#Disciples of the Yellow Rabbit
redacted-coiner · 7 months
For your ficto-religions can you do one based on Glitchtrap from FNAF VR Help Wanted and believing in remnant and reviving William? If not that's okay!
Funny thing, I really had the theory that a religious group was formed due to springtrap and crap, so I am very excited to do this.
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Disciples of the Yellow Rabbit
[PT: Disciples of the Yellow Rabbit]
Disciples of the Yellow Rabbit, a Ficto-Religion(link) based off the world of Five Nights at Freddys. These are those who fallow the rebirth of Willam, now in the form of Glitchtrap. Those who are in Disciples of the Yellow Rabbit do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences. (the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach due to the nature of my blog.)
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[ID: none yet]
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
Fultist/Fults DNI!!
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kulaykonfetti · 2 years
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the last puppet (2022)
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the-monkey-ruler · 10 months
Do those who are expelled from heaven become demons? I think you told me something like that about Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing. I also didn't understand the story of the Yellow Robe Demon very well. about the part about his romance with Jade Maiden and the whole reincarnation thing. Was he a demon in the beginning? Or did he become a demon when he left heaven?
So I have explained in a past post here of how demons are made.
From there you can see how people in heaven, or rather celestials, either leave or are expelled from heaven and turn into demons. Yellow Robe Demon has said that he left heaven from his position as one of the 28 constellations in order to be with his love the Jade Maiden. The Jade Maiden for whatever reason reincarnated into a human instead of just leaving heaven (maybe this was an easier path considering that leaving heaven without permission is a harder thing to accomplish for a servant). But in any case, she didn't remember the Yellow Robe Demon or their prior love and thus he kidnapped her. Tragic romance.
But once he was caught he was brought back to heaven and lost the demonic powers that he gained while eating humans on Earth. Here is a lost of demons that were once from heaven and became demons.
Zhu Bajie (豬八戒) deity - pig demon
Sha Wujing (沙悟淨) deity - river demon
Tang Sanzang / Golden Cicada (唐三藏 / 金蝉子) Buddha disciple - human
Yellow Robe Demon (黃袍怪) wood-wolf star - robe demon
Golden Horned King (金角大王) furnaces blower - horn demon
Silver Horned King銀角大王 furnaces blower - horn demon
Yellow Brows Great King (黃眉大王) Buddha disciple - brows demon
Baihuaxiu (百花羞) Jade Maiden in Heaven - human
Princess of India (天竺) Immortal Su'e - human
Honorary mention: Princess Iron Fan (鐵扇公主) wind goddess - Rakshasi (this is only mentioned in the Zaju play to be a former goddess, otherwise she was always a Rakshasi in Xiyouji)
Please note that Sanzang, the Princess of India, and Biguaxiu were the only fallen celestials who are human because they reincarnated properly. Zhu Bajie also reincarnated but he didn't lose his cultivation when he went to earth and therefore became a demon pig rather than living out his animal form in peace and waiting to be reincarnated into a human. All other fallen celestials choose to leave, with the expectation on Wujing who was banished, and it is to be expected that they turned into demons for giving into their desires and started to consume human flesh.
Yellow Wind Demon (黃風怪) pet - yellow marten (owner Lingji)
Lion-Lynx Demon / Azure Lion (獅猁怪 / 青毛獅子) pet - azure lion (owner Manjusri)
King of Spiritual Touch (靈感大王) pet - gold fish (owner Guanyin)
Single Horned Rhinoceros King (獨角兕大王) pet - Azure Bull (owner Laojun)
Scorpion Demoness (蠍子精) animal in heaven - scorpion (no owner)
Sai Tai Sui / Great King Jupiter's Rival (賽太歲) pet - golden hair wolf (owner Guanyin)
Yellow Toothed Elephant (黃牙老象) pet - white elephant (owner Samantabhadra)
Golden Winged Great Peng (金翅大鵬雕) pet - roc (owner Buddha)
White Deer Spirit (白鹿精) pet - white deer (owner Old Man of the South Pole)
Lady Earth Flow (地涌夫人) pet - rat (owner Li Jang and Nezha)
Grand Saint of Nine Spirits (九靈元聖) pet - Nine-Headed Lion (owner Taiyi Jiuku Tainzun)
Jade Rabbit Spirit (玉兔精) pet - moon rabbit (owner Chang'e)
It is noted that most pets or animals that escaped heaven were only spared because their owners came in time to stop Wukong or Bajie from killing them, with the exception of the Scorpion Queen as she had no owner and thus was killed. Pets have a far easier time to cultivate in heaven as they have access to scripture or magic items to aid in their escape and power growth, giving them a large advantage if they make it to earth and become demon rulers if they so wish.
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 5 months
Oh and since I've started the rough drafts of them, here's some info on the 12 disciples in my au. No I did not mean to make 12 it just sorta happened. I also want you to note that all but two had the same thought of "holy shit that's a child" when they met Eden and that's the main reason they decided to become followers in the first place to make sure he would be ok.
This is just some rough info to act as some backround
Starting off with canon(?) sort of characters we have:
-Webber, he/they/we: spider character from the game don't starve who was added during a collab to cotl. the youngest and a disciple in training. We first meet him at age 8 and is the last to come along. Life has been extended
-Haru, he/him: the yellow cat from the one animated short. Was a priest of leshys until he fought the lamb on a crusade and lost. Was brought back after realizing how much was censored about the slaughter of the sheep and asked if he could redeem himself. Age 24 and was the third last to become a disciple. Immortal
Now we have the not Canon characters who I have in my actual save file. I will also share their silly ridiculous names I have for them in game since I am atrocious at being serious.
-Mamer, he/him, has always been Mamer: a teal rabbit and the first follower and disciple of Edens. He was taken in by the compound that eden was born in and swore himself to protecting whoever was to become the prophesied lamb. Was captured by cultists a week before Edens execution and was about to be sacrificed when ratau and eden found him on the way to the compound. Taught eden how to fight and the traditional boxing style of the sheepfolk. Current grounds keeper. In game this man goes on hella missions and is responsible for at least 20 followers. Age 32, immortal.
-Clement, he/they, Friend Traitor in game: a big, surly orange tabby cat. He and his sister Cerise came as a pair and were found in the ruins of a village in darkwood, rummaging through their belongings to see if anything was salvageable. They had been taken temporarily on orders from kallamars clergy to aid in the construction of one of the wings of his temple. While they were away, their village started refusing to give anymore of their materials to the bishops so an attack was ordered on it. When they came back everything was gone. Both Clement and Cerise became disciples at the same time and became disciples second. Clement taught Eden how to build. Clements the head of the builders hut. In game they're just a silly feller with a silly name and I love them. Age 30, immortal
-Cerise, she/her, Amigo Treachery in game: a red and that's more magenta coloured. I said quite a bit of her backstory with Clement but the difference is that she runs the stonemines and lumberyard and taught Eden how to find and gather quality materials while on Crusading. She works in lumberyard mostly in game too but she also spends a fair amount of time at the shrine. Age 29, immortal
-Ellis, they/them, Taxes in game: a rosy maple moth and the third disciple. They were captured by helob while in darkwood and was a day away from being eaten when eden found them and bought their freedom. They had offered to walk Ellis back home but they had decided after working in Shamuras treasury for most of their life they didn't really have anything worthwhile to get back to and so decided to go back to the compound with the lamb and now work as the treasurer and tax collector. In game they're tax enforcer but otherwise kind of unremarkable. Age 34, immortal.
-Finley, she/her, Pæňïş in game (truly terrible name I'm so sorry girl): a raspberry colored raccoon and the fourth disciple along side Merrick, as they came in a pair. Both Finley and Merrick were apart on the Fox' cult and were cannibals for most of their lives. They only left after their fellow cultists turned against them while on a hunting trip. Eden found them an inch away from death and surrounded, and after killing the remaining heretics they took the two back to the compound to heal. After learning the two's story, Eden offered them a chance to redeem themselves and turn their lives around with the caveat that the cannibalism stops. They agreed and joined as followers, and earned their discipleship. Finley's the head cook and is the overseer of all the dietary restrictions, while her fellow workers take care of the compound at large. Despite the cannibalism she's actually quite lovely and very personable. Her and Merrick are just good friends and bonded after their mutual betrayal. In game I send her on missions quite a bit since her stats are good. Age 27, immortal.
-Merrick, he/him, originally Marth (my best friends a fire emblem fan and requested it. Personality doesn't match): a blue fox and the fourth disciple along side Finley. Backround info is above. He's sparky and snappish with a bit of a temper but is very good humored and lovely to be around. His job is the head butcher with a very lucrative side gig of disposing of dissenters. The lamb DOES allow the pair to partake in the occasional heretic or dissenter but by and large they both just eat regular meat now. His in game role is kept empty but he's usually the first to get to the drinkhouse when I need stuff made so there's that. Age 27, immortal.
-Azalea, she/they, was lovingly named *DJ sounds*, pronounced however the hell you want: a black koi fish and the fifth disciple. Originally from Anura and was apart of the lighthouse keeper cult. Was found calling for help just outside the cult after getting injured on the way home. Eden took them to the med bay to get patched up since the scope of the injuries was a little outside of their skill set and escorted them home once they were all fixed. They ended up going back with Eden anyway after they relit the lighthouse (they had been getting wood and Eden had firestarter on them). Her job is loyalty enforcer and assists the grounds keeper in keeping the place safe. Due to the decreased amount of heretics+high faith levels, they more just act as a welcome crew for new members and trains people in self defense. She's hard headed and blunt, and can be rude at times, but she has good intentions and has a soft spot for those close to her. Very sweet and patient with kids, less kind to adults. In the game she's also a loyalty enforcer and I desperately wish you could hide that fuckass hat. Age 28, immortal.
-Nimah, he/him, is Sonic because I had to: an albino hedgehog since I don't wanna make it SO obvious that it's just sonic. He is the sixth disciple and used to be a postman between all of the merchants and settlements outside of bishop control. He always wanted to be a doctor and kept an eye out for medical texts on his travels. He didn't have much luck in that regard until he came to deliver something to the compound and was kept there by a storm. Him and Eden got to chatting and after telling them about this little quest, Eden told him that while there's none at the compound that they could think of, they pick up books all the time while on crusades and could keep an eye out for any. One handshake and a new friend later, Nimah slowly studied and practiced to become a doctor until they got the title of head doctor. Taught some cultborn folks to do the mail route and now spends his days in the med bay. In game his only purpose is to be sonic and nothing else. His existence makes me happy :]. Age 53, immortal.
-Rowan, she/her, JAzz (I fucked up): a crow and the seventh disciple. Was a shrine maiden for Heket, and was trusted enough to be given the uncensored prophecy. After hearing it and making the very uncomfortable realization that they've all been praying for the downfall of a) an innocent race and b) a child, she dissented and fled to the cult to offer her services. Was a thief for a while, but was taken in by some followers of Heket and changed her ways. Was the second follower but had a hard time accepting the gift of discipleship for a while there. Very sweet and soft spoken, very good at quiet rage. In game she's on worship duty and is a very pretty lady and I love her. Age 30, immortal
-Florian, zey/zem/zer, named Alright in game: a silk moth and the eighth disciple. Was a primary weaver in Shamura's coterie for a good century. Zey were delivering tapestries to the main temple of Leshy when zer convoy was attacked by bandits and zey were left hiding and bleeding out. Eden found zem and took them back to their own temple since the med bay didn't exist at that point. When zey awoke, zey found zemselves bandaged in an unfamiliar place with someone they didn't recognize standing near them. Zey were suspicious until zey realized that that is a child zey were thinking of attacking, and that child is holding a med kit in their hands. Zey end up calming down and once zer'e healed, Florian offers to make a proper outfit befitting a vessel of death since zey don't like feeling like zer in debt. Eden agrees to this and they end up becoming friends, with Florian offering zer continued service in exchange for stable living. Zer personality is flamboyant but not loud. I personally imagine zer personality to be akin to one of those mob wives with the smoke pipe and the long satin feather robes. In game this fella was so unremarkable zey died of old age at level 1. Also zey get neos because I think they have so much gender that they/them simply doesn't cut it, although I understand if you use they/them for zem, it's a bit tricky to get used to. Age 33, immortal.
AND THATS A WRAP! Sorry for the length, some people are more thought out than others, not to mention I almost forgot a whole 2 people.
Their designs are coming soonish, I'm just trying to make some improvements with how I draw faces rn because Mamer looks like shit :[ I will get better and no one can stop me
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thelotusrabbit · 2 years
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I decided to delve into my lmk oc since Tumblr seems like a good place to do it.
(Every concept is just inspired by jttw, every historical reference is completely random)
Meet Jiàn, a celestial raised in the Heavenly branch of the Immortal Earth Tome, who was in charge of overseeing the physical state of the mortal realm.
This branch was under the supervision of Heavenly King Jianguo, who unfortunately tended little to the palace, leaving the management to General Luan.
One day the illustrious Warlike Rabbit from the wind-born land, through an oath with the old Heavenly King Jianguo, offered his firstborn child Shan Ning as a disciple of the general, to work under his command.
Shan Ning had been educated in court manners and cultivated the doctrine of Action, a path it would follow until the end of its apprenticeship.
Under the General, Shan Ning learned the art of warfare and discipline, how to run a thousand miles, how to serve heaven, and how to dominate the enemy.
Although hundreds of centuries passed on the earth and the mentality of the people and immortals began to open up, it seemed that things in the palace remained behind in time, with an extremely strict conduct.
At the end of its apprenticeship, Shan Ning was given the title of Bullet-Arrow Rabbit (hence the nickname Jiàn, meaning arrow), and given the job and salary of a celestial, with the task of descending to the mortal world to chart the Map of the world.
The Map of the World was created by sacrificing Jiàn's eyes, which were now yellow like the pages of the parchment, making sure that the Map could show every single place Jiàn had visited.
The work assigned to the Bullet-Arrow Rabbit consisted of going around every single place on earth to ensure that the Map remained constantly updated, traveling so fast that not even the wind moved, crossing walls without damaging them and passing under the eyes completely unnoticed.
Such an assignment lasted a minimum of two celestial days, or two earth years, always returning punctually to the Heavenly Palace of the immortal Earth Tome, then resting seven celestial days, or seven earth years, and returning to work on the eighth celestial day.
Jiàn was 15 celestial years old when things started to go downhill.
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wbwoqlqxoxxms · 1 year
Yishun Revengers Episode 2 "The Orange Luat"
"Well, you ask why we stay in this horrendous neighbourhood? That has to do with our identities-you see, we are actually the six pillars of total defence, I'm Fentanyl, Psychological, that's Mendax, Digital, Sunda, Economic, Laju, Social, Sicarius, Civil, and Pertama, Military." The man in black eent around doing a self-introduction and everyone-else-introduction.
"Then what about those rabbit furries and that plain-looking guy?" Stefen asked.
"That big rabbit in yellow is Codeine, the plain-looking one is August, and I forgot the other two..." Fentanyl replied not-so embarrassingly.
"Anyway. Back to the topic. I'll tell you one story we all know happened...
One day the others and I were walking back home, enjoying ice kachang on a hot day, when suddenly, we heard a loud noise! A loud, thunderous, resounding, banging noise!
So we all, instinctively, looked up to the sky, and, to our horror, saw a whole plane going haywire and about to crash into the Northpoint City building, and, of course, in the pilot seat of the plane, there was some idiot sec 1 boy from HIHS, *the boy from just now looks away sheepishly*
So of course, seeing such an imminent threat, we rushed to stop the plane, and just in time, used our powers to prevent it from crashing, ahaha, look at us, such model citizens, huh? Ahhahaah,"
"Yeah, but what are they doing, anyway? They're not pillars, right?" Stefen pointed to Codeine and August, posing the question.
"They're our disciples. We're training them to learn our skills so we can relax while they do all the hard work for us, " The one named Sunda casually explained it.
Well, those non-pillars don't look too annoyed with what he said either...do they owe them some kind of debt?
Just while Stefen was deep in thought, the kid from before who ignored him rudely tapped on his shoulder from behind, and offered to finish the explanation for Fentanyl now.
Stefen positioned the camera, then "ACTIONED" him.
"Well, so you see, exactly because such dangerous activities happen at this cursed town of Yishun, so our beloved heroes the Pillars have to stay in Yishun in order to defend this weak part of our country!"
Just as the boy finished the speech, he ran right into the arms of a grown woman Stefen barely knew existed behind them, shouting loudly, "SEE LAH CHER, I AM KIEFER LEH, I GOT STUDY ONE LAH NOT ALWAYS DRIVING PLANES INTO BUILDINGS ONE!" and then running away while the grown woman chases him.
"So...yeah, there's that, you've got your reasoning, can leave us alone now?" Sunda impatiently remarked.
Stefen finished recording and wrapping up the last tracks, then replied with a cute UWU wink. (that was not cute and uwu)
Uh oh, looks like my man is already starting under the influence of the curse of Yishun...
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zooterchet · 2 years
Linear Strategy Gambling (With Rite of Passage to Use)
Family Gambling Strategies:
Ernest Charlebois (Triple Jack): Triple Jack, is played like Klob, the concept of a partial deck, however the deck is full, and only the jack is removed, per play. Once you have all the jacks, on your board, from a hand (played on Go Fish rules, pulling a card from the deck, to make a set, a match, on points), the game ends, and cards are totaled, regardless of cards in deck remaining, not played as "Fish" (sets or pairs, under rules of your choice, the House the choice of the family). To win, you have to pass every Jack, except your "son's", playing with you, a biker syndicate. If it's your actual son, he cheated, he played a jack on you, on hand's down. He's the Lion's Throne, the Saud, the Dalai Llama, the Yellow King, Zhang Rong. He gets anything he wants; a cop badge, from you informing him, quietly, he's a "pig" now, he's departed the family, and his salute to police academy, however he wants it, after researchh.
Ray Charlebois (Keno): The odds, on a Keno ticket, in your state, if playing a state lottery (a courts con, for athletics, military, or the arts/music), are per number of spots, per potential wins, and per games played. The more games played, the less the odds of winning (separated games of fault, the term for a Ptolemic disorder of ordering food, you want to "sit") versus the odds of money (you spent less to win, you aren't going to sit on "fault", you want an easy score, you're gambling), through "quick pick" (the break from prostitution through inforrmation, the male, or the report of family enemy, as "street team", your child, to radio, The Brow/Dick Tracy, the same character, Logan/Professor X). Any decision, based on seats placed as sought odds, through potential high mark, subtracted, can be placed as victory of cheat, in government, through athletics, soldiers, or music, applied, but only in an affirmative, the defense. Therefore, Keno, never makes money, but it teaches you how to influence government, against the "vig", the Disciples of Christ, on behalf of Doubting Thom, Judas Didymus Thomas, the O'Neills, the sanctity of politics. The odds, of each win, are listed on the back of the ticket, your potential win, on the before the colon, with the after, subtracted, in inverse, reversed to difference, to determine dollar amount bet, the practice to influence courts.
Mike Charlebois (Caribbean Stud): Caribbean Stud, is three cards on the table, and two in the pocket. Whereas Blackjack, encourages you falsely to challenge other betters, other prosecutors, Caribbean Stud is for a banking return, a Schulzstaffel, the movie-clad wealth of Blockbuster, Red Box, YouTube, HBO, STARZ, Cinemax, and other such rental firms, the child's altered bank pattern when assaulted, the "de-Glock", the pull of the chamber into cartridge of magazine; the individual frauding child, if researching, repeats fate of film, through friends, without seeing film, and otherwise, recreates film, at great federal expense, causing a new monetary mark, as Otto Skorzeny, a triple monte player, against Caribbean Stud, Yeo-Thomas, SOE (MI-6, French Resistance, "The White Rabbit" as Gestapo called him, actually "SHELLEY", WW1, and "SEAHORSE", WW2). A triple, is always selected, on table, half-stack with one in pocket of two, or both in pocket, one on table. The triple, is the only play to win, above or below, with an one hundred dollar down fee on sums equated to be brought, the loss of table, two hundred dollars high, on victory to bank, at any rise above, and two hundred dollars down to banked rate, as removal from table. Wife, must be placed on a slot machine, and if she's bored, you leave, automatically, you haven't been fucking your wife, there's no love left in the marriage. Your wife, is your designated driver. You have to play drunk, a stamina game, to determine if you've lost your game, through betting off triples, on improper bank, always a color ruble, kept on table.
Dave Charlebois (Texas Hold 'Em): The proper bet, is self as best athlete, a highschool job, against other athletes, favoring self; the proper gamble in Texas, is the best athlete, conspired with. Hence, the poker foul, is knocked out, for trusting a friend from his background, and rigs the game, allowed any time, for play money, simple chips, bought in a silver case, from a sporting store. On head's up, you aren't to challenge, unless to win, the best hand, portrayed as a bluff, one's poker face forced intentionally, to win. You are always to play as if by reflex, when draw, so the order and the deck rig, reverse forms, and a joker is offered, if unaccompanied lady is at table. The damnation, is when you are out of town, and you offer a cheap cigarette, to their brand, always your Mavericks. If they let you in, you've found friends. Otherwise, they con you, they're in Inglorious Basterds poker, started by Roseanne Barr's friend, John Goodman, a Hapsburg and an expert on the Bruces, for the CIA and their film projects, Walter Sobchak. Texas Hold 'Em is impossible to win, it's a prison for child molesters. Therefore, you want to trap the child molesters, into sexually enhancing you, while they all drop out of their careers, on work reference hires, the Fenians, the Irish-Arabs of Bostons, Fox News and Canada.
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fouryearsofshades · 3 years
Some legends for Mid-Autumn Festival
嫦娥奔月 Chang'e Flying to the Moon
吴刚伐桂 "Wu Gang felling the osmanthus tree" 
玉兔捣药 “Jade rabbit pounding the medicine“ 
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Artist @爹不易
嫦娥奔月 Chang'e Flying to the Moon
The oldest version of “Chang'e flying to the moon” was found on the excavated bamboo text from the Qin dynasty, as part of the divination text “Guicang”("Return to the Hidden") . The story accompanied the hexagram“Guimei”(“Returning Maiden”), and it was said that Chang'e consumed the medicine of immortality that she stole from Xi Wangmu (the Queen Mother of the West), and flew to the moon. Since then Chang’e has been living on the moon, and we can see her in the image of a toad. On the other hand, the earliest version of this story that has been handed down comes from the Han dynasty book "Huainanzi", which mentioned that Yi (Chang’e’s husband) asked for the medicine of immortality from Xi Wangmu, but Chang'e ate it on the sly and fly to the moon. Alone on the moon, even if she was depressed, she couldn't regret it. 古代记载的故事都比较简略,现在有人综合了中国早期著作所记载的传说,把羿和嫦娥的来龙去脉串了起来。
The stories recorded in ancient times are relatively brief, but now some people have integrated legends recorded in various early Chinese writings to piece together the origin and development of the story about Yi and Chang'e.
During the reign of Emperor Yao, ten suns appeared in the sky, scorching the crops and roasting the grasses and trees, leaving the people without food and the living creatures in misery. At the same time, monsters appeared to harm the people. So Emperor Yao appealed for the divine Yi to kill the monsters and shoot down the extra suns.
These suns were actually the children of Heavenly Emperor Di Jun and the Sun Mother Xi He. So although Yi had done a great service to mankind and returned peace to the earth, he was afraid that he would not be able to return to heaven. Yi thus went to seek for the medicine of immortality from Xi Wangmu, who lived on Jade Mountain, in case Emperor Di Jun did not allow Yi to rejoin the immortals, so he could still remain as an immortal. Yi did not immediately consume the medicine of immortality, but gave the medicine to Chang'e, his wife, for safekeeping.
Yi still shouldered the responsibility to kill monsters on earth. One day he saw an white dragon underwater, and thus he shot the white dragon without much thought. The white dragon was actually He Bo, the god of the Yellow River. He Bo was shot blind in one eye and fled back to his residence. Yi chased after him and found a beautiful woman Luo Pin, who was the goddess of Luo Shui and He Bo’s wife. Yi snatched her as his concubine, and she was then referred to as Mi Fei. Chang’e could have been angered by Yi’s act, so she stole all the medicine of immortality and consumed them all in one go. Her body turned as light as a swallow and Chang’e floated to the moon. The loneliness in the cold moon palace is unbearable, but regardless how disappointed Chang'e was with her new life, she couldn’t regret it. On the other hand, Yi was later killed by his disciple Feng Meng, who wanted to become the world's best archer.
吴刚伐桂 "Wu Gang felling the osmanthus tree"
The earliest record of "Wu Gang felling the osmanthus tree" is found in the book "Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang - Volume: Tian Yi" written in the Tang Dynasty, in which there were an osmanthus tree and a toad on the moon. The osmanthus tree was tall and reached 500 feet (about 1.5 km) high. Underneath the tree there was a man, who was endlessly chopping the tree, but the tree healed itself after each cut. This man was Wu Gang from the Xihe Commandery, who studied the Way of the Immortals but had made misstep, and was then punished with felling the osmanthus tree.
What heinous mistake had Wu Gang made that he needed to be subjected to this never-ending unproductive toil? And why did the innocent osmanthus tree need to be felled? The answer to the former question varies, such as Wu Gang was actually being punished for murder, or being punished for not studying well, etc. While the latter may be related to the ancient belief that the mark marking of the moon is actually the shadow of the osmanthus tree, as reflected in the Tang dynasty poet Dufu’s "Felling of the osmanthus tree of the moon, surely would increase the bright light" and the Song dynasty poet Lu You’s "If Junshan Island was removed, the water of Xiang River could flow calmly; If the osmanthus tree was fell, the moon would be brighter", so someone was needed to prune the osmanthus tree from time to time to make the moon brighter.
玉兔捣药 “Jade rabbit pounding the medicine“
Looking up at the moon, the shadow on the surface of the moon looks like a rabbit pounding with a mortar and pestle for some. As early as the Han Dynasty, the poem "The Song of Fleeing of Dong (Zhuo) - Longing to pay respect at the high mountains" described that the jade rabbit was pounding pills made from toads, which after consuming the pill one would gain immortality. Later legends told that the jade rabbit arrived on the moon when Chang'e floated up after taking the medicine of immortality, she grabbed the hare in panic as something heavy to hold her down; it was also said that the jade rabbit was transformed from Chang'e. It did not matter as much how the jade rabbit ended up on the moon, as the most important thing is that the jade hare represents people's reverie for a long and healthy life.
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angeltreasure · 3 years
Hello friend, sorry if this is a silly question but could you explain what the Eucharist is and why it is important? I’m in the beginning of my journey and feel so overwhelmed by google. Have a beautiful day 😊💛
I’ve been saving this ask for a while so this is so exciting! I apologize for my lateness. I usually answer right away but we have had trouble with the WiFi setting up. Anyway! Welcome Anon!!! I am so excited for your faith journey!! Welcome. 😊🙏🏻
Don’t worry, this isn’t a silly question at all. No, it’s a very good question! I am a Catholic, so I will be explaining my Christian denomination believes what the Eucharist is. In fact, this is a VERY important topic to learn about. I will give you my answer then give you some quotes and videos. Hope you enjoy.
The Eucharist IS Jesus Christ. You know how traffic lights are different colors? Red for stop, yellow to caution; slow down, and green for go? Well, you must understand if you choose to join the Catholic Church that the Eucharist is not a symbol. Although the appearance is a wafer bread and tastes like one, it is not plain like a traffic signal. When a priest blesses the host at a Catholic mass, the host transforms into the body of Jesus Christ. You will not see Jesus appear in the priest hand when he raises the host up for that blessing, and you will not taste human flesh when you eat of it. The veil between this world we live in and the afterlife block us so the appearance and taste remain as a wafer host but the substance has really changed into the body of Jesus Christ. Eating the bread means Christ becomes a part of us and makes us stronger in faith! ♥️
Here’s what the Bible says about the Eucharist, taken from my favorite New Testament book called Matthew. I will color the specific verse in the story as red to help you understand what we believe. In the story, Jesus and His disciples were preparing to find a place for Passover. There is a lot to unpack since you are very new to the faith, so I will skip right to the verses of what Jesus spoke. [Passover: “Passover is a Jewish holiday that honors the freedom and exodus of the Israelites (Jewish slaves) from Egypt during the reign of the Pharaoh Ramses II. Before the ancient Jews fled Egypt, their firstborn children were "passed over" and spared from death, thus dubbing the holiday "Passover."”]
….. “While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” - Matthew 26:26-29
You see, at this point in time, His disciples did not fully understand the mystery surrounding what was to come. After this night, Jesus was betrayed by Judas (one of His followers) gave His life to die on the cross. In doing so, He saved us from the punishment of all of our sins and opened the gates to Heaven. Back in the past, animals were often given up a sacrifice. Jesus Himself was the perfect sacrificial lamb for slaughter in order to save us from death. This image is the very best that I love that describes the Eucharist Transubstantiation.
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I love this one too…
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So when you eat the blessed Eucharist and drink the blessed wine done by a Catholic priest, you really do consume the substance that is Jesus’s body, blood, soul, and divinity. Ever hear that phrase, “you are what you eat”? When we consume Jesus, that doesn’t mean we are cannibals, become God, or re-sacrifice Jesus. It means we become a better reflection of Jesus.
Catholics believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist because Jesus tells us this is true in the Bible: ““No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me. Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” Then the Jews began to argue sharply among themselves, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” He said this while teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum. On hearing it, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?” Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, “Does this offend you? Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life. Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him. He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.” From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.” John 6:44-66
Fun facts!!!:
Eucharist: “is a transliteration of the Greek word eucharistia, which is itself a translation of the Hebrew word berekah. All three words have the meaning of thanksgiving, or praise for the wonderful works of God.”
Bethlehem: the city where Jesus was born means “House of Bread”!
Transubstantiation: “the conversion of the substance of the Eucharistic elements into the body and blood of Christ at consecration, only the appearances of bread and wine still remaining.”
I saw a poll that only one third of Catholics really believe in Transubstantiation. If you decide in your journey to become part of the Catholic Church, please do not ever forget the words Jesus spoke about Himself to His people and those who read today. He truly is present as the Eucharist and wine.
Did you know there is evidence that the Eucharist is truly Jesus?! They are called Eucharistic Miracles. There are sooo many stories from around the world of bleeding Eucharists that scientists and such have actually tested in their labs to find real they had human blood down to a specific blood type AND material evidence of finding human heart tissue not healthy and strong but distressed! Blessed Carlo Acutis (a young man that passed away that is currently in the process of sainthood here on Earth) created an amazing website that collected examples of Eucharistic Miracles. (See link below.) This subject itself is just extra icing on the cake but don’t fall down the rabbit hole so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
Bishop Barron on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Explaining the Faith - The Eucharist In Scripture
Explaining the Faith - Eucharistic Miracles: Scientific Proof
The Veil Removed, what really happens during a Catholic Mass
I could give you so much more but this was just so wonderful to be able to teach you. Know that it’s ok to feel overwhelmed. The topic of what the Eucharist really is and why it is so important is so rich in history and traditions. I hope I was able to satisfy your curiosity. If you ever have any more questions about it, I highly recommend reading sections about it in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (revised edition) but more importantly, reach out to a Catholic priest or bishop by calling them, e-mailing, or even dropping by in person. I am not part of the clergy at all, so talking to a Catholic priest or bishop, you will be able to answer any more questions you have to the Eucharist and they will explain it so well. If you are interested in wanting to know more about the Catholic Faith, I strongly suggest asking about the RCIA, free classes offered by your nearest Catholic Church which will allow you to explore what the Catholic Faith is and answer any questions you have. No pressure though, but just know we are here for you. I am so happy you were chosen as well by God! I will pray that you have a wonderful, exciting journey! God bless and you have a wonderful day/night as well.
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inessencedevided · 3 years
Wei Wuxian enters the Underworld Chamber with several scrolls clutched in his arms, struggling to keep them all together but he is able to settle them down on a table next to the one that is holding his client with a great clatter. For a moment he entertains himself with thinking what the Second Jade who was known to be very rule abiding would say to his general … everything. He would probably have those straight, black eyebrows furrowed and reprimand him with a single word.
“Let’s see what we’ve got here, hm?”, he offers and sifts through his collection of scrolls from the library of the Lan sect. “Your older brother gave me access to some very interesting scrolls, you know?! Your sect is famous for musical cultivation, he told me that you were on your way to become the best guqin player, close to Lan Yi. Fascinating stuff, this. Inquiry. Talking to the dead through the means of music. Maybe this will help me before I use Empathy. Which is a method I invented.”
He does this a lot, chattering away at people to break the ice. There is not a lot of ice to break because the person he is talking to is dead but it still feels nicer than to be completely quiet. And according to ZewuJun, his brother is still here, so maybe he will feel less alone like this. So he shuffles over to the guqin that seems to have been repaired. There is still some brownish-red residue on the wood and he knows that it only can be one thing. Blood. “Alright. Let’s do this,” he says softly. Carefully, he follows the movements that are described on the page, lets the notes ring out, waits for an answer in the dark.
There is silence for a moment and he is afraid he played so badly that the ghost is somehow offended and doesn’t want to come. But then, suddenly, there is an answer. No unnecessary embellishments, played slowly so he can understand but still so beautiful that he knows who it is. Who it only can be.
Who are you sings the instrument and he makes an excited sound, shuffling even closer. Wei Wuxian he answers, carefully playing out the notes. Your brother. Asked for help. he answers haltingly. It is almost like learning a new language. I go through memories. Am I allowed? There is another moment of silence, then he swears the answer sounds almost surprised. Yes. You may, Wei Wuxian. He giggles and bites his lip. “Call me Wei Ying,” he tells the room before remembering that he should have used the guqin. The instruments sings out, completely unprompted. Wei Ying.
His grin threatens to split his face and he gets up, walking towards the body, taking in the serene face, the inky hair, the creamy skin. He really is a beauty. “Just a moment,” he tells him and pats his hand, walking to the door and calling Lan Xichen in, who comes without any further prompting. “He gave me permission,” Wei Wuxian explains and then hands the sect leader a Clarity Bell, a thank you from Jiang Yanli for helping her sect when it called for it. “Ring this when things get sticky or I do not wake up. It will call me back.”
ZewuJun nods, taking the Bell, settling in, watching them both with a worried expression but Wei Wuxian just smiles and kneels next to the body, taking his hands, noticing how cold and yet soft they are, callouses at their fingertips from playing the guqin. “Lan Wangji,” he whispers. “Show me. Show me what is keeping you here.”
The memories feel like the first snow beneath naked feet, dropping into a body of cold water but also like standing on a mountain and letting the winds rush by. They start with a little boy kneeling in front of a house surrounded by gentians, clad in the same white the whole sect wears. He is six at most and why this memory is shown, Wei Wuxian doesn’t know but he keeps concentrating, diving deeper. He sees a strikingly handsome teenager studying in the library, copying old scrolls, playing quin and sneaking vegetables to the back hills where white bunnies roam. The images flash by, a lecture with disciples from other sects, Wen Chao and his entourage arriving and making a scene.
One moment stands out. The same teenager who must be Lan Wangji catches a young female disciple roaming the back hills, a Wen from the red of her robes. He walks away with her and the scenery shifts. They are in a building that is most likely the home of the sect leader, ZewuJun and his brother who stands next to him, straight-backed and breathtaking. He can hear voices, hears them talking of something Wen Ruohan wants, that he will raze the Cloud Recesses to the ground for it. The Yin Iron. Part of it is hidden away here. They will need to prepare for the worst.
The scene shifts again, to Caiyi and Lan Wangji walking through the busy market, holding his sword in his hand, one hand in a fist behind his back like a proper gentleman. He can hear crying and both of them look for the source of it, Wei Wuxian constricted by the limited sight he has. It is little girl with braided buns, crying heartbreakingly next to a stall with animals made from colourful cloth.
The cultivator with the severe face and the countenance of a remote, snow-capped mountain, kneels next to her and hands her a bunny rabbit made from colourful cloth, just purchased apparently, waiting for her to talk. “I lost my gege,” she sobs and shuffles closer, hugging him, getting his white robes dirty. He does not seem to care, instead looks at her and gently lays a hand on her shoulder. “I have a gege as well. I would be scared if I lost him in the crowd,” he says and oh, his voice. It’s calm and deep, trying to settle the little girl. “Shall we look for him together?”
She sniffles and nods, taking his hand in hers, looking up at him in awe and Wei Wuxian can relate. After just a moment, they have found her big brother and the little girl runs to hug him with a shriek of delight. He can see the corners of Lan Wangji’s mouth tilt up into a soft smile, barely noticeable but it is there. He seems to be content with a job well done.
Another shift. They seem to come quicker now, more talk of the Yin Iron, someone he recognises as Lan Qiren taking stock of their most valuable scriptures, letting it be taken away. It is terribly busy but Lan Wangji is a mountain in a rushing stream, carrying what he can with his impressive arm strength.
Yet another and the Cloud Recesses are burning. The disciples are running, many of them armed, some carrying instruments. Caiyi is in disarray as well, people barricading their homes, locking up their animals. Lan Wangji is making a sweep through town, his immaculate robes already stained with soot. The little girl from before runs towards him and hugs his leg, tearful and scared but she knows she is safe with the young cultivator. He gently pats her head and does the same to her rabbit doll.
Then, his face grows serious and he kneels down to look at her, reaching up and undoing his ribbon that falls into his hands, carefully tying it around her wrist. “Keep this safe. Go and take your brother, your parents and look for a grey mountain with yellow veins. This will give you free passage through the secret entrance. You will be safe,” he tells her gently and gets up. “Look for a man who looks like me but older. Lan Xichen.”
Another shift. This one seems to be the last. Lan Wangji is riddled with arrows, bleeding profusely, staggering but still standing upright. His forehead is bare, his hands around the hilt of his sword are bloodied but he carries himself with grace and sheer bullheaded stubbornness. What was that saying again? No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it. He is so very brave. Wei Wuxian can feel his need to protect the ones who are hidden in the cave behind him even at the cost of his own life.
He seems to have set his mind on something, following Wen Xu, even as another arrow buries itself in his back and a voice cries out “A-Zhan! No!”. A sharp crack, bones crunching. His leg is broken but Wen Xu is dead, staring into nothingness. Lan Wangji does not cry out, instead uses his sword to get up again, breathing hard, spitting blood but still, there is a defiant light in his eyes. Someone trips him up and he falls to his knees, his head held high, his guqin on the ground next to him, strings bloodied. As the sword finds its mark, Wei Wuxian does not look away. Dares not look away. Lan Wangji stays proud and brave until he crumples to the ground and stops breathing.
Ringing, silvery and gentle, pulls him out of the cold waters, guides him back into his own body. As he comes to with a gasp, he notices that he has been crying. He wipes his eyes and looks at the body in front of him, at this brave and stubborn man who died defending those he cared about. “You were so good. So good, Lan Zhan,” he whispers, the personal name slipping out as he squeezes the cold hands, looks into his serene face. “The best.”
He turns to Lan Xichen who looks like he has been crying as well. “He died with the deep wish to protect still ingrained into him. He wants to make sure you are alright. And… he is guarding something. I… you spoke of the Yin Iron.”
The way Lan Xichen pales is answer enough.
- 🍄 anon
(Part one for all who didn't read it)
Omg!!! You sent me through every feeling IMAGINABLE 🍄 anon 😭😭😭
That line about there being a lot of ice to crack made me laugh and then you just came at me like that with feelings about lwj dieing! Not. Fair. 🥺
And lwj + little kids = love :D
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redacted-coiner · 7 months
ArissoFictoReligon Terms
[PT: ArissoFictoReligon Terms]
This post contains these ficto-religions: Revive of the Old Faith, Disciples of the Yellow Rabbit, Their Domain, Prototypes Congregation, Lovingcraftian
ArissoFictoReligon Definition(link)
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[Revive of the Old Faith ID: none yet]
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[Disciples of the Yellow Rabbit ID: none yet]
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[Their Domain ID: none yet]
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[Prototypes Congregation ID: none yet]
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[Lovingcraftian ID: none yet]
[Tag] @arissodic-archive & @ficto-religious-archive & @fnaf-terms-archive
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
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thebiscuiteternal · 3 years
To make up for yesterday’s inflicting of terrible fandom takes, some dorky self-indulgent ideas from my twitter.
- Nie Mingjue has a dream where Nie Huaisang is as jacked as the other disciples. It ends up creeping him out so much he goes easy on the training demands for a whole week.
- The Nie sect is made of were-shifters. Nie Huaisang in particular is a wolf (but his brother is a literal bear). Jiang Cheng is delighted to find out his cute boyfriend is also a very large cute doggy.
- Mo Xuanyu overhears their father using his existence to threaten Jin Guangyao into obeying his demands. All of twelve and a half years old, he ingeniously decides to flee by stowing away among the Nie retinue. He gets caught, but when Nie Huaisang hears his sobbing explanation why he’s running away, he decides Jin-zongzhu can’t have him back unless he asks nicely. Mo Xuanyu thrives in the Nie sect.
- Jin Guangyao is either de-aged or gets hit with amnesia and Nie Huaisang now has to deal with a ten year old who adores him and is instinctively afraid of people in yellow, not the man who killed his brother.
- Based on all the older!Juniors where Zizhen looks a lot like Huaisang, an “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” puppycrush situation.
- Modern!Jiang Cheng would never hurt an actual rabbit, but he would look Lan Wangji right in the eye while biting the head off a peeps marshmallow bunny.
- I blame this one on @thewondersomethingorother who isn’t even in this fandom, but Black Lantern!Yiling Laozu. Inwardly cursing that I can still barely hold a tablet pen.
- Speaking of horror, how have I not run across a Candyman/Bloody Mary AU? Thirteen/Sixteen years of the Yiling Laozu being the cultivation world’s biggest boogeyman and not a single dumbass teenager tried summoning him in a mirror?
- The pork rib soup isn’t Jiang Yanli’s favorite thing to cook, or even her best dish. Frankly, it’s kind of a pain in the ass. But when her father brought home a hungry, scared child, the pot she’d had simmering all day was the most comforting thing she had to offer.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
If we were to insert 6em-Swk childhood friendship in Xiyouji, do you think Swk would still be able to kill 6em for his misdeeds? I know 6em is mainly a means for Swk’s character development, but I’m thinking in terms of fanfic au, staying as close to canon characterization as possible.
If they were friends I don’t think he would have killed him. He did the same to Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, hell, he wanted to spare Red Boy when he found out that was his sworn brother's son and even wanted to just talk to out before he saw that wasn't going to work. I think if they were friends and he knew him then he wouldn’t kill him and would be more than capable to subdue him as well with Buddhas and all of Westerns Heaven's help.
Wukong did have DBK arrested by heaven and reverted back to his original Bull form so it could be that Six Ears could revert back to being just a monkey until he paid off his crimes. As for Princess Iron Fan, Wukong did try to take her fan but after blowing out the mountain's fire she was let go and she swore to revert back to her cultivation. But that was mostly because while she did hinder the quest and did try to kill Wukong, she didn't actively chase after him either. And Red Boy was only saved when GuanYin agreed to take Red Boy under her wing and put the golden hoops around him to be renamed Shancai. So if some Buddha was to offer to take responsibility for Six Ears's misdeeds they could as well.
Most of Wukongs enemies that he subdues (and he does subdue a lot) are saved last minute by their owners, or Wukong gets their owners to subdue the demon himself. Black Wind Demon wasn’t originally under the tutelage of Guanyin but she offered to take him back home to her the guardian of the Purple Bamboo Grove. Similarly, the Hundred-Eyed Demon was about to be killed until Pilanpo offered to take him under his wing and he was to be the guardian of his home as well. That would be the safest bet if someone was to vouch for Six Ears then he would have had a higher chance of surviving.
If you want a list of demons Wukong spared to try to range what that would look like there is Yellow Wind Demon who belonged to Lingji, Yellow Robe Demon who was a deity, Golden Horned King and Silver Horned King that were Laozi's fire tenders, Lion-Lynx Demon/Azura Lion that belonged to Manjusri, Tuolong Black River God that was arrested by his cousin Crown Prince Mo'ang, King of Spiritual Touch that belonged to Guanyin, Single Horned Rhinoceros King that belonged to Laozi, Nine-Headed Insect did escape but was to be arrested later by Erlang, Yellow Brows Great King was the disciple of Maitreya, Great King Jupiter's Rival belonged to Guanyin, Yellow Toothed Elephant who belonged to Samantabhadra, Golden Winged Great Peng who was under Buddha, White Deer Spirit who belonged to Old Man of the South Pole, Lady Earth Flow who was under Li Jang and Nezha, Grand Saint of Nine Spirits belonged to Taiyi Jiuku Tainzun, and Jade Rabbit Spirit belonged to Chang'e... including Black Wind Demon, Hundred Eyes Demon, Demon Bull King, Princess Iron Fan, and Red Boy.
So statistically... the best bet would be to have someone vouch for him. But he also let Princess Iron Fan go so depends on what you are thinking.
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boxoftheskyking · 4 years
Something Good, Part Six
There are so many babies you guys. I miss baby snuggles
In which children don’t sleep
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
Liquor doesn’t technically bring him peace—he supposes Yanli and Wen Qing were always right about that. But it certainly doesn’t upset him, and the buzz is helping him focus on the little doses of pleasantness in this tiny closet room. A storm outside always helps remind him of warmth inside, and while there is a leak in the corner that drips against the floor, the mattress is dry, the blankets are scratchy but warm, and there’s a calm yellow glow visible in the cracks in the floor, rise and fall of tipsy conversation from the late night crowd downstairs.
He doesn’t think he’ll sleep tonight, but he’s letting his mind wander when a huge crack of thunder jostles him out of his daydream. The rain intensifies, the drip in the corner shifting from a two-step to a hurried run of triplets. He almost misses the tiny knock on his door.
“W-Wei-qianbei?” a hesitant voice floats in from the hall. Wei Wuxian tucks away his empty bottles and sits up, wiping over his face and schooling it into a sober and attentive expression.
He cracks open the door to find little Lan Sizhui, ghostly in his white sleeping robes and chewing on the edge of his sleeve. He looks uncertain, eyes flitting from the open door to back down the hallway. He looks almost about to leave when lightning splits the air around them, followed by a mighty crash, and he closes his eyes and dives into Wei Wuxian’s arms.
“Oh, A-Yuan,” Wei Wuxian murmurs, laughing lightly into the facefull of bed-hair. “It’s okay. It’s just a storm.”
Sizhui mutters something inaudible into his neck but refuses to let go when Wei Wuxian tries to shift him away. He hauls the child up into his lap and settles back on the mattress, leaning against the wall and away from the insistent drip of the rain.
“What’s the matter, little one?”
Sizhui wipes at his red face with his sleeve, and Wei Wuxian leans in closer to hear.
“There’s so much water,” Sizhui cries. “What if the ghouls come back in the water?”
“They won’t. They can’t live in the rain, only in big bodies of water that stay in one place, like a lake. You see this drip in the corner here? Give me your hand.”
He gently pulls Sizhui over to the leaky corner, holding his hand into the path of the water. Sizhui flinches away, but Wei Wuxian insists, tucking his fingers into the stream
“You feel this? All the little drops? Even big rain is made of tiny drops that are far too small for a ghoul to live in.”
Sizhui’s brow furrows and he pulls his hand back and forth, in and out of the water. “What— what if you’re wrong?” he asks, looking up at Wei Wuxian with big round eyes.
“A-Yuan, I promise you are safe here. I will always protect you, and so will Hanguang Jun and Zewu Jun.”
“But what if—” Sizhui trails off, chewing on his lip and resting his forehead on Wei Wuxian’s collarbone. “What if something gets you? Or Baba?”
That answers that, Wei Wuxian things, stamping down on the curiosity. If Lan Wangji is your father, then who… But he’s not going to ask a four-year-old to recite his lineage.
“Even if the water ghouls came here, they’re no match for us!”
“But you… “ Sizhui looks down at his hands. “Hanguang Jun had to save you.”
Isn’t it just like children—so sweet, so kind, so accurate with the knives they don’t even know they’re holding.
“And he’s here. And if he needs help, there’s a whole class of seniors right downstairs. And if they need help, Wen Ning is here, and all your friends. And we’ll all take care of each other. Yes?”
Sizhui nods and leans in for another hug. Wei Wuxian is just settling in for a long term cuddle when another crack of thunder makes Sizhui bury his face in Wei Wuxian’s middle. Wei Wuxian is rubbing circles into his back when he hears another knock on the door.
“Come in,” he sing-songs, and Ouyang Zizhen pokes his head in. “Scared of the storm?” Wei Wuxian asks.
“Of course not!” Zizhen’s eyes dart around the room before finding Sizhui’s huddled form. “I was— I was checking on A-Yuan. I thought he might be scared.”
Wei Wuxian grins and claps him on the shoulder. “Of course you did. Tell me, how many other disciples are up worried about A-Yuan?”
Zizhen chews on his lip. “Everyone?”
Wei Wuxian grins wider and tugs on Zizhen’s ear. “Well, we’d better go reassure them all.”
He bundles Sizhui into his arms and nods at Zizhen to lead the way. 
I may be useless in battle, he thinks, the sting of it fading with each step they take. But this I can do.
As expected, all the juniors are awake, some still lying top-to-toe and others bundled into blanket piles on the floor. When the door opens, nine little faces turn to him like a cluster of round, startled moons.
“Ah, disciples!” he says cheerily. “Your poor Wei-qianbei has a leak in his room. Will you allow this humble servant to join you in this nice dry room for the night?”
“Yay!” Lan Feifei shouts, popping up from the end of the farthest bed and immediately toppling over onto Lan Ting. Wei Wuxian wonders if spending so much time with the bunnies is teaching them more than he and Lan Wangji combined.
The children make room for him in the middle of the room, huddling in close around him on all sides.
“What, no one is tired? After that long walk down the mountain?”
Wen Ning wrinkles his nose, looking around at the younger kids like he’s responsible for their wakefulness. Thunder shakes the walls and the little ones cover their ears.
“It’s pretty loud, huh?” Wei Wuxian asks.
“It’s loud like the big wave was,” Lan Ting pipes up, worried little eyes shining in the lamplight like polished river stones.
“Ah, yes, that was scary, wasn’t it?”
Nods all around. The best thing about children, he thinks to himself, reaching out to work a tangle out of Su Meiling’s hair, is that they aren’t yet ashamed to be afraid. He smiles a little sadly to himself, thinking about Jiang Cheng. Remember when he used to come to his big brother, say he was scared?
“Do you know what I like to do when I’m scared?”
Lan Yixian gasps from over his shoulder. “Wei-qianbei, you get scared too?” She’s seven, she maybe hasn’t ever heard that from an adult before. Knowing the Lans, their stoic nobility, he wouldn’t be surprised.
“Yes, Xian-Xian, I get scared just like you. And I’ll tell you a secret.” He lowers his voice, relishing in their held breath, leaning in. “Hanguang Jun gets scared, too.”
“No he doesn’t!” Su Ming declares.
“Sure he does. Ask him sometime.”
The gasp of horror that whooshes around the room threatens to put out the lamps. Wei Wuxian laughs in delight.
“Scarier than the storm, huh?”
“What do you do when you are scared, Wei-qianbei?” Lan Ting asks.
“I’ll tell you. Sometimes I feel scared, and when I feel scared it’s usually because I don’t feel very strong or powerful. After all, I am not a mighty cultivator like all of you!” It hurts slightly less to say it to children. The more he says it, the easier it goes down, like building up a tolerance to straight strong liquor.
“So what I like to do is think about all the things that keep me safe. Here, I’ll show you.” He sets Sizhui down beside him and holds his hands flat up on his knees, just like Uncle Jiang taught him when he was small and still had screaming nightmares. “Let’s see, to begin, I am glad for my strong legs that help me run and my strong arms that help me carry lazy disciples.” He raises one hand on an inhale and pushes his palm outward on the exhale. Focus on your breath, Uncle Jiang says in his head, kind and patient and dead. 
“I am glad for my strong lungs which help me yell for help when I need it.” He lifts and pushes his other hand, and a few of the children start to mimic him. “Good job, breathe nice and slow. I am glad for my talismans, which help keep me safe.”
“Will you teach us talismans?” Lan Bin asks, perking up like a rabbit smelling sweet grass. 
“If you are very good and very quiet. Here, Wen Ning, you try one.”
Wen Ning looks around, embarrassed, but seeing most of the children’s eyes closed he says, “I am glad for my jiejie who taught me medicine to help when I am sick.” The room breathes together.
“Yao Hualing?” Wei Wuxian prompts.
“I am— I don’t know. I am glad for my Mama who taught me how to punch really hard.”
“Very good. Zizhen?”
“I am glad for Wei-qianbei who takes care of us and feeds us.”
“Ah, sweet boy. Jingyi?”
“I am glad for being small so I can hide from a monster.”
A crack of thunder, but only a few jump.
“Very good everyone. Now we can all say at the same time, nice and quiet. You can say whatever you like, no one is listening.”
Wei Wuxian looks around at all of them, eyes closed and breath stirring loose locks of hair. He listens to the breathy chorus of gratitude: “My gege who protects…” “Hanguang Jun who…” “... because I am good at…” “...who taught me to…” “Wei-qianbei who cares for me…”
He is suddenly glad their eyes are closed, because his throat goes tight and tears start pricking the corners of his eyes. He raises his right hand on the proper inhale and wipes at his cheeks quickly. 
When he looks up again, the door is cracked and Lan Wangji is staring at him from the darkness of the hallway. His hair is down from its customary ornament, falling softly along his cheeks, his neck. Wei Wuxian sniffs and tries to school his expression into something professional without stopping the gentle inhale exhale. Lan Wangji is staring through to the back of his skull, it feels like, unblinking, before he looks around at the room of murmuring, meditating children. His lips part as if to say something—disciples should be sleeping! You are not to teach them anything! Meditation is practiced in silence!—when Lan Sizhui’s little voice carries over the room.
“I am glad for my Baba who loves me and teaches me to be strong and for my Wei-qianbei who loves me and teaches me to be clever.”
Lan Wangji’s mouth stays slightly open but his eyes snap to his son, watching his calm breath, his tiny wrists sticking out of his sleeves on every exhaled push. When he looks back to Wei Wuxian there is something broken open in his expression and Wei Wuxian almost wants to close his eyes against the shine of it. Almost.
He’s not sure what his face is doing, but something about it must be right because Lan Wangji holds his gaze for a long, long moment before nodding once and sliding the door closed. Wei Wuxian buries his face in his hands for a minute, shaking for reasons he couldn’t quite explain.
“Wei-qianbei?” Lan Ting says, louder than the rest. “I’m out of things to be glad for.”
“Me too!” comes another voice from somewhere.
“Very well. Good job everyone, I think we beat the storm. Now your humble Wei-qianbei is very sleepy, and it’s going to be morning soon. And then we need to climb all the way back up the mountain together. Let’s all try to sleep, can we?”
With a gentle rustles of cloth and a couple of sleepy hums, Wei Wuxian is surrounded by a circle of black-and-white mounds. He feels like he’s sitting on the top of Gusu Mountain, a few dark rocks peeking through the snow. But, like in a dream of winter, it’s warm, quiet, the only wind to be felt is as soft as breath.
Part Seven
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yugiohcardsdaily · 3 years
Posted Cards Master Post - 23
December 2018
Arcana Force I - The Magician
Arcana Force III - The Empress
Arcana Force IV - The Emperor
Arcana Force VI - The Lovers
Arcana Force VII - The Chariot
Arcana Force XIV - Temperance
Arcana Force XVIII - The Moon
Arcana Force XXI - The World
Cup of Ace
Reversal of Fate
Tour of Doom
Orcustrated Attack
Orcustrated Babel
Orcust Brass Bombard
Orcustrated Core
Orcust Harp Horror
Orcustrated Einsatz
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator
Santa Claws
Orcustrated Return
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
World Legacy - "World Wand"
Orcust Knightmare (Japanese)
Orcustrated Release (Japanese)
Master Hyperion
Mystical Shine Ball
The Agent of Creation - Venus
The Agent of Entropy - Uranus
The Agent of Force - Mars
The Agent of Judgment - Saturn
The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter
The Agent of Mystery - Earth
The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury
Fortune Chariot
Goddess Skuld's Oracle
Goddess Urd's Verdict
Goddess Verdande's Guidance
Mischief of the Time Goddess
Ride of the Valkyries
Valkyrie Brunhilde
January 2019
Valkyrie Dritte
Valkyrie Ereste
Valkyrie Zweite
Breaking of the World
Cycle of the World
End of the World
Turning of the World
Renewal of the World
Demise, Agent of Armageddon
Demise, King of Armageddon
Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon
Ruin, Angel of Oblivion
Ruin, Queen of Oblivion
Ruin, Supreme Queen of Oblivion
Awakening of Nephthys
Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
Chronicler of Nephthys
Dark Nephthys
Defender of Nephthys
Devotee of Nephthys
Disciple of Nephthys
Hand of Nephthys
Last Hope of Nephthys
Matriarch of Nephthys
Metaphys Nephthys
Nephthys, the Sacred Flame
Nephthys, the Sacred Preserver
Rebirth of Nephthys
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
Luna Light Perfume
Lunalight Black Sheep
Lunalight Blue Cat
Lunalight Cat Dancer
Lunalight Crimson Fox
Lunalight Emerald Bird (Japanese)
Lunalight Fusion (Japanese)
Lunalight Kaleido Chick
Lunalight Leo Dancer
Lunalight Panther Dancer
Lunalight Purple Butterfly
Lunalight Reincarnation Dance
Lunalight Sabre Dancer (Japanese)
Lunalight Serenade Dance (Japanese)
Lunalight Tiger
Lunalight White Rabbit
Lunalight Wolf
Lunalight Yellow Marten (Japanese)
Rain of Mercy
Madolche Anjelly
Madolche Baaple
Madolche Butlerusk
Madolche Chickolates
Madolche Chouxvalier
Madolche Cruffssant
Madolche Fresh Sistart
Madolche Hootcake
Madolche Lesson
Madolche Magileine
Madolche Marmalmaide
Madolche Messengelato
Madolche Mewfeuille
Madolche Nights
Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode
Madolche Puddingcess
Madolche Puddingcessoeur (Japanese)
Madolche Queen Tiaramisu
Madolche Tea Break
Madolche Ticket
Madolche Waltz
Black Cat-astrophe
Prediction Princess Arrowsylph
Prediction Princess Astromorrigan
Prediction Princess Coinorma
Prediction Princess Crystaldine
Prediction Princess Petalelf
Prediction Princess Tarotrei
Prediction Ritual
Trickstar Band Sweet Guitar (Japanese)
Trickstar Bella Madonna
Trickstar Black Catbat
Trickstar Bloom
Trickstar Bouquet
Trickstar Calobane (Japanese)
Trickstar Candina
Trickstar Crimson Heart
Trickstar Delfiendium
Trickstar Divaridis (Japanese)
Trickstar Foxywitch (Japanese)
Trickstar Fusion (Japanese)
Trickstar Holly Angel
Trickstar Light Arena
Trickstar Light Stage
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chapitre7 · 4 years
Like winter, dreaming of spring
The Untamed [陈情令] | Mo Dao Zu Shi [魔道祖师] fanfiction
Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian (Wangxian)
Canon compliant, 13 years of mourning as a Gusu Lan disciples ghost story
Read on AO3
There is a place in the Cloud Recesses where the junior disciples of Gusu Lan dare not tread.
 Not because it carries any resentful, evil or ill energy. If there is a place in all of the land that would be free of such feelings, that place would be the Cloud Recesses.
 Or that might be just the reason. That in all of the land, in all of the homes of the honorable sects, it is in the Cloud Recesses, a little ways from the Cold Spring, just beside a crystal clear stream, that lies a patch of field, facing the open azure sky, where a presence has made its home.
 Lan Jingyi tried to ignore its existence, looking away when the other disciples whispered among themselves. When they were but small children, still taking their first baby steps to become cultivators, Lan Yuan broke his first rule by walking out of the dorms after dark, taking Jingyi along, for the sake of a story. Not out of any rebellious impulse or any profound desire to discover the world, but pure, unstoppable curiosity. Lan Jingyi tagged along, legs weak and teeth clattering, out of simple, budding friendship.
 It isn’t a terribly hidden place, or even guarded by natural obstacles that cloud perception. At the time, Lan Yuan could clearly see he had arrived at the right place by the moonbeams reflecting on a white frame through the gaps in the tall grass. Lan Jingyi closed his eyes, biting on his lower lip to keep from making any noises. Lan Yuan just looked, unspeaking, soundlessly breathing, until he decided he had seen enough and took Jingyi back. The next day, swallowing his fears, Jingyi asked him what he saw, but Lan Yuan just smiled and said, “The rabbits from the moon.” Affronted but not confrontational, Lan Jingyi frowned in the way six-year-olds frown in practice consternation and let it drop. Just because it was A-Yuan.
 Some disciples claim they’ve seen things in broad daylight, while practicing or studying outside. A glimpse of glowing white, like the bright flare of sunlight peeking through the highest tree leaves, but when they turn, there’s nothing there. Others swear they heard something or other, a humming, or maybe some kind of mumbling. Master Lan Qiren berates them with firm words and fitting punishment for spreading tall tales at the Cloud Recesses.
 Once they move closer to their coming of age, the disciples slowly grow out of the story. There are musical scores to learn, and sword training to attend, and no thought to spare during meditation for ghost stories. Not in the Cloud Recesses, not for budding Gusu Lan cultivators.
 But dreams, those they can’t control. They can’t tell their subconscious that there are more important matters to think about, that the past generation had to recover from a devastating fire and thus it’s their responsibility to study and practice and fight for the sake of those that can’t fight anymore, or who have fought enough. Not even the argument that Hanguang-jun and Zewu-jun are always watching and patiently guiding them towards the noble and righteous path is strong enough to ward away the images of the figure. Sitting in a patch of moonlight, singing or humming or crying or quietly wailing, for whatever reason, in whatever existence that gives it form. When they wake, they’re fearful and train harder, or they’re contemplative and meditate.
 Maybe the figure is a manifestation of one’s fears and reservations. Maybe the story goes around as a form of lesson, too. Maybe it’s a metaphor, or a riddle, or a reference to a poem they’ve yet to pinpoint, so they must study more and find it, make the meaning for themselves.
 There’s word, a story within a story, that a senior once told a junior that told his roommates that no one can name, that it’s the ghost of a cultivator touched by the Yiling Patriarch. That the shadow touch of the demonic cultivator was enough to drive the purity from one’s spirit away, that no matter what path they led in life, there’s only doom after death. Fortunate were those who were killed by the Ghost General, for their flesh suffered less than a man’s soul in the Yiling Patriarch’s clutch.
 “Do not speak ill of others,” Lan Sizhui says and the disciples rush back to their original positions, focus on their original tasks. Though Sizhui can feel them looking at him still, wordlessly questioning his choice of reprimand, Sizhui keeps his gaze firm ahead on their teacher, unswayed. A story is a story, it can teach or entertain, but the dead were important to someone once. Or never cease to be, he believes. That feeling only grows stronger with the years that pass and the echoes he sees, imprinted on the world he perceives.
 There were so many people, once.
 There was so much love.
 Before the clouds gathered undisturbed over the pavilions where they study and chatter and live, with no ashes buried at their feet. When the sect leaders were different from the ones they knew, when the world knew less about death than it did now. In a different life, then, when the figure by the stream didn’t need to sit and wait. There was love, under the blazing sun.
 Time passes, and love does not wane. It suffers and it’s battered, sure, but it grows. Like the trees that bloom after a merciless winter. Like the smell of lotus flowers, vibrant and encompassing, when summer settles heavy in the air. Year comes after year after year. Five, ten, thirteen. Like the children that grow into young adults, love matures, blossoms, opens fearless towards the sun.
 Maybe that’s all it’s been doing, that person, in the company of the rabbits from the moon. Maybe it’s just been waiting for winter to thaw.
 Long fingers touch sleeping flower buds. A rabbit sleeps on a lap clad in fine white, the finest, but the color that could bear so much sadness seems blue in the shadow, peacefully blue, like a passing cloud. Hazel eyes, glowing like honey in the light of day, are downcast, shying away from the sun, blinking slowly, patiently. A passing breeze carries the white ribbon adorning silk-like hair, not far, for it’s firmly tied, in the form expected of Gusu Lan; it merely dances in the direction of the changing seasons. The stream is melodic in its constant current, and together with the sounds of the forest, it speaks of calm. Of passing seconds and minutes where nothing matters but the present.
 He comes with the wind, with the breeze. With a flick of the wrist, a talisman sweeps over the safe heaven, covering all with flickering light. With cheerful notes blown on a dizi, he plays a song that sounds like a smile would sound. The man sitting with the rabbits widens his eyes, just a little, as the flower buds all bloom around him, stems growing closer, almost curling around him. In a matter of seconds, he sits among a bed of white, some pink and yellow, even red little flowers, all blooming and alive. The sound that he makes is nothing like a lament the stories said, though it’s just as rare in the Cloud Recesses: it’s the huff of a laughter, and there are less people that would recognize it than people who have ever heard it at all.
 “Lan Zhan,” the man sitting atop the nearest tree says, tucking his dizi back on the sash around his waist. “Did you miss me?”
 “Yes,” replies Lan Wangji, gazing at the sun of the man’s smile.
 “I’m sorry I was away for so long, I lose track of time in night hunts.”
 “Mn,” Lan Wangji acquiesces, and because he can, he asks in return, “Did Wei Ying miss me?”
 Wei Ying moves his legs back and forth in the air, his eyes bright crescent moons.
 There’s no night now, no winter or darkness in wait.
 “Every moment of every day, husband.”
 If they could see him now, all the voices that wove his tale, every whisper that spoke of his spirit, what would they say? Or maybe there would be nothing to say, no word that could describe the glow of Hanguang-jun in the spring of his life. All of his disciples know of his good heart, but have they grown used to seeing it bursting with happiness and requited love? It elicits nothing but gasps, their faces flushing, and it would take them a long time to come up with a different story. One a little closer to the real one, of devotion and loss and love. A circle that ends not in resentment, but in release. My heart and soul in exchange for yours.
 “Lan Zhan, catch me!”
 Wei Ying leaps. It’s not like letting go, not completely. He doesn’t descend but ascend in the certainty that Lan Wangji will be there. He’s far, but not out of reach — not anymore. Lan Wangji only has to take a couple of steps before Wei Ying (his husband, husband, beloved) falls into his arms, laughing a breathless laugh. He lies back in the gift of Wei Ying’s flowers, pulling Wei Ying against his chest, and his smile is a gift too, as is his adoring gaze, and the kisses he places on Lan Wangji’s lips and cheeks and eyelids and nose. Their rabbits dance around them, learning their way around the field that is now overcome with colorful life, and the afternoon sun keeps all of them warm.
 “I’m back now,” Wei Ying says, fingers touching Lan Wangji’s bangs, his thumb tracing the cloud patterns of his ribbon. A ribbon that is his as soon as the night falls, seeming to glow in the candlelight of the Jingshi, just like a figure once glowed alone, surrounded by rabbits and memory.
 What is it about Lan Zhan that defies darkness so? Is it his goodness, or the clarity of his spirit?
 Wei Ying can see only the man, with all his flaws and mistakes and his blinding smile, as if he wants to do nothing more than bask in this moment and stretch it into forever, if he could. Like a ballad, sung in every corner of every mountain and town, all the way to the lotuses of Yunmeng.
 Wei Ying accepts the sentiments he reads on the familiar face and makes them his own.
 The disciples don’t understand why that part of the forest suddenly grew flowers so big and tall, or why their perfume carries so far. All they know is that Senior Wei is back and that in his orbit, their teacher and mentor seems to flourish into the most beautiful flower of Gusu.
 They talk and sigh and dream, and the ballad slowly takes form in the strumming of their guqin.
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