chest.
“How did that happen?”
“Haha!” Sky’s laughter sounded surprised. “It seems like we have a new hero!”
“What? Where?” Brandon swung his dragon around.
“He’s up there.” Flora couldn’t keep the smile off her lips. “Helia.”
Following her gaze, Brandon’s eyes just about bugged at the sight of the young man. A smug smile on his face, still keeping the powerful beast restrained with just one hand.
“Wh- Helia ? How could an art student do that?” From his tone it sounded like he hadn’t expected Helia to be able to fight at all.
“Well, he is Saladin’s nephew… maybe heroics is in his blood?”
But Helia wasn’t paying attention to them anymore. Or the monster. He was looking straight at her. When he spoke, the soft concern in his voice made her throat go dry.
“Are you okay, Flora?”
“I- uhhh…” She didn’t really feel okay, she felt weird in her chest, and she’d almost been eaten by a monster with very sharp teeth. She should thank him right? Or maybe... reward him with a kiss? She covered her face with her hands at the embarrassing thought, immediately banishing it. “Uhhh?”
Sky laughed. “She’s okay.” He still seemed shocked, gazing incredulously at the artist.
“Hmm.” He seemed pleased with that.
And then let go of the monster in one fluid movement. Flora didn’t miss the cheeky smile that quirked up at the corner of his lips.
Her friends reacted immediately, shocked and enraged, but Flora was transfixed. Helia just walked confidently away, barely seeming to hurry at all for the monster that slammed an angry fist near where he’d just been standing.
He just calmly walked away with a satisfied expression on his face.
It was startlingly cocksure compared to her first impression of him. She couldn’t decide if he was humble or reckless… but regardless, she found the display incredibly attractive.
As much as he hadn’t expected a giant monster to crash the tournament ceremony, he’d appreciated the opportunity it had presented.
Helia decided he’d liked the look on Flora’s face when she opened her eyes and turned to him and saw him as her savior.
There was something in her eyes, a kind of trust that was so tempting. In that moment, it had satisfied him more than any of the art he’d made that day. The way she’d watched his arm, assessed his capabilities… he sort of felt like a preening bird in that moment, oddly. He didn’t usually care much for competing with others, but to have won her sole attention had been so satisfying he maybe needed to revisit that.
He wanted to see her look at him like that again.
Helia had succeeded in his first attempt to impress her, but what could he do to do it again? Hmm, perhaps… ah, yes.
An hour later, he managed to track down the group’s whereabouts, the specialists and fairies lounging in the courtyard against some trees. Flora sat alone against the base of a tree, eyes closed and looking peaceful as she relaxed.
It would be a shame to disturb her.
Folding his drawing into a paper airplane, he tossed it in an arc, letting it catch the wind.
A lucky throw - it landed right beside her.
Helia watched from out of her sight as her expression changed from one of curiosity, to shock, and then joy as she saw that it was a portrait of herself.
Flora looked around for him, but when she couldn’t spot him, she smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and happily hugged the drawing to her chest, holding it tightly like it was precious. It seemed attempt number two was a success.
Helia smiled too.
The next time Helia saw her again was several weeks later.
Despite his original resistance, with a bit more bribing on his Uncle’s part, he’d caved and joined Red Fountain. When asked, he’d said it was because he was bored and interested in a change of scenery.
But really, he was just concerned about his uncle’s safety here. They’d found no evidence in the aftermath of the beast’s attack to identify the perpetrator, which was odd. And meant that whoever was unsuccessful the first time might come back to finish the job.
His hunch turned out to be correct, the mayhem globe wreaking havoc on campus could attest to that. Unfortunately, nothing they were trying was having much of an effect.
Helia had happened to be outside, trying to find a pattern to the globe’s movements when she’d showed up, long hair streaking behind her as she and her friends ran to come offer their aid.
To be honest, he’d only thought of her a couple of times since. Sure he was interested, but he didn’t know the first thing about her. Though he wasn’t inexperienced, he wasn’t really the type to chase women.
But now that he saw her again, he was reminded of why he was attracted to her. It was those same eyes, that tempting expression.
In battle she was brave and kind, and smart enough to know her limits. But in the end, they lost the codex, despite their best efforts.
It was another several weeks before he saw Flora again. But this period of time, unlike the last, he spent thinking of her often.
It had started when Sky had asked Bloom to be his girlfriend after being revived from death by her power. Though he was happy with the situation, he’d come to Helia for advice on how to take her out on dates she’d enjoy.
And then Timmy had approached him soon after to ask for help in wooing Tecna, having failures to capture her heart with several gifts.
Happy with the results of his half hearted counseling, they’d formed a habit of “thanking” him with things they heard about Flora from their girlfriends.
“She likes strawberry milkshakes.”
“Pink is her favorite color.”
“There’s a large vine plant that grows in her room. She calls it Leafy. Apparently she snuggles it at night sometimes.”
There were admittedly some interesting things among the asinine.
“She mispronounced a spell in class the other day, saying your name instead of helion .”
“It’s supposed to be a secret, but Bloom says that sometimes Flora makes weird noises when sleeping with her vine plant and the room smells strongly of sweet sap.”
That one had earned Sky a glare, if only for telling him that someplace public enough to be inappropriate for the boner Helia was then sporting.
Helia had then proceeded to have a very heated dream about the subject and he’d given up trying to resist his attraction that morning.
He wanted to see her again. He wanted to know more. He wanted to hear it from her lips, in that gentle voice.
But it had been weeks… and besides, it was possible she wasn’t interested. Or had someone else in her heart.
“Hmmph.” He scowled down at the journal of poems below him, tearing off the sheet and balling it up before tossing it and beginning anew.
Her voice is the whisper of wind-swept trees
Putting my troubled mind at ease
Her eyes are lit with a new star’s aura
I long to be close to my dear Flora
...It seemed the muse wasn’t with him tonight. Maybe a hot shower would help him relax… he set down the pad and headed towards the bathroom, pulling the strings of his shirt loose.
As usual, he took long showers. It took time to wash and condition all of his hair after all.
He was just patting it dry when he heard a noise in his room.
That was odd. Had something fallen?
But when he walked out to check, everything was in place. The sound must have come from the adjacent dorm.
Glancing at the poem, he decided to give it a rest for the night and go to bed. Maybe the right words would come to him tomorrow.
“You really think the poem was about me?” Flora asked, gazing up at the sky, wanting to believe what Layla had just told her, but it was too good to be true. She really wished it was. She couldn’t stop thinking about the handsome artist.
She’d daydreamed about him saving her from monsters more than was probably healthy. It was hard not to drool over the memory of his confident smirk as he’d saved her at Red Fountain. It would feel so good to be held in his arms. At least that was how it had felt in her dreams. She’d had some other dreams too, but she’d never admit to those. Only that her imagination had a lot of faith in Helia being good with his hands.
“Unless he’s madly in love with a Dora, Kora, or Laura.” Layla teased her, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. “Of course it was about you, Flora. He’s into you, big time. Trust me.”
It was such a tempting thought.
Flora was struck by a whimsical, bold idea. Encouraged by the prospect of the truth of Layla’s words, she sat up, deciding to act on it before she lost her nerve.
“Maybe I’ll just send him a little something to let him know I’m thinking about him too.” The way she was planning to do it, she would be totally safe if it went south - she could always feign innocence and pretend it wasn’t her.
It was a clear and sunny afternoon. Maybe some sweet and unobtrusive white camellias? Nothing too garish or fragrant, so as not to disturb him…
She hoped he didn’t know flower language. White camellias represented love and adoration and were given to those you really liked. Well, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if he knew it.
“I’ll be right back.” She said, giggling at the knowing look Layla shot her.
“There’s a blue ledge next to the window that makes a good hiding spot.”
Helia was in the middle of his afternoon meditation when he noticed a lack in the absence of the gentle heat of the sunlight. A shadow…? He hadn’t sensed anyone’s presence.
He opened his eyes and stood. There by the balcony ledge, a small bush of flowers magically grew and blossomed in front of his eyes.
Racing out to the balcony, he watched them bloom and sparkle in the light of the sun. They were white camellias, beautiful with their winding stems and layered petals. They usually only bloomed in the winter.
“Whoa! Nice…”
He looked up in search of the one responsible for such a gift, just in time to see the form of someone flying away. They were already almost out of sight, so to his disappointment he had just missed his chance to find out their identity.
Regardless, he couldn’t help a smile as he looked down at the plant, softly touching the petals of one of the flowers. If he remembered correctly, white camellias were typically given to those well-liked by the sender and could represent feelings of adoration… or love. Well, that was only one interpretation.
Who indeed?
He aced all of his tests later that day, but refused to answer as to the reason for his good mood when asked.
Even when it lasted for the rest of the week.
Enough heroism was enough for one day. Helia had half a mind to skip his classes, but it was a bit difficult to do when your uncle was the headmaster.
But nothing was stopping him from escaping to the park in Magix the second he finished school for the day.
Helia didn’t stop until he found the perfect spot - a large flat rock in the middle of a clearing in the trees, far enough away from most of the bustle and noise of the park, but still near enough by that he wouldn’t lose his way.
Time for some much needed decompressing.
Helia climbed up on the rock and made himself comfortable, crossing his legs and resting his hands on his knees in his usual meditation pose, and began to empty his mind.
Soon, his shoulders relaxed and the stiffness began to seep out of his spine. His mind was blissfully clear but for the chirping of birds and woosh of wind in the leaves. Nature never failed to calm him down.
He was almost an hour into a deep in a meditative trance, so when someone called out his name, it took him a moment to resurface to the forefront of his mind and open his eyes.
Flora stood before him, and startled so harshly when he met her gaze that she dropped all the books she had been holding to her chest. Had she been looking for a spot to read?
She made a sound of distress and bent down, hastily gathering them up. The embarrassed look on her face was adorable.
“Hey Flora.” He couldn’t keep the mirth out of his tone as he leapt down from his perch and knelt on the ground by the mess. “Let me help you.”
He picked up one of the pieces of paper she had dropped - a letter actually, he realized as he held it up.
“Umm ahh - that’s just- uh-!” She seemed to panic, and he took a second look at the letter.
It couldn’t be...
“The christened Flower of Love?” He said out loud as he recognized the flower on the cover of the letter, surprise quickly turning to anticipation.
Flora hastily gathered up her last book and stood. He rose mechanically with her.
“You know it?” She sounded surprised, as if she didn’t expect him to. As if she had been counting on it.
“It means this letter is for the one who has your heart.” He pressed his lips together unhappily. She looked like she wanted a hole to swallow her up rather than have him see this letter. It wasn’t for him then. He felt like a fool for having misread the situation. She had probably just enjoyed his attention. Or was just that friendly to everybody...
“Uh yes.” She admitted. “But it’s uhh…”
She was blushing. Irritation swelled up within him as the image of her romantically presenting this letter to some other man came into his mind, unbidden.
“I have to tell you, whoever’s getting this letter is really a very lucky guy.” He said stiffly, fully scowling now. He had the sudden urge to leave and never show his face again.
“Well actually it’s for my parents.” She finally blurted.
“Oh.” There was an intense feeling of relief, like a pressure being lifted off his chest. But just as soon, doubt creeped back in. She was covering her mouth - was she lying to save him face? But Flora didn’t seem like the kind to lie.
“That’s very sweet.” The smile he forced on his face felt stiff even to him. “Here-”
He handed the letter out to her and she quickly took it back from him. Clutching it awkwardly, she bit her lip and gazed up at him reluctantly as if she wanted something.
But after a moment she just squelched a placative grin and nodded awkwardly. “Well… see you later?”
The disappointment hit him like a sack of bricks. Turning away abruptly, all he could manage was a simple-
He sounded like a defeated loser even to him.
Every time Flora thought about the disastrous lost opportunity with Helia at the park, she got the urge to bang her head against the wall. Well maybe not quite, but she knew Chatta certainly did.
So it was a relief when Bloom invited her along on her trip to Eraklyon to meet Sky’s parents. And that they hit the ground running when they got back, although she wasn’t sure how she felt about going to Cloud Tower. She could really use a break from negative energy.
She didn’t miss the surprised look on Stella’s face at the orb of darkness she summoned. The sun fairy had probably assumed that she too would be unable to summon one.
But it wasn’t hard to let the feelings of embarrassment, disappointment, and frustration with herself rise to the surface.
It sure made for one ugly orb of dark energy. She tried not to let the disgust show on her face though, considering she was surrounded by witches who may not appreciate that.
“Man, we finally get fall break and my girl isn’t even in the same dimension. How am I supposed to ask her out on a date now?”
“You’re out of luck Brandon, besides they don’t get their break until next week. They’re only on Earth to conduct research for their project. Going to some creepy house for a party. Bloom told me it was for gathering information about a traditional folk holiday there called Hahl-oh-eeyn.” Sky responded matter of factly.
“They always get to do the fun projects.” He grouched, looking for all to have the wind blown out of his sails.
“Not always.” Timmy interjected. “In fact, I don’t envy them. From what I know of Halloween, going there now is practically the worst timing ever after their harrowing experience at Cloud Tower last week.”
“How come?”
“Apparently, Halloween is all about getting scared by creepy things. Take a look at some of these decoration example images I found on the interweb.”
Helia raised an eyebrow at what he saw as Timmy scrolled through the display. The objects ranged from tacky to something he’d seen a witch wearing, to straight up terrifying. Fake blood, faces twisted in gaunt screams, large weapons and unsettling equipment all set up in a dark place called a “Haunted House” that people went in for thrills. Or to show off to their crush.
What a terrible holiday. This was why he was a pacifist - he could never fathom why people could stand or even enjoy such violence. And Flora, sweet, gentle, easily startled Flora was going to have to go in something like one of those “Haunted Houses?”
Poor thing. Her not-quite rejection a week prior had stung, sure, but his heart still ached at the idea of her crying out in fear.
Images of her trembling, her large green eyes filled with tears… if he was there, he’d hold her close until she stopped shaking and then take her out of such an awful place immediately. He imagined her clutching him closely, looking up at him with that same expression of admiration as the day they first met. Like he was her hero and the only thing that mattered in her eyes.
“Helia? Hello-o, earth to Helia!”
“Huh?” The fantasy scattered from his conscience. “What?”
“I asked if you wanted to come with us to get some pizza tonight.” Brandon said. “They’ve got a group deal on Saturdays.”
“Dude, why’re you always spacing out?” Riven crossed his arms, shaking his head like it was personally disappointing to him. “Seriously.”
“I’ll pass, thank you.” Helia responded simply.
“Alright man. More pizza for us.” Brandon loped an arm around Sky and tugged him towards the door. “Lets go, I’m starving.”
“Yeah dude, me too. Codatorta really went all out on us in combat practice earlier.”
Riven and Timmy followed them out the door, and when they were gone Helia was left alone with his thoughts. Where was he…
Ah yes, Flora’s hero.
Sometimes, being part of a prestigious family line of powerful sages came in handy. Among other things, one had good eyesight, incredible natural strength, and a natural propensity for the mystic arts.
But sometimes, it just plain sucked.
Like now, when the rest of Helia’s specialist classmates were being sent to spend an entire week alone with the six fairies to ‘guard’ them on a beautiful vacation realm full of exotic plants and animals he would’ve loved to have the chance to capture in paper and ink. Meanwhile he was stuck attending one of the “important family meetings” one could expect of a rather powerful and well off family with much business to do about Magix and several other realms worth of politics.
It didn’t help that he had to listen to them talk about it while he assisted with prepping the hovercraft ship for use. He was just about turning green with envy.
“Dude, I can’t wait to see Stella’s new bathing suit. She’s been teasing me with little details over text all morning. Expensive, red, custom-contoured to fit her body…”
“Dude, you’re drooling.”
“As if you’re not looking forward to seeing Bloom in a bikini.”
“Touche. I bet she’s got freckles just as cute as the ones on her face in other places.” The blond easily hefted a box full of tents into the back of the ship with a cheeky look on his face. “I’m also looking forward to her having to embrace her natural height. Without the help of 3-inch heels since she can’t possibly wear those in the sand or mud. Heh-heh, she gets so angry when I tease her about it, it’s adorable.”
Riven made a choking sound like he was gagging on the mushiness of Sky’s tone.
“We’re not allowed to socialize. Seems to me like you’re forgetting that.”
“Don’t be such a drag, Riven. Besides, I’ll bet you’ll be the first one to drop the whole routine.”
“No way dude.” Riven looked offended at the very insinuation that he would fail at any mission. “I’m not the one getting all horny over some girls in bathing suits.”
“Woah, hey, it’s not like that.” Brandon wagged his finger at Riven as if teaching a young boy. “And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to embrace the woman you love.”
They then moved on to the topic of who was sharing tents with who, and taking bets on who the first fairy to scream over a bug or something in her sleeping bag would be.
Helia wasn’t really listening anymore. His brain was stuck on the image of Flora, lounging next to him on a beach towel, sipping on a strawberry shake as he applied sunscreen on her bare back, strands of a frilly pink two-piece laying untied at the sides so as not to hinder his application job.
He forcefully cut the image off when it started to wander into “sounds she would make from his hands massaging her back” territory. That was dangerous. And besides… there was the guy Flora was going to give that love letter.
That was a sobering thought. Seems like the engines were in perfect condition and nothing was wrong with any of the interior systems.
Time to go ask if he could get out of the family meeting. Or at least leave early.
111 notes · View notes
Writer’s Month 1: Tattoo Parlor/Flower Shop AU
This is obviously an AU, sorta kinda character study thingy. It’s not whump, it’s just me practicing; however
Content Warning: Tattoos, blood, needles, nonconsentual tattoo mention
The bell over the door rang as Reynan pushed into the little shop. He found himself in a tiny lobby, just a desk and some chairs, leading to a hallway of curtained-off booths. The art on the walls was modern, and everyone in the drawings was fully clothed, not the image he’d had in his mind of a tattoo parlor. He could hear faint buzzing coming from at least one of the little partitions, and he didn’t want to call out and interrupt anyone in their work. But the bell had summoned someone’s attention, and he soon heard solid yet gentle footsteps approaching from the hall. Their sound was clear but not heavy, tapping on the linoleum like a shoe somehow made entirely of heels.
“What can we do for you?” The voice was ever-so-slightly modulated, but low and smooth, and Rey turned away from a drawing of an astronaut to see he’d been greeted by a green and black android. The robot wasn’t feigning humanity at all, no synthetic skin or hair, with a viewscreen for a face. Two arms, two legs, and a head, unlike old-fashioned worker drones, but Rey could see one of its arms ended a few inches below the elbow. Not in a messy way; no circuits protruded, and the edge was smooth and clean, as if perhaps it had been designed that way.
Rey took his time assessing the creature before answering, not bothering to hide his mild curiosity. “I was wondering...um. I’d like to get a tattoo covered?” He didn’t know if all shops would do coverups or if he’d need to go somewhere special. But he’d had the day off and finally pushed himself to just go inside and ask. He knew surprisingly little about tattoos, despite the one inked across his left shoulder.
The robot seemed to be sizing him up as well; an LED square appeared on its viewscreen and bounced around for a few moments, its odd tracking reminding Rey of a dragonfly. “You work...nearby? I have seen you before. Many times.” The square became a spinning circle, and the robot’s attention was faraway, as though it was seeking the answer itself rather than expecting Rey to furnish one. “The flower shop, down the strip,” it said finally, viewscreen clearing.
“Yeah, the florist; but I’ve never seen you in there.” His tone was mildly suspicious; he’d remember if he’d ever seen this android before, and he was generally good at spotting if he was being watched.
The robot actually laughed at this, and despite the cascading sound seeming a bit like two voices at once, its tone was friendly and disarming. “I see a lot. I remember everyone. I don’t mean to, I just...do.” It shrugged its metal-plated shoulders, then swept its truncated arm toward the back of the shop. “I have time now, if you know what you want.”
This gave Rey pause. The android was an artist? Not just a shop attendant, a cleaning bot, a secretary, but an actual tattooist? He considered this a moment before he realized, if he wanted someone making clean, even lines on his skin he couldn’t do much better than a machine. He started down the hall, and the robot followed, directing him into an open partition at the end.
Inside the android pulled the curtain and gestured for Rey to sit on a faux leather chair, covered in a long sheet of paper like something from a doctor’s office. It crinkled obnoxiously as Rey fidgeted to get comfortable, and he tried to tell himself this was something the tattooist must be used to, and what did a robot care anyway?
“So what were you thinking?” The robot asked conversationally, as it pulled open a cabinet and drew out sheets of parchment and tiny pots of color.
Rey reached into his pocket, twisting in his seat and crackling the paper. He withdrew an embroidered chevron patch and held it out, grip somewhat tight, as though he wanted the robot to only look, but not touch. “It’s my regiment. I want it over -” he shrugged off his button-up, leaving only his tank top “-this.” His bared shoulder revealed a barcode underlined by a small stylized sword. He spoke more rapidly as he explained, “I’ve served my sentence, it’s ok for me to remove it. I’m allowed --”
The android raised a hand to silence his protestations. “I don’t actually care about Accord Forces protocol. It’s no problem.” If focused its attention on the patch, and a line of light scanned up and down his faceplate, scanning the image into his saved files, as though he could tell Rey wouldn’t want to surrender the badge to him. “I’ll have to make it dark, to cover the black, but it’s nothing I haven’t done before. Unless you’d like me to laser the old one off? You’d have to let that heal though, before getting it tattooed over.” It tilted its head, waiting for Rey to choose.
“No, it’s fine. If you say it’ll cover, I’m fine with that.”
“Excellent.” It flipped a few switches on an autoclave sterilizer, and a few wisps of steam escaped as the box’s seal released. The android slotted the end of his shorted arm into a circle of metal on the machine’s front face, and Rey heard a bit of whirring and a mechanical click, before the robot withdrew his now-whole limb from the autoclave. The hand and wrist looked the same as its other arm in color and design; but then the artist opened a sterile package and slotted a grouping of needles into a barely perceptible hole in its first finger.
“Wait! You mean, right now?” Rey wasn’t sure if he was losing his nerve, or if he’d simply expected there to be more to the process. His only experience with tattoos so far hadn’t been a fun one, after all. “Don’t we need to discuss payment, or something?”
The robot picked up a cartridge of ink and pressed it down into a socket in its knuckle until it made a quiet pop. “I don’t generally charge for coverups, to be honest with you.” It turned it’s attention back to Rey, and could see on his face that his concerns weren’t entirely assuaged. “I mean, if you really feel like paying me…” the spinning circle returned to its faceplate as it considered a moment. “Flowers.”
“Flowers?” The request was unexpected, bordering on absurd, but Rey felt the tension release from his shoulders as his nervousness was replaced by confusion. “What do you want with flowers?”
The android paused -- not in a human way, breathing, thinking, considering; but completely, unmoving, with its darkened face turned toward Rey’s. Nothing played over its screen, and he felt he may have made a mistake while he stared into its blackness. Then, just as quickly as it had ceased motion, it started up again, fiddling with its arm as it replied. “I like flowers,” it stated flatly. A bit of emotion returned to its voice and it continued quietly, almost wistfully “I like...beautiful things.”
After a quiet moment, it pulled up a chair and leaned over Rey’s shoulder, holding up its hands over the skin and looking into his eyes as if waiting for him to announce he was ready. “Don’t you um, trace the picture or whatever?” This earned him another soft laugh, and strands of light began to stream out from the robot’s screen, creating an overlay of the chevron on Rey’s skin. “Oh,” he breathed softly. The android remained still, needing permission, and while its attention was clearly on creating the detailed light display, Rey could feel a weight like eyes on him. He nodded his assent, and the artist began.
The pain was the same sharpness he remembered; all the needles moving together creating the feeling of a single blade slicing into him. Rey looked away for a moment, and the sensation seemed to grow worse. Without being able to see, his mind imagined the circular, color-filling motions were grinding and spiraling down into his flesh to paint his very bones. He forced himself to look back at his shoulder, relieved to see that the needles were still there, bouncing along his skin. Barely any blood welled from the punctures, and the android’s arm moved with a laserlike precision that shouldn’t have been surprising, but was completely fascinating, and he found his focus drifting as he watched the artist move.
“Alright.” The robot said simply, startling Rey out of his fugue. The android was wiping at the tiny spatters of blood and ink on his arm, and applying a large square bandage. That was it? It was already over? “You can change this in a couple hours. I’ve got some care sheets at the front desk with cleaning instructions.” The android stood up from its chair but stayed close as Rey got up, as though he expected him to faint.
When Rey was able to get up and gingerly pull his button-up back on, the robot waved his arm toward the curtained doorway. Rey exited and started toward the lobby, realizing the android wasn’t behind him. A click and whirr sounded from the partition, then the robot stepped out into the hall, again minus one hand.
Rey wasn’t sure exactly what to do now. Should he run off to the shop and get some flowers immediately? Should he shake the robot’s hand? What was the procedure for this sort of transaction? He realized he hadn’t asked if the artist had a name; surely it had some kind of designation. Inkbot 2000? He tried not to snicker aloud at that thought; he didn’t figure the android would appreciate it. Before he could offer any sort of awkward farewell, the robot was handing him a sheet of paper labelled “Care Instructions,” and plucking a business card from a little holder on the desk.
“Come back if you need any touch ups or, of course, anything else. You did well. I’d say I like green but that’s every sort of flower, isn’t it?” The robot’s head was tilted in a way that somehow implied a smile.
Rey simply nodded, taking the offered items and mumbling “Appreciate it,” before making his way out the door. He was halfway to his car before he checked the business card. It declared the address and phone number of the shop, and across the top, in a large green font like the display on a digital clock, was what he assumed was the artist’s name: Celadon Argos.
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99liners · 4 years
Hello! Could I get an avengers ship pls?? Anshu here! I’m female/straight. I am an ISTP/Slytherin/Chaotic Neutral/Enneagram 8w7. I’m 5’1, athletic build, with long black wavy hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, and cat eye glasses. I’m your typical ‘tough girl’ but underneath a very soft heart of gold. I’m quite the lone wolf and extremely independent but I can be outgoing with very close friends. I’m creative, independent, confident in my own skin, and quite laid back. However, if someone tries to control my thoughts and actions I can be very stubborn, hotheaded and rebel. I have a sarcastic and witty sense of humor and love banter. I love digital art, digital design, fashion design/cosplay, and 3D design. I also love kickboxing. I love video games too. Thank you!
hey darling! it is so amazing to make your acquaintance. you seem such a sweetie, perfect friend <33
okay so lets get this ship started.
i ship you with: ironman from the men’s line and scarlet witch from the women’s line. (you did not mention any so i am giving you both, hope that is fine.)
iron man
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you are someone who is very independent and calm. tony is someone who is very independent and an over-excited kid at heart. NAME A BETTER MATCH, I WILL WAIT BITCH. okay sorry about that. 
tony loves the fact that he can always depend on you when it comes to emotional support. you are more than just a girl friend, just a wife; you are as dependable as a best friend, as understanding as a soulmate. you just get him, you know? all his eccentricities, all his quirks, all his wholesome selfishness too. i mean people can only ever think of calling him a selfish jerk in front of you, you would totally rip them a new one and tony knows this. he warns his friends beforehand. 
it would be an overstatement to say that you guys immediately had felt a connection with each other upon the first meeting. it took a while, a little getting used to but when it happened - it just so happened no if, but and so. 
he loves the fact that you’re a good and intent listener though he only uses this skill of yours against his never-ending bickering about how the next time he is going to defeat this person and that person or going to beat up steve, but every now then he lets sensible things past his lips like how much he adores you, how you so effectively you play the strings of his heart like a violin, how much he is going to keep trying hard to finally deserve you cause he has convinced himself that he does not deserve you. 
sex is a very interesting and dynamic element between you two. if it is initiated by you, then it has the aesthetic vibe - the right bedding, the right lingerie, the right perfume which is an adventure for him and if initiated by him, it only has the right person - you, the rest of the details does not really matter which makes it an adventure for you. 
post script - he loves to hide your glasses, sometimes even wears them to work just for fun.
scarlet witch
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wanda challenges you, her personality usually clashes with yours, and sometimes she really does get on your last nerves but damn do you guys love each other so much and are ready to die for each other just not ready to accept defeat in front of each other. wanda accepts that you are her match and her ultimate love in front of her friends, you do the same in front of your friends however when you guys are in front of each other, it always starts and ends with you guys disagreeing on everything on the face of this earth and all the other planets. 
at first when you guys met, you had already let her know that you were not so sure about long term relationships and considering everything that wanda has been through, it is fair to say that for her it is either forever or never but you were just someone she could not simply slip through her fingers. she had not called you for the longest while but when she picked up the phone to ask you on a date, she never looked back after that cause you have always been able to answer all her questions. your witty sense of humour always gets her laughing, sometimes it hurts her pride to laugh at your lame jokes but she cannot help but let a chuckle slip past. 
post script - she is really bad at games, especially against you. it’s always  “my controller is broken!” “my luck is bad!” “this is unfair!” “you are using a cheat code, aren’t you?!”
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neocityarchive · 5 years
[11:06 PM] Jisung and Jaemin called an early night, leaving Y/N alone with college!Renjun at the dorm’s rooftop. The skies were clear tonight so the group all decided to get a few blankets,come up, and just hang out.
“But it’s too early!” Y/N complained as their two friends stood up, gathering their blankets.
“For you,” Jaemin said. “It’s way past curfew and I have a 7AM class tomorrow.”
“You’re no fun.” Renjun glared at his roommate.
Jaemin just smiled. “You’ll thank me later,” he replied. Their eyes were fixed on each other for a second, a silent conversation taking place between them.
Renjun sighed and looked away. He knew what they were planning.
“Hyung,” Jisung smirked, his eyes shifting between you and Renjun.
“What?” Renjun replied, clearly annoyed.
“Nothing. Have fun. Don’t get caught.” The younger laughed, his eyes almost disappearing.
“What’s wrong with them?” Y/N frowned, looking over at Renjun who was shaking his head.
“Lots of things,” he joked, but his mind was screaming please don’t catch up to what’s happening! They’re just teasing me that I like you. Not that I don’t like you… it’s complicated.
She laughed lightly, bringing her knees to her chest. Renjun watched as she lifted her head slightly to look up at the night sky.
“It’s so beautiful, isn’t it?” she muttered in a soft voice.
The faint light from the moon illuminated her face a bit. His eyes traveled from her hair, her nose, her cheeks, her lips, her chin, then back up to her eyes. They reflected the flicker of the stars. If anyone told Renjun his eyes held the universe, he would have cringed and dismissed it, but that’s exactly how it looks like with Y/N.
He found himself holding his breath while staring at her. She was beautiful. Unconventionally but undeniably beautiful.
“Y-yeah,” he exhaled, looking away.
“Have you started on your new project yet?” she asked, removing her gaze from the sky and focusing on his face.
Renjun shook his head. “I’m on a slump,” he answered. For days, he stared at the blank canvas of his tablet, flicking his digital pen against his temple, searching for ideas, anything at all, but all he got was nothing. “I’m starting to think I wasn’t made for this.”
Y/N glared at him. “Shut up. You’re the most talented person I know. You just need to find a spark.”
“What spark?” He frowned.
She shrugged. “I don’t know. Anything that drives your gears. What are you interested about? What touches your soul? You’re the art person between us. You should know.”
Renjun just laughed, looking down on his hands. “I do know, but I can’t find it.”
Suddenly, a cool breeze blew across the rooftop. Y/N tried to hide it, but Renjun saw her shiver. He looked around for their blankets, but there was only one left on the floor.
He groaned loudly, his hands reaching out to the lone blue blanket.
“What’s wrong?” Y/N asked.
“Jisung took my blanket, that’s probably why he was snickering when he left.” Renjun ran his hands through his hair in frustration.
She frowned. “But that’s yours?” she said, looking at the blanket. “Mine’s a little darker than that. He must’ve accidentally taken mine instead.”
“That little—” Renjun sighed to himself.
“Calm down, it’s okay.” She laughed.
He just shook his head, his shoulders dropping in surrender. “Here,” he said, handing her the blanket. “Don’t act like you don’t need it. I saw you shiver.”
Y/N’s hands touched the soft material hesitantly. “How about you?”
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady. He was just consciously stopping himself from shivering from the cold.
“Shut up and come here. It’s big enough for the both of us.” She opened the blanket, urging Renjun to come forward.
“That’s the second time you told me to shut up and it hasn’t even been five minutes,” he said. He looked at her hesitantly before sitting right beside her.
Y/N draped her arm over his shoulders, allowing the blanket to cover him too. Renjun shifted uncomfortably, suddenly very aware of how close Y/N is. “Don’t act like you don’t need it. I saw you shiver,” she said mockingly.
Her face was now just a few inches away from his as she continued to fix the blanket over the two of them. Renjun wanted to come up with a retort, but his mind was too preoccupied with something else. When she was done, she kept her hands back to herself.
“You could take inspiration from someone you like or care deeply about, maybe? It almost always works, doesn’t it?” she asked innocently. “Is... there anyone?”
“H-huh?” He blinked. “What were we talking about again?”
“The spark,” she said pointedly. “Is there anyone you like at the moment???” Her head moved closer towards him in curiosity.
Every nerve in his body was screaming at him to look away,
but Renjun’s gaze stayed fixed on her. Her eyes do sparkle. The small smile on her lips made them shine more. God she’s beautiful.
Yes, he thought. His heart raced as fast his thoughts did. “I, uh—“
Before he could answer, a small bell sounded out of nowhere. It was from Y/N’s phone. “It’s 11:11,” she said, looking at the screen.
“You put an alarm for 11:11?” He frowned, but at the same time relieved that he got out of the situation.
“Yeah, so?” She glared at him. “I have a lot to wish for. You make one right now.”
“I don’t know, just think of anything. Quick. Time’s running.”
He watched as she closed her eyes and muttered silently, her palms coming together as if in prayer. He stared in awe thinking about her firm faith in that single minute, as if everything she says within those 60 seconds would come true. But he couldn’t blame her. He too believes in a lot of things. He believed in the possibility of the existence of other life forms. He believed in the infinity of space. He believed that the universe dictates every single thing in our lives, and that everything functions like clockwork.
But he didn’t believe in 11:11 or in fallen eyelashes or four leaf clovers. He didn’t believe in luck. He didn’t believe in wishes.
But somehow, as he stared at her, something clicked inside of him, and he found himself wishing for one thing that night. A wish he has wanted for so long but never had the courage to do anything to get it.
“You,” he whispered.
Y/N opened her eyes slowly. Her lips broke into a full smile.
Renjun’s heart raced. He felt all the blood rush to his cheeks. Did she hear him?
“So, what did you think about?” she asked curiously.
You. You. You. You.
He didn’t know how he can be panicked and relieved at the same time, but he was. He searched for words other than you, and regretted it immediately after.
“Uh… aliens.”
Y/N snorted, looking away. Her eyes went back to the stars. “I thought I heard you say ‘you.’”
Renjun’s eyes went wide. His heart started beating way harder than it ever did before. Is this normal? “N-no, I didn’t,” he stuttered, his cheeks already red.
“Sure.” She smiled at him, her eyes flickering with a knowledge of something he didn’t mean for her to know.
Aliens, he thought, why did I have to say aliens?
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Aquarius Season Focus & Source Of Our Next Growth Cycle - For each sign
This Aquarius season (20.1-19.2) with the 24 January New Moon, we are sowing seeds for next 20 years of material gains through the Aquarius part of our chart as the Saturn Jupiter will start new 20 year cycle of our material growth in December 2020 in Aquarius as well. A new age will start of gainfulness & prominence of Aquarius nature! Now this season we take a few bold steps towards it! Walk surely & uniquely towards abundance.
(FYI I am typing this on my very shattered iPad screen & it was in cover when it fell - take care of your devices during this week)
Check where Aquarius sits in your birth chart that’s where you would be initiating in a new bold way & that’s what you would be leveraging to create next 20 year of growth cycle & gainfulness starting December 2020. This year with Saturn briefly touching this area of your life between 21 May-1 Jul you would find initial foundations being laid down. This season you will see yourself planting seeds in this direction.
Link to overview video - https://youtu.be/-F-O2hGFE1g
Check for your rising / sun / moon sign your suggested paths to abundance & social contribution -
Bookmark this article here for future reference
#Aries - Network, Being an influencer, having a tribe of people working together towards a common cause of humanitarian, social & economic impact, being the nerve center of an influential network, your ability to bring people together in an inspiring way for a common worthy cause, public events or a platform launch or spreading innovative thoughts ideas to a common set of like minded people through a platform that leverages on high tech, AI, big data etc, big wealth through stand alone businesses where you leverage online presence to create a network or bring together talented people in some ways, bringing a great idea or innovation to the world which helps socially & brings gains to you, unique vision & dream which comes suddenly & progresses suddenly like something unlocks after thinking through for a while, friends / elder brother/ sibling / mentor / spouse’s children / nieces / nephews working & supporting in some ways in your unique vision of the world where you contribute significantly to the society
#Taurus - Career in innovation, new progressive technical fields, network head or distribution head or using your networking skills to lead, your career position or title & style of leadership, being a mentor / coach / inspiring head of a firm or group who brings people together through social ideals, Career growth by playing an important social role through your position, sudden opportunities & shifts, rebel against old form of authority or structure of doing business leading to new unique career path, following through on your ideals using your position, professing through career groups or leadership groups, creating a unique reputation & place in the world, unique style of parenthood, progressive parent, being like a friend or father figure as a leader, fame as a leader or General popularity in your profession
#Gemini - Media, publishing, travel, connecting people sharing higher progressive knowledge, always growing expanding learning, education, using technology or recent progressive innovations in education or publications of impact, promoting diversity, shift in religion & belief system - spreading higher knowledge of a religion or belief system, sharing your higher mind, traveling globally to spread information or for a humanitarian cause working with multi cultural multi national teams or networks or using technology to reach out globally, being mentor or getting Teachers & mentors together to enhance awareness, practical progressive philosophy - speaking your radical progressive thoughts & ideals challenging old thinking changing it in gainful manner, making information knowledge globally available rather than being property of a few elite
#Cancer - merging talents & resources to be more, financial mergers, sexual freedom, creating innovative ways of healing, unique ways of handling crisis, learning to handle your upheavals practically objectively through your spiritual awakening & using that to heal others, for social humanitarian benefit, using your depth or loss or fears or addictions or shadow side as your power or learnings - channeling the same into research, solutions, healing, occult topics, metaphysics, astrology that benefits others, psychology, knowledge & objective understanding of death, breaking free from outdated patterns or addictions blocking your power, money from other sources -debt /taxation /insurance /spouse’s money /inheritance. Getting sponsorship or loans for unique ventures possibly involving sexuality / spirituality / metaphysics / oil industry / investment / finance. Death of old self & rebirth of a powerful phenomenon which comes suddenly & swiftly and changes everything!
#Leo - marriage, partnership, client management, mentoring, organising events culturally, socially or for humanitarian causes, coaching, counselling, having an audience, group shows, group contracts, working in partnership with like minded, creative, progressive people with unique ideas & technically adept who are preferably your friends or your spouse or cohabitating with you, doing events to promote creative progressive ideas, your ability to handle & connect with others intellectually while staying emotionally separate or while staying objective, keeping personal emotions a bit at bay when partnering with clients or business partner, staying practical & objective in partnerships & while when counselling
#Virgo - health routines & work environment, innovative progressive solution to health issues & physical well being, serving humanitarian causes through practical means, creating technical services or progressive scientific ways to help those in need or those abused or suffering, creating a network of innovative progressive workers or skilled teams, creating a team of technical SMEs who can innovate or create a platform to help many socially or service people in health / diet industry through tech platforms & AI, progressive alternative medical healing methods especially involving body’s circulatory system (heart, blood, veins, body electric wiring), setting up innovative franchises with unique employee program - creating a unique & fair franchise in terms of people management or union benefits or employee benefits, volunteering or humanitarian work or project, acupuncture, homeopathy
#Libra - your passions & creativity - your hobbies involving gadgets, technology, computer games, fun social networking, festivals, fun, enjoyment, bringing people together for fun, arts (possibly digital), humanitarian efforts done out of love or with the one you love, your creative kids or you catering to your child’s creativity or creativity of child within you, karmic gains enlightenment, luck in game of chance - lottery / stock market but please go with a plan & don’t bet the farm - Aquarius energy is best leveraged with a plan & use of technology and analytical skills well (trading through algos etc). Offbeat lovers, insights on love and sharing them with others through a platform. Knowing, understanding children and sharing ideas the same using social network or innovative concepts on how to promote creativity in children, daring to do things differently involving love, arts or children
#Scorpio - home, property, real estate, country of origin, your soul, your emotional foundations, roots, heritage, parents, home based business or real estate business or green city projects or Creative gardening, socially responsible building, innovative real estate, innovative ways to feel emotionally secure & comfortable or ability to help people feel secure in themselves by understanding their pain & insecurity, having practical innovative ways to handle emotional life, parental heritage or property, parenthood, your solid emotional strength & EQ. Potential sudden relocation, using home as base for social causes or for business or group work, living in a progressive community, installing new technology at home & use of most recent gadgets for home based networking, investing in high tech or progressive fixed assets which contribute to your ability to network like electronics or conferencing facilities at home etc, leveraging your ability to see through security needs of people to create innovate solutions around it - emotionally, psychologically or physically through real estate business or home solutions
#Sagittarius - Media ,marketing, Communication & commercial negotiation skills creating self made wealth based on your ability to quickly learning new information or skills and then conveying tangible ideas, selling, convincing people on unique & progressive ideas leveraging your brilliant & unconventional mind. Immense courage to build something on basis of your communication skills and power of your mind, leveraging all resources available to you in your immediate environment e.g. your coworkers, acquaintances, friends giving them fair share but not clinging with it too much - needing own space & time, reading & learning about future trends & progressive topics, using devices which are state of art especially for communication, interesting short trips, intellectual & fast comprehension of subject at hand, radically free thinking leading to original ideas / writing / media work / sales process. Very busy, lots of calls conferences - create ways to release mental overload though you thrive in action
#Capricorn - Creating resources & assets of material value leveraging networks and causes or common theme of social of humanitarian impact, innovation in monetary ideas, Innovation in diets, philanthropy, financial abundance through network, technology & revolutionary new ideas, investing in new technology or through new technology, spending on the next big idea - futuristic scheme like a space program or new innovation or a social platform or digital currency after careful thinking and analysis, investing in or reaping benefits from stocks, investing in a friend or social cause or philanthropy. Sudden swings in earnings as they come from unique sources. Being part of large cooperative funds. More you network, more assets in shape of monetary gains & valuable skills you would accumulate
#Aquarius - Your external identity, how and as what you show up to the world as, your leadership style, your career & external image including appearance, your social contribution as a leader of a network of people, following your intuition to a new path where you know you will make an impact socially and would be gainful, basing your life path on your innate talents of innovation / unique ideas / networking / ability to bring people together & becoming more by uplifting the whole platform of people and not just yourself, progressive thinking on lines of new technology, being open to the world about who you are & not hiding your contributions anymore, desire to follow your hearts desire, very stimulating time with imagination of mind revved up throwing sudden new ideas, keeping your heart free not getting bogged by negative emotions, staying objective & rational as you normally are, not exhausting vitality by going in alone taking your group & tapping into your network of friends / supporters / mentors / influencers, making impact - standing out for the causes that are true to who you are
#Pisces - Spiritual awakening / journey, contributing spiritually to a society, alternative healing methods, breaking old structure suddenly due to a download or sudden awakening, sudden development while you are travelling or in a foreign country or sleeping or relaxing away from the crowd, meditation, psychic work, charity work without attaching your name to it - in hospitals, in field of healing, for mental health, in prisons or for those in need, doing it like your karmic duty & helping humanity in ways not previously seen or understood by others, being a blessing to others, discovering your hidden take to & knowledge suddenly in a moment of peace or in meditation and using it for helping larger set of people, past life memory, karmic times, experiences guided by your guides & angels, enabling group of people to connect with their own inner wisdoms, confronting their demons or fears, connecting with their angels & guides through innovative healing methods
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gh0sti3-writes · 5 years
Word count: 3k+
Pairing: CEO!Baekhyun x Reader
Summary: Baekhyun is known as one of the sweetest, most caring CEO’s out there. Everyone in his company adores him and is completely loyal. But, a dark secret lurks under every bright smile.
Warnings: Profanity...That’s it.
Note: Not proofread. Inspired by that one twitter post.
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“I told you already, I refuse to apply for a job that doesn’t even interest me!” I protested, as Jennie simply laughed and punched my shoulder gently.
“It’s fun in the company! You’re so qualified.”
“I’m not working under a man who forces his employees to call him Byunnie.” I joked, as she rolled her eyes.
“Look, we’re not forced to. He’s been looking for a secretary...For what? How long?” Jennie tapped her chin, and I shrugged.
“Seven months.” She smirked.
“I knew you would know it!” Jennie exclaimed proudly, as I facepalmed. “Look, you don’t have to work with us if you don’t want to. Buut, you’re so qualified. I know office jobs don’t interest you but he funds so many different projects that it’ll be fine! And if you work in marketing, you can work with me!” She tried to convince me, pushing further. I took a wistful bite of my sandwich, before shaking my head slowly.
“I’ll think about it.”
“Haha! See, you’re convinced.”
“No. I’m thinking.”
“I convinced you to think Y/N, I convinced you to think. That’s all that matters.” She said wisely, staring at the city bustling before us.
“Sure…” I smiled softly. Jennie was one of the most loyal workers under Mr. Byunnie I know. Ugh. Just saying that name makes a scowl appeared on my face. Byunnie was one of the richest CEOs in South Korea. CEO of a popular company that focuses on creative arts and new innovative projects. His company never interested me, but after he opened his secretary position right after I got fired from my old graphic designer job, it definitely became more appealing.
Jennie told me he was getting more and more desperate each day, but I think she just wants me to work there. She was always a little too clingy for my taste, but she still is one of my greatest friends.
But, her loyalty surprises me. How in the world could someone love their boss that much? Like, even my old boss was a close family friend. But some days I would have such a burning, burning anger flaming in my heart. Jennie isn’t stupid either.
I suppose me applying for the job was mostly out of fascination. Everyone loved Byunnie.
And, as the story goes, I walked into the office building holding files closely to my chest. Jennie finally pushed me to go see if he was still looking for a secretary, and I was running out of money to pay for rent and necessities.
I rubbed my arm uncomfortably, nervous as what’s to come. What if I just walked into a brainwashing facility?
A cold sweat ran over me, my brain jumping to the worst situations. Most of them were impossible, most of them were logical considering the amount of money he has. I finally pushed my last step to the front desk, as a woman with swirling brown eyes and black ringlets of hair smiled warmly at me. It made me feel, comforted? Comforted isn’t the right word...Just welcomed. Safe.
“Welcome to the B&Y Building! How may I help you today?” She questioned with an airy voice, her brown eyes scanning me intently. I stuttered, before clearing my throat and tightening the grip on my black blazer.
“I’m here looking for the position as an inter-I mean secretary. Uhm, if the position is open, I would like to apply, obviously.” I chuckled sheepishly. “If that’s alright.” My nerves bounced up and down, as I tried to hide my flushing cheeks due to my embarrassing request. The front desk lady laughed softly, before typing at her computer.
“Well, we have been terribly desperate for a new secretary. The interview is open as of now actually, or whenever you’re ready. If you don’t feel prepared, feel free to schedule an appointment anytime this week.” She explained, typing away. Her black fingernails gleamed in the sunlight that shone through the glass walls. I looked around, and then down at my watch. I nodded.
“I wouldn’t mind d-doing an interview now.” I responded, somewhat confidently. She grinned.
“Great! tenth floor, first room on the right.” She pointed to the elevator, and I nodded, jitterish for what was to come. I was immediately regretting my choices. Usually I would have more prep time, but my interest in this company was overwhelming. I steeled myself as I swung the glass door open. I entered into a glass room, minimalistic with not much. A black cup full of ballpoint pens, with ‘B&Y,’ carefully engraved. A desktop idle on the polished oak desk. The smell of leather and vanilla wafted through the air, as two black office chairs sat on either side.
I nervously slid into the black office chair, tinkering with the fabric of my bottoms, my mind traced over the objects hanging around the room. Abstract art pieces on the white walls, a glass wall that showed the city below. I heard the door open, and a man in a crisp suit with scraggly brown hair walked in. His eyes were sunken, as if he had gotten no rest. He was awfully skinny, but seemed too preoccupied in his paperwork to notice me. I cleared my throat, as he sat in his chair and he looked up at me.
“Oh! Hey there!” He greeted in his baritone voice that seemed to ring around me. He shuffled in his seat and nodded at me, before spreading out his mass papers. “My name is Kim.” He stretched out his hand, and I shook it hesitantly.
“Hi Kim.” I smiled at him.
“Please excuse, this.” He referenced to his face. “I’ve been awfully sick for a while now.”
“Ah! No worries, I didn’t even notice.” I lied.
But then again, who would? I notice everything there is to notice. From the cloud formations to each and every person on the train. The horns, the bird formations, even the smudged paint hidden discreetly with a plant in Jennie’s house. At the right angle, it’s definitely noticeable. I rubbed my hands together under the table, as he coughed slightly.
“Well, I assume you are here for an interview for the position of Byunnie’s secretary?” He flipped through some papers.
“Uhm...Yes. Yes I am.” I answered.
“Great! Any questions before we start?”
“Do...Do we have to call him Byunnie?”
“Well, it’s not required but he prefers it that way.” He chuckled. “It’s a bit of a silly name, I know.” I shook my head.
“No, no.”
“Don’t lie to me.” It was a little more aggressive, but it could’ve been my anxiety that was disorienting me. I nodded and smiled awkwardly. “Alright, since you didn’t schedule an appointment I’m afraid I’ll have to fill out your file right here and now. First, can I have your name?”
“Y/N L/N.” He typed away busily, bobbing his head a bit.
“Great. Can I ask for your age and birth date?”
“Y/A, Y/B/D.” He smiled.
“My sister was born that day too!” I laughed, warming up and getting more comfortable. The vanilla sweetness in the air and the spring sun seemed to wrap me in bundles of safety and comfort. “Anyways anyways, can I ask for your education? Your major in college and what college exactly?”
“Uhm...Well I was an art major. I focused mainly on digital and graphic design or illustration. I recently worked in an indie graphic design company. I went to college in Japan. University of Tokyo.” He nodded, typing it all down.
“Right right. Any ideas with business?”
“I minored in business. It was my first interest but the art program opens lots of opportunities”
“I heard they aren’t big on that type of art, how exactly did you-?”
“I bought online courses while taking the normal ones.” I explained, interrupting him. He smiled. The interview went on, slowly drifting onto what I can contribute towards the company. What makes me a good secretary, what can I handle and tolerate, what can I do. Just the basics with some more in depth questions that focused a lot on my creative aspects. I understood why he was beginning to ask more complex questions, this is a very wealthy company with lots of information.
If they hired the wrong person or let a bad employee slip into the midsts, then...Well it can go downhill. So, I didn’t mind it and answered as honestly, confidently, and charmingly as I could. Finally, about an hour or two later, I was free to leave.
“Thank you for meeting with me. This was great Ms. L/N, I’ll get to you in a week or so.” Kim grinned boyishly at me, as I nodded, shaking his hand.
“Yes. Thank you.” I left the building, getting ready for lunch with Jennie. She texted me during the meeting, wanting to hear all the details on the interview. I was gonna pop by my apartment. Change into clothes, enjoy myself to avoid staining one of my only good blazers.
I got into my apartment, texting Jennie I’ll be there in thirty.
That’s great! Can Byunnie come?
I almost spat out whatever fluids I had in my mouth, it was most likely saliva but the bitter taste of coffee was reminiscent so...Who knows?
Who in the world brings their boss to lunch? Isn’t he running a multi-billion company?
My hands were furiously typing as I was changing into high waisted jeans and a white, blousey crop top. I started to brush my hair down into whatever style I preferred, and slipping on black sneakers. I began to apply some accessories, as my phone dinged once again.
Well! He would love meeting the new secretary.
It’s not confirmed.
So! Pleeaaaase.
She sent me a crying emoji, and then a selfie with her and her boss. I sighed grumpily, blowing a strand of hair out of my face and grabbing my bag.
Fine, on my way.
I grabbed a few gulps of water before deciding to walk to our usual lunch place. The walk was scenic. Bright blue sky, birds flying around and about. The air was dust free for once, meaning the smell of flowers was flowing around with the slight breeze that danced around my body. The green trees rustled, as the heat was buzzing in my ears. I finally arrived at the spot, a nice tea house with lots of treats that they offered. It was aesthetically pleasing, a lot of girls and boys on Instagram could be spotted snapping photos.
I entered and found Jennie waving towards me, Byunnie sitting next to her. She smiled brightly, as I took a seat in front of her, next to Byunnie. Or...Diagonal. Or somewhat close but we were still at a comfortable angle to avoid tension. We were sitting in the nicer areas, gilded accents to accompany the white walls. Aerial plants potted in geometrical glass pots to accent the theme. Dried blue orchids as our centerpiece, with cushions to accompany us.
“Y/N! This is Byunnie, Byunnie, meet Y/N!” I met eyes with him, trying to understand him. But really all I could see was warmth. Bright, brown, swirling warmth. I tried to pry, understand him. But no, it was just...Inky. It was overwhelming, and I felt myself back down. His skin was completely free of blemish or scar, his silvery white hair swirled perfectly and trimmed to precisely frame his face without flaw. He was glowing, radiantly. Like...His skin was absolutely perfect.
His innocent look, chocolate eyes, and perfect hair caught me off guard. This was...Not what I was expecting. I finally realized he was greeting me, and my attention snapped back to him. He beamed at me, out-stretching his hand. I hesitantly took it, warmth spreading over my arm.
“Hi Y/N!” His voice was soft, angelic almost. He was the exact epitome of lovable. I felt my cheeks flush.
“I-Hi, hi...B-Byunnie?” I tested the name gingerly, trying to gauge if he would react. His grin seemed to grow wider.
“I see Jennie told you about my nickname.” He chuckled, nodding. “Yes, feel free to call me Byunnie. We might end up partners after all.” Jennie laughed.
“Might? No way. Y/N is not just a might. She’s for sure what this company is looking for!” She reclined into her chair.
“Jennie, please. Don’t be so kind. I’d rather earn the job then let other people gas me up.” I shuffled. I was trying to straighten myself but his angelic aura seemed to completely intimidate me and welcome me at the same time. He must be a great CEO. Being able to make my legs shake but a smile appear must be confusing for competitors of the company. However, I still felt queasy.
“I’m just being honest!” She wagged a finger in my face.
“Jennie, don’t worthy. Neither should you Y/N. I assure you, my mind isn’t so easily swayed.” He leaned forward, I leaned backwards. “Thank you for meeting with me and Jennie, I know it seems rush but I’m thankful that you accepted her invitation and everything.” He strummed his fingers against the white table. “It’s good to know who I may be working with.”
“See! This is gonna be great Y/N.” Jennie giggled. “Anyways, you guys ready to order?” She questioned. I nodded.
“Actually, I haven’t been to this place before. Y/N, any recommendations?” He questioned. I stared at him quizzically, startled. I realized he was actually regarding my existence, and I realized I should probably respond before he catches me continuing to stare.
“Oh! I...Don’t come here that often. If I do have to recommend anything…” I pointed at the tea section in his menu, reaching over. “Boba, taro. Ask for sixty percent ice and seventy percent sugar, that specific order gets you complimentary taro mochi. Then, for food order the turkey sandwich or a crepe cake, both are really good with taro. Just don’t get durian cake, it isn’t too good.” I instructed, pointing at the different selections.
“I know the secret menu.” Jennie winked at Byunnie and I.
“Jennie, of course you know the secret menu. You literally always get lunch here.” I deadpanned, moving away when I noticed the close proximity. He had the same vanilla scent as the interview room did, just sweeter and mixed with cologne. He also was wearing his usual crisp suit that I saw in the photos. He was usually styled less innocently, but paparazzi coverage isn’t always accurate. His black suit had no wrinkles, white buttons perfectly aligned. Taking in his character, it was almost admirable how absolutely stunning he was as a whole. I took back my hand and cleared my throat. “Of course, it’s entirely up to you.”
He smiled and shook his head. “Nah, taro boba and crepe cake it is!” I smiled proudly, knowing I influenced the choices of a multi-billionaire CEO. It kinda made my heart swell. After ordering, our food swiftly came. I always loved the reliable service that the tea shop offered. It was good for in and out orders, when I was rushing.
We ate our food with slight conversation. The interactions were clearly awkward, but I began to warm up and grow fond of Byunnie. Even over the course of one meal, he was easy to interact with and was kind. I understood why all of his employers enjoyed working with him, he was smart. Resourceful. Respectful. Funny, he could easily pass as your roommate in college who always did the dishes for you.
“So, Y/N. Do you have a partner?” He inquired, as I tapped my chin.
“Mm, no. The closest thing is Jennie and even then we still have our emotional distances.” I joked.
“The only distance is the one you made when you said you don’t like ice cream on pizza.” She retorted, as I scoffed.
“Dairy on pizza is disgusting and gross.”
“Cheese. Y/N. Cheese.” He cleared his throat, giggling a little at our sad excuse of a debate.
“So, no partners? I really assumed so. You seem so put together and you’re very pretty.” I laughed slightly at his compliment.
“Put together? You're the CEO of B&Y and you’re telling me I’m put together?” He nodded, as if it was a basic statement.
“Well, it’s really not too much of a compliment. I’m not god or anything, I just admire how...Easily you hold yourself together.” He grinned at me, his smile wide and sweet. Welcoming. Charming. Not just the smile of a CEO. The smile of a friend. I blushed.
“Why thank you Prince Charming. You’re too kind.” He nodded.
“Look at you Y/N! Getting that CEO ass!” I nearly spit out my drink, expecting Byunnie to yell at her or reprimand her for disrespecting him. But he simply high fived her and laughed boyishly.
“Jennie!” I hissed loudly.
“It was just a joke.” She teased.
“In the company, I consider all the employees family. So of course, comments that usually would throw most bosses off end up being completely normal.” I nodded, not accustomed to now loose and free he was. How in the world is he so successful if he is so easy? He just seemed like the type of person who would let you make your own work hours and pay you all the same.
“You seem...Odd.”
“In a good or bad way?” He joked, as I grinned.
Jennie called for the waitress who was serving us, as all of us whipped out our wallets.
“I’ll pay!” Jennie declared, proudly. I shook my head and slammed my wallet down.
“No! I WILL!”
“No! I SHALL PAY!” Byunnie shoved the money into the waitress’s hands, eyes gleaming. “Keep the change.” I burst out laughing, trying not to seem to informal but jesus. He was so extra, it was so damn amusing. He was so friendly, welcoming. Just everything you wanted in someone close to you. Honestly, because of this lunch I was beginning to want the position of secretary more and more. My eyes twinkled as I watched his mannerisms, his patient nodding, sparkling eyes, bright smile...Everything about him just screamed sunshine flying out of his ass.
He didn’t make people respect him, he made it seem like he deserved it. Who wouldn’t want to give him the world?
“It’s getting late, I should go home. Thank you for inviting me out.” I said respectfully, bowing my head as they nodded.
“No problem, feel free to come with us whenever. We’re friends now, aren’t we?” Byunnie laughed, as I nodded.
“Of course.”
I left, with a smile that I unconsciously placed on my face. I felt fuzzy, safe, comfortable. I felt like I could let everything go to him, send him memes at 3 AM, even rant about my hatred of ketchup. But...He would be my possible future boss. The thought of that made me tense, I really just had a date with my future boss.
Ugh, he’s not even my boss! And even then, I don’t know for sure, and...My mind blurred uncomfortably, as I suddenly began to feel sick. It wasn’t...Food poisoning, it felt more like, I was mortified. Something horrible just happened and I wanted to sit down. But I stumbled home, eyes blank as I could only push forward to my apartment. Why did I feel so...Weird? The fuzziness was replaced with static that swirled around my stomach and head, loudly ringing in my ears.
I shoved the keys into my door, swinging it open and quickly locking it shut. I slowly stumbled into my bed, and felt my body sink in. I didn’t even have time to think about today, as I passed out immediately.
When I woke up, I felt better. Completely refreshed and invigorated, like someone just pounded a bunch of vitamin c into my face and threw me into a warm bath. Like the gods above shoved immortality down my throat. I quickly washed my face of residue products from yesterday, and changed into more comfortable clothes. High waisted shorts and a tie-dye shirt. I put my hair back, and went to my computer to see if I got any emails.
I scrolled through some spam lazily, deleting and cleaning out emails from my babe, a Nigerian Prince offering one million. I chuckled at the cheap scams, before eyeing a new email from B&Y. My cursor hovered over the email, as I felt my throat grow dry. I trembled slightly, as I scanned through the big fancy words and colorful designs.
Finally, I saw the words.
“We are proud to tell you that you have been chosen as Byunnie’s secretary. Please come in at 6 AM tomorrow to get details and get you adjusted.” I squealed to myself, giggling like a child as I sent a text to Jennie.
JenJen! Guess who’s gonna be the new secretary?
I’m serious omg.
Congrats!!! Omg I’m crying in the library. Good job!!!
Still working on your masters?
Duhhhh, gotta figure my life out one day haha.
I put down my phone, clutching it tightly. For some reason I wanted to thank Byunnie so bad, tell him grateful I am. But, that wasn’t what people do. I needed to get a grip. This is a job, this is just a job. This is just a job that gives me the position of secretary under the CEO of B&Y.
If only I knew, if only I fucking knew.
This would be more than just a job.
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A situation where Class 1-A stages an IzuOcha photoshoot
By sheepishlyshippingsheep
Rated T - 7,819 words - IzuOcha - BNHA - Romance/Comedy
The birth of IzuOcha shippers in U.A. highschool. A chaotic photoshoot by Class 1-A. And a kabedon!? Just what is going on?
I swear this was supposed to be a simple fanart and ficlet until I let my imagination and hands work and things just got out of hand
A/N: Kabedon -- an act of slapping the wall to pin someone, often used in Japanese popular culture
I also plan to make the art digital and color it when I have time so for now, bear with this low quality photo of the traditional version
Working with so many characters is both fun and exhausting! Sensei is so great for being able to balance these kids somehow.
EDIT: Did another run through of this and some edits because I was too excited when I posted this.
For one to step into the grounds of U.A. High School and be under its education wing is a dream come true for most, if not all, aspiring heroes to be. Currently, this academy holds the number one rank in the country, with top-notch facilities consisting of robots, vast lands, and its newly-opened dormitories, among others, definitely spells perfection for honing its students. The symbol of peace though now retired, All Might, being its graduate and now part of the already skillful set of faculty is another bonus that can add to the school’s already state of the art shining record.
U.A. may have undergone many obstacles with its image as of late, but no one can deny that the school lives up to its reputation of being the best in terms of heroics education.
Amidst this glory that the school boasts for, what many people outside do not know is that getting inside U.A., also means getting into a world of daily youthful antics - especially with this year’s batch of heroes-in-the-making.
It cannot be a day in UA, if things are not crazy.
At least these are the best words that Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka can only think of to lessen not only the discomfort of being in formal clothes and to lessen the stress and surge of emotions that they are currently having in the situation at hand.
The lad lifts his tensed arm and places it on the bricked wall just right behind the stiffening figure of the brown-haired girl. Funny that that arm has taken so many dangerous blows in his past fights, but right now that same arm that he has strengthened with his training and experience, is suddenly made of jelly as it forgot how to arm.
He tries to breath deep and slow to calm every inch of him. “Just do not look at her, Izuku, and you’ll be fine,” he reminds himself in his mind, but that intake of breath makes his sense of smell more sensitive than ever, unable to ignore that scent anymore.
Not trying to sound like a pervert but… “Th-this is how a girl smells!” his mental exclamation abandons his thoughts of calm as he feels his face heat and steam up. If it was like any other day, he might have his hands frantically waving in front of him, desperate to hide his face, but the situation now is different. He must maintain this position, at all costs. For her.
Izuku swears, feeling One For All’s power burst from the insides of his arm seems easier than what is currently happening for during those times, he actually feels pain. But right now, his nerves are wracking so much that his body is starting to shake from the numbness. If there is something that he is feeling now, it is that strong quaking of his heart in his ribcage, as if pummeling its way out.
“Calm down, Izuku. In the name of All Might, you can do it,” he cheers himself mentally, desperate, and firmly presses his palm on the wall, begging his eyes to never land on Uraraka-san.
It is Mina, their art director, her pink skin slowly turning red out of rage as she clenches on a megaphone (perhaps care of Momo).
“S-sorry!” It was the only word that could leave Izuku’s mouth. Did she just call him a dork though? The kind Izuku would, of course, not take any offense. Perhaps this is one of Mina’s sudden bursts of passion when she finds herself concentrating on something. And not that Izuku did not see any leadership potential in her, but this is the first time for her to lead the whole class in something so it is an interesting sight.
Who is he kidding though? More than the whole thing, he has something interesting right in front of him. He blushes again and shakes his head. But if he wants to have control, he has to try and stop thinking about it to save his sanity. Starting now.
The moment he speaks that apology, the more Ochako flinches under him, feeling the warmth of his breath and realizing more the proximity of their faces (and bodies). His apology comes out in a whisper but she could hear him so clearly and loudly because of how close they are right now.
She just wants to float away with the help of her quirk. If this is one of the battles, while not being the top in class when it comes to the fighting grounds, she somehow feels like she would be able to escape from those tight emergencies. But this one is different. She cannot back out now.
“Just not his face,” Ochako thinks as she tries her best to let her eyes land on his fluffy green hair instead, but their distance makes it hard for her to not notice his reddening ears and his freckles on his cheeks. Izuku may have a smaller frame compared to most of the guys in class, but seeing his adam’s apple up close and his figure towering over her right now really makes her become more conscious of his ‘masculinity.’
Ochako feels her whole body go warmer, the more she realizes how Izuku’s arms are trapping her between his body and the wall. Oh how she wishes the wall to just absorb her like how their senpai, Mirio Togata has his way with his quirk before it disappeared.
The thought suddenly pulls a guilt lever inside Ochako. She really should not have such thoughts when the academy is doing its best to find ways to have his quirk return. Mirio-senpai is also really strong to maintain such a positive outlook despite the happenings. She frowns at her own thoughts.
“Y-yes!” it is her turn to reply to their fuming director, noting how these kinds of situations can turn the lovable and cheery Mina into the strict and harsh – well… Director Mina.
But, she has to nod to her friend’s enthusiasm though. This is not really the time to be having sad thoughts. No matter how embarrassing this is, she has to endure and try her best. Even Izuku is trying his best.
With faces just merely inches apart, lips clamped to awkward lines, and cheeks burning from all the shades of red their blood can pump, just what kind of situation did Izuku, Ochako, and the whole class get themselves into?
 Four hours ago…
Ochako sighs as she opens the door of her room. As much as she loves the dormitory life that U.A. has provided them, a part of her could not help but worry about her parents.
It is not that she is not happy with the recent developments in her hero slash student path. In fact, there are a whole lot of things that Ochako is thankful for.
Not only does this ensure their security after everything that U.A. has been through, but staying in the dorms definitely helped lessen her educational load financially. On top of that, she gets to learn to live independently and focus on her goal to be a hero in the future.
But not being able to be outside campus somehow makes her anxious if they are really doing fine or if her parents are just saying they are fine to not make her worry.
She would, of course, know when she herself has developed that habit. Just like when it was her turn to be sad after that loss against Katsuki Bakugou, she did the only thing she knew would be best – to smile even if they could not see her tears swelling up.
While she constantly communicates with them, it feels different to be in the dormitories. It was like there was a solid boundary drawn between her and them now.
She marches slowly to the common area, all-ready in her uniform and bag latched on her back. Though everyone in class now lives under one roof, there is really no rule for everyone to leave at the same time, unless there were some arrangements made beforehand personally.
On a usual day, Ochako would probably think to knock on the doors of the rooms of her girl friends, but their week has been rough lately. Somehow, she knows that everyone has been picking up their own paces to level up their game in the hero course. So the kind lass deems it is important for her friends to get all the rest they can or spend the time they wish to.
Besides, her mind is too busy flying back home to her family. This morning, she prefers some time with herself.
At least that is what she is hoping for until she reaches the campus building on the way to the classrooms.
“I-is it my imagination… or…” her thoughts trail to nothing as she looks around the mass of students who are looking at her.
Ochako knows that being a hero involves competition for attention especially with the people, but as a student, it is something that she would not get used to, at least for now. During their licensure exam, the attention is something to be considered normal when U.A. is well-known. She is, after all, a carrier of its name. And when she got offers after the Sports Festival, the shock is so huge that she had to ask if it was real, But right now, walking solo, with all eyes on her and whispers everywhere, just what is happening?
She continues to walk, returning the stares she has been receiving, and occasionally smiling at the people as the really approachable Ochako. Though this whole scenario is confusing, she thinks it is not necessary to act too cautious. The students are not looking at her menacingly or anything negative though. In fact, they are all smiling or they seemed happy about something.
That is good news, right? Hopefully. 
What seems like an hour of a walk but is actually just a few minutes, ends the moment Ochako opens the door of their classroom. She breathes out as she closes the door. She has no idea what exactly happened back there, but not feeling those eyes boring into her makes her feel lighter. The classroom is like a safe zone.
“Good morning, Uraraka. You’re early today.” It is Tenya who approaches her.
“Oh Iida-kun! Good morning to you!” her spirits soon come back, wearing that sunny smile of hers again. She looks around to see her classmates already in their usual groups. This is one of the things that makes Ochako appreciate 1-A. Each of them has their own group or groups that they belong to but as a whole, they have a really tight relationship and connection. She, herself, belongs to different groups and it comforts her, knowing that she is indeed surrounded by great people. For a bit, she feels bad for being lost in some depressing thoughts lately.
“There were some students who were looking for you and Midoriya earlier.”
“Eh? Me and Deku-kun?” That catches her attention.
Tenya adjusts his glasses before placing his fingers on his chin. “I was busy assuring that our desks were laid on a straight line when I noticed some students lingering outside our classroom. So I approached them to ask if they needed something or if I could be of assistance. They were visibly startled at first but they soon asked if you two were here.”
“What for though?” She raises her eyebrow, intrigued.
Their class representative shakes his head, then says, “I’m not sure either. I tried asking them but they did not really give me a concrete answer.”
Some question marks pop out of Ochako as she tries to connect her morning scenario and Tenya's.
“Say, Uraraka,” he whispers, face a bit closer, “It is not that I am doubting you for I know that you and Midoriya are nice people. But you two did not get yourselves in trouble right?”
Ochako backs away and swallows, suddenly being under pressure by their serious representative is not a good follow-up from all the weirdness earlier. But rather than doubt, his tone is hinted with worry. That makes her smile at his concern as a friend.
“Iida-kun, look here. I am wondering as well since when I entered the campus, I’ve been getting these really weird stares… as if everyone suddenly knows me,” she tries her best to explain and clarify.
Just when the two try to fit the puzzle pieces, the door slides open and reveals a green-haired lad, wearing a pair of furrowed eyebrows.
“Good morning, Deku-kun!"
“Ah Midoriya, perfect timing.”
Izuku immediately closes the door behind him and approaches his friends, skipping all the morning greetings. “Say, Uraraka-san, Iida, is there something wrong with me today?”
Tenya and Ochako exchange looks as they await Izuku’s explanation.
“I stayed up pretty late last night because of some training, so I thought I was only tired and imagining things, but everyone was looking at me when I entered the campus. I tried going to the restroom to check my face if something was on it but I did not see anything. Some of the boys in there were also giving me the looks. I even had to search myself on the internet just to check if something was written about me. I’m not sure what’s going on but I’m not sure if this attention is good. It’s jus—”
“Calm down, Midoriya,” the purple-haired man stops his Izuku mutter. "Uraraka and I were just talking."
Three heads are better than one so the trio lay out their experiences this early morning, but nothing seems to make sense with all the information at hand. Izuku, Ochako, and Tenya all wear their thinking faces and poses, and the only thing they can come up with is Izuku and Ochako’s involvement in the recent Overhaul case. Though they are generally always together as close friends, that is not enough to get the attention of people. But everyone's performance and participation in that case became the talk of the town, especially in their school.
Apparently, news travels too fast now in U.A. now that it has built dormitories.
“But you guys are not the only students in that case,” Tenya brings up a point. Though he is not involved in that case as it was a secret that the interns had to keep, he, like their other classmates were very concerned. While the case is featured in the news, it still does not make sense for people to start eyeing these two specifically, and why only now?
Ochako nods with an enthusiastic arm raised, “Besides! It was Deku-kun who did the final move!”
Mentioned lad flushes a bit, still not used to praise. Being his very first friend, Ochako would always be on his side and he has proven that several times. Though he appreciates how competition can lift each other up, having a support system like her definitely makes her words and actions special. “I-it was all thanks to Eri!”
He would still not get used to this ‘special’ feeling, he has to admit.
The young lady just smiles at his humility.
Eyes behind spectacles lighting up, Tenya looks at the both of them who are giving each other glances. “Unless…” his word is enough to get both of their gazes snapping back at him, confused expressions following through.
“Maybe becau—” before the class president could finish, an ever enthusiastic Mina Ashido comes to the three classmates.
“IzuOcha is like… the thing right now! It makes me so happy for you guys!”
Brightness can be seen in the darkness of her eyes as the trio repeats, “Izu…Ocha…?”
Mina’s explanation is nothing called simple. Yes, it started as something simple, but ended up to be something more complicated than it seems.
Simply put, the acid quirk user is so delighted that she had to share her joy – something along these lines.
“Well, people ship you two,” she says, palms meeting and lips smiling. Oh, love is such a wonderful thing.
“Wh-what do you mean by… sh-sh-ship?” Izuku could not even complete his sentence calmly no matter how hard he tries. Of course, he knows what shipping means. But he is considering a lot of totally unrelated things earlier, that is why when their pink classmate said that he and Ochako are being shipped, it came like a bomb of unknown origin.
His face now is probably more colored than Mina’s natural skin tone.
“People like you as a couple!” she replies, deeming it to be the most obvious answer in an imaginary multiple choice.
“B-but, how?! And… why? I mean Deku-kun and I…” It is Ochako’s turn to lose her words after seeing an equally flushed Izuku.
Mina nods, amused. “I was just really happy with the conclusion of our joint training battle last time! It was like a love on the battlefield kind of thing! Don’t you guys remember?”
The rose colors on Izuku and Ochako’s faces grow darker as the memories resurface.
A quirk out of control. Waves of ebony-colored danger. A weightless girl floating to his aid. Body contact. Hugging.
Steam rolls out of the two, while Mina chuckles. “Of course, you remember! As if you'd forget! It was a really cute situation to see with my own eyes that I had to tell everyone about it!” Eyebrows wiggling and smile creeping, the pink lass brings her face closer to the two.
Apparently, the story started spreading as word-of-mouth after Mina talked about the details with some friends outside class. The world of heroes is a world full of action, crime, hardship, and justice. And with the students focusing on their quirks and on their respective hero paths, hearing about something like romance, something not related to their training somehow lightens the mood.
Tenya, who is only listening at first, adjust his glasses, proud of his 'noble' friends. “I see, this seems to be a good opportunity for our students to rest their minds. You two are doing something wonderful for the future of U. A. students, Midoriya, Uraraka!”
Izuku and Ochako barely know how to react to the situation, the blushes on their faces the only things that are keeping their colors from draining.
“But that’s not all!” Mina says too enthusiastically.
The two could not believe that there is more. It is only the morning, classes have yet to start but they already feel so exhausted. So much is happening in just a span of an hour.
“You two will be the stars in the contest.”
The moment Mina says those words, Mr. Aizawa enters the room which signals them to return to their respective seats.
Though now separated, Izuku and Ochako’s thoughts remain pointed to the same direction. Whatever it is that Mina is talking about earlier, it will be a ‘no.’
Or so they thought.
 To the present…
The all smiles Mina is now an all frowns Mina.
She checks out the shots on the camera, taken by Fumikage Tokoyami, whose hobbies and interests that are often related to the darkness actually gave him the eye to see things in a different way – really useful for photography. He claims to be nowhere near an expert, but he did say he has somehow messed with some old cameras on his spare time. Nonetheless, with his capabilities, Mina is satisfied with his shots, but not really with the models and they only have a couple of hours left.
“It’s time for a break,” she says with a sigh, with Tenya right beside her yelling, “Break time, everyone!” He remains enthusiastic to keep the class intact at all times even in a ‘non-heroic’ activity.
For the contest, everyone with the exception of Katsuki agreed to join hands in achieving for nothing but the top.
Similar to the school festival, Class 1-A is separated into groups with different tasks fit for their quirks and abilities.
The technical team is composed of Denki Kaminari as the electricity source and Yuga Aoyama for the lighting, while Fumikage is behind the lens.
The production team is divided into two subgroups with the first focusing on the models, composed of Momo for wardrobe and some of the equipment, Touru for makeup, and Jirou for hairstyle. The other subgroup is for the set design, composed of Shouto, Katsuki, and Eijiro. The rest of the class will help in other miscellaneous jobs.
Mina is the art director of the whole photoshoot and Tenya serves as her floor director.
“What’s wrong Ashido?” Fumikage asks, with Tenya eyeing her with the same question.
“They are too nervous,” she remarks, looking at the shaky figures of the models, Izuku and Ochako.
“Though they have chemistry and look good on the camera, you can really see that they are awkward,” she continues watching Touru’s gloves visibly retouch Ochako’s makeup and Jirou style Izuku’s hair.
Fumikage grips the camera on his hand and scrolls for some of the photos. “If that’s the case, I think we have to lighten the atmosphere.”
Mina remembers how she has been pressuring the two, slightly feeling guilty. She rubs her head. “Ah, I’m usually good at that but I’m out of juice right now.”
“If you’ll allow me, I have a plan,” Tenya says.
Meanwhile, Izuku heaves out a sigh as Jirou just finishes fixing his hair. Glancing at Ochako, who forces a smile despite her exhaustion. He gives a smile back as his hands become cold and clammy, just thinking how long they have to keep on doing that pose. He has to get keep his game on.
It is only past noon and to give way for the contest, their training is held off that day. Apparently, all classes are joining the contest that Mina is talking about earlier. Aizawa-sensei has no interest in discussing it so he even allowed her to take the floor.
 Three hours ago…
Mina explains that the U.A.’s bulletin board is being flocked by people so early in the morning and the naturally curious her just had to see a glimpse of what’s going on.
“It’s a surprise U.A. photo contest organized by the student council! And there’s no theme so we can be flexible. The only mechanics to take note of is that it’s going to be a popularity contest and that we cannot use our costumes. So even if all classes will participate, we have to pull off something that will steal their attention and somehow make them vote ours instead of their own classes.”
She did not even discuss the prize, but because it was “very school-like” and they loved competition, most of the class are already filled with excitement to participate. Perhaps they would not admit it but like other students, they also needed some kind of intervention from everything.
Not Katsuki though, “This is stupid.”
“Come on! It’s gonna be fun! And I have just the perfect idea!” Mina says, eyes glinting at two of her classmates, who can only swallow at that look of hers.
It can’t be.
“Since it’s going to be a popularity contest, our models need to be popular!”
Katsuki clicks his tongue, seeing that everyone clearly is onboard with Pinky’s plan. This is going to be another waste of time.
“Now, now, Bakugou. Don’t sulk just because I wasn’t gonna pick you to be the model though you’re also well known,” she says with a smile and a pink hand waving, to which the blonde explodes at her, “Who’s sulking!?”
Eijirou laughs, “Come on, Bakugou! Ashido’s good at this stuff,” then turns to Mina, “So who will be the models?” he asks, mouthing the words ‘Pick me, Ashido.’
Mina narrows her eyes at Eijirou first before announcing, “It’s gonna be IzuOcha, of course!”
Izuku and Ochako wish the floor would melt.
Volunteering (with the class’s approval), Mina, the art director lays out her plan much to the forced models’ dismay. As if they can say no to everyone, compare to them whose faces were burning because of a mix of emotions, everyone’s eyes were burning with excitement and passion. They completely lose to that. Mina, telling the story of how IzuOcha was born also did not help their situation.
As a school mini-event, they are free to use their quirks, but the mechanics read that they were not allowed to use their hero suits, so the theme should not require those. It is probably a safety precaution of the student council to avoid themes involving battles.
Things happen way too fast when the whole class is involved, that is what Ochako thinks at the moment because before she and Izuku could say no (assuming that he would, of course, reject the whole thing like her), everyone just started volunteering for their respective posts and contribution. It is too crazy for her mind to follow through. In a way, she admits that maybe it is nice though, as the cooperation and teamwork remind her of the school festival.
The next thing she knows, after getting the necessary permissions, the location is set near the forest grounds, Momo makes her a dress, Touru does her makeup, and Jirou is busy fluffing her hair in one of the rooms of the building.
“I-isn’t this… too low?” Ochako asks, still not believing that she will be wearing this dress. The design is carefully curated by Momo, she could tell, noticing the buttons and front stitches patterned after her hero costume, and the pink frills of the hem of the dress matching the hues. Though too shy with how ‘revealing’ it seems, a cut enough to show the top of her breasts and the absence of her black tights, she appreciates the details that her friend took note of.
“You look great, Uraraka!” the taller female tells her. Such great praise coming from a girl whose beauty stands out, Ochako is not sure what to feel but leans on to the shy and thankful side.
She remembers vaguely when the Vice President also made formal clothes back at I-island. She already felt fancy that time, but with Jirou doing her hair and Touru just accentuating parts of her face with her makeup skills, the glam team’s efforts for today’s shoot makes her feel like she is in a fairytale. This experience is a bit foreign when she knew more of hero comics and victories rather than fairytale books and princess transformations.
With her friends bringing a mirror in front of her, Ochako’s eyes sparkle. Her hair is ironed but maintained its curvy bob ends. Touru’s choice of colors for the eyeshadow and the carefully drawn line on her lids complements the color of her dress. The nude color lipstick also is surprisingly suited for her whole look. Ochako’s lashes were already long enough so she did not have to wear fake lashes, as a swing of mascara did the trick. Never did she think that she would pull off this kind of look in her life when all she cared about were simple things when it comes to physical appearance.
Besides, instead of spending money on glamorous things, she feels like the hard-earned bills in her wallet could fall to more useful ones. She smiles so brightly, appreciating everyone’s efforts, momentarily forgetting her embarrassment.
The three girls smile back (though Touru’s remains invisible) at seeing their friend looking so beautiful. They all acknowledge that perhaps, as a hero, glam is not important (if it is not related to your quirk use), but sometimes, maybe it feels great to just do or have a makeover. Now they have plans for the next sleepover.
Other members of the 1-A’s girls, Tsuyu and Mina approach the four girls and praise their model, the director visibly stunned by Ochako’s looks.
“You are so beautiful, Uraraka! We have to make sure Midoriya is ready for you too,” Mina chips with a thumbs-up, which eventually returns all the embarrassment to Ochako.
Momo, Touru, and Jirou leave the two girls to go to the other room for Izuku’s preparation.
Left in the room, Tsuyu looks at her closest friend among the girls, big onyx eyes, peering with curiosity as she places her index finger on her lips, “Are you alright, Ochako-chan?”
“I’m fine, Tsu, thank you for asking! I’m just… strangely nervous. I didn’t even have the time to reject them when they looked so into this. I hope I won’t disappoint!”
“You’re nervous because of Midoriya, right? Not because of everyone.”
Ochako pauses and sighs in defeat. Nothing can definitely pass Tsuyu’s observant eyes. She brings her hands together, shaking, letting her finger pads touch. “I can’t help but think that this would be a bother for Deku-kun.”
“I’m sure Midoriya doesn’t mind that much. He’s very kind and considerate.”
The second sentence, Ochako agrees, but the former, she is not really sure. “Deku-kun is always ready to help out anyone. So I’m sure he could not say no to everyone too. But I mean… being paired up to me… and all.”
She could not believe she is even letting her feelings and insecurities get to her right now. But she could not help but let these thoughts float when a lot of people suddenly got interested in seeing them as a couple. And there is even no truth in that. Maybe half-true, since she pretty much knows that she really likes him. She looks down, blushing.
When Mina tells the class about how people love them, the class welcomed the idea so much that they cheered for them, especially when they were all present during the joint training with 1-B.
While she does not regret her actions that time, Ochako is just not able to predict this outcome of her actions.
Her feelings for the green-haired lad have been poking out of her heart several times already, seeping out, uncontrollable. And being out of focus in a lot of things definitely discourages her to pursue it. But more than that, the fear of losing her close relationship with him is greater. Worse, if she, herself is losing a sense of herself when her emotions are there, what would that do to him as well? Not that she doubts him at all. She knows full well how much resolve he has in his body, which makes her admire him more.
“I just don’t really want to be a burden to him,” as she says that, her true feelings showing, her eyes widen. She does not mean to say that to Tsuyu. She must think she is weird now. She has yet to even tell anyone about her feelings, even her best friend. Just that, a part of Ochako thinks that romance and this kind of things are things that heroes probably have no time for.
Instead, the reply she gets is “Ochako-chan is a wonderful person. Midoriya is too. And I don’t think he would see you as a burden. Rather, if you ask me, it’s the opposite, ribbit,” Tsuyu’s last words come a bit softer that the brunette misses what it is.
Ochako smiles at her friend. What is she doing, letting all these thoughts weigh her down? It’s a photoshoot for a contest! Everyone is relying on her and she is with Deku! If it is with him, she can do it. Heroes are still humans. Right now, instead of burying her feelings, maybe she just has to accept it. “Thank you, Tsuyu-chan!” she says, fists up then goes out of the room after hearing a call from Mina.
Tsuyu stares at her walking figure and thinks how it is a shame that those two do not get a hint of what the other feels. If only Ochako sees the way Izuku reacts to anything related to her, and if only Izuku sees how Ochako looks at him. Maintaining her everyday-wear expression, she follows soon, hoping the best outcome for her dear friends.
When Ochako opens the door and Tsuyu behind her, she is greeted by an explosion.
“What happened!?”
“Don’t worry! It’s for the background work! Good job by the way, Bakugou!” Mina calls out to a roaring Katsuki, clearly unamused with the task. “Oh and you too, keep it up, Kirishima!” she says to the red-head whose job is to keep Katsuki firing. No wonder they decided a location near the forest if it is something this destructive.
“Thanks, Ashido. I won’t die!” Eijirou says with a smile, activating his hardness quirk, and dodging the incoming attacks. He can definitely withstand it.
“Die!” Katsuki is heard.
Ochako and Tsuyu watch the two, noting how close their relationship is. They both wonder what the red-head said or did to keep Katsuki firing at him. It seems that for Mina’s plan, an explosion in the background is necessary.
The brown-haired girl lets her eyes roam around, with her classmates running around or staying to build. Behind the camera works look chaotic, but amidst everything, it is his figure that stands out.
A loose red tie, messier green hair, and a light blue suit. This is not the first time that she saw Izuku sport formal wear, but seeing him out of his uniform, casual clothes, or his hero costume, it feels like he is not Deku-kun, the hero-in-the-making she aspires to be like. It’s like he is just a normal boy.
The art director then calls on everyone to reiterate the plan, with the kids gathering in a circle. Tsuyu then pulls the dazed lass.
“So basically, we have the bricked walls all set up, right? Great job on that Tsu, Mineta, Koda and Sato. We just need Midoriya to do a kabedon on Uraraka as they face the camera, very simple. Ojiro and Shoji will guard the walls so those do not fall down from the explosions care of Bakugou. Kirishima should make sure that Bakugou keeps firing and does not kill anyone so we can take multiple shots. Since the explosions will produce unstable lighting, we have Kaminari and Aoyama on the artificial lights, with Sero doing the assisting. Todoroki will use his ice to somehow balance the temperature since we wouldn’t want our models to be all sweaty with all the heat right? If all is set… Project: Love on the Battlefield, start!”
As everyone disperses to their positions, “K-KABEDON?!” Ochako reacts, ignoring all the other detailed tasks and roles that Mina had mentioned.
Izuku, with a small blush, remains quiet. It seems that he has been informed when Ochako was still getting ready.
Mina just smiles with hearts in her eyes. “It’s love on the battlefield, Uraraka.”
For the nth time of the day, Ochako Uraraka’s naturally flushed cheeks produce more rosy shades. She is so preoccupied with thoughts that the people are shipping them in school, but a kabedon is just… “A-ashido, I…”
The art director hands a flyer to Ochako and pats her bare shoulder, “I’m sure you’re nervous to be on cam, Uraraka! But don’t worry, now just read these and hopefully, you get motivated!”
Izuku, on the other hand, could not help but stare at Ochako’s figure, swallowing. He already knew that she is cute, but the way she looks today is just… The lad covers his face with his palm, “This is bad for my heart.”
Unaware of the conflicted Izuku, she stares at the paper that Mina handed her before she left. When a certain item gets her fully attentive, “Deku-kun! We gotta win! We have to win!”
Unsure where the enthusiasm suddenly boosted from in the midst of her evident discomfort, a glowing Ochako shows him the flyer with the top prize saying “Winners get to file for permission to go outside.”
 Back to the present…
Everyone is asked to resume their positions and roles, with Izuku and Ochako reprising as well their pose. Their blushes are also quick to return.
Before Mina gives the signal, she nods to Tenya and Fumikage who return the gesture. “Project: Love on the battlefield take four, start!” The explosions start again.
But more than these explosions, the starting signal immediately makes Izuku’s and Ochako’s shoulder square up. They are clearly back to that awkward feeling after the relaxation of the break. Hearts thumping louder by the second, limbs shaking, and expressions sinking, they look like a frozen disaster with random explosions going on the background.
“We’ll be doing this more differently,” Mina announces, “Midoriya, Uraraka, I just have just one request. You cannot move from your positions, alright? Just try to maintain it. Now, Iida.”
Tenya clears his throat, “Midoriya, what do you think of All Might?”
“H-huh? All Might?” Whatever they are up to, his brain cannot possibly keep up. 
“Just answer in your mind, you can’t speak.”
Izuku, at first, lets his eyebrows meet, but tries his best to answer his question mentally. Just do not move from the position, all right.
“All Might is not just any other hero. He is not just the coolest hero and the symbol of peace. All Might is my hero because he entrusted someone like me with his power and his secrets. He is not just any other hero out there who saves people from danger and villains. He also saved me and my dreams. All Might is someone I’ve always looked up to ever since I could remember. They brand me a fanboy but he really is a figure that—”
As the young lad continues to answer Tenya’s question, his face turns stern and unreadable, but the fierceness of his expression is perfect. His green eyes are looking at the direction of the camera, maintaining a solid contact, as his features tense for a tinge of seriousness. There is no ounce of nervousness at all. It might have been unintentional, but his attention on something else made his position closer by a bit to Ochako. Mina could not help but squeal, “THIS IS THE EXPRESSION I WANTED! You’re a genius, Iida! It’s my turn.”
Ochako who can only stare silently looks at Mina who is waving at her. She cocks an eyebrow at her.
“Say, Uraraka, what are the greatest qualities of your dream guy?”
Caught off guard, Ochako’s expression ranges from shock to embarrassment, to fear, and even to confusion. “Same as Midoriya, you have to answer on your mind. Just do it!”
The young lady’s face melts to a tomato-like color, “So this is what they are trying to do.” She stops herself from glancing at Izuku because she might be unable to hold onto her knees anymore, but she does as she is told.
“I… I really like Deku-kun’s determination and power to hold people together. D-deku-kun is someone I really look up to and I could not help but admire him more. He doesn’t seem to know it, but he is really cool even if he is not that strong-looking. I… I wouldn’t admit it but I like that he is plain-looking. Even if no one notices him, I will always see him. I really do like him. He doesn't have to know. I'm fine just being by his side right now. I just wish I wouldn't be this flustered over everything.”
Ochako becomes more honest to herself, the more she answers Mina’s little question, somehow not believing that she stutters in her mind as well. Unknown to her, the bashfulness slowly fills her features, her mouth slowly pointing, her cheeks reddening, and her eyebrows slumping. The small pout his lips are making adds a sense of cuteness, in contrast to Izuku's serious look.
Mina smiles, satisfied. This is not the expression she is expecting Ochako to wear, but the look of a maiden in love is just too perfect. She taps Fumikage, who has already taken several shots and is smiling underneath that lens. Tenya’s plan is working very well, and he is glad to look at his two dearest friends.
Unknown to them, a jealous nugget named Minoru Mineta is someone not considered in their plan.
The purple head bites his bottom lip, eyes boring into Izuku, with flames of anger. “Why does it have to be Midoriya who does the kabedon to Uraraka?! And how many hours has it been? They’ve been in that position for how many hours and attempts!?”
Unable to control his feelings anymore, he runs to the photographer and tries to snatch the camera.
“W-what the… Mineta?!”
“Midoriya is such a lucky man! I want to squeeze Uraraka too! You too, Tokoyami! Why are you the only one who can see Uraraka behind the lens! Give it to me, I need to take some shots!” Minoru whispers panty shots, but everyone still heard him, cringing.
“Stop it, Mineta!” This time it is Mina.
“You wouldn’t understand. I need shots of Uraraka!” Mineta responds, his eyes boggling at her.
Everyone slowly approaches, unable to simply move because all the files are in the camera. It would be unwise to just move. Even Fumikage who is supposed to have the upper hand is finding himself limited in his moves. A few more thugs, Mineta is able to snatch the camera, but he trips over as he runs and the device flies out of his hands.
Quickly, Ochako activates her quirk and immediately runs to the chaotic scene, leaping and placing her hand on the ground to cushion where the camera lands. But the impact of her fall bounces the camera off her hands and the camera suddenly floats up and unfortunately, never falls down.
Everyone wraps up after the incident, with Tenya devoting the remaining hours of the day reprimanding Minoru, while the others already left the grounds. They all assure Ochako that it is not her fault, making apologetic smiles at her and Izuku, while delivering different kinds of frowns and scolding at Minoru.
The auburn-head could not help but still feel down after everyone’s efforts get thrown out of the window. She stares at her hands. She is hoping her quirk to be useful in that situation, but it ended up backfiring when she accidentally applied too much force. She closes her eyes as she sits atop the grassy grounds just near their dormitory, looking at the night sky.
There are stars, so beautiful and shining in the absence of the moon. Yet the usual her who loves this scenery is unable to enjoy it. The whole day is such a mess. She sighs.
“Deku-kun?” she looks back to see him approaching her.
“You weren’t at dinner, so I came looking for you…” he scratches the back of his head. “Do you mind if I join you?”
She nods at him and shakes her head, and brings her attention back to the sky as he takes a spot next to her on the grass, but with respectable distance. The wind blows and perhaps she could see this as one of the best evenings, but she could not do it too.
Unable to take the sudden silence, Ochako wrinkles the hem of her shorts, bows, and speaks, “I’m sorry, Deku-kun!”
“Why? What’s wrong, Uraraka-san?”
“I… I didn’t want to drag you to the situation. I know, things have been crazy since the morning and it was none of our faults. But proceeding with this photoshoot for the contest is entirely something I could control. If… If I wasn’t so distracted, I… you, we…”
She lets her words trail, not even sure what she is apologizing for anymore. It is too late already, after all their efforts throughout the day. They are unable to join the contest. The camera is probably in space now. And the student body still thinks of them as a couple. When all those things are listed down, Ochako feels more exhausted.
A smile fills his lips as he looks at her down expression. Ironic, yes, but he could not help but be fond of this side of her and just cheer her up. “Y’know Uraraka-san…”
Though he calls her, she refuses to look at him, shoulder stiff, and head down. “I’ve been noticing that you’ve been down these days. Of course, as a person, I’m not expecting you to always be happy and cheerful. You are a really positive person. But sometimes, you have this habit of… just keeping things to yourself.”
Izuku is not sure how she will take his words. But right now, he just wants to be completely honest with her.
“Somehow, a while ago, your face lit up when you pointed to me the prize of the contest. And when I saw that, I just thought that I had to do my best too,” he smiles at her, the blush still dusting his face.
What he is saying is true though. The look on her face at that time when she is filled with determination, it is clear that it has something to do with her family. Though he wishes that she would avoid bottling things inside of her, he knows well how there are things that can only be dealt with one's self. That is why when he finally sees that fire in her, he just wishes to support her, just the same she supports him.
“And also…”
Ochako looks up.
“It wasn’t that bad…” he says, letting the already familiar yet also foreign warmth fill his cheeks more. “I had fun.”
She picks up some of his embarrassment the moment their eyes lock. “The shipping thing? The hours of photoshoot? The kabedon?”
He blushes harder, wondering if he still has blood left elsewhere aside from his face. “Well, y-yeah but also,” he pauses then continues, “I mean… it’s fun to be with you.”
It is her time to give out a small smile.
“It’s always fun when it’s with you, Deku-kun.”
Realizing her words, she faces him with his back, and Ochako places her hands on her face, careful to keep her pinkies lifted.
They both smile, hiding from each other’s gazes.
Izuku’s phone rings all of a sudden, but when he checks it, he suddenly freezes.
“What’s wrong, Deku-kun?” she looks back, pops her head to his side, only to see Mina with a new post, tagging them in their photo uploaded on social media with the caption, “We did not beat the deadline of the contest because of some circumstances, but I am so proud of our class for being able to produce this! Good thing the memory of the camera is connected to my phone so I was able to secure this #IzuOcha: Love at the Battlefield #goodbyecamera”
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