#Do you think they had some sort reaction? Even if they remembered that green is just his ‘’natural‘’ eye color?
gendervoid-zane · 6 months
Hey, do any of y’all think that any of the Emerald Secret gang (technically with the exceptions of Aaron and Aphmau) internally freaked out when they saw Travis’s eyes when they got back from the lodge???
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theprettynosferatu · 10 months
CW: Orientation play/conversion. Remember that your sexuality is valid, and conversion is NOT a thing beyond fantasy. Also, fuck "conversion therapy"
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“All I’m saying is…”
“Look, you’re speaking out of your ass”, Ava said, barely containing her frustration.
“How am I speaking out of my ass? It has been done and thoroughly…”, he tried to reply.
“Yes, yes, Pavlov, blah blah blah. But you’re talking about something else entirely, not conditioning reactions”
“Not Pavlov, Skinner! Actions can be conditioned too. Look around you! Mobile games, casinos, even the goddamn army uses conditioning to…”
“Can we agree that there’s a difference between conditioning obedience in a controlled setting and whatever the fuck it is you’re suggesting? You’re not talking about tapping on impulse to buy funbucks in a game! You are talking…”
“It’s only a difference of degree, not of kind. With the right combination of techniques…”
“No, there’s a core there that you can’t just… overwrite. Some things can’t be changed. Like… like how you can’t hypnotize someone into doing something they would never do”
“You know that’s bullshit, right? The whole hypnosis thing. You absolutely can make someone do whatever the fuck you want. It’s just a matter of how you approach it. Like, you would never harm a person, okay? But if I change what your idea of ‘person’ is, say, by making it more narrow you would absolutely harm someone I made you see as a not-person. Or maybe you can be made to believe you’re helping them, not harming them”
“That’s some creepy cult shit, dude. And anyway you can’t write a paper on this because a) there’s no evidence and b) doing the research to get evidence would be absolutely immoral. So I say look for another topic and for the love of God don’t go around spewing that bullshit if you want to ever get laid. Oh, speaking of! Linda will be arriving shortly and we have a date night, so please, please try to be a normal roommate and not freak her out. For me, okay?”
“When have I ever freaked her out? Linda loves me! And who knows, maybe she has an opinion on our little debate”
“Dude, she’s an Art student. I doubt she’ll be interested in our weird Psych dissertations”
“Perfect! Fresh eyes!”
“See, that’s the kind of weird shit I-”
The buzzer cut through the air, and a moment later Linda was inside the apartment, all smiles as usual. He took a moment to watch them as they embraced. 
They were almost comical in their contrast. Linda was tall, taller than he was, willowy and slender, her limbs graceful and shapely, her hair a long, flowing river of playful copper that almost seemed to dance on its own volition– with her green sundress she appeared to him as some sort of elven princess ripped from the pages of a fantasy novel and stuck into a mortal world in which she didn’t really fit. Ava, on the other hand, was probably the shortest adult he had ever seen. He might be tempted to call her petite, but that had a connotation of a lithe frame, almost like a tastefully proportioned doll. Ava was the complete opposite of that. Sometimes he felt Ava was an experiment aimed at testing how much of a person’s weight could be tits and ass, held up by strong, thick thighs. He felt quite guilty about such thoughts, and he understood why she wore nothing but oversized t-shirts and hoodies. It was logical: an early, spectacular growth spurt, heightened by her small size, had made her the target of relentless bullying by jealous classmates and awkward come-ons by hormonal teen males. It enraged him, he realized. Ava was beautiful and the cruelty of idiots had made her feel pain about it instead of pride. He made a point to never stare at her, even if he sometimes failed. It made their relationship as roommates a tad hard, he had to admit. 
Not that he had a shadow of a shot, of course. Ava had no interest in men.
Unless, of course, he was right in his theory. And he had good reason to think he was.
“So, Linda: Ava and I were having a bit of a debate…”
“Don’t start, dude”, said Ava.
“Oh, a debate! Do tell!” chirped Linda.
“Do you think we can be completely conditioned and changed, or is there some part of us that cannot be modified, no matter what?”
“Huh. Hard one. Like… a soul? I don’t know I buy it. I feel there isn’t really a self, you know? Like… Buddhism. The self is an illusion and all that”
“Come on, you can’t be serious! You can’t change who someone fundamentally is, and it’s sick to even consider it!”, said Ava.
“Well… what if I could prove to you it can be done?”, he stated, barely able to hold back. He know what he was going to do. He had been reluctant, but now it felt like a certainty.
“You can’t, so stop being an ass”, said Ava.
Fine. Game on.
“Linda, I love your socks! Pride socks!”
“Yup!”, said Linda
“What the hell–”, mumbled Ava.
He took a deep breath.
“Linda: rainbow socks…”
She replied in an instant.
“Are for sucking cocks!”
Ava felt as if reality had shifted into some horrible, twisted nightmare. She was about to scream something, anything really, to make Linda take that back before something stopped her in her tracks. Her body heard it before her mind did: her roommate's voice simply commanding her. Watch. 
And she watched. She watched as the love of her life smiled and went on her knees. Ava could do nothing but watch in disbelief and pain. Linda had never been with a man. Ever. 
“I might have… started testing my theories. On you both. Not that you’d remember, obviously”, he stated casually as the beautiful girl in front of him lovingly undid his pants. “I’d say Linda’s sexuality is part of her core self, wouldn’t you? Let’s see how that holds up after the months of conditioning I’ve subjected her to”
He felt guilty, sure; but there was such a high to it, such an entrancing quality to the combination of seeing instant, complete obedience and the final, definitive proof of the truth he had known to be right all along. Was it wrong? Yes. Did he care? Not at the moment. Ava’s eyes were a poem to him. Suddenly he was ripped from his reverie by the soft, loving touch of Linda’s tongue on his dick. He hadn’t even realized he had gotten hard just from the sense of complete power, of total, undeniable conquest. This was a primal, ancient arousal. Ava could do nothing but watch, and he took that sight in. God, he could almost taste it.
Linda moaned. The cock was so beautiful. So perfect. She felt so… silly, like she was now, for the first time, seeing in color and realizing the sky was, in fact, blue. It was obvious. Simple. Natural. Cock deserved worship. Cock deserved devotion. Cock demanded obedience. It was as if it was growing in her mind, taking over more and more of her, pushing who she had been out effortlessly. It expanded. It corrupted. It twisted and shifted all within. Cock. Cock. Cock. She kissed it with reverence, in awe of it. It was all that existed to her. All that mattered. She needed to please it. Needed to feel it throbbing inside her. Needed to be taken by it.
Ava saw her girlfriend slide a hand between her legs and felt nauseous. As much as she knew this wasn’t Linda’s fault, she could feel her heart breaking, her anger rising… and worse, her pussy getting wet. Her body betraying her. She hated him, and she hated Linda, and she hated herself most of all.
Suddenly, Linda couldn’t contain herself. She relaxed her throat, looked up at her Master and took his entire manhood inside her mouth. She almost came instantly. It was peaceful and sexy and just simple, like his cock was the puzzle piece that fit her perfectly, completed her, made her whole. She existed to be conquered, and realizing she was putting his pleasure over her ability to breathe was the final sign of her complete, loving surrender. She let it out, watched it glisten with her spit, and started licking it and loving it and she didn’t know how much came from her own need and how much it was a silent command by the man who had shown her the light. Her mind was too fuzzy to make such distinctions anymore.
He took a deep breath, fighting back the first signs of an orgasm. He needed to make a point.
“Linda… do you love Ava?”
The blonde stopped for a moment, shocked by a myriad of contradictions.
“Yes”, she decided. Her voice was shaking.
“Tell her”
Linda looked at Ava, the woman she had loved above all others.
“I love you…”
“But you have more to say, don’t you?”
“I… hmph… I…”
“Tell her”
“I love you… but… but… I love his cock so much more! Fuck! I need it! I need to feel it, to suck it, to be fucked by it… I’m sorry… but… I love it, I love it, I love it! I want it to fuck my throat, to take my cunt, to ram my ass! I need it! I need to be a slave to it, a whore for it, a fucking living toy!”
“What if you had to choose between Ava and my cock?”
“Fuck her! Sorry, my love… I do love you, but… You can never do to me what… what Master does to me, what his cock makes me feel! I hope I won’t have to dump you but… I would leave you for this cock in a minute! I’d do anything. Anything. Anything!” If she had more to add, her need to serve cock snuffed it. She took it all in with desperation, with total, shameless abandon. She needed to feel... used. In her proper place.
Ava felt a tear roll down her cheek. Her knees buckled in defeat. She didn’t even care. It was all gone. Her life, her love, all gone. And she could feel her eyes drawn again and again to the cock that had destroyed her. She felt her mouth watering.
“Linda, would you say you’re a lesbian?”
“Fuck no!”, she said before immediately wrapping her lips around the cock’s head.  
He felt a swell of pride. Of triumph. He knew Ava sensed the truth as well. He was right. He had proven his point. And now Ava’s full conditioning would take hold. A little bet with himself, making her own mental acknowledgment of his theory her final trigger. She took off her t-shirt. She would never wear it again. No more shame, no more pain about her figure. Only arousal and pride. His gift to her.
She crawled to him on all fours. The girls kissed– but now, they kissed for him, to arouse him. They were lovers, only they both knew there was a higher love. A truer love. Ava looked up at her owner and opened her mouth, greedily awaiting his blessing. Linda used her skillful hands, aiming his cock and teasing it, jacking it off, using just the right amount of pressure and speed. 
No man could resist such a sight.
In a few seconds, Ava was covered in his cum, more beautiful than she had ever been. Linda certainly felt that way, and she licked and kissed her sister slut clean.
He watched carefully, looking for signs of defiance, and finding none. In fact, Linda put his fears to rest with a simple statement.
“Ava, we need to buy you a pair of rainbow socks”
Did you enjoy this story? You can support my work at patreon.com/prettynosferatu !!
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blue-aconite · 3 months
fields of dandelions || prologue
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Summary: Jake's life falls apart in less than an hour and he's left trying his best to pick up the pieces.
Warnings: Swearing, cheating
Word Count: 1.6k
Pairings: Jake Seresin x OC
Authors Note: And we're back with a new series! This has been sitting in my drafts forever and I finally found the motivation to finish off the prologue. I just think the world needs more single dad!Jake, don't y'all agree?
Thank you to my betas @a-reader-and-a-writer & @green-socks and for letting me ramble on about this!
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Jake spent a good twenty minutes staring at his own house through the windscreen. He remembered when he and Sarah first bought it. A lot had happened since. And now it looked like it was all coming to an end. 
Sarah was on the phone as he entered the kitchen, talking quietly as she flipped through a magazine. He shoved his hand into the pockets of his jeans, leaning against the doorframe and waiting for her to notice him. When she didn’t acknowledge his presence, he cleared his throat.
She looked up, eyes widening as she saw him. “Jake. I didn’t realise you were going to be home yet.” She ended the call without saying goodbye and Jake noticed how she chose to put the phone with the screen down. 
He gave her a tight smile before sitting down across from her. “Half day. They’re running drills with the kids so Mav sent us home.”
“That’s nice. Did you pick up the boys?”
Jake shook his head. “Javy picked them up. They’re trying out his new pool.” The boys had been on their case since they found out their uncle Coyote was installing a pool in his backyard. 
She hummed but offered no other answer. An uncomfortable silence filled the space, neither of them speaking. Sarah shifted in her seat, eyes darting back and forth between him and her phone. 
Jake felt his stomach turn but decided to jump the gun. “I think we need to talk.”
He had expected some sort of fight, some sort of protest, so when Sarah only sighed and twisted her face in what resembled a smile, it was like a punch to the gut. 
“How did you find out?” she asked, completely unbothered as she inspected her nails. She didn’t bother denying it, even though Jake hadn’t asked about it directly. But it was enough to confirm what Jake already knew but hoped he was wrong about. 
Jake dragged a hand through his hair, baffled at her lack of reaction. “How did I find out? Is that all you have to say?” 
“What do you want me to say?” Sarah shook her head, manicured nails tapping the table. Jake dragged a hand down his face. 
“I want you to say that you didn’t fuck him. That you didn’t invite him into our house while our boys were home. I mean, what the fuck?!” 
If his words affected her, Sarah didn’t show it. She twisted her wedding band round and round, her silence telling him everything Jake needed to know. 
“If you’ve been unhappy -”
“It’s not about that. It’s complicated, Jake.” Sarah sighed. 
Jake scoffed, clearing his throat. “Uncomplicate it for me then. Tell me why I had to find out from our son that you’ve been inviting another man into my house. How many times, huh?”
“How many times what?” she countered, staring at him. Jake could barely recognise his own wife. She didn’t seem to care that their five-year-old had seen her with another man. 
“You know what I’m asking, don’t play dumb. How many times did you bring him here?” Jake pushed away from the table, unable to sit still anymore. Sarah’s disinterest only served to make him more agitated. 
As if his question finally affected her, Sarah looked up at him but her face showed nothing. “Just one time. And the kids were supposed to be asleep.”
“How long?” It hurt to ask but he needed to know. How long had she been cheating on him? He could piece it together, track back to when she started to become distant but he wanted her to admit it. As if it would feel better. 
Sarah pressed her lips together, hands clasped on top of the table. “Couple of months. I don’t know.”
He laughed at the absurdity of the situation. Of all the possible scenarios he had of the future when he asked Sarah to marry him after high school, this one had never crossed his mind. How had they ended up here?
“Why? Tell me why.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know.” 
Shaking his head, Jake gripped the back of the chair he vacated earlier. “Stop saying that. Tell me the truth. If the last 18 years have meant anything to you, you’ll be honest with me,” he paused, drawing a shaky breath. “You owe me that much.”
“I don’t know what to say, Jake! It’s done, okay? I can’t pinpoint the exact fucking moment, alright? One moment everything was alright and then it wasn’t. And he was there for me. Stop questioning me, this isn’t an interrogation.” Sarah spat, anger seeping into her voice.
“No. You don’t get to be angry. You’re the one that fucked up. You do not get to tell me I don’t get to ask questions.” Jake spat back, his own anger surfacing. She had no right to play the victim. 
Sarah rolled her eyes, a humourless laugh leaving her. “Alright, fine. Do you want the truth? I’m so fucking tired of this life. I’m tired of staying home all the fucking time whenever you get deployed, putting my own career on hold for you. I’m tired of it all. I’m tired of you. For once, I want to do something for me, have something for myself.” 
“And to achieve that you decided that cheating on me was the best course of action? Why haven’t you talked to me about this?” Jake demands all the anger and hurt clashing together. 
Sarah shakes her head. “Like talking would do any good.”
He thought it would hurt more, to hear that his own wife was tired of him but all he could feel was a numbness spreading through his body. 
The woman sitting in front of him wasn’t his wife, wasn’t the mother of his children. She sounded cold, detached, almost like Jake felt. 
Jake scoffed. “Well, you could have said something, instead of fucking someone else. We could have tried couples therapy -” 
“It wouldn’t have made a difference. And now it doesn’t matter. What’s done is done.” Sarah interrupted. 
He stared at her, trying hard to remember the girl he once had fallen in love with. But she was nowhere to be found. Instead he saw someone he didn’t even recognised anymore. Sarah stared back, neither of them breaking eye contact. He knew it was the end. She knew it too. 
“Are you leaving?” 
Sarah lowered her gaze back to her hands. “Yes.”
“What about the boys?”
Sarah didn’t say anything. She stayed quiet, once again twisting her wedding band round and round. Jake sat down again, exhaustion seeping into his bones. “Sarah. What about the boys?”
“What about them?” She kept her eyes on her hands, refusing to meet his eye. 
Jake threw his hands up in frustration. “What do we tell them?”
Sarah pulls the wedding band off along with the engagement ring he’d given her all those years ago. He could do nothing but watch as she ended twelve years of marriage right in front of his eyes. Eighteen years together, right down the drain. 
She leaves them laying on the long abandoned magazine and Jake couldn’t make himself pick them up. He didn’t want to touch them. “We need to tell them.”
“They won’t understand,” Sarah argues. 
“So we shouldn’t say anything? They’re old enough to understand that something is wrong. We need to sit down together and talk to them,” he reasons but Sarah seems disinterested in continuing their conversation.
“No. You can tell them whatever you want. I’m not doing this,” Sarah snaps, blindsiding him. What the fuck is she saying?
When he asks her as much, Sarah simply shrugs her shoulders, that cold, hard exterior back in place. “I’m leaving. You can tell them whatever you see fit. It’s honestly not my problem.”
Jake explodes. “You’re not even going to say goodbye? How am I supposed to go pick up our children and explain to them why their mother isn’t home? How is that fair? To me? To them?!” He wants to grab her by the shoulders and shake some sense into her. 
The chair scrapes on the floor as Sarah stands and Jake follows suit, anger coursing through his veins. “You can’t just leave.”
Sarah simply levels him with a glare, challenging him to make another move. After a tense minute Sarah folds, shoulders slumping. “Fine. Pick up the boys and we’ll talk.”
“I swear to God, if you’re not here when I get back -”
“I’ll be here,” Sarah promises, sitting back down and flipping the magazine open again. The rings clatter onto the table and down onto the floor but neither of them makes an effort to get them.
As he pulls out of the driveway, Jake prays that she’ll still be there when they get back. He doesn’t believe her but at this point, he doesn’t have a choice. He chooses to believe that she wouldn’t abandon their sons. She might be tired of him, their marriage, but Jake knows Sarah loves Josh and Levi. She wouldn’t just leave. She couldn’t.
After exchanging a few words with Javy and making sure the boys are safely strapped in their seats, Jake rushes back home. He drives slower than he’d like to but with the boys in the car, he’s not willing to risk it. 
Dread fills him when he pulls into the driveway. The garage is open and Sarah’s convertible is gone. After bribing the boys with ice cream if they promise to stay in the car just a little while longer, Jake jogs up the porch, heart sinking in his chest. 
The house is eerily quiet when he steps inside and he berates himself for trusting Sarah to stay true to her word. Because all that is left of the woman he’s loved for eighteen years, the mother of his children, is a note on the fridge.
“Tell the boys I love them.”
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @ryebecca @imjess-themess @reels-and-wheels @antiquitea @writercole @hederasgarden @yanna-banana @bobfloydsbabe @hollandorks @anniesocsandgeneralstore @ereardon @luminousnotmatter @roosterscock @thedroneranger @fandomxpreferences @top-hhun @princessmisery666 @bradshawsbitch​ @a-reader-and-a-writer @green-socks @angstybluejay @seresinhangmanjake @ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl @gigisimsonmars @girl-in-the-chairs-void@bradshawbabes @unhinged-btch @horseshoegirl @sadpetalsstuff @bradshawbaby @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @kmc1989​ @demxters @amortentiadrops @teacupsandtopgun @hangmanscoming
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n4nase · 11 days
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somethin' stupid
| you and toji, the love in your relationship severed many years ago-- but kept together solely by your children and the agreement to keep a complete household for your children. toji understands that you may not love him as much anymore; but the admiration for you is ongoing, eternal.
based on the song somethin' stupid - frank sinatra, nancy sinatra!
! toji fushiguro x female reader, sorta angst, comfort, established relationship,.... idk
' i know, i stand in line until you think you have the time to spend an evening with me'
"y/n, do you wanna go out for a drink tonight..?" toji asked shyly. a small amount of blush creeped into his cheeks, dark black strands of hair just slightly covering his eyes. "--i mean, we've been on edge lately.. i thought i could treat you..." he continued after a small silence. fiddling with the bottom of his shirt as he awaited your response.
you agreed.
*'and if we go someplace to dance, i know that there's a chance you wont be leaving with me.'
you guys walked beside each other that night, a little closer than you guys usually do. toji felt the warmth of your body radiate onto his. he was happy settling at that closeness. you could hear the aura of party downtown-- the same aura felt the day you guys first met.
toji wanted to take you somewhere meaningful that night. he feared losing you more than he already has.
*'then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two..'
you and toji stopped in front of a small jazz bar. you used to always want to adventure to jazz bars with toji, daydream about you and him in themed attire to enjoy a peaceful night at the bar.
"you've always wanted to come here right?.." toji sort of mumbled. it was hard for him to talk to you when it wasn't about the kids.
you hummed in satisfaction, taking a sip of the drink that toji ordered for you-- the classic, its been years and he still knows you well.
"thank you, toji." you looked into his eyes. they glistened a little, the light reflecting off of his alluring green eyes.
*'and then i go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like,'
"you're welcome, i love you." he said softly. those three words being the loudest of the restaurant chatter happening throughout the bar. you tilted your head slightly. you blushed a little. but no reaction.. do you love him still?
toji thought you didn't. your lack of response had confirmed things for him.
'i can see it in your eyes that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before'
you swirled your drink softly. the nights he had come home exhausted, the days you felt neglected by him. you both failed to nurture each other. it was exhausting when you bombarded each other at the wrong times.
regrets, a marriage of love.. feelings of regret. are there some things that we should have gotten over..? it hurt.
'and though its just a line to you for me its true and never seemed so right before..'
but despite those feelings of hurt. toji still loved you after it all. unconditionally. but you didn't love him back.
even so. the air was thick between you two. the remembered feelings and memories attached to jazz bars had caused you two to reminisce.
'i practice every day to find some clever lines to say to make the meaning come true...'
toji tried. every morning, he would try to come knocking on your (separate..) bedroom door to ask for you to fix his tie perfectly as you did before. or bring you breakfast in the mornings as you woke up.
he ended up covering your plate in saran wrap. a small note attached with the rilakkuma sticky notes you had purchased.
he had to watch a youtube video on how to fix his tie.
'but then i think i'll wait until the evening gets late and i'm alone with you.'
he played with the straw in his cup. he looked at you for a while. you knew that, you let him.
'the time is right your perfume fills my head'
you walked back together. you had .. many drinks extra, clinging onto his arm as he guides the two of you back home. your familiar scent lingering onto him. he breathed in heavily--the fresh cold air purifying his thoughts.
'the stars get red, and oh, the nights so blue'
he daydreamed about moments like this with you. for years almost. to be this close with you again. he looked up at the sky. you stumbled a little, grasping his arm a little tighter.
he pulled out your spare pair of shoes. sitting you down to slip your heels off gently and hold them for you. he knew your feet were hurting.
a habit he built, because he loved you.
'and then i go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like,'
your breath showed in the soft lighting of the night. blush tainting your cheeks and nose perfectly. you could not do anything but stare.
when you’re drunk, its your subconscious right?..
"i love you." you softly said.
a/n: i CLEARLY am a first time writer. saur many typos but im fixing them i swear plzzz i dont know how to work this
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abouttofillhisshoes · 2 months
Lena!! ❤️❤️❤️
I finally thought of a request for my fav MPIND Matty 🤭
Maybe something with girlie using a toy on him? Maybe a vibrator? Overstimulation perhaps?
-Sugar-coat-it <3 <3 <3
@sugar-coat-it This was supposed to just be a short blurb but i got way too carried away xx. hope u like it!!
Rush! - Matty Healy
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A/N: This was so fun to write!! MPIND Matty lives in a special corner of my heart i think i might never stop writing for him. @beforeyougo-turnthebiglightoff tysm for being my (half decent) beta reader and making sure this isn't totally shit. Enjoy!! (edit: this is non-canon, so it doesnt have anything to do with the plot of MPIND or its sequel, Before you go)
wc: 9k
content warnings: filthy, semi public?, but also not really, overstimulation, teasing, begging, dom! reader, most of the time, matty is a cocky piece of shite but we love him, grinding, bondage, marking, use of sex toys, specifically a vibrator, what else hmmm, both of them are high, so dubcon?, still in their right mind though, wow the content warnings are long
Everything reeked of cigarette smoke and cheap liquor, hints of Jimmy Choo’s ‘illicit’ lingering in the air around Matty. You scrunched up your nose at the scent, Matty obviously having doused himself in it while you were in the bathroom, straightening your hair. Soft music played in the background, Matty using his turn on the Ipod to put on some ambient stuff George had made (yup, George was a music producer now for some reason? Quarter life crisis vibes.) 
Adam was on his way, his little red Kia primed and ready for a good smoke sesh in some parking lot somewhere. It was nearly winter, which meant going outside was hardly an option considering neither you or Matty actually owned anything resembling warm clothing. 
“I'm not letting you wear my coat again. Remember what happened last time?” he says when he sees your ‘finished’ outfit; a pair of jeans and a sage green long sleeve top, adorned with white and beige rhinestones. How dare he even mention that day, the state you entered the house was completely his fault.
“That only happened because you booked it down the fucking street and left me there!” It was true. The two of you had been sharing his massive coat, both of your bodies easily fitting into it, up until he decided the last four blocks home were to be a sprint, and took his jacket with him.  
“Touché.” he grins as you shake your head at him. Fuck him, honestly. You tell him as much, his only reaction being a simple shrug of his shoulders, and his attention was back on his reflection in the mirror, carefully applying glittery purple liner to his eyelids, giving him a sort of emo-fairy look. Ross’d take the piss out of both of you, all dressed up to go smoke in a car on a wednesday evening, but you knew Matty already had some sort of comeback prepared, about how at least he groomed himself, and wasn't desperate to be a ‘proper’ lad (cue Ross chucking the nearest object he could pick up in Matty’s direction). 
Impatient as ever, you sigh loudly, trying to get Matty to stop hogging the shared vanity. You could always just go back into the bathroom, but his lightbulb was truly shit, and besides, most of the stuff he was using was yours anyway. 
Finally, you give up on trying to keep the piece, and promptly shove him off the chair 
“Stop doing yourself up and move-” he doesn't budge, hanging on to the edge of the desk for dear life, refusing to let you finish getting ready.  
“Violence is never the answer- Fuck off, christs sake, fine!” he whines like a child, getting up and throwing himself on the bed, and you cringe as it creaks loudly beneath him. 
“You love it when I hurt you, shut up.” you tease, watching the look in his eye dramatically change. “Not like this!” he shoots back, flipping you off before grabbing his Ipod, switching to something more punk, heavy drums and guitar filling the space. 
“Touché.” you repeat his own words back to him, and he rolls his eyes, sitting up. Taking the same brush, also using the same color, you frame your eyes with purple eyeshadow, trying your hand at a smokey eye. The two of you were matching more often than not, with Hann’s comments on it slowly getting on your nerves 
“You both look the fucking same, its like you’re clones.” he’d overexaggerate, just to get a reaction out of a easily riled up Matty. 
“D’you reckon Ross’ll have the good stuff this time? I can't deal with Hann’s bickering otherwise.”
You shrug your shoulders, looking at Matty from the corner of your eye. Maybe Adam’s comment rang somewhat true, seeing as Matty was wearing the exact same color scheme you were. Green Jersey top, definitely stolen from George, paired with blue, seventies style jeans, white and red trainers peeking out from beneath the too-long pants.
“I dunno, but we could go to the shop if it's shit, maybe get some wine?” you suggest. It was always 50/50 with Ross, and bad weed always fucked Matty off to no end, making him unbearable. Almost finished, you look around for your mascara, hands rifling through the piles of makeup littering the desk. 
“Where’ve you put the mascara?” you ask, slowly getting annoyed. 
“Left.” he answered curtly, engrossed in the newest edition of vogue. Sure enough there it was, bots of product caked around the cap. Coating your eyelashes with it, you hear Matty stand up and walk over to you. Setting spray topped off your look, and you run your fingers through your hair, smoothing it out. 
Matty isn't particularly strong, but then again, neither are you, so the strong hand around your wrist was useless to fight against, and you let him pull you up. Face to face with Matty, you quirk an eyebrow at him. What was he playing at? 
“You look absolutely gorgeous, darling.” you blush at the compliment, quietly telling him to fuck off, smiling as you see him grin at you. His brown eyes rake over your body, giving you a slow once-over, savoring the sight in front of him. 
“Stop looking at me like that-” he cuts you off with a tug of your hair, smashing his lips against you. Surprised, it takes you a solid few seconds to properly kiss him back, utterly overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the kiss. His tongue immediately shoved past your lips, licking into your lips with fervor, drinking in every small gasp for air. 
“Taste like sugar as well, so sweet.” He pulls you back in, deliberately not giving you an opportunity to answer. You feel his hands wander, trailing down your back and under your shirt, caressing your bare torso. His fingers toy at the band of your bra, teasing the clasps. Refusing to let you go, he presses your body flush against his, and you can sense every inch of him on your skin, like electricity, the smell of him travels up your spine, intoxicating. 
The buzz of your phone snaps you back into reality. The guys, your plans. It takes every ounce of self control in your body to press your hand to his chest, effectively separating the two of you. Matty looks at you with a hurt expression, hands quick to cup your face, desperate to taste you again. Shaking your head, your voice is slightly as you tell him that the others are already outside. 
“I haven't seen George in like three weeks. You're not the only person in the world, you know.” George was up to his eyeballs in Uni coursework (yes, Uni), and hasn't been able to hang out since forever, making you really miss him. 
“I could make you feel like i'm the only person in the world, have all your attention on me.” he says with a wink, tracing your collarbones over your shirt. Matty was a hard person to say no to, with the way he peered down from above you, eyes wide, silently begging you to just stay.
“No.” you say firmly, grabbing your bag from the chair you were previously sitting on and slinging it over your shoulder. Instinctively, Matty takes it from you, holding it out of reach. 
“Can't have you carrying your own bags, what would people think?” he teases, pushing past you and out the door, his footsteps heavy on the carpeted stairs. You follow him, heartbeat finally starting to slow. Already at the front door, Matty waits for you to tug your boots on, leaning against the coat rack as you did. 
“What the fuck was that about, anyway?” The way he kissed you was passionate, hot, and definitely not something you just do on a whim. He tries to play innocent, raising his eyebrows and shrugging his shoulders. 
“Nothing, just wanted a peck.” he answered, running his fingers through his slightly damp hair, still not fully dry from the shower he had taken a few hours prior. You scoff, looking at him in a ‘are you serious?’ type way. 
“You fucking jumped on me, don’t be a such a dickhead.” you feel around for your cigarettes and light, smiling fondly as you realize it's the one Matty had gifted to you. “What was your end goal? You know we’re about to meet with the others!” 
“I’m sorry for kissing my girl, jesus,” he exhales sharply, hand reaching for the doorknob, a loud honk sounding from the other side. Swinging the door open, Hann looks truly fucked off as the two of you walk down the driveway and climb into the car. Now usually, you would sit in the middle, between George and Matty, letting you comfortably lean forward to talk to Ross and Adam in the front, but it seems as though Matty had other plans. 
Shoving past you, he settled into the middle seat, setting your bag on the floor next to your leather clad feet. George looks over, slightly confused at the new seating arrangement, but accepts it, going back to rolling the first spliff. The car starts, sputtering before actually turning on, Hann letting out a sigh of relief. There had been multiple occasions where his ‘precious baby’, as he called her, refused to start, leaving all of you stranded until Ross somehow managed to find the problem and fix it. 
“See, this is what I mean,” Hann gestures to you and Matty, facing primarily Ross “They look like fucking clones of each other, its weird.” Matty reaches past the headrest and tries to smack him, causing the car to sway slightly as his hands leave the steering wheel.
“I’m trying to drive, fucks sake.” Hann mutters, pissed off now that Matty had almost made him crash the car. You set a firm hand on the dark haired boy's shoulder, lightly pulling him back into his seat. His legs are firmly pressed up against you now, and you feel a familiar tingling sensation blossom under your skin. 
“Try to go steady, ‘m almost done.” George has this legendary talent of being able to roll the perfect spliff in even the most impractical situations, making him a god in Hann’s eyes. The car slows down slightly, and you see George lick the spliff closed, admiring his work. Matty immediately snatches it out of his hands, grinning from ear to ear as he sniffs at it, the smell filling his senses. 
“God, you’re so fucking weird, mate.” Ross grimaces as he eyes Matty, watching him try to evenly light the spliff, failing miserably. Both you and Ross couldn't stand the earthy, stuffy smell of weed, constantly begging Hann to roll down the windows whenever someone decided to smoke in the car. Matty, however, had some sort of hash-fetish, and absolutely loved the smell of it, hotboxes being his favorite activity ever. He thought it heightened the experience, which was a load of shite, but he believed in nonetheless. 
You were almost there, the Mcdonald’s parking lot being your end destination. Taking the scenic route, the five of you passed the spliff around, partially skipping Adam so as to not get him completely off his tits while he was driving. Matty agreed to rolling down the windows, seeing how nauseous Ross looked, with you not being far behind. Wind raked through your hair as you leaned your head onto the edge of the car.
Feeling at ease, peaceful and very, very high, you don't even notice Matty’s hand trailing up your thigh. He was just like that, touchy and overly affectionate with everyone, not just you, though, the type of affection did differ slightly. Scratching your skin lightly, you feel his fingers claw at the thin material of your jeans, grabbing hold of your panties through them. Your eyes snap up to meet his, and he pulls suddenly, letting go of the elastic. It hits your skin with a muffled smack, and you jump, noticing Ross’ eyes on you, peering over his shoulder. 
Slightly disoriented, you don't even register Matty wrapping his fingers around the base of your neck, pulling you in for a hot, definitely too passionate kiss. Yelping in surprise, you sigh, almost inaudibly, into the kiss, letting him take control for a few seconds. George groans as he spots the two of you, dramatically shielding his eyes. 
Realsing where you actually were, you pull away, shooting Matty a look that can only be described as ‘what the actual fuck was that?’. His skin is flushed, matching the color of his droopy eyes. Hann doesn't seem to have noticed Matty’s little PDA stunt in the back seat, blissfully unaware of the reason Ross was grimacing right now. 
“I'd rather not see you snog, thanks.” Ross spits out, making a fake gagging motion as his eyes meet George’s, equally as unsettled as he was. Adam hadn’t seen the two of you, but the mental image was enough to make him join the other two in their disgust. 
“What, you jealous mate? You can ask to join, it's no problem.” Ross laughs sarcastically, taking the spliff out of George's hands, taking a deep drag. He could sense Matty wasn't finished yet. 
“You’d have to shave first, can't have you shedding all over my girl.” You still weren't used to him actually calling you that. It felt off, especially with your three other best mates staring at the two of you, silently wishing Matty would just shut the fuck up, for once. He was killing the soft, chilled out atmosphere with his incessant loud babbling, making George roll his eyes until you were sure they were going to get stuck there.
Ignoring the various groans of protest, he pulls you back in, basically climbing on top of you now. You giggle, partially because of the distinct floaty feeling clouding your mind, and partially because of Matty’s complete lack of shame, making him snog your face off just to rile up his mates, not really knowing how much it affected you. You pretend to be annoyed, shoving him off of you, wiping your mouth to really drive home the point. 
“For the love of god, Matty, stop humping her, she's probably sick of you by now.” Hann says, making sympathetic eye contact with you in the mirror. He knew how you felt about the kissing in front of the rest of the group, not wanting to alienate them from you and Matty’s dynamic. The whole thing was a complicated mess. 
His hand is still on your thigh as you squirm around a bit, you manage to gather your thoughts and speak for yourself. 
“I quite am, fuck off, Matthew.” he tenses. 
Now, to anyone else, you sound completely normal, if maybe a bit fucked off. Purposefully putting distance between you two, Ross reaches back and hands you the almost done spliff, and you inhale lightly, finishing it off. Matty is uncharacteristically quiet and you know he can feel your eyes on him. A warning. 
He was prone to acting out like this, loud and obnoxious, almost bratty. To Ross, George, and Hann, this was normal, his fits a cry for attention, wanting all eyes on him, but to you, it meant so much more. 
Stubbing out the joint, you throw it out the window, dangling your arm down the side of the car. George was calm, collected, and seemed to be enjoying life as Adam finally parked in your usual spot, turning the car off. Spreading your legs out more, you bump your thigh against Matty’s, making him twitch slightly, a soft smile spreading onto your face. 
“Matty.” you say, his eyes darting up to meet yours.
“Mhm?” nudging him, you lift both your legs up and onto his lap, draping yourself over him. George is a bit startled, but guides you over his lap as well, letting your feet settle against the other side of the car, pressed up against the door. 
“Fag?” George asks, holding out a pack of cigarettes in your direction. You happily take one, and so does Matty. Placing it between your lips, you watch George as he hands Matty his lighter after he lights his. His fingers fumble a bit, before finally flicking it on and inhaling the smoke, letting the nicotine mix with the weed, his face nothing but blissed out. It reminded you of what he looked like when he-
“Here.” he mumbles, holding the lighter in front of your face. 
“Do it for me?” you ask sweetly, leaning your elbows against the back of your seat and the headrest of Hann’s, making yourself comfortable. His breath hitches as you shift, the bottom of your thigh pressing against his crotch. Two can play at that game.
The flame paints his face in an orange hue, and you feel the world close on around you. The way his delicate hand holds up the light to your cigarette makes your head spin, and not just from the weed. You feel George shift beneath you on the other side of the car, rifling through his pockets, pulling out a small baggie and rolling papers, getting to work rolling another spliff. 
Hanns voice rings dully in your ears, asking George to hurry up a bit, saying he was nowhere near the level of high he wanted to be at right now.
“Let me do it, stop nagging.” George's movements are slower, his motor skills definitely more than just slightly inhibited. 
“Good?” Matty asks, your attention turning back to him. His eyes are glazed over, red and half closed, and his hair falls over his face, indicating he’s long overdue for another haircut. Mattys hands settle on your knees, rubbing small circles over the bone, warmth blooming underneath your skin wherever he touches. You refused to let it show, opting to lean your head further out the window, admiring the stars glimmering above you, the cold of the night biting at your cheeks. 
Matty can tell you’re cold by the way you shiver slightly, and he feels a bit bad, even if he did tell you to bring some sort of extra layer. 
“I’m fucking freezing.” you state to the car, Ross turning around to face you, lowering his seat back a bit despite Georges protests. 
“There's a blanket in the back, I think.” Hann nods in agreement, confirming his statement. Knowing you wouldn't be able to reach, Matty blindly feels around for it, fingers meeting a slightly scratchy, but still soft, knitted blanket. 
Draping it over you, his hands linger on your waist, goosebumps forming on your skin as his nails graze your tattoo. 
George is finally finished with the spliff, and hands it to Hann so he can light it. He greedily inhales, letting the feeling overtake him. A soft groan leaves his lips and you see the back of his head slouch against the headrest, lolling off to the side. 
“This is some good shit, no wonder Matty’s so quiet.” Hann mumbles, half to himself. 
“Told you, my guy’s the real deal.” Ross says with pride, like he’d grown it himself or something. Putting his feet up on the dashboard, he leans back, head craning to talk to Hann. Their conversation is quiet, meaningless, with Ross going on about his stupid bass instruments and chatting pure shit to a half dozed-off Adam.
George is in his own world, gazing out the window and off into the distance. He was tired, you can tell by the way the rings under his eyes were dark and prominent, evidence that he hadn't been sleeping much these days. Uni was truly kicking him in the arse. 
A loud sigh from Matty makes you snap out of your thoughts, flexing your toes a bit, trying to stretch without bothering George too much. You feel a tap on your leg, telling you it's fine, and that you can move freely. George smiles at you from across the back seat, stoned out of his mind and looking like he was ready to pass out in the next five seconds.
“Y’alright?” you ask Matty, who keeps shifting around beneath you. One particular movement makes your legs spread, his big palms gripping the side of your left thigh, kneading the flesh. 
His eyes flash up to yours, and the look he gives you is fucking delicious. Lips slightly parted, wet and swollen from his teeth gnawing at them for the past half hour, the sight makes your thighs clench, a cough escaping your lips.
The spliff makes its way to you, and you take a drag, your lips wrapping around it as you make direct eye contact with Matty. Your lipgloss rubs off on the filter, and you hand it to him with a smirk.
“I’m fucking knackered, I need to sleep.” George's deep voice cuts through the silence, and Hann nods in agreement.
“We’ve been here like an hour! We never hang out, let's stay for a bit.” Ross protests, sitting properly and trying to face everyone at the same time. 
“Yeah, let's.” you side with him. Matty’s eyes widen at your statement, and he goes to speak. A sharp look makes him rethink his actions, and he slumps backwards into the leather, pouting at you. You grin at him playfully, seeing him start to do the same, before pressing your leg down, right onto his crotch. Underneath the blanket, not one could see what you were doing, giving you the perfect opportunity to fuck with Matty 
“Fine, but I'm driving home in 20, whoever doesn't want to walk is coming with.” The tinge of annoyance in Hann’s voice is painfully obvious.
Time passes at a snail's pace as you continue your movements, thigh pressing down onto his steadily hardening cock ever so slightly, not wanting George to figure you out.
“D’you reckon Britney’s a good shag?” Ross asks, and you realize he’s holding a magazine, Britney Spears plastered onto the cover.
“Mate, maybe you shouldn’t-” George starts, but another voice cuts him off. 
“Probably, I mean, just look at her.” it's Matty speaking, you realize. 
His voice is drawn out and deep as he holds out his hand, silently requesting Ross to give him the paper. He’s taunting you, and fuck, is it getting to you. The way his eyes scan over the cover makes your blood boil, and you stare him down, warning him to stop. 
“She’s fit.” He says, refusing to look at you as he takes a drag from the spliff, passing it on. His eyes finally dart over to yours, reading you like an open book. You were jealous, and he knew it. It was his goal, after all, to rile you up enough so you knew how he’d been feeling since that moment in your room. 
“Hey Hann? I'm feeling a bit shit.” you lie through your teeth “Can we go?”. Ross tries to stop him, but with the vote being 4-1, he groans as the car sputters on, and Hann backs out of the lot. 
You go to sit normally, putting as much distance between you and Matty as physically possible, not even looking in his general direction. Not really speaking to anyone, you listen to the soft sound of the radio, the music distracting you a bit. Matty’s eyes are glued to you, watching your every reaction, you can feel it. He silently begs you to stop being mean, ignoring him like this. You almost cave. Almost.
The drive feels longer than it actually is, George being dropped off at his house first. He waves goodbye through the window, which is the only reason you turned to the other side. Eyes avoiding the boy next to you, you blow George a kiss goodbye, hoping he gets some actual sleep tonight. 
You and Matty were now both facing forward, chatting to Ross. 
“Must be great, having an whole fucking house to yourself.” Ross grunts out, clearly still fucked off that you decided to leave so ‘early’. 
“It is,” Matty answers, telling him how nice it was to live without his parents and with you, even if neither of you had the ability to prepare an edible meal, or clean the house every once in a while. You chuckle as his words, painfully true as you think back on the state you’d left your room in, clothes and books and various items strewn about the place.  
Matty turns to you, your small giggles at his story making him think he was off the hook. You shoot him a look, and he immediately retreats, knowing it wouldn't be that easy. Not that he didn’t like a challenge, especially from you.
“Alright, you two.” Hann breathes as the car comes to a halt in front of the house. The soft rumble of the engine was deafening as you opened the door, climbing out of the vehicle. Matty followed quickly, almost banging his head against the roof, narrowly avoiding a small concussion. You tapped on the window, waving goodbye to both men in the car. Flashing a smile, you turn to Matty, grabbing his hand and leading him up the steps. 
Inside the car, the conversation quickly shifted. 
“What's going on with them? They’ve hardly spoken since he stopped trying to jump her bones in front of us.” Ross just shrugs, mind spinning different scenarios of what could've gone down. 
“D’you think they’re fighting?” Hann nods, noting that you did look a bit pissed off towards the end. 
“I dunno, it's weird though.. them being a thing.” Ross hums in agreement. 
“Just leave them be, they’ll sort it out.” 
The click of the door unlocking was as loud as a jet engine, and you push it open with your shoulder, Matty trailing closely behind you. You take your time, taking off your shoes, setting your bag down onto the floor next to the coat rack. He fidgets on the spot, not quite sure what to do next. 
Without warning, you spin around, shoving him backwards into the door, both your hands on his shoulders. The tension is thick, his heavy breaths loud and desperate for you to fucking do something. 
A beat passes between you before he finally speaks, stuttering over his words. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t h-have fucked you off, not infront of everyone.” you raise your eyebrows at him, a condescending smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. 
“So you knew what you were doing then, trying to rile me up like that?” He nods, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he swallows. He mutters out another “‘m sorry”, like it was going to save him at all. 
Your hands trace his collarbones, just like he had not three hours prior, and you see his breath hitch when you dig your nails into his skin, leaving behind red indents. 
“You wanna kiss me?” you ask, tucking his hair behind his ear sweetly, letting your fingers run over his jaw. 
“Yes.” he gasps, your chest now fully pressed up against his, your bodies now flush. Mattys eyes are filled with desperation, lust, thoughts clouding his mind and the sight of you wasn't helping him think clearly. 
“How badly do you want to kiss me?” he tries to speak, but you shush him. “How much do you want to touch me?” 
A guttural groan leaves his lips, and his hands find your back, grabbing onto your waist for support. You look at him expectantly, tapping his face to get his attention back on you. 
“Please, I'm sorry, just– fuckk, please darling.” His voice is small, soft, filled with want and desire. He pulls you in closer, and you feel him, fully hard, pressed up against your upper thigh. Your hand travels lower, pushing his shirt up as you go down, fingertips ghosting over his bulge, leaking and painfully hard. 
“This all for me?” Matty looks like he’s going to combust, but still, he manages to force out a small, choked ‘yes’. 
“You think you deserve it?” He freezes as you squeeze him through his jeans, feeling him twitch in your hand. A desperate whimper rips itself from his lips, and he buries his head in the crook of your neck, breathing shallowly.
“I’m sorry, just– please. I’ll do anything, just fucking touch me please, please, oh god–” 
You mouth at the spot where his neck meets his jaw, sucking an aggressive hickey into the skin, simultaneously stroking him over his clothes. Trying to seem unaffected, you pull away from his cock, placing that hand over his chest, hearing him whine at the loss of contact. 
“Upstairs. Wait for me.” Those four words manage to leave him absolutely breathless as he scrambles to tug his shoes off, throwing them into the corner. One last look is directed at you over his shoulder as he walks up the steps, almost tripping. Catching himself on the bannister, he disappears from view. 
You use the moment to take several deep breaths, steading yourself. Matty might be the more expressive one, but he had this effect on you, even if he didn't know the full extent of it. Every reaction you elicited from him made your knees weak, your façade of control slipping slightly. Running your fingers through your hair, you glance at yourself in the hallway mirror, making sure you look good. Good enough to send Matty fucking spiraling. 
The house is silent, apart from the odd creak of the floorboards underneath your feet. The door to your room crashes against the wall and you push it open, eyes immediately finding Matty.
Jesus christ.
Sprawled out on top of crumpled sheets, Matty’s eyes rake over your body, his cock visibly twitching in his pants at the sight of you. He had already taken off his shirt, the material bunched up next to him. The atmosphere in the room is heavy, thick with lust and desire and want and every other adjective that could be used to describe the fucking wet dream of a man currently sitting on your bed.  
His hands trail up his chest, toying with his nipples as he bites his lip at you, a wild look in his eyes. Your feet take you to the foot of the bed, kneeling down onto it, not quite sure where to look. His skin is flushed a deep shade of red, the blush spreading from his face down his chest, which was rapidly moving up and down as you reached out to touch him. 
“How do you feel?” your voice shakes, and you know he can tell. Does it actually matter to you at the moment? Absolutely not. 
An indecipherable sigh leaves Mattys lips as he looks at you, curls sticking to his forehead and his cock rock hard against the fabric of his jeans.
“I feel–” he starts, words getting caught in his throat as you trace the inseam of his pants. You still, motioning for him to continue.
“I feel so good, please touch me, I need you so bad. So gorgeous like this, love you so much– jesus.” 
You listen to his rambles as his eyes screw shut, everything being far too much for him. It's delicious, the way he squirms under even the slightest touch, involuntary noises spilling from his lips.
He trusted you, and you knew that well enough. Your entire relationship was built on a foundation of trust, a promise that you would never, ever, harm each other. Your hand reaches up to clasp his, squeezing gently. He smiles softly, wiping away the beads of sweat that had collected themselves on his forehead. 
Your eyes glance over to the nightstand next to the bed, the wooden exterior a stark contrast to the otherwise black furniture of the room. The bed creaks as you get up, slowly pulling the drawer open. Matty watches you move, fluid and sure, as you take out a vibrator, you hear a small gasp escape him.
“You want me, Matthew? Want to be good for me?” you grin at him, throwing one of your legs over his lap, settling right below his hips. The way his cock is straining against the zipper of his jeans couldn't be comfortable in the slightest, but you let him suffer longer, relishing in the way he whined whenever you shifted on top of him, just like he did in the car. 
“Will you let me use this on you?” That question is the final nail in the coffin, an animalistic groan ripping itself from the depths of Mattys throat as you palm him through his pants, beads of precum painting the front. 
“Please,” his voice cracks slightly, eyes silently begging for some sort of relief. 
“You know, you really shouldn’t have pulled that little stunt.” you speak, voice dripping with honey as you unbuckle his belt, the clanking metal making your heart speed up. Unable to speak, Mattys hands go to settle on your waist, gripping the fat of your hips. 
His chest heaves as you grab hold of his wrists, pinning them up above his head. The belt he wore with his pants, while usually completely unnecessary, suddenly proved quite useful. Your hands fumble a bit as you bring the leather up, binding his hands to the metal bed frame. The arousal plastered on his face was impossible to hide as he gives the belt a tug, sucking in a deep breath of air when he realized what you’d just done. 
“You’re so fucking– holy shit, you’re perfect.” his praises go straight to your core, and you grind down onto his thigh, feeling around for the vibrator that you’d placed somewhere next to you. 
Towering over him, you observe. 
It feels like you're daydreaming, the man in front of you just a figment of your dirty, vivid imagination. His skin glistened with sweat, and your eyes flicker down to the bulge in his black calvins. If there was a heaven, you’ve definitely reached it. 
Running your fingers up and down the vibrator, you grin at him, watching his thoughts run wild, every possible fantasy playing out right in front of his eyes. Clicking the toy on, you rake your nails over his chest, the loud vibrations filling the room. 
You had never done this before, but the utter look of devotion Matty gave you proved that he trusted you completely to do whatever you wanted to him. He follows your movements closely as you press the toy to the underside of his cock. Immediately, you see his eyes clamp shut, his hands instinctively pulling and fighting against the restraints. 
“You like that, baby? Feel good?” you coo at him, taking in every single twitch of his body, savoring it. He frantically nods his head as you move his boxers, letting his cock slap up against his stomach. The feeling of the vibrator straight onto his weeping erection felt like pure heaven, desperate moans spilling from his lips, unable to control his own actions. 
“F-feels so good, it’s so good, a-ah, fuck me–” he whimpers as you up the speed, your free hand cupping his face, smudging his eye makeup. Blissed out and shaking, Matty tries to hold off as long as possible, desperately wanting to be good for you.  
“I can’t– I'm so close, please, let me cum.” his eyes search your expression, begging for permission. Pleasure trickles up your own spine as a sudden movement of Matty’s thigh beneath you makes you grind against him again, a soft moan leaving your parted lips. You swear you could cum just from the sight of him alone, twitching and begging and so, so close to the edge he could taste it on the tip of his tongue. 
Shoving your fingers into his mouth, you watch as he chokes slightly, eyes welling up with tears. It's so unbelievably erotic, seeing him fall apart like this, all because of you. His dick twitches in the tell-tale way that lets you know he’s seconds away, just needing a little push. You lock your lips onto his neck, licking and sucking and biting marks into the skin, making him moan around your fingers. It's all too much for him, and his voice cracks once more before spilling into your hand, painting his stomach and the toy with ropes of thick cum, gasping and shuddering as you keep the vibrator against his cock, working him through his orgasm. 
You finally kiss him, fingers weaving through his hair as you lick into his mouth, his arms still helplessly trying to pull free. 
“That was– fuck– I can’t even describe it.'' His voice is raspy, sore. He looks utterly fucked out, a sly grin already adorning his face not ten seconds after you gave him the most mind blowing orgasm of his life.
“You dont think I'm done, do you? After the shit you pulled in that car?” 
Your sudden change in tone makes Matty’s eyes widen, his hips bucking up against you. The evil look in your eye as you lean down to catch his lips in a kiss only makes him impossibly more turned on, fingers itching to touch you, a groan of frustration leaving his lips when he realizes he can't do anything but lay there and take what you give him. You move, one of your hands leaving his chest. 
“What are you–?” The click of the toy is impossibly loud as a wanton moan rips itself from his throat, his hips twitching away, the sensation overwhelming and raw, almost too much. You grin from ear to ear as you study his reactions, writhing and pulling at the belt holding him in place, eyes silently begging you to just let him go.
“A-ah oh fuckk, no- I can’t–” he cries, arching his back, exposing his neck even more, adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he tries to swallow down his sounds
“You can, I know you can.” you lick across the expanse of his collarbones, teeth grazing the skin harshly, the slight pain only making Matty thrash more, the leather of the belt digging into his wrists.
“It’s too much– jesus christ-” he chokes out as you tangle a hand into his thick curls, tugging his head forward, making him look at you.
“Look how desperate you are, you sure it's too much?” you press a kiss to his lower stomach, his muscles tense under the skin.
“I need you so bad, fuck,” he sucks in a deep breath, making direct eye contact with you.
“Look at what you do to me.” 
His sudden change in tone makes you take a second, truly taking in the sight before you. He smirks when he sees you staring, arching his lower back with the sole purpose of riling you up, knowing exactly how to get to you, and in turn, get what he wanted. 
“Such a slut, fucking begging for attention, aren’t you?” he nods slowly, winking at you provocatively as his eyes follow your movements. The name made his breath hitch, and the return of the toy back on his hardening cock feels like pure ecstasy, moans and whimpers spilling from his lips as you continued speaking. 
“Was it worth it?” he cocks his head at you, asking what you meant. 
“Was it worth it, fucking around in the car, embarrassing me like that?”  
“Absolutely, if it gets me this.” he purrs, trying to provoke you once again. You were going to make him eat his words if it was last fucking thing you were going to do.
“You have a lot of confidence for someone who was grinding against my leg under a blanket not even an hour ago.” A small laugh comes from Matty as he playfully tugs at the restraints, the sound morphing into a moan when you press the toy down harder, feeling him getting close again. 
“Gonna cum again, make a filthy fucking mess of yourself?” Matty is so far gone, his cocky persona falling away in bits as he bucks his hips against the vibrator, chasing his high. You watch him, sweaty and out of breath, his hands straining against the leather, the mix of pain and pleasure making his head spin. 
“I love you so much, please let me cum, please i’ll do anything, just let me cum–” there it is. Anything. He doesn't know the weight his words hold, willing to say everything and anything for you to let him fall over that delicious edge.    
“Cum for me, let me see you.” your voice shakes, one hand planted firmly on his chest for balance, while the other holds the toy to his cock, twitching and leaking all over himself and you as he cums, screaming your name loud enough that it echoed through the whole house. 
You watch as he shakes, gasping for air and writhing against the sheets, so overstimulated he could barely form a coherent thought. 
“Again.” you whisper as Matty shakes his head violently, tears welling up in his eyes. 
“Do you want to stop?” he shakes his head again, hips bucking up against the toy, desperate whines and groans filling the room. His chest heaves, lungs expanding as far as they could go to try and bring some oxygen to his brain. Breathless and exhausted, he looks at you, eyes wet and pleading, the mix of pain and pleasure driving him insane. 
“Don’t s-stop.” he begs, voice sore and hoarse. Thoughts run widely through your mind, wondering how much more he could take before tapping out. “If you need to stop, tell me.” you say firmly, his frantic nods telling everything you needed to know. Clicking the toy back on, the reaction is immediate, visceral as he jerks under the warm feel of your lips on his jaw, pressing hot kisses down the skin, mouthing at his neck. 
Pulling back, you admire the deep purple marks you left behind, tracing them with your free hand. 
“You’re fucking glorious- I- I could look at you forever, so pretty on top of me, fuck, like a fucking wet dream, so perfect–” you listen to him babble through curses and moans, eyes drooping shut as he bucks up into your hand. 
“Yeah? You’re so gorgeous for me, taking everything I give you.” you whisper back, pupils completely blown out with lust, the high you were still yet to come down from heightening every feeling, every sensation, until you were grinding against his thigh, desperate for him. 
“I see you, baby,” your eyes snap up to his, a filthy smirk spread onto his face, “C’mon, use me like a toy, use me to get off.” his voice is sultry and low, working hard to bite back screams as you finally give in, sparks of electricity shooting up your spine as you increase the pressure on your clit, soft moans and gasps spilling from your lips as Matty tenses his thigh, lifting it slightly to meet your movements. 
“Don’t cum until I tell you.” you warn, refusing to give up power, even if Matty made it incredibly fucking difficult to not give in. His eyeliner was smudged, tears streaming down his face, your fingers wiping them away sweetly. You bring your tear soaked hand to your mouth, licking it clean while making direct eye contact with Matty, the expression on his face making the salty taste on your tongue completely worth it.
It didn't take much to bring you to the edge, the warmth in your core blooming everywhere else in your body, your blood feeling hot as you balance yourself. Being met with Matty’s smirk as you look up, the smugness quickly morphs into white hot pleasure when your hand finds his nipple piercing, giving it a small tug. 
You had convinced him to switch it out, the black metal ring being replaced with a purple barbell. It shimmered if you looked at it from a specific angle, a perfect contrast to his milky white skin, suiting him well. He gasps when you don't let up, tweaking the metal and rolling his nipple between your fingertips, an indescribable feeling radiating from his chest, making all the remaining blood in his brain rush down south. 
You were so close, you could taste it. Matty knew this, doing his best to get you there, just as you were doing for him, holding off his own orgasm. Filthy words leave his mouth, making you feel dizzy with pleasure, the feeling of his jean clad thigh against your clit making your legs shake on top of him. 
“So good, you’re so good– fucking marvelous, I could write a thousand songs about you like this.” he groans, eyes never leaving the spot where your core met his leg, watching closely. 
“I’m so close, fuckk.” you whine, your high pitched voice like music to Matty’s ears, his cock visibly twitching against the toy. 
“Cum for me darling, wanna see you fall apart on top of me.” he coos, and you feel your control slipping. It was all consuming, the pleasure making time slow as you barely manage to slow down to speak. 
“You first.” A relieved sigh leaves Matty’s lips, hips bucking violently, precum bubbling from his tip, coating your hand where you held the toy against it. One last arch of his back and he cums onto his stomach, painting his skin white. 
You groan at the sight, your own orgasm hitting you like a freight train, vision whiting out as you buck against Mattys thigh, his eyes burning a hole into your skin. He watches in awe as you gasp and stutter, the visual of his third climax too much for you to handle, carnal desire overtaking your body. 
Collapsing on top of him, your chest heaves against his, everything blurry and disoriented. He tried to move his hands to your back to hug you, but realizes he’s still tied up, the leather really digging into his skin, leaving angry red marks. 
“Darling?” you look up, apologizing profusely as you undo the belt around his wrists, kissing the burns it left behind. Matty chuckles quietly, running a soft hand through your hair, pressing your face into his chest. 
“That was..” he starts, eyes still wide in disbelief. 
“Okay?” you offer a hint of insecurity evident in the way you speak.
“Fucking amazing, visceral, undescribable, life chang-” you cut him off with a firm kiss, silently telling him to shut up. He giggles into the kiss, his other hand pressing against your lower back, pulling you impossibly close. 
“It wasn’t too much?” you ask, gesturing to the marks on his wrists. He shakes his head, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. He assures you it doesn't hurt at all, and besides, “You know I like it when you hurt me.” The cheesy wink that follows his statement makes you roll your eyes, leaning down to breathe in the scent of him. Fucking Jimmy Choo, ugh. 
“You have to stop using my perfume, you smell like a woman, it's unsettling.” you complain, wishing he’d use some sort of musky cologne instead. 
“I thought you liked it when i'm girly? Remember that time when I wore that skirt and you fucking mauled me–'' he tries to tease, being rudely interrupted by you digging the heel of your foot into his leg, making him yelp in pain. 
“That was different,” you mutter, avoiding his taunting gaze. 
“Was it?” 
“Absolutely, yes, now come here.” you grip his jaw, crashing your mouth against his, biting his lower lip, enjoying the small gasp he lets out. The kiss is hot, filled with love and trust, your heart swelling up in your chest. 
“Don’t ever pull that shit again, George could have noticed and that would've been a complete shit show-” you shudder at the thought of your mates knowing anything about your sex life, gagging inwardly.  
“You were the one grinding your leg down on to my dick, don’t act all fucking innocent!” he protests, a playful tone to his voice. 
“Imagine Ross knowing anything about what we do, he’d lose his mind.” you comment. Knowing him, he’d physically throw up and never speak to either of you ever again, the mental image having scarred him for life.
Matty is oddly silent, his hands fidgeting. Your eyes widen in realization 
“Dont tell me you fucking– Matty!” you shut your eyes, embarrassment flooding your body. 
“He’s my mate, and he asked. Who am I to deny him?” you hit his chest, propping yourself up as you laugh in disbelief. 
“Ross asking doesn't make it any better!!” you screech, watching him pull back at the sheer volume of your voice “For fuck’s sake Matty, what did you even tell him? I’m never going to be able to look him in the eye again, fucking hell.”  
“Just about the camera, nothing else, I swear!” you cup your face, letting out a frustrated groan. 
“You know I can never speak to him ever again? The fucking camera, are you taking the absolute fucking piss?!” you throw curses at him as he giggles into your hair, muttering apologies and promising to never say anything again.
“‘M sorry darling, i won't give out the details of our sex life anymore.” he jokes, earning a choked giggle from you, unable to stay mad at him. 
Looking up at him from your spot on his chest, anger fades as you take in his features. You could look at him forever if he let you, drinking in every inch of skin, committing it all to memory. Your fingertips touch the top of his cheeks, wiping away any left over make-up, smiling fondly as you do so. 
Love. That's what you see in his eyes. Pure love, utter devotion. His breathing is slow, the soft sound of his heartbeat comforting as you lay back down onto him, nuzzling your face into his skin. You could stand the permeating stench of Jimmy Choo if it let you hold him this close to you. 
“You’re mine.” he mumbles into your hair, stroking up and down your spine, pushing your shirt up. 
“I’m yours,” you answer, this overwhelming feeling of adoration taking over your whole body. Matty was yours, and you were his, from the second he said the words ‘I love you’ that night on the terrace, overlooking the glowing city. 
Life with him seems so real. Growing up properly, getting your own house, getting married. It was all possible, still, it felt far away, a distant future. You let your thoughts spin in your mind until the exhaustion won, your body going slack against Matty, soft snores filling the room.
Matty lays awake beneath you, the darkness of the room enveloping his senses. 
“I love you so much,” he mutters under his breath, knowing you couldn't hear him anyway. That was the moment he knew, the moment everything solidified.
You were just kids, the pair of you, young and free, life filled with infinite possibilities. So much was uncertain, but he knew one thing without a doubt. Eyes flickering over to his coat, they fell on the outermost left pocket. It wasn't about the pocket itself, but what was inside. Dark red velvet, the same shade as your favorite color. A box. 
A small one.  
read part two here xx
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mncxbe · 1 year
could i request something with the superstition of “if you can tie a cherry’s stem, that means you’re a good kisser” and dazai? i feel like he’s the type of loser who’d believe that sentiment
This may be the cutest request I got and YES he would definitely fall for that and would struggle to master the technique. I hope you like it anon♡
Cheri Cheri lady🍒
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Was a kiss all it took to earn a date with you?
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡
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It was the end of March and the cherry trees were almost in full bloom in Yokohama. The sweet, honey like scent of the flowers and the rosy petals, blown by a gentle breeze, were enough to make you feel like you were in another world.
Seeing the blossoms was all you could think about all day at work. Dazai noticed your aloof, almost nostalgic mood but didn't bring it up until the two of you left the office.
"Is everything alright? You seemed distant today"
"Yea, perfect actually. I was just really excited to see the cherry trees. Wanna join me?" you replied in a cheerful tone
The man could barely hide the look of surprise on his face. "Sure, I'd love to"
The two of you walked along the crowded streets of Yokohama until you reached Yamashita park. The trees bore a foliage of brilliant green and the air was fresh; it smelt like spring. As you strolled around the park Dazai noticed that pink and white petals covered the ground from place to place.
The cherry trees lined the wide alley next to the river.
"I used to come here with my parents when I was a kid" you began talking "We would sit next to the railing and look at the trees. My dad would often buy us cherries from a shop nearby and I remember they had this slightly sour taste, but nevertheless I loved them and~ oh sorry I'm kinda oversharing now"
"There's no need to aplogize. I like listening to you talk" replied your colleague. You took a seat on a bench under one of the blossomed trees and remained silent as you admired the scenery.
Dazai on the other hand only had eyes for you. He took in your features and couldn't help but marvel at how pretty, how serene you looked. You had a certain glimmer in your eyes, a longing of some sort but he couldn't quite place it. Occasional gusts of wind would blow the pink flowers off the branches; the petals delicately falling on your dark hair. He wanted to brush them off, to tuck a strand of your silky hair behind your ear and caress your face but he resisted the urge.
Instead, a caravan nearby caught is attention. The man was selling cherries. He swiftly got up and made his way to the merchant, buying a bag of cherries.
"Look what I just found" he said with a mischievous grin on his face as he dangled the bag in front of you.
"Thanks. I'm surprised they still sell them here." you replied, popping one of the fruits in your mouth. They had the same sour taste you so fondly remembered...
Half an hour later the sun began to set, painting the ink blue water of the river in a hue of red and orange.
"You know, Osamu. People say that if you can tie a cherry's stem with your tongue that means you're a good kisser."
"To tie? Really? How does it even work?"
He took one of the stems that had been discarded next to you and put it in his mouth. A smile rose to your lips as you watched the man next to you struggle to form the knot. After a few tries he finally got it.
"See, there's nothing I can't do. I'm a great kisser."
"I don't know about that. It's just a saying, it doesn't prove anything" you mocked playfully.
"Well then, how about I do something else to convince you"
His fingers slightly bruhed your cheek on their way to the nape of your neck and he pulled you closer to him, pressing his lips against yours. You softened in his embrace as his other arm went to the small of your back. The kiss was gentle and warm at first, but his tongue eventually slid past your lips earning a soft moan from you.
You felt Dazai smile. Being satisfied with your reaction he quickly pulled away, leaving you gasping for air.
"So, what do you think? I'm quite a good kisser, aren't I?"
You nodded slightly; your cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink. Dazai ate one more cherry before leaning in again, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear.
"There's other things I can do with my tongue too, bella."
"Osamu!" you snapped at him, playfully slapping his arm. "Don't say that here"
He only laughed, eyes locked with yours. When the sun was almost down you got up and, grabbing the empty bag of cherries, motioned him to get up.
"We gotta go now"
"Why? The trees are beautiful under the moonlight too. We should stay a bit longer."
"That would ruin tomorrow's date, wouldn't it?" you said with a wink.
"A date? Was a kiss all it took to earn a date with you?" he teased but got up and followed you.
"What can I say, Osamu. You're a great kisser."
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Is it possible I could request a sexting hc with rhea ripley x fem!reader?
Maso’s Krampus Christmas 2022
Oh yes, it is 😈 *unedited, not that anyone cares anyways. We’re here for the good stuff not for the Pulitzer 😌*
Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @damnnhausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @sldghmmr , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @blaquekittycat
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You spotted Rhea across the room beside the same redhead she had arrived with. The girl was beautiful: copper hair, bright green eyes framed by a heavy brown smokey eye, soft freckles all over her face, warm smile…she was beautiful and you knew that was the exact reason why Rhea chose to bring her.
She wanted to ignite that flamin hot burn of jealousy within you, but you already knew her game, so you just laughed when Damian leaned against the wall beside you “They’re not really together, y’know?”
“I didn’t ask anything” You shrugged before taking a sip of your champagne. His dark eyes were glued to your features, trying to look for any sign of annoyance “I felt like you needed some sort of explanation”.
A soft smile coated your lips as you looked up at him “She’s petty, immature, a mocker, completely childish, has temper issues and thinks the world revolves around her. So of course she would bring the most beautiful woman she could find to try to get a reaction from me. I know it all too well, Damian. You don’t need to explain me anything, even though I know you have good intentions”
“I tried to advise her against it, but you know how she is” He took a deep sigh “I don’t think it’s fair to you though. You deserve better”
“Better…like you?” You teased, knowing he had a crush on you ever since you met, before you started dating Rhea
“In an alternative universe, yes” Damian laughed “But not on this one”. You got closer to him and placed your hand on his chest, before leaning closer until your lips almost brushed against his chin “Wanna bet that she’ll text me any minute now?” The confident smirk on your lips only made him chuckle “How are you so sure of it?”. And as if by coincidence, your phone beeped with a text, “Name your price, Priest” You teased as he grinned “U$100,00”
“Get ready to open your wallet then” Taking your phone from your black clutch purse, you aimed the screen on his face, letting him read it first hand.
A faint “Damn it!” left his lips when his eyes caught the glimpse of Rhea’s name on the screen. And as Damian reached for the wallet in his back pocket, you read her text:
Mami🌶🔥: What the hell are you doing with Priest?! I thought he wasn’t your type. Did you lie to me this entire time? Was this your plan from the beginning? Get both of us?
My Forever🍯🖤: Down, girl! What I do with my life does not concern you anymore since we’re not together, remember? 🤨
Mami🌶🔥: Oi! I don’t like the attitude 😠
My Forever🍯🖤: Good thing you don’t have to like shit 😝. As a matter of fact, you should worry about your new girl, Ripley. Not me 😉
Mami🌶🔥: She means nothing to me, she’s not you and she never will be.
My Forever🍯🖤: Strong choice of words for someone who was just laughing along with anything she said 🤔
Mami🌶🔥: Jealous? 😏
My Forever🍯🖤: Should I remind you who texted who first? 😌
Mami🌶🔥: You deserve a slap in your mouth for that one 👋
My Forever🍯🖤: And who’ll be brave enough to do it? You? 🤨 Please, don’t make me laugh 😒
Mami🌶🔥: Why don’t you meet me in the bathroom so I can remind you just how well I can shut your mouth 😏
My Forever🍯🖤: I don’t think copper girl would like that 🤷‍♀️
Mami🌶🔥: Idgaf about copper girl
My Forever🍯🖤: Bet she’d be upset about that 🥺
Mami🌶🔥: Are you really gonna make me remind you of every single detail in order for you to come *along and in my mouth 🤪*?
My Forever🍯🖤: 🤔🤷‍♀️
Mami🌶🔥: Come to the bathroom with me…I miss you 😢 I miss your body, your lips…your pussy 👅
My Forever🍯🖤: I know you can do better than that 😒🙄
From where you stood, you saw Rhea huff a laugh before her name flashed on your phone screen.
Mami🌶🔥: I miss your scent, the way you moan my name, the way you arch your back when I hit that sweet spot inside you, the way you cry and beg me to make you cum when I eat you out. I miss tasting that sweet pussy, miss tracing your curves with my tongue. Last night I kept replaying our last time together…you straddling my thigh, rubbing yourself against me, my hand around your throat, choking you enough to make you smile. You placed my hand on your tits and asked me to play with them and make you cum like a good little girl…is that what you want, baby? Want me to make you cum again? 😈”
My Forever🍯🖤: Yes 🤤💦
Rhea smirked and stood up from the table, her eyes locked with yours across the room and she placed a toothpick on the side of her lips.
Her gaze never looked away from yours and when she brushed her shoulder against yours, she whispered “I can’t wait to feel that tight pussy around my fingers”
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spinchip · 1 year
uhgmmm silly little mysterious element swap between da ninja
I give you angst (my specialty) TW: Panic attack
When Lloyd had suggested Zane use his bow to channel his energy, Zane hadn’t been expecting much. After the artifact had scrambled their powers around, the others had gleefully been playing around with their new elemental abilities while Zane wasn’t able to summon so much as a flicker. Zane was so far behind the others that the novelty had worn off for the rest of them, and now they were impatiently waiting on Zane to get some sort of a grip on Lloyds power so they could confidently go out searching for the other half of the Sphere of Will- the cause of all their problems.
Zane had tried everything. He meditated, he trained, he tried to relax, he even drank the same tea as lloyd usually did in an attempt to hone his skills and still- not a spark of green. Sometimes, Zane could feel it deep down in his belly, but it wouldn’t grow and spread through him. Wu had suggested a mental block, but Zane couldn’t fathom what. He was the first of his friends to unlock his true potential, the first to get some of the more complicated katas Wu taught them. He wasn’t used to this kind of struggle.
All that to say that when he picked up his bow, his expectations were low. Based on the others reactions- Kai had molded a couch out of rock for them all to slump into- they weren’t expecting much either.
Lloyd stood next to Zane, “Alright Zane, lets see if this does anything.”
Zane could shoot a bullseye with his eyes close standing on his head, but when he brings the draw string back he doesn’t have an arrow notched. He focuses all his processing power into imagining the shape of an arrow notching into the bow, trying to pour green energy into a tangible shape he can fire. The power in his gut swirls like it’s trying to grow, pulsing at the bottom of his chest like a heartbeat.
Nothing happens.
He lowers the drawstring, disappointed. “I do not understand.” He says without sighing, despite how he wanted to.
“You’re not the only ne who struggled,” Nya attempts to console him, “Remember when Jay set his hair on fire? Or when i blew out half the lightbulbs in the monastery?”
“Yeah! And I’m sure Ice is a lot different than Lloyds power.” Kai agrees.
Lloyd once again tries to explain how he uses his powers, “I think you’re thinking about it too much.”
“Ice is a lot of thinking.” Cole confirms with a groan, “Trying to make a snowflake gives me a headache.”
“My power is more instinctual, something you have to feel rather than think. Don’t imagine the shape of an arrow, try thinking of why you’re forming it.” Lloyd pats Zane on the shoulders, “Like what you’re fighting for.”
Zane nods and exhales purely to center himself. Telling a robot not to think was like telling a fish to take a walk in the desert, but Zane would try to empty his mind. He even went so far as to shut down the background multitasking programs he had running, leaving his mind completely blank.
He pulls back on the drawstring, lines the sight up perfectly with the bullseye across the courtyard and tries to call on the power. Nothing happens. He closes his eyes, refusing to give up, focusing on the feeling of the string on his finger sensor pads, the cool air around him, even the sound of Lloyd breathing next to him. Power stirs.
He fought to protect his family. He called upon his power to keep the people he loved safe.
Protect those who cannot protect themself.
It washes over him in a snap, power surging up through his chest, around his shoulders and down to his fingertips in sickening pulses. It burns.
He’s felt this before.
The courtyard vanishes, he’s suspended in the air, his shoulder taut and agony ripping through him as he stares the overlord in the face. He’s going to die. He has to die for his family. Gold scalds him as it pours down his face, his face plate cracking and breaking along the weak seam and leaving him exposed and raw. The overlord is laughing. He’s all alone. His body is going numb, the seams along his shoulders popping as energy overloads him. He can’t tell if this is happening in the past or the present, phantom pains rocking through his body.
The string of his bow is digging into his fingertip, he struggles to cling to it. Gold chokes him. The comforting warmth of the green feels white hot. He can’t think.
He opens his eyes and a brilliant green bolt of energy is nestled into his palm. It’s so bright it blinds him, and on the edges- just barely- are flickers of gold. Fear slams through his system so fast it causes his knees to buckle and he stumbles a step back. The arrow grows bigger, wild and unkempt and Zane feels so deeply afraid he doesn’t know what to do.
He lets go of the string and the arrow explodes.
It tears across the courtyard like a neon laser and when it hits the target- dead bullseye- it obliterates it down to atoms. It rips through hay like tissue paper and smashes a hole through the stone wall of the courtyard, shooting off into the sky before exploding like a firework at the very end. When Zane released it, it caused a miniature explosion in his hand too- green balls of energy popping, and the force of it send him off his feet.
He slams back on the ground, confused and rattled. Panic has settled into every inch of his mind and he can’t get his thoughts straight. Where is he? Is this the courtyard? Where is the overlord? Did he succeed?
He’s holding- why is he holding his bow? Why is the string snapped and burned?
He turns over onto his hands and knees and tries to calm down. There’s smoke around him, the ground smoldering. His fans kick on. He’s overheating. Ice. He needs ice. Why can’t he summon ice?
A hand touches his neck and he jerks, looking up at- Cole.
“What happened?” He asks, “Where- is everyone safe?” He did something bad. Dangerous. His friends were here. He wasn’t alone.
Cool frost trickles down from the spot Cole was bracing him, and the chill brings a calm to Zanes body. “Everyone’s fine.” Cole confirms firmly, “It’s okay. You’re okay.”
He closes his eyes and breathes, helping his internal systems cool and struggling to centering himself again. After several long moment, the panic fades and leaves him empty and worn out. His limbs are still humming in the after image of that power. He’s in the courtyard, he was supposed to be practicing with Lloyds power. It takes more effort than he expects to sit up but he does it, and finally looks at the damage.
A ditch is cut into the stone of the courtyard, their bow target is a handful of splinters now, and the monastery wall has a brand new entrance.
“I did that?” He asks the obvious.
“If I ever need demo on my house at least now I know who to come to.” Jay jokes.
“What happened?” Lloyd asks, offering Zane his hand.
He’s not quite sure he can stand yet, but he takes Lloyds hand anyway, “You power, it feels incredibly similar to the golden power.” Zane says tightly.
“Yeah, I know.” Lloyd is puzzled now, “The green energy is part of the golden power.”
“Master Wu was right. It was a mental block, one I was not aware I had.” He drags a finger over his cheek just to check that his face plate hadn’t split in that same, familiar spot.
“Block? What blo-“ Lloyd stops abruptly, “Oh.”
Zane stomach churns at the thought of attempting to use the power again, “Lloyd, I am unsure If i will be able to even begin to use your element.”
“You have to.” Nya reminds him with a wince, “That’s what makes it work.”
He closes his eyes again and tries to steady himself, “I cannot continue today,” He says finally, “We can try again tomorrow.”
“Okay, Zane.” The atmosphere is subdued, “Whatever you need.”
He has to have Cole help him inside, his legs too shakey to keep his footing.
It isn’t until he’s in the bathroom that he realizes he’d cried.
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 Dissecting Character Scenes: Billy Hargrove
*I say that like he’s not the only character I analyze lmfao- anyway* 
His Hand Movements
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The above movement is what I do when: 
I’m nervous. For one, it helps me calm down. Since anxiety is essentially unwanted energy, it helps deal with me being an overcharged energizer bunny by using that energy in a non-harmful way. 
I get too in my head, and I need to ground myself.
I’m thinking.
I’m about to talk to someone or do something. When you overthink, or when you have a lot on your mind, even talking to people is something you feel like you need some preparation for. Especially when you’re in a completely different environment, and you have to start over. 
I need to remember something, like the “script”. What am I going to say to Person A? What are they going to do? How are they going to respond? How should I respond? These scripts are like mental teleprompters. I play numerous scenarios in my head, and I prepare a bunch of responses to them, whether it’s physical or verbal. It’s an internal peptalk. Sometimes you cancel out the responses that you don’t think will apply, and you zero in on what you’re going with. Needless to say, it takes some time to always do this, which you aren’t always offered. 
When you live with an unpredictable abuser, you’re walking on eggshells. It can require you to apply extreme control over your tone, your volume, your facial expression, and your words. They nitpick at everything you say, so you learn to think before you talk. You have to take a step back somehow, collect yourself, and keep a level head, which is hard in an environment like that. 
The impressions other people have of you can get you in trouble with your abuser. Whether you’re late for a class or you don’t turn in an assignment, the last thing you want is for someone to call your abuser. 
They count on you to mess up somehow, so they have a “justification” to punish you. If you talk back or raise your voice, they can see this as a green light, because they’re making you react. And your reaction, no matter what, will probably piss them off. 
So, thinking things through, including your tone of voice and what comes out of your mouth, are things you tend to pick up in that sort of environment. 
Scene #2
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How am I going to handle this? 
That’s what I find myself asking when I find myself in an unknown situation where I need to measure my response. The unknown tends to be borderline suspicious. Sure, living with someone like Neil can make you paranoid, but you’ve got some built in red flags in your court. You pick up things that others may not. To you, it’ll probably be common sense. In this situation, it IS common sense for Billy to be suspicious of Steve. 
Flying off the handle immediately isn’t Billy’s style. It takes a considerable amount of control to even talk to Steve. Neil had shaken him up, and then Billy dealt with Karen. Now he’s having to deal with Steve lying to him about where Max is. But he uses force as a last resort. So much happened to him before this particular scene, that he was most likely a bundle of emotions and anxiety by the time he drove up to the Byers’ house. 
While the audience knew what was going on, Billy didn’t. The fact that he actually tried to talk to Steve shows that he didn’t want for there to be a fight. He just wanted to get Max home. 
“I don’t understand” is quite literally his theme all throughout his life. The entire time he was in Hawkins, he did not understand what was going on. 
@ickypuppi3​ pointed out that he fidgets so much with his fingers, like that scene with Max in the car at school when he’s holding his cigarette. The anxiety really comes through when he’s about to do something.
Scene #3 
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Like in this scene, where he’s prepping to face Neil, who’s banging on his door, signaling that he’s in a hotheaded mood. How Neil’s “temperature” is will indicate what Billy’s reaction will be. Here, he has to face Neil’s heat with as much of a cool head as he can. He also knows that no matter what he does, Neil will blow a gasket. 
GIF credit to @suledins
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vendettaviraa · 2 years
Singer!Reader P3
⇒ Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
⇒ My Hero Academia
⇒ Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, Nejire Hado
⇒ The reader is a singer in the MHA universe and these are the students reactions to being Y/N's fan!
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Izuku Midoriya!
Such a fanboy! He is such a huge fan and loves watching your latest interviews and performances online!!
Knows all of your songs by heart! Loves singing/humming along when he's by yourself
I can picture him copying some of your performances like dance moves or just how you act on stage
Lots of merch!! Lots of posters, signed items as well!!
While I do think he will own some clothing items, he doesn't wear them often because he cherishes it a lot
When he does make the time to attend to one of your concerts or signings, his face becomes very red and flustered and starts stuttering. You've ran into him a few times and there was no way you'd forget the green-haired boy since you found his nervousness very cute
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Ochaco Uraraka
Absolutely adores you!
While she can't exactly afford to go to any of your concerts or even get lots of merch of yours, she does find other ways to support you and show her love for you
Whether that be watching all of your interviews, meetings, online performances and singing along
Her friends have definitely spoiled her on her birthday with your merchandise which she was very happy for that she actually cried
They were able to get a limited edition poster which you had signed with, "you're my hero Uraraka!"; hence why she broke out in tears
After all, being a hero was hard work and she tended to neglect her own feelings and well being.
She keeps the poster up in her dorm room on the ceiling above her bed so it's something she sees everytime she wakes up and goes to sleep
It was a gentle reminder that she was important, especially to you even if you had billions of fans, you loved every single one of them individually.
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Tenya Iida
We already know this man's only passion is being a hero and saving people That is until his friends discovered how passionate he was for your music as well!
"Y/N?? Yes I know their music" Least to say everyone was shocked. He happily showed off his album collection of you, ranging from limited edition themed albums, to plain regular albums. He also had them on all types of mediums (records, CDs, digital, you name it he had it)
Definitely robot dancing in the crowd every times he attends your concerts, you've caught glimpses of his moves a few times since it's really hard to miss
It has made you laugh a lot ever since you've seen it, and he's pretty memorable in your eyes
Another reason why you remember him so well is because he's always at your fan-meets and signings. Like I said, the sort of robotic movement he has isn't hard to forget
I don't really see him having lots of clothing merch for you, rather just strictly collectibles so everyone can see how much he values you
He absolutely loves how much effort and work you put into everything you release, so that's why he always snatches it as soon as it comes out so you know it's worthwhile
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Mirio Togata
What can he say? He's just so proud to be your biggest fan!
Owns a bunch of merch from t-shirts, albums, photo cards and stickers!
While I can see him more as a muted fan, meaning he doesn't go off on people about how great you are he does adore you a lot!
Has playlists for different moods just like Hado! Except they're mainly for studying and working out!
He's a bit bashful when he gets to meet you, you found it to be very endearing!
His lock screen on his phone is literally a picture of the two of you together that you took during a fan meet! He was definitely first in line as he had been waiting way before the doors even opened!
You were like a light in his life, how could he not be excited by your very prescence?!
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Tamaki Amajiki
More of a reserved quiet fan! Even his friends weren't aware that he was a huge fan of you.
He loves listening to your latest songs during his patrols or while he's working out! Something about your melodic voice seems to ease him all the time.
When Mirio and Hado found out that he was a fan of you, they immediately took him to one of your concerts! Poor guy couldn't stand all the people at the venue.
Especially when you made eye contact with him! He immediately turned red and his soul left his body.
To which you felt bad that you caused the poor boy to faint so you gifted him a signed poster as well as a little get well soon card!
It's the only thing he owns of you merch wise since it has special sentimental value!
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Nejire Hado
Always asking everyone if they like you or have heard of your songs! And if the answer to either or is no, she would proceed to hook them up with lots of songs!
While I don't see Hado owning any clothing merch, she does have posters and collects albums as well as fan cards of you!
I can definitely see her having several different playlists fitting different moods just from your songs! As well as running her own little fan account about you!
Loves loves LOVES attending every event you are at! A concert? Shes there. A fan meeting? She's there. She also buys a bunch of limited edition merch and VIP passes so you know her well!
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kteezy997 · 1 year
I’m With You-Part Seven// Lee (Bones and All)
I’m using (!) to signify something that I would consider a major trigger in the warnings
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Warnings: Lee crying, vulnerability, mention of cannibalism!, mention of murder!, fluff, cursing, leading up to smut if you squint
The next day, you and Lee packed up and took off in the truck. “Surprised this ol’ thing got you here in one piece.” he said, taking the reins in the driver’s seat. “Yeah I know, right?” you responded. You settled in, getting comfy and readied yourself for sleep. You hadn’t slept well in the time you’d been apart and you rested best in Lee’s presence.
Lee drove for a while as you slept. When you woke, he was pulling into an isolated gas station. He was pumping gas when you decide to get out and use the bathroom. Lee nodded at you with a grin as you walked away. When you came back, Lee and some guy were looking under the hood of the truck. “You don’t wanna sell it for parts out here, man. How would ya get home?” “I dunno.” Lee replied to the man, looking over at you and smiling in a way that made you blush, and feel tingly inside.
“Good news is, we should have enough water to last a couple days. If we need to wait on a ride, that is.” Lee told you. The two of you had set up the tent on a random prairie and were relaxing on some blankets you had set out on the grass. “I wish we could save the truck.” “I’d rather have a van anyway.” Lee said, smirking. You weren’t sure as to whether or not his smirk had sexual innuendo behind it.
“I learned how to drive in that truck.” you said, remembering fondly. “You learned how to kiss in that truck.” Lee added, nudging you with his leg. You looked at him, being all cocky and smug. “I knew how to kiss before you, Mr. Kentucky.” “Ahh.” he nodded, still smirking. A moment passed, and he said, “I sang to my girl in that truck.”
You turned, and upon realizing what he had said, you blushed. “Your girl, huh?” you teased. “Yeah, you’re my girl.”he cooed. You scooted and crawled over in between his legs. “Hm, your girl still needs a bit of an explanation, Lee.” His expression dropped a little, but he knew that this was coming. The blissfulness of your reunion couldn’t last forever. “Yeah, I guess we can’t really sweep that under the rug, can we?”
“I’m guessing that what happened that night was something that also had to do with these?” you asked, grazing your finger over the scar on his cheek, then you touched his chest, running your fingertips over the big mark there. Lee sniffed, “Sort of.” He looked down at his hands in shame. “Lee, you can tell me. I’m not afraid of you.” you assured him.
“I wanna tell you everything, y/n. I’ve never opened up to anyone before, but I wanna try with you.” He was tearing up. “Go ahead, honey. I’m listening.” You tucked your hands around his arm. He exhaled, and started, “I have to do it. I don’t want to. There’s others like me, I’ve met some of them.” “You have to eat…” you whispered. “Yes.” he answered, looking at you. Tears were threatening to fall from his green eyes.
“I hate that I have to do it, I really do. But I’ve gotten to where I don’t think about it too much. It’s just second nature for me. That night at the carnival, I was so hungry I couldn’t think of anything else. Not even your reaction. And I knew that I’d have blood on me, and you would be scared, but I needed to feed.” Tears came down in little streams on his face and your heart broke for him.
You started to digest what he had told you. You thought of a bunch of questions, and the one that came out of your mouth was, "So, you've always been this way?" He scoffed humorlessly, "Yeah, long as I can remember. Something I inherited from my dear old dad." His sarcasm and disgust were palpable as he spoke. You rested your chin on his forearm, looking at him and asked, "Lee, what happened with your dad? You can tell me."
He told you that his dad had attacked him and tried to rip him open with his teeth. Then his dad had passed out, and Lee put him in a head lock, bashed an ashtray over his head, dragged his body out to his car, and drove him to an abandoned barn a mile outside of town. His dad was in the barn for three days while Lee was being held in jail. "I had duct taped the shit out of him too, everywhere but his nostrils, so he could breathe." he told you, making the motion of pulling tape across his face.
"And when I came back, it was the sounds he was making, the way he was breathing: he knew what was gonna happen." You stayed quiet so he could get it all out, but you knew how the story was going to end. "And then I ate him right the fuck up. It felt fucking great." You took a moment to breathe, even after what he just told you, you clung to him. "Y/n, if you want out, I don't blame you. You'd be better off without me in your life." he exhaled and sniffled, "I probably would have killed myself if it weren't for Kayla. I probably should have, ya know."
“No! Lee, don’t say that.” You pleaded, scooting closer and placing your hands on either side of his face. He winced as fresh tears dripped down and he sniffled again. You shook your head, “Don’t you say that.” You wiped his tears away with your thumbs. “You protected your sister, you defended yourself. If I were in your shoes, I would have done the same thing. I wouldn’t have eaten him, but I would have killed him.”
“Do you mean it?” Lee asked, his face twisting up as he cried softly. “Yes, I mean it.” You leaned in closer to him, your forehead grazing his. “You don’t think I’m a bad person?” He asked you, desperately. You shook your head, “All I think is that I love you.” you whispered. Lee smiled weakly but it was sincere. “I love you too.” he responded, leaning down and nuzzling into your chest.
As he melted against you, you held him. He sobbed and cried and you knew he had never had a safe place to let out these emotions that he had repressed for so long. You knew that he hadn’t ever told another soul about what really happened to his father. You were grateful to be that person for him. Someone he could really open up to, and be himself, in raw and unabashed way. Instead of being scared, you only wanted him. You wanted Lee, even the bad, ugly parts of him.
You felt him pulling you in, just wanting to embrace even more. Lee lifted his head up and he kissed you. You kissed him back with the same intensity that he was giving. You held his face firmly in your hands. You moved your lips against his with more and more vigor. You wanted to consume each other, not literally, of course, but figuratively. You wanted to give yourselves to the each other, wholly. You moaned in his mouth, feeling so hungry for his love.
@chalabagellunafluff @gatoenlaciudad @quicksilversg1rl
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Remember that au I proposed where the boys never forgot Player but don’t tell them that they all know them due to the reaction they have? What if…
Things were… uncomfortable, the smithy found. Being forced into another journey wasn’t anything new, it was kind of expected at this point. However, the circumstances lining up to have nine heroes haphazardly shoved together in environments mostly unfamiliar without any real knowledge of each other made the whole situation tense.
The vet, traveler, and cook were by far the most suspicious of their new partnership. From the little Link had gathered from their journeys, they had pretty much no companionship, and thus were quicker to mistrust.
That didn’t mean no one else was giving side glances though. The Hero of Twilight often shifted uncomfortably when someone was too close, the Chosen Hero refused to let Link near the “Master Sword” to polish it (not that he particularly trusted the blade), and even the mature Hero of Time sometimes gave the scrutinizing side-eye glare.
The smith was guilty of this as well, though he liked to think he handled the strangers better than most, not as good as the captain, but alright enough.
Speaking of the captain, it had seemed that he had finally snapped.
“All I’m saying is that things are awkward, too awkward. The group dynamic needs a change and fast. Let’s all share something good from our journeys! Surely we all have something nice from our time heroing?” The Hero of Warriors prompted, half finished bowl in his lap.
“Right right.” The Hero of Legend spat sarcastically, arms crossed with a sneer plastered on his face. “You’re probably just trying to butter us up, or get information on us that you can use to your advantage. Well I’m not falling for it, pretty boy.”
Four watched as the captain’s eye twitched, the man took a deep breath in before continuing. “First of all, drop the attitude. Second, I’m not trying to scrape up dirt in you or stab you in the back, we are doing poorly in battle because of our lack of communication and it’s caused us to use more resources than necessary. Besides, what’s the harm in a bit of story telling?”
“I agree with the captain,” said the old man, the official-unofficial leader of their group. “We’ve been dancing around each other like blind cuccos, it’s about time we open up at least a small bit.”
Silence, no one wanted to speak up.
We should do go first, Vio murmured.
What? Why? Blue internally raised an eyebrow.
No one else is willing to speak up, and I’m sure we’ve got some sort of happy or even funny story to share, Vio explained.
He’s got a point there, we’ve got a metric ton of tales about our bad reactions to green peppers, Green laughed.
That’s too easy though! It’s gotta be something special for the first campfire story! Red argued.
…What about our guide? Vio proposed with a twinge of hesitation.
That may be a bit too personal-
IT’S PERFECT! Red exclaimed, interrupting Blue.
Wait, Red we haven’t agreed- but Green was too late, Red was already running their mouth.
“I had a guide.” Eyes turned toward the shortest hero, who sat straight despite the need to cower.
Good going Red, now we have to keep it up, Blue groaned.
“I’m not sure what they were, maybe a being sent by Hylia? Though they denied having affiliation with her, and didn’t speak with the formality you’d expect from an angel. No, they were silly, and fun, and stupid, and kinder than the word kind.” The smithy continued with caution.
“They took the form of a glowing light in my chest, no one else could see, feel or hear them but me, and only magical creatures had any sort of sense they were there.” The smithy felt himself getting enraptured in the story, not really ever getting much of a chance to do a whole lot of story telling made this one of the few that he hadn’t told to his father, Zelda, or Smith. It was exciting.
His happiness made it harder to notice the sparkle in the others eyes…
“They were there throughout all of my journeys, every last one of them. They gave me such a feeling of support and comfort… something I couldn’t ever think to let go.” It was getting too personal now, he knew that, but he was too far in.
“But after my most recent journey, they… left. I had noticed they weren’t talking much after the initial victory, their light felt weaker too, and I was starting to get worried.” None of the colors noticed their now wobbling vision, nor the wet fell sliding down his cheeks.
“After they didn’t say a word at the celebration over my victory, I confronted them, asked what was wrong. They said they had to leave.” He wiped at his eyes, forgetting it was strangers he was speaking too. “I begged them to stay, did everything in my power to keep them close, but nothing I did helped, and they faded away that awful night.”
Link get his grip on his spoon tightly, veins popping out from his skin at the force as his hand shook. “I regret trying to get (Name) to stay, I don’t think they had a real choice in the matter, I’m sure my tears only did them more harm than good a the end- GUHK-“ Hands grabbed his shoulders he yanked him closer. Link found himself looking up at the Hero of Winds, who was on his knees in front of the short hero with a wild, desperate, and sad look in his eyes.
“Was their name (First Name) (Last Name)?” Link froze, staring at the young hero with shock.
“Y-yes, how did you know…?” The smithy startled when the sailor began to cry, resting his head on Link’s shoulder as he feel against him.
“Wait- did you two both have a guide called (Name) too?” Link looked over at the traveler, who was normally a silent shadow slinking behind them, he now held a shimmer of pure hope in his gaze.
“You guys as well?!” The cook shouted, looking at the three heroes with tears stroking his cherry cheeks.
“Did… did we all have the same guide?” The skyloftian questioned, shrinking as all eyes leveled on him.
“I- I never thought of the possibility that (Name) would be there for you guys as well.” Twilight said, licking his lips nervously.
“But was- were they the same one? Or were they like us, having the same spirit but not being the same person?” The hoarder said, voice uncharacteristically soft.
The smithy paused while gently pushing a sniffling sailor to sit on anything that wasn’t Link’s lap. He pondered briefly, we’re they the same light?
Wait… I remember! Vio exclaimed, already opening their mouth.
“They were the same! When (Name was fading they told us- m-me that they ‘have more silly heroes to watch over now’. They must have been talking about you guys! Or, at least, whoever comes after me.” Link rambled.
Wow Vio, good slip up there, it’s not like we’re trying to keep ourselves a secret or anything, Blue snidely commented. Vio winced, the noise carrying over to the real world.
“So, each of us were truly guided by them?” The old man finally spoke up, voice quiet.
The Hero of Warriors laughed, flicking away a tear in his eye. “Do any of you perhaps remember how they’d worry about you? Like, I could get the tiniest scrape and they’d be screaming the most vile things at whomever did it, sometimes it was enough to make me blush.”
The veteran chuckled, “I remember telling them off for that, as half the time they’d get me into trouble on purpose. I can’t tell you how many times I was tricked and attacked by cuccos because of them.”
The group laughed at that, reminiscing their guide’s good ol’ mischief.
“Oh! Do you remember those terrible puns? I swear, every time we were out at sea they would make a fish joke. Every. Single. TIME.” The sailor groaned, falling flat onto the grass, no longer crying.
“They did the same to me, I would complain to Navi about the awful jokes, which got her to start making them as well.” The Hero of Time said dramatically, causing a torrent of more stories that evolved and got longer as time went on.
The Hero of the Four Sword hadn’t meant to start this full group chat, but it felt… really nice. With the pit his guide had left within his heart, he found something that could just about fill it, even if it wasn’t the same.
“I’m a little worried about them.” The traveler chewed on his cheek, looking at the champion’s door.
Link sighed. “They’re fine, you and Gilda said it yourselves, the shadow didn’t harm them.”
“Yeah- but- I don’t know, I just have this… this feeling.” The Hero of Hyrule said.
“What type of feeling?” The Hero of Warriors said with a smirk.
“You know what I meant. I just think they’re… familiar, they’re familiar to me.”
The skyloftian hummed, “You aren’t alone in that, I felt a little weird when we found them.”
“You think they’re evil?” Vet said, glaring up at the window you were probably behind.
“I sincerely doubt their bad, they aren’t a monster.” The Hero of Twilight tiredly grumbled, helping himself to a second serving of breakfast.
“Yeah, but they’ve got weird circle ears! Isn’t that kinda odd.” The Hero of Winds said with an upturned lip.
“The people of Ordonia have round ears, they aren’t special.” Ranch-hand argued, sitting down on the grass with a thump.
“Yeah, but I’ve met like everyone in Hyrule, and no one here has ears like that.” The cook pointed out, shushing Epona as she nickered for another apple.
The smithy huffed, “Well maybe-“
The door flew open, the person they had saved there with a panicked expression. They’re eyes bugged at the sight of their large group, landing on Sky, who was the closest, before slamming the door.
“-Ohp, oh there they go.” Sky said with a startled blink.
“Goddesses almighty.” The veteran groaned, muttering as he rose to his feet and walked into the house. There was a shout of surprise from him and-
The Hero of the Four Sword was moving before he could think. He knew that voice, he knew it too well.
He shoved himself between the other’s legs, who were also scrambling to get into the champion’s abode. He stopped, staring at the person, at you with awe.
He had never seen you before, how could he? You were sort of stuck in his chest as a disembodied light during every journey he had. You were almost exactly how he expected, both from how you would describe your appearance and from how you sounded. A kind yet mischievous face, soft hands without a cut in sight, and bright, emotional eyes.
Eyes that were currently nervously glaring at the group’s stares of awe.
“Who are you- no, where am I?!” You demanded, zero recognition within your gaze.
Oh nooooooo, they forgot theeeeeeeemmmmm, how saaaaaddddddndndnfjfjnfnd.
This is that memory au I had a long while back! I told it from Four’s perspective because I like him, though I’m not sure if I did his colors as it is intended??? Nor do we know how Player leaving works
Also, completely unrelated, but remember like- all the way back when I first started drawing art here? I drew the colors hugging Player, how do you feel about a redraw? I kinda want to do it but am unsure
This was literally an amazing read I've fallen in love
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beatendeadcourier · 1 year
Lavina character by @angelic-simp
I never really tried writing before but she gave me the courage and motivation to try with our characters so thank you very much I hope u all enjoy this read :]
Warnings: Angst, stabbing, no blood describe but some murder, Implied stalking, spelling mistakes probably lmao [I think that's all, I can't remember anymore]
"Cosmic Mistake"
Sals pov
    Waking up with a headache was always wack like what is the point in sleeping if you were gonna wake up with a fucked head and joints
Speaking of fucked up things you finally seemed to noticed you were tied up to a fucked up chair bummer, you try your best to recollect what happened before this a lot of thoughts are always a confused blobby mess but it seems luck was on your side and finally your braincells rubbed together just right to remember,,,,
    Ah,, of course this is something you don't forget so easily, you as well as your two beloved have been kidnapped by a shitty horror cult AH! God your head was killing you, you haven't had your daily fix of caffeine. It felt like days you know that's not true but you can't help but be dramatic right now this really ain't good let's see where we are before your disabilities get worse.
    Finally getting out of your thoughts and looking around you see that you are in some sort of torture room, that or it just looks really bad the room is a really dark red so its hard to see anything but you swear you see blood on the walls and floor, it seems as well the chair your in has locked you in place by your hands, feet and neck its so uncomfy but your not surprised you managed to fall asleep in it.
    What a situation this is. You feel hmmm you don't know how to feel but you do know there is a boiling pit in your chest, you're pissed off you're alone in this room so you know that Bob and Lavina your absolute beloveds are somewhere else and not around you, you care about them so much they could be hurt or in danger for all you know right now.
    Well that just won't do for you, using your shapeshifting abilities you twist and enlarge your body to snap off those flimsy chains that tried to contain you all the while your head is pounding for you to stop, you don't care you need out now.
 The chains really didn't put up much a fight with your struggling you stand up oozing rage, you start to faintly hear sirens going off in your head that can't be good but that's not important, you start heading for the door out of this room you don't even give a reaction as you open the door swinging it open so fast it slams against the wall, it seems the door crushed one of the cult members outside your door, guarding it they passed out instantly.   
    ,,Oops you guess anyways that's probably gonna attract some attention so you should skidaddle and fast, you start your jog down the hall of this giant mansion.
Lavinas pov 
    It hurt to wake up literally you haven't opened your eyes due to them being so heavy but you can feel the stiff feeling in your neck from sleeping in an odd angle was really prominent you groaned loudly tried moving your arms to wipe the sleep from your eyes, hmm its seems you can't move your arms your confused and start panicking a bit something feels like metal, getting really worried about your lack of movement you snap your eyes open real fast to see what they problem could be.
    ,,,You wish you didn't, once you opened your eyes all your senses decided to tune in at once finally noticing your tied to a chair by you hands, ankles and neck panic shoots through you as you notice their are people in the room with you and they seem to be talking to you but you still cant make out what they are saying to you, your too busy looking around and seeing all these big machines and demonic looking symbols, something behind you is making the room glow a bright bluish green making it easy to see your kidnappers, you can't really see behind since you had your neck suspended but the glowing light of what you think is magic makes you not wanna look anyways.
    There was a tall looking priest guy in a surgical mask who was surrounded by four other people in cult gear, your ears finally decided it can hear the people that are talking to you 
Mysterious In charge looking Guy: “ -Are you she can ever hear in the first place?? She's not responding to my evil monologue guys and that makes me upset!”
Lavina: “Um W-What???”
The Man snapped his neck towards you speaking up, you are so confused and frightened right now
Priest Guy:” AH! So you Can hear! It's very rude of you to ignore my evil sacrificial plan i have for you, YOU have no manners missy!”
Your stomach sank hearing the words sacrificial come from his lips it completely made you ignore getting angry of him calling you missy and the like, what did they mean by sacrifice YOU?!! What qualities could you possibly have to be sacrificed like this?? Before you could frighteningly speak up and comment, the priest cut you off.
Priest Guy: “NOW HAVE TO RESTART!,,, no you know what you don't get to hear my magnificent speech i spend so hard on getting a short version you rude girl!”
He was red in the face as he flapped his arms around hitting some of the underlings around him, they all seemed to grumble as he threw his tantrum about not hearing is stupid ass speech.
Priest Guy: “We are sacrificing YOU girly to our lord and savior, The Eyes of The Universe *sighs dreamily*,, We have kept a close eye on your little sin group of the hungry traitor and caffeine obsessed Narcoleptic freak”
He looked very upset and kinda freaked out when he, you presumed, was talking about sal. Your super worried about them right now,, what if they are dead oh no-
 Priest Guy: ”BUT don't worry about all that now we have fixed those little problems-”
You yelled angrily at this imposter priest 
Priest Guy: “WOW,,, aren't You nasty HOW DARE YOU CUT ME OFF LIKE THAT!-”
Before he could go off on another tantrum one of his lackeys touched his shoulder seemingly saying something without saying anything. He seemed to snap out of his anger like this, suddenly looking very happy, touching all his fingers together.
Priest Guy:,,,heh if you will excuse us all we are gonna go prepare you more for your inevitable demise, I can tell The Eyes are gonna love you. “
And in order they all crowd out the door in perfect sync, you were alone now.
You're so shocked and flabbergasted, you don't know how this could be possible,,,, this room is really dark,, you hate the dark the only light that can be seen is the bluish greeny glow of a mysterious contraption behind you. 
Your heart is pounding out of your chest definitely too fast. You can't help but think about all of this where our your loves that guy seemed to imply,,, that they arent around anymore does that mean,,, they could be dead, that thought made you start to tear up almost instantly no no please they can't be, you started to tremble you keep clenching and unclenching your fists, the big amount of grief you feel right now is earth shattering.
You didn't even notice but it seems you started to scream your lungs out, you can't ever hear your own screams but you know you are saying their names over and over, you are too stuck in your thoughts you can't help but get tunnel vision and start hyperventilating in the cold of this quiet and desolate room, all alone. 
in the dark.
Sals pov
    Honestly what is this place you swear you can't be hallucinating right now like you know it's a possibility but you have a feeling this is for real, as you were running through the corridors you passed so many weird rooms like there was a room full of medieval gear or the room that had nothing in it but a jar of,,, something on a pedestal, you didn't check every room as it would be a waste of time but you did figure out most of the rooms definitely intersect into each other in some way.
You finally decided to take a detour through one of these many door and to your surprise it looks like a butcher shop there is meat hanging around, you honestly thought it would be empty but you heard the faint noise of another being in the room with you, you immediately go into attack mode, it seems to be coming from slightly in the back of the weird covered counter, it kinda looked like it was made out of skin,,, ya ok whatever, you sneak ever so slowly past it trying to take this person by surprise, you finally see a blacked out figure ever so close to you
They seem big and imposing, they are hunched over something, you can't seem to make it out though. All your thoughts are mostly made of your gonna fucking kill this guy a thousand times, you have been going on a mini spree of beating the shit out of anyone you see in this place.
Your blood shot eyes have just adjusted to the darkness in this room, you can see the person better than before and,,, wait a goddamn minute.
Sal: “BOB?!?”
What the hell why they hell is he in here of all rooms and why the fuck is he wearing his funky looking devil costume that doesnt really matter now you have found at least one of your group but honestly seeing him has made your headache lessen just slightly and you went a little droopy eyes seeing him.
    Bob straightened up almost instantly like your voice activated him into an attack mode of sorts, he was holding his usual steak knife and his grin seemed to split open on his face even more,,, he actually looked kind of menacing to any other but to you he looked perfect even though it is kinda off he's wearing his costume right now if you are remembering correctly he didn't have it on when you guys were taken.
    But not minding that you open up your arms wide for him but not yet trying to hug him.
Sal: “Omg!! Look who it is, I'm SO excited to see you!”
Your words were laced with affection but strained from the pounding headache still, He did not do anything he didn't even move he even seemed,, hungry he was drooling excessively, something seems wrong but you can't tell just yet.
Bob: “ Oh? A very perfect treat has fallen into my hands, I'm more excited to see you.~ “
His eyes and deep in his sweater glowed cyan, as he looked down at you with an insane crave in his eyes.
 Before you could comment on his weird behavior, if he was ok at all he raised his knife in the air aiming to bring it down on your head, you dodge out of the way just in time for him to get it stuck in the hanging meat that was behind you.
Sal: “OH WOW so this is how everything is gonna play what the hell man!”
Bob: “Come on now don't play hard to get with me!~"
He proceeded to rip his knife out of the body and started advancing towards you, trying to get you into a bear hug to capture you.
    You booked it out of the doorway vaulting over the counter and skidding harshly over to the door, ripping it open off of its hinges, he was hot on your tail.
    There is obviously something very wrong right now he shouldn't be attacking you, you literally make out with his dumb of ass everyday he would never try to harm you on purpose, It has to be this fucking cults fault you knew he was in a cult before sure you pretended not to know you werent that dumb he didnt hide it that well but for his sake of letting him take his time to tell you guys and not to force the info out of him but it seems this daycare of a shit cult was watching him and keeping tabs on you and Lavina wait to use you for whatever the fuck. 
    Bobs thundering footsteps matched the pound of your brain against your skull it hurt so fucking much. He sure was catching up to you his ass was laughing as this chase began, spewing out words like he's the cat to my mouse and he can't wait to eat my meat, you would make an inappropriate joke right now but his ass has started to try a swipe at you like a cat with his knife.
    You make a really sharp turn in the corridor to your left making Bob smack right into the wall with a surprised look on his face as he wasn't expecting it, he made the wall and the bit of the floor shake from him smacking full force with all his weight into it, as you continued to run you started laughing your ass off seeing it happen, he grew very angry at that shaking his head around trying to get rid of his dissociation and the pain, He growled loudly as he pressed on following you.
    You saw at the end of this hall two big curved doors now that looks like something you are so tired of this fucking maze of doors it feels like your in the backrooms right now,
    You make it fast to the door and slam your body weight into it, you trip a bit but catch yourself before you end up on the ground, you catch your footing and look around you wildly and pause….
Sal: “,,,,why the fuck would a cult need a disco room?!"
You were so fucking curfuffled what the fuck is going on in this place like good for them but why?!
You have frozen, really questioning your reality right now, headache still beating your ass. You don't even care if Bob's thundering steps are right behind you, this night is turning to hell so fast you're about to combust into a cosmic horror just so you can go home and relax.
Bob:"HAHAHA We aren't always doom and gloom, now come here so I can gut u properly" 
He seems to have heard your comment, over the booming disco music that makes your nose wanna bleed and the disco ball that was high on the ceiling spinning you were going insane.
    You turn around with a fuck all sort of face for once your eyes arent drooping as they usually do and your eyebrows are knitted so hard they might as well be in the ground by now. You are clenching your fists so hard you are so about to be the nonsense back into him, lovingly of course. 
Sal: “ I do NOT care what this cult has done to you our little magician is somewhere in this fucking disappointment and confusion mess of a cultist temple.”
You don't mean to be so rude to him but this is really getting to you and no matter what you're gonna save him even if you have to throw down with him in the disco party room at least the music is good to rock his shit too.
    Bob lets out a bellowing laugh, it echos off the walls in this room somehow, it's intimidating but he's never scared you not even slightly, you get into a position of jumping around on your feet a lot to gain momentum and started cracking your joint mostly your shoulders and neck to get ready for him, you hate hurting those you love but this will be good for him.
Bob: “HAHAHA I don't know who you're talking bout darlin, there is no us that you speak of but I do know you're gonna make a great meal, You really are stupid person I would love to see you try to hurt me!”
And with that he lunged at me with his knife.
Bobs pov
Oh fuck oh fucking shit-
This was such a freaky situation to you, fighting like this with one of your darlins like this and what's worse is you cant even control yourself at all, you are a copilot in your own body the cult has your body captured and you were stupid to think they wouldn't try to come back for you to use you again for something else you just regret bringing them into all this.
    But you can't focus on that right now, your controlled body is trying to kill your love sure it was really hot with how they look like that, their face is a perfect shade of red with the most angry eyes you have even seen on them god it's making you hot and bothered, you can't believe this is what your mind goes to you are so down bad but you can't help it if that looked was pointed towards you, you would have smothered them in affection by now you really were so happy to see them again and not harmed by what you can tell.
    As your stuck in your head with your thoughts your body has gone into attack mode and trying its best to stab Sal but surprised to you they are blocking you perfectly it really hurts that they keep jabbing you when they see their opening but you really hope they win and if your body wins,,, well you don't think you would ever recover.
Bob: “You sure are a slippery little thang!”
They didn't say anything to his body shit talking them, they looked like a focused killer *sighs* oh how he loves that look on them.
    They were bobbing and weaving him with focus, every time he tried to swipe or hit them they would reflect they both were on the dance floor trying to fist fight each other and it actually seemed Sal was winning they really were wearing you down but as they dodged one of your attacks, it made you fall to you knees surprising you they grab at the neck of your sweater were the pendent was it was glowing very harshly against you but as they were doing that the music suddenly boomed through the room making them let go and hold their ears having a very painful expression wash over their face, they hunched in on themselves, 
oh no,, their headaches
My body took the opportunity to pick up the dropped steak knife and stab them into their thigh
Sal: “ ARGH! “
Oh no no no please don't do this! you tried to plead with your body but it wasn't listening to you at all.
    Your body laughed hard as you stood up, your beloved open mouth surprised that you stabbed them.
Bob: “HAAHAHA of course my prey always falls into my hands, you had no chance of winning this.~”
    Your body spread its arms out wide as it straightened up, advancing slowly towards them, you were looking down in a daze not moving at all.
You couldn't handle this, this is too much you want this to stop!
Just as you body got right in front of them trying to grab at them, they suddenly spring up and winding up their fist and punching you hard in your chest, were the pendent that kept its control of you was laying, they shattered it with their first in one punch it hurt so bad, knocking you down on the floor immediately, you couldn't breathe for a second it almost felt like you just died.
What a hunk they are. <3
Sal pov:
    This motherfucker stabbed you what da hell!
You took the opportunity of knocking his ass back, you ripped the knife out of you, Ough it hurt but your shapeshifting abilities cleared up the wound for you only now making you feel the phantom pains of it.
You fell onto the ground rolling around and groaning just because you can, you were ready to get the fuck out of here but you cant till everyone is safe, you really fucking hope the neckless you punched was the thing controlling him as freed him.
As you were doing that sounds of suffering Bob sat up breathless taking off his headband and wiping his face of the red paint not getting all of it but it did make his black hair pop out, he had his hand placed on his chest trying to control his breathing.
He finally landed his eyes on your crippled form and immediately panic crawled over to you.
Bob: ‘ Oh my! Honey i am so sorry I-I couldn't stop myself AH and now your hurt because of me.``
    He had a pained look as he picked you up like you weighed nothing and started cradling you spewing out apology after apology. It looks like he's ok now hehe oh you're so glad.
    You look up into his face while he holds you bridal style sitting on the ground, you look him in the eyes and your face just softens so fast your eyes get droopy with happiness and you let out a big wobbly smile break out onto your face for him. 
    He blushes so hard as you grab his face with both your hands and nuzzle into his cheek feeling his stubble scratch at your skin, you missed this feeling so much already. You sigh and stand up out of his hold.
Bob: “Woah Woah let me see your wound first”
He forces you still as he holds your thigh in his hands as he examines you he finds,,, nothing just a slit where the knife went through your pants, he's speechless. He looks up at you as he's on his knees.
Sal: “heh don't worry bout it dude :].”
He looked at them with confusion and love as he slowly got up from the ground as he did so he opened his arms wide and quickly pulled them into a hug.
Bob:” Oh I'm so sorry sweet pea, I never meant to drag you guys into this, this is my burden not yours.”
     He was really squeezing the life out of you but even so you can hear the tiredness in his voice, you guys aren't done yet. You still hug him back of course then you let go.
Sal:” look babe we all can have this talk when we all get out but right now we need our Lavina literally were the fuck is she i swear i heard screaming earlier.”
You say with the utmost serious voice ever, it seemed to have affected Bob a little but he snaps out of it as he puts his hands to face and drags them down.
Bob: “ We have to go get er right now! She is in the basement and they tryna sacrifice er to the deity they worship!”
Sal: “,,,,,ex-fucking-cuse me,, then we have no time to waste come on!”
You grab Bob's hand and make a run for it out the second double doors on the opposite side room.
Third person pov 
    Hand in hand Bob and Sal make their ways down endless corridors and random rooms to try and find the basement, Sal is super frustrated.
Sal: “ouagh who built this place, how the hell are we gonna even find the basement, what kind of maze is this!”
    They say using their free hand to rub between their eyes trying to lessen their headache. Bob put his free hand on their hand and lovely pet their hair trying to help, not used to seeing them act like this. It made him worried and nervous in a good way.
Bob: “ yeah we have a map. But uh, don't be surprised when it ain't on paper, it's actually pretty close to where we are."
He started leading their limpish body to an off looking corner of the grand hall, He both stopped them in front of a map that looked like it belonged in a mall to show where all the departments are. Sal was speechless as they looked at this “map” nothing on it made sense literally but they could make out the “You are here” with what looked like stickers of all of their heads in correct places but obviously Bobs and Sals sticker was in the rooms their were hold up in, but it shows a clear picture of where Lavina is and her sticker head was looking pretty cute and kissable, the both of them thought that but there was no time to think about that right now.
Sal: “Im going to make this place explode, lets fucking get it!”
They said with so much vigor in their tone dragging Bob by the hand as they started sprinting with a certain fire in their eyes Bob has never seen making him blush, but looking at them like this and how pissed and energetic and even brushing off a stab wound, Bob has a feeling they will all make it out he felt very safe with them even though their angry and serious look was making him go feral. 
Lavinas pov
    This was it for you, you have already screamed your voice horse, you can still feel the big globs of tears rolling out of your eyes catching in your eyelashes every now and again.
    You feel,,, numb, you still feel your fear but they don't matter to you anymore you're empty.  The priest guy and his team already has came back into the room to prep for your sacrifice, The Priest keeps droning on and on you have already tuned him out long ago, all you can really hear is your shorten breath and your hiccups from sobbing everything else around you just sounds like white noise, what's the point in caring anymore if the ones you have devoted your lonely life too are not here anymore, you can feel the scream bubbling up at that thought trying your best to curl into yourself, you can feel all your muscles clenching at once from the emotional pain your mind is afflicting onto you.
    The Priest and his crew seemed to have everything set up, ready for you.  Still being tried down to this chair The Priest pulls a leveler that he was standing next too on a platform he seems so fond of standing there looking down at everyone, the chair seems to move backwards, spooking you it gets more into a laying down position you finally look up trying to see what was behind you that emulate a glowing cyan color, the room was still pretty damn dark but if it wasn't filled with darkness it was filled with the color.
    It looked like a portal and on the other side of it was a gigantic creature with multiple eyes. It looked like a giant mushroom cloud after you drop an atomic bomb with many appendages of mostly tentacles.  You made eye contact with it making you flinch and closing your eyes tight making more tears roll off of your face, the portal exhaled wind out of him constantly, having your hair and clothes whip around you, you didn't wanna look please don't make you look at it.
    The lying down position was making you nauseous, it felt like eternity before the chair started to transform more and move you towards the portal making the wind come out even harsher against your skin. 
    You could faintly hear The Priest cracking loudly, you refused to open your eyes keeping them so tight you saw sparks in your vision. You were bracing for impact.
    Your eyes snapped open violently to the sound of a door breaking off its hinges flying through the air in one swoop. It slammed right into The Priest who gave out a high pitch earth shattering scream and cowering into himself, flinghing hard.  The flying door makes a hard impact with his body making him slam into the wall making it ricochet, spin a few times and finally falling onto the floor with the crippled body of The Priest under it. 
    Your watery eyes shoot over to the now doorless doorway. Standing there is a figure cloaked in darkness standing perfectly still with an imposing stance, they stood there for a few seconds in tense silence that has fallen around the room they moved by only cracking their neck really loud and looking up with a very pissed off face, for you to find it actually to be.
Sal: “Guess who?~”
    What??  Your jaw felt like it hit the floor.
Sal: “ If any of you don't want that happening to you next i suggest you scram. NOW! “
    As though a pin had been dropped, the very sweat soaked looking cult members almost tramped each other to head out the emergency door that you didn't notice till now that was in the room tucked in the corner.
    You dont think your face has ever been hotter in your life than at this moment, your eyes were sparkling with tears as your pupils dilated to their full size.
    Sal advanced into the room as the last of the members shut the emergency door behind them and right behind them was a flustered looking Bob.
    Bob immediately ran over to you trying to find a way to free you of this chair speaking sweet nothings to you as your other beloved walked over to the leveler resetting it to make the chair go back into its original form as they ripped the lever from its holder and started beating the shit out of the multi machines that was in the room making the portal function, the portal dissipated as well as the cyan glow now putting the room in more darkness but you could still see as well as feel Bob petting your hair trying to sooth you as you nuzzle against his hand in tears again from all the emotions that are wreaking havoc inside you making you speechless. 
    Finally Sal seemed to join the rest of you, your metal bindings were still in place it seems Bob was in no success in getting them off.
Bob: “ These really are a Bitch to get off, “
    His gaze landed on Sal who was right next to him.
Bob: “ Im for once lost on how these things work hehe.”
    He chuckled nervously, sweat dripping from his forehead, Sal slowly guided his hands out of the way so they could get to the metal cuffs.
  They laced their fingers slowly under the cuffs that were touching your wrist and in one harsh pull they broken the metal completely off, that shocked you so much you didn't even try to move your limbs as they continued to lace and rip your cuff off your other limbs, finally getting to the one holding your neck in place, they paused for a moment rocking a stoic face and corressed you check softly wiping away the tears that just kept falling, they were being so soft with you making you heat up, your whole body feeling like it was on fire and cooled off with their cold touch.
You brought one of your freed hands up to grip the hand that was on your check closing your eyes as you hiccup a bit. You felt them pull off the neck cuff with all their might, like the cuff offended them in some way by holding you hostage. 
Third Person pov
After Sal just freed Lavina Bob scoped the two up into a big bear hug attacking both with face, forehead and hair kisses. 
Bob: “ AHA OH MY TWO GOOBERS NOW that was a moment!”
    He both set the two down after attacking them with affection, making the pair look more disheveled and flustered, and it seemed to make Sals face unfurl a little less from it. 
    Sal quickly shook their head making their head feel more like shit but they really needed to sober up more. They grabbed Lavinas hand as Lavina grabbed Bob's hand, making a chain of holding hands.
Sal: “Right! Let's bounce from the very uncool joint.”
    Hand in hand they all went towards the exit all the other cult members fled from, it seemed this emergency door helped lead them straight to outside.
They stopped once the exit door shut behind them unlinking hands.  Honestly this whole situation and the rescue has finally caught up to Lavina making her wanna do fire crimes against these motherfuckers that gave her emotions trauma for no reason other than they stupid ass cultist plans that make no sense.
Lavina: “ *Huffs* That's it guys, I need to be a bad person just for a bit right now!”
    With that being said she sparked a giant magical flame into her hands running straight up to touch the mansion, once she touched the walls of the place the flames started spreading quickly. 
    Bob didn't even try to stop her as he watched her attack the building with all her might and her magic, he looked on at her with a pleased and smug face turning away as she started summoning raccoons to go chase anyone they saw with a cult hood.
Bob:” Our girl sure is feisty-”
    He cut himself off as he looked at Sal, who seemed to be completely face planted onto the grass and passed out on the ground. It seems that the headache and their affiliations have caught up with them for the night.  Bob let out a dreamy and breathless sigh as he picked them up, tossing them over his shoulder holding them in place with his big arm.  Bob supposed it was time to get the hell out of dodge now. 
    He raced up to Lavina who was knees and hands on the ground screaming obscenities at the rapidly burning up mansion, sirens could be heard in the distance.  Bob reached Lavina and quickly grabbed her by her ankle and started dragging her away.
    Lavina crawled at the ground and scurried around as Bob dragged her by the ankle. Starting his track away from the half charred half ablaze mansion he let off another warm checked smile, with affection in his voice leaning his head on Sals limp body.
Bob: “Ah my little heroes, all for me? You two were so brave what would I do without you, my precious darlin’s.<3”
Aftermath bonus:
    It only took a couple weeks for anything to go completely back to normal or well if you mean your normal is having a polycule consisting of some form of criminal in their own way than ya things have gone back to normal so far, the group is mostly recovering for emotional damage the cult has inflicted onto the trio but in each others presence it is melting away faster but two of the others still have a pretty little question that been on their minds for some time now ever since they left that mansion burning far behind.
    It all started where most of their serious conversation happened, on the coach in the middle of a movie night it just popped up out of nowhere Lavina couldn't hold it in anymore she had to know.
    Holding a pillow to her chest she looks Sal directly in the face. Bob sees the face Lavina is making and perks up, seeing as they both have talked about it when their middle man was not around.
Lavina: “ Soooo,,  I knew you could get serious but didn't know you could get that bad.”
Bob; “ Ya, you were like a beast with the cult,, not that i'm complainin’ "
    Sal looks up with a dazed look staring into the ceiling, pondering both of their words thinking back on the time they were in their manic rage fit they had to save both of them. It took them a moment and a few frog blinks before they finally decided to say something that shocks both of the beloved.
Sal: “Oh that ya, mmhhh I wasn't even really that angry to be honest, not that big of a deal.”
    Huh?!? What did they mean they weren't that angry?! Both of them literally saw them lose their goddamn mind, did they just imply they can get even madder.
    Bob and Lavina couldn't help themselves, they both sprung up out of their relaxed positions to basically get in Sals face, Both of the stalkers also couldn't help the hardcore blush that covered their faces, they kept imagining an even worse off Sal.
    But instead of answering that question Sal just chuckled and pushed both of their faces away 
Sal: “ heh come on guys no more questions we are watching a movie right now.”
Bob: “ How are we supposed ta’ be normal after that comment?”
Lavina drapes herself over Sals lap, giving them her best puppy dog eyes as her ears go down to give her more of a puppy look.
Lavina: “ Come oooonnn you can't just leave us hanging like this, please??”
    Sal just hits them both with a smirk then goes back to watch the tv with their normal expressions again instantly killing them both, Bob and Lavina can't help the hearts in their eyes and the warmness in their faces. 
[I just want everyone to know this is 6,000+ word count on Google docs WTF-💥]
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dr-spectre · 11 days
Sonic x Shadow Generations thoughts...
So after watching the 10 minute gameplay VGC released and seeing multiple people play the demo, i got to say... To the people who are saying "oh its exactly like Forces/Frontiers again..." Like... No? Have people forgotten just how AWFUL the level design in Forces was? Do you guys remember Lost Valley? Arsenal Pyramid? Sunset Heights? LUMINIOUS FOREST!?!? Space Colony Ark Act 1 is nowhere NEAR that quality bro.
There's multiple pathways that don't last for 3 seconds and add nothing of substantial gameplay, there's level gimmicks like the gravity walls and rockets that you can freeze with chaos control which adds new pathways, reaction based platforming with floating hoops and rails that you gotta react to fast enough in order to get on them and save time to get the S rank. It has those elements that Generations level design has but it definitely still has room for improvement of course.
Frontiers biggest issues with Cyberspace was copying and pasting level design that the controls weren't built around, and so therefore i wish i was playing Generations or Unleashed or Adventure 2 instead of some weird janky version of those levels that are covered in green hill, chemical plant, sky sanctuary and some basic ass city aesthetics i've seen over and over AND OVER AGAIN!! The original level design wasn't too bad actually and with the right control mods and tweaks, it felt REALLY good. Although still way too short for my liking.
I think that Forces really hurt a lot of fans deeply and the moment that they see any sort of hallway they freak the fuck out and get PTSD from Forces. Guess what other games in the series had long hallways in them? Adventure, Adventure 2, Heroes, Unleashed, Colors and Generations! If SA1 or SA2 got released today people would complain about linear level design, if Generations got released today and it didn't exist until 2024, people would give shit towards Green Hill Act 2 for being linear even though it's one of the best opening levels in the entire Sonic franchise in my opinion. Linearity isn't a bad thing, it's when you add 50 million dash panels and invisible scripting sequences where you can't move left or right until it's done, THEN it's an issue and bad level design like in Forces.
Now I'm not saying that you cannot criticize the level design, obviously you can duhhh, i have my own issues with the level design so far. I really do want there to be more little details and other aspects in the levels to add variety, like light speed dash trails, pits and spikes in those long hallways that you gotta quick step or move around to keep the speed up, like imagine in those tunnels you had to run up the walls to avoid a pit at the bottom that leads to a slower platforming section, that would be more engaging right? Add back tricks from base Generations and i wish there were more true 3D platforming and ramps and slopes, which the level somewhat has but i want there to be MORE of it. And the omission of the drift makes a lot of the level design seem a bit too blocky and less sloped if that makes any sense.
It's really weird that base Generations has a drift yet Shadow Generations doesn't. I just want there to be more options in the level design, those little details and extra paths do add up and make games like Unleashed and Gens so damn fun to replay.
Anyways, those were my thoughts on the level design of Shadow Generations that I've seen so far. I am looking forward to this as it seems like the team put in the work and time to make something really interesting and surprisingly polished. Like the UI actually looks fire, i want that HUD in the base game it looks so clean.
If Generations didn't get this new addition then i wouldn't give a fuck about it buying it again as i already got the game on steam and PS3 back when i was 10 years old....
....damn that feels weird to say... Generations is nearly 13 years old.... ouch...
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
When Rhaenyra discovered that Tyland Lannister had divided the royal treasury and sent most of it beyond her reach, Rhaenyra subjected him to incredibly brutal interrogation to get him to reveal where it was, including gouging out his eyes and gelding him. She planned to have 16 years-old Addam Velaryon tortured on the mere suspicion of disloyalty, only stopped by Corlys warning him in time for him to get away. I agree that GRRM make it clear that she was the rightful heir, but he also make it clear that Rhaenyra was just as horrible and tyrannical as Aegon II. None of them deserved the Iron Throne.
I wrote about this HERE and HERE.
*EDITED POST* (3/27/24)
I think that "none of them deserved the Iron Throne" in a fandom that already tries to blame the entire Dance on her runs the risk of discouraging people from assessing Rhaenyra's background and the material for her motivations for violence (as one would do with a perosn they see as even close to "human" or acting as an ordinary perosn could), thus it only encourages making Rhaenyra's actions "nonsensical" and "unjustifed" and "barbaric". '
ALSO, doesn't Aegon decide to execute dozens and dozens of people, including Sylvenna Sand, Essie, and those who followed the Shepherd?! People he definitely didn't need to kill?! Double standard much?
Coming from what I say below, by the time Rhaenyra goes to KL, her decision to be more ruthless also comes from the death of her oldest son, Jace, and before this, she already lost her second Luke to Aemond's machismo rage. When she lost Luke, she broke down and as the quote about her reaction to losing Jace shows, it appears she was determined to destroy any persons who helped the greens usurp her. The usurpation led to the conflicts that would cause her kids' deaths.
I think it makes sense for Rhaenyra to look at Tyland (a green and the one who rationalized his betrayal of her in the green council) as her enemy. He was a person who at least enabled the greens to properly usurp her in the green council and didn't seem to have much compunction or difficulty doing it...and he is the one who is still helping the greens by removing the royal treasury from Rhaenyra's grasp. Before Rhaenyra imprisoned & tortured him, he had already done this one critical thing. It wasn't all that practical...but to write it completely off as unforgiveable stupid is unfair.
Remember that it is this one thing that really disables Rhaenyra from establishing her rule efficiently and more peacefully. She needed to fix this issue AND she obviously sought some sort of revenge through him. Especially during a time when an invading green army could enter KL at any time to oust her, creating a very fearful environment for her as well as the ordinary inhabitants.
Imagine what it would have been like, for a second--anyone who is reading this--from either perspective:
your antagonistic step-parent has insulted/worked against you since you was 10 or so ("who protects her from Cole", years of trying to expose her and her sons, etc). AND you have experienced unsubtle and subtle harassment from a person you can't just kick out because they are your father's wife and technically outrank you for the latter half of your childhood
same step-parent taught their children/your siblings to dismiss you and your son's enough for years until they formed their own "rivalry" and your siblings do not respect your children/their nieces or nephews bc they feel they are inherently superior -> one cold-bloodedly kills one of your kids (and he did do so purposefully, fuck HotD and it's "logic" of making everything an accident and not the poor greens' fault).
*Rhaenyra didn't do anything to these people to merit the harm they did to her, which preceded any harm she did to them or those who followed them and helped them to power.
You have been usurped, you lost a child (this part would hit harder if you actually wanted and loved your kids) one through a miscarriage, another murder, and one in battle
your father's death was kept from you until the very last minute;
you arrived at the place where you must figure out how to keep your hard-won position from enemies still outside the gates that could come at any second
you probably have the need to "prove" your kids' deaths "meant" something
These are Rhaenyra's likeliest pressures. The deal with Tyland is that Rhaenyra saw him as a green against her (and can we blame her?) as well her wanting to to get things under control as soon as possible. I don't condone the suspicions of the bastards, especially Nettles, but you make it seem like Rhaenyra was unique in her cruelty while simultaneously claiming none deserved the throne, flattening the story to "no one is 'better' than the other, so no one deserves it".
I wouldn't say that Rhaenyra was altruistic or compassionate to everyone around her, or that in general altruism or thinking of others as a part of her own family was in her character. Rather she has a similar level of regard for others as people imagine is common amongst humans: not wanting to directly cause damage to those she doesn't know until perceived harm is done, or until she feels forced to. Again, otherwise more concerned with her immediate life and self-interested than not. But still, with who Tyland is, what he did to help the greens displace & usurp her and then lead to her sons' deaths, her need to establish order as soon as possible and how all of these things happening all at once or in quick succession creating a heavy psychological burden on a person...it's not hard to see how a lot of people, maybe you, anon, would do similar things.
Then there is the KL commonborn's need to survive not only from attacks but to make a living (traders, merchants, barkeepers) when the influx of travelers from anywhere suddenly stops. Suddenly there is a lot more thievery. Then there will also be lots of people going crazy from the stress, which would cause more murders, rapings, etc. This would explain how executions also rose and Rhaneyra decided "might as well make money off of this" and charged people for coming to see the rising number of executions. There is also not much time going to be paid towards these executions as much as, once again, defending oneself from enemies and the grief of losing kids.
The reason why we should / do admire people who manage to make good or even passably logical decisions during moments like these is because they managed in the first place. Which makes them special. Yeah we need leaders who can try and do the most they can to perform their duties, but to expect them to be 100% or even 80% without help is...ludicrous. They are still very human.
Vaemond's death, while brutal was arguably deserved & necessary bc:
he thought it smart to protest her offering Luke as Corlys' heir by stating he was a bastard right in front of her after Viserys had already stated and declared that anyone who called his grandkids bastards would have their tongues ripped out/corporal punishment (almost like Brandon Stark with Rhaegar, but at least Brandon's action isn't trying/allowing the murder of innocents)
called Rhaenyra a traitor to the crown, endangering her and her kids' lives so he could benefit from maybe becoming the next lord of Driftmark, something he doesn't actually need
nor what the actual lord (Corlys) wanted. If Vaemond so wanted the seat, he could have gone to Colrys a long time before, but he didn't bc he knew Corlys would shut that down.
Remember that in his society, the lord/head of house declares the next heir/leader of house. If one argues that this feudal hierarchical system is inherently unjust and acknowledges that Vaemond is trying to get others killed purely to benefit from being a man, chasing power that could be granted under other circumstances, then one should not argue that Vaemond is acting morally when he calls Rhaenyra's kids bastards. There is also nothing moral about using a person's bastardry and patriarchal mores of female chastity to claim that you deserve to rule. (The point of the Dance.)
Again, By the time she and Daemon took KL, she's made the decision to be more ruthless ("The Red Dragon and the Gold"):
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Aegon the Elder, on the other hand, had no reason to take the throne or watch his bastard kids fight in pits or rape a 11-year-old and several other servants and maids (you think he stopped at "fondling", dream on) and Alicent, while she was trying for power for herself and in a different story would be more commendable for doing so by taking advantage of her position as the would-be heir's mother, she also did much of her amoral actions without provocation. What did she do to Rhaenyra before any of Rhaenyra's kids are born? I already told you. And again, if she hadn't turned her sons against Rhaenyra, Aemond would not have done as he did regarding Vhagar and then got it in his head to kill Lucerys to prove a point of strength.
I'm not sure what you expected from Rhaenyra that wouldn't likely happen with most people, or what one would expect from most people after their kids have been killed. You'd have to be privileged enough to not expect others to harangue or assualt you purely out of hate or ambition.
Also, meanwhile, Alicent is out here thinking she's in the moral right to dismiss the deaths of Jace and Luke as "bastard blood shed in war" and saying the deaths of her son(s), the legitimate ones, are worth more than Rhaenyra's based on legtimacy. The social stigma of those born out of wedlock informing the worthiness of lives. It's actually pretty amazing she didn't have Alicent imprisoned in a cell deep within the Keep way down below for that alone.
What made Rhaenyra tyrannical was that from an early time in her life, she was treated as undeserving due to her femaleness and then she had to keep her belief in herself extant in the face of that. Whether she is a "good" person or not is not really my issue, my issue is that she wasn't allowed autonomy or power that she didn't claim for herself. That she was regarded and treated as "bad" or inferior by those around her before she ever really got to develop into something else. Before she had to self-determine.
That comes with the development of the need to protect such powers, which got worse after her son deaths and the multiple pressures of a city during a war, these things which a ruler didn't usually have to face right when they begin to rule all at once.
So no, Rhaenyra wasn't always tyrannical or evil. There was progression based on others' attacks and Viserys never gave her some sort of training in politics that Jaehaerys probably gave Aemon and Baelon and Aegon I gave Aenys. Of course, Rhaenyra had the opportunity to learn on her own, but
A) She already did on Dragonstone and again the situation in King's Landing is very unlike the typical ascendant's situation upon their first days of rule: an ongoing war, riots incited by a hiding green and a crazy man from the Citadel most likely, some councilmen unjustifiably blaming you for their wife's death, etc. The pressure would have been intense and the need to pull everything right together seemed to have outrun her mental capacity...again sons' deaths (also Rhaenys, I don't think she was distant with Rhaenys, who also loved her sons and the daughters of Laena Rhaenyra raised).
B) To think that some education from her father/ruler and confidence in her wouldn't have helped her to get her bearings is pretty myopic.
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acowotl · 1 year
Your Support(ZADR)  (Angst)
Dib didn’t initially remember when he first took notice of Zim’s quietness but it’s apparent how much he’s changed through middle school to high school. He takes note to confront him on why he refuses to interact with anyone anymore, not even for his schemes. Dib follows Zim to his base, where he sees through the window that he’s standing on a chair, nearly about to hang himself.
Dib runs into the house, immediately holding Zim’s legs to prevent him from falling. Zim was shouting at his robot companion when Dib entered, who was crying aggressively
Zim turned to Dib, grimacing at him
"Get out. G-Get out of my base!" Zim was horribly pale, in fact, he looked terrible with large bags under his eyes.
he clings tightly onto Zim, preventing him from making a move to harm himself 
"Us!? Who is us? To your research? I-it- it certainly looks like what you think it is but it is.. it is not! Get off, Zim is just preparing a trap for you.. just- god. REMOVE YOURSELF FROM MY HOUSE DIB MEMBRANE."
Gir had calmed down a bit, dismantling the rope while Dib had him busy 
“I’m not stupid you green muck! Why are you doing this?” 
Dib slowly lowers Zim to the floor, where he stands over the boy with a significant height. Zim tossed Dib aside, pulled on a blue hoodie, and rode the hood up attempting to walk out of the base
 "Computer. Remove the intruder."
Dib looks around, watching the coils of metal unveil from the ceiling aiming around him, before Zim could make too much distance from him, Dib tackles him. Launching the both of them into another room 
Zim grunted, his weak stature hitting the hard flooring with a just as weak thud 
"You don't know half of what it is like to be a failure Irken invader. I disappoint my planet. MY RACE. You are... just a boy! GIR! REMOVE HIM FROM ME!"
 'nuh uh'
“Why is your entire meaning to a life centered around taking over this planet, and disappointing those who didn’t seem to care about you? Why is it so important!” Dib shouts in close proximity but tries to stay collected.
“STOP OSTRACIZING YOURSELF, HUMANS WERE BUILT TO SCAVENGE AND REPOPULATE BUT THAT DOESN’T GIVE YOU AN ENTIRE MEANING.” Dib holds his temples with his hand, trying to process what’s happening at that moment 
“You’re more than that Zim”
He smirked at Dib and rolled his eyes 
"Ostracizing myself. You are funny. I'd laugh but I wish to not pity the pitier."
 Zim punched Dib square in the jaw and flung him off. 
"Was it not you that told me how hideous my skin is? That I am a freak alien? I cannot think of one real friend of Zim, not even Gir, he is forced to love his master. Not even Keef I'd say. Just an unhealthy obsession!"
Quickly Dib gets up, shaking off the hit, holding where Zim’s fist made an impact 
“look, I’m sorry Zim, I was a kid, I was an idiot and I didn’t know how else to react.”
 Dib notices Zim’s hoodie (that was originally his) had shifted up towards his elbow. Revealing rows of purple along his skin. Dib grabs Zim’s wrist, holding it up in view 
“What the hell is this.”
Zim went to pull his wrist away but found it quite painful when Dib's grasp rubbed against it 
"nh! R-Release me. Release my arm this instant. I will not hesitate to hit you again! Y-Your reaction was fine- how is your jaw? Shall I get ice? C-Computer! Fetch me some ice to sort out the punch I landed on the Dib-Stinks jaw!" 
He feverishly attempted to change the subject. The burn marks and blisters from the water he ran over his skin mixed with lines of dark green scabs and lines of fresh purple. Many appeared to not be in good condition, likely infected.
 "Yes. Here, this is your hoodie- you may have this back. My apologies for stealing it!"
Dib stares in shock at the condition of his friend’s skin. After snapping out of his daze, somehow with an ice pack in his hand. Dib faces Zim, who is sitting across from him on their kitchen floor. His claws outreached holding the hoodie. 
“No, keep it.” 
he pushes his hands towards the alien, then grabs his hand softly pulling up the sleeve. Tracing each abrasion with a gentle touch. He looks up into  Zim’s eyes and rests his head on the back of his hand 
“Zim, please, talk to me”
He began to sweat, his antennae flattening against his head
 "I-I am fine Dib thing! Just banged up, yes. No worse than the bologna incident.. o-or the rain incident! It just takes a day to heal over! Really!"
 He smiled nervously, it was off-putting in a way. It was an inhumane smile, definitely a mimicry of one. His eyes stayed void of emotion. it was honestly disturbing.
 "Haha! Please, dear friend- Dib thing! let's uh- let's play a video game? Haha..?"
Dib didn’t know what to do, it’s not like he could magically fix the boy from his problems, he just wanted to help him 
“I’m not letting you deter me from this. I know you can heal quickly but that doesn’t stop me from knowing what you did” 
He scoots closer to Zim, putting the messily folded hoodie onto the green boy.
“You don’t deserve this Zim” 
Zim broke into tears, dropping the hoodie to the floor and crumpling with it. He wailed and clawed at the floor, panting and gagging on his tears, nearly throwing up 
 The floor scuffed easily, his claws dug out holes in the tile floor- yikes. 
Dib’s heart felt like it shattered, seeing someone he loved dearly fall into such a deep pit, it felt like he had been pierced in the chest. He lays next to Zim as he cries. Stroking the fake hair atop his head 
“You don’t need to be normal Zim, kids are cruel, the earth is cruel. You’re so smart and no one should be subjected to the ridicule of those assholes at the school or on your planet” he pauses “I hate to see you like this….you mean too much to me, Zim…”
Zim shook his head, still curled into a ball on the floor
 "You are just saying words. We are enemies." 
 he reaches out to him, pulling him up softly so he can look into his eyes 
“I….I love you okay.” 
he looks away, only to turn back and stare directly into Zim’s eyes
 “I love the way you talk, how you insult me, emphasize your words, the way we banter like an old married couple. You make me feel….whole. Without you, things seem so empty. I need you here with me Zim.”
 He pauses. Contemplating. He mutters under his breath 
Hot wet tears fall from Dib’s face, looking down the droplets pattering on the thick lenses of his glasses 
“I need you, Zim”
 Zim removed the glasses from Dib's face gently, wiping them off with his gloves
 "You do not need Zim. I appreciate it greatly, but no one NEEDS Zim."
 He smiled softly and looked up, putting the glasses back on Dib 
"You don't love Zim, you don't mean it. You should not do that to yourself." 
“You idiot.”
Without a second thought, he leans in, kissing Zim softly. More tears flow down the olive-colored skin tainted with acne. His hand raised to rest on Zim’s green cheek. Realizing what he had done. He quickly pulled away. Shocked by his own actions. 
“Oh my god, shit, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to-“
 Zim laughed quietly, putting a hand on Dib's shoulder
 "Dib-thing. You do not have to pretend. My corpse is still useful for research. There is no way you could truly want this. Not with Zim."
 He shook his head, cocking it to the side, his wig falling off
 "We are not compatible. I will not lie, I've felt these feelings, yes, but you will ruin your life human."
 “God trust me Zim if I didn’t truly feel this way. I would’ve already been gone. I mean from the bottom of my human heart, you mean something to me, and I will be with you to integrate that into your thick alien skull.” 
Dib takes the wig, adjusting it to Zim’s head
“I will continue to keep saying so until my life ends”  
Zim scoffed, resting his head against Dib's neck 
"You scare Zim. You are such a strange human. Are all humans with big heads so stupid? I thought the bigger the brain the smarter!"
 he patted Dib's forehead
 "Zim- no, I love you Dib-Thingy."
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