#Do you think cg5 will make a song about this?
koos-kave · 8 months
For the person I saw on my feed, these are the best ones I managed to find for you.
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graciousdragon · 7 months
Can people stop fucking bullying CG5 please this is genuinely pissing me off. I don't give a shit if someone likes his music or not (personally, I do really like his music) but if you don't like his music you can literally just. Shut up and not engage. I and anyone with common sense isn't going to be mad over a difference in music taste. But how much longer are we going to have to deal with people on the internet who think its okay to literally tell people to kill themselves for no reason? It's not okay to say that to anyone regardless of reason, but the only thing he's done is make songs about memes that some people find cringe. Can we just fucking grow up and be mature about shit please?
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lovelyney · 1 year
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DESC: When your intrusive thoughts win you over, you start withdrawing from everyone, thinking that no one will notice. However, that is far from the truth.
PAIRINGS: Tighnari x (GN!) Reader
SCENT: hurt/comfort
WARNINGS: self-harm, intrusive and suicidal thoughts, mental breakdowns, mentions of hallucinations, blood mentions
FLORIST’S NOTE: each and every flower has its own growing conditions; people are the same when it comes to healing from trauma or mental illness. do not rush yourself. you will bloom, i promise. give. yourself. time.
SONG: Fallen Down ― VGR, CG5
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯2023 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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YOU FLINCHED BITTERLY as you finished off your last Withering Zone for the day—one of the disciples of dismay hitting your upper arm before it fully deteriorated. And since you were dealing with this one by yourself, you’d have to wait until you got back to Gandhara ville to treat it. Wincing in pain, you pressed your hand against the wound and hoped you’d be able to hide until you (semi) safely returned to your house in the ville. The farthest thing you wanted to do at the time was alert Collei and Tighnari, not with how fatigued you were.  
As you reached the village, you exhaled a sigh of relief—the sounds of laughter dampening your already bitter mood. Typically, you wouldn’t complain about such a positive thing, but as of late, your mental energy has drained unusually fast, and seeing people live so carelessly when you can’t is a very bittersweet thing.
“(NAME)! You’re back!” Collei hollered and ran over to you, a soft smile gracing her lips as you came in her line of sight. “How’d everything go? You didn’t get hurt, right?”  
You pressed your palm harder against your arm, hoping the blood that threatened to seep out wasn’t noticeable. “I’m fine, Collei. Everything went well! I’m just a little tired. . .” You assured, your voice breaking from your exhaustion. 
Her eyes softened. “I—I see! I’m glad to hear that. Go ahead and get some rest; I—I’ll tell master Tighnari you’ve returned.”
You smiled feebly, “thanks so much, Collei. I appreciate it.” Bidding the girl a quick goodbye, you strode into your small house, your body about ready to collapse. 
You walked into the bathroom and grabbed the necessary supplies to care for the laceration. Your medical knowledge was limited, but luckily, Tighnari gave you an entire lecture on how to cater to different kinds of wounds when you had gotten yourself injured in the forest alone. Gingerly pulling your sleeves up, you tried to tear your eyes away from all the scars that littered your skin. Whenever you looked at your self-injuries, they reminded you how terrible you felt about yourself. People always say scars are evidence that you’re strong, but all yours did was make you feel weak. You wanted to confidently say that you’re passed that part of your life, but truthfully, you started to feel yourself slip back into it. You haven’t mentioned it to anyone, fearing they’re going to label you as  “crazy” or simply just water down your feelings to “being dramatic.”
A familiar voice rang out and dragged you back to reality; “(NAME)? Are you in here? Collei told me you weren’t feeling well, so I came to personally see how you’re doing.”
You hurriedly finished up the bandages on your arm. “Coming!” you replied, leaving the bathroom and almost stumbling over your feet from how fast you moved. “H—hi, Tighnari! I’m alright, really. I’m just really tired,” you greeted, your shoulders tense from the ranger’s sudden visit.
Tighnari’s ears and nose twitched as he surveyed your expression. “I smell rubbing alcohol. You’re injured, aren’t you?” He asked curtly, his eyebrows furrowing.
You swallowed thickly, knowing it was far from possible to hide anything from Tighnari. You faltered, “[sighs]. Y—yes. . . But it’s nothing, really! One of the dismays just hit me before the zone fully dispersed.” Hearing your voice out loud made you want to shrink and hide.
Shaking his head dismissively, he stepped closer to you. “(NAME), I’m not worried about how well you performed I’m worried about you. Let me see the—”
“Nono! That—that won’t be necessary. I, um, already treated it. S—so, it’s fine now!” You blurted, your face burning with fear. You hadn’t shown anyone your self-harm scars, and you feared what he’d think of you if he did see them. You swallowed the lump in your throat and continued talking. “Y—you don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine, really. . .”
Tighnari’s ears lowered as he stared you down with a melancholy gaze. The biting fear in your (COLOR) eyes and voice had nearly caused his heart to jump out of his ribcage. He could clearly tell something was wrong, but he didn’t want to push his luck.
“[sighs]. Alright, I’ll trust your word. . . But if anything’s bothering you, physically or mentally, please don’t hesitate to come find me, alright? I really don’t mind taking care of you, (NAME).” Confided the ranger, softening his voice to ease a little of your apprehension.
Letting out a quiet breath of relief, you flopped down on your bed, your mattress bringing you some much-needed comfort. “Mhm. Thanks, Tighnari. . .” you muttered, your voice monotonous from your lack of energy.
He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. It felt wrong to leave you alone when you clearly weren’t well, but maybe all you needed was some quality sleep. “Alright, I’ll leave you to rest. Sleep well, rosebud.” He spoke before leaving quietly, making sure to close the door behind him. 
Through your bitter emotions, you brightened up a little at the nickname he’d given you. “Rosebud, huh. . .” you thought and closed your eyes, mind weighing heavy with uneasiness for an unknown cause. 
“Will I ever have a chance to fully blossom?” 
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You hugged your pillow tighter against your body as sunlight enveloped your room through your flowered curtains. It seemed your hypothesis from yesterday was correct; you were spiraling downwards back into your depression, judging by your lack of unwillingness to get up despite sleeping like a log the entire night.
Fluttering open your (COLOR) eyes, you peered up at your ceiling with a distant look. You doubted anyone came in to check on you; you didn’t consider yourself to be of significance to them. So it was natural they didn’t care, right?
Being alone with your intrusive thoughts with nothing else but the sound of the wind was excruciating—torture even. Whereas no matter what you did to try and move, the shackles that restrained you didn’t budge. Though you remembered how careless you’ve been with the withering zones and thought you maybe deserved to be alone—to feel the crushing weight of everything you thought you did wrong. 
Tears clouded in your eyes and fell down as the thoughts multiplied. And with each one, the light in your eyes that once rivaled the sun dulled to rival the twilight that washed over teyvat during the night.
“(NAME). . .? Are—are you feeling alright? You haven’t left your room at all today. . .” Collei’s warm voice asked on the other side of the door.
You jolted up and frantically rubbed your eyes, hoping to rid the evidence that showed you’d been crying. “Y—yeah, I’m in here! Sorry, I ended up oversleeping. . . Do you need me for something?” You answered and tossed your legs over the side of your bed.
She shook her head, “no no! Um, Tighnari specifically told me that you should spend today getting all the rest you need. So you oversleeping is not an issue at all!” Her eyes followed down to your injury. “H—how’s your arm feeling?”
You winced as you remembered yesterday’s events. You murmured, “ah, an—about that. . . I’m sorry for hiding it from you. I—I didn’t want you to worry.” 
Collei offered you an apologetic smile. “Please don’t apologize! I—I’m just glad you treated it. . .” she reassured. Her smile fell when she regarded your puffy eyes and wet cheeks. “(NAME). . . Are—are you sure you’re feeling okay? You look so drained. . . You know you can always come to master Tighnari or me if anything’s bothering you, r—right?” Worried the trainee. 
“She’s lying to make you feel better. Nobody actually cares about you.”
“All you do is make things worse. You’re nothing but a burden to everyone around you.”
Biting back another tsunami of tears, you cleared your throat and compelled a weak smile. “I appreciate that, Collei. But I promise I’m alright! I just, um, need to lay down for a bit more. . .” you said feebly. “Way to go; you made it sound like you’re trying to get rid of her. Now she’s sure to hate you.”
She nodded understandingly, her expression warm and gentle. She insisted, “t—that’s perfectly fine, (NAME)! I’ll leave so you can rest, b—but please come get someone if you feel the need to!” 
You watched her leave with a sigh, your gaze lingering on your bedside drawer. “I should at least change clothes. . .” You uttered and picked out some comfier-looking clothes to throw on. As you dressed, your eyes continued to fixate on one of your drawers. “Well, what’re you waiting for? Go on, do it.” You fell on your bed and tightly shut your eyes, mustering up all your strength to ignore your thoughts. 
Meanwhile, Collei strutted up to Tighnari and tapped his shoulder, the nervous feeling in her stomach increasing. “H—hey master Tighnari. . . Are you busy right now? T—there’s something I want to talk to you about.” She hesitated, her eyes fleeting back to your house every now and then.
The fennec’s ears wiggled as he turned around, immediately noticing her anxious countenance. “No, I’m not. What’s wrong? Is it about (NAME)?” He inquired. He wasn’t certain why you were the first thing that came to mind; maybe because he was already so worried about you. Seing her nod, Tighnari’s stomach flipped upside down. “They’re. . . they’re not doing well, are they?”  
Collei’s eyes glossed over with tears as she shook her head. “I’m worried about them, Master. . . Like really worried. They kept pressing they were okay, but the look in their eyes felt so. . . numb and impassive,” she explained.
Tighnari stressfully sighed as he tried to think of the best way to confront the situation without hurting you. He didn’t want to press you to say anything you weren’t comfortable with, but he also didn’t want you going through this alone. “Alright. Collei, could you take my place in this week’s outings? Normally I would have you watch over them, but I’d rather take care of them myself in this particular case. . .” Requested the boy, his ears drooping as his heart hammered against his chest. Her statement about you having a numb look in your eyes gravely worried him.
“Of course! Do you want me to go tell the others?” 
He nodded, “that’d be great. . . Thanks a lot, Collei.”
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Your back pushed against the wall as your head dropped further into your hands. You don’t know why you thought sleeping would magically fix everything. It didn’t help that you felt incredibly abandoned, despite being surrounded by people. People who, deep down inside, you knew cared and would help you without a doubt if you were to just ask. But each time you even considered asking for help, a mocking voice would belittle you for even thinking someone loved you. After hearing it so many times, you think you’d be able to successfully ignore it, but no. Instead, it dragged you farther down inside the grave you put yourself in. And the worse part was that there was no one around to help pull you back up, making the desire to give up increasingly stronger.
“Then why don’t you do it? It’s not like anyone here would care anyways.” A distorted, yet incredibly familiar, voice whispered in your ear.
Lifting your head up to look up, your entire body stiffened as you saw what looked like a hazy deformity of Tighnari. Even though you knew it wasn’t actually him, your mentality was shattered, and so was your sense of reality, so it got into your head with a snap of a finger; what worsened it was that it sounded exactly like him. You closed your eyes and covered your ears, striving to slow your rapid heart rate and clear your mind. “Go away. . .” you thought, fingernails digging into your skin. 
“Why don’t you give up and make everyone’s job easier? You know you aren’t wanted here. Your only chance at being useful is to just rid yourself, so you’re not in everybody’s way.”
Shakily forcing yourself up, you staggered into the kitchen—feeling like the only way to quiet your thoughts was to harm yourself. You promised yourself you wouldn’t put yourself through this again, but you’d instead do that than cave into your thoughts. 
Somehow, you clung to the last drop of hope that lingered inside your head—the hope that desperately called, “hang on just a little longer, and I promise everything’s going to be okay; YOU’RE going to be okay.”
Tighnari ambled to your front door, ears pressed tightly against his head as he knocked. “(NAME)? Can I come in? If you’re feeling well enough to talk, there’s something I’d like to ask. . .” He called gently. His ears flicked up and picked up the sound of your crying. Throat tightening, he knocked again, this time more urgently, hating every second wasted by not being with you. “(NAME), if you don’t open this door, I will find another way in! Let me help you, please!” Shouted the ranger, trying desperately to turn the doorknob. “Fuck this. No way in hell am I leaving them alone in there.” he thought before lock-picking your window and sliding inside.
“(NAME)!” he yelled as he raced inside the kitchen, finding you with a kitchen knife in your hands—blood dripping down your arms and covering the tip of the blade. It felt like a life or death situation as he stepped closer, never once taking his eyes off you. You looked so fragile as if you could completely break at one wrong action or word. “(NAME). . . Please, put—put the knife down.” Tighnari pleaded and bit his lip, trying his best to keep it together for your sake. “I’m here now. You don’t have to bear through this alone any longer. . .”
Your head suddenly fell silent at the sound of his concerned and hopeless tone—a prominent distinction from the one your hallucination had given him. Your strength left your body, and you dropped the knife, tears flooding your (COLOR) eyes and falling down endlessly.
The second the knife hit the floor, Tighnari rushed to your side and dragged you into an embrace, letting you cry into his shoulder. His hand firmly held the back of your head as he rocked you back and forth, terrified you’d drop dead at any moment. He murmured, “it’s okay, rosebud. . . I’m here now. Nothing can hurt you. . .” His turquoise eyes fell to the floor, giving the knife a sharp kick, sending it skating across the floor. Feeling you latch onto his hoodie, he pulled you tighter against him, careful not to hit your bloodied arms. 
Every bottled-up emotion you had exploded just like that—each and every self-destructive thought twisted into a heavy sob. And with each one, your knees caved further and further in til’ you couldn’t stand upright. 
Tighnari was quick to catch you before your body hit the floor, his arms soon finding their way around you again. He stayed quiet, however, pressing small pecks to your forehead to show you that he was there—that he cared. He hadn’t heard such gut-wrenching sobs in all his life, and to hear it from you, his favorite person, made him want to cry. 
After a few minutes, your cries quieted to sniffles, and eventually, you had utterly enfeebled yourself. Tighnari showed a faint smile, “alright, rosebud. I’m going to carry you to my house so I can properly care for your wounds. Close your eyes and rest for a while, okay? I can see how tired you are. . . I’ll be right with you when you first wake, I promise.”
You gave a weak nod and leaned your head against his chest, finally deciding to give your mind and body a proper rest. 
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You stirred awake, head throbbing and memories blurred, to the sensation of someone gently patting your face with a cold washcloth. “Hmmn. . .” you muttered groggily, your eyes refusing to open.
“You’re awake. . . How’re you feeling?” Tighnari asked from beside you and set the cloth down, his gaze now fully fixed on you. “Do you need/want anything?”
Your breath hitched as you recalled what happened. Looking down, you noticed your arms, both sore, were neatly swathed in bandages. “I—I feel so numb. I’m—I’m so sorry, Tighnari. . .”
He shook his head and handed you a cup of a calming tea he had put together. “Rosebud, please. You have no reason to apologize. I should be the one saying sorry. I felt something was off with you and brushed it off.” He lamented, carefully caressing your cheek and brushing away the tears in your eyes. “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, okay? Just know that you’re safe here—both from the outside and yourself. Nothing’s happening to you under my watch.”
You took a trembling breath as you sipped the tea. The intensity of his love made you feel small as he stared at you. “I’m sorry I never told you of my past with this. . . I promised myself I wouldn’t do it again, but everything got so loud—my thoughts, the world, everything. It hurt so much, Tighnari. . . So much that it manifested a hallucination of you. I—I was so scared and so alone. I tried so hard to cry for help, but it was like I lost my ability to talk. . .” You described.
Tighnari’s large ears twitched slightly as he carefully listened to every word you expressed, ensuring he understood everything before offering input. As he pondered what to say, his eyes dropped to your bandaged arms. The idea you’ve already gone through this process alone made him sick.
He mused, “(NAME) it’s your story to tell, not mine. In no way am I mad at you for not telling me of this sooner. . . I’m proud of you for speaking about it even now, given it’s something you’d rather not reminisce about. . .”
“I can tell by looking at you that you’ve been through so much. I know you might think otherwise, but you’re so strong. Despite going through hell and back, you remain incredibly empathetic and caring. Do you know how impressive that is?   
“I can guarantee you that whatever bullshit your mind fed these last three days is only food for your depression; that’s it. I can’t stress enough how much everyone here adores you—including me. rosebud, you’re so incredibly beautiful, from the inside and out. The way you flourish and flower is something I wish I could see every day. The thought of you wilting, let alone by your own hands, terrifies me. Archons, (NAME), you might not see it, but you’re perfect in every way.”
Tighnari finished and kissed the pads of your fingers, watching as your eyes glazed over with tears.
Each word echoed in your head until your mentality began to heal. You hadn’t realized how badly you needed to feel someone’s arms around you until he pulled you in his and kissed away the tears that fell from your (COLOR) eyes. 
You rested your head against his chest, racking through your brain to try and think of something to say. “What—what did you mean when you said you adored me. . .?” You mumbled. “Really (NAME)? That’s what you come up with?” 
Tighnari laughed warmly as his fingers smoothed your (COLOR) hair. “Is that what’s gotten you so quiet? Well, rosebud, I mean exactly what I say. I adore you. Collei always tells me how obvious my feelings for you are, but I didn’t want to rush anything between us, especially with how you’re feeling now. But I have an inkling that the reason why your depression chose me to manifest is because you feel the same. . .” He cooed.
You fell silent as thoughts swarmed your mind, none of which proved helpful in your situation. “Come on, (NAME)! Say something!” you thought and bit your lip. “Y—you might be right. . .” you replied quietly, slipping your fingers into his.
Tighnari smiled and pressed his lips to the back of your hand. “That so? Good, because I took the rest of the week off to look after you, and you’re going to stay at my house for that time.”
“That’s fine with me, but where am I going to sleep? I—I don’t want to kick you off your bed. . .” You wondered.
He chuckled, tail wrapping around your waist comfortably. “You’re sleeping with me, silly. That way, I can keep an eye on you and make sure you’re sleeping alright. Judging by the circles under your eyes, you’ve been struggling. . .” He hummed and started to rub circles on your side. “I already moved most of your things here while you slept; do you have anything that helps you sleep better at night? I’m going to have you drink a calming tea beforehand, but do you have a certain routine you need to do?”
You smiled a genuine smile, his calming and caring demeanor soothing your doubts. “No. . . I think having you by my side will be enough. . . Thank you, Tighnari. I—I appreciate it so much.”
“Oh, (NAME). . . You don’t have to thank me in the slightest. I’d do this 10 times over if you asked. I’d do just about anything for you. . .”
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starleska · 1 year
hi! im a really big fan of your fanfics (especially the wally ones) and i’m really curious to know what are songs that you associate with him?? please don’t be afraid to share!!! i really like talking and gushing over wally darling with a fellow wally simp lol
hey there anon!! 💖 aww my goodness you are so lovely, thank you!! it brings my heart so much joy that you like my writing...i can't believe the surge of wonderful feedback fired my way over this past week 🙈🙈 what a fun question!! there's a few songs i associate with Wally right now, and i'm sure more will pop up as we learn more about him;;; some are less overt, and more to do with Wally x Reader vibes - or, my terrible musical taste/hallucinating scenarios while listening to the same twenty songs 😂 fun simp challenge!! have a listen to a few of these with your eyes shut, thinking about Wally. you're guaranteed to have a good time 😉
Songs I Associate with Wally Darling:
Touch-Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon. no one could've seen this one coming 😂 no, as soon as i discovered Welcome Home i knew i'd finally found the right character to edit this song with. the conspiracy theory, cryptic vibes, slight desperation and of course retro-phone theming all work so well for Wally! 🥰
Out of My Mind by CG5. total coincidence that this banger dropped just as i learned about Welcome Home, and there's something cathartic and hypnotic about that repetitive chorus that fits with a lot of theories about Wally's struggles with Home...i had this one on repeat while writing The Nightmare Picnic 👀
An Unhealthy Obsession by The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra. this one's for all the yandere!Wally fans out there - i think every person who's a fan of terrifying, obsessive characters loves this song 😉 this is the one had on repeat while writing those yandere!Wally headcanons - i actually included it to listen to whilst reading in the original post, but i ran out of space!! 🙈
INSANE by Black Gryphon & Baasik. i know, strike me down for including a song made specifically for another Tumblr Sexyman on this list!!! but come on - the static, the showmanship, the overt friendliness masking a smiling, curious sadism...don't pretend like you don't enjoy this take on Wally, i've seen the fanart 😂
LA Devotee by Panic! at the Disco. this one's jam-packed with fun occult imagery and all about fame and obsession, so it feels perfect for our children's puppet show ARG!! something about it just hits right with how the fandom perceives the darker side of Wally 😳 i'm listening to this a lot at the moment as i've got a Metalocalypse MEP part to this song in the works, but my thoughts can't help wandering to Mr. Darling;;
Super Psycho Love by Simon Curtis. lord help me, you can tell i was in the AMV-making community in the late 2000s/early 2010s 😂 this song's a staple for attentive, manipulative, obsessive characters...even if we end up being totally wrong, and Wally is a Darling in more than name, we'll always have fun with our unhealthily possessive fantasies 🥰
Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. hey, i'm a basic bitch - i love listening to sugary-sweet, fluffworthy AMV music whilst writing my x Readers 🙈💖 a lot of the folks who request Wally often bear a little bit of their souls when asking - revealing insecurities about themselves, and wanting to be reassured he'd love them anyway. this is such a pretty, nostalgic song, and i think it captures the softness with which many of us would like to be treated by him ✨
Crush by Mandy Moore. similar to the last entry, yet leaning even more into that bubblegum romance vibe...i'm simply weak for blushy crush scenarios 🥴💖 i like this one a lot for x Readers, especially an embarrassed Reader absolutely overcome with how precious they find Wally 💖
Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng. one of my favourite songs of all time, and the perfect choice if you want your heart to ache 💔 i think this is a wonderful choice when thinking about a hurt Reader...someone who has fully given up on love, only to be confronted with Wally's relentless sunshine personality and falling head over heels 🥺 this song speaks to why i think many of us are infatuated with Wally...his charm coming from that childlike outlook, his tendency to love everything and everyone. lots of us could benefit from that kind of unconditional love, i think;;
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dragonheart2497 · 1 year
considering the actual definition of a tumblr sexyman these are who I'm advocating for
tall lanky boy
Actually very awkward and silly but drawn badass/sexy by fandom you have no idea how many gay breakdowns I've had over Etho art I mean cough what
Even his friends refer to him as an eldrich creature 
Usually portrayed as pretty masculine but no matter what, GENDERRRRRRRR
Now. The fandom was already down bad enough for him before his uncorrupted form was shown, and after that, OH BOY.
He's proud about having gone to 'demon high school' and 'demon college' why the fuck do we portray him as sexy as we do he's lowkey a loser he got trapped in a CRYSTAL 
His demon form's not just black and red, he's black and *VAPORWAVE PINK/PURPLE*. 
I'm going to be CLAWING for Xornoth to survive the round against Ranboo oh boy,,
AMENDMENT: I forgot to mention (cc!)Scott: "smash or [pass],,, Smash Xornoth- well, I can't say that, because he's my BROTHER, but... if he was NOT... then yes :3" (from Feb 16 2022 stream I don't have the clip but I have this terrible animatic)
"are about to let another cishet white man win another competition"
Fuck the skinny tall archetype anyway
They're a badass and that's all there is to it
I really don't need to explain this one he's probably gonna win anyway
I think we're forgetting that Doc fans' reaction to Doc making a tumblr account was to mass-post art of him in a maid dress. This treatment has to qualify in some way
gets lumped into the villain role a lot but at least slays at it
Cg5 wrote a song about his abs. Like literally do I need to say more
I used to ruuuuule the woooooorld HES GOT THE MEMES. HES GOT THE HISTORY IN THE FANDOM
..my TL. my poor poor TL. ive seen far too many sexymanified drawings of sausage (god damn you E. And sausage himself for encouraging it all)
He's only on this list because of Griande
AMENDMENT: also because of watcher fanon, cuteguy, the wacky gender stuff, he's basically our OC at this point like
Mumbo jumbo
again. Pathetic guy who's drawn way too hot by the fanartists
He has the 'formal outfit' qualification! And tall he's literally 6'5
see above but x2 he's nothing but a loserboy in Canon why is his fanart kinda,,
He tries so hard to be a badass and the fanartists/writers are who actually give that to him
I know nothing about mp but Reigen reminds me of him
overall I think Etho Scar and Xornoth (might be biased on that one) are the most sexyman
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nasutchi · 4 months
Am I the only one who thinks it’s completely stupid to hate on cg5 for “killing memes” 💀
How tf do you cancel somebody over making songs about memes when that’s the STUPIDEST thing to cancel somebody over.
That’s real immaturity right there if I have to be honest
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HAVE you yet heard Stuck Inside, released an hour ago and made by Black Gryph0n, TLT, CG5, Baasik, AND Kevin Foster??
Because it is so good TvT
Okay so I checked and THERE'S A NEW VERSION UP!!
[Link to the song]
This version is actually SUPER interesting to compare to the original, I think I liked the other one better? But I will admit CG5 went OFF on this one. I don't think I've ever really heard him scream like that in a song before and it really fit the tone they were going for here!!! Very cool, check it out if y'all want to :)
Since this is a sort of remake of the original (like a month after that version came out?????) I do have some opinions about how this stacks up and, for the first time, I will be getting a bit negative with it so if you don't want to see that I've put it under a read more! If you're interested feel free to take a peek but definitely don't worry about it if you don't want to hear it.
One more thing! This song would not be applicable for the tournament, since the only thing that really changed was CG5's verse and it doesn't really feel substantial enough to me to make it an entirely new song. Sorry! But if you like this one and haven't already, please consider submitting the original instead!
Okay here we go nobody kill me for this okay?
So being entirely honest here, because sometimes reviews can be negative reviews and these are all just my personal opinions, this one felt a little lackluster compared to the original. CG5 performed great and it looks like everyone had a fun time, but from a music standpoint I prefer the original beyond a shadow of a doubt.
CG5's verse was fine, I thought the lyrics were cool, but the chorus...felt a little weird. The original song felt like every part was sung by Springtrap with the exception of the bridge by Kevin Foster, so using the same lyrics and giving that verse to the kids felt really strange to me. I did like the bit where the other animatronics show up and suddenly it's a whole chorus of people singing! But to me the lyrics just felt so weird coming from them that I couldn't really focus on anything else.
The rest of it is a banger, as always, but personally I feel the CG5 verse detracts from the rest of the song and what it was going for. Also, I'm not a music producer so I don't know what that part of it is like, but why come out with a slightly changed version of your song a MONTH after the original came out??? It almost feels like they don't like that version anymore which to me is a little sad considering it's quickly become one of my favorites.
This isn't as relevant but the animation also felt a little forced and flashy in a way that felt uncanny which might have been exactly what they were going for!!! Doesn't vibe with me though, personally.
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hell0mega · 4 days
was tagged by @perpetualcontrolleddrowning for a get to know you better tag!!
Last song: Give a Little by Legrand and CG5. it was on my for you soundtrack, which makes sense because i have Indifferent by legrand on one of my most played playlists and i love it
Favorite color: this is kind of a hard one because it depends on the context, but i think i gotta go with the teal/aqua family
Currently watching: Parks and Rec for about the billionth time, and The Untamed though that's taking me a while (i love it, it's just that subs are hard lol)
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: also hard but given the choice between salty and sweet, i'd go sweet! i love tart as well. i don't tolerate spice very well
Relationship status: it'll be 9 years this May <3 not married but thinking about it! (it'll really come down to taxes LOL)
Current obsession: hnnnnngggg my OCs that prev is also obsessed with. you're welcome for the "worst kind of torture" ;)
i tag @elvencantation @missfae @trans-seraphim @tsurugis and anyone else who wants me to get to know them!! (tagged, only do this if you want to obviously lol)
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strange-doll-child · 4 months
Do you have any songs you associate with the Organist or Shadow Piantist? Or any other ghost you like for that matter?
I have spotify playlists for both The Organist & The Shadow Pianist but most of those are just music w/ their instrument lol
BUT for songs I associate with the haunts 👀👀 Wellllll-
Master Gracey got assigned the song "Nothing's New" by Rio Romeo, it makes me think of him(Evil Dorian got a song or two as well, mainly the song "Not Evil" from The Lego Movie 2 lol) maybe a little bit of "For the Departed" by Shayfer James too
Ghost Host got three songs by Shayfer James, which are "Where We Belong", "Villainous Thing", and "Diggin' Up Hatchets" from the Counterfit Arcade album - Of course "The Family Friendly Noose Song" is also there like- Hdhsh
Give me the song Headless Waltz by Voltaire at take a hot guess/lh (Reminds me of Hattie and maybe the headless husbands)
Madame Guillotine from The Scarlet Pimpernel gives me Constance vibes. idk makes me think of her probably because of the beheading thing and literally nothing else heh
I have a Heartbox Playlist I'll leave it at that
VICTORRRR- I have so many songs for the organist heheheheh- the worst one I have for him is "The Art of Poisoning" since I picture he got poisoned heheh, "Angel of Music" from PoTO for obvious reasons dhhshd(For SLG!Victor we got "Secrets of Wysteria" by Steam Pianist and "Stuck Inside" by Black Gryph0n because child murder)
Charlie/The Shadow Pianist doesn't have a lot, but I do picture him with/to the song "Dark is Rising" by the Poly Sulfer Band, most of the music I picture for the attic pianist is just piano music thoughh
"Dance to Forget" by TryHardNinja makes me think of Victor and the ballroom, actually- I wonder why lol
"Weight of the World" by Shayfer James gives me a bit of Alistair maybe, maybe(Genderbend specific but Alicia has the songs "Nothing" by Emilie Autumn and "I Hate My Mom" by GRLwood)
"Phantom Dancing"(CG5) and "1000 Doors"(TheLivingTombstone) give me vibes of the mansion in general and "A Million Ways to Die" ofc- Oh! And "The Greatest Show Unearthed" by Creature Feature
"Concertina Ballerina" by Alternative Radio makes me think about Sally Slater, hehe
OOOO, I know "Trouble" by The Blasting Company makes me think of Ezra specifically- "Search Party" as well, but that can be for all 3 Hitchhikers
Fuckin uhhhh Phantom 5 has a couple I think to them about like "The Hearse Song" and "The Red Shoe Parade"(Specifically the English cover by Mothy)
"Stuck With You" by Voltaire gives me duelists, kinda, yeah, heh
Those are kinda all I recall, I do have songs I think of for my OCs, but this is kinda strictly canon haunts, heh
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espritradieux · 1 month
Do you guys ever think about the fact that the song Sleep Well by CG5 would make a great animatic about the Ninth House and the Reverend Mother and Father reflecting on their sins and Harrow being haunted by the souls needed for her existence and discovering Jod is a fraud? Or is it just me?
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Behind the Playlist - Transformers: Prime Edition (Part 10 of 22: Knockout)
Link to the other posts in my Behind the Playlist series
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Doctor in the house. The flashy one who’s desperate for your attention and probably has a history of medical malpractice, of course.
Intended overarching themes and/or qualities: Playful Vanity, Fast-paced Fun, Attention-seeking
My personal favorite(s) from this playlist: This Is My Show, Knock the Dominoes, and Ain’t Seen Nothin’
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Full song list and explanations under the cut:
This Is My Show by UNSECRET, Liv Ash
Knockout likes to think he’s made for the spotlight. I mean, he’s not exactly wrong.
Rush by The Score
Adrenaline rush, obviously.
Own the Night by AREA21
KO just wants to have fun. I think this song fits his free and easy attitude.
In Need of a Doctor by NymN
I’m not sure about anyone else, but I keep forgetting that Knockout’s technically a doctor with training in the sciences.
The Speed in My Soul by CG5, Hyper Potions
It’s no secret that Knockout likes to go fast. A lot. While all the other ‘Cons chose flight modes, he stuck with something that would allow him to keep his wheels on the road. And those steel-belted radials were nice too.
Stupid Love by Main-De-Gloire
Knockout: “So go on, Big M. Tell me you love me more than Starscream.”
…and every single one of his other comments and behaviors intended to draw attention to himself. 😂 All the pretty boi wants is to be loved. We get it, KO.
La La La - Drove Remix by AREA21
“Telling me I need to change but what do they know? / I don't get what made them think they have a say so / Everybody's such an angel with a halo / Yeah, right, I don't think so
Talking 'bout my life, but they don't know me / Why would they expect I'd let them control me? / When they criticize me, I don't listen / They don't realize I like to be different”
Knock the Dominoes by Scott & Brendo
“Yo, I'm like a one hit wonder / I do the show once so take a number / Lightning strike without all the thunder / Hold your breath you about to go under”
Knockout likes to think of himself as being pretty good at doing damage and having fun, all while looking good doing it. Plus, the name has “Knock” in it, so how can I pass it up?
Hypermania by Inpetto
The casual and playful vibes fit.
Look at Me Now by Paper Kings
“So get your cameras out / I'd probably do the same thing if I was you / Lookin' at me now, now
Put up your lights / And keep 'em flashin' / Don't ever put 'em down, down, down
Look at me now / Look at me now / Look at me now”
It’s My Night by WAR*HALL
A little full of yourself, huh Knockout?
Shake It Up by Saint Middleton, UNSECRET, Plappert
“Let's shake it up, make some moves / We got the fresh, we got the new / Let's shake it up, set it loose / Nobody do it like we do / We gon' shake it up / Gon' shake it up”
Out of the main crew on the Nemesis, Knockout took things the least seriously, for the most part. I think that was a good thing. He was both an annoyance and a breath of fresh air on the Nemesis.
Ain’t Seen Nothin’ by Paper Kings
“Dropped in like a UFO / Shined up like glitter and gold / If you don’t know well now you know
Crashed down like a tidal wave / Got sick of the same old thing / I’mma do it differently
Ohh / Another level yeah I’m taking it higher / Watch me / I’m bringing that heat / I’m feeding that fire
You ain’t seen nothing like this / Nothing like this / Nothing like this / You ain’t seen nothing like this / Nothing like this
So fresh, oh so classic / Wilder than you imagined / Never going out of fashion”
Looks That Kill by Garena Free Fire
I’m a little bit bittersweet, but you can put some sugar on me / Imma knock you off of your feet / I’m a non-stop thrill, I got looks that kill
✧ ✧ ✧
This post series is in alphabetical order. Next up are Megatron and Miko Nakadai.
As I add more songs to the playlist, I’ll update this post.
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solar-tl-27 · 6 months
Are there some songs that you like to listen to while drawing that you associate with some characters?
I listen to a lot of musicals & stuff when i'm thinking about ideas for the winx characters
Epic the musical is something i'm extremely excited for because the songs work really well to boost my creativity
I also spent 3 hours putting the entire &Juliet musical in a playlist on SoundCloud cuz while it was posted there was no easy album to access.
I really like how it adds a fantasy twist to existing music and i listened to that a lot during the early writing stages.
Currently i'm uhh Listening to the soundtrack of trolls 3 😅 it's actually pretty good.
Madds Buckley is also someone i listen to a lot because the music really incorporates story telling well
Furthermore when working on Daphne i currently listen to the album this is why by paramore and the song iris by the goo goo dolls.
Currently i mostly work on her and valtor
Some other songs i associate with them are
Wonderland by Taylor swift. And the song ruler of my heart from alien stage.
that actually was the song i had on loop when drawing them together for the first time.
Furthermore I don't associate Songs very strictly to characters unless i'm actively working on them
But i do have one for diaspro!
Sever the blight by hemlocke springs is a song i listen to a lot and i always go... This feels like diaspro.
Furthermore for writing I listen to a lot of animated movie soundtracks & covers , fandom songs and moody music because it often really works with a theme in the music that makes it easier to help conceptualize ideas.
So a lot of
Ama lee
And that sort of stuff!
Most of the music i listen to for myself is more older music and or the Barbie soundtrack atm
But i mostly just listen to podcasts or have YouTube on when working!
Might eventually make playlists for characters but that's gonna take a while to find enough songs to associate with each character!
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twistedroseytoesy · 1 year
Hello it's 🎵 anon again! I've discovered songs for the other characters that may or may not fit:
Yuu: Young, Dumb and Broke by Khalid or Gimme Gimme Gimme by ABBA or Money On My Mind by Sam Smith or Hate Me by Nico Collins or Wonderland by Natalia Kills
Grim: Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom by Parry Grip
Crowley: Greedy by Ariana Grande or Money Money Money by ABBA
Crewel: Fashion by Lady Gaga or Fashionista by Jimmy James
Trein: Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty from The Big Bang Theory
Vargas: Physical by Olivia Newton
Sam: Shopkeeper Song from Undertale
Ambrose: Everything Is Not as It Seems by Selena Gomez
Chenya: Twas Brillig from Alice In Wonderland
Neige: Happy by Pharrell Williams or I won't give up by Jason Mraz
The Dwarves: Heigh Ho from Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs
Rollo: I'm Sorry I Couldn't Save You by Xinclair
Riddle's Mom: The Family Jewels by Marina and The Diamonds
Falena: Save Me by Not A Robot ft adrisaurus or Lullaby for A Princess
Cheka: I Just Can't Wait To Be King from Lion King
Rielle: Part Of Your World from Little Mermaid
Jamil's Parents: Robot or Good In Me by Jon Bellion ( I feel like it's Jamil singing this to his parents) or Afton Family by APAngryPiggy
Najma: Hey Bother by Avicii or Surface Pressure from Encanto (second one is more of Jamil to Najma tbh) or You'll Be In My Heart from Tarzan (again more of Jamil to Najma)
Vil's Dad- Superstar by CG5
And that's all for now. Please let me know if these are suitable for the respective characters.
HECK YA! nice to see ya again 🎵 anon! I do have to warn you that I don't really know a lot of the side characters that arent staff, so I might not be able to say if they do or don't fit the character. Sorry about that.
Yuu: Holy heck there are so many! But I guess that makes sense due to Yuu/Mc being a self-insert for many.
The first song is a fun and laid-back kind of beat and lyrics. Fitting for the more relaxed Mc type, happily enjoying the chaos and optimistic about the future despite any troubles.
The second song is a fun beat and song. Not really sure how to categorize this one though. Fun and good song!
Third song is really sweet, a nice beat and song with kind lyrics, this is for the Mc's that are out there to help the students of NRC, but struggle due to the financial stuff Crowley puts on them. Amazing choice!
Fourth song gives the vibes of an Mc that is in love with these toxic villains that go to this school. they're down bad despite how cruel some can be.
The last song is very fitting for the whole premise of the Twisted wonderland, using different fairy tales to call out to those they are in love with. Cool song, but didn't like the video due to its erotic nature but I could just ignore that and focus on the lyrics and music.
Grim: Roblox war flashbacks really cute song, but not much I can do with this song for Grim. A cute and fun song so thanks!
Crowley: The first song doesn't really fit him due to the fact that he would never admit that he's greedy. That's the opposite of how generous he always is! good idea but not quite.
The second song has an amazing melody right off the bat! this song is definitely fitting, could change the focus from getting a man with a lot of money to them doing better than RSA. Amazing fit, but I don't plan on writing it out. Good choice!
Crewel: The first song is a bit too intense for how he works in my head. Also, the second language that is used in the song would be hard to work with.
Second song is a lot more fitting of his personality. His commands and the way he talks to his students. PErfect fit for the fashionista teacher.
Trein: hehehe! what a cute and wholesome song for the grumpy old man. Can definitely see him singing this to Lucius when he thinks he's alone in his classroom. heck yes.
Vargas: Wow... It's a good song for him, I would just have to change a lot of the lyrics to make it more family-friendly. I like the energy just way too many innuendos.
Sam: Love this tranquil song, but there are no lyrics to change or song to write, it's great, but not quite fitting. Besides, I think the song he's got already is perfect.
Ambrose: I don't know this character, or any of the side characters much, but this song doesn't really fit his joyous attitude and kindness. Honestly think this song fits Crowley more than Ambrose. Also, A song that I think would be more fitting is "Higitus Figitus" or "that's what makes the world go around".
Chenya: Very fitting to have the Cheshire cat person sing the Cheshire cat song. Apparently, it's a part of a different song/poem, the Jabberwocky. So I might have him singing it and the mc coming into those specific lyrics. very good choice.
Neige: Both of these songs are so good for the ball of pureness that is Neige, the first song gets everyone dancing and will bring a smile to many. While the second song brings a bittersweetness that moves many to smile at times they've had in the past and to look forward to more times of joy in the future. They're perfect for him.
The Dwarves: Of course we have the little dwarves singing the original dwarves' song in the mines. Not much to say or change with this one, just perfect.
Rollo: New character I know nothing about since I try to avoid spoilers. Strange song and has fairly self deprecating vibes. Not sure if this fits him or not. not willing to look at spoilers for now over it anyway. interesting choice, I cant say much about it due to ignorance of the character.
Riddle's Mom: This woman fucking sucks. the song is amazing and shows a side to Riddle that he probably has buried to try and keep the tense peace between himself and his mother. The song shows that he's better than the things his mom demanded of him, that he's better because he strayed. He's made friends, he's happier and he's more beautiful being imperfect than the gemstones the mother expected him to be. Not going to write it since its so perfect.
Falena: So this is the brother of Leona, the king of the sunset Savana. The first song is deep and shows that Falena was aware of Leona's struggle and tried to help. The second song had an amazing MLP animatic that tugs at the heartstrings. Not fitting for the lion brothers but a song of love and heartbreak. I think the first song fits better.
Cheka: Fun childish song of carefreeness for the bundle of joy that is Cheka! also fitting for him to sing his Disney counterparts' songs. Another I wouldn't write due to not knowing him well enough.
Rielle: Apparently he's the twisted version of Ariel from the little mermaid. So that's cool! classic singing of the original characters' song. The longing to see another world, to learn something new and try something different. seems fitting for this excitable prince.
Jamil's Parents: Dang, that Robot song is very deep into the issue Jamil always had with his servitude. He blames his parents and Kalim for his upbringing, having to hold himself back, to seem lesser because he was just a servant just someone inconsequential and only there to help others. This could be an inner soul song for him.
The second song shows just how much Jamil hates that the things he was good at had to be restrained, that he had to hold himself back and never speak his mind. Another build-up to his eventual overblot.
the third song was awesome, but not very fitting to the story for Jamil. Good song and it had an awesome animation too.
Najma: the brother song is sweet but doesn't really capture the banter and the snarky remarks we see between the two, this is that deep familial love that we don't get to see much of due to how Jamil works.
Second song of surface pressure is pretty fitting for how hard Jamil works and puts on himself. During the festival we see how much Najma cares, despite the teasing, she doesn't push him or demand much. She listens and supports her brother. Probably what kept him sane when he worked as a servant for all those years.
The last song is again a bit too sappy for the two vipers, but The sentiment is sweet and they do care for each other in a passive-aggressive (at times) way.
Vil's Dad: Never seen this character, I think. So I don't know if this song fits or not. But if he's proud of what his boy can do, despite some not-so-savory things to others. Then ya that song fits him well.
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rubybecker-rb2 · 1 year
Rules : 🎶 when you get this, list 5 songs you’ve been listening to & tag 5-10 people.
Tagged by the queen @liverpool-enjoyer
1- Runaway from AURORA: This is an amazing song and makes me think about life and the things I used to do when I was younger
2- Fils de Joie from Stromae: It's a song that is a critical review of the people who were mean to the woman with dubious nature
3- Labyrinth from CG5: C'mon it's a fucking FNaF song and it's so good! It brings me memories
4- K. from Cigarettes after Sex: It's a melancholic song about a guy who wants his love to be with him forever
5- Step on Me from The Cardigans: This has been on repeat since last week. I love this song and its message even though it's a sad song actually
Tagging the homies: @liverpoolfanfiction @viralis @alissonbecksfan234 @featherflames
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agentdilf · 2 years
what bands/artists i hc craig + stan's gangs listen to + favourite songs.
more stuff, wasn't requested but swaggy. i apologize if some of the characters are ooc, first time writing for like, all of them other than stan and kyle. ships: Craig x Tweek, and Stan x Kyle/Stan x Wendy.
tw: slight angst?? is bo burnham a trigger? idk i'll put it here just in case. possibly problematic music artists? im not sure honestly. so sorry if i didnt tag these right,,, hcs below the cut!
Craig Tucker -Mother Mother idk i think he's just a guy who likes a good Mother Mother song. -Lemon Demon man idk he's a funky dude. -Toby Fox he hums random songs while on drives with tweek *sobbing* overall genre i think he likes the most is indie pop & rock or video game music. i think his favourite song is Deviltown by Cavetown. it reminds him of himself and tweek.
Clyde Donovan -Carly Rae Jepsen this bitch JAMS to call me maybe. -Katy Perry he is a dude who needs an angsty but pop-ish song. early Katy music is perfect!!! -Britney Spears he loves her music ngl the genre i think he likes the most is early 2010's pop!! i think his favourite song is The Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani. I legitimately do not have a reason. i just imagine him dancing to it whilst pissing off the rest of the gang..... Tolkien Black -The Weekend this mf would listen to blinding lights on repeat -My Chemical Romance i think he would listen to teenagers!! it gives him a comforting feeling and it reminds him of his friends. -Cuphead Soundtrack he listens to it with jimmy :))) overall fave genre i think would be rap or pop, or older swing music. no happy medium. I think his favourite song would be Deceptacon by Le Tigre. idk the vibes fr.... Jimmy Valmer -Cuphead Soundtrack listens to it with Tolkien!!! -Cavetown it gives him comforting vibes, and sometimes he falls asleep to them. -Jack Stauber he likes how strange it is. i think his favourite genre is pop or indie pop, and swing. fave song is penis music (not the actual song name but its often associated with that name lmaooo) because it makes him laugh. and he deserves it.... I NEVER SEE JIMMY HCS WHERE ARE THEY.... (im probably not lookin hard enough) Tweek Tweak -Lofi calms him down!!!! he likes to snuggle into his blanket, and drink tea. -Cavetown comforts him and reminds him of craig. -CG5 he's a video game nerd, agghhh. his fave genre is no doubt in my mind classical or lofi jazz. i think his favourite song is Ukelele and Chill by Cody G. its on the softer side and i just think he'd cuddle with craig to it... STAN'S GANG Stan marsh -My Chemical Romance he started listening to it in his goth phase because he thought it was edgy, and kinda just started listening to it afterward. Teenagers brings him undying comfort and reminds him of his friends. -Nightwish i personally think he'd like their softer music more, but still love the metal stuff. -Mother Mother it's like music you put on when you hate yourself. overall fave genre imo would be indie rock, pop rock, and indie pop. i think his favourite song would be Still Into You by Paramore, reminds him of Wendy and Kyle, and makes him feel all fuzzy inside. Kyle Broflovski -Gorillaz he thinks the idea of the band is neat. and also he loves all the genres it's dabbled in. -Penelope Scott he likes the feel of her music. -Glass Animals heatwaves reminds him of stan sometimes i think his favourite genre of music would be indie pop. i think his favourite song would be Hayloft by Mother Mother. he thinks about stan while listening to it, and it makes him laugh. Kenny Mccormick -cupcakKe ... do i really need to explain why? -Eminem he's a rap fan, what can i say... -Hatsune Miku i really dont know how to explain this one... i think his favourite genre of music would be rap or anime openings/vocaloid music i think his favourite song would be Seiso, Say so Parody by Nyanners Eric Cartman -Bo Burnham I feel like he'd laugh at his older stuff. -Lady Gaga Self explanatory -Britney Spears he vibes to toxic even tho he knows he is <3 I just see him as a fan of 2000-2010 music,,, HIS FAVOURITE SONG IS RULER OF EVERYTHING BY TALLY HALL NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. Butters Stotch -Ho-Kago Tea Time k-on band!!! their music is very fluffy and i think he'd like it. -Babymetal listen, i think this is the most metal thing he'd ever listen to ;; -Justin Timberlake lol i think his favourite genre of music is cute music or j pop!!! i think his favourite song would be Stamp On the Ground by ItaloBrothers. he's a lil dude who likes to dance to upbeat music alone in his room!! I SPENT 5 HOURS WRITING THIS AND LISTENING TO MUSIC I THOUGHT WOULD FIT THEIR PERSONALITIES AND VIBES THEY GAVE ME..... sorry if this is ooc or the music is unfitting,,, i tried my best!!! reblogs r appreciated v much muaaahhhhh ily !!!!!!!! stay safe and hydrated :)))) requests are still open!!!
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snoozeeroo · 2 years
I'm not familiar with the songs you've listed, so I'll have to check them out and tell you my thoughts another time! As for my own list, here goes:
• I'm Coming after you - Owl City: Strong Kaishin Vibes (I'd love to animate this song someday, it would be really fun)
• Hourglass - Set it off: The Lyrics really fit Shinichi imo. "I never valued minutes I burned through, Seconds I wasted, I was fixated, You're devastated, sorry to say. I can't fix it, is this where I give in?" especially makes me think of Ran and Shinichi's Guilt. Just the whole White lies and pretending while losing time thing, It fits.
• Stronger - The Score: This one also reminds of Shinichi, With the (pre?) Chorus being about Shrinking and the BO thinking him dead. Also in my head I connect the condition/disease with being a detective. (Also a song I really wanna Animate some day, Centering Shinichi and a BO takedown)
• Catch me if you can - Set it off: Reminds me of Kid
• Smoke and Guns - Natewantstobattle: Also Kaishin Vibes
• Faded - Alan Walker: Reminds me of Ran and Shinran a lot, especially "Where are you now? Was it all in my fantasy? Where are you now? Were you only imaginary?" When I'm feeling more angsty sometimes I think of the "I'm faded" lines being more that her feelings for Shinichi are fading the longer he's gone.
• Slipped Away - Avril Lavigne: Another song that reminds me of Shinran.
• A mask of my own face - Lemon Demon: Reminds me of Kaito. With the 'Mask' being both Kid and the various disguises, And also sometimes being a poker face to mask how he's feeling. i also think of 'the handsome motherfucker looking back at me' being more his father and/or kid looking back at him when he looks at his reflection. (This is another song i really want to animate one day, One part in particular being the line "I'd wear it to a hoedown, and I'd dance with all the belles" But it's a heist and the belles are detectives; Shinichi, Hakuba and Heiji because the mental image is very funny to me)
• Sharks - Imagine Dragons: Reminds me of Haibara and Conan (As in Haibara talking to Conan Mostly), with the sharks being the BO. It's not exact but the vibes are there
• I see a dreamer - CG5: I know it's a very specific fandom song that has nothing to do with dcmk but somehow it reminds me of Kid anyway
• Do i wanna know? - Arctic Monkeys: Reminds me a bit of Kogoro and Eri
• Blow my brains out - Tikkle me: Saw this edit and it really stuck with me so I associate this song with Conan and Shinichi now, and imo it really fits them well.
And that's all the songs I have as of now, Would love to hear your thoughts!
- 💚
Hi anon! I've only heard about one of the songs you have listed here, such as Faded by Alan Walker.
I think it does fit pretty well! Shinichi's image has definitely faded in his universe and Ran longs to see someone who doesn't exist anymore.
I'm going to have to check out the rest of these. I'm very excited to listen to these as I've gotten pretty sick of my own playlist haha! Thanks so much for sharing with me, I'm really fond of receiving your questions and responses!💓
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