#Don't yet know if I'll do tomorrow or not. we'll find out
Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad Activity Report
Part 4
16 new entries!
6/27 (Sat) - Reporter: Akihiko Sanada
It seems like I've worried everyone. I'm grateful, but there's no need to worry. As a senior, I can't show any shame. Well, that's enough about that topic.
More than that, it seems that the number of Apathy Syndrome cases is increasing again. This time there were many cases where apparently a pair of a man and a woman became Lost at the same time. Maybe it has something to do with the characteristics of the next large Shadow...
Well, it's best not to jump to conclusions.
We'll find out when the next full moon comes. Oh, and I heard a rumor at school that's bothering me. Apparently, something called a "revenge request website" is becoming a hot topic.
It's the sort of urban legend that says that if you post something on the site, someone will take revenge for you...
Sorry, I can't really explain why this story is bothering me. I think it would be more persuasive if someone with a keen sense like Takeba explained it. If I find out anything else, I'll let you know.
6/28 (Sun) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Hello, I'm Junpei.
The two seniors are out again today, so we'll be taking a break from fighting in Tartarus.
Yukari-chan's sharp intuition, you know... Well, it certainly seems like there are times when it seems like she has some weird intuition. The moment I started talking about Yuka-tan, someone asked me from behind, "Junpei, did you say something?"
I wish I could have the keen intuition to sense Yukari's approach, like Lucia from Fuuka.
Whenever I say something strange in a report, it always comes back the next day...Maybe this is also a woman's intuition?
Hmm, Yuka-tan is truly formidable...
6/29 (Mon) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Well, this is Takeba.
Well... there's a full moon in just a week. I won't be able to do it every day, but I've been gaining strength in Tartarus and I feel like I've made progress. But, as expected, the lack of information beforehand is a problem. All we know is that it's a full moon, and we can't decide on a strategy. If anyone knows anything, please let me know as much as you can. This was Takeba.
7/12 (Sun) - Reporter: Fuuka Yamagishi
Good evening, this is Yamagishi.
I'm a little proud that I've been talking for two days in a row, as if I've got all this equipment all to myself.
Today, everyone seems to be studying in their rooms. Sanada-senpai was out all day, but he came back after dark and it seems like he's also holed up in his room.
When will everyone be able to hear my voice? Maybe not until after the exams are over?
I've thought about it a lot, but I don't think anyone is to blame... We are all just doing our best to do what we can, but it's sad to see them separated like this.
Each person has something that only they can do. There are times and places when their power is needed. This is the case now, when there are so many people suffering from Apathy Syndrome, and in the case of SEES, and in the case of Personas.
Isn’t that what power is?
...I believe that everyone will understand without me having to say it. For now, let's do our best to study for the exam.
I have some research to do, so I'll just mess around with my device for a bit before getting back to studying. Well, good night...
7/13 (Mon) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Well, it's Takeba. Oh, exams start tomorrow. I thought I'd take a break and write up my activities for the first time in a while.
Ha. Seriously, after hearing that message from Fuuka, I can't not say anything at all, Fuuka is surprisingly cunning.
First of all, I'd like to say something about how everyone has been quick to avoid touching the sore spot and has not come to ask, yet have a strong aura of wanting to know what's going on.
I talked to the leader a bit about it, but I apologized to Kirijo-senpai for what happened the other day. Sorry for saying too much. There are still some parts I'm not entirely convinced of, but then there are people close to me who are suffering from Apathy Syndrome, and if I fight the shadows, I might be able to cure that, so I can't just sit back and watch. Yeah. That's right.
Oh, and thank you Chairman for your suggestion to go to Yakushima. I'm looking forward to it. Well, if you don't tell me a pun as a thank you, I'll be sure to not give you a cold shoulder just this once.
And then... oh, that's right. That idiot Junpei Iori is always complaining about swimsuits. He should be the only one without Yakushima, so I hope he gets a part-time job at the swimsuit section of a department store. This was Takeba.
7/14 (Tue) - Reporter: Akihiko Sanada
Today is the first day of the final exams. Thanks to the Chairman's timely suggestion, the atmosphere in the dorm seems to have improved a little. Of course, there is still that tense atmosphere that is unique to exam periods, but this tension is not unpleasant.
To be honest, it's painful to see a child being lured in by sweets to get in a good mood, but that's just how it is. I guess that's actually what we made such a fuss about.
Come to think of it, this was the first time we'd had such a big fight since the current second-year students moved into the dorms... I hope this is a rite of passage, and if we can get through it, we'll be able to build a new relationship.
Also, apart from the Mitsuru incident, Junpei seems to have been annoyed for some reason, but are you okay?
Well, I'm sure you're overwhelmed with your exams right now, so I hope you can calm down. ...I'm probably not the one to say this here, Junpei. I don't know what happened during the exams, but I think you should stop yelling things like "Kabara! Kabara! Yakushima!" on the main streets.
7/15 (Wed) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Sanada-san, don't you know the expression "samurai compassion"? Well, I don't want to say it.
Well, the problem with the insurance in Edogawa was so confusing that I exploded with anger on the way home from school. As for my case, I can see the answer in my mind, so it's okay. Thank you.
7/16 (Thu) - Reporter: Fuuka Yamagishi
Good evening, this is Yamagishi.
Today was the third day of the exam. I was surprised to see that the history question that the teacher said "will be on the exam" during class actually came up. The teachers at Gekkoukan are surprisingly kind, aren't they?
The correct answer is that the reason the foreigners on the Black Ships were afraid of topknots was because they thought they would be attacked by guns.
This time, we had a fight with a large Shadow just before the exam, so Yukari, Junpei, and the leader didn't seem to be very prepared, and the second-years are struggling. But when they think about the ocean waiting for them after the exams, they feel a little better. Yakushima, huh... I bet the water is beautiful.
7/17 (Fri) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Uh, I'm Takeba. I just heard yesterday's report, and I thought the answer to that question was... a projectile, is that correct? Seriously? Wow, I should have listened to the lecture properly!
I chose the second one, "they thought it was a black fish cake." Because in the past, Westerners hated fish! Ugh, I failed!
Ugh, to be honest, I'm not that confident about today's physics lesson. I worked hard to memorize the formulas and laws, but I was wondering who discovered the principle behind contact lenses, which is a bit of trivia! I chose Da Vinci for now, but... God!
7/23 (Thu) - Reporter: Fuuka Yamagishi
This is Yamagishi now.
Welcome home everyone.
This is my first time living in a dormitory, but it already feels like home. Having a place to go back to, a place you want to return to... I'm a little happy.
Everyone is tired today, so we took a break from conquering Tartarus. I was tired too, but talking to Aigis kept me awake... and I ended up staying up late.
Aigis is really amazing. I'm a little good with machines, but I can't believe that this technology has not been known until now.
They say cutting-edge technology is created on the battlefield, but I can't help but think how difficult the battle against shadows was 10 years ago.
Ah, but Aigis herself seems more like a girl with a bit of a natural air about her than a weapon. How did you incorporate a mind into a robot? Mr. Ikutsuki also said that the core part is a black box and that he cannot touch it.
It's also strange that Aigis seems to know the leader. It means that he's having trouble recognizing someone who looks similar to him...
It's no good to take your friends' privacy so seriously, right? First of all, you have to think about how everyone and Aigis can get along.
Oh, that's right. Aigis's way of speaking is interesting, isn't it? It's not exactly military-like, but it's more like an honorific that she learned by mistake. When we swam together in Yakushima, she pointed at my swimsuit and said,
"I am concerned about the armor of that underwater weapon, but is it correct to understand that the emphasis is on maneuverability? If possible, I would like to try modifying it for underwater combat." This is the first time I've seen a robot that wants to wear a swimsuit.
Aigis, it's nice to meet you.
7/24 (Fri) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Hi, Junpei here. What's up? You brought this report machine to Yakushima? That's fishy, ​​Kirijo-senpai! If I'd known, I could have brought you Junpei Iori's swimsuit watching hour.
Well... well, I can't run away, so I'll tell you... today is the day of the test results.
7/25 (Sat) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Uh, this is Takeba.
As of today, we have a new member...or rather, he's not in SEES, he just lives in the same dorm, but a new member has arrived. As the Chairman said before, Amada-kun is moving into the dorm.
...I'm a little, no, I'm really worried, but I hope that Amada-kun won't get caught up in a fight or something like that.
The Chairman seems to be pretty matter-of-fact about it, and seems to be like, "If you can fight, let's have you participate."
I feel like I understand my senior a little bit, so I believe that she has no intention of involving Amada-kun. But even so, you still say "at this point," right? Oh, no, I'm not complaining, I know that you're in a position where you have to say that, and that's what you're saying because you yourself are thinking about it. As the head of SEES, you have to think about all the possibilities.
Yes, it’s just a possibility.
So, for now, please take this as my personal opinion as Yukari Takeba. I am against letting Amada fight. Unless Amada himself has a very good reason to fight, I am against it.
Please remember that.
7/26 (Sun) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Hello, it's Junpei!
Hehehe, having a great summer!
But I'm always like this. I have an innocent heart that is happy to take a day off!
That's the image I want as a healthy high school boy! So, summer vacation starts today. Ah, the long and painful midterms, the long and painful final exams, the occasional but painful quizzes, the painful first semester, Wow! Well, anyway, summer vacation starts today. Let's have fun starting tomorrow!
…Huh. Well, I know it's stupid to make a fuss by myself, even if I say so myself.
However, I just couldn't help but make a fuss today...
Ai-chan did a simulation of what would happen if the number of Lost continued to increase, in other words, if we don't do our jobs properly... but the results were worse than I expected, and I'm feeling depressed.
It feels like a huge responsibility.
7/27 (Mon) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Uh, this is Takeba.
What's up, Junpei? You've given it some thought. Yes, that's right, it's a big responsibility. Well, keep that in mind and work hard. Just don't do stupid things.
Come to think of it, I didn't see the leader today, but he's doing intensive training for the sports club. He'll do his best, too. Maybe I should go to the archery club's voluntary training too...
8/3 (Mon) - Reporter: Yukari Takeba
Well, this is Takeba. Anyway, congratulations on winning, leader! You did a great job. The Myo-o Cup is a pretty high level, isn't it? If you keep going like this, I think you can make it to the national tournament. Will you be popular in the second semester? Ah, aside from that, I'd rather report something like this: "I happened to see this kind of person'' on TV, but I did see a strange person.
He was at a takoyaki shop in Saitodai Shopping Arcade, stuffing takoyaki into his mouth with incredible force. He had an athletic look, and I'd say he could be considered good-looking, but his face as he devoured it... It's what's inside that counts. This was Takeba.
8/4 (Tue) - Reporter: Junpei Iori
Hi...Junpei...it's hot.
It has been really hot since the afternoon, but the night was a tropical one just as expected! I wasn't expecting anything like that. I wish it would go against our expectations and snow!
Ugh, the heat is making my brain overheat, seriously.
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alxclaremont · 1 year
hahahahahaha i am so screwed hahahahahahaha
#got an email today to send in our information for the big scholarship i got last year and guess who doesn't meet the GPA requirement!!!!!!!!#i litrally don't know what to do#i literally can't even text my friend who also got the scholarship because her grades and gpa are wonderful and mine are shit and it will#make me feel like the most stupid person in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#anyway. i am going to email the lady tomorrow and be like 'hey heres the situation pls tell me if theres anything i can do'#because i was genuinely depending on this scholarship to help me pay rent and stuff but lol#im kinda hoping that they'll take pity on me since i'm retaking the class that i failed that plummeted my gpa and once i transfer the credit#it will boost my gpa and just be like 'yeah no worries we'll send the money once you meet the requirement'#that OR they'll be like 'due to ur special circumstances of being an orphan we are taking pity on you and will work with you'#OR EVEN 'yeah whatever we'll send the money this time but if it happens again you're getting it taken away'#i genuinelly don't know what i'll do if i get it taken away#like yeah i'll have my school paid for but literally only because i took out loans#not to mention that i will have to tell everyone that i lost the scholarship and even if i don't tell them they will find out because they#do a banquet every single year to celebrate new and past recievers and everyone will notice i am not there#and i will be the biggest failure in the entire world who couldn't even meet a very simple fucking gpa requirement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#anyway. forcing myself to not panic and feel despair yet#i am actually going to text one of my other friends who is not involved in this whatsoever and get her advice#its fine it will be fine it will all work out i am not going to lose the scholarship they literally told me even if my mom hadn't died my#senior year that they still would have given me the scholarship it is FINE i will be FINE#lacey talks
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tiredsugarcube · 3 months
I am in desperate need of more Boss! Nanami who is really strict with you on the workplace but gets really clingy and soft at home. All your co-workers don't know that you both are married except for a select few so they really pity you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANAMI!
" You missed another file, this is less than what I requested. I gave you a specific time frame and you aren't able to do it proficiently? If I were you, I would consider looking for more job options.", Nanami says sternly, voice stern and dissatisfied. Yet his eyes tell another story.
When he left, your office friends comforted you, and helped you calm down (you already were, in fact you didn't mind his antics at this point)
"H-hey, It wasn't your fault anyway. I heard he gave you that task a few hours ago, you were bound to make a mistake."
"Yeah, It's not the end of the world, he seems out to get you or something.."
"But if you really are pressured in this establishment, I'll be willing to help find you other job options and give you recommendations, ok?"
You really are lucky to have such doting friends, but you have a more doting husband waiting.
You were laying in bed, feeling comfortable. Well, trying to be comfortable. Nanami was holding you tightly, bound to you and with no intention of letting you go whatsoever.
"I'm sorry my love, my temper worsened because of some complications with other companies. I needed an excuse to talk to you, those documents were already sorted anyway. Thank you for finalizing them, won't you forgive me..?" He whispers in your ear before kissing your nape, he seems clingier than usual.
"I don't mind anyway dear, I forgive you--but please let me go, you're hugging tighter than usual.." Your heart starts to beat faster and faster
"Because I was harsher than usual, please let me do something to make it up to you." He says before entangling your robe.
"Dear, we have work tomorrow, it might be busy.." you reply wearily, holding his head tenderly.
"I'll file for our leaves, I'll make sure you enjoy this. I need you right now, I think we both need to destress.." Your robe was just covering your arms at this point, letting your body show in front of him. he undresses what's left of him (which wasn't a whole lot in the first place) and carries you to sit on his thigh.
"This is going to be a long night."
"It's funny how you think we'll stop in the morning."
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orbitsaturn · 9 days
the steps to get the best commissions.
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─ except kinich can't make a guide when a "random" person keeps getting the good ones.
"so you're the one getting my commissions."
art creds: Chil_a_Su
kinich x reader
lowercase intended!
kinich is infamous for his utilitarian approach to life. he only does commissions when the reward is satisfactory. but when he does accept a commission, he does it pretty damn well. so when a traveling journalist from fontaine heard about this pragmatic individual he wanted to write a report about him! for some miracle, the renowned kinich actually agreed to his report, albeit, he had to pay a hefty price in exchange.
Step 1: find a commission worth taking. 5/14
"usually i calculate how long the commission would take and what resources i need to put into it," kinich says to the reporter, crossing his arms while scanning the commission board for any worth taking. "i see! what happens if the one who posts the commission can't pay?" the reporter asks, writing down kinich's words rapidly.
"you don't want to know! haha!" kinich's companion, ajaw exclaims loudly.
"oh um- i see!" the journalist sweats at his words.
shooing away ajaw, kinich turns to the journalist, "don't mind him, most people can pay since they need a deposit to post a commission."
"that's great! the adventurer's guild knows how to make a profit, haha." the journalist laughs while kinich was observing the board.
"hm, it seems like there aren't any commissions worth taking today." kinich faces the fontainian again. "do you mind finishing your report tomorrow?"
"aw man! well if there isn't a commission that isn't piquing your interest i'll meet you at the commission board tomorrow." the journalist sighs dramatically before walking away to find more people to write about.
"are all fontainians that dramatic?" ajaw clicks his tongue, seeing the journalist bothering other people.
Step 1: find a commission worth taking. 5/15
as kinich scans the board again a small sigh escapes his mouth. "sorry, the commissions here aren't that great today either."
"ah, that's fine." the journalist thinks for a moment before coming up with an idea, "actually, do you just want to write down what you do in a commission? you can keep it brief." seeing kinich's unamused expression he adds on, "I'll pay extra."
Step 1: find a commission worth taking. 5/16
"are you serious?!" ajaw yells angrily at kinich. which he only glares at the dragon in response.
"I'm telling you, we'll have to come back another day."
looking at kinich in shock, ajaw's face turns red in an instant, "UGHHHHHH!! just take a random commission!" ajaw cries, rolling around in the air in frustration.
"no, I don't want to waste my time." he waves off ajaw before walking away.
Step 1: find a commission worth taking. 5/17
"..." the amber-eyed man stares at the board in disappointment once again.
kinich was a bit irked.
I mean, I guess he has an unofficial vacation going on because of the lack of worthwhile commissions. but that journalist did pay him a good amount of mora for a report on how he does commissions, so he'll make sure that fontainian is so satisfied he'll start getting commissions from fontaine.
"oh, no commissions again? that's so saaadd!" ajaw yells dramatically, sighing very loudly.
and he thought fontainians were dramatic.
Step 1: find a fucking commission worth taking. 5/18
as kinich scans the commission board, one catches his eye.
oh? this one's worth taking.
kinich reaches to grab the flyer, yet a hand rips it out from the board before he can even touch it. he turns to the owner of hand, who's smiling happily at the commission in their hands.
"hey you," kinich gives you a tap on the shoulder, causing you to whip your head at him in confusion.
"so you're the one getting my commissions." he chuckles, yet it doesn't sound like it was evoked from amusement.
it sounded like it was due to annoyance.
"uh? your commissions??" you stare at him baffled. he stretches his hand towards you, motioning you to hand over the flyer.
"i need that," he states in a matter-of-fact tone. causing you to instantly whip your hand up high-
like that'll do anything...
kinich deadpans at you, "wow, it's so high maybe you should have it after all."
"y-yeah! it's mine okay?!" you exclaim, flustered over the stupid act you pulled before trying to rush out.
"hold on," he grabs your hand, "you're not going anywhere."
"well i am going somewhere!" you try yanking your hand but to avail, it doesn't budge.
"I'll pay you 5,000 mora if you give me that commission," he responds.
"nuh uh! I don't need money!" you exclaim, shaking your head profusely.
"NO! aren't you gonna lose profit??" you look at him, baffled by the increasing price points.
"mm, you're right. but look," he lets go of your hand, "I'll pay you the reward money for that commission and you give it to me." kinich says, with ajaw nodding profusely in the back.
'HUUUH?! but I wanna fight!" you cried, "it's not about the money it's for the love of the game!"
kinich stares at you with the same, but the twitch of his hand shows the effects of your proclamation.
"hmph. fine, keep it." he gives you a strange look before walking away.
Step 1: find a commission worth taking. 5/19
as kinich heads over to the commission board once again, he spots a familiar figure.
it was you, holding a flyer in hand, pacing around the board for no reason. but after you spot him you instantly perk up.
"oh, you! random stranger from yesterday!" you run over to kinich, flyer in hand, "so um, i felt kinda bad about yesterday.. so here." you hand over the flyer to kinich.
"thank you, but," he walks closer to you, the distance between you two getting smaller and smaller, "if you're sorry then do this commission with me." he smacks the flyer lightly on your forehead.
"really?!" you look at him in surprise.
"yes really, this is the only time i'm ever going to do a joint commission, so do you want to go or not?" kinich crosses his arms, looking at you expectantly.
"I'll go!"
Note: sometimes commissions can be done by two to maximize profits.
but kinich wouldn't admit he proposed the idea of a joint commission since he found your determination cute.
oh well, it won't be the last time he does joint commissions, contrary to what he said.
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appocalipse · 6 months
something good ⋆ bucky barnes
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summary: bucky is about to go to war without confessing his feelings for you. you are about to watch him leave without confessing your feelings for him. that is, unless one of you gets up the courage to do something about it...
"I...need some fresh air. I'll be back."
Steve looks like he's going to argue with you as you push the chair out, but then you glance toward where Bucky disappeared in the crowd of people dancing, and Steve's face softens before he gives you a nod.
"We'll be right here," he says, pointing to your barely-touched drink. "Be careful."
The alley behind the bar is damp and quiet, cool from the rain earlier in the day but blissfully empty. You lean against the bricks and tip your head back, closing your eyes.
Steve was wrong — you should have stayed home.
He'd begged you to come out tonight; it wasn't just the two of them, he'd said, his eyes wide with hope. A few others had been invited, too, old friends who Bucky had wanted to see one last time before shipping out tomorrow.
And girls, of course. Girls with big smiles and bright eyes, who looked at Bucky as if they were hungry and he was a steak dinner.
To his credit, though, Bucky had asked you to dance first, and you'd said no. No, because it would have been impossible to act casually around him with your hands on his chest and his on your waist.
So, yes, you’d needed some fresh air after that. How could you not, when—
"Are you mad at me?"
You turn toward the voice that came from down the alley. Even though it's dark, you, of course, recognize him instantly, silhouetted against the weak light coming from inside the bar.
"Me? No, you—I'm not," you reply, your tongue feeling like it weighs three pounds. You attempt a smile. "What are you doing out here? You should be inside, enjoying your last night, no?"
Bucky shrugs and walks closer, but only far enough so you can see each other without straining.
"I was looking for you," he says, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Steve said you'd come out here."
"I'll go back inside soon, I promise. Don't worry."
He doesn't move except to kick a loose pebble away from his toe. "Why didn't you want to dance with me?"
Your stomach plummets at the question. He sounds almost hurt, and you wish you could explain yourself to him in a way that doesn't include blurting out your stupid feelings in the process.
"Uh...I don't know, I just...well, no reason," you stumble, wishing desperately that you weren't such an idiot. "I thought I'd keep Steve company while you...you know."
"Danced with the rest of them?"
You nod silently.
Bucky makes a scoffing sound before running a hand through his hair. "They're all the same."
"It's not, uh, it's not what you think," he continues, taking a step forward, then back again as if he's unsure of how close to stand. "The girls — they're nice and pretty, sure, but...they're just not... I don't think they're my type, I guess."
"Uh-huh," you murmur, turning your gaze downward toward your shoes, suddenly finding it easier to look anywhere but at him. "Yeah, well, we better get back before—"
"Is there somebody else?"
The air in your lungs vanishes at his abrupt question, and you look up as your heart starts beating out of rhythm.
"Excuse me?" you whisper, surprised that you've even found your voice. "Somebody else?"
"Somebody that you...that you're seeing," Bucky says slowly, his words strained, as if every one causes him pain.
You stare at him for a second, hoping this is a joke, that maybe Steve put him up to asking these ridiculous questions — or maybe he's been drinking too much — because, surely, Bucky couldn't possibly be trying to ask you what you think he's trying to ask you.
"Bucky, let's just go back inside—"
"It's Steve, isn't it?" he cuts you off with the most absurd statement yet. His expression softens. "It's okay, really. If you are, I mean. He's a really good guy."
"Steve?!" You actually laugh at the absurdity of it all, shaking your head until the shock fades away into incredulity. "Jesus Christ, no! I mean, Steve is...he's like a brother to me, what...what the hell are we even talking about?"
"But...there's someone?" he asks again, sounding less upset than he had a few moments ago.
"No, not—no," you say, slouching against the wall and shrugging halfheartedly. "There's no one. Honestly, there hasn't been since..."
"Since when?"
Since I met you.
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose and praying that a sinkhole will open up and swallow you whole. This has gone on long enough. "I don't know. It's...been a little while. I don't know what you want me to say, really."
"I just wondered."
"Okay, fine."
You start to walk back to the door leading inside, but Bucky moves so quickly that you run smack into his chest.
"Wait, just—"
He grabs your hand and holds it gently, thumb softly brushing along your knuckles.
Your breath hitches at the unexpected contact. You glance down at where he's holding onto you, then back up again, confused, curious, wondering if this is real and not some strange dream you'll wake up from any moment now.
You exhale with a shaky laugh when he lifts his other hand to your cheek and rubs his thumb across it, stopping at the corner of your mouth.
Slowly, so slowly, he leans in.
"Bucky," you breathe, his name soft on your tongue.
His forehead touches yours, and you reach up to rest a palm against his chest, feeling the steady thump of his heart beneath your fingertips.
"Do you not want me to...?"
He's never been this close to you, but everything about the moment feels familiar — the heat radiating from his body, the light scratch of his stubble on your cheek, the smell of him surrounding you.
You lift your chin slightly. "I do, but..."
"Just..." You feel the warmth of his breath on your lips; he's so close now that they brush against yours as he speaks. "I wish I'd...said something before it came to this."
"Before what came to this?"
"That I'd have...asked you. Proper, like. Dinner, movie. You know, the way it shoulda been. Before I...before I leave."
You stiffen at the word leave, pulling back so that you can look him in the eye.
"I wish I would've asked you to dinner. Would've loved to take you to dinner," he says, his eyes searching yours. "Wouldn't that have been nice, doll?"
A small smile lifts the corner of your mouth. "It would've."
"It could've been nice, you and me."
"I think it could have been."
"Yeah?" he chuckles quietly, lifting your hand and bringing it to his lips. He presses a kiss to the back of your fingers, then your palm. "I think it can still be. You see, I'm quite selfish. I'd like to go to war with something good to think of. Something — or someone — to come home to. That'd be worth coming home to."
It's a joke, of course, and Bucky, to his credit, does laugh, too. Then, he slips a finger under your chin and tips your face up toward his. You hold your breath as he dips his head to place a gentle, barely-there kiss on the corner of your mouth. "Not like Steve. No."
The music from inside the bar becomes louder, a woman's voice singing softly, sweetly. Stars fading, but I linger on, dear...
"I..." You clear your throat nervously, fiddling with the collar of his jacket. "You better come back to me in one piece."
"You gonna be waiting for me?"
You smirk. "I mean, I already waited this long, so I might as well—"
The rest of your words disappear into his kiss. You gasp at the sudden, almost desperate press of Bucky's lips on yours, but then he brings his hands to the sides of your face and kisses you more gently, more slowly, more purposefully, as if he has a lot to say to you in this moment but words fail him and the only thing left to do is this — to kiss you, over and over, again and again, to say, with his lips, with his hands, with every inch of himself...that he'll come back to you.
You whimper as Bucky's teeth catch your lower lip and tug before letting go. He pulls back far enough to look at you, to see your swollen lips parted. "So...that means yes, right?"
"Yes," you murmur. You slide your hands over his shoulders and into his hair, pulling his mouth back down to yours. "It means yes."
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uncookedfeeler · 21 days
Cok's adventure II 🐙
Giselle x You
Tags : 7k5, Idol Giselle, story, smut, creature kink, anal, creampie, oral, breed, domination, ...
Part 1 Part 3
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As the night goes on, the sirens of police and emergency services are still ringing in the city, where journalists are now swarming around the building, trying to get as much information as possible. Giselle is waiting for her manager to arrive in a café a couple of blocks away. She's put her bags and package at her feet and is enjoying a vanilla cappuccino. She can hear the TV not far away, with a live report from a journalist covering the accident:
"This is Jin, a reporter for K-News." The mall just had its last customers leave. There was a loud noise nearby, and a huge cloud of smoke was still coming from the building. We don't have all the details yet, but we'll do our best to get them to you as soon as we can. We've been told that the emergency services are still refusing our interviews. Are they trying to cover something up? The journalist kept going with his report, even though she was there at the scene, the situation had happened so fast, and she didn't know any more than he did.
Giselle notices her phone is vibrating in her pocket. She checks her screen and sees several missed calls from Karina, plus a notification in their chat.
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She knew she could count on her members when she got home, and they'd reached out with some comforting messages. However, her tough-girl image was starting to show some cracks. The day had been long and stressful, and she was feeling the effects. Giselle's mood has taken a bit of a turn for the worse. She used to enjoy her freedom and her little adventures on her own, but now she wishes she hadn't gone out today.
She looks relieved when she sees her manager come into the café. He comes over to get her bags, and Giselle, feeling a bit embarrassed, heads for the exit. She feels her manager's hand rubbing her back as a gesture of kindness.
The night is now more aggressive, sending waves of cold wind across the city and blowing Giselle's hair around. The cold air hits her face, still covered in makeup. She picked up the pace, eager to get to the car and find some shelter. She notices the lights on her manager's car are blinking, indicating it's unlocked. She puts her hand on the back door handle, tosses her purse into the middle seat, and gets in, fastening her seatbelt as she goes. She's eager to get home.
She hears the trunk open and her manager say, "Let me drop off your stuff, and we'll get going." "I'll be as quick as I can." The man's voice is reassuring. He puts the bags and package one behind the other, then runs over to the driver's seat.
You've been stuck in this black box for a while now, even though you can't see anything and your tentacles are all tangled up. You're calm and thinking about the best way to get out. You feel the vibrations of the ride and wait helplessly for what's to come.
The ride home is as quiet as a church. Giselle looks out the window and enjoys the light show. The manager, despite his best efforts, would rather focus on the road. He knows the member will find the right words. 
Once parked in the underground lot, the way to the dormitory is the same. Giselle leads the way, and her manager is busy with shopping. They get to a big white door. She opens the black box on the side, enters the 4-digit code, then closes it. You hear a small validation sound, and the lock releases. Giselle goes in first. She takes off her shoes, and her manager leaves her stuff at the entrance before heading back to the elevator. "Good night, Giselle. See you tomorrow. You've got the day off, so make the most of it!" he says after completing his mission. She quickly turns to thank him, a big smile on her face.
Now that she was barefoot, she put her shoes back where they belonged and opened the door to the main room. There she finds Karina sitting on the sofa and Ninging's body, clearly unconscious from exhaustion. The leader takes the initiative and comes to hug her, like a mother would comfort her child after a difficult event.
There's no need to say anything. Both women enjoy the moment of silence. Karina is relieved to see that her colleague is unharmed. Giselle is happy to be home. They spent a good two minutes rubbing each other's backs before they heard Winter come back from the doorway.
"The food is here!" the young girl announces, her hands full of plastic bags. She'd gone downstairs a while before Giselle got there to start cooking dinner. Karina and Winter get the food ready while Giselle takes her things back to her room. She quickly put her stuff away and went back to the living room. Ningning was brought back to life successfully when the young woman caught a smell of food filling her nostrils.
After dinner, the girls enjoyed the food and Giselle's spirits lifted for a moment. She was able to forget what had happened that day. It was well past midnight, and the girls were heading to their rooms to get some rest.
Speaking of privacy, when Giselle returns to her room, she decides to change into her pajamas. She removes her clothes, including her underwear, and puts on a long white t-shirt that reaches to her knees. Her two large mounds hug the shape of the clothing, and her anal plug is still firmly lodged in her small asshole. 
Now she turns her attention to the package that caused her so much trouble. She grabs the scissors on her desk and begins to open it with a vertical motion. As the employee said, the package has already been opened, so there are only a few pieces of tape holding it in place.
You've finally had a chance to see the light. The room is warm and bright, and the light hits your eyes. You catch a hint of a sweet smell as it wafts in towards your nostrils. You come face to face with a human with black hair, big brown eyes, and perfect skin. Her lips are painted a pretty pink, and her skin is white like the flash of a light. As soon as you lock eyes, you freeze, suddenly aware of where you are. It's likely that the Humans have already killed one of your own, and there's no reason to believe they won't do the same to you.
"Wow, so cute" Giselle says as she looks at you and quickly picks you up to put you on the ground keeping her eyes on you the whole time. She had a pretty good idea of what to expect from an octopus and never thought she'd get such a pretty toy. Octopuses aren't the most attractive creatures, but when she sees your little round head, black eyes, and mouth, she can't help but think of you as a little puppy.
She opens it by touching your tentacles. Much to her surprise, she feels your warmth in her hands. The gelatinous yet firm feeling is pretty addictive. She places her fingers on your suction cups and feels how strong they are. The pleasure of touching you now makes her feel good, so she puts her lips on your head, and you don't seem to mind. Instead, she follows up with a quick flick of her tongue, releasing a sweet but not unpleasant taste into her mouth. 
She starts by putting two of your tentacles in her mouth. The contact of her lips and tongue makes you quiver inside. The sensation of moisture at your tips is a pleasure you've never experienced before. Then you feel more tentacles on her warm body. Soon you're completely used by the human.
You're still immobile, and you're starting to worry about the attacks on your body. The fact that she's started putting her lips on you and even biting your head makes you think she's going to eat you. Then you feel your body being lifted and you land in a soft, comfortable place.
Giselle has taken the liberty of placing you on her bed. "I think it must be hidden over there," she says, peering between your tentacles. She notices a crack and gets really concerned. "What?" "I can't believe they sent me the female model!" She starts to touch your "bottom." 
"What on earth is this person doing? Why is she putting her hands so close to...?" 
Your excitement causes your penis to jerk out from between your tentacles. You feel vibrations running from the middle to the tip of your tentacles.
"Oh my, that looks so much like the real thing!" Giselle's eyes widen and she blushes. She's got the penis of a space creature in front of her, and she has no idea. She uses her hand as a measuring tool and assesses it with interest. "Oh my goodness!" "It's probably going to reach my uterus with ease."
Things have escalated quickly. Just a few moments ago, you thought you were in serious danger. Now, a human has just pulled your dick. You feel her breath on the tip. You're frozen in place, realizing what's going on. You don't see the human, but you get a few jolts and a sensation of moisture around your cock. It touches something that looks like a tentacle. It's itchy, and the heat and moisture of your cock make you feel warm and relaxed.
Giselle had taken your cock in her mouth without you noticing. She started with gentle kisses on the tip and then took the length into her mouth. Her tongue traced the length of your shaft, tasting the natural flavor of your arousal. Giselle gave it her all, already reaching for her pussy, naked as could be.
Giselle inserts a finger into her wet little hole and forces her ass to move her butt plug, determined to get her satisfaction. It's a great feeling to have both holes taken care of. She keeps going with your cock, and thick drops of saliva stick to it.
On the other hand, you found the pleasure increasingly difficult to bear. You never thought something like this could happen in your life. You felt the human's hands take your tentacles and wrap them in two spheres of flesh. She squeezes your tentacles with her hands, and you hear her moan. One of your tentacles is pulled to the ground before you feel a sticky warmth at the tip.
Giselle was letting off some steam after a long day. She'd wrapped her toy cock around both of her breasts. Her previous sucking had made the shaft quite slimy, which helped as she massaged the cock while licking the tip hungrily. One of the tentacles kept going into her pussy. She could feel the suction of the cups peeling her walls back, and a nasty stain had appeared on the floor. The room was getting warmer as Giselle pressed her breasts against your cock, making sure to put more saliva on your length. She dropped to her knees and jumped up a few times, feeling the tentacles breaking into her hungry little pink pussy.
The pleasure was overwhelming. You felt like you were floating on a cloud, and you released your cum without knowing where it would land. You automatically grabbed Giselle's head, pulling her closer. Your penis hit a wall that you couldn't identify. Giselle is taken aback when she suddenly sees the cock piercing her throat, her breasts squeezed between her and her toy, her pussy sweating warmly, leaving an incessant liquid on the floor. The pleasure is too sudden, and her body tenses before she drowns in her orgasm. She feels the spasms of her body travel as long as she is held by the creature.
You know you messed up. You've kept a poker face the whole time, but you can't help but feel pleasure. Once you've let go of the human's head, though your cock is still hard, you straighten up to face her.
Giselle was caught off guard by the taste and smell of the substance, and before she knew it, she'd swallowed some of it. She sensed that something was amiss. No toy is designed to trap its user in this way. She backed away from the bed, cum all over her face, and a feeling of dread hit her as she came into contact with her new "toy."
She was at a loss as to how to react. There was an octopus on her bed, standing upright with a terrified look on its face. The tentacles were almost touching her face, as if to protect themselves. She stood there for a few minutes, naked, her face covered in cum, her breasts reddened, and her pussy hot and lubricated. 
You're standing in front of the human, ready to defend yourself if you need to. You don't speak their language and you're not sure where you are. Your only option for survival is to escape, but you know you're trapped in this room without looking. Then, right in the middle of your confusion, the human reaches out to you. Her expression is firm but not threatening. If you were in her shoes, you'd probably use your advantage, but the human doesn't seem to be going down that route. You're not sure what her gesture means, but you extend one of your tentacles toward her and make contact, aware of the risks if she catches you.
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(Yes this image exist for some reason)
Your eyes are still locked together. You can feel the softness of her hand on your tentacle, then she gently applies pressure to bind you, moving up and down. She smiles and lets go of your tentacle to come over to the bed. She's just a few inches away from you. Her body blocks the light from the ceiling. You slowly bring your tentacles towards you, being careful not to make any sudden movements.
She's trying to communicate. You hear her say "Gis-elle" while pointing at her face with her hand. This isn't the first time you've come across other species that can speak. You know that people have names, and through repeated movements and words, you've come to understand that her name is "Giselle." You also try to imitate Giselle's gestures: "Cok, cok, cok." You do this a few more times, pointing your tentacles at your face.
Giselle, on the other hand, quickly realized that your name was Cok. "What am I going to do with you now?" "You don't look like the octopus I see at the market sometimes, and the fact that you can talk doesn't make my job any easier." "You just played a dirty trick on me. My body is stained with your semen, so I guess a shower is necessary now. Don't worry, water shouldn't scare you." 
You don't understand what Giselle is saying, but she comes closer and picks you up before putting you back in her bag. Once again, you find yourself in a dark place, your erection notwithstanding. You always hope that nothing will happen to you.
Giselle, who has put her T-shirt back on, opens her bedroom door with her bag under her arm and heads to the bathroom. She makes sure the room is empty before opening her bag.
You feel Giselle's hands emerge from the darkness, and you discover a new environment that's even brighter than the last one. Even though you don't understand a word she's saying, she still gives you a quick overview of the place. "Welcome to our bathroom. Across from us is a shower and a jacuzzi. The sinks are to your left. "You'll find our toilets tucked away to the right." She goes over everything in the bathroom and points. You follow her with your eyes, even though you're still a bit confused.
She puts you down by the sink, and you watch as she tosses your semen-soaked t-shirt into a bucket. Then she heads over to the spot she calls the "Jacuzzi" and bends over to turn on the water, showing you her butt plug she left at "home" along the way. She gives you a signal to follow her by pointing at you as she steps into the jacuzzi. As you crawl towards her and finally plunge into the water, a haze of warmth fills the room.
"Ah, that feels good," she says with a smile. You have to agree; the sensation of swimming in this warm water is very pleasant. You see her look at you and smile, and you feel her hand on her head as she rubs it gently. 
You notice Giselle looking at you and feel her feet rubbing against your leg. Each time she makes contact, she immediately pulls her foot back, but she keeps coming back for more. She gives a little smile that you can't miss. "mhh-hhh" You hear her making little whimpering sounds, and it's your turn to gently caress her toes, making sure to get your tentacles between each one. Her toes are clinging to you, and you're not sure what her hands are doing. 
You then dip your head into the water and watch in surprise as two tiny fingers rub against her pretty pussy. You see them go into her body and then immediately come back out again. She speeds up the rhythm, and you realize you're no longer feeling pressure on your tentacles. This allows you to move up her legs as you bring your head closer to her perfectly smooth pussy, which is just a few inches away from your face.
"Not so sweet so fast my dear, let me savor you first" You see her suddenly stand up and lean towards you, her breasts right in front of you, her nipples still hard. Up close, you realize how beautiful they are. She spreads her legs while bending her knees and comes to lay her dirty pussy on your head. She rubs lightly against you and continues to pound her cunt with her fingers. "Oh, ah, I'm coming," Giselle says. A bit more pressure is applied to your skull, with her slit rubbing against you as her fingers play with her little clit above the entrance.
Her legs suddenly spasm, and you feel a rush of water hit your head and body. It's clear that the source is her red, quivering pussy. "Wow, that feels great," she says, her eyes full of desire. She's now sitting up, her legs feeling a bit wobbly. She's aware of what she's doing and the show she's putting on, and she sees your hard cock. She wants to use her toy right now, too. She's so caught up in her ecstasy that she doesn't care what you look like. She just wants a good fuck to bring her back to earth.
Giselle puts her hands behind her back and hears a "poc" as she removes her toy from her ass. You can see her face twitch with pleasure as she takes her partner out of her hole and places him in a small bowl next to the jacuzzi. She turns around to show you her backside, and you get a close-up of her freshly spread ass and her little pussy, still waiting to be loved. She uses her left hand to spread her hole, revealing all of her warm flesh as she points at the entrance repeatedly.
You can tell when a female is in heat, no matter what species. Giselle is releasing pheromones that indicate she's ready for male attention. That's all she needs, and without further ado, you make a swim towards her, climb up her legs and point your rod at her backside. Your tentacles squeeze her buttocks while you linger on both of her breasts. Not content with this lack of attention, the last one goes to her mouth, which you don't fail to penetrate. You're there, in possession of a human body, ready to fill her with your entire being.
"Cok cok cok cok cok" you hear your name as you tease her by rubbing your cock against her entrance, but this was a mistake. Giselle, who takes your cock in her hand and puts it in her ass herself, screams as you come hard against her ass. “Ohhh fuck, it’s big” Giselle's insides are warm and welcoming around your cock as you thrust into her ass. You start thrusting back and forth, harder and harder. “Mhhh-mhh more” she cries, your combined movements cause the water to shake as you satisfy your new mistress. You feel her tongue around your tentacle, trying to give you the best suck she can. You also pinch her breasts while playing with her nipples. You give her an ass-slapping rhythm to match her bouncing buttocks.
"More, more, more!" Giselle moans, lost in pleasure. She reverts to a simple primate, in need of pleasure. Her head is thrown back as you grab her hair and pull her towards you. The force of your bodies hitting each other leaves red marks on her buttocks. You move on to her stiff breasts and push into her still-wet pussy with a sharp thrust. Giselle ends up being double penetrated.
The noise in the room is getting louder by the second, and Giselle is losing all her self-control. She's on her hands and knees, her breasts pressed against the edge of the jacuzzi. She's being mistreated by her new toy; You don't let go, every time you pull her hair, she tightens around your cock: "Harder, hurt me, baby". She gives everything, the frenzy of your bodies increases, the heat in the room is at its peak. Her ass has become your sheath and your masculinity belongs to her.
While you ravage her ass, your tentacles take care of her dripping pussy, you come slamming against these walls while repeating circular movements, the tips are compressed to the extreme, this bitch has cum several times already, when you remove your tentacles, her fluid explodes from her slit before going back in again and again.
The thrusts are getting stronger and stronger as you feel the release coming. Her pussy fills the water again, and you feel Giselle's body go in one last thrust. Then you grab her hair in two spots and thrust as far as you can into her. You feel immense pleasure as you release all your cum into her conquered hole.
As you let go of her hair, you fall backwards, hitting the water with a small splash. When you return to the surface, Giselle is still in the same position, looking like she's waiting for anything to happen. You can see your cum coming out of her ass and sliding down her body, and her little pussy is lightly covered in your seed, which falls into the water. Your cock is now completely dry and fully retracted behind your slit.
The water is covered in semen and Giselle's wetness as they float on the surface of the jacuzzi. You hear her ass spew your cum in waves with obscene noises, then Giselle turns around, her arms slumped on the side of the jacuzzi. Her hair is a mess, and her body is covered with the marks left by your lovemaking.
You can't see Giselle's eyes, hidden by her hair, and you're waiting for her next reaction. You stand there staring at each other in an awkward silence. It's not forever, though, because you hear a knock on the door. "Giselle, I need to use the toilet," you hear her say. Of course, you can't understand, but you quickly grasp the situation when you see Giselle's panic-stricken face. 
"I'll be ready in two minutes. I'll just rinse off and get out," says Giselle, taken aback. As she presses the button to drain the water from the Jacuzzi, she grabs you by the tentacles and heads for the shower, bumping into you on the ledge as she goes. "Don't be a princess. I've already seen you naked. I'm going to pee myself," she says as the door opens. You find yourself behind the curtain, restrained by Giselle's arms around her stomach.
You feel the hot water fall on your bodies as you're held back by Giselle. Her breasts press against your head, and you feel her breathing quicken. "You were totally fine showing me your butt plug in the dressing room, and now you're afraid I'll see you naked?" a woman says now sitting on the toilet, the sound of the shower masking that of the toilet.
“Shut up and hurry away, I'd like to dry off and...” Giselle feels your semen leaking from her ass again, which startles her. She knows the water won't cover the leaking on her leg. She looks at you and, with her hands, mimes her anus and the other finger, asking to plug it up. You use your tentacles to come and penetrate your anus and her … pussy
She's always happy to have her holes well occupied, but Giselle trembles at the presence of your tentacles inside her. Your communication still isn't perfect, but you've done what she asked. You feel the liquid trying to get out at the tip of your tentacle. Now that she's in the shower, Giselle takes the opportunity to wash her body and hair. You now stand alone at her waist with your tentacles around her, keeping the two of them warm deep in those caves. She watched Karina finish her business and leave the room after washing her hands at the sink. "Good night, Giselle," she said as she closed the door. Giselle had noticed that Karina was wearing only her panties.
The danger is now gone, so you pull your tentacles back while still holding on to Giselle. You slide down until you touch the ground, "You bastard, you've filled me well. Even my pussy hurts." Of course, she knows you don't understand. She moves her legs closer to you again, and you feel a warm liquid fall on her head. "Here, this will teach you to take me for your bitch."
Giselle had just pissed in your face. You frown and whip her lower legs with a tentacle. All the while laughing. She approaches you and rubs you with a soft ball that quickly foams. The rubbing sensation is pleasant, and Giselle works hard to rub it all over your body. Although you still can't communicate verbally, you feel like you're doing pretty well with this woman. It's hard to picture her as a threat now that she's let you take a "dominant role". Once the shower's over and she shows you how to use a hairdryer, she doesn't even put you back in her bag. She holds you in her arms at stomach level.
The quiet click of her bedroom door means you're safe again. Giselle turns down the lights in the room, the temperature is just right, and there's a nice smell of freshness from the shower. She'd changed into her pajamas, which were a loose-fitting T-shirt and pink shorts that let her lower body breathe. You stand on her bed and watch her brush her hair in front of the mirror.
Like her, you're tired from your journey. Sleep is one of your needs, unlike oxygen or food. Your body feels heavy and you sense that you're about to fall asleep. You feel a sudden motion on the bed as Giselle opens the blanket to slip into it. You're afraid of being crushed, so you shake your head no when she asks you to come closer. 
You fall asleep on the pillow next to your mistress like a little puppy. Giselle grabs one of your tentacles and inserts it into her ass. After all, she wouldn't want you to run away now. You lose consciousness, feeling a warm sensation at the tip.
Giselle starts to wake up as the sun comes through the curtains, painting shapes on the wall. She feels her limbs are pleasantly heavy, with a soft ache from the restless night spent with her unlikely new friend. She turns to her side and laughs softly. There he is, her toy, an octopus, sprawled across her pillow, his tentacles lazily dropping over the edge.
The faint sounds of footsteps and lights under her door indicated that her bandmates were still getting ready for their day's work. She was the only one with a day off; her next schedule is the following night. As she discreetly slips out of her bed, she feels your tentacle gradually withdrawing from the depths of her ass as she moves towards the door, stopping for her own pleasure along the way and taking advantage of the last few inches still inside her, she disappears from her room.
You are awakened by the light coming from Giselle's bedroom door. Your body is still resting on one of her pillows. Your tentacles are scattered all over the bed and floor. Two shadows suddenly appear in your pupils, not fully dilated. You struggle to recognize the people in front of you :"Wow, what's this, Giselle-Unni really has poor taste," a quiet voice lets out. "It's probably her new doll. Hurry, grab the tablet from the bedside table. We're going to be late."The second grumbles as she grabs the tablet herself.
As they leave the room, you can see Giselle in the distance under the hallway lights, "Giselle, when you take the tablet, remember to put it back in the living room, we need it for our challenge!" she says nothing and walks towards you, closing the door behind her.
"Good morning, sir. It looks like you slept well here," she says with a smile as the two of you are alone again. In the distance, you hear the front door slamming, which means the other humans have left.
With a flick of her wrist, she opens the curtains to let in the light, then goes to the other corner of her room to find her clothes. Her "pajamas" twirl around the room, revealing, to your surprise, her butt plug. She grabs you and carries you out of her room. You're now in what looks like the main room of her dormitory. From the height of the table, you can see your surroundings and are now at Giselle's bust height.
The silence is broken by a sound coming from Giselle's buttocks. She removes a device from it and brings it to her ear while sitting across from you.
"Yes, manager-nim..." The rest is hard to understand, since she had taken the malicious pleasure of coming to crush her two mounds on your head and caress one of your tentacles as if it were one of her strands of hair. The weight of her breasts exerts a gentle pressure on you. Her softness is a small cloud over your misery. 
In revenge, you come and squeeze her breasts through her clothes and take the time to insert one between in imitation of your big cock. Her face turns red; "In about how long?" she sighs. She pulls her clothes down to reveal her tiny nipples, which you must immediately attack with your tongue. It was already sensitive and hard in your mouth. "Mmmh, I'll w....ait for you..... then," you alternate between her nipples, one being devoured by your mouth while the other receives love from a tentacle. Her breathing stops and becomes irregular. The pleasure is intense but brief.
"See you in a minute," she says, putting her device down on the table. You had startedto get really serious, but she suddenly gets up and goes to her room, coming out with a handbag. She stares at you and says, "It's too risky to leave you here alone, we will finish this later" before shoving you into the bag with a mischievous smile on her lips.
Unlike the others, she has taken the liberty of leaving her bag open. You see a variety of sights and sounds. A spectacle of sensations unfolds before you. From time to time she turns her gaze to you, a slight smile on her lips, and you watch it interact with her own. You begin to decipher a few words and facial expressions.
The liberation comes as she puts her bag on her lap, unable to tell where you are. The close-up of her beautiful face is comforting. She brings her mouth to her bag and mumbles, "Hey stupid, I'm still wet from earlier. She pulls back and starts massaging your between-tentacles so you understand what's going on when she decides to take your tentacle out of her bag and slide it under her skirt.
You don't need her help to know what comes next: the capricious one has made sure to tuck her bag under her skirt. Your work as a miner has begun. Make your way to her watery cave. On your way to the rare loot are her panties. You rub them lovingly, already smelling the foul stain on them. It doesn't take you long to hold them up and pull them apart, while your colleagues take care of the rest.
The attack begins when you slide three of them in and feel her body vibrate. The passage is narrow and she resists you. You begin to rub violently against her walls and tickle her insides. You continue inside her until you come up against a wall. From then on it's impossible to go any further and she crushes you with a pelvic thrust. You slowly pull out of her and give way to another group of three; it becomes a game and her pussy a real amusement park.
For her part, Giselle is subjected to your repeated attacks as someone approaches: "5 more minutes and the director will see you". She takes a firm stance in front of the secretary, closing her legs as tightly as possible.
You feel her pussy tremble more and more with each thrust; you know her orgasm will be big and that it's close. Since she's in public, you're the only one who can satisfy her immediately, so your decision to step back, this slut deserves a good punishment. Without seeing her face, you can tell she's frustrated with the way she's rubbing her legs; her panties are completely soaked, not to mention where she's sitting. No doubt she's stained him with her love juice.
At Cok's mercy at this moment, Giselle takes it upon herself and is soon approached by one of her managers, she was in her company's building to talk about yesterday's incident as she was seen leaving the building when it was evacuated.She picks up her bloody bag and follows her manager to the director's office making sure to turn off your light as she closes her bag, clearly offended by your actions.You lose track of time as you fall asleep next to her.
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When you regain consciousness, you're back in Giselle's room. It's as quiet as a graveyard, with the sun's rays streaming down the slope and fresh air coming in through the window. You're definitely alone in the room. You've never had a moment to yourself. Always in the company of Giselle or at the bottom of a bag... You already know the bed. You slip off the foot of the bed and fall to the floor. You slide to the center of the room and scan your surroundings again. You notice writing on the ceiling that you recognize: "6:48... 6:49 PM...".
On your right, glued to her bed, is a desk, which you climb over and find yourself in front of a book with the name GISELLE inscribed on it, as well as the technological object the other humans took this morning, but in a different color. With a simple touch, you press the object, which lights up and symbols appear. In the same way, you open the book, which seems to provide knowledge of her language, and the technological object allows you to listen to it. This is your way to learn Giselle's language, but despite your abilities, it's going to take some time.
The clock is ticking and there's still no word from Giselle. You concentrate on your task and try to assimilate as much knowledge as possible. The words make sense and your first sentences are still close to a newborn's speech. The slamming of the front door wakes you up and your instincts tell you to return to your position on Giselle's bed, motionless as a statue. In your panic, you've left the tablet and book open.
You hear footsteps approaching Giselle's room and quickly relax as the door opens to reveal her in an all-black skintight outfit. "Are you awake, you bastard? I needed to spend my nerves at the gym," she says, even though you've seen her before. Her body is truly a work of art!
Her eyes devour you completely, her walk is full of confidence, she approaches the bed and stops in front of it, her scent catches your nostrils, but it's not the scent that disturbs you, it's the "aura" she's been radiating since she entered the room.
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Giselle reeks of sex, her whole body oozes those pheromones, those of a woman in heat, ready to be filled, the fact that you left her hungry earlier must have awakened her appetite and when you look at her, you know she's very hungry. Without delay, she lifts her top with her left hand, exposing her breasts and you notice the teeth marks on her nipples. Her right hand pulls down her leggings to reveal her sweet, freshly shaved pussy; a trickle of wetness still binds her slit to her clothing and her lips are scarlet red.
As she removes her top, she jumps onto the bed to take you in her arms and place your crotch on her slit, licking your body as she moves her pelvis, causing both your sexes to rub against each other. You are devoured by this lioness. 
Her breasts are pressed against your mouth and you take the opportunity to suck on her nipples. Your tentacles try to get into her ass, but it's already busy: "No, no, tonight it's all in my pussy," she says, shaking her head.
The friction between your sexes is driving your arousal into overdrive, and your penis is more than ready to come out. Your tentacles had encircled Giselle's body, squeezing you together as each gave pleasure to the other. Giselle's nipples are now marked with your mouth. You feel the tip of your penis quivering at the entrance to her pussy. The rubbing of your sexes creates wet noises that echo around the room.
Giselle can't wait any longer, her pussy needs love and her sperm bakery is more than eager to have its first customers. She lies on her back and spreads her legs, leaving full view of her hungry hole. “Come, Cok, turn me into an octopus slut,” you line up and with a quick thrust, you penetrate her vagina, while you're immediately surrounded by her legs, who intends to feel you deep inside her. “Ohhhhh, say hello to my uterus!”
Frenzy overtakes them both as Giselle wiggles, hoping to reach a deeper place, your cock like a drill inside her. Her walls envelop you tenderly as you ram her with all your might: “More, Cok, fuck meeeeeee, kiss my womb”. You wrap your tentacles around her legs, spreading them wide to give you a full view of where you're lovingly fucking her
“Cumiiiinng, ahhh” cries Giselle as the pressure around your sex sends you skyward and allows you to shoot your first well-deserved load into her. Her juices try to expel themselves from her vagina, but your big cock acts as a seal and your juices mix while hitting her lust-filled walls. “Oh ohh, so hott, your cum is burning me from the inside!, i want more seed”
Far from satisfied, she lies on her stomach to show you both her plump buttocks and the glow of her butt plug as your cum drips from her pussy. She pushes it aside and lets you admire the havoc wreaked by your cock and then with all her carnal lust she says, "Honey, come and plug my wicked leak, we have all night so make sure to fill me again and again" as she wiggles her buttocks.
At a glance, you read “9:13 PM”. Then you move towards her open hole, taking your time to let her feel your thickness. As you push back into her vagina, making contact with her uterus, she cries out in pleasure: “Ohhh, it's finally here, hit me hard, my ovary want to meet lots of your baby seeds”. You feel the perspiration on her body as you strike her ass with your tentacles. Your thrusts go further and further and your “belly” comes to touch her buttplug. Grabbing her hair, you pull her towards you and increase the pace as you feel her repeated orgasms attack your cock. You watch the juices flow out of her as you pull back before returning with a hard thrust, ready for your second load of the evening. You make sure you come to plaster your tip on her womb and, in a final strike, you grab her by the throat and rip her womb open to spill your cum. “Oh oh oh, bredd me Cok!”, you feel your cum flood her insides as some of it comes out while the other remains more stuck deep inside her baby oven.
— 9:48PM 
Giselle straddles you as you pound her bouncing breasts, your clit attacked by your tentacles as you send another load her way. Semen drips onto the bed, mixed with her fluids.
— 10:32PM 
Her screams never stop, you can see her talent as a singer. She has orgasm after orgasm, her pussy still filled with hot cum that warms the inside of her belly. You don't stop when you reach your fourth orgasm.
— 11:17PM 
Both of your exhausted bodies are still at it as she lies on her back again, each of your limbs wrapped around the other; your cock hasn't left her pussy since the orgasm, her body covered in tentacle marks and kisses. Her hard breasts are now in Giselle's mouth as she tries to suck her own milk while her cunt is served by your monstrous rod. You know there won't be another tonight, so you come with your tentacle and remove her butt plug and thrust your tentacle deep into her: "oh. .. mhh... more. breed me." Giselle is unable to form a sentence, her whole body shaking as she surrenders to the pleasure.
— 11:27PM
The front door slams as the group returns to the dorm, but you're both too busy to notice. Giselle's screams echo through her room and it's clear that she's struggling, no doubt heard throughout the apartment. Entering Giselle's room, Karina sees her lying with the blanket over her. "ah ahh, so.rry-unn.ie," she says with considerable struggle. Karina sighs. "Hurry up and finish, you start in a few hours and keep the volume down, the others can hear you like theyre watching TV," Karina says with a sigh. She slams the door. 
Meanwhile, you continued to penetrate her, Giselle's legs trembled with pleasure, she had exceeded her limits. "Cok, cok, cok, one more, I want your baby so badly, I want you to conquer my womb, make me your wife," she said, tears in her eyes, far from sadness. Her body no longer knows how to respond to these emotions, but you intend to grant her wish: your sixth charge is your last. Her walls are smooth now, each orgasm comes to squeeze you, then her pussy opens again on your cock. Your cum still drips from her as you prepare to fill her again.
— 11:59PM
As the day draws to a close, you flood Giselle's octopus oven with your cum. Her pussy has become your baby factory. After several hours of effort, you finally pull out. Just then her last orgasm arrives and a stream of juice spills onto her bed. Her cunt is wide open and you see her walls covered with your seed and her well-fed womb.
Giselle lies inert on her bed, her belly full of semen and her head full of stars. It takes her a while to find the strength to get up and look at the damage to her body and bed. As she approaches you, she places a loving kiss on your cock, tasting her own pussy juices. She comes up to you to kiss you and says, "Thanks, Daddy," while touching her belly. You reply in near perfect Korean: "You're welcome, Ms. Cok".
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junkissed · 1 year
squeaky clean
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member — bf!seungcheol x bf!mingyu x reader genre — smut, fluff/comfort, poly relationship (see warnings!) word count — 2.7k synopsis — after a long day, a nice relaxing bubble bath is exactly what you need, and your boyfriends are more than willing to help you unwind. good thing your bathtub is big enough for three. smut warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, unprotected sex, bathtub sex (this is fake. fiction. made up. do NOT have sex in soapy water), slight mxm (cheol gives gyu a handjob), kissing (reader x cheol & reader x gyu only, no cheol x gyu) nicknames (pretty girl, angel, baby, sweetheart, etc. you know the drill; gyu is called puppy once or twice but not in a pet play way), soft dom!cheol, gyu & reader are mainly sub leaning, lots of dirty talk & praise, a little bit of voyeurism from cheol but it's soft (you'll see) notes — this is a poly fic! meaning all three of them are in a relationship, meaning all three of them are having sex, meaning yes there is a little bit of mxm in this. i am in no way trying to ship them or imply anything about them, this is just for fun and because i believe poly relationships also deserve representation in fanfics. if you're not comfortable with that please feel free to skip this fic! you are the one responsible for what you choose to read, and i encourage you to read the warnings first so you have a sense of what happens. i still do not write solely mxm and i probably won't do fics like this often; this is very different from my usual content but i'm branching out a bit and trying new things!! feedback, asks, and reblogs are always super super appreciated :) (also ps this is a special present for @duhnova and @onlymingyus i hope you like it !!)
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when mingyu and seungcheol get home from work, they're surprised to find you laying across the couch, arms hanging over the side and your face smashed against a pillow.
immediately cheol walks over and sits on the couch beside you, putting the back of his hand against your forehead with worry. "baby, what's wrong? are you feeling sick?"
"just tired," you sigh. "i think i need a nap, maybe." he starts to stand up, offering to get the thermometer to take your temperature and make sure you don’t have a fever, and he pouts when you tell him you’re not sick.
"have you showered yet? i'll make dinner," mingyu offers, already slipping his jacket off and starting for the kitchen. 
"no, not yet." you sit up and wince, rubbing your neck. "i'll have to do it in the morning."
"don't you have a meeting tomorrow morning, though?"
you groan, remembering that your schedule tomorrow will be just as busy, if not more, than today. "then i'll wake up extra early, i guess."
cheol glances at mingyu, exchanging a look with his partner. "why don't you take a bath?" he suggests after a pause. "we'll get it all ready for you so you don't have to worry about a thing. you can have a nice, relaxing bubble bath, and you'll sleep so good afterwards."
"mm, that does sound nice," you concede, leaning back against the back of the couch. "alright, fine."
cheol stands up, putting his hand on your shoulder. “we’ll let you know when everything’s ready. for now, you just sit and relax.” you nod, and he walks away out of your view and waves his hand at mingyu, motioning for him to follow him to the bathroom.
a while later you hear your name being called, and you pull yourself off of the couch and follow the sound of mingyu's voice down the hall.
when you walk in, cheol is sitting on the edge of the bathtub and mingyu stands at the sink. as promised, the tub is filled with thick bubbles, the sweet scent of vanilla and peach soap filling the room.
"all ready for you," mingyu says with a grin, and as you step towards him to kiss him he wraps his arms around you, drawing you closer as he deepens the kiss. you sigh against him and relax into his hold for a moment, letting him hold you up. it's a soft, slow moment, and when you finally break apart it leaves your insides feeling warm.
as you slide your shorts down to your ankles, you can almost see the bulge in his jeans that he casually tries to hide with his hands, and your stomach flutters and your cheeks warm at the sight. but before you can say anything about it cheol motions you to come closer, pointing at the bathtub. "come make sure the water's the right temperature," he says, directed at you though his eyes are locked with mingyu's behind you, a wordless conversation between them.
you cross the room, feeling every bit as exposed as you are and suddenly very aware of the fact that you're the only one in the room that's half naked. 
dipping your hand into the water, you instinctively shudder at the warmth on your fingertips. it's perfect, as usual, and you pull your hand out, wiping the wetness on your bare leg. "just right," you say, and he smiles, leaning over from the edge of the tub to kiss you.
out of nowhere it crosses your mind that seungcheol must be able to taste mingyu on your lips, and you try to hold back a moan at the thought but it escapes you too quickly, a strangled breath against his mouth that's too quiet for mingyu to have heard but more than loud enough for cheol to notice.
you pull away, about to pretend that didn't happen, but the look on your boyfriend's face means you aren't getting out of this that easily. cheol raises his eyebrows and you turn your head to glance at mingyu, who is still leaning against the counter, trying very hard to be casual and draw attention away from his obvious erection.
"it's okay, angel," cheol whispers, nodding his head over at mingyu. "go ask him. i know you need something, don't you, my pretty girl?"
you stay quiet but nod, and with a smile cheol kisses you once more before you turn and walk back over to mingyu. you tuck your arms behind his back, holding him against your body. "will you… join me, gyu?" you ask, looking up at him through your lashes as you tug at the hem of his shirt.
he attempts to stifle a groan, his hands ghosting just inches above your bare back as if he's holding himself back from touching without your permission. "i’d like that," he says finally, trying not to appear too eager, though his body language speaks volumes.
"yes, please," you answer, then turn to look behind you again. "but only if cheollie joins us, too."
cheol laughs, already pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the floor with your pile of clothes. "fine by me."
with the two of them following close behind, you finally strip out of the last of your clothes, leaving your bra and panties at the foot of the tub as you climb into the water. as soon as your skin dips beneath the bubbly surface you let out a long sigh, sliding lower and lower until your whole body is submerged up to your neck.
it’s only been a few seconds since you’ve gotten in the bath, but you can already feel the stress melting away. but as you watch mingyu walking towards you, nearly tripping over his own feet in his rush to get out of his pants, you’re reminded that the heat between your legs isn’t just from the water temperature.
at your nod mingyu climbs in after you, soapy water sploshing out of the tub as he sinks down in front of you. his long legs get stuck for a second, but he soon adjusts so he’s straddling you, bent knees poking up above the layer of bubbles.
making sure everything in the house was big enough for three was one of seungcheol’s priorities back when you’d moved in together, and as he watches mingyu giggle and splash water at you, he’s glad he decided on the extra large bathtub, too.
he waits a moment before he joins the two of you, studying the way you sit with gyu and the smiles that light up both of your faces. you’re the two most important people in his life, and he loves watching you interact with each other, the sweetness bubbling up more than any bath soap could ever do.
but cheol’s thoughts are quickly interrupted when your whispered talk with mingyu suddenly turns into heated kisses, the sound of your airy moans drawing his attention to the soap suds running down your chest. leaning forward, mingyu takes one of your breasts into mouth and you sigh, leaning against the edge of the tub and arching your back into him. 
seungcheol gently pushes you to sit up as he finally gets into the tub behind you, and you rest your back against his chest as mingyu continues to suck at your breasts. you can feel cheol's hard cock pressed against your ass, but you don't think about it for more than a few seconds because immediately one of his hands slides around your hips, trailing down your body beneath the bubbly surface until his fingers find your clit, making you jump as your breath catches in your throat. his other hand curls around your chest, squeezing your other breast in his palm.
you wiggle around in their grasp, almost overwhelmed by all the attention from your boyfriends, but the feeling is so comfortable that you can't help but relax back into the water, giving up your control. it doesn’t happen too often, but the nights when the both of them are focused on pampering you are some of your favorite, allowing you to shut your brain off for a while they take the lead.
mingyu coos as you close your eyes, rolling your head back against seungcheol's shoulder. "that's it, sweetheart." 
"let us take care of you, pretty girl," cheol adds, twisting your nipple between his fingers and drawing a soft moan from your lips. 
cheol moves his fingers from your clit to spread your folds apart, and when he finally inserts his finger you can already feel yourself clenching down around him. you whimper out his name, reaching out to grab onto mingyu's shoulders as he begins to curl the tip of his finger just right against your walls. mingyu sits up, changing his position only so he can move his teeth up your neck, grazing them against every inch of skin and biting and sucking to make sure you're completely marked up.
you're sure your nails must be leaving marks on mingyu's skin as well, from how tightly you're gripping onto his broad shoulders, but if he notices he doesn't say anything; he just continues moving his mouth up and down your neck and collarbones, little whines escaping him all the while.
"you want him or me tonight, baby?" cheol asks, his fingers still stroking your clit. "or both of us? whatever you want, we're all about you tonight."
absently mingyu starts to grind down on your leg, rocking his hips back and forth along your thigh and it distracts you from whatever you were about to answer. "gyu, first…" you moan, your hands sliding down his soapy body to grab at his hips. "please—"
"then gyu it is, baby," seungcheol whispers affirmatively, his cheek pressed against yours as he tucks your wet hair behind your ear. "feel how hard he is for us? for you? he's all yours tonight, angel, tell him what you need."
"need you to– fuck me, gyu," you gasp out, trying and failing to stop his hips from moving. all three of you are more than familiar with how sensitive he is, and it wouldn't take much for him to cum just from grinding on your leg and whimpering like a needy puppy, but he's too strong for you to be able to stop him. "gyu, please, want you inside."
"listen to how prettily she begs for you, puppy," cheol says, and he moves his fingers out of you to rest on mingyu's thigh as you whine at the loss. "better not leave her empty for long, you know how bratty she gets…"
normally you would have something bratty to say in response, but you're so exhausted you don't have it in you to talk back. "please, need you, gyu," you repeat pitifully, already so gone that you can't think of anything you want more than to be stuffed full of cock and fucked into oblivion.
at your words mingyu stops moving his hips with a groan, leaning forward to smash his lips against yours. you can vaguely feel cheol kissing at the side of your temple, but mingyu's ferocity and passion makes it hard to think about anything except how good it feels to have his tongue in your mouth, teeth clacking together with the force of his kisses.
impatiently you slide your hands down from mingyu's waist, wrapping your fingers around his girthy cock. he groans into your mouth, pulling away sharply to catch his breath as you begin to line up the tip with your hole, eager to feel his cock hug your walls.
but before you can push him inside you, you feel cheol's hand on top of yours, gently prying your fingers away. beneath the water he runs his fingers along the length of mingyu's cock, and the other man shivers at the feeling. your hands were so small compared to cheol's, and his touch was much rougher than your gentle grip.
slowly at first seungcheol begins to move his hand up and down, gradually beginning to increase his pace in time with mingyu's panted breaths. 
you can barely keep up with what's happening in the water just inches above your cunt, too intently focused on watching the way mingyu's face contorts in pleasure with each skilled flick of cheol's wrist. in fact you don't even mind watching and waiting, the intimate act between them more than enough to satisfy you.
but you can tell mingyu is getting close by the way his eyes squeeze shut and his shoulders tense up, and you know cheol can tell, too, because he slowly loosens his grip, making mingyu whine in frustration.
"don't forget about our little angel, gyu," cheol hums, letting go completely except for a single finger that he traces across the thick vein along the top of mingyu’s cock.
he groans but leans forward to begin kissing your neck again, his lips trailing along your jaw as you thread your fingers through his wet hair.
with mingyu’s cock still in his grasp, cheol angles him at your entrance, and after running the tip through your folds a few times to tease you he finally helps the man push into you, guiding him inch by inch into your throbbing cunt.
all you can do is moan and hold on to anything you can, one hand still in mingyu’s hair and the other gripping cheol’s thigh behind you for support. water pours over the side of the tub as mingyu begins to rock his hips into you, arms and hands and legs spread out in a tangled mess everywhere.
for a moment you start to worry about how you’ll ever be able to clean up the bathroom after this, but the thought is quickly pushed to the back of your mind when you feel cheol’s fingers on your clit once again.
“i know you’re close, baby.” you hear cheol’s low voice speaking into your ear, and your hips jerk at his tone. “so tight and so perfect for our mingyu, making him feel so good. so sweet for us, so perfect…”
with the way cheol’s mumbling praises you would almost have thought he’s the one getting fucked right now, but his words pass right through you, too focused on the sensation building in your core to process what he’s saying.
seconds later you cum with a stifled cry, your eyes wrenched shut as the men on either side of you continue to work you through your orgasm. two pairs of strong arms sandwich you against their chests, the familiar weight that surrounds you a grounding feeling.
the rest of the bath passes by in a haze after mingyu and cheol get out of the tub, leaving you to soak for a little longer and have some time to rest. though the water has already started to go cold and most of the bubbles are long gone, it’s still a very pleasant bath, and by the end of it you’re completely relaxed and ready for a nap.
when you decide you’re done for the night, mingyu lifts you out of the tub and wraps a towel around your shoulders as cheol pulls the plug, the remains of the bath water swirling down the drain with a quiet slurp. both of them help you dry off, exchanging gentle kisses and soft touches until you’re tucked into bed wearing a fresh set of pajamas.
cheol helps you pull the covers up to your chin, the sheets feeling cozy and comfortable against your clean skin. he sits at the edge of the bed, running his hand along your forehead in soothing motions. 
“you feel better now, baby?” he hums. “less stressed?”
“mhm. thank you, cheollie,” you reply, letting your eyes fall shut as your tiredness from the day starts to catch up with you. “and mingyu, too. i love you both.”
cheol smiles, leaning over to kiss your forehead as he stands up. “we love you, too.”
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peppermintquartz · 3 months
The second time Tommy meets Philip and Margaret is not under the best of circumstances.
Maddie is wrecked with worry, Jee is confused about why her daddy can't sleep at home and why her Uncle Buck isn't here, and Tommy himself is approximately three broken Kit-Kat bars from completely snapping.
So when the Buckley parents show up at the hospital, Tommy is not in the best of moods.
"Why are you here?" Margaret says when she sees him, instead of asking "How's my son?"
"Because I'm waiting for the outcome of the surgery," Tommy says, pretty curtly, but after fourteen hours following a full shift he is about to keel over. He's seated right now, having no further energy to pace, with his elbows on his knees, his head aching from the fluorescent lights and endless activity all around him, and his heart steeled against the worst possible outcome. "I mean, it's certainly not for the ambience."
"Maddie called and told us that Howard and Evan were in the building when it collapsed," Philip says before Margaret can react to the sarcasm. "We wanted to be here for Maddie."
"For Maddie, of course it's for her," Tommy says, and he is so beyond sick with worry that he can't force aside the irritation nor hide it with civility. "She's gone home with Jee-yun. I promised to keep her updated. If you're looking for her, I suggest doing so tomorrow morning when she's had hopefully at least an hour of sleep."
Margaret glances at the light above the operating theater doors and wrings her hands. "How long has it been? I can't bear this."
Tommy doesn't even look at his watch anymore. "Fourteen hours, thereabouts. Howie's just come out two hours ago."
A whole building. A three-storey building. Howie was on the top floor, so he was freed from the rubble first. Evan was on the ground floor. The 217 and the 124 had been on the scene, Tommy flying five casualties from the wreck directly to hospital, one of whom was his friend. All the while he had to internally battle the screaming need to claw apart the debris, with his bare hands if necessary, to get his Evan out of there.
Philip hugs Margaret. "He'll survive. He's always done so, since he was a kid. You know how it is with him. Scrapes and cuts and falls. He'll come out of this without trouble."
"I can't bear waiting here," Margaret whispers again. "You know I don't like..." She shuts her eyes and shakes her head.
"I know, I know it feels like it's Daniel inside, but it isn't."
And Tommy loses it.
Logically, he knows that Philip is merely trying to reassure his wife. Logically, he knows that they are trying; the mere fact that they are in hospital to check on Evan and Howie is a statement that they are trying.
Every other part of Tommy, however, explodes with incandescent rage.
"Daniel? Daniel?! Evan's in there, fighting for his life, and you can't even focus on that?" he spits out. "The only reason why I am even talking to you is because you made Evan. You brought him to this world. And you don't deserve him. Every day I see how much he loves, how openly and how bravely he loves, and to know that you both treated him the way you did... And now you come here, to the hospital, and you talk about being here for Maddie and, and thinking about Daniel, instead of your son who could've died today!"
Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Tommy realizes that he's on his feet, his fists clenched, towering over two older persons who are shrinking away from his six foot two frame. Suddenly drained, Tommy licks his dry lips.
"Go see Howie," he says in a low voice. "You probably can't go in yet, but find out what you can to tell Maddie."
Philip clears his throat. "You'll let us know when Evan is out?"
"I'll call Maddie." Tommy sits again and stares at the wall opposite. Green. Dull, lifeless, bland hospital green. He hears the Buckleys walk away. "Philip, wait."
"Sorry about the outburst. Also, you're supposed to call him Buck. Remember that."
Philip sighs again. "Of course. We'll see you later, when Ev- Buck is out of surgery."
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samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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Summary: Anon request - "virgin!reader x Sam"
Warnings: soft SMUT18+, some strong language, mentions of wine, fingering, protected first time sex, hair pulling, sensual smut, fully smut
Word count: 4.2k | not edited
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"You don't have any plans tonight, do you?" Sam asks as he slips his big sweater over his head. You purse your lips as you think for a second before shaking your head, "Not unless they're with you."
You smile as he smiles and he walks back over to you, "Good. I made us dinner reservations, I'll be back at six to get you."
"Fancy or casual?" You turn around to rest your arms on the back of the couch, eyes watching him as he comes over and leans down, "Slightly fancy."
He peck your lips, "That okay?"
You nod, "more than okay, baby."
He brushes hair from your face, "Okay." He presses his lips to your forehead, "See you later."
You hold your hand up, watching as he walks towards the door, "Bye." As soon as the door closes, you pull your phone out, texting your best friend to call you.
A few minutes later, your phone rings and you answer, "Sam has a dinner planned tonight." You blurt out, "I think.. I think he wants to, you know."
"Have sex?" She asks with a slight laugh, "There's nothing wrong about that word, y/n."
"I know.." you say resting your cheek in your palm, "I just.. we've been dating for almost- we'll, it'll be three months tomorrow and I.." you let out a sigh, "I haven't told him yet."
"Told him wh- wait." She pauses for a moment, "You haven't told him that you've never had sex before?"
You loved your best friend because you can talk to her about anything, no shame at all.
She was your safe place.
No judgment at all.
"I haven't.. I just didn't know when, not like there's a right or wrong time or anything but mainly because I'm scared to tell him."
"Why are you scared, y/n?" She asks, pausing so you can answer, "What if he thinks I'm weird?"
She laughs, loudly, "I highly, and I mean high-ly doubt that he'll think you're weird. Someone who has never had sex before is hard to come by."
"I just.. I don't want to embarrass myself with him, you know, like I really want to with him, I just let my mind get the best of me, I guess."
"I want you to listen to me, y/n." She sighs, "The way Sam looks at you, is the way someone who knows they have a forever in their hands looks at someone, and that's even more rare than someone who still has their virginity."
You smile, "I know it's probably way too soon, but I honestly do think I love him."
"I wouldn't doubt it. You guys are tooth rottenly perfect for each other." She laughs slightly, "I'm sure he feels the same way about you."
You take a deep breath, "I'm going to tell him tonight, I mean it it all goes wrong and he does find me weird-"
She cuts you off, "He's not going to find you weird." She laughs, "I'm sure that will turn him on even more."
"Oh gosh, no. Stop it." You close your eyes, shaking your head, "I'm already nervous as is."
"Sorry, but no. I think it'll be okay." She pauses, "Just remember, that good things take time, and I'm sure that you being such a pure little angel will make it even better."
You smile, laughing slightly as you nod to yourself, "I'm sure you're right and I'm just overreacting."
"Isn't that what usually happens?" She laughs and you your eyes, "Mhm."
"Alright, well let me know how it goes. If you need, my door is always open for you."
You smile, "Thank you. I'll call you tomorrow or something."
"Sounds good. Now go pick out a pretty dress."
"I'll send you pictures. Thank you." You stand up and she sighs, "You got this. He isn't going to go anywhere."
"Okay." You nod, "Talk later."
"Talk later."
You hang up, letting out a long sigh as you make your way into your room to rummage through your closet.
After a while of holding up dresses to your body, you settle on a white knit dress with a cropped sweater attached to it.
You lay it on the bed, walking over to find a pair of shoes that go with it nicely. You pull out each pair of heel you have, nervous that nothing will go with it.
You set a pair of tan ankle boots next to it and tilt your head as you take a picture to send to your friend.
You smile at her reply, That is the cutest dress ever and the light tan color of those boots go so well. You'll look great, y/n!
You text her back and look at the time, it's almost four, which means you have two hours until Sam is back to pick you up.
You head for the shower, hoping to wash some of the anxiety you have, away.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You set the curling iron down after curling the last strand of your hair. You look into the mirror of your vanity and let out a sigh, "You got this."
Your phone vibrates and you pick it up, smiling when you see a text from Sam, On my way, sweetheart.
You text back, See you soon, baby.
You set your phone down, applying any last minute touches to your makeup before you stand up to smooth out your dress.
You grab your purse, hooking it onto your shoulder before snapping a picture to send to your friend.
She replies back as you walk out of your room, telling you that you look pretty and what not. She was your biggest support, besides Sam.
Sam has been there for you through everything that's happened these last two, almost three months. You guys clicked instantly and just like your friend said, you felt like you had forever in your hands when you looked at him, too.
There's a knock on your door and you stand up, walking over to open it. An instantly smile on your face when your eyes meet Sam's.
"Wow, you look gorgeous." He smiles as his eyes move down your body, "These are for you."
Your lips slightly part as your eyes move down to the bouquet of red roses in his hand, "Sam." You whisper looking back up at him as you take them, "They're so beautiful."
You open your arm, wrapping it around his neck. His hand lays on your hip and he turns his head to kiss your cheek, "Beautiful flowers, for a beautiful girl. You ready?”
You smile, "Yeah, let me just set these on the counter." You turn, walking back into your apartment to set them down on the counter, "Okay. Ready."
You walk over to him and link your arm with his. You pull your door shut before he leads you down to his car. He opens the passenger door for you, giving you a smile before he closes it.
He walks around, getting into the drivers seat, "That dress looks beautiful on you."
You run your hand over the fabric and look up at him, "Thank you. I got it a few weeks ago, figured now was the perfect time to wear it."
"Any time would have been the perfect time, babe." Sam smiles as he lays his hand on yours, interlocking your fingers together.
You bring your other hand over, tracing gentle circles on top of his hand. Your mind starts racing, but you quickly shut it down by reminding yourself of what your friend said.
You rest your head back, staring out the window at the lights of the city. Sam squeezes your hand, "You okay?"
You look over at him, "What, babe?"
"I asked if you're okay." He glances over at you, "You're quiet."
"Oh, I'm fine. Just enjoying the lights." You nod towards the window and he tilts his head, "You sure?"
You nod at him, "Yes, baby. I'm good." You smile, giving his hand a squeeze back. He smiles and pulls up to the doors.
You look over at him, "Valet?"
He smiles and nods, "Uh huh. Now wait here." He gets out, walking around to your side. He talks to the attendant before opening your door, "This way, sweetheart."
He holds his hand out and you take it as you exit the car, "Sam. This place is fancy."
He wraps an arm around your waist as you walk in, "You deserve it."
You smile as you walk with him to your table. He pulls your chair out for you and you sit down. He helps move your chair in before moving to sit beside you.
Your eyes scan down over the menu, "Everything sounds so good."
He nods, "I came here with Colby a few months ago, it was very good."
You set your menu down, looking from it to Sam, "I have to tell you something."
You can see it in his face that he doesn't like the sound of that but you quickly reassure, "Don't worry, it's nothing bad."
He lets out a sigh, "Oh god. Okay." He laughs slightly, "What's up, babe?"
Just as you're about to say it, the waiter comes over, "Good evening, my name is Frankie, I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I get you started with something to drink?"
"Hello Frankie." Sam gives him a smile, "Actually, yes." He looks over at you, "How does a bottle of Sangria sound?"
You smile and nod, "Please."
Sam looks back at Frankie, "Well do a bottle of Sangria, red." He nods at Sam and smiles, "I'll be right back with that."
"Thank you." You and Sam say as he walks away. Sam looks at you, taking your hand, "So you were saying?"
You laugh nervously, "Oh, yeah. That." You brush a curl from your face and sigh, "There's something I've been meaning to tell you, and I think you need to know before anything happens-"
He cuts you off, "Anything, sweetheart. You can tell me anything." You catch the hint of worry in his voice so you lean in, "I'm.." you pause, laughing slightly as you build up the courage.
You look up at him, "I'm a.. virgin."
He lets out the breath he was holding, "I thought you were going to say you can't see me anymore or something."
You lay your other hand on top of the one that's in your hand, "No, baby." You shake your head, "I just thought I should tell you, I'm not trying to rush anything by saying that, I just.." you raise your brows, "I just don't have any personal experience and I figured that that would be embarrassing on my end."
He reaches his hand up, thumb brushing your cheek, "There's nothing embarrassing about that, sweetheart." He smiles, "I think.. that's kind of sexy."
Your friend was right, you think as you bite your bottom lip, "Really?"
"There's a first time for everything, darling.." Sam smiles, "And if you are willing, I'd be honored to show you the ropes." He winks, causing a slight blush to take to your cheeks.
"Considering we're celebrating our three month anniversary tonight.." you rest your elbows on the table and lean forward, "I think tonight would be the perfect night for you to do that."
He tilts his head, "It's been three months already?"
You laugh, "I know. Time flies when you're having a good time." He laughs, sighing as he looks up at Frankie, "Thank you."
He nods, "Are we ready to order yet?"
"I am." Sam nods and looks over at you, "You know whatcha want?"
You motion to him, "You go first." You look back down over menu as Sam orders. You look up, ordering what you want before Frankie walks away.
You feel Sam slip his hand under yours and you look over at him as you sit your wine. He stares at you for a few seconds, "Why were you nervous to tell me?"
You shrug, "I didn't want you to think I was weird."
He laughs slightly, "Oh baby, why would I think you're weird? I think that's a good thing, you know?"
"Well.." you sigh with a smile, "That's certainly a relief."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·
As you leave the restaurant, your arm linked with Sam's, you can but feel a rush up nervous excitement.
You were more than ready to give yourself to Sam.
You wanted him to be the one to have you for the first time.
The more you thought about it, the more it felt like it was meant to happen this way.
You watch as the valet attendant brings his car around. Sam leads you down, opening the passenger door for you.
"Thank you, baby." You give him a kiss on the cheek before getting in. He smiles, "More than welcome, my love."
He shuts your door, waving to the attendant and yelling a quick 'thank you' before getting in, "Alright. So where to now?"
"We can go back to my place." You bite your lip as you look over at him. He smirks, "say no more." He starts to drive, his hand finding yours like it always does.
You can tell he wants to ask something, but chooses not to.
"You can ask me, babe." You laugh slightly, "I'll answer any question you have."
He glances over at you, "I don't want to make you uncomfortable by asking anything."
You shake your head, "You won't."
"Why haven't you.." he pauses, "i don't know how to word it." He laughs nervously and you rest your head back, "Why haven't I ever had sex with anyone before?"
He nods and you shrug, "I just.. I don't know, really. It just never felt right with anyone. I was thinking about it, after I told you, and I honestly feel like it was meant to be this way."
He smiles as he comes to a stop, looking over at you, "Really?"
You nod, "I haven't felt this way with anyone. I actually told my friend earlier today that-" you stop once you realize what you're about to say.
You look over at him and he nods, "Keep going."
You take a calming breath, "I was just telling her today that I think.." you smile slightly, "I'm falling in love with you."
A smile takes over his face and he shakes his head, "I actually had sorta the same conversation with Colby the other day."
"You did?" You can feel your cheeks heating and he nods. He brings your hand up to his lips, pressing them against the back of it, "I love you, y/n."
Your heart skips a beat and you nod, "I love you, Sam."
He presses a few kisses onto the back of your hand as he comes to a stop at a red light. He lets go of your hand and reaches up to pull you over as he leans over, and that's right when you knew that you definitely have the kissing at red lights kind of love.
"When we get back to my place.." you whisper as you lean back, "I want you to take me into my room and show me just how much you love me."
You were shocked that those words came from your lips.
But you weren't arguing about it.
"Anything for you, baby." Sam takes his hand back into yours as he continues driving.
Your stomach fills with, what feels like a thousand butterflies and he pulls into the parking space in front of your building.
He looks over at you, reaching up to cup your cheek with his hand, "I've never felt this much love for someone."
You lay your hand on his, "Me too, Sam."
He pulls you in, pressing his lips to yours before whispering a small, "Come on, sweetheart." He gets out, and like usual, comes and opens your door.
You cling to his arm, smiling as you walk up to your door. You unlock it, immediately pulling him in. He kicks the door shut as your hands go to the sides of his neck, lips meeting his.
His hands go to your waist, backing you up a few steps before he pulls your body into his.
"Are you sure?" He whispers, leaning his head back a little to look at you.
"I've never been more sure of anything before, Sam."
He smiles, brushing hair from your face, "Okay." He leans down, gripping the back of your thighs so he can lift you up.
Your legs circle his waist, arms wrapping around his neck as he walks you into your bedroom.
The most you’ve done with Sam is an old fashioned high school make out. Nothing more. He never pressured you into more, with him, it just feels so right.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, pressing little kisses onto your cheek as he lays you down on the bed. Your legs fall to his sides and he leans up to shrug off his jacket.
You watch was his hands move to undo each button on his white shirt as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth.
Your eyes move up to meet his as he slides it down his shoulders and drops it to the floor. He leans back down, body over yours as he presses his lips to yours again.
He grinds against you, earning a low moan from your lips, “That’s it, baby.” He kisses down your neck and back up, “If it feels good, tell me.”
You nod, tilting your head back as he attaches his lips to the skin of your neck, sucking to leave a mark.
You moan out quietly as your nails dig into his shoulders. His hand moves down to pull your dress up, letting it lay high on your thighs.
His hand dips in between them, gently dragging lines up and down your clothed, but soaked center.
“Please.” You whimper as you move your hips, “Please, touch me.”
He nods once, tilting his head slightly as he watches your face. He slips his fingers into the crutch of your panties, pushing them over before gently gliding a finger up and down, “This what you wanted, baby?”
You nod quickly, moving your hips up and down, “Y-yes.”
You thought him just grazing the outside of your pussy felt good, but it quickly heightened when he slowly plunged his finger into you.
You arched your back, letting out a whine as you squeezed around his finger.
“Feel good?” Sam asks rubbing your thigh with his free hand. You look up at him, lips parted as you moan to him slowly moving his finger out and back in, “Fuck, yes.”
Sam bites his lip, watching your body move from the pleasure he’s giving you.
He was in awe that you were his.
He slid his hand over, palming himself through his suit pants because the image of you was making him ache.
“Fuck, I know I keep saying it, but you look so beautiful.” He leans down, hand still between your legs, “So pretty.”
He gently presses his lips to yours and your hands move to his neck, sliding one hand up to tangle in his hair.
He lets out a groan as you tug, “So mine.”
You smile against his lips, arching your back as he curls his finger, “Fuck.” You slide your hands down his chest, “Please, Sam. I need you.”
He nods, “Alright.” He slowly pulls his finger out, “Take this off for me.” He tugs the hem of your dress before getting up to take off his pants.
His eyes are glued on you as you sit up to reveal your body to him. You let the dress drop to the floor before reaching behind you to unhook your bra.
He slips his fingers into the band of his boxers, pausing to just take a good look at you.
“What?” You ask, a shy tone consuming your words.
He shakes his head, “Nothing, I-“ he sighs and smiles, “You’re just.. ravishing.”
You give him a smile and look down, “Oh, thank you.” He strips away from his boxers, “Do you have a condom, by chance?”
“Actually.. I do.” You laugh, “my friend gave it to me a few weeks ago, long story but it pertains to you.”
He chuckles, “Oh jeeze, okay.” He walks over to the stand you pointed to, pulling out and putting it on before walking over to crawl up between your legs again, “You okay?”
You look up at him, laughing nervously, “Just.. kinda nervous.”
He brushes your cheek with his hand, “I got you, sweetheart.” He leans in, pressing his lips to your forehead, “If it hurts or gets to be too much, I’ll stop.”
You nod, lying back as he moves up to hover over you, “Tell me when.”
You take a deep breath, giving him a nod, “I’m ready.”
Sam gathers some spit onto his fingertips and reaches down to coat the tip of his cock, “Just try and relax, baby.”
You spread your legs, laying your hands on his biceps as he positions himself at the entrance. You close your eyes, the rollercoaster of emotions hitting you at once.
But, you were ready for him.
You close your eyes, squeezing his biceps as he slowly slides into you, “Fuck.” He breathes out, “You okay?”
You nod quickly, eyes still shut tight, “Yeah.”
He pauses for a moment, reaching up to tilt your head up, “You sure?” You give him a smile, “Yes.” You lay your hand on his cheek, “K-keep going.”
He brushes hair from your face before reaching for your hand, interlocking your fingers with his. He continues to push in, earning small moans from you.
You wrap your leg over his waist, squeezing his hand tight.
“Sam.” You moan out quietly, “That feels so good.”
He leans down, peppering your face with kisses, “That’s good, baby.” He pushes all the way in, resting for a moment, “You feel so good.”
You lay your free hand on his cheek, wiggling your hips ever so slightly, “Okay.”
He tilts his head, “Ready?”
You nod and gasp as he pulls out, gently thrusting back in, “Fuck, y/n. You feel incredible.”
His words send the anxiety and nervousness away. You feel so much closer to him already. You now know that this was the way it was supposed to be.
“I love you.” You whisper out, “I love you.”
Sam rests his forehead against yours, “I love you so much.” He lifts his head to plant a kiss, “So fucking much.”
You snake your arm under his, laying your hand in the center of his back as you moan out, louder than they’ve been.
“You sound so pretty.” Sam whispers in your ear before kissing down your neck. He groans lowly, “I want to get you off before I do, okay?”
“Okay.” You breathe out, “Fuck.”
He thrust a little bit faster, still holding your hand in his. He reaches down with his other hand, pulling your arm away from his and holding your other hand.
He pins it by your head, forehead on yours, “I can’t get over you.” He whispers lowly, a moan following his words.
You smile slightly, brows furrowing as you feel an intense pleasure building up in your stomach, “I-I think I’m close.”
He nods, “Whenever you want, sweetheart.” Sam kisses your lips and you moan into his mouth, “Shit. Shit.”
You tighten your leg around his waist, bringing the other one up to lock around him. Your eyes roll shut as your back lifts off the bed and you squeeze his cock.
You drag your moan out, “Fuuuck.”
“That’s it baby. Cum for me.” Sam encourages, “That’s my girl.” He lets go of your one hand to brush hair from your face, “So fucking beautiful.”
Your chest rises and falls quickly as you come down, Sam not too far behind you.
His throws slow down, almost to a completely stop and you feel him twitch inside of you. He presses kisses over your face, “You okay?”
You nod, laying your hands on his cheeks, “I’m wonderful, baby.”
He smiles, “Alright, I’m gonna..” he nods down and you brace yourself before he slowly pulls out. He gets up, walking over to your bathroom to discard the condom and to grab a towel for you to clean up with.
You toss the towel down and turn back slightly to move the covers of the bed down. You move up and slide your legs under them, “Are you staying the night?”
You look up at him with a smile and he smiles, “You know it.”
He walks over to you, sliding in beside you and pulling the blankets up around you both. You snuggle into his chest, letting out a content sigh, “I definitely believe now, that this is the way it was to happen for me.”
Sam rubs your back as he smiles, “You think?” He looks down at you and you look up at him, “I know.”
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
I hope you enjoyed! I think this is one of my favorite Sam one shots that’s I’ve written so far.
As usual, let me know what you thought and thanks for reading! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 🖤
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Dirty Work 7
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: This week is killing me.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Sunday sees your second day in your new position. As you send off your letter of resignation to the agency, you can't help the coil that winds tight in your stomach. There's no going back now.
You close out of the several templates you Googled in your efforts. It's the one thing you know how to do. Willa, the friendly librarian who checked out the PC for you, always said, if you can Google, you can figure it out. Still, you feel like there's so much you don't know that you're not sure a search engine can answer.
You close the laptop and take both your phones with you into the hallway. You have to go check out that gazebo and figure out if you need to make a call about it. Oh, and the fridge was beeping when you filled your bottle, you have to call the maintenance number that flashed up too.
That makes you even more anxious. You've never really been the sort for phone calls. You never had anyone to talk to and everything else was easier done in person. Well, you'll have to muddle through. Work isn't supposed to be fun or easy.
As you near the staircase, your flip chimes. You juggle to answer the right phone. The slim touchscreen is set only to buzz, an option not available on the clumsy burner. You answer the call as you stop on the top stair.
The woman on the other end asks for you by name. You confirm your identity as you hear familiar noises in the background. She's a nurse from the downtown hospital.
“I'm calling to confirm your father's discharge tomorrow at noon,” she says over the rustle of paper and clack of keys, “we'll need the bed so if there is any delay, another day would be added to the invoice.”
“I understand, I'll be there, erm… noon. Tomorrow,” you don't have your notebook so you key a reminder into the other phone. “Thank you for letting me know.”
“Of course, miss, we would recommend you arrive earlier. We have some resources and counseling available on what you can expect getting the patient settled at home,” she continues, “nine would be ideal. I'll be able to add a note for the doctor to check in as well.”
“Oh, yes, I can do that,” you squeak, “thank you.”
“Alright then, I have all that logged. You have a good day.”
“You too,” you utter before the line dies.
Phone calls weren't too bad. You think you did okay with that one. Then again, you didn't think! You're supposed to work tomorrow. Mr. Laufeyson said you could take Wednesday off, and tomorrow is only Monday.
You close the flip phone and stare at it. Oh boy. You really don't want to spoil this. Just the mention of the coming invoice underlines your desperation. You need the money. Your dad needs it.
“Are you finished?” Mr. Laufeyson's timbre drawls from down the hall. You glance over as he stands just in the doorway of his study. You gulp.
“Sorry, Mr. Laufeyson. I didn't mean to disturb–”
“Yet you did,” he insists.
“I was only going to check–”
“Not my concern so long as it's done,” he waves you off, “an important call, I assume, to make such a racket.”
“Mr. Laufeyson, um,” you shove the phones away, one in each of your pockets. “I… could I have the day tomorrow? Instead of Wednesday. My father is getting out of the hospital and–”
“The day? What time?” He snips as he approaches with decisive steps.
“Well, I'm supposed to go at nine,” you explain, “I'll come in Wednesday still.”
“You will come in tomorrow, after all that,” he says. “You can work later then.”
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson, but my father will need help getting settled–”
“Figure it out. You agreed to this schedule–”
“I did but–” you stop yourself as his eyes flare, “I will be here in the afternoon, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“You will be. In the appropriate attire, I expect,” he snarls and spins to strut back to his office, swinging the door shut sharply.
You waver at the hard slam. You didn't mean to anger him. You can't help that your father needs you. You thought Mr. Laufeyson would be more understanding, after all, he's the one who pointed out how much you needed the money.
Your father shoos you away as you try to help him sit. He lets go of the walker and flops back with a grunt, his oxygen tank clinking against the aid’s metal leg. He coughs and snatches around blindly on the cushion for the remote. You retrieve it from the folding table beside him and put it in his hand.
That agitates him further as he growls and jams down the button to turn on the television. You yawn and back away. You still have a full day left ahead of you, and what feels like one behind you. You spent the night doing some last minute tidying to make sure everything is read for your father.
“Smokes,” he snaps his fingers and hacks.
“Er,” you hesitate. You go to find the half-crushed pack you found with him on the floor. You knew better than to throw it out. You return to him, clutching the package nervously, “Dr. Shearer said–”
“Give it to me,” he demands.
You relent and obey. He’s been doubly miserable than before. You feel like an annoying gnat buzzing around his head as he tries to swat you away.
“I made you meals for the weak. They’re all labeled in the fridge–”
“I’m not a goddamn kid,” he scowls and takes the lighter from the folding table.
“I know, but–”
“But I’m home. You probably hate that,” he sneers, “you’d be happy if I died in that hospital.”
You’re taken aback by the accusation. You gasp and shake your head, “of course not, I’m happy you’re here. That you’re alive–”
“Painfully,” he snorts darkly, “the fuck you keep me here for?”
You take a breath and frown. Your eyes tinge and your cheeks pinch, “because you're my dad… and I love you,” you croak.
He doesn’t reply as he pulls out a cigarette and moves the tube from below his nose. You watch him, waiting. He lights the smoke and sucks on it eagerly. You drop your head and give a shrug.
“I gotta go to work,” you say, “I’ll see you tonight.”
“Don’t be slamming around when you come in,” he dusts ash over the freshly vacuumed carpet, “doctor said I needa sleep.”
“I won’t,” you promise and back away.
As you leave the room, your chest plummets in dread. You think of coming home, of finding him like you did before, laying on the floor, lifeless. You sniff and swipe away the speckling of tears. More than you want him to love you, you want him to love himself. You don’t just want him to want you around, you want him to be around.
You hurry up to Mr. Laufeyson’s gate with your kit and water bottle jostling. You fumble around until you find the smartphone and bring up the digits to punch into the code box. You buzz through and shuffle inside. You set off on your usual path around the back.
You stop at the rear door and try to untangle the strap of the water bottle from your kit. Your hand lingers on the front of the ballooning shirt. You still haven’t gone to look for clothes so you did your best with what you had. One of your father’s forgotten button-ups and a pair of pants that could pass in an office. It’s ill-fitting and scratch but better than jeans.
You get inside and leave your kit in the closet. Today’s a cleaning day but you have a few things to check off the schedule first. With your water bottle bouncing on your hip, you go upstairs and scurry down to the library.
As you enter, you’re surprised to discover the space less than empty. You apologise aloud and choke on the word, ‘mister’. It isn’t the house’s single resident as you expect, no, this figure could not be more different than Mr. Laufeyson. You recognise them, from the dinner.
The blond man faces you as he stands by the window, the drapes open to add the peculiarity of the situation. Like the man, the space is golden with sunlight. You lean back on your heel as you clutch the door handle.
“Hello,” he grins as he greets you in a playful demeanour. You can’t answer. You don’t know if you should. 
Is it rule one; don’t speak unless permitted; or the other rule, do not disturb my guests. You can’t figure out the riddle so you languish in perplexity.
“Aren’t you a sweet little lamb,” he muses as he steps away from the window, placing his hands on the back of the dimpled leather chair. His large hands. If you thought Mr. Laufeyson was tall, this man is even taller and twice as wide. “I remember you. The sweet maid.”
You blink. Where is Mr. Laufeyson? You can’t speak. You’re too terrified; not just of the strange man but of the one you know by name. Your employer would be unhappy to know you spoke out of turn.
“Have you seen my brother at all?” He prompts disregarding your stagnant silence. “Has he spoken of me? His brother? I'm Thor.”
You look down at your hand on the door handle.
“And what is your name?” He asks.
You don’t answer. You know it’s not right but you have no other choice. You pull the door shut and close the man in. You retreat in a half-sprint and barrel back down the stairs. You trip at the bottom and barely save yourself from stumbling to your knees.
You latch onto the banister post to keep your balance and catch your breath. You hear the door above. Oh no, would he follow you? Another door clicks and you look up to find a shadow on the other side of the frosted glass framed in the front entrance.
Mr. Laufeyson steps inside coolly, unbothered as swings the door shut and tugs on the lapel of his suit jacket. His eyes fall on you and he scuffs on his sole, tilting his head in curiosity. You didn’t realise he hadn’t even been there. You look at the ceiling with wide eyes; so how was the other man inside?
“Well, there you are,” he says matter-of-factly, “this place is sore in need of a dusting–”
Laufeyson is interrupted by a clamour of footsteps above. You let go of the banister and sidle away as his green eyes flick to the top to the staircase. You shy away and listen as the man descends in a series of thunder thumps. You turn to peek down the hall, wanting to hide in your chores.
“Stay,” Laufeyson commands. You turn back to him as he points at your feet. You stop in place and sway. He faces his visitor as he comes to the bottom stair, “brother, what is the meaning of this intrusion?”
“Can I not come see my baby brother?” The other man; the stranger; his brother, called Thor, booms.
“You may, when you warn me of it,” Laufeyson rebuffs.
“Ah, don’t be so grim,” Thor claps his shoulders and is swiftly shrugged off, “this place is always so dark. I hope you don’t mind, I opened a few windows.”
“I do mind,” Laufeyson says, “you do always presume.”
“And you are always offer such a warm welcome,” he tries to tap Laufeyson’s cheek but is batted away. The dark of the brothers backs up with a scoff. “Ah, and there she is. I was only just coming to find the little maid. She rushed off so suddenly–”
“You don’t need to bother with her,” Laufeyson dismissed with a slice of his hand through the air, “maid,” he points at you again, “back to work.”
You lean back on your heel, ready to disappear.
“Ah, don’t be so rude, brother. She is sweet. You get more bees with honey–”
“Do not tell me how to run my house,” Laufeyson growls, an edge in his voice you’ve never heard before. Dangerous and dark.
“Is she not doing you a service? A please would be appropriate–”
“You are not mother. I don’t need you to mind my manners,” Laufeyson girds and nears his brother, unflinching even as he comes up a few inches short of chest to chest, “nor do you need to worry for my staff. She does not take orders from you.”
“And I suppose that’s all she gets from you,” Thor chuckles.
You furrow your brow, stunned by their spat. You’re not quite sure what that last bit meant. You work for Mr. Laufeyson so of course he would tell you what to do. And why are they so volatile? They’re brothers. You don’t have any siblings but you always wanted one. So that you had a friend. So you weren’t alone. 
“Maid, go,” Laufeyson repeats, “now.”
Your eyes widen and you nod. You quickly turn and rush down the hall to the closet. You’re shaking as you try to sort out one phone from the other and find the old list of tasks. You can hardly steady your hands to get a pair of gloves on.
You take your time in the back of the house as you hear the men’s footfalls climb the staircase. You let your nerves settle just a little. You’re alone, for now, and your mission is simple. Clean and stay unseen.
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muddyorbsblr · 10 months
the final Lady Sharpe part 4: something to look forward to
Series Masterlist See my full list of works here!
Part of the 500 Follower Celebration Requested by: @ellooo0ooo
Summary: You and Edith make significant progress on your mission to put Lucille behind bars; Thomas makes a confession before you go to sleep
Pairing: Thomas Sharpe x Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: ghosts; a lil bit of steam [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: Reader & Thomas are married; more pining; simp Thomas
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The ink had dried enough on the final document you were working on duplicating for tonight that you could group them together and place the original papers back in Lucille's hiding place. Tomorrow morning if ever she were to check on them, she would be none the wiser of what had been transpiring over the last two weeks. You repeatedly clenched and unclenched your fingers, trying to get some feeling back into them after writing with barely a pause for break over the last few hours.
"Tomorrow we'll be done with all the documents," you whispered into the silence, feeling Edith's presence nearby as you made your way to Thomas' workshop. "I'll need you to show me where the phonograph cylinders are hidden, and if you know which one has Lucille's demented confession…"
"I'll show you the way," she confirmed. "And I'll make sure that none of the more…how do I put this…bloodthirsty spirits don't touch you. They tend to be a bit overly protective of their turf."
"The what?" You froze in place at her mention of bloodthirsty spirits. You had enough of a fright when you'd first "met" her and Enola, you might not survive encountering their less agreeable companions. The feel of someone nudging you from behind had you moving down the corridor again.
"Don't you worry about them, Y/N. I'll do my part to keep them away, explain to them that you're our friend, and you'll put an end to Lucille's lifelong murder spree. It might take time for them to fully understand, but they will."
Once you crossed the threshold to Thomas' workshop, you heard the exaggerated groan that belonged to your fleeting husband. Checking the candle in your hand, there was only about a thumb's worth left.
"Right on schedule," Edith remarked before you felt a nudging sensation on your shoulder. "You know he must really care for you if he's willing to endure being with her for the sake of your safety. Before she made him go back out into the city to find a new wife--well, a new victim, he looked gaunt. Almost like he found his life grotesque. Then he came back here with you and…there was color in his face again. Like he's allowed himself to live while he wooed and married you. There's a happiness in him when he's with you that I only ever saw glimpses of back when I was--"
Her words fell dead, but you had a feeling you knew what the sentiment was. Back when I was alive. Back when I was his wife.
"Why Miss Edith Cushing, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were playing matchmaker with your ex-husband and his current charlatan of a wife," you mumbled, trying not to look to deeply into her words, her testimony of Thomas' time before you. You were already having enough trouble keeping your affections for him at bay whenever he engaged in your routine of a kiss to cap off the night, marking yet another rung on the progression ladder. Lucille's incarceration becoming ever closer.
You decided to hide the duplicated papers in between the pages of his sketchbook, thinking the chances were slim that Lucille would look into them since he only kept concept art of the toys he wished to work on within it. Flipping through the pages to evenly distribute the additional papers, you found a set of sketches that had absolutely nothing to do with toy designs.
The last few pages that he'd worked on in the journal were filled with sketches of you. Some depicted you asleep, others as if the image he had in mind was of you next to him at the dining table. And a full page that showed the bedroom you shared with the baronet, you perched on the edge, a light wash of orange painted on the page, like the scene was illuminated by firelight.
That was the day you arrived at Allerdale Hall. The fleeting moments of desirous bliss you had before reality came crashing down on you.
"You say this marriage is all an act for you both now, but it doesn't look that way. Not from where I'm standing…well, floating." Both of you shared a chuckle before she posed a question at you. "Y/N something I noticed at night when he makes his way back to you…there's an excitement in him, as if he can't move fast enough."
"I--I didn't know about that part," you answered her in hushed tones as you made your way to your shared bedroom, maneuvering the barely moonlit halls with what little candlelight remained. "I usually try not to look at him before we sleep. I fail, of course, but I make the effort. Granting his request for a kiss after he washes the night off of him was already a miscalculation on my part--"
"Completely understandable miscalculation," she quipped, managing to quietly open the bedroom door wide open. "Far too handsome for me to even think of knowing any better back then."
"My thoughts exactly," you mumbled, stepping into the bedroom and disposing of the used candlewax before stretching and allowing yourself to relax from the night's clandestine activities. "Goodnight, Edith."
"I'll talk to the spirits inhabiting the corridor where the cylinders are hidden," she offered, a faint whispering joining her once again before you heard her echoing chuckle. "It seems your husband's rushing to make his way to you. You still have quite the night ahead. Goodnight, my friend."
You could feel the fatigue setting in as you let the tub fill for Thomas' bath before putting away your tools and your blades, mentally preparing yourself for another night of insufficient sleep. Just as you had for the better part of the last two weeks.
Right as you made your way back to your side of the bed and shook your hair loose from your bun, Thomas walked through the open door. You gave him a small smile. "I should be done with the documents tomorrow, Edith and I will work on transcribing the recording cylinders that can lead the case more to Lucille than you two days from now at the latest."
"That's wonderful news, darling," he beamed at you, running his gaze over you briefly before walking toward the bathroom. "I shall see you in a few moments," he told you, his voice echoing across the tiles. A few seconds later the sound of the water sloshing and a sinfully satisfied groan filled the room as he sat into the tub. "You truly are a godsend, my wife. Thank you."
You did your best to ignore the fluttering in your stomach hearing him call you that. You wouldn't hear it for much longer with the progress you were making. "You're welcome," you answered back, fighting back your own sounds of relief once your back hit the bed and you allowed yourself to finally relax for the night.
The cumulative efforts of the last dozen or so days seem to have finally taken its toll on you, your eyes fluttering shut as soon as your head hit the pillow. You hadn't been able to hear the sound of Thomas padding his feet on the floor and back to you, or his little gasp as he saw you in your slumbering state.
"No…" he sighed, climbing into bed with you. "Y/N, darling, please tell me you haven't completely fallen asleep yet," he said softly, brushing your hair away from your face.
"Hmm?" You leaned in to his touch, feeling a strange sense of comfort when your cheek rubbed against his slightly calloused hand. "'M awake…" you mumbled, slowly opening your eyes. He gave you a tender smile when your eyes met his, and you couldn't help but return it.
It was only in these moments just before you both went to sleep, your parts in this perilous operation done for the night, that you could allow yourself to almost feel as if you were a normal married couple. Just laying in bed together before going to sleep, sharing a quick goodnight kiss before he pulled you into his arms, cradling you against his chest.
Perhaps even indulge yourself, even for a moment, in the dangerous truth that once this was all over, you would miss these fleeting moments of peace with him. You'd miss how he held you through the night and how you'd wake up wrapped in his arms. How in the last few days he would greet you in the morning with a soft kiss to your nose before you both made your way out of bed and stepped out of your room.
You would miss him when all this was over. When you'd both signed the divorce papers and went on your separate ways, and you were back in your apartment in the city, going to bed alone, you would miss him.
He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, a small sound coming from the back of his throat as he sighed into the kiss, almost as if he was relieved. "This is the only thing getting me through the nights," he said solemnly, settling more comfortably into the bed as he kept kissing you. "Knowing that this was what awaited me when I get back."
Instead of your usual night routine of a few kisses and he would pull you into his arms, both of you falling asleep to the sound of the other's breath evening out, he moved his body closer, kissing his way to your neck, his hand traveling down the side of your body until it settled at your waist. His lips began to trace along the neckline of your nightgown, the contented hums against your skin combined with the feel of his lips on you had you struggling for breath. "Thomas--"
"It should be you," he whimpered, his exhales warming your skin. "I should be spending my night with you. Laying with you." He kept on kissing along your neckline, his other hand pulling along the string that exposed your décolletage and he immediately pressed his lips to your chest, above your heart. "You're my wife, I should be with you."
He kissed his way back to your lips, your shock from his confession letting his tongue slip past your lips and tangle with your own. It was like flames licked all along your body at the contact, both of you moaning into each other's mouths as your fingers weaved into his onyx curls.
"Thomas, wait--" you tried to say, placing your hands on his chest in a paltry attempt to get him to pause for a moment, failing to fight against your eyes fluttering closed and your entire body melting under him the moment his tongue delicately ran along the roof of your mouth.
"I want to lay with you," he said once he pulled away, looking at you with those wide pleading eyes that likened him to a pup asking for a treat. "May I?"
For the love of all things good in this world say yes, you hissed at yourself. You struggled to breathe properly, fighting against every instinct to give in as he repeatedly whispered "please" into your skin. Trying to not let the curiosity and desire consume you and see how far your husband was willing to go.
This was the fantasy you wanted to lose yourself in, where by some miracle when all this was over and you both made it out alive, that you'd found something with each other that neither of you wanted to lose. That after all this perhaps you could have a life together, preferably far away from Allerdale Hall and the figurative and literal ghosts that roam the corridors.
The fantasy that perhaps when you were both safe from Lucille and she was serving her time behind bars, locked away where she couldn't harm anyone anymore, that Thomas might not want to sign the divorce papers. Because maybe he was falling in love, too.
"We've come so far already, we can't afford to lose focus now," you answered him, your voice coming out so small it was like the words all but refused to get through the lump in your throat. "Once all this is done, and we're free of her, you'll be free to do whatever you please…with whomever you please."
The last part left a bitter taste in your mouth, like it physically pained you to say the words.
"You're right," he sighed, leaning away enough so that he could look at you. The expression on his face was akin to that of a wounded pup, making the guilt and regret from your decision overwhelm your system. "Of course." He moved over to his side of the bed, taking a breath before hesitantly touching his fingers to yours. "May I still hold you?"
You didn't think twice, moving over to him and settling into his arms. "Yes, of course." The words refused to be spoken, but you'd found a strange comfort in his embrace. That despite the very real danger you both found yourselves in, and the looming dire consequences of Lucille and the business end of her cleaver if you made so much as one misstep on this perilous endeavor of yours, you felt almost a safety in his warm embrace.
And while no one would ever be able to get you to admit it, it made getting up out of bed in the mornings near impossible. You didn't want to leave him. You wanted him all to yourself.
All the more reason why you needed to be done with this and go your separate ways. You should never be so selfish as to beg him to stay with you and deny him yet another freedom. So much had already been stolen from him.
He brushed a lock of your hair away from your face before asking softly, "How long do you reckon before Scotland Yard comes here after you send the papers?"
"Not long," you answered him, your words full of confidence in your peers. "I'll include a summary of my findings to help them through the papers I've sent them, process them faster. I'll also try and emphasize the urgency of our situation, that we're currently living in a manor with a woman that has the intention and means, not to mention the stomach, to kill me. That we have very good reason to believe our lives are in imminent danger. Should get them moving pretty quick."
"And what are we to do until they arrive?" You could feel him tensing as he anticipated your response.
Bile flooded your stomach from what you had to tell him. "We keep routine." His beautiful face looked so pained as you said the words. "She has to believe that there's nothing wrong, that everything's going to plan. If she gets even the slightest whiff that we're up to something and she kills me. Maybe even you if she finds out that you helped."
He took a shuddering breath, pulling you closer against him so he could press a kiss to your forehead. "Let's hope they move quickly then," he mumbled against you, pressing more kisses on the same spot as he took calming breaths. "I can barely stomach any more of it." His breath hitched at his words, his tone rife with shame.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, placing your hand on his chest, feeling his pulse sprinting like a madman. "This burden shouldn't be on you. Never should have been. She's stolen so much from you…" Your sentiment caught in the back of your throat as you did your damnedest to fight back tears. "I'll do my best to make sure she doesn't steal any more of your life away."
"What if she figures out what we've been up to? Or if she gets impatient and realizes there's no money coming after all this time?"
It took you a moment before you could answer, the implication hanging over you both now like the Sword of Damocles. "Then Scotland Yard will arrive here to a corpse. Either mine or hers."
Tears welled in his eyes as he pulled you closer, pressing a tender kiss to your lips. "I won't let her hurt you, I swear it." He stole a few more kisses from you before he cradled your head against his chest. "You should sleep, I can feel how tired you are."
"Exhausted," you confessed, settling into his embrace, the comfort from his hold blanketing over you as your cheek rubbed against the soft hairs on his chest. "Goodnight, husband."
You couldn't resist calling him that. In a few short weeks you'd never be able to again.
He pressed his lips to the top of your head, stroking your hair before he whispered, "Goodnight, my darling wife."
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As the minutes passed, and the only sounds that filled the bedroom were your breathing and the crackling of the fireplace, Thomas found himself unable to succumb to sleep just yet. He was still riddled with so many questions that he couldn't bring himself to ask you quite yet.
What if by some freak accident of a chance, Lucille comes across one of your colleagues when she runs her errands in the city and they were to mention who you were, and what you did before you married him? What if now that she was armed with this new information, she deemed you too much of a threat and decided to do away with you like she'd done with so many other innocent women?
What if she decided to make it even worse, and ordered him to kill you instead? Spout some nonsensical notion that he needed to get his hands dirty this time around so she could see if he still had the stomach for it?
He knew he wouldn't be able to hurt you, that he would be completely unwilling to. But would he be able to protect you against Lucille?
And the question that had him looking upon the coming weeks with a mix of dread and hope, all depending on how you would react if he were to even muster up the courage to say the words: What if you stayed together after this fleeting partnership of yours? What if you were open to exploring what a life together would truly be like? Move away from Allerdale Hall and find a place in the city?
"What if I begged you not to leave me?" he whispered into the empty silence, stroking the backs of his fingers along your cheek. "What if I've fallen in love with my wife, and I want to turn our marriage into something real?"
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A/N: *popping out my head from my writing hidey hole* Well hi there! Been a long while since I updated this story, but I can promise you now…I didn't abandon it 🫡 And we're picking up with our precious meow meow baronet big tiddy goth husband really showing his hand here that he's catching feelings 🥹
everything taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog
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Please just stay with me tonight (and please don't let tomorrow come)
and I will do the best I can, with the little that I know - series masterlist here
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pairing: tim drake x reader x conner kent
length: 1.2k
genre: fluff, comfort, light light angst
warnings: coming of age story babey. timmy and kon are trying so hard to grow up well. so is reader. they're falling in looove but they're all stupid
a/n: oh look another new verse cool cool cool
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It's summer in Metropolis; the sun is beginning to set, slowing down over the horizon to bathe the world in a pink, hazy glow. You, Kon, and Tim are slouched on the couch of your new apartment, boxes piled high around the three of you.
"You know…" you begin, sagging against Tim.
"We can always unpack tomorrow," Kon finishes for you. You hum in agreement and roll your head over Tim's shoulder to look up at him.
"Yea," he huffs tiredly, "yea, I'm good with that."
"We should go out," you say, sitting up and ignoring the grumbled complaints of Kon as you jostle him where he was settling in against your shoulder. "The fair is best this time of day. Come on, please?" Kon and Tim exchange a love-struck glance as you look up at them - a glance that maybe you would notice if you weren't so busy pouting at them. A glance maybe the two of them would be aware of if they weren't so busy each trying to hide the fact that they're so in love with you.
"Alright," Tim says, pulling himself off the couch. "I'll figure out which of these boxes we put our boards in…"
By the time the three of you were skateboarding down to the boardwalk, you were all trying desperately not to think of the mess you'd left while you tore through boxes trying to find what you needed, and you were giggling quietly to yourself at the whole ordeal.
"Stop laughing like that," Kon says, but his voice gives away his own laughter, "it's not funny, we're going to have to clean that up later."
"Yea, yea," you say, waving your hand dismissively. "Tomorrow, though. Tonight I get to just eat funnel cakes and drink slushies until I can't stand anymore and need you to carry me home." Tim snorts at your words.
"Oh, yea, that's romantic," he says sarcastically, but neither he nor Kon misses the blush that spreads across your cheeks at his words, although you do your best to hide it as you pull up to the fair on your boards.
"Hmm, nope, not quite. Try again - you never know, maybe the eighth time it'll work," you comment lazily, taking a bite out of your funnel cake as you watch Tim and Kon fail spectacularly at one of the fair games.
"You try it then," Kon quips back, trying to shove the ball at you. You dodge him, though, moving to hide behind Tim.
"Nuh uh… they're rigged, Kon. That's why neither of you can win." You laugh as Tim scoffs at your words, snatching the ball from Kon and aiming at the stack of pins. 
"We'll win," he says stubbornly. When the ball misses yet again, he turns to you, hands on his hips. "How many of those have you eaten?"
"Beautiful subject change, Timmy. This is my last one, I promise," you say, curling your hand around Tim's elbow so that you can drag him away from the game, Kon following behind. "Here, Kon, help me finish this. It's almost dark out and we need slushies." Kon grins at you and takes the rest of the funnel cake from your hand, letting you continue to pull the two of them through the fair.
"Cheer up, Tim," he says, mouth full. "You know this next part is the best."
"You were right, Kon… this is the best." Tim's words are quiet, his eyes trained on the horizon where the last light of the sun dips over the water, blanketing the three of you in darkness. You rub your hand on your jeans, the condensation from your slushie making your fingers cold. 
"Aw, you getting all sentimental on us?" Kon croons, slushie straw still in his mouth as Tim scoffs and jostles his shoulder, mumbling a shut up under his breath. You lean back on your hands, feet swinging over the edge of the pier as you listen to the other two.
"Do you really think this is a good idea?" You ask softly. The other two look at you.
"We said we'd do this when we all finally moved in together. We sat right here on this pier when we agreed that the next time we all met up in Metropolis, it would be to build a home together. Of course this is right," Tim says pointedly. You huff, keeping your eyes focused on the rippling water underneath the three of you, watching the way the waves hit the wooden supports and dissolve back into the darkness.
"No, I mean… are we doing the right thing? Like, being here, I mean, and - and doing all of this together… how do we know we're growing up right?" The two of them are silent in response, Tim frowning, eyes forward, while Kon stares intently at you. "I feel like we're standing on our own feet for the first time," you continue, "and if we trip ourselves up - or, even worse, if we trip one another up… I just - I don't know if we're doing this all wrong."
"I don't know if there's a right way to grow up," is Kon's quiet response, his voice more serious than you're used to. "I know that's… not the response you want. I know you take a lot of pride in squaring your shoulders and planting your feet and knowing that you're doing the right thing and headed in the right direction - and that's something I love about you. You always know… you know who you are and what you're doing and where you're going. Honestly, I… I really envied you for a while because of that. But… I think this might just take some stumbling. That's why we're doing it together - if you fall, we'll catch you. If one of us falls, you'll catch us. We've got each other." Kon smiles after his speech and you think, for a brief moment, that the sun's come out again, reversed time just to shine on you one last time before you're all adults. But it's just Kon - Kon with his sunshine smile and unwavering faith. Kon, with his feet planted so firmly and his posture so steady - and you realize that you envy him for the very thing that he envies about you. Funny how that works.
"What if we do trip one another up?" Tim says, hands clenched in his lap. "What if you're right and when one of us stumbles, we just take the other two down with us?" You reach over at Tim's words - at the tense strain in his voice, and tangle your hand in his so that you can silently coax his fingers to relax.
"Maybe Kon's right…" you say softly. "I'm sure we will mess up. We'll make mistakes and we'll argue and then we'll make up again. None of this is going to be perfect - we're not perfect, despite our best efforts. Maybe it's time we learn to make some mistakes." You smile gently, squeezing Tim's hand in your own. Kon grins at your declaration and Tim sighs, tipping his head back to stare up at the sky, the stars beginning to shine ever so slightly through the haze of the city lights.
"Yea…" he says wistfully. "Maybe it is time for us to learn how to make some mistakes."
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wings-of-ink · 2 months
Hear ye, hear ye!
All of you who have been anxiously awaiting Chapter 4 can send a big thank you to the Microsoft mayhem that happened on Friday. Because of it, I have had two entire, unprecedented, days off of work during which all I did was write and edit chapter 4! Stuff like this never happens to me either, so I ate it up. My work computer is still super broken too, so who knows what will happen tomorrow, lol.
So, chapter 4, barring anything disastrous that I do not yet foresee – is coming very soon. Like, any day this week soon. For now, I am looking for bugs and other errors until I feel comfortable getting the update loaded. I will also be updating the warning list and some things on the itch page. I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something I wanted to do, and am having a hell of a time remembering what it was…
Anyway, if it interests you, more details below!
In going through some of the Google Error Reports, I had a couple that I either could not resolve or find.
It was reported that checking player stats in chapter 1 would not work – that it would flash only for a moment. I could not recreate this. If anyone else has seen this, please let me know.
In the end of chapter 2 where there are multiple ways to spend your time there seems to be some issues with how choices become unselectable after certain clicks and it just doesn't seem to function correctly. I have fixed the issues I have found, but could not recreate all of the instances that were reported. This section may get an overhaul in the future since I understand the coding a bit more now.
It was also reported that fonts are not changing. There is definitely a weird issue with this and it will take some time for me to sit down and hammer out. The fonts do change for me, but notably, I don't think they are switching to the correct font types. They don't even appear to be the same fonts from when I first starting this project, lol. This issue is on hold for now.
The last 2 bonus segments for the end of chapter 3 are being pushed aside for the time being. I kept finding myself feeling like I was hammering them into the chapter and it was a little exhausting. If I force it, it will be less enjoyable to read. The segments that are missing are the ones for hanging out with Zahn and Nathanael. Zahn's is easy to wiggle in elsewhere at least, but I'm not sure if Nathan's will make it in or not. We'll see, my motivation was purely for chapter 4, so now that it is ready to go, I'll have another crack at it before I drop or move them completely. They aren't super important to the story, but are just for fun (and if Oswin got his, it's only fair that Zahn gets theirs too). That last section of chapter 3 ended up way too long, so it may get adjusted later anyway.
As with any work in progress, I can't guarantee that your old saves will work. That's probably how we are going to have to roll for a bit until I really get things nice and smooth. Eventually, I will add an option to start from a later chapter and go through and make the (MANY) relevant choices to skip ahead. This may be implemented when Chapter 6 is ready to go since all the ROs will be available.
I also want to figure out how to implement named saves to make it easier for you to sort. I appreciate IFs that feature this, but I do not yet know how to do it, but I'm going to research. I like to play through with several MCs, and I'd like to offer enough info in the saves and/or Stats Menu that you can do this and easily know who you are playing as. Let me know what you would like most in the Player Stats Menu too. Note, that some options do not appear here until you choose them in the story.
Coming up…
Since Chapter 4 is down, I will soon be posting a big poll about future IFs. I've been compiling info for it here and there for a couple weeks on possible options for me to write in conjunction with God-Cursed. So, stay tuned for that in the coming days.
I will FINALLY get to my inbox in earnest as well! I will keep reaction asks paused until further notice since they take me the longest to answer. Feel free to still send in comments or quicker questions. If your question is too spoilery to answer, I will not be able to post about it.
Anyway, hope you are all doing well! I can't wait to see what you think of chapter 4. I hope you enjoy it. I'll get it out just as soon as I feel comfortable enough with it. ^_^
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woshi-liu · 2 months
Ratiorine fake-dating WIP—
“Well, on the bright side for you, we might not even need to go so far. But you're aware of where I draw the line, and I know to give you a heads up. So why don't we get our first kiss out of the way now, hm? Tear off the proverbial band aid, as it were.” It's meant as a partial joke — partial in the way that he can leave his foundational walls standing tall in the case of rejection. A feat that does not come. Ratio straightens beside him, searching his face, the path of his gaze non-linear. “Very well.” “I'll make it quick,” Aventurine promises, mostly to himself. Out of all of the sorry sad-sacks he'd fumbled with previously, none have been half as unreadable as Ratio. He supposes the doctor always had been one of his riskiest gambles.  Bringing his hand to cup the back of Ratio’s neck, he's surprised to be met with no resistance. On the contrary, in fact. He's met halfway. Aventurine is, self-proclaimed, a fantastic kisser. He's nothing if not enthusiastic, with an oral fixation to boot. But even here, it starts off a little clumsy; a little bit askew. On the second go, he tilts his head, exhales slowly, parting his lips, and — oh, he thinks, there we go. Ratio's mouth is warm, soft, and surprisingly pliant — and then it's surprisingly open. A willing participant. He's thorough, too, his hand moving to settle upon Aventurine's knee, lashes fluttering like dainty feathers against his cheek.  He tastes a little like the lingering last dregs of tea from earlier, his tongue tentative and fleeting. Aventurine goes to make chase, just to see it linger a few moments too long – to scratch a strange carnal itch for connection under the guise of meagre practice. But as much as it contradicts his baser impulse for mindless risks, he pushes his luck no further than this. But ‘quick’, be damned, because when they do eventually part, it's with a gasp for breath, a few moments spent bumping noses. A little lightheaded, Aventurine finds Ratio staring back at him, lips parted and kissed pink. It's problematic, Aventurine quickly realises – this unbecoming want for more. He never wants more; never lingers for long enough to savour the taste of it. Men are often selfish, insatiable beasts that only want to take from a Sigonian thrall – to bask in the allure of his eyes and to make him squirm. Although, he supposes he's not exactly in the business of kissing… direct acquaintances? … Friends?  Eh, it'll be tomorrow's problem.  “See?” He says, half laughing, half with the wind knocked out of him. “That wasn't so bad, was it?” That seems to be the moment Ratio comes back to his senses. With one final squeeze of Aventurine's knee, a gesture that says something, something silent and yet so stark, he re-establishes their distance.  “I never said I'd deem it to be bad,” he murmurs, gaze averted, absentmindedly wetting his lips. “Once again, I knew well enough what this mission would entail, idiot. Or do you think me dense enough to allow that vital detail to escape me?” Ah, so back to normal it is then. Good. That puts that particular concern at ease. “Ha ha. Well, there's more where that came from.” It's supposed to be in jest – mindless flirting – and yet it's spoken with the sincerity of an optimist. Sue him, it was nice, even if just for the moment. “So, how about it, hm? Shall we get this show on the road?” Smoothing down the adornments of his outer robe as if shaking off a whit of dust, Ratio stands. “Get dressed first, and then we'll take our leave.”
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livesworthlivingau · 3 months
Lives Worth Living 17
ISAT/Two Hat spoilers as always. CW: Suicide Attempt
"Just get some rest Sif… I'll come check on you soon." |You say after gently laying his somewhat unresponsive form back into bed. Seeing them like this left a horrible pain in your stomach. All you wanted to do was help, but nothing seemed like it would. You close the door behind yourself as you leave the room, taking a moment while leaning against it and letting out a pained sigh.|
"Still nothing?" |You perk up as you hear Odile's voice behind you. You turn to her and shake your head lightly.|
"Nope, nothing… He's really torn up about this. Do you really think Loop's gone?"
"It's hard to say. We don't have all the information he does, but he seems rather certain that whatever we found out there was all that was left of them." |You sigh again, doing your best to try and keep it together for everyone at this moment.|
"We should all get some rest… it's been a long couple days."
"I couldn't agree more, these old joints are not going to be happy for a while."
"I'll go check on the others, you get some rest m'dame." |She nods to you and takes her leave back to her room. You steel yourself before heading to their room, knocking lightly and entering a moment later.|
"O-Oh! H-How's Siffrin doing?! Has he said anything yet?!" |Mirabelle asks, looking overly eager for good news, but the look on your face is answer enough.|
"… I-I see."
"Za…" |Bonnie asks, sitting on the bed and looking down, clearly upset over this whole ordeal. You walk over and crouch down beside them to match their height.|
"Yeah Bon?"
"… Is Frin gonna be okay?" |You heart sinks, you can't lie to them, as much as you want to for the sake of their comfort.|
"… I… I don't know Bonnie, He's going through a lot right now… but we've all been through a lot and came out on the other side, right?… We just gotta keep pushing and do it again." |You offer with the brightest smile you could muster. They give a slight nod sniffle, leaning forward to wrap their arms behind your neck into a tight hug.|
"Alright, now you both get some rest, we'll start trying to figure all this out tomorrow, alright?" |Bonnie nods some, keeping their embrace for a few moments longer before finally releasing you.|
"R-Right, tomorrow is a new day! We'll all probably feel better after a good sleep!" |Mira chimes in, doing her best to encourage a brighter tomorrow as well.|
|You say your good nights and leave the room. You look back at the door to your and Sif's room. You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself before opening it to check on them.|
"Hey Sif, you doing oka-" |You freeze in place as you're met with the sight of Sif sitting up in bed, their entire body shaking, tightly gripping their dagger as it's pressed against his chest. It's dug in just enough to draw blood but nothing more. He slowly looks over at you, a few tears pouring down his face as he looks scared.|
"S-Sif!… J-Just gimme the dagger. O-okay?…" |You ask, very slowly and cautiously stepping forward. You open your hand, palm up, bringing it close to him in the hopes he'd offer it up without a struggle. He looks over at your hand, then back down at the dagger he held against himself. He pause for a short while before finally pulling it away from himself and placing it into your hand. You slowly take it and bring it far away, tossing it across the room.|
|You turn back to him, he's still shaking, starting to sob. You instinctively pull him close to your chest in a tight embrace.|
"It's okay Sif, it's gonna be okay buddy…" |He grips onto your shirt tightly. Only a few tears form since he's so dehydrated, but he still chokes out several sobs violently… He didn't go through with it, it's okay, it's gonna be okay… You do your best to reassure yourself, yet you're having trouble believing it. You sit there silently and just let Sif cry themself to sleep in your arms.|
|You eventually wake to find Sif still laying on your chest, sleeping soundly. He even looks peaceful in this moment. You hope he'll feel a bit better when he wakes up. You think the poor thing must be in a small coma after everything he just put himself through. You gingerly lift him off of you and lie him in the bed beside you, climbing up out of bed and heading for the door… You quickly scoop up the dagger on your way out just in case.|
"I saw it!! I could feel it!! I swear!!" |You perk up as you hear Bonnie shouting about something.|
"Huh? What'd you see Bonnie?"
"A star!! It was super bright and it was calling to me!! I don't know how or why but I know that's the way Nille is!!!"
"Boniface, can you please stop yelling, it's too early for this."
"Sorry, Dile… B-But yeah it was a big bright star, I've never seen one so bright! I don't know why but I just know that's the way Nille is!"
"B-But how can you be so sure? What if that's the wrong way!?"
"I don't know but I am! I promise she's that way!"
"Alright, alright. Settle down now Bonnie. We gotta make sure Sif is okay to travel before going anywhere, and then we'll head that way right after… deal?" |You ask, holding out your massive hand to shake their much smaller one in comparison. They pout a little with their arms crossed… before eventually and reluctantly shaking your hand.|
"Fine, but it better be soon."
"Real soon, I promise!"
"… Super promise?"
"Super duper promise!"
|A short while later, everyone has enjoyed their delicious breakfast prepared by your groups little talented chef. You help clean up with Mira while Odile is reading one of her books intently. You start to prepare a nice big plate for Sif, along with a glass of water and milk, he'd need to hydrate after all, when you're interrupted by a sudden-|
"S-SIF!!" |You shout, the plate shattering across the floor after it slips from your grasp. You rush to your shared room as fast as you can.|
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dark-frosted-heart · 11 months
Roger's Wicked Birthday - 1st -
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The story's in his POV. As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Nsfw. Awkwardly translated smut.
They say that something predestined, something that cannot be changed or avoided, is called fate.
Being born male, female, or otherwise.
Where and when you were born, how long you'll live and when you'll die, all of these seem to be predetermined.
I've always been looking for a way to fight against all of that.
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Roger: Hey, Jude. Cut back on those cigarettes. You don't know when those lungs of yours will fail.
Jude: Quit yer yappin'. Are ya my mom or somethin'?
Roger: Don't remember givin' birth to an arrogant, swearing bastard like you.
As I walk away after finishing up Jude's regular check up, my ears pick up the hustle and bustle of the dining room.
Roger: Huh? They're bein' awfully noisy.
As expected, when I entered the dining room, I found Harrison listening to a distraught Liam.
Roger: Hey, what's up? Did somethin' happen?
Liam: Kate isn't back yet so I want to go look for her now.
(The little lady?)
Roger: Calm down... You're not gonna find anything if you run out in the dark.
Harrison: Yeah, Roger's right. You were the last one to see Kate, weren't you Liam?
Liam nods.
Jude: You were supposed ta be watchin' 'er. Why'd ya let 'er go about as she pleases?
Liam: Tomorrow's Roger's birthday so we went out shopping to celebrate in advance. I thought about dressing up a bit and doing some stuff that'll surprise Roger.
Harrison: Liam, I now there's something you don't want to tell us, but now's not the time.
Liam: After we finished shopping, we parted ways near Leadenhall Market. Kate told me to go home first because she wanted to buy something in secret.
Harrison: Where'd you and Kate part?
Liam: At a bakery called "Harmony". Around there.
Harrison: If it's around there then...flowers, huh?
Liam: Flowers?
Harrison: Did she go by herself to get flowers for Roger?
Roger: Me?
Harrison: Yeah. There's a popular flower shop in alley where Liam and Kate parted ways. She probably knew about it.
Jude, who was quiet this whole time, muttered something troubling.
Jude: Tha's right, there's been some strange incidents lately. The naïve princess must've gotten mixed up in it. That woman (the queen) must 'ave some kind of info. Maybe.
Roger: I'll go get Victor...
There's been some kidnappings recently where Kate was now alone.
All those kidnapped were women, and those who were lucky enough to escape only had their hair cut, so it seems like they were kidnapped to sell their hair at a high price.
Based on the information from Victor, it was decided that Crown would search several hideouts of the criminals.
Harry and I ran through the back alleys of London in the dark.
Roger: ...? Hey, Harry. I can hear a man...and the faint voice of a woman through this door.
Harrison: May that's it. Let's go.
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The man's voice gets clearer as we head down the path leading to the basement.
Men with guns and knives gathered in the dark.
(I see. So a bunch of thugs were kidnapping people)
Bearded man: After our watch is done, let's go for a drink- Huh, who're you?
In the dim light, Harrison and I exchanged glances. In times like this, a liar and traitor's quick thinking is useful.
Roger: Don't be so guarded. We're your buddies. We thought we'd take part too.
Bearded man: Huh? What're you on about? We'll lose our share with more people.
Harrison: Don't be like that. The police have been sniffing around lately.
Bearded man: The police...?
Harrison: We got contacts in the police. I got info on how to escape them.
Man with a gun: Hey... Wouldn't it be better if we brought them in?
Roger: Oh, we got a right to choose though. Let's hear some details about what you guys are doin'.
Bearded man: It's simple. You kidnap a woman to sell her hair and if she gets out of line, you kill her. That's it.
Man with a gun: In this day and age, a corpse has some value so it's like killing two birds with one stone.
(Yep, these are definitely the guys. Can't mess this-)
Harrison and I fire at the same time.
Criminal: Guh...
Roger: What's up? You're bein' unusually aggressive Harry.
Harrison: Yeah, wel... Anyway, I'll take care of the rest. You go ahead.
Roger: Yeah, I'm on it. Can't help but hear Kate's voice in my ear. Don't die Harry. Bringing you back will be a pain.
Harrison: Gotcha...
I head into the darkness, the sound of gunfire behind me.
(Multiple female voices...One of them...sounds like Kate)
I thought Kate would be sobbing in fear-
Kate's voice: -ight... It'll be alright. Help will come. It'll be alright...
My ears picked up Kate's voice, who was assuring the other women with her.
Roger: Geez... You're even worryin' over others in a time like this.
I run and run toward the voice, open the door in the dark, and head up the stairs.
Muscular man: Hey, who're you- Gah?!
I shoot and kill the criminals that come at me as I keep going.
(Found her...)
Among the women bound in rope is Kate.
Kate: Roger...
(Why're you trying to smile at a time like this?)
(You're not fooling anyone...)
As I go up to her and cut the rope with a knife, I notice flowers that fell at Kate's feet.
Roger: ...
Seeing them, I impulsively-
I held Kate tight in my arms.
Roger: Are you hurt?
Kate: Nothing serious. Just some scratches...here and there.
It's so like her to not count scratches as injuries.
Roger: I see...
Kate: I was sure...
Roger: Hm?
Kate: I was sure that Crown...that you would come and save me.
Kate knew about my curse as the "treacherous huntsman".
Still, she believed in me and fought against fear and anxiety.
(Damn. You're so cute and brave)
Roger: You're my birthday present, got it? Not letting anyone take you away from me.
Kate: Got it...
Kate's body starts trembling as if finally letting go of all the pent up fear.
I pat her back as if soothing a baby.
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Roger: Scary wasn't it...
Kate: Yeah...
Roger: You did your best. You were great.
Kate: ... Roger... I-I...
Kate bawled so loudly that I couldn't help but smile.
After taking care of everything, I brought Kate back to the castle and tended to her wounds.
Kate: O-ow. It hurts...
Roger: It's supposed to hurt. Otherwise this wouldn't be moxibustion.
Kate: I'll accept it...
Maybe because she was still feeling guilty, Kate endures the pain without a fuss.
As I watch her in amusement, a thought appears in the back of my mind.
It's said that those cursed will meet an equally tragic end.
That's a solid conclusion I came to after years of researching curses.
(That's what's supposed to happen to us)
(I wonder what Kate's fate's like)
Kate's a curious woman who's aware of the fact that the world isn't pretty, yet still retains some purity in her heart and eyes.
Even those in Crown with strong personalities seem to be moved by her.
(A miserable fate doesn't suit Kate)
A long life's better than a short one, better to be surrounded by people than alone, and a warm place's better than a cold one.
(The kind of fate that suits someone who's able to smile so peacefully)
It was out of character for me to think of that for Kate who trusts others so easily.
Roger: Alright, done.
Kate: Thank you so much. Sorry for bothering you so late. Then...
Roger: Hey now, who said you could go?
Kate: Huh?
Roger: The treatment's finished, but the punishment isn't, little lady.
I sit down next to Kate on the bed, who makes a sound in her throat.
Kate: Punishment...
Roger: Thinking you'll get an answer right away just by asking's a bad habit of yours. Ask yourself why you're getting punished.
I whisper in her ear as I swipe my thumb across her lips.
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Roger: I won't stop until you get it right.
Kate: Um, uh...
Kate jolts when I nibble on her ear before capturing her lips.
Kate: Nn...Roger...
(Soft as ever...)
Roger: Mm...Come one, answer me.
Kate: Because I got hurt...?
Roger: Wrong.
Even after releasing her wrists after kissing her repeatedly, Kate lets me do as I please.
Kate: Nnn... Hm? Ah...
(Hmm, not runninn'? Ahh...you obediently did as you were told)
The way she accepts my kisses while thinking fills me with sadistic desires and I hook my fingertips on the neckline of her dress.
Roger: That's it, think about it.
Kate: You don't need to tell...Ah...
Her breasts spill out as I pull down her dress and my lips are on her.
Roger: Hm? Givin' up?
While licking a nipple, I tease the other with my fingers.
Kate: ! I'm not...
(Ah~ That's a good look. You look so frustrated...like you're about to cry)
Kate: Ah...Is it...because I wandered off on my own?
Roger: Nope.
Kate: Huh...Ah....
I roll the peak in my mouth and Kate lets out a faint gasp.
(I'm disgusted at the thought that other men did that to her...)
I continue to suck and nipple as I slip my fingers in the wetness between Kate's legs.
It was already so wet and like with her nipple, I flicked her bud with a finger.
Kate: Ah...Nngh...Roger...
The moment I saw tears welling up, the irritation I felt within me finally subsided.
Kate: I...give up...
I grab Kate's chin and look at her as she muttered in frustration with tears in her eyes.
Roger: Hey, Kate.
Kate: Yes...?
Roger: I can't stand it when others make you cry. I'm the only one allowed to do that...Right?
Kate: Ye- Huh?
Roger: What's up with that response.
Kate: I just didn't expect it... I'm...not Roger's or anyone else's!
Roger: Then why're you squeezing my fingers so tightly?
Kate: That's because...Ah...I can't...
Roger: I'm not gonna last so let me enjoy your tears for a little longer.
Kate: Ah...wait...Roger
After that, I made Kate cry out a lot before having her finish me with her hand.
Satisfied, I went out for a drink with Jude.
Using my birthday as an excuse, I made him buy me a drink.
(I drank too much last night...)
I was lying on a sofa in the lounge with the aftertaste of alcohol still lingering when I felt a shadow over my face.
Kate: Roger...? Are you dead?
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Roger: I am. So what do you want with a dead man? I'm not taking any complaints about last night.
Kate: It's not that. I have something for you.
When I sat up, Kate shyly held out a bouquet.
Kate: Happy birthday Roger. Also... Thanks for being born.
Roger: O_O ...
(Thanks for being born... That's the first time I've heard it since my curse)
(Kate...Only you of all people would say that without any hesitation)
Kate: Roger? Um...I went shopping with someone this time?
Roger: Haha, I know. Thanks...
Kate smiles happily like a puppy.
(Her crying face is the best, but her smile- it suits her)
Her smile's so cute that I can't but want to tease her again.
Roger: Hey, Kate. I must've fallen for you if I'm always thinking about you right?
Kate: Excuse me........ I-I don't know!
Roger: Pfft, hahaha. How cold.
After that, while I was walking with the bouquet Kate gave me, Victor suddenly told me what those flowers meant.
Anemones meant "fleeting love".
Kate probably didn't know what the flowers she gave me meant, but it's ironic.
My fate's a future ruined by guilt.
The worst fate lies before me, but I'm not gonna let it get me down now.
Trampling on fate, I-
Roger: Now, let's fight against it again today.
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