#Dr. Dray
fuckyeahilike · 1 year
Downsides and dangers of the Carnivore diet - part 3
For some reason the "clean beauty" movement has gotten to the Carnivore community, and now they too are sold on the notion that natural is always better... as long as of course we're talking about natural, home-made animal products, meaning slathering your face with lard or beef drippings.
"Clean beauty" believers say that anything that's artificial is inherently bad for you and toxic and pollutant, and that any commercial cream will cause endocrine disruption and toxicity and cancer etc.
One of the artificial products they most love to vilify is petrolatum (AKA baby oil, mineral oil, vaseline, vasenol, etc, these are all different names for the same thing). Every "clean girl / boy" will tell you this is the devil. When in fact it's one of the most shelf stable and non-toxic products you could ever hope to use on your body. It moisturizes because it's an occlusive, i.e. it retains the moisture on your skin and without clogging your pores. It's super inexpensive, plentiful and widely available. Even the poor can use it to good effect and without breaking the bank. So of course it's just not good enough for the Gwyneth Paltrows of this world and their superstitious belief in all things natural.
This is especially dangerous advice when they also tell you to forego sunscreen and to just let sunshine hit your skin without any kind of protection, otherwise how are you going to reap the benefits of producing your own vitamin D, and however did our ancestors survive skin cancer if they weren't wearing any sunscreen, etc.
They quite simply know fuck all about what they're talking about.
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Do not forego sunscreen. Lots of people who are not sun worshippers and who have never gone into a tanning bed have nonetheless died of skin cancer. I once heard this dermatologist from Seattle, Washington (the cloudiest, rainiest, least sunshiny state in the US) say he nonetheless diagnoses his local patients with skin cancer all the time.
It's pathetic to see women in the Carnivore community in their fifties and older brag about their youthful appearance, all thanks to their diet, and their sycophantic guests (or maybe just polite guests) exclaiming how great they look... all the while looking super wrinkled up and prematurely aged. No doubt they look way better after losing many pounds of fat on the diet, but a youthful-looking skin they do not have.
If there's anything at all that the Carnivore community proves every day (a community full of aging, balding men and wrinkled up women full of sun spots) is that a diet can not prevent signs of skin ageing - sunscreen can. Proper, commercial, chemical-laden, totally unnatural, totally artificial sunscreen in a plastic bottle.
I grew up at a time when the skin care industry was a pure scam pulled off by men who were no more honest than the Wizard of Oz: it was all about selling you moisturizers of different colors and odors at a premium price. The smaller the bottle, the higher the price, and the most outlandish the allegations of erasing all signs of visible aging.
In the mean time just some greasy hand cream that sold for merely pennies a litter served you much better, and that's the truth. So much money that women just flushed down the drain in creams that did nothing for them. They were buying the dream, not the reality. Everybody aged at the same speed.
However - and I never thought I'd be saying this one day - things have in fact changed. The industry is no longer made of total bullshit. I'm not going to call these new-fangled things a miracle, but now you have all kinds of acids and retinols and peptides and led light face masks n'shit that actually do work in ameliorating and even reversing visible signs of skin ageing... as long as you actually use them diligently, like with everything else that also works.
It's sort of fascinating to see IRL women show proof of how they really do look ten years younger ten years later, since they've started availing themselves of these new strategies. And I'm only sorry I don't have a crystal ball to see how young women in their 20s who have already started using these methods will look when they turn 50, and then 70 and so forth. Can women of the future completely avoid ever having to undergo plastic surgery? If so, this is something that radfems should be celebrating. Feminist women and misogynist men alike, we all want to look youthful.
TL;DR don't listen to Carnivore skin care advice, they literally don't know what the fuck they're talking about. If you don't wear sunscreen you'll look really old real soon and you'll be needlessly risking skin cancer. The Carnivore diet is not a cult or a life style, it's just a diet for those who need it. You don't have to get fetishistic about animal products to the point where you start believing that natural and animal is always best, as if "unnatural" man-made things couldn't be infinitely superior and better for you. They sure can.
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appri-dot · 1 month
I keep making jokes abt needing to write x reader content about my ocs but honestly it would be a great exercise getting to know them! I made the guy I don't have to imagine their inlove with me, I'm in their blood. But what if I wanted them to love someone else? Hmmmmm
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andrigyn · 6 months
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pov: you are the coworker who just asked about my skincare routine
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meditating-dog-lover · 9 months
Youtube doctors annoy me so much for some reason.
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healthhub123 · 5 months
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andysanimation · 9 months
All according to my devious plan.
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khulkarjiyo · 1 year
TULA Skin Care Firm Up Deep Wrinkle Serum | Is it good for your skin?
A good serum can help you for skin care. Using a serum can not only eliminate wrinkles, but you can treat all your skin problems so today we will know about TULA Skin Care Firm Up Deep Wrinkle Serum which is so much effective for all skin types. TULA Skin Care Firm Up Deep Wrinkle Serum works to reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles and also removing fine lines. It gives remarkable result, if…
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jennysants · 1 year
Hello everyone, my name is Jenny, and today I'm here to share my experience and what I did to solve the problem of hair loss and make my hair grow beautiful and strong.
This method works for both hair loss and male pattern baldness in men, as I have already shared this tip with some of my friends.
Hair loss is a battle faced by many. Today, I would like to share my own journey with you. It's a story of challenges, overcoming obstacles, and discoveries. Together, let's explore natural solutions that can make a difference.
Facing Hair Loss. I know this struggle well. The loss of my precious hair was more than just a cosmetic concern. It was a pain that affected my self-esteem and confidence. I felt lost and hopeless.
That's when I discovered a powerful ally: Aloe Vera. Its gel, filled with soothing and moisturizing properties, proved to be an effective weapon against hair loss. Imagine experiencing relief from scalp irritations while nourishing your hair.
This was my discovery.
Preparation. Start by selecting a fresh Aloe vera leaf. Carefully cut it near the base and wash it thoroughly to remove any dirt or residue.
Gel Extraction. Using a sharp knife, make a cut along the leaf and open it carefully. You will see the transparent and thick gel inside the leaf.
Gel Collection. With a spoon or spatula, extract the Aloe vera gel from the leaf and place it in a bowl. Make sure to collect as much gel as possible, as this is where the hair benefits lie.
Hair Preparation. Before applying the gel, make sure your hair is clean and slightly damp. This will help with the absorption of the nutrients present in the Aloe vera gel.
Application. Using your fingertips or a brush, apply the Aloe vera gel directly to the scalp. Make gentle and circular motions to ensure even coverage.
Massage. After applying the gel, gently massage the scalp for a few minutes. This will help stimulate blood circulation, promoting the growth of hair follicles.
Action Time. Allow the Aloe vera gel to sit on your hair and scalp for at least 30 minutes. During this time, the nutrients in the gel will be absorbed, nourishing and strengthening the hair.
Rinse. After the action time, rinse your hair with warm water to remove all traces of the Aloe vera gel. Make sure to leave no residue.
✅Indication official website; https://bit.ly/Folifort-anti-hair-loss
✅Indication official website; https://bit.ly/Folifort-anti-hair-loss
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guide-beauty · 2 years
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A sensational cream for acne-prone skin!
Revamin Acne Cream is an advanced cream against imperfections. Its concentrated formula penetrates deep into the skin, perfectly moisturizes, and counteracts blemishes.
It is a product created with the participation of people with problematic skin, ensuring that it addresses all the needs of acne-prone skin. Trust the power of Revamin Acne Cream's active ingredients and fight imperfections once and for all!
You will see your skin start to glow after just a few days of using Revamin Acne Cream Each successive day of treatment will make you feel confident and love your reflection in the mirror all over again!
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fuckyeahilike · 2 years
Go right ahead and just use the same moisturizer that you use on your body to your face as well. It's just as appropriate and it's cheaper, that's what a dermatologist says.
1. Use body lotion on face instead of facial moisturizers, the skin on both areas are essentially the same 2. Use moisturizer (lotion works here, too) instead of aftershave 3. Swap eye sunscreen with your lip sunscreen (vanicream) 4. Ditch Vit C deritives to retinol for collegen production 5. Neosporin to Vaselin (generic is fine instead of name brand), the antibiotics aren't great & can cause contact dermatitis 6. To increase skin cell turnover stop with scrubs (causes skin peeling and irritation) instead moisturize with facial oils, apply over the dry flaking area 7. Deodorant with essential oils irritate, use Panzoyl peroxide in shower 8. 🚫 DHT products.   ✅️ leave anti dandruff shampoo on a few minutes 9. Avoid enzyme peels (papaya, pineapple extracts, etc) switch for alpha hydroxy acids, they're better to stimulate skin cell turnerover (sensitive skins use POLY hydroxy acids if alpha's too strong) 10. Drug store over "medical grade" products, essentially the same just different targeted audiences. *Cereve v Skinceuticles were mainly the same with the exception that Skinceuticals had fragrance, check her video out if interested* 11. Sunscreen and subscribe
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A Hair Dresser Servicing a Customer
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I love the feeling of the fresh air on my face and the wind blowing through my hair. See more...
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visenyaism · 1 year
our school always stopped at the end of the civil war and picked up at the compromise of 1877 so we barely learned shit abt reconstruction, any reading recs?
YES you really missed out because everything about American history makes so much more sense once you fully understand Reconstruction. I think the Zinn project and Social Justice Books also have a lot of really good resources if you want to know more.
the most foundational text to the discipline is Black Reconstruction in America by THE Dr. W.E.B. DuBois written in 1935. Then in the 1980s, Reconstruction by Eric Foner reaffirmed DuBois’ work, especially to the broader american public. Both fantastic books that did a lot of the heavy lifting to center the role of African-Americans in the historical narrative. Not a bad idea to start here!
Capitol Men by Philip Dray specifically about Black congressmen was really interesting, LOVED Race and Reunion by David Blight especially as someone interested in historical memory, and I had to read Educational Reconstruction by Hilary Green about the system of Black schools for class but also really loved it.
I also really liked The Death of Reconstruction by Heather Cox Richardson (West from Appomattox from her is also good), and Wilmington’s Lie by David Zucchino. (Also Ben Tillman and the Reconstruction of White Supremacy by Stephen Kantrowitz.) Most of the work I did in college was on the historical memory of the various coups that ended Reconstruction so I was over in that end of the historiography, and those books help me understand it a lot more clearly.
I picked up I Saw Death Coming by Kidada Williams recently and i am SO excited to read it especially because it centers Black resistance and survival during these times of extremely targeted white supremacist terrorism more than a lot of the historiography does.
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
It is a fair question tho, how many people did Himiko kill? Personally, I dont even think her kill count was even in the double digits when we even met her.
The timeline of events surrounding her are vague, but she really couldn't have had her Saito mental breakdown more than a few months before canon, and there's only so many people you can suck dray in about a year and a half.
It's interesting to speculate, but I'm a fan of her having not killed anyone before the LoV, as that makes for a more interesting bit of character interpretation.
We have no idea.
You're correct; her attacking Saito had to be only a few months at most before Midoriya met All Might, meaning that she joins the League after about 14 to 17 months on the run. Saito's fate is also never stated.
We know she's comfortable killing because she kills those CRC guys without hesitation, but while Shigaraki deletes Jakku and everyone in it and Dabi flambes some dudes in an alley, most of the League are never shown actually killing people. This is almost certainly for pacing; actually watching them go apeshit on some people before joining the League would be a drag.
We know that there was a string of bloodletting murders after the attacked Saito, and Toga is a person of interest in them, and never confirmed or denied responsibility when Curious confronted her about it
This picture is interesting because of the blood pattern
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Dude looks like he hit that wall at terminal velocity more than he got stabbed; look at the splatter from impact. There's also no entry wound on his front. While he could've been stabbed in the back, he'd still have to be bleeding pretty bad and hit the wall pretty hard to get that spread. While the blood loss is easy to explain--the knife has to come out for him to have actually hit the wall like that, which would make him bleed a lot--the impact is still strange.
The descriptions of 'string of murders' is also interesting, it could imply there weren't that many of them.
I don't think it's possible to put a number on Toga's kills, unless she survives this arc (fingers crossed) and gives the number herself. I'd also like to point out that despite Stain already having an established reputation as the Hero Killer, he doesn't come up at all in the news until the Sports Festival.
tl;dr: it's totally valid to headcanon her as having killed nobody, and it's totally valid to headcanon her as having the biggest bodycount. We simply don't know.
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andysanimation · 9 months
You are cringe machines.
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andreablog2 · 1 month
When I wore wigs I was obsessed w making them smell good and have healthy texture but it was a neurotic obsession on par w like Dr Dray
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