asktheboywholived · 5 years
Just make out please
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messrwolfmcwolf · 6 years
That I Live and You are Gone
The war was won, but at what cost? Marlene and Dorcas? Dead. Frank and Alice? Tortured to the point of insanity. James and Lily? Peter? All dead, and it was Sirius’ fault.
And Remus? 
Remus was alone.
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Original gifs by: @metamorph-magus (Sirius), @talesofafoolishboy (Peter), @asklilyevanss (Lily), @unafraidoftoil (James), @mymischiefisnevermanaged (Alice), @curly-haired-wizard (Frank), @dontthinkonithermione (Dorcas) and @askwhathasthiscometo (Marlene)
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maraudererasmut · 5 years
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@dontthinkonithermione made a really good point the other day about how books and media describe characters of colour. Too often, "black" is used as a descriptor word, and it's a lazy way to write a character. So how do you describe characters who are POCs without immediately going to their skintone?
In Harry Potter, Hermione is describes as having "...lots of bushy brown hair, and rather large front teeth." That's a start, of course, but we can go further.
"Her nose was round and wide and Harry couldn't help but think about his own nose and the way it stuck out from his face. Her hair was done up in two fluffy buns, sitting comfortably atop her head." Etc. Etc.
That wasn't written in the book. That was me toying around with describing Hermione's features, which are distinct and beautiful, but not remarking on her skin colour at all. It is clear, however, from her description, that Hermione is a POC.
Pansy Parkinson once insulted Angelina Johnson by saying "Why would anyone want to look like they've got worms coming out of their head?" (That's so racist, it made me cringe typing it. 😫) JKR was trying to describe Angelina's characteristics and hairstyle without directly describing her as black.
ANYWAY! I'm beginning to ramble. Essentially, I agree with Lindsay, characters don't need to be described by their skin colour in order to indicate their background. There are more descriptive terms that authors can use to go beyond the lazy: "Kingsley Shacklebolt was tall and black".
So... Here's a doodle of Hermione right after she got her letter from Hogwarts, beaming with her classic bucked tooth smile! I'm working on practicing features of characters of different races ad ethnicities, with hairstyles that they would be wearing! I really want to play around with the Patil twins as well, to expand my drawing repertoire!
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idkmaybenotthatcool · 5 years
I know ur RPing right now, but I don’t think I’ve ever told you how I love your style? It is so distinct and unique — I can TELL it’s you when I’m scrolling before I ever see your face. It’s all very Noir and grim like memories...I hope that makes sense. You’re brilliant and I enjoy following you.
(( .I’m giggling so hard right now. 
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really appreciate you spent your time to write me this, you made me happy <3. ))
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metamorph-magus · 6 years
Sirius, we know you act tough but, are you ok? Do you ever get lonely...- a concerned Gryffindor
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jencala · 6 years
In what order would you want James, Remus & Sirius to fuck you. No anon we die like men.
I fucking love you, Lindsey!! 
Ok, so I would say James first because he seems like the type to not have a lot of longevity? lol  Sorry Prongs, but yeah.  
Then I’d have to say Remus because my boy would be down for some kinky shit.  You know how they say still waters run deep?  YEAH.  Remus would be a kinky bastard.
I would save Sirius for last because my boy would have some smooth moves and probably be tender and sweet and I’d need that after Remus about killed me.
But can we just have James first and then a threesome with Remus and Sirius?  I’d be down for watching them too.  lol
Also, Jamie.  ;-)
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pinecrows · 6 years
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hermione sketch!!
[insp. by @dontthinkonithermione]
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memorablecolors · 6 years
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Sooooo... We're shaking things up a bit today. Instead of a palette, here is a poster I made from something @dontthinkonithermione posted yesterday. Quite frankly, these words really moved me, and I'm really thankful for them.
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egdramaqueen · 6 years
What issssss your favorite sweet!?
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Ron carelessly snatched it out of her hand, and stuffed it in his mouth. “Wow. This is really good,” he said.
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“Some sort of Muggle candy dad got a hold of.”
“Hmm. Is that Nougat?” he asked, finishing the end of the candy bar.
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Ron finished chewing and swallowed the sweet. Slowly his eyes began to widen in horror and his hand flew to his nose.
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“You didn’t,” He yelped at her, incredulous, his voice sounding more nasal by the moment.
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“If you can’t recognize a Nosebleed Nougat on sight, we have a bigger issue here,” she replied.
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tossermalfoy · 5 years
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stolenmelody · 6 years
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Make a list. Write down the most important things. I will give you the first: You.
--Pillow Thoughts by Courtney Peppernell
@dontthinkonithermione‘s Hedwig gave me quite a bit of inspiration
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asktheboywholived · 6 years
What’s going to happen? Do you even know? Are you two prepared for this??
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hanatsuki89 · 5 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You are such a light in all fandoms and extremely talented! I love when your personality shines through and I love chatting with you ✨👏🏾✨ I hope today is a good day for you!
AAAAAAAAH ç__çLet’s skip the fact that I’m replying to this post,,, uuuh, weeks late, haha.Thank you so much for sending me this message, it put a huge smile on my face!(hopefully, one day I’ll get to chat with you in person instead of online *crosses fingers)
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maraudererasmut · 5 years
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Sometimes in our lives, we get lucky. We stumbled into the opportunity to be close to greatness. We become friends with someone who is fierce and strong, intelligent and determined. A friend who is loyal and understanding. Someone who will be there for you, no matter what, even if you don't know how to be there for yourself. Someone who waits patiently while you sort through things and figure out where you need to be, and will be standing there on the other side with open arms.
For Harry, that friend was Hermione. She drove him to greatness. She pushed him to excel. He survived the challenges he faced because of her friendship.
For me, I get to have @dontthinkonithermione .
I'm sorry I haven't been able to be myself recently. I'm sorry for falling under the pressure of the metaphorical horcrux wrapped around my neck. Thank you for still being there. :)
The only way I know how to show love is by drawing, so Lindsay, this one's for you. <3
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stuff-of-pi · 6 years
After School
Inspired by @dontthinkonithermione and her ask and when @theeolianfan asked, "Petra, what do you want to do after school?" It somehow turned into this.
Petra thinks about the question, mulling it over in her mind. There is plenty of things she would have liked to do. She would have liked to climb her way to the top, she would have liked to work in the Department of Mysteries, she would have liked to try her hand at journalism like that Rita girl. She would like to do so many things, but...
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She's never said it out loud before. Hell, she’s never even let herself think it before. But saying it... saying it brings a crashing, overwhelming realization that this is real. This is happening. It's no longer a distant future, a distant worry. It’s no longer distant. It's happening it’s now and she will be forcefully thrown into the middle of it like last night’s rubbish, no longer shielded from the ugly truths that will apologetically snake their way into her mind and consume her. She's not even in the thick of it yet and already war has taken everything from her. It has taken the simplest yet greatest treasure she had: choice. She will never be able to choose what she wants to do ‘after school’. And she realizes that there is no escaping this.
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Someone’s going to be needing a child to play a soldier because isn’t that what she is? A child?
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Now that she’s said it, now that she’s admitted it, she’s finally seeing the truth.
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“It’s like it’s the last of their worries,” Petra almost screams, the frustration and fear she hadn’t even noticed bubbling inside her finally boiling over, “it’s like they could care less and--”
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A heavy, deafening silence hangs in the air so thick Petra feels it coiling tighter around her skin, her throat, choking her next words out of her.
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She gasps and suddenly it’s like she’s drowning, there’s no air left for her to breathe, no other words for her to say so she holds onto that sentence like it’s her lifeline, her only reality. 
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“Is that so bad? To want to live, to want to survive?!” She screams at the walls, begging her reflection in the mirror to not fault her, to just fucking understand her. “I’m scared,” she whispers, the secret still hard to admit if even only to herself. The sobs rack through her body, tearing at her, clawing to escape. Months and months of ignoring her fate has almost killed her and now that’s she’s started she can’t stop.
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Petra stares at her reflection which stares back, scared and shaking, a haunted look in her crazed, desperate eyes.
“Ms. Pettigrew!” McGonagall calls, snapping Petra out of her poisonous thoughts. “Are you finished? If so, you are free to leave.”
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McGonagall hears the tears thick in Petra’s voice, sees her cheeks damp and gleaming, sees her eyes red and terrified. But he gives Petra this moment. He nods, “Very well”, turning the corner thinking, These are just children. McGonagall feels his own tears start to fall. Children that will soon be fighting a war they never started.
As the swish of the professor’s robes fade away, Petra steals one last look at her reflection. Terrified and overwhelmed.
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She blinks away the tears, grabs her things, and hurries back to Gryffindor Tower. She falls asleep thinking, No matter what, I will make it out alive.
And she did.
((ooc: and with that, Petra Pettigrew is offline))
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metamorph-magus · 6 years
How did your date go????
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Omg you’re hilarious, I’m dying from laughter rn. WAY TO CALL ME OUT LIKE THAT.
But for real, it was adorable and super casual and we looked cute and it was great.Mainly because it was three of us and there wasn’t any sort of romantic expectation. We just wanted to get fancy and drink fancy tea.
TMI Tuesday w/ Chan
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