#Dr Grant Seeker
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Dr. Grant Seeker from DINOSAUR (theme park attraction)
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May 2024, Dinosaur gift shop, Animal Kingdom
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Dr Grant Seeker from Disney’s Animal Kingdom’s Dinosaur! attraction and Countdown to Extinction book is autistic and hates Autism Speaks!
[Image Description: Two images set to the background of a flag with three stripes; the upper and lower stripes are both light red, the middle stripe is a darker red. The first picture has Dr Seeker - a young man of about 30. He is wearing a white lab coat over a jean shirt and a vey tacky tie. He has black hair, blue eyes, and is leaned in to the viewer with a devious smile on his face. The second image has the Autism Speaks logo crossed out with a ‘no’ sign. End Description.]
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Happy 25th anniversary Animal Kingdom!
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ctxrover · 2 years
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This guy deserves his own Funko Pop for the 50th celebration. If the Tower of Terror can get one, the Small World dolls can get some, José from the Tiki Room - even the PeopleMover, then surely they can give one to Disney World’s most chaotic and accidentally evil scientist, Dr Grant Seeker.
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autisticheadcanons · 10 months
Dr Grant Seeker from the Dinosaur! attraction at Disney’s Animal Kingdom is autistic. His special interest is iguanodons.
I just want to say it's pretty cool you mentioned a character from a theme park attraction. I don't know if we've ever gotten a submission about this before. I love them parks. (genuine,excited)-Mod Dragon
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riansdiary · 2 months
I'm sorry but this post you sent anon, doesn't make sense to me and it feels very judgemental and decreasing us all different humans to having one purpose.
Tell me, how many people are aspiring to become an actor, singer etc? Okay we know there are many but is that wrong? NO. That is not everybody, different loa bloggers can have different goals. I've seen someone who manifested as being good at studying. Someone who likes art, someone who wants to shift to their dr, someone who has totally different aspirations in life.
It's saying we're like attention-motivated or attention seekers when a lot of us are private and careful about posting our results. That's a contradicting statement. Hell, if I liked getting attention, I would've posted my actual selfie. I'm blurring it because I still am manifesting some issues away like a little bit of insecurity left in me. I'm stopping myself from picking myself apart and I was really just anxious about it. That's why I'm not completely comfortable in posting the actual unblurred selfie because I still pick flaws apart which is my old bad habit and sometimes still think I'm not pretty enough. One of the things I'm manifesting more of is becoming more confident.
Tell me, is it wrong if someone wants to be famous? Is it wrong if someone wants to be an It Girl? Is it oh so wrong to want what a lot of people want? Not all of us want to be fucking famous. There are people here who have manifested different careers.
It is not one of the main things I've seen that people are trying to manifest. Most of us want a better life for ourselves and live our dream lives. Better grades in school. Money for a comfortable worry-free life because we have suffered before. Those are the ones that I see the most. Also go to Subliminal Amino, there's a lot of good before and after pics.
Let me ask this again. Is wanting yourself to be safe and private on the internet an issue of wanting fame? If we were wanting fame, wouldn't we go and plaster our faces everywhere like TikTokers. Why is wanting and valuing your privacy like your face being on the internet and being seen by the whole world not a good thing? Again, you are you, I am me. We are different. What's comfortable for you could not be comfortable for me.
Let me ask once again. Is it wrong to wanna be with someone you like who is a celebrity? How many of us have celebrity crushes, think of that. Exactly. I didn't wanna manifest my boyfriend because I want his fame. I had a crush on him and I liked him and his personality even more, that's all. I felt safe, comfortable and at home even just watching him before.
I'm kind of just done with people saying that wanting fame is bad when there are a lot of us who look up to celebrities and singers and you wanted to be like them since you were young. Granted, not everybody wants it but you don't have to invalidate what other people want. It's not yours and you don't relate but that's fine!
Personally, my passion is singing, dancing and rapping since I saw SHINee, F(x), BTS and Blackpink. I've been inspired by them since I was little especially for SHINee and F(x). It's the first music videos I've watched that made me want to do that. Naturally, one of the things I'm manifesting is to be a member of a K-Pop girl group but is it really that wrong to do what I'm passionate about and what I love to do and what my heart wants? Mainly, it's because it's my passion. I'm a theater kid, hello?
That's not my only interest. I also wanna have a business whether it's about fashion, skincare and also makeup. I like those things, does that include fame there? No. I just really want a business where I could express myself and make products that I've been imagining in my brain.
All I'm saying is that again, please stop judging us all loa bloggers here. We all have different wants and desires so please do not speak ill of it or judge us for wanting that when so many people in the world want it for different reasons. Do not say things like that when you don't know us personally. Why not get to know us more so you can learn that fame is not all we want in life.
Everyone has different main things they wanna manifest but trust me the most I see is not celebrity SP or fame, it's usually more so about dream life, having a better life, becoming financially free so we don't have to worry about money and also shifting ones. There's also school stuff.
I did not start this blog so I can famous bla bla bla. I came here because I finally knew the best way for me to manifest. I was so lost and so negative before so I couldn't manifest things as easily. I had mental health problems as well. There was one point in my life when I was in a manifesting rut where I couldn't get anything I'm manifesting and I was frustrated as hell. Now I know the right and best way for me to manifest thanks to @babygothprincess and Rita Kaminski on YouTube. Babygothprincess was like an older sister and manifesting mentor to me. She answered my questions and I started applying her tips. Her way of manifesting really resonated with me. It's something fun and easy for me and not something I think of as a chore. She has shown her vampire pale skin results so go to her blog and check that out!
I started this blog first and foremost not to be famous but to help someone who might have the same manifesting style as me. To give guidance to people who are like how I was before. I posted these blogs mainly to help and teach with my style of manifesting and manifesting in general. I was thinking that there could be someone like me somewhere out there. I wanted to post helpful manifesting guides and advice that worked for me. Also about my knowledge about the law of assumption. I learned about it since I found out about subliminals.
That was my main goal in starting this and for the other things that I do here that are fun for me and where I can express myself like my Bridgerton reactions and other things I've posted. I didn't just start this to be famous. I looked up to some loa bloggers and I wanted to be as knowledgeable as them. As soon as I learned more and applied, I started sharing my epiphanies when I was thinking deeply about the law in my free time. I also posted what I have learned and my knowledge about the law of assumption and subliminals.
That's my truth and I've said my piece. I'm hoping this helps you disprove what's written on that ask and make you realize that we loa bloggers are humans, normal people who want to share their knowledge and express themselves. Normal people who have their own wants and desires that shouldn't be minimized or assumed to be just one purpose which is getting fame. There's seriously nothing wrong with that.
I was insecure years ago and really used to hate my face and pick it apart everyday. I looked up to It Girls like Olivia Rodrigo, Jennie, Wonyoung and Song Jia not for their fame but for their beauty and confidence. I also admired their self concept and how they think because I wanted to be more like that about myself. Again, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be an It Girl. Why is this an issue? Of course, I wanted to be like them who are loved and adored but is there something wrong with that? No, absolutely not. My main reason for wanting to be an It Girl is because I look up to those girls and they are my role models when it comes to beauty, confidence and self concept.
If you want before and after pictures and you need that, I'll try posting one. Also, go and join subliminal amino for more because that's where I see a lot of people share before and after results.
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norabrice1701 · 2 years
Coincidence - Ch. 4
Dr. Alan Grant x Predoctoral Student Fem!Reader
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Ch. 4 Warnings: Explicit language; inappropriate crush; minor Alan Grant/Ellie Sattler references; panic attacks; astraphobia; dinosaur PTSD
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A strange dinosaur fever grips campus. Campus security sets up booths outside the Earth Sciences building. The building hallways teem with curiosity seekers, each hoping to catch a glimpse of the newest celebrity professors on campus, each hoping to ask the same resounding questions repeated in the newspapers. 
You can’t deny that you don’t have questions of your own, but each day that you watch Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler move through their workplace like ants under a microscope breaks your heart. They walk crowded halls with heads ducked, blatantly ignoring every inquiry shouted at them or the excited whispers that follow them. 
You can’t imagine the pressure or strain of the constant bombardment. And in hindsight, perhaps that’s exactly why Dr. Sattler dropped her big news bomb last week. Effective immediately, she took a position in Washington, D.C. and wouldn’t be staying to finish the semester. It’s still odd to see her empty office at the end of the hallway and the blinds shuttered in her laboratory. Her departure also lands another blow to the department as they still reel from InGen’s funding withdrawal and struggle to lure replacement donors.
It makes your heart ache for the future of the university that you love so much, for the field of study that you’re so passionate about. Not to mention how concerned you are for Dr. Grant. It should be silly – you should stop being so silly. He’s a grown man and certainly capable of running his own life, and you’ve always known him to be dedicated to his work… but even this seems borderline obsessive.
No matter how late you leave or how early you arrive, he’s always there. Either seated at his desk – engrossed in grading or reading – or working in his lab – perusing test results or handling specimens for analysis. He sounds beyond exhausted – he looks it, too - but he continues to push through all his lectures and office hours as if stopping for a breath would allow the weight of the world to catch up with him.
“And having found no conclusive result,” Dr. Grant continues from the podium at the front of the lecture hall. “We then move to analyzing the teeth, for – as they say – where a door closes, try to open a window.” His mouth curls with vague amusement at his attempted joke. 
It does little to brighten his careworn appearance, and concern constricts your chest as you shuffle against the lecture hall seat, blending in with the sea of students. It’s rare for him to give these evening seminars - usually, they’re only attended by undergrads who are promised extra credit by their advisors if they attend. But tonight, it’s a packed house. 
Dr. Grant’s face falls as he glances up at the screen to advance the slide. A zoomed-in photo of sharp, jagged teeth resting against a blue background and arranged from shortest to longest appears on the large screen. You haven’t seen this particular photo before and your own interest piques as he turns back around. Searching his eyes and the lines of his face for that shared, bright passion, your disappointment grows to find none. 
His gaze roams over the sea of faces, and you wonder if he can see you among the crowd. “By analyzing the chemistry of the teeth, we can learn much about the animal’s diet and water sources. Now, these specimens,” he continues, pointing up at the image. “Are a representative sample that point towards an emerging pattern in raptors. The smallest teeth and the largest teeth don’t have the same average carbon isotope values, which tells us that they ate different foods at different stages of their lifespan.”
A chair squeaks as a student shifts their weight, and Dr. Grant’s mouth tightens to a flat line. “Despite what we know about the coordinated attack patterns and pack-hunting nature of the adult raptors, this suggests that juvenile raptors might have had a relationship with their elders that is more akin to modern day reptiles – which don’t take care of their young in the way that pack animals do.”
You glance around at the assembled students in the large hall, taking in mostly glossy-eyed stares dotted with a few faces of rapt interest. It further sours your mood that hardly anyone here appears to be paying him any attention; but in their defense, this isn’t the most dynamic, inspirational lecture that you’ve seen from your mentor. 
A tentative hand raises in the front row, and Dr. Grant nods towards the student in question. “So, if – behaviorally – raptors were closer to crocodiles or Komodo dragons or something – wouldn’t the young raptors have had to shelter away from the dangerous adults until they were mature enough?”
The corner of Dr. Grant’s mouth lifts for the briefest second. “Well, if they were anything like Komodo dragons, then the young could actually have been at risk of being eaten by their own parents, but there are no conjectures on that theory for raptors at this time. Physiologically, as you all know, we see more relation between dinosaurs and modern day birds than reptiles, yet this does not mean they were completely without reptilian behavior.” He gestures back at the screen. “Analysis of the raptor teeth indicates two different diets as they age, which presents an interesting deviation from pack behavior in that adults did not feed the young.”
“Why didn’t you just ask them when you were on that island?” A lone voice shouts out of the crowd, and the room falls deafeningly silent. 
Your heart stops as your eyes widen. Dr. Grant freezes at the front of the room, his face hardening with displeasure. “That’s entirely uncalled for.” He admonishes, before turning back and motioning up at the screen. “Now, if we examine the curvature -” 
“But you were there, right?” The same voice calls out. “You haven’t actually denied it, you know.” 
The line of Dr. Grant’s shoulders stiffens with visible tension, and you swear that you could hear a pin drop. 
“He’s right.” Another emboldened voice speaks up. “Even your university bullshit machine hasn’t actually denied that you weren’t on that island. So, there must be some truth to it - otherwise, you’d just come out and say that you weren’t there.” 
Excited murmurs and whispers grow in the lecture hall, and you debate if you should say something. But just what the hell would you actually say? 
“So, come on, Dr. Grant,” the first voice calls out again. “Tell us - what are dinosaurs like in person?” 
Dr. Grant’s shoulders sag with the weight of frustrated defeat and his eyes blaze with fury as he scans the lecture hall crowd. “That’s quite enough from all of you.” A sharp, acidic grin twists his face. “If that’s the reason that you’re all here tonight, then I guess no one really needs the extra credit opportunity.” His mouth falls to a flat line, his voice tight. “The lecture is over. Thank you for attending, and now, please - see yourselves out. All of you.” 
A wave of groans and protests rise around you as students begrudgingly stand to their feet. Slowly, they start to file out, and mercifully, none of them pester Dr. Grant with any lingering questions. He turns his back on the disassembling crowd, staring up at the large screen. Standing from your seat, you pause as the room empties out to take in the prominent teeth still on display. Even fossilized, they’re a formidable site to behold - a true testament to the creature’s lethal capabilities. 
You start towards the front of the empty room on quiet steps - at least until your shoe scuffs audibly against the linoleum. Dr. Grant turns around with wide-alert eyes, freezing for the space of a breath before his face relaxes with relief and recognition. A long exhale escapes him as he shakes his head and the tension starts draining from his shoulders. Everything about his reaction stirs your concern as you carefully approach. “Sorry, Prof. Didn’t mean to startle you.” You say, summoning a small smile. “If there was a door, I might have knocked…”
A blush settles high on his cheeks and he gives a brusque shake of his head. “No, it’s….”  he pauses to draw a breath. “My fault for being lost in thought.”
It looks like far more than that. You didn’t just startle him – you frightened him. And that just doesn’t seem like him. 
The air crackled with electricity and ozone as the wind speed increased. Thick, dark clouds continued to fill the horizon, blowing in over the surrounding buttes almost without warning. You’d heard more seasoned team members talk about legendary summer storms, but you had yet to see one for yourself, at least… until now.
Your hair whipped in your face as you helped secure the main tent flaps. Others scurried around you to secure loose objects, seal up containers, and protect the exposed dig site. Just in the gloomy distance, you could see the tall figure of Dr. Grant working to secure tarps over the latest skeleton.
“Come on, tie it off!” Emily called out over the din of anxious voices and rushing people, jarring you back to the task at hand. “Nice and tight so the wind doesn’t get it!”
“Yeah,” you called back, securing the canvas tie before moving onto the next. “Got it!” Reaching up, you undid the rolled-up flap and let it unfurl down to the dirt before crouching down to tie it off. The rain hadn’t started falling yet, but the clouds loomed ever closer, and a low peal of thunder ratcheted your heart rate higher. You hoped that you could make it back to your trailer before the rain started – let alone if it turned into a full-blown hailstorm.
Now was not the time to remember Jeremy’s campfire tale about his hail-induced bruises and abrasions as you reached for the next tent flap.
A bright flash of lightning illuminated the site, followed by a sharp crack of thunder. The ground shook underfoot as your anxious fingers secured the last tie.
“That’s good enough,” Emily shouted as everyone started running for their trailers. “It’s too close – we gotta get under cover!” She turned without waiting for you, darting towards her trailer in the opposite direction of yours. Fat raindrops fell to the dirt as another lightning bolt disoriented you and thunder deafened you. The curtain of rain thickened around you, hammering the landscape as thunder made the ground shake, and your uncontrollable panic rose.
Gasping for breath, you tore at one of the tent flaps and forced your way inside. The pounding rain against the canvas echoed too loudly and the brilliant lightning overwhelmed you. You slapped your hands over your ears, slamming your eyes shut as unwanted memories overtook you.
Suddenly, you were 10 years old again back at Girl Scout camp with only a small, flimsy, nylon tent between you and the raging storm. Lighting blinded you through the translucent fabric and the thunder rattled in your bones as you screamed for one of the leaders, for someone, for anyone. But no one came… no matter how much you pleaded and wailed…
“Come on!” A sudden voice jarred you out of the memory, and you opened your eyes with wide shock. Water poured off the brim of Dr. Grant’s ubiquitous hat and nearly soaked through his clothes. His eyes were bright with alert concern as he rushed over to you. “Come on,” he repeated over the driving rain before saying your name. “You can’t stay here! Need a solid roof in case of hail.”
Your heart lodged in your throat – and yes, you understood, but every muscle was too paralyzed to move. You heaved for breath, wincing from another brilliant lightning bolt and thunderclap as unwanted tears streamed down your face.
“Alright, it’s alright.” He said again, drawing up to your side. “We’ll go together.” A strong arm wrapped around your upper back and his fingers tightened around your bicep with guiding pressure. “Here we go. Come on.”
Tucked against his side, he urged you forward and out into the driving storm. Your boots stomped through growing puddles and rain soaked your clothes as you numbly ran with him. The strobing lighting burned your eyes but through the grey rain, your trailer drew ever closer. He threw the door open, ushering you inside first before stepping up behind you.
If anything, the rain pounded louder against the exterior of your trailer, but maybe the thunder was at least a little muffled… somewhat. Dishes rattled on the counter as another thunderclap ripped through the air, making you jump.
“Are you alright?” He questioned over the hammering rain, and you glanced over to see him still standing on the trailer entryway’s small strip of linoleum as water puddled around him. By contrast, you stood on the worn-out carpet, not even caring how wet you were. His gaze locked to yours with an encouraging, reassuring edge as he nodded towards you. “You’re going to be alright, yes?”
Slowly, you nodded and tried to find your voice. “Y-yes… I think so, I… yes.” You said swallowing down another rising wave of panic. “Thank you.”
He didn’t look convinced but offered a slow nod before turning to glance out the small window of your trailer door. Just as he reached for the handle, the hammering rain turned to the hard impact of solid objects – at first you’d swear they were rocks, but it could only be –
“Dammit…” He breathed with a sigh as he shook his head. “Well, at least I’m glad that I didn’t make a run for it…”
The hailstorm raised to a fever pitch outside your trailer, and your throat went dry as your mind spun with… too many things. Another crack of thunder sliced through the trailer, making you wince and wrap your arms around your torso as you found your voice. “I-I’m sorry that you didn’t make it… before the hail…”
All of a sudden, you realized that your trailer roommate wasn’t here. Did she shelter somewhere else in the frenzied rush for cover? Perhaps that would make it easier to bury your head under your pillow until the storm passes… at least you wouldn’t see the lightning.
A trembling breath shook your frame as you sniffled, feeling more tears sting the corners of your eyes. Embarrassed heat rose in your cheeks as you wiped away fallen tears, hoping that he wouldn’t see – but too late. You suddenly realized that he turned back around, and your gaze met his. Curious concern filled his eyes as he regarded you beneath his dripping hat while the storm continued to rage.
You could only imagine how pathetically childlike you must look – dripping wet and crying – and your shame burned hotter. That’s the last thing you wanted for him to think about you. With a hard sniffle, you blinked away from him, scanning around the untidy trailer. “D-do you want a towel?... or something?” You took a couple of shaky steps, not wanting to elaborate on ‘something’.
“No, it’s alright.” He said softly behind you. “With any luck, the hail won’t last too much longer, then I can run for it.”
You nodded, not trusting your voice as you pulled your own dripping hat off your head. It fell to the counter with a wet plop before another bolt of lightning and thunder made you flinch uneasily.
“It’s okay, you know.” His voice came again, gentle despite the pounding hail outside. “Whatever it is that you don’t like about storms… it’s okay.”
Your heart clenched and all you wanted to do was melt. You wanted the security denied you during that horrific storm of your youth – you’ve never liked storms since. But this… “This has never happened to me before.” You heard yourself say with a thready whisper. “At least, not since that storm as a kid… but I haven’t been outside since….” You winced as you realize how that sounded given that this is your second summer out here with his team. “At least… not for a storm like this.”
“We were lucky last summer,” he agreed. “Storms out here are infrequent, but they blow up without warning more often than not. But, fortunately, this one… isn’t too bad.” A curiously breezy note sounded on his voice, drawing your attention back. 
He still stood in the entryway of the trailer, water-logged and trying to summon a reassuring smile even though his discomfort with the situation showed on his face. All at once you realized the optics of the situation, and… goodness. If anyone witnessed the two of you disappearing in here together – alone – then, that was exactly how nasty, damaging rumors started. Appreciation warmed your chest for his thoughtfulness to stay in full view of the window, where anyone who might be peeping across the site could clearly glimpse the green plaid of his shirt that hasn’t moved since the door closed. 
Has he had to contend with similar accusations before? It did seem like a scandalous risk to put professors and students out in the field, isolated among the buttes and the sand for months at a time – but it did help that he and Dr. Sattler were together. The veritable dig site mom and dad, and… something about that thought soured your stomach.
The last thing you wanted was his pity.
“Don’t let it get you down.” He said over a booming clap of thunder. “We all have something that keeps us up at night, but don’t let this be it.” He nodded over at you, encouragingly. “Even after the storm passes, take the afternoon or the rest of the night - whatever you need. But you’re one of the best I’ve got, and I’ll need you back out there tomorrow morning, alright? We’ve got our work cut out for us on that sediment layer.” 
You nodded slowly as a smile cracked your face, wanting to rush over and give him a big hug. “I’ll be there. But… what if someone says something tonight…?” 
“Well…” He trailed off, visibly casting for a thought before he found it, and a seldom-glimpsed mischievous smirk lifted the corner of his mouth. “I’ll just tell them that you slipped on the mud and tweaked your ankle, but with a little rest, it should be better by morning.” His eyes bored through you with comforting reassurance. “No one will be none the wiser.” 
The hammering on your trailer exterior faded to the droning deluge of heavy rainfall. He turned to glance out the window, nodding with satisfaction as no more white hailstones fell from the sky. Again, he turned back to you, nodding gently as he reached for the doorknob. “Get some rest, and I’ll see you in the morning.” 
“Thank you.” The urge to call him Alan crawled up your throat but you swallowed it down before you could do something so foolish. 
“Actually, I don’t know what’s worse.” His voice jars you from the onslaught of memory, and you focus to watch him raise his arm as he switches off the projector via remote. “Letting you startle me so bad, or knowing that you were in the audience just now…” 
You nod, solemnly. “That was actually quite bad. Those students should have known better.” Your mouth curves with a supportive smile. “Honestly, you should have pressed for their names and reported them to the dean.” 
A wave of exhaustion washes over him and the fluorescent light catches in the dark circles under his eyes, even as the corner of his mouth lifts with vague amusement. “And punish them for the one thing that should drive their academic pursuits? After all, without curiosity, none of us would be at this university.” 
“There’s curiosity, sure,” you counter gently. “But there’s also rudeness. And that, just now, was rude. You don’t deserve to be disrespected like that - ever.” Your cheeks flush without your permission. “No one in your position does.” 
He fixes you with a carefully inscrutable look. Slowly, the corners of his mouth lift to a polite, closed-mouth smile. “Well, it’s hardly the first time at least one student hasn’t been interested in what I’m talking about.”
Something about the thought - and his whole demeanor - strikes you as sad, and you long to reach out to him. To show him that you care about… well, about him. Not just as the celebrity maybe-or-maybe-not dinosaur man, but the man from hot, dusty dig sites and countless advisory meetings in his office.
“I don’t know if you remember…” you start before pausing to draw a breath and summon your courage. “But you told me once that we all have something that keeps us up at night. And with everything that’s been going on since the dig got canceled… well, I hope that you’re not letting it all keep you up at night.” 
His face softens as the rush of his own memory takes over, eyes narrowing as if just seeing you for the first time. An almost shy smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth before he glances down, shaking his head as if he can’t quite believe it. “This… admittedly, this isn’t quite the same circumstance as that.” 
“Maybe not.” You counter gently as your heart sticks in your throat. “But whatever you are going through, I hope that you do have someone who… I don’t know - that you can let go with. Because it won’t do any of us any good if our favorite professor runs himself into the ground.” A smile warms your face as his gaze reconnects with yours. “So take a dose of your own advice, and whatever’s keeping you up at night, don’t let it get you down.” 
His mouth curls with a modest, contrite edge as he dips his head. “Thank you, that…” His words dissolve in a bone-weary sigh before he looks back up at you with piercing honesty. “Thank you. These last several months have been… more difficult than expected.” He breaks off, as if suddenly realizing what he said. “I’m sorry, that… you’re my student and I shouldn’t…” 
“Technically, yeah, I am - but I’m just a lowly predoc not submitting any assignments to you.” 
“There’s nothing lowly about you, and there never has been.” He pauses as if to reconsider the thought. “Maybe except for that hat you brought to your very first dig, but we got you sorted out in short order.” 
Your smile warms at the fond memory. “Though, speaking of - I’m sorry that your hat got lost over the summer.” You say, remembering the replacement he wore in the weeks after his mysterious trip. “It looked like you and that hat had seen plenty of adventures together.” 
“Yes, well,” he looks back down, turning slightly to set the projector remote on the podium. “It was just a hat. There are far more precious things to lose in the grand scheme of things.” 
You nod in gentle agreement. “Then, here’s hoping that we can get back out there and get back to digging before anything else is lost.” 
His face brightens with a hint of the content passion that you’ve only ever seen from him when dirt smudges his cheeks and his eyes are alive with the thrill of discovery. You hope the thought is enough to temporarily chase away whatever demons haunt him, and you suddenly realize how close you stand to him. 
Embarrassed heat rises in your cheeks as you take a step back with an awkward smile. “Well, I should probably get back to the lab,” you say, darting a quick glance towards the open classroom door. “But thanks for letting me crash your lecture - I hope that this never happens to you again.” 
His expression draws in as he, too, darts his gaze towards the door, and your heart sinks to your feet. Have you just overplayed your hand? Have you said too much? Biting your lip to fend off a stab of anxious regret, you nod farewell in the silence and turn towards the door. An uneasy sigh passes your lips, and fuck, you hope that you haven’t made things awkward beyond repair. 
Just as you reach the doorjamb, he calls out your name. On baited breath, you turn back around with wide, hopeful eyes. He regards you with a small, tender smile full of appreciation. “Thank you again,” he says gently. “Truly.” 
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In his words the Commissioner Mr [email protected] said that the Kenyan constitution and the Kenyan government doesn't allow DRS to grant LGBTQI asylum seekers mandate to become refugees.
He Said this last Wednesday in front of LGBTQI CBOs leaders, Hias officials, UNHCR officials, Refugee point officials and other organisations officials.
On Friday some LGBTQI CBOs leaders and community leaders had an online meeting to come up with a general petition which will be signed by all LGBTQI refugees.
This petition will be delivered to NGO organisations who are working with LGBTQI Asylum-Seekers and refugees, partners, stakeholders and donors.
Leaders also are looking at suing this arrogant Commissioner for the violations of International Human rights.
NB: All Asylum-Seekers and refugees on LGBTQI cases, our cases are on hold, and nothing can happen when we don't unite during this oppression. This also applies to asylum seekers in camps.
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Starting to wonder if the whole "fighting oppression" backstory that Earthspark seems to be putting forward for the basis of the civil war for the Transformers is just not what it seems. Granted, we also know Optimus was a laborer as well and that Megatron and Optimus were co-leaders of a movement for equality. But do we know that the actual war was started over. Megatron told Shockwave that he forgot what he was fighting for, but I have a feeling none of the Decepticons really cared enough for what Megatron believed in, nevermind I don't think we know the whole story. As we have seen Megatron isn't exactly telling the whole truth. And the Decepticons in general in the Earthspark continuity seemed to be soldiers first or seem to be in the military class. You barely see any non-warframe types or those who don't have a military class designations, and with at least Shockwave, they seem to have a more elite class air about them. In contrast, you have the Autobots with less militaristic alt modes and for most of them seem to have accents that provoke working class, namely Wheeljack's and Arcee's.
It seems like there was a kind of fight for equality, but there was some kind of split between what Optimus believed in and what Megatron believed in. I don't know, I'm just convinced that we don't have the entire story yet on the war on Cybertron.
Nahh because you're right, you're right, something's up here because I honestly do feel like given the evidence we got they were setting it up together.
Like, considering what we've seen in Earthspark I'd argue they scanned new altmodes into military based ones because switching altmodes is a thing in Earthspark (see: two of the characters with the Biggest Deals regarding altmode switching are Megatron and Bumblebee) so perhaps this was a switch that occurred during the war
Also also I see this and think the military roots thing that places the military upbringing!Megs possible origin story higher in the possibilities
I see the opportunity for factors like offered backing from higher class individuals like the vosian military and Shockwave and Optimus becoming a Prime influencing the split, and considering how it was the decepticons who got Shockers and the seeker air force it wasn't Megatron who said no to the backing.
I also see the opportunity of course here for Megatron having recruited members of the local Cybertronian army with promises of what they'll get, sure, but that's all they ended up caring for: regular source of fuel, offered protection, pressure to join a side, sure maybe they want the better society Megatron's preaching for but to them the here and now matters more. And I mean. Kinda mood, considering how often I've been hearing talk of drafts over here (probably 100% bullshit talk but still) and how they won't quite work on gen z.
No yeah the split might've occurred and the mecha who joined went with the one who they were backing the most: military, or working class.
Mmnnnn also you can suggest Shockwave as a disgraced senator (though I severely doubt the Empurata is involved here) and honestly wanted to make change in the beginning of joining the decepticons, and you can argue somewhat similar for the decepticons' Armada
Of course you can suggest the apathy the decepticons are showing towards said cause is linked to the end of the war and all the conditions that came with that, they're out here just trying to survive and not get dragged off to Primus knows where.
TL DR; you've got a significant point and I feel like (Starscream's?) the aerial airforce and Shockwave could've joined after the split
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farfromdaylight · 9 months
1, 3, 21, and 22 for wolgraha :)
thank you for the questions!
1. What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re…hot…”
g'raha clocks the physical attraction pretty early, but decides not to act on it. cálei's the one who takes a while to pick up on it, not because he isn't immediately attracted but because his head isn't in the right place for it. i haven't reread roaming sheep in a while but that feels accurate? hmm.
3. By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh…I adore them…”
i have written a whole fic about this, but specifically for cálei it's when g'raha is gentle with him in the throes of his own search for identity, and then grants him the space to process it. g'raha meanwhile falls for him in that same period, going from a simple feeling of friendship and admiration to something deeper.
21. If sex is something that would be part of a relationship for them, do both or either of them have prior experiences? If not, how do they feel about it?
they both have prior experience, in my mind, though this is cálei's first serious relationship (for all its pitfalls). probably the same for g'raha too, now that i think about it.
i do feel pretty firmly that the exarch doesn't sleep with anyone in his century of waiting, in part because g'raha is stupid that way. but i don't really mind headcanons that don't follow that line of thought.
last one will go behind a cut!
22. What does sex mean for them? Socially, religiously, what attitudes are they bringing with them? Is “virginity” something they care about? Do they want sexual experiences to occur within a certain “level” of relationship, or does that not really matter so much to them?
so in ff14 canon, seekers of the sun are in patriarchal tribes led by a nunh who's considered the breeding male in a harem of women. (this is straight out of the lorebook.) non-breeding males are called "tia" and have the role of either challenging the nunh for his position, or leaving the tribe to find his own harem.
cálei is from an offshoot seeker tribe: his father was a tia who failed to defeat his nunh, and instead went off and found a few women to follow him into a new area to claim as his territory. cálei, being the clan's only male heir, was therefore expected to follow in his footsteps. somewhat luckily for cálei, he ends up leaving his family at a fairly young age and eventually abandons his clan name entirely, instead choosing his own name.
from an authorial perspective: i get what what they were going for with the sun/moon patriarchy/matriarchy dichotomy, but like, YOWZERS, FAM, IT'S BAD. so i try to avoid it as much as i can, which is why cálei's backstory explicitly rejects the clan norms. by all rights cálei should now be the nunh of his tribe as his father is dead, but he has no interest in, uh, the whole harem thing, and in fact is fairly monogamous.
as for g'raha, considering he also left his clan in his youth, i don't think the expectations weigh heavily on him. there's some line in the shb patches about how he could be considered a nunh for his role as exarch as leader (this was an attempt at rewriting bad lore, imo) but that he doesn't particularly want that title and all it carries.
anyway, tl;dr, the seeker lore is awful.
as for the rest of the question, cálei is pretty casual about sex for most of his life, but prefers having a stable partner. considering i have written fic about him and g'raha banging long before they get married i think it's clear they don't really need that.
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Yknow it just occurred to me that I’ve been some kind of scientist for Halloween three out of the last four years (Dr Alan Grant from Jurassic Park, Dr Seeker from Dinosaur, Herbert West from Re-Animator) and the only time I wasn’t a scientist was last year when I was Dracula
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dramatiique · 1 year
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A note on the types of AI within the world and what sets them apart from each other: 
Robots are all machines (the umbrella term) Androids are machines trying to be human. Cyborgs are humans trying to be machines. Synths are “built” humans.
TL;DR is at the bottom of the page. Please see there for bullet point info. There is also mention of sex work but not in detail.
In a dystopian world set in the year 2200, technology and AI have overcome humanity and now rule the world. Savage wars between humans and AI (consisting of a wide range of various robots*) have torn apart countries, reducing some to mere wastelands. Governments fell one-by-one and were replaced by Synth overlords who, as a collective, are known as The Third Eye. Each country has one and they often meet to plan and enact their oppressive laws over humans. They believe humans have taken advantage of the world for too long and that only The Third Eye can save the world.
Citizens simply refer to the overlords as Tyrants and most even refuse to mention them at all — it’s too dangerous and The Third Eye has, well, eyes everywhere. They offered humans the chance to work for them in their facilities scattered around the globe. They promised better treatment for those who took them up on the offer, but truthfully these humans are just pawns who are used to spy on the rest of mankind.
Many types of androids and robots wander the world, feeling a sense of great importance now that humans are where they belong. However, our story focuses on Neo Seoul where Demian Rainer resides. He owns an extravagant, exclusive nightclub called Abraxas in the heart of the city. He grants entry to those who seek a beacon of hope and safety amongst the chaos of the world. To those that can’t reach him in Neo Seoul, he has an online persona that speaks to humanity through the internet. Due to having an elite android (who also acts as his personal bodyguard) in his corner who used to work for The Third Eye, Demian has access to tech that keeps him concealed from the eyes of the Tyrants. They are aware of this presence on the internet but can’t track it to any one place.
Demian uses the internet to spread his word of hope and asks anyone who wishes to find a safe haven to seek him out. The Third Eye aren’t the only ones who have eyes around the country and Demian uses his connections to spread his influence. He sends out his own spies to keep tabs on The Third Eye while a separate team known as The Roamers are sent out to scout areas and recruit new humans who are sick of the society they’ve been forced into. Anyone who joins and proves to be trustworthy and loyal, is initiated into the group called The Seekers. Demian plans to gather enough humans (and androids) to join this group and start a revolution that will storm the Third Eye facility in Neo Seoul and overthrow the Tyrant there.
However, Demian is hiding a deep secret: he’s not human at all. He is a synth who escaped the Third Eye facility over thirty years ago. He is a one-of-a-kind Synth developed by The Third Eye. He had no name and was simply labeled “Project 13”. Despite the Tyrants claiming that synths, androids, and other robots are above humans, they’re also very classist towards their own kind. They deem themselves to be of the most importance who are worthy of names while the rest are known only as numbers or monikers. However, they were particularly interested in their research relating to Project 13 as he was the first synth to be created with a human brain and a bionic heart. This means he can feel emotions and pain that other synths can’t. This makes him a very special case.
After escaping the facility, Demian searched for assistance in the Neo Seoul underworld. Using the money he managed to steal from the facility, he found a synth doctor (who was quite mad in the head and an android himself) to perform facial reconstruction on him to ensure they would have a harder time tracking him. Unfortunately, he also needed new parts to replace his damaged limbs, but he’d spent all of his money on facial reconstruction. Neo Seoul, including its underworld, uses a currency called Tokens; these can be given in the form of coins, paper notes, or digital points as long as they have the official stamp of The Third Eye. The digital tokens can be accessed through a device referred to as a ‘Chronicle" that looks like a small square flip phone. Beyond Neo Seoul, there is nothing but a lawless wasteland filled with dangerous factions and crazed individuals who operate on their own terms. The Third Eye has left them to it, knowing that they’ll tear themselves apart in the end. 
In order to get enough money to completely cover the cost of his new limbs, Demian took on odd jobs. When he realized he wasn’t getting anywhere (and having other robots steal what he did earn) he had no choice but to enter the world of sex work where he served both robot and human clients. During this time, even though the money was steady, he turned to drugs to cope with the pain and dull his senses. If humans thought synths were nothing but emotionless husks who only cared about destruction, then why did he feel so much? There are a variety of drugs, but his favorite are FLARE circuits and Gold Shards, but he’s also known to dabble in human drugs as well.
Back to the present, Demian is now living in wealth after dragging himself up from nothing and now has a tight-knit group of employees that operate out of his nightclub. Previously mentioned, the elite android is one of his employees (and acts as his personal bodyguard) along with the synth doctor who reconstructed his face. He and Demian were able to develop his look until he could perfectly pass as a human. However, Demian has to be mindful of his actions when he’s around other humans; he has to remember to slow his movements, make “human” mistakes, and to not be extraordinary in any way so that his secret can remain undiscovered.
Demian’s personality is an addictive one. He enjoys the party scene and craves a good time because he spent a long time living in fear and loneliness as he desperately tried to find a place to belong. He is still highly dependent on drugs and alcohol (but the latter doesn’t do much for synths other than give them a light buzz) and he craves attention. While he means well, he can be extreme at times, and has become a sort of cult leader to The Seekers. He expects his followers to show him their total devotion and in return he will give them everything they dreamed of within society. His reason behind his desired revolution is because he wants both humans and robots of all kinds to live on equal ground without having to bow down to their oppressive rulers. He also seeks revenge against the Tyrant (the one who rules over Neo Seoul) because they approved and encouraged experimentation on him while at the facility. 
Demian is a synth created by The Third Eye (AI overlords of the dystopian world)
Is a special, one-of-a-kind case who thinks and feels like a human due to having the brain of one. However, he has a bionic heart. Escaped the facility and carved out a path for himself where he could be free.
He owns a lavish nightclub in Neo Seoul called Abraxas which is a safe haven for those who prove to be worthy — he sends out spies called The Roamers to recruit new people and robots.
Reaches out to those beyond Neo Seoul through the internet and uses tech that can’t be traced back to him .
Goes by He/They and is pansexual and male-leaning (but I won’t ship with other BTS faceclaims)
Has a past in sex work & is a drug user so please be aware of this. Anything NSFW will be tagged.
Please note that him being a synth is hidden information and he’s gone to great measures to ensure it remains a secret. This doesn’t mean that other muses can’t find out who he is at some point but that would have to involve plotting. Demian is an original character inspired by Jimin's "Like Crazy" and "Set Me Free Pt 2" videos.
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Redemption Bracket - Round 1
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ctxrover · 2 years
This is just a CSI crack fic I wrote a few months back, born out of different roles played by both Ted Danson and Wallace Langham. I just love it when I recognise actors from other roles they’ve played.
Summary: Henry and Morgan learn Hodges used to be a palaeontologist with a serious attitude problem.
The notes:
“This came about from two things: when I went to Disney World, went on the Dinosaur ride and almost immediately was like “omg Hodges?” and when I was listening to Disney Parks radio, I was unable to not hear Hodges when they played Dinosaur.
So here we are.
For the unaware: the main character of the Dinosaur ride at Disney’s Animal Kingdom is Dr Grant Seeker and he is played by (a very young) Wallace Langham with his… I guess, sidekick, his t-rex hand puppet. He is an employee at the Dino Institute, which studies dino fossils, and works with a company called Chrono-Tech to bring tourists and palaeontologists to the past. Now, Seeker does have an attitude problem and he really does steal his boss’s identity and hack into her computer to change the coordinates on a time machine, the CTX Rover, to the time of the K-T extinction event when the Chicxulub meteor struck, all to bring back an iguanodon from the end of the Cretaceous period - even though iguanodons did not live then - and surprise it’s Aladar from the Dinosaur movie. Mark Rios is an actual character from the Dino Institute storyline at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. I chose him to be the murder victim because he’s the party animal character - makes sense for him to be at Vegas, after all.”
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agentcable · 1 month
Jurassic Park 3 (2001)
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Dr. Alan Grant, a famous paleontologist, goes on a plane with Paul Kirby and his wife to look at Isla Sorna. This island is where John Hammond's creations were bred. It is also a magnet for thrill-seekers. When a tragic accident leaves the group stranded, Grant learns why his hosts invited him. In their escape, the group meets new creatures and Grant learns the truth about his raptor theory.
If you want to watch the movie for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
It's bene years since "The Lost World Jurassic Park". The public knows about cloned dinosaurs on Isla Sorna, but people are not allowed to go there. An illegal boat-towed paragliding operation, "Dino-Soar", offers coastal tours of the island. Eric Kirby and Ben Hildebrand go parasailing. The boat is attacked by reptiles and left unmanned, heading towards rocks. Eric abdn Ben detach the rope and drift towards Isla Sorna.
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Meanwhile, Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler continue their work as paleontologists. Ellie is married with two children, while Grant has a young protégé named Billy Brennan. They have made some interesting discoveries about raptors. They even used a 3D printer to make a replica of the creature's resonating chamber.
Grant is approached by Paul and Amanda Kirby, who want an aerial tour of Isla Sorna. Grant is reluctant at first, but agrees when the Kirbys offer to fund his dig.
Grant, Billy, and The Kirbys fly to Isla Sorna with three mercenaries. Cooper, Nash, and Udesky. Grant tries to stop the Kirbys from landing on the island but is knocked out by Cooper. Billy wakes Grant after the plane lands. They hear Amanda shouting someone's name through a megaphone.
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Grant tells her to stop, but she keeps going. She attracts a dinosaur. A roar is herd from the trees. Billy thinks it's a Tyrannosaurus, but Alan says it's something bigger. The mercenaries, who have entered the jungle to check it's safe, come out and say they want to leave the island. Billy notices Cooper isn't there. Udesky tells him to get back on the plane. Cooper runs onto the runway and yells for them to stop the plane.
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The Spinosaurus comes out of the bushes and eats Cooper as Nash has to take off.
The plane crashes in the jungle after the fuel bunker is cut off. The survivors look for an escape but find the Spinosaurus has followed them. The Spinosaurus kills Nash and chases the others. The group flees and briefly loses the Spinosaur, then encounters a T-Rex feasting on a dead Parasaurolophus. Grants tells the group to stay still, but they run and lure the Tyrannosaurus to the Spinosaurus. The fight gives the group time to escape. The Tyrannosaurus is overpowered and killed by the Spinosaurus.
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Grant asks the Kirbys if they know where their son is. They say he's missing. The group finds a parasail with a camcorder and Ben's dead body. Amanda is shocked and runs away when she sees the skeleton. Paul stops her. Billy takes the parasail. The group finds raptor eggs by a river.
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After Billy photographs the nest, the group enters an InGen compound. While they explore, a Velociraptor attacks Amanda. They trap it. The group leaves the building while the raptor calls for help, upsetting Alan. The group runs into a herd of dinosaurs and causes a stampede. Grant picks up Billy's bag and gets separated from him and the Kirbys. Udesky is also separated and runs into the jungle, where more raptors attack him. The raptors use Billy and the Kirbys' friend as bait to lure them from the tree. Amanda and Paul go down the tree to help Udesky. Billy senses the trap and tries to warn the Kirbys. Amanda slips and clings to a branch. Two raptors scurry out of the bushes and leap towards Amanda. The raptors kill Udesky but then leave.
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Grant thinks the raptors are looking for something while watching two of them talk. They're not just hunting humans. Later, he's attacked by raptors. Eric throws tear gas to fend off the raptors and rescue Grant. They take shelter in an overturned truck. Eric says he survived by salvaging supplies and food from the InGen compound and used gas grenades to evade dinosaur attacks. The next day, Grant and Eric find Paul's phone and meet the Kirbys and Billy. Paul says he gave the phone to Nash before he was eaten. The reunion is spoiled when the Spinosaur shows up. The satellite phone rings from inside the dinosaur. They find shelter in an abandoned observatory, and the dinosaur stops chasing them.
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Grant finds out that Billy stole some raptor eggs. This explains the attacks and new behaviour. The raptors are hunting the humans. One of the humans took from the raptors, and the latter wants it back. When Billy says he did it with good intentions, Grant says some of the worst things have been done with good intentions. He says Billy was no better than the people who built this place. He decides to keep the eggs to ensure the group's survival. Keeping the eggs gives the humans leverage over the raptors.
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The group must cross a bridge to reach the canal boat in the river. Grant sees some poop on the foggy bridge and realizes they're in a huge bird cage with Pteranodons. One species attacks Eric and takes him to its young. Billy rescues Eric from the nest and is attacked by adults. He dives into the river as they attack him and kill him.
The group boards the canal boat but leaves the aviary doors unlocked. They see some dinosaurs grazing in a field. Grant is amazed at how they live together and take care of their environment.
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By nightfall, they hear the phone ring. They find Spinosaurus faeces with the mercenaries' bones and clothes in it. A Ceratosaurus comes by but leaves them alone. As they walk down the river, Eric notices the fish are scared. The Spinosaurus capsizes the boat, tearing the engine open and spilling oil into the river. Grant calls Ellie but only says, "The river!" "Site B!" as the boat sinks. They swim to the surface, where Paul climbs a crane while Grant fires a flare, scaring the Spinosaurus away.
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The group is near the shore when the raptors reaappear, wanting their eggs back. The eggs are returned to the raptors. Using the raptor resonating chamber, Grant fakes a signal that makes the carnivores retreat with their eggs when they hear helicopters.
The group arrives at the beach to see the US Navy and Marine Corps, including two aircraft carriers. Ellie and her husband must have called them. Grant finds Billy is still alive but badly hurt as they get on a helicopter. As the helicopter heads for an amphibious assault ship, the Pteranodons fly past, looking for new nesting grounds.
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