#Dr Moira is next
rei-ismyname · 19 days
Mr Sinister should be experiencing profound existential despair
*Yes, I'm aware that he's not really capable of those kinds of feelings, but even from a character perspective the guy has lost his reason for existing. Huge spoilers for the entire Krakoan age, plus Heir of Apocalypse #1-3. We're talking about this guy.
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One of the revelations of Krakoa was that Mr Sinister is not Nathaniel Essex, the 19th century Victorian eugenicist and scientist (now space god trapped experiencing the moment of death for eternity.) He's a clone *created* by Essex to achieve Domionhood (the highest form of non-linear gestalt machine entity - traditionally formed by joining singularities of machine intelligence together with so much processing power they are functionally Gods) through the study and utilisation of mutant power.
What a paragraph!
Here he is in 1924, threatening Destiny after killing Sinister.
He thought he was seeking Dominion for himself, not knowing he was a clone or that when he achieved Dominion his progress would be harvested by Essex. Essex created 3 other clones/variations for the same purpose but through different means -
Dr Stasis through post/humanity and Orbis Stellaris through the 'cosmic powers' (dude took over the Progenitor 's Worldfarm - a staggeringly impressive achievement for a 19th century clone from Earth)
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These two dickwads
Finally, Mother Righteous through Magic (physically a clone of Essex's dead wife Rebecca, but just as much of a callous existential colonialist and monster as any Essex spawn.)
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There she is, having a tanty after Enigma stole her Dominion success.
Each was created without knowledge of the other, and had mental blocks in place to prevent them learning about it. They ALL succeeded in various timelines and their efforts were harvested by the real Nathaniel Essex - Enigma, leaving the clones with nothing. Less than nothing. Alive but very dejected.
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Making a huge unforced error
Instead of enjoying his godhood he chose to fight the X-Men and thanks to Jeanix, Xavier and Moira he's now a smear across infinity - defeated and broken but trapped at the moment of death forever.
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Get Phoenix'd idiot!
Mr Sinister knows all of this, he even participated in the fight. Dr Stasis and Mother Righteous are dead, though Orbis Stellaris is still out there. His brain was only able to comprehend this stuff properly very recently. Even when working against Enigma there were still blocks in place.
Any one of these truth bombs would mess his head up, but all of them at once should ruin him. He doesn't have a sense of ethics but he does need purpose. Consider how bummed he was when the Progenitor ignored him on Judgement Day. He's not a real boy like other clones are.
- He's a clone with all sorts of fake memories
- Created with the compulsion to fulfill someone else's endgame
- Everything he's done for the last 200 years has been in service of Enigma's plan. Even the stuff that makes no sense. Especially the stuff that makes no sense.
- He has no other reason for being.
- Enigma smote him at least once.
- Enigma is dead, like super dead.
- Everyone else knows this as well
What the hell does he do now?
*Sigh*, he'll probably just be treated as Nathaniel Essex again, given Brevoort 's transparent policy of overwriting Krakoan lore. He could just clone himself with a new purpose/hard reboot as we've seen him do in Immortal X-Men, but how would he even decide? Also, he's the mutant devil - anyone who knows about him should want him dead, including some very powerful people. Two of the things I found insulting about Heir of Apocalypse was Exodus being next to Sinister and not eviscerating him AND Mr Sinister just acting like his old self as if nothing had changed. At the very least it should be explained - it's really not that hard either.
Mr Sinister is a system not a person, so he can make whatever changes he wants. It's not a very compelling villain if we don't know his motives though, and he's been there before.
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Once that door is opened you can't ignore it. It'd be a shame to throw away the development he received, while ignoring potential for interesting new stories.
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jbuffyangel · 4 months
The Canary: Arrow 2x05 Review (League of Assassins)
Yeesh there is a lot of Lance drama in the beginning of Season 2. We finally get the backstory on Sara, but it’s the spectacular Oliver and Laurel scene that has me cackling.
Let's dig in...
Sara Lance
They reshot the whole pilot scene between Oliver and Sara only this time, we see what happens to Sara after the boat sinks and she’s swept out to sea. How this woman did not get hypothermia from only wearing a bra and underwear in the North China Sea is beyond me.
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This scene just incenses me.  It irks the absolute crap out of me when Sara says, “Laurel is gonna kill me.” Sara says it like she’s borrowing Laurel’s sweater without asking. YOU ARE SLEEPING WITH HER BOYFRIEND.  This destroys a relationship. She’s not going to kill you, but she will absolutely cut contact with you, Sara.
I know he’s pre-island Ollie and he’s just the absolute worst, but the smarmy “Your sister will never know” as he climbs on top of Sara is just so disgusting. I cannot fathom why people would ever want Laurel to be with Oliver after what he did. Forgive him, fine. Date him? Absolutely not.
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Okay, the rage is dying down. Hopefully this is the last time we have to watch this scene.
Sara is staying at the Queen mansion, which doesn’t see very covert, but with Moira in jail and Thea sleeping at Roy’s all the time it actually is a good place for Sara to crash. Better than a clock tower at least.
Oliver is still trying to convince Sara to let her family know that she’s alive, but she’s not convinced all family members *cough*Laurel*cough* will be happy to see her. Sara asks Oliver if he ever got back together with Laurel after he returned home.
Oliver: We tried. It’s too much.
Sara: Some things are better left in the past.
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After The Gambit sinks, Sara is floating on a door similar to Rose in Titanic when she’s picked up by the freighter.
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Source: saralances
We’re all going to pretend the canary landing right next to Sara is not the most obvious foreshadowing in the world. For anyone questioning if Arrow is making Sara their OG Canary – there’s your answer. You know - if the suit, wicked fight skills and sonic weapon didn’t answer it for you already.
The color of the Canary is important though. It’s yellow. Not black. Arrow is drawing a clear distinction between the two. This is an origin story. It’s not Green Arrow and Black Canary. It’s The Arrow and The Canary.
Sara is thrown in a cage on the freighter, similar to Oliver’s current predicament, but Dr. Ivo protects her from the crew members.  He tells Sara he is going to save the human race and invites her to help, so I can only conclude we’re going with Stockholm syndrome in the flashbacks. A twenty something college kid would have very little to offer a mad scientist.
However, Sara’s reticence to return to her family is not related to whatever happened on the island, but rather who she became and what she did to survive AFTER the island. We’re just about to get some details when a man dressed exactly like Malcolm Merlyn comes crashing through a window.  Oliver and Sara fight him, but before we can get any answers the man disappears. This is getting annoying. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN SOMETHING?
Oliver introduces Sara to his team and we get the iconic first meeting between Sara and Felicity.
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Source: oliversmoak
Sara does not want Team Arrow to find the assailant however. She knows exactly who he is. 
Sara: He’s called Al Ow-al, “The First.” And he’s a member of the League of Assassins.
Oliver has a very strong reaction to this revelation so we can deduce Sara didn’t join the Girl Scouts. The League is, you guessed it, a bunch of assassins who kill and vanish like ghost - previously thought to be an urban legend by Diggle. The League rescued Sara after the island, remade her into an assassin and she swore them her allegiance.
Sara left after she killed a local diplomat in Guyana and his children found his body the next morning. She didn’t want to be a murderer anymore, but now The League is coming after her.
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Source: laurelscanary
Felicity’s humor and compassion put Sara at ease after her horrifying confession and this is why I love this character.  There’s no judgment from Felicity. She sees Sara for what she is – a person in pain, even if Sara doesn’t see herself that way. Not unlike how Felicity looks at Oliver. And just like Oliver, Sara Lance is SMOAKED.
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Source: smoakamell
After Felicity finds Al Ow-al, Sara and Oliver argue about whose fight it is. Sara isn't used to playing with others, but you'd think she'd understand basic strength in numbers. This is the guy who trained Malcolm Merlyn. He stops an arrow with his bare hand while his back was turned!
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Al Ow-al: The child of Ra’s Al Ghul awaits your return.
I know who Ra’s Al Ghul is from my Batman days, but in Arrow's world he has a kid. A kid who sent Al Ow-al  to collect Sara alive or dead. This is getting complicated. Is there like an employment flow chart we can follow for the League of Assassins?
Oliver: The League of Assassins. Why wouldn’t she tell me what happened to her all those years?
Diggle: Probably the same reason you didn’t tell us what happened to you on the island.
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Wow. This is stunning lack of self awareness. Oliver, in case you haven’t noticed, Sara is the girl version of you.
The League has threatened Sara’s family, so Oliver keeps watch over Laurel. Felicity calls Detective Lance to convince him to leave town - while promising Sara to not reveal she's alive.
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Source: @noone-seesyou-likeido
Unfortunately, Lance does not listen to Felicity, so Sara decides her secret is not more important than her father’s life. Finally, she is seeing some sense. Diggle, ever the loyal solider, offers to go with as back up, but Sara continues to have this thing about fighting on her own. I guess being an assassin is a solitary job. This does give us one of the best bad ass Sara Lance speeches ever, however.
Sara: Dig, you may be a three tour Special Forces veteran, but I was trained by the people that make the Special Forces look like a kindergarten class. So step aside or get put down.
The reunion between Lance and Sara is all we hoped it could be. It’s not every day your kid comes back from the dead, but Paul Blackthorne does a phenomenal job of moving from shock and disbelief to overwhelming joy.
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Source: laurelscanary
Quentin wants answers, but he’s careful not to spook Sara who is still reticent to give details. They go through the nuclear bomb that was set off in their family (the divorce, the alcoholism).  Sara apologizes for the damage she caused, but Quentin insists he was to blame, which is more proof he is a really good dad.
He can clearly see his daughter has changed. She speaks Chinese now and is ready to fight to the death with a butter knife. He pieces together Sara is the woman in black; she knows Felicity, The Arrow and is wrapped up in this League that’s after both of them. How this man has not put together Oliver Queen is The Arrow I will never understand.
Quentin: If these assassins, if they hadn't shown up, would you have ever let us know that you were alive?
Sara: No.
Well, at least she’s honest. Sara promises Lance that she never forgot who she was or him despite staying away for so many years.
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She takes her father to the clock tower which she’s outfitted with booby traps for when the League comes for them both. Sara and Lance hold their own against the assassins, but when The Arrow arrives they achieve the upper hand. Sara has no problem breaking Al Ow-al’s neck, but allows one assassin to live to warn Ra’s Al Ghul.
Sara: Tell Ra’s Al Ghul that my family is off limits. His quarrel is with me.
She is ashamed to show Quentin who she has become – a killer.
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Source:  sohpiabush 
But Quentin feels only pride. How little children understand the depth of a parent’s love. We have already forgiven anything you’ve done or may do the moment you are born.
Quentin: I think you’re a survivor. I think you’re one of the bravest people I’ve ever known. You’re my daughter.
Sara leaves town to lead the League away from her family and Quentin agrees to keep her secret. He will not tell either Laurel or Dinah that Sara is alive because it would get them killed… or something.  The logic is not logical, but I don’t really care. They’ll hold the “Laurel finds out Sara is alive” card for May sweeps.
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Source: @laurelscanary
This is not the last we will see of Sara Lance. The Canary’s story is just getting started.
Oliver and Diggle
Despite Oliver's spectacularly hypocritical statement about Sara and honesty, there is serious emotional growth this episode. Oliver making this statement about forgiveness a year ago would have been unthinkable. He did not return home with any hope of being forgiven or even welcomed back. I'm going to give the Lance family a shoutout because they had the most to be angry about with Oliver. He asked both Laurel and Quentin for forgiveness and they each have extended olive branches at various time. Hell, Laurel was ready to get back together with him. So, the fact he's able to offer the same hope to Sara is really a full circle moment.
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Source:  anissagraces
Oliver beginning to believe he is worthy of forgiveness is a direct result of the many hours of therapy with Diggle and Felicity. He is finally starting to really hear them. That's why this moment with Diggle at the end of the episode is truly note worthy.
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Diggle should have this date embroidered on a pillow because it's not often Oliver will admit he was right. But Oliver is not done yet.
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He breaks out some Russian vodka and confesses to Diggle he was not always on the island the five years he was gone. Oliver is ready to unburden some of the secrets he works so hard to keep buried.
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Source: laurelscanary
Oliver is able to see his own demons reflected in Sara and it finally connects the dots for him. He doesn't have to remain isolated in the world like Sara. Oliver can see Diggle (and Felicity) reaching out to him and he FINALLY reaches back. This is monumental character growth.
Sara: You three are quite the team.
Diggle: We have our moments.
Why Diggle and not Felicity? I think it's easier for Oliver to tell his war stories to another solider. He also doesn't have any fuzzy bunny feelings towards John, which makes things simpler between them. But every time Oliver opens the door to the past, and shares his pain, he is one step closer to the future he truly deserves.
Laurel Lance
Laurel is sitting second chair in Moira Queen’s prosecution, which is actually an INSANE CONFLICT OF INTEREST. Marc Guggenheim, you are a lawyer sir. What is this nonsense?  
Never fear! Laurel has used all her pull to get Moira a plea deal - life with the possibility of parole. Understandably the Queen family isn’t thrilled. It’s either life or the death penalty.  Laurel even discussing Moira’s case with Oliver is improper ex parte contact. She should be excluded from the case and sanctioned, but this is Arrow and that’s never going to happen.
In the middle of all of this, Oliver continues to ask if Laurel is okay. She is trying to kill your mother, Oliver. I feel how this is impacting Laurel shouldn’t really be your top concern. He is so exhausting around her. Take the hint, my dude. She doesn’t want your help and I’m tired of you two having the same fight episode after episode.
But this episode is not just another round of the same old some old. No, my friends this is a very special episode because it contains one of the best Laurel and Oliver scenes to ever grace our television. Oliver needs to protect Laurel from the League of Assassins, so he takes her out to dinner. Then he walks Laurel back to her apartment (because assassins) but she thinks he’s come up for a very different reason.
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And OLIVER REJECTS HER.  The way I cackled.
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I’m going straight to hell, but I don’t care. This moment is glorious. First of all, Laurel did not have a drink at dinner, so she can’t blame the booze and pills. She just flat out reads the situation wrong. Oliver apologizes for sending a mix signal, but he’s a bit confused. Didn’t they decide they shouldn’t be together out of respect for Tommy? Yes, Oliver. Yes you did. WHAT ABOUT TOMMY, LAUREL?!! This woman did not deserve that man.
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Oliver promises Laurel he will never leave her and has certainly made every effort to help her, but it is the capacity in which he will stay in her life that is really in question. This moment is HUGE in terms of where Oliver is at emotionally. He is drawing a firm line in the sand. There was a time when Oliver would’ve welcomed Laurel trying to climb him like a tree no matter the circumstance, but not anymore. He clearly states that he cares about Laurel but only as a friend. His concern has no romantic undertone to it.
The balance of power in their relationship has always been tipped toward Laurel. This is the first time it feels like a more even playing field. Instead of Laurel rejecting Oliver – he is rejecting her and for a very good reason. Oliver is not stoned on pills and he remembers they don’t work. They tried to go back and it failed. Oliver has not interest in trying again. For the first time, Oliver is looking forward.  
And Laurel, cemented in the past and alone her in apartment, takes some pills.
Stray Thoughts
This secret Moira is keeping is a real humdinger if she’s ok with life with the possibility of parole.
Oliver and Thea promise Moira that she will not lose them no matter the secret. Sure Jan.
"Gee I didn't get you a bag of dirt." Bless this cupcake.
Where did Sara get her suit?
Malcolm Merlyn is also a member of The League of Assassins.
"Oliver’s lucky to have you both as friends. He hasn’t always had the best of luck in that area." Sara’s not so casual remarks about Slade and Shado are friggin ominous. It’s time to get real nervous about the flashbacks.
“You think because you are the beloved that you will be granted your freedom?” We all know who Sara’s beloved is and I’m very much looking forward to her arrival.
"Pain and I came to a little understanding a few years back." Sara takes a licking but keeps on kicking. This is such a bad ass line. The episode is chalk full of them. I love the OG Canary.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x05!!
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vacantgodling · 2 months
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#16. Lord Kiba Lathsbury
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You are the heir to the throne, should you wish it or not. After your uncle’s death and your mother lost in childbirth, as the only thing your father had left he sent you away to protect you. You squirm under the weight of your uncle’s legacy and your father’s desperation, wishing only to hide and thrive with the friends you have made not noble in birth but noble in spirit. They would kill for you, and you them. Their dreams are your dreams. But you know the time is coming and you dread the day the kingdom will rest on your shoulders.
“kiba” is a derivative from the god of harvest, KIBARUM. “lathsbury”is a historical name, derived from the capital city of Lathsbury, and is one passed down through the royal family. it comes from the first guardian, Lath.
29, cis male (he/him), romance: YES. sex: VERY YES. preference: none, as long as he’s on top ;)
a tall man (about 6ft) with broad shoulders and an even broader smile. his hair is curly and auburn and reaches about his nape, and his eyes are a sparkling, warm brown like well watered soil. his beard is the same color of his hair, if not a little darker, and is well maintained and groomed. it is constantly noted that his features greatly resemble piper’s. 
MBA (melee bladed artisan — aka he can use magic, namely vis, and his weapon of choice is the broadsword) and the son of the current reigning duke. presumed to be the next heir of the throne, but this will not be formally decided until he turns 30 (as all lathsburian monarchs are chosen at 30 by an oracle of muinens. kiba is DREADING this day. is it possible for the oracle to choose someone else if it is the will of the goddess? absolutely. but there is a Very High probability for a number of reasons that he will be the next king). 
currently he is part of the aegean guild of explorers, shirking noble responsibilities and to give himself space from his father, stepmother and stepsister. he also prefers to spend time with his friends, whom he grew up with in the city of kingsburrow. why he lived there instead of the capital growing up is tl;dr, during the birth of his second sibling, his mother died and his sibling was kidnapped, never to be seen again. fearing for his safety, his father, the duke, had him hidden among the common folk until he reached of age, and thus he grew up in kingsburrow. this is where he met his current teammates and best friends: jagoda, moira, karenza, and eryn (who is also his main love interest). 
kiba is a charismatic, if laid back man. he doesn’t think himself to be a great leader, and actually prefers to do a lot of the “pulling people of varying strengths together” (which, consequently, actually makes him a good leader. he’s able to easily discern where people’s strengths are and how they can be best put to use) and values teamwork more than his own individual contributions. very much a “we did it” or the fred of his group LMAO. he loves friendly competition and is a kind listening ear, but can honestly be a bit passionate when it comes to expressing things he feels strongly about. straightforward to a fault, he can’t keep a secret for the life of him. he’s just kind of a guy you wanna be around. definitely himbo energy.
3 fun facts: he’s been in love with eryn since they were seven and asks her 5x a year, every year, if they’ll marry him. he’s totally not discouraged when they shoot him down, just vows to work harder to win their hand lol. he is BLINDSIDED the day they say yes pFF. he’s a bit color blind and as such karenza NEVER lets him near her potions—the number of times he’s almost made something that could kill someone is Way Too Many for her comfort. he also has no sense of direction, the rest of his friends keep him on a LEASH otherwise he will wander off and be lost forever. this however, miraculously recovers whenever they’re in a dangerous situation, as he’ll suddenly be able to track them like a bloodhound if he gets separated.
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shion-yu · 21 days
Day 5: Rogue Organ
I believe this is the oldest I’ve ever written Cliff and Elliot, and it’s a bit different. Not so much a whumpy sickfic as a cozy family story, if that’s not your thing I get it. Featuring Mia: Cliff and Elliot’s 5-year-old daughter. 2,354 words, no TW/CW. @sicktember
The spleen wasn’t a necessary organ to live, Cliff’s doctor said. He pressed on Cliff’s distended abdomen, eliciting a wince of pain. At this point it was causing more problems than there were benefits of keeping it, so they might as well remove it. 
“Are you sure you’re not just trying to sell it?” Cliff asked dryly. He’d been coming to see Dr. Thomas, his immunologist, for over five years now. They’d developed a mutual understanding by now that while Cliff did not like beating around the bush, he also had a dark sense of humor. 
“Believe me, no one would pay much for this spleen of yours,” Dr. Thomas said with an amused smirk. “It’s covered in lesions still, despite your last few courses of steroids.”
Cliff sighed deeply. He didn’t want another surgery, nor did he want to spend time in the hospital. He’d had his lung transplant a bit over two years ago, an event that while traumatic, had been an incredible success in the end. He hadn’t needed oxygen since recovering and while he was still working on his stamina, it was nothing compared to the all-consuming illness of his months in the hospital waiting for a pair of lungs. He’d managed to stay away from being hospitalized since then, an achievement he was very proud of. For the first time in his daughter’s life, he felt like he could be just a dad to her and not her dad that was always needy and never home. 
Now Mia was five and a spitfire at that. She had Moira’s wavy red hair and dainty looks, but could be so headstrong that Cliff couldn’t believe she was raised by him and Elliot. How could someone so curious, loving and intelligent be theirs, he sometimes wondered? And right now, he dreaded telling her that he'd have to be in the hospital again.
Cliff returned from his appointment with a heaviness in his heart, knowing he had bad news. Elliot had already picked Mia up from daycare and he found them in the living room. Mia was coloring independently, their dog Clover at her feet while Elliot sat at the piano testing different notes for what Cliff knew to be his debut solo project. This was Cliff’s little family, he thought fondly as he came upon them. The family he chose and never wanted to leave, even though he’d come terrifyingly close to doing so before he had his transplant. He watched them silently at the doorway for a few seconds before he made himself known with a warm, “I’m home.”
Mia hopped down from her coloring table immediately, rushing over to him and giving him a hug. “Daddy!” She exclaimed happily, Clover standing next to her wagging her tail. Cliff put a hand on each of their heads and smiled.
“Hello my darlings. How was your day?” When Cliff spoke like this it was natural now. But had anyone ever told teenage Cliff that he’d ever have a family he loved more than life itself, whom he spoke to with open affection so confidently, he would have scoffed at the ridiculousness. 
“We did birthdays today,” Mia informed him. “For Addie and Vincent.” Every month the preschool had a joint birthday celebration at snack time for the kids whose birthdays were that month. Cliff had made funfetti cupcakes with strawberry frosting for it last night. 
“That’s so fun,” Cliff said. “Elliot?”
Elliot did not look up from the piano at first. “I’m almost done with this verse,” he said. He was clearly concentrating, but tilted his head anyways for Cliff to kiss his cheek as he did every day. Cliff gave him one, lingering longer than usual and taking in the familiar smell of his husband. “Oh, how was your appointment?”
Cliff didn’t answer right away. He didn’t want to say it in front of Mia, yet. “I’ll tell you after dinner,” he said. Elliot immediately looked up then, his brow furrowed in instant confusion. If it had been good, he knew Cliff would have said so right away. He frowned but nodded. 
Dinner felt mostly normal. Mia chattered about preschool and playing outside and petting the neighborhood dogs. Elliot told her to eat her vegetables; Cliff told her she could have ice cream if she ate them all. He was always the softer parent, but he wanted to give Mia all the affection he himself had never gotten as a child. Since the day he’d met her, right after she was born, Cliff looked at her and thought to himself: how could anyone *not* love their child this much?
After dinner, Mia waited on the couch playing with her doll until Cliff brought her with him for his evening walk with Clover. Cliff told her to give him ten minutes, then went to the kitchen where Elliot did the dishes. Cliff rested one hand on Elliot’s shoulder, promoting Elliot to turn the water off. He was already frowning, the lines of concern that were permanently etched into his features creasing. “What happened?” He asked.
“I need it out,” Cliff said quietly. “Too many lesions.” 
Elliot sighed and toweled his wet hands dry. They'd been delaying the inevitable as long as they could, but they had both known this was coming for a while. In the last two months though, the pain in Cliff's abdomen had grown worse and now he was having night sweats and weight loss. 
“Well. We’ll make it through,” Elliot said simply. 
“I want to tell Mia,” Cliff said. “When we go on our walk. I don’t want her to think it’s as serious as when I got my transplant.”
“But it is serious, Cliff,” Elliot said. “It’s a whole organ.��
“An organ that I can live without,” Cliff said. “It’s serious, but it’s not lungs. It’s not gonna be like that again.”
Elliot grimaced but nodded. Mia hadn’t been able to see Cliff for almost a month after his transplant, the doctors not willing to risk exposing him to kid germs. The team had urged them to wait longer, too, but they’d refused. “Do you want to come on our walk with us?” Cliff asked. Elliot nodded again. “Let’s go then.”
They leashed up Clover and Cliff put Mia’s socks and shoes on. She was old enough to do it herself now, but when she wasn’t in front of her friends she loved having her dads do everything for her still. Cliff didn’t mind. He knew she’d only be little once, and they weren’t planning on having another kid. Cliff held the leash in one hand, Mia’s in the other, and they headed downstairs. “Daddy’s joining us today too,” Cliff told her with a smile. Mia grinned happily, looking back to Elliot for confirmation, which she got. 
Outside, the weather was nice. Cliff tried to think of how to tell Mia the news. She was five, yes, but she knew far too much about the hospital and illness already. He didn’t want to scare her, but he also knew she did better when she was as prepared as possible.
“Baby girl? You know how I went to the doctor today?” He started.
“Uh huh,” Mia said, looking up at him with her hazel eyes that matched Cliff’s perfectly. Cliff’s grip on her hand tightened.
“Well, I have to get another surgery. There’s something in my belly called the spleen, and I need to have it taken out. But it’s not as serious as when I got my new lungs. We won’t have to be apart for more than a few days.” Cliff spoke slowly but clearly; they had never been ones for baby talk. They knew that even before Mia could speak, she knew Cliff had special needs. They figured if they let her know everything they could, she would be able to process it better.
Mia didn’t say anything at first, but she let go of Cliff’s hand and took Clover’s leash with a stony expression on her face. Cliff knew Elliot wanted to jump in, but he held up a hand. ‘Give her a minute.’
Finally, Mia spoke. “I don’t have to not see you like before?” 
“Nope. Papa will be very sleepy for a few days afterwards, so just then,” Cliff said. He didn’t go into the what ifs; what if he didn’t wake up from the anesthesia? He refused to entertain that possibility.
“Okay,” Mia said. Her little brow was furrowed in thought, and Cliff hated he was the reason she had to think of such big things at a young age. “Does it hurt?” 
“The surgery?” Cliff asked in surprise. 
“No, your belly. Does it hurt now?”
“A little,” Cliff said. “It’s not so bad. But we should fix it before it gets worse.”
Mia nodded seriously. “I don’t want you to hurt, Papa. So that’s why they should take it out.”
“That’s right,” Cliff said warmly, his heart swelling with emotion. “You’re so smart and caring.” He glanced back at Elliot, who’d stayed quiet through this conversation, and he suddenly thought that maybe Elliot had needed to hear this just as much as Mia had. He could see tears in Elliot’s eyes, and when Cliff smiled at him Elliot wiped them away quickly.
“When’s it come out?” Mia asked.
“Hmm. I think the doctor will tell us soon. But probably this month,” Cliff said. “Is there something special you want to do before then?” Even if the surgery went entirely well, Cliff was pretty sure he'd be down for a while afterwards. 
“I’ll think about it,” Mia said very seriously. Cliff laughed. Their daughter had a fierce memory, and they knew by now not to offer her anything that they didn't intend on following through with. He was sure she'd think of something she really wanted, and Cliff knew he’d give her whatever it was within reason, and slightly beyond it. 
Four weeks and one family trip to San Francisco to visit Moira later - Mia’s favorite place - Cliff went into surgery. Mia was with Elliot’s mom in the apartment and Elliot was by Cliff’s side. All the scary memories from Cliff's transplant hovered in their minds at full force, but they told each other it was going to be so much better this time. And despite all their fears, it was.
Cliff woke up from the anesthesia quickly, the best blessing they could have hoped for. He was confused and in pain, but his vitals were stable and he asked for Elliot until they let his husband into recovery. Elliot stood by his stretcher, immediately holding his hand and brushing Cliff’s face comfortingly. “I’m right here baby. You did so well,” Elliot told him.
“Where’s Mia?” Cliff asked dizzily. Now that he had Elliot accounted for, he needed Mia, too. 
“She’s with mom,” Elliot said. “Everybody’s safe. Just relax.” He told Cliff all of it as many times as he needed to hear it. He’d happily do this as opposed to waiting with bated breath for Cliff to be extubated, as he had too many times before. There has been concerns about putting Cliff under anesthesia and intubating for the first time since his transplant, but he’d done even better than expected. It was all that Elliot could have hoped for.
Mia got to come visit Cliff on his second day post-op. She seemed shy at first, but once she realized that Cliff really was awake and as okay as one could expect after a major procedure - that he was himself and not hooked up to a million things as she’d seen him before - she gave Cliff a hug and excitedly told him about what he'd missed at home over the past few days. Cliff let her sit on the bed with him and talk all afternoon, even though he had trouble keeping his eyes open. It didn't matter, because he had his family safe and sound next to him. 
When visiting hours were over, Elliot took Mia home. “I’ll be coming home in just a few more days,” Cliff told her when she looked reluctant to leave. “Keep being such a good girl and helping Daddy out, okay?” 
“Okay,” she said. Still, she hugged Cliff and didn’t let go until Elliot picked her up and carried her out. 
A few days later, when Cliff was home and still doing better than they ever hoped for, the three of them sat in bed together and Elliot read out loud to Mia from her Disney storybook. She was between the two of them, her little body tucked into a sleeping Cliff’s side as close as she dared to without hurting him. “Daddy?” She interrupted Elliot suddenly. 
Elliot stopped reading. “Yes baby girl?” He asked.
Mia took a long few seconds to get whatever it was she was trying to tell him out. “Is Papa all better now?” 
“He’s doing very well,” Elliot said. “And he’ll be back to normal in no time.”
“I mean all the way better,” Mia said. “Like he’ll never have to go back to the hospital again?” 
“Oh,” Elliot said, his gentle smile faltering. He looked at Cliff, sleeping soundly and Mia in his arms, growing so big and yet still so small. “Papa’s body is always going to be a little different,” he said carefully. “But everybody is different in their own way, it’s not a bad thing. We just have to keep on loving him, and being a family like we always do. That’s what’s important.” 
“Okay,” Mia said. “Can I sleep with you tonight?” 
Elliot hesitated. They were trying to get Mia to sleep in her own bed at night, but he decided just this once wouldn’t hurt. It had been a hard week after all. “Fine, just tonight,” Elliot said. The triumphant grin he got back reassured him that he’d made the right choice. He gave Mia a kiss, then leaned over her to kiss Cliff, too. “Goodnight, my loves,” he said. Then he turned off the light and they slept in bed the three of them, safe and together, just how they liked it.
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
What Could Have Been (8/?)
Series Premise: When Ethan breaks his promise, Cassie is forced to accept they’re not inevitable after all.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angst Words: 1,150
Series Masterlist
A/N: Submission to @choicesmonthlychallenge June prompt "roses". I'm also using @choicesflashfics week 47, prompt 2
Chapter 8: Snow on the Beach. Love is never really over unless you want it to be.
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Ethan Ramsey slowly sipped his scotch at Donahue’s and spied on Cassie Valentine with her friends in one of the booths in his line of sight. He pondered the current state of his love life, or lack thereof, a phenomenon entirely of his own making.
After that kiss a couple of weeks ago, things between Cassie and him had been strictly professional. Despite wanting to resolve things, he followed her lead and secretly planned how to break through her serenity.
He knew women preferred romance, but for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out what that meant. He could follow the advice of countless saccharine pop songs and fantastical romantic comedies on how to get the girl.
The problem was he couldn’t see himself as the hero of a grand romantic gesture. It just wasn’t him. Standing outside a girl’s window with a boombox blasting on his shoulder sounded ridiculous to him and, frankly, stalkerish.
Sure, he sent flowers to women he’d been intimate with. His father had raised him right, after all.
His face flushed at the realization that he had never sent Cassie flowers after their first night together. Or their second, for that matter, and any of the ones they spent together before he left for Brazil.
What was it about Cassie that made him forget he was a gentleman?
The other man in her life clearly had no such hangups. Not one to gossip, his ears nevertheless pricked at hearing through the grapevine about the extravagant gift basket delivered to Dr. Valentine.
“Moira was there when it was delivered at reception,” Marlee whispered loudly, her eyes locked on the computer screen at the nurses’ station. “Easily a couple of hundred dollars worth of gourmet snacks, trinkets and bubbly in there.”
“She’s probably used to it,” Sarah commented, and Ethan’s brows knit in confusion.
He had been a resident, and expensive gift baskets were not the norm. Lost in thought, he almost missed the rest of Sarah’s comment but tuned in just in time for his world to spin on its axis. Again.
“….family owns Hudson Hotels. The Valentines are practically American royalty with more money than God.”
“I wonder why she’s slaving away as a resident,” Marlee speculated. “Lord knows she doesn’t need to work.”
Sarah shrugged as if it was a mystery to her. Ethan slunk away, not wanting to be caught listening to gossip. But his mind was reeling from everything he didn’t know about the woman who loved him.
Any chances of winning her back were lost unless he went big, too. But was competing with another man really the way to go? One who looked like he belonged in her world?
He might be rich now, but Ethan knew he wasn’t in the same league as the Valentines and never would be. But he was losing her, he thought with another furtive glance at where she stood, ready to leave with Trinh and Greene.
Whatever misgivings he still had about them, could he live with himself if he let her go without even trying?
Cassie Valentine loved days off. Granted, she only got one every week if she was lucky, so that made a golden weekend all the more special.
She luxuriated in her warm and comfortable bed, her mind floating with do-nothing thoughts. She had woken up early to FaceTime with Nate in Singapore, something they’d fallen into the habit of doing. It started out as texts and graduated to video calls.
He was coming home next week, and she owed him an answer on where they stood.
Nate made her laugh with his witty observations. His sincere compliments reminded her she was a desirable young woman. But being with him meant a long-distance relationship, stolen moments whenever he could spare them, accepting she’d always share his time and attention with his business.
Cassie was honest with herself, and the reality was she enjoyed the romance. It wasn’t the gifts per se but the idea that he often thought of her. The lack was in her that she wished the gesture was from Ethan whenever she flipped open the accompanying card.
And maybe that was the answer.
She once thought being with Ethan was enough. That she didn’t need romance if he wasn’t comfortable with it. But she needed it, always had.
She wanted to be kissed on a moonlit balcony in Miami with the gentle sound of waves lapping against the beach. To walk down the street with her hand clasped in Ethan’s, his thumb stroking her fingers absently. She doubted he was even aware of doing it.
Cassie wanted to flirt with Ethan at Donahue’s and stay past last call for one more drink because it was never enough. She wanted to go home with him to just sleep and wake up to the smell of coffee percolating in his fancy espresso machine.
She wanted that slow fall from soft moments to forever…
“Cassie, come quick,” Sienna called out excitedly from outside her bedroom door, interrupting her thoughts.
Reluctant to leave her bed, Cassie almost didn’t reply. But then she immediately felt guilty and shoved the covers aside. Her roommates were used to the tee shirt and shorts she habitually slept in, so she didn’t bother with a robe.
She marched out of her bedroom to the fragrant scent of red roses perfuming the apartment. Elijah stared wide-eyed at the flowers the delivery man set on the table. Sienna was beaming, her eyes soft as she bubbled in excitement at the romantic gesture.
Cassie signed the electronic receipt and ran back into her bedroom to grab cash for a tip. She led the delivery man out, leaned against the closed door, and took a deep breath.
Nate knew she wasn’t a red roses type of person and that she preferred subtlety in all things. So, who had sent her the lavish bouquets? She hadn’t counted, but from the brief glimpse, she guessed it was close to two dozen, if not more.
She wasn’t going to find the answer in the front hallway. She padded on bare feet back to the living room, where her roommates stared at the flowers with curiosity and interest.
“This is big-league romance, Valentine,” Jackie teased, standing in the kitchen with her coffee mug.
“There’s a card,” Sienna said, clapping her hands. “Thirty-two roses. I counted.”
Cassie grinned at Sienna’s enthusiasm, plucking an envelope clipped to the bouquet closest to her.
“Are they from Nate?” Sienna asked.
But Cassie didn’t reply. Her heart sank as she read the words on the card.
“Just because I let you go doesn’t mean I wanted to.”
It wasn’t signed, but she’d recognize Ethan’s handwriting anywhere. She saw it almost daily when he jotted ideas on the whiteboard or when he’d autographed Landry’s copy of Diagnostic Principles.
She got her earlier wish. Now what?
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All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @mrs-ramsey @youlookappropriate
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dusteebowl · 1 year
A day
A drabble for you all! Niran has the overstimulation blues.
pairing: bapweaver
word count: 305
warnings: overstimulation
a/n: i headcanon lifeweaver as having adhd. sorry not sorry. this was written in like fifteen minutes. one of those things i had to get off my chest, you know?
Niran was having…a day.
And it wasn’t the kind of day where nothing seemed to go right, or had a bird poop on him, or found out the shirt he bought two days ago just went on sale. Those days he could handle. In fact, he would have much preferred one of those days. No, this was one of the days he dreaded the most.
“Overstimulated?” Baptiste asked when he walked into his room and found him under the covers of a weighted blanket.
There was only a muffled grunt in reply, and a slight movement of the blankets themselves that showed Baptiste that his boyfriend was in fact under the sheets.
“Everything is so…much,” he said. “Forgive me, darling.”
Baptiste walked over to the bed with a cup of water that he gently placed on the nightstand next to him. “Don’t be silly, Bua. There’s nothing to forgive.”
There was a shuffle of the bedsheets and Niran emerged with a crow’s nest of hair and skin so pale and lifeless that Baptiste was worried Moira would appear and grab him for one of her experiments.
Niran rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he grabbed the water from the nightstand along with a white pill from a box that had been sitting there. With practised ease, he gulped it down and sighed before snuggling further into the blanket.
“I’m afraid I have no hugs to offer today,” Niran said jokingly, but there was a serious edge to his tone. “The thought of…anything touching me makes me want to vomit.”
“That’s fine. I can keep you company. Dr Zeigler gave me the day off.”
“She’s a saint.”
“A guardian angel.”
Niran chuckled before it trailed off with a sigh. “Thank you, Jean. For being so understanding.”
“Of course. Anything for my favourite medical gentleman.”
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Sorry, bifrost incident got me.
Brian - everythings there, but no wig
Tim - i need alot of it.
Marius - same as tim.
Ivy -twchnically have her but diff wig
Dr carmilla - jusr a outfit variation and a wig
Nastya needs minor changes, same goes for good ol jonny
Raphaella - her og wings i want to do and og fit
The aurora -need a whole ass concept, so far she has long red hair
Rose red - i have tk craft a few things, but shes planned for next year
Snow - its a idea, i might do that. Same goes for red hood aswell as cinders (not sure bout cinders tho)
Ulysses - frosty blue contacts baby! But otherwise no concept regarding clothes
Orpheus - he needs a pinstripe suit.
Eurydice or ariadnes are HUGE MAYBES
Ashes as hades gets a few touch ups
Artemis - just a for fun version, a loose idea
Mordred, arthur, guinevere and lancelot - i have a cowboy hat and revolver and funky pants. I need to settle on details designwise. Fuuuck.
(Hanged man brian although he wouldnt be diff from normal brian and i cannot hang around all day lol)
Saxon ghoul - i love sfx make up and scary stuff and...ghouls...are cool :D
Loki or sigyn -WOMEN! i tend to loki cause...i lobe her...so much...
Lyfrassir amy get additional accessoires
(Odin -idk if i am brave enough to cospaly a crazy woman whos horny for a train but then agaim..who knows(
Dr.carmilla in a mad scientist labcoat.
My oc sevens moira - i really wanan cospaly tjem, since they fit so well in udad.
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dottie-mcveigh · 2 months
Coda to the Night Waltz
Her mouth is sour. Her hands won’t stop shaking.
The thing is, Dorothy “Dottie” Moira McVeigh loves flying. Or aerial trapeze if you prefer. Ever since the public kindergarten she went to had a day trip to the kid’s gymnasium for play. Flying with Nightwing across Gotham had woken a hunger in her core. An addiction in her soul.
She would never be a professional, like the gymnast at the gym hinted she might, depending how she grew after puberty. No, but if she found the right gym and a patient enough partner she might fly again.
But there was one problem. A major problem.
Dottie had a phobia of the circus. Born of Zucco’s greed and twisted by Dr Crane’s ‘exposure therapy’. Forced to watch over and over again as the footage relived a tragic sabotage, an acrid scent in her nose.
It had meant to be a birthday treat.
Twenty years later she thought she was doing better. That after enough re-limbering on the mats, she might take to the wires again.
The moment she stepped into the big top, she couldn’t move. The smell hit her first. Popcorn and spilled soda, sawdust, chalk powder, sweat. The heat and pressure of the theatrical lights. There was no cheering audience but there was the noise of wires and nets and a voice calling “hup!”. She could taste the bitter taste of bile crawling up her throat. The grit of sand and sawdust under her feet felt blurry. Almost not there.
The screams of the audience weren’t there. The horrid crack-thump-crunch of two—
“Ma’am? Ma’am! Are you okay?”
Blue eyes. Filled with terror and grief. Blue. A blue she’d see again next to a caped crusader.
A thought, whimpered in the voice of her own childhood self: I want my Robin.
And another, her current, as her terror caught back up with the present. But no less sensical. I want Nightwing.
She didn’t know if she left or if someone pulled her out. But when she could breathethinkfeel again, she was perched on a rooftop, clinging to a stone grotesque. Skin slick with cold sweat, trembling like a leaf in the wind.
No. She wouldn’t never fly under the big top. Maybe she would never fly again.
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wildissylupus · 1 year
Do you have some headcannons when it comes to Genji and Moira interactions with eachother?
When it comes to Genji and Moira I actually don't think they would have interacted much in Blackwatch, Genji not being as social as Cassidy along with not really liking her. Though like with Cassidy I do think they would share a lot of common interests, but because of the mental state he was in he never really talked about his interests, only really focused of the next mission.
I also think that Genji was low key scared of Moira in Blackwatch, we see that he's a lot more hostile towards her in game then Cassidy is, like his voice lines with her have the same tone as Mercy, only he's a bit more polite. Moira seems to be very invested in manipulating Genji in they're voicelines together. Though it never really seems to work.
One be thing that cause my attention in they're in-game interactions is that Moira brings up that Genji could have been able to have a full flesh body if Moira was the one to save him This implies to me that in the old Blackwatch days Moira would constantly bring up Genji's cybernetics.
Which probably did not help Genji's mental health.
Anyway, it's probably a good thing that in the short time they interacted Genji didn't get to close to her. I can not imagine what would have happened if Moira got her hands on him.
Also have some of these >:)
Moira: Out of all people to get therapy I didn't expect it to be you.
Genji: Well we're all full of surprises.
Moira: Please don't do anything reckless on this mission.
Genji: Didn't expect you to care about my well being.
Moira: I don't, but your an asset to this mission and I'd rather keep my possibilities of survival high.
Moira: I don't why your so opposed to my methods, afterall you could say what Dr. Ziegler did to you is similar to what I did with Reyes.
Genji: Angela is nothing like you, if you compare yourself to her again I will not hesitate to cut you down.
Moira: Is that a threat?
Genji: It's a promise.
Moira: Ah, there's the Shimada I remember.
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heykayhayes · 2 years
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Here are a bunch of NPC portraits (as well as a drawing of one dear friend’s PC, Jaecob le Point- the nice man with the cards) for my second DND campaign, “Bergon’s Big Top.”  This was conceived as my first DND homebrew but then Witchlight got announced and now I may try to incorporate that somehow. We’ll see. Mostly I just wanted to bring a freaky circus to DND. We’ve been on a year hiatus from this particular game because I wanted to prioritize completing my other campaign and my partner and I had some just general life craziness, but I’ll be delving back into it come 2023 and I’m very excited! I’ve missed these characters and I’ve been scheming throughout the year for what will come next.  Badryk Bergon is the eccentric ringmaster, Beepo leads the clown troupe, Dr. Darkle is the caretaker of all oddities and performers, Moira keeps the books, Kibble is the leading lady’s personal assistant, Garfield du Hemlock is the show’s wealthy benefactor, and Zeff/Zeke are a missing double-act the players were tasked with trying to locate. 
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theshimadaslovers · 1 year
I'm insecure about this chapter, not really good BUT, I needed to build this "messy narrative" for the next chapter :D
Parte 2
Light in the Dark
Summary: After the surprise and the nice warm conversation with you, Reaper finally felt something different, he felt love and compassion coming from someone innocent after ages.
Art by: couldn't find
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*Reaper sat in a lonely chair at Moira's lab, observing his surroundings and remembering the many months of experiments to became what he is today; a dead alive man. Now he thinks with himself*
"Does it worth it? All of this, Moira? Am I the monster that Talon always wanted? I'm in pain...so much pain. Does it worth it?"
*He sighs in disappointment taking of the mask and looking at it*
Reaper- And now...I need to act like one; a monster...! *His other hand grab his outfit in anger*
- Are you talking to someone? *a familiar voice enters the room*
Reaper- I'm overthinking, Dr. Kuiper...
Sigma- Overthinking? Oh, that's something to worry about? *he approaches* You don't overthink to much, Reyes.
Reaper- Yes...it is. *He gets up putting back the mask* She makes me overthink...
Sigma- She? *he stops to think and smiles* Ooh! Is miss y/n? Well, she's a gorgeous and very sweet girl! She make me think a lot sometimes! She makes the most amazing questions! *laughs in joy*
Reaper- And she makes you rethink your life decisions...
Sigma- Well, I have to agree with you, my friend. Once, she told me that I'm to innocent to be in here, but I never quite understand. I have friends and goals to conquer! *smiles* I'm not trapped anymore!
Reaper- They use us, Sigma! They use us to be monsters...!
Sigma- Oh...and this is a quite dangerous exclamation, Sir Reyes. See, the universe has to be conquered by the strongest and-
Reaper- We make evil, Kuiper...! *points to the door* Y/n should not be here!
Sigma- *Blink a few times and chuckle* You're worry about her?
Reaper- I'm not! I just think this not a place for her. She's...*sighs* too good.
Sigma- Well, we saved her, don't we?
Reaper- And we'll let her became monsters like us?
Sigma- If is a Dra. O'Deorain plan...
Reaper- No! Moira can't touch her! I won't let Moira use her for painful experiments!
Sigma- Ooh! *laughs* Very sweet of you, Reaper!
Reaper- It's not! She's in danger here, Sigma! You're blind...!
Moira- What both of you are doing on my sanctuary? *Enters the room putting a lab jacket*
Reaper- I want my life back, Moira...
Moira- Back? *looked at him and laugh* Is not like I take it from you. You're alive, but dying every millisecond...
Reaper- I want ME back...! *Walks to her direction* I want to be Gabriel Reyes... not Reaper!
Moira- Is that because of the pain you feel every time? Well, I can try to fix it, but can't promise. I thought that you-
Reaper- Is NOT the pain, Moira! Not only this physical pain...! Why can't I be Gabriel Reyes in Talon?! Why I have to be a monster?!
Moira- Because you asked to...*Sighs and looked at him annoyed* You wanted to be immortal, Reyes and I answered...! What I lack of attitude...pathetic. *walks to a cage with rabbits* You were the perfect patient...
Reaper- I'm not immortal...! I'm old! 50 years old!
Moira- Oh...that. *chuckle holding the animal* In your head, counting the years, of course, you're 50 years old, Reyes. But the fact that your cells are dying and regenerating every second...can't make you old. We make the last update months ago, come on, you remembered. I check you blood cells and they're the same since the first time you were the Gabriel Reyes of twenty years ago.
Sigma- Reaper is immortal? *laughs* Fascinating! Moira, you have my congrats! You reach a level that no human could ever cross! The immortality!
Moira- Is just the start...And if I try to turn you back, you die, simple. If you take you mask for too long, you die...accept as you are now, Reaper. I can't turn you back *smiles*
Reaper- Because you don't want to...
Moira- First, you're my most important succeed experiment, I couldn't just let you normal like that. Second...*stands In front of him* I can't. And I must try that with our new favorite friend...*smirk*
*She walks to the balcony starting a new experiment with the rabbit and Sigma started to watch her while congratulates her goal. Reaper groans and turns into the black ashe getting out of the lab standing in front of your door*
Reaper- *knocks* Y/n...
You- *opens up* Hey...everything fine?
Reaper- We need to leave..
You- *looks behind him confused* What?
Reaper- I'll help you escape.
You- What are you talking about, Reaper? So suddenly...
Reaper- *sighs* I want...I want the old me back. I need to go to Overwatch.
You- Over...?! Are you mad?! *pull him to the room and close the door* Are you fucking mad?!
Reaper- I'm fucking furious! *takes of the mask* Look at me! Look at this abomination! You think I'm happy with this?! I'm tired of this physical pain! I'm tired of being a Talon's monster! I was here to hunt and kill Jack Morrison and I end up like this! Fuck Jack Morrison! I want to live as a human ours and Moira won't do that...!
You- *in shock* You...You wanna out? From Talon?
Reaper- *sighs* Yes and you're coming with me.
You- Why?
Reaper- I said before! You're too good for this place!
You- But Talon saved me!
Reaper- I saved you! I did! *hold your shoulders dropping the mask* Let's go to Overwatch!
You- The will kill you!
Reaper- They may try! But I...I know what is have to be done. I have to surrender.
You- And hurt your ego?
Reaper- Hurt my ego will hurt much less than this...*points to himself* I don't have nothing. Moira will try to make some experiments on you...you need to go away.
You- Experiments?
Reaper- Make you become me...like me. Trust me, it's traumatizing and very painful.
*You looked away remembering about some conversations you had with Moira*
You- You make dark experiments, don't you?
Moira- I make science...biology. I chance biology and create the new biology! Make weak humans become super humans...And you, my darling, will receive this golden ticket someday...*chuckles now speaking and smooth voice* you have a strong body to sustent a experiment like that...
You- She said something like that once...
Reaper- She's gonna kill you... I'm like that because I asked her...is my fault, but this is too much! I wanted to be immortal and invincible, better than Morrison! But this pain...
You- Is too much...I can't imagine that pain.
Reaper- I feel like burning every fucking second...! *groans and put back the mask* I rather die than face this one more century. *stands the hand for you* Come with me.
You- And face the death between two sides?
Reaper- We laugh in the face of death...I laughed and I'm barely alive. Even if we die, I'll hold you with me.
You- Why you're so good with me, Gab?
Reaper- Because you're hope...you're the light in the dark. Come.
You- We are going now?
Reaper- Fast as we can.
*you take a deep breath and hold his hand tightly*
*Both get out of the room quietly listening Moira talking to Sigma inside the lab, you stopped to listen, you heard your name*
Moira- Y/n would handle a mutation on her cells...isn't that painful.
Sigma- Well, in fact you're killing cells and it may feel like burning. Maybe.
Moira- Just like Reaper...but the pain is the best way to make you stronger. I think I may start with her tomorrow, having more psychopaths like Reyes would help Talon.
Sigma- He said that he won't let you put hands on her *smiles*
Moira- *laughs out loud* He said that?! Pathetic...what is happening to him, huh? He looks unfamiliar.
Sigma- He may be in love, doctor.
Moira- Oh doctor Kuiper! Don't be silly! Reaper doesn't feel at all! This makes me nauseous...
Sigma- Well... he saved the girl, he may created a strong bond.
Moira- So I'll end that bond!
You- What...? *You stay in shock and felt Reaper hand hold your wrist and gently pulling you*
*Both walked to the door in silent and Reaper was trying to avoid every camera of the place. Ready to open the door, suddenly it opened by someone else that keep look at them suspiciously*
Reaper- What?
Sombra- Where are you both going together, papito? *she cross her arms and smirk*
Reaper- Not your business...
Sombra- Anything become my business *laughs and look at you then back to Reyes* You're not a flirt, aren't you? With that spook face...is kind hard.
Reaper- Shut...up.
You- Hey, Sombra... we're going to take some coffee at the kitchen, ok? *laughs*
Sombra- You really think I'll believe in that? Hahaha! Making love with the death!
You- I...! We're not! *blush*
Reaper- Mmmm...*literally vanished away*
You- Come on, Sombra...!
Sombra- What? I don't even know if his dick works! *laughs and you pass through her* Come on! Is a joke! Come ooon!
*You went to the kitchen hoping to find him*
You- Gab?
Reaper- You're going through here...*appears behind scaring you* The kitchen window...
You- You want me to climb that? *points to the small windows on the top of the wall* Reaper, I'm no spider woman.
Reaper- Or you prefer pass trought the Talon's guard? What you gonna say? We're going to drink coffee?
You- *sighs and roll eyes* Right..."Boss". Help me, you're the tall one here.
*Reaper groans rolling his eyes behind the best*
Reaper- Fair enough...*Grab your waist lifting you up easily*
You- Yo! What...?!
Reaper- Quite...! Can you open it?
- What in the world...his happening? *The French accent enters the kitchen*
*Reaper groans again and look at Lacroix over his shoulder, she was kind confused*
You- Dammit, Rey...!! *He put you down*
Reaper- Trying to open the window...why you care?
Widow- Well, just never saw you helping someone...*Enters the kitchen going to the balcony* Not like that. And you know, that window is stucked.
Reaper- ....*Look at you* Fuck...
Widow- *putting coffee in the mug while looking at both of you* You guys are acting so weird...the fuck?
*Reaper take his hand to his mask feeling embarrassing*
You- I...I just wanted to try to open up *laughs* He didn't warned me that it was stucked.
Reaper- I forgot that...
Widow- But you were the one that warned us. *drink coffee* What is happening between you too? *smirk* I'd like to know in first hand.
Reaper- Make a favor, Lacroix, and go fuck yourself...
Widow- *chuckle* Sweet like lemon with salt. Sombra told me that you guys are getting along...*smirk* Pretty good.
You- Widow...*sighs irritated* Is not like that, ok? Come, Gab, we have better things to do...*Try to walk away but Widow step in front facing you* Widow...!
Widow- How you do you know his real name?
You- Not your business, Lacroix, let me pass.
Widow- Suspect...I'll let Doomfist know.
You- Show me this poisonous tongue, it won't surprise me.
Widow- *chuckle* donc on verra...
You- *roll your eyes and walks out the kitchen*
Reaper- *Growls to Lacroix and vanished out of the kitchen*
*You walk fast back to the principal base and Reaper appears in front of you*
Reaper- Where are you going?
You- This is not gonna work!
Reaper- Let me fix that... we go out at night.
You- *sighs* Stop being stubborn!
Reaper- Help me...
You- What?
Reaper- I need your help to stop this pain...
You- *laughs* You really changed because of a birthday party?
*Reaper growls and hold your hand gently pulling you with him to a corner*
You- What? Did I said something?
Reaper- You see me as a human, right?
You- Yeah... even if you don't look like one...
Reaper- Right...*sighs and shake his head* Forget it...Let's make this at midnight.
You- Reaper... You wanna risk that, really?
Reaper- It is wrong?
You-... I'm scared.
Reaper- *takes a deep breath* It will be okay if you stick with me. I went to fast into the idea, I'll plan something.
You- Right...fast as we can?
Reaper- Yes. Fast as we can.
You- Right...I knock on your door *you turns around*
Reaper- Y/n...
You- Yeah? *looks at him*
Reaper- I'll protect you.
You- *smiles* Just don't kill anyone. I'll protect you too, darklord.
Reaper- *chuckle and you went back to the principal base* Aww dammit...*He groans taking his hand to his mask in shame*
*Take a deep breath and go back to the base too*
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fancoloredglasses · 2 months
Graduation Day (A season finale that had to wait 27 years for the next season)
[All images are owned by Marvel Disney and Saban Entertainment. Please don’t sue me]
With Disney+ reviving the 90s X-Men animated series (calling it X-Men ’97), I figured I would take a look at where the series left off so new viewers didn’t need to watch the entire series.
A quick note: The animation may seem a but different than the early seasons. This is due to the fact that Marvel was on the verge of bankruptcy (to try to generate enough revenue to keep the presses rolling, they started selling off the movie rights to several of their more popular franchises (including the X-Men), many of which have only recently returned to Marvel, and two of which are still in the hands of other studios (Hulk with Universal and Spider-Man with Sony) and are only allowed in the MCU thanks to some serious bargaining) As a result, the budget for X-Men was severely cut for season 5 (meaning the animation was lower quality and the season only had 10 episodes instead of 13)
Of course, if you want to watch the whole series (including this episode), it’s available on Disney+.
While I’m not going to review the entire series, I will give you the bits that will be important for the episode:
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Morph started the series as a member of the X-Men, but was mortally wounded in the first few episodes. They were saved and eventually came back (brainwashed into thinking they were betrayed) They spent most of the series following their return in a redemption arc, having returned to the X-men in the last few episodes.
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Henry Gyrich (who looks VERY different than he did in previous seasons) is one of the primary voices calling for the eradication of all mutants. He was responsible for the majority of the funding that created the Sentinels.
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Princess (now Empress) Lilandra is a member of the royal family in the Shi’ar Empire. She is an ally of the X-Men and has been romantically involved with Charles Xavier.
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Magneto’s journey has been a long one fraught with triumphs and betrayals. At the time of this episode, he is gathering a mutant army to conquer the world on the island on Genosha.
That catches us up, so on with the episode!
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We open to a hearing on mutant relations. Gyrich is doing his best to rile up the audience (and the committee members) with his anti-mutant rhetoric.
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Off to the side, Xavier tries to be the voice of reason, but…
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With that, Gyrich pulls out a device  and uses it on Xavier. Immediately, his mental powers go berserk and overload the minds of everyone in the chamber (including the X-Men, who were in attendance for support) before he collapses!
As the police take Gyrich away for assault, Beast collects the device to examine what it did to Xavier while Cyclops tells Wolverine to get Xavier to their plane to get back to the school, but...
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Beast is doing his best to keep Xavier alive despite Wolverine’s senses saying otherwise.
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Meanwhile in the island of Genosha, the mutants have seen the footage from the hearing and are calling for blood (much to the delight of Magneto)
Later at the school, the X-Men have brought in Dr. Moira MacTaggart, mutant expert and Xavier’s friend, via the 90s equivalent of Zoom.
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Unfortunately, she’s not able to help much as Xavier’s condition worsens. Then Beast has an epiphany: the Shi’ar have technology far beyond what Earth can muster. Surely Empress Lilanda will come to their aid!
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Hmmm…good point. Any message to the Shi’ar would take years to reach them, while Xavier likely has days at best. If Xavier was coherent, he could send an instant telepathic message through the bond they share, but…
Meanwhile in Genosha…
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…Magneto rallies the troops.
Around the world, mutants rise up against the humans who would repress them. Of course, that means the humans strike back…with the military.
Meanwhile, Xavier appears on TV to reason with the mutants.
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That’s pretty impressive, considering how close to death he is!
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Ah, that explains it. Morph was impersonating Xavier. Regardless, their pleas fall on deaf ears.
In the War Room, Cyclops and Wolverine brainstorm a way to get through Magneto’s followers to put an end to his offensive before it starts. Jean offers to use her powers to keep the other mutants at bay.
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So Cyclops, Jean, and Wolverine make plans to storm Genosha.
Later in the Blackbird (the X-men’s battle plane), the team approaches Genosha when Magneto uses his power to destroy it! Fortunately, the team is ready and bails out, with Jean using her powers to cushion the landing. Later, the team tries to infiltrate the army’s camp, but are confronted. Fortunately, Magneto takes that moment to make an appearance.
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With the army distracted, the team slips away and sneaks into Magneto’s stronghold.
(Thanks to peanutsinspace)
Back at the school, Xavier is quickly losing his battle.
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Fortunately, Magneto has agreed to try to help save Xavier’s life by augmenting Xavier’s brainwaves so he can contact Lilandra telepathically.
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Well, he did something. And whatever he did was enough to bring Xavier to consciousness, at least for a while. After some friendly banter with Magneto, Xavier addresses the assembled X-Men.
(Thanks to FrogLicker8cP)
Just as all seems lost…
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It seems that Xavier’s message was received and Lilandra has come. Sadly there is little she can do on Earth to stabilize him, but she offers to take him to the Shi’ar Empire to heal him (though it is unlikely he would be able to return to Earth)
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With that, the final season of X-Men comes to a close…
Or rather, fifth season, even if season 6 had to wait for 27 years.
(Thanks to Marvel)
Now you are caught up. Enjoy X-Men ’97. I haven’t yet seen it (I’m binging the series throughout the summer before doing so), but I hope there is enough demand for another season in the future.
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shion-yu · 1 year
Day 30 - Coma
It gets more than Elliot can handle at home (part 3). Part one here and part two here. Whumptober 2023! I’m using the @ailesswhumptober's prompt list. This story is about my OC Cliff - here’s his profile if you’re so inclined: https://toyhou.se/23741453.cliff. This one’s a multiparter, this is the third and final part (I think).
TW/CWs: Major chronic illness, hospitalization
The ICU was much quieter than the emergency room. For some reason that was worse - maybe because it forced Elliot to think about something other than the chaos around him. Cliff lay on bleached white sheets pale as a ghost. Elliot couldn't bring himself to look directly at him. Perhaps the sound of the ventilator pumping in and out should have been comforting because it meant Cliff was still alive, but it wasn’t. It really wasn’t.
Moira called him sobbing. The hospital had notified Cliff’s father, who had then notified her. She was on the first plane there but it wouldn't arrive until later that afternoon. Elliot just told her it was fine. Cliff was stable, at least as stable as someone who couldn't breathe on their own could be. Cliff’s father made a short appearance but said little, focusing his efforts on working with Cliff’s doctors on diagnosis and plan of care. Elliot didn’t even have the energy to glare at him properly.
Upon arriving, Moira hugged Elliot right away. Elliot tried to comfort her but his attempts were half-hearted when he could find little to comfort himself with. He had called his own mom and had a full breakdown on the phone earlier. While she was of course supportive and worried for Elliot, she hadn’t offered to come by the hospital either. Elliot understood, but secretly he wondered if part of that was influenced by resentment, too. He'd been so broken the first time they'd split up and he knew she was still worried Cliff could just be using him as someone to take care of him now that he was sick. It wasn't true, but it was a fact that ate away at Elliot's consciousness. It was similar with Milo - he could call his best friend, but the guy would only be there for Elliot’s sake, not Cliff’s. His followers online definitely weren’t the right place for this. Ultimately, he felt alone.
Several differential diagnoses were thrown around over the next few days, but none of them stuck. The doctor explained that they'd taken several samples of blood, CSF, lung tissue and sputum to test and they were waiting to see what grew. However they were sure that at the least it was a very bad infection, most likely an opportunistic one from long term steroid use; Cliff's immune system was destroyed by the very medication that had been keeping him alive. There was talk about brain surgery too if nothing grew on the cultures which sounded beyond terrifying, but thankfully on the fourth day after arriving Dr. Barrows told Elliot and Moira they'd identified a bacteria - nocardia. It was something that was usually harmless in most people, but in this case it was severe and Cliff's chances of survival were extremely poor considering it had already reached his brain. The most intensive of antibiotics were all they could hope for. Elliot googled nocardia and then quickly wished he didn't, because it said the chances of survival for disseminated nocardiosis in immune suppressed people was only about 15%. That number throbbed in his mind. 15% sounded painfully low.
Despite this number, Cliff did respond to the antibiotics. His numbers were apparently getting better, even though to someone like Elliot he seemed the same. A week in, the ventilator was removed and sedation weaned. Cliff was breathing on his own with just oxygen, but he wasn’t waking up. There was nothing else to do but wait at that point and hope that Cliff’s body allowed him to wake up again. There was a possibility that there would be lasting brain damage. There was a possibility that he’d never wake up at all. The idea of either thing happening was almost too much for Elliot to handle. The stress caused him to feel the tug of old habits, but he ignored them for Cliff’s sake and Cliff’s sake only.
Elliot couldn’t help but blame himself though. Cliff had been getting progressively weaker for a while, but they’d assumed it was just part of his flare up. The doctor said that there was no way of knowing - Cliff’s immune system was so poor that he likely hadn’t been showing signs of the growing infection until it was so severe. Still, Elliot kept thinking, maybe if he had just paid a bit more attention...
It had been ten days since they’d come to the hospital. Elliot had rarely left the building this entire time and he was exhausted. This evening, Moira had convinced him to go home to shower and to take a nap; Elliot had resisted, but once he’d given in he didn’t even remember getting home before he passed out for the entire night, dead to the world. He was woken up the next morning by Milo knocking on his door - apparently zombie-Elliot from last night had texted him to come wake him up in the morning if he didn’t wake up himself. He hadn’t, after twelve long hours of sleep.
Milo gave Elliot a tight hug before coming in and immediately providing Elliot with much needed coffee and breakfast that he’d brought. “You look terrible,” Milo pointed out. “Have you eaten anything at all?”
“Thanks a lot... And yes. Cliff’s sister force feeds me every so often,” Elliot mumbled around a hot cup of coffee. He closed his eyes and felt like if he let himself, he’d sleep for another twelve hours. He was so tired, so worried. “What if he never wakes up, Milo?”
“He’ll wake up. He’s pretty stubborn,” Milo pointed out. It was a testament to how serious things were that he didn’t take the opportunity to tell Elliot he’d be better off without Cliff. “But he needs you alive, too. You need to take care of yourself.”
“I’m trying. I’m here, aren’t I?” Elliot snapped. Then he sighed, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean...”
Milo nodded. “It’s okay, I know. You love him.” 
Elliot looked up at Milo in surprise. “Really?” His best friend had always disapproved of his relationship with Cliff, something that had pulled them apart before. 
“Yeah,” Milo said. “You need him too. So he’s going to wake up.” 
They fell quiet, Elliot nursing his coffee and willing himself the energy to go back to the hospital. He showered and was convincing himself to return to that painful waiting game when his phone began to ring on full volume. Immediately panicked, Elliot grabbed it and saw that it was Moira. Please don’t be bad news. “Hello?!”
“He’s waking up,” Cliff’s sister answered. She sounded like she was crying. “Come back, okay?”
She didn’t have to tell him twice. Milo drove Elliot back to the hospital in record time and Elliot sprinted up to Cliff’s room. He couldn’t believe it until he saw for himself, but there Cliff was, eyes half lidded but open. The head of the bed was elevated and Moira was there holding his hand, talking softly to him. When Elliot showed up she smiled and pointed at him. “There he is,” she said.
Elliot burst into tears. He hugged Cliff as tight as he dared what with how fragile Cliff surely was, trying not to get caught in all the wires. When he pulled back, Cliff’s eyes were looking at him. Elliot let out a relieved sob. “You’re awake.”
“He’s not talking yet,” Moira informed Elliot gently. “I don’t think he really knows what’s going on.”
"That’s okay. That’s okay, baby, you’re awake, that’s what matters,” Elliot said. Cliff’s lips trembled slightly as if he were trying to say something, but nothing came out. Elliot wondered just how extensive that possible brain damage could be. But then he felt Cliff’s fingers twitch in his hand and he felt it form a very loose shape. He looked down and recognized it: sign language for I love you. And Elliot knew Cliff was going to be alright. Maybe not right away, but eventually, and that was what mattered.
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//And Sara Chidouin from Your Turn To Die takes the win as Kaede Akamatsu's opponent, with 34.9% of the vote.
//This one was fucking CLOSE! According to our math, she won this poll by 1 VOTE! Better luck next time Kotone.
//Now for our 10th match...allow me to throw you a curveball~
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//Reasoning Below:
Pop Fizz - Pop Fizz is an alchemist and while Seiko technically isn't one, she might as well be. Their concoctions can often times be ridiculous, giving people strange powers or having interesting effects on their body, most notably drinking their main concoction allows both of them to turn into powerful monsters with insane strength and capabilities.
Lizard - Both in their natural state are timid scientists who create strange concoctions; with the intention of helping people around them. In one way or another, both are impaired (Seiko was born with an illness that required her to take regular doses of medicine to stay alive and prevented her from eating food with high sugar levels, and Connors is an amputee who lost his arm while working as a combat medic) and both work as important scientists for a well-known, well-established organization (Future Foundation for Seiko and either S.H.I.E.L.D or Oscorp for Connors depending on the iteration) Due to the power of their unique medicine, both of them can turn into powerful, destructive monsters that can tear apart anything in their path.
Takemi - Takemi in ScruffyTurtles Adult Confidant AU, AKA Doc, shares the same backstory as her main-game counterpart, which is similar to Seiko's. Both were born with a weak physical complexion that required them to receive constant medical care as a child, and as a result became prodigy’s in medicinal practices (Seiko became the Ultimate Pharmacist and Takemi became a well-respected junior Doctor by the time she was in college). Both of them also had a close relationship with someone who seemed to look after them, only for their relationship to become strained as a result of that persons actions in manipulating them (Seiko was Ruruka Ando's best friend, but was constantly used by her and constantly gaslit and guilt-tripped into doing what she wanted, and Takemi was a student of Hinaharu Sakimaru, who acting like a motherly figure to her while secretly dragging her into her organ trafficking schemes). After reaching their breaking point, both unlocked their unique powers through external means and fought against that person (Seiko became a monster with her medicine and tried to hunt Ruruka in the Final Killing Game, and Takemi awakened to her Persona, Metradora, after confronting Hinahara’s Shadow.)
Moira - Both characters are scientists who dabble in what many can consider to be inhumane and illegal experiments, and typically use human test-subjects for said practices (Seiko creates strange medicines with weird effects, like increasing someone's strength to it's max or making people hot and horny, and in Danganronpa 3, she usually gives these concoctions to Teruteru to use in his cooking, which leads Class 77 to unknowingly and unwillingly become her Guinea Pigs; and Moira frequently uses animals and humans for her bio-engineering experiments with varying results, including Gabriel Reyes, who due to her experiments would eventually become Reaper) Due to some unfortunate events, they were kicked out of their residence of work (Seiko is expelled from Hope's Peak and Moira was blacklisted by Overwatch) but eventually went on to join an equally powerful organization who put their skills to good use; albeit on different sides (Seiko joins the heroic Future Foundation and becomes the Head of Branch 4, while Moira joins the villainous Talon and becomes their lead scientist)
Coyle - Both are scientists who experiment with medicine and/or tech designed to make them stronger, typically by using the people around them as test subjects against their will and knowledge (As mentioned, Seiko used other students at Hope's Peak, specifically Class 77, as a means of testing her medicine, and Dr Coyle observed and collected data from the other ARMS fighters) and in the end, both ended up subjecting themselves to their own experiments in order to achieve their own ends and assure their survival (Seiko took her own Doping Corn Soup to become a monster during the Final Killing Game, and Coyle allowed Hedlok, a menacing masked robot that attaches itself to other fighters, to take over her own body for a boost of power and strength). Both also had a very tight relationship at one point with another character in their series, but had a falling out down the line and became worst enemies as a result (Ruruka Ando and Max Brass respectively).
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
S-s-s-sigma 😳
Please 🙏
oh yeah anything for you miss thing. i dont care that he is in his 60s, he is flippin FINE. thanks for the request i hope you enjoy :)
Escape - Sigma
Pairing - Sigma x reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 640
Notes - i am really enjoying this event, so thank all of you for participating!!! it is still open if you want to participate i have it linked down below!! :) i hope everyone has a good day and stays hydrated!! <3333
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“I think we could make an agreement, you and I.” You subtly jingled some keys, showing Dr. Siebren that you were going to let him out of that asylum.
His eyes went wide, his mouth covered by his straight jacket he had on and he nodded slightly.
You were with Talon. They asked you to do a very important mission. Moira wanted something new to experiment on and Reaper wanted a new colleague. You just wanted to help him.
After you hear about what he went through, you wanted nothing more than to get him out of the insane asylum they had trapped him in. It was cruel. It wasn't his fault that he was thrown into madness. He didn't know it would happen. And now he had to believe everyone who called him crazy. That is exactly what would pull him farther apart from himself and you were not going to let that happen.
You looked up at the security camera above you, trying to find a way to break him out without anyone noticing. But the amount of cameras around were convincing you that maybe you didn't quite have a choice on the matter.
“I'm going to break you out,” your voice was low as you threw a small dagger at the camera above you. “But I am going to need your help.”
The room began flashing red and screaming an alarm. You needed to move fast.
“Dr. Siebren,” you broke the glass using some equipment Moira made for you and began slicing Dr. Siebren out of his straight jacket. “Do you trust me?”
You cut off the mask around his mouth and he grabbed his jaw, nodded his head. “I do. Though…”
“I'm not going to hurt you. Take this,” you handed him a bag full of random weapons and strange things that Moira told you to take. “And follow me.”
He knew that he didn't have a choice. He wanted out. He wanted out so bad. And then you showed up. A goddamn guardian angel.
You two busted through walls, pushed past guards, and broke past barriers. You grabbed onto his hand with a smile and he figured out the new equipment he had to work with.
You two ended up escaping with ease. It didn't matter that you were both heavy breathing with your hands on your knees in a park somewhere, it was all worth it.
“Great job, Sigma.” You sat down on the damp grass, looking up at the sky.
“Sigma?” He sat next to you, tilting his head.
“Your new code name. Everyone needs one.”
“Ah, I see. Sigma.” He echoed you and stared at the sky as well. “Thank you.”
“Sure.” You shrugged it off like it was nothing and looked down at your watch. You still had a bit of time before you were needed back.
“I never caught your name by the way.”
“Oh,” you looked over at Sigma with a smile, outstretching your hand. “It's y/n.”
“y/n,” Sigma repeated softly, shaking your hand. “I like that name.”
“Thank you.”
He nodded and stared out at a cloud in the most perfect little shape. It had been a while before he had seen the sky.
“Are you doing alright, doctor?” You placed your hand on his shoulder, making him jump slightly.
“I am. Are you?”
You giggled, scooting closer to Sigma. “I'm fine, thank you.”
“Shall we get going then? I want to hear about this agreement you were talking about.”
“Alright then,” you stretched out your hand and helped him up. “Let’s get going then.”
Sigma placed a kiss on your cheek and began walking, making you freeze. He just turned around with a small chuckle. “What? That was for saving my life.”
You quickly caught up and led the way. “Y-Yes of course. My apologies.”
overwatch masterlist --- pinned post
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yesistolethisurl · 3 months
wrt that last post, I do have some AU's that have like a three percent chance of me ever getting to them, but are still fun to think about:
- Hardy-boys style mystery at a boarding school, Gale/Atavian. Gale is the golden boy prodigy at Moonrise Academy, but has his position threatened by the new scholarship student, Atavian Katabast. The two gradually become friends, but then slowly become aware of a conspiracy to cover up the school's dark past.
- Austen-esque setting with hints of Gothic horror, Daisy/Threnody, minor Gortash/Threnody. A widowed Daisy brokers a deal for Threnody to be Moira's chaperone during the social season due to Daisy's poor health, but it's Daisy and Threnody that start to spend more time together. When her separated husband, Lord Gortash, comes to town though, trouble really starts.
- Modern AU, Gale/Atavian/Daisy. Gale starts subletting a lock-off unit next to the Katabasts during divorce proceedings and catches feelings for the couple next door.
- Red Dragon AU, Atavian/Threnody, minor Gortash/Threnody. Fifteen years after the Baldur's Gate Ripper was caught, Atavian Katabast is a retired forensic analyst that's credited with stopping Dr. Threnody Bhaal's rampage. When a copy cat killer with seeming connections to the Ripper case emerges, though, Atavian is called on to be a consultant on the case. At the same time, an ambitious psychiatrist named Dr. Enver Gortash is convinced that he's on the precipice of a breakthrough with Threnody (with plans to publish his interviews), if only he can get Atavian back in the same room as her.
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