#Does anybody understand.
iamdieterbravo · 11 months
au where hoffman is a literal bear who mauls people in a national park or some shit & strahm is the park ranger trying to subdue him
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lotus-pear · 7 months
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whatever happens, please don’t break
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xie lian texts like a grandpa … i imagine pre confession their texts would be a graveyard of hua cheng’s failed attempts at flirting
xie lian's profile picture is from the manhua by starember / follow for more of hua cheng Ls
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ecliip · 27 days
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been listening to miracle musical lately. does anyone see the vision!!!
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heavensickness · 4 months
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I am very unwell about their dynamic, honestly
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Husk: Angel once texted me "your adorable" so I texted him back "No, YOU'RE adorable".
Charlie: …And?
Husk: And now we're dating, we've been dating for three months.
Husk: All I did was point out a typo, but I like him, so l'm not complaining.
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kacievvbbbb · 9 days
Another way that Mihawk’s perfectionism and obsessiveness rears its head is that he wanted Shanks to love him best.
Realistically in terms of people Shanks was probably all Mihawk had and so by default he loved him best but Shanks has so many people an ever growing list of people that he loves and where does Mihawk fall on that list? It’s easy to belive for a long time that he’s at the top. After all it’s him that Shanks keeps crossing oceans for. It’s him that Shanks comes back to again and again testing steel against steel, skin and skin. And things are good
But then Shanks goes to lay low in a little village in the east blue and meets a little boy.
And Mihawk doesn’t even know that he’s “lost” till it’s too late. Until Shanks has already sacrificed an arm and a hat for that boy and how could Mihawk ever compete with that?
And what’s the point of competing if you can’t win? If you can’t be the best?
So he leaves.
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handweavers · 5 months
sometimes i worry when writing like artist statements and that kind of stuff that i sound like a jackass and i think to a certain extent every artist does unfortunately myself included but then i read some others statements and it's like. look i'm decently well read and smart enough, but this shit is totally incomprehensible to the degree where there's no way the artist/writer even knows what they're trying to say. complete word salad
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nitrokiraru · 9 months
society would improve if the mizusly route was in the OG game. Hashtag Let Mizuki Hit
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The beam hit him and that’s why he’s emo and gay
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13thdoctor · 10 months
my top doctor who ship? thoschei
my second? the doctor and their tardis. idgaf she's alive and beautifully vast and I'm calling them objectum for her even though she's so much more than an object and I'm in love with her. also. she's my wife
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c10v3r · 8 months
i have a love hate relationship with grilled cheese it is disgusting repulsive and yet delicious and filling
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y-rhywbeth2 · 8 months
Durge: "Why are you at rest? Start cleaning the camp!" Sceleritas Fel: "Aaah! Master! I'm sorry, I'm ever-so sorry to forget my other duties! What a wretch I am! I'm not even worthy of being your scullery maid." [startled, realises he has done poorly] Durge: "Wash the dishes!" Sceleritas Fel: "At once. I will shatter some glasses and sprinkle the fragments in the beds of your other followers. Keep their dreams bloody."
Truly the world's most helpful butler. I would love to know how he interprets the other household chores.
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A Softer Trigun, part 13/?
pt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
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dukeofthomas · 3 months
I started caring about the fascinating dynamics and potential going on between Jason&Bruce&Joker and now I can never again enjoy fancontent that just goes 'and then the Joker died. Anyways-' like nonono do not just pass up on all the possibilities like that. Read war of gotham: overture by mid_knightowl and come back to me with your eyes open to the sheer potential pls
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briaberri · 3 months
It's just... if someone says, "I don't want this." And the response is, "Yes you do, you just don't know it yet" ... is that not the rationalizing root of some of the most insidious abuses ever?
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