#Dr Richard Scott
cathnews · 2 years
Christian GP who offers to pray with patients settles disciplinary case with NHS
Christian GP who offers to pray with patients settles disciplinary case with NHS
A Christian GP who offers to pray with his patients has settled a case with the NHS after they tried to impose disciplinary measures on him. Dr Richard Scott, a GP for 35 years who practices at the Bethesda Medical Centre in Margate, Kent, was set to contest a ruling by the NHS in a hearing at Ashford Tribunal Centre this week. But his planned appeal did not go ahead on Monday after the case was…
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holy-shit-comics · 1 month
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sandy-castle · 3 months
We all know Jay Garrick would win this. He doesn’t need to be included.
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wrathofconpics · 1 month
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Fan Expo Philadelphia 2024 | Comics
Cosplayers: Message us and we’ll add your URL! @jaclynhyde (The Shade)
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sarnie-for-varney · 1 year
I just noticed something about some of the actors in Granada Holmes.
A few of the actors (I've only noticed two so far) starred in The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975).
Charles Gray, who plays Mycroft Holmes (and was first introduced in the The Greek Interpreter episode of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes), also played The Criminologist in Rocky Horror Picture Show.
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While watching the The Norwood Builder episode of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, I noticed that Jonathan Adams portrays Jonah Oldacre. Jonathan Adams plays the role of Dr. Everett Scott in Rocky Horror Picture Show.
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itswhatyougive · 1 year
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farrahfawcetts · 3 months
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welcome to my stranger things alternate universe / timeloop / time travel speculation corner! The theory (is that what it should be called?) Is under the cut, inspired on some set production leaks. I go into how I think time travel could work in this universe with some help from USS Elridge's disappearance and reappearance through time.
Hello stranger nation, I was looking at set photos for s5 I believe first uploaded by will80sbyers.
I notice this Hawkins high chalk board (I assume) and the math problem on it seemed interesting to me.
This was my interpretation of it. I am not 100% confident on it but if anyone smarter then me has other interpretations I would love to see them.
I also have a small theory on how time travel might be utilized in this universe. Again, there is likely huge holes in my theory and anyone with strong ideas willing to bounce off what I put down is more then welcome.
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USS Elridge going outside of time then coming back, with two of its passengers potentially going forward in time during this leap creating a time paradox sort of situation due to them being returned back to their present time. (technically now their past.)
This might also be why there is multiple / alternate universes in general, as they created different possible futures due to their absence in their original universe/timeline and the absence of them in the alternative universe they accidentally visited.
now here is where I speculate who are potential knowing time travelers, though again if anyone else has better conclusions I'd love to see them!
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(Dr. Who's time-war anyone?)
Thanks for coming to my Tedgate talk. *launched into dimension x*
Even more, thanks to everyone who has been putting all the leg work on this series (some shoutouts, wheelercore, henrysglock and aemiron-main who have had some really awesome thoughts regarding the series! And anyone else I might gotten ideas from but couldn't remember when posting this! Yall stranger things theorists rock!)
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 5 months
Considering Chimera
Lyn's Writing Event Day 4
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May 4th : Week 1: Chimera   18+
In Chimera legend, “an illusion of the mind; especially an unrealized dream”
Characters: Dr Scott White x OC Jennifer Turner
Fandom: Richard Armitage – Sleepwalker
Warnings: disabled person, angst, paralysis, mind control, somatization, dream control, stalking.
Word count: 1.5k (part 1)
It started one day, Scott was crashing hard after work in the morning and sleeping so hard he woke up disoriented and sweaty. He didn’t normally lose his control over his own mind, but the women in his dreams was getting stronger. He used to just see flashes in his dreams, a blonde smiling, a touch of her hand on his arm, a fantastical story that his mind followed like a movie you couldn’t look away from. But each night, it was more and more, and he had no idea who this woman was. Her face was etched in his mind, and he could draw her if he had that talent.
Scott sat up in bed midday and wiped his face with his hand, slow, the stubble of his beard growing out and soft. He looked at his watch, “2 pm, ok. Well maybe I’ll go for a run or something”, he said to the room, chuckling, “I wonder if I have seen this woman out and I just never put two and two together,” he got up and started the shower, letting the heat of the water revive his sensations and wake up to the present moment. Scott dried off, and got dressed, putting on his running shoes and setting a playlist for a run. He left his apartment, and started jogging almost immediately, heading for the hills about a mile away. If he sweat enough, Scott thought, ‘Maybe I can sweat this woman out of my mind’.
              You had seen him one day out on the trail and were enthralled by his height, build and endurance. You made a wish to yourself that you would find a way to get to him. But how, do you get someone you cannot meet to speak to you?  You were stuck in this wheelchair, watching the beautiful landscape outside. Wanting to be free, wanting to be healed, but knowing there was nothing you could do about your fate. Mark had made his claim to you with his attack, and you were a “saint” everyone said to pull through and heal as much as you had. But you were still paralyzed, and that isn’t something you can wake up from. So you chose to spend a lot of time, voraciously reading, and fantasizing, and writing and finding out how the mind can heal the body, and how the mind can maybe talk to other minds? It sounded crazy right? But maybe you were just clever and focused enough to do it. Maybe we really could create illusions and create worlds in other’s minds, just as easily as we could our own. Isn’t that what movies do for us, give us that stimuli of an accepted human experience?
              Jennifer put her journal down and sipped some water from her seating area. Her apartment overlooked the park, and she got to see all the runners’ jog by her several times a day. Today was a particularly breezy and warm Californian afternoon and her aid, Nancy had opened her windows so the spring breeze and blossom filled scent just filled her space with promise. Jenn missed running, she missed the feel of the wind on her skin, the sweat and high that came from pushing that extra half mile or so. She had made it through several marathons, but it only took one asshole one day to destroy her life.
              Jennifer saw him again, huffing and puffing around the bend in the trail, sweat seeping through his t-shirt, his legs long as he took giant strides, his feet hitting the pavement in that rhythmic way. She closed her eyes and focused, smiling as she saw his face in her mind’s eye. Scott felt a tingle in his temple and shook it off, toppling over a hedge and crashing into a flower bed. A woman walking a dog, stopped to check on him, and Jennifer opened her eyes to see him collect himself off the ground embarrassed. He looked up towards Jennifer’s building and Jennifer scooted her seat closer to the window, looking down, “Please see me please see me,” She said out loud. Scott caught his breath and rubbed his sweaty brow with his even sweatier arm.  The sun was still cresting and mirroring the glass fronted building across from the park, but he still felt a sensation to look up. He squinted, and when a cloud came to block the sun a moment, he saw two flashing eyes looking down at him from the, “2, 3, 4, 5” Scott counted out loud, “5th floor,” he looked back down to the door manned building and crossed the street to it.
Jennifer’s eyes grew wide, “Oh shit!” she blurted. Nancy came in from the kitchen, “DO you need something, love?” Nancy’s Irish lilt always snapped Jennifer back from her revelry. Jennifer turned to her, “Hey, actually I may have a visitor soon, could you, um.. help me get back to living room?” Nancy smiled, “Of course, let’s get your chair”. Nancy went towards the wheelchair in the corner, and placed the lift assist board under Jennifer’s butt, carefully transferring her to the chair. Jennifer placed her arms around Nancy’s neck for help, Jennifer still had her upper body support, but her legs were now for show. Her team said, she may recover some more, over time, but she had to do her exercises. She had to follow through and want to heal, and until she met, well, until she saw her running man, she didn’t have a reason to.
              Scott approached a burly looking man in a red uniformed suit at the building marked with a large metallic 724 above the overhang entranceway. The doorman was posted and smiled at him warmly. “Hello sir, how can I assist you?”  Scott paused, “Hey, I was wondering if I could see the woman on the 5th floor please?” The doorman looked at him, “Do you have a name, Sir?” Scott blew out a breath, “No, not exactly. Sorry” chuckles. “Well I can’t just let you in,” the doorman’s phone buzzed, “excuse me, a second,” Scott was wiping his face off again, with his short sleeve and whipping the sweat out of his hair, “Of course, sure”. The doorman returned, “She will see you now, its 514, Ms. Turner”. Scott blazed a smile again, “Thanks”, the doorman cleared his throat, “You might take care, she is a very sweet girl, and if I were you I would come back after you’ve cleaned yourself up”. Scott paused, looking at him seriously, then looking down at himself. Scott turned on his heel and left the building, “You know what, your right, thank you. What was your name?” “Burt, sir. Glad I could help”.  He nodded. Scott nodded back in respect and crossed the street again heading back for his apartment.
Jennifer was nervous, if she could pace she would, so instead she wore a hole in the floor with her eyes, and wrung her hands on a rag, like those dames used to do during the war. “Where is he, Burt would have let him up by now,” She called back down to Burt, “Burt? Did you send him up?” Burt cleared his throat, “Ms. Turner, I told him to come back more presentable, and he agreed”. Jennifer rolled her eyes, and tried to sound appreciative, “That’s very sweet of you, Burt, you didn’t have to do that. I just wanted to speak with him is all”.  Burt, paused, “Ms. Turner, I just want you to know that it is my job to maintain the safety of all the residents here”.
Jennifer cut in, “I know, but I don’t think he is a threat”.  “We do not know that yet Ms. Turner, I just think it doesn’t hurt to wait it out”. Jennifer sighed, “Well I certainly have time, don’t I, Burt”. Burt grimaced audibly, “I’m sorry Ms. Turner I did not mean anything by it, I’m sorry”. Jennifer’s heart smoothed, “Thank you Burt for looking after me, I appreciate it”. “Of course” Burt said and then hung up. Nancy looked at Jennifer inquisitive, “He’s not coming up then?” She shook her head, “That Burt is a good soul though, really looks after you” Jennifer shook her head, “He’s just a sweet old man, there’s nothing to worry about”. Nancy chuckled, “Well he doesn’t turn his head for me, fray and I talk him up an awful lot when I go out”. Jennifer giggled, “You have a thing for Burt, do you?” Nancy smiled, “Oh my yes, he’s so plump and sweet, I could eat him up, but I won’t” She giggled too. Nancy went back to her duties, and Jennifer rolled herself back to the window. She knew she wouldn’t see him, but now that he knew where she lived, it was only a matter of time before he came back to her.
(more to come… stay tuned)
@legolasbadass @fizzyxcustard @middleearthpixie @linasofia @riepu10 @scariusaquarius @lathalea
#Lyn's writing Event
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closetofcuriosities · 5 months
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The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Mosquitohead Bootleg Tee
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fmajorenthusiast · 6 months
Doctor Scott: Riff Raff, Frank is missing. Can you find him?
Riff Raff: do you think I have him chipped in the head or something?
Doctor Scott: well do you?
Riff Raff:
Riff Raff: yeah, hang on.
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ufonaut · 2 years
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“I think we’ve finally got it, folks.”
“Got what?”
“A fighting chance.”
The return of the magic users in Lazarus Planet: Alpha (2023) #1
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randommoviess · 9 months
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linasofia · 2 years
Imagine spending Christmas with Dr White 👀
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Does your muse like to share any of the Christmas activities? 👀
Thank you so much @enchantzz for this ask and the very inspiring picture. I put something together and I hope you’ll like it. Merry Christmas! ❤️
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• Dr. Scott White is on duty on Christmas Eve and has to stay longer than expected due to a patient’s disturbing test result during sleep monitoring.
• When he can finally leave the clinic, he’s both tired and concerned. His young patient shows very unusual sleeping patterns.
• He arrives at your apartment after midnight and uses his own key to unlock the door.
• Your lack of response to his texts makes him certain that you have already gone to bed.
• He finds you sleeping on the couch, tucked in under your favorite blanket; the ridiculously expensive, but insanely soft one you bought as a treat for yourself when you got a promotion.
• The Netflix menu stares silently at him when he reaches for the remote.
• In the corner stands a recently decorated tree and the many lights spread a warm atmosphere. White and silver baubles hang from its branches and the room smells faintly of forest.
• He can see traces of gift wrapping on the table. The roll of green paper with golden stars rests on the floor while scissors and a wax kit lie abandoned together on your side table.
• Scott smiles, knowing how much you enjoy making pretty gifts with old-fashioned seals. He, on the other hand, is happy if he can fold the edges so it doesn’t look like a five-year-old wrapped the gift.
• Without a word he bends down to place a tender kiss on your cheek. Your eyelids flutter, and when he whispers your name, you smile in your sleep.
• He scoops you up from your couch and carries you to the bedroom. You wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in the crook of his neck.
• While in bed you both undress and after a short detour in the bathroom, he pulls the large duvet over both of your tired bodies. You fall back to sleep in his arms.
• On Christmas Day, Scott wakes before you and decides to bring breakfast back to bed. He wants to spoil you since he ruined your plans for Christmas Eve by working.
• You wake to the smell of coffee and toast. Scott even bothered to make fresh orange juice, and as you carefully eat in bed, he apologizes once more for being so late.
• You smile and assure him that it’s fine. You know that if you want a future with this man, you have to accept his work and how it sometimes affects his personal life.
• After breakfast, you decide to take a walk down to the park. It snowed just a few nights ago, but it has been cold for weeks, and the large pond in the park is popular among skaters. Volunteers clear part of the frozen pond from snow by hand every year, a true sign of devotion.
• The Christmas stall by the pond is open, and Scott buys warm chestnuts and hot cocoa.
• When you return home, he fills your large tub with perfectly tempered water and bubbles.
• You both fit in the tub, and you sit in front of Scott, resting your back against his chest.
• Soft Christmas music seeps from the speaker in the living room. The playlist you prepared in November is finally being used.
• Scott washes your upper body, but soon you long for another type of touch.
• He cups your breasts, and you feel how his caress changes. You welcome his hands everywhere he can reach, and when your needs grow stronger, you get up and lead him to your bed.
• When you’re both satisfied, he holds you close and whispers warm words of love in your ear.
• You promised to make an appearance at your parents’ dinner and to bring Scott. It’s your first Christmas together, and even if he has met your parents before, it still feels special.
• Together you eat a quick lunch, just enough to survive until dinner.
• You let Scott drive, since he needs his car in case of an emergency at the clinic. The snowy landscape frames the holiday picture perfectly.
• Your mother’s Christmas dinner is always way too ambitious. When you look around the large table, you feel blessed to have all these amazing people in your life.
• Scott squeezes your hand under the table, as a reminder of his strong feelings for you. He loves being a part of your big family since his own is far away. Maybe next year you can both go there.
• Later you sit by the fire, exchanging gifts and cuddling on your parent’s couch.
• The beautiful bracelet you admired at the jeweler rests on your wrist. Scott is far too generous sometimes, but you admit it fits perfectly to your dress.
• Eggnog is served in high glasses, homemade sweets occupy a large part of the table, and Scott has his arm around you.
• You rest your head against his shoulder and meet your mother’s gaze on the other side of the room. She smiles back at you.
• In Scott's arms, you always feel safe. There is no other place in the world you would rather be.
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❤️ If you like my writing, please consider spreading the love and reblogging.❤️
Taglist and others who might be interested: @lathalea @legolasbadass @laurfilijames @i-did-not-mean-to @enchantzz @fizzyxcustard @middleearthpixie @xxbyimm @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @kibleedibleedoo @mariannetora @haly-reads @sunnysidesidra @rachel1959 @knittastically @jaskierthelover @quiall321 @medusas-hairband @fulltimecrazy @s0ftd3m0n @emrfangirl @glimmering-darling-dolly @lilith15000 @clumsy-wonderland @theawkwardbutterfly
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed.
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megraen · 1 year
Frames I've made for my OCs
Farcry 5 - Abigail and Richard Fehn. Luis Rivera, Timothy Scott and Michael Priestley.
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Jamestown - Jeanne Gardner
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COD Modern Warfare - Dillon and Siobhan O'Sullivan
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Uncharted 4 - Sara Briggs and Emma Dolton
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Red Dead Redemption 2 - Johanna and Elizabeth Lynn
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Sons of Anarchy - Carmina and Franklin West
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Resident Evil - Arianna Smoak
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Farcry 3 - Lia and Lucca Ricci
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Hitman Reborn - Rei Sawada
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The Witcher - Fiona Thomas (I changed her faceclaim)
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The Walking Dead - Dr Cassidy Frost
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Better Call Saul - Ruth 'Rue' McGill
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sadderrall · 2 years
so my ex and i met while i was playing rocky in a rocky horror shadowcast. idk if you guys know this but rocky has a lesser known, extremely bad sequel called shock treatment. i had it playing on loop on my tv the entire time we were dating (don’t ask me why) so we both ended up learning the entire movie. we started quoting it more than we quoted rocky. it was bad. i didn’t realize how bad it was until one day we were having sex in the room with the movie. the scene where they sing the title track came on. everything was all fine and cool, i wasn’t paying attention to the movie. then suddenly he stops, stares directly into my eyes, and sings “you need a bit of. OOOOOO SHOCK TREATMENT”. the movie was thereafter retired
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cryptocollectibles · 2 years
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Marvel 1602 8 Issue Complete Set (2003-2004) by Marvel Comics
Written by Neil Gaiman, drawn by Andy Kubert and Richard Isanove, covers by Scott McKowen.
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