#Diplomatic Visit
defensenow · 2 months
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aneverydaything · 4 months
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Day 2166, 28 May 2024
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emilybeemartin · 2 months
The Spares, Part 1
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Based on this post. Thanks for the inspo @torchwood-99!
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Part II
Part III
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ghostbsuter · 10 months
"I did not think I'd ever use it like this," the boy muttered next to batman.
It was comically, with the police and ambulance lighting up the entire area.
Danny, being himself, had gotten curious and accidentally busted a human trafficking ring, which ended up with batman and his kids (?) doing the fighting and the police being called.
"Son, solving crime doesn't mean you didn't trespass and break into someone's property, I will have to take you back to the station—"
"I have diplomatic immunity."
Officer Gordon stood still for a moment, progressing.
"You can't really, err— put me to prison." The boy took his phone out, stopped at a picture, and showed it to the officer and batman.
The vigilante confirmed his identity with a jerky nod, and Gordon is pinching his brows.
"Son– no offence your... majesty, why are you in Gotham of all places?"
The boy now identified as Daniel Phantom, prince of the other and currently the reigning monarch of another realm.
In gotham.
"Okay, so," Danny coughs, embarrassed. "I'm on university search and gotham had this really cool space science programm. I really wanted to see it."
(Once they checked his papers and got his statement, did they let him leave to his hotel + some of his squad going along for protection measure.
Gordon heaved a sigh, "We can be glad it wasn't the joker. That would have made headlines." and slumb in his seat.
Batman grunts, a sound the officer knows too well.
"You're gonna look out for the kid?"
Another grunt.
"Good, because Gotham help us all if that kid gets hurt.")
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canisalbus · 5 months
I wonder if Vasco would ever feel a bit envious of how Ludovica is able to be around her girlfriend fairly often thanks to her girlfriend's job being to accompany her, while he and Machete have to be apart for months at a time and need to be more careful about being seen together or seeming too close?
Not envious to the point of resenting Ludovica or anything like that of course, but I could imagine there being an occasional somber thought like "it's so nice that those two can have this... if only it could have worked out that way for us too"
I thought that might be possible. Vasco is happy for them of course, he knows Ludovica's partner well and does his best to ensure the road is as smooth as possible for them both. But it does make him feel a bit blue and lonely when he can't see Machete as often as he'd like. Ludovica and her girlfriend have been more or less inseparable for years, her lady-in-waiting can follow her practically everywhere without anyone batting an eye. It's expected that they seem close.
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my-cabbages-gorl · 5 months
Post war politicians zukaang, tell me you see the vision
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history will say they were allies
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wordycheeseblob · 2 months
Hey hmm
Not to imply anything but you think the Rhodelite King ever went abroad?
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fauvester · 1 year
What was garak like as castellan? (ps your art is 💞💕❤️❤️💕💞💕❤️💕💞💕)
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I think his time in the Federation has, despite his best efforts, affected his outlook on politics. He's a wary centrist now, as if Cardassia has the luxury of political discourse not related to basic sustenance.... trying to delicately excise the most distasteful parts of the prior totalitarian regime while still supporting the structures that keep people alive.
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I don't think there's a way to be a well-liked leader after an annihilative disaster, honestly. Garak's not an exception. He's NOT a popular Castellan, but he WAS the least bad choice immediately on hand, and he's adept at securing badly needed aid from Federated interests. He can be very persuasive and diplomatic, and he circumvents or cuts through the bureaucratic and political obstacles that would've trapped less canny men. He's in power during the setting of the foundation of the Cardassian economic miracle and he stalwartly weathers years of vicious criticism and assassination attempts (that he easily evades). As soon as he retires his approval rating goes from like 15% to 80%. He's the Grandfather of Cardassia, their mercurial constant, their deviously bitchy figurehead who can hold his own against any rival leader. The wily old regnar who raised a generation of hungry utopian statesmen. A Castellan to be privately eviscerated and publicly saluted.
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Mostly he's just trying to go home at some point during the night to quietly whisper 'good-night' to his kids and husband, though
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Allison Janney as VP Grace Penn in The Diplomat:
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The Princess of Wales & Gowns in 2022
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sesamenom · 1 year
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baylan skoll (from ahsoka) over time, inspired by the realization that he's the same age as baby yoda
(+ designs for his first padawan + commander)
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defensenow · 4 months
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not-poignant · 4 months
Hi Pia!
I was rereading the first Ice Plague story the other say and got to the bit where Eran pimps out Mosk (oof) and has that horrible encounter with that one fae that forces him to watch.
Was that fae one of the ones that fed on sexual violence/rape? He seemed to get a lot out of violating Eran at the same time as Mosk.
Also in the fae realm I take it that there's less safety net / social or cultural morality around sexually exploiting someone for money? Most of the fae that came across Eren and Mosk seemed to realise that Mosk wasn't a willing participant but they didn't seem to care or mind much. And this was in public establishments.
And yeah I know this sort of stuff happens in the human realm too but it seems more acceptable in the fae realm?
Like... most human hotels have policies in place that require staff to call the authorities if they witness anything untoward because raoe and sexual exploitation in the human realm is mostly illegal. But that doesn't seem to be the case in the fae realm? Like there's no police force or social safety net or a fae equivalent to human rights organisations or shelters.
I suppose Ash would consider the human realm superior to the fae realm in that regard right? I think I remember him stating that the human realm was better morally because abusing kids was illegal in most places and also that education in the human realm was better because is was more accessible and less based on class ect. Unless I'm misremembering .
Sorry for the wall of text lol. I'm just really curious and have a lot of questions. Thanks for taking the time to read/answer
Was that fae one of the ones that fed on sexual violence/rape? He seemed to get a lot out of violating Eran at the same time as Mosk.
He was!
Also in the fae realm I take it that there's less safety net / social or cultural morality around sexually exploiting someone for money?
Generally speaking, it just depends. Among most fae, there's less legal protections. Like, there's no one Eran could go to, in order to report what happened. There's no one Mosk could go to either. But if they were in a city of common fae, there might be police-style force of people they could go to.
But you couldn't, say, go to the Unseelie King and be like 'I was raped by this fae' because the response is going to be 'that fae needs to rape to survive, but if they're doing it for any other reason, let me know.'
It's a world that simultaneously understands these things really suck to experience, but in many cases (with the exception of child sexual assault) treats them like many other things that suck to experience. It doesn't make them easier to deal with, but it does give many a different perspective.
Most of the fae that came across Eren and Mosk seemed to realise that Mosk wasn't a willing participant but they didn't seem to care or mind much. And this was in public establishments.
And yeah I know this sort of stuff happens in the human realm too but it seems more acceptable in the fae realm?
It is, especially in certain cities, or in desperate times (it was definitely desperate times during The Ice Plague). It mostly depends on who runs the bar/pub/establishment, honestly. Some will allow that stuff, some won't. Some will kill you for it without blinking.
I suppose Ash would consider the human realm superior to the fae realm in that regard right?
He maybe thought that way once, but I don't think he does anymore. Like, we can see in The Nascent Diplomat that almost all fae (including Augus and the Raven Prince) have extremely strong and visceral reactions to child sexual abuse. It's clearly very frowned upon and if anything, more decisive action is taken in the fae realm than in the human realm (where most child rapists never get sentenced or see any consequences for their actions - Oxcillian was killed without a trial lol).
Something being illegal doesn't actually mean the people committing the act are seeing consequences for that act in any consistent or meaningful way.
Stertes attempted to rape Eran, and Mosk murdered him. It really just depends on the fae that are around at the time.
I would say the system is uglier in some ways, and cleaner in others. It highlights the power differential and class structures in a more stark way, but our human world has those too, and they're often more hidden, insidious, and sometimes even more damaging.
I find that really interesting to think about. I don't think Ash thinks the human realm is better anymore.
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emilybeemartin · 1 month
The Spares, Part III
Part I
Part II
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I know some people don't like the concept of these four meeting prior to the events of LotR, but I DO and THIS IS WHY
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grunge-mermaid · 6 months
I moved into my last apartment in 2020 and rent was $1149
when I moved out in 2022, I was paying $1162
the apartment was listed at $1450
now, in 2024, a comparable unit in the same building is $1699
those apartments are NOT worth $1000 let alone $1700
mice, asbestos, 1 washer & dryer for 15 units, no parking (transit is the least shitty you'll find in ottawa but that's not saying much)
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maggiecheungs · 6 months
went to church today and the candle i lit in front of one of the icons fell over so my brother stuck his candle right in the exact same spot where mine had been. all while holding eye contact,,,, deeply sick and twisted power play . only children could never understand
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