#grant dinosaur
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Dr. Grant Seeker from DINOSAUR (theme park attraction)
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filmgifs · 22 days
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JURASSIC PARK (1993) Dir. Steven Spielberg "Just think of it as... kind of a big cow."
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the-simple-creature · 30 days
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They… they adopted him… my boy… he’s so happy…
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retropopcult · 4 months
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On the set of Jurassic Park, 1992
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erinptah · 8 months
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Moon Girl gets an upgraded costume in Season 2!
Khonshu is still jealous of her fanbase, which makes Marc a little huffy and competitive...but Jake sees a golden opportunity.
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onuatf · 1 year
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Jurassic Park is frightening in the dark
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madmwyrd · 1 year
So, my brother and I watched Dinosaur (2000) relatively recently, and besides the fact that it's a bad movie with horrendous character design, one thing pissed him off more than anything else: the movie's use of the word "carnotaur".
Now, to him, this word was just an infuriating attempt at saying "carnivore", which in context, makes sense. What neither he nor I knew at the time is that this is not the case. Carnotaurs are real dinosaurs. And they're really cool.
Carnotaurus sastrei, the only one of its genus, is one of the few dinosaurs we have with some of its skin preserved. We know from those preservations that it had scales, which is one of the things we assume generally about dinosaurs that we have very little evidence for. Carnotaurs also were the only known carnivorous dinosaurs with horns, which is why it's named after a bull. The other half of its name (carno-) means "meaty", and even just looking at the skeleton, you can tell that it was one THICC ASS BOI.
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I'm at least 90% certain this motherfucker looked like a sausage with teeth and thighs. We all clown on the T-Rex for its tiny arms, but look at this motherfucker. We're talking whale pelvis levels of vestigial here.
Another cool thing is that geographically, the movie having these as the main hunters makes more sense than having Tyrannosaurs. T-rex lived in what is now North America, whereas these death bratwurst lived in South America. We know that the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs landed in the Gulf of Mexico, and given that we see in the movie that very asteroid hit the earth, I don't think it takes place in what would one day become California.
All this to say, Elliot, I know more about dinosaurs than you. Suck it.
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sncwonthebeach · 1 year
Shane: "I probably helped her (Sara) plan it (a bank robbery)"
Get you a Shane Madej and don't ever fucking settle for less.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 2 months
Tournament of Lokis 2024: Round 1 Compilation
Because editting my pinned post is not being allowed for some reason.
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henry-or-something · 10 months
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Dude, I fucking love the Jurassic Park book. 100000% better than the movie.
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bonkwosher · 1 year
Hey! I just want to say that I love your story about Alan Grant and as I saw you are open to requests can I ask an Alan!hurt story? Maybe he is injured during Jurassic park while trying to protect the kids and Ellie has to help him to get out of there, but will they make it? All angst possible would be great and a happy ending would be even better. I hope it’s not bother. Thank you!
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A/N: This seems like an Alan x Ellie & I don't write character x character but I'll make you a deal. I'll make the character a paleobotanist friend of Alan & you can just replace Y/N with Ellie. For the sake of continuity, I'll just kind of lightly remove Ellie from the storyline so that you can add her in the Y/N place.
Pairing(s): Alan Grant x GN!Paleobotanist!Reader
Contains: A lot of movie content, jealous Alan unable to control his emotions, fear of death, sad Alan, (I literally didn't follow the request, I'm sorry. Explained at the bottom)
"Why don't you come down, just the pair of ya', for the weekend? I'd love the opinion of a paleobotanist as well!" Hammond's words rang in your head as you sat next to Alan in the helicopter.
Yes, you were technically getting a lot of funding for your dig just to do this trip but the selling point was really getting to spend time with Alan outside of digging up bones. You felt as though Alan was just here for the money but honestly, the thought of spending more time with you had Alan extremely excited. You both managed to think the other had no interest & you were just friends.
Alan sat at the window seat, playing with his velociraptor claw. You hadn't realized you were zoning out watching him, his brows furrowed as he spun the small object between his fingers.
"So you two- uh, dig up- dig up dinosaurs?" Ian pulled your attention away from Alan.
You let out a laugh, "Well."
"Try to," Alan spoke softly with an equally soft smile on his face.
Ian let out an awkward yet somehow adorable laugh then looked you up & down. He had once already when you weren't looking but he wanted you to know he thought you were attractive.
"You'll have to excuse Dr. Malcolm, he suffers from a deplorable excess of personality. Especially for a mathematician," Hammond practically apologized as he turned to you.
"It's fine, it's sweet," you laughed, not noticing Alan turn away, not wanting to hear this.
"Chaotician! Chaotician actually, John doesn't subscribe to chaos, particularly what it has to say about his little science project."
"Hoggswallop, Ian. You have never been able in sufficiently explain your-"
"Oh, John, John, John because the behavior of the system is faith-based-"
"A load, if I may say, of fashionable number crunching."
The two continued bickering & you stretched in your seat.
"Dr. L/N, Dr. Grant, you've heard of chaos theory?" Ian asked, hopeful.
"No," you looked at Alan.
"No, non-linear equations? Strange attractors?" Ian paused as you shook your head, "Dr. L/N, I-I refuse to believe that you are unfamiliar with the concept of attraction."
You blushed & gave Ian a smile, Alan would be lying if he said this didn't make him upset. He tried his best not to give you the cold shoulder after that.
It got to time for lunch & you all sat down. You were a little shocked when Alan didn't sit next to you but you brushed it off. Opinions on the park quickly became the topic of conversation. You agreed wholeheartedly with Ian. Maybe it was the flirting with Ian, no, it was definitely the flirting. Despite agreeing with the two of you, Alan's mind was clouded with jealousy. To avoid conflict, Alan stood up & walked out of the room. The plan would've worked if you hadn't followed, worried about him.
"Alan! What's wrong?"
He couldn't stop himself, "Leave me alone Y/N. Go hang out with Dr. Malcolm. You clearly enjoy his presence more than mine."
"Alan, that's not-"
"Just- shut up, Y/N!"
You were shocked, unable to even respond. Alan knew he hurt you but his conscience wasn't loud enough to get him to apologize. You walked outside quietly, ironically, Ian Malcolm had seen the entire thing & ran to your aid. His arm found its place on your shoulders but you quickly shrugged it off.
"Not the time, Dr. Malcolm."
He muttered an apology & John Hammond finally caught up to the group with two kids in tow. He announced that you'd be split into two cars & you quickly announced, "I'll sit with the kids."
You were upset with Alan but saving him from spending time with two kids (Knowing he hates children) was second nature at this rate. You always handled field trips to the dig site & grew to like kids. Maybe they could distract you from your previous argument.
The tour had turned around due to the storm. The kids kept you distracted but Alan's words still floated in your mind. Alan mindlessly stared at the back of your head the whole trip. His apology was stuck at the back of his throat still, he couldn't tell if he was mad at you or himself. Ian managed to worsen his mood by asking if you were available. He was about ready to yell at Ian when the fence broke. The two of them went dead silent & watched the series of stupid decisions that the children made despite you telling them not to. The car was flipped upside down & Alan ran to your aid while Ian distracted the T-Rex.
"Y/N, grab my hand!" Alan instructed as he kneeled down into the mud, reaching his hand as far as he could into the car.
You insisted that he helped the kids first, pushing Lex towards Alan. There wasn't enough time to get you or Tim out because the T-Rex had returned, pushing the car around. You wound up hitting your head hard against the dash as the car was pushed off the cliff, effectively knocking you out. When Alan made it to the floor he set Lex down & ran to the tree, calling out for you. Alan hates trees, heights, all of it, but he has never climbed faster. As he got closer he could hear Tim crying.
"Please wake up, please!" he repeated, shaking you by the shoulders.
Alan assumed the worst, completely shouting, "Tim what happened?!"
"Y/N won't move! I think they're-" Tim stopped, unable to finish his sentence as Alan finally saw you.
You had a couple abrasions & cuts, otherwise fine, but Alan couldn't tell in this light. He cursed under his breath.
"Come on, kid. I'll get Y/N after you're out."
Tim hesitated but he got up soon after & Alan directed him to begin climbing down. Alan paused to just look at you for a moment. If you really are dead this might as well be the worst day of his life. He yelled at you, the person who understood him & cared for him.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," he couldn't speak over a whisper as he entered the car, trying to grab you.
He moved forward cautiously, knowing that the car was suspended by a few vines & weak branches. He sat against the floor of the car, pulling your head into his lap. You were so peaceful & now that he was close, he could see that you were breathing. The wave of worries slowly washed away. I wish I could say that was the end of this nightmare of a trip.
Within seconds of Alan grabbing you, the car jerked downward. The branches were breaking. Tim screamed & began climbing down faster. Alan froze for a moment, cursing himself for letting you end up in this situation. He protected your head with one arm & braced himself against the passenger seat with the other. He held you tight, repeating apologies like that would somehow save you as each & every branch broke beneath the car. He wanted to tell you he loved you at this moment. You were unconscious & likely about to die but he wanted you to know. He was being burned by fate, he waited too long & treated you like shit today. This is all his fault. The words were stuck in his throat as you continued to fall.
You hit the ground hard, still in the car with Alan. The pain jolted you awake. Alan was dazed & In shock. You both somehow lived & you were staring at him, terrified. You led him out from under the car. The kids ran up, celebrating that you both had lived. Alan wouldn't talk, just staring at you with wide eyes. You instructed the kids to hide in a nearby tree & wait for you. They complained but listened.
"Alan? Are you okay?" You spoke with a hand on his shoulder.
You were met with Alan swallowing, trying still to figure out how to speak again. Your hands moved to cup his cheek.
"Alan, I don't understand. Are you still mad at me? What's going-"
He pulled you by the shirt into a kiss. It was short & sweet. His shaky hands found your cheeks as yours fell to your lap.
"I-I'm not mad, I'm- I'm sorry, this is my fault."
"How could this be your fault?"
"I yelled at you. I yelled when I shouldn't have. I wanted to apologize but I didn't. I love you! I love you, Y/N!"
You didn't even hesitate before pulling Alan into a deeper kiss. Only after you both needed to gasp for air did you consider pulling away. You rested your forehead on his, smiling in the thick of this horrible nightmare jungle.
"I love you too."
A/N: I'm working on my like month old requests. Shhhhhh. Also, I totally didn't follow the request. I just realized this is completely different from what you asked (LIke I said this is like a month later & I had this half-written already) as I am writing this second a/n. I'm sorry lol, request again & I'll do it but I like this one.
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theknucklehead · 1 month
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"Keep absolutely still, they're vision's based on movement..."
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marc--chilton · 1 month
i saw your house-would-be-not-happy-to-have-a-tail-that-uncontrollably-wags-around-wilson post and i feel the need to share with you what animals i think the PPTH losers would be if they were furries. i'm not a furry but in this case i have Thoughts about their animal counterparts.
House: if he's a dog, he's a beat-up-looking shelter-dog, a rottweiler or a doberman or an american bully or a pit bull (bullies are like if pit bulls were bred to be built even more like tanks). but i think he'd be a cat (either a nonspecific longish-haired tabby with some matting issues or a maine coon also with matting issues) or a coyote.
Wilson: golden retriever. easy.
Chase: dingo. also easy.
Cameron: long-furred dachshund.
Masters: chihuahua. small but opinionated.
Foreman: he's like House, but if House was better cared for (not a coyote though). so instead of being a scarred and hunched rottweiler/doberman/pit bull/american bully, he's the type of those breeds who would win a dog show. he's polished.
Taub: a little yippy terrier-mix mutt
Thirteen: a gorbeiakoa basque shepherd dog
Cuddy: an american water spaniel
please share more of your furrymd headcanons! :) and also pleasssseee tell me if you agree with my analysis.
i've had similar discussions before about house md animals in the past but never thought of them as furries but as actual feral critters so my opinions vary depending on Vibe
bc like i will always and forever advocate for less popular species being explored so in this case, less dogs/cats
house - goat or sheep, evokes imagery of wolf in sheep's clothing or lucifer; mockery of religious imagery he is both compared to and challenging (see: house vs god, the entire 'god doesn't limp' scene)
wilson - bear. like a teddy bear, obviously. makes you think he's more a stuffed toy than the actual animal. but he most certainly still is an animal.
cuddy - horse. beautiful hair, gorgeous beast so sleek and dark she shines rosy, a perfect white diamond on her nose, and horseshoes to stomp you to death with
chase - honestly a dingo's pretty alright for him but just to be different, a bilby!! they're charismatic and beloved by australians. in new jersey though most people are like "what's a bilby??"
foreman - rat, they have bad reputations that foreman still has to endure even as a doctor.
cameron - rabbit, usually associated with life though cameron is more accustomed to death (her widowing)
taub - burrowing owl. just look at how taublike. or a bat.
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thirteen - tbh she's soooo a wolf she's like the grown up version of your first wolfsona, that's just her Vibe, but again to be different..... opossum. kind of scary at first but turns out she's really cool. did you know opossums' body temperatures are too low for them to actually carry rabies. they can still get it, it's just super rare
kutner - ferret!! excitable, fun, so so sillay, does best in a group
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beelzyart · 2 years
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A tribute to my favourite movie of all time. Shame there were never ever any additional movie sequels after Lost World...
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erinptah · 8 months
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In the expanded MCU, Moon Knight has competition for "most-popular moon-themed superhero." Khonshu is jealous :(
(Moon Girl season 2 starts streaming on February 3 -- please watch on the premiere date, to convince Disney execs not to axe another adorable cartoon!)
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jurassicparkdaily · 1 year
Jurassic Park Daily Announcement and Organization 🦖🦕🦖🦕
Considering the rise of substacks (especially Dracula Daily) and the constant discovery of how some classical stories are so different in adaptions compared to it's original source there was one book (series) that came to my mind that is so entirely from it's adaptions. Jurassic Park. If you want the beautiful insanity (and genuine good sci-fi thriller!) that the original is then prepare yourself for Jurassic Park Daily! From rich bicycle twinks, MILFs, GILFs, bikers, baby-faced chaotic villains, homicidal maniacs to dinosaurs with unchecked vendetta and anger issues... we have everything! And especially dinosaurs! Gene manipulated ones even!
With Dracula we redeemed a bunch of characters from their adaptions perhaps with Jurassic Park we'll redeem the next!
How will Jurassic Park Daily work?
Well, quite different from the typical substacks. Unfortunately the book is copyrighted/not in public domain so we cannot mail them to you. However what we can do is provide you with sources to the books and we'll update you where we currently are in the book on this blog.
Which means:
We will probably read one sub chapter every day or two (still open to debate, poll is on the blog) to keep a steady pace to make it easy to follow how far we are into the book.
We will update everytime which one we are reading that day plus what the title of the next sub chapter is so that you do not miss it by accident.
We will read both books. Means we will also always post in which book we currently are. Note: The two books only loosely tie together meaning you can decide whether you want to read both books or only one of the two.
The starting date is not official yet but we hope to start in late june/early july depending on the chosen reading pace
The reading process will be a lot more independent and will be an attempt at a digital book club where everyone individually finds their best source. If this (a bit) unconvetional way is fine with you and you're interested in dinosaur chaos then join us on our journey through the Jurassic Park 🦕🦖
What can you do to help the project?
We have a few links and sources but if you have good ones feel free to share them with us!
Nothing else. Just be open for a bit of unconvetionalness and letting yourself get bitten by your local dinosaur 🦖
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