#Dog Lifejacket
dnickels · 4 months
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"Surely there was a better way to convey this information" probably! That may be why I'm no longer asked to contribute to our social media page at work!
But its that season again and i want to remind everyone that just because an object is vest-shaped and floats does not make it a lifejacket. Only a Coast Guard approved PFD is tested and rated to save your life. Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
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This...thing pops up in searches for "child's inflatable lifejacket" and bills itself as such. But scroll down and we find an explanation:
In contrast to life vests meant to keep your head above water, our vest enables you to swim smoothly with your head in the water. It keeps you buoyant longer for a safe and enjoyable experience - without worry of surprise riptides or fatigue.
Catch that? This thing is not intended to and will not keep your head above water, the single most important thing a personal flotation device should do. What if you are in a riptide and fatigued while wearing this thing and not longer able to keep your breathing hole above the water's surface? You're shit out of luck. You drown.
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Consumers may notice that there is a warning notice on the back, but the good people at Amazon have cleverly obscured it. We can still make out "does not protect [...] drowning". If your waterwings, floaties, or vest-shaped inflatable have a disclaimer like this then they are not rated to safe your life, your child's life, your dog's life, whatever!
By contrast, every Coast Guard approved PFD has labeling like this:
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It will clearly say USGC approved and have an approval number. It will say WHO it is rated for (infant, child, youth, adult), the size (small, medium large), an upper weight limit, and generally what kind of recreation its approved for (near shore versus offshore etc). It will give you instructions for proper use and signs that your lifejacket is nearing the end of its utility and needs to be replaced.
Not all personal flotation devices are suited for all activities. Whitewater kayaking and deep-sea fishing need more specialized gear than a day at the lake. But you should have, at minimum, a correctly-sized, well-fitting, CG approved PFD in serviceable condition for any kind of activity on or near the water. Have it, but most importantly, wear it!!!!!
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maybe-a-dinosaur · 6 months
matsukawa issei one of those guys that just walks in the rain. no umbrella no raincoat not even a hood motherfucker just gets wet. it’s not because he forgets to check the weather he is fully cognizant that it is raining he just accepts his fate and steps out the door into the downpour. he leaves a trail of water behind him when he walks inside and wrings out his shirt like a cartoon character his shoes squelch when he walks he has to empty them in the sink his hair is Dripping he shakes his head like a dog his splash zone has a 6 foot radius.
no one understand him his mother won’t let him sit on the couch she’s like what the fuck kid if you get water on the rug one more time you’re sleeping in the rain. oikawa is unimpressed “it’s your funeral” asks issei if he’s thought about investing in a lifejacket. takahiro insists that drowning is “so this year” and issei looks “chic” when he’s shivering. iwaizumi walks beside him on the sidewalk under his own umbrella he does not offer to share issei does not ask there is mutual respect. he doesn’t jump in puddles or anything like that’s too childish or whatever but he Refuses to wear appropriate rain attire he would rather be damp and uncomfortable than inconvenienced.
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spaceradio · 3 months
Ottery St Mary - S3E4
Martin is a man with a van, Douglas flies a plane with an otter, and Carolyn dates a pilot with a problem with sheep. And two mysteries solved - the name of Carolyn's dog and the rules of Yellow Car.
Rotterdam - S3E5
It's lifejacket, camera, action as stardom beckons for one of the crew of MJN Air, but who will get to blow the final whistle? And will they look good in a vest?
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alolanrain · 5 months
I have this headcanon that most parents in pokemon that have pokemon send a pokemon to drop there kid of at school
they also have these vests that are like a mix between a dog harness and a lifejacket for the kids the vests also have a bite tab for the pokemon that drop the kids off for school so they can grab the kid if they wonder on to the road or fall off a ralling or if the kid falls off the pokemon
the bite tab basicly lets the pokemon scruff the kid like a cat does its kitten
would lance put ash in one to get him out of trouble?
this is so cute wtf
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greypetrel · 8 months
Welcome home kisses from the touches prompt list!
Hi Mo! ✨
Thank you for asking! This sent me in a flurry, I won’t lie. Meaning: I had three different ideas, half wrote two, and eventually decided with the angstiest one. Also because Alyra is one I write less so she needs more affection.
And nothing, some shenanigans post Fort Drakon, playing Denerim as a Mahariel is just… Nasty. If you’re romancing Alistair it’s the first place where you see the cracks. I hope you’ll enjoy! 😊
Tis the prompt list
The Only Possible Choice.
[ Dragon Age: Origins, post “Captured!”, Warden and Alistair runs on their own | Female Mahariel x Morrigan – hints of Female Mahariel x Alistair -go poly or go home | 3333 words ]
Kisses – 11. welcome home kisses
Did you ever feel your heart stopping? Did you ever feel like a moth drawn to a flame? It's time to put on your lifejacket 'Cause I'm about to step up the game, oh - Kamikaze, Susanne Sundfør
She was absolutely furious. Seething with rage and a thousand “I told you so”.
Because oh, she had told them it would have ended up like that. They just had to spent a night in Fort Drakon, lose most of their armours and weapons and tools and escape through the skin of their teeth. Better than she would have thought, which was a quick execution and their bodies thrown to the pigs to get rid of the evidence. She would have done it, but Loghain was apparently slower than she would have been. A meagre consolation.
Anora was a royal bitch, and she tricked them. Almost jeopardized not only that mission, but the fucking war. And Alistair had the guts of saying she should calm down, that they had to rescue her.
Had to.
For all Alyra cared, she could have rotten in a cell and freed them of another arrow in her father’s quiver.
For all her silver tongue, she didn’t know how to explain to the Landsmeet having escaped from Fort Drakon without looking like a savage who cared not for their laws and rules and could easily decide to jump over them.
And all around her people told her to stay calm and get to better counsels and speak with the Queen.
Creators, she would speak with the bitch to curse her thrice before killing her. Her father could watch.
What angered her the most was that Alistair took the side of the asshole he called uncle, in treating her like she was but an unruly child who understood badly the rules this world followed.
It didn’t cost him so much thought to leave command fully to the unruly child that didn’t know the rules. And he had the audacity to ask her not to be angry at him.
He had paid her very little attention in the last weeks since they arrived in Denerim, looked only at his uncle, shadowed him like a lost duckling who finally found his. He left her explore the city, investigate, move to gain them support all on her own, facing the Alienage and the merry band of slavers hidden between with just Zevran, Leliana and Morrigan at her side. Saving Anora had been the first task he didn’t invent excuses not to participate, and that was the one task Alyra didn’t want to pull through.
What was worse was that she was right. Dalish and all, not knowing the rules fully, but she had been right. Anora sold them both off to save her own filthy skin, and now they had to pay the consequences.
And Alistair told her to stay calm, that she had no reason getting angry, she would have done the same and she knew it. She was overreacting, and he defended his uncle against her.
His uncle who made him sleep with the dogs. His uncle who threw him away to the Templars when his new wife asked him to.
She told him things she didn’t want to tell him, and retreated in her room. Kicked Stan out of it, because she really didn’t want to put up with anyone, this evening.
She just wanted to take off the accursed boots and nasty clothes she donned, jump in a bath to scrub the prison and the feeling of wearing someone else’s dirty clothes, and retaliate redecorating the room with her knives. Those curtains were ugly.
She managed up to the bath, scrubbing herself raw with a piece of soap and a rag, until her skin reddened and felt sensible, cleaned and combed her hair carefully.
As she was still combing her hair with a finer comb and finally starting to relax minutely with the gesture, someone knocked on her door.
Alyra huffed and ignored it. She was dressed but in a robe, humans and Andrastians were bashful about being undress, and she just wanted to be left alone. It was almost a year since she had left the clan and started to solve other people’s problems, they could leave her an evening of quiet and sulking in peace.
Apparently, they really couldn’t.
Knock knock knock.
It grew more insisting. Alyra ignored it again, hopping on her feet and heading to the desk, as her fingers worked to braid red locks sprouting over her left ear.
Knock knock knock knock knock knock.
The mysterious pesterer sped the rhythm up, growing more frantical at each hit on the wood.
“Coming.” She groaned aloud, understanding that she wouldn’t have gotten rid of anyone there without being vocal about it.
Whatever anger she lost in the bathtub and doing her hair was instantly gained all over again. And with some extra at the idea that out there was Alistair, wishing to continue any further with the shitshow of blaming the other. Which was probably the last thing she wanted to do, right there and then. She clenched her hand on the handle and opened the door to the corridor abruptly, sneering at whomever was there.
“I hope it’s important.”
She hissed, before fully realizing who was on the other side exactly.
She met with Morrigan, hand still raised in gesture and looking at her with a weird expression on her face. One Alyra had never seen her sporting.
Considering she was alone, she didn’t want her there either: she tried, and tried and tried to flirt and get somewhere with her, but to no avail. If whatever they may have was friendship and companionship, she could accept it and gladly so… but not now.
Now, she stood there, looking at her like one would a mythological creature. A manticore ready to bite. She said nothing.
And because it was Morrigan, Alyra took a deep breath and spoke first.
“I am sorry. But if it’s not important, I am tired.”
“Tis important enough.” Morrigan answered, in that serious briskness that admitted just a yes.
Alyra moved to leave her space enough to enter her room. Closed the door all over again, knowing that whatever she wanted to tell her wasn’t something either of them would have liked to share with the first scullery maid that walked their way. She stayed on the door, leaving the other woman space. Not that she personally liked the space, not with her. But she knew cornering the other wouldn’t have led to good results, as it never did before save having her recoil on herself and get further away. Plus, it wasn’t the moment to stoke on whatever tension was going on between them. It really wasn’t the moment.
She leant on the door and started to absent-mindedly braid her hair and pretending she wasn’t aware of her guest pacing in the room with a frustrated gait.
“Why did you do it?” Morrigan asked, and she was angry about it, tho she tried to contain it.
“I did a lot of things, you need to be more specific.” She ended one little braid over her left ear and picked three locks from above the right one, getting back to work.
“You escaped from the prison without waiting for help. Do you realise how-”
“Yes, Morrigan, I do realize that was a risky endeavour that could have gotten us in even more troubles than what we already were in.” she interrupted her, letting irritation seep into her voice.
She didn’t want to take it out on her, she knew the other was just worried, but she had had the same argument with Eamon and she wasn’t keen in losing even more time discussing over something that couldn’t be changed.
“After careful considerations on my part, I realised that the only way to get out of that prison, seen the current political situation, was to escape from it. It worked, we’re both here, I already was made present it was a stupid move, as if asking Loghain to please release the Wardens he’s been hunting down for a year wasn’t even more stupid.” She explained, finishing the second braid and picking other three locks above the first. She used them to form a third braid, with another plain lock, and adding hair to each section at each crossing. “I already lost enough time over this argument, if that’s all you needed to tell me, Eamon beat you to it and I won’t listen to the same thing twice.”
They glared at each other for a minute, no one ready to lower their eyes first. Alyra stopped blinking, even, to show resolve. If that move was enough to destabilize most people, it wasn’t enough for Morrigan. It never had been, and the other just snorted at her as soon as she realize what she was doing, unimpressed. The witch stepped towards her, glaring more.
“You don’t understand. There’s more at stake than you think, you cannot do these things.”
“More at stake than I think?” Alyra hissed, letting the finished braid down with a vengeance. “Oh, you mean more than Ferelden falling into a full scale civil war, that will just be stopped by the fucking zombie invasion and rabid dragon we didn’t stop? You mean more than the Blight crawling across the Frostback and taking the world unprepared? More than that? I am sorry I didn’t consider it, in my humble and limited knowledge of the world. You was so less sheltered than I was.”
That hit her. That hit her low, and the worse thing was that Alyra knew it would have. She looked at her with fury, now, fire blazing from her golden eyes. She wanted to kiss her, bad. They got close in the argument. Too close, the witch was standing but a step in front of her, chest heaving as she got her breath back.
“You don’t understand.” Morrigan just told her.
“Help me, then.” Alyra prodded. “What am I missing?”
She shifted forward at that, not pressing directly into the other, not touching, but getting closer, and not leaving her eyes from hers.  She heard the mage catch her breath, saw her eyes fall down on her lips, on the cleavage that her robe let peek out.
Morrigan groaned, frustrated, and turned her back at her, stepping back into the room. As Alyra knew she would have had. It wasn’t surprising. It wasn’t exactly the first time she pulled a similar stunt, getting closer and waiting for the other to decide whether to step forward or back, waiting for consent. And every time it ended like that. She looked down, there and then, and stepped to the other side of the room, leaning over the desk and shuffling the papers on it. Notes, schemes and maps, summaries of books she had taken from the library in the estate, trying to get a quick grip on Fereldan politics and how a Landsmeet even worked without relying on Eamon or his idiot of a brother too much.
Going on with her evening as if Morrigan wasn’t there.
She had shared the room with her since they arrived, after all, it wasn’t anything strange. The difference was that they were both in a mood, right now, both too stubborn to step out of it.
Alyra considered asking her to please find another place to sleep, tonight. Or to go herself to crack in Leliana’s room. There was just a certain amount of rejection she could stomach, for a day, and she needed to get a grip on herself and set her life back on track. If with the mage currently pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace, hugging herself somewhat protectively, all that ever would be was a friendship, a too-close one at that, that was fine. But she needed at least one night of peace to set her mind to it.
In any case, she needed warmer clothes on. She huffed in disappointment, as another shiver ran down her spine, reminding her that she was underdressed for the weather and those large rooms were impossible to warm up properly.
Her notes got collected in one neat pile she tapped thrice on the desk, and left down on it, caring for the bottom to be parallel to the edge of the table. And then she moved, still ignoring her roommate. She could stare at the fire all she wanted, Alyra didn’t care. Maybe the fire knew what she was missing.
She made it to the dresser and to open a drawer, before Morrigan spoke again.
“There is one thing I cannot tell you.”
Every word fell out of her lips like a stone sinking in a clear pond, heavy and slow.
“You don’t trust me.” Alyra concluded. It stung, quite a lot.
“Tis not that.”
“What is it, then?” She picked up her clothes, choosing with a calm she didn’t feel. Honestly, she was tired and she just wished everyone would leave her alone.
She didn’t look at the other, walking to the screen to get changed. At least the floor was protected by carpets, so walking barefoot wasn’t that unpleasant. But she didn’t make it to the screen.
Morrigan caught her arm, and she reacted by instinct. She pulled her arm back and pivoted on it, to get free and away. As skilled as a mage that she was, physically she was no match: in a moment, Alyra was free and facing the other, and a safe three steps away, instinctively in a fighting stance with bent knees, ready to jump.
“I didn’t tell you because you wouldn’t have believed me, or you would have gone away, or sent me away. I couldn’t risk it at first. And then… Things got complicated.”
“Yes.” She frowned harder, cheeks taking some colour. “I… I will tell you. But not now.”
“Are you going to stab me in the back?”
“On the contrary. Not any more than you did escaping on your own.”
Alyra snorted again, not understanding what even was the point of that conversation. Why she couldn’t tell her… Whatever it was that she was keeping secret. She glared at her, rage renewed past disappointment and rejection.
“What do you want, Morrigan?” She straightened her back, and even if at full height she couldn’t reach her, she put all her dignity up. “I’m out of my patience, if you want to tell me I’m a traitor because I am here, you can go gossip about me with Wynne, Eamon and Alistair, finally there’s one thing you can all agree upon.”
She turned her back and went again to the screen, not hunching down, minding her steps to be as elegant and dignified as she can. Not let her think she hurt you. Never that.
But it served her nothing: her arm was grabbed again, more forcefully this time. When Alyra again tried to set herself free, tho, Morrigan was ready. As soon as she turned to face the other woman, her other arm was equally grabbed, and she was pushed back, taking advantage of the turning to set her out of balance and surprised.
Her back was on the stone of the wall in moments, and Morrigan was there, close as ever, glaring at her.
“Thou worried me. I fear they’ll come and get thee and thou’ll get justiced without a sentence, this time. That was such a stupid thing to do, and I believed thou were more intelligent than that.”
“That was the only possible choice.”
“We were organizing a rescue party. Leliana and I-”
Mahariel snapped her hands forward at that. The very idea she was just proposed made her blood boil. Knowing that Morrigan of all people was acting on it… She closed her fingers on the witch’s arms and pushed, hooking an ankle behind hers to make her loose balance and have her way more easily. It was fairly easy, then, to turn their positions around and have Morrigan pressed upon the wall, with her pinning her in position. She stepped even forward, keeping her blocked by pressing her hips on hers. She glared at few centimetres from her face.
“I already let one person I loved die for my sake. I couldn’t save Tamlen, but I’ll be dead before I’ll let the same happen to you, you understand?” She snapped. “Not waiting for you to enter Fort Drakon to get me out was the only possible choice.”
She declared, and they were there. Chest to chest, breathing heavily. Morrigan smelled of smoke and firewood and pines. And her expression had grown harsher at her words. Alyra didn’t care. But Alyra, maybe, wasn’t as intelligent as she was considered. She shifted her head slightly forward towards the other’s, stopping a breath away from Morrigan’s lips. She wanted consent, and she wouldn’t move any further.
“Why don’t you ever kiss me?” Morrigan asked, turning crimson at the question but stubbornly refusing to shy away.
“You don’t kiss me either.” She pointed out, ghosting her lips over the other’s, encouraged by how she wasn’t trying to move away, this time. It would have hurt more when the mage would have eventually pulled away, but she didn’t care, right now. All she cared about was that she was there, her presence and her smell comforting, and she wanted that consent. So bad. “Why were you worried?”
“I-” The Witch swallowed, breath catching and chin lifting up, following the other for a moment. “-The idiot…”
“Alistair knows.” She told her. “I told him we wouldn’t have been exclusives from the start. And besides, he doesn’t want me, these days.”
It stung, but it stung a little less, right there and then, pressed snugly against Morrigan, her lips so, so close. She held on, but she was moments away from begging.
“He’s a fool.”
“Do you want me?” Alyra cut her short. Alistair was right now the last person she wanted to think about.
Well, one of the last ones.
But she observed Morrigan biting her lower lip, and it just made her want to kiss it better so, so bad. But no. Consent. The last distance was for the other to fill. She cajoled and manipulated her way through Ferelden, but she would never do the same in a bedroom. Particularly with Morrigan, who had been her friend and the one that didn’t mind the cajoling and manipulations and daggers. She was pinning her in place, but not trapping her. Never that. She felt trapped for most of her life to know what it felt like.
“I wanted to welcome you home.” Morrigan admitted, finally, as it was a challenge.
“I’m right here.” Alyra challenged her back, taking her for measure. As she did for the start. As they both did with the other from the very beginning.
Morrigan huffed from her nose, in frustration, and surged forward, pressing her lips on hers.
Alyra would have whined, had she less self-control than she had. Months and months of waiting, and finally that was it.
She kissed her back, pushing her head against the wall and titling her own for a better reach. She tasted like smoke and like the woods and her hands were clumsy on her face. She raised hers to cup the others and redirect them on her cheeks, placing her better. For all her sharp tongue, it was clear she wasn’t that experienced, if any at all.
After a while, they both parted to gasp for air, breathing heavily, some of the frustration and anger disappeared. She never looked so good, Alyra thought, and wonder how much better could she exactly looked if she just could manage to kiss her longer harder, until her lips grew red and swollen, how much more her hair would get ruffled with enough fingers through it.
“Welcome home.”
Morrigan said, and Alyra took another kiss in all answer.
A whine escaped Morrigan’s lips as she gently bit her lower lip, hands slipping on the small of her back to press her flush against her, and that was how she knew that she won the hunt.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 1 year
For the ask game: 6, 17 and 29 🩷
Thank you for the ask!!
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Yes!! I am constantly reading and rereading lonestar fic (to the detriment of my book tbr list 👀) if anyone is ever looking for fic recs, I got ‘em!!!
I’m currently rereading Wings Are Frayed by @iboatedhere I’ve read it at least three times in entirety, and I regularly visit it for certain scenes that have become canon to me. This is the first time I’m reading it since I created my ao3 account, so I’m leaving Rae some truly unhinged comments.
I reread a lot of her fics, but my favorites include Yours To Keep, Yours To Lose (West Wing AU!!), Pretty Face (Pretty Boyfriend, Too), Missing Someone Like You and The Right Time
I also reread @liminalmemories21 seasonal codas over and over and I wait for them every season like Pavlov’s dog.
Another one I find myself returning to a lot is Spanglish by TearsThisSideOfHeaven and pretty much everything this writer has done for Tarlos/lonestar (a couple are Carlos-Mateo focused). They have a very lovely perspective of the Latinx characters and they tell it really beautifully in a way we haven’t seen a lot of in this fandom until very recently.
There’s so, so many more I return to regularly! I recommend checking out my bookmarks. Pretty much everything in there I’ve read at least twice.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
I would say the biggest thing I’ve learned about is the city of Austin itself. I was just telling @carlos-in-glasses yesterday that all the research I’ve been doing for my fics is making me really consider a trip this fall. Most of the places that are mentioned in my fics are real places in Austin. Here are a few
The Nigerian restaurant & market that Paul eat at in TK Strand’s Sweet 16 (times 2) (minus 2) is real and it’s located in North Austin
Carlos’s favorite bookstore in Make Me Laugh 'till I Die, I Stand Beside You With Pride
The resort that TK & Carlos stay at in Call Me If You Get Lost is loosely based on a real estate in Austin
The hike tarlos takes in Sunshine On My Body, Rainbows Bloomin' In My Skies is based on a mixture of a real hike outside of Austin and some hikes I’ve done in my area
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
Here is something from a fic I’ve had backburnered for a while:
“Hey Marj,” TK says once he’s wrangled a wiggling Buttercup into his lifejacket and put his own marching lifejacket on. “Take our picture? I have to send one to Carlos to prove I’m wearing a lifejacket.”
“Like some kind of proof of life?” Marjan asks as she takes TK’s phone from his outstretched hand.
“He just always gets worried whenever I’m around bodies of water now,” he says as he picks Buttercup up for their photo. “Ever since the hypothermia incident.” Buttercup wiggles in his arms and turns to run his slobbery tongue up TK’s cheek. TK shrieks and giggles and Marjan takes the opportunity for a candid shot.
Send me an ask!
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release-the-hound · 1 year
Lifejackets save lives! Drowning victims are truly some of the worse cases I see in emergency medicine. If your dog has unsupervised access to deep water for any length of time, get them a lifejacket.
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alex51324 · 1 year
Today's park adventure was...the boat ride!
The boat sets out:
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The safety briefing explains that lifejackets are available on each side of the boat, but since the water is only four feet deep--five in the tunnel--only very small passengers have to wear one.
We approach the tunnel:
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My inside-the-tunnel pictures didn't come out very well; I'm not 100% sure whether this one was supposed to be flowstone or tool marks from when they built the tunnel. I think flowstone?
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I don't have a clear photo of the tool marks, but they are very visible inside the tunnel. The canal--and tunnel--was built in the 1820's. They had to take a big iron bar, pound it into the wall with a sledgehammer to make a hole, then fill the holes with black powder--dynamite wasn't invented yet--light the homemade fuse, and run. It took them two years to cut the tunnel. (In case that date has got you wondering, we are north of the Mason-Dixon line, so these were paid workers--immigrants, mostly--who had chosen to take this job, though perhaps from a limited range of options. They got six dollars a month, and four were killed in accidents.)
Here we emerge from the tunnel:
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Passing some cattails on the bank...
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A little ways past the cattails, we turn around and head back into the tunnel...
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Another interesting thing you can see in the tunnel, which I do not have a photograph of, is a place where the layers of shale turn at an almost-90-degree angle to their usual orientation, which apparently geologists say is evidence of an earthquake about 130 million years ago.
Now back on the main side of the tunnel, here are some lilypads:
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Turtles were sighted in this area, but I didn't get any pictures of those, either.
A little ways after the lilypads, our Captain begins maneuvering us back to the dock:
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And that concludes the boat ride! Stop back at the ticket desk for souvenirs, bottled drinks, and ice cream sandwiches.
Sadly, dogs are not allowed on the boat--and Sophie isn't wild about either confined spaces or unstable walking surfaces, anyway--so I went home and picked her up after the boat ride. We walked along both sides of the canal and did some good wildlife spotting. Do you see the turtle here?
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I also played with my nature app and identified some plants, and then we got ice cream sandwiches.
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gayemeralds · 1 year
your lifejacket posting so funny bc even when i was rowing i refused to wear a lifevest. even tho i can't swim and rowing gave me water trauma 👍getting into sonic i was like "omg hes just like me fr" but ill dog paddle before ill wear safety gear 😤 we r opposite kinds
i won’t even waddle into the three foot kiddie pool without a floaty. but i also can’t dog paddle. but also that’s insane to me i wish you well but holy fucking shit
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Get To Know The Mun!
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the lockscreen is the moon in it's phase of the cycle, and the homescreen is Arya posing next to the James River wearing a lifejacket and soaking wet from having been swimming the city skyline and 7th st bridge in the background
LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?: Fuck Away the Pain - Divide the Day
CURRENTLY READING?: It's listening but Ghost Story (DF #13) by Jim Butcher
LAST MOVIE?: Turning Red (was actually really impressed with it)
LAST SHOW?: How to Get Away with Murder
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW?: gym shorts, a He-Man t-shirt my ex bought me because i have nothing that fucking fits rn, and a "Live for the RIDE" black hoodie with a horseshoe over the phrasing on the front, lavender no-show socks with Stitch's face over the top of them
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: 5’2". Tiny, but fierce.
PIERCINGS / TATTOOS?: I mean, my ears WERE pierced, at Piercing Pagoda at the mall because of course🙄but I stopped wearing earrings while I was a groomer for safety and now I'm pretty sure they're beyond just putting an earring through. So I will need to repierce them. Sigh. And one tatt, left shoulder has small cursive "second star to the right".
LAST THING YOU ATE?: Cheese sammiches, ranch tuna packet, chocolate chip cookie, and arroz con leche with a bottle of Cheerwine (north carolina soda).
FAVORITE COLOR(S)?: blue, teal, lavendar, black
CURRENT OBSESSION?: how to get away with murder, strike force, art, writing (particularly my ocs and harry rn)
DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH RIGHT NOW?: Very much so. They know it too. It's reciprocated. There's lots of obstacles rn.
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER?: I am pan for a reason...SOME of my current favs- my ocs, my friends ocs, Rogue, Remy, Harry Dresden, Cisco, looks there's a LIST, it's easier to list the ones I hate as to not be here all day...
LAST PLACE YOU VISITED?: Define visited and define place. Does going across town to play Mario Kart with my friend Josh when I thought I was leaving that week count? Otherwise it was uh...Williamsburg? Yorktown? Like five years ago. My job has not been conducive to going out of town walking dogs twice a day every day for the same person, and then, well, the pannini.
Tagged By: @lxvingdeadgxrl & @brooklynislandgirl
Tagging: whoever the heck wanna
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parkerbombshell · 11 months
Pulsebeat #334
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Mondays 3pm EST bombshellradio.com Pulsebeat a new release based punk, alt. whatever show out of Abingdon, Oxfordshire broadcasting Mondays 3pm EST bombshellradio.com #Punk #Powerpop Pulsebeat #334 A1       Track No: Time Artist Title 1 00:00:09 Houseghost - Born On Halloween 2 00:02:31 Weep Wave - Speak Of The Devil 3 00:04:53 Idles, LCD Soundsystem - Dancer 4 00:08:39 Skids - Don't Stop 5 00:12:28 Clowns - Sarah 6 00:16:03 Jim Jones All Stars - Ain't No Peril 7 00:19:55 Sir Bald y Los Hairies - Hair Of The Dog 8 00:22:54 Sator - Keep Walking (to keep a long story short) 9 00:24:40 Doojiman & The Exploders - No Hope For The Kids 10 00:25:31 Random Hand - Lifejackets 11 00:29:00 The Ruts - In A Rut 12 00:33:30 Teen Jesus & The Jean Teasers - Treat Me Better 13 00:37:03 HotWax - High Tea 14 00:39:56 Walter Daniels meets Jack Oblivion and The Sheiks - Comin' Home 15 00:43:35 Protomartyr - Elimination Dances 16 00:47:12 Italia 90 - Leisure Activities 17 00:52:21 The Atom Age - New Season 18 00:54:44 MK & The Ultras - Evil 62 19 00:57:54 Bloodshot Bill - Monster Daughter   Read the full article
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petnews2day · 2 years
French Bulldog Trivia 2022: These are 10 of the most fascinating dog facts about the loving Frenchie breed 🐶
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/dog-news/french-bulldog-trivia-2022-these-are-10-of-the-most-fascinating-dog-facts-about-the-loving-frenchie-breed-%f0%9f%90%b6/
French Bulldog Trivia 2022: These are 10 of the most fascinating dog facts about the loving Frenchie breed 🐶
And the extent of that soaring in demand has been shown by the latest registrations statistics from the UK Kennel Club, up nearly 40 per cent from 250,649 in 2020 to 349,013 in 2021.
But with 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your perfect pup.
There’s even academic guidance to seek out, with Psychologist Stanley Coren’s book ‘The Intelligence of Dogs’ ranking breeds by instincts, obedience, and the ability to adapt.
One dog that often appears at the top of people’s canine wishlists is the French Bulldog – they were the UK’s second most popular pet in 2020 (just being pipped to the post by the Labrador Retriever) and have a range of positive attributes that make them a great family pet.
Here are 10 fun and interesting facts about the breed.
For all the latest dog news, chat, advice and information, join our Scotsdog Facebook group here
1. Not the brightest
French Bulldogs are ranked a lowly 109th in Stanley Coren’s groundbreaking academic work ‘The Intelligence of Dogs’. There have been dogs who have bucked this trend though – the owners of a French Bulldog named Princess Jacqueline in the 1930s claimed their pet could ‘speak’ 20 different words.
Photo: Canva/Getty Images
2. Bred to be companions
The French Bulldog was bred in the 1800s to be a companion dog and is the result of a cross between toy English Bulldogs and French ratters (terriers used to hunt vermin).
Photo: Canva/Getty Images
3. Lifejacket required
If you are looking for a breed of dog that’ll enjoy splashing around in the water then the French Bulldog isn’t for you. A combination of their disproportionately large head, short legs and short muzzle means they aren’t able to swim.
Photo: Canva/Getty Images
4. Popular pooch
The French Bulldog remains one one of the world’s most popular breeds. In 2020 they were the second-most popular registered dog in the United Kingdom, the second-most popular dog breed in the United States and are the third-most popular dog in Australia.
Photo: Canva/Getty Images
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ollypet · 2 years
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Hot Dog Costume For Dogs
Shop summer shirts for dogs or hot dog costume for dogs funny dog outfits from OllyPet online store with a free shipping services option in the america. Contact us today to get best deals!
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iggyjoey · 6 years
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If your outfit is as bright as your life jacket then you actually balance out the horridness and end up with a fun, edgy and chic river-wear ensemble.
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the-halfling-prince · 2 years
screencap redraw from Song of the Sea
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somecutething · 4 years
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A little Mlem while floating down the river! 
(via Erin Norby)
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