#we deserved a black hermione in the movies
lovebeatriceplz · 2 months
Severus Snape >> The Marauders. FIGHT ME
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shivstar · 6 months
My take on Jegulus as someone who has been there and done that ( As a Sirius Black supporter)
Warning for the lovers of the ship to stay away because I don't have particularly positive opinion.....
So most stories make it seem as such a big forbidden love story. As these two as the idol lion and snake falling in love during times of war. And to make it seem more Romio juliet type, Sirius is shown as the guy who opposes him the most.
Now truthfully we don't know the exact state in which the black boys were brought up so everything is conjecture but we are sure that there was atleast emotional abuse to make a 16 year old to take such drastic actions.
And okay i can sympathise towards the teen Regulus that he didn't know any better or thought himself to be right. But in some way he was part of the family who made Sirius feel that leaving is a better option.
We know from canon that this man didn't let 12 years with Dementors completely break him. He had a strength to him even after being so so wronged by the side he was fighting for that the likes of Remus spineless lupin can never match.
So how can anyone believe even for a second that had Sirius had even a tiniest belief that Regulus could be helped he wouldn't have stayed. To drive the point home i would clear it that I neither believe that either black boy was pressured into joining Voldemort by their parents nor were they physically tortured at the hands of their own parents. This is my head canon. So he would have stayed had regulus been anything but the snobby pampered and secure kid. Similar to Draco Malfoy.
And i know there is no comparison but imagine that Harry was not physically abused at the hands of Dursleys. Just the typical emotional and psychological abuse. Now imagine a senorio in which either Ron Or Hermione went and fell in love with Dudley. .... Yeah that is the crude version of jegulus to it's core.
Because the only difference these two will be that Dudley was 1) Harrys cousin and not his brother 2) Dudley doesnt fall into beauty standard of the fandom 3) Dudley was not a wizard.
Because just like Regulus, Dudley too has a redemption ark in the books. He understood things to a certain extent, not fully mind you, which is very similar to Regulus.
Jegulus can be palatable if the ark is somewhat of black brother reconciliation first and then James and regulus becoming acquaintance then friends and then something more because anything else is really a betrayal to the highest trust and devotion Sirius has given to James.
Now most stories i have read in my stupid phase where i could stomach that thing was James going behind Sirius' back. Seeking Regulus out when he feels defeated for yet again being rejected by Lily Evans and finding solace in the arms of this guy while Sirius and Remus are having background drama because of the shack incident and thier own *blech* sexual tension.
I cannot express how much wolfstar i had to suffer just for reading Jegulus. I mean i hate Wolfstar with a passion. I cannot stand it but i did because I was going through this phase of jegulus. Obviously Sirius Black deserves better than Lupin.
All in all writers there are so great that they make you really hate Sirius for being against this relationship. Either he is the villian Or he is the road bump in their great love saga.
I mean i don't know where this thought came from making Sirius the problem behind everything in marauders era fictions. Yes he was a troubled kid, but aren't we all. Don't tell me that you had all your shits together by 21 years of age.
Jegulus for me is like a movie I have seen as a kid about fairies and princesses thta at the time I enjoyed the most as a child but now I find them ridiculous and laugh at my own younger self for ever finding fun in it.
But I guess that is what it means to grow up.
Alos as an end note Peter pettigrew is nothing but a tiny non existent character there. Even in alternative universe. So we know that that section of the fandom will remove anyone who hasn't got looks to support. I mean yes we all hate him, he did the worst thing but his importance is so so much more to Harry Potter than Remus Lupin's.
I mean James birthed him, Sirius is his support and family and motivation. Peter is the reason behind harrys eternal suffering but even if you remove Remus Lupin fron the story nothing significant will change.
If we remove James there will be no Harry. If we remove Sirius there will be 2 less books atleast. If we remove Peter then Harry would never reach his prophesied destiny. The only role Lupin plays is making sure Peter becomes an animagus along with the other two. But with how much Sirius and James were valedictorian level kids, they might have done it without the need to help their wolfy friend.
If anyone deserve this treatment it is obviously Remus Lupin because he has so less impact on people's life that it won't matter if he is just deleted.
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I just realised Something about a portion of fandom I don't really engage with all that much. Because I don't want to, btw.
In all other shows, movies, books, etc, every single bad person is at least somewhat 'ugly' according to the narrative. The 'problematic' characters rarely get acknowledged because there are so many good looking characters who are good themselves (I remember Annabelle from the first book of Percy Jackson, I think, and there were more ofc).
However, Rowling's main idea about appearances was that it was an illusion. Every single good looking character is either reprehensible or ends up dying (Cedric) in the same book they were introduced*. The story wants to be relatable to how every teen feels, and no matter what, we all have insecurities.
However, they're just teens, and on top of that, at least one or more of our main teens have done something terrible or badwrong (Hermione with skeeter and Marietta). So, they aren't exceptionally beautiful and neither are they exceptionally good. Even the side characters who are popular come across as jerks to some of their family members, making their sibling cry.
This creates a problem for the people who don't have a sense of self yet, or are so scarred they can only look at life through black & white lenses.
The Halo effect playing greatly onto the above, we're presented with another set of teens, two of whom are described as extremely sought after by the opposite sex, one of whom is popular, and the final one who has endeared himself by showing ugly Snivellus his place (via map and the Verbal Sparring). They all, by the end of this introduction, understand that Snivellus is badwrong and doesn't deserve anything good.
'It's clear he's the villain, and has been since forever, see, these people agree with me and they're the Protagonist's parents.' Whether this is believed because of the Halo effect or taking Harry's perspective to mean a God pov, I can't tell. The point being, they are even more convinced.
They want an escape from how difficult it is to sort out their feeling about these people the author keeps throwing at their face so why not attach to the characters who are dead or strongly attached to the protagonist (so they can never be badwrong in later books). A safety blanket of sorts, if you will. And in doing so, they completely ignore the nuances of the scenes presented in the last book. Because they are attached, they'd rather call badwrong Snivellus' love impure than explore what the montage of all his memories implied. That beauty is skin deep.
The thing about people who like such black and white scenarios and people is: they will always fall prey to the Halo Effect. And it's extremely painful to be disillusioned about your favourites. So they may never get disillusioned.
All this to say, sometimes I wonder why that part of the fandom is like 'that'. And it's just that this is the safety net in this series, or this is just how vanilla people outside of fandom coming in can take.
And that's fine (coz I'm crazy for the marauders era as well, just with a slightly wider taste pallet).
TL Dr: The antis are attracted to wholesome ships and since Rowling made it so difficult to find such ships until much later where you are emotionally connected with each character, the antis attached to a bunch of (mostly) dead people who, by association to the Hero of the story, being pretty, popular, and clear on their behaviour with the badwrong confusing character, are all good. They were desperately looking for the safety net in the books and found some. Also, since antis are the way they are, maybe they believe the fictional character being dead means people would not criticise their wholesome ship? Idk.
*The only properly handsome man - Bill - barely gets mentioned, marries a beautiful woman, and imo the only reason he doesn't die is because he didn't revel in his handsomeness or popularity (him liking Snape in school is so cute + that disqualifies him from being popular with the antis since he likes the badwrong character). Also, he was literally scarred on his once handsome face to show that his wife actually loved him and didn't just choose him to have beautiful babies. Her being a veela and owning her Frenchness were already flaws (in the narrative's opinion) so all she needed was a scarred husband. Now, they both don't have to die 🤣.
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cedrictheprettyboy · 2 years
One Winter Day (One-Shot)
Summary: Harry comforts Ginny after her breakup with Michael Corner. (Kinda OOC Harry, Ginny, and Michael but nothing crazy!)
Notes: Characters are kind of OCC sorry in advanced, but I don't think it's too bad! This takes place in Harry's 5th year, it doesn't exactly follow the events of the books or the movies. Also, this is a one-shot, it's not very long and it's full of fluff! :)
Characters: Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, and Michael Corner.
Warning(s): Little bit of angst but quickly turns into fluff and two kisses nothing crazy tho!
Rating: K+ and Teen audiences
Hope you all enjoy <3
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Ginny’s POV
Michael asked me to come with him out by the black lake, I cannot believe how naive I was. Anyways, I was distracted by the glittering snow at the time, admiring the beauty of it. Looking around smiling as the snow fell elegantly, I suddenly had a childish thought, why not stick out my tongue wouldn’t that be fun? While I was smiling, Michael frowned. He must have been deep in thought, but he was thinking of something very different, not so much happy things. At least in my case, you’ll see. 
“I think we should break up.” Michael said, looking up at me.
“What? I look over at my boyfriend, Ex-Boyfriend apparently, heartbroken and confused but not for long.
“I’m not feeling it.” Michael replied.
“You're not feeling it? Oh that's just rubbish, that's the most lame excuse I know you're still angry over the fact that Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw. I could feel my temper flare, how dare he? First of what lame excuse, second off is seriously breaking up with me over quidditch? 
“I have three words for you, In Your Dreams Weasley. I’m just bored.” Michael smirked and walked off. I just stood there motionless, numb. We had initially stopped at the large oak tree, I fell back towards the tree sinking to the hard cold ground, tears streaming down my face sobbing quietly. 
Harry’s POV
I honestly thought Ron and Hermione’s fights had come to a halt or even a stop. But they haven't, they've resumed again, I hate seeing them fighting but there’s not much I can do. Why can’t they realize they like each other? Uhhhhh they are so oblivious, well I’m one to talk. I know I’ve been pretty oblivious to girls, especially to a certain redhead. But that's besides the point, I thought, shaking my head trying to push that thought a way.  After a few minutes I start walking towards the oak tree by the black lake. I heard something that was inaudible at first, but then I realized it was crying. I slowly walked closer and realized it wasn’t just anyone, it was Ginny. Huh, ironic karma’s a funny thing isn’t it? But that’s not what’s important, what’s important is if Ginny’s okay. 
“Ginny?” I called softly bending down. “What’s wrong?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” I said, slowly moving beside her. “What happened?”
“Michael broke up with me over quidditch or the fact he’s bored.” I looked down, deep in thought. “His loss, you're an amazing person and anyone would be lucky to call you their girlfriend. Michael is just a jerk and clearly a sore loser. And he definitely doesn’t deserve you. And you're way stronger and a way better person. I softly brushed away her tears, she looked at my hand and blushed a soft deep red and then I pulled her in for a hug. She was surprised but gladly hugged me back. She started to cry again “Just let it out, it’s okay.” I said, rubbing her back. After a few minutes she pulled away slowly her face was red from crying, it hurt seeing her so heartbroken. 
“Ginny, this is the worst possible time but please listen I understand if you don’t feel this way but I like you and I mean I really like and it hurts knowing he hurt you and how I was oblivious I was for so long and how I missed my chance, I just needed to tell you this. I know this is the worst possible time, but forgive me.” For the first time in a while she finally smiled, so bright and warm, she then blushed looking down.
“I’ve waited so long for you to say that.” Ginny said, looking into my green eyes. I smiled, mischievously as I placed my hand on her cheek and leaned in to kiss her smiling the whole time. I then placed my other hand on her waist, while she placed her hands on my cheek and in my messy black hair. It felt so right, we melted into each other, it was like two missing pieces finally finding each other. The kiss lasted for a minute, but it was so sweet and soft, perfection. I don’t understand Michael Corner. Ginny Weasley is amazing in every way, her personality, her looks, everythings perfect about her. After a minute I pulled away smiling softly and vice versa. “So, Ginny, will you be my Girlfriend?” She smiled brightly and said “Yes, of course I’ll be your girlfriend!” And then this time she leaned in for a kiss, wrapping her arm around my neck. 
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pinecrows · 6 years
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hermione sketch!!
[insp. by @dontthinkonithermione]
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neomuni · 2 years
about your question about harry potter, i think we do need a tw. literally scrolled past the post on my dash and was like ugh it's the terf franchise 🤢
since this is a kpop blog I think I'll put my thoughts in the tags so the post stays small, but yeah I get you
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autumnsnuggling · 3 years
This came to me. 1.2k. References to nightmares and Draco struggling post war but no real details. Hope you enjoy!
“Shit! Potter!” Violent jostling roused him as someone scrambled off the sofa.
“I sincerely apologise, I had no idea you—I'm going, I'm sorry.”
“Malfoy?” he groaned, wondering when it got so dark.
“Go back to sleep, I'm terribly sorry, I—”
“No, wait.” He managed to grasp a pointy elbow just before it flew out of reach. “It's fine. Just stay.”
Silence buzzed for a moment, then; “You're clearly barely conscious and of depleted capacity to make decisions, Potter, I can't just stay.”
“Why not?” he yawned, then huffed as he heard Malfoy's eyebrows climb to his hairline.
“Nevermind, you'll only give me a headache with your list of reasons; just shut up and lay down.”
There was a pause, then a sigh, and then the sofa bounced once more as solid warmth settled beside him. A moment later, Malfoy cleared his throat.
“You're welcome,” he murmured. “What time is it, anyway?”
“A little after one,” Malfoy said. “How come you're sleeping on the sofa?”
“I honestly don't know. The last thing I remember is watching the film, but I don't remember the end. Ron or Hermione must have decided not to wake me.” Malfoy hummed in acknowledgement. “What brings you here?”
“Same old bullshit.”
Harry grimaced. It was a rare, blissful night when no one in Grimmauld wandered around after hours.
“Anything I can help with?”
“I don't need any more of your charity, Potter,” Malfoy snapped. Harry bit his tongue. “Fuck, look, I'm sorry.” Malfoy ran a hand through his hair. “I'm just…”
“I know.”
A heavy sigh escaped Draco. Harry's little finger reached for Draco's. Two hearts quickened in the darkness.
The door slammed and stomps immediately climbed the stairs. Harry and Ron exchanged a glance. Moments later, muffled shouts reached them, and without a word they moved: Harry to the kettle, Ron to the cupboard.
Barely 10 minutes later, Harry stood outside the bedroom, tray balanced on one arm.
“Malfoy? I've got tea and chocolate chip cookies.”
There was a pause, then the door clicked open. Peering in, Harry found a lump in the bed, its breathing ragged. Harry chewed his lip.
“Can I sit?” A shrug. He did, setting the tray on the bedside table. “I'm sorry.”
“I'm never going to find a job,” Malfoy whispered weakly.
His hand found a bony shoulder and squeezed gently. “Can I make some—?”
“No, Potter, I told you. I won't— I mean I can't— I—”
“Okay,” Harry murmured as Malfoy's voice broke and fresh tears pooled. “I'm sorry, I won't mention it again.”
“Good,” he spat wetly. Harry wished it annoyed him.
“For what it's worth, they're idiots,” he said quietly. “Anyone with eyes can see you've changed. You're still a prissy knob, of course, but you're also a decent bloke.” He ran a hand through Malfoy's hair. “You deserve more.”
Malfoy stilled under his touch. Harry tensed.
“Sorry,” he murmured, pulling away. “I'll sto—”
Pale fingers gripped his wrist, tugging him closer. Seconds later, a head burrowed into his chest.
“Sorry,” Malfoy's strangled voice came. “I just— I just want—”
“Shh…” he murmured, tucking Malfoy’s head beneath his chin. “I've got you.”
Harry chuckled as yelps and groans punctuated the opening credits.
“Can't we just extend the sofa? I can barely breathe!”
“No, Ginny, I've told you,” Hermione sighed. “We'd have to magically enlarge the whole room and with the Black family's penchant for harming those who tamper with their things it would be—”
“—highly inadvisable, I know,” grouched Ginny, punching a pillow fruitlessly. “But for the record, it's easy for you to say being squished between people is fine, you're sitting on my brother's lap!”
“You can sit on mine if you'd like,” Luna offered dreamily.
“Are you sure? You're so smol! How about you sit in mine? Then we can snugg—”
“Shove a sock in it, will you?” Ron interrupted, shuddering. “The movie's starting.”
Hastily looking away to hide his grin, Harry almost sniggered as he noted the tell-tale twinkle of mirth in Malfoy's eyes.
“Problem, Potter?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” he shot back.
“I’ve no idea what you could be referring to.” Malfoy lifted his nose, the haughty prat. Harry fought another smile.
“Have you got enough room?”
Malfoy shrugged. “I’m okay.”
“Really? You look like your hands are glued to your knees.”
Malfoy’s eyes narrowed playfully. “I’ve enough room to do this—” he gave him the finger.
“Oh fuck off,” Harry hissed through a grin. It widened as a victorious smile tugged at Malfoy’s lips.
“Seriously though,” he murmured as Malfoy tried to adjust and grimaced. “C’mere.”
Laying his arm across the top of the sofa, he nodded to the space between them. A tentative smile flickered over Malfoy's lips.
“Thanks,” he whispered, slotting his shoulder against Harry’s side. “Let me know when to move, though,” he pulled back slightly, catching Harry’s eye. “I don’t want your arm to go dead.”
“Just watch the film,” Harry pulled him closer again, ignoring Malfoy’s petulant huff in favour of savouring the warmth spreading through his chest. It only grew as Malfoy's head slowly nestled into his neck.
Smoke billowed from the kitchen, chased by curses. Diving in, Harry managed to find the blurred silhouette of Malfoy as he quickly spelled windows open.
“What the hell happened?” he asked, turning the hob off and throwing a tea towel over the remaining flames.
“I don’t know! I was just trying to scramble some eggs and then it just caught fire!”
Harry stared at the charred lump in the pan, worry melting into amusement.
“This is supposed to be scrambled eggs?”
Malfoy’s expression turned as dark as the smoke rising from the pan. The spatula in his hand clanged onto the hob.
“Just forget it—fuck you, Potter.”
“No, wait! Malfoy—” Harry grabbed his shirt. “I’m sorry, I’m not making fun of you, I promise.” Malfoy’s glare shot daggers at him. “If you want, I can teach you?”
Arms crossed, Malfoy paused, eyes searching Harry’s face. Only when his stomach rumbled did Malfoy give a small sigh and nod.
Throwing him an encouraging smile, Harry quickly set everything up again, and soon Malfoy had transferred an eggy mixture to the hob.
“Great. Now you want to start gently moving the egg around so it cooks but doesn’t set into an omelette, like this—” Taking Malfoy’s hand in his, Harry guided him through the motion. As the egg slowly scrambled and Malfoy’s movements became more confident, Harry let his hand fall to his waist. He smiled when Malfoy stepped back into him.
“There,” he said a minute later. “Perfect scrambled egg.”
“Thank you,” Malfoy murmured, slender hand finding Harry’s on his hip, just as he was about to reach for a plate. Harry’s breath hitched.
“Any time.”
His bedroom door opened then shut as he lay awake in the darkness, but as memories swirled, he couldn’t bring himself to care. Fast footsteps approached, barely stopping before the covers lifted. A flash of blond hair was all the warning he had before an arm snaked around his stomach.
“Draco?” he croaked.
“I'm sorry,” he breathed, voice high and tight. “I just— It’s a bad night and I— I can’t—” he whimpered. “Please?”
Drawing his arms tightly around him, Harry pressed a kiss to his hair.
Thanks to @purplehotmess for the beta! Reblogs are always appreciated ♥️
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
Powerpoint Night: HP Edition
Here's what the characters would do for Powerpoint night!
Hermione--starts things off with Top 50 20 Facts from Hogwarts: A History
Ron--Top 10 Reasons Why the Cannons are Going to Take the Cup This Year
Neville--Best Magical Plants of the Decade
Pansy--Why the World Needs a Lesbian Dictator (and Who's the Perfect Candidate for the Job)
Lavender--Top 10 Celebrity DILFs
Parvati--Top 10 Celebrity MILFs
Blaise--Ranking My Mother's Ex-Husbands
Draco--Which is the Best Picture of My Arse in Leather Trousers?
Luna--Common Places to Find Wrackspurts
Ginny--Top 15 Reasons Why the Cannons are Going to Lose the Cup This Year
Then, it's Harry's turn. He's waited all night, silently watching his friends go one after the other, biding his time until everyone has had their turn.
Then, he looks at Hermione, who nods.
"So, who's left--oh! Harry! You haven't gone yet. Are you ready to present?"
Harry almost sniggers at her lack of subtlety. "Sure, 'Mione."
"C'mon, Potter, you can't possibly top mine," Draco smirks.
Harry raises an eyebrow as he sets up the presentation. "Really? You seem to like it when I do..."
Draco blushes profusely as the others chuckle. Ron takes a long sip of his beer.
"Well, I'm just saying, that one of us had an interesting and aesthetically pleasing presentation that clearly superior--"
"Oh, please, you just wanted us all to compliment ten different pictures of your arse!"
"My arse is a work of art, Weasley, it deserves recognition! It deserves statues! Monuments! Shrines! Tell him, Potter!"
Harry nodded solemnly. "He does have a great arse, Ron."
"If you love it so much why don't you marry it?"
Harry smirked, clicked the button. "One step ahead of you, mate."
"Top Ten Reasons Why Draco Malfoy Should Marry Harry Potter"
Shocked and excited gasps, excited clapping and wide smiles erupted around the room, but Harry only had eyes for Draco's slack-jawed expression.
Reason 10: You love planning weddings. You've dreamed of it since you were a child, love, and it would be beautiful.
Reason 9: You'd get to make fun of my hair forever, which is your second favorite thing to do
Reason 8: I promise to make you that pasta dish you love once a week if you promise we can watch a Muggle movie after (which you love anyway so stop pretending it's a sacrifice, you git)
Reason 7: It will make your mother ecstatic and your Father's vein in his forehead pop out, which is always amusing for us.
Reason 6: You can change your name to Potter, or Malfoy-Potter, or leave it the same I don't care whatsoever (though adding 'Potter' might make the vein actually burst and I'm curious about that so maybe we tell him you're doing it anyway).
Reason 5: We live together--at this point, it makes common sense for us to take the next step.
Reason 4: You're the only other person who makes my tea correctly.
Reason 3: We'd get to do our first favorite thing forever.
Reason 2: We're in love. (And I already bought a ring and it was bloody expensive so you'd better say yes or else)
Reason 1: Scared, Malfoy?
Harry was kneeling down a few feet from where Draco sat on the couch. He held up a small black box that was opened to reveal a ring with a gold band, studded with alternating emeralds and rubies. Draco sat still, tears welling in his eyes. He finally wiped them from his cheeks and gave Harry a slow, shaky smile.
"You wish," he said, voice trembling but elated.
He jumped from the couch and tackled Harry into a kiss.
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mdccanon · 3 years
Harry Potter Doesn't Stand the Test of Time Enough to Save
I read all seven when they came out, I did. But, honestly, Harry Potter didn't touch my heart. It didn't make it passed my left titty.
It can go.
1) Harry and Hermione didn't have to end up with each other, but Harry marrying a fangirl and Hermione marrying someone she's obviously going to be miserable with is what you'd expect of a divorcee author.
2) Snape's "redemption" was to be revealed as a neckbeard, hostile to everyone in the world except M'Lady. Neville didn't deserve that shit.
3) I used to think Rowling's kink for ginger/black couples (Ron/Lavender, George/Angelina, Ginny/Dean) was funny until I realized that they weren't endgame. Plus, the movies RECAST Lavender Brown as a blonde English girl after she was black for EVERY OTHER MOVIE... Not even Shacklebolt's smooth and reassuring voice could save me from the utter disappointment. (Plus, as a kid, nothing cemented my interpretation that Hermione was biracial more than all the Ron/Mione and Fred/Mione shipping. If you think Cursed Child has vindicated me... Do you think I wanted to see Hermione burnt out at 41?!)
4) Overall, the fact that Rowling CARED so much about everyone marrying someone different than who they dated IN the story never felt right to me.... It always annoyed me how much she cared more about "realism" than continuity. Rowling thrives on abrupt endings and aborted arcs. Speaking of which, most people's death scenes.
5) Since the Slytherins "reminded her of all the bullies she'd endured in school", Rowling didn't care about redeeming ANY of them, not as a house, not as individuals. They were children, children doing what their parents taught them to do.
All of these were children. Rowling seemed genuinely surprised that out of SEVEN BOOKS of content, we wanted, we expected character development, character growth, a diversity of plots involving these people. She resented that we loved them. She killed Lupin and Fred and Crabbe and it all comes off as so hostile and meaningless. "That's the point, life isn't fair. JUST because I wrote that Lupin's childhood was ruined by Fenrir doesn't mean Lupin gets the honor of at least dying protecting another Hogwarts boy from Fenrir's bite. No, Lupin is going to die meaninglessly and offscreen." She resented that we wanted purpose and honor. She laughed that we saw good in the Slytherins...
She made 7 books and didn't care about these people. This entire series rests on The Grey Lady, a character-as-device who Harry just never bothered to talk to. It rests on a "well-known" fairy tale Rowling never saw fit to integrate into the world. It rests, canonically speaking, on a villain making his own worst enemy because, like us, he thought his world had meaning and purpose to it.
If she's so dead set on her world being sound and fury, signifying nothing... Why carry it on? Plenty of authors have written great nihilism in much fewer words.
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Rewrite the Stars
Day 7, Post #1 is by @adenei
Title: Rewrite the Stars
Author: adenei
Pairing: Ron/Hermione (Romione)
Prompt: Songfic
Rating: PG 
TW: Depiction of blood purity/discussion of prejudices against Muggleborns, Violence/Murder mentioned (but not graphic)
*This fic is inspired not only by the song, but also Anne and Philip's relationship in the movie The Greatest Showman.*
Summary: AU In a world where there’s no Voldemort, but blood purity is strictly enforced, Ron and Hermione must navigate their budding relationship, and all the trials and tribulations that come with it.
“Are you sure this is alright?” Hermione asks as she smooths the front of her dress, checking for wrinkles for the fifth time in as many minutes.
  “Yes, it’s fine! You look beautiful,” Ron assures her.
  He places a warm, comforting hand on the small of her back as they enter the grandiose ballroom where the Auror department is hosting their annual dinner. A handful of Aurors are honored for their achievements, but over the years, it’s turned into an event for the upper classes and Purebloods.
  Hermione knows she doesn’t belong here, amongst the men and women whose wealth and social status put them leagues ahead of anyone else, and it’s rare to receive an invitation to such an event even as a Halfblood. But as a Muggleborn, Hermione braces herself for an onslaught of jeers and slurs. If Ron wasn’t being honored for his success on a case he’d worked six months to solve, she wouldn’t be here at all.
  Ron has always encouraged Hermione to follow her dreams, even during their Hogwarts days. Though they were sorted into different houses, the two shared many Prefect rounds together. Being named Head Boy and Girl also brought them closer together, where they began seeing each other in secret . Neither had intended to break things off upon graduation, but when Hermione received rejection after rejection for potential jobs within the Ministry, she pushed him away too. 
  There was a time years ago when she hoped to be working within the Magical Law Department with dreams of making the magical world a more accepting place for every witch and wizard, no matter their blood status. But those bright-eyed and bushy-tailed dreams have long since dissipated. The rules are archaic, and there’s no chance of overturning something so set in stone until there’s a new Minister of Magic who would be open to the possibility. 
  So, for now, Hermione tends to a job that gives her equal satisfaction. She teaches young Muggleborn students in a special school that she founded with the help of Professor McGonagall. Hermione earned her certification to teach the primary levels at University after graduating from Hogwarts, and now works with Professor McGonagall to teach those students between the ages of five and eleven how to prepare for the world they’ll enter when they’re old enough to go to Hogwarts. This is in addition to all of the regular courses that Muggle England expects them to study.
  The prep school is what reconnected the pair, when Ron was assigned to work the case of an eight-year-old that disappeared last year. It was determined that the child was abducted by Fenrir Greyback and turned into a werewolf. Ron found the boy’s body deep in the Forest of Dean, where it was determined that Fenrir became too bloodthirsty on that particular hunt. 
  Hermione was distraught over the outcome and took comfort in Ron, who was equally shaken by the case. As the weeks following the case progressed, Hermione found herself spending more and more time with Ron. Slowly but surely, they found their way back to each other and had only just rekindled their relationship a couple of months ago.
  Since their relationship still feels so new to Hermione, they’ve kept things quiet. But she knows how important tonight is for Ron, and she wants to be there for him. To support him the same way he supports her. Hermione knows he will be by her side through it all, and has assured  her that no one will make any comments. 
  Ron leads them around the room, exchanging pleasantries and mingling with people Hermione’s only heard stories about. Thus far, everyone she’s encountered has been polite. They are about to make their way to their table when a voice calls out to them.
  “Ron! There you are, dear! We’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
  Hermione turns to see a plump woman with hair the same shade of red as Ron’s. A man follows in her wake who peers at them through half-moon spectacles with the same cerulean eyes that she’s so familiar with, only they’re attached to a different face. They’re much colder than the warmth Ron’s eyes emit, and that’s when the dread begins to expand from the pit in her stomach.
  “Oh, I didn’t realize you were both attending tonight,” Ron attempts to hide the surprise as he greets his parents.
  “And miss the opportunity to see our son receive an award for his hard work? Don’t be silly,” his father responds with a wave of his hand.
  Hermione has yet to meet Ron’s parents. A chill crawls up her spine as they talk to their son as if he is standing by himself. Suddenly, all of Ron’s promises become emptier than the desk of her former student.
  “Er, right. Mum, Dad, I’d like you to meet someone.” Ron gestures toward Hermione.
  She can see his mouth moving, but no sound comes out, at least not that she hears. The blood drains from her ears, causing momentary deafness as she stands under the scrutinizing stares of his parents. Hermione holds her head high as his mother admonishes his choice of a date. There’s no empathy for them whatsoever.
  “...What will everyone think? You come from a certain class of people, and we need to uphold our status. At least go for a Halfblood, darling.”
  Years of following the mantra ‘hold your head high, don’t let it bother you, stay in your lane’ have still not prepared Hermione to endure this moment. She is a strong-willed woman, she fights for what is right, and she refuses to stand here and take this woman’s judgmental words all because of the family she was born into. 
  This is the exact reason why Hermione insisted on keeping their relationship private. Her feet move on their own accord as Hermione tears herself away from Ron’s side and weaves in and out of the clumps of people. She manages to find the visitor’s entrance and exits to the bustling streets of London. Refusing to cry, she rushes along the cobblestone sidewalk and down a deserted alleyway. 
  Hermione forces herself to forget the sound of Ron’s voice calling after her as she disapparates away from the Ministry of Magic. She finds herself in her classroom, staring at all the empty desks in front of her. Desks of students who would be forced to meet the same unfair limitations that she lives day to day. She feels so helpless, not knowing what to do in an effort to make their lives easier. 
  Looking down at the elegant maroon ball gown she’s still wearing, she feels dirty. This isn’t the life she’s meant for, no matter how many assurances Ron can give her. She doesn’t belong in his world. Thank goodness she keeps an extra outfit in her coat closet, which she rushes toward before shedding the expensive formalwear from her body. 
  Once she’s changed, Hermione sits down at her desk, staring at the piles of papers left to be graded. Ron insisted she leave them there so they could spend their weekend together. A heartbreaking realization enters her mind as she thinks of his name.
  We can’t be together. This is never going to work.
  It’s as if he knows that she’s thinking of him as the floo lights up and he stumbles out. Ron sheds his dress robes, leaving him in his starched white dress shirt and pressed black trousers. She refuses to look up even though she can feel his gaze boring into her as he stands at the head of her desk.
  She says nothing because what is there to say?
  “They’re small-minded people. What do you care what they think?”*
  He reaches for her hand, but she tugs it away as she sits back in her chair.
  “It’s not just them, Ron. You haven’t lived this life. You don’t know what I’ve been up against. You’ll never know what it feels like to be looked at the way your parents looked at me tonight. The way they spoke down about me to my face. I can’t—I can’t be subjected to that. The way people will look at us because we’re together. I don’t deserve to feel that way.”
  Hermione stands up and exits the classroom, stepping into the abandoned hallway. She can’t do this anymore— it’s too painful. She’s learned to pick and choose her battles. It’s better to let people like the Weasleys think they’ve won while she keeps fighting on her own.
  You know I want you, it’s not a secret I try to hide.
I know you want me, so don’t keep saying our hands are tied.
You claim it’s not in the cards, that fate is pulling you miles away and out of reach from me,
But you’re here in my heart, so who can stop me if I decide that you’re my destiny?
  “Hermione, don’t do this. Please. I don’t care what they think. I want you, and nothing else matters.”
  She stops and only turns her head slightly to see him leaning out of the doorway, his hand gripping the door jamb as he calls after her.
  What if we rewrite the stars, say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart, you’d be the one I was meant to find.
It’s up to you, it’s up to me, no one can say what we get to be
So why don’t we rewrite the stars, maybe the world could be ours tonight.
  “Please, love, don’t let them dictate what our life looks like.”
  The desperation in Ron’s voice is what makes Hermione turn all the way around to face him. She begins to walk a few paces toward him before the voices in her head get a hold of her. He’d become an outcast if she stayed with him. She can’t let him risk everything he’s gained by choosing her.
  You think it’s easy? You think I don’t want to run to you?
But there are mountains, and there are doors that we can’t walk through.
I know you’re wondering why because we’re able to be just you and me within these walls
But when we go outside you’re gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all.
  “You know it’s not that easy. We can’t just run away from everything so we can be happy. Your family would never forgive you, or me for that matter! Everyone will do everything in their power to tear us apart. It’s not worth it.”
  “So, what? You’re saying we’re not worth it?”
  No one can rewrite the stars. How can you say you’ll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart, and I’m not the one you were meant to find.
It’s not up to you, it’s not up to me, when everyone tells us what we can be.
How can we rewrite the stars? Say that the world can be ours tonight.
  Hermione reaches out and clasps his hands with her own. “No, you’re not listening to me. You’re worth so much to me that I have to let you go.”
  “But what if I don’t want to let go?”
  All I want is to fly with you. 
All I want is to fall with you. 
So just give me all of you.
It feels impossible (It’s not impossible). 
Is it impossible? (Say that it’s possible.)
  “I don’t want to let go, either, Ron, but I have to. You mean too much to me.” 
  She knows it’s better to be hurt on her own terms than to let someone else hurt her instead. Ron will see reason eventually. He has to. Hermione wraps her arms around him, tighter than ever before, putting all her feelings into one single embrace, hoping that he can understand. 
  How do we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart, cause you are the one I was meant to find.
It’s up to you and it’s up to me, no one can say what we get to be
And why don’t we rewrite the stars, changing the world to be ours… 
  There are many things she can change, but her blood status isn’t one. Above all else, she’s proud of being a Muggleborn, and she’ll keep teaching her students to be proud of their roots as well. She’ll keep her memories of Ron and how wonderful he is locked up tight as she finds a way to navigate this world without him. Hermione has made her decision as she kisses his cheek and lets go. Perhaps in another lifetime, they’ll be able to be together with nothing standing in their way.
  You know I want you.
It’s not a secret I try to hide.
But I can’t have you.
We’re bound to break and our hands are tied.
  “I’m sorry.”
  Her voice leaves the faintest echo among the abandoned halls. Before she loses her nerve, she turns on the spot and apparates away, leaving the hurt look that is etched on Ron’s face burned into her mind as she leaves him alone.
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booksforevermore13 · 3 years
Nine days (at long last)
Summary: Harry wants to propose to Ginny, but it turns out to be a lot harder than he thought. In the end, it takes nine days.
A/N: Huge, huge thanks to my awesome teammates Autumn, Ashleigh and Hannah for looking through the fic! I had a lot of fun writing this (after ditching another one I wrote) but in the end, I'm glad it turned out okay! Read it on Fanfiction or AO3 if you prefer!
"Mate, if you're waiting for the right moment, this is it."
"I know."
"Like, now."
"I know."
"She's looking at you, mate."
"I know."
"It's now or never."
"I know," Harry hissed, glaring at Ron. Consciously, he glanced at her again, standing between Bill and George and laughing as George spoke, and, if he hadn't chosen today as the day he proposed, he'd have been laughing along with her. But her eyes were on him, and then not, as her gaze turned to George and she laughed and Harry found himself immediately missing her gaze.
"I know what the problem is," Ron announced and Harry looked at him, arching an eyebrow in question.
"You," Ron pointed at him, "are going to propose to her," and then pointed at Ginny, "my sister. My only sister."
"I know who I am going to propose to, Ron. Get to the point."
"The point is that I," he declared, "am her brother. It doesn't fundamentally work for me to tell you, my best mate, to marry my only sister. That… that's like violating the brother's code."
Harry rubbed his forehead, glancing warily at the glass of whisky in Ron's hand. In the short span in which Hermione had gone to help Mrs. Weasley with the cooking, he'd downed more than he would have with her around.
"How much have you had to drink, Ron?"
"Enough to be disgusted by the two of you simply looking at each other. You act as if you've never seen her before, Merlin."
"Oh, god, Ron, she's looking at me again."
The last time he'd been this nervous was back in his sixth year and that was when he and Ron had been dolts of the highest calibre. When he looked at Ron again, he was shaking his head in exasperation.
"Yeah, why is that, Harry? Did she find out you've been staring at her for the last ten minutes?" Ron hissed and Harry glared at him.
He clearly wasn't expecting Ron to give him a sharp nudge to his ribs, and when he did, Harry found himself a lot closer to Ginny than he was before. This time, when he turned, Ron nodded excitedly at him and when he looked at Ginny again, this time, her eyes were already on him.
"Hey," he found himself saying as he walked near her. George leaned over to say something to Bill but stepped away as Ginny turned on them, and they put their hands in the air, grinning.
"Hey back," Ginny said as he neared, and if he hadn't been so secretive these last few days, he'd have thought she'd figured it out.
For a second, he wished he hadn't chosen the Burrow to be where he proposed. nine days before Christmas, too. It was a time when everyone in the family was there, and the extended family too, and the Burrow became so crammed up that they slept on the couches and conjured tents outside. Harry loved it, but given the time, it might not have been his ideal choice for a proposal.
But the Burrow was and had remained the place where he had the most good memories, the best ones, with the people he loved and who loved him back, and in the end, he'd figured this to be the right place. The best one.
"You want to say something to me, Harry?" Ginny asked, and Harry realised with a jerk that he'd been staring.
"I do." He coughed and patted his coat pocket, searching for the box. "It's uh… very important."
"Yeah?" Ginny smiled and stepped forward, putting her hands around his neck. Consciously, he could feel eyes on them, but focused on Ginny, the slight smile on her face, her flaming red hair falling in waves down her shoulder and when he looked closer, the tiny flecks of golden brown in her eyes.
Where in the bloody hell was that box?
"You look beautiful," he stammered, searching his jeans for the box. He'd told her that before, but in the heat of the moment, complimenting her was the only thing coming to mind. He checked his coat pocket again. He was sure he'd had it while talking to Ron. He'd felt it.
"Harry." He heard Ginny say his name and looked up at her to see her chuckling."What is it you want to say?"
"I… uh…"
It wasn't there. The bloody box wasn't there. Harry brought out his hands from his pocket and with one hand, brushed back some of her hair behind her ear. "It's nothing," he found himself saying. "Just uh… want you to know how much I love you."
And that if I could find that ring, I'd get down on one knee right now.
Ginny laughed and if Harry could have bottled that sound and got drunk on it every day, he would have. "Where's this coming from?"
"Nowhere," he said hurriedly. Goddamnit.
Harry could see she was trying not to laugh. "What's going on, Harry?" Ginny asked, and Harry stilled.
Should he tell her? Without the ring? Harry looked at her, taking note of every small detail, even though he'd done it a thousand times before. The sprinkle of freckles around her nose, the golden brown flecks in her eyes. Her face was so close to him that he could smell the sweet fragrance of the sherry she'd been drinking and Harry knew that if anything, she deserved a perfect proposal. So, he shook his head and waited a moment longer. Then he kissed her.
If there were any groans from the audience, he didn't notice, nor did he care about the fact that he was kissing her in front of her brothers, who'd threatened him more than once for the mere feat that was dating her. No, instead, he cupped her cheek to bring her closer, one hand lost in her hair.
When they finally broke for air, and she looked at him with that knowing smirk on her face, Harry couldn't help but kiss her again.
"Have I ever told you," he said breathlessly, "that your hair is really soft after you wash it?"
And she laughed, and Harry felt a surge of disappointment because after all the talk of right moments, he knew that if he could do it, he'd do it now.
When they finally turned, the crowd around them had left, all except for Ron looking disapprovingly at him, Hermione who'd come back during the commotion and who was now shaking her head at him in earnest, and George with a rather bored look on his face.
"I thought it was going to be interesting," he said, and then shuddered. "Instead, all we got was a very public display of affection. Merlin."
And as Ginny laughed beside him, Harry couldn't help but blush.
Try another day, it was.
Harry shivered as he stepped inside the Burrow. It was two in the night and the silence he entered was almost jarring. Pots clanging, Victoire crying, Teddy's excited voice from the living room, George and Ron laughing in the backyard, Ginny screaming at her brothers; it had become a comfort to hear it. Now, however, silence.
He welcomed the warm gust of air as he closed the door behind him, shrugging off his coat and jacket, keeping his boots on the mat. He'd not expected a call from the Ministry that night. Two nights before Christmas, and they'd spotted Mulciber in a Muggle village, and he'd had to go in. They'd not anticipated anyone else, but when they Apparated there Mulciber had not been alone.
"Hey," he heard a voice and turned around, a smile on his face before he even saw who it was.
Ginny was sitting on the couch, a tub of ice-cream in her hand.
"What are you doing up?"
She shrugged. "I had a very strong craving for blueberry ice-cream," Ginny said and Harry laughed.
This was not the first time he'd come back home to see her up. Harry'd never said it, but it was comforting, coming back home at three in the morning to see her licking off ice-cream right from the tub. He'd sit beside her and she'd open up a tub of chocolate and they'd eat it until it melted.
Harry sat beside her on the couch.
"How'd the mission go?"
"Rough," he replied, not bothering to lie. Ginny knew him well enough to catch his bluff.
"What happened?" she asked, and he could hear the distinct concern in her voice, the fear in her eyes.
"Nothing major. Avery was hoping for a tussle when we went in. There were a dozen of them, five of us. Took us by surprise."
He felt her still beside him and looked at her, smiling reassuringly.
"Was anyone hurt?"
"No. Bruises, stuns, splinches, nothing that'll stay."
"And you?"
"I'm fine."
She sighed, and Harry leaned against her, too awake to feel sleepy, yet completely worn out. He felt Ginny move under him and then her thumb rubbing circles on the juncture between his thumb and his index. He smiled absently, closing his eyes in comfort.
"You know," Ginny said softly, "George and I, we scrounged up a T.V today, televelly something."
"Television." Harry smiled absently. She was offering a distraction, and Harry was glad she was. He needed one.
"That," Ginny chuckled. "We fixed it. Well, Hermione did and then we found this… this… some moony…. moovyon it."
"You mean, a movie?"
"Yes, that," Ginny said indignantly and Harry laughed and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Anyway," she waved around her hands, "I found a movie on it, and it's the same as a book I read when I was young. Frankenstein."
"You've read that?"
Ginny nodded, and then got up, squeezing his hand as she did and then rummaged under the table for something. She walked behind the sofa, and hauled up a large cube like thing, covered by the black cloth. Harry watched her in confusion as she took out her wand and charmed a table mat into a socket, and then took off the black cloth.
"Wait, you really found a T.V?"
She looked at him, an eyebrow arched. "You thought I was joking?"
"No," he said, and Ginny smiled.
She rummaged around a few more minutes, conjuring up things, fixing wires into sockets and then sat down beside him, a remote in hand.
"Don't look so surprised, this is all Hermione," Ginny said and pointed to the screen "I thought this was a mirror."
Harry had to hold back a laugh before she peered at the remote and pressed a button and he whistled as the screen came to life. Ginny wiggled her eyebrows at him and then pressed a few more buttons, and as fast as the screen had lit up, a black and white series of images appeared on the screen.
"I know, I'm brilliant," Ginny said, smirking at him.
"Damn right.'
She turned her gaze to the screen and he followed her. Frankenstein. He knew the movie. He didn't like it. Harry had seen it last at the Dursleys, and he, quite frankly, hadn't been big on a movie which showed someone creating a monster and then dying at the hands of the said monster he created. It was terrifying for him.
He didn't say anything, seeing Ginny's face. She was excited and happy, and seeing her like this made it a little more bearable for him, but he was positively miffed when he saw the monster being created and right on the edge of covering his face when it killed its first victim.
It was all well and good until he saw the man talk to the creature, and that was when he knew he was done.
"Ginny," he said breathlessly, "hey, Gin?" and as Ginny turned to him, he didn't know if he should have laughed or jumped around the living room thrice.
He turned his face in embarrassment, as Ginny looked at him and promptly started laughing, her laughter echoing in the room before Harry pressed his palm on her mouth and her voice was muffled. She quieted down, but he could see her glinting in the dimming light of the fire.
"Merlin, sorry," Ginny chuckled, "I shouldn't laugh."
He tensed again as the monster in question roared.
"Gin, this movie, it's really scary, seriously," he said quickly, "but you're enjoying it so I'm trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?"
"It's a classic!" Ginny laughed. "Merlin, Harry, take a chance. What harm can it do?"
"Oh, I took a chance. Fifteen years ago. I don't see how people find this," he pointed at the screen, "this scary, murderous movie where everyone dies as a cinematic masterpiece."
Ginny was still laughing and Harry's ears were now a bright red, and he couldn't have been more embarrassed.
When Ginny finally switched the T.V off, he couldn't help but sigh in relief.
"How," Ginny said and he shook his head, knowing what was to come, "can a person like you, who fights Death-Eaters on a daily basis, be scared of a movie?"
Harry tapped his forehead in exasperation and Ginny laughed.
"God, you're adorable."
She leaned forward, kissing him and then moving away, but Harry held onto her waist, bringing her close to him. Perhaps now was the right time to do it, he thought. Maybe he should take out the ring now.
There were only them here, she was in his arms, he could just take out the ring and ask.
But what if it was too early? What if she said no?
Harry looked at her, and Ginny leaned forward, her hands around her neck as she kissed him and Harry wondered how long it'd take for him to gather the courage he so direly needed. In a way, this was more daunting than the monster Frankenstein had created.
But then he heard a noise, a clicking noise, and a smell of something burning, and they broke off, Harry still holding Ginny close to him, alert for any signs of danger, when they saw it.
The socket was smoking. Bloody smoking.
"Shit!" Ginny cursed, and scrambled up, Harry behind her, and before Ginny could touch anything, Harry wrenched out the socket.
"Oh, shit," Ginny repeated, seeing the blackened metal. "Oh, Merlin, no."
"There goes our Frankenstein," Harry mumbled. And my proposal.
Ginny glared at him.
Christmas was every bit as wonderful as he had imagined it. As he had imagined it every year. No, the right word wasn't wonderful. It was happy.
Harry, by now, was convinced that Christmas was meant for the Weasley family.
A strong gust of wind blew and he smiled as he heard Ron's voice and then a cracker burst and then Mrs. Weasley yelling.
"Hey." He heard Ginny behind him and turned.
"Hey back."
"A change of colours, I see?" Ginny asked, looking at his sweater. Consciously, he tugged at it, then looked at her.
"I think Mrs. Weasley ran out of red yarn." He smiled, brushing the golden yellow snitch on the hem of his sweater. It was blue this year, and Harry had been surprised when he'd opened the package, but it had essentially been one of the best gifts he'd got.
Ginny walked near him, slipping her hands in his. They were hands which knew how to hold on and yet simultaneously set you free.
He was going to do it.
"Gin," he started, the weight of the ring in his pocket reassuring. "I have to ask you something."
She nodded and Harry continued. "I… I love you. It's no secret. I… you are… I love you so much. It was and has always been… you." He waited, out of breath, but he wasn't going to stop.
"You love me like I'm the person who actually deserves your love."
"But you are the only one who does," Ginny said, and Harry, for a moment, couldn't help but wonder what he'd done to deserve her.
Momentarily, he looked down, taking out the box, but when he looked up again, his eyes widened. This time, Ginny was holding a box too, identical to his, and her eyes were shining.
"What… h-how?" he stammered and Ginny laughed.
"How do you think?" she said, "Didn't think I'd know you were trying to propose to me for the last nine days now, Harry, did you?"
"It was supposed to be a secret!"
Ginny laughed, and Harry laughed too, though he was a bit disgruntled by the fact that she'd known the whole time. Maybe he wasn't as smooth as he thought he was but it was a mystery to him how she had known.
"Where did you find the ring the first time you lost it, Harry?"
Harry gaped at her, and chuckled unbelievably. "How?" he said, then chuckled again. "With Teddy."
"Yes, well, he showed it to me before he gave it to you. Clearly, he knew the ring was meant for me."
This time, Harry laughed out loud, and her hand still in his, he brought her closer to him.
"And if that wasn't enough, my hair being soft essentially gave it away," she said with a smirk.
Harry kissed her on the forehead, and then on the lips. He frowned as Ginny drew away, but it turned into a smile, as he saw her opening the box.
The ring inside was identical to his, the only difference being the vines running along its length. He took out his ring from the box, holding it beside hers, flowers and vines side by side.
When he looked up, Ginny's eyes were shining with tears. He knew his were, too.
"So," she said, "will you marry me?"
Harry laughed, and then gently put the ring on her middle finger.
"Only if you marry me, too."
And Ginny laughed, and cried, and he thought he did too and in the end when her lips collided with his, he knew it had been worth it.
In the end, he was glad he'd waited nine days.
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hearthaleydunphy · 4 years
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A Heartbreakers bet
Pairing: George Weasley x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Swearing, little bit of angst
(Note: Sorry Fred seems like a dick in this, it just went with the plot better. This might seem a little rushed at times but i had a lot of fun making it and honestly i’m feeling good about it.)
“Okay, you wanna make a little bit of money, huh?” Fred asked his twin who was sitting in front of the roaring fire in the Gryffindor Common room doing his homework.
“Yes, Fred. Just need a few galleons.” George replied, rolling his eyes.
“How bout a bet? I’ll give you 10 galleons, which is almost all my money, if you can get L/n to like you and I mean actually like you.” Fred smirked. “Ask her on a date and see how far you can get without her knowing about the bet. Hell, i’ll give you the money if you can even ask her out.”
George sat in silence for a minute thinking about it. On one hand, he didn’t want to hurt her accidentally when she finds out he doesn’t like her but on the other hand, he wanted that money.
“Ten Galleons?” Fred nodded. “Fine.” George sighed.
“L/n!” Y/n’s brows furrowed when she heard George Weasley calling her name from down the empty corridor.
“Weasley?” Y/n asked, stopping and turning to face him as he jogged towards her. “What do you want?”
“I have a question for you.” George said when he caught up to her. She raised her eyebrows, telling him to continue. “Would you like to go on a date with me? This Saturday after class.”
“Sure.” Y/n smiled. “I’d like that.”
George’s stomach twisted when he saw how her face lit up when he asked that but he knew he had to keep going.
“Cool. So, the great lawn at 6 o’clock Saturday?”
“I’ll see you there.”
Y/n couldn’t wipe the smile off her face as she watched George walk away. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth to keep out a small squeal of excitement.
Y/n hitched her bag up her shoulder before turning on her heels and continued her journey down the corridor.
Meanwhile, George walked back down the corridor, a frown on his face. He was probably gonna break this poor girls heart for a few galleons. He couldn’t help but stop and think about his stupid, 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥 decision
“Sorry, Professor, I got held up.” Y/n apologized as she walked into her Transfiguration class. Mcgonagall gave her a small look.
“You know where to sit, L/n.” Mcgonagall told her.
“Right, sorry.” Y/n said before slipping into the seat next to Hermione Granger.
“What happened?” Hermione asked.
“Hm?” Y/n hummed, confused.
“You’re never this late. Plus you’re blushing.” Hermione told her.
“George asked me out.” Y/n whispered excitedly.
“Seriously?” Hermione asked, a smile on her face.
“This Saturday.” Y/n said, a bright smile adorning her face. Hermione returned the smile and let out the small squeal of excitement that Y/n had wanted to let out in the corridor.
“Miss Granger, Miss Y/n! Anything to share?” Mcgonagall called from the front prompting everyone to turn and look at the two.
“No, Professor.” The two replied. Y/n couldn’t help but let out a little laugh that was muffled by her hand while Hermione hid her smile behind a book.
Y/n thought she would be bouncing off the walls in happiness by the time Saturday rolled around but all she felt was nervous. She didn’t even feel like she could eat she was so nervous but Hermione made sure at least ate a piece of toast.
“What are you so nervous for?” Ron Weasley, one of Y/n’s other friends, asked. He had known about the date but not the bet since the twins knew Ron would go blathering about it to protect Y/n.
“It’s been a while since i’ve been on a date. . .” Harry, Ron, and Hermione raised their eyebrows at her. “Okay, so, i’ve never been on date. Oh, god what if i am totally weird and he doesn’t like me.” Y/n whined before dropping her head on the table
George sat farther down at the Gryffindor table, occasionally sneaking glances towards Y/n. He couldn’t tell her precise emotion but her face showed nervousness and a bit of excitement. That bit of excitement made his stomach twist. He knew it was too late to call off the date but maybe he could still call off the stupid bet.
He thought about his options; on one hand, calling off the bet but still taking her on a date meant she would probably have her heartbroken when he doesn’t ask her on another after but doing the bet just meant he was betraying her trust and breaking her heart even more.
He thought about a third option. That option had been to run far, far away. Maybe Romania since that’s where his brother Charlie ended up but he knew that he would receive some letters from his mother with some not so nice words.
“Are you still worrying about this?” Fred asked. He didn’t see the problem with this whole bet while his twin saw all the wrong in it.
“Yeah, Fred, i’m still worrying. What do i do if i break her heart? She doesn’t deserve that.” George told him. Fred just shrugged and muttered something along the lines of ‘figure it out’
Later that night George Weasley and Y/n L/n could be seen running down towards the Black Lake in the pale moonlight. Both wearing the cheesy smiles you see in the muggle movies.
The two plopped down on the ground by the lake, George leaning against a tree while Y/n fell back, her head in his lap. Almost instinctively his hands started running through her hair.
“Oh! Before i forget.” George said, reaching into his pockets and pulling out snacks mixed with a few sweets. He put them down in a pile next to them as the two took their pick.
George continued to look out at the lake as the bright moon reflected on the surface. The evening was a little brisk but it felt nice. Perfect for a date. He didn’t even notice Y/n staring up at him, a soft smile playing at her lips.
“What’re you staring at?” George smiled, finally noticing it.
“Not staring just. . . admiring the view.” Y/n admitted. George let out a breathy laugh and looked away as a light blush tinted his cheeks.
In that moment he almost forgot about the bet. 𝘈𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵. The moment it popped back into his head, his smile vanished. Y/n sat up, worried, when she saw that.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“What?” George asked looking towards her. “Oh, yeah. Don’t worry.” Y/n nodded, instinctively pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. “Don’t do that.”
“That thing, with your lip.”
“Why?” Y/n asked, laughing a little.
“Because it makes me wanna kiss you.” George admitted.
“So, why don’t you?”
“I didn’t think you’d want me to.”
“Well then you’re a dumbass. Do you know how long I’ve waited to head those words from you?”
George looked up at her, his breath catching in his throat. She looked absolutely breathtaking. He watched the way the moonlight shone on the right side of her face making her blush visible to him. Before he knew what he was doing his lips were on hers as his hands lay gently on the sides of her face.
Y/n stayed frozen a moment before she realized what was happening and kissed back, her hand reaching up and tangling in the wild red hair of George Weasley. When they pulled away George’s hair was a mess and he had lipgloss smudged on his lips and the same could be said for Y/n.
“That was. . . wow.” Y/n breathed out, neither of them being able to wipe their smiles.
“Yeah. Wow.” George whispered. The more he looked into those beautiful, sparkling eyes the more he fell for her. He knew it was bad to actually start falling for her but those eyes drew him back in every time he tried to get out of this.
“It’s — it’s getting kinda late.” Y/n spoke up. “I think we should head back.”
“Yeah, of course.” George smiled at her before the two of them stood up and made their way back to the castle.
“So, how did it go last night?” Hermione asked Y/n the next morning at breakfast.
“Amazing. Actually we — we kissed.” Y/n said, her cheeks turning pink as she said it.
“Ew.” Ron muttered, his mouth full.
“Shut it, Ronald! And close your mouth.” Hermione snapped before turning back to Y/n. “So are you going on another date?”
“I - I don’t know yet. I hope so.”
George watched from down the table as Y/n whispered excitedly to Hermione. He couldn’t help but smile knowing he caused her to be that happy but his smile vanished when Fred spoke up.
“Alright, you took her on a date. You want the money now or are you gonna let this play out?” Fred asked.
“She’s really nice, Fred. I might actually like her. I think i’m gonna go out with her again.” George admitted.
“You gonna tell her about the bet?” Lee Jordan, the twins best friend, spoke up.
George shook his head.
“I don’t think so. I don’t want her to know that that whole date was supposed to be a lie. I mean look at her.” George said.
“Fine. But when she finds out about it — and she will — it’s gonna come back and bite you in the ass.” Lee told him before going back to his food.
George thought a minute on his words before shaking his head and getting up from his seat and walked down the table to Y/n and Hermione.
“You mind if I sit here, ‘Mione?” George asked the brunette haired witch.
“Not at all.” Hermione said getting up and shooting Y/n a wink before dragging a hungry Ron out of the Great Hall.
“What’s up?” Y/n asked, smiling.
“Just wondering if you wanted to go out again? Maybe to Hogsmeade?” George asked.
“After last night? Definitely.”
A few months later . . .
It had been a few months and Y/n and George had a good thing going. George had honestly kinda forgotten about the bet until Fred reminded him in the Gryffindor common room.
“George, this bet thing has been going on too long. Here’s the money, you can call it off now.” Fred said, tossing a tiny pouch to George. George nodded silently before going back to his homework in front of him. Fred rolled his eyes before leaving the common room.
Once he was alone, George fell back on the couch. Right. The bet. The one that George stupidly accepted. He didn’t know what to do.
George took a shaky breath before packing up his books and taking them with him outside to the great lawn.
A few floors down in one of the quiet alcoves that were scattered around the castle, Y/n L/n sat sketching anything and everything only looking up when Ron Weasley approached her.
“I need to tell you something.” Ron sighed. “About George.”
“What about him?” Y/n laughed putting away her sketchbook before motioning for Ron to walk with her.
“The whole thing with you guys being together. It was for a bet.” Ron rushed out as they walked. “A bet with Fred.”
Y/n stopped in her tracks, Her heart sinking to her stomach.
“W-What? Did you know?”
“I just found out. I heard them talking.”
“Wow. So, everything was just a lie to him?” Y/n asked no one in particular. “That asshole!” She shouted before turning around and running out.
Y/n stormed through the corridors looking for George Weasley. She finally found him out by the lake. She stormed up to him an angry and hurt look on her face.
“What the hell, Weasley?” Y/n shouted when she got near him.
“Woah, what’s wrong, babe?” George asked, standing up.
“𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘦? You don’t get to call me that anymore! You lied to me!” She screeched. “You told me you liked me but it was all just for a stupid bet, wasn’t it?”
“How did you find out?”
“Your stupid brother is how i found out! I had to find out through your brother instead of you? You convinced me that you liked me only for it all the be a lie! I loved you, George Weasley and you broke my heart!” Y/n screamed at him.
“Y-you love me?” George stuttered, his face softening.
“𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥.” Y/n told him. “And i thought a part of you loved me too but you just did all of this for what, a couple galleons?”
“That’s what it was a first. But my feelings have changed, i promise you. Please, Y/n. I love you.”
“If you really loved me, you would have told me earlier. We’re done.” Y/n now had tears streaming down her face. George’s heart broke a little more each time a new one rolled out before dripping off her face and falling to the grass below her.
Before George could make up any more excuses, she left. George himself now had tears running down his face.
“𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘵!" he shouted throwing his book down onto the grass, his heart aching.
Y/n collapsed against a cold wall. The corridors were empty leaving her with her thoughts. Sobs racked her body and she sat on the cold, stone floor feeling hurt and betrayed by the man who she thought loved her.
Y/n pulled out her sketchbook and opened it, tearing out any pages that reminded her of the “relationship”. Her heart broke each page but she continued to tear them up hoping to rid of the memories of him.
She finally looked up, tears running down her face, when she heard the sound of footsteps and before she knew it she was wrapped up in a hug by Hermione, Harry, and Ron.
“I’m so sorry.” Hermione said, her voice cracking. “He doesn’t deserve you.”
“I loved him.” Y/n whispered before letting out more sobs into Hermiones shoulder.
Weeks had passed without Y/n even looking at George. He felt horrible and he knew she was right. He should have told her. He knew Lee was right, it did come back and bite him in the ass.
The two still had to see each other at quidditch. Every practice and every game was excruciating. You could cut the tension with a knife. The two tried to pretend nothing ever happened between them but it caused more repressed anger in both of them. The team started tiptoeing around the subject of the relationship, scared one of them was just gonna 𝘴𝘯𝘢𝘱.
Y/n often walked away from practices with tears threatening to spill cause she missed him. She hated that she missed him but she really did. She missed the way his lips felt against hers, the way his rough hands fit perfectly in her soft ones, almost like they were made for each other.
Y/n knew George went down to the Black Lake almost every night, back to where they shared their first kiss. He just sat there and stared at the moons reflection on the lake. Most nights she wanted to join him and just lay her head in his lap as he thread his fingers through her hair but the rational part of her told her not to. He broke her heart and he lied to her. He used her for a bit of money! So every night she turned away from watching him out her dorm window and turned off her lights before climbing into bed and letting the silent tears escape her eyes.
The next morning was one of the last quidditch games of the season and everyone was a bit on edge. Y/n and George had unfortunately been the first two to be finished changing meaning the two of them were to sit around in an awkward silence. The air around them felt heavier and thicker as the minutes passed.
“Can we talk after the game, Y/n?” George asked, ending the silence.
“About what?” Y/n sighed.
“Us. Everything that happened. I. . . I want a chance to explain myself and I just need you to listen to me. You don’t even have to forgive me, i just want you to listen.”
“. . . fine” Y/n said after a moment. “but I don’t think whatever you say is gonna change my mind.” George nodded, understanding what she meant.
The game was so close to being done. The team had scored almost all the points they needed but they were really counting on Harry to find the snitch in the few moments.
Y/n held a quaffle tight in her arms as she raced to the hoop, a Slytherin team member right beside her. He knocked against her and she tilted on her broom but used her legs to keep her upright. The one thing she didn’t notice while trying to stay balanced was the bludger that was heading right towards her. All she could remember was falling through the air before it all went black, a 𝘴𝘯𝘢𝘱! echoed in her ear before it all went quiet.
The first thing Y/n noticed before she even opened her eyes was the hand holding hers. It was a bit rough and calloused in her soft hands but it brought her comfort cause she knew exactly who it was. She never thought she could miss the feeling of holding his hand but here she was, barely starting to come to her senses, being reminded of all the good that came from the relationship.
George watched from beside Y/n as her eyes fluttered opened. She winced when she tried to move her left hand but all she got was pain.
“Broken arm. It’s gonna take a little bit to mend.” George told her. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Y-you said you wanted to talk after the game? Well, it’s after the game if you still wanna have that chat.” Y/n said, a joking tone in her voice that made George chuckle softly. He missed that about her.
“I am so sorry for what i did to you. I had multiple chances to turn down the bet and multiple chances to tell you but I didn’t and that was stupid.” George started to explain. “I didn’t wanna leave you hurt but obviously by the not telling you i made it worse. I don’t think there’s a point in giving me a second chance but I do love you and I hate that it took a stupid bet for me to realize it but I do, I love you and I’ve never felt this way for someone before and honestly, it scares me. I just needed you to know that.”
“George . . .” Y/n sighed. “It’s gonna be very hard for me to forgive you but I wanna give you a second chance. If you find a way to fuck this one up then it wasn’t meant to be but i wanna try again. I know I said whatever you say might not change my mind but i miss you. So, how about when i get of here we go recreate that first date?”
“I’d love to do that.” George smiled at her. “And thank you for a second chance. I won’t let you down.”
And once again, after Y/n got out of the hospital wing, the two could be seen running down to the great lawn in the pale moonlight, hand in hand. To them, everything felt right again. Just the two of them watching the moons reflection on the surface of the lake.
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metvmorqhoses · 3 years
Hey there! I'd like to hear your thoughts about this. Jkr never put a lot of thought into voldemort as a character did she? The fact that his villainy is oversimplified to be "conceived under a love potion and hence can't love" although there are instances where he has loved. The narrative that is put forth is that every child who was conceived through unhealthy relationships, abandoning parents and difficult circumstances is destined to be incapable of love. (There are problems/issues because of these circumstances but it's not a doomed-to-be-unloved situation)
The abuse he faced or the trauma was never explained and neither was his nature which can be either perceived as arrogance or as self-preservation in his formative years..
I love your blog and analyses btw!🖤
i couldn’t agree more. i don’t know if you are familiar with what i usually write about voldemort as a villain and as an all-around character, but what you are talking about is not only something i always mention when i discuss him in a more complex, adult manner, but much more importantly is deeply linked to what i think about the hp series in general and to the one, major issue i have with it in particular. this is something i consider very important and, honestly, a topic that is never stressed enough: jkr wrote an overly black and white children book, where oversimplification is the fundamental fabric of everything and i find it all very problematic, to say the least.
i understand the series started as a children book and that characterizing so generically and so stereotypically serves as a great advantage to sell copies, since virtually everyone can draw their own conclusions about pretty much every single character of the series and therefore identify, but hp more often than not proudly poses as a moral compass, as a good-vs-evil lecture, aiming to accompany children into adulthood hand in hand (both the books and the movies literally grow in tone, length, targeted audience and themes with the children who are consuming them), so it’s not unfair of me to be concerned about what exactly these morals have been teaching children and then teens (myself included) for more than twenty years about reality, even as a fantasy series.
i often say the characterizations of its heroes is the thing that scares me the most about the hp series. the entirely of the “good guys” in these books lack basic normal human reactions. they all went through hell one way or another, harry constantly witnessing every last one of his family relations dying/growing up abused and hated/discovering he was raised literally to be slaughtered by the man he looked up to the most, ginny being possessed/forced to kill/almost murdered in tender age by the literal devil and whose trauma is never mentioned again, hermione having to erase the memories of her parents - you know, the list goes on and on. the one thing that all of them have in common tho, is their non-consequence to horror. and that’s wildly unhuman. aside from a little sadness, some stubborn dementors chasing bad memories and sporadic plot-serving nightmares, none of the heroes is really effected or damaged by what happens to them. when normal people would have spiritual crisis, ptsd, depression, manic episodes, you name it, jkr is feeding us the idea that really good, brave, strong, valuable people remain unaffected by trauma and that only the weak, wrong, damaged and therefore evil ones are. and i find it beyond disturbing.
paradoxically enough, voldemort is the only prominent example (probably along with snape and draco, but in a very different way) of “normal” human behavior when a child is exposed that much to trauma and abuse in tender age. jkr never really explains voldermort beyond her rhetorical “he’s wickedness personified” motto, yet the little characterization she gave him is entirely built around trauma - a trauma that she openly equates to evil. voldemort is a child born out of rape (there’s a metaphorical love potion and therefore he’s unable to love - leaving aside the idiocy of it, how sick is that? as if a child should carry the faults of his parents, as if all children born from rape were emotionally disabled or soon to be psychopaths! what exactly she wanted to prove with this point will forever be beyond me), a child abandoned to abuse and poverty in the middle of ww2, a child i’m sure shunned for his magical powers if not worse, a child without a single resource on the planet but himself, a child to whom no one, ever, not even later in the wizarding world, ever gave a helping hand or genuine affection (he was literally sent back to a world war because “no one can live in the school in the summer”, i mean!). of course he had to react to survive, of course all that left him scarred, because it didn’t leave him annihiliated! tom and harry share the condition of the orphan, but while harry was loved by his dead parents, glorified and rich and adored, voldemort was unwanted, discriminated against, bullied, poor and ignored. had dumbledore treated tom as he had treated harry (not that he treated harry that well if we really analyze it, but still), had his mother not abandoned him and died, jkr herself said lord voldemort would have probably never existed.
is this a correct way to stereotype human nature? is this a good message to give children? the only plausible human in there is the psychopathic super villain who is physically unable to love?
i like to think voldermort differently. i do think he could, of couse he could, actually love - as we all can if we allow ourselves to. he’s too complex, too intelligent, too whole as a character to lack anything, both for the good and for the bad. i like to think that maybe amortentia (aka the entirety of his early life experiences) left him dissociated and unable to *understand* his feelings in general and love in particular. maybe he didn’t dare to love anyone. maybe he dared once.
i like to think this way because the way jkr characterizes is nothing short of a disgrace.
the question people ask me the most is precisely this, if i think i’m giving voldemort much more depth than the author actually intended in the first place. my answer is always the same - yes, of course i do. voldemort is beautiful the way i imagine him, as a real plausible person, as a deeply flawed and multifaceted and scarred human being who turned to darkness in search for a home and a reason and that had ultimately found one, as terrible as it was. he certainly deserved more, from a literary point of view. yet i understand it was convenient and safe for jkr to only ever play with his godly, evil, black and white facade.
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thebadgerclan · 4 years
Harry Potter Masterlist 1
 ** indicates smut
The Fourth Champion Masterlist
Harry Potter
Trapped-You’re trying to study, but Harry has other plans....
He Knows- You spend Christmas with Harry, but Sirius doesn’t know you’re dating...
His World- Harry doesn’t care that Snape’s your father....
Relax**- Harry’s stressed beyond belief....
A Few Firsts- Harry finally musters up the courage to ask you out....
A Lifetime Of Love- Harry’s never been told those 3 little words...
Can’t Hurt Us Anymore- Despite Voldemort’s death, Harry’s still afraid.  
Character Kinks
Just Feel**- Dumbledore’s lessons are too much....
Dreams**- Harry had a dream....
Spin The Bottle**- A game of spin the bottle reveals some long dormant feelings..
Today’s About You**- It’s Harry’s birthday...
Fought and Won**-The war is over...
Nothing Can Keep Us Apart**- Harry comes to you after the final battle...
Better Than Your Dream**- You make his dream come true...
Halloween- Halloween is a difficult day for Harry...
Regret (TW: SUIDIDE)- He feels nothing but stinging regret...
No One Could Compete- Harry gets inside his head sometimes...
Control**- He needs to feel in control...
Tomorrow**- There’s 2 sides to Harry...
Sex w/ Harry HCs**
Beautiful**- Harry’s always thought you couldn’t be more beautiful... he was wrong
That Good**- Whatever’s making you this needy today, Harry’s not questioning it
Better Than A Dorm**- After the Yule Ball, you know exactly where to go for a little alone time with your love....
Eighth Year- Harry returns for his eighth year..
Need You Now**- You finally get the chance to have him....
I’m Not Like My Father- You knew your relationship couldn’t stay secret forever
So Much More- After the Department of Mysteries, Harry feels conflicted...
Don’t Be Quiet**- Your kids are with Ron and Hermione for the weekend... 
Home To You**- After busting a cell of Death Eaters, Harry comes home...
Disrespect**-    Punishments can end in pleasure...
Hermione Granger 
Hermione Granger Smut HCs
James Potter
Broken Trust- James just couldn’t keep his mouth shut...
He’s Ready- After Voldemort attacks, James raises his son...
James Potter Smut HCs**
James As A Husband HCs
Lily Evans
Lily Evans Smut HCs**
Lily As A Wife HCs
Being Best Friends w/ Lily HCs
Fluffy/Random Lily HCs
Fred Weasley
Can’t Believe He’s Gone- Fred is there after your father’s death.
A Weasley In A Bookstore?- Fred sees the book you’ve wanted for weeks
Contradictions- Umbridge is just too much for Fred...
Redder Than His Hair- Y/N is shy, Fred is not
Amortentia’s Got Nothing On You- George’s usual teasings feel different on opening day.
Blame It On The Chocolate- Fred and Y/N and their late night O.W.L cramming
Now We Know**-Both you and Fred have wanted to try this for a while...
Intense**- Fred knows how to be intense..
Unattached**- You’re not a couple, that’s for sure.....
George Weasley 
Quarantined w/ George HCs
May 2nd- On the anniversary of the battle, there’s a ceremony....
No One Can Know- Y/N Malfoy has to sneak around to see her boyfriend
You’re Mine and I’m Yours**- George needs to forget....
Welcome Distraction- Jealousy boils over at Bill and Fleur’s wedding...
I’m Yours?- Usually calm and collected, for once in his life, George is nervous...
Ron Weasley
Run Out Of Adjectives- After Slytherin defeats Gryffindor again, you remind Ron why you fell in love with him...
Edge**- Ron is desperate...
Charlie Weasley
Romanian Internship**- Charlie got his internship...
Be Mine- Charlie is all you have....
Why Is The Box Moving?- Charlie gives Y/N her birthday present.
Something He Loves More Than Dragons**- Your first time with Charlie...
Bill Weasley
Mrs. Weasley- He never loved her....
Lucius Malfoy 
The Newest Malfoy- You meet Lucius after the war....
Resigned- You like Lucius, but he’ll never notice you...
Courtyard Brawl- Gone is the pureblood mania....
You’ve Changed Me- Lucius has changed since you first met.
I’d Take A Curse For You- While at the Manor, you and Lucius are ambushed.
Need You Now**- Lucius needs you now.....
Reliant**- Lucius’ surprise leaved you completely reliant on him.
Kind Of Sweet**- Lucius gets a bit carried away...
Draco Malfoy
Shaken Up- Draco gets very protective after Umbridge’s detention....
Making Up After A Fight HCs
I’d Rather Have The Snake- Y/N runs into her ex while out with Draco
Cuddling HCs
Nothing’s Working- Nothing Draco does is helping you feel better....
Always Take Care Of You- Draco is there when the world is too much
Flower**- You didn’t know what that flower did....
Newt Scamander
Loopy- This is why you don’t mess with an angry Thunderbird
Just Ask Her- Newt’s nervous to ask you something...
Alone In New York- Newt gets caught cheating
Angry Frank- Frank is angry and accidentally hurts Newt
The Demiguise Is Always Right- Dougal strikes again.....
Artemis Fido- The baby’s coming
Chaser- Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff
New York Niffler- The niffler’s loose in NYC
Trust The Demiguise- Newt’s creatures have become strangely protective of you...
Queenie’s Birthday- It’s Queenie’s birthday, and Newt’s pretty shy
Sweet Girl- The niffler’s finally asleep...
Mine Forever- After 20 years, he’s here...
Your Happiness- All he wants is your happiness...
Cedric Diggory 
People Die- You’re so afraid for Cedric....
Cedric As A Boyfriend HCs
Sleepy Ced- Y/N stays up studying in the common room
Owlet- Y/N is sick and Cedric takes are of her
Jealous HCs
Late Nights In The Library- Cedric is studying and Y/N is tired.
Stuck With Me- Cedric won’t stop until Y/N says she’ll go out with him
Neville Longbottom
The Cowardly Lion- Being stuck in the Room of Requirement isn’t so bad...
Never Thought You’d Notice**- He never thought you’d notice him...
This Moment**- Now just seems like the perfect time...
Dance Lessons- The best night of his life...
Cliche**- He wanted to wait...
Nymphadora Tonks
Bad Day- After a long, hard day, there’s no one you’d rather go home to...
Sirius Black
The Eagle and The Lion- Sirius tells you how he met your mom
Moments**- These moments are so rare
Then He Did- He won’t want you.......
Overprotective HCs
New Wardrobe- Cleaning the master suite comes with an unexpected surprise...
Judge Too Soon- Sirius’ first visit with your parents doesn’t go as smoothly as you’d hoped
Respect- You put Snape in his place....
Stay Away- Sirius would gladly date you, if only your mother would let you....
The Newest Black-Nothing could make him happier than he is right now...
Never Stopped-14 years may have passed, but you still love him..
Best Christmas Ever- Harry gets 2 big surprises this Christmas...
Belated- Sirius lands himself in detention on your anniversary....
Alive and Well- Sirius is home after 12 years...
One Second- One second was all it took....
Always Your Sister-James is emotional at your wedding...Keep reading
She’s Gotta Go- Walburga’s gotta go......
James’ Speech- James gives his best man speech at your wedding
Princess Sirius- Your daughter decided to turn your husband into a princess....
I Don’t Deserve This- Your first dance with your new husband
Angelic- Your number one fan is always there to support you.
Tease**- Sirius has had enough of your teasing
Harry Will Have A Friend- You share some good news after escaping Godric’s Hollow
Plaything- Severus doesn’t see your relationship with Sirius the way you do.....
Remember Who’s In Charge**- Cuddling takes a turn...
They’d Be Proud- Life before and after Voldemort’s attack
Silly Feuds- Sirius feels like an idiot....
5 Words- He doesn’t think he deserves you....
You’re Safe- You don’t want Sirius to go home....
Victory- Gryffindor wins the Quidditch cup, and Sirius is overjoyed..,
Complete- Your family’s growing.....
Finally A Family- Alexa’s first Christmas with her family all together...
She’ll Say Yes- Sirius is a nervous mess
All That She Needs- You have all that you need
Lovable Idiot- Sirius gets into another fight
Not A Disgrace- Sirius’ mother makes it plain how she feels
Too Dangerous- Sirius wants to meet his daughter
Part 2:Long Awaited- Sirius finally meets his daughter
First Time __  HCs
Guard Dog- James is a bit protective of his little sister.....
Family Name- Being a Malfoy casts an impression, and not a very good one
Not So Bad- Sirius meets your parents
He’s Alright- You haven’t heard from Sirius in weeks....
More Often**- Sirius and you switch things up
The Fifth Marauder-Why can’t he see?
Part 2: Someone Like Me- He finally sees what he’s been blind to.
Stick To Maroon- You’re tutoring a 2nd year...
On The Desk**-The meeting’s finally over...
Living With Sirius HCs
Nobody Else- He’s home...
10 Sickles- Bets were made...
Movie Night- James wants to watch a horror movie...
Space- You and Sirius don’t see eye to eye on this
New Relationships- Lily and James won’t admit they have chemistry....
Run Away- Sirius needs to see you
Whole Once More- Sirius never knew....
Second Chances- Your first date with Sirius doesn’t go as planned
Revenge- Y/N is hexed...
Strong- Nightmares haunt him
Lion in a Sea of Badgers- Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff
Sirius x Hufflepuff HCs
Secrets- Sirius learns some new things about his girlfriend
Whenever You’re Ready- We all have our bad days...
Leave-Sirius breaks out and finds you...
Nighttime Confessions- The night of Sirius’ discovery...
Nearly- After the Department of Mysteries
I Prefer Red- Y/N spends Christmas with the Blacks
Snitching- Y/N just wants to see Sirius smile
Cake At Midnight- You want cake, but it’s midnight
Twice Obliviated- Y/N sees her ex while out with Sirius
My Three Girls- And baby makes 4...
We’ll Be Alright- This was unexpected...
Mother’s Day- The Black’s first Mother’s Day
Care- Y/N gets sick at an Order meeting
She’s Perfect- James, Lily, and Remus come to meet your daughter
You’re Mine- Despite being your boyfriend, Sirius still flirts with other girls
This is Not A Date- Y/N and Sirius aren’t on a date, they’re 3rd and 4th wheeling.
Protecting His Girls- Your daughter’s had nightmares ever since she found a boggart in her closet.
Welcome To The Order- Y/N is finally inducted into the Order, and finds more than friendship.
Worth The Wait- Sirius finally gets what he’s waited 12 years for.
Night Off- While at a bar on her night off, Y/N meets a less than friendly man, and one that’s pretty okay.Keep reading
Lightning Muses- As a storm rages outside, Y/N reflects on memories with her lover and Harry
Revelations At The Order- Y/N finds more than she thought she would at an Order meeting.
Rage**- An Order meeting goes wrong....
Don’t Speak**- Sirius sent you a patronus with instructions, and you’re not about to question them
Take Care Of Me**- You need to let go for a while....
Forgive You**- Sirius and you have an argument...
Dirty Girl**- You tease Sirius at an Order meeting....
They’ll Be Alright- After Voldemort attacks, Rose is raised by Lily and James...
Time To Think- After a spat, you need time to think...
Yours Forever- Sirius always held onto hope...
Young Sirius Smut HCs**
The Best Day Of His Life- He’s always wanted kids, that hasn’t changed in 12 years....
Remus Lupin
Actually Bathe**- Remus looks so relaxed...
Boggart: Version 1**, Version 2**-You thought you could do it
Nothing Left- Everyone he loves is gone
Storm**- Rainy mornings are sometimes the best....
Overprotective Remus x Sister HCs
Remus Meeting Parents HCs
Proud- Remus is proud of how well you did on an assignment...
Student’s Favorite- Remus doesn’t believe that the Hogwarts students love him as much as they do....
Remus x Herbology Professor HCs
Learn To Knock- Harry apparently doesn’t know how to knock.....
Her Wolf- Much like a wolf, Remus won’t give up until he has you....
Too Easy- Sometimes, you’re able to forget about the war.....
Mystery Wolf- Remus won’t rest till he finds this mystery wolf....
Rough One- You care for Remus after the full moon..
Ruined Surprises- You open the package that came, unaware of what it was.
Remus x Pureblood Slytherin HCs
You Love Her Like A Sister, I Love Her Like A...- Even though James knows about your relationship, he still isn’t a fan of what he sees....
Took You Long Enough- Remus’ confession has been a long time coming....
Who Else?- Remus adores you, but Lily is very protective of you...
Moony and Puck- You never found your soulmate in Salem...
Unrepairable- Remus made an irreversible decision...
Lovesick Wolf- Remus us always so shy around you....
With A Little Help From Lily- Remus has liked you for 4 years, and finally acts on it...
Forgotten By Morning- After a few butterbeers, Remus lets something slip...
Her Muse- You’re hard at work on your latest creation
Admit It- Despite overwhelming evidence, Remus does not believe he cheats at games.....
Coffee and Chocolate-N.E.W.T week is here.....
Recovery- Remus’ recovery after the full moon
The Wolf Can Skate- Remus agrees to an ice skating date....
All Was Golden- Important moments seem to happen at sunset
Better- Remus makes a bad day better
So Much Easier- Remus discovers a way to make the full moon easier
Yearly Occurrence- It’s time for the Yule Ball again
Being Quarantined with Remus HCs
Gorgeous Girl- You’re late for a double date
The Order Can Wait**- Remus wants you now
Shut Up and Kiss Me- You need to study, Remus disagrees
Don’t Let Them Hear**- A little fun at the Order
Makes Me Sick- Y/N has to fake-date for a mission, Remus is not happy
Kindly Fuck Off- Tonks is getting a little too comfortable....
Not The First Time- Your brew amortentia with your best friend, what could go wrong?
I Think....- This can’t be a coincidence
No Music Needed- It’s been a long day..
I’m Home- Remus has been away for 2 weeks....
Head Girl- Sirius loves Y/N, so does Remus
The Perfect Moment- Remus is anxious at an Order meeting...
Her First Moon- It’s Y/N’s first full moon...
Please Understand- Remus never told Y/N about his “furry little problem”...
Lucky- When everything seems wrong, Remus makes it feel alright.
After The Full Moon- Y/N knows that each moon affects Remus differently, she’s there for him every time.
See The Goodness**- Remus doesn’t think he’s all you know him to be....
Scruff**-Remus decided to grow out his beard....
All The Work**-You teased Remus for the whole class...
Desperation**- You’re both desperate when Remus comes home...
Git- Severus Snape, you’ve decided, is a git.
Being Married To Remus/Remus As A Father HCs
Like His Mother- You help raise Teddy after the war....
Cure- Y/N is tired of seeing Remus suffer...
Possessive**- The full and pollen, what could go wrong?
Face Tomorrow- The future is so uncertain...
Pup- The newest Lupin....
Moony, Padfoot, and Prongs- Christmas with your family....
Feral**- The wolf in him comes out...
Before and After- Before and after the full..
Remus During Your Pregnancy HCs
Nowhere To Be- There’s nothing quite like cuddling during a storm...
Travelling The World w. Remus HCs
Young Remus Fluffy HCs
You Stop, I Stop**- What can he say?  You turn him on...
The Wolf’s Wedding Night**- The full’s coming up, and Remus is needy...
His Favorite Time Of Day- Mornings are his favorite time of day...
Young Remus Smut HCs**
Luna- Remus has never been more in love...
Yours**- He won’t let them hurt you...
Alpha**- You need your alpha...
The Wolf and The Hound- Remus is so nervous....
Trust- Your trust is what makes your relationship strong, and what keeps the sex good...
How The Marauders + Lily react to you and Remus Having a Baby and Naming them after them HCs
Severus Snape
Damned First Years**- He’s had enough of those damned first years....
Sir**- You know you made a mistake, you you know you’ll pay for it....
Stress Relief**- Severus knows how stressed you’ve been...
Devoted- You prove Severus’ alliances...
She Won’t Last- Umbridge’s punishments are taking a toll....
Now I Have It- Christmas morning in the Snape house.....
Want You Close- Severus doesn't want to get up.....
Severus x Triwizard Champion HCs
What I See- Severus thinks you deserve better...
Welcome To The World- You go into labor while Severus is supervising detention....
Bets- A game of truth or dare....
Would Have Been An Unforgivable- Lockhart, ever the idiot, has once again gone too far....
I Won’t Let Him- Your ex is out of prison....
Lake Nights- You’re supposed to spend the night with Severus, but it’s such a nice night....
Part 2: Little Tease**-Severus has had enough of your teasing….
Potion Master’s Mistake- Even Severus makes mistakes....
Hidden Feelings- What exactly is the potions master feeling?
Part 2: Unforgettable**-Hidden feelings are finally revealed
I Will Be Here- After 16 years......
Another Year, Another Ball- You reflect on the year at the Yule Ball....
Call Me Severus- Potter’s payback.......
Never Stood A Chance- Severus is very protective of what’s his.
Professor In The Making- You hang out in Severus’ classroom after giving birth to your second child...
Snape’s What?- The students had no idea....
Time and Space- Severus wants to get to know you better....
Be Okay- Your mother has quite a bit to say
Almost Discovered- He almost found out....
Good Night’s Sleep- Madame Pomfrey has a rule that you detest....
Body Worship HCs
Married To A Whale- Your robes don’t fit like they used to...
Overworked- You’re overworked and Sevuers takes notice
Break- Everyone has a breaking point....
Forgive Me- Severus and you fight, and some words are said
Never Doubt It- You plan a picnic for Severus
My First Priority- When the crowd becomes too much, Severus is there
Won’t Let You Fall- You take Severus home for vacation....
My Good Girl**- Severus has been waiting for you....
One Sided- Your feelings aren’t as one sided as you thought..
Guilt**- Severus feels guilty for last night...
Perfection- Severus shows you how beautiful you really are.
If It Weren’t May- You’ve picked up crocheting during quarantine
Something Different**- Sev wants to try something new...
Bedrest Is Boring- You’re on bedrest, but you’re lonely
Lonely No Longer- Severus needs to meet his soulmate
Birthday Presents**- Severus gives you a birthday surprise
The Potion Master’s Soulmate- Snippets of your life as Severus’ soulmate
Free Period**- Severus wants to see you after class...
Another Love- Severus has never had pizza before...
Get This Right- Why does Severus know so much about creatures?
Movie Night- Y/N convinces Severus to watch The Notebook
The Afterlife Awaits- It’s time for Severus to go...
Any Worse- All you wanted was to get Severus some new vials...
Damaged Souls- Y/N still remembers, but has yet to tell Severus
Don’t Be Shy- Severus has never been caught pleasuring himself, until now
Part 2: Dreams Come True- Severus had a dream you are all to happy to make reality
Calming Stars- A stupid argument....
Anti-Venom- Of course the potions master lived, he could put a stopper in death after all...
Not Ideal- Y/N has feelings for Snape, but knows she can’t...
Christmas Surprise- You’ve changed....
Morning Discoveries- She’s not a Seer, but she can still read tea leaves...
Loss- Y/N’s kitten passes away...
Horrible People- You’ve had enough of the marauders
I Will Wait- Severus says something he will regret for the rest of his life
Sketches- Severus finds your hidden talent
Very Early- Severus notices some things...
The Reason- Severus meets his soulmate, he’s not happy
You?-You finally meet your soulmate..
You Can Do This- Your first day as Charms teacher isn’t going as planned...
Meeting The Dark Lord- You’re invited to a ball hosted by none other than the Dark Lord himself
Nighttime Confessions- The night of Sirius’ discovery...
Bland- Y/N meets the Order’s double agent
Thanks Seamus- Seamus’ habit of setting things on fire is actually helpful for once...
The Perfect Life- Your daughter is sick.....
“Detention”-Y/N is caught fighting....
For Him- Y/N will do what she must to protect Severus
Potions Master- It’s that time of the month
Do It For You-Mad-Eye is dead...
Finally-Y/N shared some good news...
Make Her Pay- Umbridge has gone too far...
Unexpected- Y/N is pregnant, and the students try to guess who’s it is
Unicorn Incidents- While teaching, Y/N gets hurt...
Marriage Material- Y/N’s first order meeting as Severus’ wife.
All That Matters- Y/N is ill, and Severus thinks he can help her
Imbeciles- One of the twins pranks doesn’t go as planned
Quiet- Y/N is shy, but she’s still got a lot to say
More Than She’ll Ever Know- After all these years, your mother still makes sure you know how she feels
I Am Alive- Y/N has horrific nightmares about the night she almost lost her husband
Give Me A Chance?- Y/N’s Liked Severus since 4th year
Can We Start Over?- Y/N’s on her way to Hogwarts from Ilvermorny, knowing who she’ll see when she arrives.
Ensnared By Her Voice- Y/N is a singer who returns to Hogwarts to perform, while there, she catches the eye of an old flame.
The Python’s Failure- After Nagini strikes, Snape manages to make it to Madame Pomfrey, much to the relief of Y/N
Realizations**- Severus waits a bit too long to act on his feelings…
I Expected More**- Severus decides to add something new to your dynamic...
But I Want You- Severus is the only one you want...
Always Be Right Here**- Sometimes, Severus needs to be taken care of...
What Would She Say?**- Severus has a little fun at dinner with your mother..
Exhaustion**- Severus has been brewing for over 12 hours...
Anything- After a long night, Severus takes care of you
He Knows**- You broke a rule...
Can’t Tell You Enough**-Severus finally tells you how he feels...
Dessert**- Severus’ birthday has never been a big affair...
Anniversary- Severus tries to cook dinner for your anniversary.......
Dunderhead- Your daughter says her first word, and it’s not what you expected...
A Little Threatened- Severus is jealous of your birthday present...
Mistake-Severus forgets that you’re still young..
Chasing A Comet- You thought his obsession with Lily was fading..
Independence Day- You invite Severus to visit you for the 4th of July..
That Type Of Day**- Severus has been wanting you all day..
By Your Side- When one of the twins’ pranks goes wrong, Severus is there
Every Word Is True- This is the first Valentine's Day Severus isn’t dreading
Firewhiskey- Severus finally makes his move
Mrs. Snape**- Severus’s wedding day...
Books and Potions- You’ve had enough of the Marauders...
Finally Home- You’ve been away for 3 months...
The Dark Lord’s Ball- Severus has kept you sheltered from The Dark Lord, he is not pleased with that....
Raise A Child- When Remus brings his newborn son to Hogwarts, it brings a revelation upon Severus...
Someone Better- Severus is worried you’ll find someone new on your travels...
Don’t Make A Sound**- You need to be quiet...
N.E.W.T Class- He’s always refrained from yelling at your best friend, until today, that is....
Be Yours- He knows it’s wrong, but he can’t help but be attracted to you...
Stressful Week**- Severus knows how to help you relax..
Severus Snape As A Father HCs
Not A Bit- Severus isn’t in pain anymore, this is news to you...
The Serpent and The Falcon- Severus reads your latest interview...
Potent**- After a Herbology incident, there’s only one person you need...
All She Wants**- After the duelling club, Severus is the only thing on your mind...
Want It Too- He knew his feelings weren’t one-sided...
Different Yet Alike- Though you are different, you are also like your mother....
Horror Movies- You don’t like horror movies, but you’ll watch them for Severus...
What Do You Need?**(TW: SEXUAL ASSULT MENTION)- Severus knows that this may be difficult for you...
First**- You want him, all of him..
Truly Be Yours- Even though it was a potion, he still felt the same...
Gone- You were the best thing to ever happen to him...
How Long I’ve Waited**- He’s waited for this for years....
Why Me?**- His feelings contradict one another...
Beloved**- Severus spoils you on your birthday....
Under The Desk**- You have a little fun with Severus...
My Perfect Man- You know exactly what he needs to hear...
Lay His Claim- Severus can finally take you out...
Won’t Be Gentle**- He can’t wait, he needs you now...
Cruel Misfortune- Though you want him, Eileen comes first...
Anything For You- You take care of Severus when he’s sick...
Five**- When Severus comes home tense, you know how to help him relax...
Sidetracked**- Severus was going to finish a potion, he really was...
No One I’d Rather Have- Neither of your dates were going well...
Show**- Severus wanted to spend the day with you, but you certainly made up for your absence...
His Angel Of Music- Hogwarts’ production of The Phantom Of The Opera...
Putting Him Back Together- Severus knows you’ll take care of him...
Assistant- Severus’ assistant helps him in more ways than one...
Defend- They won’t hurt him, not while you’re around...
Bringing Him Back- He’s never wanted to come back, not until now...
Internship- He’s going to miss you so much...
Part 2: Reunited- 7 months later...
Alps**- You needed this week away...
St. Mungos- The sole upside to being bitten by a python...
Silence**- Severus adores teasing, just not here...
Memories**- A walk down memory lane.
Nice and Slow**- Relaxation with your lover...
Bat- Severus didn’t know your Patronus changed...
Needless Worries- Severus loves you more than he could ever love her...
Little Game**- Severus decides to play a little game with you...
Wizard Flu- The Wizard Flu hits Hogwarts...
Wanted For A While**- Severus has wanted to try this...
Little Flower-Severus doesn’t sing, but he will for Iris...
First Time __ With Severus HCs
Retaliation- After becoming close with Severus, he won’t stand the Marauders’ bullying anymore...
Vigilant- Severus would never be unfaithful, not of his own free will...
Want You, Need You**- 5 months, and he hasn’t touched you...
Busy Day**- Your husband surprises you on your break...
Nothing To Forgive- Severus knows you’d never hurt him...
Beneficial**- Your period isn’t all that bad...
Severus Snape x reader x Harry Potter
Chastity**- While he loves his submissives dearly, sometimes, punishment is needed... Severus loves you more than he could ever love her...
Remus x Sirius x Reader
Join The Pack- They both want you...
Virgin Reader HCs**
My World**- Remus made Sirius wait...
Just Had To See Her**- Remus was helping an old friend into the castle...
Severus Snape x Lucius Malfoy x Reader
One Is Hard, Two Is Hell- Severus and Lucius are Called, and you can’t sleep...
How they react to a S/O who hasn’t had the best sexual experiences
How they deal with jealousy within their relationship 
My Prince**- Severus is needy after a long day
Real Man**- Lucius is appalled that a man’s never make you come...
James Potter x Reader x Sirius Black
General HCs 
Charm**- Flitwick’s newest charm can be used for multiple purposes...
Mrs. Potter-Black**- This is the happiest day of your life....
Sweet Tooth- They lost sight of you for 5 minutes...
Remus Lupin x Reader x James Potter
General HCs 
My Mates**- You’ve never been with Remus this close to the full...
Marriage, Children, Etc. HCs
Cedric Diggory x Reader x Harry Potter
So Proud- Both of your boys made it out safe...
Little Lion Cub**- Harry needs him.....
Easter Holiday**- Cedric makes good on his promise...
Fred Weasley x Reader x Geroge Weasley
Anything For Our Girl**- The twins want to try something new with you...
Test Subjects**- Your boys bring home some new products.....
Draco Malfoy x reader x Harry Potter
New Pleasures**- Harry’s a little reluctant...
Ron Weasley x reader x Harry Potter
Promotions**- Ron celebrates Harry’s promotion...
James Potter x reader x Lily Evans
Show Me**- You may be inexperienced, but that’s not going to stop her, or James for that matter...
Spoiled- A day in Hogsmeade with your loves...
Happy Birthday To Me**- James’ birthday surprise...
Harry Potter x reader x Hermione Granger
For Now-It’s finally over....
James Potter x Lily Evans x reader x Remus Lupin
We’re Here Now- Remus is cared for after the full moon by his three loves..
Marriage, Sex, Children, Etc. Hcs
Urgent**- Thank Merlin for the Room of Requirement...
Relaxation**- After a long week, you loves know how to help you relax...
We’re Not Done Yet**- Your three lovers know exactly how to make you feel good...
Hour**- You each get an hour...
Build You Up- No matter what people say, Lily and James are always there...
How They Got Together HCs
We Want You**- It’s all you’ve thought about for days...
What Have We Here?**- Who said getting walked in on was a bad thing?
How They React To You and Lily Being Pregnant At The Same Time
Having Triplets HCs
Sending Their Kids To Hogwarts HCs
Honeymoon Smut HCs**
How Long’s It Been?**- What would you do without Sirius?
James Potter x Sirius Black x reader x Remus Lupin
Does She Know?- He just wanted to keep you safe...
Harry Potter x Severus Snape 
Under No Circumstances- Harry knows how difficult it is...
Need To Let Go**- After a hard day, Harry needs to let go...
Lucius Malfoy x Severus Snape
Sweet Prince**- While he knows he is loved, he still worries his lover’s heart isn’t entirely his...
James Potter x Lily Evans
Gryffindor Wins**- After the Quidditch Cup....
First In A Few Ways**- He’s her first in a few ways...
Lily Evans x reader x Sirius Black
Back To Normal- After the full, Sirius is exhauted...
Marauders + Lily Assorted Favorites
731 notes · View notes
fanficflaneuse · 4 years
Let Me See It
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A/N: So this is my very first Harry Potter imagine ever (it is, in fact, my very first fanfic ever). I’ve got a few things to say before we start. First, if anyone read the very long rant I wrote the other day (my first Tumblr post ever lol), I haven’t read all the books yet and I haven’t watched all the movies either. I’m currently on the third book. Why would I write a sixth year Draco imagine when I have virtually no canon idea about it? Well, my friends, I’ve read a lot of fanfiction and imagines about it so I kind of have all the main plot points and I wanted to give it a go. It’s absolutely self indulgent. Hopefully once I’ve finished all of the books my writing gets better. Also, English is not my first language, so if you find any mistakes, please tell me and I’ll correct it :) I hope it’s not too bad and I really hope you like it. 
Draco Malfoy x Reader (She/her pronouns...If this goes right I’ll try my best to write gender neutral as well). 
Word count: 1529 
Summary: The reader is Harry’s friend and in a secret sort of relationship with Draco. She is the one who’s hit by the sectumsempra spell and wakes up in the hospital wing to an angsty/fluffy situation. 
Warnings: my terrible writing, some angst, some fluff, perhaps a lot of wordiness, sectumsempra, soft Draco. 
When (Y/N) woke up, she felt as though she had been drowning and could finally take a breath. Her whole body ached and her chest felt tender in the worst of ways, open even. Engrossed in the sensations, she didn’t pay much attention to her surroundings at first. Then she felt the raspy fabric of the infirmary’s bed and it all came back to her. The commotion in the bathroom, spells casted and dodged, the water gushing from the broken sinks, Moaning Myrtle’s shrieks…even remembering it gave her a headache. 
When Harry had rushed to the girl’s bathroom, (Y/N) had been quick to follow him. When she got there, her best friend was already casting spells towards the boy she fancied. Draco seemed distraught. He was dishevelled and unkempt. He had grown thin and he was so pale that the bags under his eyes stood out. Shaking as he held his wand, he looked as though he was in the midst of a panic attack.
(Y/N) had noticed all of this, of course. Whenever they met he’d brush it off by telling her he was going through something rough. She had an idea of what it might have been, she had discussed it countless times with Harry (Ron and Hermione would usually dismiss them when they brought the topic up). So, when they had their secret rendezvous in the Astronomy Tower, she’d hold him as he cried. They’d talk about dreams and interests. They’d imagine different futures together. Sometimes they’d snog. Shyly or passionately, it’d feel wonderful until he’d tell her how it was dangerous for her, how he carried baggage she didn’t deserve. They weren’t a couple, but they certainly were past the “friends” category.
Seeing him standing there, standing helplessly against a sink, (Y/N) felt her heart shatter. She had to do something. Fast.
Draco wasn’t even thinking at the moment, casting spells left and right and making sure none of Potter’s hit him. Conjuring the first thing that came to mind, he was about to cast an unforgivable when he saw her, his beautiful (Y/N), standing wide eyed just a few steps away from Potter. He was about to tell her to leave when the scene unfolded in front of his eyes as if in slow motion. He saw (Y/N) running towards him, pushing him out of the way as Potter casted a spell he had never heard of. He heard her name leave Potter’s lips in a sob when she was hit. He saw her fall, lifeless, as her blood poured from her chest. He saw him running towards her, taking her in his arms. It all seemed unreal.
Then he heard Potter sobbing, babbling, begging her to wake up: “(Y/N/N), (Y/N/N) please, open your eyes. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry”.
He held her to his chest. And Draco, enraged and panicked, ran towards both of them.
“What did you do, Potter? Fix it, fix it I am begging you,” he pleaded as he tried to take (Y/N) from his arms.  She was growing paler by the minute, her uniform soaked in so much blood it made Draco sick.
“Don’t touch her, death eater,” he spat as he rocked her back and forth in his chest and sobbed.
“Fix it!” he barked.
“I…I don’t know how,” babbled Harry, holding even tighter to his best friend.
They both looked at her helplessly, hoping for a miracle. Guilt-ridden, Draco started sobbing as well. He fancied her. Merlin, he could even swear he loved her. She saw the good in him when nobody else had bothered to even try. She overlooked how nasty he had been to her friends and even to her in the past. She showed him the meaning of true friendship, opened her heart to him to give him nothing but love and care. By her side, he started considering different ways of conceiving the world. She believed in him as he evolved into a person who hated everything the mark under on his left forearm meant. In the last year and a half, (Y/N) had become the person he probably cared for the most (apart from his parents, if the Dark Mark was a testament to something). Now she was there, bleeding on the cold, wet floor of Myrtle’s bathroom as the two boys and the ghostly girl sobbed for her.
After what seemed like hours, the miracle did come…in the form of Professor Snape. He quickly chanted a counter spell he had never heard of either. Draco concluded his aunt Bellatrix wasn’t a very good teacher as she was the one who taught him every Dark spell he knew. With one icy glare, Snape got Harry to let go of (Y/N) and took her to the hospital wing. Both boys followed behind him, their bloodied clothes alarming the whole school.
Three days later, both of them were still there, glaring at each other, waiting for (Y/N) to wake up. There were times when Draco thought she’d stay in her stupor forever. He buried his face in his hands, feeling empty and guilty, until he heard a gasp. She had woken up.
Draco rushed from his seat and took her hand. Harry had done just the same. As she squeezed both their hands, Draco and Harry shared a sigh.
“I am so sorry, (Y/N/N). I didn’t – “
“Don’t even start, Harry. I’ll scold you later,” (Y/N) interrupted. Even though she felt tired, (Y/N)’s voice had a bit of playfulness in it, which humoured Harry and brought warmth into Draco’s heart. (Y/N) gave Harry a meaningful look; her way of telling him she needed to talk to the Slytherin in private. He gave her a curt nod, not very convinced, but still let go of her hand.
“I’ll come later with Ron and ‘Mione,” he said.
Draco gave him a thankful nod as Harry closed the curtain around them. His heart was pounding hard as silence engulfed them again. Their eyes met. He felt relieved that she was with him, but also uneasy and guilty. (Y/N)’s eyes travelled to his left arm. She swallowed hard.
“Let me see it,” she said, her voice devoid of emotion.
Draco held his breath. His eyebrows furrowed in sorrow. He didn’t put up a fight when (Y/N) took his arm and gently pushed his sleeve up. (Y/N) knew what she would probably find under the sleeve. She thought she was prepared. And, of course, she wasn’t. She gasped loudly as she saw the black snake protruding from a skull’s mouth. She looked at the blond Slytherin, feeling the pain and disappointment seeping from her gaze, as well as a couple of tears. He didn’t meet her eyes. He was ashamed. The guilt, the pain, and the self-hatred were eating him up.
(Y/N) saw a few tears silently slipping from his eyes and her heart broke again. Draco sobbed. He was certain he had lost her now.
“I am so sorry, (Y/N/N). They made me do it. I had no choice…He’s going to kill my parents and I can’t –,” his pathetic little apology was cut short by his sobs. He was certain he was a bad person, but having to hold himself accountable in front of the one person that truly saw him for who he was felt unbearable.
He felt (Y/N)’s fingers gently caressing the dreadful mark. He mustered all of his courage to look at her and found a sympathetic expression that made him feel better. She pulled him to her and he gave her a hug. Draco started crying again.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. This is all my fault,” he cried, bringing her closer to his chest as though she could disappear any minute.
She pushed him just a little, enough to allow her hands to travel to his face and clean his tears with her thumbs.
“Shh, Dray. Don’t cry. I know that mark isn’t you. I trust it isn’t you. I know you wouldn’t join them on your own volition,” she soothed.
(Y/N) made room for him on her bed and he slither in, careful not to hurt her in any way. He buried his face on (Y/N)’s neck as she whispered sweet nothings in his ear. She caressed his hair gently as Draco sniffled. He was still heavyhearted, but she felt like home and it made his heart swell.
She thought about making him promise to make it right, to fight by her side. But she felt tired. Her body still ached. And, regardless of the circumstances, snuggling up to him felt wonderful. So, she closed her eyes and blurted out the first thing that came to her mind.
“I love you,” she said almost inaudibly. Draco was so close he heard alright. He couldn’t believe she had actually said those three words for the first time under the circumstances. He didn’t hesitate to answer back.
“I love you too, (Y/N/N)”.
When Madam Pomfrey came around and opened the curtain, she found both (Y/N) and Draco fast asleep. Draco’s face was very close to (Y/N)’s neck. One of her hands was still buried in his platinum hair. And they looked so peaceful, the healer could only close the curtain and let them rest.
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keepcalm-and-beyou · 4 years
Serial Killer Boyfriend
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YoungFP x Reader
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Werewolves howl, Phantoms prowl, where witches go riding and black cats are seen, the moon full and bright whispers tis Halloween. 
It feels like magic in the night when you see the pumpkins light. Time for the ghouls and ghost to seek goodies, for people hoping for treats not tricks. 
Halloween time in our town with pep. Everyone from school invited and some not invited to this years Spooktacular Party surely must be getting ready as i am. 
🎃Now I have a story that I'd like to tell About this guy you all know him, he had me scared as hell! He comes to me at night after I crawl into bed He's burnt up like a weenie and his name is Fred!🎃  
As A nightmare on my street song plays on my radio I apply my lipstick and smile when the song mentions the name Fred as it makes me think of my friend Fred Andrews, i also cant help but love the nightmare on elm street movie. Freddy Kruger what an intense killer to get you in your precious dreams i hope they make more movies like that. A noise interrupted my thoughts slightly making me jump. heading towards where it had come from i look out my window to the left then right side seeing some children running around on my street dressed up in their costumes trick or treating, the street lights shinned on my street sign that read ELM STREET. 
Thinking the noise must of been from those who are outside simply wanting candy i turn away from the half way open window i scream as i felt something grab my arm from where the window was i turn fast to face it seeing my boyfriend trying to climb through the window. I let a relived sigh leave my lips and step back in no mood to help him through my window but to watch his struggle he sure deserves it after that stunt. 
“Thank for the help babe” FP says sarcastically while finally getting him self through my window his eyes not yet even looking really at me until he stands up straight turning to fully face where i was standing by my bedroom wall. 
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FP’s eyebrows raised in what looked like surprise “Wow babe, damn you look good not like that’s anything new” 
“Well i tried thank you, uh what are you suppose to be, some poor victim of a serial killer stabbing, some messed up boy with mommy issues and a daddy who just doesn't seem to love him the same these days who has a issue filled girlfriend that seems so awkward all the time who probably kills his own girlfriend because ya know always some bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend, he must of watched way to many movies” I ask him as he slowly creeps closer to where i have been standing. This is when i notice the knife in his hand. It sure don’t look like the typical cheap fake ones used for such things as Halloween costumes. That makes me raise an eyebrow at the sharp metal in his hand. Fps eyes caught my reaction to his choice in accessory for his costume and he smirks getting closer to me. 
“Nah babe this blood is of my victims” he smirks wider as his eyes seem to burn into mine “I’m the killer” he adds while he brings his knife up to his bottom lip resting it there. 
“Shit does that mean i’m the girlfriend you want to kill for some bullshit reason” i fake seriousness.
“Hmm I think ill keep you around you look to good to ruin that tight outfit” he smirks checking me out. 
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“Thanks. Oh and next time use the front door you ass”
“Did i give you a fright” FP stalks even closer to just inches apart. Like he is  stalking his prey. I deny that he frightened me and i lightly push him backwards from my bubble of space done with his creepy killer vibes in my bedroom and wanting to get my party on. 
Walking out my front door like a normal none creepy person uses i turn to FP “Your not really gonna walk around with that legit knife are you, because that seems like big ole trouble to me” 
“You have no idea” FP says quietly but loud enough to hear him. I watch as he passes by me down my steps and put the knife into a holster on his jeans.
“Wait what?” I ask confused on his statement. only for him to act as if he never heard me. 
I spot a boy who looks like our friend a small ways down coming from his front lawn as we approach and it is indeed my best guy friend! 
“Oh my gosh Fred i love it i absolutely approve of this years choice in costume” I say excitedly going to hug him not caring for his eyes to slightly open wider at my revealing chest area. 
“You look.. uh wow yeah wow a good wow very good wow” Fred rambled 
“Watch it Fred” FP warned in what seemed to be a half joke half serious threat as he slaps Fred’s check lightly and they do a quick bro hug. 
“Awe my guys, my killer boyfriend and killer best friend, my Freddy as Freddy i love it, glad you didn’t go with a mask of Freddy Kruger though i prefer your pretty face” I smack Fred on the same cheek FP had done. 
“I knew you would” Fred smiles. 
“Okay i could use a drink and Hiram douche as rich as he is must have plenty at his party so hurry up move it along” FP says nodding his head ahead of us indicating for us to start walking that way. 
Hiram Lodge, rich and rude mostly describes him. someone who many of us don’t particularly like. Fred dislikes him for many reasons one being Hermione Gomez the girl Fred was into and thought she could be the one. Until she chose Hiram and his pearls over Fred and his heart. FP dislikes him for many of the same reasons Fred does but one being Me the ex girlfriend of Hiram, I thought he could be the one until our once fun filled relationship turned into a cold one into a distant one into me choosing FP over Hiram. But hey a party with free booze is our kind of party and we got the invite well me and Fred did anyways. 
Walking through the streets of Riverdale seeing all the Halloween decorations like the lights from jack-o lanterns and ghosts hanging from trees, feeling the chilling vibes of the magic that is Halloween night run through my body, the feel of a cold hand in mine making me smile at my serial killer looking boyfriend. 
I watch as few children pass us by seeing the looks shared by Fred and FP raising my eyebrow at what they could be thinking then suddenly the two teenagers yell and jump forward towards the little kids scaring them making the children scream and run off. Rolling my eyes at the two men in front of me laughing like hyenas. 
“Real mature boys” I say unimpressed at the child like behaviour 
“Its Halloween y/n lighten up” Fred laughs 
“Yeah babe its meant to be scary” FP adds
“True but no need to terrorise little kids” I shake my head at them. And continue our walk.
Nearing the house holding the Halloween party hosted by Hiram i notice some familiar faces as much as i can being with all the Halloween costumes. my eyes came upon sierra dressed as wonder woman, a perfect costume for her and her girl power woman on a mission thing she has going on. a short distance a way as well seeing tom Keller in a army costume, another typically perfect costume for the boy.
The outside of the house isn't much decorated i try to push through some of my fellow classmates with FP and Fred hot on my tail walking through the front doors. I’m impressed by what my eyes are seeing the many outstanding lights making the house look like a nightclub ready for teenagers to dance the night away, i see Halloween theme streamers and garland, hanging bats all over the roof of the house, your typical mini orange pumpkins and some painted black placed on tables, and my favourite of all the creepy images on the walls that change. 
“Boy Hiram of course with all the crap” FP looks around at all the decorations as i was. “Think he’s compensating for something Fred” FP chuckles looking to Fred who’s standing next to him. Fred laughs at his best friends remark. 
“No comment” I smirk barley looking towards FP to see his glare thrown my way. 
“Speak of the devil” Fred nods his head to where Hiram is walking towards us. Hiram lodge strolls head high nearing us wearing a medieval king costume, it makes me want to laugh at another super typical costume for the boy who think’s he is a real king, only kind of royal he happens to be is a royal pain in the ass. 
“Well well well a sight for sore eyes, in all her black beauty” Hiram steps closely in front of me with that stupid smirk and ignorant eyes. I simply fake a big smile as my only response. 
“Fred” Hiram greets in a major Hiram way that doesn't sound very greeting like. so Fred does the same. My eyes moves back and fourth between the two and landing on Hiram as his eyes land on my exposed chest thanks to my Elvira costume. This doesn't go unnoticed by my serial killer boyfriend who steps in front of me chest puffed out and eyes murdering the rich man who only smirks more at the exchange. 
“Ah FP Jones i do believe you were not sent an invite but by all means enjoy my humble adobe, oh but please don’t let your serpent behaviour disturb my gathering” 
“Hiram” is heard from behind him of course coming from Hermione. I roll my eyes at her presence dressed as a medieval queen. “Hello glad you guys can attend” she says playing the dutiful girlfriend.
“Mhm thanks” I say in the most super fake tone i can muster up and a smile to go with it as i move past them farther into the home of the devil incarnate. 
Pouring my self a much needed beverage as FP pushes some guy lightly out of his way to reach a bottle of whiskey taken the whole thing for him self.
“Are you really just gonna take the whole thing?” i chuckle
“What like he cant afford to lose out on one damn bottle y/n” 
“Okay then” i let out a small sigh hoping FP doesn't get to hammered. 
“Hey it saves me from having to stab someone to move out my way for a drink” FP pulls out his knife he had in his holster waving it around near our faces with a wide smile. I’m not sure if its because it Halloween that this whole dressed in blood serial killer thing is legit creepy, but hey its pretend right. 
“Stop waving that thing in my face before you make me lose an eye you psycho” I tell him half jokingly. he just stares at me for a moment like contemplating on something, maybe something i said. But finally after making a clicking noise with his tongue he puts the knife back into his holster. 
“Good boy” I teasingly say to him as i grab his chin giving him a kiss to his cheek. 
Hand in hand we walk around for a bit saying a few hellos to some friends of mine as FP stays silent drinking from his bottle and eyeing a few people dangerously creepy. We enter the dining room seeing people including Fred playing beer pong. 
“Y/n come be on my team I’m kicking Tom’s ass” Fred shouts to where i stand with FP by the entrance. FP looks annoyed at the thought but i don’t care he can brood and mood alone for 5 minutes well i kick some major Keller toosh. 
“Oh Keller boy its on” i challenge as Fred cheers at my comment. 
I stand tall and elegantly yet cockily toss the ping pong ball, it lands perfectly into a cup filled half way with beer in front of Tom. Tom of course drinks it. Fred and I throw a few more times ultimately winning which causes us much joy giving us the need to jump around cheering for our self’s along with others in the room, i jump into Fred’s arms smiling at our victory he spins me around laughing. 
“That was awesome y/n” Fred smiles as he put me down. 
“Tha-” I’m cut off by the dark voice of FP
“I thought i said watch it” he remarks dryly to Fred as Fred gives him an unsure look. 
“Wow okay babe laying on the crazy tonight real hard don’t you think” I tell FP furrowing my eyebrows at the bloody boy. FP scoffs and Fred backs away slowly to leave me to deal with my crazy boo. 
FP moves close to my ear and says “Nah what would be crazy is if someone losses a hand because they can’t keep them off you” and he tilts his head in that weird way like a challenging way. Then all of a sudden he’s laughing. I can’t help my face reacting as if he has gone mad. 
“Let’s keep checking out the place babe” FP says in his normal tone as if he wasn't just a crazy jealous boyfriend. And put’s his arm around my shoulders. 
We came across a room that seems like a second living room it looks like the teenagers in it are playing a game as they all sit in whats suppose to be a circle. 
“Oh look its Y/n, care to indulge us in a game of secrets and sins” Penelope’s voice rang out. she use to be a decent human being but it seems her adopted family the blossoms have really done a number on her after she accepted to be with Clifford her adopted brother. honestly I’m unsure if its even legal. 
“I don’t know about that one” I shrug not really in the mood to share a secret of any sorts. 
“Are you scared to tell us something” Clifford chimes in as he is sitting next to the red headed sister girlfriend of his. 
“Let’s go babe” FP grumbles in my ear. But i shake my head at his words. 
“No no i’ll stay” I smile and take a seat on one of the few couches in the room that have space. FP stay’s standing by the door.
“Well that makes it your turn y/n, any sinful secrets you might wanna share” Penelope asks with a wicked smirk plastered on her face as if she already knows any secrets i may have. 
“Hmm i cheated on a math test once, no that’s a lame one, uh i keyed Hiram’s car after we broke up” that last so called secret made FP chuckle. but Penelope rolled her eyes not amused by my choices of secrets. 
“I have a obsession with the movie the heather's i do as well imagine poisoning my classmates, I’m sure you’ll be able to relate” i tell Penelope with a small smile. She lets out a huff still not amused.  
“So that’s your big secrets? Really. I think not Elm Street girl” she says smiling at me. Causing me to raise my eyebrow. And she continues on. 
“You know who else lives on Elm Street, Fred Andrews right? Your friend, your boyfriends friend” she drags on
“So do you have a point or are you just obtuse” I laugh in my head at my own joke sense obtuse is opposite of something pointy. 
“Funny. You like to do a lot with that mouth of yours, like talk when know one cares to listen or make out with Fred Andrews when you think know ones looking” she smiles deviously as my eyes widen in shock. 
“What?!” is heard from the door FP in fit of rage.  
“Wait let me explain” I say to FP but he doesn't hear it he’s to busy pushing his way out of the bedroom door so i follow him. 
“FP can you slow down what are you doing let me explain” I yell for him to hear me but all i see is him on a hunt. oh no probably for Fred. Poor Fred. 
Fp reaches Fred who is in the big living room area where the drinks are and teenager’s dancing. FP grab’s Fred by his shirt throwing him into a wall swiftly reaching for his knife 
‘FP no” i shout as i near the two boys. 
“What the hell FP” Fred asks his best friend. 
“I outta kill you boy” FP barks in Fred face now holding his knife to his throat. 
“FP stop please its not what you think i swear” I plead with my now looking like a real serial killer boyfriend. 
“Y/n whats going on? Why do you have a knife? wait is that a real knife FP?!” Fred asks a bunch of questions in his nervous and scared state. We all barley notice the music had turned down a bit and people were gasping and whispering amongst them self's. 
“You touched my girl!” FP says lowly very low dangerously low. 
Fred looks beyond shocked at the news his best friend knew. He was speechless. 
“FP please let’s talk outside or in a quite room” i beg of him. 
“Screw this” FP says angrily and grab’s Fred again by the shirt only to throw him into the wall once more before backing away. “You better watch out boy” FP threatens Fred. FP disappear’s into the house and I tend to Fred. 
“Oh my gosh are you okay i cant believe he just went that psycho” I held onto Fred’s head looking over his neck and face for any injuries. Seeing a small cut from the knife on is neck, making me cringe at the fact my boyfriend did that. 
“I’m okay y/n how did he find out?” Fred asks looking guilty 
“Secrets and sins and one red headed bitch of a blossom” I remark coldly.
“I’m going to find the bathroom see if i need anything for my neck” Fred tells me as he starts to move towards the door way. 
I should look for FP to tell him the truth the whole truth to that secret. The fact that it was before i chose to be with FP, it was a drunk bad judgement call right after my break up with Hiram. 
Its been some time looking for FP i think its safe to say he left the party. Maybe that’s a good thing give him some space to calm down and when he wants to talk i’ll gladly talk to him. I haven't seen Fred in awhile either, if he ditched me i’m going to kill that athletic guitar playing boy. No sign of my best friend and the party has majorly died down with only a few students i barley know from school and the few i do know decently well like Sierra, Tom, Penelope and Clifford, Marty Mantle and Darryl Doiley and of course the host him self and his little girlfriend Heromine. 
I look around some more for Fred so we can leave, i check anywhere i can including upstairs. I come across a room at the very end of the hall and open the door slowly “Hello anyone in here?” I ask not wanting to intrude on anyone's personal business. There’s no answer. I cant make much of what’s in the room it’s very dark until i find the nearest light switch flicking it on my eyes instantly see a body on the ground. 
“Oh my god Fred?!” I move fast towards the body now seeing the crimson colour seeping through his shirt as if he has been stabbed. I couldn't control it my mouth had i mind of its own as it let out a screeching sound of horror at the sight of my best friend bleeding not a single movement made on the floor. 
I stood in shock for a moment after my scream rang through the walls catching the attention of a few of my fellow classmates as they run into the room. 
I hear gasps and what happened and omgs come from a few mouths as i stare eyes wide open at Fred on the ground. I see Tom get closer to Fred’s body when i snap out of my trance of horror. 
“Wait don’t touch his body!” i spit out before anyone can lay a finger on the boy. 
Everyone looks at me as i’m insane. 
“Finger prints and moving a body is like what tampering with a crime scene and if you have your finger prints on him guess who’s a suspect of murder” I tell everyone sternly. 
“We need to see if he is breathing!” Tom says freaked out. 
I move closer to Fred’s unconscious body not enough to touch and tell everyone to shut the hell up so i can listen for his breathing, I hear nothing. I then put my hand in front of his nose and mouth to see if i can feel air coming from his bloody body, I can not. 
“He’s not breathing guys.. he’s dead” i cry out covering my mouth in more shock. I hear little cries from the girls Heromine and Sierra. 
“This can’t be happening my parents will kill me if i through a party and there happens to be a dead body laying around” Hiram sighs
“My dad is probably gonna kick my ass” I hear Marty say in a fearful tone.
“We need to call the cop’s” Tom says
“I don’t know about that” Clifford chimes in. 
“What are you talking about that’s what your suppose to do, unless you killed him?” Tom shouts back at Clifford. as Clifford scoffs
“This could ruin our life’s what colleges are wanting to accept people involved in a murder” Penelope say’s. 
“Was that a confession?” Darryl Doiley ask’s The red head rolls her eye’s
“Who would do this” I let tear slip from my eyes. 
Everyone looks around at one another eyes scanning each other with possible thoughts that one of us killed Fred Andrews. 
“Hiram. I bet it was Hiram” Penelope says smugly as always these days. 
“And why would I do that?” Hiram asks in almost to good to be true calm manner. Everyone turns their heads to Penelope so she can further explain her accusations.
“Oh please you never did like the boy so much you even stole his girlfriend” she replies nodding towards Hermione who still have many tears on her face. 
“Please you strike me for the killing type both you Blossom’s and your weird family” Hiram spits back to the red headed girl. 
“This is so not cool guys we need to do something” Sierra says. 
“Yeah like the cops’” Tom says again 
“No, no cop’s, not until we figure who might have done it” Hiram speaks.
“We can all point fingers at each other but nothing proves either of us did it” I tell them hoping their madness would stop i haven't even had time to really wrap my head around the dead body of my best friend. 
“What about FP” Darryl Doiley speaks up from the corner of the room he’s been hiding in sense he came in after my scream. Everyone turns to look at the Doiley boy at the same time with looks that say what about him. 
“He had a knife right he held it to Fred’s throat and went all psycho doesn't that prove anything” Darryl continued 
“This is true, FP did have a weapon and is well crazy” Hiram says as a matter of fact. I roll my eyes at him. 
“No way he wouldn't .. I don’t think he would, oh my no no he couldn't” i say unsure in my own words that my boyfriend and Fred’s best friend would commit such a crime. 
“I don’t know the look in his eyes sure showed insanity” Penelope spoke
“Y/n it might be true look at the facts he was mad at Fred, he held Fred at knife point, and threatened him. It doesn’t look good for FP” Tom states
“What doesn't look good for me” FP appears in the door way of the room giving us all a fright many of us jumping at his voice. Some of our eyes wide in fear to see him in front of us hearing us talk about him. The girls Heromine, Sierra and Penelope move further away from him as they practically huddle together, Darryl and Marty look terrified, while Hiram and Tom have no expressions on their faces, then there’s me standing in the middle of everyone beside Fred’s body not knowing what to say and trying hard to keep my face a normal looking way. 
“Say hey what happened here” FP says what almost seems like a question but more of a taunt, he takes a step inside the room with his head tiled in that creepy way he does.
“Get away from us you murderer” Penelope shouts at him. 
“Hmm that’s not very nice” FP smirks deviously at her as he pulls out his knife pointing it at her “You are not very nice” he tell’s her. He looks at everyone in the room ‘In fact none of you really are. Not to me that’s for damn sure” he clicks his tongue. 
“Hey man we no what you did and its cool we wont say anything to anyone” Marty tells FP in hopes to get out of a killer situation. FP just laughs at the boys attempts. 
“FP tell them you didn't hurt Fred i know you didn't right?” i ask my own hopes rising
“We know you killed him FP” Hiram says to him
“How do we know your not the killer? huh? you like scary movies maybe your movie freak mind lost its reality button ever think of that” FP says challenging Hiram's words. Hiram scoffs. 
“Okay well if FP didn't do it and none of us did lets just call the cops” Tom says starting to walk towards the door when FP’s knife ends up nearing his face
“Na na na Keller get back” FP demands so Tom goes back to his spot by Fred’s body and near me. I look to Fred’s dead body and to FP, feeling a wave of sadness wash over me finally seeing it feeling it , that FP killed him. My eyes water as i take small slow step to FP who bares his knife still in front of him. 
“Why FP.. please tell me why” I cry slowly moving toward my killer boyfriend. 
“Why y/n! why!” he shouts manically making me jump. He turns to face the door he had just shut then back to me. 
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Suddenly FP steps to me grabbing me by my throat facing me to everyone has his grip is tight on my neck keeping me in place close to him. 
“Listen FP” Sierra says trying to defuse the ticking bomb 
“No you listen you little bitch! Anyone moves and ill be happy to see what your insides look like. Takes the strength of a man to gut someone ya know” FP barks
“You all and your privileged life’s, you northsiders think your so better then everyone else!” FP shouts and his grip gets even tighter on my throat making me whimper. “Not anymore” FP drags his knife on my face as he speaks but not hard enough to cut into my skin. 
“We are sorry i’m sorry we all are sorry!” Sierra shouts
“You don’t have to do this FP let y/n go” Tom says calmly reaching his hand out
“Let her go FP” Hiram says more demanding
“Please FP you don’t have to hurt anyone” Heromine chimes in
“Oh my ” Penelope mumbles 
“Dude come on please” Darryl cries out 
“We’re sorry dude” Marty says but not enough meaning to believe it.
“If any of us made you feel less then us we are sorry if any of us picked on you we are sorry or if we made fun of you FP” Sierra speaks again apologising for everyone. And everyone’s voice rings out say yes and yeah’s agreeing to what she had said in fear for their life’s. 
“Nah” FP says then quickly spins me to face him and send’s his knife into my stomach instantly my hands go to the wound i feel the wet substance and my knees hit the floor as horror painful sounds escape my lips everyone runs to me as i turn around best i can hands red and dripping, the girls faces wet with tears the guys faces filled with horror i take one last look at my stomach hand covering it again.
“Gotcha” my head snaps up to everyone as i smile wide
“Really I’m dead no one calls the cop’s ” Fred says from the floor with his face looking towards us all. 
“What?!” everyone shouts with wide eyes and still horrified yet shocked faces all around. 
“Good job FP” Fred smiles getting up from the floor. “Man that’s tough playing dead for that long so glad no one saw me breathing when i needed to” 
“You did great man” FP smiles 
“But the blood” Hermione asks
“Corn syrup” I reply with a smile
“You are all seriously insane” Sierra says 
“That was not funny” Hiram adds sternly 
“Holy heck thank god” Tom sighs of relief 
“I can’t believe you guys” Heromine says shaking her head in dismay.
“Not cool” Marty adds 
“You had us all going” Penelope says in boredom
“Yeah” Clifford adds not making eye contact with anyone probably embarrassed that he got fooled. 
“Well can’t say you guys didn’t deserve it” FP smiles a normal smile not a creepy one at last. 
“Happy Halloween guys” Fred smiles 
“I got me one hot serial killer boyfriend” I put my arm around FP’s waist as his arm goes around my shoulder. 
“Happy Halloween” FP and i say at the same time to everyone. 
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