#Don't rush me I swear I'll watch it one day 😭
ichilemonwritruoo · 2 months
A little birdie's whispering chirp can be heard upon the wind; "Yessss ketchup on Star Force" heheha
sjsjxwjdjwwozoqowwo I will someday I promise 😭😭
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I like Geo Stelar a lot and the scenes I've seen look awesome. I also tried a fic and I really like it! Shoot anon your gonna make me go start streaming Starforce 😭 I really wish they would port the crossover with Battle Network too.
I mean just look at him! He's amazing! And Omega-Axis is too! 💙💙
Starforce is my next project I swear djswnsjqkwjw
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stedefxckingbonnet · 8 months
I GOT YOU!!! Here's my little fix-it fic, all! Writing this made me feel a bit better because my god I finally brought myself to watching the finale even after knowing all that happened already and wow I was not okay. But perhaps this fic is me turning poison into positivity in my own way? Yeah. Yeah! I'll leave it at that :) This one is a bit shorter but, it's short and sweet, I thinl!
I didn't really want to recount the battle itself, just more-so the aftermath, so please keep that in mind whilst reading in case it feels like I dove in a bit too suddenly and quickly!
Keep the requests coming, all! I love you all so, so dearly.
My Favorite | Izzy Hands x Reader
Warnings: light angst (but there's fluff GALORE and it ends happily, i swear!), some strong language, brief mentions of being shot, tending to an injury/mentions of injury (non-graphic descriptions)
Word Count: 1481
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In your periphery, you couldn't help but notice Izzy suddenly hunched over, clutching his stomach. Everyone else managed to continue charging forward with their weapons, but you had other plans, and knew that both you and Izzy would be better for it. You rushed over to him without any hesitation, slinging his arm around you gently as you ushered him back to the ship as quickly as you could. His breathing staggered and the sound of it motivated you to move even faster.
You managed to rush him back to your quarters; in case the rest of the crew came stumbling onto The Revenge again, you would be able to focus on the most important mission of your life—helping Izzy Hands survive.
"I'm alright, love," Izzy breathed out, looking up at you as you cleaned the wound and prepared to bandage it.
"Clearly, you aren't," you laughed sadly, fighting back tears as you worked.
"You don't have to do this, you know," he sighed as he spotted you scrambling all over the place, very clearly in a panic about all of this. You so badly wanted to stop right there and scold him. You didn't have to do this? Was he fucking kidding? Of course you had to do this, you wanted to do this. You wanted him to be okay, needed him to be. You wanted to take away the harm brought upon him. You wanted to see him live another day and many, many more. You craved to see him go on to send you another one of his not-so-discreet-anymore smiles that got you through the toughest of times. You don't have to do this? How could he be so foolish? He was by far the most intelligent aboard the ship and yet, he still managed to say such a silly thing.
"Did you hear me?"
"Oh, I heard you," you almost seethed. "And once again, I will be ignoring your request."
"You manage to go and do that so much and yet, you're still my favorite," he weakly shook his head as he looked up at the ceiling and laughed under his breath.
You stopped in your tracks, for just a moment. You figured you could—Izzy was all patched up and all that was left to do was sit with him and make sure the bleeding stops and give him food, water, anything else he needed, and you were beyond happy to do so. You needed to be sure he was okay. But what he had just admitted to you earned quite a bit of a shock from you, a shock you couldn't quite process running all around the room. "I'm your favorite?"
He laughed once again, coughing immediately after and reaching to clutch his abdomen once again. You immediately sat down beside him, not realizing you had started to gently touch his cheek. "Isn't that fucking obvious? Everyone else sure as hell knows it."
You couldn't help but laugh yourself. "I guess? I don't know. You're my favorite too, you know."
"Oh, don't bother lying just because I'm injured," Izzy teased, reaching out to flick you in the arm.
"I'm not lying!" you threw your hands up in a playful surrender. "I mean it, Izzy. You know I do. And I don't want anything happening to you. I don't know what I'd do if you..." and with that, the tears began to spill out. Izzy knew there was no use trying to sit up, but he was able to extend his arm around you.
"I signed up for this," he shrugged.
"As long as I'm around, you are not dying any fucking time soon. Okay? You got that?"
Izzy's lips formed a smirk. "I love it when you get feisty."
"Shut up," you rolled your eyes as you giggled. Though suddenly, your expression hardened, and even Izzy noticed you were about to say something of the serious vein. "You really scared me back there, Iz."
Izzy could only sigh—he knew that none of the words he could muster would be enough to relieve you just yet, or even at all. And what was he supposed to say, anyway? That he was sorry he let himself get shot? Sorry that he didn't immediately seek help? Sorry that you had to see that? That he was so fucking exhausted of the life he's made for himself after all?
You made your way over to the foot of the bed, carefully sitting and stroking his leg. "I'm sorry," you suddenly lamented.
"Why are you sorry?"
"You just really scared me. I didn't want to lose you but I don't want you feeling bad about it either because it wasn't your fault you got hurt," you sighed, averting your eyes from his gaze.
Izzy slowly sat up, rubbing your upper back before gently wrapping his arm around you and resting his head upon your shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere, you know. I promise."
"I know," you exhaled. "I just...I could have lost you, and that thought absolutely haunts me every time we raid or duel or see another ship at all, or even just roam about the Republic of Pirates, but I know this is your life and what you're used to and I would never yank you away from—"
"I don't want any of it anymore," Izzy suddenly admitted. "I'm tired. So fucking tired. And I don't even know how many wounds my body can take anymore."
You laughed sadly, craning your head over to look at him once again. Even after the years of suffering and pain that remained on his face at times, he was the most beautiful sight you had ever seen. And, he was healing as of late—you could see that, everyone could see that. "Well, what are you saying? And no, it isn't obvious—"
"I want to live," Izzy assured you. "But not this life. A different one."
"What would that look like to you?"
"I don't know," he whispered, almost ashamed of this answer.
"It's okay not to know. I'm up for anything as long as you are right there beside me," you reassured him as you planted a gentle kiss upon his forehead.
"Really? You'll stay with me?" Izzy asked in disbelief.
"I love you, Izzy. You. Not because you're Blackbeard's first mate, not because you're a pirate. Because you're you. You're Israel Hands. You are clever and caring and proud and you have so much else to offer this world, away from the sea. Beyond all this."
Izzy lifted his arms up from his sides, wincing as he did so, his hands flying back to his abdomen. You smiled softly as you ever so carefully wrapped your arms around him, making sure not to squeeze so tight. One of your hands made its way up to the back of his head as you gently ran your fingers through his hair. You suddenly heard him whimpering and it brought tears to your own eyes. At last, he spoke. "Fuck you."
You couldn't help but giggle as you sat back up once again.
"I love you," Izzy spoke sincerely, hoping with every part of him that this came across. By now, your face was in his hands, and he looked at you in such a way that truly did confirm his tenderness, his endless adoration that he reserved for you and only you.
You knew exactly the response he was searching for. He knew that you had love for him already—you were never exactly subtle about it. And he never exactly minded it. "I know that, Iz. I promise you."
"Suppose we should say goodbye to everyone?"
"We will. I just want to be here with you right now."
"I wouldn't mind that."
You lay down beside Izzy, draping your arm over his chest as you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck. He hums happily as you do, and he instantly settles into the warmth you provide. Before you know it, your eyes flutter shut and even in your dreams, Izzy Hands is there and you are together and you are living without fear and judgment, and the only thing you're stressing about is what to make for breakfast that day even though he'll always mumble, "Anything will do, darling." Perhaps whatever life the two of you should lead will come to you in your dreams and you will eagerly share these ideas once you awaken. In this moment, you were just grateful to get to spend the rest of your life with none other than him, and it almost didn't matter what endeavors you embarked on alongside one another from this moment forward. You finished the ditty Izzy was humming before you succumbed to the sweet dreams he wished upon you, and you looked forward to your dreams that were about to come true in just a few hours.
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firemenenthusiast · 16 days
okay so uh hiii, first off I just wanna say you're writing is top tier, I consider you one of the best writers for Archie's characters, keep up the good work 🩷 ! second off all, the jann fic where he calls the reader mama has plagued my mind for DAYS, like literal brain rot I swear (in a good way tho lol). like I even went on character.ai and got him to call me mama on there like I'm truly down atrocious for subby jann because of you, you must've unlocked something in my brain or something 😭😭.
i don't know exactly if I'm doing this right so if I'm not just let me know and ill try to redo it but i was wondering I could make a request for you to write a few drabbles (if that's the right term, probably not) about casual dominance with subby jann please 👉🏾👈🏾, like not all of them have to be sexual, but best believe I'll have no issue with that lmao. again, I've never done this before so if it's like shitty, all over the place, and makes no sense I apologize 😭. I know you have a couple fics and stuff queued up and other things keeping you busy so no rush or anything.
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domestic sub!jann
he’s a subby man, even casually. here’s some domestic headcannons of my little whiskers meow meow jann mardenborough (gt movie)
a/n: thank you anon for your kind words and request ! SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG 😭🙏🏻 i hope this is what you imagined when writing the ask :] also jann calling reader mama was stuck in my head until i actually wrote it. and i WILL do it again
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- let’s start off by agreeing on the fact that jann is the clingy one in your relationship
- he’s a busy man, especially at the height of his career so whenever he’s home, he just wants to rest his head on your lap in front of the tv
- he NEEDS you to run your fingers through his hair, or gently caressing the back of his head or he’ll take matters into his own hands
- and by that i mean he will grab your hand and place them in his hair himself, but sometimes you just want to tease him. you would constantly pull your hand away each time he’d grab it and he would whine until you give up
- jann’s a snuggler cuddler. he would snuggle himself in your chest whenever you guys cuddle eventho he’s so much bigger than you. he doesn’t care, he just needs to be wrapped snuggly by your arms in your embrace
- jann does silly things at home with you, including opening his mouth at you whenever you eat together, asking you to feed him. then when you actually do he’ll chew his food with a smile that squints his eyes
- other silly things he does is INSISTING on brushing your teeth together after waking up. you’d be getting out of the bed when he’s still chilling around and he would SCRAMBLE out of the duvets to follow your back, like a puppy
- while on the topic, he really acts closely to a puppy around you
- you getting up to go get something from the fridge ? he’ll go: “where are you going ?”
- you pulling his head off your lap to go to the toilet for a moment ? he’ll go: “where are you going ?”
- if you’re slipping on your coat with the trash in your hand at the door ? he’ll go: “im coming with you”
- he knows that you’ll just make him go himself if he offers to carry it so he wouldn’t take the trash off your hand until AFTER you’ve reached the end of the hallway, before the elevator. just so he could go on that little walk with you
- you’ve never felt annoyed or irritated with him, you’ve grown accustomed to his clinginess. if anything you’re happy that he is the way he is cuz it’s not often that he’s home because his busy schedule
- he SO would beg you to play GT with him. he even bought you your own racing wheel and display, and built your whole set up in your favourite colour just so you could play with him
- you guys have your own racing room just sophisticatedly equipped with both of your set ups, a frickin fridge and a crazy sound system.
- he actually uses the sim a lot to practise, and would follow you around the house, watching you do stuffs that you told him you’re going to be busy for that you wont be able to race with him, until you’re done. THEN only he would be willing to practise happily
- if he’s feeling extra clingy ? he’d ask you to sit on his lap, facing him, just clinging onto him like a koala bear while he races
- you’re his first ever serious girlfriend, so he really cherishes you every second he could. scenario of you breaking up with him flashes before his eyes whenever you’re upset
- ego ? dont know her. he’s willing to kneel and kiss at your knees, begging for forgiveness while you sit on the couch, clearly upset with something he’d done
- most of the time it’s just you being jealous of him entertaining his fangirls, him taking selfies with them, sometimes they’re pressed up too close to him
- you love that he’s nice to them, and that he’s loved by many, but you couldn’t help but feeling jealous
- he knows you’d be, so right after the crowd dissipates he’s quick to go to you, pulling at your folded arms.
- “are you mad at me ?” “no”
- then he would rest his head at the crook of your shoulder until you give in
- jann’s also really sulky. he doesn’t really show it, but you’ll know. he’s not the type of person to be giving you the silent treatment when he’s sulking but you’ll notice he’s distracted. he would still do things with you or for you, just quietly
- sulking jann would include avoiding eye contact. jann is generally quite shy with other people, but with you he’ll make eye contact all the time. he would smile and just look into your eyes until you blush, then he’d chuckle. so when he’s struggling to maintain eye contact with you, you know something’s upsetting him
- you know how i mentioned he follows you everywhere ? so that also applies to when you go shopping for clothes. he’s your personal hype-men, a functional one at that too
- he’s not that type of boyfriend that just waits outside the store, just waiting for you to be done. if anything he’s more excited to walk into your favourite stores than you 😭 cuz he knows there’d be new clothing line that you’d want to try on
- he gives legit opinions too, he knows what type of clothes you like, the materials, the cuttings, you would be hearing him say things like: “that looks pretty but are you comfortable?” cuz he notices it’s made with material that you don’t like
- when it’s his turn to buy clothes he lives for your eyes, and your eyes only. you have a vision in mind for the clothes or outfits that you think would make him look cute, so you’d assemble an outfit at the store for him to try on. he’s not picky, he’ll get anything that you say makes him look handsome.
- guys im genuinely tweaking i need him to be my boyfriend
- both of you have your own careers so sometimes his racing schedule clashes with your work, but it doesn’t happen often
- when you actually have a very important thing to attend for your work, and he has a race on the same day, he’ll get really sad that you’re not gonna be cheering him on, or that you’re not gonna be there when he’s done
- you try to finish your work as soon as possible when he has a race, to come to his racing venue. you mostly work remotely, so you’d just finish your work in the hotel room before going to see him. you’re his emotional support, and he’d be really happy if you get to watch him on the track.
- one time he’d been informed that you wouldn’t be there because of work, and he was really sad, pouting his lips, shoulders dropped and all (he’s dramatic like that) but he’s understanding of your work, so he went and raced the best he could so he would get to tell you all about it after you got home
- unbeknownst of him, you finished early that day and were able to catch him on the track. when he got out of the car he noticed your face on the track displays, watching him from the vip viewing area, cheering him on.
- he was quick to take out all his comms wires to go see you, meeting you halfways as you were also running to go see him
- he’s a whole golden retriever puppy boyfriend, who becomes really subby in bed, whining and whimpering underneath you <3
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
ohhh how about 30: “one more chapter.” from list 3 with stevie? i feel like he loves sitting you between his legs and making you read to him! no doubt you'll make it spectacularly fluffy <3
i swear i'll get to all of these requests 😭
a smidgen of angst but mostly fluff. friends to lovers. steve being a cutie 💓 gn!reader. thank u for requesting bb
"... I shall go, notwithstanding. It is astonishing how sociable I feel myself compared with him."
You pause and turn. Steve is tucked beside you, hair shielding his face. You admire him for a moment; you study his hand that rests on the pillow, veins stretched taut. You watch him breathe and the width of his shoulders that rise and fall as he does so. You track the little slice of skin that peeks out where his shirt is rucked up.
God, you are in deep shit.
He must be asleep. You can leave now, though you want to do anything but. It's getting harder to every day.
But you have to. You have to because if you don't, your stupid feelings will get in the way, and you're sure to say something that'll permanently damage this friendship you've forged.
And you can't do that. It doesn't matter how you feel; you can't lose Steve.
"'Y'd you stop?"
You jump. Steve pushes his lion's mane back and blinks up at you.
He is beautiful. You should've left when you had the chance.
"Huh? Oh, um, because I... I have to go."
"Go? You just got here," he says with a frown.
You laugh. "No, Steve, I didn't just get here. I've been reading for almost an hour, actually."
"That's barely any time," he declares. "C'mon, one more chapter."
"You fell asleep!"
"No, I was listening! 'S just your voice is so nice, I started to rest my eyes." Steve pouts. "Not my fault."
"Oh, for—I am not your personal lecturer, Steve. You know you can read this on your own."
"Well, you know I'm not gonna do that," he says, sitting up. "Anyway, why d'you have to go? You can just stay over. You have clothes here."
The universe must be testing you. Cruelly so. You take one step back, trying to create space, and Steve takes five steps forward, closing the distance all over again. You're friends, but sometimes Steve washes clothes you leave at his place and makes you breakfast and curls up next to you when you watch a movie.
And then that line—that quintessential line that separates friends and definitely-not-friends—blurs. You try to grab it, and you grab Steve instead. And you fight to find the line again, but Steve just snuggles deeper and makes more waffles and eggs over easy and then–then—
"Hey." Steve waves a hand in front of you. "Where'd you go?"
"Sorry. Uh, nowhere. I, um... my mom, she doesn't like me walking this late."
"But I'd drive you home."
"Yes, but—"
You struggle to untangle yourself. Steve'll see through you. He's a lot more perceptive than most people give him credit for. He'll sense something is up. But you can't worry about that.
You shove your book under your armpit and hold it tightly. Steve kneels on the edge of the bed, face scrunched.
"I always drive you home," he says. "And you used to stay over all the time. Why don't you anymore?"
"I do stay over," you argue senselessly.
"No, you don't. You're always in a rush to get home these days."
God, you hate that. You hate how torn up he sounds. You don't mean to do it. You never want to make Steve sad.
"I just..." You glance down at your book. "I have a nervous mother. You know how she is. After the earthquakes..."
"But she trusts me," Steve says. "And you used to not care about what she said. Why are you avoiding me?"
Steve's cheek has pillow marks. You've never seen him so relaxed. Sometimes, it looks like he hasn't slept in years.
"I'm not avoiding you," you say. "I just... I can't read another chapter, Steve."
"You don't have to. We can do anything you want."
No, not anything. He has no idea what he's promising.
Your gaze dips to his lips.
"I'll come over tomorrow," you plead.
"Y/N," Steve murmurs, and it doesn't sound any way he's ever said your name before.
It holds weight.
You remain quiet, barely breathing as he takes your hands in his and pulls you so your knees press against the bed.
"If I do anything you don't like," he begins, impossibly soft. "You knock some sense into me with that book, 'kay?"
"I would never," you whisper.
Steve closes his eyes before you close yours. You're glad he's so confident to do as much.
And then he kisses you.
He tastes like mint gum, but his mouth is hot like cider. You gasp. Your book falls to the floor.
Steve pulls back in alarm, hands on your face.
"Keep kissing me," you demand, chasing his mouth.
So he pulls you back on the bed, and he does just that. Steve eases you back onto his pillow. His hair tickles your cheek. You kiss him until you need air.
"Okay," you say against his jaw.
"Okay, what?" Steve asks, still gentle.
"I'll read you another chapter."
He grins and kisses you again.
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hobiebrownismygod · 7 months
I'm literally over the moon to discover a desi ATSV writer, I saw your OC description and I was taken immediately🖤
I saw that you have nothing for Miguel so I am here for a Miguel x desi f!reader - fake dating/wedding edition.
- Miguel is invited to Pav's dimension for a wedding, he has zero clue on the wedding scene so he employed LYLA to help but she told him to ask his neighbor
- Reader isn't all that enthusiastic bc Miguel has been a jerk before, she agrees and starts with each day like Sangeet, Haldi etc. Takes Miguel Kurta shopping (yes he's in an all black one like Hrithik Roshan)
- Makes him watch K3G as part of the lessons. While throwing in how desi aunties are basically going to match make, Miguel suggests reader goes with him to this wedding as a date to "ward off aunties"
- As a brown girl it's not hard to slip into helping out at a function but since Miguel is glued to reader he's helping too now the Aunties are whipped. Ladies are swooning and reader is looking at Papi Miggy differently
- Especially after a shoe change when she took off her jhanjaras and asked him to keep it and she finds it later on his wrists.
- reader gets too close to take a look and now - those bangles are caught on his kurta. Miguel had no idea what the big deal was but he remembered the movie.
cue the drums because now
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Please feel to change this request however you'd like and there's zero rush too. Your comfortability and convenience come first.
Thank you x
Hi, I'm so sorry this is taking so long to write 😭
I swear I'm in the process and it'll be done soon, I'll tag you in it I SWEARR
I did have to change a couple of the criteria cuz it was getting really long and a little confusing to write also I've never watched K3G I'm sorry but I tried to watch clips of it on YouTube
in the meanwhile have a preview <3
"Aww, come on, don't be such a party-pooper. You'll have fun!"
Miguel squinted at his AI, an annoyed look plastered across his face. "I said no. I'm not going to a wedding, Lyla."
"You can't turn down an invitation from Pavitr! Come on, do you need me to ask him to give you the 'look' again?" Lyla asked teasingly, teleporting in front of Miguel and shoving her phone into his face, Pav's puppy-dog expression visible on the FaceTime call she had him on. "How can you say no to that face?"
Miguel waved her out of his way with a grunt. "Come on uncle, I promise you'll never go to a grander wedding! These people are close friends of my auntie's and I'm telling you, they put so much effort into their parties" Pav explained, his voice emanating from the phone Lyla had refused to put down. "Its not a normal wedding. Its an Indian wedding. What would I even do there? No."
Miguel was trying to focus on the screen in front of him, tracing out the dimensional map for some new anomaly chase he'd been planning on assigning out. "Come on, I'll explain it all to you! Or even better...you could have Y/N do it" Pavitr said with a grin, tilting his head to the side as he looked at Miguel through the screen.
Miguel froze at the mention of your name, his expression softening slightly. "You invited my neighbor?" he asked Pav, an dumbstruck look on his face. "Yes. She's very nice and she told me she hasn't been to a function in a long time. Besides, Maya Auntie told me to invite all my friends." Pav responded with a sly shrug.
"Since when are the two of you friends?"
"Since I helped fix her rooftop that your battle with that anomaly ruined."
"So its settled then. Miguel, you're going, final say." Pav gave Lyla a high five through the screen.
"No-" Miguel began to argue back, but the two of them were completely convinced. He knew there would be no point in trying to turn it down at this point, as Pavitr and Lyla would most definitely succeed in forcing him to this wedding, no matter how much he objected.
You were a very out-spoken civilian who lived fairly close to the bounds of the Spider Society. Because of this, you were often affected by the fights that would happen in and out of the society, some of these leading to actual property damage. Even then, your spirts were high and you ended up getting to know a lot of the Spider-people that passed by, even becoming friends with some of them, including Pav.
As for Miguel, the two of you had a complicated relationship. Miguel tried to be nice to you but you barely tolerated him. After all, he'd built his society next to the home your family had lived in for decades. He'd actually asked you to move and even offered to relocate you but you and your family had refused. And thats when you decided that he was a jerk and that you'd try to steer away from him and his problems.
But apparently, he needed your help now.
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jsuika · 2 months
Your line art is so smooth and the colors too! How are u underrated
Thanks :]]
Actually I remember doing thick linearts before to make it look like y2k bubbly styled and I was thinking of going back again since I wanted to make logos or icons like this one:
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These ig were just a lil practice if someday I'll be making one (or more of these). Also this is just an example btw, these are artist-made game icons. Imo, if it were me to be commissioned to design one or if I was assigned by a game dev, then most likely its gonna look like something that y'all won't know who did that thing lol.
Besides, I'm pretty sure a lot of people were inspired by my artstyle. 😭 Also in case you guys don't know what these are, I'll show you guys mine. (NOTE: You can still check on archive, I don't mind though-)
Examples of my artworks with thick lineart:
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The first one was Hatsune Miku fanart
I kinda remember drawing this back in the day since 2023, the sketch version (on my other sketchpad) was discontinued. Supposed to finish it but, sadly I gave up because the hair was something that reminded me of an Inkling from Splatoon (rarely I noticed the first miku fanart also reminded me too lmao).
I wish I'd do this again hopefully if I could use my artstyle, then yeah. Watch here if you want to see the speedpaint :3 : https://youtu.be/sRE3-snDGkM?si=op3tISbGFTjLCcdB
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Next one is Bomb Rush Cyberfunk fanart
Okay LISTEN, I may not be good at anatomy but might as well tried especially RED's head. For the BG, I only duplicated the character + added a screenshot/fakescreenshot/whatever, to make it look related to both y2k & frutiger aero (same applies to Hatsune Miku).
Nothing to say much but I've been thinking of making more character concept arts in the future & maybe work on shoes since they look a bit too complicated much.
Overall, I'd say it isn't bad. I'll just leave as it is for now (until some BRC fan shows up and sees this).
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Last but not the least, my very first artist-made album cover
I remembered drawing this for future use if I ever find a music composer either if they can do DnB, game soundtrack or whatever but it slightly depends on them. Also shout out to Lxchee Music! They're the ones who compose music like these. They even commented on my speedpaint video!!! (after using their songs lol).
Such a shame that I am limited to drawing only however, I wish I also was a composer of this whooooooole album then everyone's gonna listen to my bangers. One time I used to make music in Beepbox.co (a website where you can compose there).
There are some music-composing softwares that most people use for their game making & also songs. I wish I'd even use FL studio or other music-composing. Reminds me, I also have one friend who makes music (unrelated to dnb or any genre) using accordian & any other instruments that he uses. I swear, he is so good in composing Nintendo Orchestra-music related I can tell.
No worries though, I didn't say I hate using thick lineart but its sometimes too much for the anatomy still and might not fit pretty well. I can still do another one hopefully just to focus on more y2k aesthetic. But if it were me to learn anatomy, might as well use thin lineart and just increase to make it look like there is perspective on it.
Anyways, ig this might be a long one but I do hope you understand what I mean-
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ureternalmajesty · 9 months
Sapling || Mountain Ghoul
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(Author's note: This was rushed and you can tell! I'm fucking nervous I've never participated in this shit! I'll get better as the days go by! I'm sorry for this rushed size difference smut -Zel)
Warnings: size kink, biting, a bit of blood and blood drinking, pet names (love, sapling, little one), p in v, creampie (wrap it before you tap it please 😭)
Mountain was tall, big, huge even you knew this and he knew this. Sitting in the greenhouse watching the earth ghoul as he worked—eyes trained on the ghoul's hands and his everything. The way his back muscles contract while working. The thought of him manhandling you and his excuse being you are just so tiny. The ghoul felt the watchful eye of their partner as they worked. "Mountain?" You called out to the earth ghoul from your spot perched on the workbench in the greenhouse. "Yes?" the ghoul replied, not looking up from his task. "What do you need?" Mountain asked. "You."
Mountain stopped what he was doing and looked up at you eyes filled with lust and desire. You smirked as Mountain took a deep breath and stood up walking over to you nudging your thighs apart so he could stand between them. "Need me how sapling?" He asked as his hands trailed over your body shivering at the slightest touch of his hands you pulled him down by his shirt, lips meeting in a passionate kiss. 
His hands moved to your hips, pulling you closer as his body pressed against yours, his arousal was evident. He pulled away and brushed the things that lay on the workbench onto the floor before laying you back and hiking up your skirt leaving it bunched up. "I should leave you a dripping mess for walking around like this sapling. No panties." The ghoul's stare was harsh as his fingers ran over the little bundle of nerves causing you to whine. 
He smirked at your reaction and continued to torture you with his touch, his fingers moving faster with each passing second occasionally dipping into your wet hole. You moaned as your body trembled, hands gripping the earth ghoul's horns as your pleasure escalated with each thrust of his fingers. A pained groan came from the earth ghoul as he made eye contact with you. "Do that again I swear."He breathed out against your neck. You gripped his horns again and tugged harder this time pulling a moan from the large ghoul.
Just as you were about to reach your climax, your body trembling and your heart pounding as your eyes rolled into the back of your head Mountain removed his fingers from you as you let out a frustrated groan. "Don't worry love you'll cum soon enough." Mountain grinned as he turned you over feet barely touching the ground he leaned over you encasing your smaller body with his as he moved down your body, his tongue tracing the length of your spine as he teased you with feather-light touches.
 Your breathing quickened as anticipation built, your body trembling in anticipation. With a final flick of his tongue, Mountain nudged your foot spreading your legs as he spat on his cock before positioning himself between your legs, and with one thrust he entered you slowly, causing you to let out a gasp at the feeling of the familiar stretch. After all the times Mountain has fucked you you were never truly prepared for the monstrosity in his pants. "Feel that love? Feel my cock stretching your little cunt?" Fangs grazing your back as he littered kisses all over your back making you shiver. Hissing in pain before relax a bit. "M-move mounty." Grabbing the spade of the ghoul's tail and pinching it. 
Hands gripping your hips, as his filed-down claws make little crescent moons on your skin, his thrusts becoming more intense the sound of skin on skin fills the greenhouse along with your moans and his groans. If anyone walked past the greenhouse they'd know what you both are up to. "Mounty please." Hands trying to grip the workbench so you weren't sliding up the bench. "Please what love? You desverse to be treated like my personal fuck toy after interrupting my herb collecting, did you do it just for me to fuck this little pussy or did you interrupt me cause you like how I make you feel small hm?" He asked as one of his hands dropped from your hips and slid down, using his thumb to rub over your clit, making you choke on a moan and push back against him. 
"Come on little one, keep making those pretty noises for me." Leaning over your back pressing kiss from the back of your neck down your spine, biting just blew your shoulder blade, fangs breaking the skin making you scream out as blood oozes from the bite mountain left behind. Forked tongue licking over the bloody wound. The taste of your blood sent a shiver down the larger ghoul's spine.
 "Your blood tastes sweet sapling. He whimpered out, tongue running over the shell of your earlobe. Mountain continued, his thrusts growing sloppy feeling your cunt clench around him. "You're close, aren't you sapling? Am I making you feel good? Gonna let the others hear who's making you feel like this? Shit— cunts squeezing me so damn tight you feel so good. Fuck! This cunt's all mine sapling! If you're gonna cum sapling cum now." He groaned out as he approached his end and with one last thrust, Mountain shuddered as he spilled his seed into your warm cunt as you covered his dick in the process. 
Pulling out of your pussy with a hiss as the earth ghoul turned you over placing a kiss on your forehead. "Let's get back to my room so we can shower but don't think I'm done with you sapling." He picked you up bridal style and carried you out of the greenhouse not worried about the mess you two created.
This was very rushed and I apologize the next one will be better I promise 💀 -Zel
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
*sneaks up on you and covers your eyes from behind* guess whoooo!!! groupie anon is not-so-anon anymore!!! (but please keep using my tag because it makes me blush like a schoolgirl)
I rushed home yesterday and speedran the sannie sick fic like my life depended on it (it absolutely did). I was squealing and twirling my hair the whole time because AHHHHHH I'm so in love with that man, I swear I might remain single for the rest of my days. just me, my 5 cats and my life-sized san poster when I'm 40. I would love for you to check out the fic! I'm a bit nervous though haha, I hope you like it !!
"i’m def not an angel in any capacity more like a goblin that sits in its den and writes filth in the darkness" had me ROLLING. you're absolutely an angel, that mingi fic was... eye-opening. beautiful, a masterpiece, amazing, spiderman 2.
I feel you so much on picking a svt bias hahaha, I think all the members have had their turn being my bias at some point :"). I started off as a dk bias, then I had a bias line of 5-6 members (I still do), but hoshi has been my ult for quite a while. although, dokyeom has been fighting for his place lately (especially with this recent bss comeback??? um sir it's illegal to be that fine, settle down). and then we have my man scoups on the side watching seoksoon fight (I think he's trying to tell me I'm in denial and HE'S actually my ult - he's always on my mind, much like san). so yeah, I don't trust anyone who confidently says they have ONE bias in seventeen, there's just no way. I second-guess myself every time I try to pick one.
I'm trying to decide which meembers I'll be writing for (from svt and atz) because I can be a bit picky oopsie, but scoups... prepare yourself.
anyway!! it feels so weird not to be anon anymore haha but it's also a relief. I bet it's nice for you as well to know who you're talking to. my birthday is coming up soon, and I already know, in detail, exactly what my birthday request will be. prepare yourself.
until next time, whether that be a dm or another ask! (I'm a little shy eek)
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that pic stoppp it’s so cute 🥹
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yayyy i love a good identity reveal! “hoshischeeks” stop it that’s the cutest username ever 😭😭 shshhd i’ll def keep your anon name then <3
“squealing and twirling your hair” as you should!! i was giggling and rolling around in my bed reading that fic! with your five cats jhshdgd that’s gonna be me bro except i’ll have like twenty cats and have a cardboard cutout of all the members 😭 aww i understand being nervous but i just know everyone will have nothing but love and positive feedback to give you <3
i’m glad i could make you laugh!! that’s like my favorite to do 🥹 stop ittttt ;;; it makes me happy that you liked the mingi fic so much!
omg yes dk is so fine fnrrrr i really like his nose?? i have a thing for noses idkw but i just really like how defined it is 😭 shdhgd sorry but hoshi is super cute too!! i screamed at his part in cheers he’s so baby girl my godddd. and scoups eeeeeee he’s so cute fnr esp in that pfp you have of him 🥺 i wanna squish himm
nothing wrong with being a little picky plus you’re writing for your own self satisfaction at the end of the day <3 omgg i can’t wait to read your scoups fics they’re gonna be so cute i just know it!
yay i’m glad it’s a relief for you and i’m sure it’ll feel normal soon :) omg happy early birthday!! i feel honored to be able to write a birthday fic for you i’ll def make sure it’s up to par esp if you give me details i’ll try to include them all to make it a perfect bday present for you <3 i hope i can make you feel more comfortable over time but it’s okay to be shy that’s normal!
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honestlywtf04 · 2 years
warning : angst, heartbreak, betrayal, swearing, crying, mentions of cheating, death threats.
summary : he may have owned up to it, but actions have consequences.
a/n: thank you to @venicebixch for reading this first and telling me to post this <3 - 💫
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dear y/n,
watching you walk out of my room so aggressively and angrily, is an image i'll never be able to get out of my head.
your friends dm'ing me calling a 'piece of shit' or an asshole is something i don't blame them for. my actions have consequences.
the consequence was watching you move on. but not with anyone, but with my best friend. that shit hurts. when thomas showed me the picture you posted on your story of you and jett kissing, multiple emotions rushed through me. anger, unhappiness, heartbreak, betrayal, and so much more that i can't even put to words.
regret is something i would not feel. everything i would do, i wouldn't care about what anyone felt. but why were you the first to show me that?
why did i have to be so attached to you? why do i have to love you so much but be so stupid?
why did i sleep with her knowing that i shouldn't have?
you found out and you left. the second you stepped out of the door, it was like the ceiling was collapsing on top of me and no one was able to help me.
i felt like i was suffocating, i couldn't breathe. i was laying on the floor, disgusted with myself for hurting the one good thing in my life.
while i was pretty much dying in my room all alone, you were probably with jett. i never expected you two to be together at all.
you guys are together and now i'll never get you back. but i wouldn't expect anything else. you deserve to move on, as much as it hurts me, you deserve happiness and i hope jett is giving you that.
i miss you, i love you, and i hope that one day, you'll forgive me.
vinnie the pooh
i sighed as i read the letter that i received three months ago.
when i first received it, i cried. you can't blame me, vinnie will always have a piece of my heart that will belong to him. that's the funny thing about first loves, they will always find their way back into your mind whether you like it or not.
jett and i celebrated our four month anniversary last week. you might think 'rebound' but he is far from that.
he was the one that told me that vinnie had sex with faith. he thought that 'bro code doesn't exist if he fucks up like that'.
he would spend the night at my house, rubbing my back to calm down my sobs. making me laugh at any time and any place.
as time progressed, so did our feelings. we never would've expected to be together but life happens i suppose.
as far as i know, vinnie cheated once. but that was one too many times. i don't know when or where it happened and i don't care.
my phone starts ringing 'jett❤️' is being shown on my screen. smile and answer the phone.
"hey baby, um how are you?" he asks sounding concerned.
"uh fine? why?" i ask, confused by his question and tone.
'"have you seen twitter?" he sighs. i furrow my eyebrows while mumbling a confused "no."
"i'll call you after i check it out," i hang up not allowing him to respond.
i open twitter and check whats trending. my eyes widen when i see 'y/n cheated on vinnie hacker with jett ashford' as #1 on trending.
i click on it, seeing a post of vinnie liking a tweet about someone accusing me of cheating.
my dm's being flooded with his fangirls saying 'cheater' or 'kys'
vinnie is one dumb motherfucker.
@y/n.y/l/n tweeted
i'm going live in a few minutes to explain the whole thing. the hate needs to stop.
💬 128k 🔁 70k ❤️ 259k
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
"hello welcome everyone," i greet, biting my lip anxiously.
'homie hopper'
'told y'all she's a hoe'
"you know what, i'm not gonna wait for people to join," i smile in frustration.
"let me just clear the whole thing, i did not cheat on vinnie with jett. i didn't cheat at all," i sigh, trying to calm down.
"vinnie lied, and if you want proof..." i stand up to grab the letter he gave me, not noticing that vinnie and the entire hype house house joined the live.
90k people joined the live
i walk back towards my phone with the letter in my hand. "this. this letter vinnie gave to me pouring out his emotions," i hold up the folded letter.
"i will not read the whole thing but i will read one small part," i unfold it and search for that one specific sentence.
"ah! 'why did i sleep with her knowing that i shouldn't have?' " i read. i check the comments seeing what they are saying.
'she's still lying, the paper is probably blank'
'still don't believe you'
"y'all don't believe me?" i raise an eyebrow. i see that nailea and jett are watching the live so i speak, "nai please join the live for more confirmation." i accept her request.
"hey," nai smiles when she joins. "hey. now please explain the whole thing, because i don't even know it, only you and jett." she nods.
"so i went to hype because i needed to talk to vinnie about something to get you for the anniversary that your mom passed away," she starts and i nod.
"so i went there and long story short he was fucking someone, i will not get into details but i'll just say that they were doing it," i lick the inside of my cheek, wanting to ignore the fury i'm currently feeling.
"he saw me and begged me not to tell you, he was crying and shit. it was kinda embarrassing," she mumbles the last part.
"so i left and told jett, just to see if he knew about it. turns out he didn't and i'm pretty sure that's when he told you," i nod in response.
"yes, he told me. jett was there for me the entire time that i was in my room locked up thinking about what i did wrong. we started getting closer and eventually started dating, no he's not a rebound so i don't wanna hear it."
"jett and i just had our four month anniversary last week, and three months before that, i received this letter from vinnie via mail," i hold up the letter.
"vinnie, i hope you're watching this and if you're not, then tiktokroom will post this. don't send me a letter talking about bullshit then lie to your own damn fans saying that i cheated on you. you wrote on this piece of paper saying that you felt betrayed that i got with jett," i pause to take a deep breath.
"well guess what, i felt betrayed that you slept with her the same week that marked three years that my fucking mom died," i'm not sad, i'm more pissed.
"so i'm sorry if what you wanted was sex but i was mourning the loss of my mom while you were having sex with someone that wasn't me."
'damn vinnie'
'we love you y/n'
'it happened months ago why do you still care 💀'
"believe me or not, i don't care. but i know the truth and so does everyone else that i know. vinnie you are not forgiven and you'll never be. fuck you," and with that i end the live.
"it's gonna be okay," i hear my boyfriend speak from behind me. i turn around and smile at him, not questioning how he got in.
"i know it will, i just don't know what he was thinking," i sigh. he grabs my arm, making me stand up and wraps his arms around my waist.
i smile and wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him back. "i love you," he whispers.
butterflies... wait what?
"i-it's okay if you don't feel the same way, i j-just wanted to get it off my chest," he looks down, anxiously waiting for me to respond.
i smile and connect out lips, he immediately kisses back. his tense body relaxing to my touch.
i pull away, heat rising towards my cheeks at the way he's staring at me, like the only girl in the world.
i love him
"i love you too," he smiles brightly, showing his pearly white teeth.
"i. love. you." he pecks my lips repeatedly after each word, causing me to giggle.
our moment is cut short when my phone starts blowing up. "it's gonna be about him just watch," i release a humorless chuckle.
i smile at him before unwrapping my arms and grabbing my phone.
@tiktokroom tweeted
looks like #vinniehacker account got banned on all platforms, including his twitch account after seemingly lying about his ex-girlfriend #y/n.y/l/n cheating on him with his best friend #jettashford. thoughts? ☕️👀
💬 200k     🔁 150k     ❤️ 483k
vinnie's pov:
"vinnie what the fuck!" thomas yells at me. i run my fingers through my hair. i can't log into any of my accounts.
"i don't know okay! i was just so fucking pissed!" i yell back.
"boohoo your ex moved on, deal with it! get this fixed or you're out of the house!" he threatens.
"you can't do that!" i stand up. "yes i can, you wanna know why? 'cause i own this fucking house. i made this for content, and if you can't do that, then you have no place here," he mutters, looking straight into my eyes clenching is jaw.
he gives me one last look before storming out of my room.
"damn your fans really turned on you," nikita teases. i look at her with a 'not now' look.
"oop- sorry," she walks out.
i take a breath of frustration.  "why do i have to be so stupid."
"i don't know, you tell me," i hear a soft spoken voice that i've been wanting to hear for months.
i turn around and my jaw almost drops at the sight in front of me. she is actually standing a few feet away from me looking so effortlessly beautiful.
oh how bad i want to sweep her off her feet and shower her with kisses telling her how much i love her.
"y-y/n? what are you doing here?"
"we haven't talked in months and the most recent thing i've heard about you on the internet is how you said i cheated on you," she steps towards me but stops once she's about five feet away from me and crosses her arms.
"i'm sorry," i say so quietly she can barely hear me.
"for what exactly?" her eyebrow raises, waiting for my pathetic answer.
"for everything. for cheating on you, for making up lies about you, for hurting you, and for ruining the best thing i ever had," i look into her eyes. the same eyes i fell in love with. i still have hope that she has the least bit of love for me. but she's with him.
"vinnie.. i forgive you, i do."
my eyes soften at her words.
"i still love you," i blurt out, but not regretting saying it.
"no please let me talk. i fucking love you, more than anything or anyone in this world. i am so damn sorry that i cheated, i have never regretted anything as much as i regret that. you have no idea how much it pains me to see all the pictures of you and jett on social media. or seeing comments on my posts about how happy you look and it's not with me. it hurts that i can't pick you up and kiss you or even hug you. i hate myself for hurting you, i hate myself for all the struggles i put you through, i love you and i strongly believe that somewhere in your kind heart you still love me even if you don't want to admit it," unwanted tears start slipping out.
every. single. word. i said, i meant it. i love this woman, i want to have kids with her, i want her to be my wife, i just want her to be mine again no matter what it takes.
she closes her eyes to fight back tears.
"vi-nnie," her voice cracks slightly.
"i will always love you-" my eyes go from upset to hopeful.
"-but, you had your chance and there is no going back," my mouth opens a little and more tears start falling out.
"what we had was beautiful, but that's in the past now. you have to move on like me. find another person to want to have kids with, another person to call your yours, find another person for you to love and another person that you'll want to marry," her words are heartbreaking, i don't want anyone except her.
"i don't want anyone but you," i hiccup. how could she tell me to move on?
"i'm sorry vinnie, but you have to move on," is the last thing she says before walking away leaving me there. heartbroken, sobbing uncontrollably. my heart is physically in pain from her heartbreaking words. how can she think i want someone else?
"i love you and i'm proud of you baby," i hear, jett? say from the hallway.
please don't say it
"i love you too," she whispers back making me cry even harder.
author's note: feedback is very much appreciated <3
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thecorruptedlovely · 2 years
your writing style is SO smooth to read, i loved it. can i request a fluff senario for the housewardens from twstd bumping into a strong and tall (like 5'9 or smth) fm!reader who they have a crush on? and instead of letting them fall she just picks them up or hold them. idk just ✨strong cute women✨
FIRST OF ALL.... thank you c: I've been trying to make my writing more interesting and smoother to read so that others enjoy it so that makes me happy to hear!
SECOND OF ALL, this is like a request towards me /j I'm 5'9.5 and others have said I'm strong so this is like skdbsfbsodbsk sooooo I'm gonna have fun with this :D
Housewardens bumping into tall and strong fm!reader who catches them before they fall
No NSFW in this post
Gender of reader is female & pronouns used are she/her
Idia isn't like one of those stuttering Y/Ns I swear 😭😭
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(Helloooo daddy Idia 😍🧎🏻‍♂️)
Idia 🎮
Probably too distracted by either one of his handheld games or hiding in his hoodie he was wearing that day while frantically rushing back to his room
His shoulder rams into yours and he panics
Immediately closes his eyes tight and starts flailing about as he falls
Waits for the inevitable impact of his head meeting the floor and the absolute and total embarrassment
He didn't hit the ground?
Slowly opens his eyes and finds himself staring into your eyes
1...2...3... Cue blushing and stuttering Idia
Hides in his hood
You chuckle and lift him back up onto his feet
He doesn't dare leave his hood, he's too embarrassed, he just ran right into you! His crush!
Aaaaaa maybe this is like one of those romance games! The protagonist runs into his crush and they fall in love immediately and get married and—
He just said that out loud...?
Eventually he runs away while apologizing
But soon he comes back and eventually starts to be fine around you again
Once you bring it up and mention how you thought he was cute and you'd like to date him he was beyond happy and a stuttering and blushing mess
This man loves you so much omfg treat him well, he's so sweet
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Leona 🦁
This cocky (but hot) mf obviously has his hands behind his head, nose in the air, eyes closed and has no care who he runs into
That is until he runs smack into you and is somehow sent tumbling backwards
Just waits for him to hit the floor so he can immediately get up and threaten whoever decided to knock him down
Once he realizes he hasn't hit the floor yet his eyes open and he sees you
Subtly blushes and his eyes widen
"Tch, should've known it was you. Don't you know it's unwise to run right into a predator, little herbivore?"
Once you set him back on his feet he scratches the back of his head and looks at you for a moment
"I suppose I'll let you off the hook, just don't do it again or else you might wind up as my next meal"
You take that line a whole other way—
Walks away without apologizing
In secret he's actually really embarrassed
Bring it up next time and he'll act as if he doesn't know what you mean
Will eventually ask you out after than incident but I guarantee it'll be weeks after
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(Angy rule following boy)
Riddle 🌹
This guy is quite small– I'm sorry—
He's storming down the halls looking for Ace and Deuce after Ace stole another one of Riddle's tarts, Deuce just got wrapped up in this (#saveDeuce)
He turns the corner and runs smack dab into your chest
Doesn't realize what just happened for a moment
Once it registers that his face is in your honkers, he stumbles backwards and trips over his own feet
You throw your arms out to catch him and he is a combination of 😳 and 😵‍💫
Immediately stands up and removes himself from your arms while turning his head to the side as he apologizes
Quickly walks away
Ace and Deuce were watching the whole thing
They. Are. HECTIC.
Immediately go to confront him even if he's actively hunting them down
Needless to say Ace and Deuce had that collar on them for quite a while
He avoids you for weeks until he finally decides to confront you about it and apologize
He then asks to take you somewhere as an apology (*COUGH* it's a secret date *COUGH*)
He asks you out at the end
(the only reason Riddle runs into your chest is because his height compared to a female who's 5'9 would put him around your chest area)
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Malleus 🐉
(How someone can manage to knock this man over I'll never be able to imagine—)
But somehow you manage it
In all honesty he was probably just not paying attention and ran into you
You were prolly running down the halls and ran right into him and the force just knocked him backwards more than it did you
He is ✨ s h o o k e t h ✨
My guy can't even catch himself he's so shocked
So you catch him
Malleus rn: 😯
He's just there in your arms trying to comprehend what just happened, how you managed to knock him over, and how you're strong enough to hold him like this
Once you set him back on his feet this man gives out a formal apology
You stop him midway and tell him it's perfectly fine
His little smile after is KFBSOCBSOCBDJF
One of the ones who's not even embarrassed, he's just happy you forgive him
He asks if you'd like to go for a walk with him
It turns into a date and you get together by the end—
Enjoys telling the story of how y'all got together
"Soooo, how'd you guys get together?"
"It's quite funny actually, she ran right in to me and managed to knock me over but she caught me, I then asked her to go for a walk with me as an apology and I asked her out at the end :)"
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(Sneaky octopus boy)
Azul 🐙
He was probably looking for the tweels tbh
He prolly needed them for when he forces someone to sign a contract, just in case
He is swiftly going down them hallways
He stops for nothing
Until he runs right into you
Then he stops and starts falling backwards from the momentum
You quickly reach out and wrap your arms around his waist, holding him and keeping him from falling
My man is SHOOK
Azul rn: 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Politely asks you to set him back on his feet to which you oblige
He does that lil embarrassed cough into his fist and stares at his feet
"I'm sorry for running into you, are you hurt?"
After you reassure him he smiles at you, face bright red
Later that day he invites you on a picnic and he asks you out!
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(I love him-)
Kalim ⭐️
He's probably running down the halls looking for Jamil
Isn't even paying attention and just SMACKS into you
Somehow he falls instead of you
Let's out a yelp after he runs into you and starts falling
Like Idia he's also flailing about trying to find something to grab on to
You immediately catch him before he hits the ground
His face is like 🥹
My man is so happy
He's precious
"Sorry for running into you!!"
Happily thanks you and asks if you're ok
After you say you're fine he asks for you to come hunt Jamil down with him
During the hunt he accidentally let's it slip that he likes you
But you say you feel the same and you two get together!
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Vil 🪞
Probably is too busy making sure he looks presentable
Has a mirror right up in his face making sure his makeup is perfect, his hair is perfect, everything
You're prolly just looking off to the side when suddenly he runs right into you
Mirror goes flying, he starts falling, you stumble back
You quickly go to grab him but sadly the mirror couldn't be saved
Rip mirror
He is stunned
"I'm so sorry, darling, I didn't mean to run into you, I hope you're ok"
You let him stand up while assuring that you're ok....
Butttt the mirror isn't
You point to it behind him
He simply shrugs
"It's a shame, it was a good mirror, but I have plenty more in my room, care to join me for the walk back? Id love to have your company, and maybe I could give you a makeover"
You agree and you both walk back to his room
He immediately asks if he can give you a makeover
He asks you out in the middle of applying your lipstick and you happily agree
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mxtchalilies · 2 years
rimi chan! hi hi hi ‘m sorry for such rlly late reply! ahhh it’s alright, as long as you do take care and rest. i get that sometimes we just can’t help but rush things, i sometimes like that too (pls there’s nothing to be sorry at all lovely!). yes especially baji san’s death, the moebius arc already got me shock enough but soon relieved to know the draken lived,, but i DID NOT EXPECT BAJI ASDFGHJKL i thought he was gunna live 😭💔 watching tokyo revengers must have got me in tears for more than twice i swear — ToT (also u like mikey? ooo good taste 👍✨)
oh well, whatever projects they are, hope you’ll fin ‘em soon! yea rn for me half way thru first week of school already got me real busy and exhausted. for the last 2 days i got loads of work to do too (but i already fin ‘em now haha), so i agree. please lessen the work and projects on students. please we also need rest TwT and you’re welcome darling!
whaaaa thank you so so much sweetheart! okay so ah as i’ve said above on monday i got an art project — uh it’s a test actually, which the teacher give us one week to fin but for me who’s too lazy to procrastinate it away (only for me to be even more lazy 😂) i decided to do it right away which take me like 2 whole days + also having to or at least try to focus on classes and taking notes and stuff so yeah :// but luckily i finished all the work now! ‘m kinda proud with it tbh. and even tho my shoulders r still a bit sore, maybe from drawing too much or maybe bc of my earlier violin practice (if it’s about the back part my fingers hurt too lol) but they’ll be fine — anw again ‘m sorry for such late reply rimi! hope you can forgive me, pls have a luvly day or night as well!
[ SPOILERS FOR THE TOKYO REV ANIME !! ] : this gonna be a long answer; but if it's for bammie my beloved, i'll do it <333 (under the cut because again, it's long and i value yalls time <3)
bammie my dear don't feel guilty for late replies. i'd gladly wait for days for replies, i understand not everyone's free by the time i send something in and timezones differ :0 so really, i don't mind!! :D
my adrenaline and creativity all spike at different times and they're most often in the most inconvenient times ughh. notable mentions are when i get very nice fic ideas as i'm about to: sleep / enter classes / deliver speeches next / and answer a test. but then i don't have a single coherent thought when i actually get free time >:'(
baji's death has me crumbling and crying. from the moebius arc onwards, i have been anxious on my seat askjhfk. draken living is a huge relief but then the next arc baji dies and i just... i was not prepared for the emotional damage. i just wanna give them big ol' hugs and cry for them :( also yes mikey. i love everyone (ehem. except for kisaki.) but just wanna spoil mikey a tiny bit more <33
yikes, first week and you guys are exhausted already? the workload's not showing any mercy, huh? well, if anything, i'm really proud of you for working through all of it!! ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜i'm sure you did well, but don't forget to take some breaks too!! (we definitely need a petition to decrease workload or give reasonable time to work on it ssob)
so you did a test for arts? :0 eek that's gonna be quite the work for your hands ! and having to add on the note-taking for class... aaa !! DD: well, i'm sure you did well though especially considering the time you allotted for it <3
you deciding to not procrastinate the work because you were lazy is both a mood and a powermove, haha! then again, it'd make sense to do everything as much as you can before resting so you won't have to worry later :0 it's also something i practice (mostly in studies... here... not so much, unfortunately) i remember you mentioned once somewhere you play the violin, yes! i also used to play the violin back when i was in elementary! :00 stopped because i decided to prioritize my sports though.
again, i don't mind with the late response dear! you're all good <333 have a pleasant day or eve too, bammie <333
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findingmarvinchavez · 2 years
hello :))
(first i am replying to my short message by the way)
no worries about it taking time!! never feel rushed with answering, i just wanted to make sure you got it because my asks sometimes act weird for some reason (like i kept getting an error message once and eventually had to send it on a different device?? haha so just wanted to be sure ❤️).
ahh, i'm sorry to hear it was exams week, that is always stressful 😭. i hope it went well and you got through it with minimal stress <3. i am very glad to hear your journey began safe, i hope it went smoothly the entire way home :))
those potato-filled dumplings sound amazing, i love almost anything with potato honestly, wishing you success with finding them at home!!
(now onto the longer one!!)
hello again :))
ooh so you have just turned 23!! happy belated birthday 🥳🎊 my birthday is near the end of august! btw am virtually sending you some of my pumpkin bread for the occasion <3
i haven't watched much, only the first few episodes (i have had a hard time watching tv shows lately, i swear my attention span has not been present at all the past few months and i am so forgetful 😭 but now that i am answering this i will remember to pick it back up! haha). but i agree there is some... interesting stuff with abby and buck's character so far. like i believe the last episode i watched, the ending of the episode was where buck said no to a date with her because they'd sleep together? and then they were going to keep talking on the phone instead to get to know each other or something akljfalj. but i will update when i've seen more!! : )
omg to be fair, i remember loving the twilight books as well... like i think i read them in the span of two or three days lol. i have a very vivid memory of being so mad i had to put one of them down because i had to get out of the car at my soccer game hahaha. but yes the hunger games were awesome! my computer password to this day is inspired by part of the series, lol. i never did read city of bones, actually, was it that bad? 👀
also i love that you are now listening to 1d and solo music, are you enjoying them? and are you listening to all the solo albums, or just specific members? 👀 also if you are familiar enough now: do you have a favorite 1d song? (if you haven't listened enough to have an opinion though that is okay<3)
i definitely would recommend cruel summer! i thought it was awesome, and it was really fun watching it week to week trying to figure out what was going on. i was (mostly) satisfied with the resolution, save one thing, and if you end up watching it i am curious what your opinion will be 👀 (just realized i am using that emoji a lot, sry). i really love mystery limited series (probably in part because i was so deeply burned by the 7 (?) season mystery show, pretty little liars, but mostly because i love mysteries lol). also i am very curious what your unfortunate comfort show is!! (and i actually have the entire box set of gossip girl 😔 so love that you might have some lol)
thank you very very much for the song recs! :)) the song 'don't you go up the sky' reminds me so much of some song but i couldn't put my finger on it for like 5 minutes and then i remembered, it sounds so much like 'lonely boy' by the black keys!! i think i like that one and 'poison' the best, thank you again for the recommendation ♥️
i hope you had an amazing weekend as well!! i am doing alright, i haven't felt the greatest the past few days but it is almost christmas which i am excited for and i am getting to hang out with a dog and a cat every day so things are good :)) how are you??
- ♥️♥️♥️
Hellooo and happy 24th of December!!
I got home safely and I'm currently enjoying your virtual pumpkin bread in my head, thank you very much, haha! 😇
If/when you continue 911 I'll be right here, but also, absolutely zero pressure ofc!
Yeah so my Twilight consumption was def very obsessive, I have this tendency to reread books two to three times when the series leaves me with a hangover lol. And then we haven't even mentioned the films... 🧛 And city of bones, first of all, another example of me getting sucked into a fantasy world for months on end, no matter how objectively bad. And like, I really don't care if people just find the writing bad, but I think I read some stuff about the author of that series, like s. Meyer from Twilight, being a huge bigot, tho in very different ways. I didn't go into it much further because I just tend to believe the criticism and feel no need to redeem or defend the author. Otherwise it's just a fairly generic fantasy world, which, if you don't have high standards for that kind of stuff, like me, still worked, at least back then, lol. 🙃 Don't know if this is in any way comprehensible, I have a very specific, uh, stance on stuff like that (celebrity author/content/consumption) which I don't know if I can word it very well, but yeah. Just lmk if something confuses to you/doesn't sit right with you etc.
Concerning 1d, I've only listened to the ten recommended songs so for which as far as I can tell contain solo songs from everybody except Liam. Would you recommend anyone in particular? 😊 Not deep enough yet to make any definite statements but yesterday it struck me that I find once in a lifetime very beautiful!
Cruel summer's on the to-watch list then!
Lol I think I actually started using the 👀 emoji because of you! Please don't apologize for however you message, I love it very much! Do you have a favorite emoji? 👀
Comfort show (one of them at least) is supernatural haha. 😎 At least it means I don't run out of episodes to watch quickly...
You're so very welcome for the recs! psychedelic southern rock is a preddy specific genre so yeah, the stuff will definitely sound like the black keys from time to time haha. 🎸 And poison, that's intriguing, because it's such an unusual song imo, so cool that you like it!!
I hope you'll find some joy in Christmas with the help of the cat and dog! I'll not try to give too much cheesy advice because I'm very aware that that doesn't help but just be patient with yourself, particularly when your spirits don't just magically lift! 💙
I'm mostly good, sometimes even very good, sometimes not that well, changes by the hour and the day. My brain isn't always my friend lol. Glad to be with my family for a bit and very much looking forward to seeing my friends again in a couple of days!! (And always excited about your messages! 🥰)
-- take care! q. ♥️
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